#peter parker x latinx!reader
aikoiya · 10 months
Spiderman Masterlist
MigPete NoTP
What Is Vigilanteism?
Questioning ATSV's Multiverse Mechanics
Latine VS Latinx
Epiphany: Barry Alan is DC's Peter Parker
Only One Spidey?
Mig x Fem!Reader/OC Writing Prompts:
Miguel x Variant Wife Spiderwoman!Reader
Miguel x Murdock Spiderwoman!OC
Miguel x Chubby Pre-Diabetic Spiderwoman!OC
Other Important Masterlists:
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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captainmarvels · 7 years
Request/Summary: puedes hacer latinxpeterparker? :) gracias! -your fellow hispanic nerd [@worldsroses] | Peter gets some very much needed ayuda en español.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Latinx!Reader
Word Count: 1433
A/N: I loved writing this because it’s silly and cute, and I hope you all enjoy this! Note: there are no translations included for the Spanish in the fic, sorry :/ Hopefully I’ll start writing more fics in Spanish for all my lovely latinx gente out there :) | masterlist
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Late afternoons meant homework and a snack. Peter stopped by the bodega on his way home from school, his energy at an all-time high after a pleasant day at school.
“Oyé, Peter! How are you?” Mr. Delmar asked, juggling two massive bags of bread.
“Good, all good. Need some help?” Peter nodded at the bags, but the owner shook his head.
“No, está bien, gracias. The usual, Parker?” He dropped the bags on the back counter, strolling over to the sink to rinse his hands. Peter walked up to the display case, nodding as he moved to pet Mr. Delmar’s cat.
“Si, por favor. Can you smoosh it down real flat?” Mr. Delmar laughs, nodding as he gets to work.
“How’s Aunt May doin’? Haven’t seen her in awhile,”
“She’s good. Real busy, I guess,” Peter shrugged, absentmindedly petting the cat as he waited. Mr. Delmar turned to one of the guys in the back, nodding in Peter’s direction.
“Su tia es una hermosa Italiana!”
“Y cómo está su hija, Señor Delmar?” Peter asked, raising an eyebrow as Mr. Delmar froze, handing him his sandwich.
“Watch it, Parker.”
“No worries! 6.50, right?”
“8.50, just for that comment!”
“Dad!” You popped your head out from the back room of the store, rolling your eyes as you rubbed your hands on your shirt. “Hey, Parker.” Peter blushed, waving as he handed your father the money.
“Como estas, Y/N?” He asked, his face turning redder by the second. You laughed, resting your arm on your dad’s shoulder as you eyed Peter.
“Bien, y tú?” Peter’s mouth dropped open, and you couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t know anymore Spanish, or he was about to pass out. “You alright there?”
“Yeah, yeah, all… all good! I uh, gotta go now, bye!” Peter walked away, nearly dropping his sandwich as he rushed right out the door. You giggled, patting your dad on the back as you headed into the storage room.
“Good job, dad. Scaring off your loyal customers!”
“Oh hush, ya vete a acabar lo que te manda, niña!”
A week had passed since Peter last saw you, mainly because he couldn’t bring himself to face you again.
“Dude, stop being scared. She’s just Y/N.” Ned said, punching Peter in the arm as he leaned against the lockers. Peter glanced at him, raising an eyebrow as he grabbed his books.
“She’s not just Y/N, Ned! She’s like, the coolest girl in our grade.”
“What about Liz? Or are we over her now?” Ned whispered, adjusting the straps of his backpack.
“What, no! Ugh, just, I don’t know, Ned,” Peter groaned, resting his forehead against the cool locker door.
“Oh, idea! What if we ask her to tutor us? In Spanish? We have a quiz on Friday, anyways. Might as well get all the help we can!”
“How are we gonna ask her?”
“Uh, right now because incoming!” Ned whispered, turning Peter around to face you as you headed down the hall, right towards him. Peter’s eyes widened, his pulse quickening as he froze.
You waved, smiling as Ned motioned for you to come by them.
“What’s up, guys?” You asked, swinging your backpack over your shoulder.
“Are you free tomorrow night, after school? We’ve got a quiz Friday and we could really use all the help we can get, just so we don’t fail. Please!” Ned asked rather quickly, and you laughed, nodding as you watched Peter blush.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll help you guys out! Where should we meet?”
“Peter’s place!” Peter gasped, turning to face Ned with terrified eyes as Ned kept talking to you, ignoring his panicked state. “Let’s say, 7pm? That work?”
You raised an eyebrow at Peter’s weirdness, but shrugged, nodding once again. “Yeah, perfect. See you later, dorks!” You patted Peter on the shoulder, smiling at Ned as you walked into the room across the hall. Peter let out a sigh of relief, his pulse still racing as he grabbed Ned by the shoulders.
“Are you freaking kidding me, Ned?! My apartment? I’m going to die!” Ned waved his hand, pushing Peter off of him.
“Relax, man! It’ll be fine. It’s just studying between friends!”
Peter was pacing back and forth in his bedroom, running his hands through his hair as he impatiently checked his phone.
You were going to be at his apartment in less than 10 minutes, and Ned had yet to show up. Frustrated, Peter called him, only to be sent straight to voicemail.
PP: What the heck, Ned!! Where are you?
NL: Good luck ;)
“Oh my god, no, no, no, NO!” Peter whispered, his eyes wide with shock as he realized he’d be alone with you, in his apartment. “I’m so dead.”
The doorbell rang and Peter practically fell over the sofa trying to get to the door. He swung it wide open, panting as he met your gaze. You cocked an eyebrow, taking in his disheveled appearance.
“What have you been doing today, Peter? Por Dios, you’re a mess.” You walk in, tossing your backpack onto the couch before slipping your shoes off.
“Today’s been busy; Ned’s uh, running late. Family stuff, he said.”
“Should we start without him?” You ask, rummaging through your bag for a pencil. Peter shrugs, locking the door.
“I guess. He doesn’t really need the help, to be honest.” You laugh at his words, shaking your head as you pull out your notebook.
“Nice. Alright then, let’s hit the books, Parker.”
“So you’ve got your present tense down pretty well. Think you can handle the oral part of the exam?” You were looking over the makeshift quiz you gave Peter, admiring his good work. Peter shifted around on the other side of the couch, pulling his Midtown sweatshirt off.
“Maybe. Can we practice?”
“That’s what I’m here for. Okay, let’s say the prompt is hanging out with friends. Ready?” You glance his way, catching him nod before grabbing the workbook off the coffee table in front of you.
“Okay. Bueno, Peter, que quieres hacer esta noche? Quieres ir al centro comercial, o mejor vamos a ver una película?” You lean against the armrest, hugging your knees to your chest as you watched him think.
“Uh, una película nueva que quiero ver sale esta noche. Eso um, está bien con tú?”
“Contigo. That’s how you say it.” You whisper, smiling as he nods his head.
“Right, okay. Esta bien contigo, Y/N?”
“Si. A qué hora quieres ir, Peter?”
“Uh, la película empieza a las ocho, um, so nos vamos a las siete?”
“Asi que is ‘so’ - try again.”
“Okay. Uh, asi que, te cojo a las siete, Y/N?” You burst out laughing as soon as Peter says the word, and he starts to panic. Did I say something wrong? Oh my god. His face is red with embarrassment, his heart racing as he hears you trying to catch your breath.
“Did-Did I say, did I say something wrong?” He can’t take his eyes off you, your hand over your heart as you try to calm down.
“Oh my god, Peter, I think I might have just died.”
“What did I say?”
“In Mexico, ‘coger’ means to like...have sex, you know? Everywhere else, it means ‘to pick up’ but wow, ever since I learned that, I cannot stop dying, oh my god!” You start giggling again, and a wave of relief crashes over Peter as he takes a deep breath. His face is still red with embarrassment, but at least he’s actually learned something new.
“They should really teach that in class, oh my god!”
“Nah; it’s super funny when people don’t know, except then I feel bad for laughing. So sorry about that, totally not making of fun of you, I promise.” You’re still giggling, but Peter can hear the sincerity in your words. He starts laughing to himself, a small smile spreading across his lips as you burst into another fit of giggles.
“I still can’t believe I didn’t know that, oh god.”
“Pete, relax. I know you didn’t mean it, because oh god, is that illegal, ha!” You’re still laughing, practically wheezing at this point, and Peter just shakes his head, smiling. He may be still be super embarrassed, but boy, is he glad he got you to laugh.
“Maybe wait ‘til we’re 18, nena,” He says, smirking as he stands up, jumping over the couch, heading straight for the kitchen.
“In your dreams, Parker!” You say, rolling your eyes as you start laughing again while organizing your notes.
“I know!”
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orbitariums · 4 years
latinx avenger headcanons | peter parker
anon asked: Yo I had an epiphany that there is not many (maybe any) Hispanic/Latin@ superheroes and this idea just came up. Being the only Hispanic Avenger headcanon 😂😂 If you want you could make it x Peter cause we love our babyyy💕
note: thank you for this request anon! you should check out miss america, they are a queer latinx avenger! 
i’m not latinx, but i am black & i grew up around afro-carib-latinx culture (and also took ap spanish LOL), so i felt comfortable writing this, and i asked a friend for help <3
the littlest bit of x peter parker, short headcanons!
if you requested something it’s coming!!! i have lots of requests and i’m working on girls on film (part 4 here) and finishing school + these imagines. thank u for your patience.
here goes!!!
• you thought it'd be harder being the only latinx avenger, but you were working with such great people that the difference was hardly noticeable
• until it was (sometimes) (and in the best way possible)
• for example, you'd make traditional food for all of them. anything, you name it: platanos, carne asada, pupusas... they were in love
• "it's like the bodega!" peter, your boyfriend, would exclaim any time he saw you cooking
• tony would rub his hands together and ask "what's for dinner?"
• eventually your cooking made everyone want to start monthly potlucks, which were kind of a disaster (you were one of the only avengers who knew the skill of combat and cooking)
• but food wasn't just it
• it was just the natural glow that came with being a poc, especially one that was on the avengers team
• you were drawn to peter naturally — you lived in queens, surrounding by dominican & puerto rican culture
• you both attended school together and you had always had a crush on each other, not aware of the others powers
• imagine the shock when you joined the avengers and you both saw each other
• peter loves you and does his best to understand the culture
• he's already in spanish class and he constantly tries to impress you with his spanish speaking skills
• you'll sometimes talk to peter in spanish like you do with your latinx friends, but with peter it's more like broken white boy spanglish
• it's cute - until you're cursing out and intimidating villains in spanish
• you'll be like "quien te crees que eres?" (while holding the villain at knifepoint)
• peter in the background, trying to look tough: "sí."
• and let's get into your superpowers — besides the fact that you somehow always have the kind of caramelos that peter likes — you also have the powers of heat manipulation, flight, and, unique to new york, the ability to teleport between boroughs
• you're new on the job, but you're strong, and the other avengers look up to you
• they're always learning something new from you, whether it's combat or culture
• and peter's in love with you
• and life is sweet ♡ 
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spideyzaynn · 6 years
i need some more latinx reader x t’challa or the marvel universe in general pleaseeeee (if y’all find anything plz tag me)
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spiderboywanab · 7 years
If you’re a writer...
And post fics, headcanons or whatever about latinx readers then tag me the fuck up, because I there’s very little content about it and I would like to feel related to certain situations when I read like porfis perros, it would be nice
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Master List
Last Update ::  9/18/23
Requests Post
Damian Wayne  ::
Paring :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x  fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  Angst
Word Count ::  1190
Summary  ::  All you wanted was to make sure Damian knew he was never alone
Dating HCs
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Headcanon :: How Damian gets into and acts in a relationship
Word Count :: 1,676
Bunny Ears
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Warnings :: none, except embarassment
Word Count :: 956
Summary :: You got Damian to wear bunny ears.
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Headcanon :: Damian NSFW
Word Count :: 484
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT
Damian NSFW Blurb
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, SMUT/NSFW, cock warming, teasing(i guess)
Word Count :: 185
Summary :: um…. none…. I just… I wrote this little blurb a while ago. This is shameless smut with no plot.
Steve Rogers ::
Tainted : Part One , Part Two 
Pairing :: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW
Summary ::  Everyone teased Steve for being “a boy scout”, but you find out he’s not so innocent after all.
Bucky Barnes ::
Paring :: mafia dark!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW, Dark Themes, Possessiveness, Oral(M Recieving), Deep Throating
Word Count :: 2,787
Summary :: Bucky’s had a long day and you’re the only one he can release his stress on
Thin Walls
Pairing :: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/Smut, Masturbation(M&F), Oral(M Reciving)
Word Count :: 2,707
Summary :: The walls in your apartment are thinner than you thought
The Soldat and The Flower : Part One , Part Two , Part Three  ,  Part Four , Part Five
Pairing :: soldat!Bucky Banres x petite fem!Reader
Warnings :: DARK/MATURE THEMES, 18+ Content/SMUT, Dub-Con, Mentions of Abuse, Suicidal Behavior, Slight Possessive Behavior, Stockholm Syndrome
Summary ::  The Soldat finds a flower he intends to keep forever.
Peter Parker ::
Paring :: Peter Parker x gender neutral!Reader
Warnings :: DARK THEMES, Depression, Mentions of Death, Mourning
Word Count :: 2,025
Summary ::    As a dream walker, you help people heal and move on. One day, you end up in the dream of someone mourning.
Matt Murdock ::
Catching The Devil’s Attention : Part One , Part Two
Paring :: soft dark!Matthew Murdock x latinx fem!Reader
Warnings :: SOFT DARK/MATURE THEMES. 18+ Content/SMUT, Possessive behavior, Religious talk, Religious Imagery, NSFW activities in a CHURCH, Slight depression
Summary ::  Matt’s devil within wishes to consume an angel
Ransom Drysdale ::
Jealous Quickie
Pairing:: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Jealousy
Word Count :: 870
Summary :: Ransom gets jealous leading to a quickie where he reminds you who you belong to.
Pairing :: Ransom Drysdale x shrot/petite fem!Reader
Headcanon :: Ransom NSFW
Word Count :: 700
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Size Kink
Pairing :: dark!Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, SMUT/NSFW, Non-Con/Rape, Dark
Word Count :: 1,854
Summary :: Thanks to a blizzard, Ransom finally has you trapped
Eric Northman ::
Strawberries and Peaches
Pairing  ::  Eric Northman  x  fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  18+ Content, Angst, Smut, Mentions of Blood, Bloodplay(?idk he’s a vampire so-?), Death
Word Count  ::  3,588
Summary  ::  Eric thought he had lost you centuries ago, and yet here you were again.
Ray Palmer ::
If We’re Quick
Pairing :: Ray Palmer x short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW, Size Kink, Thigh Riding
Word Count :: 1,773
Summary :: Ray convinces you that if you’re quick, the team won’t catch you
John Constantine ::
Be Still
Pairing :: John Constantine x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW Content, Cock Warming
Word Count :: 693
Summary :: All you wanted was to help John rest and ended up sitting on his lap instead
Clark Kent ::
Racing Heart
Pairing  ::  Clark Kent  x  short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  18+ Content, Smut, Size Kink
Word Count  ::  4,265
Summary  ::  You never knew why, but whenever you were around Clark, your heart always raced.
Pairing :: Clark Kent x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Light NSFW/Smut (they don’t have sex, but there is some grinding)
Word Count :: 1,418
Summary :: Clark helps you gain of your newly acquired levitation
Pairing :: Clark Kent x short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/Smut , Slight Size Kink
Word Count :: 1,328
Summary :: A little make out session between you and Clark gets heated and this time, you two get to go all the way.
Rick Flag ::
Heat Up
Pairing :: Rick Flag x short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW Content, Size Kink
Word Count :: 2,439
Summary :: Rick isn’t too happy Digger tries to tease you
Conner Kent ::
Dating A Witch HCs
Pairing :: Conner Kent(RoS) x witch!Reader
Headcanon :: Connor dating a witch
Word Count :: 378
Napoleon Solo ::
Pairing  ::  Napoleon Solo x  fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  18+ Content, Smut, Spanking, Dubcon
Word Count  ::  1,236
Summary  ::  "Don’t make me put you over my knee later on.” “Did you hear Illya say that?”
Bonnie Gold ::
Kiss It Better
Pairing  ::  Bonnie Gold x fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  Blood, Fighting(he’s a boxer)
Word Count  ::  1,959
Summary  ::  Bonnie’s never wanted you to see him in the ring, worried how you’d react
Tommy Shelby ::
Don’t Be Gentle
Paring :: Thomas Shelby x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Degragation Kink, Oral(M Reciving)
Word Count :: 1,332
Summary ::  You decide to tell Tommy how turned on you get when you see him angry
Lambert ::
Paring :: Lambert(Netflix Show) x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT
Word Count :: 577
Summary ::   Lambert and you have some fun in the hallway
Raymond Smith ::
Pleasant Distraction
Paring :: Raymond Smith x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT
Word Count :: 640
Summary ::  Though you tried to help Ray take a small break, you somehow ended up bent over his desk instead
Tangerine ::
Phone Fun
Paring :: Tangerine x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Phone sex, Masturbation(F&M)
Word Count :: 1310
Summary ::  Tangerine’s been gone for a while and you each miss each other a lot
Huck Finnigan ::
Pairing :: Huck Finnigan x fem!Reader
Headcanon :: How you and Huck start dating
Word Count :: 740
Vinsmoke Sanji ::
Vacation :: Part One, Part two, Part Three
Paring :: OPLA!Sanji x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Oral(f recieving), Semi-Public sex(they did it in an alley), Light teasing
Word Count :: 3,373
Summary ::  After being forced on a vacation at the Baratie, you catch the eye of a certain blond cook who loves to tease you.
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
t.h - tom holland
p.p - peter parker
h.o - harrison osterfield
☆ - NSFW
❀ - request
♥ - completed
✿ - submission from a prompt
One Shots
That’s literally the only reason I brought you here (t.h x reader)
Recuérdame (t.h x latinx reader)
I. Picked. You. (t.h x reader) [✿]
Jealousy (t.h x reader) [☆]
Interview Jitters (t.h x reader)
Interview Jitters pt.2 (t.h x reader) [❀]
Tattooed Heart (t.h x reader) [✿]
She’s Absolutely Smitten (t.h x reader)
Fundraiser (t.h x reader) [✿]
Sick of Losing Soulmates (zendaya x female reader) [✿]
I Wasn’t Trained For This (p.p x superhero!reader) [✿]
Young, Dumb, and Broke (t.h x reader) [updated Tuesdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 (coming soon)
Reconnected (t.h x latina reader) [updated Thursdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 (coming soon)
Unspoken (p.p x reader) [updated Saturdays] ON HIATUS
Prologue pt.1 
Prologue pt.2
Prologue pt.3 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 (coming soon)
Journey (t.h x reader) ♥
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
some of my faves from my 1k celebration
Spidey Suit (t.h x reader) [☆]
Goin’ Down (h.o x reader) [☆]
Period (t.h x reader)
You Look Amazing (t.h x reader) [☆]
Cheerleader (t.h x reader) [☆]
Bachelorette Party (t.h x reader)  [☆]
That’s My Girl (t.h x reader) [☆]
Pillow Talk (t.h x reader)
Anger (t.h x reader)
Need Some Help? (t.h x reader) [☆]
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zophora · 6 years
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Peter Parker x Latinx reader Requested by: @stephie-senpai Disclaimer: These are not my pictures
400 Follower Celebration✨✨
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spider-bih · 7 years
Hello Ari, may I request a soft boy peter parker x mechanic latinx!reader imagine that includes the butterfly kisses headcanons? Thank you, you’re a doll! Ily 💕
Hello hello! Ooo, nice! Shouldn’t have trouble with this much, I’m latina myself [I just don’t speak Spanish much cri]! Woop! [Ari shut up blease] Onto the request! Ily 2
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Mechanic!Latina!Reader
Warnings: Cursing etc
A/N: I don’t know jack about being a mechanic, bear with me ok. Also this might be shitty idek sorry. Ahhh- [Still working on Ugh and that Thor x Reader I swear-]
Peter was honestly the sweetest boy you had the pleasure of knowing. You weren’t sure why in the hell he was treated so poorly sometimes. When you’d first heard the name Penis Parker going around, you assumed that he was some sort of douche bag or something- you were surprised to find out he wasn’t. Flash was the douche bag, picking on a sweet guy like Peter. Though- he was the reason you met the boy. If you hadn’t torn into Flash the way you had, he would’ve never gotten the courage to speak to you.
It wasn’t often that someone stood up to him- let alone a gorgeous girl such as yourself.
He’d always been smitten with you- especially since he’d heard you that one day in your shared Spanish class. You spoke the language so well and so easily. Every word that rolled off your tongue sounded so nice- even if you were only reciting a sentence for the teacher. Something as boring as ‘I enjoy doing all my homework early’ sounded so wonderful in your language. He was pretty sure it would in any language- but you spoke Spanish fluently, so that was his go-to.
He never expected his crush on you to go anywhere. Hell- he never expected to even speak to you outside of class, yet it had happened. His feelings for you grew ten-fold as he hung out with you more. He loved how you enjoyed tinkering with cars and other things. How when you worked, you tried to keep the conversation going or tried to teach him what you were doing. He even fell for the way you cursed in Spanish when you were really mad. (He learned at least all of the curse words within a week or two of knowing you.) He just adored you and all that you were. Still- he never expected for you to go for a guy like him. You were cool- black palms and tons of elbow grease. He was far from cool- all nerdy and techy. Yeah- his alter-ego was kind of cool he supposed, but he couldn’t use Spider-Man like that. It had been tempting but.. still no. He couldn’t. He wasn’t Spider-Man when he was with you. He was Peter Parker- and he didn’t think Peter Parker was enough for you.
Oh how wrong he was.
After going so long with his harbored feelings, he broke. He couldn’t go on without telling you how he felt- if he lost you, then he lost you. It would hurt, but eventually he could move on right?
“You silly boy..”, you had laughed, “I have feelings for you too, you know. You’re so smart, I was hoping you’d catch on.”
He about fainted when you said that. Yes, the boy was incredibly smart- but that was with science and some other subjects. With things he knew well and could read easily. Emotions? Not so much, at least not romantic ones. When it came to that, he felt like he may as well wear a cone on his head that read ‘Dunce’. (You always told him to not refer to himself in such a way, but he really couldn’t help it.) Still- he couldn’t believe it! You liked him too? God- what a blessing..
So, one adorably failed first date, several little mini-dates and a few sweet kisses later, he was here. Here- with you in your room, watching you tinker with some car parts on your desk. Black grease was splotched along your hands and arms here and there, though most of it remained on your desk. Some music played on your little bluetooth speaker on the corner of your desk. Some of the songs he could understand vaguely, others not really- but it sounded nice. Plus, sometimes you danced around in your seat or hummed the words and- ugh, he swears his heart sings along with you.
“¿Y dónde está mi gente?* Say yeah, yeah, yeah…”, you murmured to yourself, continuing your tinkering.
Ah. There you went again, and there his heart went. His eyes glazed over as he watched you, the dopiest smile gracing his pink lips. He could honestly watch you do this all day. You looked so concentrated, brows furrowing, tongue poking out of your mouth. Sometimes your eyes would light up with excitement when you’d accomplished something new- other times you were so frustrated you had to pull your hair back and out of your face to concentrate better. He didn’t like to see you frustrated, but he did like it when your hair was out of your face. It gave him the best view of you. He could see your fluttering eyelashes and all the little specs of color in your eyes. 
He was so into staring at you, he didn’t notice that you’d stopped tinkering and that music no longer filled the room.
“You’re staring.”
“I said, you’re staring.”
“Oh- well I’m sorry- I just- you’re so pretty- I can’t help it! I’ve got the most gorgeous girlfriend ever and- man I can’t get enough- I swear I’m not trying to be creepy-”
Your sweet laughter met his ears, making him melt where he sat, “Dios mío*, you’re just- you’re too sweet. You’re going to kill me one day..”
“I uh- I’m not sure if that’s good or not..”, he admitted softly, a little confused.
“It’s good- wonderful even. I just want to kiss you all over.”, you said, tone serious as ever.
“You want to- oh.”, he couldn’t even finish his question. Your hands had cupped his cheeks and your lips were pressing the sweetest and softest kisses all over his face. He wasn’t entirely sure what brought this on, he didn’t really know how he affected you just yet, so he was surprised. It was a nice surprise though. Sure- you were smearing grease onto his cheeks- but you were kissing him. You were kissing him all over- and oh, you were laughing too. He practically melted into you and had the biggest smile on his face, how could you not laugh? He was so into you- so incredibly in love with you and he didn’t even have to say it for you to feel it. He was completely whipped and he knew it- but he didn’t care. What was so wrong with it- why did guys in this generation not like receiving affection like this or at least admitting that they enjoyed it?
When you pulled away, he was a little pouty, “Hey wait- where are you going?”
“It’s getting late and I just heard your stomach growl, don’t you wanna go eat before it gets too dark?”
He shook his head, “I can eat later, come back here please.”
“Peter, you have to eat-”
“I will later. Pleaasee? I don’t know what brought that on but- I really don’t want you to stop right now.”
“There’s grease on your face though- and my hands. So maybe we should-”
“Pleeeaaassseee? Please please, babygirl.”
Well damn- looks like you’re whipped for him too. Especially considering you practically fell over when he called you babygirl, how could you say no to that? You couldn’t even say no to that pouting face, even with the black grease on his cheeks. Plus- when you started up again, he was all grins and happy little laughs. You were just as in love with him as he was with you and it was so beautiful.
*And where are my people?
*My god.
Permanent Tags: @o-brienwrites, @spidergirlwanab, @thumper-darling, @mydearestsammy , @bagginsofbagend, @i-am-alpha-now, @hofsten
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starboyholland · 7 years
Peter Parker x latinx badass!reader in which they get stuck in the library because they were studying after hours and the janitor forgot they were there
Library Adventure w/ Peter
Peter would go home ranting about how stupid his teacher was for forcing the class to pair up into study groups that would meet outside of class for mandatory class credit. At first Peter didn’t mind the idea, as soon as his teacher introduced it, he turned to Ned who was in his class, and they shared a ‘wow I’m glad you’re here so we can be partners’ look. The problem in Peter’s mind began when his teacher added, “oh, and I will be picking your partners.”
Peter ranted all night about how stupid it was that he and Ned couldn’t jut be partners. Peter wasn’t thrilled about the idea until he saw who he was paired up with. Not Ned- better. You were his partner. Peter’s heart raced as he smiled at you from across the room, his breathing quickened when she approached, striding confidently over to him. “So, I hope you’re not too upset that I’m your partner instead of Ned,” You said with a smile that let Peter know your teasing words were meant completely in good will. 
“Oh, no, you’re way better than Ned,” Peter said quickly, before he could think of anything more suave to say in response. You were too cool for him, Peter thought to himself, you were known for being a bit rebellious, and Peter admired that while he knew you were one of the most intelligent people he’ d ever been around, you were cool, collected, you didn’t make science puns, you skipped classes, and drove a much cooler car than Peter did. 
The two of you arranged a time and place to meet up to study, the library, after school, at the back tables. Peter  got there before you did, nervously setting and resetting his books and materials, wiping his clammy hands on his jean-clad legs. 
Then you appeared, walking through the library towards him, and Peter wondered how he ended with the prettiest, coolest person in class for a partner. “Alright, so, what do you want to talk about first?” You asked, and that was it, the two of you began studying for a while, but quickly veered off track, realizing you had far more things in common to talk about than anticipated. The two of you, lodged contently in the corner of the library, didn’t notice when the sun went down, or when your phone batteries dies, or even when the librarian announced the final call that the library was closed for the night. 
And that, was how you found yourself on Peter’s shoulders, reaching up with all of your strength to grab on to the ledge of a high up window. Peter stretched for a final time with the kind of motivation that rarely comes until you’re actually trapped inside a school library. This last effort was enough to bridge the gap, and you began quickly working to pick the lock of the window with a few pins from your hair that you had efficiently bent out of shape. 
“I thought that only worked in movies?” Peter whispered loudly up to you from the floor. “Well, it usually works alright for me,” You replied back, noticing after the fact that you were also whisper-screaming to Peter, who was nervously wringing his hands. “Why are we whispering still- wait- you’ve picked a lock before?” Peter questioned in awe, his wide eyes directed at you. 
“Uh, yeah, say, why don’t I tell you more about that,” you paused for a second in concentration, “in my car!” You said with a flair of triumph, the lock popping open and the window releasing from its previous position. Fresh air began to filter in and the two of you breathed a shared sigh of relief. Peter clambered up to the window  with your help, and looked down at the considerable drop to the parking lot below. “I- I can’t do that,” Peter shook his head. “Oh, c’mon, Spider-Man,” you teased, looking straight into Peter’s eyes. “I thin you’ve handled worse. “How do you-” Peter began to form the question but before he could finish, you dropped effortlessly from the window, landing easily on the ground below, standing up straight and dusting your hands off. 
“That’s another conversation for the car, c’mon, Peter, you can do this” and with that, he did. 
“Well, I guess that  could have been worse,” Peter laughed with relief, you joined him. You clicked the keys for your car and watched as your car responded with flashing lights and a familiar beep in the mostly deserted parking lot. “Alright, Spider-Man, let’s get home,”
Peter followed you quickly to the car with no reluctance, anxious to figure out just how the cute, cool, and apparently well-informed girl from his class knew his secret. 
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spooderham · 7 years
Like that Latino!reader hc post is so ugly and the worst part it's not the only one I've seen that misrepresents Latinx, as it is I've seen things like being (insert character here)'s Spanish tutor and they're so ugly omggg
honestly we need better lax representation up in here and thats why the next thing im doing is a peter parker x lax reader headcanon list because an actual latina (and hispanic) has to do it since all these white girls cant
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captainmarvels · 7 years
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last updated: 09/04/19
want to be added to a tag list? add yourself here [please read the directions!]
*credit to @wonderbries and @sanity-is-overratedxp for the amazing banners, respectively! xx
Most recent fics are at the BOTTOM of each list
Caro’s Game of Prompts writing challenge masterlist
Note: titles marked with a ** ARE NSFW/18+ content - NO MINORS
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Steve Harrington x Reader masterlist [all fics]
Headcanon/Blurb masterlist
Joe Keery:
**bad behavior [NSFW]
Summary: Joe’s a merciless teaser, and you decide to get back at him the best way you know how.
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Champion (angst/fluff)
Summary: All he wants to do is prove how much he loves you.
Scared to Be Lonely (angst/fluff)
Summary: Is there more to this than just the two of you?
safe haven (angst/fluff)
Summary: Eggsy’s safe haven is in the last place he would’ve thought to look.
know no better [angst//fluff]
Summary: Eggsy’s got a weakness - you. || Kingsman/Marvel au!crossover
sweet love [fluff]
Summary: Eggsy knows he can only run so far from love, because his heart belongs to only one person - you. 
Taron Egerton:
Say What? (fluff)
Summary/Request: Why must he be like this?
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** wicked games [ceo!/sugar daddy!au - NSFW]
Summary: In which Tom Holland, overwhelmed by his personal demons, seeks comfort in the only ways he knows how; spending money and rough fucking. The hotheaded CEO with major daddy issues can’t seem to get it quite right when it comes to you, but is there hope for his heart?
You and Tom spend quality time together in his trailer.
Now or Never* (angst // song fic)
Summary: Golden boy has met his match; but will she be his?
Quit Staring
Summary: Tom won’t quit staring. (lol)
**Slow Hands* (NSFW)
Summary: Don’t get caught. Simple, right?
Last Forever* (angst / fluff)
Request: Do you think you could do something where the reader is dating Tom and they barely see each other bc of Tom’s work and bc of that they get into a ridiculous fight about it over the phone and it ends really badly. Tom feels bad about all the nasty words that were said so he goes home and surprises her there’s just a bunch of fluff at the end?!
still got time (fluff // dry humping)
Summary: Tom doesn’t want to let you go to class, so he gives you a little taste of what you’ll be missing while you’re gone.
cozy nights (fluff)
Summary: The holidays + Tom; could there possibly be anything better?
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Secrets || [COMPLETED]
Summary: Peter Parker is your kind, loving boyfriend of 2 years, who also just happens to be the web slinger, Spider-Man. And even though you support what he’s doing, you can’t seem to escape the thought that Peter is getting lost in this new superhero world.
Request: hi! could i request a piece where reader and Peter don’t know they like each other and Peter gets mad (and confesses!) when he sees reader with Flash or some other guy he doesn’t like??
Love Photographs
Date idea: going out on a photoshoot with them and they go in to alter your hair and as they push it behind your ear they lean in and kiss you slowly.
Mi Corazón*
Summary: Peter tries to flirt with you in Spanish after seeing you freak out over tickets for one of your favorite Latinx performers - Prince Royce.
One More Time*
Summary: When you are assigned to work with your old friend Peter, will the past stir up new trouble?
Hard Times*
Request: Peter Parker x Reader where the reader gets kidnapped for leverage and gets tortured but Peter comes to save her.
Imagínate* || [latinx!reader]
Summary: Peter gets some very much needed ayuda en español.
Anakin Skywalker:
King of the Game [fratboy!au - series]
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bad together [angst/fluff]
Summary: Frank’s got a secret, and it’s killing him.
heartbeat [fluff]
Summary: Frank needs you close.
**kiss after kiss [fluff/smut, NSFW]
Summary: Nice and slow. Soft and steady. Frank wants to make his favorite girl feel good.
show me love [fluffy fluff]
Summary: Frank wants to show that he loves everything about you.
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To the Rescue (Uncle Chris)
Summary: Chris recruits your help when he’s babysitting his brother’s kids.
Hit the Books (college professor au) ||  evanstan x reader
Summary: jealousy is no one’s friend
**Learn Your Lesson || part two of Hit the Books (NSFW, 18+ ONLY)
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bittersweet || {1} {2}
Summary: Steve lost you once, and he doesn’t want to risk it again. Too bad he only has three months. | modern AU
boundless [angst]
Summary: Sweet loves with a bittersweet ending. || modern au
one part of him [fluff]
Summary: In which you talk about your favorite thing about Steve.
un amor unico [fluff]
Summary: In which you can’t help but daydream about the love of your life.
Take It or Leave It (angst // fluff) || Lance Tucker x Reader
Summary: “I’m yours, in every way you’ll have me.” || Lance comforts you after a bad break-up, and accidentally reveals a secret.
Early Morning [Warning: mention of physical domestic abuse] (angst // fluff) || Lance Tucker x Reader
Summary: Lance seems to have found his soft spot, thanks to you.
new rules [flirty fluff] || Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Same dating game, with some brand new rules.
Muñeca Traicionera
Summary: Bucky Barnes x Latinx!reader || Sam wants to play a trick on Bucky. How long will it take for him to figure it out?
seven signs
summary: Bucky feels like he’s falling in love.
summary: Scary movies lead to protective cuddles leads to… you and Bucky?
teddy bear
summary: Sebastian is a fuzzy teddy bear!!
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captainmarvels · 7 years
Mi Corazón (Peter Parker x Reader Drabble)
Anonymous asked: hi!!! i wanted to request a cute, fluffy piece where the reader knows spanish and peter tries to flirt with her in spanish (they’re already dating) and he like fails miserably or she just teases him and it’s just outright adorable?? please and thanks!!
Summary: Peter tries to flirt with you in Spanish after seeing you freak out over tickets for one of your favorite Latinx performers - Prince Royce.
Warnings: None, pure, embarrassing but cute floof
Word Count: 554
A/N: I changed the request just a lil bit but I hope y’all enjoy!! I’m loving the fact I can’t go more than like a day without posting a new fic but its cool, all good. Also, I’ve listed (not direct) spanish to english translations at the bottom, in order of appearance :)
“No lo puedo creer!!” Peter hears you frantically speaking over the phone in Spanish, unable to contain your excitement. He laughs, enjoying the sight. You’re running around your room, practically bouncing up and down every other second, waving your hands around as you talk with your best friend.
Peter’s just surprised you with concert tickets for you and your best friend to see one of your favorite singers - Prince Royce. He remembered how you fangirled over him months ago, even playing some songs of his for Peter, while you tried to teach him the lyrics, to no avail. While you were a native speaker, having grown up in a Spanish-speaking household, always listening to music in Spanish, Peter had only taken classes, since middle school. Even after 5 years, Peter was embarrassed of how little he had retained, and even more so of his accent, even when you assured him he sounded fine.
But hopefully, today that would change. Ever since he had decided to get you the tickets, he began to practice his Spanish more. He got your best friend to help him, translating phrases and sentences correctly for him to practice with. He was nervous, since he only had three months to get everything right, but he knew you’d love it either way.
He glanced over, just as you were saying good-bye. He caught your eye, and you flashed him a smile as you got up. Setting your phone on your dresser, you jumped onto the bed, snuggling up to Peter as he wrapped an arm around you, kissing the top of your head.
You placed small kisses along his jaw, his cheek, and finally his lips, as a silent thank you for his gift.
“You’re the best, you know?”
“Lo se.”
“Ooh, speaking español now, are we, Pete?”
“Asi es, querida.” You giggle as Peter fails to pronounce the ‘r’ properly. He glances down at you, raising an eyebrow at your reaction. “What’s so funny, amorsito?”
“You, Petér. But please, continue! I want to hear what else you’ve learned to say, mi vida,” You smirk, cupping Peter’s face as he tries to pull away, a pout gracing his features. “Por favor, for me?” You bat your eyelashes as he playfully rolls his eyes.
“Sabes que haría cualquier cosa para ti, Y/N.”
“Then continue, babe!”
“Okay, but you have to promise not to laugh if I mess up, okay? It’s a little long…”
“I promise, Pete!! C’mon!”
“Me estas gustando más de lo normal. Eres un ángel con delicadeza, y estoy enamorado de ti. Estoy rendido a tus pies; eres mi reina, mi tesoro. Nunca te abandonaré; cada día mas me enamoro.”
When you didn’t respond after a few moments, Peter began to worry, until he heard you sniffle. “Oh darling, what’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”
“Oh, Peter, never! That was…the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me. And it means everything to me that you were the one to say it, and mean every word. Te amo, Peter Benjamin Parker. Te amo.” You pulled him down for a kiss, pouring all your love for him into it, as best you could. When you both pulled away, you couldn’t help but smile as Peter looked at you in awe and adoration.
“Te amo, Y/N. Hasta el fin del mundo.”
I can’t believe it!
I know.
Yes, beloved.
Amorsito - “little love”
My life
You know I would do anything for you, Y/N
I like you more than what’s normal. You’re a delicate angel, and I’m in love with you. I’m at your feet (surrendered but whatever); you’re my queen, my treasure. I’ll never abandon you; every day I fall more in love.
I love you (the more meaningful version lol)
Until the end of the world.
 Tags: @bladebarnes, @retroasgardian, @roamingharlem
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captainmarvels · 7 years
my favorite piece you've written is probably is probably "muñeca traicionera" !! i love it so much because i relate to it and bc i never see a latina reader fic :)
awww yay! i have a peter parker x latinx!reader fic coming soon, hopefully you’ll like that one too 🤗
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captainmarvels · 7 years
hey lovely!! was just wondering what sort of stuff u have coming up for us??☺️☺️☺️
hi! Besides my two current series (SoT and crtfy), I have a few requests and one-shots I’ll be posting soon!
Friday I’ll hopefully be posting my bucky barnes x latinx!reader fic, and then I have requests for Peter Parker, Tom Holland, Seba and Natasha x Reader that I’ll be getting to very soon [sorry to everyone who’s been waiting!!] :) 
I’m trying my best to get them all done before the end of August because then I’ll be back at school :/
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