#too shy to tag this in the hebrew tag
0hmanit · 8 months
Another chance to talk about Rain World's random symbols that suspiciously resemble Hebrew letters for no reason at all.
Random wall symbols are not a rare phenomenon in this game. But there is a singular specific room that caught me thinking for a little too much.
In SU_B04 you will find those three letters
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When I first played the game I never noticed it, but now I can't remove my eyes from it every time I start a new playthrough.
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The letters resemble those three letters: Sameh caf and shin, and they actually create a word (it's so exciting I know). The thing is, the letter shin is mostly used as a prefix, in this specific order it's used to create a word that means "That throne". And the problem is that in English it will sound perfectly fine, but in Hebrew this word is meaningless and confusing because the lack of a sentence. (let alone the word כס is also kind of incorrect on it's own because you need to add another word: the royalty - המלוכה, to imply this is a royal throne but it's not important now)
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When you add a prefix to a word YOU HAVE to use it in a sentence. This is how valid sentences look, the meaning of the word changes depends on the context presented in the sentence.
Of course this is probably just a funny coincidence, because in the same region you can find a similar sight that is complete gibberish (???, D and G)
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But the thought of Rain World, by random chance, containing a whole Hebrew word (in an invalid way but still) that means "this throne" on some luxurious ass pillars is completely hilarious, and spark my interest so much.
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kvaradonaa · 5 months
It's always exciting to read people's headcanons 👀
I'm so sorry I let this rot in drafts! I assume it was about my tags to this post, so I'll share some general characterisation headcanons. Obviously, while they're inspired by numerous articles and interviews, they're still my fictional headcanons, not facts about Sheva (unless I say otherwise). Under cut for lenght, not for any sensitive content.
1. He is surprisingly sensitive about self. He takes criticism badly and gets really defensive about it. He doesn't like being teased and made fun of either.
2. Despite that, he is still a people pleaser kind of guy. It's mostly fear of consequences. Him, and even more so his parents, grew up knowing that even saying the wrong thing can have terrible consequences. So, quite often, he'd just let others walk all over him (and try not to cry about it), because he is scared of crossing them.
3. Unless he knows he can do what he wants without consequences, of course. I mean, in real life, he did throw tantrums at his coaches from time to time. He definitely can be a bit toxic sometimes.
4. Speaking of throwing tantrums, he generally tends to have a rather childish way of expressing strong emotions, from anger and sadness, to happiness even. Not because he is childish in general, but because he never really learned a way to express them as an adult. Perhaps he felt like he was never allowed to.
5. Others don't seem to mind that very much. In real life, Ancelotti once described a situation in which Sheva banged on the door to his office, whining "You left me on the bench. You were wroooong." and honestly? From that description, he didn’t seem to mind, he found it funny and endearing even. So I guess there's something about him that just sparks some protective instincts in people.
6. He really likes to feel special. I imagine his self-esteem is surprisingly low for such a successful person, or rather it's really unstable. Sometimes he feels like he deserves special treatment. Sometimes he needs constant reassurance.
7. Related to the previous one, he gets way too excited about all the tiny signs that make him seem like he was chosen by fate, born to do great things, etc. etc. The way he, in real life, was excited about number seven in Hebrew 😂. (And the fact that he didn't choose it himself? But was given it by his teammate? And it's "sheva"! Must have been fate.)
8. All those headcanons might make it seem like I think he's a horrible person. Maybe in a way he is, but mostly he's just so lost, shaped by his experiences (maybe that's a thing for another post?).
9. In real life he claims he values freedom very much. In my headcanon it's a bit more complicated. He likes to believe that whatever he does is his own personal choice, but he finds safety and comfort in having others make decisions for him. But when he needs space, he's going to make it obvious... By not interacting with anyone.
10. Despite claiming to be a shy little boy that doesn't like luxury very much, he does like it very much. Maybe not in an obnoxious show-off way, but he likes designer clothes and expensive trips... and rich friends who can sponsor such lifestyle. Somehow he's always known how to get the latter.
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tacticalhimbo · 2 years
tagged by @galeboettichergf and filling this little meme out for my lad, alastor! gonna mention @vendettapandav in this too, for reference <3
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3+ (primary languages are english and german; he did learn a fair bit of hebrew between being partnered with danae and converting to judaism!)
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no (he has quite the thick german accent,, people can tell he's from berlin the second he speaks sdjflksjdfj)
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
HABITS. head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
EMOTION: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
FREQUENCY: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity): ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️
BOLD ALL THAT APPLY. arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
THIS OR THAT. straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always/ frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone (how jovial and polite he is seems to come as a surprise given how tall and broad he is!) / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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Undertale's main characters' nationalities based on their names (headcanon)
Papyrus: The Papyrus font was created by Chris Costello, and while I can't find out where he was originally from (possibly America), his last name "Costello" is of Irish origins. So let's say Papyrus is Irish.
Sans: The Comic Sans font was created by Vincent Connare (fun fact: in font form, Papyrus is older than Sans, since the Papyrus font was created in 1982 and the Comic Sans font was at least released in 1994), who is from Massachusetts, and his last name only has roots there. Thus, Sans is American.
Undyne: Her name probably originates from "undine", a category of imaginary, water-associated beings. This originates from the alchemical writings of Paracelsus, who was from Switzerland. Therefore, Undyne is Swiss.
Toriel: The trivia section of the Undertale Fan Wiki page points out that "Toriel" is a similar name to "Turiel", a watcher angel in Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- and it makes sense her name originated from that, since she became the watcher (or caretaker) of the Ruins. Turiel was in the Book of Enoch, an ancient apocalyptic religious text. So we can say Toriel is Israeli.
Asgore: Quoted from the Fan Wiki: "His first name is an anagram of the Latin word "Aegros," which can mean troublesome, anxious, sad, difficult, or reluctant." Asgore definitely ticks at least a few of these boxes in his personality. "Aegros" is an inflection of "aeger", which has origins in the Proto-Indo-European language (which, fun fact, is abbreviated into "PIE". Asgore and Toriel were destined to be together and you cannot change my mind) which, quoted from Wikipedia (I'm too lazy to write this down lmao), "is the lingustic reconstruction of the ancient common ancestor of the Indo-European languages, the most widely spoken language family in the world." So... yeah. Asgore could be from fuckin' anywhere. So I'm just gonna base his origins off his pre-theme song, Bergentrückung, which is translated from German as "King in the Mountain". Asgore is German. This is long. Moving on.
Asriel: No point into looking into his name since it's a blend of Asgore and Toriel. The name is used in Hebrew-speaking countries, apparently, reinforcing the idea that Toriel is Israeli. EDIT: Some tags from @blastlight when they reblogged this post brought up something really interesting about Asriel's name and how it relates to my headcanon on Toriel and Asgore's nationalities even more:
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So this could also reinforce the idea that Asgore is German! (In my headcanon, I mean. Lol.)
Mettaton: The fan wiki has three interpretations as to the origin of Mettaton's name, but I like this one best: ""Mettaton" is similar in pronunciation and spelling to "Metatron," the highest angel in Judeo-Islamic lore, also known as the Voice of God and Recording Angel, whose name is transliterated into Greek as MTT. This could be a reference to Shin Megami Tensei's Metatron specifically, as both have metallic appearances, have similar poses, and are very powerful late-game bosses." It all connects pretty well, and because Judeo-Islam could be the religion of some people in Greece, Mettaton could be Greek, too.
Alphys: Only thing I could find about her name was the Wiki Fan page saying it's an anagram of "Shy Pal" -- or that her name could be derived from the word "alpha" (leader), which could allude to her role as the Royal Scientist. Honestly, it feels like a rather weak idea, but it's the best we've got, so since the word "alpha" has Greek origins, I guess Alphys is Greek???? Maybe????
Frisk: The word "frisk" originated from 15th century English, so I guess it's an English name in a way? So Frisk could be from any of the English-speaking countries in the world, essentially. Idk. I'm putting my vaguest guesses last.
Chara: Obviously, Chara is probably short for "character". According to a website I found -- "Behind the Name" -- however, it is a Greek name meaning "happiness, joy" (could connote with their smile which contrasts Frisk's neutral face). So Chara is probably ALSO Greek.
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memeofthesoul · 4 years
🌼 21 Questions 🌼
I was tagged by @sweetpeajeon & @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie  💜 💜
Name: Deni
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 1.55
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff 
Last thing I googled: it’s always Google Translate somehow
Favorite artists: BTS, Taylor Swift, I like Little Mix but like their old stuff same for Avril Lavigne 
Song stuck in my head: If you don’t want to see me dancing with somebodyyyy (aka the quarantine song)
Favorite time of day: When everyone go to bed and I can be in my room in peace 
Favorite color: Purple & Red
Following: 717
Followers: 1,011
Do I get asks: Not unless it’s some “tag 10 other blogs” thing
Amount of sleep: too much and not enough
Favorite number: 3
There’s no question 15: Or is there? 
Dream job: I think even when I die i’ll wish to be a singer actress but I am too shy and not talented for it to ever come true so i’ll just say anything that gets me traveling and excited 
Instruments: I played piano and violin as a kid but whenever I had to actually study notes and stuff I got lazy and quit 
Language: Hebrew, English, studying Japanese and hopefully Korean soon 
Favorite song: I can’t choose by Deni
Random facts: I hate the color Yellow 
Aesthetic: I don’t even know
Tagging: @sugasugakookies @cultleaderyoongi @rash-blog @hhinaa @billie-harper
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20 questions challenge!
I was tagged by @trish-chan @eat-trash-and-have-fun and @hananeneheaven , I am very flattered and grateful! 😄
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better! (you don’t have to do this no pressure!)
Name: You can call me Jasmin
Nickname: Jas, Jess, Jessie
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5'2
Languages spoken: English and Hebrew, I can also somewhat understand Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese
Nationality: Earth
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite flower:  Jasmin (totally not biased 😳) and lavender
Favorite scent: fresh fruit that are sweet and tart, like berries, lemons, oranges, nectarines, gransmith apples etc.
Favorite color: different shades of blue!
Favorite animals: cats and dogs.
Favorite fictional character: the toilet trio 🤗 also the entire cast of ATLA and Given.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I prefer hot chocolate, but I drink more tea. Coffee is my enemy so I avoid it at all cost.
Average sleep duration: 5-6 on average, in practice it's pretty chaotic and inconsistent.
Dog or cat person: both!! They're both such amazing companions to have ♥️
Number of blankets you sleep with: usually 1
Dream trip: J A P A N, preferably during spring.
Blog established:  this isn't my OG """main blog""" but I made this one when KNY almost finished airing, just for the KNY memes. I later converted it to a TBHK blog around episode 8 of the anime, when I caught up to the manga.
Followers: 141, Im really flattered!
Random fact: I have ADHD and I'm also trying to learn digital art from 0, so tutorials you recommend are welcome!! In addition, I am pretty shy!
I'm supposed to tag 20 people but I am too shy for that (coughcowardcough) so if you see this post and want to be included, consider yourself tagged!! ♥️
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mcdicatedangel · 4 years
Answer these questions and tag those you’d like to get to know better!
Feel free to delete or add questions!
nicknames:  Syd, it’s not an nickname I established but everyone shortens my name and I don’t mind
zodiac:   Cancer
height:   5′5″
timezone:   GMT-6
sexuality (if comfortable):   Bisexual but men are on some very thin ice
favorite band / artist:   I’m an unashamed Sleeping With Sirens stan and I always will be but they’re far from my only favorite
song stuck in my head:   Happy Song - Bring Me The Horizon
last movie i saw:   Deadpool
last thing i googled:  What time zone Colorado is in because I apparently didn’t know that about my own state so I had to find out the answer to the third question on here
do i get asks:  Occasionally but don’t be shy, put some more
following:   Lots of lovely people
followers:  Lots of more lovely people
average amount of sleep:  I have several factors that makes my sleep erratic, most of them being related to chronic illnesses I have, so I don’t really have an average
what i’m wearing:   Shorts, crop top and no bra because fuck that, it’s too hot for those right now
dream job:  I want to use my CVT (Certified Veterinary Technician) title to go further and become a VTS (Veterinary Technician Specialist) in animal behavior, focusing primarily on cats and see where I can go from there into feline-specific medicine and how to advance it (I could honestly go on and on about this aspect of my field)
favorite food:   Sushi
favorite animal:  Always gonna be a cat person
play any instruments:  Sadly no
eye color:   Green
hair color:   Red but it’s colored, my nature color is an ashy brown that I dislike
languages you speak:  English, learning Hebrew, thinking about learning Yiddish
random fact:  I’ve broken my eye socket (yes, literally), ask me how
describe yourself as an aesthetic: Mismatched tattoos, winged eyeliner, assorted crystals and rocks, cuffed jeans, colorful bathbombs, jean jacket with patches
Tagged by: @gildedscripture didn’t tag me but I saw them do this and it looked fun Tagging: @nailedbat, @bates--boy, anyone who wants to do it idk
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mendedserpent · 5 years
tagged by @masterpiece2016​. thank you!!!
name: Sarah
nickname: I don’t think I have any?
zodiac: cancer
height: 5’5”
language: fluent english, theoretically “fluent” french, a little bit of spanish and hebrew, and a few words/phrases in a bunch of different languages
nationality: american
favorite season: fall
favorite flower: sunflowers
favorite scent: jasmine
favorite color: blue! any and all kinds of blue!
favorite animal: oh my gosh so many but recently I’ve been thinking a lot about axolotls and tree kangaroos. also ostriches.
favorite fictional character: leo fitz from agents of shield
coffee, tea, hot chocolate: coffee is my go-to but honestly I rely on all 3
average hours of sleep: 7-8 ish
dogs or cats: cats!!
number of blankets: 1
dream trip: the omaha zoo but frankly I would kill to go to like Any Park right about now
blog established: 2013. wow!!
random fact: I met Carolina Eyck last year and I was too shy to ask her to sign the academic paper I wrote on one of her compositions
Not sure who has and has not responded to this, so I tag anyone who wants to give it a try!
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rosedapple · 5 years
Original WLW Coffee Shop Story
So last month I suggested to Em ( @halfwaytotomorrow aka @sheriffofmagic ) that we do a wlw story exchange–so we each write a short (2k words) wlw love story for the other (we gave each other a few different prompt options we were thinking about). I ended up writing a coffee shop story for her. Here it is:
Sara looked up as she heard the *bling* of the door as it opened–hoping whoever entered would save her from her boredom. When working at Starbucks was a part-time gig, it wasn’t so bad, but now as her main job she spent a lot more time waiting around.
“Mads, you gotta come out with us sometime! Everyone’s saying they haven't seen you in forever! I know you’re busy with grad school but you still have like two more years of it. You can take one evening to come to a karaoke bar or hang out at Allie’s or something.”
Two girls had entered–one who was a bit taller than Sara with straight blonde hair up in a ponytail, wearing a light sweatshirt, yoga pants, and ugg boots–exactly what you might expect of a stereotypical early 20’s white girl. Not that that was a bad thing, but it was common enough at Starbucks that Sara ended up focusing on the other girl, the one who wasn’t talking. The second girl, “Mads,” was short with curly brown hair, dark circles under her hazy blue eyes that seemed unable to focus on anything for more than a couple of seconds. Her gaze was constantly shifting–up to the menu, over to her friend, down at her phone–until they made it up to the counter where Sara was waiting to take their orders. “Mads” looked at her phone, up at Sara, then back at her phone, but as her friend ordered, she seemed to do a double-take back at Sara. 
They made eye-contact this time, Sara having noted the first girl’s order and intending to take the second girl’s, but the second their eyes met, Sara’s gay heart started to pound in her ears. There goes her boredom.
Madison hadn’t really wanted to go to Starbucks–she was more of a black coffee or tea girl anyway and why would she pay for something she could make herself for much cheaper and in less time if she’s already home or at the lab–but Lizzy had insisted, guilting her into a brief meetup since Madison had missed her birthday party last weekend. So, here she was, in a Starbucks with a friend who she barely spoke to anymore, attempting smalltalk, scanning twitter, and trying to figure out how to order a black coffee. When Lizzy walked up to the counter to order, Madison slightly behind her still trying to understand the menu, Madison glanced at the barista–a taller, darker skinned girl, her long hair in braids with the ends dyed hot pink. For a second she glanced back down at her phone as she processed the girl behind the counter, looking back up almost immediately, meeting the girl’s dark eyes that seemed to pierce into her soul–not in a creepy way but rather with an anxiety and astonishment that mirrored the thoughts going through Madison’s head. 
This girl was pretty, in a way that made Madison’s worries about her lab work and her dissertation float away on the wings of the butterflies that took up residence in her stomach. Not only did her worries float away, but so did her words. Lizzy had made her order, and the barista did seem to have taken it down, though it was hard to tell since Madison was only looking at her face, and so it was Madison’s turn to order. She opened her mouth and nothing came out.
“Um, hi. What can I get for you?” As the girl spoke, Madison’s eyes drifted down to her lips, and then down to the green apron which held her name tag. Sara. Her name was Sara. Not spelled the Hebrew way, unfortunately, which did mean Sara probably wasn’t Jewish, but that was fine. Her family wasn’t one to care about that custom anyway. Madison barely did anything religion-based anyway. The girl–Sara–was staring at her. Right. Her order. Madison still needed to order.
“Um, hi... can I just get a...” She’d intended to order a black coffee but caffeine was a distant need now. “Uh, can I get a... venti... tea? Please?” And your number too? She wanted to ask, but it was always in poor taste to ask someone out at their workplace, and that was not the mood she wanted to set. 
“Sure. Name for the order?”
“Great. Coming right up.”
Madison let out a puff of air, trying to realign herself in such a way to be able to  continue whatever dumb conversation she’d been having with Lizzy, though she still kept glancing at the barista, whose name she now knew to be Sara, who was now working on their orders in the mostly empty coffee shop. 
The girl was staring at her. Sara could feel it like the heart that was still beating so hard in her ears that it had been difficult to hear Madison’s order. Only her years of experience in customer service had made her able to speak in full sentences, though the fact that she wasn’t the only one who seemed shaken gave her hope. Sara absentmindedly made the orders, smiling softly to herself and thinking about Madison. Would it be creepy to write her number on Madison’s cup? Like, yolo, right, and it’s not like Madison knew who she was besides working here. But... Madison could also complain to management or on twitter... but she seemed nervous–not the type to complain in person or online. What if she decides by the reaction when Madison comes to get her order? Yeah, that’s what she’ll do.
She called up the friend first–Lizzy–both because she’d ordered first, but also because then she can see Madison’s body language before she’s called up. Lizzy jumps right up, totally unaffected or unaware of the emotional turmoil going on around her.
“Hey, I can bring my friend Madison’s order, too, if hers is ready.”
Think, Sara, think. “Um, thanks for the offer but I haven’t done hers yet. Enjoy your coffee.” 
Lizzy looked at her funny but took her frappuccino and went to sit down. Sara snuck a peek at Madison, who looked a little red in the face–could be a good-nervous blush... could be an anxiety thing too, though. If it was an anxiety thing... would just writing her number down be good so that way Madison could have control over the situation? Or would that just be a recipe for never seeing her again since there was no way Sara could reach out? Or is that just setting healthy boundaries? The different scenarios kept going ‘round and ‘round in Sara’s head. She just would have to decide something. If she did nothing, then there was absolutely no chance. Sara knew she had to make the first move because if Madison did, then Sara wouldn’t want to even try. Hitting on someone while they were at work was just a recipe for disaster because of the power imbalance. Tea wasn’t hard to make, though, so Sara could only delay for so long. At the last second, she decided to be bold and write her number down with a smiley face on the cup. 
“Madison?” Madison jumped up, already on the edge of her seat even while she zoned out, going through a fast-forward daydream courtesy of the infatuation and attraction she was feeling toward Sara, but she snapped back into focus at the sound of Sara’s voice, and she could feel the blush starting on her face. Luckily she had to turn away from Lizzy to go up the counter, but that also meant that Sara could see her red face and maybe make inferences from it. But... maybe that was a good thing? 
As Madison walked up to the counter, she made eye contact with Sara again and almost stopped because of how wobbly her knees became in that moment. She wasn’t wearing heels, but her legs were just as unsteady as they usually were the few times she had worn heels. Each step was both agony and ecstasy as she made her way towards her crush. 
“Here you go,” Sara said with a shy smile, which Madison then returned. 
“No problem. I hope I got your order right.” Sara winked and nodded down to the cup. Madison looked down at the cup and saw not just her name and order but also a phone number. Madison’s smile went from nervously shy to “I don’t want to share this moment with anyone else” shy, and she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“You... you did indeed. You even got what I didn’t actually say.”
This time it was Sara’s turn to blush brilliantly and tuck some hair back nervously. 
“Well, I knew I had to make the first move. And worst case scenario I could play it off like I just wanted to be your friend.”
Madison broke out into a huge grin. “I-I... um... when do you get off work?”
Sara chuckled. “In about an hour. So can I take that as you will text me?”
Madison giggled–”Yeah. I might just wait around for you though since you’ll be done in like an hour.” 
Madison waved shyly back at Sara as she walked back to Lizzy and to their conversation, excited and nervous, butterflies fluttering up a storm.
Yes! It worked! Madison liked her, and not only that, she was planning to wait and they might end up on a date today!! She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a date, or gone through the process that painlessly. There was no issue about either of them being in the closet or being cautious in case the other wasn’t gay– just two people who were into each other. 
During the last hour of her shift, she kept glancing at Madison who was still sitting there with her friend, blushing and giggling to herself. Occasionally Madison would look up and blush and smile back at her, making her even more excited. About ten minutes before her shift was going to end, Madison’s friend left, so Madison went from sneaking looks to walking right up to the counter.
“Hi- um, do you get off soon?”
“Ha–um–yeah, in like ten minutes. You okay to wait? I do have someone coming for the shift right after me so I don’t have to pack up–just punch out and get my stuff.”
“Great. Um, do you want me to wait here by you or should I go sit back down?”
“Um, it’s up to you. If another customer comes up I’ll have to, like, do my job, but we can probably talk a bit... if you want.”
“Ok–yeah. Um, god I feel awkward.”
“I mean, yeah it is a bit awkward, but like awkward can be cute.”
“You’re cute.”
Sara was blushing so hard. “God I can’t wait to get off work so I can kiss you.”
Now Madison was also blushing. Two blushing gals, flirting awkwardly. A great start.
As soon as the last ten minutes of her shift were up, Sara punched out faster than she ever had before, practically running out of the back, grabbing Madison’s hand and almost dragging her out of there. 
“Haha–hey, you don’t have to pull me, you know,” Madison chuckled as they rushed out. 
As soon as they were past the store window, Sara pushed Madison up against the wall and kissed her–sparks. Immediate sparks. Sara pulled away slightly and pushed Madison’s hair away from her face. 
“Wow. Just... wow.” Madison looked up at Sara, whose chest was heaving from both the exit and the kiss. 
“I spent the last hour and a half just imagining doing that with you.”
“I can tell. You... wanna do it again?”
They made out for a few minutes before they heard a wolf-whistle from down the street.
“Um–d’you wanna go somewhere more private?”
“Yeah... do you want to go to my apartment? I can make you a tea that’s way better than what I served you back there.”
Madison laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. Let’s go!” 
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timedefined · 5 years
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[ BEN PLATT, 22, MALE, HE/HIM ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ LUCIEN WEISS ]. you have been accepted as a [ REGULAR ] student from [ USA ], going into your [ SENIOR YEAR ] and majoring in [ PRE-LAW ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ DEDICATED & FORTHRIGHT ], but being [ DISTANT & DISTRUSTING ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ COMPETITIVE RIVAL ]? [ MEVEE, 21, THEY/THEM, PST ]
warnings: bullying, abandonment.  
legal name: lucien weiss. alias(s)/nicknames: weiss. luce.  date of birth: april 3, 1997. zodiac: aries. place of birth: new haven, connecticut, united states. ethnicity: ashkenazi jewish. gender: cis male (he/him). blood type: a negative. orientation: homosexual. fluency: english, hebrew, american sign language - fluent. education: high school graduate, some college. occupation: freelance translator.
moral alignment: true neutral.   enneagram: achiever. temperament: choleric. myers-briggs: entj; the chief.
lucien weiss comes from a relatively rich monetary background. his mom has a real estate and house flipping business. they live very comfortably. it’s just the two of them.
his dad left them when lucien was at a young age and remarried. he has a half-sibling that he doesn’t talk to. his dad has been contact him a lot more recently, but he’s been pointedly staying away. he doesn’t want to deal with their shit. he knows they only care anyways because his mom is successful
he doesn’t have many outside relatives and even if he did: all he really cares about as far as his family tree goes is his and his mom. 
even after his dad left, lucien never grew up with any less love. however, this didn’t mean that lucien came away unscathed. for years, he’s had to deal with the knowledge that his father didn’t want him, and he blamed himself for his father leaving his mom. he blamed himself for being too him that his mom had to suffer being alone all these years because of him.
he grew up isolated and bullied, the nerdy kid who stutters during presentations and rambles on about history or mythology. he was the kid that didn’t fit in, the one that no one really wanted to be friends with.
the only friend he really had was a family friend who never actually cared about him or what he had to say. and that was fine. someone was better than no one. all of this was temporary for him anyways. he just kept telling himself that things would be okay. 
between his dad leaving and his bullying intensifying, it’s a no brainer that lucien kept himself distant from others, never really letting himself get too close or trust anyone.
and that was fine. he kept his head in a book most of the time throughout school. he was fine with it. until he just... wasn’t. everyone has a breaking point. you can’t always be the shy, kind kid who lets everyone walk all over him. there’s only so much someone can take.
so, when he hit sophomore year of high school, he changed himself. reinvented who lucien weiss was. no longer was he lucien weiss, the meek, quiet kid who was cried at the potential of upsetting someone. he was lucien weiss, the outspoken, critical kid who wasn’t afraid of telling teachers they were wrong. 
maybe du pont institute was never really in the cards for him, but he doesn’t regret applying for admission. while he never really thought about going into pre-law before doing a 180 in personality, his passion for history and government and law made it the easy choice.
these past years have been good. competitive. no longer the same bullied, taunted kid, lucien’s grown into himself enough that he isn’t afraid of taking space in a room anymore. 
it’s been good so far. maybe it hasn’t been perfect, there are still moments where he looks in a mirror and doesn’t actually see himself. there are still moments where he locks himself in his dorm and doesn’t leave unless it’s to go to school or work. there are still moments where he stutters once in a presentation and hates himself for weeks. there are still moments where he distances himself from possible friendships to avoid getting hurt.
but ultimately, it’s the little things. 
he’s just trying to make it through the day.
lucien honestly doesn’t think about michael valmont that much. 
he has better things to be worrying about his classmates, but he is on his radar. not for his bad reputation, no, lucien couldn’t care less about who is fucking who, but michael being one of the smartest in their classes? well.
lucien knows he’s not the only one who has different sides to himself.
while he’s never really interacted with him, he wonders which part of michael is the reason he’s dead for.
but really, lucien just wonders why no one else seems to think about him that much either. 
<– abt tag.
<– wanted connection.
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Choking On Sapphires 67
Title & Song: More Than Words
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Word Count: 5700+
Summary:  Alfie shows Genevieve what good she's bringing forth in the community with her charity work when she feels overwhelmed with her Hebrew studies. He shows her the other side of being a gangster that he doesn’t flaunt. He shares about his upbringing and family with Passover on the horizon. He puts her through some of the final paces towards becoming his wife.
Warnings/Tags: FLUFF. Usual Alfie language. Talk of Alfie’s parents, sibling, upbringing. Hebrew studies. 
**Chapter song is More than Words by Extreme.**
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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Alfie had been wondering about the next move to make in your relationship. Although it was easy to forget at times he wasn't actually married to you already. He mulled over the possibilities when he was alone. The when's, the where's, the how's and what he would do. He couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to use a ring or some other grand gesture of a gift. He wanted you to be his, he wasn't sure if he wanted to wait until after you became bat mitzvah, or if he should speak to a Rabbi about the whole thing. What a confusing process it was all turning out to be. He had plenty to consider and wanted to make the offering of his hand to be something he found worthy of you. Which was proving difficult.
You had been keeping your nose in books on Hebrew and Judaism, reading your new religious studies books, in your little glasses when he would come to your home late at night. He watched you learn the passages, the stack of books on your desk growing by the week. He'd come over for Shabbat and watched you light the candles, do the readings and break the Challah you'd baked yourself. He could see a change in you, and although you would behave as normal outside your home, your business dealings still having to be ruthless and cruel at times, you always left it outside your home. You were softer, kinder and watching you become something that was forbidden to you until now was a period of growth he was blessed to be able to witness.
Your growth and dedication had touched him. When he had read of your charitable doings over the span of your separation, he had taken the time to reflect on what he was currently giving. This led to a  rise in his donations and allowing himself the time to be more personal with those that he knew needed his help. Friends, distant relatives, wives and children of good Jewish men he'd known, he gave more attention to. Anyone could sign a check for something, but your hands on nature with the children at the home and your teaching of art with the young women had shown him that the money wasn't enough. He should be better, he should remember where he came from.
Your commitment and hunger for knowledge had led him to sit and read with you, or to you some evenings. With Passover fast approaching he knew you were nervous. Such an important event and it being something you felt responsible for now was making you too over critical of yourself. Would you be ready for Seder? Would you have the have the right food, wine, and preparation for it all? Did you know the prayers, the blessings, the questions, and songs? You were a bundle of nerves and Alfie sat by and gruffed at you to not worry about it so much. After studying more you felt more prepared, but as it always did, you had deeper more complex worries arise as to were you doing enough? Were you kind enough? Giving enough? An onslaught of heavy questions would pour down upon you and you would try to drown them with wine and Alfie would be there to remind you that you were in fact good enough. He would remind you of Esther and how violence has its places when it protects your people. And that was what you were doing now, facing a cold modern world with all the tools you had to carve out a safe place for yourself and others. He took you to a festival for Purim and the revelry and readings helped to set our mind at ease. But soon after the calm from the festivities passed, Seder anxieties reared their heads again and Alfie had found the perfect solution.
You sit in bed together, both in your night clothes, tucked under his arm as he read to you in Hebrew, little gold glasses adorning both your faces as you tried to concentrate on the pronunciations. He was waiting for you to voice your worry about Seder, as he knew it would come. In these moments of new found intimacy between the two of you, he was reminded of his father, reading and teaching him and his siblings when they were young. He's reading mindlessly, wondering if he too would be reading and teaching children of his own one day when your mouth opens to give him his opportunity to soothe you.
"I would share the lamb with the house, but you aren't supposed to share with servants. But they aren't really servants, are they? They're paid and I know them and care for them, pay for their educations and manage their needs. They're more like friends. But I don't want to be inappropriate. It'd all have to be eaten that night and I can't waste it and-"
"Chanah." he says with a sigh, taking off his glasses. He'd taken to calling you that behind closed doors. There was something about it that warmed him when it would leave his mouth.
"Ari." you say back in the same tone. As your studies started to include him, he'd divulged to you his Hebrew name, Arioch. Which suitably meant like a lion. So naturally, you shortened it to Ari for times like these where you would appropriately be calling him a lion when he would be giving you an unhelpful tone. Although you thought the name Alfred Arioch Solomons sounded very regal and admittedly a bit sexy to you. The name suited him you thought, prideful and powerful, wild hair and a stare that would strike fear into any living thing if it wanted. He was your lion now and you wished his mum was around to tell her what foresight she'd had for her son.
"I got an answer to these worries of yours, eh?" he says with a rise of his brow, looking down to you.
"If you tell me to just calm down one more time I'll scream." you say with a flat delivery and a low brow.
"No, this is much more proactive." he grins. "How's about you spend Seder with me 'n my family?" he offers with a delicate tone.
Your eyes go a bit wide at first, darting around the room at the suggestion. "With...your family?" you ask.
"'Course." he says in a warm inflection. "It would ease ya worryin' and you could also finally meet the lot of the nutters." he grins. "I suppose it is time you met them, yeah? Seein' as I met Altar 'n all." his eyes move back down to yours.
"That would solve a good portion of my issues." you nod. "I would only have to worry about my studying then...and of course the seeking approval from your family." you mutter. "I'm not used to trying to make people like me when it's not business." you add with a lowered brow and thoughtful tone.
"No reason they won't like you." he says with a frown and a shake of his head. "At this point I could've brought anyone wif me and they'd be relieved." he adds in his course way.
"Thanks for the high praise." you huff out a laugh and smirk at him.
"You know 'at's not what I meant." he scolds and tops his glasses on the tip of your nose. "So do you accept?" he asks with a broad gesture of his hand, voice loud and demanding.
"Of course I do," you state obviously. "If we are to become more serious I believe it is a perfectly reasonable next step." you nod and settle back against his side. "And we are becoming more serious..." you say softly. "Aren't we?" you ask with a shy lilt.
"That's the daftest thing you've ever said." he grins and replaces his glasses and lets out a loud laugh. "We are deadly serious, my love." he kisses your head.
"A woman has the right to ask." you say defensively, pinching at a roll on his stomach.
"She does." he nods. "But do you think I've ever spent my evenings reading Hebrew to a woman before?" he asks looking over his glasses at you.
"That look tells me no."
"Intuitive as always, love." he says with a much kinder tone but the same smirk, putting his arm around your shoulder to hold you close. "If you need to hear of my dedication you only have to ask." he sighs out in a sweet way. "But be assured I do also speak with my actions, Chanah." he nods and pouts his lips, eyes looking over to find his place again. "I'll be sure to comfort your worries more actively if need be." he offers.
"Yes please." you say softly, snuggling up to him again.
"Then after this shall we spend our night as if we're married already? A little bit 'a practice for bein' fruitful?" he teases, his hand running down your chest to cup your breast, his thumb swiping over your nipple.
You let out a giggle, moving your hand lower on his stomach and resting it just above his pajama bottoms. "It certainly couldn't hurt." you laugh into his beard, stretching your neck to kiss his jaw, drawing a deep contented hum that is reflected in his expression with cheeks rising to hide his eyes as he continues to distract you through the rest of the reading with his thumb that seemed to have remarkable aim and ability. --------- He stood outside your classroom door. His layers of vests and jackets, your favorite sort of wide-brimmed hat atop his head as he leaned against the wall, waiting. He'd come in with the intention of interrupting you early, to give the girls a break and have you come out with him for the afternoon. But he stood and watched you through the open door to your classroom, standing out of your line of sight and he couldn't bring himself to do it. You spoke with attentiveness, your hands on your student's hands and brushes to guide and direct, you pacing and reading from books and telling of advice from great artists and how it applied to the practice and life outside the walls of the school. He could see you cared, that this wasn't only a vanity project for you. So with that same notion, he heads to the front office and sets up a donation to add to your scholarship fund anonymously.
"'Ello, love." you hears his deep voice call out as you exit your classroom, causing you to jump and whip your head around at his unexpected appearance.
"Alfie, darling, what are you doing here?" you say with a sincere question and fondness as you move the small space between you to meet with a kiss to the cheek.
"Came to see you with your girls," he says with a slow nod. "Never seen you teach before, so used to you bein' the student with me." he gives you a subtle smile.
"And am I as good of a teacher as you?" you ask with a charming smile and a tilt of your head.
"You'll get there, love." he chuckles, holding out his bent arm for you to wrap yours around. "I asked Claire about your afternoon and she says it's free, and I's wonderin' if you'd accompany me on some errands today?" he suggests as you walk down the hallway together to the door.
"You've never asked me to do such a thing before." you muse, your heels clicking slowly in pace with his shiny shoes across the tiled floor.
"I have not. But I am now innit I?" he says, nodding to people as they recognize him as they pass. "I've got some things I'd like you to see...some people I'd like ya to meet." he elaborates as he sees you through the doors.
"Then of course. I had no formal plans for this afternoon, why not?" you shrug as you move to his car.
"Wonderful, love, fanks." he says with a kiss to your head before you duck inside the car. "To the East End, Isaiah." he gives a nod to his driver. "I've been meanin' to do this for a little while now." he begins, holding his hand out to take yours. "You talkin' 'bout bein' more serious and 'n that I knew it was time for me to let you see all it is that I do." he nods and looks down to find your face attentive and intrigued. "You know me best for my violence, yeah? But 'at's not all I got goin' on, mate, no, I got a bit 'a good in the work I do too." he explains, nodding and eyes twitching at the corners as he looks out the windows. "I've been thinkin'... that if we are to be married that you need to be seein' me at all sides, love. Most people'll only talk about the so-called ill I perform but I want you to see how I try to help as much as I do hurt when it comes to my... our people." he brings his eyes back to you and adores the self-reflective nature of them. His face is in its usual creased thoughtfulness, his eyes half hidden under the shifting brow as he explains himself. "I did some soul searchin' when we's apart, right? Seein' you goin' out and bein' a public figure for charity 'n art 'n that I took it upon myself to do better by your example. After I knew we'd been seein' each other again... and in my hopefulness for a future together I arranged to set in motion some plans to be able to show ya that I would be worthy of bein' a good sort of husband for a good Jewish woman such as yourself." his words are calm and calculated and you were touched as you watched him reveal his inner workings to you. "I  saw I needed to get back in touch with my roots, my people ya know." he nods. "I'd been too heavy in me business doin's and had been neglectin' the things that got me to where I am today. I wanted to show I wasn't above anyone else, as I'm not, and upon further reflection, as I wanted to be betta for you, I wanted to be betta for that little boy I once was." he moves to take your hand between both of his and you follow suit. "You learnin' and becomin' what you always shoulda been opened me up in a way I hadn't been willin' to do since I was a lad. And thinkin' about me past, the schoolin' and family I thought 'bout what I might want for myself one day... or if I wanted it 'at all. And I do. Now I do. But I see that to be what a child needs in a father, I myself, needed to be better than I's bein'. Hold myself to a higher standard than I used to, yeah?" his nose wrinkles as his eyes continue to move about, but your stay fixated on his face. "If I were to be with a Jewish woman, which wasn't sumfin' I was plannin' on doin' until I's wif you, right? Then our children would need a good Jewish father. Someone who knew what the fuck he was on about and as much of a fuckin' hypocrite as I am and 'spose I always will be, I knew I at least needed to try." he returns his eyes to you. "So... as fuckin' long-winded as I've gone and made myself here I wanted to share 'a bit of meself with you so you'd know what sorta man I came from... what sorta man I might be inclined to be if we were to have little ones, right?"
"I've wanted to know for some time, admittedly, but I wasn't going to push you to tell me."
"Well it's ya lucky day innit, love?" he gives you a charming smile, thumb rubbing across your hands. "We'll start with me father then. Bernard. Me mum did call 'im Bernie in private but he fuckin' hated it." he lets out a chuckle. "Bernard Dov, although he tried to get the name Berel to stick with mum, she tried to sound more English and preferred somethin' that sounded sweet and small as she said. But he was neither sweet nor small."
"Perhaps it was meant to be ironic? A cheeky little joke or something?"
"Mum was funny that way." he smiles warmly. "Father passed shortly after I became a man and I 'spose that was a big thing that fueled my studies, as he never let us forget the importance of knowledge and it's pursuit. He was a stern man. But fair, always fair." he nods. "He held me 'n my siblings to a high standard. Especially the boys. So I did well in me studies, both at home in school. I always had a knack for learnin' it seemed. Was told I was clever, if not a bit up me own arse about it at times." he laughs. "I got high marks and I was proud. Same as always heavy handed in my own way about fings. I'd try to set the other boys straight ya see. Tellin' 'em...what sort 'a man ya gonna be if ya don't try to be just that now?  Ya can't live like ya do and be of any worth to anyone later. Ya stuntin' ya own potential." he grins, his eyes far away in the past. "I couldn't understand how they weren't more concerned about bein' good men. Men of faith and fortune built from workin' hard and usin' their minds to earn their gold. That was all me father talkin' that was." he sighs. "And me mum." his face softens. "Peninah." he smiles. "You'd think me father would've been inclined to give her a nickname, Pearl or Penny or such...but he wasn't much for informalness." he grins. "She was strong but always sweet with her children. Father was the law and she was the peacekeeper. She expected more out of us just like he did, she never coddled, but whereas father was cold in his approach, she was warm. She passed after goin' back to Russia, you see. When the fuckers were pushin' us all out she went back for her sisters. They all made it back... but she didn't live long after that. Told me stories of bein' chased by the Russians through the snow. Havin' to hide in that sort 'a climate and she got sick from it." he voice trails off slightly.
"I see where you get your bravery from." you give his hands a supportive squeeze, bring his glazed over eyes back to the present, the anger still simmering under the surface.
"She was very brave, yeah." he nods and sighs. "Always spoke of the importance of family. And speakin' of, you'll be meetin' me sisters soon won't ya?" he pats your hand. "Rachel, Matilda and Sarah. The bellends." he laughs. "Nah, they're good women. Been ridin' my arse since my bar mitzvah to get me a wife. But they are women and two older than me, so I suppose it was all to be expected, eh?" his laughs weakens to a chuckle. "You'll be meetin' me brother Jeremiah's wife, Pippa. He died in the war, though. But I believe I told you that."
"You did." you nod and give him a weak smile. He didn't seem distraught about it, but it made you sad.
"And my heard of nieces and nephews. Got what's left of me mum's brothers and sisters and me dad's brothers. Whole family a men they are."
"All of them?" you say with a huff of laughter.
"Yeah, there were so many of 'em, his mum, who died before I was before kept havin' children in hopes of havin' a girl. But it never came to pass." he shakes his head. "Seven boys instead." he chuckles.
"Poor woman." you share the same amused laugh with him.
"That so?" he tilts his head and looks back to you. "Do you want a little girl, love?" he asks and your stomach flutters at the ease that you both speak about marriage and children with now.
"Of course I would. I'm certainly not opposed to a boy by any means. It would just be nice to have the experience of raising both I think." you shrug. "Plus I am a girl and a feminine one at that so having a little doll of my own does sound appealing," you admit and lay your head on his shoulder. "What about you?"
"Either would be nice, yeah? Long as the poor things get their looks from you." he grins.
"I wouldn't be making babies with an ugly man, darling." you laugh and reach up to give him chin a scratch and kiss to his cheek.
------- You pull up to a block of housing. It reminds you of small heath in it's sad and drab exterior. Dark, dirty and desolate looking as Alfie takes your hands and leads you through the archway. You see numerous children playing, running around through lines of drying clothes, mothers in aprons shouting after them. You don't expect them to all greet Alfie with such fondness, but they do. They know him by name, a polite, Mr. Solomons at his arrival as he hands them sweets from his pockets and ruffles their hair. They look at you suspiciously, not having seen you before, and you don't blame them. He leads you up the tarnished metal stairs to an inconspicuous door.
He knocks and very quickly a woman opens the door. "Oh, shalom, Mr. Solomons." the worn looking woman smiles warmly and greets him with a smile.
"I've told you many times, Mable to call me Alfie. Now is Alice about?" he says loudly, a gentle command.
"She's in her room, let me go fetch her." she rushes out before shuffling off.
"Who is Alice?" you whisper.
"Someone I wanted you to meet," he says with a nod. "Ah! Hello love!" he says warmly, reaching out to take the young girls hand that is outstretched, her other is holding onto a harness that rests around a dog. It becomes apparent to you quickly she is one of the beneficiaries of the charity you were on the board with with Alfie.
"Hello, Mr. Solomons." her voice is sweet and delicate.
"You ladies and your politeness. I told ya mum to call me Alfie as well. But ya just won't listen." he says warmly, patting the back of her hand. "How is little diamond doing now? Bein' a good girl?"
"She's been such a relief." she says with downcast, milky eyes. "And she also keeps me very warm at night." she smiles.
"I had someone I wanted you to meet little one," he says, holding his hand out to you to beckon you closer. "This is Genevieve Durand. She's the one what helped you get Diamond there." he says, placing your hand in hers.
"Pleasure to meet you Alice." you say looking over the kind and pretty girls face.
"You work at the charity with Mister- with Alfie?"
"I do." you nod and her mother comes and places her hand on your arm.
"We'd like to thank you for your help Miss Durand. Alice here has been waiting for assistance for some time now. Alfie had told me there had been an influx in donations recently and because of that they were able to giver her Diamond, as they were primarily givin' dogs to the boys after the war who needed them." she explains and you try to keep your face warm and not shocked or sad as you felt. You hadn't known about this girl, or how long the wait on the list was and you were deeply touched by the thoughtfulness of Alfie to bring you to see your work for yourself.
"I'm just happy Alice here could get some assistance." you say sincerely.
"Diamond has been such a lifesaver for me. She suffers from seizures you see, and Diamond here can let someone know if she needs help by barking if she's alone. The neighbors help me out when I can't be here for work, keeping an eye out for her, but now everyone's much more at ease." she says reaching out to pat the dogs head.
"Mable here has been able to find work for the first time since Jack passed, isn't that right?" Alfie offers with a strong nod.
"Yes it's been such a help to get some money coming back in, believe me." she nods enthusiastically.
"Jack was a member of my company you see, in the war. He used to tell me about Mable and Alice. So when I saw the name on the list, I happened to reach out to them and I've been workin' for a long time to get them Diamond here." he explains.
"Alfie's been a lifesaver, truly. Couldn't have made it without him." she says patting his cheek.  Such a soft gesture from a man who was known to be a criminal made your heart warm.
"Least I could do. Jack was a good man." he says more sternly. "Speakin' of, I've got something to show you. Would you love?" he asks, motioning his hand out to the other room.
They leave you and Alice and you pat Diamonds head. "I've heard your name in the paper." Alice breaks the silence.
"Oh have you? Nothing bad I hope." you softly laugh.
"You paint, right?"
"I do. Are you a fan of the arts? Music and the like?" you clarify, not wanting to sound daft.
"I do adore music. My mum took me to the theater once. I loved it." she smiles.
"Have you ever been to the opera Alice?" you ask, moving your head to look at Alfie in the other room with her mother. He hands her an envelope, and she refuses at first, but with his insistence she takes it. You're seeing he'd been helping support them while she had had to stay home with Alice.
"Oh, no. I wish." she chuckles. "Far too posh for me."  she shakes her head and Alfie walks back into the room with her mother.
"Would you like to go? Or do you have a distaste for the style?"
"It'd be wonderful to go. It's just always been so expensive." she says sheepishly.
"Would you like to go with me?" you ask, watching her face go through a slew of emotions.
"Really?" she asks quietly.
"Of course! You can feel the music when you're by the pit. Your mum could come to. Alfie doesn't like the opera...I'd love to have some girls to go with." you say cheerfully.
Her mum walks up with a bowed head. "It sounds lovely and thank you Genevieve, but I'm afraid we'd be a bit under dressed." she gives you a sad smile.
You see the sinking in Alice's face and you won't stand for it. "Don't' be silly, I can get you something." you wave your hand dismissively. "How's about you two come to my house sometime soon and we can find you some gowns of mine? We're all three not too far off in size, certainly nothing a few alterations can't handle." you insist.
"Genevieve does have far too many dresses. Do me a service and take some off her hands would you?" Alfie laughs.
"Would you like to go Alice?" her mother asks her.
"Yes." she nods enthusiastically.
"Then it's settled," you say clasping your hands together. "I'll get back up with you through Alfie's people and we'll set something up soon."
"Thank you Miss Durand." Alice says with a shaky voice.
"Call me Genevieve... or Gen, whichever you'd prefer, really. If we're going to go out and have some fun, we can't be so formal can we?" reach out and hold her hand. "We'll have a lovely time, Alice." you say sincerely.
"Thank you, Miss-" you give a playful frown to her mum.
"Genevieve. I'm sure Alice is just a bit tongue-tied from surprise." she laughs and moves to hug her from the side. "First time she'll be going to such a grand thing."
"It won't be the last." you smile. "All girls deserve a good night out from time to time don't we?"
"Ya do, love, ya do." Alfie says, his hand sliding across your upper back. "I'm sorry to cut it short but we've got another appointment to keep so if you don't mind... Mable, Miss Alice. We'll be seein' ya." he gives a nod and you see yourselves out.
"Why didn't you tell me about her before we went in?" you ask him as you follow him down the stairs back to the car.
"I wanted to see your raw reaction." he states simply and honestly. Today was a bit of test of sorts, and he knew you'd pass, but your warm acceptance of the girl and her mother had made him all the more certain of you being fit to be his wife. He needed a woman who could charm people in such a way.
"I didn't know about the waiting list." you say a frown.
"Well, it's for the senior members. They deal with that sort of thing." he explains gruffly.
"Are there others like them Alfie?" you ask him once you get into the car.
"What you mean?"
"Other you take care of? I saw you give her money."
"There are a few yeah." he says looking out the window.
"Families of men you oversaw?" you inquire.
"Not all no. Most not." he shakes his head. "Just Jewish families that haven't been as lucky as me." he says with a sense of sadness to his tone. "Sick little ones... widows... families of men that worked for me that sacrificed for me in some form or 'nother I like to keep an eye on. Don't give 'em all money, y'know. Some just need a wee bit of food or medicine from time to time." he looks back over to you and you sigh heavily and take his hand into yours.
"All this time you spoke of my capacity for kindness and violence. What of you darling?"
"What of it?" he shrugs. "I'm only doin' what I should. You take care of your people, they take care 'a you. Like you and your girls at home. You 'n your kids at the home and the schoolgirls. Same sort of thing, love." he says cooly, looking down at your adoring eyes.
"You have a personal touch I do not. A connection to the community I've been cut off from that I envy."
"And now you know two women you didn't yesterday dunnit ya? See.. you'll get connected. Ya just used to connectin' with folk what don't require help."
"That is true." you nod. "I guess I do have connections. Just not in the same class as you do." you say thoughtfully. You see a chance here for the both of you. You can handle the upper classes, he can handle the lower. With connections made on every level of the community, when you two did marry, you would have a reach that most people couldn't dream of. Feet on the ground to do work for you, people in ivory towers to persuade to make decisions in your favor. You could have a foot in both worlds.
"Exactly love." he agrees with a slow blink. "But the point I wanted to make with little Alice, was to show you where your charity was goin'. I wanted you to see it in action." he clarifies.
"Thank you," you say, leaning your head onto his arm. "It's something I needed." you add softly. You could get so caught up in the high stakes world you both lived in that you could forget what good was possible out of the bad that you did. Charity was important to your faith and being able to see it work, beyond writing something down and having Claire donate it showed you the people behind what you were working on building with Alfie.
"You always say you aren't doin' enough. I figure it's 'cause you don't see it up close and personal. Thought it might help ya."
"It did, thank you, really, darling, it was very thoughtful of you."
"So was invitin' them out." he says with a smile, arms around your shoulders and kissing your head.
"Least I could do. All girls deserve a bit of fun now and again. Especially a woman that works so hard like Mable and a sweet young thing like Alice. It's nothing for me to show such kindness to them."
"I can only be thankful for such a woman to come into my life as you, Chanah." he says close to your ear, the gentle tone catching you off guard.
"What brings on this sweet tongue of yours?" you ask, giving his beard an affectionate tug.
"You love, it's always you that makes me this way innit?" he smiles and leans in to give you a chaste kiss. "You are such a compliment to my weaknesses I couldn't imagine goin' 'bout my life of dual nature without you now." he gently holds your chin up to him. "Only your soft heart could be the one to withstand wearing away at my hardened one." he says softly. "I didn't ever think I'd be able to regain the will to want or expect better from myself when it comes to things outside of business. Not until you came along."
"It is not good for man to be alone." you say sweetly, reciting from Genisis.
He sighs and kisses you again. "One who has found a wife has found goodness and has brought forth favor from God." he whispers.
"Solomon from Solomons." you giggle against his lips and a slow, deep chuck bubbles out of him. "And with all this talk you fluster me, Ari." you say more playfully. "It seems you forget we are not in fact married yet. When is it you intend to reunite our souls?" you gently bump your nose against his.
"I want the occasion to as perfect as you are, pet. And I humbly ask of you to give me time to orchestrate the impossible." he grins and kisses you again.
"If anyone could do the impossible, I believe it would be you." you coo at him.
"And that faith in me is why I can even entertain the thought of it at all."
@fangirlfreakingout @jaegeeeeer @cosettewinchester @lookuptheskyisfalling-blog @brianaisasongbird @cry5t4l-w4rri0r @iliveonchocolateandnetflix @jess2464 @hardygal69 @thegarrisonpublichouse @a-flock-of-angry-pigeons @pootle @negansdirtygirl22 @musingsby-night @wtf-is-wrong-with-this @shine-dont-shadow @inkinterrupted @vale0413 @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @sxlomons @aphnxrising @emerald-bijou @elaenom @give-jack-a-lightsaber @anrm1@ultrablackwidower @tinastarkandco @arrowswithwifi   @marvelgirl7 @they-are-not-just-stories   @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
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hufflepuff-ish · 5 years
20 Questions Tag
I got tagged by @lonelyfridays @mapi-leon @hufflepuffsh in different variations of the 20/22 questions tag
I had this in my drafts for months idk why I didn't post this sooner, sorry
Name/nickname: Tal, my family calls me Talushka, Talichka and my brother calls me Samson
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: around 1.74 cm (5'7-5'8 in feet)
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff 👌🏻
Last thing I googled: cm to feet lol
Favorite musician/s: Adele, OneRebuplic, Kaleo, NF, Kodaline, 5 Seconds of Summer, ZAYN
Last song I listened to: Fortress by Bear's Den
Song stuck in my head: I'm so tired by Lauv & Troye Sivan
Followers: 187
Following: 962 (whaaaaat)
Amount of sleep: eight hours but it's usually around six
Lucky number: not sure I have one, but I like 14 and 19
What I'm wearing: light grey tshirt and jeans shorts
Dream job: graphic designer or designing book covers
Dream trip: probably traveling across the UK or going to Spain again
Favorite food: lately it's pelmeni (Russian dish that looks like tortellini) with mayonnaise, some black pepper and teriyaki sauce
Instruments: I only used to know to play the organ in primary school
Languages: Russian (it can be a bit meh but I'm working on it), Hebrew, English and some Spanish
Favorite song: Speeding Car by Walking On Cars, Love Me Again by John Newman, Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer (yes, I'm indecisive)
Random fact: I always feel shy when tagging people in these challenges
Aesthetic: long curly hair, sneakers, lip syncing and dancing alone in my room, too many notebooks, a messy desk, sweaters that you can pull over your hands, high waisted jeans, be kind, patience, medium or big rings
Tagging: (I don't have 20 people to tag, sorry) @claarrraaaaa @frolicking-angels @justshittyteenager @justanothernonny @mizzlingwinter @youmaycallmeliz @lil-milkovich @itubainaretro @feelinsorad @dixondyke @incantsava @vnesshudgens @mydearestsleara
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dakryssa · 6 years
Answer these questions then tag people you'd like to know better
Awww thank you so much @wlwtual ! I love these tags things ^^
Here I go!
Nickname: Marilou? I don't really have a nickname. My name is short enough I guess XD
Height: 5'4” (163cm)
Time: 11.45pm
Fave band/artist: uuugh how do I even ?...ok...depeche mode, the1975, paramore, kodaline, day6, EXO, IU, Zico...it's so hard !...
Song stuck in my head: The Name of Life by Inochi No Namae from Spirited Away (I'm such a Ghibli trash)
Last movie I saw: Venom (so good I loved it !)
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks: XD yeah no I told you, I'm the shy kid who just watches from her corner! I'd love to but I'm fine with just clicking on the reblog button
Why I chose this user name: oh boy. Ok so.
My name is Marie. In Hebrew, it means "drop of the ocean". I have Greek origin so I translated my name in ancient Greek.
A drop is δάκρῠον (dakryon)
Ocean/sea is θάλασσα (thalassa)
I mixed the two words and I got Dakryssa
Funny thing: dakry in Greek means "tear" which...you know...good cause I relate.
Oups sorry that was long ^^
Following: 119 apparently.
What I'm wearing: my pajamas
Dream job: veterinary (like Amir Khalil)
Dream trip: South Korea, Mongolia, Peru for a vet mission, Ethiopia with my best friend, Japan with my sister, Bhutan, Greece...should I carry on?
Fave food: is this serious? I love food. Hum...Italian food (pastaaaa), Asian food, Lebanese food (ohmy) and since I'm french baguette baguette baguette baguette baguette
Play any instrument: piano for 12years now and a little bit of guitar
Hair color: brown
Languages you speak: French, English, a little bit of Italian, currently learning Korean
Most iconic song: tough cookie by Zico (i mean...sweet Jesus that's iconic)
Random facts: I have 31 moles/beauty spots on my right arm and 29 on my left.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things : the first sunlight in the morning sky, the smell of books, eating and drinking tea while watching a movie wrapped in a blanket, flat platform shoes, belly hurting from laughing too much, silence, singing and dancing in front of the mirror, oversized clothes, daydreaming, watching the stars, kisses on the neck, old pink lipstick, cooking with your loved one, purring of a cat, white t-shirt and large pants, last hope by Paramore, reading in a hammock, playing piano and feeling people holding their breath, simplicity
Oh thank you again @wlwtual ! It was so cool ^^
Ok so I tag @lattegyu @tealiciously @honeyhqs @fesver  @pnkflower @jelliebuns and anyone who would like to do this! Just say I tagged you!
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vrepitstahp-blog · 6 years
Rules: Answer 15 questions and tag 15 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Hana! 
Nickname: I mean it’s already my nickname lol
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: wouldn’t y’all like to know ;)
Languages spoken: English, almost fluent in Hebrew, learning Japanese
Nationality: USA
Favorite fruit: I am a fruit bat. I eat all the fruit. 
Favorite season: Autumn! It’s cool and dry and gorgeous
Favorite scent: the smell of clean laundry
Favorite colors: Purple, pink, orange, blue
Favorite animal: SHARKS! AND FRUIT BATS! Also dogs <3
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate: Depends on the day, the weather, and my mood
Average hours of sleep: Sleep? Don’t know her (that’s what I get for going to college rip-)
Favorite fictional characters: (VLD) Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Keith Kogane, Lance McClain, (FE) Lucina, Robin, Xander, Corrin, Orochi, Sakura, Sumia, Lon’qu, (HP) Hermoine Granger, Ginny Weasley, (Riordanverse) Magnus Chase, Piper McClean, Leo Valdez, (Anime) Rin Okumura, Naruto Uzumaki, Inuyasha, all Ghibli characters, Hana + Ame + Yuki from Wold Children, (Disney) Mulan, Moana, Miguel and Dante from Coco, lol I could go on
Blankets you sleep with: who needs blankets when you have stuffed Pokemon for company 
Dream trip: A return ticket to Japan (hopefully going back next year!!), and a visit to New Zealand, India, or Morocco
Blog created: About a month ago? I have a main but I’m very private about it
I’ll tag: @galaxy-garrison @askduelistyugi @visenyastargaryen @helpmeobijuanyouremyonlyho @lancelier @biiconlance @aquaburst07 @keithxogane @juniperallura @khrolia I don’t know too many people yet so I’m too shy to tag people lmao
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burningxpages · 7 years
Tagged by: @a-vulparia Tagging: @gladlyrp @xbleeding-tearsx @mercuryblake @tieflingsweetheart @thecallofthewind and anyone else who’d like to :P
(It’s really long so under read more)
DAMIEN -- March 28
Birth Stone -- Aquamarine
The seawater color of aquamarine has given this gemstone its name as the name “aquamarine” is derived from the Latin word for seawater. There are many myths and legends about the aquamarine stone. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Hebrews admired and valued aquamarine greatly. It was a symbol of happiness and everlasting youth. A Roman legend stated that the stone absorbs the atmosphere of young love. The stone is considered an all purpose healing stone as it treats spiritual and psychological disturbances as well as physiological disorders and disease. It is believed that one who wears aquamarine has a better ability to think clearly and make quick decisions.
Zodiac Sign -- Aries
Aries are independent, creative, enthusiastic, generous and optimistic people. As the first of the zodiac signs, you are a go getter and a trend setter and are a confident, natural leader. With such strong, fiery, magnetic and upbeat personalities, you tend to leave an impression on everyone you come in contact with. You like to be the center of attention and live an adventurous, spontaneous life. Aries are also known to have great senses of humor, and the ability to get along with everyone. As a friend, you are loyal and devoted, and will do anything possible to support your loved ones.
Spirit Animal -- Falcon
You are patient, persistent, adventurous, energetic, precise, and passionate. You love experiencing new things daily, and as such, you are an inspiration to others. You are also a natural born leader. You move through life with grace and awareness. This satisfies your motivation to lead through the vision of wisdom. You are known to be a great friend, as you have a knack for having clear judgment in messy situations, always finding a logical solution. You never waste time, always taking action when a situation calls for it.
Birth Tree -- Hazelnut
You are intelligent, original, understanding, calm, popular, honest, charming, organized, efficient, and mature. You pride yourself on having your own individual sense of style and humor. You make a lasting impression on people wherever you go. You are highly analytical and intelligent- you know your facts and have a great memory, therefore excel in any educational situation. You also have great judgment. You are active in politics and social causes. You are a passionate, honest and tolerant partner.
Birth Flower -- Daffodil
Daffodils may come in shades of white, yellow and orange, and blooms from February to May, symbolizing the end of winter. According to one legend, daffodils open their first buds exactly on March 1st, St. David’s Day in Wales, and the first day of spring in some parts of the world. They are a sign of rebirth and new beginnings that appear with each spring, and are traditionally connected with Easter. Alternatively, daffodils stand for domestic happiness, love and friendship. The secret message conveyed by daffodils in the Victorian era was, "You are an angel". The Daffodil is also given on the 10th wedding anniversary and is the national flower of Wales.
Chinese Zodiac Sign -- Rooster
You are honest, resilient, passionate, a perfectionist, energetic, protective, intelligent, courageous, flamboyant, flexible, industrious, diverse, confident, and responsible. You are outspoken and blunt, and this honesty makes for stable relationships. You are a very faithful friend and are strongly family oriented. You are by nature conservative and old-fashioned. You may be aggressively chatty, or you may be mysterious and silent. When you find a task you are interested in, you will stop at nothing to complete it. You have high hopes for success and are willing to put in whatever time and energy is necessary to achieve this.
JAY -- February 27
Birth Stone -- Amethyst
Amethyst is a part of royal gem collections all over the world, from ancient Egypt to the British crown jewels. For some time, true amethyst was valued equally with the diamond. The name amethyst derives from the ancient Greek word amethustos, meaning sober. It was said that an amethyst could instill a sober and serious mind. Amethyst was known as a gem that would bring forth the highest, purest aspirations of human kind. Chastity, sobriety, and control over one’s thoughts were all attributes heightened by wearing the stone. Amethysts are recommended to those who deal with stress a lot, such as people with an excessive work ethic who are unable to enjoy relaxation.
Zodiac Sign -- Pisces
Pisces people are devoted, compassionate, imaginative, adaptable, sensitive, kind, selfless and sympathetic. You tend to keep a low profile compared to other zodiac signs. You have a quiet disposition, yet on the inside you experience extremes of emotions, both good and bad. You have the talent of understanding people's motivations where they might not be obvious to other people. You also have incredible strength of character. You will always stand up and/ or work hard for what you believe in, especially if loved ones are involved. You are the most sensitive of all the zodiac signs.
Spirit Animal -- Wolf
You are compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, generous, mysterious, artistic, gentle, adaptable, sympathetic, and deeply emotional. Your path in life revolves around love- to receive it, and to give it. You hate the thought of others suffering or in pain, because of your deep compassion. You take on the responsibility of teaching others to be compassionate as well. As a teacher, you have the ability to know when to stand back and let others figure out their own paths of life. You are very self aware- you eliminate things that may cause harm to people.
Birth Tree -- Pine Tree
You are poised, active, natural, friendly, practical, compassionate, and trustworthy. You are a health conscious person, and do everything in moderation. You are always doing something to move towards progress and success. You are aware of what you need emotionally, physically, and spiritually, to be happy. You crave harmony and peace and as such, with your compassionate nature, you love to help other people too. You have an active imagination and you enjoy writing.
Birth Flower -- Violet
Violet is a delicate flower that appears at the end of February. It may come in shades of blue, mauve, or even yellow or cream. Violet denotes faithful love, humility and modesty. In the Victorian era, giving someone violets suggested "I’ll always be true". Dreaming of violets means that luck is coming your way, and that your future spouse will be younger than you. Violet is known as the state flower of Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, and the official flower of Greece. It is also given on the 50th wedding anniversary.
Chinese Zodiac Sign -- Dog
You are unpretentious, loyal, steady, reliable, sociable, lively, persistent, courageous, resourceful, generous, diligent, honest, adaptable and smart. You hate injustice and are strongly influenced by a sense of fairness, equality, loyalty and caring. You therefore are often found promoting social reform. You are genuine, unassuming, charming and magnetic in an effortless way. You make a loyal friend and value personal integrity. You do make friends slowly however, but you will protect a friend's interest as if they were your own. You are brave and do not shy away from danger.
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systemic-dreams · 8 years
La segunda etiqueta
¿Dos en un día? Soy tan popular, lol. realmente no... This tag brought to you by: @sar-kalu
5 THINGS YOU’LL FIND IN MY (POCKETS - because bags are stupid)
Scrunched up receipts that I’m to embarassed to refuse from the clerk.
Sometimes I’ll jokingly try to fit an umbrella in my pocket but it usually falls out :(
My glorious computer. PC Gaming Master Race *tips fedora*
Lots of videogames, ps4, 3ds, vita, etc.
My collection of replica swords, including Hadhafang, the keyblade, Sode no Shirayuki...
Lots of different language learning books that I’ve only half studied. I'm still only a beginner at japanese, french, italian, spanish and hebrew...
Notebooks and sketchpads filled with things I’ve drawn but they’re kinda thin because I rip stuff out if I don’t like it.
Release my own videogame :) (maybe soon actually, I’m working on it)
Actually be good at digital painting and have people appreciate my work
Learn several languages so I can never speak them because I’m too shy but I be listening to all of you shady hoes >.>
Fall in love with my best friend whether we’ve known each other for years or not very long.
Finish all of my fanfics (this is probably the most unlikely one XD)
Star Wars: the Old Republic MMO - you cannot drag me away from this but Star Wars in general really
Digital painting
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Terrible internet memes
Patrizio Buanne, he has an amazing voice 
Get my shit together
Throw my shit out
Finish my shit
Figure my shit out
Stop procrastinating XD
I am originally from Moscow and can speak Russian, bit slow at reading and typing it though, my keyboard needs the little stickers for the letters...
I write my fave fanfics when I’m staying at a hotel abroad and then I get back home and don’t know how to finish it
I like driving, in a car. It’s therapeutic and I like to crank up the volume really loud even though you’re not supposed to
I can eat endless amounts of ice-cream. Like I can down a litre in under five minutes, so I never keep any at home. I only get scoops when I go past Gelato Messina
I have the most eclectic taste in music, like I’ll be listening to John Williams and then the shuffle will play I’m a Barbie Girl, followed by Through the Fire and the Flames, followed by Bangarang, followed by A thousand miles, followed by Fur Elise, followed by Land Down Under :)
Alright, who are the unfortunates that I haven’t tagged today >:)
@darth-quax @darthyaoi @tahjan @theronsham @darth-brendol-hux
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