#too lazy to turn my vpn on
gutsandeverything · 2 months
provider restricting my access to tumblr and wikipedia based on ip just after i took my second shot and shattered the ampule into my hand. just another way the world oppresses women......
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myname-isnia · 1 year
I suddenly understand the people screaming about Ao3 being down whenever it happens
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kaythefloppa · 8 months
New S7 WK Eps - [Spoiler Free] Review + Predictions/Thoughts:
New Wild Kratts Season 7 episodes are on the premises after a 4-month hiatus. The episodes were found on https://metadatabank.pbs.org by a few Twitter users, with premises to boot.
Two of the episodes were uploaded on the TVO Kids' YouTube Channel. For anyone who doesn't know, full episodes of PBS Kids shows are uploaded on that channel and are only accessible directly to Canadian viewers. The only way U.S. viewers can access them is through a VPN.
To prevent heavy spoilers, especially for those who don't have a VPN/want to wait until the episodes come out in America, I won't provide any links. I have watched the first two episodes of the new batch, and I will be doing a [spoiler-free] review of them below the cut, again, because I know that not everyone is going to/is able to immediately hop onto a VPN and watch the eps months before they air on television. The other 2 episodes are yet to be televised or uploaded, so anything I say about them will be pure speculation until the U.S. airdate.
This is not a 100% spoiler-free thread. If you have seen the episodes on the VPN and intend on reblogging with spoilers, use the spoiler tag/cut appropriately; Spoilery comments in the thread are prohibited overall because there's no way to loop around that, so bear in mind:
Backpack the Camel:
The gang travels to the Gobi Desert to discover the last remaining wild camels in the world. They experience the harshness of the desert landscape and are rescued from it only by the wild Bactrian camels and their amazing survival skills.
No Name Dream:
Martin has a dream that he's forgotten to name some baby animals and awakens in a sweat. Aviva tries to reassure him that he named them all, but Koki, after checking the data base, confirms that Martin's right! The Wild Kratts' mission is to go back and name all the ,unnamed, and along the way, learn more about their creaturenality and share some wow facts about their animal friends!
Fish Out of Water:
After a Creature Power Disc mishap, the bros become marooned in the world of a mudskipper, a fish that can walk on land. They must find their discs within a foreign world of intense competition, with unexpected dangers at every turn
Our Blue and Green World: Parts 1 & 2:
While doing their annual Laundry Day, the Kratt Brothers disagree on what's better; blue oceans or green forests. Can the gang get Martin and Chris back in synch in time to save Planet Earth from Zach and Paisley's villainous plans?
Again, no confirmed airdates, so we know what we're in for, but we'll just have to wait. But I'll post my disjointed thoughts and predictions on each episode in this big-ass compiled post bc I'm too lazy for separate posts:
Backpack the Camel - REVIEW
How the fuck did it take us 12.5 years to get a camel episode? There was literally a live-action opener featuring camels and llamas which segwayed into a fucking Koala episode? I know it doesn't really matter, but it's so jarring
The episode's humor is..... not that good. It feels like they were trying too hard to make it "meme" material with a recurring facial gag but it gets old really quickly. Luckily it's not present throughout the episode, and compared to previous scenes in the show (ex. that awful dabbing and floss scene from the ant episode), it's pretty tame.
The camels in this episode are beautifully animated. I swear to god, you could clearly tell that they wanted the camels to look as detailed as possible but still retaining that WK-style look.
The Camel Power Suit, I thought it was going to be awful and at first I hated, but it actually turned out to be pretty good. It gets right what a the more recent quadrupedal power suits get wrong. Though I’m fairly certain that this is going to be an unpopular opinion once the episode comes out.
Wild Kratts has a pretty good track record for debunking animal myths so if you're frustrated with how the mainstream media misrepresents camels or how many myths and misconceptions about them are spread, then this episode is definitely for you.
Ranking: 7/10
No Name Dream - REVIEW
We started off the season with Chris angst and now we’ve got Martin angst. I can’t comment too much on the dream sequence but… let’s just say that the animators were having a lot of fun with it. It’s giving Zooboomafoo vibes if anything.
I feel like MK IRL realized that there were some unnamed baby animals, and decided to write this episode as a meta ref to that. Overall, it feels like the most self-insert-y episode of the show to date (even moreso than Liturgusa Krattorum)
This episode highlights what Wild Kratts does better than most shows nowadays. It knows how to do fanservice correctly. Mainly in the form of callbacks to inventions/locations, power suits, and animals that we haven’t seen in years. The reason they do this correctly is because they don’t do it for the sake of it, there’s a very intriguing plot around it that gives it a point/purpose and it overall makes sense. The crew goes around naming unnamed baby animals from past adventures. That’s something I have wanted to see in years (I even made up my own fan-names for some baby animals that didn’t get a name, though one of them is rendered non-canon in the ep.)
In fact, the modern seasons of the show do this pretty damn well, what with the return of Aviva’s rollerblades in the S6 finale, the tellurium crystal cameo in the raven episode, giving Paisley Paver a solo role in this season, and this episode, where we get a lot of cool callbacks to the earlier seasons when the crew travels around the world to name the unnamed. I think the reason they do this is because they know that after 10 years, people are going to get nostalgic - That and because PBS Kids’ horrible scheduling that forces viewers at home to wait months or even years for new episodes to come out, makes the show runners try and work their way around it through the episode’s quality, so that if it’s great, or hell, even if it’s good, that would compensate for the episode’s wait. It’s one of the many things that gives me hope for Season 7.
I kid you not, there is one scene in this episode that made me scream at my iPad when I first watched it. It’s clearly fanservice, but in the best degree. I’m not going to give ANY hints because it’s too spoilery, but let’s just say, as someone who is a longtime viewer of the show since S1, and has been begging for years for untapped stuff in the earlier episodes to make a comeback, this certain scene in this episode felt like an extremely detailed love-letter to my childhood, if not a very clever witty response to my brainrotting on the blog. This scene is kinda why I’m very adamant about the “no spoilers” thing; The majority of the fandom needs to see this scene televised.
The baby animal’s names vary. Some are cringe, (I guess,) some are okay, and then some are actually alright. Also, cute baby animals!!!!!
Ranking: 8/10
Fish Out of Water - Predictions/Thoughts:
Again, almost 13 years to give us a mudskipper episode? If it wasn’t for that one episode of Octonaughts, I wouldn’t have even known what a mudskipper was if you showed it to me. Side-note, mudskippers are cool.
Ok but a Creature Power Disc mishap? Even after getting disc-holders, these mf still loose these damn discs 😭
Going back to the “WK magazines show Creature Powers of future episodes,” there was a page of a mudskipper shown in a magazine from 2019 that I cannot for the life of me find.
Mudskippers live in Borneo. I hope this implies that we’ll see more animals/Creature Powers of that location since we haven’t gotten it since S4 (more than 5 years ago).
Here’s a Wow Fact about Mudskippers: Their eyes bulge out of their heads unlike other fish and can move independently from each other (not unlike chameleons). They can also live on land apparently and, well… they skip pretty well. I’m expecting the name of a mudskipper to be something like “Skippy” or “Skipper” or something along those lines.
Oh, these motherfuckers can also CLIMB.
Our Blue and Green Earth - Predictions/Thoughts:
This episode was hyped during the premiere marathon week of S7, where Martin originally called the special “Blue and Green: The Living Earth” and listed the animals we’d be seeing in the new special.
Honestly, am I the only one who’s kinda bummed that this is the 8th/9th episode of the season? I mean, didn’t the article that first disclosed this special say that S7 would be breaking the 200 episode milestone? I feel like a huge one-hour special with an aesthetic title like that would be a good contender for Episode 200. Unless this was 200th episode of the show to be produced, but the network fucked up and broadcasted this special early and had another one in its place… it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done that though.
I’ve gone on about a Paisley/Donita team up, but Zach and Paisley also fit too. Both have a grey aesthetic, have alliterative names, are executive CEOs who are both implied to get away from the law via nepotism/capitalism. And both villains have engaged in logging and habitat destruction. Whilst Donita and Paisley have an “opposites attract” thing going on with them when you put them together (which is one of the million reasons why I hardcore ship them), Zach and Paisley are like two peas in a pod.
I guess this is another “disagree” episode, like in Fireflies, Bass Class, or Wolf Hawks. Don’t know how they can drag it out for 40 minutes but let’s see how they do it.
I think they may be planning this as an Earth Day special. Blue and Green, whilst associated with the Kratt Bros, are also associated with the Planet Earth, so it makes sense to air this on Earth Day. Additionally, the 100th episode, Animals Who Live to Be 100 Years Old, had aired as an Earth Day special, as part of a week-long Earth Day marathon of S4 episodes (including Spirit Bear, Paisley’s debut episode). So I think it would be thematically appropriate to air this episode on Earth Day.
I think it’d be like, really funny if the double-episode had the “blue” as one part, written by Martin, and the “green” as another part, written by Chris.
I predict that the climax of the episode will involve the brothers having to defend the opposite climate of their preference. Like, Chris using Blue Whale Powers to defend the ocean animals from the Zachbots, and Martin using Indri Powers to rescue the forests from the Pavers. This is what brings them back in synch after realizing that blue and green are equally important and can rightfully co-exist… just like them (awww).
If there is not a Blue Whale Suit, I might actually cry.
Let’s hope that these episodes air on TV at the end of the year because this hiatus is killing me.
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acekimagenda · 4 months
I'm back home for a week and I don't have my ipad with me (and I don't have any free time really but) I WANT TO DRAW 😭😭😭 Im going through withdrawal and it's fucking painful lmao
(a post that would've fit better on twitter but I'm too lazy to turn on VPN)
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angelroute · 5 hours
ALSO what's your banner? :OOO I think based on the hair clips it's sayaka and homura(?) but im not sureee
its sayahomu !!!!!! i think this should be the correct link but im too lazy to turn on my vpn so i cant check. yes gelbooru is banned here. the wau this aetist draws makws me cough really hard
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notalexhorne · 1 year
This post is mainly for the Americans, but I cannot stress how much different the whole cookie experience on the internet is when you start using a VPN. Namely, a reject button appears if you browse while connected from at the very least the UK. I'd never once seen a reject button before using a VPN. They're not required, so nobody includes them. I haven't accepted a single cookie that wasn't required for a site to function in months because at first I was just too lazy to turn off my VPN, but now I can't stand using the internet without it.
What the fuck have we done to the internet? It's so goddamn broken and unusuable and stupid. Take me back to 1995, I swear. Things were so much better then.
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loveregrown · 6 months
I got kicked out of spotify again so I'm using my blog to listen to music because I'm too lazy to turn my vpn on. Improvise adapt overcome
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taraolssons · 4 years
Asking the basics... ❤ + ⏱
hello! thanks for the ask!! you haven't specified a remake but i'll assume it's druck and run with it, if ya don't mind 💖
edit: realised you might be asking for all the remakes, sorry that i just gushed about druck 😂
❤ - top 5 female characters
amira thalia mahmood - i love her to death, is that even surprising jskskf
mia amalie winter - i actually really do like mia as a character, as well as her season. i don't talk about her often but she's pretty well written and an interesting character for a season main imo.
sam m'pele - i love sam so much!! (see: my blog title) i think she has an interesting attitude towards everything that i'd love to see further explored. that being said, she's definitely not as well written as i'd love her to be 😔
hanna jung - she's such a soft and kind-hearted person, i adore her. i think i relate to all the evas deeply, with the whole being lost about themselves bit.
kiki machwitz - don't take it the wrong way, i don't hate kiki, i just personally would rank her here. kiki would actually be one of my fave vildes because of her character development from season 1 to 4 (with a few hitches which i'll direct more to the writers than the character itself, i guess).
⏱ - top 5 clips
davenzi reunion + samstag 20:55 - perfect clips, i love everything about them. it's the culmination of druck understanding their characters and making changes that suit them.
sweet like baklava clip w/ mazzouk - i loved seeing the two of them speak about islam and their experiences with it. plus this clip dropped on my birthday!! :P
winterberg sleepover clip - a noorhelm clip, i can't believe it either. but that clip is amazing. the shots, the music, mia and alex being cute. that piano scene, *chef's kiss*
it's a tie between david's coming out and davenzi's first kiss at the pool, i think. i can't choose, both really good.
hanna and jonas breakup in season 1 - the speech hanna gives to jonas is great. the gal ditches the dude to find herself, love to see it.
send me an emoji + a remake (or all of them) and i'll answer!!
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isabellaofparma · 4 years
hey do you have a link to the 'van helsing in training' clip for wwdits gifs you made? just i cant find the video anywhere? thanks :)
I didn't make the gifs so unfortunately I don't have the link. The gifset was made by @ruffaloon :)
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maeve-writes · 3 years
Little Red Corvette
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky x Reader
Rating: 18+; Minors DNI
Warnings: Fluff, some angst, public sex, slight praise and daddy kink.
Summary: Bucky finds happiness in fixing up classic cars. He has his sights set on one in particular. When he can’t find it, you make it your mission to do whatever it takes to get it.
a/n: This is written for @buckyblues 4k Follower Challenge. (Congrats again!) I chose Little Red Corvette by Prince. Normally I’m inspired by lyrics, but the idea of Bucky in a sexy red two seater with a pretty lil’ thing next to him made me weak. I wanted this to be straight up smut but feelings got in the way.
This is not beta’d. Forgive any mistakes!
When Bucky came to terms with his new life, found some peace in a world without Soldat looming over his shoulder, he found solace in his tinkering. He would often take apart whatever technology he could find to see how it worked only to put it together again. It was therapeutic, a constant reminder that things were never broken for long, someone would always be there to fix it.
You were the one to piece him back together. Sam helped, too, of course, tightening any loose screws you may have missed, but you did all of the heavy lifting. You found out what made Bucky work, what parts needed replacing and you fixed him. He would never be the original James Barnes, but no one ever stayed the same, and you didn’t want him to be. You liked the man you woke up next to every morning, who blinked at you with sleep hazed eyes and pressed lazy kisses across your face. You loved the man that ravaged you at night, on any surface, buried as deep as he could go so he could become a part of you, to feel you against his soul.
While you found his tinkering irksome at times, especially when he would steal the coffee maker or microwave when you were in a rush to get to work and just need to zap fry breakfast and fill up your thermos, it was mostly endearing to see his nose scrunched up in concentration as he disassembled things with childlike fascination. 
What broke you was when you flopped down on the couch with controller in hand and no console to receive its signal. 
Storming into the garage, you slammed open the door to find him hunched over his work bench. “James,” you hissed through clenched teeth. You could see his muscle tense underneath the grey henley he had on, his breathing stilled. Only two women ever used that tone with him, one was his mother, the other was you, and he wasn’t sure which he was more afraid of. When he didn’t answer, you leaned against the door frame and glared at the large frame of his back. “Care to tell me where my PS5 is?” 
His shoulder dropped slightly and he dared to look over it at you. Bucky had seen death, had seen war, had seen the near end of the universe itself and nothing made his blood run colder than the receiving end of your icy stare. “I’ll put it back together,” he offered. The grinding of your teeth made him flinch and he dropped his tools to cross the room and make things right.
It took two months to find a replacement for your beloved PlayStation. How could he have known how hard it was to find one in stock? Even when it came in and he hooked it back up for you, you still held out one more day before you finally caved and forgave him with a two day fuckfest that ended with a proposal that Bucky moved on from electronics to cars.
He took the suggestion and ran with it. The next day he and Sam went to the junkyard to find a good frame with potential and towed it back with that bright, genuine smile of his and an eagerness to get started. He spent days on the internet ordering parts, looking up facts on what modern modifications worked best, and watched video after video of reviews on classic sports cars.
You found him in the garage most nights when his dreams became too much and he didn’t want to wake you. Some nights you would bring him snacks with a kiss and leave him to his work. Other nights you would climb behind him on his bench, wrap your arms around his waist and sleep against his back. Either way, you allowed him to work because that’s what Bucky needed.
When he wasn’t off on a mission or wrapped up in you, he was researching cars or fixing them. After one was finished from the base up, he’d give it away or offer it to a charity auction, then start all over. He had his favorites, every “car guy” did, and he also had his white whale.
One night you felt him crawl up your body impressively hidden behind the spread of your book. You lifted a curious brow but before you could lower your novel, he shoved his tablet in your face as he took a seat on your thighs. “Every time I try to find one, someone snatches it away,” he told you, voice a little huffy as if he was seconds away from a tantrum. 
“It can’t be that hard,” you tutted, tucking your book away to help him with his search. It turned out that it was incredibly hard to find any sort of form of his new obsession. Every post that either of you found had been sold or had a sale pending. Even body frames were hard to come by, much to your luck. “I’m sorry, babe, but we’ll find one soon.”
Bucky resigned himself to finding a filler car. While he was still enthusiastic about fixing up something new, you could tell his heart was set on it - the 1965 Corvette Convertible, specifically, Rally Red in color. There wasn’t much that your man asked for in life, even though it owed him so much, so for him to yearn for one thing so much and not be able to obtain it, it upset you.
So, you were going to make it happen. 
You spent your days working as usual and your nights searching for his coveted car. Your browser was filled with tabs, each watching car auctions, only to be outbid on all of them. Frustrated, you flipped on your VPN, opened up your TOR browser and dipped into the dark web to dig deeper. It wasn’t your first time going through back channels to get what you wanted and it wouldn’t be your last. If it would make Bucky happy, it would be worth the risk.
Two weeks later you told Bucky you would be working later than usual. You had been playing up a huge project at work and the deadline was coming closer. He, of course, hated when you were out past dark without him, but he never vocalized his concerns because he knew the bite he would receive in return. You could take care of yourself, he knew that, but he would still worry because that was his job.
You took an Uber from work to meet the seller at the small airport on the edge of the city. The man was from Germany and specialized in vintage cars; if he didn’t have one you wanted, he’d find one for a hefty price, of course. But any amount was worth your man’s happiness, at least that’s what you tell yourself as you held the small bag of cash in your hand as you crossed the airfield.
Sitting outside what you assumed to be a private jet was the cherry red two seater, top already down and looking as beautiful as the picture you saw online. Yeah, it was going to be worth every penny. “Jonas,” you asked as you approached the man standing cross armed next to the car. He towered over you by at least a full foot and a half and was just as wide. His dark eyes watched you approach, a curious flint sparked in them.
“Yes. You are early,” he noted. He held out a beefy hand and you placed the money in it. “Not one for pleasantries, hmm?” His laughter echoed across the runway and you offered him an amused smile. “Your man is a lucky one.” His other hand was held out, this time with the keys to the car. “For you to meet a complete stranger in the middle of the night, it is dangerous, no?”
You narrowed your gaze and lifted a brow. It seemed your look was enough of an answer because Jonas gave you another laugh. “A woman of very little words, I like you. We will do business again, yes?” It was a statement rather than a question. “Enjoy.”
He swept an arm toward the driver seat and you slid inside. With a turn of the key, the car purred to life and a smile grew on your face. You revved the engine twice, nodded to the man a few feet away before you sped towards your house to give Bucky his gift. 
When you got home, he wasn’t there. You found a note left on the kitchen counter: Beers with Sam. -B
Normally you wouldn’t mind him going out because you were happy that he would be even willing to leave the house, but to only leave a note and not text you seemed worrisome.
You pushed any more negative thoughts out of your mind and headed to take a shower. By the time you got out and headed back to the kitchen to make yourself a quick sandwich, Bucky was home, sitting on the counter and watching you. “Hey, handsome, how’s Sam?” You leaned up to kiss him, but it wasn’t returned. “Something wrong?”
“You weren’t at work,” Bucky said evenly. “We stopped by to grab you dinner and you weren’t there.”
Your skin heated and you sighed. “Bucky, I can explain-“
He cut you off with a dismissive wave of his metal hand. “Don’t bother. If you’re seein’ someone else, you can just tell me.”
You recoiled like he slapped you across the face. “James,” you snapped, which caused him to tense up, “I would never, ever even dream of being with anyone but you.” You forced your way between his legs and cupped his face in your hands to make him look at you. “You are all that I want and no one will ever compare to you. Don’t ever say that again, okay? You’ll break my heart.”
He didn’t say anything, not for a few minutes, and neither did you. All he could do was stare into your eyes and see the truth in them. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s okay, I know why you did,” you assured him and pressed another kiss to his lips, this time you received one in response. “Now, can I tell you why I wasn’t at work?” He nodded once, a tiny glint of worry still lingering in his eyes. “Well, I’d rather show you.”
You stepped away from the counter and pulled him along with you. With his hand in yours, you led him to the garage and flipped on the light with a, “Ta-da!”
“Oh, darlin’,” he breathed as he let go of you and stumbled into the room towards the car, all of the fear, worry and angst melting away instantly. “How did you-“ You pinched your forefinger and thumb together and twisted them in front of your pursed lips. He rolled his eyes but smiled and gestured to the driver seat.
“All yours, handsome,” you winked and hit the button to open the garage door.
He shook his head and patted the seat next to him, “You’re comin’ with me.” When you protested saying you were in your night clothes, he waved it off. “We’re just goin’ for a drive, sweetheart, nothin’ to dress up for.” You joined him with a reluctant sigh and flopped into the passenger seat. 
When the key turned and the engine purred, Bucky let out a pornographic moan. You turned to him, brow perked. “Sweetheart,” he rasped, “you have no idea what this car does to me.” Your eyes flickered to the quickly growing bulge in his jeans before his deep chuckle caught your attention, “Or maybe you do.”
He reached over to pinch your chin between two metal fingers before crashing his lips against your own. His tongue fought its way inside of your mouth and licked sinfully against the roof of it. “Buckle up,” he whispered against the gasp you released as he sat back.
Lightheaded, you did as instructed and watched him adjust the mirrors and lights before he pulled out of the garage and sped down the driveway and through the neighborhood. His face was bright in the evening light, his smile outshone the moon. “You’re gorgeous,” you told him breathlessly, and you would have most likely not been heard over the wind whipping around you by any other person, but your super soldier caught every syllable and flushed at the compliment.
He took your hand into his and brought it to his lips, kissing each knuckle before it came to rest on his thigh. You could feel the happiness radiating off of him, seeping into your own pores and filling you up until your lips turned up into a matching smile. “What’re you thinkin’ about,” he asked you, flicking his attention from the road to you and back again.
“You,” you replied, “always you.”
The smile on his face grew and he squeezed your hand once more. He found a new happy place, one outside of your shared home, one not between your legs. It was there, in that car, racing free down the open road with his best girl in the seat next to him. “I’m thinkin’ about you, too,” he said as his hand guided yours towards his lap.
“Mr. Barnes,” you gasped playfully but allowed him to rest your hand against his tented jeans, “we can’t do this, it’s sinful.”
“Live a little, darlin’,” he played along, forcing you to squeeze him which caused him to groan.
You pinned your bottom lip between your teeth and rubbed at him over his clothes, feeling the heat of his arousal coming off him in burning waves. Your fingers worked open the button of his pants and with a little maneuvering, you were able to fish out his cock, hard and thick, violently red and dripping with need. His hiss as it hit the cool air caused you to jump back for a moment, but his needy whimper drew you back again. “I swear to god, Bucky, if you crash and kill me, I’m going to haunt you,” you warned him.
He blinked, taken aback by the rather brash statement, about to ask what you meant by that but you were already unbuckled, bent forward and taking him into your mouth. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, metal hand gripping the steering wheel tight enough to pop the stitching on the leather coating. 
Your tongue swirled around his tip, gathering what leaked out before you flattened your tongue and took more of him in. He was thick and long, hard to take all at once, but you had learned from many hours of practice just how to get all of his glorious cock down your throat. Your hands worked what wasn’t wet with your tongue yet as you bobbed up to suck on his head and relax your jaw. “Feels like heaven, sweetheart,” he cooed above you, his free hand bundling up your hair to keep it out of the way. “Fuck, your mouth works my cock so good.”
Delighted at his praise, you hummed in return that sent sparks to his core. You took more of him in, nearly all of him, with your cheeks hallowed and your tongue dancing along his skin. More praise fell from his lips, encouraging words and filthy promises, you almost forgot you’re in the car until the tires started to hit the bumps along the white line - an indication that Bucky was veering off of the road.
You pulled off of him much to his disappointment and saw that he parked along the side of the road. “What’re you doing,” you asked, wiping your spit away with the back of your hand. 
“You told me not to crash,” he shrugged and undid his seatbelt. “Now get over here and ride Daddy’s cock.”
The words hit you dead center and you nearly collapsed from how weak and needy they made you. “We seriously can’t do this, Buck, anyone can come by and see.”
“That’s livin’, darlin,” he replied. His flesh hand wrapped around his cock and started to pull on it, staring at you with half lidded eyes and a groan rumbled in his throat. “Are you gonna just sit there and stare or are you gonna enjoy the ride?”
Absently, you licked your lips and watched his hand work himself and honestly felt a little jealous of it. That was your cock, it was your responsibility to make it feel good. Thoughts of getting caught and thrown in jail over public indecency were thrown out of the window and you crawled over to him, losing your sleep shorts on your way over.
“No panties? That’s my good girl,” Bucky grinned, his hand moved from himself to your hips as you climbed into his lap. “Been thinkin’ about this pretty pussy all day.” He hungrily licked his lips and reached between your bodies to run his fingers through your folds, drawing a gasp from you. “Absolutely soakin’, hm? Been thinkin’ about me, too?”
You nodded, your pussy clenching around nothing as Bucky’s fingers teasingly danced around your hole. “Daddy,” you whined, desperate for any sort of attention, “please?”
“What do you need, sweetheart,” he purred, his thumb ghosting over your clit as your slick began to run down your thighs. 
“You, Daddy,” you answered, hoping that was enough. “All of you. Only you.”
Bucky seemed to be happy with that and slid two thick fingers inside of you. “Such a greedy little pussy,” he hummed, slowly pulling them out again as you whined above him. “You need to be filled, don’t you, baby? My fingers won’t be enough.”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip once more, threatening to draw blood, when you shook your head in response. “Need your cock,” you told him. “Please.”
“Always askin’ so nicely, sweetness, how could I deny you?” He twisted his fingers inside you one last time before he held himself steady so you could line up. “Sink down on Daddy’s cock like a good girl.”
You steadied yourself with one hand on the headrest of his seat and the other was used to guide his tip towards your core. Once he slipped inside, your hand shot up to grip at his shirt as you lowered yourself with satisfied moan which was nearly drowned out by Bucky’s. “Too big,” you sighed, seated and feeling stretched and full.
“But you’re takin’ it, darlin’,” he smiled up at you, his skin flushed and covered in a thin layer of sweat. “You’re doing so good.” You preened at his compliment and returned his smile. “You move when you’re ready.”
You took the time to adjust to angle and his size, leaning down to exchange a lazy kiss. When you parted for air, you shifted your weight to wrap your arms around his neck and raised your hips to slide up his cock only to slam back down with a moan.
“Is that how you’re gonna to play it, sweetheart,” he asked breathlessly. When you replied with the same harsh roll of your hips, Bucky growled and his hands found your hips. You could feel the bite of his grip against your bone, you knew the bruises it would bring in the morning, but it would be worth it. “Can’t have a nice, slow fuck in the car, can we? My girl needs it hard and rough.”
He shifted his legs to plant his feet firmly on the floor of the car and started to meet your hips with a harsh snap of his own. Delighted at the feral snarl that curled his lips, you increased your speed, bouncing on his thick thighs as he fucked up into you, a growl erupting from him with each meeting of your hips. “Yes,” you gasped, “that’s it, Daddy. Just like that.”
“Yeah, I know how my dirty little girl likes it,” he grunted over the sound of your skin slapping and your slick sex sucking him in. “I can hear how much she likes it.”
Your head fell forward as he pounded up into you, the lewd squeak of the seat joined the chorus of your moans. “So close,” you told him.
But he already knew by the way you fluttered around him, coaxing him toward his own end. His metal hand left your hip and moved between you to seek out your swollen bud. “Gonna cum for me, good girl,” he asked. You tried to answer, tried to nod, but the way his hips shoved up into you and the cool metal against your heated sex that rubbed desperately at your clit was far too much.
A delicious snap came from within you and spread a white hot fire throughout your body. You came with his name on your lips, a desperate, holy cry. And he wasn’t far behind, a few hard thrusts and he spilled into you, whispering praise and adoration.
You stayed joined until the mess between your legs became itchy and the bugs started to swarm from the sweat on your bodies. “Best mill and half I’ve ever spent,” you sighed happily, lifting off of his lap.
“Wait, how much?!”
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bluejayjay · 2 years
also i am seeing you after so long-
yes bby,, it's bcs well needing vpn just for Tumblr to work is a hassle and I'm too lazy to turn it on every damn time. plus I'm overwhelmed with uni, tuitions, house chores and what not esp bcs I'm on my final year and ramadan and all the assignments and presentations and mids then final exams and obv thesis sighh
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yienbot · 3 years
ngcd is so cute I want to listen to it again but I’m too lazy to turn vpn on just to listen to it, but I still have to wait more than 5 hours for the song to be available in my country 😭
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solo-silenzio · 3 years
Hi! It's been some months since I started learning Italian, and I've been searching for more Italian songs to listen to, beyond the six/seven popular hits I already know. I know you're Italian (long time follower here) and I was wondering if you could recommend some songs? Or a playlist? I was also looking for Italian tv shows and movies.
Grazie mille :)
(i hope this ask doesn't bother you and, if it does, I'm so sorry. It wasn't my intention)
I genuinely adore when people start learning italian, so feel free to ask whatever you want! (I'm not that active there but I have a sideblog - @soverdualdri - for languages)
I made a long list for you... pretty different genres but that's how I roll ✌🏻 hope you like it (and thank you for being "a long time follower" 🥰)
ps. it's not under the cut because I'm too lazy to turn my laptop on
sere nere, alla mia età, il sole esiste per tutti, la differenza tra me e te, rosso relativo, xdono, non me lo so spiegare, ti scatterò una foto, il regalo più grande, scivoli di nuovo - tiziano ferro
a modo tuo, ogni istante, anche se non trovi le parole, eppure sentire, gli ostacoli del cuore, luce, una poesia anche per te, bruciare per te, eppure sentire - elisa
non sei tu - gazzelle
gaetano - calcutta
voglio ballare con te - baby k
le ragazze - lemandorle
buon viaggio - cesare cremonini
viceversa - francesco gabbani
ciclone, guaranà - elodie
soldi, rapide, barrio, calipso, dorado - mahmood
coco chanel - gaia
amore che torni, estate, sei - negramaro
bella storia, problemi con tutti, bimbi per strada, magnifico - fedez
dove e quando - benji & fede
boogieman - ghali
tikibombom - levante
la musica non c'è - coez
la casa degli specchi - gabry ponte/myss keta
completamente - thegiornalisti
per sentirmi vivo - fasma
l'amore è, baciami adesso - enrico nigiotti
pianeti - ultimo
per me è importante - tiromancino
immobile, comunque andare, vivere a colori - alessandra amoroso
io di te non ho paura - emma marrone
ti ho voluto bene veramente, muhammad ali, guerriero, l'essenziale, esseri umani, io ti aspetto - marco mengoni
rolls royce - achille lauro
torna a casa - måneskin
sull'orlo di una crisi d'amore - la rua/federica carta
vietato morire, piccola anima - ermal meta
il diario degli errori - michele bravi
amarcord - mameli
(experience - ludovico einaudi... it's instrumental so not ideal for language learning but it's beautiful ok)
popular italian tv shows are mostly on these websites called raiplay and mediaset play and 1. I think you need a vpn and an account for that (it's for free) 2. they don't come with subs so they're not great for beginners 🤔 I'd recommend using netflix maybe? an american youtuber called shea jordan made a video about it 👀 it's the last one she posted and she recommends italian tv shows and movies she watched there!
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doeeyeseddie · 3 years
I can't watch it either! I'm so sick of not being able to access content or even watch the episodes live. Fox is doing us dirty 😭
I'm hoping someone screen-records it or something soon.
yeah i was hoping for that too!! i have a vpn on my laptop but i’m too lazy to turn it on, so i’ll just wait until someone does that lol
it’s so annoying it’s blocked in the first place though, WHY
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nuggetisawesome · 4 years
Protect Your Browsing/Data Sharing
For free, because in this house I don’t believe in making people pay for basic human rights.
I’ve decided to share my browsing protecting tips here. Digital security is usually quite expensive, but it doesn’t have to be! In this day and age, you’ll be told to watch out for home-born hackers and ‘hacktivists’ accessing your data, but I gotta tell you, what your own governments and ISPs are doing makes this more important (aka: they’re worse). 
I know with all the TIKTOK IS SPYING ON YOU stuff, a lot of my friends have come to me seeking some advice on this. This is also great if you don’t want parents checking your browsing >_> just sayin’
If anyone has questions - drop me an ask! I’ll always answer for this topic. I am also happy to ‘expand’ on one of these suggestions if they’re unclear :) 
Note: This works under the assumption you have your default ISP provided router and can’t get another one for whatever reason. I will advise that if you can get an additional router, do so! Try to avoid the one the ISP has provided to you. 
Additional Note: This is not ‘optimal’. There is no such thing in security – everything has a backdoor. 
Let’s get cracking! This is a long, and thorough post, but I _do _have a pdf somewhere if you want it because it looks nicer :*) 
Use Tor to browse. 
There you go, there’s my advice leaves
https://support.torproject.org/ to Download/Install/Run.
Don’t change anything, except maybe using Tor in ‘bridge’ mode.
Okay, you can use other browsers (see: Chrome/Firefox), but they are not as secure as Tor.
USE A VPN IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE TOR! I prefer Firefox (extensions + good security)
Install the following extensions if you have Chrome or Firefox:
Privacy Possum
Stops tracking cookies. PSA: Cookies are not evil, certain cookies can be.
Firefox:  https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/privacy-possum/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/privacy-possum/ommfjecdpepadiafbnidoiggfpbnkfbj
Stops tracking adverts and cookies. Why do I need this in addition to Privacy Possum? Ghostery specifically looks at tracking cookie ads. It’s like adding MOAR POWAH to Privacy Possum.
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/ghostery/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ghostery-%E2%80%93-privacy-ad-blo/mlomiejdfkolichcflejclcbmpeaniij?hl=nl
HTTPS Everywhere
Enforces HTTPS. If you look next to the URL in your browser, you’ll see the little lock which indicates the specific URL is secure and uses HTTPS. Many websites still use the old HTTP, which is not as secure and you should NEVER EVER VISIT AN HTTP SITE ITS LIKE READING A BOOK OVER SOMEONE’S SHOULDER, thank you.
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/https-everywhere/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/https-everywhere/gcbommkclmclpchllfjekcdonpmejbdp?hl=nl
Adblock Plus
Foff, ads.* Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus-free-ad-bloc/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb
DNS Settings
Ideally, you should change this on your router. ISPs use a default DNS – you don’t want to use anything those bastards say you should use. 
Use Cloudflare or OpenDNS:
Cloudflare is more secure overall and keeps up to standards in addition to not storing your data, whereas OpenDNS is great at avoiding malicious websites, just take your pick really 😊There are a ton of other options, feel free to google ‘free DNS servers’. Google has it’s own as well, but, yaknow, it’s Google.
Primary Server:
Secondary Server:
Primary Server:
Secondary Server:
Add these to your router settings:
In a browser, go to or (it varies per router). This will lead to your router’s configuration portal. Don’t have a router with a configuration portal? Throw it in the trash and tell your ISP they suck for giving it to you.
Login to the admin portal. If you have not configured this or set a password, try the default combinations: usernames are usually ‘admin’ or blank, the passwords are usually blank, ‘admin’, or ‘1234’.
Each router is different, navigate to where it asks for DNS values or servers, and enter the above addresses. You will see ‘Static’ near the DNS options, select it. This also ensures you’re in the right place. If you’re not sure what to do, look up the model/make of your router and check how you can change DNS.
Whilst you’re at it, change your WiFi password from the default one, and create a proper password for the WiFi portal login. If these two things are kept as default, all these protection methods are pointless as it is easy to crack your router passwords.
Can’t do this on your router because your parents are ds?* No worries! This can be done on your device! :) Yeah, I know how parents work. 
Windows OS
Go to Control Panel <Network and Internet < Network and Sharing Center
Click on the link next to “Connections:”* Click “Properties” in the dialogue that pops up.
Select Internet Protocol Version 4 < Click Properties < Select “Use Following DNS Servers” < Enter the primary and secondary server addresses
Do this again for Internet Protocol Version 6 in the list.
Boom. Windows is so nice to make this easy.
Mac OS
Go to Apple Menu < System Preferences < Network
Select the Network you’re connected to
Click Advanced
Select DNS Tab
Click the + button < Enter chosen DNS < Save
Linux OS
I’m going to assume if you’re using Linux, you know how to use the terminal and are using a modern Linux system. Enter these line by line. There are many ways to do this (Google is your friend)
·        sudo apt update
·        sudo apt install resolvconf
·        sudo systemctl status resolvconf.service (check that it is running)
·        sudo systemctl start resolvconf.service (to start it, use ‘enable’ instead of ‘start’ to enable)
·        sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
·        nameserver YOUR.DNS.ADDRESS.HERE
·        nameserver YOUR.SECOND.DNS.ADDRESS.HERE
·        sudo systemctl start resolvconf.service
Oh yeah, you can do this on phones too wiggles eyebrows. Note, if you’re using a VPN it will lock you out of editing this. Turn it off, edit your DNS, turn it back on. This can be tricky with mobile devices that have not been jailbroken (I don’t advise doing that if you have no clue what you’re doing).
Go to Settings < Connections < WiFi
Select the gear icon next to your current WiFi
Select Advanced < Ip Settings drop-down < Static
Enter chosen DNS options under “DNS 1” and “DNS 2”
Go to Settings < Wi-Fi
Select the arrow button next to your current WiFi
Select DHCP tab, scroll down to DNS
Select DNS, and enter your DNS servers
OpenDNS: https://welcome.opendns.com/ (You’ll see a “Welcome to OpenDNS” message”
Cloudflare: https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/ (You’ll see check marks for all fields)
Turn of WPS on router. Enable encryption on router.
If you can access your router portal, find any sort of toggle or field that says “WPS” and disable it. WPS= bad.  
Wherever there is an option for WPA2 (or higher) to enable, enable it.
Enable the firewall on your router and Operating System – ALWAYS. If you disable this, you’re disabling an additional layer of security. Firewalls are confusing things and a royal pain in the ass to configure, but having the default is better than having nothing.
Configure your browsers. 
Browsers have most things enabled by default, including tracking your location, turning your microphone on etc. Let’s disable that nonsense and make them ask you for permission because it’s 2020.
I’m using Chrome as an example below because it is INFAMOUS for this. Essentially, go through your browser and scroll through settings you don’t like.
Go to the little menu icon < select “Settings”
Sign out if it’s linked to your Google account. Let’s not give Chrome a reason to track your browsing history for your account >_>* Disable EVERYTHING:
Tumblr media
Here, I turned off everything I would find annoying except autocomplete because I’m lazy.
Tumblr media
NICE TRY GOOGLE, YOU CANT SAVE MY CREDIT CARD. (Seriously, don’t ever EVER autosave passwords/payment info).
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The trick is to balance ease of use with security. These may vary from person to person, in general though, if there’s a setting ‘ask before etc.’ select that over ‘allow’. 
As a rule of thumb:
NEVER ENABLE FLASH (not even an  ‘ask before’), NEVER ENABLE LOCATION (ask before is fine, but at your own risk), NEVER ENABLE CAMERA (ask before is fine, but at your own risk, use the desktop version of an application over the browser version), NEVER ENABLE MICROPHONE (same as camera)
Additional Tipss
Check every single social media setting. You should disable anything that accesses your privacy, if possible.
Cover your camera with a sticker. Disable it unless it’s needed
Disable your mic unless you need it.
Turn off Bluetooth/NFC when you don’t need it.
Have two separate networks/Wi-Fi for smart devices and personal devices.
Always use two/multi-factor-authentication for every single app, site, device etc. that you can.
Biometrics are preferable and the usual chosen default (fingerprints, retina scan, NOT FACE OR VOICE THIS IS SO EASY TO IMMITATE BRO PICTURES ARE A THING)
SMS (try to avoid if you can, please)
App ‘token’ authentication. A good choice if done well.
Hard physical key or token. The best option (Google: Yubikey, for some information on how this works).
I know you use the same password for everything – get a centralized password manager, and start using different ones. Examples include PasswordSafe, Keeper, Bitdefender etc. Try go for a Cloud provider, and pay a little bit for the extra security and backup. If they’re compromised, then you will know, and you’ll be able to change everything. You can tie password managers to a token too.
USE PASSPHRASES, 17 characters is a good average length, use a mix of characters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers, ascii etc.
It doesn’t matter if your password is ‘complex’, it matters if it is complex and long. Servers and computers these days are jacked up on tech steroids and can bruteforce many things, given enough time.
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ONE, ON EVERY DEVICE. If you have a device that can add AV, add it. This goes for phones, PCs, smartTVs, you name it. 
Free versions are okay, some free ones I like are Bitdefender, Kaspersky, McAfee, Avast (hate their fihsfirstg89ewjg9srjgrd ads though).
Sorry Mac users, that belief that you don’t need one is from 2008. Windows has more security built in than Mac, which means Mac devices should 100% make sure they are adding an AV. 
Ahhhhh. The great VPN. A tricky one. Most free versions I find incredibly slow, but give them a try – play around! A VPN is an excellent addition and these days, I’d argue it’s an absolute must. Many AV solutions include a VPN package with their deal. If you want to make sure those sites don’t share your data, this is the thing that will hurt the most - a good VPN will make it a jumbled mess. 
Updates - just do them.
There is no complete security in this day and age – it really is just a matter of time. If you use social media, you’re traceable, be it by the company, ISP, some bored 10 year old, or your ex, your data is out there circulating. Once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever, so don’t worry too much and try to make sure it’s all complex binary trash so that they open it and go “WTF” 😊
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padawansuggest · 5 years
The Mandalorian Without Licking Boots
I don’t fucking know why y’all keep telling me these links don’t work and tbh I’m kinda getting annoyed with y’all all ‘I can’t watch Mandalorian cause I don’t have access to D*sn*y+’ BITCH LEARN TO PIRATE LIKE A POOR PERSON!!!
So. Imma tell y’all some things you should have learned by now because all of you coming to me for links to download EVERY single episode even tho I already gave you the tools to continue on your own??? Annoys me. So.
The Pirate Bay. They change their URL a lot. If you can’t find them. Literally just googled the Pirate Bay. Their homepage should be one of the first few listings. From there, search The Mandalorian and you should have access to all episodes so far. Only torrent if you’re 1: willing to say fuck it and take your chances that D*sn*y will find and sue your ass, or you’re out in public and on a computer that’s very unlikely to get connects to you. You can do this shit at the library if you’re willing to risk the wrath of librarians if their internet gets shut off. The bonus of this, is that none of their torrents ever get taken down unless the site itself goes down, and even then, they go back up when the site reboots from another url. So don’t tell me THEIR links don’t work. They do.
Now, if you’re not willing to go somewhere else, use a VPN. This bounces your signal and hides your location so D*sn*y can’t sue you or get your internet shut off.
Now. The streamers out there: https://on.mywatchseries.stream/the-mandalorian-1x05-episode-5/
This site is called MyWatchSeries. See how this is pointing you to the 5th episode of the series?? Lol that’s cause I’m too lazy to change the link. Now, if you’d be a tiny bit smart and read the top of the page, you’ll see that you can click on season 1, or even the Mandalorian itself!!!! Click on those and it’ll give you links to the other episodes. Now don’t just click on one freaking link, find that it doesn’t work and come crying to me that these links are shit.
This is piracy from D*sn*y. They fucking hate your guts and want to turn you into soylant green to feed their dogs. They’re not gonna make this easy for you. You gotta search sometimes. I’m just giving you the tools so you don’t have to be a capitalist pig and suck their big toe.
Now. Last one. And I JUST checked these links and they’re all still in working order and so none of you should have any reason to complain because as of rn, 12/6/2019, they are all working, this is where I get my direct download links from: https://www.mkvhub.com/the-mandalorian-s01-complete-720p-web-dl-full-show-download/
Now, direct download is muuuuuuch less likely to have a virus or be monitored by D*sn*y, so if you don’t have a VPN and don’t wanna do a torrent at the library, then go for this. They don’t have episode 5 up yet, but it should be up sometime today and so go for it when it’s up.
Now. You have the tools. These are the same sites I use every week when y’all ask me for links. You have the tools. Learn to search the sites and you’ll be a much happier person.
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