#took off wed with 2 other people for some plans they made so we only had 4 people
duskythesomething · 1 year
love when my grown ass woman of a coworker begs for people to take her shifts all the time :/
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 10 months
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[4:26 pm]
You groaned under your breath grabbing the sticky note with the name of your friend from the board as you moved stuck it to the side. Fiance!Mark shot you a look from the corner of his eye as he did the same with a sticky note that had his cousin’s name on it instead.
“Dude! We had that whole table planned out! Why are you moving him?” You asked, the stress and exhaustion very evident in your voice.
“We can’t sit him at this table because there’s no room for his plus one, and he doesn’t get along with this aunt,” Mark replied pointing to a another sticky note that was right beside the now empty space.
You groaned, running a hand down your face before looking back at the notes you had written off to the side. Who had a plus one, people who didn’t get along, people you wanted close to your table, and those you wanted very far away- out of sight. “Bro, how can you sit these two next to each other? Isn’t she coming with her husband who’s her ex?” Mark asked pointing at two sticky notes that had your friend and cousin’s names written on them.
“Shit dude, I forgot,” you sighed, taking your friend and her husband’s sticky notes and sticking them to the side of the board too. By now the side of the board contained more names of people without seating, than people who currently had seats.
Another few minutes went by of you and Mark putting one sticky note down only to remove it a second later because there was some issue with the seating. “Bro,” Mark groaned, “why did we agree to do this again?”
“The planner doesn’t know the intricacies of these relationships like we do, it’s the only thing we have to do for ourselves Mark,” You sighed in defeat. Wedding planning was stressful to say the very least, even with a wedding planner. There was so much to get done, so much to confirm, people to talk to, appointments to make, adjustments that constantly needed to be made. Luckily, your wedding planner was amazing, but there was still so much both you and Mark had to do, not wanting to be passive in planning your own wedding. This seating chart was proving to be the hardest challenge yet, and Mark took 2 weeks to decide if he wanted chicken or beef for his own entree. You told yourself that this was one of the last things you had to have a huge input in. But it stressed you even more to think about the cake tastings coming up next week- no! Focus, on the seating chart!
Johnny walked through the door and stopped before he greeted you both to catch a very cute, candid picture of the two of you doing your planning. He smiled, the two of you were perfect for each other, he was just over to help and be an extra voice of reason. Mark, had told him that the seating chart was driving you both crazy and he’d appreciate if as best man, Johnny would step in and help a little.
He joined the two of you on the floor with your own respective hugs, before he got into helping you plan out seating arrangements. A few tables up front for your immediate families and any plus ones there, the next few tables for the wedding party and their guests. Then it got messy again with all the extended families and extra friends, and that was just people who had already RSVP’d.
“Bro I’m telling you she wouldn’t get along with him, I don’t want to hear her complain all day. She’ll find a way to put a damper on the day,” you whined.
“But dude, they’re like a match made in heaven. They have the same interests, same personalities-” Mark started.
“Think about it dude, do we really like those personalities? No, we don’t. So why would we want two of the same annoying people together to amplify that annoyingness?” You countered.
Johnny eyed you both with a confused look. He knew who you were both talking about, that wasn’t the problem. Maybe he was just overthinking it.
Eventually the two people got seated at the same table next to people who they might like, but would be more suitable. Then it came down to family drama tables. “Mark, dude come on! You know he can’t stand your aunt. Don’t you remember that time we invited them all over for dinner?” You asked.
“Bro, it’s been 5 years. Don’t you think they’d be over it by now?” Mark asked in reply.
“My uncle still talks about the guy that barely hit his bumper 10 years ago every time I see him. No, he’s not over it.”
“We have nowhere else to put her dude!”
“You guys are weird.” Johnny stated suddenly. You both looked in his direction with confused looks that asked for further explanation. “How is it that we’re sitting here planning the seating for your literal wedding and you’re calling each other dude and bro?”
“Are we not supposed to?” You trailed off, clearly confused.
“People who are in love typically call each other cute pet names like honey, love, or babe. Mark calls you the same thing he calls any other friend,” Johnny explained.
“Yeah but does any other friend have a ring like this? Am I marrying just any other friend? No, I’m not.” Mark stated with purpose.
“Dude,” you drawled out, looking at Mark with big eyes and pouting lips. A look that anyone would have assumed came from Mark passionately confessing his love. You pressed a loud kiss to Mark’s cheek, “I love you.”
“Dude,” Mark blushed, “I- uh I love you too.”
“You guys make me sick. Here, I figured this table out,” Johnny huffed pointing at the table of extended family members.
Your eyes wandered over the the names, thinking about how well they’d get along or if there would be any complaints to handle. You turned to Johnny with a smile, “Dude, you did such a good job!”
“Yeah bro, thanks. Why didn’t we think of this before?” Mark wondered out loud.
“Do you both see what I’m talking about, you shouldn’t be calling me the names you call each other. I don’t get you guys,” Johnny paused as he leaned back on the couch.
You held up a hand, “John, if you keep complaining I won’t order the pizza you were promised and you won’t come to the cake tasting.”
His eyes widened as he mimed a zipper over his lips. Mark threw his head back with a laugh, “That’s my fiancée!”
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Liked by johnny.jpg, leemark, jjaehyun, and 119 others
yourusername someone is trying to hide to avoid wedding duties smh
leemark not hiding… just wondered what our curtains looked like from the other side
johnny.jpg no you were definitely hiding dude
leemark no pizza for you dude
lee_donghyuck not too late to leave him and pick me😘❤️
leemark not happening
yourusername what can you offer me instead?
lee_donghyuck we can eat ice cream together
leemark bro???
yourusername deal
leemark BRO?!!!
ttyonglee have fun love birds🤍
jungwookim when is cake testing again?
yourusername next friday! I’ll text you the details🫶
(a/n: if you’re looking at the ig post on desktop and it’s stacked I’m so sorry idk why desktop hates me)
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klausysworld · 1 year
Any chance of something With Klaus and reader, where reader is worried about how much time Klaus and Cami spend together, but Klaus plus everyone tells her not to worry. It their anniversary and reader is all ready for the night out that Klaus has planned but Klaus doesn’t show and comes home to find reader asleep on their bed still dressed in her gorgeous dress it then he remembers their anniversary.
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You were with Cami
Pt 2
For weeks i had listened to the entire Mikaelson family had been persuading me that Klaus was loyal and would never do anything to harm me.
See he’d been spending the majority of his time with his new friend Camille, i’ve met her a few times and she’s so unbelievably nice. Like she’s polite, smiles, gives her perfect opinions and makes everything laugh. And just to top it off she likes me, decided we should be friends too. We even went out for lunch. She’s lovely. I would want her too. And i hate her for that.
It’s wrong to be mad at her but she must know that she’s some what harming mine and Klaus’s relationship. You can’t be giggling at every little thing he says with your hand on his bicep without knowing that you’re flirting.
One time she kissed his cheek right in front of me, she gave me such a kind smile i would have looked like a dick if i didn’t return it. When i brought it up to Klaus he told me i was being dramatic and needed to ‘calm down’
Somehow i’m not allowed to talk to a single being of the male community but if i get upset over him dancing with a gorgeous blond then i’m being jealous and pathetic. I thought at least Elijah would back me up being the ‘feminist’ he says he is but noooo “Niklaus loves you y/n, you’re imagining things. You’re hid redemption and you can’t be thinking silly things, it will ruin your relationship”
Well bet they weren’t prepared for me storming through the compound in a very expensive body con dress. One i had spent hours choosing so that my own boyfriend or whatever he was meant to be would notice me
See he had asked me to meet him at this restaurant and let me just say it was nice restaurant with a lot of snobs sat in it. Lets imagine the immense embarrassment i felt when i sat waiting at a table for over 4 hours. Thankfully the waiter was sympathetic and felt bad so he gave me some free drinks. I actually ended up having a pretty good chat with him, his fiancé had left him a week before their wedding, i think we both cried a little too much and the people in there did not like us.
Once the place closed i came back to the compound and the second i stepped foot inside it seemed to hit me again. He left me alone, no text, no call, no excuses. I was holding together until the other Mikaelsons came into view and Rebekah just had to mention him
“where’s Nik? i thought you two would’ve been back ages ago”
and i burst into tears. I saw the panic in all their faces as they quickly went to comfort me. Rebekah wrapped her arm around me and Kol took my hand but i shoved both of them off
“no! none of you get to pretend you care anymore, you all knew didn’t you? you knew he was with her, knew he wouldn’t come to be with me because why would he anymore!? And i swear if anyone of you says that i make him a better person i think i might just scream, i am not his redemption and i don’t mean anything to him anymore, your entire family is one big lie, you’re all liars and i hate all of you, i’m staying the night and that’s only because i have drank way too much to be driving but i don’t want any of you saying goodbye because i will be gone by the time you wake up and yes Elijah i know you get up fucking early” half of my words were definitely slurred but i think the message was clear regardless as i made my way upstairs and collapsed on Klaus and i’s bed. The bed that i thought we would both come back to, instead i was cold, alone and drunk.
(third person)
Klaus had just got home to three nervous siblings. Elijah was pacing the length of the living area while Kol chugged his scotch and Rebekah chewed at her once perfectly manicured nails. Klaus narrowed his eyes as they all froze upon his arrival
“who did something stupid?” he asked with a sigh and Kol hesitantly raised his hand
“don’t dagger me but um i think you did…”
“i’d check upstairs if i were you”
and so he did
Klaus turned the light on only to find his love curled up in a beautiful tight dress and a tear stained face. It took him a minute before he finally realised what had happened
“no no no no” he whispered as he lifted her passed out body, the smell of alcohol was strong as he held her in his arms
“oh my love, please forgive me” he uttered as he peppered her face with kisses
“i’m so sorry” he told her despite her unconscious state.
“you look so gorgeous sweetheart, you look like an angel” he whispered rocking her gently
“i’m going to make this all up to you when you wake up, i promise you y/n, i love you so so much” he carefully removed her dress and slipped one of his shirts onto her, he wiped her once flawless makeup off of her face
“i’m so sorry” he repeated continuously while getting her ready, slipping her heels from her feet and taking out her elegantly styled hair before brushing it through and plaiting it for her. He didn’t bother changing his clothes as he got into bed and held her as close to him as he could
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t with you”
“you were with Cami” she tiredly uttered, still pretty much unconscious though that didn’t stop the flow of tears in her sleep. His heart hurt as he heard her broken voice
“i’ll never speak to her again, i’ll never see her again” he promised both her and himself
“i love you” he muttered kissing her lips softly
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heretherebedork · 5 months
To The Last Year...
Well, we went from Absolute Zero to Beyond The Stars this year but that's not to say we aren't in the House of Stars where I Feel You Linger In The Air. We all said Be My Favorite because I'm a Cutie Pie 2 You and want a Dangerous Romance and a chance to Hit Bite Love in our Individual Circumstances while being a Destiny Seeker and Crazy Handsome Rich (we wish). Some people took the chance to Bump Up Business or make a Bed Friend or be Naughty Babe or be Only Friends or even the chance to Sing My Crush and Stay By My Side or even just Stay Still while we took the year Step By Step. But now it's time to look to the Future and say Be Mine Superstar while letting go of our Hidden Agenda and looking for A Shoulder To Cry On and a Happy Merry Ending. We followed all the Laws of Attraction and rode on the Love Tractor and took Love Class (2) and discovered Love In Translation on the way. The Promise that we made over Our Dating Sim left us Star Struck for My Personal Weatherman on The Day I Love You. Everything set off The Eighth Sense while we ate Moonlight Chicken and saw Venus in the Sky when we looked up. We shared Our Dining Table and said Bake Me Please when we felt A Breeze of Love and called out Bon Appetit with the occasional Naked Dining. Some people tried All The Liquors to go with our stories while others just listened to Low Frequency and visited the Midnight Museum or went to Home School with My Dear Gangster Oppa. There was a Tokyo in April as there always is and someone told Our Story (very badly) but we embraced the Dinosaur Love and tied up our Chains of Heart for out One Room Angel. We drank The Luminous Solution and discovered The Middleman's Love. A lot of people said Oh No! Here Comes Trouble and were right but winter kind of forgot about Jack o' Frost this year. There were so many kinds of Love Mate and Fake Love and Friends Forever. But, in the end, I just want to say to everyone here who has ever enjoyed my meta or gifs or jokes... You Are Mine but also Why R U? and feel free to make Wedding Plans but I'll only show up for the food. You might want to Tie The Knot but I've still got Love Syndrome III and there is no cure, not even a Marry Go Round. Just don't say I Cannot Reach You, instead say If It's With You. So cheer Tim Tem Jai and reach out to grab A Boss and A Babe for the party and let's make A Story To Remember again this year! We'll Jun & Jun to our destination and leave behind the Past-senger. And remember you're Kiseki: Dear To Me on every level and this is My Beautiful Man: Eternal on here.
(It's not yet 7 Days Before Valentine but the Cherry Magic is real and we've all got a Cooking Crush or at least a Night Dream and probably even a Last Twilight and we all see The Sign and VIP Only section with our Cooking Crush because we do it For Him, he's the center of My Universe and the best Pit Babe who's ready to be a Playboyy because I Became the Lead In a BL Drama so I could impressed Mr. Sahara and Toki-Kun.)
Anyway, it's been an amazing year of QL with all of you and I love every single tag, cheer, reblog, like and comment and every last one of you. Here's to many more (QLs and years)! You're all amazing people and you made it to the end of 2023!
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
The Royal Ruse 👑
Prince Loki x Asgardian reader
18+ | this fic contains angst, eventual smut, probably some bad language, little bit of a slow burn?
Chapter 2 Next
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“OUCH OUCHHHH OUCH THAT HURT!” You exclaimed, teeth bared as you scowled at Loki.
“You wouldn’t stay still.” He excused, taking a sip of his water.
“I tried to” you argued “I’m not sure if you’re aware but it’s hard to stay still when someone is literally burning through your mind.”
“Don’t be so overdramatic.” Loki huffed, putting his glass back down. “Look y/n, if we’re going to do this, you’ve got to be a little less dramatic okay” he nodded along as if prompting you to agree “and we’re going to have to get along.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing.” You replied, confused.
“Yeahh.” He answered, clearly in disagreement. “Anyways, I should be going” he excused himself, standing up “thank you for the um—the water.”
“Wait, shouldn’t I be coming with you? You said—” you began before he cut you off.
“Yes I know what I said” he dismissed you “your job is to stay put until I come back and bring you to the palace myself. I can’t just show up with you, people will be like who’s that, who is this concubine leaching off of Asgards most handsome prince and eligible bachelor? I’ve got to introduce the fact that I wish to wed first and then they’ll ask to meet you.” He explained.
“The family. And we’ll have a grand dinner, with wine and then they’ll begin the questioning which you’ll prepare for and then you will stay in the palace for the duration of the wedding planning and then the wedding itself of course all the way up until I am crowned king. You can even stay for the coronation” he offered excitedly “and then you get your payment, I get my throne and we part ways. How’s that sound?” He clapped happily.
“Great, the only problem now is having to tolerate eachother until then.” You sighed.
Once Loki left, he began spreading the word of his desire to marry throughout the palace, gaining the attention of both his parents and his brother. Inconsequential conversations turned into substantive ones that related to Loki and his position if he was to wed. He liked the attention. Day in and day out people would ask him questions about his suitor, wondering when they’d be able to meet her. All the attention almost made him want to keep you hidden, he knew that once he introduced you, he’d lose all attention until he was king. Nonetheless, he knew it was time to finally begin.
Hearing a knock at your door, you stood up to open it before gasping at the sight of Loki. You had to restrain yourself before your hand flew up to connect with his cheek; the reminder that he was a prince kept you tame as you pulled him inside, closing the door behind him.
“Where have you been?” You almost shouted at him, hands on hips as you grew angrier and angrier.
“I told you, spreading rumours of our courtship around the palace.” Loki smiled in reminiscence.
“It’s been over a month.” You stressed, raising your voice.
“I am aware of the passage of time y/n” Loki tutted “anyways, are you ready to go?”
“I’ve been ready for over a month.” You exhaled sharply.
“Great.” Loki beamed, rubbing his hands together. “Where are your things?” Silently, you took a few things out of your pockets, presenting them to him. They were your essentials. “I meant your belongings?” He specified.
“I don’t own much.” You spoke.
Looking around, Loki inspected your place again, remembering just how small it was. The lack of space paired with the lack of things which reminded him of his own wealth. Usually he’d gloat about his riches, flaunting them to the other princes of the realms yet in this moment, his wealth only made him feel materialistic, small. Just like the room he was standing in. Your whole world crammed between four walls.
“Nevermind” he smiled “we’ll just get you things once we arrive.” He suggested, guiding you towards the door. “Come along.”
When you followed him outside, you were surprised to see no horses and no carriage. Instead of questioning him, you walked alongside him assuming that the horse drawn carriage would meet you closer to the palace but you were wrong, you ended up walking the whole way. The journey was quiet, only a few words exchanged between you both at a time before a comfortable silence would fall over you. You noticed Loki slowing his steps whenever you’d fall behind, unable to keep up with his strides. The gesture painted him out to be almost compassionate, a trait you hadn’t partnered with him yet. You smiled to yourself wondering what else you’d discover about him during this escapade.
“Are we sneaking in?” You asked once you reached the place, Loki walking in the opposite direction of the entrance.
“No” he lied, causing you to narrow your gaze at him questioningly “fine yes, yes we’re sneaking in, are you always so observant?”
“Why are we sneaking in?” You queried.
“Well I couldn’t possibly present you as you are” he answered, unaware of the insult in his words “I thought it better if you changed first and bathed perhaps.”
“I do bathe.” You seethed.
“Well more thoroughly then.”
“You know, you’re really rude.” You confronted.
“Hey, you’re the one who lives—” he began to defend before you interrupted.
“You know what, maybe this was a bad idea.”
“We didn’t all grow up in a fancy palace. Not all of us are royal and rich and completely oblivious to the world around us.” You protested.
“I apologise” he said almost convincingly “but by doing this you’ll be making a lot of money. Think about your future children, they wouldn’t have to suffer like you have. Plus, once I’m king, I’ll bestow on you a boon that you’ll be able to redeem at any time.” Listening to his words you began to picture your future children, you wouldn’t want them to have to go through what you had to.
“Fine, I’m back in.”
“Great, now, let’s go get you cleaned up shall we.” He smiled before seemingly walking through a bush towards a palace window.
After you and Loki’s rather undignified entrance, you were finally inside, your excitement alight as your eyes scanned all the walls.
“These are my chambers.” Loki spoke, presenting his rooms as you gasped, eyes darting around the grandiose decor. Loki tried to bite down his smile as he observed your fascination with everything including the floor.
“Wow wow wow, it’s hugeee.” You beamed.
“That’s not the first time I’ve heard that.” He jested to himself before growing concerned as you stood still, face falling a little. “What is it?”
“This is real” you uttered “this is real. I’m standing in the royal palace” you continued, a stray tear rolling down your cheek at the realisation.
“Y/n?” Loki tried to comfort.
“No, no I’m fine I just— I wish my parents could see me.” You smiled sadly, Loki taken a little aback by your sentiment.
“Well I’m sure they’re looking down on you from where they are.” He offered, tapping your shoulder awkwardly before he showed you to the washroom, showing you how to draw a bath whilst also explaining that it’s something you’ll never need to do as you’ll have chambermaids for that. Before you got into the bath, Loki excused himself.
Sinking beneath the hot water, you let it wash over your skin, soothing all of your aches, pains and worries. From now on, you knew things would be different.
Once you were finished, you wrapped yourself in a towel Loki had left out before you entered his room again to be met with a gift box on the bed and no sign of Loki. You approached it, picking up the note.
For you. P.S. Try to make some noise whilst you’re in there, chambermaids love gathering outside my room and listening in. If they hear you they’ll no doubt run to my parents and then they’ll demand to meet you at once.
Smiling to yourself, you put the note back down before lifting the lid of the box, smile widening at the sight of the beautiful dress inside. You took it out before changing into it. Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you already looked different, better. Strangely, you found yourself a little excited knowing that Loki was going to see you in it. You wondered what he’d think.
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Lokis reaction
@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @xorpsbane @sailorholly @anukulee @yukio369 @12-pm-510 @lovelysizzlingbluebird @bunny24sstuff @thenotoriouserg @newtomofgods @simping-for-marvel @a-daughter-of-poseidon @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration
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chaotictarlos · 5 months
tarlos fics by chaotictarlos
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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I know a lot of people are doing a rewatch soon so I thought I'd make a masterlist of my fics by season. These are only fics that go with episodes. If you want to read my other Tarlos fics you can check out my ao3: happygowriting
Season 1
the night we met || TK has finally said yes to being his boyfriend, to trying out the whole relationship thing ago. However, his happiness is short lived when he gets news about someone from his past.
Season 2
Mine || TK flirts with a bartender and Carlos takes him home to show him who’s boss.
Unprofessional || The morning before TK became Carlos’ “friend from work”.
Season 3
I'll be missing you || It’s been months since they’ve seen each other but the holidays have TK feeling lonely and needing Carlos. Even as he tries not to, he craves his touch and company.
back to you || 107 days since he had felt Carlos’s arms wrapped around him and it killed him every day he went without it. He missed the smell of Carlos’ cologne and how it always lingered after they hugged. He missed the feeling of Carlos kissing him awake, the way “good morning” always sounded extra special when it was coming from a sleep Carlos. He missed the way Carlos would make him feel safe and secure after a bad call. The way Carlos would look at him, soft eyes seeing right through him. But most of all he missed how he felt when he was with Carlos and how the world was made of colors again. Because without Carlos everything was gray and TK was just barely hanging on.
the one I want || TK gets Carlos to take his shirt off.
be okay || Carlos hears that there was a shooting with the 126 involved but doesn’t know TK’s okay
down to clown || TK makes it up to Carlos for bringing home a lizard.
A thousand times yes || TK and Carlos celebrate their engagement.
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces || An exploration of emotions. The Breakup Era from Carlos' POV
Season 4
where do we go from here? - TK POV Coda || TK finds out Carlos' secret and they talk about it
how did we (i) get here? - Carlos Begins || A look at Carlos, from when he was younger to present. Or, in which I meant to write a Carlos POV Coda and wrote a Carlos begins and so much more.
And in your hands, is all of me - the parts I never let you have - Carlos POV Coda || Carlos has a secret he needs to tell TK, and it's killing him to get it out. Sequel to how did we (i) get here? Carlos POV coda to 4 x 01
All Night Long || TK has some feelings about seeing Carlos in plaid.
Waiting up for you || After the 126 gang goes home, TK waits up for Carlos who never comes home.
do you still want me like i want you? || TK can't get Carlos words out of his head. He can't help but feel maybe this is all a mistake and that Carlos is regretting saying yes to him.
"It's yours" || “TK,” he says softly. The two syllables of his name falling from Carlos’ lips is enough to get TK to move his feet and push into the room. Carlos reaches out and TK immediately grabs onto his hand, clinging to it desperately. When he feels Carlos’ warm skin under his, he lets out a sigh, his body relaxing.
Let me be your shoulder || Carlos struggles to let TK help.
beneath your hands, i come apart || TK gets his dessert and shows Carlos how much he loves him.
in the quiet with you || “We had the craziest call tonight,” TK says as he sets the table for dinner, freshly clean from his shower. “What was it about?” Carlos asks where he’s finishing up at the stove, dinner almost ready. “This man came in with his wife on a refrigerator dolly, hanging upside down, claiming that if she’s not upside down then she dies.” TK chuckles slightly, still amazed at the memory, setting out the various sauces and toppings for the tacos that Carlos has made.
you're all i need || TK and Carlos finally get a night to themselves to reconnect and relax after some hectic wedding planning.
these moments with you || A soft moment between TK and Carlos
off duty || Carlos is at home when he hears about an ambulance exploding.
after gala fun || Carlos and TK have some fun after the gala
Dreamy Officer Reyes and his Nincompoop || Carlos and TK have some roleplay fun.
A future without you is no future at all || Carlos and TK talk again later that night about kids and Carlos tells TK more about the fears that he has.
Lost in You || TK comes home making wife jokes and Carlos reminds him who he belongs to.
Pudding Punishment || Carlos faces some fun consequences to stealing the pudding.
after work conversations || Carlos ices TK's face while they talk about their day.
in sickness and in health || All Carlos has ever wanted is to love TK and live a life by his side, now that's threatened by yet another thing that he can't control.
Words left unsaid || Carlos deals with his grief after his father's funeral
Vacation Eyes || TK and Carlos start their honeymoon.
The Loft || TK and Carlos decide that they're going to stay home for their honeymoon instead of going someplace else.
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Hello! I was kinda wondering if you could do another space arc ask for 2012 boys please? Where while they're in space they crash land on a planet and are taken to the king as prisoners and he has to decide on what to do with them. So he chooses certain turtle to stay by his side to see if they the guys are a threat or not. So while in private the king or rather reader reveals he doesn't want to be king anymore and kinda begs the turtles to sneak him off the planet since he's around they're age.
A/n:see yall this was the request that two people wanted it was kinda funny. Thank you for requesting
Summary:you getting forced to get married and become king before your ready but lucky the turtles pop up and people at first think their a threat but decided they aren't so you ask them to help you
Type:scenario:Turtles & male reader
So you recently just got told you'd be king and married by next week. And that's a lot because not only do you have to get married but you also have to become king. Your only 16! Your not ready for this but luckily for you four turtls landed on the planet. They might be your savior. While the guards were searching them your dad and mom walked up to you.
You looked over at your dad.
"Yes father"
You tried to be formal but it wasn't really rour thing.
"Since your gonna become king soon your gonna take these turtles and decide if their a threat or not"
"WHAT! I-"
"Don't rise your voice at your father!"
Your mother angrily yelled at you.
"It is a responsibility of a king to protect his kingdom"
You were silent but nodded yes knowing you don't have a choice.
"Guards! Take them to the dungeon so y/n can make sure their a threat or not"
While the guards took the turtles to the dungeon the one wearing red was thrashing around and yelling at them. The others didn't try and resist but a sad look from the one wearing orange. You watched them get takened away sadly.
"Don't disappoint me, son"
Your dad said with a rough grip on your shoulder. He didn't like when you disappointed him and you didn't want to but your not becoming next king. So you made a plan. When you were sent down to talk to the turtles you decided to get them on your side and help you off this planet. Goodbye random princess and goodbye leadership. You made your way down to their cells and asked the guards to leave. When you were certain they left you looked towards the turtles with relief.
"Look I'm gonna make this easy, I need your help and you need mine. I can get you got of here but you got to help me"
"And why should we, your 'guards' threw us down here"
"It was either that or execution"
The one wearing red went silent.
"Why do you need out help?"
You looked towards the one wearing purple.
"I need you guys to get me off this planet, I'm being forced to marry some princess I don't know and becoming king"
Purple nodded.
"How would we be able to help you though?"
Orange was leaning on the front of the cell clearing wanting out.
"Well I just need you guys to crash my wedding that's in a week and get me off this planet, then we'll never need to see eachother again I just need to get off this planet"
"Sounds easy enough"
You looked at the blue one who was bunking with the red one. The red one looked at him stunned.
"We can't trust this thing we just met him!"
"Got a better idea. Raph"
The red one went quiet again
"I'm Michelangelo but you can call me mikey"
You smiled at mikey since he seemed to actually like you there.
"I'm Donatello but everyone calls be donnie"
"I'm Leonardo and please call me leo"
You nodded.
"And I'm y/n"
Guards came down to the dungeon to tell you that you have 3 minutes left to talk.you signed and nodded groaning in the process. When they walked up stairs and looked back at the turtles.
"Okay do I'll be back down tomorrow to explain the plan and sleep tight this week isn't gonna be fun"
And with that you walked upstairs instead of trying to explain in less then 2 minutes. For the next three days they had hard Tirals and a lot of thinking. You guys were over the pain multiple times and made sure that it was perfect, ideas were added, you got closer to the turtles and you were feeling confident. When the day came for the wedding younahd unlocked the cells but had it at a way that it wouldn't look open. When it was time the plan was set, and it worked. They crashed the wedding and took you. They ran to a space ship to bet off the planet. You didn't know if it was theirs or not but it worked. They all signed as the left orbit of your planet.
"I can't thank you enough guys like I've been dreaming of this for such along time you don't know how much they means to me"
You were extremely happy that they helped and they were glad you didn't betray them.
"Your welcome"
"And we were thinking since your a now runaway prince would you pike pike stick with us?"
"It's alot easier"
Donnie didn't say anything he was to focused on driving the ship.
"Yeah that would be nice, I'll join you guys"
And with that you stuck with the turtles.
A/n:dang I really just posted like 4 maybe 5 posts I'm proud of myself. I hope you enjoyed
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(Lana's POV)
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We're engaged! Parker proposed on a wonderful night in Myshuno Meadows park. It was such a surprise to me because I genuinely thought I'd be able to tell when it happened, so for me to be surprised is just another cherry on top of the happiness sundae!
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We had plans to head to San Myshuno for this conference on relationships that Reece & Stacie's church was hosting in the city, at the time time my parents got an invite from some family friends to visit, so I flew in with them and my sister . Parker's parents were invited to speak at the conference, so them being in the city wasn't a surprise to me either. The conference was definitely a blessing, who would've thought that I'd be able to apply the notes I was making in the not so distant future!
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Maggie, Shane, Reece, and Stacie also all attended the conference with us, so it was a great bonding session for us all. I feel so blessed that Parker's sisters and sisters-in-law have taken me in and treated me like family since we met, and now we're going to actually be family soon! After the conference was over we went for a large family dinner the next day since we had a long weekend, after dinner Parker and I branched off with the siblings and we headed out and got some hot chocolate and nice winter desserts as it started to slowly start snowing. Maggie suggested we go into the park and appreciate the nice view with the snow and maybe get some pictures, and as we were walking the boys headed off towards the park whilst us girls got caught up taking pictures.
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As the girls and I walked into the park and got into the area by the gazebo, Maggie and Stacie both told me I had to wear a blindfold for what would happen next. I went along with it and started walking and reach what I know to be the gazebo that's in the park. When at the gazebo the blindfold is taken off of me and replaced with Parker's hand and we walk further down - at this point I knew that the proposal was happening but didn't want to believe it. As we were walking, Parker was reminding me of our conversations about the future and what my 'dream' proposal would be like, and as I was agreeing is when he lifted his hand off my face and I saw the ring and all the decor!
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In that moment, time stood still as Parker began quoting "I have found the one whom my soul loveth" and got on one knee and asked me if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It was all so surreal, I don't think I said yes for a good 2 or 3 minutes until Parker asked me again. It was only after he put the ring on that I zoned back in and realised that Maggie was photographing the whole thing and our parents and siblings (well, my sister and then some of Parker's) were just outside the gazebo waiting to celebrate with us! Parker made my dream proposal come true, outside with the snow falling and our families surrounding us.
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Our mamas were the first people onto the gazebo to celebrate with us, and they took this cute picture with us. They started planning the wedding as we stood in the gazebo! It's such a blessing that we have such wonderful parents, Parker is the 11th of his parent's children to get married and his mother is still overjoyed with each engagement and wedding that comes in to the family. My mama has been praying for this moment her entire life, and is rejoicing now that it's coming true for her.
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My parents love Parker to bits from the moment they got to meet him, he fits right in with us. Before we started dating, my parents decided to upgrade our 4 person dining table to a 6 person one, what incredibly forward thinking. Parker fits right in at family dinners, and is like the son my parents never had, when he comes to visit sometimes my dad will take him out with other guys from church and they'll do different activities from time to time. Out in Oasis Springs the desert doesn't provide you with much recreational activity, but they still found a way to bond.
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Parker's parents, siblings and their spouses have made me feel so welcomed into their family. From inviting me to whole family events, to his sisters and sisters-in-law inviting me out with them, as well as inviting me, my mama, and my sister out to different outings and events. I can't wait to officially join the family and be Mrs.Collins! Let the wedding planning begin!
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gay-otlc · 11 months
Roisin's Reading Rumble: Round 2
@camelspit @arson-anarchy-death
Brant playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2esYP1SdGXt54qMk9AgH9I?si=969c4f77e25b4493
Lyric explanations under cut
House On Fire by Rise Against
I thought that we would build this together But everything I touch just seems to break
From the time Brant and Jolie were young, and met in a pet store, they were in love. They expected to have a future together, and desperately wanted to be on each other's match lists against the odds. Even when they were labeled a bad match, they were planning a wedding. Clearly, they planned to build a life together.
However, Brant's rage at the system that hurt him, and at Jolie for choosing the Black Swan over the Neverseen, led to him destroying her and the future they'd planned.
So I'll just hold you like a hand grenade You touch me like a razor blade I wish there was some other way right now, oh oh Like a house on fire we're up in flames I'd burn here if that's what it takes To let you know I won't let go of you, oh oh
Even though Brant killed Jolie, he loved her to the end. In their case, they had a literal house on fire- the fire that Brant set after his fight with Jolie. However, this works in a metaphorical sense as well. The two of them were a bad match in a world that hated bad matches, and two people on opposite sides of a war. Their love was doomed, and it was inevitable that it would go up in flames, but they tried regardless, right up until they couldn't.
As Brant killed Jolie, despite his anger with her, he stayed by her side. He refused to let go of her, staying in the fire and suffering severe burns.
How is it a thing That we just wanna hurt each other I'm waiting out the rain 'Cause life is gonna rain forever Someday you will learn That all I ever did was for you And I would do it all again I would do it all again
The tragedy of their story is that Jolie loved and trusted Brant, and he hurt her. He killed her. Still, he never stopped loving her. Violent as his actions may have been, he did them because he loved Jolie, in his own misguided way. Joining the Neverseen, trying to burn down the system that hurt them- that was for Jolie. After he killed her, he continued to work with the Neverseen. He regretted killing her, but he didn't regret doing whatever it took to fight for a life together.
Freak Like Me by Transviolet
'Is there anybody out there? Hello can you hear me? Or am I just screaming to the void? I'm not looking for a savior I just need somebody Telling me I'm not in this alone
Ever since he manifested, Brant has been demonized by the Lost Cities for being a Pyrokinetic. The world called him a monster, even before he did anything wrong. He felt alone and scared, with an ability he didn't know how to control and a world that would hate him if they knew the truth.
This is where Fintan comes in. Brant felt rejected by everyone, or knew he would be rejected if they found out he was a pyrokinetic. However, Fintan helped to mentor Brant, taught him to control his ability, and showed him that he wasn't alone. Even though Fintan hurt a lot of people, and encouraged Brant to hurt people by joining the Neverseen, he was the only person to know what Brant was and still treat him with kindness.
Is there anybody out there? Are you a freak like me? Getting kicked out somewhere Are you a freak like me?
Fintan got kicked off of the Council after pyrokinesis was made illegal, and Brant was abandoned by his parents after he manifested. Even his parents, who were meant to love him unconditionally, treated him like a freak for his ability. Brant felt alone and rejected, but Fintan was there for him; another "freak," willing to support him when no one else would.
You don't gotta walk that way alone Fuck this place We don't gotta go back there
Once Brant has Fintan on his side, and is no longer alone, the two of them work together to fight back against the world that treated them like freaks. Instead of accepting the way they're treated and assimilating into the Lost Cities, denying who they are and their craving for fire, they say "fuck this place" and join with the Neverseen, trying to destroy the system that hurt them.
Duality by Set It Off
I can't quite contain or explain my evil ways Or explain why I'm not sane All I can say is this is your warning
The Lost Cities labeled Brant as evil, a criminal, simply on the basis of his ability. They labeled him a monster, and he could do nothing to make them view his otherwise, so he chose to become the monster they called him. His actions took a toll on his sanity; his mind didn't break from the guilt, but he was described as not quite stable. Because of the way the Lost Cities harmed him, he chose to harm them back.
I have a confession that you will not believe That you could not perceive this freak, gonna set it off I have a confession, of a side that I hide
For a long time, Brant had to hide his ability, and had to hide who he was. Eventually, he grew tired of hiding and lived openly as a pyrokinetic. Let them call him a freak; he wasn't going to deny himself anymore.
I am good, I am evil I am solace, I am chaos I am human, and that's all I've ever wanted to be
At the start of his journey, Brant was a good person. As a child, he reached out to Jolie and agreed to share the pet he desperately wanted, sacrificing some of his time with it. He cared about her deeply, trying to make her happy and sending her love letters when they were separated.
Despite how good he was at the start, his rage at being rejected by the world took over eventually, and he became evil. He killed the love of his life, joined the Neverseen, kidnapped and tortured Sophie. He provided solace for Jolie, when they were younger, but he also brought chaos and destruction to the Lost Cities.
All he wanted was to be treated as equal. The Lost Cities treated him as not quite a human elf because of who he was. He was denied the education he wanted, denied the right to marry the person he loved. When he was still just a child who wanted to be worthy of the treatment everyone else got, the world dehumanized (de-elvinized?) him.
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c0venants · 1 year
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🌷 took a little break from the internet. it was so nice! touching grass...breathing fresh air....i finally felt like i wasn’t going crazy (and not constantly angry because of the news and other social media stuff) i’m trying to break the habit of visiting websites and forums that make me feel upset or angry because i found myself kind of addicted to it, oddly enough?? i’m just trying to live a comfy life and i can’t do it if constantly seek out things that will make me upset ╯︿╰
🌻 i feel bad because i left some of my friends/servers hanging....i promise i will message you guys back soon-ish...i’m just trying to get out of my girl-rotting era (┬┬﹏┬┬)
🌺 i made the decision to take out my septum piercing for good. it feels a little weird, i’ve had it for so long but i feel like i’ve outgrown it. i haven’t worn it down in a really long time...and i don’t know, it just didn’t feel like me anymore? i don’t know if that makes any sense. i still want to get my industrial done, and my tragus & conch re-pierced but i have the hardest time healing cartilage.
🌹 i did lots of stuff on my break. cleaning and organizing, went out to dinner at a fancy italian place, took my mama to a beachside brunch place, lots of walks downtown, saw some live music, went to a wedding...wrote 9k words of OC smooshing 😋💞 i might write in more detail on my personal website diary when i get around to it.  though honestly, my motivation for working on it kind of died because of 2 things:
Imgur planning to remove ALL uploads not associated with an account (I think they have already done it? Idk.) I hate having 1000 accounts for different websites, so the appeal of Imgur for me was having stable uploads without needing to sign in BUT they sold the company or w/e and the policies are changing. Which means...most, if not all the images/links on my website will be BROKEN!!!!! it makes me so sad because i have so much stuff on there. i downloaded my site so i can have a reference to work on when i attempt to swap out the image links and uploads but it’s very daunting and it makes me kind of sad HAHA
Moving to my own host. While I didn’t like a lot of the social aspects of Neocities, it was nice seeing an update feed of my friends / moots / etc. I guess it was also more motivating to know that people actively checked out my stuff. Will I do the Walk of Shame back to NC? Probably not. I really dislike the fearmongering and drama-starting side of that place. I’m too old for all that.
Buuuuut, I am the kind of person who gets really obsessed with a hobby for a while only to drop it completely for something else. Rinse and repeat. Right now I’m really into collecting stickers and beadwork but I’m sure it’ll change in a couple months LOL. I’ve been thinking on and off about just...deleting or abandoning the whole thing but I think I’ll wait so I don’t do anything I regret.
my sister is coming to town at the end of this week! i can’t wait. next week we will be taking a family trip to the condo 💞 i’ll be off work and will probably take another internet break!! i’m going to try and take some photos and just enjoy myself 🌷
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dil-ibaadat · 2 years
Excited for more Dowry!
Just wanted to applaud you regarding your ask about emmys - I am shocked so many people are disappointed, unfortunately I think romance isn’t a valued genre, and despite how much I think JB should have got a nomination, it was obvious to me that they wouldn’t.
Also, people forget that when S1 got all those nominations, hardly any TV had been released that year, and there was less competition. It’s a popular show for ratings but it’s never going to sweep the awards.
Also regarding JB getting this new part (which I cannot wait for), again we knew they would have less screentime in S3, he is coming back and I’m sure they have planned around it, and also less screentime means it’s less likely there will be drama for them which has been my biggest worry.
Plus, if the actors are able to work on other projects while also being in Bridgerton, surely they will be around for longer? Because they can do both and don’t need to pledge their soul to Shonda for eternity.
And as you say about fanfiction - I’ve read some great fanfic that has included Simon in S2 which we wouldn’t have for if he had been in the show. We can just let our imagination floooowww
i completely agree!
regarding s1's emmy nominations, i do think s1 in general had a better-crafted story and a fresh take on a woman's agency in a very traditional and staid era. romance as a genre, especially in the regency, basically invented the concept of unresolved sexual tension as a way to build romantic conflict without actually having to refer to sex or physicality in any real way. bickering and banter replaced physical touch and simulated the sexual intimacy people longed for in these dramas.
bridgerton's season 1 flipped that script by showing what happens after the happily-ever-after on screen in a very explicit way and also raised the little-thought-of issue of women not having adequate sexual education. it's mindblowing to me that a girl such as daphne would get married at 18 and enter her wedding night with zero knowledge of what was going to happen to her. i also appreciated how they depicted pregnancy as a legitimately terrifying thing for women to go through and how many women (like eloise) were afraid of it. historically, media and society have rarely talked about these kinds of anxieties primarily to ensure that women were not put off by the idea of marriage and sex. these were important issues the show raised, and some of them struck a chord.
while i think season 1 made a grave error in following the book plotline of sexual assault and not addressing it in a more nuanced way, the overall story in season 1 was cohesive and focused on one thing: the lack of agency women had in society and how they were the only ones who could help and understand each other in such an oppressive atmosphere. this is shown by daphne's marital issues, marina's unplanned pregnancy, violet's struggle to assert herself against anthony, and even penelope and eloise's varying attempts to establish themselves independent of the role society had trapped them in. and all of these plotlines were connected to each other, in at the very least a tangential way. i was not that interested in saphne, but overall, season 1 was somewhat engaging and poignant, even if there were no characters i fell in love with or majorly rooted for. i understand how it garnered a nomination for outstanding lead drama (although, as you pointed out, it was definitely helped by the weak showing that year because of COVID).
season 2 on the contrary kind of lost the plot and had no cohesive storyline. all i took away at the end was that there was a love triangle because anthony proposed to the wrong sister (but don't worry, he figured it out in the end!), penelope became progressively meaner as lady whistledown and still nursed a major crush on colin, and the featheringtons were broke and had resorted to white collar fraud to keep themselves afloat. these are three different stories. none of them have any real connection to each other. it was like watching three movies broken into chunks and layered over each other. i'd only bought the ticket to see one of them. it was ill-paced, disjointed, and exhausting to watch. thank god for the chemistry between the leads and their excellent performances or i'd've checked out long ago.
re: your other points, i think we all knew next season would be polin-focused and that kanthony would have a role not unlike daphne's in s2. that's OK! as long as they're happy and content, i'm happy. i don't need the show for content, i have fanfic for that. i'm good, :DD.
oooh, simon in s2 would have been quite interesting. now you've got me thinking about him and daphne interacting with kate... hmmm...
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OMG I -need- to hear about "Five Times Ben and Polly Got Married (and the One Time They Didn't)"?!
Of course!
This is a fic that very much does what it says on the tin - it's a 5+1 fic where Ben and Polly get married a bunch of times and in various different situations. The big difference about this fic is that I've set it in my Chaos Family AU, which is an AU where all of the Second Doctor's companions travel together in the TARDIS at the same time. So each wedding coincides with a new addition to the TARDIS team. Wedding 1 is when they're just travelling with the First Doctor, wedding 2 is when they're travelling with the Second, wedding 3 is after Jamie joins the crew, wedding 4 is after Victoria's joined them, and wedding 5 is after Zoe's come onboard. There's no real reason why this fic is set in this AU, I just like it!
I started writing this fic almost a year ago and I only made it about three pages in. But that doesn't mean it won't ever see the light of day! Here's a wee snippet <3
“Y’know, duchess, there’s only one thing that’s gonna get us out of here,” Ben said eventually, finally looking up from the ground to meet her eyes.
Polly’s eyes lit up. “Really? What?”
“Ain’t it obvious? I’m a guy, you’re a girl…”
Realisation dawned on her like a tonne of bricks. “Oh, no! I can’t marry you!”
“Why not? I’m not so bad.” A stupid grin lit up his face. “Some people think I’m quite good, actually.”
“But- but we hardly know each other!” Polly protested. “It wouldn’t be proper!”
“You’d rather stay down here for the rest of your life?” Ben asked, folding his arms across his chest.
“Well, no, but…” Polly bit her lip as she thought. She’d been one of those girls who’d been planning her wedding from the moment she learned what a wedding was, so to give all that up just to marry someone she barely knew to get out of prison on a planet she didn’t understand… It was too terrible. “I know - we’ll wait for the Doctor. He’ll get us out.”
Ben scoffed. “That old geezer never wanted us on his ship in the first place. He’s probably scarpered by now, glad to see the back of us.”
“Oh, don’t say that! That’s too horrible!” Polly cried, and she slapped her hands against the sides of her head. “He wouldn’t just leave us here! He’s got a responsibility to us!”
“Does he? Last time I checked we just wandered into his ship uninvited. He didn’t ask for us to be here,” Ben said. “Come on, Polly. Let’s get hitched so we can get out of here, and then we can get the first spaceship to planet divorce.”
Polly rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no such thing as ‘planet divorce’.”
“That you know of,” Ben said, his tone conspiratorial. Polly stared at him for a moment, blinking in incredulity, and then, against all odds, she burst out laughing. Ben frowned. “What’s so funny?”
Polly took some deep breaths to calm herself, but she couldn’t quite stop her giggling. “Oh, goodness, I don’t even know! This whole thing! It’s just so silly! And then you have to top it off with- with planet divorce!”
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am back in my own bed and I am not so dizzy anymore. Last night was a little rough. I was dizzy for hours and then eventually James came and laid in bed with me and we hung out for a while. I had a snack and that help and I fell asleep. I woke up in a much better mood. I wasn't even in a bad mood. I was in a great mood I just was very busy. But I felt good when I woke up this morning.
I was the last one awake again. I was awake earlier than the day before but that's okay. I jump ring into activity with everyone else. We were making as many eggs as we could because Jess did not want to take them out. And we were all hanging out and it was really nice. It was raining today and so we didn't go to the playground like Dante wanted. And I felt bad about that but honestly I think we had such a good time nobody really was caring. We were just having fun together. Playing music and watching videos and other sports on the tv. People are cooking and cleaning and packing up. And once the tables were clear we got ready to record James's podcast.
And it was fun but it wasn't as active as I would think I would have expected. I think they should have only been able to ask us as Colin people. Basically it was a game show and the three of them, James, Xavier, and Diaz, were asked questions and then we're able to have lifelines if they didn't know the answer. I answered one but only as a hint. Jeff answered one. And gave answered one. And that was fun and it was interesting listening to them. Me and Jeff just kind of kept our heads together and watch tiktoks quietly. And then we were on the wedding app that I have checking things off to see what we've accomplished. And I sent some emails out to a couple people who haven't responded.
Overall though it was a really great morning. But once the podcast was done James got up got right back to cooking to make us tacos for lunch. Honestly for me it was too close to one we just ate breakfast to really want to eat much. But I had two little tacos and they were very good. Then it was packing and making sure that nothing was left behind. The boys took forever to pack up their stuff. I checked up on all the rooms and everyone at the top floor where I was was packed up. Jess and the boys who slept on the couches were done packing up as much as they could with all of the blankets being everywhere. They folded them at least. But then I went down to the first floor where two of the boys were sleeping and their stuff was still on the ground. It was next to their bags but it was not in their bags. So I went to living room and I asked everyone how's your room how's your room how's your room. And the boys that were downstairs were like oh yeah we're packed up and I know you're not, liars! And they were like why did you ask us a question you knew the answer to? And I was just like I was waiting for you to tell the truth.
But with a whole lot of work everything was packed up and cleaned and the fridge was emptied and we were pretty much done by 2:00. There was a lot of up and down the stairs because we were just taking a few things at a time. And it was raining. But I didn't mind it. The house got very warm and so I was glad to be outside even if I was getting a little damp. I'm very glad that I brought my boots and a little jacket.
Honestly me and Jess were talking about us we did a great job packing. We maybe got a little bit too much food but we brought just the right amount of clothes and underwear and everything else. And that was great. It's always nice when you use everything that you brought with you.
We made the plan to go to an antique mall this afternoon. Two of the boys decided they just wanted to go home and so they left after saying goodbye and we all packed up in the cars to go on our antique Mall adventure.
and it was so fun. This place was giant. It was three buildings all connected together. Like Warehouse style buildings. We were there for 2 hours. And honestly it was pretty overwhelming. One of the boys got two overwhelmed and went across the street to go to the comic book shop. And after James spent up to their budget they would join them as well. Dante and Diaz were running around buying so many things. And Jess, Callie, and me we're just kind of wandering and finding really fun stuff.
Callie got a vase that from the botanical gardens that she already collects pieces for. And just got a kitty cat bracelet that's silver that I found for her and two glass pieces of candy. I got myself two little cold bracelets. One is a Cuban chain that I accidentally got stuck on my wrist. And when I brought it home tonight I attached it to another chunky brace that I have and now I have a cool little collar situation. Almost like a choker. And then I got a framed print of a painting that I enjoy. I forget the name of the painting but it has a farmer and his wife and she's sitting in the field breastfeeding. It's from the 1800s and I just think it's like a really lovely seed. I also got some presents for other people. And I just had a really good time. A lot of stuff for not a lot of money. Honestly I would love to go to that one again but there's always other places.
That's the fun of it.
When we finally were wrapping up there, we all used to the bathroom and stood around in the parking lot waiting for everyone to be done paying and everything else they needed to do. And then it was hugs all around. Not they had walked over to get coffee and the boys came back from the comic book shop. We also goodbye and got back into our cars to go to our different cities.
Because me, James, and Callie add almost a 4-Hour drive we went to Starbucks first to get something. But it turned out it was a Starbucks inside of a grocery store. Brandon was behind us and he came inside as well. I'm not sure if he got a snack but James and Callie did and I got a vanilla and peppermint ice milk because their blender was broken but honestly I enjoyed that more then if it was a frappichino.
The drive was nice but very rainy. Sometimes to rainy. But I loved seeing the mountains and we listen to a podcast and it was really nice. We all kind of just chilled and look at the scenery. We actually chatted a little bit more than we had on the drive-in but I think we were all just tired and we would stop for Burger King to get something to eat and then it was just hours till we got home.
Just let me know when they got back and that was good. I haven't heard but I'm assuming the boys all got home okay too. Brandon would follow us for a little while but he is actually in our apartment right now because him and James are watching the new game of thrones. But before we got home we dropped Callie off at her home. I got to meet her parents for the first time. And pet her dog. And then me and James got back here.
We brought everything inside and I unpacked a good amount of it but the living room stresses me out right now because we have so much wedding stuff and things that are displaced. I was able to put all the kitchen stuff back and that helped a little bit. And sweet pea has been so nice since we got home. We even came home to a gift off of our registry and that was very exciting. It's a printer for your phone that prints on polaroids. I've always wanted one of those. And this is a nice one.
Brandon came over and I went to take a bath. I washed my hair and I feel very clean and it's nice. And now me and sweet pea are laying in bed. We have the AC on and that's good because it's very humid. I don't know how much it rained here but it is heavy in the air. I hope that that calms down a little bit tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done.
Specifically we are going on our wedding walk through tomorrow with the caterer and David at the venue. And I have a million questions and I'm really hoping that everything is answered and goes really smoothly. Because I am nervous. But that's not till later in the afternoon so I'm hoping that we can get a lot done before that. Not even a lot just some. It's 33 days until the wedding. That is crazy to me. One month.
But now I need to go to sleep. I've had a really lovely day. I got to have so many laughs with James in the car. And I just feel really happy and grateful for the friends that I have. I hope that everyone has a great night tonight. Take care of each other. Be safe. Good night.
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justsokaela · 3 months
Slow Saturdays…
I’m left work early during my lunch yesterday because I was feeling so shitty. I only missed out on 2.25 hours, and it was so slow being a Friday during Spring Break, and half our crews took the week off, so it’s not like I missed anything important.
I laid down, didn’t really sleep though. I would close my eyes, play on my phone, make my headache worse and close my eyes some more, pet my dog…
My boyfriend still came up, and he offered to pick up food on the way in, so he brought me some chicken pasta and vegetable soup from the local Italian restaurant near my parents’ house. They messed up his buffalo chicken wrap order though, which made me feel guilty. So I warmed up some of the leftover Italian Wedding soup my dad had recently made too many tubs worth of, and sent him home today with his leftovers and the rest of the soup from that Tub.
I took a short nap after he left, window shopping online for nothing in particular, but thinking abour how I’ll need to update my wardrobe and secure pieces appropriate and comfortable for me to work in and still feel like I’m expressing my whimsical weird self…next paycheck, I’ll put down on a couple items from the thrift store. Thrifting is better anyways!
I discussed my career plans with my parents, about how I am hesitant to accept a job in a law firm that I might get offered as a legal assistant, which is great for me because:
1) I have a paralegal certificate, I should use it.
2) my ultimate goal is to be a law librarian at a university law school someday - law firm experience is obviously useful for this.
3) it pays 3$ more per hour than my current job
4) Still has good benefits
5) is a large firm in our region that covers a lot of different branches of law, which is good for building a well-rounded set of skills in the position
6) after a few months, a hybrid remote schedule is possible, which is pretty cool
7) working in a firm can help build connections and network for my future law school plans
On the other hand:
1) my current job has incredibly good work-life balance. Following an academic calendar gives us more breaks or slow-periods, I work in administration so there are few people I have to “answer” to and my boss is really nice and cares about us, and doesn’t let people treat us like crap. I have lots of PTO and union-protection.
2) my job is pretty easy, but still offers me room for growth, i’ve been assigned to train on some new tasks involving accounts receivable and doing the invoices, which is some really valuable skills
3) my job being pretty easy, it also has a lot of downtime - I’m not constantly being micromanaged or expected to fill every second of my day with “work.” I have room to learn new things - like build my excel skills- doodle, goof around on Tumblr or Pinterest, organize my life, write, read, study, and even make my grocery list, and I still have plenty of room and mental energy to complete all my daily tasks and assignments.
4) my dog as an ESA is permitted to come to work with me everyday. This means that I get the comfort and security of his presence but also he isnt left alone all day. We go for walks during breaks and lunch, which is beneficial for me too getting outside and not sitting in my chair constantly, and everyone at work loves him! He’s my best friend and I love spending my days with him like this. I am not sure he would be welcome at a busy firm.
5) the law firm is 35 minutes away from home, which means more time spent driving in traffic on the shittiest highway ever and more mileage on my car, and more gas costs
6) the law firm requires billed hours 40-50 per week, and is very busy and intense
I talked about my concerns like I mentioned above with my boyfriend and he thinks it’s a good idea for me take the firm job - because getting experience is really useful, and it will help me decide if law is what I really want to do or not. However, if I take that job and it turns out I hate it and don’t want to work in a law firm after all, then I will be either stuck working in a job and environment that makes me miserable or overwhelms me, or I’m forced to quit and look for a new job all over again.
While I think he makes good points - I think it’s wiser for me to stay where I am, stabilize myself and learn as much as I can, and really utilize all the free time and mental energy I have in a safe and stable work environment -albeit barely manageable income- and put it towards finishing my Masters in Library Information Sciences online first. And even though I need a second source of reliable income, I think it will be manageable BECAUSE I have a less-stressful job.
So I think I will cancel the interview and just keep doing what I’m doing. Stop looking for the potentially next better thing and let myself take root and grow for a bit. I’m not ready to be re-planted just yet…
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
How NOT to write romance - How I Met Your Mother edition
Warning: long-ass post and lots of bitterness over a TV show that ended nearly eight years ago.
Basics for story-telling
If the romance you want to write is dysfunctional, fucking embrace it and have fun with the concept instead of pretending the bad shit the characters do is okay because “it’s true love”
Acknowledgde that your main character has flaws instead of acting like he is a saint who can do no wrong for no reason other than “he is the main character. Definitively don’t make him do, of his own free will, the exact exact same things the supposedly “selfish and cruel” womanizer does and then excuse it as him having “succumbed to/been tricked by a bad influece” like he’s child who doesn’t know any better instead of being a grown ass adult.
Don’t make your characters be annoying, entitled fuckers who think they have the right to judge others for wanting different things out of a relationship/not wanting a relationship at all. Don’t act like monogamy, double dates with other couples, marriage and children are something EVERYONE secretly wants deep down.
Don’t demonize the “evil” character of the group and act like the “heroes” being appalled by the shit he does is anything other than hypocricy. There’s literally nothing forcing them to be friends with him, so they’re obviously not as horrified at bad shit he does as they say they are, otherwise they would have ditched him a long time ago.
Don’t have the “heartless womanizer”,  who we later find out is the ex-husband of the girl the lead wanted for himself, be shown to us exclusively through the eyes of the an unreliable narrator who had motivation to make him see worse than he is likely to be (get his kids to want him to get the girl instead of the “douchebag”). Also, don’t make his schemes to trick women into sleeping with them so completely absurd and ridiculous that the audience is pretty sure that 70% of the women he banged were completely aware he just wanted a quick fuck and went along with it anyway because they wanted some dick (and because the character is played by Neil Patric Harris, who is incapable of not being charismatic)
Fucking let you characters (especially the supposed hero we’re supposed to think is the best boyfriend ever) grow instead of making them constantly repeat the same mistakes
Lily and Marshall
Don’t make one of the characters hide something very important from their partner, and then have the audacity to be mad at them for “just not understanding” as if they were given any reason to understand what the problem even is
Don’t act like someone being heartbroken that their partner lied to them and practically made a plan to “escape” being married to them means they’re not being “supportive” of said partners dream - you should especially not do that after we were shown that they took a job they didn’t like just to make sure they’d have a secure future that would allow said partner to follow their dream.
Don’t have the character who was obviously in the wrong need to be convinced to get their shit together and apologize to their ex.
If a character forgave the ex who wronged them and even got back together with them, don’t have them constantly hold their past mistakes over their head like it that problem has not already been solved - you especially not make them do that on what was supposed to be their wedding day. They can either forgive their partner or not, they can’t keep going back and forth.
Don’t have them constantly hide important shit from each other (having a huge financial debt, getting a job, etc)
DO NOT have the character who fucked up years prior suddenly be willing to do the same shit again for the EXACT same reason (”I think our relationship is in the way of my dreams and I’m now completely isolated because I refuse to talk things out with you”) and then expect the audience to sympathize with them.
Ted and Robin 
Unless you’re writing a Disney/Disney-esque romance, don’t have your lead just look at someone across the room, decide they’re “The one”, imagine their life together and full on say “I’m love with you” AND “I love you” on the first goddamn date.
Don’t have the lead stalk his love interest, and throw three parties in a row just to have an excuse to get close to her now that she made it clear she is not interested in having a relationship with him.
Don’t have the “hero” lie about having broken up with his girlfriend so the girl he wants to be with will sleep with him, and then have him blame his actions on time. “Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.” Grow a pair of balls, Ted!
If one of the characters says “You’re going too fast on the whole ‘love’ thing. Can’t we just go on a few dates and see what happens instead of already starting to plan our lives together?” and the others throws a fit, that is called “being incompatible” and “damn, this dude doesn’t respect boundaries”, not “Wow, she’s so afraid of commitment”
If you want the audience to believe the main character’s feelings are not one-sided, don’t make the fact that said feelings ARE unrequited a running joke, and don’t have the girl only accept giving him a chance after having to deal with the fucker whining “But I love you” for months and/or after going through bad break ups. Also, if you have to retcon half the fucking show to “proove” that “she DOES love him”, that pairing fucking sucks.
Don’t compare the couple you want the audience to root for to the main character’s divorced, dysfunctional parents, and don’t have flashbacks showing that the lead had no clue what his girlfriend actually liked in bed AND that she literally covered up his face so she could pretend she was fucking someone else.
If your lead character is still jealous/possessive of his ex, thinks he still has a chance even after she told him to his face that she didn’t love him, and acts like she and her fiance (who he says is his friend) being happy is somehow them being selfish and cruel, your lead character is a loser AND an asshole.
Don’t throw away the entire premise of the show (Ted finding the REAL love of his life) just to force a bad pairing down the audience’s throat
Ted Mosby in general
Don’t have your “romantic, sensitive hero” break up with a girl on her birthday through an answering machine, come back into her life without warning years later because he’s afraid he’ll die alone, and find out that she never heard the message but was actually told about it by her friends and family who were at her apartment preparing a surprise party for her. You should especially not make his first reaction to this new be being mad that he was not invited to the party, and for the love of God, don’t make him break up with her on her birthday AGAIN.
Don’t have the “hero” cheat on his girlfriend and excuse it with bullshit like “Nothing good happens 2 a.m.” and “But I genuinely love Robin so it’s okay that I’m lying to both of them”. Do not, I repeat, do NOT have him blame it on his girlfriend being distant when she didn’t pick up the phone one night and then called back the second she was free to do so, while he was enjoying the gifts she sent him and LIED to her about having sent her some as well.
Don’t fucking make an entire episode with the premise of him turning a no into a yes - and telling that story to his children like it’s romantic.
Don’t have his fiance, who he knows has a rocky relationship with the father of her daughter, tell him she is uncomfortable with him inviting his ex to their wedding and then have him decide “This means I should invite her ex as well”. Also don’t expect me to feel bad for him when she runs off with said ex.
Don’t have him spend YEARS waiting for one of the hundreds of girls he thinks is “the one” to be single and even ask her neighbour to spy on her and let him know when/if she breaks up with her boyfriend - again, for YEARS.
Don’t have the lead say he’s gonna tell their kids about his love story with their DECEASED mother, only for it to secretly be an excuse for him to go “By the way, I’m still in love with aunt Robin despite her having rejected me for 25 years, can I go screw her?”
Don’t act like making the characters reverse back into who they were at the beginning at the story means they’re gonna make things work this time when the whole point of their break up in the beginning on the story was the fact that they’re just not right for each other.
Robin and Kevin
A therapist who was supposed to help their patient move on after a bad break up that messed them up, dating said patient is a major red flag. It is also a bad sign that, when she cheats on him and wants to break up, he realized what she was doing to used his job as “evidence” that he knew better and that she should NOT tell her partner how she felt/what she actually wanted.
Do NOT have said therapist date yet ANOTHER patient that asked him help to move on from a bad break up. Seriously, Kevin was a creep, stop acting like he was some angel who “deserved better than Robin.”
BONUS: How NOT to break up a couple - Barney and Robin edition
Don’t act like their relationship falling appart after their friends kept meddling, and even kept them locked in a room against their will until they labeled their relationship as something they aproved of, is somehow “proof” that they’re not good for each other.
Don’t retcon their relationship to force a break up (seriously, Barney was super supportive of Robin long before he even fell in love with her, but I’m supposed to believe he’d be a bad boyfriend who is never there for her? And he loved advantures and always said “challenge accepted”, but was suddenly miserable travelling the world with her and couldn’t deal with not having wi-fi at the hotel? Fuck off)
Don’t spend an entire season focusing on their wedding, have them get married and then divorce THE NEXT FUCKING EPISODE! Why do you hate your audience? Even people who don’t want them together can see this a terrible idea.
And most important of all, when people question what the fuck were you thinking, don’t have a meltdown on twitter and say that people who think Barney can change are responsible for Donald Trump being elected, you fucking weirdo, go see a therapist (that isn’t like Kevin)
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fundielicious-simblr · 8 months
(Lana's POV)
Day 1 & 2 - Bachelorette Party & Wedding Rehearsal + Welcome dinner
Day 1
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The time that I've prayed for has finally come - WEDDING WEEKEND!
Our family and friends have made their way into Oasis Springs for our wedding weekend and I couldn't be more excited! I've spent the last few weeks getting the last details done with for this weekend and for it to be finally happening makes my heart sing. The first official event was my bachelorette party on thursday, followed by the wedding rehearsal and welcome dinner for our families on friday, and the wedding on saturday. My girls got my this wonderful 'Bride' sash to wear for the weekend's festivities until the wedding, I've had my fill of white outfits in the past couple of months and I can't wait to cap it off with my wedding dress to end the weekend.
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A few weeks before the wedding, my bridal party and I did a little weekend away as a little pre-bachelorette event before the main one before the wedding. My hair and makeup artist are based in the next town over, so my girls and I headed there for a quick weekend getaway so I could do a hair and makeup trial and spend some time with my bridal party. We had a wonderful dinner at a local restaurant on night one, and once we had done my hair and makeup trial we spent a day at the spa in this wonderful resort. One of the bridal shower gifts I got was a bunch of coupons to use at the spa, which we gladly put to good use. Lorilee and Priscilla are both postpartum after having their babies, so they made sure to get the special massage that the spa offers to mothers who have recently given birth.
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The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed me with my little sister Lyndsay. She's been my right hand woman for this whole process, and has really stepped into the role of Maid of Honour. We've spent many a night planning, laughing, and even crying as we really took in my last few weeks that turned into my last few days at home.
I love these girls so much! For my bachelorette party I asked all the girls to wear pink, and we spent the day together. We started with a brunch at my parents house, the girls were able to see my childhood home, then we did a hymn sing before we went to a friend's place where we played all these cute 'newlywed' games before sitting down for a meal. Macie and one of my aunts volunteered to make the meal for us, having such great family reminds me how greatly I am blessed.
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I'm so thankful that Adalynn and Kyleigh made the effort to travel down here for the wedding with their children, as well as being pregnant. They've come and taken the role of the older sisters that I didn't have growing up, and for that I'm very grateful. That's not to say I'm forgetting the other sisters, they've all made such sacrifices for us all to be able to be together for the wedding. The only people missing are Beckett and Mandy, but their responsibilities in the mission field come first, we'll celebrate with them at Harvestfest.
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My bridal party have really gone above and beyond for me, as much as I would've liked to have a 20 person bridal party, I had to be realistic in my wants. My sister Lyndsay is my maid of honour, she's been there for me for this whole process and not living with her will definitely be an adjustment. Lorilee and I have known each other since we were young girls and essentially grew up together and without her meeting and marrying Charles, I would've not met Parker when I did. Annette and I have gotten quite close during my visits to Newcrest, and has become a confidant of mine. Priscilla lives in Oasis Springs so we've been able to bond due to our proximity to one another, she's taken me in and treated me like family since we met and I couldn't thank her enough. My bachelorette party ended that afternoon to allow the ladies to go off and be with their families again for the evening, and to prepare for the rehearsal on the next day.
Day 2
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Day 2 was the wedding rehearsal and the welcome dinner that evening. The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding, and I can only hope that it stays just as beautiful for the wedding day. Parker's family rented out a restaurant close to the ceremony space for the welcome dinner, so we headed there afterwards. During dinner, both of our parents made speeches, as well as some of our siblings and a few friends. There was lots of prayer of course, and afterwards we headed home so we could have an early night and get loads of rest for the wedding.
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