#tony is so fucking easy to manipulate bc all you have to do is make him feel guilty abt something
1eos · 9 months
May I have some lovely book recommendations on this day <3 😁😁 I'm trying to read more this next year
you sure can!!!!! i'll list my fave reads of the past few years:
convenience store woman by sayaka murata -one of my fave books of all timeeeeee. its basically about a woman who just doesnt fit in into 'normal' society and even tho she's happy ppl feel like she shouldnt be bc she's not progressing w everyone else. if you've been the weird girl ever this book will
ring shout - p djeli clark. a historical fiction novel where the kkk are like demons and theres this organization of black hunters. its action packed but what makes it so amazing is the emotional growth of the characters :') an all time fave
the vanishing half - brit bennett. another AMAZING historical fiction book. its abt family lines....and colorism and twins and what it means to be white passing and privilege and generational trauma. it honestly has toni morrison core vibes where there's a lot of pain but thru love all is healed!
there's no such thing as an easy job by kikuko tsumura. a bit of an eclectic read. this woman takes on different jobs and they each give her grief in a new way. very relatable esp if you hate your job 😭
the vegetarian by han kang. THEE GOAT. i will recc this book until the day i DIE. and even then. its technically a horror story abt the fallout after a woman has a dream/vision and decides to stop eating meat but its sooo much deeper than that. its such a great look at how, as a woman, everything abt you is subject to critique down to what you eat
parasite eve. thee classic scifi horror the video game was inspired by! think frankenstein but there's a love story underneath. but also you question if it was love at all bc what if the mitochrondria inside of us are just manipulating everything we do? i loved it! writing style is a bit clinical but idc
my sister the serial killer by oyinkan braithwaite...i read this one in a single day it was THAT GOOD. sister is a serial killer and the fucking implications and fucked up shit that comes from lookism and family expectations and misogyny tbh. love it~
annihilation by jeff vandermeer. the first in a series but you can just read the first one. its sooooooooooooooooooo good. its a scifi book about this mysterious barrier off the coast that's slowly expanding and inside nature is reclaiming its space and most everyone that enters the barrier never returns.....another quick read bc it will have you HOOKED
yellowface by r f kuang. i don't usually enjoy satire but r f kuang really TOOK IT THERE. this is the most infuriating book you'll ever read but in the best way. this white author w an inferiority complex objectifies her friend that she secretly hates and then steals her friend's book. only thing is the friend is proudly asian and her book is abt specific cultural history so the white girl does diet yellowface and is just a massive bitch
beloved by toni morrison. how do you sum up beloved? i cannot sum up beloved. if i had to sum up beloved i would say 'love is a haunting but not every haunting is love and the only thing that can clear a haunting is love'
in the dream house by carmen maria machado. god probably the best prose i've read all year. a really beautiful but bittersweet autobiographical novel about a bisexual woman's experience with a fucked up abusive relationship and how subtle abuse can be. heavy subject matter but handled soooo beautifully.
the only good indians by stephen graham jones. WHEW. this is a horror......and this book will take you for a fucking ride i'll tell you that. its abt a group of native american men who were childhood friends and due to one mistake they're all haunted by...something that wants to get revenge on them. this book had me going 'DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?' multiple times
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 18
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Jack Russell from Marvel's Werewolf by Night. Bottom Gif: Steve Harrington from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: female | 18-19
A/n's: okay this one turned out good. I think atleast I hope you think the same
Warnings: violence, reader gets shot, mentions of drugs (bc Robin and steve got drugged that one episode),stuffs about to get real
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"Okay okay wait." Y/n told Robin, "you wanna, not only stay in here overnight, but you also want to put this...child-"
"What's with the pause!?"
"I've seen many things, and a child does not manipulate two grown adults that easy!" Y/n argued. "So you wanna put this child in danger-"
"This child has a name!-"
Y/n sighed, "And what is it?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"You little-"
"okay! Okay!" Dustin stopped the two.
You were officially in crazy town, cookoo land, family chasing you, lost from Loki, Peter, and the others, your friends wanting to fight Russians, and you mean while are having the biggest mental breakdown of your life.
You just wanna scream.
But you get roped into their shenanigans either way.
So, you with them wait for nightfall, you staying with Erica to help and get her into the vent in the first place.
Afterward, you look for anything that could be a weapon, a knife hopefully, but it is an ice cream shop, and find nothing useful.
You're soon to join the trio on the roof.
"God I wish that magic dumbass the Corinthian was here," Y/n argued.
"Who?" Dustin asked.
"The Corinthian, he casually threatened me and Steve for ice cream," Y/n argued.
"What?" Steve asked.
"The white-haired dude? Wore glasses?"
"Y/n you were knocked out the whole time in the back almost, I don't know who you're talking about I tried to wake you up, you had a bad bloody nose, then Robin came in and you were up like nothing."
"The conversation about Nancy?" Y/n asked, he shrugged at her confused.
"Not with me, Last actual conversation we had was how Venom showed up at your house-"
"Venoms here!?" Dustin asked happily.
"Guys!" Robin argued, "Kinda, busy here!"
"Sorry." The three apologized.
You all were quiet, waiting from any word back from Erica.
Soon she was walking out unharmed, causing Steve to sigh in relief,
"Asshole child!"
"Punisher Wannabee!"
Fuck she got you with that one.
You all were quick to make it off the roof, you sliding down by the pipe on the side of the building and the others taking the stairs like normies
When you all made it in it was just a whole bunch of Chinese food boxes.
"Well shit, time to deal with a bigger problem," Y/n spoke.
"Wait! we gotta open one." Dustin protested, Steve, took out a pocket knife.
"Fine," Y/n spoke, holding her hand out for the knife, "I'll open it, remember Hydra fighter?"
"Let the Punisher Wannabe open it-"
"How bout you open it, Sinclair?"
"I'm a child hell no."
Y/n rolled her eyes, Steve looked at her, "Come on,"
He gave it to her, and she opened it without a care in the world, "Fuck come on..."
Turns out? Russians are in Hawkins, yay.
You opened the container, to find smaller ones inside.
"Woah, step back," Steve told the group, Robin and Erica were quick to take a step back.
"You too dude," Steve told Dustin.
"What!? no!"
"Come on-"
"Yep, that's Hydra alright..." Y/n spoke already and had pulled a container out of the box, the signature symbol plastered on the underside of the bottle, "Bastards...Gotta say though, they're losing their shit on the packaging, come on man, step it up."
"What!? I'm being honest!" Y/n argued, "At least Stark has better packaging!"
"Tony Stark!?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah, Tony Stark-"
The room suddenly rattled.
"We're fucked." Y/n spoke up.
"What? Dustin, open the door." Steve ordered as Dustin turned to press the button.
"It's not working."
"What do you mean it's not-"
Meanwhile, Y/n was taking a seat in a free corner where no boxes sat the group started to argue.
"Just press the button!" Steve argued pressing a button causing a large door to close.
"We're in an elevator!" Y/n called, "And we're going down!"
It was indeed you all were going down, you sat on the floor already knowing something like this would happen, come on its hydra.
So while everyone was screaming their heads off, you were just waiting for it to stop.
It was a hard and sudden stop and even made you slip from your seat a little.
"Okay. Hydra you got my respect back." Y/n sighed standing up, "kinda atleast."
She went to help Robin and Dustin up, seeing Steve was barried under boxes, helping them off him and him up he brushed himself off.
You were already walking away to help the next person to there feet
And they're arguing again while your clipping the canister to your belt.
"I dont care about Tina! Or Uncle Jacks Party!-"
Y/n pushed Steve out the way and climbed up on the table, she had found and opening in the ceiling of the elevator.
"Anyone comin?" She called out getting to the top.
"I am." Dustin spoke following her as she held an arm out for him, he grabbing it as she lifted him up with ease, "woah-"
She stood up, looking up.
"Anything up there?" Steve asked.
"Nope." Dustin spoke.
"Lots and lots of climbing..." y/n sighed, "and Im sure I couldnt even climb that...fuck..."
She took a seat with a sigh, watching Dustin start to pace for an idea.
"My walkie!" He beemed, taking it from his bag and bringing it up.
For the next, god knows how long he tried working at it, calling for help as Y/n sat against the wall ontop the elevator.
"Dustin. Please." Y/n spoke rubbing her head, "its not gonna work."
"What happened to you?" He argued.
"What?" Y/n asked confused at his anger.
"You! You use to be so! Lets save the world-"
"Dustin! This isnt the world to me!" Y/n defended, "this is day to day life!"
He looked at her with a given up look: "look...come here."
He sat besides her, "Im going crazy." Y/n told him.
"Your fighting russians and demodogs-"
"No. No." Y/n responded.
"Im going truly crazy." Y/n responded, "something. Something in my head...Im seeing things that arent there. Im mistakening dreams with reality-"
"You're getting a super power!?" Dustin asked.
Y/n sighing, "yeah. Maybe thats it."
"Thats a good thing!" Dustin cheered, "look at the stuff you do now! Imagine after super powers!"
"Super Powers? Some one blasting us out of here?" Steve spoke climbing up.
"Im better off stuck down here then up there at this point." Y/n responded, "Its almost day and Im still completely unknown of whats happening to my friends..."
"What happens if the Russians-"
"Dustin. I. Its not Russians." Y/n told Steve walking to the corner of the elevator, "trust me-"
"What are you doing?" Dustin asked Steve.
"What do you think Im doing Im taking a leak." Steve spoke undoing his pants turning his head to see the two looking.
"Well!? Look away! Look away!"
"Jesus! Okay! Okay!" Dustin told turning around.
"Nothing I havent seen before." Y/n shrugged.
"Ew!" Dustin gagged as Y/n looked towards Dustin.
"I thought you two werent a thing anymore!" He argued.
"We're not." Y/n told, "I cant handle love."
"I am right here." Steve argued.
"Good. Wont have to repeat myself later when we have a moment." Y/n defended as Steve put himself back together.
"Hey!" Robin called head popping up, "we got company!"
Y/n looked at the two boys, "Come on! Get up here!"
Y/n quickly helped the two girls up, just in time too as the door slid open.
You were all quiet, hearing people moving in the bottom.
"Hydra?" Dusti whispered as Y/n brought a finger to her lips, listening to the conversation
By the sound of it they were just workers. But knowing Hydra they were most likely armed with pistols and it'd be hard keeping four bodies from bullets
So the best option was to wait for the right momment.
It was Steve's quick thinking that got you out the elevator to begin with, using the hydra container to stop the door from closing as everyone quickly slid through the crack.
You pulling Steve by his feet before he could get crushed to death.
Now you had a shit ton of walking to do.
Like a shit load.
You stayed infront of the group, armed at the ready with Steve's small pocket knife.
"Would you look at you."
"You're back."
"It is your head."
Y/n looked towards the side, the man dressed prestine and clean.
"Your outfit sucks by the way."
"Yeah. Not really into the pretty boy style either." Y/n told the Corinthian, "Why are you here?"
"Why are you here?" He asked, "after all you figured me out a hell of a lot quicker than I could even imagine."
"Im here because these dumbasses are gonna get killed without me."
"Yeah but you have bigger things to do."
"Shame." Y/n rolled her eyes, walking down the long hall, "whats happening? To me?"
"Hell if I know." He responded, "my guess would be your walking between two walls."
"Walking?" Y/n asked.
"You're asleep, but not." He explained.
"Day dreaming?" Y/n asked, "Multiverse jumping?"
"No." He spoke, "walking is all, You're good at it. You know. Despite the"
"-Bloody nose." Steve spoke up the Corinthian gone.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You have a bloody nose." Steve told her, "again."
Y/n felt at her nose, "sorry."
"Thats the what? Third one?" He asked, "you gonna be okay?"
Y/n nodded wipping her nose on the back of her hand, "yeah fine."
He watched her walk ahead again.
"Hey!" She stopped them, they coming to a crossroads, "come on keep quiet. Follow me. There's people up ahead."
You were quick to guide them behind some type of cover from Hydra soilders.
You quickly hurried them along, and even had to pull them behind cover when they stood there out in the open like idiots amazed.
"To the coms room." Erica spoke poitning it out.
"Comns room???" Y/n asked.
"Yeah. While you were busy day dreaming we got a radio signal a hole."
"I should feed you to the Hulk you know." Y/n argued.
"What makes you say its a comns room?" Steve argued.
"Lots of lights and control shit."
"That could be hudnreds of diffrent things."Dustin argued.
"Shes not far off." Y/n told Dustin, "just stay ontop me."
They nodded, following her close behind.
It was easy to get them to the comns room, You ushering them all inside as they quickly did as told.
Just to be face with a Hydra soilder.
"Ah fuck." Y/n mummbled as the guy looked straight at her, he knew who she was immediately .
That was before Steve yelled and rushed at him surprising the group.
"You did it!" Dustin shouted at Steve, "you won a fight!"
"Seriously? Never won a fight?" Y/n asked.
"We're not all super ripped like you." Steve panted brushing his fingers through his hair.
You looted the guy for his pistol and gun, while Dustin picked up his key card.
But as always there was more arguing, they argue alot.
Did you argue this much?
Yeah most likely.
"Hey!" Robin called, "your gonna wanna see this."
Y/n quickly climbed the stairs joining Robin, "Fucking Hydra...little assholes..."
"Holy shit..." Dustin spoke.
You were all looking at a machine, ripping into a portal, a familiar portal, the Upside Down
"I...I swear. If I fucking get my hands on Zeemo."
"Zeemo?" Dustin asked.
"He made Bucky Barnes the Winter soilder. And I have a feeling Zeemo did this bull shit too."
Y/n rushed back down the stairs to see the man Steve once beat the shit out of gone.
Rushing to the door she opened it seeing Everyone looking her way.
"Avenger!" They shouted, Y/n lifting the pistol up before letting out a few rounds and slamming the door shut.
"Run!" She shouted.
"I said run!" Y/n shouted opening the door allowing them to go through, "Do it freely OR I'LL DO IT AT GUN POINT!"
"Avenger!" Soilder shouted behind them, "Get her!"
Y/n turned around firing at the soilders but the magazine was empty.
"What!? Already!? Oh come on!" Y/n shouted rushing down after the group.
She jumped the railing following the group close in tail, ramming into one of the soilders with a better gun.
"Thats mine now!" Y/n shouted hitting it across the second soilders face causung him to go down.
She turned around shooting at the soilders rushing at her while cautiously running backwards, downing a few before she took off once again.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted, "hurry!"
"Im going!" Y/n shouted jumping over the small set of steps before turning around, shooting just a few more bullets, the gun empty again.
"OH THESE GUNS SUCK COME ON HYDRA!" Y/n shouted before rushing towards soilders using as a Melee weapon, before dropping it and pulling out Steve's pocket knife.
"Go! Now!" Y/n ordered.
Steve and Robin watching her threw the window on the door, superhero pose and all, nothing but a pocket knife in her hand as soilders rushed at her.
Within a few seconds she downed atleast five more of them, using themselves against each other, but with how many flooded in at once, she was beat, kicked, shot at and went to the ground within the next mintue: shouting for the group to run as she fought back even in captivaty.
But they manage to stop you by knocking you out
Because Hydra has no class.
When you woke up, you found yourself in a cage, surrounded by a binding circle.
"Ugh..." she groaned.
There was a noise: a growl? Maybe not, maybe a gargle?
She looked to the side, "Oh. Hey. They got you too,"
The thing Hpmh in its in own way.
"Yeah...oh shit my side..." y/n complained, "Let me guess...they wanted you to join for your stunning looks. Look. You havent eaten me. So. Im Y/n..."
It grumbled, "Yeah yeah. Sterotype. My bad. Not every green thing thats huge wants to beat everything up."
Y/n looked at the creature, "you got a name?"
It hummed and bubbled.
"Ted?" Y/n asked, "How long you've been stuck here."
It answered in a grumble.
"shit that sucks." Y/n responded, "why you in the pound?"
Y/n listened as the thing blurbed, ranted in its own way.
"Because you're...a swamp...monster..." Y/n responded, "Mhm you there forced Test runner?"
He nodded.
"Yeah. I can understand that." Y/n complained rubbing her head as she looked at the binding circle, "this thing keeping you in?"
He nodded.
"Seeing they put me in here." Y/n spoke, "they wanted you to eat me and wanted any sorcery I had to cease along with any strength."
He grummbled, "what? No. Not with out my sling ring you?"
A few hums, blurbs and grunts in response.
"Really You have powers? Oh an me? Someones a fan boy." Y/n chuckled, "but yeah. Avenger. Not much of a power kinda gal..."
You used the bars to help you to your feet leaning it against it as you used it as support to walk looking for anything.
The binding circle too far for you to reach over and simply swipe at and ruin.
And with your new cellmate you were shit out of luck on most things.
But before you could really try anything, two soilders came in with there Lutenit
"I demand to talk to Zeemo!" Y/n shouted at the commander.
"Zeemo has no weight and is a scum to us."
"Fuck." Y/n mummbled looking back at Ted, "Im shit out of ideas."
"I will ask you once." He spoke, careful to keep outside the bidding circle.
"Which Avenger sent you."
"None." Y/n argued, "Your mother did. And shit did she suck my fat fucking dick like no tommrow!"
A gun shot rang off as Y/n was shot in the leg, she growling in pain but kept standing up.
"Fury must have sent you-"
"Fuck you!" Y/n shouted.
"Zeemo prehaps?!"
Another shot to the leg, she crumbling against the ground hands still on the bar.
"Do you hear that?" The Lutenit asked, taking a step closer, "You're friends?"
"Fuck!" There was a cry, they in a near by room, she could hear it threw the vent.
Y/n was slient, as she kept her head down the Lutient taking another step closer, he would be rewarded highly, capturing both spies and a long term enemy. Y/n's grip tightened on the bar as he took another long stride.
"Who is the cock sucker now?"
Y/n reached out grabbing him by the belt slamming into the bars, "You!"
Y/n grabbed his gun quickly shooting him and falling back to aim at the other two just as quick, downing the three.
"Fuck..." she sighed pulling at the soilders foot bringing him closer so y/n could grab his keys as she quickly got up and made it to the locked cage door.
"You comin?" She asked opening it as Ted got up, "yeah. Come on. We're blood buddies now."
He followed her carefully, she grabbing stuff off the soilders to tie her leg off.
Ted was gentleman enough to even tie them off as a thank you.
You like ted, anyone hurts ted they fuck with you
Peaking your head out you dont see anyone, but as soon as you do an alarm goes off.
So you and a Giant Swamp Monster named Ted are on the hunt for your friends and quick too, rushin to find your friends you tried the first door, it already open and you could hear laughing.
"Haha! Henderson!"
Y/n opened the door quickly.
"And Y/n! Haha!" Steve laughed as she walked in.
"Y/n!" Dustin cheered, cutting the bindings on the two, Ted following her inside causing them all to scream.
"Hey! Hey!" She shouted, "Ted! This is Ted! He's cool! He's with me! They wanted him to eat me but we're chill! Right Ted?!"
He nodded as they just looked at the two.
"Well?! Come on!" Y/n shouted rushing them all along.
You manage to lead them all path free of Russain soilders till you turn a corner and there's both screaming.
Turns out Ted had a rescue party coming consisting of one man.
Luckily Ted can stop you before you go full fighter on the poor dude.
"Again?" He asked Ted, "and ropping people into it now?"
Ted grumbled.
"Okay. Obviously your friends." Y/n smiled at the two, "but if you'd like to stay that way we should oh. Run!"
Turns out Dustin knabbed on of there vechiles and your having to basically pick Steve and Robin up into it, you drive, because honestly you don't trust anyone else. Along with the new comer in the front.
"Im Jack!" He introduced holding out a hand for a hand shake.
"Are you seriously introducing yourself right now?!" Y/n argued driving as fast as she could.
"Right sorry!"
Y/n looked to the side: "Im Y/n!"
You manage to get everyone to the Elevator and rush everyone inside.
And in the elevator its even worse.
Steve and Robin joking around, playing.
"Its like Im-"
"Surfing!" They both cheered.
Ted looked at Y/n, "I swear there both usually way better than this."
She watched Steve fall and tumble over, Y/n walking over to him.
"Hey! Steve!" Y/n shouted.
"Y/n?"he asked, "what are you doin here?"
"They seem drunk." Erica argued.
"Why would they be drunk."
"Boop." He poked her on the nose, "Hey- when did you get here Y/n?"
"Steve let me-"
"No- Ow!"
"Sorry- sorry.." y/n apologized holding his eyes opened.
"His pupils are dilated." She spoke, "not drunk but drugged."
"Jack, where'd you park your car?" Y/n asked.
"I walked here? Heh..."
Y/n looked back at Steve, "Where's your car Steve?"
"Ooo can we stop at the food court!" Robin asked, "i'd kill for a hot dog on a stick!"
"Yeah!" Steve smiled.
"You can have as much food as you want!" Dustin told him the two drugged teens cheering, "Where are your keys? For the car!"
"Keys!? Hah the russians took those!"
You sighed, as the Elevator stopped, you all filing out in a rush.
"You guys stay safe." Y/n told Ted and Jack.
"Thank you-"
"Hey!" A police officer shouted.
"Shit..." Dustin spoke looking around, "in here! Come on!"
Looks like Jack and Ted weren't done with you yet as you pulled them in to hide in the back halls of the mall with you.
You had to figure out something to do with Ted and Jack, mostly Ted.
"Uh...this way! Behind the screen!" Y/n shouted rushing Ted in.
"Alright. I want you to stay in here." Jack spoke.
Ted grumbled, "yeah I know you can help! But when the times right alright buddy?"
Ted shrugged in relucant exceptence.
Leaving Ted hidden for now you quickly joined Dustin and Erica to divise a plan.
You told Jack to stay there and keep an Eye on Robin and Steve while you and Dustin went up to try and radio the group.
Turns out Dustin ran the battery pretty dry, but he managed to get back to the group, barely able to hear or register anything.
"Hey!" Jack spoke rushing in the room with Erica.
"There gone."
"What?!" Y/n argued getting up and looking for the two in the crowd, "shit..."
You all went on the hunt for them, but you ended up falling, Jack luckily catching you.
"Ah. Your bleeding-"
"No shit I got shot atleast twice."
He helped you along to a bathroom, sitting you on the counter you groaned, adrenaline starting to wear thin.
He pulled out a little pocket med kit, he must get in alot of shit problems if he carries one around.
He rolled undid the binding you hand on them and rolled up your pants leh and took a look at them.
"It didn't go threw..." he spoke.
"You have tweazers in there?" Y/n asked.
"Uh. Yes." Jack spoke holding them out for her she taking off her belt bitting down on it.
She lifted her leg to rest on the counter.
Taking a deep breathe she dug the tweazers in eyebrows knitting in pain as her face became hot, pulling the first bullet out. Jack even had to look away from the gruesome act, his own eyebrows knitting as he griminced in disgust. She tossed the bullet in the sink to quickly get the second and within the next mintue she had the second out. Pulling her belt from her mouth she sighed in relief.
"Could you?"
"Yeah- Yes. Of course." He spoke.
You watched him disinfect and clean the wound and surronding area.
It was quiet between you two, until he spoke up and thanked you for saving his friend.
"He gets in trouble quiet a lot." He chuckled, "this way Is...quiet new."
Y/n chuckled, "Im always in trouble it seems..."
"Your a midnight son." He spoke, Y/n looking up from the work being done on her leg, "You work with Marc Spector."
Y/n nodded, "how do you know that."
He shrugged, "Lets just say we've fought before."
"Your the wearwolf." Y/n cut in he looking up, "I remember the markings."
He nodded, looking down at his work, "We had quiet the moment back then."
Jack laughed, "calling falling to our deaths is hardly considered a moment."
Y/n chuckled, "I'll take what I can get, one of the better memories...especially as of recent."
He stiched her leg up carefully, "We have to stop running into each other this way-"
Y/n winced, "Im sorry." He apologized quickly.
"Are you alright?" He asked a hand resting on her shoulder.
Y/n nodded, "I'll be fine. Thanks..."
Y/n watched the skin close up on the first stitch, he moving onto the second hole.
As he stitched you up, you both contuined to talk, as if you were old buddies catching up
He had a contagious smile, and a sweet heart
To be honest you feel bad for almost killing him that one time.
You didnt expect the conversation to get so deep either: he telling you what he did as the "other" side of him wasnt really him.
"I mean. I like this side. But the other side was kinda fluffy," y/n defended, causing him to laugh.
"And you? Do you have an other side?" He chuckled.
Y/n thought for a mintue, "I don't know. Not like you atleast. Not that I know of."
"No?" He asked, "arent we all animal in some way? We all have something itching."
Y/n chuckled, "If Im an animal Im one uncapable of happiness."
"Why say that? You're lovely. Besides the almost killing me."
"I almost let myself be happy...with Steve. With my dad."
"But I always have to do the "bigger" thing, save the world, save this save that." Y/n spoke, "I dont mind it. I don't. Really. Its fun even sometimes, I just...end up missing people after there not on the feild anymore but rather in it."
Jack cleaned her stiches one last time, and wrapped her leg in gauze, "sounds like to me like you need to save yourself."
He finished off her bandages tying them off and tucking the loose ends in, "or. You need to be saved. Just once."
"Reinvention?" Y/n asked.
"No." He spoke, "Heal yourself before you Heal others. Doesnt have to be while in battle, but off the feild."
He nodded.
He made a good point: maybe you need mental healing.
Dustin busted through the door and the others followed.
"Okay look. It doesn't take that long to bandage a wound. Y/n stop flirting." Dustin argued.
"We need to go!" Erica argued.
"We go out the front, circle round and grab Ted." Dustin explained.
"Why not just go through the Theater?"
"Because its closed." Dustin explained.
"Come on."
So both you and Jack got up and walked towards the group, you all poking your head out looking to see the last group from the theater leaving.
And quickly all join to blend in with the group.
You blended pretty easy, you and Jack especilaly keeping your head down.
"Turn around." Robin argued.
"They're here." She told, "the russians."
The group looked at rhe man checking IDs, he turning towards them.
"Shit gotta go!" Y/n told, "go!"
The group ran away, sliding down between the escalators quickly.
You could hear the running behind you, you all rushing to hide.
And out of all places in the food court,
You had pushed the kids under the counter in hopes they'd have more cover.
You put a finger to your lips as Dustin and Erica covered there mouths.
Looking at The other three they were
It was eerily quiet.
The car alarm of the "Win a Prize" car went off and a quick growl out as the car was thrown the two kids grabbing onto you in fear
You slowly peaked over the counter, the group following you.
"Haha!" Y/n laughed, "Ted!"
He smiled and looked up to the second floor.
"Haha!" Dustin cheered, "Yes! The gangs all together."
It was indeed a good sight, the heros y/n had lost track of? All together: beat up? Oh for sure, but together and intact.
You barely could hold your ground as Peter and Kate almost tackled you down in a hug.
"We thought you were a goner!" Kate told.
"No kidding! We looked everywhere for you then ran into Mr.Stark-"
"Wait wait wait." Y/n stopped them, "Tony?"
"They're all here!" Kate spoke, "and this thing! Its called the mind flayer! And it's not just in Hawkins its in New York! And It has everyone by the head! And so we learned about the Upside down! And we didnt know how to reach you! So we went along sithe everything and Billy Hargrove? Right? He's like a main leader! We think he got to Frank and thats how it spread!-"
"Woah woah Woah!" Y/n stopped, "Slow down. Slow down. Look I was just stuck in a Hydra base!"
"Hydra base!?"
"Okay! What is going on!" Nancy intruppted, "Hydra?!"
"Okay Hydra is what turned bucky barnes into the Winter Soilder-" y/n told the huddled around group.
"They strengthened Wanda Maximoff and...uh..." Y/n spoke, "They're a huge threat."
"What's the game plan here exactly? Because if Im honest. Strange." Eddie started up, "has no sling ring nor neck stone thing Kate's out of arrows, Parkers only part spider, Wade's got no bullets left, no swords, loki's and Chavez are all magiced out, Venom wont even come out."
"Wait" y/n argued, "You lost the eye of Agimoto-"
"More of it was ripped from my neck." Strange argued.
"By who?!' Y/n argued.
"By Billy-"
"Hargrove's flayed?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n." Strange spoke, she looking at strange, face full of concern, "you're brother, Billy Russo, he's here."
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
sometimes i see non autistics write headcanons abt what probably went on in an autistic char they arent writings head and i just ‘yeah, yeah you have no idea how autistics think at all lol’ like yes its a spectrum, yes we’re all different, and youre still managing to pretend we’re neurotypical like—
#out.#‘well to ever even DO that you have to—‘ no. no you dont.#if youre not autistic maybe. our brains do not think or process things the way yours does#and when a char hits so many scales that every autistic who sees them agrees theyre autistic? (aka t/ony s/tark. b/ruce w/ayne. c/assandra#c/ain. n.ewt s/camander. h u n d r e d s m o r e)#you have to understand that our brains do not process information the way yours does#autism is in fact genetic so theres a good chance that if a blood relative has it#youre also somewhere on the spectrum#but ffs stop making everything ‘it has to be xyzabcde’ no. no it doesnt.#we overthinks every minute detail. and in a lot of cases like bruce in 2022#its hard to get into the headspace of someone did something bad but they are not bad#even w ourselves half the time when i fuck up i think im worthless horribel and garbage#rejection sensitivity and being lied to are HUGE factors here#and it takes a LOT to wrap our heads around it#esp if we don’t know we’re autistic and arent there yet#like bruce in the film onviously struggles immensely with his heroistic view of his father#until he realizes thomas is a prick and then hes all bad#and alfred tries to salvage it but bruce has to come to terms with he did good things but also bad things#even w other family he has to wrap his brain around that bc trying to better himself its not gonna be instant#tony is so fucking easy to manipulate bc all you have to do is make him feel guilty abt something#and he does everything to mask and make others want to view him in a better light and fix what went wrong.#we need that deeper explanation we need more facts#and for some of us coughs bruce coughs#we struggle w seeing anything mot in black and white when we ourselves arent black and white#hipocritical maybe in some cases we at least have a bit of an excuae#all im saying is please for the love of FLUFF stop thinking of auts the way you think of neurotypicals because we ARENT#i think almost everyone im mutuals w is also autistic thankfully so thats why i dont see it ok the dash happening#but dear god man go into tags and you wanna die
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knullanon · 3 years
Hey darling,
I'm super stressed because I'm still in school and don't have the best home life, and end of year testing is coming up next week and I'm in All honors/advanced. Can you do headcanons or something with the yan dads helping their baby that's having a mental break down and is just crying on the floor. I don't believe any of them would care too much about ur grade because they would take care of you for the rest of ur remaining life. Yan dads are ra's, bruce, oliver, lex, steve,hal,john constantine, and barry allen plz🥺 no rush take ur time
Your beloved
aight! thank you my beloved for sending this in!
bruce wayne
he will straight up make u take a break. doesnt matter how, or why, but he will not have his baby having a breakdown in the living room bc of school
he will have timmy do the work, or he will pay off the school. or, maybe he might make you fail to convince you that you are nothing without him. depends on how much you trust them and how much they trust you
ra's al ghul
assuming ur taking online classes, hell console you and a, make sure you're ok, and that you feel good about yourself and pay off your professor to make your grades good, or b, hell make Damian do it for you.
also, reasoning why its online is bc. hes in the mountains. where is a school.
oliver green
his bb????? stressed??? will take you out. no other option. manipulation and other tactics will force you to agree with him, and hes so happy that he finally had you to yourself!
also, he will try to console you afterward. if you really wanted to be in school, he will try everything to make you think it was the right decision
le luthor
also assuming that its online, he wont have to pay anything, if the school wants to be afloat when you graduate they better give you some good grades. so, no he wont have to do shit
he will console you also tho. making sure that you feel better and helping you with whatever
hes the kinda guy to actually help you study instead of just going the easy way. if that doesnt help, at the end of the day, he can always call in a favor from Tony or natasha to get you passing
also, comfort time for him. hes like a toned down version of dick, so yeah hes little manipulative but hes also kinda sweet
hal jordan
he wont actually remeber you were going to school until this point. then he will be like "oh shit" and try to help you study but if that doesnt help or work he will also join the "I'm going to fucking destroy you" gang to the school
is actually kind of good at teaching you shit tbh he makes it fun
he will steiaght up make a new spell to make you remember everything from a text book. overnight. he tells you everything's gonna be ok and then give you the info.
actually, the night before, after you had almost cried yourself to sleep, you wake to hear the sounds of chanting n shit and when you look in his room this is what u see
Tumblr media
hes a dumbass but desicion wise so hes actually kinda smart. hes gonna help you any way he can, and I'm pretty sure hes rich too so obviously hes gonna help you that way too.
all in all hes a pretty cool person to study with tbh
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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Um can we please acknowledge that while Tony’s actions may have been too little too late at least he ultimately tried to hold himself accountable for his actions? Unlike fucking Steve Rogers who seems to think that accountability is great for organisations such as shield but heaven forbid he or his old war buddies actually face consequences for their actions. Who the fuck decided that Steve’s judgement was of greater value than the UN anyway??
Bucky... was literally fucking brainwashed. So if that's what you're saying he should "face consequences" for... uh. No. Bc he was brainwashed. He literally was not in control of himself.
And my issue is that Tony isn't holding himself accountable, he is trying to hold the whole team accountable for his own mistakes. Also if we're going to make this about the accords (which they were not clear about all the parameters of in Civil War in the first place), Tony DIRECTLY violated them by bringing Peter in to fight in Germany.
Like I really used to like Tony, you could probably go back in my blog and see a lot of positive posts about him. Let's say I put aside my issues with him literally being a war profiteer, and you know, making rape jokes. Like, I enjoy IM 1, I enjoy the Avengers. I dont think the MCU would be what it is today without IM1. But his character has been shoved and shoehorned into every movie he possibly could be, taking away growth from the characters those movies are ACTUALLY supposed to be focusing on. I think he's outlived his usefulness towards the franchise, and at this point is hindering it more than helping it.
And in regards to "who the fuck decided that Steve's judgement was of greater value than the UN" uh I didn't say that it was. But they don't give Steve, or the people affected by the Accords a chance to weigh in on them. They were a reactionary response. They were pushed through the UN to assuage people's fears about enhanced individuals accountability, but actually stop them from operating the way that they are most effective. The accords make them essentially a specific squad that can only do what the government tells them. Pretty easy to see why Steve would take issue with that when in Winter Soldier he found out that the government organization that he worked for had been infiltrated by Nazis and were manipulating him and ready to take him out at a moment's notice. Steve was refusing the accords as written, not entirely. He asked that they be thought through again and everyone ignored him in favor of a reactionary response.
Also if you dont like my opinions about tony, feel free to blacklist "anti tony stark" I tag with that bc I know this is a divisive issue and some people don't want to see that kind of content .
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.17 Thoughts *Spoilers*
So I’ve had to redo this two times now because going back and forth from the episode and this fucked everything up (I can slide to the next window and it keeps taking away this post so I can’t do anything about getting it back so I’m VERY pissed right now and not in the mood to watch this twenty million goddamn times)
- Oh yeah Beronica are friends ahaha I always forget mmhm wonder why
- Why is a cult having an open house like—
- The kiss on the cheek after Gladys’ threatens Jughead is really… I don’t know man but I like the tension of it (not the word I was looking for but I forgot so oh well)
- I hate that they’re making Alice seem like such a bad mom. Like, she’s BRAINWASHED. They’re only creating discourse within the fandom and it sucks. But like they don’t even make it make sense because Alice is all brainwashed and insane when she’s with Betty but when she’s with FP she’s perfectly fine and normal like??? Make it make sense!!!!! Then again they can’t even write a gang so like why am I surprised
- Also Betty leaving Veronica alone in the cult’s place? No thanks, leave my baby Veronica alone
- JARCHIE CONTENT. See, THIS is what we want. Teenage talk, drama, etc. Not some weird stick poisoning people and cults overtaking people. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT NOT THIS CRAZY PSYCHO NONSENSE
- Again, my boys look good, but Jughead going against his father and having the Serpents DO CRIME and go after drug dealers? Mmhm this’ll totally turn out well because it was sooooooo unexpected!
- I miss Mad Dog, he was treated wrong on The 100 so I’m so happy to see him again!
- Varchie is sooooo so so so much better as friends. When they got together they needed certain things out of the relationship, but now they don’t need those and I really hope they don’t put them back together. And this is coming from someone who actually liked Varchie—they were cute, and the only “bad” thing they did was have sex at the worst moments (but to be fair, that’s all Veronica really knew how to expose herself, her feelings, because of her parents, so at least it makes SENSE) but now they’re grown and I just… I know I’m going to be disappointed in the writers when they make Varchie get back together for no fucking reason
- Also Varchie as this duo who ban together to get what they want? Iconic and powerful, thank you. So much better than wannabe detective duo bughead
- I know I’m not surprised but they had such a good streak of having Betty not be intolerable up until now. WHY THE FUCK IS SHE ASKING HER EMOTIONALLY SPENT COUSIN INTO A FARM THAT LEGIT USES THEIR TRAUMA AGAINST THEM TO MAKE THEM JOIN LIKE??? DOES BETTY EVEN THINK OF SHIT BEFORE SHE DOES THEM??? People praise her for being smart but uh… clearly her boyfriend’s stupid thought process and getting herself into stupid shit she doesn’t have to be in is rubbing off on her. LITERALLY she is the “Serpent queen” couldn’t she ask Jughead to spare a Serpent that’s not Sweet Pea (since Fangs was already romantically manipulated into joining ugh —although I like Kangs don’t come at me okay—) to infiltrate? Someone less likely to, you know, actually join the fucking cult?
- Cheryl’s fake crying and fake breakup with Toni is gold,,, anyways,,,
- Also Fangs in the background just reading a fucking comic I’m—I love him even though he’s sadly now in the farm :(((
- BABY TEETH OH MY GOD DUDE IT’S BEEN AWHILE he’s looking so good and fresh what a sweet child uwu
- Ugh yes Archie setting them up at the boxing gym thank youuuuuu ALSO I REALLY WANT ARCHDOG TO BE A THING. THAT WINK HE DID AT BABYTEETH WAS SO BISEXUAL I’M LIVING
- Oh wow Jughead fucking up something and getting caught, who woulda thunk it? ALSO how does FP not know that the other drug dealers are caught, though? Like, wouldn’t he realize “oh fuck my stupid son is going behind my back again isn’t he” like… okay FP there’s no way you didn’t realize that there was only one drug dealer left
- Wow, Cheryl being lured into the Farm and having her connection with Betty be cut off… I had NO idea that that would happen… Jesus fucking Christ now Cheryl’s going to be a part of the Farm and that is completely on Betty. I wish Betty ACTUALLY cared about (everyone in general, actually) her fucking cousin and her mental health.
- Instead of Cheryl, it would have been much more interesting to see Betty fall into the Farm, and have Cheryl save her instead because, you know, it’s much more realistic and less boring.
- This… is Bughead’s “pillow talk” that’s sad lmao
- Can someone make an edit where it’s Archie instead of Jughead thanks
-  sksksksks the look Hiram gives Hermione tho after he calls her his wife I’m—but WOW he actually fucking listened to his daughter? LOOK AT HOW POWERFUL MY BABY VERONICA IS. HER WORDS, HER CARE, SHE FUCKING GOT HIM TO HELP AHHHHHHHHH THAT’S SO FUCKING GREAT. Is he going to ruin the moment or something soon??
- Someone should make a list of all the criminal things Jughead makes the Serpents do after his stupid “no crime” rule
- Archie helping out his boyfriend uwu
-  Why and how does jughead survive that? Like do you know how interesting it would have been for him to get severely hurt (break his back) or possibly even die? Like, it would have been so surprising but this show,,, sucks
- ALSO ALSO how did Archie get down there so fast? That was one who stairway I believe so like…
-  Why is Jughead surprised that another gang is using guns??? Like??? Bitch that’s what gangs do? She’s retaliating against you, what the fuck is she supposed to do, use balloon swords???
- See this is why Jughead is a stupid ass bitch. DO NOT FUCKING TELL YOUR ENEMY WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO DO. This is why you and Betty are shit at investigating and whatnot, because you two are so fucking stupid.
-  See, and now she got the “this is between you and me” into his head, when that’s not really the case. HE COULD EASILY TELL HIS FATHER, AND THEY CAN FIGURE OUT A PLAN TO DRIVE HER AND HER DRUGS AWAY TOGETHER but Jughead is just a stupid teenager who is too impulsive and doesn’t keep his stupid fucking mouth shut. I just want this stupid plot over with, literally the only good thing about this show is the characters Veronica, Swangs, Choni, and Archosie (and the beautiful hints at Barchie’s future relationship)
- As much as I don’t like Elio and he’s annoying and boring, and that he’s going to use Mad Dog, I’m glad he’s being given a chance to fix his home life.
- If they magically make Jason alive again despite seeing his dead body,,, I mean I’ll be thrilled bc he’d get to meet the one other person who’s ever made Cheryl happy.
- So like… it doesn’t make sense. If she can see Charles, why hasn’t she told FP? Unless he’s already a part of it and we just don’t know???
-  Betty,,, you coulda said Charles bc either way you’d be near Edgar and THEN ask to meet him to make it less suspicious but okay…
- LMAO I IMAGINE THIS IS WHAT EDGAR DOES WHEN HE WALKS IN AND TAKES IN A DEEP BREATH. “Great, it’s this fucking annoying bitch… let’s see what she’s going to fail to get out of me.”
- Yeah, Betty, as if it was actually this easy to just ASK to meet him and get ALL of the information… Mmhm maybe that also shows that she has to do everything illegally first before trying a civil way lmaoooooooo
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essayofthoughts · 7 years
Tagged by the wonderful @tobermoriansass over Here.
Fictional characters you relate to?
Uuh. I don’t know? A lot of characters I like and I can see the logical reasons I like them - complexity and interesting aspects or relationships (or the fact that they could murder me oops) - so I don’t know if it’s necessarily a matter of relating to them as much as I just find them interesting and/or easy to get into their headspaces.
Going out on a limb and based on how much fic I’ve written for her, though, probably Wanda Maximoff. After that uhhh. Maybe Sara Crewe from The Little Princess? I really liked her story as a child, the whole continued kindness thing, the use of imagination to make it easier to bear awful things. I kind of. Really imprinted hard on looking at the world through that kind of a logical lens - being kind because you can be kind, because it costs you nothing to be kind and because kindness will garner you much.
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
L.S. Hyde’s Greek Mythology, which I read as a kidlet and probably helped a lot with my burgeoning love of history and mythology and uuh. Pride & Prejudice. Though sometimes I am impatient and skip all the way up to the Rosings debacle bc the pining! There is so much pining! 
What’s your favourite comfort show/movie?
Don’t... really have one? I tend to curl up with a book and some music for comfort - films and tv tend to have too much visually and audibly going on for me to find comfort in them. I guess, maybe Mulan? But I’ve not watched it in years, so does it even count?
Which fictional character are you most defensive over?
Any if I think fandom is being shitty about them and I know enough of their canon to form a justifiable argument. I see both sides of the argument with Dumbledore and with Snape, while I love Wanda Maximoff I have defended Tony Stark when I think Team Cap people are going over the top. I’ll defend them as need defending, really.
Most defensive though... probably Wanda because the Stark stans are fucking sickening in how they treat her.
Show you fell out of love with?
How To Get Away With Murder. After the Hapstall case ended I was kind of... done with it all? The more recent seasons haven’t been nearly as gripping as those early two and the build to the climax hasn’t made as much sense or inspired as much theorising for me. I haven’t even started watching the latter half of the latest season yet, because I’m just not as compelled to find out what is going on as I was previously.
Show you’re most excited for?
N/A. I mostly find new shows by my friends screaming at me about them or, occasionally, I find a show, and yell at friends about it and then they yell more at me about it and oh, suddenly I care even more (see: Legion). I guess I’m kind of interested in the Witcher series Netflix is going to be doing? But that’s as much for the monster design (because the games monster design was fucking amazing as was character design, location design ... a lot of design, to be honest) as anything else. I am not much of a gamer but what I have seen shows that gamers enjoyed it, and watching playthroughs and binging the wikia has made me seriously interested in the potential of a series with more monsters in it, such as ones from the books that haven’t shown up in the games.
What’s your aesthetic?
*shrugs* I tend towards dark blues and reds, black, always, and silver jewellery when I can be bothered for jewellery. Somewhere on the goth spectrum I guess?? when I can be bothered to do proper gothy make up which is about 20% of the time. Otherwise it’s boots, jeans, dark colours and comfy jackets.
Favorite fanfic tropes?
I ... am not fond of most fanfic tropes? If they’re done well then hey, great, they’re done well, but when a trope is done well I don’t really recognise it as the trope, I just think of it as a story. And when it’s done badly then I am reading despite it (manipulative dumbledore, weasley bashing, new school, wrong bwl, etc.) and it’s not my favourite thing? I have read a lot of bad HP fanfic not because I like the badness or the bad tropes but because hidden in all the manure is the occasional diamond of an idea. When it comes to shit I like...
Weird senses of what is/isn’t real. Long stretches of complex thoughts, logic, reasoning things out. Contradictory information that somehow feeds to a whole truth. Interlinked mythology. Mythologising of the history in a way that makes sense. Worldbuilding. Much worldbuilding. No romance - gen is my preferred state of fic, ideally with rich and complex platonic relationships. Consequences. Clever solutions to things. Truly menacing villains, like the looming spectre of fascism, or the authoritarian state, or the eternal warzone, rather than all ills being pinned to one person... and yet how those living in those states may try to pin it on one person because they need to see it as having a simple solution that can be reached. Because the complexity is scary, because they live day to day and to know that the solution is longer than day to day, more than they know they can live, they can’t handle because what they want is for the horror of it all to be over. The strength of bonds (NON ROMANTIC BONDS) through all things (because I am So Done with romance being the be all and end all of everything).
I have a soft spot for the incredibly unhealthy codependent bond. For people with deep-burning rage that they eventually let lose. For people getting vengeance, one way or another. For conflicted feelings that are realistically conflicted and messed up and complicated.
Idk how many of those actually count as real tropes. 
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jinsoulsscalp · 5 years
if ur not indy ( @parallelwcrlds​ ) ignore this (or dont idc but youll b confused)
gen 1 of our hp au, set in 6th year. probably set sometime between 2010-present day. the blood status war bullshit died down a little after hp-era, but there’s been a recent resurgence in it. 5 years ago, a big dickhead graduated from hogwarts and probably went into politics and is super magic-equivalent-of-alt-right and is popularizing being an asshole and is lowkey starting the third war to kill all muggleborns and take over and popularize dark magic (donald trump ass motherfucker smh) and “finish what voldemort started” (bitch sounds like kylo ren the fuck erhiufbneri).
the not-asshole members of this year reformed the dumbledore’s army as a protest and to pay homage to the heroes of the past war, and lowkey dont do antyhing yet but hangout, but probably someday will reform the order of the phoenix outside of hogwarts when shit starts to really get bad. also onyx is on the brink of bringing muggle tech to the magic world, so there’s that too.
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name: benjamin jo age: 17 height: 5′8 house: slytherin sexuality: gay fc: b-bomb bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: falmouth, west country, england about:     -nasti boi on the blood supremist train     -he & river are the evil slytherin gay power couple     -uses naomi to keep tabs on antonia     -favorite class is defense against the dark arts, though he thinks the name is stupid     -stuck up and vindictive     -lives on a beach lot with his family, far away from muggle settlements in his town     -father is a wizengamont grand juror, mother is a socialite
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name: joshua eom age: 17 height: 6′1 house: ravenclaw sexuality: bi fc: zico bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch beater, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: london, england about:     -v sarcastic and seething but means well     -doesn’t try to hard, but is real smart and has an eidetic memory, so he gets by pretty easily     -doesn’t take any shit     -more or less good natured     -both parents are magic, however his father is muggleborn     -lowkey loves divination but if you tell anyone he’ll fight you
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name: naomi woo age: 16 height: 5′5 house: gryffindor sexuality: straight fc: chorong bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: kenmare, kerry, ireland about:     -was a good kid when she started at hogwarts, hence getting into gryffindor, but as she grew up, she and her family started falling in blood supremacy holes, so realistically she doesn’t belong there anymore     -wicked and stuck up     -a spoiled brat     -lowkey would do anything to get people like river and ben to be on her side     -honestly is just insecure and wants to belong and is trying to do that by appealing to the nasties of the world     -two-faced and manipulative and will cry to get out of things     -loves charms class uwu
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name: bethany jung age: 16 height: 5′2 house: hufflepuff sexuality: lesbian fc: chuu bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: prefect, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: ilkley, yorkshire, england about:     -both parents are muggleborn     -grew up in a waterfront cottage     -very loving family     -so energetic and desperate to please     -in love w casey thats her girl     -looks up to antonia so freaking much     -classic hermione granger-- has a giant ass classload     -loves ancient runes class
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name: antonia park age: 17 height: 5′6 house: gryffindor sexuality: lesbian fc: cl bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: prefect (ambitions to be head girl), quidditch captain & chaser, founder and leader of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: tinworth, west country, england about:     -lowkey descended from death eaters but we don’t talk about that     -classic hero trope, shes a badass and takes no shit but is inherently good     -kind of an overachiever too-- shes always pushing herself to be better and do more     -wanted to grow up to be an auror, but with the ministry getting more and more corrupt, she instead wants to reform the order of the phoenix and become a bounty hunter vigilante     -natural enemy to river and ben lbr     -hates defense against the dark arts class bc its lowkey turning into what it was when umbridge ran it     -digs transfiguration tho that shits cool
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name: kurtis ahn age: 17 height: 5′10 house: gryffindor sexuality: pan fc: daesung bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: kilkenny, leinster, ireland about:     -big goofy boi     -class clown 2 the max     -went through an emo phase years 2-4 but we dont talk about that     -raised by his dad, who is a wizard. muggle mother left when she found out bc it was too much for her aND ALL THE LIES MAN     -mood maker-- brightens everyone’s day     -sunshine personified     -loves care of magical creatures
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name: tristan lee age: 16 height: 5′7 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: hwiyoung bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: prefect, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: manchester, england about:     -kind of shy and keeps to himself for necessity (you would too if you were a muggleborn who shared a bedroom with river and ben)     -loves learning about magic so much     -pissed a lot of people (racist blood supremicists lol) off when he was made prefect, but hes really proud of that position     -he likes muggle studies class bc its an easy a and he likes laughing at everything they mess up
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name: stephanie kim age: 16 height: 5′5 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: hyuna bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: bangor, wales about:     -spoiled brat, but not like naomi? like shes spoiled and self centered but not mean     -that being said, super self absorbed     -doesn’t do anything that doesn’t have something in it for her     -party girl     -a metamorphmagus but mostly just uses her powers to change her hair without commitment     -mother passed away during childbirth and she never knew her dad, raised by her eccentric wizard grandmother who literally just throws money at her bc they have so much and her grandmother doesnt really know how to take care of teenagers
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name: maryse young age: 16 height: 6′0 house: hufflepuff sexuality: pan fc: jeonghwa bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch seeker, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: cork, ireland about:     -youngest of 5, only girl and the shortest (wow i know wild)     -surprisingly coordinated for being so tall tbh     -her best friends in the world are the hufflepuff quidditch team-- especially the ones in her year. that team is so tight they’re her people     -lowkey braeden got them all into the dumbledore’s army, but like??? why would she not join???? shes protecting her friends like braeden who need her support??? its a no brainer???     -shes very happy and giggly and so so supportive of her friends     -shes also like 1/4 giant
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name: minhyuk byun age: 17 height: 5′10 house: ravenclaw sexuality: gay fc: key bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: prefect hometown: jeju, south korea about:     -hogwarts equivalent of an exchange student     -muggleborn with very potent magical energy very young, so hogwarts snatched him up before any other schools could     -there was originally a big ol language barrier, and its still there but he’s learned a lot     -he wants to be a healer when he graduates
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name: onyx moon age: 16 height: 5′4 house: ravenclaw sexuality: bi fc: le bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: london, england about:     -her parents are both muggles, but her mother’s sister is a witch and would tell her stories about magic when she was a kid. she thought they were all fake until she got her hogwarts letter     -as soon as she went to hogwarts, she brought as much muggle tech as she could with her so she could figure out how to integrate it with magic and make it work.     -she’s made things that play music work, but anything more complicated or online is still up in the air (she’s really close to cracking it though)     -she’s absolutely brilliant, but she’s so focused on her passion project that a lot of time her grades suffer.     -she likes arithmancy bc its basically complicated magic math, and she can respect that
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name: theodore nam age: 17 height: 6′2 house: gryffindor sexuality: straight fc: mino bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: glasgow, scotland about:     -resident hogwarts bad boy hugiuerjdgnj     -big time slacker and troublemaker     -a little bit of an asshole but he means well     -probably has broken a lot of hearts hes the classic bad boy trope tbh      -just some of his ex-girlfriends include naomi (one of his biggest mistakes he regrets that one), bethany (that was in year 4 before she knew she was gay af), steph, brynn, arcadia, faye, among others (those are just the fellow 6th years)
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name: rhys do age: 16 height: 5′2 house: ravenclaw sexuality: pan fc: minzy bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: quidditch chaser hometown: godric’s hollow, west country, england about:     -okay so u kno how there are parents who push their kids to do stuff and live vicariously through them? that was rhys’ parents with quidditch     -like that’s her life it’s all she knows     -she’s traveled all over the world to see the world cup every single year     -wishes quidditch class wasn’t just for first years     -if she doesn’t go pro someday she will combust
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name: brynn kang age: 16 height: 5′4 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: soyeon bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch beater, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: hogsmeade, scotland about:     -kind of a bit of a delinquent     -she cuts class and sneaks into the forbidden forest, but that’s because she’s curious and adventurous and doesn’t learn very well in conventional settings anyway     -born and raised in hogsmeade, so you don’t know how many times a year she straight up just sneaks out of hogwarts to go home and hang out with her dog      -strong sense of morality     -if antonia is true good, brynn is chaotic good. she’s just as much of a freedom fighter, but less into structure and establishment     -shes 1/8 veela on her dad’s side but she hasn’t really grown into that yet and is just a mess
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name: gabriel lim age: 16 height: 5′10 house: hufflepuff sexuality: pan fc: v bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch chaser, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: holyhead, wales about:     -yo magic exists, there is 100% a magical way for two women to conceive a child aka gabe has two moms     -one of his moms is the captain of the holyhead harpies, and the other is an investigative journalist for the daily prophet (among other publications)     -hes so loyal and good      -his quidditch team, but braeden especially, are his best friends and he’d do anything for them.     -he’s so good natured and kind he cannot fathom people like river and ben existing
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name: braeden hamilton age: 16 height: 5′8 house: hufflepuff sexuality: bi fc: vernon bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: quidditch captain and keeper, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: brighton, england about:     -very sporty as a smaller kid-- was really into soccer especially, and was an a+ goalie     -he was a huge outcast his first year and didnt have a ton of friends. he lowkey was close to just saying fuck you to this magic shit and going home to be normal     -finding quidditch once he went to hogwarts was his saving grace-- he finally found something he understood and could relate to     -and, as it turns out, reflexes are reflexes, so he ended up being a really talented keeper     -he started making friends too, as he was embraced by his team, and now he doesn’t know what he’d do without them     -this year he was named captain of the team and dude he honestly cried when he found that out he was so honored and it felt like things were coming full circle finally     -he was one of the first hufflepuffs to join the new dumbledore’s army, because people like ben and river were part of why he’d been so close to just leaving the magic world behind when he was 12, and he wanted to be a role model
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