#todoroki toyua x reader
alieinthemorning · 8 months
Cold Wishes Over a Hot Drink [Dabi | Todoroki Touya]
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Content: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Banter, Happy Birthday Dabi | Todoroki Touya, POV Second Person
Pronouns: None
Header: @/takepopopopopo
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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January had been unexpectedly cold after December’s nice weather. Today, January 18th, was no different. However, the day was special, so you decided to whip up some hot chocolate. You knew this day was coming, as it does every year, so you made sure to set aside enough money to make it a little fancier than hot milk and cocoa powder. For today, you were able to get actual chocolate (milk and dark), vanilla extract, cinnamon and whipped cream. You whipped up two mugs as you hummed a familiar tune.
Surprisingly, no one bothered you as you did this, but you knew that would be slinking from wherever they were because of the smell. So, you hurried (as quickly as you could with two hot drinks) to a quiet place.
“Bold of you to follow me out here.” He told you as you stepped outside onto the roof of the building, the cold air immediately attacking your senses.
To keep your body from violently shivering, you instead focused on sassing him back. “You’re a glorified heater, I’ll be fine.”
You almost slipped twice, but you didn’t spill a drop (and didn’t burn your hands). You held the drink out in front of him, rolling your eyes when he raised a brow at the mug.
“It’s just hot chocolate.” He eyed it for a moment longer before taking it. You noticed that his fingers lingered longer than necessary, but you said nothing in order to savor the feeling of his cold fingertips.
And then he moved away, and so did you. You both leaned forward on the railing, just watching the world pass you by as you relished in the warmth slipping down your throat into your belly. And it kept you warm even after it was gone, even as the sun set.
Your eyes fell close with the setting sun as you murmured, “Happy Birthday…”
A hand came and rested on your head, pulling toward them. He said nothing, just held you close. But then, as the sun finally dipped beyond the horizon. He whispered,
“Happy Birthday, Touya.”
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Places this on the table and fucking dips
Side Note: I have been reading a shit ton of BNHA fics, I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING, BUT that's what I've been doing lately (I'm also about to start working on the BNHA Masterlist update on Tumblr so...ION DAWG).
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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dira333 · 9 months
A Hand that longs for yours - Touya Todoroki/Dabi x Reader
Anon Request for my Follower Celebration - Reader has a quirk that allows her to take away or cause Pain in others
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Do you know that feeling? 
The first ray of Sunshine after days of rain, the first glimpse of blue sky after weeks of nothing but grey… that’s you.
Touya had stopped counting the days after a while, no longer able to pinpoint if his pain was a four, or a six, or maybe an eight after all. 
Some mornings he woke up crying and when he went back to sleep he was still crying, as if his body had turned into a leaky faucet.
“Hey.” A voice pulls him from where his mind likes to go when he’s alone. He blinks twice until your face appears clearly in front of him. You’re smiling.
“What do you want?”
“I’ve got some pudding.” You hold up a cup. “Wanna share?”
He glares at the sweet treat for a second before he nods. It’s lychee-flavored after all.
“Pudding?” He asks, sliding into the seat across from you. He’s got Lychee for himself and Orange for you. He hasn’t figured out your favorite flavor, even three months in.
You nod, not speaking. Touya cocks his head to the side, pushes the pudding to the side to stretch over the table and take your hand.
Your eyes shoot up to his, ask questions he can’t fully answer, not when there’s someone at their table already, pulling the two of you apart.
“Todoroki-kun, please refrain from touching other patients.” He sticks his tongue out at the back of the nurse and you hide a giggle behind your hand. 
He likes you better this way, smiling, alight like the sun on a bright day. 
“Eat your pudding,” Touya tells you, watches with satisfaction as you dig into the orange flavor with vigor. You seem to like this flavor. 
He’s no longer in a constant state of pain, his body and his mind both give him time to breathe in between. There are pills for when his muscles spasm and pills for when his mind shuts down. 
Last week marks the first time that he’s hugged Shouto. His little brother. His little Shouto.
“You okay?” You ask softly from across the table and Touya blinks at the sight of pudding spilling over his fingers. He’d gripped the cup a little too hard.
“Have you ever hurt someone you didn’t want to hurt?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Plenty.”
“Did they forgive you?”
Your head moves from one side to the next as you consider his question.
“I’m not sure.” You offer finally. “Jury’s still out. You?”
He takes a deep breathe, looks into your eyes that are now clear and open, inviting him to talk.
“So there’s Shouto,” He tells you softly, can’t help but laugh at whatever is bubbling softly in his stomach, “You should have seen his face when he was born. His head was so round…”
Your friendship is forged under the bright light of the station. 
A mental hospital specialized in those with dangerous quirks. 
Sharing Pudding under the watchful gaze of nurses and therapists, sharing secrets when their heads are turned.
“Pudding?” You ask, slipping into his room.
The staff has become more lenient with him, with you. He’s been doing so good for so long now, they’d parade him around if they could.
“Not hungry.” He groans from the bed and you coo at him.
“What hurts?”
“Hands. Feet. Everything.”
You step in front of him. There’s no blanket to lift to uncover him. He’s lying on top of it, the touch of the flimsy fabric painful on his skin.
It allows him to see you, to have nothing in between you and him.
Your eyes seem to glow in the dim light of his room. Your hands are cool as they touch him, caressing the fire of his burning nerve endings. He falls asleep under your care, wakes with your legs entangled with his, your breath washing over his face.
“You love me.” He states it as a fact. It’s not a secret. You still hide your face against his neck.
“I love you too.” Touya whispers, breathes it into existence. It’s not supposed to be, but he wasn’t supposed to be like this either. Yet, there he is, alive and himself, even if he shouldn’t be.
Your relationship is forged in the dusk. Stolen kisses before the last round, when everyone has to be in their own room, shut away for the night. The softest touches when no one’s looking, hidden away where no one can see.
He tells you about his family, all the things that therapists don’t seem to understand - how he’s scared that he will hurt his family again and weirded out by this fear at the same time. Who is he now, Dabi or Touya? What does it mean that they let him back into their life?
You tell him about your own past, the quirk that brought you here.
Able to bring pain, able to take it away.
On some days your touch is the only thing that lets him sleep. 
He might be in pain for the rest of his life and he wonders if he’s fallen in love because you’re the antidote or if you’re the antidote because he loves you.
“I love you.” He speaks those words clearly, freely, from the heart. He means them, has never meant anything as serious as those three words.
But you pull back as if he’d burnt you instead.
“Don’t.” That’s all you say before you disappear.
Because that’s what you do. Even though he’s still able to see you, touch you even, you’ve pulled back into yourself, to a place so far away from everyone else he can’t see the light in your eyes anymore. 
Two weeks after his confession he’s released.
His therapist has the gall to shake his hand, congratulating him.
“Your data has been transferred. I’m sad to see you go, but I’m happy that you’ve managed to turn everything around for yourself.”
Touya wants to shake him, scream at him until he lets you go as well. But even if that would work, you’re not ready to leave. He can see it in your eyes, in the way you hide away.
You don’t even say goodbye.
Hey Pudding.
I hope you’re doing alright without me there to make you laugh. 
I don’t know what was going on in that pretty head of yours before I left but I hope you’re thinking of me today. First snow of the year, did you see it come down?
I’m thinking of you, always. 
Took me some convincing until they promised to deliver my letters to you, but I hope you haven’t forgotten me yet. I’m doing pretty good, at least that’s what everyone around me says. 
Shouto says I can start working as his secretary if I keep up the good work. Can you imagine? Me in a cute secretary outfit? 
I said I’d do it if I got to wear a skirt and he went out to buy me one.
My hand’s starting to cramp, so I’ll leave it here. 
I will write again tomorrow.
I love you, always,
Hey Pudding.
Fuyumi is writing today, messed up my hands this week. 
I have to keep my silly jokes to myself because my sister is prim and proper but I want you to know that I love you. Even if you’re eating all my lychee puddings, now that I’m not there to steal them away from under your nose.
I miss the way your smile lights up a room but I received your letter last week. Hearing from you is the best gift you could give me. Don’t feel bad that it took you some time. I know you’re fighting demons. Pro Heroes have nothing on you.
I believe in you, always.
Love you, 
your Touya. 
P.S.: You don’t know me, but I feel like I know you, just from the way my brother talks about you. If you ever need anything, I’ll do anything I can for you.
Yours, Fuyumi.
Two years, three months and eighteen days after his first “I love you.” Touya’s the one to open the door to your room, smile on his face.
“Hey Pudding.” He greets you, barely keeping himself from bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Ready to leave this place for good?”
He knows, like one does, that even if the moon stops smiling from the sky and time runs out, he’ll never get tired of the light in your eyes or the way you smile just for him.
It’s like the first ray of sunlight after days of rain, the first glimpse of blue sky after weeks of nothing but grey or a shared cup of pudding after months of pain and loneliness.
He cannot offer you much.
Just a shoulder to cry on and a hand that will always long to hold yours. 
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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missrosegold · 1 year
Merman!Dabi who...
You stumble across sunbathing on accident while investigating some strange humming nosies you've been hearing around the private beach near your aunt's place.
The first thing he does upon realizing you're gawking at him is curse you out, prompting you to flee and try to rationalize what the fuck you just saw.
You go back a day later to try and find him only to find no trace of him anywhere.
You start to wonder if you just hallucinated the whole encounter.
You end up going to the same cove a few days later when the humming starts back up again.
Sure enough, he's there, waiting for you.
God is he big.
He's got the most gorgeous tail that starts off white and slowly fades to black like some sort of monochrome ombre.
He has a lot of scars. His tail and torso are riddled with them, and his fin's are all slashed up.
He won't tell you why.
Turns out he's been watching you from the water and suprisingly, he knows how to speak your language.
He refuses to say how he knows though.
You start up a tentative friendship with him as you slowly learn more about each other.
You're utterly fascinated by him, and eventually he admits that while you're not the first human that he's had contact with, you are the first human woman that he's ever encountered.
Turns out he's just as fascinated with you as you are him.
Eventually he starts to tell you a little bit more about his kind and where he comes from, though he's still very guarded.
He comes from out in the deep sea, and you realize very quickly that deep sea gigantism is very much real.
He is the top predator in the sea, you realise this as you ask more about his anatomy.
He's got wicked long black claws and and double eyelids to help him hunt in the depths, but you're more curious about something else.
He's got theses odd slashes at the corners of his mouth (think Glasgow grin-like) and when you ask about them, he splits his mouth open to show you the rows of very sharp teeth inside.
After you get closer to him, he starts to bring you things: fish (some still alive), shells, pearls, other little treasures from under the waves - you end up having quite the collection of gifts from him.
Then one evening he wants to take you swimming with him.
It takes quite a bit of convincing on his part, but eventually you allow him to take you under the waves with him. He never lets go of you the whole time you're with him, humming softly in your ear all the while.
While you're under water, he shows off his bioluminescence - bright blue swirls of energy that ripple along his scales and dance along his skin. He glows so brightly against the darkening water.
He's deadly and beautiful and you think you're falling in love with him.
Then a few days later, when you're talking to a trusted friend (who also happens to know about his existance), about how he's been acting, you both come to the startling conclusion that your merman is in fact, courting you.
Just a few little facts about Touya in my merman fic! There really isnt any spoilers here, more or less some physical descriptions about what he looks like and how he acts. You'll find out more about him (and the mysterious friend who also knows about him), later on in the story!
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sannasruins · 2 years
it seems no matter what, i love you
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dabi x reader
type: angst
warnings: character death, toxic relationship, violence
a/n: my first ever fic! i hope it's well received <3
word count: 1.9k
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He insisted that in this world, no one was innocent, they all had done some wrong, that everyone had a little bit of evil inside of them. He pointedly said those things to you, but you knew that you weren’t innocent, you knew you harbored a darkness inside of you. What you didn’t know was the point he was getting at, why was he so steadfast on reminding you constantly of your misdeeds. 
You didn’t have much left in this world, but you had him, and you had your memories that you held dear, and you had placated yourself into thinking that was all you needed. You didn’t long for security, or for warmth, you had enough. But it’s not very smart to put so much of yourself into one person, you knew this, deep down, but there was nothing stopping you from never listening to reason.
You knew him from before, before his skin was tattered and his hair black, you knew unmarred, you knew snow white. You knew Touya. He had somehow made his place in your juvenile mind as a beacon of light, a source of solace, despite the horrors he was going through. And so, when he decided to burn it all, to disappear, to seek revenge, you were right on his tail. Leaving everything of your own behind as well. All you needed was him after all. And seeing what he had gone through, what he was forced to become, twisted you as well, it fueled your anger, and muddled your mind. But all of that was okay. You had him, Touya, Dabi, you didn’t care who he was or who he became, as long as he was by your side while he did it.
It was a rainy day, and cold, the kind that creeps past all layers to make itself at home in your bones. A simple in and out mission, and you were giddy that you got to do it alongside Dabi, there was even a small skip in your step. It had been a while since it had been just you and him, and excitement to wreak your shared havoc bubbled up in your veins, spilling past your lips as a giggle. Dabi looked over and behind at you from his two paces ahead, slight annoyance passing over his face at your noise, you clasped your lips tightly, but your smile didn’t leave your face. That didn’t matter as long as you were quiet, he really didn’t care what you did as long as you didn’t mess this up. You didn’t mind being scolded, but you didn’t want him in trouble as well, so you held your tongue as you crept closer to the building. 
You weren’t entirely sure what you were there for, Dabi was the one who was debriefed on the objective, your presence was for backup only. That was okay though, you were more than happy to just protect him and nothing else.
There was crashing sounds coming from the building, getting louder as you approached, you could also start to make out muffled shouting, and began to wonder what exactly Shigaraki had sent the two of you to. Following behind the scarred man, you crept your way up the fire escape of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, reaching a broken window to peer into its contents. 
You were surprised to see Dabi’s younger brother, Shoto, as well as two of his classmates, the green haired one and the explosive one that the league had kidnapped earlier in the school year, fighting a low-level villain. They must be out on their internship, you reasoned, but what were they doing here? And what were you doing here? You turned to Dabi and asked him in a concerned whisper “what is this?”.
He smiled at you, “if they can’t join you, beat ‘em.”
You blinked at him, brows temporarily furrowing. “Dabi… I don’t think that’s how the saying goes.”
“It goes how I say it goes,” he retorted. You hummed; this won’t be the hill you die on today. “Okay but what are we supposed to do? And what about Endeavor, they’re interns as his agency, isn’t this too risky? Especially when it’s just you and me, 3 on 2 odds aren’t great-” you continued to voice your concerns before he cuts you off
“Shut it y/n.” and you do, “they’re just brats. Are you saying that two of Japan’s worst villains can’t beat a bunch of 16-year olds? Do you lack faith in me that much?” He asked the last question with a smirk, meeting your eyes. A blush rushed to your face, heating your cheeks and the tips of your ears, or maybe it was just the cold getting the best of you.
“No Dabi, of course not,” you trailed off, pursing your lips, “but what exactly are we supposed to do?”
Dabi tsked at you, “Don’t be getting all morally right on me now doll, you know what we have to do.”
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth, yeah, you’re a villain but they're still just kids.
“Now or never.” He stood up, stepping up onto the window’s sill and announcing his presence to the fight below, “Ready to burn?”
The fight was over faster than you had time to rationalize what was going on. The 3 had already been tired out by fighting with the minor villain, who had scurried off once Dabi made himself known. It was cowardly, using a diversion to weaken them, but nothing is fair in love and war. You easily knocked out the green one, not sure how far to take it, you didn’t have much time to contemplate the boy lying in a puddle of mud and blood before the blonde one flew at you in a flurry of explosions. You turned in time to miss the brunt of the attack, only having your side singed, the scent of burnt hair and flesh filling your nose, your eyes watering at the acrid smell, adrenaline keeping you from feeling most of the pain. You turned to look at the boy, huffing and standing in between you and his friend, ‘how cute’ you thought. You took in the blonde, his stance wide, knees bent, ready to attack, but besides that you saw he was injured, a large gash starting on the back of his shoulder and ending on his collar bone that was dripping blood down his arm and chest, and a rip in his baggy black pants, the surrounding fabric darkened. 
You sigh almost disappointedly, this wouldn’t be much of a fight, your morals long abandoned after the little shit burnt you. And it wasn’t, once he charged at you again, you stepped to the side and made quick work of knocking him unconscious, followed by a sharp kick in the gut. “That’s for my jacket, bitch, it was my favorite one.” you dusted your hands off, satisfied with your quick work, and turned to Dabi, who had gone after his younger brother. 
You froze in place, eyes widened, and mouth parted, at the disturbing scene in front of you. In Dabi’s hands, you saw the slumped body of his brother, hand poised in front of his face. It felt as if time had slowed to a crawl as the realization of what was about to happen came crashing into you. “Dabi,” you called out, “no!”
But it was too late. 
You remembered the sweet, bi-colored hair baby, wide eyes and chubby fingers, making grabby hands as he tottled his way towards you and his eldest brother, both of you laughing and urging him to pick you, not the other, and his little dilemma on who he should go to first. You remember a little tot running up to you as you came home from school with Touya, yellow hats and randoseru’s, desperate to show the both of you what he had colored just for you. You remember a little older, still unscarred, him splitting a popsicle with you in the summer heat, and when one side broke off with a little bit of the other’s top, he gave you the side with more. And you remember his little innocent face, wrapped in bandages, and your heart aching, and your rage building, at how can someone do that to him, he was just so little, he did nothing wrong. You remember seeing him for the last time, his burn had healed into a scar, but he still looked so hurt, and he was so alone in that big house, and your rage grew at all the expectations and vicarious dreams that has been put upon his tiny shoulders, already weighing him down, breaking him. 
Then you're back in the present, and you see the blue flames shoot from Touya’s palm, and you watch the boy burn.
You didn’t notice but at some point, you had fallen to your knees, the ache in them distant, being drowned out in the static that filled your head and body.
Touya drops the body unceremoniously and makes his way back to you with his signature smirk gracing his face, but the expression that usually gave you butterflies instead wrenched your gut, making it difficult to breath. 
“Common,” he said, walking past you, “we’re done, let’s go.”
“T-Touya,” you stutter out, unable to take your eyes off of Shoto.
“Dabi,” he harshly corrects you, “Todoroki Touya has been dead for 10 years.”
There was silence as he waited for your quip back at him, but when it didn’t come, he turned to look at you, still on your knees with your back to him.
“What,” he spit, stalking towards your still figure, “what’s gotten into you?” He reaches you, stepping in front of your face, taking up all of your sight. He lifts your face with a finger under your chin. 
“Are you crying?” he asks incredulously. You reach one shaking hand up to your cheek, finding it wet, you pull it back and look down at it. Dirty, covered in dry blood, damp with your tears. 
“Why are you fucking crying?” he asked, as if he truly didn’t understand what had just happened, what he had just done.
“Shoto,” your voice cracked saying his name, “You, Touya you killed Shoto.”
“Okay? And?”
“You killed him Touya, how could you kill him, he, he did nothing wrong.”
Dabi scoffed, “He was Endeavor’s hope.”
That’s all he offered for explanation as he reached down and picked you up, whipping your tears away with the pad of his thumb, and you hated it, but you leaned into the comforting and familiar feeling.
You glared at him, through your tears, rousing a rumble from deep in his chest, a laugh. There you were wondering how you could ever forgive him for what he had just done, thinking you probably never could, and he was laughing. 
“Oh y/n, baby. Somewhere, deep down, in that heinous heart of yours, there’s a part of you that will always love me, no matter what I do. You belong to me, heart and soul.”
You hated him. You hated him so much. Because he was right
“Loving you is torture.” You informed him, maybe hoping to hurt him a little bit, bring a stab of guilt to his heart or build remorse up in his throat, but he just hummed. Making his way out of the warehouse, and behind your retreating forms, setting it up in blue flames. You buried your head into his shoulder, it’s best not to think about it, you told yourself. But you knew.
You were just as bad as him.
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ladybugg1235 · 2 years
👋hello angel faces I'm back lol I finally finished this last final part of satisfy I kinda got writers block then came back to it then lost interest then came back again LOL but yay finally finished it I hope it's to y'all's liking once again this is my first smut I've ever written so still learning but I thought I'd pop that cherry🍒 and give it a go lol anywho hope y'all like sorry for any Mispronunciations mistakes etc etc
Warning: adult content smut lemon 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 whatever u wanna call it
18 plus please 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ enjoy
"Where are you blue eyes?"
u thought until all of a sudden a beautiful deep husky voice whispers in your ear.
"You looking for me dollface"?
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Your body stilled as his breath tickled and caressed the curve of your ear sending a sweet chill up your spine you closed your eyes basking in the moment as his beautiful smoky aroma evaded your senses you slightly turned your head to the side meeting his gaze
Violet eyes meets glowing blue his body flushed against your back as his hands grazed lightly down your arms to your hips lingering there his fingers tracing patterns in every dip and curve
"You been causing quite the stir tonight little minx".... He whispered Your eyes went wide " Oh yes ..I've been watching you ..quite the little seductress ...
"That being said im not a man easily seduced.. but I must say You have my attention.."
"im not gonna lie that little stunt you pulled on the dance floor got me harder then teen boy on prom night " ....his voice was so slow and deep and breathy making the hairs on the back of your neck rise.
He pushed himself closer into you his head and nose now in the crook of your neck inhaling your scent and making you very much aware of the slight simi harden on pressing against your ass.
you smiled and shivered with glee as you pressed back him groaning deeply in response as you raise your arm up slowly your palm meeting his soft black spiky mane your head to the side your eyes locked on his
You giggled "have I now? Then it dawned on you "Oh u mean that" "Well... its part of my quirk " I feed off sexual energy very much like....a succubus" "a girls gotta eat you know" you laughed a light blush tinting your cheeks at your cheesy joke to ease the tension ...is it hot in here or just me you thought
Without a hint of warning he vigorously spun you around faced to face his eyes glowed with a salacious hunger
"Is that so" ....he pauses pulling you closer by the hips his hot breath in your ear
"Then tell me princess....are you still hungry ?"
The dam just broke
Without hesitation you look him dead in the eye the words you been dying to say all night left your lips
"your place or mine?" You breathed
He chuckle at your eagerness
"how bout yours dollface"?
You smiled "sounds perfect.. mines only a few blocks away from here" you said excitement and anticipation buding inside you.
"Lead the way princess"
once those words left his lips you wasted no time grabbing his hand you made a bee line across the dance floor outside the club and into the night.
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As you both neared your apartment no words were spoken but his eyes oh those damn beautiful eyes you could feel them on your body roaming every inch of you his close proximity driving your senses wild .. every step you took was complete agony taking everything in you to not take him right then and there on the street. You were overwhelmed with hunger his scent so heavy and thick swirled around you.
your violet eyes puslesd faster as images of him on your bed nude on full display his cock in hand his tip dripping with pre cum took root through your mind you took a deep breath shaking your head as you picked up the pace you turned on the last block your apartment finnaly coming into view.
you fumble quickly threw your purse for your keys nearly dropping them in the process as you felt his hot breath caressed them back of your neck his body close against your back his arousal so potent it was making your head spin.
"Easy there princess no need to rush" he grazed his teeth at the shell of your ear giving it a slight playful nip "
Relax ...we got all night " he purred (this man has an ear fetish I swear )
his voice was low and husky making your heart race you sucked in a breath your knuckles turning white clutching the keys in your right hand as you felt his lips leaving a trail of light feather kisses down the curve of your neck his right hand sliding down past your navel reaching the front hem of your dress his long fingers curling underneath lifting it up slightly giving him access of your wet aching cunt.
"worry not dollface ..im not going anywhere til my little succubus is full and satisfied" he purred softly
your breath hitched as he cupped your cunt his long middle index finger sliding your panties to the side spreading your folds rubbing small slow circles on your clit you arched your back more spreading your legs apart giving him more access
"Mmm look at you baby girl you like that don't you? ...naughty little thing so wet for me all ready and we haven't made pass the door yet ...mhmm""do you like the idea being seen little one ...hmm? you dropped your purse on the floor all coherent thoughts went out they window as he inserted one then two fingers inside you gliding in and out slowly as he pressed his hard member up against your back as his free hand shot up into your hair pulling your head back hard your nose to the ceiling as his mouth and teeth wreck havoc on your neck his fingers picking up speed inside your soaking cunt his thumb rubbing circles on your clit
He had you right where he wanted you he was different then others .. for the first time in your life you were not in control .... you were completely at His mercy and you like it
You let out a breathy moan your mind blank so close you could feel the knot build getting tighter and just when you were about to cum he moves his hand away you let out a whimper " Not yet baby girl" he whispers his strong arousal swirled around you dominating your senses your nostrils flared again as you breathed deep in its depts your mouth watered your core begging for more ...begging for him. You laughed at the thought begging?? What's become of you?
who was this mystery man ?
He steps away as you pulled your dress down his piercing eyes Meeting yours as he took his fingers and slowly suck your juices "Mmm just what I thought .... "Sweet as honey" .... Fuckkkk!!
The dam broke ...again...... you turned on your heel and opened the door pulling him in your domain oh its on mystery man .......
Closing your apartment door you turned not wasting another minute tossing your keys and purse to the the side you quickly grabbed a fist full of his white t and push your body up against his pulling him to your level diving in for an open kiss your tongues darting in began to dance and twirl fighting for dominance as your bodies begin to move further into your apartment his taste was such a delight the mix of whiskey and mint coated your tongue and mouth as the scent of amber and smoke filled and fueled your senses given you a delicious high no drug could ever possess.
You purred in his mouth with satisfaction as you made it to your bedroom breaking between breathy kisses as you both make contact with your bed he smirked against your lips as he flips you over over rolling on top taking the reins.
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He moves his lips to the base of your throat his tongue slowly trailing up to the tip of your chin as his left hand reaches the hem of your dress his right pining your wrists above your head
A warmth coats your skin as the slight scent of burning fabric reaches your nose your eyes meeting his carnal gaze.
"I met what i said sweetheart .. but know this i am by no means good nor a gentle man ... do you still want this ?" He rocked his hips against your middle his cock now hard and ready for the taking
holy fucking hell..
You wanted this man not once had it crossed your mind to back out not even close yet here he was giving you an out without a second thought you wrapped your legs tight locking them around his middle thrusting your hips upwards with a devious look on your face
He smirked lowering his face to yours "good girl" he purred you shivered at his words as he pulled at your now semi burnt dress ripping the remains and burning the rest until you were completely bare beneath him
His intense blue eyes scan your naked body his hands trail from your neck grazing your breasts stopping at your thighs spreading them wide his palms leaving warm tingles and in it's wake his nails digging in your flesh he dips his head low between your legs kissing and nipping as your thighs giving your cunt a slow long lick pausing in between giving it a low hum his tongue slowly swirles and twirls up and down then side to side you purred in delight at the sensation
In one fluid motion he growls low flipping you on your belly fast with blunt force His right arm now coiled around your front pulling you close to his chest his lips and teeth trailing up your neck as he stops at the base of your ear his breath heaves low his scent heavy with need driving all your senses wild with extreme hunger
He took in a breath giving your neck a quick nip his right arm still locked his left hand makes its way to your ass cheek giving it a hard squeeze then slowly his hand moved to your right breast giving your nipple a slight tug as he continued descended lower along your navel his fingers digging through your dark curls spreading your folds slipping one then two fingers painfully slow as if testing the waters
You muled in delight as You arched your back into is chest mouth ajarded as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you the sounds of your pants and moans filled the room the fimilar budding sensation began to grow higher and higher once again as he continued pumping his fingers "that's my girl" he whispered "you like that don't you "? Just as i thought .... That's it ... "let me hear that pretty voice" that's right ... cum for me " his words egged you on as your eyes started pulsing your moans getting louder with each breath your tummy begin to coil tighter your eyes glazed over as white light clouds your vision as you clinch down hard soaking his fingers with your juices riding out your high
He purred in your ear giving your shoulder a quick nip as he flipped you on your back spreading your legs wide like butter as he places his hands on your hips giving your body a slight jerk closing the gap between
you looked up at him with hooded eyes as the scent of Amber and smoke took over your senses you could feel his hard cock free and bare being pressed against your wet folds as he hovers above you his right hand now on his dick as he began to tease your entrance you whimper with need the odd sensation of cool and hot licked your skin the cool Staples and parts of his burnt skin leaving a satisfying sensation in it's wake
His lips came into contact with yours branding them with rough brusing kisses a battle between lips tongue and teeth (he was winning) as his body pressed even closer a warmth begin to lick and coat at your skin as he thrusted his cock deep in your waiting cunt
You drew in a deep breathy moan as he Completely bottomed out his hands pinning your wrists on equal sides of your head his hips began to pump vigorously each thrust deeper than the first faster and harder your eyes begin to pulse it's violet hue as the aroma of sex fills the air you breathed in deep feeding off the energy his energy and yours combined it was like no other taste you ever had leaving you voracious for more his eyes bored into yours his breaths turning into short pants as he kept you pinned down pounding you harder into the mattress relentlessly the heat of his quirk came off of him in waves just enough leaving light burn marks on your wrist sweat drip from your forehead as your violet hue eyes began to water as that delicious familiar heat begin to surface once more your toes began to curl in his ruts now becoming more sloppy "yes right there mmm I'm gonna cum ..... I'm gonna fill that pussy up " grabbing you by the neck giving it a light squeeze he plunged deeper inside you filling you up painting your insides walls white that insatiable warmth sending you over the edge
he collapsed on top of u as you both took a breath not a word was said as he stayed buried inside you
his paints began to slow his face in your crook of your neck his breath leaving warm puffs on your skin you hummed Baskin in the moment your body vibrating in the after glow your mind buzzing
He lifts his head slowly to your ear giving it a slight tug with is teeth his voice husky and low
"I hope your up for round two..I'm not quite done with you yet dollface " mmm a wonton man you thought
his beautiful lazy blues now dark and commanding sending your loins a blaze you cracked a smile biting your lower lip
..a promise fulfilled tangled in the sheets all throughout the night til you were full and satisfied.
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mrskurono · 3 years
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mutt!Dabi who can't get the scent of you out of his nose. Or the touch of you gentle hands out of his mind.
mutt!Dabi who thinks about you every waking moment of his day and finds it harder and harder to focus as the days dwindle to the next time he'll see you. You'll come back. He just knows it. Or so he tells himself when he catches his mind wandering out the window.
mutt!Dabi who can hardly contain his excitement when mommy makes it back home. Has it been only a few minutes or a few days? He's forgotten at this point. Wanting to wiggle out of his skin bit clinging to the deadpan look. That is until you touch his ears.
mutt!Dabi who melts, whiny and needy, for you. It's all a show. He doesn't wanna be the big bad boy who bites. He wants to be mommy's lil' pup. Unable to control himself until you give him what he wants.
mutt!Dabi who swore he'd never breed, never fall for this crap and certainly never love anyone. Now eating his words as he fucks himself stupid with your sopping wet cunt around his cock. He'd never knot anyone or anything. But now he can't stop after it felt like an eternity away from mommy.
mutt!Dabi who's in tears as he knots mommy. Knowing damn well what his body is doing. But utterly unable to stop himself from creaming every inch of your insides. The result might be pups. Even that though can't stop the poor thing from dumping all his cum in mommy. Knowing its safely inside you is all his racing hormones can think of ♡
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Can I request headcanons for dating dabi mha thank you
Dating Dabi
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Edited on 23/06/24
You and Dabi did not get along when you first met, one because he didn't trust you but also because he was a dick
Anytime Shigaraki made you team up you would argue  with each other by calling each other names 
Common Nicknames used : Patches,Patchwork, scarface, crispy, baby face.
It hasn't been until one you couldn't sleep so you had wondered around the base and heard weird noises from the bathroom (if you could call it a bathroom)
 You had found Dabi trying to fix his staples which obviously some had been ripped out
He had told you to stop being a creep and staring at him, when you had gone to leave he had reluctantly asked you to help him,
You had both sat in silence with the sound of the staple gun and dabi sat tense and rigid, so you had tried to break the tension.
" y'know I've always wondered something about you"
" your boots you wear them because of the height right, do they have lifts in them?"
That had caused Dabi to snort a laugh and it had broken the tension. After that night he began warming up to you and he had started seeking you out more
It had been about three months later that you had caught Dabi in the middle of a nightmare and you had comforted him and he had told you his past and made you swear to keep it a secret which you did.
After that night he ended up in your bed more often than not.
You had your first kiss when you and the league had gotten back from a failed mission and you had been hurt taking a hit that was meant for Toga and had Dabi had been pissed off and he had kissed you impulsively.
It had been obvious that he never really kissed anybody before as it had been a bit clumsy and uncoordinated but he got the hang of it.
He told you, you weren't allowed to die.
After that night he had become your shadow, always there and protective over you.
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alieinthemorning · 2 years
Patchwork [Dabi | Todoroki Touya]
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Content: Angst, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, BNHA 350 Spoilers
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Appreciated!
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You had always called him Patchwork.
From a mean jab meant to point out his imperfections.
Not that you were any better.
To something that you’d whisper affectionately between kisses on his purple skin.
You had thought it was just burnt flesh.
Dying flesh that he had to endure on his own.
Not this.
Not only had he lost 3 years of his life
but he was also frankinsteined together with the skin of other children.
Hadn’t the children been through enough?
Hadn’t he been through enough?
You supposed ‘enough’ would be soon though.
Since you were currently watching him cremate himself
as he finished the retelling of Touya Todoroki.
Both Touya Todoroki and Dabi were going to die.
“We go together, Patchwork.”
And the two of you had unfinished business.
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If "Patchwork" was ever derogatory to affectionate for you then this work is for you!
Patchwork hitting different now, huh fam?
(My dog is very upset that I chose to write this instead of sleeping)
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planettnibiruu · 3 years
A/n, okayayydjkrt so I wrote this on the bus on the way to town, so it might not be the best but I actually really like it!??!!? I've been wanting to write somee longer stuff so I'm super proud of myself. It's unedited and also gender neutral, so have have at it my friends!!!
Dabi swear you're an angel. Here he is, ever the asshole and sitting in your bathroom, getting blood splots all over the tile. He swears that he didn't mean to get this bad, but those fucking pro heros always gotta mess shit us.
"Oh, fuck, careful dollface." He grimaces. The pain brings him back to you, your apologetic grimace.
Your too good for him, he thinks. Your hands too soft, voice too calm, hair too clean. But he's never met someone like you, being constantly surrounded by villains and beasts makes him forgot that gorgeous people like you exist.
You're so gentle with him, hands a tiny bit shakey but still soft and caring. One hand slowly dabbing at his open wounds, the other holding his own reassuringly. He can't help but notice the halo around your head, made by the harsh fluorescent lights, you truly are an angel.
By the time he's finally cleaned and patched up, Dabi has drifted his eyes over every feature on your face. You finally pull him into your bed, ready to fall back asleep. Dabi lays stiff though, back as straight as wood. His eyes stare ahead, sharp and mean, but the second they land on you they become soft, vulnerable.
"Thanks sweetcheeks. You're ah, you're too good f'me," he reaches out, rough hands manurvering you into his body as he curls around you. "M' sorry I worry ya so much. I don mean to." His voice becomes rougher, deeper, as he starts to drift off.
The grip he has on your waist is tight, you have room to breath and nothing more, but it's also safe.
"S'okay, its worth it if your okay by the end of the day. S'all i Care about. Heros can go to hell, the other villains can burn, along as you're here, it doesnt matter, they, don't matter." Dabi let's out a small chuckle around your dark words.
"Don't get so dark on me, you're supposed to be the ying to my yang darling. All sweet n soft and bubbly," He chuckles and pulls you even closer as you grumble, "not to say that it's not hot, but if you wanna get frisky t'night doll, you might be doing all the work, I'm currently out of commission."
"Dabi!!" You squeak, swatting his hands away as they inch lower and lower.
"There she is," dabi smiles into your hair as you settle again, relaxing against him again, "My lovely lil thing."
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animesuck3r · 3 years
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Can we just agree that not only is Endeavor a bad parent but so is Rei? and dabi truly don’t need a redemption arc because he’s already too far gone?😟
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mha-princess · 4 years
Just Say It [Dabi x Fem! Reader]
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A/N: Here’s a Dabi oneshot literally no one asked for I’m just trying to work on writing smut ⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Genre: 18+ | Hero-Verse | Oneshot/Drabble
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: unprotected sex, breeding, spanking, cum inflation, degradation
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Tears welled in your eyes as your hands clutched around the thin nothingness of the sheets beneath you.
“Stop trying so hard and just say it.” Dabi sneered, slamming a hand against the flush of your ass.
“All you have to do is say it.”
You shook your head, opting to bury your face in the sheets rather than admit deaft as the male continued to fuck your messy hole. Your legs twitch at every careless thrust, even the hand placed on your ass bringing you pleasure. Your body bruised and overstimulated from previous orgasms.
His hips slam into your backside, the sound of the skin on skin contact echoing throughout the room. His rough hands pressing down on your back preventing you from even thinking about messing up the beautiful arch he had created.
“Just say the words.” He leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Just tell me you’ve had enough of this cock and I’ll stop.” His voice laced with a sinister overtone.
Once again you shake your head, refusing to let him win.
“Suit yourself.” He nips at your ear before leaning back up to take hold of your hips, this time with both hands.
You grip the sheets as tight as you can, bracing yourself for what’s about to come next. With a quick motion his cock is out of your cunt, leaving you empty, but only for a moment. Just as fast as he had pulled out he was back in, causing a high pitched whimper to leave your lips as previous cumshots spilled from your pussy and down the back of your thighs.
“D-Dabi.” You mewl into the sheets.
“You really are making a fucking mess.” He replies unremorseful as he drives his cock into your drenched hole.
“Just a greedy little slut who just can’t get enough, your pussys’ so fucked out right now but you just won’t give up.” He groans fingers digging deeply into your hips.
Your body makes more and more lewd sounds, your cunt twitching rapidly as your boyfriends cock continues to plunge in and out of your insides. Dabi groans and presses in deeper, opting to wreck what’s left of your sad little pussy. He places one foot on to the bed, the shift in balance now causing his balls to successfully smack your clit with every thrust, drawing closer and closer to your next orgasm.
Your back shoots up at the sudden sensation, but your reminded by a harsh smack that it shouldn’t be. Your thighs shake uncontrollably as your cunt tries it’s best to push him out. Your body unable to take another orgasm.
“O-Ok D-Dabi, I-I’ve had enough.” You whine gathering enough strength to reach back and press a hand against his stomach, only for it to get pinned behind your back.
“Enough? I don’t think you’ve had enough. Your still sucking me in so tight.” He says, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“S-seriously I can’t cum again. Please, you said you’d s-stop if I a-asked. You win Dabi I can’t t-take cock anymore.” You whine, your face hot and bruised from the friction of the sheets against your face.
“Poor little slut, I need one more out of you. Then I’ll let you rest.” You sob, tears threaten to streak your cheeks.
You hear Dabi laugh as he quickens his pace into your abused cunt, continuing to fuck you into submission.
Your brain unable to process the pain from the arm pinned behind your back, confusing it with pleasure. Your eyes squeeze shut as your body convluses in a series of jerks. A shuddering cold washes over you as every muscle in your lower half contracts violently.
“F-fuck fuck fuck.” You moan weakly, cumming hard before slumping over.
Dabi growls in satisfaction, his thrust becoming sloppy once again.
“Good slut.”
Dabi rasps, bucking his hips forward a few more times before you feel his cock twitch rapidly insided you, spilling what was left of his seed inside you. He then pulls out allowing the lower half of your body to slide down and meet the sheets.
Dabi pushes you over eyeing your stomach.
“Your so fucking full, your gonna have to go get your stomach pumped.” He teases, rubbing over the bulge in your stomach.
“It’s your fault.” You mutter, swatting his hand away. Instead of moving his hand he wraps it around your stomach pulling you into his chest.
“If you want I’ll fuck it out of you tomorrow.”
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missrosegold · 1 year
Thinking about posting my Dabi x reader Fantasy!AU story tomorrow. I'm finally content with it. It sits at 30k words so it's a long one, but it's my own love letter to this character, so I think it's fitting.
(Also I gotta get it out before he dies, I'm not kidding. I hope he won't, but I'm not holding my breath.)
EDIT: shit nevermind, there's some things that I want to change reading it again, but I'll post a lil snipit, dont you worry!
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Damnnnn since dabi doesn’t get fluff often🙄
We all know he’s a villain but he’s not an complete a hole, so with that being saidddd
dabi likes to take you on picnics because 1) peace and quiet 2) don’t need to worry about hero’s 3) if your distracted he can stare at you without getting called out by anyone
he even picks you flowers🥺 but throws them away before he gives them to you
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swinter-winter · 4 years
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caffeineandimagine · 4 years
Long Time, No See - [Dabi]
A little girl running through Todoroki’s house being followed by a half-red half-white-haired boy, loud laughs of happiness who had been playing all day non-stopping until that horrible man entered the house and grabbed the boy by his arm. “Why is this girl is here, Shouto? I already told you to stay away from her and her family.” 
The boy lowered his head in a sign of respect to the old man knowing he did something pretty bad and broke the rules, but he wasn’t hopping to his father to find you in the house by the time being, you should leave one hour before the man came home to not create this chaos. “I’m sorry…” 
“It isn’t his fault, I came here to play…” You said, afraid of the consequences knowing the hero’s reputation at home, a bad man, treating his son like a prize to destroy another hero. “Don’t dare talking to me, little thing. Your father caused many problems for me and I don’t need you wandering around here listening my secrets to tell to that loser you call as a father.”
Tears start falling down your innocent face as the man keeps on throwing those words at you like you were nothing, just a little thing as he said. “Come with me, Shouto. Don’t waste your time with this useless drama.” He said, taking his son to the training room.
You ran with your eyes full of tears to the front door as fast as you could, never wanting to go back to that house again. Dumb you didn’t even look to where you were going until you dumped into something or someone. 
A red-haired boy a few years older than Shouto was holding you by the arms, saving you from hitting the front door. “You’re Shouto’s little friend, right? What happened?” Wiping some tears from your face and trying to remain calm, you took a closer look at his face being hypnotized by those eyes. 
“Let me guess, was it the old man?” You nodded, lowering your head down. “Don’t you cry, come here.” He hugged you, letting you feel the warmth of his body. “You’re a little doll and I won’t let anyone break you.” He gently smiled at you, a different kind of smile that you never saw in Shouto, especially now that he’s being beaten by the man who should be his father and look over him.
Living a normal hero life you have always dreamed of, studying and training with your friends to become a pro-hero and save more people should be a perfect life, right? So why you’re thinking about what happened in the past? Feeling like you left him behind, you can’t forget about it even for one second thinking it would betray the memory of him.
You just can’t hold yourself, studying with his brother was like a scar on you unable to make you pass through it, every time you see Shouto he reminds you of him, your first love, a love so pure that it’s almost unreal, a childhood love that got stuck in your brain just like a disease making you blame yourself every night for not being able to save Touya that time.
So you decided to take a stroll at night, trying to calm your nerves and forgive yourself for what happened in the past. Too lost in your thoughts you took the wrong path back home and ended up in a dark valley you had no idea of which part of the city it was. 
Soon as you regained consciousness you noticed a male shadow standing in front of you, you were afraid it could be a criminal or worse a villain but tried not to show your fragile posture. “What do you want? Who are you?”
“Can’t you even recognize me anymore, doll?” He smirked, showing his blue flames making you remember of him, Touya, he was standing right in front of you right now. How could it be true? Were your eyes tricking you?
“T-Touya? I thought you were…” You were forcing your mouth to speak, but it was like your whole body, mind and even your soul had suffered an electric shock, almost the sensation of seeing a ghost, but that ghost was alive.
You came closer to him and he takes some steps behind, he used to take care of you like an older brother, but now, he’s another person. “I don’t go by that name anymore, call me Dabi.” 
“What happened? Why didn’t you tell me you were alive? Why are you here? I have so many questions.” You seemed desperate in his eyes, but you were feeling betrayed, you thought both of you shared all the secrets to one another and he hid his fake death from you.
“I ran away ‘cause I fucking hated that man, now I’m a wanted villain thirsty for killing that motherfucker.” The more he speaks, the more you couldn’t recognize the person standing in front of you. If it weren't for his blue eyes and his unique quirk, you would say someone would be trying to mess with you.
“Why don’t you kill me then? Take me as a hostage to take your revenge over your father?” He comes closer, you can feel his breath in your neck and you can’t hold yourself thinking about the things you could do. 
“I have other plans for you, my pretty doll.” He kisses your neck making you feel weak, you can’t feel your legs and the only thing you can hear is your heart beating faster than never. “I know you’ve waited for this moment to be true for so long… And I could tell you I felt the same way.” 
He pushes you over the valley wall and put both arms around you for you not to escape, it’s like you’re his prey and he’s the hunter but he got you in his trap. “Touya… Don’t make it harder for me to arrest you.” You bluff, you know very well that you would never be able to hand your loved one over to the police, especially after all these years without him.
“I don’t see any problem with us having these little secret meetings, do you?” You stayed silent, you always wanted to belong to him even if you had to keep the most dangerous secret of dating a wanted villain from your hero friends or even Shouto, it didn’t matter at that moment.
“You’re messing up with danger here, doll.” His words made you wanted it even more, ‘cause it was in danger that we feel that adrenaline and you were addicted to it, even when you were a teenager you used to dream about feeling his lips on yours, his hands caressing your body.
“You think so? I’m a grown-up girl now, Dabi.” You pull him towards you, both ready to belong to each other even if it was in that dark alley, the details didn’t matter, the feelings were on edge and you couldn’t hold on anymore, not after all this time, you were about to belong to your beloved Toyua Todoroki, your new rebellious Dabi.
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ladybugg1235 · 3 years
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Satisfy part 1
Dabi x fem reader
Hello lovelys finally part 1 complete to my little little teaser lol sorry for any mistakes miss spelling etc i hope yall like:)
Warning: adult content 18 +
Your violet eyes presses on searching through the sea of dancing bodies til finally resting on a pair of glowing teal blue eyes.....
Time seemed to stop there in the dark side corner on the top floor of the club stood a silhouette of a man his shoulder leaned up against a wall ankles crossed over the other his lazy gaze locked on you.
It was him!! And damn what a sight
He was fairly tall a bit of a lanky build his hair was messy wild and dark he looked young early twenties you guessed he wore a long dark blue jacket with white cuffs over a white v neck shirt with similar dark pants paired with dark dress shoes.
But his most compelling feature was the patches Of angry purple burns on parts of this neck and face and exposed chest ( from what u could see)held together by staples connected to pale unburned skin.
You bit your lip "Mmm Sexy" you thought not only did he smell divine but hot damn he was a fox !! he has that bad boy look down to the tee and those burns just made him even more captivating curious very curious "i wonder how he got those?" you thought
Your eyes stayed locked completely enamored u watched as he reached a hand in his pocket placing a cigarette between his lips then taking his right palm underneath it igniting a bright blue flame lighting in and taking a deep draw.. inhale ,exhale his eyes never wavered from yours a slight smirk evident on this face.
Sweet baby Jesus !! Your breath caught in your throat wow ...You never been more jealous of a cigarette in your entire life just that one simple action made your body quiver his eyes holding you Captive
for the first time in your life u felt like prey like a rabbit trapped in headlights and damn he knew it too. It was an invigorating feeling.
As the music died out your body begin to move on its own accord as a new steady beat song began Play "hmm I wonder" you thought as you started to sway to the music
"So he likes to watch hu?" "Ill give him something to watch and maybe more of he let me" ...." hmm" you purred at that thought yes you'd like that very much so but for now ...watch me beautiful blue eyes" you closed your eyes activating your quirk ...moving your hips from side to side your violet eyes pulsating to the beat as you released an aphrodisiac in the air the energy in the club begin to shift you glide your hands down your body slow and easy movements rolling your belly in a seductive roll your body nsyce with the beat.
making your way too middle of the floor continuing your sensual movements dancing bodies around u began to pair up grinding touching and pawing one another you grab the nearest person a beautiful brunette you pulled her close to your body searing her lips with a wet seductive kiss your violet eyes glancing back up at the beautiful teal eyed man as you continued to feed off the beautiful womens energy.
Dabi pov
It been one hell of night his mind weighed heavy as he walked the dark streets the light rain beating on his back.
He was on edge ...restless then usual he was dead tired but not enough for sleep too claim him he was on way back to his shit hole apartment when had an itch for a drink he stop glancing at the club in the distance "fuck it "just one" he thought making a quick entrance in the club.
after picking his poison he found a spot in a dark corner on the top floor leaning up against the wall his eyes scanned the dance floor out of boredom and that's when he saw you
"hmmm" he thought taking a swig from his glass his eyes scoured your body from head to toe as you made your way through the dance floor he had to admit you were a pretty little thing it been along time since a woman caught his attention and there was something about you that perked his interest he watch you curiously until finally your eyes locked.
Her eyes turn a light violet hue and began to pulsate "hmm beautiful must be her quirk "he thought his eyes not once leaving yours.
All to soon he got this strange feeling rushing over his body "damn I need a smoke" reaching in his pockets he lit a cig with his quirk his eyes still locked
"Cute little doll"
he chuckled as you skimmed his body you your head cocked to the side your lower lip between your teeth giving him a sense of male pride that he had an a strong effect on you .
As the music fades out a new slow steady beat took flight with a sultry pout on your face you started to dance.
Hot damn !.... He couldn't believe his eyes he thought as he watch this pretty little doll no scratch that A beautiful goddess took her place in the middle of floor bodies all around her grinding touching one another like under a spell of desire and need. He was completely in awe
His breath caught in his throat as a beautiful aroma hit his senses making him feel slightly dizzy "Is this her quirk?" He thought shaking his head trying to focus.
All of a sudden she grab a pretty brunette from the crowd claiming her lips in a steamy wet kiss Her eyes glancing up to his.
Goddamn!!!! he thought as he watched you devour the pretty brunettes wanting mouth.
his pants growing tight by the minute.
Holy fuck !! he never felt more jealous of another girls lips in his life... What he'd give to have those beautiful honey filled lips of yours around his cock ... Mmmmm he thought
"Fuck it !! "He thought "enough of this "!
Im coming for you pretty girl!! downing his drink in one go tossing his glass down on the nearest table and he made his way down the stairs his sights on his target.
Back to your pov
After getting your fill from the beautiful brunette you gently pushed her to the side another eager body welcoming her into a lustful embrace bodies around you lost in Oblivion you giggled and gazed back up to the top floor to the beautiful mystery man who has capture your attention but he was gone.
"Where did he go ? Surely he didn't leave ?" You thought as you skimmed the top floor and all around you but coming up short.
crestfallen but still determined your mind focused ,your eyes frantically presses on searching in the ocean of bodies once again
"Where are you blue eyes?"
u thought until all of a sudden a beautiful deep husky voice whispers in your ear.
"Looking for me dollface ?"
To be continued.......
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