yomiel · 3 years
Think fast! *shoots you with special interest laser set to "Supermental"*
OH SHIT FUCK MY SPECIAL INTEREST okay this ended up WAYYYYYY longer than expected so look under the cut for me rambling about these fellas.
so basically it’s a planned video game about a pair of young thieves who according to the cancelled kickstarter unknowingly steal the very perception of reality. it stars victor “smack” alifraizer, a respected psychic pugilist who can stretch and contort his body as he pleases, and his best friend jackson “pent” pent, a gambling boomerang slinging young man with a fondness for alcohol and video games.
it takes place on the fictional island of nickville square that we don’t know very much about besides that everyone goes by nicknames and it has several interesting features like a volcano, a beach, and a huge building for an unknown “itg corp” but it’s likely these things have no real bearing on the plot
speaking of the plot, aside from the previously stated ‘stealing the perception of reality thing’ we don’t know very much. we Do know a little about the titular artifact, the supermental, an object from another world. it’s said that when completed that to put it simply, it takes thoughts from the user’s mind and makes them into tangible things. though you can’t choose what happens, it just does.
we also know the main antagonist: a mysterious man known as deja. he’s mostly a mystery thus far, all we know is he’s a kind of madman “can’t comprehend his own motive”, “committing to wild actions of his own volition”, and can speak french. the latest promo seemingly shows him killing smack and saying he did so because his “pride demands it”, whatever that means.
we first learned of this whole project when it started to slowly be incorporated into the creator, connor lavery’s, notable youtube series khonjin house. it began with the introduction of pent being split from the titular khonjin, alone in a dark void angrily yelling out to an unseen smack. his appearances are infrequent in the following seasons, popping up a couple times to ask the characters gino and gay spaghetti chef about a mystery person named shelby uavou. at the end of a seemingly normal episode, it’s revealed smack is indeed somewhere in hiding. he doesn’t make himself known except for a letter left to gino, saying that if he wants to be ruled by someone he hates rather than someone who hates him he should give the enclosed supermental piece to khonjin. this all comes to a head in episode 50, where khonjin touches the piece after being tricked by gino. thrust back into the void, the two other main characters of khonjin house are confronted by pent, who disappears gay spaghetti chef and punches gino, who calls for smack to do whatever it is he had planned. then the two thieves confront eachother. pent attempts to use his reality bending powers as he is the one who created the world of khonjin house but to no avail, as now khonjin has the piece. after a brief hostile exchange, pent insisting shelby isn’t dead and that his and smack’s reality doesn’t need him, pent lunges at smack and is promptly frozen by khonjin. he tells smack to leave and he does, taking the still froze pent with him, being the last we see or hear of them or supermental in the lighthearted series
it has since been revealed that pent IS shelby, a deeply closeted trans woman. during the events of khonjin house her very identity was erased from her only leaving a husk of a person who has only very fragmented memories and no sense of self besides what he’s told he’s like
however, in 2018 during a massive overhaul of the channel to remove jokes that would get the channel flagged or just simply didn’t meet the creator’s standards, all of these events were removed without a trace. it’s a little iffy as to why afaik but people have archived the original videos. you can still find little references though like pent’s theme used in the credits for the 10k subscriber special!
there was also an arg/riddle in the final episode of the series (at least final before it started again) given by pent leading to a locked tumblr, uavoulock, but alas it was never solved and most of the clues/references were wiped as the creator was unhappy with how it was going. however, the tumblr was unlocked and was simply an image of an unknown character with a striking similarity to pent, presumably her post transition or her ideal self.
as of right now, supermental is planned to be released in short animated “highlight clips” rather than full episodes or traditional trailers. there are three from around the time of the kickstarter and one from the beginning of this month, with more already storyboarded! anyways wow that took forever sorry about that, if you made it this far ty and good job!
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benysmokeabunt · 4 years
Benrey animals crossing
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he’s a cat...? probably? idk but this fucker will hit you with a bug net and follow you around
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storybookprincess · 3 years
You called my post "big sister advice" in the tags and I'm 🥺🥺🥺 that's such a huge compliment, I look up to my big sister so much
awwww thank you sm!!! i actually have three younger siblings, so when i share advice posts, i v much think along the lines of the “big sister giving loving advice to younger siblings” energy, which is kinda the idea behind the tag 😊😊 and your post was great & definitely fit the bill!!
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heartseeker · 3 years
Twinky arms
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lavenderbirchtrees · 3 years
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hokage · 4 years
Art trademarks: Soft. Lineless. Luscious lips.
if i don’t draw lips that make you wanna kiss them what’s the point  JFKDLJFKLJFD
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fuegoleonvermillion · 4 years
Shut up about Fuegoleon Vermillion
damn. tumblr user fuegoleonvermillion Retired
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caprigender · 4 years
Thank! I’m 3cubed
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liebrenado · 5 years
Your moomin troll designs are so facking good!!! Would love to see your take on fillyjonks and the Groke
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i wasnt certain if you wanted me to draw them troll like but i did go for something more realistic! i hope u like it!!
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Victor From Corpse Bride Commits Adultery!
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yomiel · 3 years
I was gripped this morning with a desire to replay Ghost Trick and I have you to thank
youre welcome and have fun! trick them ghosts
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keatulie · 5 years
The way you draw snufkin like a fat little otter is really good
thank you omg!! hkglf
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grandma-sophie · 5 years
love you!!!!
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rorykillmore · 5 years
toobertpoondert replied to your post: spearitsandmonsters replied to your post: ...
Is she ok
i can’t tell if by ‘she’ you mean me or the diglett but either way the answer is no
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heartseeker · 4 years
Oh you like hades tits now huh? Have you forgotten fuegoleons tits to quickly?
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lavenderbirchtrees · 5 years
Would you draw.....a newt
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