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Tom Pauls - Tom Pauls Theater Pirna
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madaman0 · 7 months
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oh you thought i couldn’t do worse than Tomuardo
you thought wrong.
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superstarwhims · 2 months
tompaul cause I think they're actually starting to get to me I fucking love them so much ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
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mindlesstune · 1 year
Hi all!
It’s a been a while since I was actively posting here because I have been focused on my project. I identify as transgender non-binary and I have seen the vitriol towards people like me and their voice is too often silenced. It’s time to normalize people who are deemed “different” when they simply aren’t. Human rights are human rights. I have started a gofundme to receive funds to help with my TomPaul productions launch. If you share these same sentiments and want to support visit the gofundme link and please share with anyone else you know that feels the same. This is important to me and I know will help others. It will succeed with your help!
Thank you
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larkermarker · 2 years
Uhh idk why (I’m really tired rn that’s why) but I just want to list some ew ships I like and am totally normal about (lying)
Also in order from fav to ones I think are neat
- omfg I love this ship so much
- pairing two of my favorite characters together? Yess
- I go absolutely feral
- otp otp otp
- just make it canon already
- two idiots, they are in love
- have you seen how much they touch eachother in the end??? That is kinda gay especially the “who’s my brave soldier”. Gets me every time.
- more evidence is all their scenes in ruined. They even have matching outfits
- total power couple that could definitely rule the world together
- tord is touch starved, Matt is touchy, they are perfect
- love all their canon interactions
- beat eachother up affectionately :D
- angst potential is real
- the most bro of all the bromances
- would just riff on each other all the time
- just really cute I love
- just two cute pilot idiots
- not a lot to go on but I still like them
eduardomark (or how ever you say it)
- I just think mark comforting eduardo is cute
- these assholes deserve each other
- not much to say but
- it’s good 👍
EduardoPaul (pauluardo?)
- blame that one scene in the ew fan movie
- also more of a crackship
Matt x Pat (Mattryk? MattPat?)
- I literally don’t have a reason for this
- the two just feel right together
- also the ship name potential
- uh they are both hot and have attitude problems or something
- just silly men
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milly1234 · 2 months
Oto serca Yuutyck itp
Yuutyck: 🧡💛
YuuPaul: 💗🧡
Tera Yanov
YanovTryck: 🖤💛
Teraz z Tordem
TordTryck: 💛❤
TordPaul: 💗❤
Teraz Tom ( UWAGA, pedofilia)
TomASDF ( KID): 💙🤍
TomTord: 💙❤
TomPaul: 💙💗
TomBing ( Tak jest taki szhip -_-): 💙🤍
Tomtryck: 💛💙
TomLarry: 💚💙
TomMatt: 💜💙
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eddsworldbish420 · 2 months
Rate these rare ships :D
MarkTord(Norwegian Sweater)
Interest factor: 8/10 
plausibility factor: 2/10
toxicity rating (healthy relations get boring sometime yk): 7/10
Personal comments: They would have such a funny history lmao. Like Tord is like into really weird shit (I mean hentai usually has weird shit) right and Mark is a really basic bitch so Tord wanted to try something different and date a guy. Mark tried dating in general and got this weird fucker instead of a healthy relationship.
TomPaul (AddictionDuo)
Interest factor: 7/10 
plausibility factor: 3/10
toxicity factor: 6.7/10
personal comments: they would make each other worse but they would be fun to balance each other out. Like they pretend to have a lot more common sense than what they actually have and end up killing each other and themselves.
Interest factor: 4/10
plausibility factor: 1/10
toxicity factor: 1/10
personal thoughts: I honestly included this one bc I think it would be funny if Laurel was like “hey baby can I act in your boss’s film :3???”
RAHHHH I LOVE MARKTORD (or as I like to call gunsweater)
Interest factor 9/10
Plausibility factor 1/10
Toxicity: 6/10
Personal comments: kinky man x vanilla man does fit better but deep down Mark's probably so into Roleplay, andddd.. I dunno they prolly share special interests with long detailed conversations late at night. I love them :3
All around rating 7.5/10
Cigarettesmirnoff (tompaul)
Interest factor: 5/10
Plausibility factor: 2/20
Toxic factor: 4/10
Personal comment: I like this ship, it would be good if it's in wtfuture, I think they'd get along and talk shit about tord
All around: 5.5/10
Interest factor: 4/10
Plausibility: 3/10
Toxic factor: 0/10
Personal comments: eh, not one I've ever thought of, but it's cool!
All around: 2.7/10
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missrose1989 · 4 years
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Heute in der jungen Garde Dresden Tom Pauls mit "Das wird mir nicht nochmal passieren". Tom Pauls und seine ganz privaten Erinnerungen und mit musikalische Begleitung des Freddie Ommitzsch Studio Ensemble. Ein sehr schöner bunter Abend zwischen Lachen, Anekdoten und Erinnerungen, gepaart mit Musik der Zeit. 😊😍 Bevor jetzt wieder Fragen kommen, Tom Pauls ist bei uns ein regional bekannter Komiker, Kabarettist und Entertainer. 🥰❤ Hier noch ein Teil der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung für euch: "Der Vollblutsachse veröffentlichte seine ganz privaten Erinnerungen. Unter dem Titel »Das wird mir nicht nochmal passieren. Meine fabelhafte Jugend« sind sie im Aufbau-Verlag Berlin erschienen. Der gebürtige Leipziger lässt sein Publikum hautnah teilhaben am Siegen und Scheitern des heranwachsenden Künstlers. Er ist Brandstifter, Grabräuber, Schulschwänzer, vor allem aber eine halbe Portion. Tom, der Junge mit den schwarzen Locken, hält von Anfang an dagegen: mit Schlagfertigkeit, Witz und der großen Gusche. Geschichten erzählen Geschichte: Wie Klamotten und Haare einen Jugendlichen der siebziger Jahre zum Kriminellen machen, warum es nicht ratsam ist, im Ferienlager an der Ostsee Sächsisch zu sprechen, und wie man als sensibler Mensch die Armeezeit übersteht – mitreißend und witzig präsentiert Tom Pauls Anekdoten und Schoten aus seiner Jugend." Ich glaube, die Beschreibung trifft Tom Pauls zu 100 %. Vielleicht kommt dann noch ein Video, weil ich habe ein paar Momente des Abends festgehalten. 🎼🎵🎶 #tompauls #erinnerungen #anedoten #bewegtesleben #komiker #kabarettist #freddieommitzschstudioensemble #jungegarde #jungegardedresden #mitabstanddasbesteopenairtheaterderwelt #tompaulstheater #bloggen #blogger #blogger_de #bloggerlife #missroseontour #missroseskleinewelt (hier: Freilichtbühne Junge Garde) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKiFPpAaOE/?igshid=1tdxummhey060
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tomee--bear · 3 years
Honestly shipped tompaul bc of their low-key energies (and both are big gender envy ngl)
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zehecatl · 3 years
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justanotherindie · 5 years
TOMPAUL - Easy [Indie Electro]
TOMPAUL – Easy [Indie Electro]
На электронной сцене Швейцарии в этом году появился весьма интересный проект – трио TOMPAUL, возглавляемое харизматичным вокалистом Tom Fischer и экспериментирующего с танцевальной музыкой на стыке indie electro и electro pop.
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В конце ноября у ребят вышел новый сингл “Easy” и должен сказать сочетание электронных битов, необычного вокала и духовых производит отличное впечатление.…
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spinningtusk · 7 years
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I like TomPaul a lot so take these kinda bad doodles until I can make something properly
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missrose1989 · 4 years
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Es geht wieder los - die nächsten Events sind gesichert. 😍😍😍 • 9.7.20 - Torsten Sträter mit dem Programm "Schnee, der auf Ceran fällt" • 1.8.20 - Nicole Jäger mit dem Programm "Prinzessin Arschloch" • 21.8.20 - Tom Pauls mit dem Programm "Das wird mir nicht nochmal passieren" • 23.8.20 - Dr. Mark Benecke mit "Mafia in New York" Alle Veranstaltungen sind in der Jungen Garde im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Mit Abstand das beste Open Air - Theater der Welt". Ich freue mich. 😍😍😍 #ticket #tickets #tix #karten #vorfreude #jungegarde #jungegardedresden #mitabstanddasbesteopenairtheaterderwelt #torstensträter #nicolejäger #markbenecke #tompauls #esgehtwiederlos #bloggen #blogger #bloggen #blogger_de #bloggerlife #missroseontour #missroseskleinewelt #ohnekunstwirdesstill (hier: Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCO-ixlAUyt/?igshid=u4cik1rtjxs5
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