#tom holland x latinx!reader
captainmarvels · 7 years
Request/Summary: puedes hacer latinxpeterparker? :) gracias! -your fellow hispanic nerd [@worldsroses] | Peter gets some very much needed ayuda en español.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Latinx!Reader
Word Count: 1433
A/N: I loved writing this because it’s silly and cute, and I hope you all enjoy this! Note: there are no translations included for the Spanish in the fic, sorry :/ Hopefully I’ll start writing more fics in Spanish for all my lovely latinx gente out there :) | masterlist
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Late afternoons meant homework and a snack. Peter stopped by the bodega on his way home from school, his energy at an all-time high after a pleasant day at school.
“Oyé, Peter! How are you?” Mr. Delmar asked, juggling two massive bags of bread.
“Good, all good. Need some help?” Peter nodded at the bags, but the owner shook his head.
“No, está bien, gracias. The usual, Parker?” He dropped the bags on the back counter, strolling over to the sink to rinse his hands. Peter walked up to the display case, nodding as he moved to pet Mr. Delmar’s cat.
“Si, por favor. Can you smoosh it down real flat?” Mr. Delmar laughs, nodding as he gets to work.
“How’s Aunt May doin’? Haven’t seen her in awhile,”
“She’s good. Real busy, I guess,” Peter shrugged, absentmindedly petting the cat as he waited. Mr. Delmar turned to one of the guys in the back, nodding in Peter’s direction.
“Su tia es una hermosa Italiana!”
“Y cómo está su hija, Señor Delmar?” Peter asked, raising an eyebrow as Mr. Delmar froze, handing him his sandwich.
“Watch it, Parker.”
“No worries! 6.50, right?”
“8.50, just for that comment!”
“Dad!” You popped your head out from the back room of the store, rolling your eyes as you rubbed your hands on your shirt. “Hey, Parker.” Peter blushed, waving as he handed your father the money.
“Como estas, Y/N?” He asked, his face turning redder by the second. You laughed, resting your arm on your dad’s shoulder as you eyed Peter.
“Bien, y tú?” Peter’s mouth dropped open, and you couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t know anymore Spanish, or he was about to pass out. “You alright there?”
“Yeah, yeah, all… all good! I uh, gotta go now, bye!” Peter walked away, nearly dropping his sandwich as he rushed right out the door. You giggled, patting your dad on the back as you headed into the storage room.
“Good job, dad. Scaring off your loyal customers!”
“Oh hush, ya vete a acabar lo que te manda, niña!”
A week had passed since Peter last saw you, mainly because he couldn’t bring himself to face you again.
“Dude, stop being scared. She’s just Y/N.” Ned said, punching Peter in the arm as he leaned against the lockers. Peter glanced at him, raising an eyebrow as he grabbed his books.
“She’s not just Y/N, Ned! She’s like, the coolest girl in our grade.”
“What about Liz? Or are we over her now?” Ned whispered, adjusting the straps of his backpack.
“What, no! Ugh, just, I don’t know, Ned,” Peter groaned, resting his forehead against the cool locker door.
“Oh, idea! What if we ask her to tutor us? In Spanish? We have a quiz on Friday, anyways. Might as well get all the help we can!”
“How are we gonna ask her?”
“Uh, right now because incoming!” Ned whispered, turning Peter around to face you as you headed down the hall, right towards him. Peter’s eyes widened, his pulse quickening as he froze.
You waved, smiling as Ned motioned for you to come by them.
“What’s up, guys?” You asked, swinging your backpack over your shoulder.
“Are you free tomorrow night, after school? We’ve got a quiz Friday and we could really use all the help we can get, just so we don’t fail. Please!” Ned asked rather quickly, and you laughed, nodding as you watched Peter blush.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll help you guys out! Where should we meet?”
“Peter’s place!” Peter gasped, turning to face Ned with terrified eyes as Ned kept talking to you, ignoring his panicked state. “Let’s say, 7pm? That work?”
You raised an eyebrow at Peter’s weirdness, but shrugged, nodding once again. “Yeah, perfect. See you later, dorks!” You patted Peter on the shoulder, smiling at Ned as you walked into the room across the hall. Peter let out a sigh of relief, his pulse still racing as he grabbed Ned by the shoulders.
“Are you freaking kidding me, Ned?! My apartment? I’m going to die!” Ned waved his hand, pushing Peter off of him.
“Relax, man! It’ll be fine. It’s just studying between friends!”
Peter was pacing back and forth in his bedroom, running his hands through his hair as he impatiently checked his phone.
You were going to be at his apartment in less than 10 minutes, and Ned had yet to show up. Frustrated, Peter called him, only to be sent straight to voicemail.
PP: What the heck, Ned!! Where are you?
NL: Good luck ;)
“Oh my god, no, no, no, NO!” Peter whispered, his eyes wide with shock as he realized he’d be alone with you, in his apartment. “I’m so dead.”
The doorbell rang and Peter practically fell over the sofa trying to get to the door. He swung it wide open, panting as he met your gaze. You cocked an eyebrow, taking in his disheveled appearance.
“What have you been doing today, Peter? Por Dios, you’re a mess.” You walk in, tossing your backpack onto the couch before slipping your shoes off.
“Today’s been busy; Ned’s uh, running late. Family stuff, he said.”
“Should we start without him?” You ask, rummaging through your bag for a pencil. Peter shrugs, locking the door.
“I guess. He doesn’t really need the help, to be honest.” You laugh at his words, shaking your head as you pull out your notebook.
“Nice. Alright then, let’s hit the books, Parker.”
“So you’ve got your present tense down pretty well. Think you can handle the oral part of the exam?” You were looking over the makeshift quiz you gave Peter, admiring his good work. Peter shifted around on the other side of the couch, pulling his Midtown sweatshirt off.
“Maybe. Can we practice?”
“That’s what I’m here for. Okay, let’s say the prompt is hanging out with friends. Ready?” You glance his way, catching him nod before grabbing the workbook off the coffee table in front of you.
“Okay. Bueno, Peter, que quieres hacer esta noche? Quieres ir al centro comercial, o mejor vamos a ver una película?” You lean against the armrest, hugging your knees to your chest as you watched him think.
“Uh, una película nueva que quiero ver sale esta noche. Eso um, está bien con tú?”
“Contigo. That’s how you say it.” You whisper, smiling as he nods his head.
“Right, okay. Esta bien contigo, Y/N?”
“Si. A qué hora quieres ir, Peter?”
“Uh, la película empieza a las ocho, um, so nos vamos a las siete?”
“Asi que is ‘so’ - try again.”
“Okay. Uh, asi que, te cojo a las siete, Y/N?” You burst out laughing as soon as Peter says the word, and he starts to panic. Did I say something wrong? Oh my god. His face is red with embarrassment, his heart racing as he hears you trying to catch your breath.
“Did-Did I say, did I say something wrong?” He can’t take his eyes off you, your hand over your heart as you try to calm down.
“Oh my god, Peter, I think I might have just died.”
“What did I say?”
“In Mexico, ‘coger’ means to like...have sex, you know? Everywhere else, it means ‘to pick up’ but wow, ever since I learned that, I cannot stop dying, oh my god!” You start giggling again, and a wave of relief crashes over Peter as he takes a deep breath. His face is still red with embarrassment, but at least he’s actually learned something new.
“They should really teach that in class, oh my god!”
“Nah; it’s super funny when people don’t know, except then I feel bad for laughing. So sorry about that, totally not making of fun of you, I promise.” You’re still giggling, but Peter can hear the sincerity in your words. He starts laughing to himself, a small smile spreading across his lips as you burst into another fit of giggles.
“I still can’t believe I didn’t know that, oh god.”
“Pete, relax. I know you didn’t mean it, because oh god, is that illegal, ha!” You’re still laughing, practically wheezing at this point, and Peter just shakes his head, smiling. He may be still be super embarrassed, but boy, is he glad he got you to laugh.
“Maybe wait ‘til we’re 18, nena,” He says, smirking as he stands up, jumping over the couch, heading straight for the kitchen.
“In your dreams, Parker!” You say, rolling your eyes as you start laughing again while organizing your notes.
“I know!”
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Tragos Amargo - T.H
A Tom Holland x Mexican!reader
Summary: Tom sees you for who you are when you’re drunk. A Mexican tradition in the making. A very self-indulgent fic bc ya girl is Mexican and I would like to see more of that kind of interaction in fanfic lmao
Warnings: cussing maybe idk, mentions of alcohol, the Mexican stereotype where Mexican parents will get drunk at a kid’s birthday party until like the early hours of the morning and start singing to Chente or Ramon Ayala, but is it really a stereotype if it actually happens bc y’all don’t know the number of times I’ve seen my mother and my grandpa and plenty of others do this at any party really. 
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: The song sung is called Tragos Amargos by Ramon Ayala is y’all want to find and translate the lyrics.
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It had been a long night of partying. It really was. A mutual friend of yours, as well as the whole cast of the Spider-Man crew, was having a birthday. You'd known this person since childhood, actually, being a close family friend that you remember seeing at every party as a kid. They understood the whole Mexican party thing. Show up half an hour late, eat and converse for a while, drink until you have the courage to dance and show off, then if you were special enough, you stayed until late to drink more and get emotional. However, you never got that far. Even when you became a legal adult, you never got as far as the last bit. Until now.
Now, you all sit in a circle. Your mutual friend, named Antonio sits in the with his back facing towards his house. You sit next to him, Tom on your other side, holding you close. Everyone would comment on how sick you two lovebirds are, but they think it's cute nonetheless.  On Tom's other side sits Harry, followed by Sam, then Jacob, Zendaya, Darnell, then Harrison and back full circle. The only Spanish-speaker there are you and Antonio, yet everyone kind of knew where the night was going. You're drunk and so is Antonio, they all are in various phases of being buzzed, but none as close to drunk as you. Antonio plays music from his portable speaker, as the time now reads two-thirty in the morning. It's late.
"Y/N, remember being kids and we used to mess with my tia Chema?" he asks loudly, giggling as the alcohol rushes through him.
"Oh yeah, huh?" you ask, your accent coming out a little. It's funny to them all. "Those were the good days, running around and stealing her stuff until it was all gone. She threw the biggest fits and as soon as she left, the real party began."
Antonio laughs heartily as you recall the story of your childhood. Everyone joined in by giggling as well. They watch as you take another swig of your drink; a mixed tequila drink with more tequila than a mixed drink should have. You lean your head on Tom's shoulder as he looks over at you. He leans down again and presses a kiss to your cheeks and you respond in a likewise manner. You're very sentimental and emotional most of the times that you're drunk.
"She was the reason that Luisito broke up with me when we were ten," you tell Antonio, making him laugh at you. "But that's not so bad because I got my Tommy here," you respond, wrapping your arms around the man next to you. He leans into your arms and you can't help but kiss him. "Tom," you call out, pulling him closer to you and pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss before pulling away from him. "I love you so much," you slur. "You're so pretty, you're my pretty boy and I want you in my life forever. I love you."
You turn to Antonio and pull him into your arms. He wraps his arms around you and he presses a kiss to your hair, smiling as he rests his head on yours. "You're like a brother to me Tonio," you tell him. He nuzzles his face into your hair. "We've been through so much and I can't believe we're still friends to this day. You're so amazing and you deserve only the best in the world. I love you, man."
You then look straight ahead at Zendaya and smile at her. "You're so pretty," you call out to her, your voice wavering. You don't see it, but Harry has been recording the whole time. "Like, you're so gorgeous, I sometimes question whether I like Tommy as much as I like you. Which I do, way more, but you're so pretty. You make my heart flip with how nice and talented you are and if I wasn't in love with Tommy, I'd probably be in love with you."
From there, you turn to Harry. "Harry, you're such a good guy. Your photography is so good and I think you're such a swell guy," you say. Then you turn to Sam. "Sam, you're also a good guy and Elysia is so lucky to have you. She's so gorgeous and you both make a hot couple, and I love you guys and you're both so precious."
Then you turn to Darnell and Harrison. "Darnell, I don't know you too well, but we're friends, right? I think you're so cool and the fact that you're the Madi to Z's me is astounding. Plus, you're so pretty too. Wow."
You turn to Jacob and smile. "Jacob, you're such a funny guy. You're also a great cuddler and a great listener. You remind me of a lot of good things in the world. I love you too," you tell him. Then you turn to Harrison and smile. "Harrison, you bit sweetie pie," you tell him. "You have really beautiful eyes and an even more beautiful soul. You're so kind and Monty is such a good dog, I love him. I love you too, you're so cool. I can't believe we're friends."
By the time you're done, Antonio hits skip on the song currently playing and everything falls into place as the next song begins playing. Almost like clockwork. You hear the accordion and the drums and everything else kick in and you and Antonio turn to each other. You wrap your arms around each other, sighing dramatically.
"Clavado en este rincón, como tu clavastes a mi corazon. Estos tragos que tomo son pura tristeza y son mi dolor," you and Antonio sing along. The song continues for some time and as the chorus reaches, everyone is watching intently. Both you and Antonio brace yourselves and begin shouting along with the song as you both sing while in tears. Your moment has finally come. "Trago de amargo liquor, que no me hacen olvidar, y me siento como un cobarde, que hasta me pongo a llorar."
It wasn't too long after this shared moment that you were in bed and asleep. The next morning, you woke up in an empty bed. You had been changed into pajamas and you had a hangover. There were some pills placed on the bedside drawer with a bottle of water. After sitting up, you take the pills and hop off, dragging yourself to the kitchen where everyone was. You could smell some food but that's the last thing you want. You just want some coffee and maybe an egg. Maybe.
However, as you walk down the stairs to the kitchen, you check your phone, seeing the video that Harry had posted on Instagram. Of you and Antonio singing and crying together. Today should be fun.
Send in feedback, requests, or asks!!
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
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Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Tom Holland x latina reader
Summary: The way you two ended hurt like hell, but you couldn’t stop each other from living out your dreams. You knew it was dumb but you never wanted to erase his number from your contacts, hoping that one day he’d call you and want to meet with you again.
Author’s Note: I made myself emo writing this at essentially 2 am but I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. Thank you to everyone who read the prologue to this series!! I didn’t expect anyone to like it and im so glad yall did!! If youd like to be part of this taglist please let me know! If you have any feedback also please don’t hesitate in sending it to me!! I hope you guys like it!! SIDE NOTE: italics means its a text message from Tom, italics + bold is a text from y/n
Here’s my masterlist!
Prologue Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 1
You were standing at the end of a red carpet that seemed to go on forever. You swore that if Jane wasn’t standing next to you, you would’ve collapsed already. You were extremely nervous; you were an author not a famous person who was used to doing stuff like this! Before you knew it someone was passing forward a sign with your name on it and was directing you in front of the hoards of cameras. It all seemed to go by in a flash (no pun intended) because by the time you knew it you and Jane were at the other end and being escorted into the beautifully decorated ballroom.
You became overwhelmed immediately. The ballroom looked like a scene straight out of a movie; there was beautiful decorations on every table and the lighting had all been done to make the room look like it was magical. You could tell some of the decorations were inspired by the books that were nominated for awards. You walked over to a table that had your name on one of the plates and almost lost it when the centerpiece was a replica of an important stone in your book. If it weren’t for the fact that you were in a room full of your heroes, you would be in tears by now.
“I need a drink. Real bad,” you said turning to Jane who you knew was just as overwhelmed as you but did a much better job of hiding it.
“It’s in open bar. Get your drank on girl,” she said pointing to a beautiful bar that looked like it was covered in snow.
You simply nodded at her and walked to the bar, trying to keep your hands from shaking.
“Can I have a lime margarita please?”
“Coming right up.”
You smiled and looked around the room, trying not to freak out at all the amazing people that were trickling in. This was something beyond your wildest dreams. Never in your life did you ever think you’d become a published author, let alone be in a room with the worlds most spectacular writers of your generation.
“Let me guess, a lime margarita?”
The voice sounded familiar. It was almost soothing. You turned around and came face to face with none other than your ex, Tom Holland. You quickly looked around the room, just to make sure you weren’t hallucinating.
“I’d been looking for the most beautiful author in here and I finally found her,” he said taking a step closer to you and leaning against the bar.
He still made your heart flutter.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well you know, Spider-Man spends quite a lot of time reading to kids, so I got the honorary invite. Also…I wouldn’t miss you winning this award for the world.”
Hearing him say that send a mixture of nerves and warmth up your spine. You knew he meant it, there was no doubt in his mind that anyone other than you would win that award. You, on the other hand, had spent days convincing yourself there was no way in hell you were winning that award but that it was still an honor to be nominated.
“I’m glad you’re here, but I’m not winning that award. Have you seen the other nominees? People with years and years of experience. There’s no way I’m getting that.”
You looked down at your feet, suddenly realizing how badly you actually wanted it.
“Years and years of experience yet you managed to get the nomination just off of the two books you’ve written. That’s a feat in itself if you ask me.”
You turned to smile at him. You so badly wanted to hold him and kiss him. You wanted to go sit down and tell him how there hasn’t been one day where you haven’t thought of him. How you were insanely proud of all that he is now and just catch him up on everything that’s been happening in your life. You wanted it to be just like before, except with a few more years of experience gained.
You were about to say something when a woman came and wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Tom froze and tried to shift his body away from you but couldn’t because of the way she was holding him.
“I’d been looking for you baby,” she said connecting her lips to his neck. She turned to you and smiled.
“I don’t believe we’ve met.”
You grabbed your drink and walked away without saying anything. You knew this would happen, you just didn’t think you’d feel this heartbroken. You sat back down in your seat without saying another word to anyone.
The awards ceremony had begun but you were too busy trying to calm yourself down enough so you didn’t hear your heartbeat in your ears anymore. Suddenly, your phone buzzed. It was a message from Tom.
“Please let me explain.”
You locked your phone and put it on the table face down. It buzzed again.
“It’s not what you think.”
You put it back on the table. It buzzed again.
“It’s publicity. We’re not really dating; Marvel just wants to get some buzz going on around me.”
You finally decided to reply.
“Who’s this?”
He responded instantly.
“I know you still have my number saved Y/N. I thought about calling you a million times but could never bring myself to do it. Please let me just explain everything to you.”
You put your phone on Do Not Disturb and set it on the table. You tried to pay attention but ultimately failed. You didn’t mind however; you were nominated for the biggest award of the night which usually meant that one was going to be dead last. You sat in your seat and messed with the beautiful dessert on the plate in front of you. Oh how one person can ruin what was supposed to be the most important night of your life. Oh and how much you hated that a guy you haven’t seen or talked to in almost 2 years could ruin it so easily.
Suddenly your phone started vibrating again, only it was a phone call. You were scared it was Tom but decided to check anyway. It was your sister. You showed Jane who was calling and she nodded as you stepped into the lobby.
“What?! Samantha?!”
Someone else took the phone from your sister.
“Mija, its happening. We thought we would let you know so you could enjoy your night and look forward to meeting your niece or nephew later tonight, hopefully.”
You could hear screams from your sister.
“Later tonight?! No ma! I’m not missing my only sister giving birth to her kid! She’s not doing this without me!”
“Mija no te vas a faltar recibiendo ese premio.” “Sweetheart you’re not going to miss out on getting that award.”
Your abuela sounded so calm compared to your sister and mother.
“Abuela nothing is more important that being with you guys when that baby gets here. I’m not leaving my sister alone in there with you two crazies.”
Your abuela let out a laugh.
“But Y/N you didn’t drive, how are you going to get there?”
You froze suddenly realizing your mom was right. You and Jane had been picked up by one of the drivers the event sent for you.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll be there.”
You clicked and turned around. You jumped almost 5 feet in the air when you saw Tom standing behind you. He scared the shit out of you.
“What the fuuuck!”
“Shit sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You nodded and tried to walk past him but he stopped you.
“I came in my car,” he said taking out his car keys.
You eyed him carefully.
“Look I know right now I’m the last person you want to sit in a car with, but Y/N I have a car and your sister has gone into labor so you haven’t got many options.”
“Where’s it parked?”
“The valet recognized me and put it in the first spot closest to the exit.”
You sighed and pointed toward the lobby doors.
“Lets go, my sister is about to have a fucking baby.”
The two of you sprinted toward his car and exited quickly. You texted Jane the entire situation, letting her know that if you do win for some reason to go up there and read the speech you had written on a sheet of paper in your clutch you left on the table. She was freaking out on you for leaving but she also understood. For you it was always going to be family first.
You drove in silence for a bit. Suddenly Tom spoke.
“So Samantha’s pregnant. Congrats. When did that happen.”
“No offence but that’s none of your business,” you said with your eyes glued to the road. There was a bit of traffic but you were a bit closer than your mom to the hospital so you hoped to get there in time.
“I’ve missed you.”
The words felt like he was pulling your heart out of your chest and started stomping all over it. You saw the hospital on the next street.
“You can leave me out front.”
“No offence but I may come to your advantage. I’ve come to do charity work here before, they love me. There’s no faster way of getting where you need to go than walking in there with a celebrity they love.”
You rolled your eyes, but said nothing. You knew he was right, and you didn’t want to risk missing your sister giving birth. He turned into the parking lot and pulled the window down. The parking attendant’s face lit up.
“Mr. Holland! What brings you here tonight?”
“Hey bud! So I kind of got a family member who’s just gone into labor in there and I need to get in there and to her as quickly as possible.
“Sister or a cousin or something?” he said grabbing his walkie.
“Girlfriend’s sister.”
You don’t know how but within 5 minutes you were walking into the waiting room of Labor and Delivery. You saw your aunts and cousins taking up some of the seats in the corner. Your cousins lit up when they saw Tom, they recognized him as Spider-Man. Your aunts, however, recognized him as your ex. You walked over to greet them.
“Long story. He’ll keep the kids busy. Where’s Sam?”
They pointed you to the doctor who had just walked out.
“I’m looking for Y/N Y/L/N?”
“That’s me,” you said walking over to him.
“Your sister is looking for you. It’s time.”
You turned to look at Tom who gave you a reassuring smile as he was already knelt down playing with your cousins.
“Keep them busy please. And thanks.”
You turned around and walked behind the doctor.
It seemed like the longest two hours of your life. There were a few complications but you finally had a tiny, perfect baby nephew. They moved your sister in one of the rooms and because she seemed to be okay they said she could have just adults come visit her. You smiled and walked out to get your aunts.
“He’s perfect. You guys can go see him, I’ll stay out here a bit.”
The smiled and kissed you on the cheek as they walked to your sister’s room. You turned and saw all of your cousins folded in chairs fast asleep. Tom was in the middle of them, carrying your 2-year-old godson in his lap. They were both fast asleep, your godson was leaning his head against his chest and Tom had his head against the wall. Just the sight of him made you instantly fall in love with him all over again. Your stomach couldn’t stop doing cartwheels. You quickly took a picture of the sight, not making a single noise. No matter what happened between you two, you wanted this moment to last forever.
Taglist: @tom-hollands-eyelash @colourful-fandoms-ruined-my-blog @greenarrowhead @minispidey @beautiful-holland @hazhasmycoffee @truthfulchange @hollandlovely @cutiepie-holland @thothollandd
strikethrough means you asked to be part of the taglist and i couldnt tag you for some reason!
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zophora · 6 years
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Moodboard Request💕 Tom Holland x Latinx reader Requested by: Anonymous Masterlist
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spiderboywanab · 7 years
If you’re a writer...
And post fics, headcanons or whatever about latinx readers then tag me the fuck up, because I there’s very little content about it and I would like to feel related to certain situations when I read like porfis perros, it would be nice
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borhapparker · 2 years
the purge series masterlist
( last updated: december 22, 2021 )
d i s c l a i m e r : i do not own the rights to the movie “the purge”, nor do i own the plot. all credits goes to the writers. the OC characters belong to me, and the ideas are mine.
p a i r i n g : tom holland x female latinx!reader
w a r n i n g s : language, violence, drinking, angst, death and some fluff
s u m m a r y : new york city is a terrifying place to be on march 21st. yet, that’s where they found themselves, amongst a big group of people, trapped, and unble to escape. what happens during the purge, sadly, doesnt end there. may god be with you all.
( add yourself to the taglist )
- Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - ??? - ???
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cagethemunson · 5 years
we👏need👏more👏tom holland x latinx!reader👏 content👏
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pocsforparker-blog · 6 years
💘 Tom x Hispanic reader, reader is pregnant and trying to figure out a really cute way to tell Tom. Congrats on 200!!!!
Tom is bold, you’re in italics 
Tom loves kids, and if y’all have been together long enough I have no doubt in my mind he’d be nothing but excited 
After a lot of deliberation, I think you’d settle on trying to involve Tessa since you have no other kids it’d just be really cute to have her “tell” him 
So when tom is at work you go and get a shirt for her that says “Best big sister!” with paw prints on it, how fucking cute
You get home before tom and put the shirt on Tess and make sure to have the first ultrasound pictures ready to show him 
when he gets home Tessa obviously runs up to him first barking happily
“What’s this Tess? Did Mummy get you a new shirt?”  Tom 1000% refers to you as Tessa’s mum and you can’t change my mind 
then when he bends down to read what it says he pauses while she’s still trying to attack him with kisses 
he wants kids but the surprise makes his brain take a second to process it, then he looks up at you standing by the door with little tears pricking his eyes and softly he’s like “Does this mean?” 
And you’re so nervous that you just nod quickly with your own tears in your eyes 
precious baby that he is, he’s so excited that he runs right up to you and picks you up in such a big hug rambling about how he’s so excited and can’t believe it
once he puts you down you hand him the ultrasound pictures and he’s beaming with the biggest smile on his face he’s so excited, He puts them at the top of the fridge 
you then both plan on how you’re gonna tell your families. 
You decide to invite everyone over for dinner 
so it’s both of your parents, all of your siblings (or just your closest cousins and or tias/uncles if you have no siblings) and Haz ofc (honorary holland that he ishfkalfhais) 
it’s like a regular family dinner at first, you, your mom, and Nikki in the kitchen helping cook, Tom, his dad, your dad and his brother’s watching the game or something, there’s some music playing and it’s loud, like your family always is 
then you all sit down for dinner and halfway through Harry probably just asks (v innocently just trying to make conversation) “so anyone have news?”
so you take that opportunity and go “Oh yeah! Me and Tom got everyone a little gift!” your mom is confused obvi and eyes your suspiciously “mija, what’s the occasion?”
but you wave her off and come back with something for everyone, either a little bag or a box and hand them out, everyone starts opening them and is more than a little confused when they all pull out something baby related, either a bottle or onesie or small stuffed toy etc. 
then your mom pulls out a pacifier with a tag attached and read what it says and bursts into tears (like every good dramatic latinx mother would afkeif) 
so your dad pick up the pacifier and reads the tag out loud and its says Hola Abuelito y abuelita! Por favor, mantén este bobo seguro para cuando vaya a visitarlo. Conociendo a mis padres, ¡probablemente lo olviden! Amor, bebé Holland. 
So now your dad is crying a little, and the rest of your family is incredulous and excited
Tom’s dad, his brothers and Haz are still confused, Nikki has caught on by now (not because she speaks spanish but because she’s not stupid) so then Dom asks “What does it say?” 
So tom tells him and hands him one of those classic “Congrats Grandpa!” cigars, and Dom is now tearing up and congratulating tom 
Harry, Sam, Paddy and Haz are all congratulating you 
it’s ends up being your favorite family dinner to date 
-Mod Jinx 
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amnmesias · 6 years
A BET’S A BET - t. holland
summary: méxico vs. england, that meant you vs. tom. what would happen when two competitive people have their teams playing against each other on a decisive game of the world cup? the result: enough bickering to make a story about it.
pairing: tom holland x latinx!reader (i made them mexican but you can change it to your country)
warnings: cursing, drinking, fluff?? also, the pronouns are gender neutral!!
a/n: there are some sentences in spanish but do not worry, i translated them for y’all! also, this was inspired by a tweet and i couldnt help but imagine and write this. so enjoy! 
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A smile crept onto your features as you stared at your reflection in front of the mirror, you dived your index finger inside the red face paint and brushed it on your left cheek. Your brother laughed mischievously by your side as he did his own job painting your country’s flag on his own cheek. The two of you continued finishing your face paint and giggling until a faint voice began calling for your name.
“Darling, where are you? The game’s about to start.” Tom emerged from the room searching for you.
“We’re here, hold on.” You finished applying chapstick on your lips and winked at your brother. “We have a surprise for you.”
Tom chuckled. “I really don’t know what to expect from you two.”
You and your brother looked at each other and closed the paints to meet Tom in the living room. Your ears picked the sound of his brothers and friends chatting and making bets about who was about to win the important game ahead.
“Are you serious?” Tom laughed loudly as he stared at the both of you with amusement. “That’s all you’ve been doing in the bathroom the whole time?” He walked closer and held your hand.
Your brother shrugged. “We’re passionate, man.”
“I can see that.” Your boyfriend nodded and reached to kiss your cheek, but you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back playfully. “What?”
“Uh, uh, you’re going to ruin this masterpiece.” You winked and walked deep into the living room to find a place to sit.
Tom followed you and grabbed your hand to pull you back. You crashed against his chest and he laughed, a hint of mischief behind the playful look he was sending you.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Let’s make a bet.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
To this, his brothers turned to look at you two with a smirk. “I heard a bet it’s happening?” Harry voiced loud enough to catch the attention of everyone.
You turned back to meet Tom’s challenging stare. “Indeed, a bet is about to happen.”
The others cheered. “If England wins, you have to wear the England jersey and, boys… what’s a good challenge?” Your boyfriend asked.
“They’re going to be your assistant during the Spider-Man 2 filming.” Sam suggested, you sent him a death glare. He knew how much you hated being bossed around. “What?” He asked innocently, meeting your eyes.
You smiled mischievously and looked at your boyfriend. “Okay, and if México wins, you have to wear the México jersey and let me meet Jake Gyneahall.” Tom’s smile dropped.
“That’s what I call having your priorities in order.” Zendaya popped in with a laugh and high-fived you, she was wearing the same jersey as you and your smile widened. “You gotta do it, Tom. They said it.”
“So?” You raised an eyebrow, stretching your hand out. Tom frowned, his jealousy made him still, but the more you stared at him, the more he wanted England to win. “It’s on?”
He clasped your hand and shook it with a challenging smirk on his features, you smiled back and turned to sit on the couch. The match was about to begin and your brother was already taking the flag out if his backpack.
“We’re going to win. I know it.” He kissed the flag and you laughed.
“Don’t be so sure of that.” Tom called out, gaining a few cheers from his brothers and Harrison.
“Oh, so we’re bickering now?” You turned, smiling. “You asked it, don’t come crying when we win.” This time, you turned to your brother. “Este wey, ¿quién se cree que es?” (this guy, who does he think he is?)
“Hey, hey! No trash talking in Spanish!” Harrison pointed. “That’s cheating.”
“Who said that?” Zendaya asked placing an arm around your shoulders. “How many languages do you speak, Harrison? Oh, wait…”
“Ohhhhh.” The twins chorused. “It’s getting hot in here.” Harrison rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer.
“And the match hasn’t started yet.” You pointed with a smile.
“That’s why you’re so happy, because you still think you have opportunity.” Tom smiled, pointing at you with a beer.
“That’s what you told yourself after I accepted to go out with you after that mess of first date?” Everyone chanted, Tom simply laughed bitterly.
Almost two hours later...
It was already past half-time and neither the Mexican team nor the English team had score a goal, the tension around the room was starting to grow thicker as everyone heard the constant bantering between the couple that caused some laughs but, in reality, the pressure of the bet was starting to weigh in the both of you.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?” You yelled at the screen, pointing at one of the players. “Mete el maldito gol ya!” (just score a damn goal!)
“You know they can’t hear you, right, darling?” Tom interrupted you with his sing-song voice. You rolled your eyes and sat back on the chair.
“At least my team is trying, unlike yours, or did you forget the almost own goal stunt your team pulled on the first half?” You pointed, gaining an eye roll from Tom.
“Don’t get too comfortable, shall I remind you that México wouldn’t be playing if Korea hadn’t won the match against Germany.”
“So? We won against Germany, so that’s better than England has ever accomplished during this world cup.”
“And Sweden, they literally ruined your team. 0-3?” The young man scoffed sarcastically. “Hardly something to be proud of.”
You sighed with annoyance and turned to look at the TV, in time to see Javier Hernández running like a maniac towards the goal line, you, your brother and Zendaya jumped from your seats and started clapping and pointing at the screen. Tom couldn’t help but smile, seeing you be so passionate about this, to give your soul and commit yourself to support your country even from another country.
A frustrated cry left your lips. “Pásala pendejo!” (pass it, asshole)
“Shit-” But before Zendaya could even finish her sentence, you screamed louder as he scored a goal.
You and your brother yelled, hugging each other and pulling Zendaya to you two. The living room was suddenly roaring with your screams and songs as you cheered and watched the stadium go wild in the TV. Tom, the twins and Harrison groaned, but your boyfriend sneaked a peek at you singing the most known Mexican song “Cielito Lindo” at the top of your lungs, your arms around your brother and Zendaya. A laugh left his lips.
“Now, who’s the one laughing?” You walked to him with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He side-eyed you and rolled his eyes.
“I guess this is something to be proud of, don’t you think?” You teased with a smirk.
“Don’t sing victory yet, there’s still 5 minutes left.” Tom closed his arms over his chest with a smile.
You scoffed. “So? If they didn’t score the first two halves, you really think they’ll do it now?”
“Don’t underestimate my team.” He placed his hand on his chest, clutching the jersey on his hands. “This is not over.”
“The scoreboard says otherwise.” You winked and turned to your brother. “Hand me a beer, I guess we deserve it. You know,” Your eyes met Tom’s. “For winning.”
“It’s not over yet.” He repeated with a challenge. “They’ll score, I’m sure.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder. “Keep trying to comfort yourself.”
As your brother handed you a cold bottle of beer, you continued staring at the TV in hopes of your team to score one last goal. As if they heard you, Guardado passed the ball to one of your favorite players, Carlos Vela, and he proceed to dodge the English team members and kicked the ball towards the goal, it flew above the goalkeeper and the stadium went wild like you and your brother.
The scoreboard changed to 0-2 and the twins groaned loudly, but Tom stood up and tried to walk to you despite the small circle you, your brother and Zendaya made to celebrate.
“Well that backfired, don’t you think?” You smiled to Tom. “When you said they’ll score a goal you obviously meant México, right?”
“I meant England.”
You tsked. “Well, the charm fell upon my team.”
Tom laughed as your brother continued to cheer with the México flag around him, Zendaya recording everything and cheering with her green jersey on. He turned to you as you hummed Cielito Lindo under your breath and clutched onto your jersey, your eyes on the TV and admiring the team cheering their victory and the stadium waving flags everywhere. His smile widened as he saw small tears beginning to take over your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He turned, reaching to clean a small tear on your cheek and ruining the small flag painted on it. “Why are you crying?”
“I can’t believe we’re one game close to the final one.” You smiled, turning to meet his gaze, he smiled back. “And I’m meeting Jake Gyneahall.”
“Oh, don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
“Hey, a bet’s a bet!” You tapped his chest with a frown. He smiled and lightly slapped your finger from his chest to pull you close to him.
“I know, I know.” He nodded, admiring your stained face. “When have I broken a promise?”
“Never.” You instantly replied, wrapping your arms around his torso with a smile. “I’m excited to see you wear the México jersey.”
Tom laughed and shook his head. “You’re something else.” He smiled, you fixed your arms around him. “I guess I’ll have to wear it during the final, I have to support my darling’s team, right?”
Your smile widened and jumped to crash your lips against his.
“You’re the best loser ever.”
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
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Word Count: 753
Pairing: Tom Holland x Latinx Reader
Summary: You get home from a day of grocery shopping to find your boyfriend home earlier than expected and playing the guitar, which he hasn’t done in a while. You decide to let him jam out alone when you start to hear lyrics you immediately recognize.
Authors Note: ok listen I was listening to Recuérdame (arrullo) [in Spanish duh] when I saw that gif of Tom playing the guitar and it fucked me up thinking about him learning to play that song for u. also u fuckin guessed it I fucking LOVE Coco and that song is arguably one of the best on the album (Gael Garcia Bernal did an amazing job) and WE NEED MORE TOM HOLLAND X LATINX READER CONTENT OKAY MY BROWN ASS DEMANDS IT. Ok sorry if u don’t like Coco (ur nuts and probably don’t like happiness) and if u haven’t seen it uh go watch it its literally on Netflix and its amazing ok bye hope u enjoy it. ALSO THE ITALICS IS EVERYTHING TOM IS SAYING, i didnt want to confuse anyone so yeah.
Here’s my masterlist!
You walked into the quiet apartment, dropping the groceries in your arms onto the kitchen counter. You figured it was empty, Tom had been away in town getting ready to begin production on one of his new projects. You started to put the groceries away when you heard light guitar strumming coming from the room that was technically used as on office by the both of you. You saw a sleepy Tessa’s head perk up, quickly followed by a quick trot down the hall.
“Who’s in there girl? Que oyes?”
The door was slightly cracked open but Tessa pushed it further open when she walked in. You recognized the sound that was coming from the room, it was one of your favorite songs from Coco. You and Tom watched it together a few weeks ago and even though you watched it in English first, you insisted he watched it in Spanish as well. He had a basic understanding of Spanish, he’d been getting better since dating you considering how often you switched between English and Spanglish, so he didn’t have much of a problem which made you happy because you preferred the songs in full Spanish. Every time the scene with Hector and baby Coco came up you couldn’t help but shed a few tears. It had been a while since you heard Tom playing his guitar so you decided to let him keep playing uninterrupted. You started walking down the hall when you heard his voice.
“Recuérdame….hoy me tengo-dammit.”
He stopped playing and started over again.
“Recuérdame, hoy me tengo que ir mi amor…”
He stopped to write something in his notebook. You walked to the door frame and pushed it fully open, leaning against the frame staring at your boyfriend with a smile glued to your face.
“Que haces amor?”
“Oh geez you weren’t supposed to be home till later love.”
“Nooo, you weren’t supposed to be home till later. I thought you guys were going to start shooting today?”
“Uhh no not today,” he said immediately looking down to avoid your eyes.
“You’re hiding something aren’t you?”
He shook his head silently as he began to pet Tessa’s head, clearly still trying to avoid making eye contact with you.
You took a seat on the floor next to Tess, still trying to make eye contact with Tom.
“Mi amor can you just tell me?”
He looked up at you, immediately breaking any front he was trying to keep up. He rotated in the chair and handed you a notebook. Written on the page were the lyrics to the song Recuérdame line by line, with either several check marks or red x’s at the end of each line. You were slightly confused.
“It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“What is it?”
He slightly lifted the notebook up in your hands and started turning pages in it. On each page were enunciation charts and sentences written in Spanish, even a few pages that looked like quizzes because they seemed to be graded.
“Beside going into town for meetings and training, I’ve been meeting with a Spanish teacher.”
“Babe I said if you wanted me to teach you Spanish I would.”
“No I know, but I wanted to surprise you. I know you love this song even though it makes you cry every time, and I know you’ll listen to it and cry alone when I’m gone for a month and a half in a few weeks so I thought I’d make it slightly happier and learn it and record it for you as a reminder that even when I’m away filming I’m still always here with you. I know it sounds like a dumb idea now but I just wanted to do this so you wouldn’t feel so lonely.”
You climbed into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaving little kisses all over his face.
“No no no no mi amor that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever wanted to do for me,” you said pushing his chin up so he can look at you.
He rested his head on your collarbone leaving tiny kisses on your neck.
“Yes and I love that even when you’re stressed about a project you still think about me. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
He lifted his head up and finally made eye contact with you.
“I love you hermoso.”
“Ya casi güerito.”
You ran your hands through his curls and kissed him, still giggling.
Tag list: @peeterparkr @misformarvel @spideres @spideyziam @tsh-holland @softytom porque se identificaron cuando estaba buscando latinxs y la verdad me emocione porque tenia miedo que era la unica pero aqui estamos, si no les gusta lo siento!
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borhapparker · 5 years
the purge series masterlist
( last updated: may 3, 2019 )
d i s c l a i m e r : i do not own the rights to the movie “the purge”, nor do i own the plot. all credits goes to the writers. the OC characters belong to me, and the ideas are mine.
p a i r i n g : tom holland x female latinx!reader
w a r n i n g s : language, violence, drinking, angst, death and some fluff
s u m m a r y : new york city is a terrifying place to be on march 21st. yet, that’s where they found themselves, amongst a big group of people, trapped, and unble to escape. what happens during the purge, sadly, doesnt end there. may god be with you all.
( add yourself to the taglist )
- Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - ??? - ???
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borhapparker · 5 years
the purge (chap.1)  |  tom holland x female latinx!reader
“May God be with you all.”
Series Masterlist |  Read it on Wattpad!  |  playlist coming soon
March 21st - Annual Purge Night [ 5:30pm ]
Her hands polished the black gun, watching the show flicker on the screen across the living room. She couldn’t keep her eyes away from the characters, their interactions as she remembered the events of a year ago. It haunted her, yet she used it as a drive for each year’s annual purge.
She had participated in the event for as long as she could remember. Most of her childhood had been hidden from her, parents always being away, so from a young age, she was taught to fight. Wanting nothing more than to be safe, her parents, when they weren’t busy, taught her what they knew: the basics. She was taken to gun ranges, taught how to shoot alongside her dad, and she was grateful for it.
Yet, her parents didn’t catch up to her one night, resulting in the most painful loss she had experienced.
However, this year, she was determined to avenge them. If they couldn’t cleanse themselves, she would cleanse herself for them. So she kept participating in the purge, always ending the night with a few scrapes and bruises, sometimes even cuts, but always alive. She had always purged by herself, never with anyone else, that is, until she met her best friends.
They didn’t seem like the type to purge, innocent and kind. Yet, they were the ones who purged the most. She met them one fateful night, when she had run out of ammunition, they backed her up. She was skeptical of them, at first, but they assured her that they wouldn’t hurt her. And they never did.
She always found herself, year after year, wanting to see them again, looking for them before the time was up, yet never found them. It’s as if they had vanished, never leaving a trail and with no sign of coming back.
So she wasn’t surprised if they didn’t show up this year.
The tv turned to static, interrupting her thoughts and show, as she turned, getting up and facing the tv. It’s screen was a vibrant blue, as writing appeared, the voice over starting.
“This not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.”
Rustling was heard from outside, as her attention fixed to the window, blinds pulled closed before returning her gaze to the tv, the voice continuing to explain the rules of the purge, ones she had heard countless times.
“Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the purge and shall not be harmed.”
She had memorized who had been given immunity, knowing which officials she wouldn’t cross paths with at all. Yet, her knowledge could fail her sometimes, remembering when an official had killed a group of teenagers, knowing he couldn’t be harmed, yet using the opportunity as a way to get back at those who had hurt him.
“Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 a.m, when the purge concludes.”
Grabbing her backpack, she stuffed her ammunition inside, her gun strapped to her holster. She had done this more times than she could count, yet the anxiety and nervousness she felt would never go away. Her fingers shook, as she intertwined them, bouncing on her toes. She would be safe. Tonight, she would be okay.
“Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.”
The sirens blared out, as she closed her eyes, waiting until they died down before turning off her television. Leaving the controller on the coffee table, she flinched, hearing gunshots in the distance, knowing those who had no experience were always the first ones outside. They always targeted the unexperienced, putting themselves in harms way without a care in the world.
A knock resonated from her front door, her hand indistinctly grabbing the handle of her gun, inching closer to the door as she looked through the peephole.
The intruder wore a mask, one resembling a china doll, painted and streaked with blood. She never let people inside the house, yet she had made a mistake, leaving the lights on. They knew someone was inside, and that was her first mistake. She always turned off her lights before it got dark, to make it seem as if there had been nobody home.
“We know you’re in there, open up, Y/n.”
She gripped the handle tighter, wanting nothing more than a peaceful and exhilarating night, yet she had been bound for more. Retreating away from the door, she headed to the back, opening her backyard door carefully, before closing it and walking away from her home. She wasn’t safe there, so she ventured off to find a hideout.
She moved carefully, ducking behind trash cans, keeping her gun close to her. A big group of purgers holding machine guns surrounded a black truck, as they shot the sides, the driver flailing as the bullets entered his body as he slumped onto the steering wheel, the masked murderers cheering and hollering. They raised their machine guns in the air, turning to each other, the stench of blood in the air.
She crouched behind a car, ears and eyes alert, watching her surrounding areas before running and ducking behind another car. The crowd continued walking, shooting other purgers that approached them as she stayed away from their line of sight. She paled, hearing a gun’s safety removed behind her as she froze.
“Get up.”
She followed their orders, getting up and turning. Facing the unknown person, their face was covered by a mask, as they motioned to the gun. She dropped it, holding her hands up as they kicked it away.
“C'mon, let’s go.”
They were accompanied by someone else, wearing another mask, as they grabbed a black blindfold, covering her eyes and binding her wrists with rope. Her backpack was taken off her shoulders, as her arms were gripped, and she was pushed forward.
She stumbled, as they caught her, grumbling before she was pushed somewhere, hearing an engine rumble before being hit over the head, knocking her unconscious.
The binoculars were over his eyes, watching the battered truck, the group of purgers shooting the driver. A movement caught his eyes, as he shifted his attention, a person ducking behind a car. A masked purger approached the person, a gun in front of them as they made the person stand up.
Sucking in a breath, his eyes trained on her. Don’t drop the gun. She let go of her weapon, as they blindfolded her, throwing her into a black van.
He brought the binoculars down onto his lap, nudging his friend. “They have her.”
“The Six. ”
His friend groaned, rolling his eyes. “Seriously? Listen, I don’t want to get involved with those, but do we really have to do this?”
“She would do this for us. Now shut up, and let’s get back to the others. I know where they’re going.”
They put their things away, swinging their backpacks over their shoulders as they climbed down from the roof, getting inside the guarded van, their other friends waiting inside.
“They have her.” he said, getting into the drivers seat. “Everyone grab a weapon, we’re going to The Six’ hideout.”
“Are you insane? We can’t go there, do you not remember the last time we crossed them? Who knows what they’re using now since we’ve been gone.”
“We need to help her. Remember what she did for you? She rescued you when you were almost killed with a sniper. She took a bullet for you. Wouldn’t you do the same for her?”
Silence surrounded the inside of the vehicle as he put the car in drive, turning to look at them before his hands grabbed the steering wheel.
“Exactly, so let’s go.”
They drove, discreetly following the van, as people shot at them, their well guarded van blocking all the bullets as they kept going. Heading to an abandoned warehouse, they parked a couple blocks back, before grabbing their own masks, as well as some weapons.
The Six were known for targeting purgers that were purging alone. Snatching them up from the streets, and putting them up for execution, having people killing them for pleasure and sport. Heading inside, they showed the guards their tattoos before being led inside, into a large ballroom, where a curtain was drawn over the stage in the middle.
They took their seats, watching everyone around them as they drank and held their weapons.
“Welcome, welcome!” the leader of The Six, wearing a black and white streaked mask. “We have a new batch of victims, they are willing to put their life on the line so we can be purified. Let’s welcome our group of victims.”
The curtain was lifted, 5 people tied in chairs, their backs facing each other. Their eyes were wide, some with tears streaming down their faces as they watched the crowd.
She was there. She was calm, her hands gripping the rope that was tied around her wrists. They noticed her worried eyes, pale skin as she calmly sat in the chair.
“Now, who wants to go first?”
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
t.h - tom holland
p.p - peter parker
h.o - harrison osterfield
☆ - NSFW
❀ - request
♥ - completed
✿ - submission from a prompt
One Shots
That’s literally the only reason I brought you here (t.h x reader)
Recuérdame (t.h x latinx reader)
I. Picked. You. (t.h x reader) [✿]
Jealousy (t.h x reader) [☆]
Interview Jitters (t.h x reader)
Interview Jitters pt.2 (t.h x reader) [❀]
Tattooed Heart (t.h x reader) [✿]
She’s Absolutely Smitten (t.h x reader)
Fundraiser (t.h x reader) [✿]
Sick of Losing Soulmates (zendaya x female reader) [✿]
I Wasn’t Trained For This (p.p x superhero!reader) [✿]
Young, Dumb, and Broke (t.h x reader) [updated Tuesdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 (coming soon)
Reconnected (t.h x latina reader) [updated Thursdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 (coming soon)
Unspoken (p.p x reader) [updated Saturdays] ON HIATUS
Prologue pt.1 
Prologue pt.2
Prologue pt.3 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 (coming soon)
Journey (t.h x reader) ♥
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
some of my faves from my 1k celebration
Spidey Suit (t.h x reader) [☆]
Goin’ Down (h.o x reader) [☆]
Period (t.h x reader)
You Look Amazing (t.h x reader) [☆]
Cheerleader (t.h x reader) [☆]
Bachelorette Party (t.h x reader)  [☆]
That’s My Girl (t.h x reader) [☆]
Pillow Talk (t.h x reader)
Anger (t.h x reader)
Need Some Help? (t.h x reader) [☆]
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pocsforparker-blog · 6 years
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Wedding Day ↳Tom Holland x Latinx reader Requested by: Anonymous Disclaimer: These are not my pictures
200 Follower Celebration ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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captainmarvels · 7 years
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last updated: 09/04/19
want to be added to a tag list? add yourself here [please read the directions!]
*credit to @wonderbries and @sanity-is-overratedxp for the amazing banners, respectively! xx
Most recent fics are at the BOTTOM of each list
Caro’s Game of Prompts writing challenge masterlist
Note: titles marked with a ** ARE NSFW/18+ content - NO MINORS
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Steve Harrington x Reader masterlist [all fics]
Headcanon/Blurb masterlist
Joe Keery:
**bad behavior [NSFW]
Summary: Joe’s a merciless teaser, and you decide to get back at him the best way you know how.
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Champion (angst/fluff)
Summary: All he wants to do is prove how much he loves you.
Scared to Be Lonely (angst/fluff)
Summary: Is there more to this than just the two of you?
safe haven (angst/fluff)
Summary: Eggsy’s safe haven is in the last place he would’ve thought to look.
know no better [angst//fluff]
Summary: Eggsy’s got a weakness - you. || Kingsman/Marvel au!crossover
sweet love [fluff]
Summary: Eggsy knows he can only run so far from love, because his heart belongs to only one person - you. 
Taron Egerton:
Say What? (fluff)
Summary/Request: Why must he be like this?
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** wicked games [ceo!/sugar daddy!au - NSFW]
Summary: In which Tom Holland, overwhelmed by his personal demons, seeks comfort in the only ways he knows how; spending money and rough fucking. The hotheaded CEO with major daddy issues can’t seem to get it quite right when it comes to you, but is there hope for his heart?
You and Tom spend quality time together in his trailer.
Now or Never* (angst // song fic)
Summary: Golden boy has met his match; but will she be his?
Quit Staring
Summary: Tom won’t quit staring. (lol)
**Slow Hands* (NSFW)
Summary: Don’t get caught. Simple, right?
Last Forever* (angst / fluff)
Request: Do you think you could do something where the reader is dating Tom and they barely see each other bc of Tom’s work and bc of that they get into a ridiculous fight about it over the phone and it ends really badly. Tom feels bad about all the nasty words that were said so he goes home and surprises her there’s just a bunch of fluff at the end?!
still got time (fluff // dry humping)
Summary: Tom doesn’t want to let you go to class, so he gives you a little taste of what you’ll be missing while you’re gone.
cozy nights (fluff)
Summary: The holidays + Tom; could there possibly be anything better?
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Secrets || [COMPLETED]
Summary: Peter Parker is your kind, loving boyfriend of 2 years, who also just happens to be the web slinger, Spider-Man. And even though you support what he’s doing, you can’t seem to escape the thought that Peter is getting lost in this new superhero world.
Request: hi! could i request a piece where reader and Peter don’t know they like each other and Peter gets mad (and confesses!) when he sees reader with Flash or some other guy he doesn’t like??
Love Photographs
Date idea: going out on a photoshoot with them and they go in to alter your hair and as they push it behind your ear they lean in and kiss you slowly.
Mi Corazón*
Summary: Peter tries to flirt with you in Spanish after seeing you freak out over tickets for one of your favorite Latinx performers - Prince Royce.
One More Time*
Summary: When you are assigned to work with your old friend Peter, will the past stir up new trouble?
Hard Times*
Request: Peter Parker x Reader where the reader gets kidnapped for leverage and gets tortured but Peter comes to save her.
Imagínate* || [latinx!reader]
Summary: Peter gets some very much needed ayuda en español.
Anakin Skywalker:
King of the Game [fratboy!au - series]
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bad together [angst/fluff]
Summary: Frank’s got a secret, and it’s killing him.
heartbeat [fluff]
Summary: Frank needs you close.
**kiss after kiss [fluff/smut, NSFW]
Summary: Nice and slow. Soft and steady. Frank wants to make his favorite girl feel good.
show me love [fluffy fluff]
Summary: Frank wants to show that he loves everything about you.
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To the Rescue (Uncle Chris)
Summary: Chris recruits your help when he’s babysitting his brother’s kids.
Hit the Books (college professor au) ||  evanstan x reader
Summary: jealousy is no one’s friend
**Learn Your Lesson || part two of Hit the Books (NSFW, 18+ ONLY)
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bittersweet || {1} {2}
Summary: Steve lost you once, and he doesn’t want to risk it again. Too bad he only has three months. | modern AU
boundless [angst]
Summary: Sweet loves with a bittersweet ending. || modern au
one part of him [fluff]
Summary: In which you talk about your favorite thing about Steve.
un amor unico [fluff]
Summary: In which you can’t help but daydream about the love of your life.
Take It or Leave It (angst // fluff) || Lance Tucker x Reader
Summary: “I’m yours, in every way you’ll have me.” || Lance comforts you after a bad break-up, and accidentally reveals a secret.
Early Morning [Warning: mention of physical domestic abuse] (angst // fluff) || Lance Tucker x Reader
Summary: Lance seems to have found his soft spot, thanks to you.
new rules [flirty fluff] || Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Same dating game, with some brand new rules.
Muñeca Traicionera
Summary: Bucky Barnes x Latinx!reader || Sam wants to play a trick on Bucky. How long will it take for him to figure it out?
seven signs
summary: Bucky feels like he’s falling in love.
summary: Scary movies lead to protective cuddles leads to… you and Bucky?
teddy bear
summary: Sebastian is a fuzzy teddy bear!!
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captainmarvels · 7 years
hey lovely!! was just wondering what sort of stuff u have coming up for us??☺️☺️☺️
hi! Besides my two current series (SoT and crtfy), I have a few requests and one-shots I’ll be posting soon!
Friday I’ll hopefully be posting my bucky barnes x latinx!reader fic, and then I have requests for Peter Parker, Tom Holland, Seba and Natasha x Reader that I’ll be getting to very soon [sorry to everyone who’s been waiting!!] :) 
I’m trying my best to get them all done before the end of August because then I’ll be back at school :/
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