#too hard or something idk. maybe i'll try another day or just later this evening or something
Fred Weasley being a complete ass because idk why I like it, but I do.
Enemy Mine - Part 1
I knew when I started writing that this wouldn't be a oneshot (most likely a trilogy.) I received this and another Fred request back-to-back, and they just went together so seamlessly.
Fred Weasley.
Just the sound of his name was like fingernails on a chalkboard to Y/N's ears. Every time she heard it, her blood pressure would skyrocket. He was the most arrogant, self-absorbed, irritating person she'd ever met.
She hated him with every fiber of her being and planned to continue hating him until she took her last breath.
Surprisingly, though, it hadn't always been that way. Y/N had once liked the twins and had even saved them from Filch's wrath by pulling them into a vacant classroom where she was practicing for her Charms test.
For a brief time, it seemed like they might become friends, but that all changed at the end of their second year. While she and her friends were walking to the train to head home for the summer, someone behind them yelled, "Oi, Y/N! Catch!"
Y/N turned to find a snake hurtling through the air toward her. Before she could react, it hit her square on, getting tangled in her hair. She screamed, frantically trying to shake it off. Then, several seconds later, it disappeared in a puff of orange smoke, and Y/N realized it wasn't real at all, but one of Fred's stupid pranks. All the same, the whole affair left her shaken and humiliated.
When she'd finally calmed down enough to confront him, all she got was an eye roll and a condescending comeback. "It wasn't even real, Y/N, I don't know why you're so upset," he'd said. "Go away and play with your little dollies or something."
'Well,' Y/N thought. 'If that's the way it's gonna be.'
By the time the next school year rolled around, Y/N had washed her hands of the whole matter, including Fred himself. However, Fred had other ideas. He followed her around, making hissing noises and joking about her "silly reaction to a fake snake," and once or twice stuck a rubber snake in her face, laughing when she screamed.
"Weasley, if you stick that in my face one more time," she'd threatened. "I'm gonna shove it somewhere you'll always know where to find it."
"You'll have to take it from me first, scaredy cat," he teased, dangling the toy serpent in her face. Failing to stamp down her panic, Y/N turned and stomped down the hall before she embarrassed herself yet again.
Fred finally let up on the snake nonsense the year the Chamber of Secrets opened. In fact, Fred hardly bothered her at all. Y/N figured it was more for his little sister's sake than hers. Which was fine. She respected that. To say that Ginny went through some things that year was a gross understatement.
So, for while, Y/N thought maybe he'd finally grown up a little.
Fred was back to his irritating self the next year, except he'd moved on from scaring and pranking her to verbal sparring.
"Hey, look, it's Little Miss Can't Be Wrong!"
"Sorry ginger, I'm busy right now. Can I ignore you later?"
"You couldn't ignore me if you tried."
"Weasley, I'll ignore you so hard you'll start to question your existence."
"Must be hard not being able to laugh, Y/N."
"Weasley, I do have a sense of humor, you know."
"I’ve never heard you laugh before."
"I’ve never heard you say anything funny."
"Why do you always paint me as the bad guy, Weasley?"
"I don't know, why does everyone paint me as the pretty one? We all have our thing."
"Am I going too far?"
"No, no, no, Weasley. You went too far about three years ago."
And so it went. Day after day. Month after month. The two of them tossing insults and jibes back and forth. Then, halfway through their fifth year, Y/N started dating Lucas Collins.
That's when everything changed.
Fred couldn't stand Y/N Y/L/N. She was a stuck-up, humorless, straight-A student. The antithesis of everything he stood for.
And yet, like a moth to a flame, he couldn't seem to stay away from her.
Sure, it was true he'd developed a little crush on Y/N in their second year after she pulled him and George into a vacant classroom to hide them from Filch. But, that had nothing to do with it.
No, not at all. Most definitely not.
Besides, that silly little crush vanished as soon as he realized she couldn't take a joke.
So why, if he disliked Y/N so much, did he want to punch Lucas Collins in his stupid face every time he saw him?
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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neomujinjja · 2 months
YeonKai: Sweet Home Headcanons
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Pairing: Yeonjun x reader, Huening Kai x reader
Genre: Headcanons, Alternate Universe
Warnings: sweet home canon violence (character deaths, trauma), crying, mention of k*llng and death, mention of a nosebleed, mention of funeral/cemetery
Note: i'm lowkey surprised that i finished this up in time for the third season; it wasn't the plan but i won't complain about it. idk what happened with kai, it was not my intentions to give him such a depressing headcanon like i did.
you don't know each other before the outbreak
he's your neighbor
but more in the sense that y'all live on the same floor
the two of you have never actually interacted with each other before this
yeonjun saves you
though it's accidentally
he distracts an turned/infected neighbor when he's trying to leave his apartment
in turn, you save yeonjun back
reaching out to drag him into your apartment when he's running
that 1st night is spent getting to know each other over ramen
when the announcement comes on a few days later
the two of you debate about going down or staying in your apartment
ultimately due to a dwindling food source
yeonjun & you decide to head to the lobby
while packing up, yeonjun keeps an eye on the door monitor
and you do the same after pit-stopping at his apartment
even in the grouped space, you & yeonjun kind of cling to each other
maybe it's due to the built-up trust (or maybe it's m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ something else)
but whatever the reason behind the connection
you're devastated when one day yeonjun gets the signature nose bleed
he doesn't fight being locked up instead calmly walking in
(like how hyunsu did in S1)
despite what the others say, you stay as close to yeonjun as you still can
you eat, sleep and spend any free time next to the locked storage room
watching you be stubborn makes yeonjuns heart grow fond
he doesn't say anything though
rather opting to continue throwing heart eyes in your direction
(he's shy!~ you can't convince me that yeonjun wouldn't be with the person he feels romantic towards)
(i'll die on that ^ hill; thank you very much)
time skip to the end of S1 cause this is getting long
the escape!
while your hard-headedness charmed him over, yeonjun is hating that trait of yours right now
he just needs you to go with the others without a fight
but no.
there you are: struggling against the other non-infected arms, clinging on to him and his clothes, all while yelling and crying
it's actually breaking his heart to see and hear you in anguish like this
tears rolling down his own face but he has to keep pushing away
it's hard for everyone watching the interaction on the outside too
there the two of you are: crying as you try sticking to yeonjun & he urges otherwise
you're shouting about the two of you looking for each other, needing to watch his back & needing to have yours
when you finally (somehow) leave with the rest, he takes a moment to react
crying and screaming violently
with a tear-stricken face yeonjun turns himself to the military
in regards to S2
you dont stay with the baseball survival group
feeling that you'd be better off by yourself rather than a very large community
you learn how to survive in the new apocalyptic world
trying to best avoid both infected & non-infected humans
sadly you never come across yeonjun as you moved about
it's something that you cry about at night
you and kai are friendly with each other
in more detail the two of you had a few dates before Day 1
there's no date planned (thank god 🙏) on that fateful day
you and kai just happen to be in the lobby at the same time
he asks what's happening & about the exits being locked
you shrug just as clueless
the two of you stick together despite knowing next to nothing
both of you feel better having the other by their side (holding one another's hands) in the confusing time
you're standing close when the eye(?) monster breaks through the door
luck is on y'all's side cause kai pulls you back just in time and far enough
from that moment he decides that he'll do all to protect you
in the same moment though, the two of you come to a similar conclusion
life is crazy unpredictable right now (more so than usual)
that same night, in the quiet of it all & tucked away in a small corner, confessions are made
you'd think it'd be awkward with only a few dates between each other
but crazier things can happen (like a world apocalypse that can affect anyone at any moment 💁‍♀️)
for the first few nights, you and kai can ignore the possibility of one of you becoming infected
but it's inevitable when hyunsu joins the group
untypical: you guys promise to just let the other go
neither of you can stomach the thought of having to k*ll the other
your connection being deep enough
kai also says something along the lines of wanting to be able to look out and know you're out there even if you're not like yourself
(it sounds like him lowkey 🧐 am i right or am i right?)
but with the protection training
alongside the general calm
y'all grow confident in your abilities
at the same time, your relationship is blooming further
though you can't become content in the new world
cause that means something has to happen
when the infected groundskeeper finds his way into the apartment
you're apart of the fight that happens in that moment
canon still happens with jaeheon taking the infected man out
but you're severely hurt during the scene
there's nothing that the group can do to help
so it's just a waiting game until you succumb to your injury
kai stays at your side, taking care of you and comforting you
he doesn't eat until you taken some bites first
you know how they say people know when it's their time; well you know
you tell kai everything you've wanted to in the time you've known him
alongside now comforting him and wiping his tears away
the two of you share your first kiss seconds before you pass
kai has a hard time letting the others bury you
and after your funeral, kai spends every day in the make-shift cemetery
when the group has to leave
they have to pry him away from the area
kai struggles but he focuses on taking care of the kids
and is able to find solace with Jisu
he stays with the baseball survivor community
becoming something like a big brother to Yeongsu
especially after losing so many people from their original group
but kai isn't the same, he's been traumatized by all the events he's experienced since the apocalypse started
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strawberry-barista · 2 months
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{Eventually I'll be able to give you guys a good update, but today I must unfortunately give another bad one.}
{I'm beginning to come to terms with the idea that maybe I'm just a little too exhausted for Tumblr, and new developments have more or less guaranteed it. So basically, we thought we had finally found a good house, but the sell fell through. So we have to keep looking.}
{This whole house hunting thing is really wearing us all out. But I recently started a diet and exercise plan to try to lose some weight and I am in so much pain and I'm so cold every single day that this doesn't help me with the already low energy problem. The past few days I've been putting videos on and sort of... Just turning into static between phone alarms and doing chores? Mentally I have not been present at all, and any time I try to actually write I lose focus a lot. Eventually I just lay down and pass out.}
{But all this complaining to try to explain that I really am trying to do stuff I just... Can't seem to get the gears turning up in my head and my arms hurt a lot to be typing anyway. I think I'm going to stick to mobile for a while.}
{I want to do twewyversary stuff, but I just don't have the energy. I'm hoping over time the exercise will actually give me energy instead of just hurting me and I can come back stronger than ever.}
{I might do a super late anniversary thing later, but yeah. Just gonna rest between stuff and maybe I can very slowly reply? Idk. I don't want to even look at my phone if I'm not logging food or exercise right now.}
{I do miss you guys, tho. Maybe I can come back a bit earlier if we just. Get this house thing, done. But I also remember how hard moving was. ;-; We'll figure something out eventually. I promise, it'll be okay.}
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ventitititi · 2 years
Hello and goodevening/morning/afternoon to you! I just wanna ask if you do Dainsleif x reader but the reader is Zhongli's child? Idk this idea just popped in my head minutes ago 💀
HI NONNIE and thank you:)) its literally 3:30am for me and i was doodling but this has POTENTIAL OTL
I've never written dainsleif before so bear with me here, I'll be keeping it sfw too since i don't know if you wanted smut or not, feel free to send me another request if you do!!
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•since you're zhongli's child i imagine you are pretty AS HECK like, half dragon half whatever you're mother was YOU CAN PROBABLY PURR (i love the headcanon that zhongli purrs a lot)
•ANYWAYS not the point, what I'm getting at is despite his long life, dainsleif is probably still enraptured by you're appearance (even if he does a mighty fine job of hiding it)
•listen, if you manage to stick around him enough I'm absolutely CERTAIN he'll eventually give in and start a serious relationship with you
•probably partly aided by your extended life span (he's gonna be around for a long time afterall)
•delights in teaching you ancient history (much like your father) and is vv soft about it
•probably like, grabs random flowers or something for you and explains their history briefly (in contrast to zhonglis rambling tendencies he keeps it short and concise)
•although he's also pretty broody i think so be prepared for quiet days too, maybe y'all just co-exist in a peaceful silence at these times
•takes forever to accept comfort (probably does for the first time on a really hard day)
•will literally carry around random trinkets you gave him on a whim in his pockets (how he carries them all later into your relationship is beyond everyone)
•i think he doesn't really like sweets but mans is secretly whipped and won't tell you, choking down any desserts you've made just to see you smile
•soft quiet couple, thats you two
•one time he was scowling and you did your best impression of it and he had to try so hard to stifle his smile and laughter because it was just too cute funny
•dotes on you but you'd never know it because you don't often see him interact with others
•holds you close when you guys rest during your travels (he's a cuddler but if you told anyone they wouldn't believe you)
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theonethatyaks93 · 10 months
Sketch Showcase Time!!!
Sooooooooo, these are days two and three of my "Learning How-To Draw Pinky and Brain Phase." And, y'all, I think I found my groove! This is attempt 2 of drawing Pinky:
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Already, I'm very pleased with this. I mean, this was my attempt to re-create Pinky's design by @goosieboosie. I'm not a digital artist, so I couldn't capture all the majesty of this design perfectly, but I did a decent job. This style allows me to draw Pinky's face a lot easier, and I can get more creative with facial features. I was really happy when I finished this, I kinda freaked out because, he looks great!! I even drew my gender/sexuality headcanons for Pinky beside him, as well as his signature because, why not? I tried to re-draw this picture a few hours later and I made a new discovery:
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Sorry for the blurry pic! But yeah, I think I invented my own unique style!! This is the first version of this; there a few changes from my first re-draw. The main changes are Pinky's eyes being rounder, and his ears a little bit larger. I think the base shape of his head is also a little different. I think he looks so derpy!! I was instantly in LOVE with this updated design, so I decided to draw it again and:
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The design is a little different again! And also, my first expression!!!! (Ignore the weird as hell erased Pinky head you see; it was a massive failure and I couldn't erase it all :( ) I really think the Pinky on the left turned out better than I thought!! I love his cute little face and his extra floofy head. The second pic is another kind of model pic, but I added a little tongue because it looked cute. I also added the mind bubble and the little blurb just for added effect. I think he looks cute, what do you guys think?
On day three/attempt 3, I actually doodled a Pinky without looking at a reference in one of my books because I was in school. Here's how it turned out:
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I LOVE IT!!!! I was so shocked when I finished with this because I think Pinky looks amazing!! It's not perfect, but when compared to day one, it's like night and day. This is my favorite Pinky I've done so far, and it only took my like 25 minutes; what an improvement when compared to over an hour just for one drawing lol! I've made some small changes here, and I will continue to make changes for the time being. I'm still finalizing my style.
Later on, I did something I'm very proud of:
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My first full-body Pinky!! I drew the body first and then added a head in later. I also marked certain areas that I might improve upon later, and little personal touches that I added for fun. Yeah, I think his head is a little too tall, but I'll fix that. I implemented some unique elements such as his muzzle area being based on the OG show, the tufts of fur on his head being longer, the chest fur, his feet being stuffed-animal like, his short legs (which will probably be longer in the future), and his tail being from the reboot. I am currently working on hands; they're just not ready yet. I'm very excited to see my own personal style being formed. I like all the touches I added and I'm excited to maybe work on some screenshot re-draws and other things like that.
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Here are some hand sketches. Hand are EXTREMELY HARD for me so I'm trying to get an idea of what I want to do. I was either thinking of the one on the left (larger fingers, rounder shapes) or the one on the right (more angular, slimmer fingers). Idk, which hand style do yo guys think would work better?
I'm very proud of the progression I made on these designs. I'm currently planning on drawing Brain very soon and I will be doing screenshot re-draws, experimenting with changes to eye shape, and more expressions. I'm also writing still (new fic currently a wip), and I'm very excited to be contributing more to the fandom!! Let me know where I can improve and some tips on how to draw their hands. Also, special thanks to @cosmicangel139 for the drawing tips for Brain!! You are amazing and I will definitely keep those tips in mind!!!!
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mushibashiraas · 2 years
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i have had so much brainrot for haitani rindou. aaaaaaa ever since his first brief appearance in seas.1, i have had it so bad for him. lord help me. so it's about damn time i write a little something for him: lately, all i've had on the mind has been kissing him and the different ways we'd say "i love you." so that's what you're getting here.
a bit self-indulgent. will keep things gender neutral. uhh since there's no "yuu" like my twisted wonderland works,,, hm ig i'll use (y/n)?? (it looks better to me and is way shorter. might change it later tho. idk) i'll also use s/o, as these headcanons will literally be me word-vomitting with no brain-to-mouth filter. lol oops!
— little "eskimo" kisses... like the ones where lovers rub their noses together?? it's really cute! idk. i always liked those kisses.
— or maybe even just rubbing noses against each other in general?
— i can't imagine rindou verbally saying "i love you" a lot or being into pda (unless he gets really jealous and possessive. but that's another post for a different day), especially with his dangerous, i-am-surrounded-by-death-and-people-trying-to-kill-me profession. loyalties always change and you never know who can you trust.
— so small, quiet things like holding pinkies or tapping each other three times to say "i love you" or spending quality time with them. also gift giving but simple, small stuff. nothing crazy or extravagant or pricey. rindou is a simple, strong-silent-type kind of guy and i love them about him!!
— OH! and when he first meets his s/o?? he doesn't notice how much he is (unbeknowst to them) wrapped around their finger until too late. by then he's fallen so hard for them.
— but he still distances himself from them. has a lot of self-deprecation moments like "they're too far out of my league; too good for me." "i'm just protecting them. they'd have a happier, better chance at life without me." "i've killed people with these hands. these should never touch someone so beautiful like them." etc. etc.
— it isn't until ran and everyone get so fed with rin not paying to attention in meetings and skipping out on a night on the town in one of their clubs that rindou shyly strikes up a conversation with them.
— like. they all get how hard it is to find that one person with the life they all lead. but with rindou's not-so-subtle pining, it gets old pretty fast. maybe?? ran tries to set them up?? but rindou always puts an end to whatever ran's doing before (y/n) finds out.
— and even then it takes forever for the two to actually admit that they're in love. rin still doesn't want to drag (y/n) into a life they were never born for. and (y/n) doesn't want to pressure or guilt-trip rindou into telling them what he does. "he'll tell me whenever he's ready. not when i want him to."
— but when they do start officially dating and falling in love, it's a lot of private, quiet dates at home. mostly to keep (y/n)'s identity out of the public eye to protect them.
— mornings waking up to breakfast cooking, wearing rin's shirts, his arms wrapping around them, his nose brushing against their neck as a greeting kiss.
— OH! movie nights indoors. cuddles on the couch.
— sleeping together curled into each other, legs tangled together
— tho these date nights'd be few and far between. too much contact "with the normal world" results in a pattern that is easily exploitable for other rival gangs.
— will definitely get each other matching rings or subtle, hidden matching piercings as a comfort and reminder that one is always with the other.
— does drop off an anonymous flower or two at their place or their work for them.
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mooodyblue · 2 years
pity party | elvis x gn!reader
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summary: (requested) after a rough day with the colonel on elvis's birthday, you decide to throw him a surprise party.
warnings: cursing
wc: 1.3k
note: happy elvis day <3 i won't lie, i struggled with writing this idk why LOL hope y'all enjoy ❤️
masterlist | request | taglist
"honey, i'm tellin' ya, all the bones in my body could be broken and that man would still call a meeting." elvis sighed, putting his signature glasses on. you frowned, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "i'm sorry, baby. i'll be here when you get back though, maybe we can have mary make us something for your birthday." you smiled.
"oh, that's today?" elvis rarely ever met with the colonel in person, really only seeing him at shows or conferences. so the thought of his birthday had crossed his mind. "lord, how did i forget my own birthday..." he muttered. "i'll see you later then." he returned your kiss before heading out the door and to one of his many cadillacs, heading out the gates of graceland.
you shut the door behind you before turning around and glancing at all the christmas decorations around the foyer. with your arms crossed, you wandered around the house, thinking of what to do for elvis's birthday. your thoughts were interrupted as jerry wandered in, calling for you. you made your way back to the foyer, a puzzled look on your face. "why are you here? shouldn't you be with elvis?"
jerry scoffed, "hello to you too. he said he didn't want me today, whatever that means."
you let out a small laugh. "well, you know how he is." small talk was really not your thing. jerry was usually out with elvis whenever he went, so you rarely ever saw him or any of his other friends without elvis around. "i was actually trying to think of something for his birthday today, you got any ideas?"
jerry thought for a moment, "well, i don't know if he'll love it or hate it, but you could throw him a surprise party." he suggested. "it could be nice for him to come home to after dealin' with that old man."
you hoped the colonel wasn't being too rough on elvis, chances are he probably was. the holidays were over therefore, it was time for him to get back on the road and back in the studio. you nodded at the suggestion, "let's do it! if you can get the guys over here to help out that'd be great." you said excitingly.
while jerry made calls, you had some extra help from some of the workers around graceland to decorate for his birthday, even baking a cake just for him. with the christmas decorations still being up, it made the house look even more special. you still worried about elvis though. you didn't know if elvis would appreciate a surprise party or if he would even be in a good enough mood when he returned home. "what if he comes in and just starts shootin' at all the balloons?" said billy, who was on the couch tieing up the ends to the multicolored balloons. "the last thing i want is to get shot on elvis's birthday."
you rolled your eyes, tossing another pack of balloons at him, smacking him in the chest. "just shut up and keep filling the damn balloons." as you left him on balloon duty, more people started to show up. some people brought more decorations, gifts and offered their help in the kitchen. while your main focus was to make sure everything was perfect, you also made sure his birthday cake was even more perfect. elvis had always preferred when you cooked or baked for him, he could tell when it was made by you and not someone else.
you got one final look at the decorations and refreshments set out for the party, fixing things and setting out a couple more items. then began the hard part. you made a final call to check on elvis who would be arriving home soon. the conversation you had with lamar made you nervous, elvis had lashed out with the colonel once again and was in a horrible mood. you could even hear elvis raising his voice in the background. "that overseas tour that we had planned got cancelled again, he's real disappointed." he said quietly into the phone, occasionally turning back to make sure elvis wasn't listening. "he wants him back in vegas in a few weeks, i don't know. it's not soundin' great. this better be this best party you've ever thrown cause i don't know what's gonna happen when he shows up."
your grip on the phone tightened and you began to anxiously bite on one of your nails, worried for elvis. "i can't cancel now, lamar. everyone's already here, i've got the driveway cleared out....christ. what do you think he's gonna do? s'he gonna be mad?"
he scratched the side of his head, looking back again. "i don't know, let's hope not." he sighed. the arguing in the background stopped, then a slam of the door. "oh, he's leavin', i gotta go. should be there in ten-" there was a shout of his name along with 'let's just go.' before the phone clicked. you let out a frustrated groan and placed the phone back down before going back out to the small crowd of friends and family.
everyone turned their heads to look at you, growing silent as you stood there with your arms crossed. "so, he should be here in ten minutes, but...." you let out a nervous laugh, rocking back and forth on your heels. "he's a little....mad."
"how mad?"
"um, well. the overseas tour got cancelled. so, i would assume very mad." everyone began murmuring and looking at eachother, you cleared your throat, anxiously picking at your nails. "look, i-if he gets upset about the party, he gets upset. i put this together and he'll most likely just be upset with me so...we'll just...figure this out. i don't know."
before you could get another word out, headlights shined through the window, pulling up to graceland. "they're here! everyone, hide! go!" you gestured with your hands, shooing everyone away as they all got in their hiding spots.
you smoothed out your clothes and braced yourself for the worst or best night of elvis's and possibly your life, cringing slightly at the slam of the car door and angry stomps up the steps. you beat him to the door, opening it with a wide smile. "hi baby!"
elvis's face lit up at the sight of you. despite his awful day, he was always happy to be around you. "hi darlin'" he gave you a kiss on the cheek as lamar walked in behind him, giving you a look and shutting the door behind him. "i'm tellin' ya, i outta fire that man. that tour we planned? cancelled. can't have shit without the colonel ruining it." he vented, not even noticing the birthday decorations in the foyer. "but at least i got to come home to you." he smiled, wrapping his arm around your hip.
just as he was about to kiss you again, you placed your finger on his lips. "actually, about that." you said, elvis giving you a puzzled look. you cleared your throat loudly as a signal, everyone jumping from their spots to yell out 'surprise!'. elvis even jumped himself, looking around at the birthday decor. "well i'll be damned! did you do all this?" he asked, turning to you.
"are you mad?" you pouted
his mouth turned into a smile, grinning widely. "mad? are you kiddin'? i can't believe you would do this for me."
"well, it was jerry's idea. i just did the hard work." you joked. "just wanted to show you some appreciation, i know today was rough. but it's your birthday! you deserve a good time."
"is there cake?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
you nodded. "baked with love by yours truly."
"oh baby, you spoil me. i love ya. thank you." he kissed you again and released his grip from your waist. "and thank y'all for comin'! let's have a good time!"
taglist: @aconflagrationofmyown @butlersluvbot @arianatheangel-girl @steph-speaks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s @flwrs4aust @imgayreal @kiankiwi-blog @father-of-2cats
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snarkythewoecrow · 11 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
thanks for the tag @mammameesh @underwater-ninja-13 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 (mostly buddie), MCU, dabbled in Torchwood, Sherlock, HP, and Old Guard, oh and supernatural for a while too, though I don't have a lot of my supernatural and Torchwood moved to ao3, something I've been working on since like 2012 (there aren't that many more to move, I am just amazing at procrastinating)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Overall, these are my highest: Unexpected Finds (MCU, irondad)- 5 206 If I Could Do It All Over, I'd Find You Sooner (MCU, stuckony)- 2 593 emergencies only (MCU, irondad)- 2 154 between wanting and needing (MCU, stuckony)- 2 087 abuse at your hands, broken at your feet (MCU, irondad)- 1 960 But since I'm mostly writing 9-1-1, I'm going to include my top two from there, cuz I can: I choose you, Pikachu (or the ways two idiots finally say you’re mine) - 1 595 sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it) - 1 302
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to respond, but sometimes I get behind, and there are times when I'm low on spoons and I put them off, and that doesn't mean I don't love them all, seriously, people who comment are so generous and sweet, but it does mean that sometimes they will get a random reply from me two years later lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, not super sure, cuz I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I guess the one I wrote for irondad, where peter was using hard drugs and it didn't end with a promise of things turning out good, hugs didn't fix things in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
no idea? they are mostly all happy to some degree
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not often, but sometimes, more in the mcu than other fandoms
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and mostly gay, many kinks, from vanilla to wtf are you even writing type things, but i do seem to lean toward bdsm dynamic in smut, daddy kink often, and a/b/o (tho i really love writing non-traditional dynamic, a lot of omega/omega and alpha/alpha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yes, and probably sam wilson/harry potter, honestly, I really still adore that one, it worked, I swearm, harry was older and fucked up with ptsd, and sam was awesome, as usual
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? well, i mean, i've once found them posted on small fan sites serving other countries and tbh, it didn't bother me too much, like it wasn't great, but like, hey, life's too short and they obvs liked them, and they did give me credit, sorta
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a handful over the years, maybe 5 on ao3? and i know i gave others permisson over the years, but they never linked back so idk
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, totally, done it a bunch and had fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
steve/tony, then stucky is a close second, like they are the true standbys, I'll always love them, but I have a armada of other ships that also serve me well
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
we don't talk about bruno, dude
16. What are your writing strengths?
description maybe, or writing emotional shit? and like with dialogue, I'm either a god of it or a pathetic feral creature that has never spoken aloud
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
depending on the day, the same as what is written in prior answer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, i try not to do it anymore, cuz I don't like making it harder for readers in anyway to consume, so unless I can keep it short and clear enough that you can still gather what they are saying without knowing the language, then I leave it out. I will try hard to find other ways, and i'm not super into translations posted after the text, looks clunky, and not super into translations at the end, but yeah, to each their own
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dudes, i dont know when i ate last, no idea, like maybe some MASH or like Highlander in notebook as a kid? probably my first shared was interview with the vampire, resulting in much anxiety as a teen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm picking from more recent fics, and I kinda love this one atm: sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it)
tagging @buckybeardreams @limetimo @painted-doe @psychiccatpanda and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank copy under cut for you to use 💙
20 Questions for fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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ikamigami · 3 months
I agree totally, this episode felt muted, quiet, I was fully expecting more strong emotions, more crying or anger or sadness, for Sun to really let things out, but they didn't, they could've addressed so much here but they still didn't, like they always do, maybe they're saving that for Sun finally confronting Moon again, or maybe even talking to Old Moon, who knows Maybe Sun saying this stuff to Moon will finally make Moon realize how selfish he's chosen to be, though I doubt it honestly I also know people will probably accuse Sun of being jealous of Solar even though it is far more likely that after everything that's happened its more likely he thinks Moon might've cared more about Solar than him if Moon was killing to do all of this for Solar, or that Sun wasn't adequate enough to stop Moon's spiral, maybe Something's also been bugging me in that I am slightly worried that Sun's foreshadowed death might happen on July 16th, no idea if they'd manage to drag the arc that long but it's a silly thought...
This! All of this! You took words right form my mouth! Aivsjsjsnsjjs
I really hope that Moon will realize how selfish he was and I hope for the sake of my own mental health that Moon will try his hardest to regain Sun's trust, love and forgiveness.. like try really hard.. to show that he actually loves Sun!
Because I always defended his love for Sun only for him to just act like a jackass..
Sun deserves so much better and for the love of all that exist Sun and Moon need each other this is what this stupid show was telling us since the beginning..
But I really am positive about this.. cause they finally are separated.. this is something that I was hoping for for quite a long time.. cause I always thought that they need some distance from each other and I mean some real distance and we finally got that, thank goodness!
I hope that Sun will talk to Moon and maybe then Moon will find out how much he screwed his relationship with Sun..
But.. you mentioned July 16th.. and funny thing is that I was thinking that Sun may die on that day.. but I was wondering about it a year ago..
And now when I think about it.. I think that.. Sun's death will be what will make Moon realize how selfish and shitty he became..
I know that you and probably everyone will not like what I'm about to say but.. I'll say it..
I think that we'll find out more about Sun's feelings and mental issues closer to July 16th.. and what he'll learn from Dazzle will be a final straw for him..
Like I said.. to me Sun has depressive psychosis and delusions centered around guilt and unworthiness.. hence why he blames himself for everything, for how Moon turned out to be.. hence why he seems upset about Bloodmoon's death even if it doesn't seem to make sense!
And I really think that Sun feels like he made Old Moon, Bloodmoon, Eclipse and now New Moon like that.. and I really think that he's scared that he'll make a new AI that he'll force to kill.. he's afraid of it, of himself..
And I think that when he'll learn the truth about Dazzle.. it'll be too much for him to handle and he'll have another psychotic break.. and try to attempt suicide.. (watch it turn out wrong later lol)
But seriously.. I feel like there's more to Sun's feelings.. to what he told Jack.. with the things he said but didn't elaborate..
Maybe I'm going insane and I'm just imagining things.. idk.. but for me it feels like something is missing.. hence why this episode was so underwhelming..
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, dear anon ^^
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mistahgrundy · 1 year
Real life can you stop it
Day before yesterday my husband fell climbing a step and felt something in his ankle pop. Wasn't sure if he was hurt too bad so we waited a day... Next day ankle all swollen still in pain so off to the minor emergency clinic down the street we go!
He obviously can't drive now but I don't have a license currently but welp. So I drive him. Whatever. The clinic down the street didn't have a doctor on duty only telehelp which is worthless!! He fell in the parking lot trying to hobble inside x.x
They help us get him back in the car and off we go to clinic #2. Finally, a doctor. An X-ray later: his ankle is broken and he may have a torn ligament which might need surgery. They wrap up his leg and give him crutches but he falls again trying to use them so EMT gets called and then I drive him to the ER. Another x-ray and a better wrapping job. They said the clinic did it poorly...
Same conclusion tho ankle fracture and a possible torn ligament. But now we have a prescription for a wheelchair and a referral to an orthopedic office. BUT it's labor day weekend. Nothing is open. Should have gone to the ER in the first place but I wasn't sure it was even broken, could have just been a sprain...
Blah. He fell again trying to get back in our front door. I'm beyond stressed out and worried. We do still have the crutches but after that fall he's scared of them. Idk I think maybe crutches might be super hard to use when you're overweight.
And I just realized I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to have a permanent crown put in my mouth. :/
I'll probably take a ride share I can't risk driving illegally again.
I really need to get a new license. Not having a driver's license in this spread out bad public transpo state is not feasible.
One of the ER waiting rooms (they stick you in a second room while you wait for your results) made us watch twilight. One of them anyway. The one with the baby.
Yeah so all that sucks ass.
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zeevoidlight · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
OC time I have a drawing of him that i made based on one of the npcs in Breath/Tears and just had to try to replicate it in SL modifying a ripped model because i was feeling very lazy, but i want to make my own mesh but i know that if i didn't do something in the moment i wouldn't do anything for months. It's still a work in progress and is just for fun. The fins need some paint work so they look more like the drawing and it needs some clothing. I put some temporary clothing in SL but i will post it later when i take a good photo.
Still can't find a name for him though. His temporary name is Ottan but that kinda sounds like otter so I'll just try to find another one. Back in Majora's Mask days when the game came out I was fascinated with how the Zoras were portrayed there, with so much personality, much more relaxed, weird, diverse, they seem to have so much fun compared to the Ocarina Zoras that were a bit more regal and calm. Mikau even had some powers (or Zora Link at least), electric magic shield, boomerang fins, played a sick fish bone guitar in a band, and the swiming mechanics were just the best, I still consider them the best ever and i used to simply get into the game and do nothing but swim and jump out of the water like a dolphin XD. I wanted to make an OC back then too. Can't remember if I did. But with Breath and Tears it got me all fired up to make one again.
So this guy is inspired a bit on Evan from the Indigo-gos which was an eel Zora in Majora's, which I really liked back in the day because he was unique and played the piano. If we try to put him in Breath and Tears universe he would be from another realm of Zoras outside of Hyrule, a place that could probably be Breath's Majoras realm equivalent but is not in another dimension, is just far away or hard to get to, idk. The thing is that he would find himself in Hyrule at some point. He plays an instrument because in his realm music is a very important part of those Zoras culture like in Majora, and he would play the handpan (because right now that's my favorite instrument) maybe one made out of a shell (listen... if you can play the guitar using some huge fishbones you can find a way to play a huge sea shell and make it sound the same as a handpan). He might not have water powers like the Hyrule Zoras in Tears but he would have eelectric powers. and, I think that's it for now. Just wanted to share. Will finish him later and think of another name.
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aberrant-winter · 1 year
Murder Drones experience- Word Count: 615
Hi nobody will prolly read dis and that's good it's great it's fantastic so nobody can see my stupid ramblings
When i join a new fandom i'm usually super chill, i search a few drawings to feed on look at, if i can i draw the characters i like tge must but i usually do that wayyy later like weeks the months or years or never
And i never make ocs, i did make a Peppiclone oc but It's because everyone else's obsession with Pizza Tower kinda dragged me down as well but i never liked PT THAT MUCH. It's cool but i don't love it with my entire soul and go apeshit every time i see PT stuff
Maybe it's because i mostly stay in old fandoms and i probably was obsessed with them a lot as a kid but over time the intrest faded and faded to the point where i don't "LOVE" it anymore, i just like It
B U T with Murder Drones i finally felt this again. It's been years since i liked something so much, more than 7? Prob
And i kinda forgot how it felt! So now i'm lost and confused and i keep on asking myself if it's normal or if i should be locked up in an asylu-
So. Didn't vibe with Murder Drones cuz it was too popular and seemed like a cringey thing. Then i saw an incredibile Murder Drones animation and thought.. fine whatev i'll try and i was ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY. Didn't expect that at all
Watched the full season and immediately drew my favorite character. With other fandoms it takes weeks to do that
Watched the entire season a second time and then i doodled even more characters (in another fandom it would take YEARS or i would not do that at all)
Searched many fan arts to feast on to satisfy my immense hunger of MD content
Considered the idea of making an oc (i usually never do that-)
Considered the idea of buying a plushie (all the official merch plushies i have are either gifts or from ages ago and i have a smol amount lke very very smol and only characters)
Watched the entire season A THIRD TIME
And considered the idea of making a MD Diorama/ Bendy wire posable figure
I only made dioramas with fandoms i've been in more than 2 years and the posable figs are all just fnaf. And uhh yeah that fandom is old as fuk)
All of this happened in LESS THAN A WEEK-
And with any other fandom it would have been wayyyyyy slowerrr
I went batshit crazy super sayan mode and i still am-
It's concerning and i don't know how to make this stop
If i should try to stop myself or embrace It
I mean- this is great tho! I'm usually very low on motivation. I don't do shit and spend the entire day watching YouTube
With Artfight i have a bit more motivation but with MD too
I finally feel... Alive
Like i genuiley enjoy what i'm making instead of forcing myself to draw random things just to do something
Most of the time i'll be like "try to draw this character because idk just do It to pass the time" it feels forced . For some reason and i don't even know why
But now it's "OMG!!! this character is so cool i have to draw it! I absolutely want to see how it would look like in my art style and all the fun poses i could do! Sadly it's kinda hard to draw but that's fine. Just practice and ur good"
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dear--charlie · 1 year
Dear Charlie,
It is I again ... :)
Well, I actually forgot about the existence of this blog, it has been ... 5 years? Is that possible? That sounds like a lot, it's scary how much of my life has already passed.
I am yet again depressed and disassociated. This time I also packed an eating disorder with me, so it's not all the same boring routine... Splendor at it's finest.
A year and a half ago or so I started university and honestly, I hate university. I have very few friends there and one of them forgot about me the second she got better so I decided to cut her off, to not feel the shame of being used. The other one is also quite mentally ill to be honest and she also suffers from an ed, which makes it hard for me to interact with her as someone trying her best to recover. I recently had a lapse (or relapse? I can never understand what's more appropriate and calling it relapse just feels like I am bragging for attetion) and when I decided I'd stop it and try to recover again, I had to bring the time I spend interacting with her to a minimum. Maybe some people will call me selfish, but do I care? If you were in my shoes, you'd talk differently. People's hate is just the cost of making your own decisions about life it seems.
On another note, I am going to therapy, yay. I also went to this ed treatment center when things got bad with eating and I am still going there in secret from my family.
Now that I mentioned therapy, there is one thing I really want to write here. It happened almost a year ago already, but it honestly still haunts me. Maybe I am too dramatic idk, people have it way worse...but this is MY note so I can write whatever I want right... xd
Well, when I became anorexic about 2 years ago, I sought out a therapist. She was recommended to me by my friend I mentioned above with whom I no longer interact. It was an old woman, 60+, very short, but this person had something so unsettling about her, Charlie, that you entered the room she'd sit in with a feeling of being somehow tried by a figure of immense evil. I felt something was strange about her quite early on, but this lady charged very little for her services and I am a poor student, so I didn't want to give it up... Until one time. She'd often make weird remarks about how pretty I am, asked me who had green eyes, if my mom or dad, I believe it was already on the first or second session... I felt weird, but decided to overlook it. She then later on kept mentioning another client of hers, telling me that I could meet him and talk to him as we both have a history of living with a very manipulative grandfather. I assumed she meant calling him to one of our sessions and having this weird group therapy. Well, I was wrong. One day she asked me if I've ever had a boyfriend - I haven't yet, so I told her no. She acted as if this was a problem - what a total c*nt tbh :^) - but anyway, she then later in the session mentioned him again and kept saying that he is old, way older than me. I felt weird, so I asked how old? And she replied: "Quite old." ??? red flags, I know, but well, I made her tell me he was 34 or so. I don't exactly remember. Well, she said again that we have to meet up, me and him. I was like mhm she probably means some different time. No. At the end of our sessions someome rang her bell and she replied: "*his name*, come in" I was scared, even though still trying to convince myself that nothing is wrong. Well, I wanted to leave, but the witch literally stood in front of the door and wouldn't let me. The man appeared at the doorstep. She told him he should take me for a ride somewhere in his car at the weekend and asked him if he had time - he said well yes. Then she asked me if I wanted to go and I felt so scared by that time - but I managed to say I'll think about it. Well, after this happened, I was mortified and I ended up ending everything with her.
This scared me so much, Charlie. I don't tell people about it anymore, but sometimes I see an old woman outside who faintly resembles her and get a shiver of dread up my spine. Sometimes the memories of her just come to me as flashbacks and I feel dirty. I felt dirty after this happened to be honest, even though nothing really happened to me. I guess I felt strangely exploited and objectified. I came to her for help but she did this thing...for what? God knows.
On another note, lately I am obsessing over a certain anime character and its weirdly healing me even though I am still feeling very bad. He is not a good person, but I relate to him a lot for some reason.
I also write a lot, Charlie, my stories are probably the only thing that genuinely makes me happy to be myself. I also try to draw when I can.
Well, this is all the brain vomit I can think of for today.
Thank you for listening.
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 months
well, things have been weird... I think depression and anxiety has been hitting me hard this past week to the point of like chest pain, i think I'm very familiar with heartache lmao. I'm a senior now, finally made it to year 6 in med school, and currently in my first rotation, i don't know how to feel about that other than fear of my own incompetence and failure to compensate for it because I'm just so exhausted..
As for writing, i haven't done any for like close to at least 1 year, nothing, even poetry has been sparse, maybe max of 3 this whole year. It's like slow torture... it's like the first death described in black swan. I've been trying to plan a novel, but all i have is Pinterest boards for characters and a main idea of a plot and it doesn't seem that this year I'll be able to give it time because it's hectic and important and i also have my damn research on thalassemia patient's quality of life and whatnot.
Loneliness is suffocating as well, I don't know what to do with it, i blame it on adulthood and maturity, hell im 23 yet i feel like i have the loneliness of a vampire watching every loved one fade. there's not much to do about it. everyone's busy and i hate human connection as much as i crave it.
I thought by now you'd have relocated btw because it's been a while that you've been talking about it, also didn't you go back for masters or is my timeline of events wrong cuz trust me I don't even remember my name these days
hi friend 🤍
i’m sorry about the anxiety and depression. i certainly understand how hard both are to deal with. anything you can do to get even a little bit of relief? is therapy an option for you?
congratulations on making it to your senior year! that’s a wonderful accomplishment! i watch a few med student youtubers, and i’m so impressed by everything that you all do. it’s a fuck ton of work. is school a major catalyst for the anxiety and depression for you or more so other things you mentioned like human connection/loneliness? everything?
even if your plans for the book aren’t as far along as you were hoping they’d be, i still think it’s really cool that there are ideas dancing around in your head. they won’t just disappear either, so you can always dive back in when it feels right and the writing is coming. you’ll have to keep me updated on this. i feel you on the writing thing. i’ve finally been able to do some writing again after months of shitty work, but the longer it’s missing, the crazier us writers feel. i hope it comes back to you sooner rather than later. a year is a long time. idk if i’d ever write without music. it’s such a huge source of inspiration for me.
oh god… the loneliness. i’m so touch starved that i don’t know what to do with myself. a huge part of me wishes i could erase my dating experience last year bc absences following what that little supernova gave me are apparent as hell. i feel like my isolation from covid never really ended, and i’m still trying to move out of it and form friendships in closer proximity. hating human connection and craving it at the same time—felt. i consistently feel like i have to be a better version of myself first, but will i ever meet a version i’m satisfied with? there are always mental hurdles to navigate. do you have any friends in your med school program?
your last paragraph pierced my heart a little bit bc i too thought i’d be in a different city by now. i lasted in my grad program for three months. it was horrible. i took a class last summer, and i knew pretty early on that it was the wrong choice, but i still started the fall semester. i wanted to give it a sincere shot and not make a rash decision (i convinced myself it was rash but it was really my gut saying important things lol). maybe in the future i’ll go back to school and do something completely different. i kind of want to get an english degree, but the idea of doing another bachelor’s feels strange. i wanted to double major originally but didn’t. for now, i’m working a remote job i hate and constantly job searching for something else. i’m passionate about community engagement work and environmental justice, hoping i’ll find something. i still want to move to chicago. i’ll be there in september, and i’m hoping my time there will solidify feelings and desires about relocating.
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
sunday - monday
i tried to relax more today but i ended up working on songs.
oscillating a lot on the album, is it good? is it bad? i can't tell, is it sporadic or does it make sense? i doodled and listened to it, it sounded good, later in the day i listened focusing on it more, it wasn't as compelling, does it fall apart under scrutiny? is that just me? i can't tell, so i think maybe i'm going to end up asking people to listen soon, but we'll see. i don't know who to ask.
it might just be mood stuff, it always sounds not good when i am tired and want to just sleep and feel like, troubled by it. it's hard to get the time away from it... does that mean i need a longer break? maybe i take a week off it after i get these vocals into it. yeah that might be good. ultimately it's getting me thinking more and more about how i want to take these ideas into whatever i work on next. i want to keep making this kind of music, but i want it to work better. there's songs here that work really well in terms of being easy to mix and know where things go. then there's these other ones where there's just something...wrong. idk. it's weird and frustrating. i think everyone is like this about their work ultimately and maybe most people will not even come close to noticing all this. i really hope not. i hope they like it, or at least i like it.
but it makes me excited about writing new riffs and drum parts, and in fact re-doing this drum kit, figuring out the sounds i want from it more precisely, and maybe starting from there.
the idea of a clean slate is sorta exciting, or just keeping what i really like here, in this record, there's some really good guitar synth sounds i like and really wanna keep.
maybe next record i should focus more on getting hihats and stuff to sound better? idk. too early to plan and there's a bunch of stuff already written. but idk, i have not done a ton of songwriting at all recently, feels like maybe there's a lot of ideas up there in the abstract. but maybe none. i should just mess around on guitar after all this too. i should also try and not keep myself busy always cuz i'm going coo coo lately from all this. head's going 20 different directions.
anyway, right now it's my birthday, there's dark circles under my eyes and i am 26... i have lots of anxieties about suddenly turning ugly and then no one loving me or wanting me physically which is bound up in love for me because it's maybe the first place i learned to know what affection was, or affection i didn't mind, or thought i wouldn't mind, receiving. anyways that's all sad and stuff or whatever but really i'm just full of complexes about becoming suddenly very useless and not being what i hope i am. it's very bad, today's my party, i can cry about it if i want to. if that's all i get, i will have to take it.
but i think my gf is getting me something and this very giant golf umbrella she got me came today so i can walk to work with an umbrella that is at least supposedly strong and wind-proof. i am excited to be really annoying with my huge umbrella. honest.
also, maybe another reason the album sounds weird, is it's just going to, but also, because i didn't really listen to music today, so it's like, idk, maybe it doesn't make sense but i'm just kind of scrutinizing things in an off way. if it's weird, is that good? i sometimes feel like it's just a necessity. maybe i should lean into that?
one thing i am noticing is that these super layered guitar sounds might just be the totally wrong move, idk. maybe gut those? see what things sound like without those? i'll have to do that another time though since i need to sleep.
i think really i am looking at 2 songs that need work. or idk. it's such a weird set of issues i am having with one song. it just sounds flat, how do i make it less flat? no compression on the guitar maybe but idk. it's weird just because synths are so compressed normally. hard to get transients through. but whatever &
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smileymoth · 7 months
7, 8, 14
7. Who are some artists that have inspired you? This isn't a difficult question but it's hard to like... describe why someone inspires me. I think the 1 artist that has sort of guided me to find my art style is definitely godlyDescentUFO they mostly post on deviantart/twt of which i don't really use anymore. I still think about their art a lot, and often. The colour palettes they use and the composition and body language of the characters drawn... It's just special to me. I want to replicate it. One day. Again I feel like Ive been too sucked into fandom these past few years to really do what i want to but I'll... I'll explain that later .But yeah they've been my favourite artist ever since I found them. I feel like if you just go thru their gallery you can tell why I like them
Then there's clickbaitcowboy . He's on tumblr go give them a follow. he makes godly oc illustrations and his painting skills are so... so so so so AAHHH. Im in love fr I can't explain it. The shading makes me go insane and the way he draws out anatomy and muscles and fat and just bodies in general... god
supppe, another person who is on tumblr whose colour paletes bring me joy. He makes comics and his art style is super pleasing to the eye
And from current fandom I think everyone can agree that panidanya and wszczebrzyszynie are incredible artists . Panidanyas anatomy and painting skills kill me every time and wszczebrzyszynie has this really nostalgic(?) art style that my heart can get behind. It creates art with such passion and love, you know, you can't deny that. if you look at its art you just know
Other than that the main inspiration i guess comes from my friends, from my mutuals' art. It doesn't have to be something big. It can be as simple as a small detail in someones clothing or the facial expressions. God this reminds me I miss my friends art. Evan you need to make more art I miss you
8. How would you describe your art style?
Matured deviantart emo semirealism. I dont think semi realism really fits my style bc it still feels too cartoony to me. I dont think my art style is really all that well developed idk it lacks identity to me but Im also hyper critical of my art
14. Do you prefer to make fan content or original content? This is a tricky goddamn question I thought about this for like 5 minutes and now Im even more confused. I am an oc artist first. I don't like "original" art in the sense of those paintings that just exist in a vacuum with no character stories behind them. I want something you can follow, you know. I want there to be some form of a story. which i guess is my downfall sometimes. When i draw fandom art i feel like they're also my ocs. esp bc its... its mcyt... You kind of have to make it into your oc because you have 16x16 pixel canvas and someones 2010 kakashi skin to work with.
On the other hand, bc i'm an oc artist, Im making 'fan content' of my ocs. Technically. Do yuo follow. So me drawing my babyboy Daniel 400+ times in a decade is kind of like fan content but Im the only fan... So whats original content and whats fan content.
I do feel like being so intertwined in fandom content may have hindered my art development a little bit, since I completely stopped drawing my ocs for a little while. I didn't get to explore their lives through art as much as I would've wanted to. I haven't been drawing as many backgrounds because I do enjoy mostly drawing interiors and there's not much interiors to talk about when it comes to mcyt... And ive also just been lacking motivation for it.
All in all i think i enjoy "original" art more, because it gives me more, it gives more to my heart. It's not that i don't enjoy drawing mcyt, but I think I should maybe try to draw mcyt in a more personal? matter? Without too much fandomification? I want to make more art that has "meaning" per say, with backgrounds, a story behind them. (this is just for me and what i want to get out of art, this doesn't apply to anyone else. it's such a slippery slope bc i know saying these things may feel hurtful to others but i am only talking about myself.... okay T_T) I dont know if any of this makes sense. I'm always lost in my direction with art and going to art school didn't make it any better <3
I do think that because I've been going thru a lot of personal warfare in the past 3 years, fandom HAS helped me in the sense that it helps me with creativity, since i have been severely lacking in creative thinking, I just struggle with it nowadays, so if I can draw ethubs making out under a tree bc they did so in episode 402 out of season 194 then so be it, at least it'll help me create
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