#toh pages remain
marionette-j2x · 1 year
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Cereals. Emarayt? 😂😘🥲🥣
(Spoilers for the fanfic: "Pages Remain" by @lollytea (The Cereal Aisle Scene))
Went absolutely feral drawing that "Willow imagining Hunter kissing her on the freakin' cereal aisle-" 😂😂😂🥣🥣🥣
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butterflydm · 11 months
structural overhaul for TGS-AMoL
spoilers through a memory of light (all the way to the ending)
Instead of doing the same sort of evaluation that I did with the Jordan books, I am going to propose a different structure for the final three books, one that I've been working on as I've been going through my reread.
There are a couple of big changes to fix things that felt like plot holes/character issues but I tried to keep all the major milestone points. The bulk of the changes that I would suggest are in ToM but there are a handful of significant elements for both TGS & AMoL. This post is only covering the Sanderson books, taking off from the end of KoD.
The Gathering Storm
Rand's storyline in TGS stops after the aftermath of Natrin's Barrow, holding the rest for ToM.
Parts of Perrin's plotline from ToM get moved to here, including some of his wolf-dream training so that it feels a bit more spread out. Maybe end his storyline here with him going into the 'fear dreams' of other sleepers for the first time. Cut out all the Whitecloak infighting and etc. that we had at the beginning of ToM, though. Begin Galad's part of the story with him running into Basel Gill.
Cut out Hinderstap entirely, starting Mat's storyline with him searching out the mystery woman who ends up being Verin (this will save us a tiny bit of page space in AMoL as well).
Include Mat's ToM chapter where he encounters the gholam again in Caemlyn and then have Mat and Elayne reunite in this book, holding the rest for ToM.
Pretty much all of Egwene's TGS plotline stays intact, except for not having her epilogue where she sees the light from Dragonmount.
Everything else basically as written.
Towers of Midnight
Start with ruthless!Rand meeting with Egwene, as opposed to zen!Rand. Ruthless!Rand still has all the same motivations about wanting to succeed at the Last Battle, and this means that they can have more genuine friction, because Rand really will be Not Doing Well.
The remaining parts of Perrin's storyline stay in ToM (though the bit where he and the wolves watch Rand on Dragonmount is either cut or placed as part of the epilogue to the book), so that would be the results of the trial, making his new weapon, facing Slayer, accidentally helping Egwene.
Have Mat give into his curiosity and open the letter from Verin. Mat leading the charge to prevent Caemlyn from being invaded would be an excellent reason for everyone to trust him with the armies in AMoL and not having Caemlyn be invaded would save us some page time in AMoL, leaving room for more character moments. And it can still be turned into a frantic series of events that requires tactical knowledge, since there would still be a Darkfriend betrayal of the guards, etc.
Egwene is gathering forces to potentially face either the Last Battle or ruthless!Rand. Because Rand is Not Doing Well, she isn't having everyone and their cousin reassure her about Rand's state of mind.
If Rand isn't involved in cleaning up the Black Tower anyway, then it's fine for it to happen while he's still ruthless!Rand, so give this storyline to Nynaeve. Suggestion: the trigger is Nynaeve going to Myrelle to get Lan's bond, since Myrelle is literally right outside the Black Tower. This way Nynaeve gets to be involved in the Black Tower clean-up, and is one of the primary PoVs about the events there, which would help it feel more connected to the rest of the story.
Then we move into the Rand & Tam scene, Rand nearly kills his dad and then runs away.
Mat goes to the Tower of Ghenjei and saves Moiraine, placed in-between Rand's lowest moment and his epiphany.
Rand on Dragonmount. The original "Apples" chapter from the start of this book is the epilogue, maybe also including Egwene looking out and seeing the light on the mountain.
Everything else basically as written.
A Memory of Light
The important zen!Rand scenes (telling the Aiel he's ready to meet his toh, weeding out the Darkfriends, apologizing to his dad; saving Ituralde; meeting with the Borderlanders) take place early on in AMoL. This is mostly a single chapter in ToM, so it won't take up too much page time, lol. I would also strongly suggest some or most of these scenes being in Rand's PoV rather than Min's. It was a huge mistake to have the readers shut out of post-epiphany Rand's thoughts.
Mat goes with Moiraine to Merrilor; Moiraine is the key to getting Egwene to believe that Rand has really changed from ruthless!Rand to zen!Rand, because of how Rand reacts to seeing that she's alive. It's hard to believe that Rand is hard as a stone when he's weeping all over Moiraine's shoulder.
Mat finds out how worried everyone is about the Seanchan attacking them from behind while they go after the Dark One and volunteers to go to Fortuona to bring her another potential peace treaty (this is when he tells them about the marriage). This is the biggest actual 'plot' change. Reasoning as follows:
While I understand that Sanderson needed an excuse to get Mat to Ebou Dar to impregnate Tuon as per the Jordan-written epilogue, I am not impressed by the way he chose to handle it. And my way solves the problem of: when would the Emond's Field Five get to reunite. Because 'never' is actually a terrible answer.
This also means that when Mat goes back to Ebou Dar, he's not being a deserter from the Last Battle (which is completely counter to Mat's characterization! His main heroic character trait is "grumbles about it but does the right thing anyway" -- abandoning your friends and the fate of the world to go hang out with the slavers who have invaded your continent isn't 'the right thing' in any circumstances). He'll genuinely be trying to help both sides in a good way and not a slaver-apologist way. It doesn't fix Mat's face-heel turn in CoT & KoD but it helps it make a bit more sense, I think, especially if Mat actually tries to stand up against Tuon demanding everything and bargains her down to the terms the Westlands have agreed they're willing to live with. Just... giving their marriage an actual narrative purpose would be nice and make their subplot feel like more than just a distraction from the main storyline.
It also would actually make logistical sense and Mat wouldn't magically teleport down to Ebou Dar while managing to magically summon his horse from Merrilor. Two things that he cannot actually do.
And then we continue on with AMoL mostly as written. Because of earlier cuts, we can cut the Hinterstap & Caemlyn assault sections, which should free up some time to find in the Rand stuff as suggested above, as well as accommodating Mat being at Merrilor. In general, I would say cutting down on some of the battle portions of the Last Battle would be fine; like @markantonys mentioned to me in my reread posts -- do we really need three separate duels between Demandred and A Great Swordsman?
Minor characterization fixes that I would also suggest:
Fortuona: the main suggestion that I have about her isn't actually 'for' her but for Mat (and Min) -- maintain the complicated way that Mat was thinking about her in ToM rather than cutting Mat off from his past loyalties at the start of the book. This would be easier once he's going there as a negotiator rather than a defector, as per the suggested changes above. For Fortuona herself, I do think that it's too late to try to shoehorn any significant character development in (it needed to begin in CoT & KoD, when she was away from her powerbase, if it was going to happen), so I think Sanderson made the right call there, but not taking Mat backwards at the start of AMoL would be good, as would not having Min just instantly give Fortuona the same exact kind of special treatment that she gives to the savior of the world and the man she says that she loves (Rand). It is, frankly, just weird how quickly Min folds herself into the Seanchan hierarchy and even when Mat starts questioning the slavery system again (finally), we never see Min doing that in her own PoV -- she has unspecific criticisms about the Seanchan Empire but never thinks about them clearly even in her own thoughts.
Nynaeve: Beside the big Black Tower plotline shift, she should not find out that Elayne is pregnant in ToM. It adds nothing to the story except bafflement when she proceeds to say goodbye to Rand very soon after and not only doesn't say anything to him but doesn't even think about it. After her thoughts of horror about how Min and Rand are shacking up without being married, she should have SOME big feelings about how Rand is having kids with Elayne without being married to her.
Tam: should already know about Elayne when he reunites with Rand and meets Min, since Perrin talked about how Elayne was planning to marry Rand while Tam was still with his people, so Tam should mention her to Rand and/or Min. Minor comedy element to serve as a moment of breaking the tension of prepping for the Last Battle! Explaining Min's viewings and/or Aiel relationship customs to the dad! Also, have Tam get 'introduced' to Elayne & Aviendha as well. It's so weird in AMoL when Tam and Elayne treat each other incredibly formally even though Elayne has announced that she's pregnant with Rand's kids. Basically, actually deal with people finding out that Rand has multiple girlfriends, rather than everyone acting like a memo was sent out that read: "Dragon Reborn dating three women: be cool about it and please don't have any emotional scenes".
Aviendha: have her leave for Rhuidean BEFORE the Semirhage attack in TGS. Her distance before that is explainable, if frustrating, but having her still stay away from Rand after that happens just feels bizarre and infuriating. This also means that her Rhuidean chapters can happen earlier in continuity, and she can come back to the main storyline sooner.
Unfortunately, the issues with both Perrin and Mat's characters are deeply embedded by this time, since they were focused on so much in CoT & KoD, but I would suggest, as mentioned above, that having Mat personally take an active role in protecting Caemlyn from invasion and then leveraging his marriage to actually be useful in AMoL would both work wonders, because as it is, the only person who gets anything useful out of the Mat-Tuon marriage is Fortuona, while Mat just gets weighed down with liabilities.
Though a lot of that goes back to one of my core issues with the Seanchan, which is at play in both the Jordan and Sanderson eras -- the only reason they are as effective as they are is because the narrative and our protagonists keep helping them (ex. the Wondergirls not telling all their allies the sul'dam secret and not making it public knowledge -- especially egregious with Elayne, who knows what she wants to do to undermine the Seanchan and has plenty of motivation to do it but just... doesn't bother???; Mat just aimlessly bumbling around with Tuon for two books; Perrin choosing to reach out to the Seanchan for help when Faile is kidnapped instead of sending one of the Asha'man back to Rand to see if he can help, since at that point Perrin has actually completed his secret mission for Rand and technically has Masema with him, etc). So when the narrative then goes "ah Our Heroes have no choice but to ally with the slavers", I immediately go, "yes, you did have choices, you just inexplicably chose not to do those things". The narrative never successfully sold me on the lack of choice for our protagonists, because it was just too easy to see the Hand of the Author(s) protecting and shielding the Seanchan from the natural narrative consequences of their actions.
So, that would help with Mat. IDK how to help with Perrin's characterization. That's a mess. It's possible that it might feel less like Perrin did a pay-to-play instant upgrade of his wolf abilities if it's spread out over both TGS and ToM, though. With the Whitecloak stuff... it's just so hard for me to care about Perrin getting ~closure~ for killing two Whitecloaks knowing that he gets away with selling two hundred women into slavery. Perrin and Mat are the two characters who were most broken by the Slog, but Mat is much easier to rehabilitate than Perrin (and tbh Sanderson was mostly doing a good job with it until Mat's off-the-page face-heel turn in AMoL) because the puzzle pieces are all there for Mat to have a good story; while Perrin was basically just an empty frame that had to be filled in from scratch. I do think (again agreeing with @markantonys) that instead of him napping for a large portion of the Last Battle, that he should have had Elyas's place in rallying the wolves for the fighting (and maybe delegate some of the TAR stuff to the Wise One Dreamwalkers, who get pretty underused here).
Egwene should be fine once we've adjusted Rand's structure to have ruthless!Rand last longer. There's nothing wrong with the majority of her plotline in these books; it's just that her behavior would make more sense if we were still dealing with ruthless!Rand.
Min: having her and Mat be instantly familiar with each other was definitely a shortcut to shift her into the Seanchan plotline but it is such a glaring plothole. They barely know each other! They have maybe met once, back at the very end of book 2, when Mat was desperately sick from the dagger. Her memories about him should be the same as Uno's ("always snapping at people, eyes sunken in his head. Half-dead, half-spoiled"). The only things they would really know about each other are the things that Rand has told them about each other. Yet Min is able to instantly 'recognize' Mat's 'signature hat' despite him not getting it until book 4 (I guess Rand must have really been obsessed with Mat's fashion and explained it to Min in detail!).
Basically, Mat and Min treat each other with the familiarity that Min and Perrin should have with each other (from the winter they spent together between 2 & 3). Fixing Mat's storyline would definitely help this, as he and Min would get to 'reunite'/meet with all Mat's friends present to vouch for him.
Min also immediately being all about Fortuona is a story beat that feels like it dismisses Min's personal experiences with the Seanchan, having helped rescue Egwene from slavery back in Falme. So… write that differently, lol.
Otherwise, I would put some of the skipped reunions and emotional moments actually on the page: Mat's reunion with the rest of the EF5 I covered above (aka, it should have happened), but Sanderson should also have kept the cut scene about Aviendha, Elayne, & Min making bridal wreaths for Rand or another scene where we actually get to see them (or ideally them plus Rand) all together; we should have actually seen Elayne & Gawyn reunite (they have not seen each other since... book 3? I'm pretty sure not since book 3); we should have had Rand's ACTUAL reaction to finding out that Elayne is pregnant and not having it happen off-screen and just referenced in his narration (we see both Nynaeve's and Mat's reactions to Elayne's pregnancy but not Rand's? wtf!); seeing Egwene & Gawyn's marriage seems like it would have been more relevant than seeing Morgase & Tallanvor's, etc.
Overall, fewer battles, more character moments.
Yes, it's the Last Battle but it's also the last book with these characters and they deserve their emotional send-off as much as just a narrative/plot one. That's my general feeling. There's a lot in the last three books that I like, but there are also some very strange choices and while "we were trying to preserve Jordan's bits of completed writing as much as possible" can probably explain some of the odd beats, I doubt it explains all of them.
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hecateisalesbian · 10 months
i was just wondering how grimwalkers worked exactly? I've been around the fandom enough to know that Hunter is one, but is it like a clone type situation? and yes, you do get the title of "official toh person" in my mind!!
Loving how you ask like the one thing I put the least amount of research into 😭
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In this shot we can see a recipe or “cookbook” of grimwalkers which can give us a lot of clues.
A galderstone (heart and power)
palistrom wood (keratin)
stonesleeper lungs
selkidomous scales
bones of ORTET
of course there’s little scribbles of words that are also probably important scattered around the page but this is the decipherable part.
The galderstone itself had a whole episode (Through the Looking Glass Ruins if I remember correctly) in which we saw how its power could be used. The Galderstone (in my theory) channels the power from all the other magical items enough to make them work in harmony and create a functioning clone but not enough (either from the weakness of the galderstone or the fact that those items alone don’t possess the same magic as a bile sac) to give a grimwalkers it’s own magic (hence artificial staff for Hunter before he met Flap).
Palistrom Wood has many episodes showing how it’s used and its importance. On the cookbook it’s listed for Keratin. Keratin is what’s makes your hair, nails, and skin. (“Keratin is a protein that helps form hair, nails and your skin's outer layer (epidermis). It helps support your skin, heal wounds and keep your nails and hair healthy. ”) So palistrom wood is like the outer workings of a grimwalker. Giving it a more human/witchy like look instead of a weird jumble of magic ingredients. We’ve seen that palistrom wood functions in magical ways (see string bean) so I wouldn’t be surprised if perhaps it was also the muscle of a grimwalker. What makes it move.
Stonesleeper lungs don’t seem to have any specific use listed. However, in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, we know that the Stonesleeper found in the Titans Skull had been hibernating for a (very) long time. I think the Stonesleeper lungs are what allows grimwalkers to grow in the dirt for years before being used (see For the Future goopy Belos trying to possess a remaining clone which rises from a dirt bed). Selkidomous scales also don’t have a use listed. Selkidomous’s however had two facts revealed about them in Separate Tides. Their puke (?) is extremely rare and high valued, and that they can swim in the boiling sea (most likely one of the only animals able to do so). I doubt the selkidomous’s gold puke would have much use to making a clone, especially considering how the value of it could’ve gone up or down since Belos began creating grimwalkers like 300 ish years ago (also I doubt Belos wrote that cookbook himself so I wouldn’t be surprised if making grimwalkers is a practice hundreds or thousands of years old). So I think their scales are used as a protection of some sort. After all, if they can survive the boiling sea they can survive multiple things on land. I think these might’ve doubled in use for a sort or keratin like usage.
Finally, Bones of ORTET. The word ortet is written in a strange way compared to the rest of the text. But a quick search on the Google Web says this:
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So, essentially, “the original of the clone”. What does a human body have a lot of that doesn’t decay quickly? Bones. Over 200 of them. Over two hundred possibilities of grimwalkers over hundreds of years. I’m sure the boiling isles/Belos made lots of discoveries about bones and the true potential of them when making grimwalkers that we don’t know that would make a very easy cloning process but I think these bones would be combined with other bones or perhaps had the DNA/marrow (idk I’m not a doctor I’m using words I’ve seen in greys anatomy for this) sucked (?) out of it and combined with other listed ingredients to make a “test tube baby” from which it could be planted in the ground like a seed and left to grow for years. I don’t know how long or how Belos would explain for the lack of memory in Caleb Clones time in the dirt, but in For the Future the Caleb Clone that rises and then decays looks about the same age as Hunter. Darius also says he knew Hunters predecessor (Darius is 40 ish). So I doubt grimwalkers grow in the dirt any longer than 15 years, and gaps in memory I’m sure are replaced with fake ones by Belos or said to be amnesia from a childhood trauma.
I would dive into the graphic on the left page of the cookbook buts it’s too blurry and vague for me to truly make out a good theory.
There are most likely more ingredients than just those few but I think those are the most important ones. Also, when Flapjack gives his life for hunters (😭), Hunter gains the natural magic ability of regular palistrom wood, much like Belos used the magic from palismen to keep his false magic working and also to keep him from turning into goo. Palistrom woods is definitely a powerful source of magic, if not the most powerful source of magic, second to maybe a Titan.
So yes, a Grimwalker is essentially a clone made from the DNA of something/someone and with other magical ingredients. Though it’s definitely not a perfect cloning device, seeing the multiple variations Belos’s grimwalkers had and Belos saying “you look the most like him.” Anyways that’s my take hope it helps! If you have more questions I will be happy to answer :D
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skylarstark4826 · 2 months
“Tu'ux yaan???” Where is it??? 
Young Ch’ah Toh Almehen frantically searches through his stacks of belongings, where could it be? 
His sketchbook. His seashell-shaped sketchbook!  
The one Na’ made for him years ago, when he started to show interest in drawing when he was young.  
His everything is in there! His sketches, new ideas and innovations, mathematical calculations of the size of the sun, names for the newborn whale calves, drawings of layout for their new market, sketches of water lilies, English that he’s planning to learn, latest training plans and formations, Na’s recipes! 
Ch’ah scratches his head in frustration, he sighs and feels like giving up for a second. Watching the flow of the current leading to the outside of his room, a sudden inspiration struck him.
Could it have been washed away by the water and carried away somewhere else? 
Ch’ah hurriedly went to check. Following the current, he passes by his mother and aunts. His mother, Fen looks at him with a smile and asks,
“Tu'ux a biin áalkab, yaabilaj?” Where are you rushing off to, sweetheart? 
“Yaan in kaxtik in cuaderno bocetos ti', na', u sido arrastrado tumen le sáasilo'.. Séeb in suut.” I'm going to find my sketchbook, Mother, it’s been washed away by the current. I'll be back soon. 
Ch’ah lingers awhile more before leaving, gazing tenderly at his mother with silvery hair, she smiles dotingly at him and he reassures her once again, smiling.
“Suut séeb”. I’ll be back soon. 
And off he went, drifting with the water. The flow was swift, and soon he found himself in the place that his mother often talked about - the surface.
Young Shuri paces by the beach, looking towards the sea and back to her new-found sketchbook. Engrossed, she writes and sketches away, forgetting the world.
But she didn’t forget what she’s here for.
She’s waiting for the owner of this pretty seashell sketchbook to show up and return it. 
And maybe they could be friends too. 
A few days ago by the shore 
Shuri ran away in jubilation after she successfully pranked T’Challa into trying her new invention.
Now, his hair was braided with super sticky vibranium-made magnet strips that stuck and sucked everything, his head now adorned with various gadgets, roaring to spank her!
Of course, she ran, as fast as she could! Wait until T’Challa calms down and she’ll go back~ Gonna seek the support of their parents, explaining that her brother got stuck with gadgets on his head because he disturbed her during her experiment!
Shuri giggled happily while sinking her feet into the moist and warm sands, she started picking some seashells along the beach, and soon, she found a seashell that stood out the most from others.
It was a seashell coloured in majority cream-white but with soft red and pink hues. It was bulky, unlike the others. She immediately puts down the other seashells she picked along the shore, examining this outstanding shell.
It was pretty… and it looked yummy. 
Who left a thick vanilla-filled seashell-shaped cookie on the beach??????? But…
Little Shuri thought for a moment, looked around, and tentatively took a bite. Hard. Was it a seashell-shaped white chocolate? 
She bit harder, but it remained unyielding!
…Alright, it's hard, not a cookie or chocolate, but a real seashell— 
Shuri spat out the sand and then looked around, she giggled in relief. Fortunately, no one saw her foolish behaviour. It would be embarrassing if her brother witnessed it. T’Challa would call her dumb!
She cleaned off the seashell and only then discovered another mystery! Layers of vanilla filling under the sunlight!
This time, Shuri used her fingers to dig it open, and then she discovered a whole new world—
Mesmerized, she carefully flipped through the vanilla pages, it’s not just any seashell, it’s a seashell-shaped sketchbook! And with sketches, drawings and symbols filled in it, this definitely belongs to someone else…
Shuri looked from one end of the shore to the other, she didn’t bump into anyone who was looking for this precious little thing.
Watching as the sun goes down and T’Challa should’ve calmed down by now, and before the Dora Milaje came looking for her, she cradled the seashell sketchbook preciously to her tummy and ran back home. Making up her mind along the way with every little step, Shuri decided to come back tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on, until she returned the seashell sketchbook to its owner.
Back to present 
Shuri enthusiastically writes and sketches in the seashell sketchbook, creating her entry on a new page starting with her name, Shuri, as the first page like the owner. 
After she returned home, she scanned the symbols that she couldn't understand using T’Challa’s technology. She deciphered it and found a match in a language called Yucatec Maya. A language she never heard of.
For the past few days, she casually skimmed through most of them, respecting the owner's privacy and content. After all, it belonged to someone else. 
What caught her eye the most, however, was the owner of the sketchbook attempting to calculate the size of the… sun? If she was translating correctly…
Was the owner trying to create the sun?  
It seemed impractical since there's only one sun, duh~ So, taking matters into her own hands like the boss she is, Shuri drew her sketches and thoughts, sharing her calculations and all the information about the real sun. The pages were filled with her innocent, expressive and endearing handwriting, in contrast to the owner’s handwriting which was a lot steadier but still childlike too.
Shuri was sure that the owner didn’t mind and for sure will feel her through her writing. Her pages were filled with her childish handwriting, but the sincerity and warmth were palpable.
Shuri wondered if, in return, the owner of the seashell sketchbook would make a similar sketchbook for her as a token of gratitude, thanking her for keeping their sketchbook so safe?
Perhaps they would agree? She hopes so. Shuri looked at the bite marks on the seashell… and hoped the owner wouldn't… notice… 
But as Shuri carefully read through her meticulously written arithmetic and ensured everything was correct, the sunset illuminated the rough, milky paper, casting a golden glow as the reflection of her orange silhouette reflected on it. 
Shuri feels a slight disappointment. No one had come today either, and it was time to leave before the guards or T’Challa came to look for her. She looks towards the sea one last tim—
Shuri froze in place. 
…She hadn't noticed when a soaking wet boy had quietly stood in front of her.  
He stood there, captivated by her with a focused expression. 
Shuri swallows nervously. Where did he come from? 
A boy, almost the same height as her, with an equally slender and delicate physique, gazing at her, fixated.
Perhaps both of them thought they were hallucinating as they finally blinked at each other— Wait, no, the other person was still there… 
Shuri purses her lips. Should she say hello???? 
"Um, hi," she shyly smiles, waving the hand that held the seashell sketchbook. Layers of light and shadow play on her contours as she moves. 
Ch’ah stares at her, and the glaring hues of the sunset can't even compare to the clarity and brightness in her eyes. 
A sweet, shy smile adorned her lips, accompanied by a fleeting but brief glimpse of fear, quickly overshadowed by the courage and determination she shouldn't have had at her age.
Ch’ah Toh Almehen swears he has never felt this way before. 
His entire heart was swept away by the girl before him. 
It’s too late.  
There was no turning back.
Shuri awkwardly set down her hand, gazing down at her feet washed by the gentle waves. Why didn't he greet her? Did she stare at him rudely for too long? No? 
“Mina,” his voice came like a breeze, eliciting a surprised look from Shuri as she raised her head. Although she couldn't understand what he said, but…
The boy smiles at her… 
He smiled at her. 
Gone was the stunned expression, replaced by a cute smile playing on his lips, his eyes sparkled with amusement. His eyebrows curved, his cute nose charmingly wrinkled, and his lips lifted with infinite satisfaction and tenderness—  a gentle and proud smile. His shining brown eyes were illuminated by the blazing sunset, casting her silhouette in his eyes.
So beautifully brown...  
Shuri gazes at his deep yet tender features, thinking that he would surely be breathtakingly handsome when he grew up… 
As he looks at her with eyes full of curiosity, his gaze slowly shifts, and she follows it, looking at the seashell sketchbook in her hand.
Shuri joyfully tilts her head, beaming at him with a radiant smile, almost jumping. With excitement, she confidently held out the sketchbook to him, asking in a determined tone, 
“In tia'al,” he whispers. It's mine. 
Ch’ah takes it, gently stroking his seashell sketchbook. Luckily, he found it, and it seemed like he had found… another person who would become as important to him as home and family. 
Shuri nods in satisfaction, happy to return the sketchbook to its owner, and she asks something else, "Is your name perhaps…"
"Nkosazana!" Princess! Several footsteps approaching where they are.
Shuri turned to see the guards coming to find her, she stomped on her foot in frustration, turning back around to face the boy, intending to ask the boy his name—
He was gone. He left. 
Great, now she was even more annoyed. Shuri pouts sadly, her face full of regret.
He didn't even say thank you!!! 
In the end, Shuri obediently followed the adults back home, thinking maybe she would come back tomorrow to see if she could meet him again.
To ask if his name is…
The name is translated from the symbols on the first page of the seashell sketchbook.
ch’ah toh almehen 
Ch’ah rushes back home, eager to tell Mother that he met a girl from the surface nation she always told him about.
“In ajawo’.” My King. 
He looks at the servants in confusion and them anxiously surrounding his home. Immediately alert, Ch’ah tensed as to what had happened when he was away briefly. He enters to greet his mother, who is sitting by the hammock, reaching out to touch his cheek when he kneels before her.
“In chan paalo’, in k'iin ku nats'a'al....” My baby, my time is approaching… 
Ch’ah’s heart sinks.
These days, he spent day and night by his mother's side, staying with her, keeping her company, talking to her, with endless things he wanted to tell her, expressing words he couldn't fully convey.
He told her about the girl he met on the surface, and his mother encouraged him, saying it was good and urging him to be friends with her.
He showed her the sketch of the sun from his sketchbook, assuring her that he would bring the sun to their people. She agreed, expressing her belief in his capabilities. He said he would start right away, he could make it in time… he could— 
Fen reaches out to cradle his cheek, wiping away his tears tenderly.
“Ch’ah, ti' ka' kíimil, na'atik in ti' le lu'umo' k patria wáaj u k'aax t'aanil.”
“Je'el na', ba'alake' ba'ax a'alik, teech ka prometo.”
-Ch’ah, after I pass away, bury me in the soil of our homeland, alright?- 
-Yes, Mother, anything you say, I promise you.- 
He stands on the edge. 
So young and hopeless. 
Got demons in his head. 
No ground beneath his feet. 
Mother was no longer there 
to hold him. 
Ch’ah Toh Almehen went to the surface 
to bury his mother 
in the soil of her homeland, 
and what returned was Namor. 
Shuri never met the boy ever again. 
20 years later
“Auntie! Look what I found on the beach! At first, I thought it was a cookie because it looked so yummy!!!! Turns out it was a real seashell! I even took a bite to be sure and it was so hard! I was so dumb! Please don’t tell Baba and Mama about this…”
The adorable babbling of her nephew wakes Shuri from her light nap, and she, somewhat annoyed, scoops him up into her arms, squeezing him as he happily squeals.
Shuri rubbed her eyes, and her nephew's cute murmurs struck her chest like a heavy blow, stirring up memories long dormant.
Seashell? Cookie? Tasty? Bite? Very hard? Silly and stupid?
Why did each sentence feel so familiar?  
Wasn't there someone, a fool, who did something like this once upon a time? 
Shuri finally yawned herself awake and extended her hand towards Toussaint, asking, "What's this about a delicious-looking seashell cookie but it was a fake and turns out it's a really hard seashell you tried to bite? …So, did you ruin your teeth?"
“No, Auntie! I didn’t!”
Shuri felt as her little spoiled nephew placed a light and airy seashell into her hand…
…No, that's not right. In her memories, it was weighty. 
Shuri stares at it, her heart certain. 
The seemingly dreamlike interaction from years ago was real.
How could the seashell sketchbook she picked up in the past suddenly reappear before her eyes?
“You found it at the beach?”
“Yep, Auntie, it was washed up to the shore… it looked pretty… so I picked it up… for you… it looks like… something… you would… love…”
The lively and active little one who was just babbling a moment ago melted in his aunt’s arms, drifting into the clouds. Was her embrace this comforting? Shuri smiled sweetly.
She carries Toussaint back to his room and settles him down, looking at his little sweet face, which reminds her of her brother.
Things have become busier lately, the Americans and France are on it again. Going after their vibranium. No fun.
Her brother and sister-in-law, T’Challa and Nakia went on a mission together, her Mother, Queen Mother Ramonda is managing the nation, and she, the Princess of Wakanda, was supposed to be in her lab, backing them up.
However, they entrusted her with the important task of taking care of the little one, so she came.
Shuri makes sure Toussaint is sound asleep before slowly closing the door. She looks forward to sharing his embarrassing little moment with T’Challa and Nakia when they return, hahahahahahahaha—
Returning to the living room, Shuri tidies up her belongings, her holographic tablet and the seashell sketchbook. 
Taking a deep breath, she picks it up and flips it open to peek, revealing her childhood handwriting. 
Shuri curses under her breath.
She grabs a jacket, tucks the haunting seashell into her pocket, ensuring the house's defense systems are fully activated, and then strolls away towards the beach.
The sun is setting.
This whole thing is so fishy that not even Bast would believe it. 
Ch’ah thought he could make it. 
He thought he could make it in time. 
To bring the sun to his mother. 
He couldn’t. 
It was too late. 
But Namor made it.
Many years later, as Namor flips through the perfectly preserved sketchbook with a heavy heart full of nostalgia, he discovers the naive handwriting and sketches that didn't belong to him.
Namor stares blankly at the childish handwriting and messy yet clear lines on the sketchbook, vivid and understandable. Pages were filled with various knowledge about the sun. From sentences to paragraphs, from drawings to diagrams. His fingers trace the sketches, following the lines and the innocent handwriting stirred the memories buried deep in his subconscious.
The girl. 
After losing his mother, he was engulfed in endless darkness, unable to recall the brief light. Let alone reaching out to the girl again. 
She was from the surface world.
But his mother, like soothing waves, gently pushed him forward, giving him eternal faith. 
The girl that he briefly encountered gave him endless strength with her tireless writing and overly detailed sketches, nudging him soft yet strong to move forward. 
Soon, Namor brought the sun to his people, his home, Talokan.
His fingers gently caress the page that marked the end and beginning for both him and her.
Namor’s fingers tenderly trace her name, longing to meet her again. 
The orange-red ray of the sunset envelopes Shuri, making her glow. 
With great interest, she flips through the small sketchbook, now only the size of her palm. As she flipped to the last page that she had written approximately 20 years ago, behind her sketch was the next page, and she found the owner's handwriting again.
The same symbols that she didn't understand unless she had GRIOT with her were now mixed with some English words. Quickly, Shuri could understand everything he wrote, sketches and all his thoughts and creations effortlessly.
Shuri read with gusto, evidently not concerned about someone blocking her sunset light as the observer watched her with immense amusement.
Namor stares and stares as not even the lingering warmth of the sunset could compare to the radiant and pure smile shining on her face.
Shuri continued reading without lifting her head, then calmly spoke, acknowledging his presence.
“You didn’t say your thanks, nor return a gift after I’ve been helping you safe keeping that sketchbook of yours, someone would’ve…” claim as their own. 
Shuri finally lifts her head while teasing the… man. She silently observes him from head to toe. Well, he sure looks ain’t entirely human to her with those elf ears and wings on his feet. He still has those unique earrings of his, his beautiful nose now pierced with a septum… 
The boy from the past and the man before her overlapped. 
His sculpted features made Shuri momentarily lose herself. 
The same smile playing on his lips, the same eyebrows cocking smugly, the same nose charmingly wrinkled, the same, soft lips—  
His gleaming brown eyes light up by the ablaze sunset, casting her silhouette in his eyes. 
The same beautiful brown... Shuri gazes at his deep yet tender features… She said he would surely be breathtakingly handsome when he grew up.  
Wasn't she right? 
Shuri stares and stares, at some point, she sighs dreamily.
The man seemed to have witnessed some beautiful miracle happening before his eyes and exhaled the breath he knew he was holding all along, murmuring to her.
He murmurs tenderly to her as if from another time, like a dream. Unreal. 
His voice echoes like a breeze, a seductive serenade like that of a mermaid, a siren call. Captivating enough to startle her momentarily. 
Stepping back, Shuri instinctively clutches her arm around her rumbling abdomen while skillfully tossing the little sketchbook up and down in her hand, defiantly meeting his gaze with a smile that is challenging boldly.
She eyes slyly at him, but there was full of teasing mischief in his eyes too. Shuri curses under her breath again. He definitely could understand what she said, but she couldn't comprehend his words.
She stopped tossing the sketchbook, holding it out to him, done playing. As he approaches, water drips incessantly from his mouth-watering body onto the sand. Her eyes widen slightly, and Shuri stops herself from whistling.
Watching him rake back his damp hair, droplets cascade down his forehead, sliding over his deep eyes, down his prominent nose, embracing his cheekbones, reaching his parted lips, sliding along his jaw, flowing into his beard, and trailing down his chin, glistening drops by drops landing on her delicate feet.
Taking a deep breath, Shuri swallows and kindly reminds him, "If you lost it again for the third time, it might not be as lucky anymore." She watched him reach out to take his seashell sketchbook, she reached it out too, finally getting rid of it. “By the way, I still—” don’t know what you’ve said. 
Namor’s outstretched hand skimmed past the sketchbook that belonged to him, grasping her wrist instead. He gently tugs her towards him, pledging an oath, 
Shuri didn't know if it was his impactful "mine" or if he had stealthily leaned in, gently kissing her, his longing sigh lingers on her lips,
turning her world upside down. 
It led her, almost involuntarily, to lift her arms, entwining them around his neck, kissing him back. 
Shuri, too, sighed blissfully into his mouth, feeling like she could forgive his sudden and bold kiss for now.
And thus, under the setting sun, they embraced, kissing fervently, and fell into each other's arms. 
Shuri gasps and clings to him, their bodies trembling intensely as if trying to melt into each other. Gasping for breath, she tilted her head back, leaving only half a centimeter between her lips and his to only feel like she couldn't breathe without his kisses. 
Soon, without needing her to tiptoe, Namor firmly presses her head while embracing her entirely, once again tilting his head, leaning and diving deeper to savour her lips delicately, inviting her tongue to tango with his.
Shuri couldn't help but moan in his mouth with abandon, his repeated gentle yet assertive kisses making her toes curl with a tingling sensation, her body pressing against his, burning up together, feeling dizzy and exhilarated.
It was as if they were about to take flight. 
Namor finally gave her one last lingering and intense kiss, sucking on her tongue for the last time before pulling away. Both of them press their foreheads together, desperately catching their breaths. Shuri was devoured to the brink of tears, her cheeks flushed, cradling his face breathlessly, breathing and whimpering on his lips.
“Breathe- in yaakunaj—” my love, “—breathe, shhh…”
He, too, struggling for breath, started to softly comfort her, trailing kisses along her forehead, her eyes, and her cute nose. Patting her back, he nuzzles her face tenderly, kissing away the tears that slip down her cheeks.
Namor contentedly held her entire body in his arms, embracing his girl tightly, having infinite reassurance.
Shuri realized with a start that… she was passionately kissing a stranger!!!! Her face burns further, hot enough to cook an egg. She buries her face in the crook of his neck, frustratedly slapping his strong shoulders, attempting to calm down. But Shuri finds it challenging more than anything she encountered. 
The heartbeat resonating from his bare chest to hers was like a curse, making her wildly pounding heart impossible to cease. 
Namor chuckles softly in her ear, sending her heart racing even quicker while he continues to pat her back, also attempting to calm his racing heart, with little success. 
“Hmph.” She's not so easily underestimated!
It was then that Shuri remembered the sketchbook she had been holding in her hand. Fortunately, the shell was hard enough! Otherwise, she might have crushed it long ago. 
Finally, after catching her breath, she asks, “I still—” don’t know if I had pronounced your name right all these years. Shuri interrupts herself, thinking there’s a better way. Reluctantly leaving his embrace, the two remain standing close together. 
And this man really didn't give her any breathing space!!!!! He leans in again, tirelessly rubbing his forehead against hers and giving tender kisses.
Shuri fumbles so hard to open the damn sketchbook, resisting crashing her mouth to his again.
In the end, he helped her steady her hand, and once it was stable, she finally opened it. She realized she had turned it around. Without hesitation, Shuri turns it around, flips to the first page with his name on it, thrusts the sketchbook to his stupid breathtaking face and clears her throat, pronouncing with her best accent in her life,
“Chaahtaeh Almeheiiin?” 
Shuri swears she didn’t get it right when Chaahtaeh shakes his head in defeat, eyeing her in glee.
And he graciously pronounces it for her.
“Ch’ah Toh Almehen.”
“For Bast’s sake…” Shuri swears that what she just pronounced sounded nothing like the name he pronounced. 
She clears her throat loudly again, attempting to mimic him but… already forgot.  
Shuri looks at him unapologetically, smiling sheepishly, and humbly asks, “Again?”
In defeat, Namor patiently repeated his name for her.
Alright, she got it!!! 
“...Ch-ah Toh… Al-me-hen?”
But even when Shuri said it, it didn't sound very confident, stumbling over the pronunciation.
But when his eyes lit up, happily smiling at her with the corner of his mouth curved upwards to the sky and his ears and wings fluttering, Shuri felt more reassured with each attempt.
“Ch’ah Toh Almehen?” She pronounces again, “Ch’ah Toh Almehen—” again, “Ch’ah Toh Almehen,” she’s freakin’ smooth now, “Ch’ah Toh Almehen!” Shuri feels like she’s summoning an ancient being now.
Namor chuckles as he gazes sweetly at her, his eyes filled with warmth and longing. It had been a long time since someone called him like that. Finally, he couldn't help but interrupt and tell her the truth. He reaches out to cradle her face, caressing tenderly, and telling her everything. 
“I have many names. My people call me K’uk’ulkan… And my enemies call me Namor… But in yaakunaj, my love… ” Namor watched as her eyes lit up at what he had called her,
“You can call me Ch’ah.”
“How are three names many names???” Shuri mocks playfully, ready for a comeback. She wouldn't let someone who merely kissed her address her with such an intimate term as if they were lifelong lovers in their every single past lives.
…He called her name.  
How did he know... Oh, Shuri remembered. She copied him back then, writing her name on the first page that she continued after his last page.
Ch’ah’s tone was helpless yet filled with an indulgent warning, making her stomach churn.
“Mina,” his voice came like a breeze.
But the way Ch’ah pronounces her name, so affectionate and familiar, almost as if he had called her name tens of thousands of times, a million times— no, approximately 1018 times with those lips of his—
Ch’ah’s voice came again. Calling her home like a gentle breeze.
“Mine.” You’re mine. 
And Shuri knew at that moment…
It’s too late.  
There was no turning back.
The rest was history. 
Namor confronted T’Challa, King of Wakanda about how the American military detected vibranium under his nation’s domain. They needed Wakanda’s help to prevent it from happening again. 
“You have exposed the power of vibranium to the world. Your choice has compromised us. They are coming for us. It is only fair that Wakanda helps to resolve our dilemma.” 
“We need to find a peaceful way to resolve this.” Shuri knew things were not needed to go this far. It will be a war. 
But Namor needed them to know, “I need to know if Wakanda is an ally or an enemy. There is no in-between. If we make an alliance, we can protect each other by striking them first.” 
With a stern look, T’Challa asked, “And if Wakanda does not accept, what then?” 
“The scientist will die and Wakanda will be the first nation to fall. And I want you to know, Wakanda cannot win a war with Talokan.” 
T’Challa and Shuri looked at each other, knowing each other's answers. 
Shuri looked back to Namor, standing tall, “With the Black Panther—” 
“We’d love to see you try.” T’Challa’s unwavering gaze and resolute voice echo. 
Namor looked at him, at Shuri, and smiled. 
A few years later 
Namor’s palm gently pats her back in a soothing force, luring his beloved wife to sleep…
Before that little angel in disguise of theirs comes squeaking at the top of her lungs, demanding her parent’s attention immediately.
“Bast…” Shuri grunts and hides her face in her husband’s chest, curling into a ball on his lap, shutting everything off, letting Namor face the little “devil” alone.
Namor helplessly smiles and makes a shushing finger at their 3-year-old daughter, “Shhhh, in chan paalo’, Mama is sleeping…”
“No, she’s not! Mama is peeking!!” Their daughter, Siphosihle, Princess of Talokan, heartlessly exposes her mother, leaving Shuri no choice but to chuckle helplessly in Namor’s arms.
“Sihle, Mama told you not to casually expose others' shortcomings, haven't I?” Shuri grins as she looks at their daughter, feeling his chest trembling with suppressed laughter.
“But Mama, Rayray ate my bookie!!!” Sihle skips over to them in a few bounces, hugging her Baba’s leg.
“Your bookie or cookie?” Her Baba asks.
“Ah! My kookie!” Namor knew it. “But my bookie is gone too!” Poor Rayray, Sihle’s pet stingray taking the blame for the fourth time this week.
“Now I only have one kookie left, not enough to share!" Sihle pulled out her cookie which was slightly bigger than the size of her little palm from her pocket, a seashell-shaped one – a real cookie he made for their daughter. The cookie already had a bite taken, Namor and Shuri weren't sure how she planned to share…
“All right,” Namor takes Sihle’s cookie, brings it to Shuri’s mouth, and she knowingly bit off half, savouring the sweet vanilla and soft white chocolate cookie, it was so sweet that it could potentially lead to cavities.
Namor then eats the remaining half of the cookie in a big bite. Her cookie was gone in a second. Brushing off his hands with cookie crumbs, Namor turns to their gaping daughter, shrugging.
“Now you have nothing to share.”
The King and Queen of Talokan eyes each other slyly, smitten, and as expected, their daughter burst into loud wails, “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA—!!!!” The entire cenote shook with her loud cries.
“You just had to tease her until she cried?” Shuri playfully slaps him in the face, amused by their daughter's dramatic crying.
“Who told her to wake you up?” Namor indulgently responds, then lovingly squeezes his crying baby girl’s cheek. "Okay, Baba was just joking with you, chan ch'úupalo…” baby girl. 
Namor and Shuri embraced tightly, laughing hysterically together, disregarding everything. Seeing their carefree and unbothered demeanor, Sihle, who had been crying hysterically just moments ago, stopped crying and buried into her parent’s embrace, joining their laughter while wiping her tears.
“It's okay, Sihle, we were just teasing you.” Namor grins, pulling out a brand new seashell-shaped cookie from behind. He gallantly offers it to his baby girl, receiving a sweet sniffling "Tha-nk yo-u, Ba~ba~~!” from his precious daughter.
Namor carefully lifts his wife, 8-months pregnant Shuri and Sihle, placing them on their bed with numerous layers of soft cushions. He kisses his daughter's moist eyes and brows, amused yet tender.
“Don't cry, usana. Mama and Baba were just teasing you," Shuri comforts her daughter with difficulty as she tries to hold her close with her huge belly. Meanwhile, the daughter had already moved on, happily nibbling on her cookie. She then extended it towards her mother, offering a bite.
"Mama~ not only Mama likes to eat, will little brother like it too? I'll share with him when he comes out, if he plays with me… of course…"
Shuri chuckles sweetly, looking at Sihle and back to Namor, who gazed back affectionately at his princesses.
Namor never gets to wage the war that he always wanted to wage at the surface world. 
Not when Wakanda is standing in his way. He hates to see a certain princess suffer while watching the lives of her people lost. 
But war came to them instead. 
T’Challa and Namor made sure that they regretted their actions, and together, as allies, they protected each other’s nations and fought for what was behind them, their home and loved ones. They fight for what they love. 
When everything slowly settled down, Namor asked for a hand in marriage from the Princess of Wakanda, out of alliance. 
Shuri said yes, out of love.
They indulge freely in a cozy two years of married life, just the two of them, until Shuri suddenly wants to have a child like him. It was Namor who first heard the tiny heartbeat in her belly as they crushed each other, and moved to tears.  
During her pregnancy, he transformed into an obstetrician, chef, psychologist, masseur, photographer, and father who would undoubtedly spoil their child. 
In the third year of their marriage, they welcomed their little princess. They raised their daughter together. And now, the little princess is three years old, and they are about to meet their little prince soon. 
“I’m sorry to break it to you, nkosazana, but you gotta wait for your little brother to grow up a bit before he can play with you~” Shuri tells her with amusement.
“Oh, that’s good, then I can have all the kookies to myself!” How clever is their baby~
“But Mama, I lost my bookie… The one Baba made for me…” Sihle sheepishly and sadly tells Shuri, on the verge of wailing.
“Where did you last have it?” Namor knowingly asks. Sihle eyes him cheekily, “By the pool…”
“I dropped it into the pool…” Sihle grins.
“You dropped it into the pool?” Namor sighs. Facing her, he amused, “So what are you waiting for? Go get it.”
“But I don't want to get wet... but I want to draw…” Pouting and cooing, Sihle said, much like her mother.
“Come on, baby, use mine,” Shuri reached for her sketchbook and Sihle happily took it and started drawing along with her mother.
It was his, and hers too. 
“Go ahead, Baba, we are waiting for you~” Shuri calls him dotingly, and Namor makes sure they are sitting properly before he goes out to retrieve their daughter's sketchbook for the umpteenth time that month, he sighs in loving defeat.
Namor paces to the pool, picking up toys along the way, picking up and setting the neatly cooked plate of cookies aside. Upon reaching the pool, he circles it, quickly finding Sihle’s seashell sketchbook. As he was about to pick it up, Rayray swiftly brought the sketchbook to him. He kneels to pet it, “Thanks, Sting, you've been a great help.” And Rayray swooshes away in happiness.
Soon, he returned with Sihle’s sketchbook and a pouch of small seashell cookies made for her. Seeing the mother and daughter still immersed in their drawing, Namor’s heart melts miserably. He places her mini sketchbook in her tiny hands and sits behind Shuri and Sihle, watching the two of them draw.
Sihle draws in the seashell sketchbook he made for her. Her bookie was a milky-white color, adorned with little stars of purple and green, the seashell had soft golden hues on it. 
And what Shuri drew in was still in that cream-white seashell sketchbook with soft red and pink hues — theirs. 
“This is a dolphin, Mama~”
“Dolphin~” Shuri hypes her up, even though said dolphin has three heads and six eyes.
“Look, Mama, shark!”
“Yep, that’s a great white shark indeed!” Shuri secretly smiles at the shark with a mouth of smiling teeth, how adorable.
“Mama, this is me and you!”
Shuri draws every version of the dolphin and shark Sihle mentions, perfecting her daughter’s sketch, from shaky circles and cross lines to a cool three-headed and six-eyed dolphin and a shark with smiling teeth and love eyes, but her baby’s next sketch was her favourite. Shuri looks at the drawing that was thrust to her face, “Me and you, Mama!” It was whales.
A Mama whale and her baby whale calf. Just like her and Sihle. Shuri swears that although their daughter was a handful of chaos sometimes, she was her namesake - a beautiful gift. 
After witnessing the beautiful moment between mother and daughter, he didn’t want to be left out too! “Here you go, chan ch'úupalo~” Namor waves the pouch of cookies in front of her eyes and immediately, like a little kitten, Sihle lunges for it, he dodges and dodges until he lures the baby kitty to crawl onto him.
“Baba~ My kookies!!! Gimme!!!” Sihle climbs and climbs until she hangs on Namor’s face, “Mama, help! Baba is not giving me my kookies!!!” Making Shuri laugh in amazement again.
“What do you say, baby girl?” Shuri presses on her kimoyo beads and starts recording these two goofy father and daughter.
“Thank you, Baba! I love you!” Although with Sihle’s little butt blocking him, Shuri knows how smug and doting Namor is smiling there.
“Not enough~”
Sihle tried everything to get her kookies. “Baba, I’m your princess!!!”
“Yes, you are, Sihle. But your Mama is my princess, you are just my… little princess. ”
“Okay! Mama is your princess and I’m your little princess!!”
“Now we are talking~” Namor smiles in defeat, reaching out to lift the Sihle away from his face, skillfully switching to place her behind his neck and let her sit on his shoulders. The daughter immediately embraces Baba's head, her tiny ankles swaying and tickling against his facial hair, making adorable giggles.
Finally, Namor hands her the pouch of seashell cookies, and Sihle sits on his shoulders, enjoying the treats. The first piece was given to her Mama, Shuri, and then she alternated between eating and feeding her Mama, completely forgetting about her Baba.
“Hey, what about me?????” Namor protests! How dare she!
“Uh-oh! I forgot, Baba!” Sihle playfully passes a cookie in front of him with her short arms, one hitting at his forehead, one tossing at his eyes and thank Chaac Namor closes his eyes in time, another stuff in his nose, and finally, one successfully reaches his mouth.
“Look at your daughter, Shuri…” Namor complains to his wife.
“I didn’t see anything, Namor, I'm too focused on recording,” Shuri said with a proud smile, winking at her daughter and she winked back cheekily.
“I saw that, you know?” But his two girls openly ignored him, eating enthusiastically without him. Namor pouts sadly until Shuri can’t take it anymore and she feeds him with lots and lots of cookies, “Here you go~” The crunchy sound of cookies fills their cenote for quite a while.
“You want to go sink some ships, yaabilaj?” Namor teases. Sihle immediately wiggles behind him, kicking excitedly, “Let’s go sink some ships, Baba!!”
“Don’t give her ideas, Ch’ah!” Shuri facepalms, the father and daughter would venture out to the ocean and flip over ships that are mining underwater resources.
“Uh-oh, sorry, chan ch'úupalo, no sinking ships for today~” Namor informs and the little girl just pouts sadly, just like her father, but Shuri knows how to cheer her up easily.
“Didn’t you say you want to share your cookies? Now you have a whole pouch of it.” Instantly, Sihle’s brown eyes lit up, her dark curls bounced in joy, wiggling to get off her Baba’s shoulder, “Yes, Mama! I’m going to find Zuri and Nala!” Toussaint’s little brother and sister.
“Off you go~” Watching as Sihle tiptoes and plants a kiss on her Baba’s cheek, she does the same to her Mama too. Then, she looks for the big-sized seashell cookie that she ate halfway earlier, picks it up and takes a bite without hesitation.
Shuri and Namor burst into mad laughter. Sihle had picked the wrong one, it was their sketchbook.
“You didn’t tell me, Mama!!!” Sihle protested with little arms crossing, stomping at the soft quilts.
“I wonder who she got that from?” Namor teases her hard. He had noticed the bite marks on his seashell sketchbook long ago. 
“Mama didn’t know which one either!!” Shuri quickly shifts the blame, “It's all your Baba’s fault, he distracted us, blame him!”
“No, don’t blame my Baba, Baba made me my sketchbook and kookies! Baba, next time remember to tell me not to bite first, remember to look first, okay!” 
The way Sihle defended him just made Namor melt into a puddle of happy water. “I got it, sweetheart, Baba will remember,” he promises.
"But you won’t remember,” Sihle deadpans, learning from her parents, “All your eyes are on Mama, Baba, you forgot about me," she mutters nonchalantly, obviously jealous.
Shuri and Namor often thought their daughter was too clever for her age, a real little mischief-maker. 
“That’s because I have all my eyes on you, Sihle, Mama got you covered!” Shuri reacts quickly, kissing her little cheeks.
Bast, whenever Sihle got jealous, she was totally a mini super jealous Namor throwing a tantrum! 
“But Mama has all eyes on Baba too…” Sihle squints her beautiful little brown eyes, seeing through everything.
Namor beams sweetly at the accusation, then with utmost patience, he coaxes their little jealous daughter with ease.
“That’s because me and your Mama have all eyes on you together! You got four eyes when we only had two! And when Baba and Mama have all eyes on each other, you can sneak out to play with your cousins and forget to come back home for dinner, right?”
Happy to hear her Baba’s explanation, Sihle immediately grins in mischief, nodding honestly, “Right, Baba is so clever like me, hehe, I’m going to play with Nala and Zuri, bye, Mama, bye, Baba~~~” She runs away then runs back, leaving a kiss on Mama and Baba’s cheeks and also on Shuri’s baby bump, can’t miss out her little brother! And she quickly zooms away before her parents can say anything more. Sneaky little baby as Shuri watches her dash to the pool, beckoning for a ride.
“I thought you don’t want to get wet—!!” Namor tries to call for his daughter but Sihle has jumped into the water, swimming away on Rayray’s back to go look for her cousins to play with. Leaving them with splashes like a whirlwind.
“...Last week, she made Zuri and Nala cry because she scared them with lobsters… Toussaint was so helpless to stop her.” Shuri smiles and cradles her belly, feeling their son’s kicking incessantly all the time, they predicted he was going to be as handful as Sihle.
“Why am I not surprised, hmm? Maybe because I was the one who spoiled her too much, yep~” Namor caresses her belly, soothing the baby’s kicking, they both knew Sihle would be a great sister, well, they hoped. “I hope she doesn’t… bully her brother like how often she makes Zuri and Nala cry with her antics…”
“And yet they loved following behind their sisi, T’Challa and Nakia had to drag them away as well before they followed Sihle and came home to us, remember that one time they did follow Sihle and everyone freaked out? Hilarious!” Shuri reminisced when they finally found them, all full and dozing off.
“I remember. We even found them in a pile of snacks, Rayray was guarding beside them like he was worried they were too full.” Namor remembers cradling all three babies back to the surface, he almost broke his arms.
“Now I’m more worried when this little Ch’ah is born, little Shuri is gonna bring him and turn Talokan upside down.” Shuri was certain, when her daughter grew up to be more and more like her, she knew they were screwed, except Namor dotes on her even more badly because of that, because he said, “Were you like this when you were young? I love watching her making trouble, it reminds me of you. The day I met you.” 
“I’m glad Ixchel blessed us, I was always afraid she might be a bit lonely,” like I was. Namor didn’t say it out loud, but Shuri understood everything, “Two is better than one, right~”
“Well, if you have come looking for me sooner, I’m sure we will have more kids by now.” Shuri caresses the seashell sketchbook that tied them together since the day she picked it up on the shore.
But Namor slips into deep thoughts, murmuring distantly…
“...When my mother… died… it feels like I lost everything. I could not bear to look at anything, every corner has her traces, I could no longer look at—” Namor strokes the back of her hand, Shuri holding his seashell sketchbook. “...I have witnessed so many births of my people, aging, illness and death, it was a circle of life… Yet I cannot see through it… nor find solace… in the waves that cradled me like my mother once did…”
He could not find peace. 
Not after what he had witnessed on the surface world. His mother loved and mourned the life on land that she once knew…  
But it was nothing like what she had told him. 
…How heartbroken and disappointed she must be… if she saw it with her own eyes. 
Listening to his gentle whispers, endless tears welled up in Shuri’s eyes, unable to suppress the overwhelming sorrow, grief and heartache she felt for Namor. Shuri dared not imagine how. How when she was disappointed that the boy on the beach never showed up again… 
He was torn apart in the abyss of the sea, screaming heart-wrenching cries.
“It took me years… to come back to you, Shuri.” Namor gently brushes away her tears with his thumb, kissing away the sadness in her beautiful brown eyes, the taste of her tears breaking his heart. 
“I’m sorry… it took me so long… to come back to you…”
Shuri holds him tightly, enduring each drop of his tears falling on her cheeks, she promises him.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I got lost in the grief of losing Na’... and I forgot about you…”
“I’m not going anywhere, Namor.”
“—I told her about you… and Na’ told me to come be friends with you... She was still fine moments ago… She was—”
“I’m not going anywhere, Ch’ah, I’m not going anywhere without you from now on.” Shuri places the seashell sketchbook in Namor’s palm, then surrounds his trembling hands with hers— the same hands that always tenderly caressed her baby bump. Despite the difficulty, Shuri gently bowed her head, placing devout kisses on the back of his hands, on his knuckles, on his fingers, all of him. She helped him grasp the seashell tightly in his palm so that…
The love his mother left for him would never be lostagain. 
Namor gazes at his beloved as Shuri plants one kiss after another on his hands, and in that moment, the shattered pieces of his heart and the endless grief and loss in him all these years have finally found a home.
He belonged with her. Namor knew it long ago. 
He tilts Shuri’s chin up gently, trembling lips meeting her quivering ones.
When they had tasted every tear of sorrow, only tears of solace remained. 
Namor kisses his way up, finally landing a firm kiss on her forehead— with infinite tenderness comes infinitely devotion, belonging and love. 
They held each other tightly, thankful that their daughter had gone out to play; otherwise, Sihle would have been scared to death.
“Our reunion was no coincidence…” Shuri didn’t know that a fishy seashell would change her life one day.
“It was my courage to come for you.” And Namor would tell her this, over and over again.
“...In the depths of the ocean, I brought the sun to my people…” Shuri listens to his gradually steady heartbeat as Namor murmurs, she smiles when he kisses her again and utters softly on her lips, “My sun.” And kissing her baby bump, “My two little stars. My sun and stars.”
“Sihle is more like a meteorite than a shooting star.” Shuri couldn’t help but jest oh so smoothly.
Namor couldn’t agree more. “She’s an unstoppable little ball of fire that no matter how big the waves are, they can't extinguish her.” 
The proud and beaming expression on Namor’s face when talking about their daughter is one of Shuri’s favourite sights.
“Soon enough she’s going to ask us to make a ship with a big shark smile that can dive, fly, and blow bubbles for her…” Shuri thinks Sihle got that creativity from her.
“She told you that? She knows we make anything for her, doesn't she?” Namor amuses, chuckling while shaking his head in defeat.
“Yep, she did. Saying she’s gonna fly it with Toussaint, Zuri and Nala to scare away some fishy people.” Shuri can imagine that already. It’s gonna be so fun.
“That’s my girl.” Namor chuckles proudly, lowering his head to caress the seashell sketchbook in his hands, feeling its texture and weight. It’s still as heavy as he remembered. He places the precious sketchbook into Shuri’s hands, bringing her wrist that tied with his mother’s bracelet to his lips, kissing it gently, reminiscing with a gaze full of longing, 
“My mother made it for me… That’s why I was looking for it… That’s how I met you.” Namor knows that his mother, Fen would be happy for him for the life he has now. With loved ones. 
Shuri beams in understanding, “And you made one for Sihle.”
“We made one for Sihle.” We. How beautiful it sounds. 
Shuri cradles the seashell with care. His mother’s memories will live on, and on, and on. In them. In their children. “Think you better catch up and make a new one before this little one grows up too fast and has that same artistic sense just like his Baba, Mama and Sisi.”
Namor pulls her into his embrace, letting Shuri lean all her weight on him, safe and sound. “I was thinking about blue… and white.” The sky. The ocean. 
“Blue and white sounds just perfect to me.” Shuri tosses the seashell sketchbook in her hand, remembering the day she met him has a very blue sky and she…
Leaning against him, Shuri comfortably nestles in the curve of Namor’s arm. With just a slight lift of her head, she could easily steal a few kisses.
She reaches out her hand, holding the seashell sketchbook up to him, and asks triumphantly, 
Namor chuckles affectionately, 
Hooking her arms around his neck, Shuri kisses the corner of his mouth, brimming with mischief and love, she whispers with adoration, “Say it again.”
He tilts his head to meet her, sharing a smug smile as he tightens his grip, ensuring she stays forever in his arms. As he tenderly gave Shuri the kiss she had longed for. With devotion, Namor whispers, 
“Yours.” I’m yours. Forever.
The End.
💜🐍🐈⬛💚 Little bonus 🪽🐚🌊❤️ 
“Run, in bebés, run to your Mama for me~” Namor nudges them to be his ever-loyal messengers as he watches his babies dash across the beach, running to their mother on the other side.
6-year-old Sihle holding hands with her 3-year-old little brother, Sitha, running in full speed towards their Mama, Shuri, who was waiting for them by sitting on the beach, grinning as she watched them zooming to her.
She catches them both fully, kissing her beautiful girl. And her baby boy, like his namesake, light. He had brought more light into their little family, just like his sister.
“Mama! Baba said you must write back to him!” Sitha squeaks at her with excitement, waving the seashell sketchbook with soft red and pink hues.
“Quick, Mama! Baba is waiting!” Sihle urges her, dancing with her brother.
Shuri laughed and flipped open the sketchbook, flipping to the latest page, she saw he had written:
🐚 Are you still angry at me?🐚 
She huffs and writes her reply, then gives it back to her babies, “Mama’s done, run along now~” Sihle and Sitha sprint back to their father by the water, his eyes lit up when he sees them running back to him. Sihle tosses the seashell to him, almost hitting his face.
“Ouch-” But Namor couldn’t care less and eagerly flips to the latest page, checking for her reply as Shuri had written:
🐚 YES🐚 
Namor giggles as the children jump into his embrace, all three of them babbling non-stop.
“Baba! What did you do to make Mama angry!” Sihle amuses.
“Baba! Mama waiting! Quick!” Sitha was eager to run back to his Mama already, it was a fun race!
“I forgot to give her a morning kiss when I was busy snuggling with you two! Now Mama’s angry.” Namor shamelessly shifts the blame to their babies.
“Easy! Baba! Easy! Give Mama a kiss!” Sitha doesn't get why that is a problem in the first place!
“Times up, Baba! Are you done yet???” Sihle takes the seashell from her Baba’s hand and rushes away with Sitha again, with Namor yelling at the back, “No peeking!”
They both go, “Okayyyyy—!” Bolting towards their Mama.
Shuri mumbles when it’s taking forever as she squints her eyes at the other side, watching as the trio have small talks without her, hmph! In truth, they were only a few hundred meters away from her. She didn’t need to eavesdrop because of how loud they were babbling.
Soon, the children rush into her arms and Shuri takes the sketchbook, precisely flipping it open to read the words written beneath hers:
🐚 As an apology, please sit on my face tonight🐚 
Shuri cocks her eyebrows towards him in the distance, watching as Namor flashes his most proud, delighted and smug smile she had ever seen, making her blush and wet and heart racing at the same time.
Shuri secretly flutters hard, thinking it was about time for the third baby they both wanted for some time now. 
Suppressing her cheeky smile, Shuri quickly writes her response and hands it to the children, saying, “Thank you, my Sihle and Sitha,” and kisses each of their little faces. They gasp in disbelief,
“Mama, why are you so quick?” Sihle figures Baba is a slowpoke!
“Mama~ have you forgiven Baba~?” Sitha asks cleverly on Baba’s behalf.
“Not yet,” Their Mama said with a proud smile. Then Shuri watched as the children ran off quickly, heading to their Baba.
Namor flips with precise, gazing upon and grins:
🐚Very tempting offer BUT not enough🐚
And so, the two babies acted as messengers, running back and forth across the beach. A few more rounds later, they had had enough!!!!!
“Baba, Sitha is tired! Are you done yet?!” His baby boy stomps in frustration, protesting already.
“Not yet,” Namor writes with relish, clearly enjoying more than anything.
“Baba! You are flirting with Mama! We don’t want to help you anymore!” The clever princess she is, Sihle counters with brains.
But their Baba is a clever ass too, “How about having lobster for dinner tonight?”
“Okay!!” The two children eagerly agreed to continue their mission! It’s their favourite food!
"Where did you learn the word 'flirting' anyway???" Namor scratches Sihle's little chin, amused.
"Uncle T'Challa taught me! He says this is what you and Mama are always doing! Are you there yet, Baba?!" Sihle reaches out to cling onto his back, dangling.
“Almost there, Baba is about to coax your Mama, thank you for waiting so patiently, zithandwa zam ezincinci.” My little loves. It took Namor a few more moments to come up with a sassy reply.
In the end, the two children came up with their own plan.
The two small heads with dark curly hair shimmer beautifully under the sun. The little girl with two buns and the little boy with a little braid moves in sync. They were kissed gently by the sun, a perfect blend of their parents.
The older sister guided the little brother, and soon they had their plan ready, each heading towards one of their parents.
“Baba, Mama says she doesn't want to send messages to you anymore. She wants you to come see her in person!” Namor had long figured out what the two small figures were up to on the beach since he’d been watching all along. He picks up his daughter, following her plan.
“Got it, little princess, let's go find your Mama and brother~”
On the other hand, “Hug, hug, Mama! Mama! Hug! Hug!” Sitha raises his little arms at her, cooing adorably. Shuri sets aside the sketchbook, lifting her precious little one. “Tired, aren’t you? Come, let Mama hug you,” She affectionately kisses her little prince and Sitha beams with joy, looking just like his father.
“Mama, Baba says he doesn't want to send messages to you anymore! He wants you to come see him in person! Come on, let’s go!” Sitha snuggles into her. Shuri raises an eyebrow, hugging him up more securely, “Alright, let's go then~”
Slowly, Sitha leads his Mama, pointing to the seashells along the beach. “Mama, look! I found seashells for you!” Shuri bends down to pick up the shells, then hands them to her baby boy, “This looks nice, isn’t it?”
“There are so many more, Mama! Let's bring them all home, can we?” Sitha pleads with his Mama. “Sure, Mama is following your lead!” In this way, the mother and son followed the seashell-lined path, picking up shells and admiring them together. 
Not long after, the two souls destined to cross met in the middle. 
“Quick, Baba, Mama is here!”
“Hurry, Mama, Baba is here!”
Namor and Shuri looked at each other and smiled with pride. Their daughter and son had put “so much” effort into their little plan. They each hold their children and walk towards each other.
“I heard you were looking for me,” Namor preempts.
Shuri beams at him, proud of their laughing daughter and adorable son. Then, she gazes at Namor, with infinite infatuation, and says, 
“Yes, I've been looking for you for 20 years.”
Namor’s face softens instantly. He reaches out, pulling Shuri and Sitha, squeezing them in his and Sihle’s warm embrace. 
The royal family of four held each other tightly under the glow of the setting sun, their faces adorned with smiles full of happiness.
In that tranquil moment, bathing in the warm glow of the setting sun, their laughter echoes as they stand in unity. As the waves whisper tales of years gone by, Namor and Shuri have shared an unforgettable reunion that mends the lost threads of time.
Their children, Sihle and Sitha, the living proof of their love story, play at their feet, weaving joy and innocence into the story of their shared journey. With hands entwining, hearts connecting, and smiles that speak volumes, Namor and Shuri embrace the love they have built together over the years.
By the shore, the beginning of a chapter was lost, but a new chapter begins and continues its legacy. The family of four walks into the horizon, leaving their big and small footprints in the moist, soft sands and the moment they cherished now etched in their hearts. 
“Mama! Baba said we are eating lobsters today!” Sihle squeals in joy.
“Hungry, Mama! Me and Sisi are hungry already, Baba!” Sitha shakes Namor’s head playfully, making him laugh.
“I’m hungry too,” Shuri chimes in.
“Alright, let’s go home for dinner then.” Namor tugs her forward, heading home as the babies lead the way.
Shuri leans in and secretly whispers in his ears, “I’m still angry at you, you know?”
Namor smirks, stealing a kiss from her lips, “You're even more breathtaking when you're mad, Shuri. It's like anger enhances your beauty. I might be onto something here…” 
“Don't think you can get away with flattery,” Shuri shakes her head in triumph.
But Namor has all the tricks up his sleeve, “Then I must confess, my love, I am defenseless against your “still angry” face. How about a peace treaty sealed with a kiss?”
“I think this could work~” Shuri tiptoes and claims his surrender, sealing a treaty as Namor smiles into their kiss, swaying her like the tender waves as always.
Love had conquered time, and in the gentle embrace of the evening breeze, they discovered that some reunions were written in the stars. 
And so, as the Wakanda sun dips below the horizon, they swim back to their underwater home, Talokan, as myriads of household lights up in the darkness, no longer untouched by the sun— their family sprouts and grows with love that transcends the sands of time, forever theirs. 
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an-obsessed-cactus · 3 months
Ello ello ello!
honestly not sure yet what this page will be about(i do know i just don't want to admit to myself it'll be a random stream of consciousness à la James Joyce) but i thought I'd make a kind of introductory post about myself at least so here goes.(fandoms are listed at the bottom cuz at the heart of it tumblr is a place for obsessed freaks like myself). also I'm new to tumblr so its ways and etiquette are still unknown to me. but i will learn promise. anyway.
Name's Dorian/Bree(still deciding so take your pick and I'll see what sticks). I'm omnisexual and go by she/her tho atm whole gender identity is kind of a mystery to me so that could change.
I'm finishing high school this year so my life'll be a bit hectic for a while(was for the last 4 years tbh). Cause I'm interested in one thing too many and can't make decisions to save my life and also cause I'm an anxious mess who can't relax, I'm taking a gap year. I'm planning on getting some rest to get back what remains of my mental health (which sadly ain't much but such is life). I'm gonna go travelling around a bit(rn pretty sure about Norway, UK, France & myb Japan) and honestly if I make any friends on here it'd be sick if someone joined me so that's always open.
Then next year, when I finish my soulsearching, I'll prolly go study sth cuz that's how the world works. I'd love to be either a writer or film director (or myb a therapist). My dream is to study film in UK(as a career writing and filmmaking is pretty much a tie, but filmmaking sounds just a tiny smidge more stable. Not giving up on writing in the least, but I feel like studying is more necessary for film than writing?) I love watching series and films not only because of the story, but because of the way it's told. I love to overanalyze the storytelling, the characters and different dynamics between them(and honestly just everything about the film) or read others' post overanalyzing it, so a film/series(does that exist?) critic sounds like an awesome job as well. But I'd like to be in the middle of the making and tell my own stories. Cinema's a bit sad in my country (non-existent more like) so studying abroad sounds like the only real option if I wanna make it in the industry. It's also an opportunity to meet more people interested in the stuff that I am so hopefully it works out. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞
Obviously, if one's obsessed with cinema, you can hardly avoid falling down the rabbit hole that are the fandoms. I'm currently fixated on Good Omens and would love to find some humans I can discuss it with cuz my irl friends(tho I love them with all my heart) just don't go temporary insane over fandoms the way I do.
I get random moments of revelation about other fandoms as well, so here's a list:
Good Omens
MCU(pls no spoilers post Wakanda Forever. I'm kinda runnin a bit late but I'll catch up I promise)
Star Trek
Umbrella Academy
BBC Merlin
Stranger things
TVD(was my first real fandom so it still persists even tho I'm not really into it much anymore)
myb some more that I forgot
I'll prolly be adding stuff here as I figure out what I wanna talk about, but one of the things I'm working on is getting rid of perfectionism so this is it for now. I tried to keep it brief but that obviously hadn't worked out lmao. Could be worse(much, much worse)
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you and me her
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oh how he crowned his heart with her existence screaming until she named her own after his.
tumne naam jo liya, maine dil de diya, ab iss dil ka kya karoon jo tumhara ho gaya. par wo naam mera na tha, na kabhi ho sakega.
he let his heart bleed into the words he wrote allowing it to seep into the tragedy she loved.
tumne wo kagaz ke pannon pe lafz jo likh dale, mano meri ruh ne tumhari mauhar lagali. par wo panne, wo nazm tumhare jate hi, ghum gaye.
he wasn't her first love nor was she his but was his first even true if it wasn't with her.
pyar toh sab karte hain, humne mohabbat karli, tumhari yaadon mein kayi dafa aankhen bharli. par wo mohabbat hi kya jisme dil na toote.
he ripped her from his soul where she had lived the fragments of her that remained robbing him of life.
jab ja rahe the, toh apni yaadein saath le jate, kam se kam, wo maayoos pal mujhe na satate. par unko apni ruh mein basa loongi, akhir tumhare the.
he couldn't bear to look back at her, his heart the one he loved, she who had dethroned herself.
mud ke na dekha gaya ek baar tumse, pata tha ki ruk jaoge agar aansoon beh gaye meri aankhon se. par tum the musafir, aur musafir laut ke nahi aate.
he would've laid down his life for her but instead she laid down hers, unbeknownst he died with her too.
haath thaam ne ke vade adhure reh gaye, sapnon ki kashti ko toote dil baha ke le gaye. par kashtiyon toh bani hi behne ke liye hoti hain.
he bled through the wounds she left in her wake but still wanted to be consumed by her.
ek hoke, kisi aur ke ho jayenge tumhe tod ke, shayad dono saath nahi ho payenge. par agli baar mujhe todne ki poori ijazzat hai tumhe.
he rewrote the pages when he met her yet plead every night for one last word.
na chahte hue bhi khudko tumhara hone diya, meri jaan, maine tumko kho jane diya. par kahaniyan toh unki sunate hain na jo milke bhi kho jayein.
he knew he could last an eternity without her but was it worth if his half died without her half
wapas na aana kabhi tum lautke, yaad aajayega jab tum gaye the chhodke. par rasta bhool jao, toh chamakta tara ban jaongi, haath ki lakeer ban jaongi, phir tumhari ho jaongi.
he needed to go back, he had to she loved tragedies but he knew she had loved him more
ravina <3
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[Image Description: GIF reading: Tumblr 2022 My Year in Review. End Image Description.]
I posted 2,804 times in 2022
That's 1,285 more posts than 2021!
191 posts created (7%)
2,613 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,545 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#aesthetics - 556 posts
#long post - 115 posts
#stim - 85 posts
#functionally described - 53 posts
#poetry - 42 posts
#lovecore - 39 posts
#resources - 29 posts
#toh - 26 posts
#easter - 24 posts
#disability pride - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#honestly the weirdest thing on this post is that your therapist thought you were the only one with non-visual or non-auditory hallucination
My Top Posts in 2022:
Informative Hyperlinked Text
Creating posts with informative hyperlinked text really helps boost the accessibility of your content for a number of reasons
Screen reader users don't have to listen to a whole URL read out
All users get to have an idea of where the link will take them before selecting it
Your posts look less cluttered overall
In relation to that second point in particular, keep in mind that your hyperlinked text should (ideally) be able to stand on its own even without context. That means not making your hyperlinked text vague like:
click here
read more
Now, I'm certainly not perfect about this; sometimes I will make my hyperlinked text read "this post" or something similar. But it's still a good think to keep in mind.
You should also avoid putting redundant info in your hyperlinked text. For example, there is no need to specify that a link is a link; screen readers tell users when they come across a link, so something like link to my blog might read as "link to my blog link" or something. Likewise, tumblr will underline linked text by default (at least in dashboard view), so users who sight read will be able to tell which things are links too.
Note: since underlining is such a common way of indicating a link, it's best to avoid using underlined text for anything that is not a link to avoid confusion.
Finally, you want to be concise with which text you choose to hyperlink. This means that it's probably best to post tags as plain text, even if it automatically copy/pastes as a hyperlink (you can remove that formatting).
It also means that you need to be purposeful with which text you choose to hyperlink in your post. Providing context around the hyperlink to further inform users of what it is and where it will go also helps.
Too Vague:
You can learn more about visual disabilities here.
Click here to learn more about visual disabilities.
Too Long:
You can learn more about visual disabilities on WebAIM.
Nice and Concise:
You can learn more about visual disabilities on WebAIM.
You can learn more about visual disabilities on WebAIM.
Concise and Uses Clear Page Titles:
You can learn more by visiting the Visual Disabilities page on WebAIM.
You also don't always have to stop the flow of your writing to point out the source; a link implies there is more information there. So, for example, you could just as easily get away with this:
There are many different visual disabilities that benefit from accessible content.
Final note: the length advice is not set in stone. Sometimes you need longer pieces of hyperlinked text. Just try not to hyperlink more than is needed!
959 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Legal Blindness
When people ask “what do blind people see,” I often hear things like “literally nothing, they don’t see black because they literally can’t see.” And that’s true...for some blind people. 
However, many legally blind people do have varying degrees of remaining vision. What that looks like depends a lot on why they are blind. For example, when asked to describe her vision in 2012, Christine Hà said it was “like if you take a really hot shower and then you look into the foggy bathroom mirror, where you only see vague shapes and shadows.” Christine was not born with this level of vision; she has Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder, so she progressively lost vision later in life.
There is a wide range of answers to “what do blind people see,” so I wanted to provide just a few resources for people who are curious or want to write a blind character with some remaining vision. While looking up various conditions on medical sites is a good starting point, nothing beats first-hand experience.
Fashioneyesta discusses some of her experiences with legal blindness related to a combination of Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Septo-optic dysplasia, and nystagmus.
What I Can and Can’t See? | Fashioneyesta
What is Optic Nerve Hypoplasia?: Why I’m Registered Blind | Fashioneyesta
Living with Septo Optic Dysplasia | Fashioneyesta
What is Nystagmus? Why My Eyes Wobble | Fashioneyesta
I'm Visually Impaired and I Don't Wear Glasses: Here's Why | Fashioneyesta
Cayla with a C discusses some of her experiences with legal blindness related to Retinitis Pigmentosa.
What I Can See As A Legally Blind Person
How Retinitis Pigmentosa Affects My Vision
Why Do I Wear Glasses If I’m Legally Blind? + What Size Font Can I Read?
How My Vision Has Changed
I’m Finally Too Blind for Glasses
Molly Burke discusses some of her experiences with legal blindness related to Retinitis Pigmentosa.
I'm Blind, This is What I REALLY See!
Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa: My RP Experience - Molly Burke
Steve Saylor discusses some of his experiences with legal blindness related to nystagmus.
BLIND GAMER - What I see when playing Video Games
James Rath discusses some of his experiences with legal blindness related to  nystagmus and albinism.
What I Can and Can't See as a Legally Blind Person
Describing What I See Legally Blind
Casey Greer discusses some of her experiences with legal blindness related to ocular albinism, nystagmus, and Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.
Being legally blind (Ocular Albinism)
They Don't Know I Can't See
Learning to Accept My Nystagmus
See the full post
1,138 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
I don’t know which disabled person needs to hear this today, but all the writing advice you see about how portraying disability as a tragedy is disrespectful and bad? That’s not for you. That’s for people who don’t have your condition.
If you want to write about the struggles of being blind or deaf or autistic or a wheelchair user or whatever, you are allowed to. You can make it sad, you have every right. That is absolutely your story to write if you so choose.
1,400 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
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[Image Description: Bernie I Am Once Again Asking For Your Support Meme reading: "I am once again asking people to include image descriptions in their Disability Pride content." End Image Description.]
Mobile users still can't see the alt text, and often I don't even see that much. Please, include all disabled people in your Disability Pride content.
1,927 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This is only sort of an accessibility thing, but it's an issue that I've run into several times, so I wanted to talk about it briefly here.
We need to provide people more info when it comes to neopronouns.
You are never, ever required to list your pronouns anywhere. However, if you do, and they are neopronouns (pronouns that are not conventionally established in the language), it would really help to provide explicit instructions on how to use them for everyone.
In English, there are actually five functional pronoun cases:
Subjective. (For example, "they," as in "They would like a grilled cheese.")
Possessive Independent. (For example, "theirs," as in "That burnt grilled cheese is theirs.")
Objective. (For example, "them," as in "Bob told them about the best grilled cheese recipe ever.")
Reflective. (For example, "themself," as in "Eliza made the grilled cheese themself.")
Possessive Dependent. (For example, "their," as in "Grilled cheese is their first love.")
If someone lists preferred pronouns as it/its, I can look up what all five cases for that are in English no problem. But if someone lists preferred pronouns as "fae/faer," I have no way of looking that up. As a native English speaker, I can assume that it follows the same rules as "she/her" based on similarities in sound, but that's not going to be as easy for someone with English as a second language (especially since "faer" sounds like both "her" and "their.") And my assumption might not even be correct anyway! And if it's something like "egg/eggself," I have no idea where to start grammatically.
So please, if you choose to list neopronouns for yourself, consider providing all five case usages with examples (since even native English speakers might not know what a possessive dependent or reflective case is.)
It would also be helpful to include whether the verbs used with the pronoun should be conjugated as singular (like "she is" ) or plural (like "they are.")
Edit: You can use the pronouns page to link people to all the usage cases of your personal pronouns! Thank you to the follower of mine who pointed this out.
4,017 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ramayantika · 10 months
Guys aaj admission process ke liye aayi hu college aur mera dimag aur meko khud ko ab ek final makeover chahiye
My tumblr acc will remain the same but there are whole lot of things I need to prepare for regarding academics, my mindset, dance, writing and my own Instagram page
Toh apun maarega temporarily disable option filal because I need to revamp that page online kyunki mummy se ek idea mila hai regarding what content I post and how I want to do it. Tbh I started out first because I was bored from entrance exams and my loneliness made me shipost as well as post continuously without scheduling my posts and ideas 🤡
It's high time now because things are falling into place finallyyyy (thank you krishna) so I want to finally be the higher self I wanted to be since last year as well start some new things in a better way. Cringe harkate bhi ki hai insta pe sab toh ab voh band
Maa also told me ki if you are dancing khud ko hi aisa image set karo which people associate you with so ab here's to new beginnings for academics and arts
Plus for a while I will be busy with dance exams, college prep/shopping before reporting so I won't be able to write requests for now
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I posted 884 times in 2022
24 posts created (3%)
860 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 884 of my posts in 2022
#the owl house - 258 posts
#toh - 248 posts
#the dragon prince - 237 posts
#tdp - 221 posts
#star wars - 181 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 152 posts
#toh spoilers - 140 posts
#the dragon prince season 4 - 112 posts
#tdp season 4 - 95 posts
#luz noceda - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and yeah the soren/steve parallel only has to do with both of them being ‘dumb blond jock’ archetypes that used to bully the main character
My Top Posts in 2022:
Is it weird to think that the Collector might end up getting a redemption at the end? Because….what I’m getting at is that he really doesn’t seem purely evil….Just a chaotic child with so much chaotic energy who thinks that the whole world is one big game and just wants everyone to play with him? Maybe because he’s super lonely?? He just doesn’t know when and where to stop and eventually messes everything up which lead to King’s dad trapping him in the shadows in the first place… On top of that, if someone double crosses him (i.e Belos) he “overreacts” by harming and even murdering others. Who knows? Maybeeeeee King might eventually talk some sense into the child…idk…..
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If anyone wants to add any other thoughts or theories, be my guest!
126 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Also anyone notice how Amity went from refusing Alador’s hug and instead opted for a handshake in Reaching Out to LITERALLY not flinching when he kissed her forehead before separating in King’s Tide?? Now THIS goes to really show how much Alador has sincerely grown and changed between then for the better and the fact that Amity even sees this. Their relationship is really beginning to go in a more healthy and positive direction. In fact I wouldn’t even be shocked if Amity runs and hugs him the next time she sees him if they ever reunite again (That’s he ofc if she wants to or feels comfortable first and foremost)!
154 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Right now I just want to give Hunter the biggest hug possible!!! 😭😭
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I also loved how Eda was so caring towards him when they got out and wanted to make sure he’s ok!! 😭😭❤️❤️
171 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
I just watched “O Titan, Where Art Thou” and can I say…. Even though it was a massive plot episode with tons of tears in it…I’m still so happy it got a happy ending 😭😍 Like it ended with Eda, Luz and King bonding ❤️❤️❤️ And ofc….OPTIMISM THAT THEY CAN FIGHT BELOS?!!!!! Plus the Cats and Hexide can actually unite and fight against Belos??!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I also enjoyed seeing Luz and King fangirling Raine 😂😍
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Also Raine and Darius’s banter 😂
See the full post
195 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Idk if anyone brought this up but Gus taking a page out of Luz’s book and using glyph magic!👏🏽 This was so precious!!! 😭❤️❤️
Edited: I know I mistakenly said Hunter lol! Though he did previously use it in Hollow Mind! I also remember Amity taking a glyph from Luz’s pocket too! All that remains if for Willow to use it too!
262 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nandiduggal · 2 years
Ameen Sayani Presents - Nandi Duggal’s "The Art of Singing".
If I can sing ---- why can't you?                                                                           
Our learning of music is only by Rote learning (learn by Ratta by repeating again & again) It is from hundreds of years. We are only taught to do Riaz (Practice).. Riaz(Practice).. Riaz (Practice).. for longer hours every day. We are told to do Riaz ‘DIL SE GAO’. Science has done miracles to find the reality in every walk of life. THEY FOUND Dil (HEART) DOES NOT THINK IN OUR BODY AT ALL. It is only a store house of our blood with excellent machinery to send blood (Receive Back) to all parts of our body. The pumping of blood can go fast or slow according to the requirement of the body. BUT IT DOES NOT THINK. Yes! It cannot order any function. IT IS YOUR BRAIN WHICH CONTROLS THE FUNCTIONS OF OUR WHOLE BODY. It can do anything in the world. This is the power house of our body which is the master of all the Emotions, Thoughts, Feelings, Pain, Love, Speech, Lungs, Eyes, Ears & so on. To describe its functions in writing, it will be impossible to write unlimited pages. The whole science on this planet, can only be regulated by the orders of brain (but we still write ‘Dil’ till this day in our Poetry & Desires). (It is because we are used with the expression ‘Dil’ in our daily life & poetry Etc. This expression ‘Dil’ is embedded in our body. Word brain does not rhyme with poetry. 
 Privileges for Students.
All others courses go away after seeing it once but this will remain with you for 2 months.
Your whole family can Rehearse & Study every day, whenever they like.
Videos are explained in very simple Hindustani Language.
You can ask questions for Clarification ONLY after you have gone through the course.
12 Music Tracks given for Extra Rehearsals with Lyrics & Songs.
Make your own Recordings. (No Copy Right for chakr samay ka Bhajans)
SINGING IS TO BE DONE BY THE ORDERS OF THE BRAIN. We don’t want to go into anatomy of our body but will deal with the orders of the brain, given to different parts of the body, like Lungs, Throat, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Emotions for singing & how they synchronise to give the final result of perfect singing. 
I respect every Music Guruji (Teacher). Our teachers are the protector of our classical heritage. But whenever a disciple asks a teacher, “as there is an advertisement to learn music in a new way - he tells students”, "Main toh sikha raha hun, aur kya chahiye" and discourages him. This course is educational. Science has gone a long way. Teachers - please also adopt new methods along with our old rote learning methods & you will be able to prepare your disciples very fast. Very soon you will understand this system completely and teach your students. Any type of song can be sung. Karaoke, Bhajan, Classical, Dohe, Qawwali, Naat, in any language. My heartfelt salute to every teacher of music & adopt new scientific methods and take blessings of everyone.
Our Problems:
DON’T     BELIEVE      IT ?                                 ASK   YOUR   DOCTOR!!
All this is explained to you with proper Diagrams. You will sing 5 famous songs of movies with me as ‘practical’ from the video. The cost of the full course is Rs. 599/- or 9 US $. For Enrollment Visit: www.geetgao.com.  
It takes only 5 – 6 years to become a Doctor, 4 years for Engineer, 4 Years for an Architect, 3 Years for Lawyer, 2 Years for C.A, 2 Years for MBA, 2 Years for IAS, IPS & so on. But why it takes UNLIMITED YEARS TO LEARN MUSIC & STILL NOT PERFECT TO PERFORM??? Because we are only taught singing by Rote Learning (Learning by Ratta Go on Repeating Again & Again). We have never been taught about the functions of our body parts which are going to create perfect singing. Brain is the POWER HOUSE to control all actions of any kind by our body. How Lungs, Throat, Eyes, Ears, Emotions are controlled by brain. Only BRAIN CAN THINK & get all functions performed perfectly. Heart (Dil) does not give any orders. It is only the brain which controls all actions of your body till you live. We are going to teach this system for perfect singing. All your Family Members can also learn to sing Bhajans, Dohe, Geet, Ghazals, Film Songs & Your own composition. The videos will be with you for two months for practice.
After many years of Research in my Studios & conducting Concerts with great Indian Artistes, made it possible for me to make this System Perfect. I did more than 1000 shows outside India, like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar (East Africa), U. K, U.S.A, Canada, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam (West Indies), Mauritius, South Africa, Fiji Islands and Holland repeatedly. Did 1365 shows in my life. Artistes were Rafi Sahab, Manna Dey, Hemant Kumar, Talat Mahmood, C. H Atma, Mukeshji, Anuradha, Kavita Krishnamurthy, Sulakshana Pandit, Pramila Datar and Kishore Kumar. Kishore Da was first presented on Professional Stage in 1969 at Trinidad (West Indies). I started presenting concerts in 1956 with Talat Sahib's shows and had been doing it for more than 35 years. I learned a lot from watching hundreds of shows of artistes. Because I'm also very fond of singing, I used to get a chance to sing in these shows sometimes when an artist had a little sore throat after 8-10 shows - I had to go & sing for 20 minutes..... The show must go on..... I used to sing very old songs of Sehgal Sahib & Pankaj Malik. People used to get a change and had fun.
Music is the food for our Soul & is the only language which expresses universal brotherhood. While the joy of listening to music is existing forever, the great happiness of singing & creating music has an intensity, which can light up the life of any human being. When you sing you are totally lost. This is worship for all of us from any religion. You are completely lost & find peace of mind & relaxation. There is only one solution for perfection -- sing properly with Sur – Taal? Find God & Inner Happiness. Every week about 25 of my trained students perform stage shows in Mumbai & other places of India. A few of them are Shri. Sanjay Korgaonkar, Dr. Deepak Deshpande, Shri. K.R Ravi, Shri. N.S Kishore Kumar (Prop. Geet Darpan Shows), Mrs. Manisha Jethwani, Shri. Rakesh Kansara, Shri. Gurdeep Singh (Jashn Club, Powai), Shri. Sanjay Kohli, Shri. Kamal Malhotra, Shri. J. P Kaka (Naushad Sangeet Samiti, Koliwada).
You can read acknowledgements of some of the famous film industry people on our website: www.geetgao.com/testimonials.html. Previously we used to run studios under the name of Showbiz Enterprises & Studios. You can also listen to my 40 recorded Songs (by HMV & CBS). (Ghazals & Geet on the Internet & Youtube. Album Autumn Shadows – H.M.V, Gile Shikwe – C.B.S, Hits of C.H Atma – C.B.S, ‘Chakra Samay Ka’ Bhajans (C.D) sent to all radio stations, because the shops don’t sell music & the companies are closed. You can listen to these songs on internet. Type ‘all songs of Nandi Duggal’ or type Album’s Name. If you like to know more about my active life, please visit our website: www.geetgao.com & www.blogspot.com type ‘Ameen Sayani Presents Nandi Duggal’s the art of singing’.
If I can sing --- why can't you?
Nandi Duggal.
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fireheartwraith · 2 years
What happens after the season finale?
Disclaimer: this is all my crack theory, I don't follow any news sites or pages on TOH to avoid spoilers, so I barely know how season 3 is going to work. This isn't a comprehensive take or anything like that, I just think it would be neat if this is how things worked out
Let's be real, Belos will succeed, at least in part. The season is almost over and there still needs a plot for the specials, so my guess is that the CATs sabotage works and the Collector decides to mess with the portal because the Emperor is a little shit, so a few key characters get stuck in the mortal world.
Because I like to suffer, I want the gang to be split up and Hunter to be one of the people stuck in the mortal realm. He ends up finding Camilia who obviously immediately adopts Hunter, so he gets to be a real teen with a caring parental figure for the first time basically ever, and this time he doesn't need to hide from the emperor coven or feel lesser because he can't do magic. And, since he now knows Belos' true identity, he can research him and figure out who he's a clone of. Angst ensues when he inevitabily tries to act like him because he thinks that's what he's supposed to do, but they help him out.
I also think Luz should get stuck in the mortal realm. She has the very real oportunity to simply forget the whole thing ever happened and live a normal life, and her mom might even encourage that in a misguided attempt to protect her forteen year old daughter from the genocidal maniac that wants her dead, but she comes around once she sees how miserable Luz is being stuck here without being able to help her friends. Also Vee needs food. So the four of them start a researching journey trying to figure out how the Wittebanes got to the Demon Realm in the first place and recreate that.
Back in the Boiling Isles, total chaos. Even though the spell failed, it worked for long enough for everyone to realize what the Day of Unity (and Belos) are really about, so now it's time for Revolution!!! Some fanatics or crazies like Odalia remain on Belos' side, so it's open war in the streets and everyone is scared.
In the Owl House, everyone majorly freaking out: not only they are in the midst of a civil war trying to take care of very eager children, they managed to lose two of them. It's guilt fest with the Clawthorne sisters, the Hexside friends are super worried, but the real focus here is on King. In his mind, his worst fear came true, he lost Luz to the Human Realm. People try to cheer him up by saying that Luz didn't abandon him, she just got sucked into an interdimensional portal with no way back! Needless to say it doesn't work. Little guy is really in the dumps.
Until he gets a very special visit in his dreams: during the showdown, the Collector realized that King is a Titan and promises to show him a way to get Luz back as long as they get something in return. What King doesn't know is that, as a Titan, he can make interdimensional portals on his own, so he just sold his (very powerful) soul to an immortal interdimensional being that is chaotic neutral only on good days. Fingers crossed that the power of friendship and found family wins them over and dissuades them from causing chaos on the multiverse just because they're bored lol
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disneytva · 3 years
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The Owl House Light Novel By Tokyo Pop and Disney Manga Gets Delayed Till June 2022.
Potential Special Edition Selling At The Convention?
Ok fine just beacuse i like you Owl Tumbrl and respected my choice but TOH News will be limited
It seems that the Tokyo Pop and Disney Manga Light Novel of The Owl House was delayed till Summer 2022 and before you want to summon Belos probably is for good news! 
The Light Book is now coming on June 2022 probably to coincide with SDCC 2022 or D23 Expo 2022 by selling a potential special edition!
The Owl House (Placeholder Title)
June 21, 2022
TOKYOPOP & Disney Manga
Luz Noceda is a human teenager who finds herself accidentally transported to the fantasy world of the Boiling Isles instead of going to summer camp. There she meets the powerful but irreverent witch, Eda "The Owl Lady" Clawthorne and her adorably demonic roommate, King. Determined to learn magic and fit in while she lives in this strange new world, one of Luz's only remaining ties to her old life is her treasured copy of one of The Good Witch Azura YA novels...
New Release Date: 06/21/2022 
No Of Pages: 300 Pages
Product Dimensions:5.00(w) x 7.50(h) x (d) Age: 12-18 Years
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holy shit, the season 2 finale of the toh was so intense and that’s putting it mildly. i finished watching it almost an hour ago and i still haven’t fully processed it yet
You can say that again.
The Collector is going to be the only thing I think about for the rest of my life.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. This was King's episode, before anything else. Which is reflected in the title and in moments like where we see out of his eyes, or when he dreams of The Collector and Belos (Titan magic mayhaps?) only to wake up being carried by Willow - which was cute as hell, by the way. He saves the day, and he figures out what to do. Of course, in freeing The Collector, he also may have damned the entire Demon Realm including himself and Eda, but I'm getting ahead of myself again.
Alador wondering about Hunter is no accident, anymore than it is that a drop of Belos' remains landed on his shoulder before he crossed the door. Everyone who kept predicting that The Collector would possess Luz, or King...well, you were on the right track. I bet Belos possesses Hunter and, remembering Alador's previous words, the seeds of doubt are planted in the gang. Side note: I live for any reference to Amity "Mittens" Blight. It's just so damn cute.
Belos saying farewell to the Boiling Isles just...ugh, if I'd been holding a pencil it would have snapped in two. I'm also living for the imagery of suns and moons, and how that probably connects back to symbolism about The Collector, who is supposedly a "child of the stars." God can you tell that they're all I can think about? Stay focused, Blair. But it's a good moment to talk about how Phillip/Belos is an absolute monster and he really does genuinely think of himself as a hero. He's so damn selfish, apparently having done all this just to become Witchfinder General, so I almost hoped he would make it back to the Human Realm just to see all of his hopes and dreams dashed by a future that has no use for someone like him.
I mean, I'm no fan of Kikimora, but the way he treated her...to say nothing of what he did to The Collector...Belos probably isn't gone for good because like I said, he's totally going to be possess Hunter...but his "death" scene was, among many other things, extremely cathartic. Such a bastard. I'm also really digging the development of the hero/villain dynamic between Luz and Belos. How she helped him in the past, before realizing who he was, and how he's always known that. The way Luz takes a page from his book in this episode. Making him an offer and then double-crossing him the way he did to The Collector.
I'm torn between sobbing because Raine is probably dead, based on that final shot...and also freaking out because they literally just saved Eda's life and took her arm right off. In a lesser show, I'd expect that arm to just be regrown with magic in the next episode, but this is The Owl House...Dana, you just made one of our lead characters into a physically disabled character, and I hope to heaven that you realize how awesome that is. A little thing, might seem strange to be getting so excited about it, but what can I say? Still, if Raine is dead, I'm gonna sob. Especially since they went down saving Eda. Oh, that will tear her up inside.
The design of "Monster" Belos (or should we be calling him Phillip? It seems to be his preferred name) also really works for me and just in general, it really suits him. This is who he is underneath it all. Who he's always been. And surprisingly, it still manages to capture his emotions? When he appeals to Hunter, and the anger a second later. (Don't think I didn't catch him saying "Caleb!" either.) Or when the Collector materializes and he absolutely shits his pants. Hats off to the VA as well.
But King saves the day, and let me tell you, he and The Collector are connected by more than just this scene. More than just their history with King's father being the one who imprisoned them. (And he had a reason for doing so, he must have. That, among much else, terrifies me.) These two characters, despite being children, might as well be deities as far as The Boiling Isles are concerned. We've seen how much power King's blood (Hey! King's blood! I just realized that. Now that's clever.) can have, and The Collector can move planetary objects with a single "boop." They're apparently a "child from the stars." Whatever the hell THAT means. I wonder if The Collector (and their species? If they have one?) haven't always had some kind of rivalry with The Titans. Would tie in with that cult who hunted King.
I can't take this anymore, I need to gush about my little chaotic space child. The Collector could destroy the entire universe just for a game of jump rope and heck I'd probably join them anyway. We stan God in this house if they're just a childlike wizard with a killer fashion sense who plays games that threaten entire civilizations. Man, even The Collector's music is fucking awesome. The perfect blend of playful and circus-like with an uneasy undercurrent of absolute terror. It just feels like it would suit the background of one of their "games." The scene where they kill Belos? (Well, kill him for now) So freaking awesome? The way they reassure him that they're not angry, only to immediately follow up with the "I'm It." Is ice cold, badass, and scary af. I also have to give credit where it's due to their VA. Every single time they appear, this character is a delight to watch.
But now, though it pains me, we must move on. King's gambit, the way he saves everyone by freeing The Collector and learns how to speak their language to basically empty out The Boiling Isles (at least, I think that's what happened?) but then things kind of went south and all the heroes could do was escape - and King, my beloved, he made sure Luz made it through the portal. And then Luz reunites with Camila! (Side note, I wonder if that empty house they materalized in used to belong to the Wittebane brothers?) It's a cliffhanger, so of course we don't get to see Camilla's reaction. But something tells me that she won't be happy about Luz wanting to go back to the Boiling Isles, especially since she already promised to never return once she made it home...but then again, the only reason Luz is even here is because she was escaping the apocalypse....oh yeah, I foresee some drama.
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nadacwriter · 3 years
so i’m obsessed with your Luna headcanon
do you have any other TOH ones to share?
MORE headcanons, you say?
I could go on for literal pages, without even getting into my AU for the show. Talking about all of the major ones would be too much for here.
So we're gonna stick with one subject and just focus in hard on it. That subject?
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We're talking about Viney because a lot of people only talk about her in terms of shipping, which I don't really like. Sure I like shipping but I'm concerned that Viney's character is at risk of being 'the girl who kisses Emira'.
It's either Viney, or a longwinded post about the cultural meaning of ear piercings to residents of the Boiling Isles and why Viney's fish hook earring makes a lot of sense.
So let's dive in to: Red's esoteric, bad headcanons about a character who most likely won't appear in the show again!
please note that these are very niche and probably bad. What, me? Projecting my experiences onto a cartoon character? I would NEVER!
First of all, mood music. We're going with some Sufjan Stevens today, because I am going to be a little bit mean.
-Viney never met her real parents. They died when she was rather young, and she wasn't able to meet them. She doesn't mind that fact, to be honest; she got a pretty great parent, all things considered.
-That parent, by the way, is namd Rowan Gormoth, who, at the tender age of 19, found Viney on the doorstep of his dorm building at the emperor's coven.
-Being the child of a single parent, a student no less, Viney wasn't exactly well off. She couldn't always get her hexside uniform replaced if it got damaged, sometimes she would have to walk home, she never had much of the cool stuff other kids had...
-But what she did have was a father with imperial coven experience...sure, he may have become Hexside's janitor, but Rowan Gormoth took that job as an ultimatum; he has no coven seal, and can do whatever magic he wants.
-So every year, for her birthday, Viney would always get a lemon cupcake with chocolate frosting (a favorite of hers) and learn a new spell. And these were no ordinary spells! An invisibility spell for her 6th, a minor teleport spell for her 7th, a sun abatement spell for her 8th...
-Viney absolutely ADORES learning, and tries to learn as much as she can. Math, science, art, but her FAVORITES are Animals and Healing. She loves to learn about those subjects in particular.
-Viney met up with Jerbo and Barcus (siblings...believe it or not...) and the three became fast friends. They all had an interest in learning, and in mixing tracks, which is looked down upon a bit less in middle school.
-In high school, the three were still friends, and things were looking up for Viney! Rowan got a promotion, the pair had a house now, and Viney was finding ways to sneak into the healing and beast keeping classes!
-...then she got caught. Originally, her charge was lower. She was gonna get let off with a warning. But then, as often happens, Odalia stepped in. --It's important to note that Emira and Viney had been...dating? at ths point? A more accurate term would be 'having romantic affairs', as it wasn't terribly consistent until after all this went down. Odalia, not wanting her daughter distracted, decided to 'remove the problem'.
-In turn, Rowan threatened to quit his job if Vney got expelled, and do you know how hard it is to find a replacement head of janitorial duties at a school where 'abominations' is a core class?
-...Viney got detention instead of expulsion. On her birthday, no less. She was heartbrken, and she was mad that her friends got all tied up in this. Blaming herself, she told Rowan she didnt want to learn a spell that year, she just wanted to be left alone...
-Rowan, though, IS a janitor. And so he knows every single room. In the whooooooole school.
-Rowan taught Vney how to get to the secret room of shortcuts, and in turn, Viney taught Jerbo and Barcus. The trio start using it to study all the time, even going so far as to copy homework from folks in certain classes. Emira, surprisingly, helps the trio a lot in this regard. The trio just remains...the trio. For a while. Just Viney, Barcus, and Jerbo for a whole few weeks, alone in the shortcut room. Until a weird 'hyoo-men' girl comes to school, and gets in trouble for mixing magic...
-Also, lastly, Viney's earring is supposed to be there. Witchlings often pierce their ears as a sense of identification and to show off. Viney got an ear piercing when she was 12, usually when they happen, but had nothing to put in there. So she found a fish hook, soaked it in cleaning solution and alcohol, and started wearing that.
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vashikaran se mukti paane ke upaye | +91-7424824090
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According to Tantra Shastra, a man starts behaving in a different way due to the effect of vashikaran. Based on the vashikaran symptoms, it can be easily identified and eliminated. For this, first of all, you have to understand what is vashikaran ke Sanket/lakshan. After confirming this then you have to do measures to end vashikaran ka asar.
In this article, first of all, we will tell you about vashikaran ke prabhav. Then we will tell you vashikaran karne se kya Hota hai (what happens by doing vashikaran).
Before starting we would like to tell you if you want to know vashikaran symptoms Hindi mein. You can use google translate on this website. If you don’t know how to use google translate on a website page. Then you can browse Hindi articles on this website. So, let’s start.
Vashikaran ke lakshan/prabhav kya hai (What is the symptoms and effect of vashikaran)
The first problem that people face is that they don’t know how to recognize vashikaran on someone? Here in this article, we are going to point out some symptoms that will help you with this.
1.      Sickness and weakness often remain in the body of the victim
2.      Victim of vashikaran suddenly gets angry on someone for no reason
3.      Victim of vashikaran becomes Mentally unstable
4.      He often fights with the family members and screams on his parents too
5.      Thinking about a particular man or woman whom you don’t like
These are a few lakshan or prabhav of vashikaran on a victim. If you want to know how to nullify vashikaran get in touch with our experts.
How to remove vashikaran
If you have understood that someone has done vashikaran on you. So, now you want to break that or get relief from vashikaran. So try these measures and you will get relief immediately. Here I am going to tell you some remedies for vashikaran removal , by doing which you can get relief from captivity effect. But it is important that you contact me once before doing this. So, let’s start.
1.      Take a clean yellow lemon and place it at where two roads intersect each other at 90 degrees. Do not look back and talk to anyone on the way, come straight home.
2.      Tie the root of mud plant in your neck
3.      On any Wednesday of the Shukla Paksha, throw 4 Gomti Chakras from the top of your head in all four directions. With the eyes down, come back, do not pay attention to where have they fallen.
These measures will give you relief only but will not end the vashikaran effect completely. So start doing these measures as soon as you can and after that contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to vashikaran
1. Vashikaran ka asar kitne din takrehta hai (How long does vashikaran effect last)?
Vashikaran ka Asar lasts until life ends. If you don’t do any measure to remove it from you.
2.Kya vashikaran sach Hota hai (Is vashikaran real)?
Of course, Vashi Karan exists there is no doubt in it (Vashi Karan sach mein Hota hai isme koi Shaq Nahi hai). If you want to experience the power of true vashikaran and want to make your life easy. You can contact us.
3.Vashikaran ke prabhav/nuksan kya hai (What is vashikaran effects and side effects)?
Due to vashikaran the victim of vashikaran loses his ability to think. He remains in stress and he falls prey to wrong habits.
Vashikaran ke karan vyakti apne sochne samajne ke shamta kho deta hai. Iske saath he wah galat aadaton ka shikaar ho jata hai.
Nuksan/Side Effects
There are no side effects of vashikaran. But a few people do it disturb others. They try to control others using it. After getting control they can harm you as per their wish. So we can say vashikaran harms nobody. The people who use it in the wrong way they harm as per their intentions.
Vashikaran se koi nuksan nahi hota. Balki nuksan un logo ki wajah se hota hai jo log vashikaran ko galat tarike se use karte hain. Toh is tarah hum keh sakte hain ki vashikaran se nuksaan ho he nahi sakta. Nuksan to logon ke galat iradon ke karan hota hai.
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