#top 10 discord game bots 2020
retrocanvas · 2 years
13 Discord Bots for Your Web3 Server by Category
#Discordbots are a great way to make your #web3server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few
Discord bots are a great way to make your server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few discord bots that we think are worth checking out: Best Bots for Discord Moderation Discord moderation bots are a great way to keep your Discord server clean and organized. By using a moderation bot, you can automatically remove…
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minieggukie · 3 years
challenge: 30 questions tag
apparently someone is on a tag game roll so here i am also rolling 
(it’s @gimbapchefs​)
+ the lovely @jiminslight @jkjms
1. name/nickname: kristine/kris
2. star sign: leo
3. height: 5'3/160cm because we use metric here ok 
4. birthday: aug 12, 1996
5. favorite band: I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE
6. time: 6.18a.m. and I’M STILL AWAKE DAMN IT
7. favorite solo artist: chungha
8. song stuck in your head: highlight - not the end 
9. last movie you watched: the croods 2 lmaooo
10. free space! memories 2020 when
11. last show: trying and failing to finish ep 1 of 千秋 (thousand autumns)
12. when i created this blog: 2021!!
13. what i post: bts, reblogs other stuff very rarely
14. last thing i googled: DISCORD BDAY BOT DOWN?? 
15. other blogs: i mean @rawrkats is still there but i don’t use it anymore 
16. do i get asks? NOT ENOUGH
17. why i chose my url? JIKOOK (calico + cooky)
18. following: 119
19. followers: im gonna reach a milestone give or take 50 followers yeah
20. average hours of sleep: weekdays, 4-6hrs. weekends, YOLO. 
21. lucky number: 7! 
22. instruments: tried and failed to learn the guitar because i cannot commit. and it hurts my fingers??
23. what am i wearing? black shirt, shorts. im bout to sleep yo
24. dream job: anything that’s more time flexible 
25. favorite food: i eat everything
26. tea or coffee: coffee (iced)
27. nationality: malaysian
28. favorite song: of all time?! i don’t have one D: instead let me tell you ONE of my fav bts songs: pied piper
29. last book i read: what’s a book?
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: ✨ BTS UNIVERSE ✨, 2. whatever universe that bt21 is in, 3. ....hogwarts? idk
I DID IT. now to let other people suffer (jk i love you all): @loversmore @rosebowl @userjiminie @kerasines @jungkooksglasses @pjmsdior @parkandblues @taehkims @euphhorias + others who want to overshare 
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stratuscloudsurfer · 4 years
Stratus’s Comprehensive Shiny Den Exploit Guide
Have you heard about the shiny den exploit in Sword and Shield? If you haven’t, it is basically a method that can be used to obtain a limitless amount of shiny pokemon from dens in the wild area and (to a certain degree) being able to choose which specific pokemon you would like limitless shinies of. Neat, huh?
Maybe you have heard of this method before. Maybe you’ve attempted it yourself using youtube videos as guide. Maybe, like me, you became extremely frustrated at your percieved inability to get it right. If that is you, know that I feel your pain, having spent countless hours trying to obtain a shiny pokemon from a den only for it not to be shiny at the end because of one small step that I missed or mistake I made. In fact, that is exactly what inspired me to create this guide. 
Below the cut, I will explain, in as much detail as humanly possible, how to take advantage of the shiny den exploit. Follow each step exactly, and you will be rewarded with a shiny for your efforts. Are you ready, dear reader? Well, here we go.
1. This method, to me, is one of those things that is all about the set-up. If you don’t set up everything exactly right, something might be off at the end and prevent you from your ultimate goal. So, this is how you should prepare yourself to begin: 
1a. Before you get started, go to settings in your game and make sure that auto-save feature is switched OFF. 
1b. Now, press the home button to get out of your game, go to your Switch’s system settings, scroll down to “system”, and then to “date and time”, and make “synchronize clock via internet” is set to OFF. 
2. Buy a wishing piece, if you don’t have one already. Please note that this method ONLY works if you use a wishing piece. If you just use a den you got naturally in the wild area, none of the following will work.
3. Now, throw the wishing piece into an empty den. (If you are searching for an event Pokémon, make sure that the Pokémon in the den is one of the event Pokémon. It doesn’t have to be the exact Pokémon you want, so long as it’s part of the same event, because you will be able to reset your shiny pokemon, as I will explain later.) If you are looking for a specific shiny Pokémon, be sure to check Serebii’s dem listing to ensure that the Pokémon will spawn in the den. (Serebii’s den listing: https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/maxraidbattles/den106.shtml )The game should save while you are tossing the wishing piece in the den. After this point, DO NOT SAVE.
3. Go into the raid and catch the Pokémon. You MUST catch the Pokémon to proceed to the next step. To make this easier, you may turn on the internet and invite others to help you take down the Pokémon in the den. The Pokémon that you catch in this den is known as the seed Pokémon.
4. Next, we will check the seed Pokemon. To do this, you will need to connect to a seed-checking bot in a trade and offer up your seed Pokemon. I know of two free options: Dudu Bot ( and Dizzy’s Pokémon server ( https://discord.gg/WDUYBA ).I will describe how to use the seed checking bot on Dizzy’s server because that is the one that I prefer to use.
4a. In your game, connect to the internet.
4b. Go to the discord server (on your phone, computer, whatever). In the server, go down to one of the “seed checking” channels.
4c. In the channel, type $CheckMySeed or !CheckMySeed depending on which channel you are using, 1 or 2. This will put you in Jiggly or Wiggly bot’s line.
4d. Once it is your turn in line, Jiggly or Wiggly bot will send you a discrete link trade code. In your game, click link trade, enter the given code, and start searching. You should connect with the Jiggly bot shortly.
4e. After you connect with the bot, offer your “seed” Pokémon—that is, the one you caught in the den—for trade. You should get a communication error, and the trade will be ended.
4f. Go back to the seed checking channel to see the results of your seed checking. It should look something like this:
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The important thing for us to note here is the number listed after Star Shiny at Frame: This number represents the amount of frames you will have to skip to get to your shiny den. In this example, I would have to skip 558 frames to get to my shiny den, where one frame = one day.
5. Now that you have these results, use a date calculator to find your “target date.” Here is a link to the calculator I use: (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html). I will describe how to use it in detail below:
5a. Put in today’s date as your start date.
5b. Put in the number of frames to your shiny den in the “add” section
5c. Calculate new date.
5d. Now, SUBTRACT 4 from the date you calculated. This will be your target date, and places you 3 skips before your shiny den date. The target date is not the date that the shiny pokemon will appear at, but rather will serve as a save point for you, just prior to the date that the shiny pokemon will appear.
6. Now that you have your target date figured out, WITHOUT SAVING, close your game. By this, I mean, press the home button, press X on the game, and close out the software.
7. This brings us to our first important checkpoint. Open your game again, and check that your game meets the following conditions: 
7a. You are standing in front of the den that you dropped the wishing piece into, and a beam of light should be coming out of it. DO NOT TOUCH THE DEN AGAIN. 
7b. You do NOT still have the Pokémon you traded to the bot (that is, the seed pokemon is gone).
If you don’t meet 7a, this likely means that you used a naturally occuring den rather than one triggered by a wishing piece. If you don’t meet 7b (that is to say, you still have the seed pokemon) this likely means that you saved somewhere after catching the pokemon in the den. If either of these are the case, you will have to start this process over from the beginning with another wishing piece. 
If you meet conditions 7a and 7b, you can continue with the next phase of the process. 
8. WITHOUT SAVING, fly to a Pokémon center. This is where you will begin the process of date skipping. (The reason why you want to be in a Pokémon center instead of the wild area is that if you skip so many days in the wild area, where the weather changes, your game is likely to crash.)
9. Now it’s time to preform the date skipping glitch. Below is the method I use.
9a. In your game, click the Y button, and then click + to turn on internet communication
9b. Go to link battle.
9c. Select single battle and start looking for an opponent.
9d. Press home button for several seconds to bring up a mini menu that pulls up on the side of your game. It should look like this:
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9e. As soon as you see the black box at the bottom that says that an opponent has been found, switch airplane mode ON.
9f. You should get a communication error, see the blue battle screen appear, then disappear, leaving you standing in the Pokémon center. Now that this is done, we can begin to date-skip.
!!!MAKE SURE THAT NO MENUS ARE OPEN BEFORE PROCEEDING ANY FURTHER. If a menu is open, the date-skipping will not work!!!
10. To skip dates, do the following: 
10a. Click the home button. Go to system settings, and go down to date and time. DOUBLE CHECK THAT INTERNET SYNCHONIZATION IS OFF. 
10b. Select date and time. Move one day forward. Click OK. (For example, if your date is 1/1/2020, change it to 1/2/2020.)This counts as skipping one frame.
10b. You will have to skip forward ONE DAY AT A TIME. BE EXTRA CAREFUL AROUND THE ENDS OF MONTHS/THE END OF YEARS. Repeat step 10a until you reach your target date.
If you would like an indication that you are doing the date skipping correctly, you can go into your game and check for a very brief black flash. This tells you that you have successfully skipped frames.
11. This brings us to our second important checkpoint. Open your game, and make sure that your game meets the following conditions: 
11a. The screen flashes black for a split second. 
11b. Your character is standing in the pokemon center. 
11c. Leave the Pokémon center and find your den again. The beam should still be in it and the bottom should be glowing.
If you meet 11a, b, and c, you may continue to the next step. 
12. In front of your den, WITHOUT COLLECTING THE WATTS FROM IT, save the game. You have now established your save point. 
Optionally, you can check to verify that you have completed your date skipping successfully by completing step 4 a second time. To do this, simply go into your den, catch the pokemon in it, and use Dudu or Jiggly/Wiggly bot to check it again. If you have successfully completed your date skipping, it should tell you that you are 4 frames away from your Star Shiny Frame. After you have completed this, close the software of your game and reload it. You should be standing in front of your den with the beam still in it. 
13. This is where things start to get kind of tricky. The method we use to date-skip the final 3 days will be different than the method we previously used. I will describe it step by step: 
13a. Turn airplane mode OFF. 
13b. Make sure your game is on LOCAL COMMUNICATION (not connected to the internet). 
13c. Click on your den. 
13d. Click “invite others”. 
13e. Wait until your game starts looking for participants. The timer at the top of the screen should be counting down, and the pokeballs should be spinning underneath your name. The screen should look like this: 
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13f. Click the home button. 
13g. Go to your Switch’s system settings. 
13h. Go down to date and time. 
13i. Skip one day forward. Click ok. 
13j. Go back into your game. 
13k. Stop looking for participants (select quit), and go back to where you can see your character standing in front of the den. The weather should change, and the bottom of the den should begin glowing again, as to where you can collect watts from it again. If this isn’t the case, click the home button, close your game, reopen it, and complete step 13 again from the beginning.
13l. Complete steps 13c-k TWO MORE TIMES. If you are using Jigglybot, you should notice that the date that you are currently on is 1 day prior to your originally calculated shiny date. That’s fine. 
14. This is it. The moment of truth. The pokemon that is in your den now should be your long-awaited shiny. However, we are going to check to make sure that it is. There are two methods you can use to check your den: 
Option A: If you like the pokemon in your den, and would like to keep this pokemon in the den, you may check it by doing the following: 
-connect to the internet 
-invite others to join your raid. Note: you must have an actual person join the raid for this to work. This will not work with NPCs.
-once you click “start battle”, bring up the side menu that allows you to turn on airplane mode. 
-as soon as you see your characters feet, turn on airplane mode. You will get kicked out of the den, and will end up standing in front of the den again with the beam still in it. First, though, you will be able to see the pokemon, and note whether it is a shiny or not.
-From here you can go back in and “host” the den over and over again, turning on airplane mode as soon as you see your character’s feet. You can round up some friends to catch the pokemon and trade it to you later. 
Option B: if you don’t want to keep the pokemon in the den, you can simply check it yourself by going into the den without inviting others. Once you determine whether it is shiny or not, without finishing the raid, close your game. You will be back to 3 frames before your shiny den. To get it back, simply repeat step 13 again. Note: when you repeat step 13, DO NOT reset your date three days backward. Simply start from the date that you are currently on. For example, if your original shiny date was March 5th, you will skip three days forward to March 8th. 
Of course, you also have the option of simply going into the den and catching the shiny. However, if you catch the pokemon in the den and complete the raid, the beam of light in the den will disappear and you will no longer have a shiny den. 
What if my pokemon is not shiny? 
If your pokemon is not shiny the first time you check your den, don’t fret! You probably are off just a tiny bit on your date skipping. Here is how to troubleshoot: 
1. Once you determine that your pokemon is not shiny, close out of the game without finishing the raid. When you reopen it, you will be back at your save point. 
2. At your save point, go into the den and catch the pokemon again. Follow step 4 to check your seed again. This should tell you exactly how many frames you are away from your shiny. 
Alternatively, you could try doing step 13 again, but skipping 4 times instead of 3, or 2 times instead of 3. This will likely yield you your shiny pokemon. Note: when resetting, do not reset your date 3 days backward. Simply skip forward from the date you are currently. NEVER reset your date backward.
How do I change the shiny pokemon in the den? 
It’s easy! Simply close out of your game and return to the save point. From here, repeat step 13. You will notice that the first 3 pokemon you encounter are the same, but the 4th (your shiny) is different. You can repeat this process over and over until you find the shiny you want!
This concludes my shiny den exploit guide! I hope to anyone that used it that it worked for you, and that you found the shiny pokemon you sought! If it didn’t work, or you still find yourself hopelessly confused, feel free to DM me or send me an ask. I would be glad to walk you through this process step-by-step and answer any questions you might have!
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teenagesoulvoid · 4 years
fortnite montage gameplay italia  live stream di RAVEN 2.0 #fortnite2020 giochi e divertenti video sul canale grazie a tutti ci vediamo nella battaglia reale dove sono raverzx ciao  @RAVEN2.0 @raverzx #italia #fortnite  #kill #king #games GAME GIOCO 2020 cartoons WOOLY MAMMOTH SKIN   #UseCodeFusion #EpicPartner #ItsRedFusion  tik tok fortnite,two,tormentone,فورتنيت,raverzx,games,ragazza,California,VITTORIA REALE,far ridere,players,Girls,discord,discord bot,fortnite,ragazze,cool,alexa,fortnite challenge,cartoons,come vincere a fortnite,Fortnite,tik tok,challenge,RAVEN 2.0,scorregge,funny,one,fortnite item shop,fortnite montage,fortnite live,a fortnite fashion show,a fortnite montage,rich b fortnite montage,top,10,kills,fortnite sex,fortnite sex montage
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clubmudkip · 4 years
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The final moments of Mixer - What happens at the end of all things?
There weren’t a lot of people online for Mixer’s final moments, and I feel like this should be documented somewhere. So here it is: what it was like to watch interactive livestreaming platform Mixer exhale its very last breath.
It was announced that Mixer would be shut down on July 22nd, 2020. So hundreds of users gathered to watch the few final streams. In the minutes leading up to 12:00 midnight PST, users watched a purple and orange confetti graphic fall from the banner at the top of the site, covering streams and chats in small circles. A celebration of the end, we waited for the clock to roll over. What does the End look like? What happens when a website ceases to exist? We all wanted to find out. 
For the final hours I watched Mixer user Magiccake62 (now on Twitch under the same name!) stream her usual creative art stream; on this night she chose to make clay figures to celebrate the release of indie game Ooblets. From her hands sprang small birds, mushrooms, and frogs; all collectible creatures from the game. Finally she said, “What are they gonna do, BAN me?” and streamed a movie from her childhood. Fortunately for Maggiccake62, no copyright strikes were received, and she was able to continue until the movie’s end. 
Midnight came, and then went. And it was uneventful. We were all still here. Streams were still running. I was confused, so I did what every person born into the Age of the Internet would do. I googled it. I found one single source. (https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/mixer-shutdown-reportedly-set-for-july-23-after-marketing-error) Gaming news website DotEsports was the only reporter of... a marketing error? Despite all official sources listing the 22nd as the true shutdown time, DotEsports insists the true shutdown to be 11am PST on the 23rd. Honestly, this is so on brand for Mixer, you wonderful garbage website. 
So we laughed and shrugged, some of us kept streaming, but most of us went to bed. 
I needed to see the End. What does it feel like when our provider provides no more? Where do you go when you are kicked out of your home?  How often does a community simply cease to exist? 
I set my alarm early. I woke up at 8:45 PST. Only a few streamers were active. Most were bots running pre-recorded content; facecams saying “Thank you and remember to follow me on Twitch.tv!”. Of the few active users, I saw gamers playing Miinecraft, Fortnite, and various first person shooters that I’m not familiar with. I saw one dude streaming porn (because what are they gonna do, BAN him?). Someone was doing a radio show entitled “Mixer’s Funeral” which featured a looping gif of Gibby from iCarly playing a trumpet in front of a coffin, accompanied by various ‘80’s popular music titles. At 9:00am PST Halo Infinite was announced; many users livestreamed their reaction to the title. 
Around 10:00am PST I stumbled upon a co-stream hosted by users DigiDuncan, Gambiy23, and DB05 (all can be found on Twitch under those same names). Each streamer did their own thing; Gambiy23 streamed sitcom King of Queens right from Netflix (because what are they gonna... you know the rest), DigiDuncan scrolled through Mixer watching bits and pieces of others’ final streams, and DB05 watched Youtube poops. On a Discord call together, they wanted to stream until the very end. So this is where I stayed, tuning in and out of chat, laughing along at the long-forgotten sitcom. I got cozy, and waited. 
At around 10:40am PST, Gambiy23 received a copyright strike from Mixer and was banned, ceasing the King of Queens stream. I guess even at the End of all things, there are still rules. 
[First Screenshot] Knowing that the end was near, DB05 began playing a cutscene of the moon falling to the earth from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The building music made my heart pound. At 10:54am PST, Mixer pushed notifications reading “So long, and thanks for all the fish :)”, a quote mentioned before the planet Earth is demolished in order to make way for the hyperspace bypass, featured in the book series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy written by Douglas Adams. When I hear this quote, I think of it as a goodbye to the universe itself; an acknowledgement of the many wonders one has experienced in their life; one last expression of gratuity for the world they inhabited and the gifts they received from it. It was fitting. Mixer, unafraid, gazed into the void and shouted a final “thank you”. At the same time as the push notifications, MixerBots spammed chats with emojis of goldfish, prompting users to do the same. We sent to chats our final “i love you’s”, “thank you’s”, sent emojis and encouragements, “goodbye’s” and “goodnight’s”. DigiDuncan scrolled through the front page of Mixer, and we watched the streams start to blink out, leaving a blue Mixer “X” logo in their place. The confetti showers returned. The site began to lag. Finally, the clock struck 11:00am PST. 
And the moon fell. 
For a few seconds, the streamers laughed. “Is that it?”, “Is it over?” DB05’s moon had fallen, and the cutscene continued to play. A brilliant flash of white, and Link awakens in the past. The streamers look on, “We’re still he-” Silence cut them off. 
The voices of 10 million users, silenced in an instant. 
I think we expect the End to be deafening, chaotic, and frightening. Like an Action/disaster movie, filled with explosions and screams and panic. But instead the End was peaceful. Quiet. Almost comforting. It was like sitting atop a hill in the morning before the birds start to sing, watching the sun rise over the horizon. Alone, yet serene. 
[Second Screenshot/Third Screenshot] Almost immediately, I realized I could still click around the site. The confetti continued to fall. At 11:12am PST, I returned to the userpage of my friend. All the streams had ended, but the content was still there. User’s “About Me” pages were still active, along with all of their clips, previously recorded streams, and other things like “Stream rules”. I was able to watch the tail end of Magiccake62’s stream from the previous night. I scrolled through Mixer’s homepage, clicking on names to read their bios and watch the stored video clips. It felt like wandering through a neighborhood evacuated before a storm; no time to bring your possessions with you. Houses left unlocked, devoid of life and frozen in time. 
[Fourth Screenshot] by 11:13am PST Chats still remained active as long as you did not navigate away from the page. I continued to talk with some of the users that had been watching the stream. Just a few remaining voices, alone in this huge, empty city. 
[Fifth screenshot/Sixth Screenshot] As I continued to look through the abandoned homes, I caught the tail end of DMacAttack12’s pre-recorded finale stream from the previous night. He was playing indie game Celeste: Farewell. The main character, upon reaching the top of the mountain, experiences a dream where she sees a long dead friend. She apologizes to the friend for not attending the funeral, and the friend laughs. “The Funeral wasn’t for me. It was for all of you, stuck living on without me,” she chortled. The main character awakens from her dream, and takes the time to reconnect with her friends in the present. Perhaps Mixer’s last day was always meant to be that; not a goodbye, but a way to reconnect with each other. 
[Seventh Screenshot] At 11:30am PST, the majority of the streams’ “offline” screencaps had vanished. Chats continued to function, but you could not join new ones. Trying to visit a new stream would result in the chat section loading forever. The voices were dwindling. As far as I could tell, it was just myself and DigiDuncan. We talked about the future and exchanged Twitch handles, and thanked each other for being here - at least we could watch this noiseless sunrise together. We wondered if we were truly alone, if anyone could hear us. We wondered how long this would last. How long did the two of us have, in the End? 
[Eighth Screenshot] At 11:38am PST, chat function disconnected. I could no longer send messages to my new friend. Error messages began popping up in place of streams. DigiDuncan told me they were using chat via OBS, a client that helps you set up and organize your stream (I was just using in browser), so their world was completely different from the one that I was experiencing. I worried about DigiDuncan. I was forced out, and I don’t know if they were left to experience the End alone. 
[Ninth Screenshot] At 12:10pm PST, All mixer URLs began returning this error message. The End was no longer a void, but a brilliant blinding white light. But as quickly as it came, it vanished. 
[Tenth Screenshot] I returned to the Mixer homepage at 12:11pm PST to find it completely empty, but still stylized with the Mixer logo and signature blue backgrounds. The booming voice of the error message notifies me that something has gone wrong as the homes filled with memories I had been visiting vanish around me, leaving endless winding pavement streets and empty grass lots in their wake. What was once a bustling community was now nothing at all. Any presence of the people who once lived here, their culture, their love and their stories, had simply evaporated into the sunrise. With no other words or pictures to advertise streams, everything is quiet. It is peaceful. It is the End.
[Eleventh Screenshot] By 12:16pm PST, all Mixer URLs displayed a graphic of a blue robot with hearts for eyes. This continues to be the case at the time of posting. With no users and no staff, Mixer itself is Alone, yet serene. In this graphic, at the End of all things, Mixer sighs a final “thank you” to the diaspora.
Goodnight Mixer. So long and thanks for all the fun :)
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orbemnews · 4 years
Still Looking for a New Gaming Console? Here’s Why One Saturday in mid-December, Chris Vernon was driving as fast as he could to a GameStop in Memphis. He had spent weeks combing the internet for new PlayStation 5 consoles, and had just heard about a new shipment’s arrival at a store nearby. It was the only present his 10-year-old son, William, wanted for Christmas. The problem was, lots of other children around the country were asking for new video game consoles, too. Mr. Vernon, a local sports radio host and podcaster for “The Ringer,” arrived too late. He waited in line for four hours before being told that the store had run out. He returned home, “crestfallen,” to tell William the bad news. Since their highly anticipated release in November, the new generations of consoles — Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Sony’s PS5 — have been in short supply. Gamers have flooded online stores in the hundreds of thousands, crashed websites, lined up outside stores and shaken their fists in frustration when scalpers snagged devices, then resold them for double the price. “It’s completely chaotic,” said Rupantar Guha, an analyst at GlobalData, an analytics company in Britain. Microsoft and Sony would not give sales totals for the devices, which arrived on the market during a pandemic-fueled surge in gaming. But David Gibson, the chief investment officer at Astris Advisory, a financial advisory firm in Tokyo, estimated that Sony had sold at least six million PS5s through the end of 2020 and that Microsoft had sold three million of the Xbox Series X and the smaller Series S. “In a lot of ways, they don’t want to satisfy demand initially. They want to have an ongoing gap between supply and demand,” Mr. Gibson said. “They want to have buzz and excitement around it for a longer period of time.” Scarcity is typical for new consoles, but the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated it by closing factories in China early last year. Then the demand for laptops and other electronics for remote work led to a shortage of chips and other computer parts. Malfunctioning chips played a role in the supply problems as well. Sony declined to comment, instead referring to a November post on Twitter in which the company mentioned the high demand. Microsoft said in a statement that it saw huge demand, too, and was “working tirelessly with our manufacturing and retail partners to replenish Xbox hardware as quickly as possible.” Mike Spencer, Microsoft’s head of investor relations, said in an interview this week that the company had topped $5 billion in gaming revenue in a quarter for the first time. Microsoft sold every Xbox unit it had last quarter, he said, adding that supply is likely to be constrained at least through June. U.S. consumers spent $7.7 billion on video games in December, according to the NPD Group, up 25 percent from a year earlier. Hardware sales accounted for $1.35 billion, the most for a December since 2013, the last time new-generation consoles were released. (Nintendo’s Switch, which first went on sale in 2017, outsold both the PlayStation and Xbox last month.) When Mr. Vernon, 42, recounted his console-hunting tale on his radio show, a listener with an extra PlayStation reached out to him. Mr. Vernon drove to the man’s house, bought the console and surprised William with it days later. “It was the hardest gift for anyone that I’ve ever tried to buy,” Mr. Vernon told The New York Times. “It ended up all being worth it for that moment.” One of the most vexing issues are the scalpers. Some are using so-called purchase bots — also known as “Grinch bots” — to snap up online offers faster than humans can. “None of these devices are reaching their customers,” Mr. Guha said. “They are just going missing somewhere in between.” Online scalper groups are claiming credit for buying thousands of consoles, though their numbers may be exaggerated. Walmart said in a blog post in December that it had blocked more than 20 million bot attempts to buy PS5s in one 30-minute stretch in November. Resellers list consoles on places like eBay and Facebook Marketplace for up to $1,000, double the retail price. Mr. Guha said he had seen a PS5 advertised for $5,000. Crep Chief Notify, a British reseller company that scalpers use, said it had more than 5,000 customers. The group charges $40 a month for a suite of tools, advice on how to resell items and access to a server on Discord, a messaging app. Max Heywood, a 19-year-old British student who is one of the company directors, said Crep Chief Notify did not use purchase bots but supplied software that monitors online stores and notifies users when new items are in stock. Bradley Gee, another Crep Chief director, pushed back against criticism that the company helps people resell the consoles at higher prices. “To be totally honest, it’s basic supply and demand,” Mr. Gee, 21, said. “There’s millions of consoles available. If you didn’t get one, it is unfortunate.” He added: “We just help members secure them. They can then do what they wish with the console.” To beat out scalpers, buyers are following Twitter accounts that announce when stores like Target, Walmart and Best Buy get new shipments. And a group of college students has seen huge interest in a free browser extension they created to notify people when digital stores restock. More than 100,000 people have installed OctoShop, a Google Chrome extension made by five students from schools in Texas and Pennsylvania. Rithwik Pattikonda, a computer science major at the University of Texas, said the idea for a shopping aide had come about during the toilet paper shortage at the beginning of the pandemic. It morphed into a tool for outsmarting scalpers chasing consoles. “The goal is to give the power to regular people,” Mr. Pattikonda, 20, said. He added that several thousand people have said OctoShop has helped them obtain a console. For many, though, the search has remained fruitless. Shannon-Leigh Bull of Warwickshire, England, has been trying to surprise her boyfriend with a new PlayStation since November. “Sometimes, you’re waiting more than an hour and you finally get through and it’s out of stock,” Ms. Bull, 22, said. “It’s like having your dreams crushed, because you thought and hoped you’d actually get one.” “I feel like giving up, and that I’m never going to get it.” Karen Weise contributed reporting. Source link Orbem News #Console #Gaming #Heres
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kalpeshnitore · 4 years
Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL
FlyQuest 2-3 Team SoloMid
Congratulations to TSM! They have secured themselves NA's first seed at the 2020 World Championships! FlyQuest is locked as NA's second seed.
Player of the Series: Bjergsen
FLY | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit TSM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
Winner: Team SoloMid in 34m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee twisted fate hecarim leona 52.7k 4 1 H4 TSM thresh Lillia shen leblanc syndra 68.7k 20 11 C1 H2 M3 I5 I6 B7 E8 B9
FLY 4-20-9 vs 20-5-50 TSM Solo ornn 2 0-5-2 TOP 6-3-12 3 camille Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 2-4-2 JNG 2-0-11 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil viktor 3 1-4-2 MID 8-0-10 2 zilean Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 1-4-2 BOT 4-1-9 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar lux 3 0-3-1 SUP 0-01-8 4 karma Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 41m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean camille volibear 67.3k 7 1 M1 H2 H4 I5 I6 I10 TSM thresh Lillia shen orianna syndra 85.9k 20 10 O3 B7 I8 B9 E11
FLY 7-20-19 vs 20-7-48 TSM Solo ornn 2 1-7-5 TOP 6-1-5 3 jax Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 1-4-4 JNG 3-3-12 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 3 2-2-2 MID 2-1-10 2 twisted fate Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 3-4-3 BOT 8-1-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 0-3-5 SUP 1-1-16 4 bard Biofrost
Winner: FlyQuest in 42m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh shen Lillia rakan mordekaiser 73.1k 12 6 H2 I3 C6 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean jax lucian 74.8k 14 7 M1 H4 C5 C7 B8 C9
TSM 12-14-31 vs 14-12-33 FLY Broken Blade jayce 3 3-3-5 TOP 1-4-4 3 gangplank Solo Spica sett 1 3-3-7 JNG 3-3-8 1 hecarim Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 2-1-8 MID 2-2-9 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift ashe 2 1-6-4 BOT 6-1-6 1 senna WildTurtle Biofrost bard 3 3-1-7 SUP 2-2-6 4 nautilus IgNar
Winner: FlyQuest in 35m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean evelynn bard 69.0k 19 10 M1 O3 I4 I6 B8 I10 B11 TSM thresh Lillia shen gangplank mordekaiser 60.1k 8 2 H2 H5 I7 I9
FLY 19-8-40 vs 8-19-20 TSM Solo ornn 3 6-1-7 TOP 1-2-6 3 jayce Broken Blade Santorin volibear 2 3-2-10 JNG 2-5-4 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 2 1-3-11 MID 4-1-0 2 syndra Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 6-1-7 BOT 1-5-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 3-1-5 SUP 0-6-5 4 morgana Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 33m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh lillia shen pantheon mordekaiser 66.5k 18 11 H2 C4 H5 C6 B8 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean bard tahmkench 56.2k 11 1 O1 I3 C7
TSM 18-11-42 vs 11-18-25 FLY Broken Blade camille 3 4-2-5 TOP 6-6-0 4 gangplank Solo Spica graves 2 3-1-6 JNG 2-2-5 1 sett Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 5-0-11 MID 2-3-4 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift senna 1 6-5-8 BOT 1-3-8 1 ashe WildTurtle Biofrost rakan 3 0-3-12 SUP 0-4-4 3 leona IgNar
*Spoiler-Free Schedule;
**Patch 10.16 Notes: Yone Disabled — LCS Summer Playoffs.
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by /u/TheRogueCookie to r/leagueoflegends [link] [comments] https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/
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isearchgoood · 4 years
May 11, 2020 at 06:25PM - Geneshift: Battle Royale Turbo (100% discount) Ashraf
Geneshift: Battle Royale Turbo (100% discount) Hurry Offer Only Last For HoursSometime. Don't ever forget to share this post on Your Social media to be the first to tell your firends. This is not a fake stuff its real.
Battle Royale Turbo Loot, survive, and be the last man standing. Play in a series of turbo-fast, back to back rounds where each battle royale lasts only 3 minutes. Get bonus points for winning each round as you level up for the final showdown.
Zombie Comebacks If you die you can keep playing as a zombie and prepare for the next round. Even better, if you kill a living player you can come back to life and get a second chance.
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Constant Development I’ve been working on Geneshift for 10 years now, listen to feedback in Discord every day, and regularly update based on community suggestions!
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allspark · 5 years
New official images and official product info has been released by Hasbro to let us know that the Goldrush Games are still going strong as 2020 rolls on, and that BotBots series 5 AND 6 are going to be amazing! Aside from new tribes, but also got new mystery-box packaging, following series 4’s gumball and claw machines — in the form of a Treasure Chest and, uh, a Toilet?! (Not to be confused with the actual toilet BotBot!)
Due April this year, welcome the Los Deliciosos, Frequent Flyers, Hibotchi Heats, Cardio Clique, and Party Favors!
BotBots Goldrush Series 5 Tribes Transformers: BotBots Series 5 Collectible Blind Box Mystery Figure (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $2.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Hidden inside each TRANSFORMERS BOTBOTS blind box is a little mystery figure with a big personality! Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each blind bag randomly includes 1 of 24 available characters in series 5. Reveal the mystery figure waiting inside! You can collect 60 characters in series 5. Convert and see what bot you got!
Transformers: BotBots Series 5, 5-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $9.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each 5-Pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the themed packs such as the CARDIO CLIQUE, PARTY FAVORS or LOS DELICIOSOS, and 3 from other themed teams. Lots to collect and 1 hidden character to discover inside each pack! Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! You can collect all 60 characters in series 5. Available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
Transformers: BotBots Series 5, 8-Pack — Mystery 2-In-1 Collectible Figures (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $14.99 / Available: April 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! Each 8-Pack includes 8 BOTBOTS figures: 2 from the themed packs such as the FREQUENT FLYERS and HIBOTCHI HEATS, and 6 from other themed teams. Lots to collect and 1 hidden character to discover inside each pack! Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! You can collect all 60 characters in series 5. Available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Transformers: BotBots Series 6 Surprise Unboxing: Toilet (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $19.99 / Available: August 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! This Toilet surprise unboxing pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures, 1 rare gold BOTBOTS figure, and 4 stickers. Use the plunger accessory to plunge out the 10 surprises inside one at a time. Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! There are 190 BOTBOTS to collect in 2020, which are available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
Transformers: BotBots Series 6 Surprise Unboxing: Treasure Chest (Ages 5 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $19.99 / Available: August 1, 2020) Not long ago, a glowing mist of Energon hit a shopping mall and the ordinary objects inside came to life as little converting TRANSFORMERS robots, called BOTBOTS! Now, BOTBOTS tribes are competing in the Goldrush Games, a competition to see which tribes are the most mischievous! Imagine joining the mad dash to grab the gold by trying to find rare gold trophy bots from the Winner’s Circle tribe hidden inside select packs! Who will grab the gold? Collectable BOTBOTS figures are around 1-inch tall and convert between 2 fun modes—a robot and a random object—in 3 to 5 easy steps! This Treasure Chest surprise unboxing pack includes 5 BOTBOTS figures, 1 rare gold BOTBOTS figure, and 4 stickers. Dig through treasure chest to discover the 10 surprises inside. Look for other BOTBOTS assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of BOTBOTS toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! There are 190 BOTBOTS to collect in 2020, which are available at most major toy retailers and on HasbroPulse.com.
  Whew! That’s a lot from the now-six-series-strong line of cute little bots that caught everyone by surprise in 2018. Join the BotBots hunt on the Allspark Facebook page, on the Allspark Forums, or on our Discord server!
Toy Fair 2020: BotBots series 5 AND 6 tribes and mystery boxes! New official images and official product info has been released by Hasbro to let us know that the Goldrush Games are still going strong as 2020 rolls on, and that BotBots series 5 AND 6 are going to be amazing!
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kalpeshnitore · 4 years
Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL
Cloud9 1-3 Team SoloMid
Congratulations to Team SoloMid for qualifying for the 2020 World Championships! Cloud9 have been eliminated from playoffs and worlds contention; the latter for the first time in the organization's history.
Player of the Series: Bjergsen
C9 | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit TSM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
MATCH 1: C9 vs. TSM
Winner: Team SoloMid in 35m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B C9 nidalee shen caitlyn thresh renekton 56.3k 8 1 I1 M6 M8 M9 TSM kalista olaf tahmkench bard yuumi 68.3k 13 11 H2 C3 H4 M5 B7 B10
C9 8-13-20 vs 13-8-43 TSM Licorice sett 1 1-1-5 TOP 6-4-3 4 lucian Broken Blade Blaber kindred 3 4-5-3 JNG 1-2-11 2 graves Spica Nisqy galio 2 3-5-4 MID 2-1-10 1 twisted fate Bjergsen Zven ezreal 2 0-1-4 BOT 2-1-10 1 senna Doublelift Vulcan braum 3 0-1-4 SUP 2-0-9 3 rakan Biofrost
MATCH 2: TSM vs. C9
Winner: Cloud9 in 30m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM kalista olaf twisted fate jayce zoe 45.9k 5 1 I5 I7 I8 C9 nidalee sett caitlyn bard hecarim 57.8k 18 8 C1 H2 O3 H4 B6
TSM 5-18-10 vs 18-5-50 C9 Broken Blade shen 1 1-2-3 TOP 4-4-11 1 Lillia Licorice Spica lee sin 3 3-6-0 JNG 7-0-9 4 graves Blaber Bjergsen azir 2 0-3-2 MID 3-1-3 3 akali Nisqy Doublelift ashe 2 1-3-2 BOT 4-0-14 1 senna Zven Biofrost rakan 3 0-4-3 SUP 0-0-13 2 tahmkench Vulcan
MATCH 3: C9 vs. TSM
Winner: Team SoloMid in 36m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B C9 nidalee shen caitlyn graves renekton 60.3k 10 6 H2 O4 H5 B6 B9 TSM kalista olaf tahmkench orianna lee sin 66.3k 18 8 C1 M3 O7 O8
C9 10-18-19 vs 18-10-49 TSM Licorice sett 1 0-6-7 TOP 3-3-10 4 lucian Broken Blade Blaber reksai 3 3-4-3 JNG 3-4-10 3 evelynn Spica Nisqy sylas 3 5-4-2 MID 8-0-8 1 twisted fate Bjergsen Zven ezreal 2 2-1-1 BOT 4-2-9 1 senna Doublelift Vulcan bard 2 0-3-6 SUP 0-1-12 2 rakan Biofrost
MATCH 4: TSM vs. C9
Winner: Team SoloMid in 27m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM kalista olaf twisted fate shen ornn 52.5k 18 9 H2 O3 M4 H5 B7 C9 caitlyn sett nidalee syndra leblanc 41.8k 7 1 I1 M6
TSM 18-7-38 vs 7-18-11 C9 Broken Blade jayce 3 7-6-2 TOP 2-5-2 4 wukong Licorice Spica skarner 2 0-1-12 JNG 2-5-4 1 evelynn Blaber Bjergsen zilean 3 5-0-5 MID 2-3-0 1 lucian Nisqy Doublelift senna 1 5-0-7 BOT 0-3-3 3 ashe Zven Biofrost rakan 2 1-0-12 SUP 1-2-2 2 tahmkench Vulcan
*Spoiler-Free Schedule;
**Patch 10.16 Notes: Yone Disabled — LCS Summer Playoffs.
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by /u/TheRogueCookie to r/leagueoflegends [link] [comments] from reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/
0 notes
kalpeshnitore · 4 years
Cloud9 vs. Team SoloMid / LCS 2020 Summer Playoffs - Losers Bracket Round 3 / Post-Match Discussion
Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL
Cloud9 1-3 Team SoloMid
Congratulations to Team SoloMid for qualifying for the 2020 World Championships! Cloud9 have been eliminated from playoffs and worlds contention; the latter for the first time in the organization's history.
Player of the Series: Bjergsen
C9 | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit TSM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
MATCH 1: C9 vs. TSM
Winner: Team SoloMid in 35m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B C9 nidalee shen caitlyn thresh renekton 56.3k 8 1 I1 M6 M8 M9 TSM kalista olaf tahmkench bard yuumi 68.3k 13 11 H2 C3 H4 M5 B7 B10
C9 8-13-20 vs 13-8-43 TSM Licorice sett 1 1-1-5 TOP 6-4-3 4 lucian Broken Blade Blaber kindred 3 4-5-3 JNG 1-2-11 2 graves Spica Nisqy galio 2 3-5-4 MID 2-1-10 1 twisted fate Bjergsen Zven ezreal 2 0-1-4 BOT 2-1-10 1 senna Doublelift Vulcan braum 3 0-1-4 SUP 2-0-9 3 rakan Biofrost
MATCH 2: TSM vs. C9
Winner: Cloud9 in 30m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM kalista olaf twisted fate jayce zoe 45.9k 5 1 I5 I7 I8 C9 nidalee sett caitlyn bard hecarim 57.8k 18 8 C1 H2 O3 H4 B6
TSM 5-18-10 vs 18-5-50 C9 Broken Blade shen 1 1-2-3 TOP 4-4-11 1 Lillia Licorice Spica lee sin 3 3-6-0 JNG 7-0-9 4 graves Blaber Bjergsen azir 2 0-3-2 MID 3-1-3 3 akali Nisqy Doublelift ashe 2 1-3-2 BOT 4-0-14 1 senna Zven Biofrost rakan 3 0-4-3 SUP 0-0-13 2 tahmkench Vulcan
MATCH 3: C9 vs. TSM
Winner: Team SoloMid in 36m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B C9 nidalee shen caitlyn graves renekton 60.3k 10 6 H2 O4 H5 B6 B9 TSM kalista olaf tahmkench orianna lee sin 66.3k 18 8 C1 M3 O7 O8
C9 10-18-19 vs 18-10-49 TSM Licorice sett 1 0-6-7 TOP 3-3-10 4 lucian Broken Blade Blaber reksai 3 3-4-3 JNG 3-4-10 3 evelynn Spica Nisqy sylas 3 5-4-2 MID 8-0-8 1 twisted fate Bjergsen Zven ezreal 2 2-1-1 BOT 4-2-9 1 senna Doublelift Vulcan bard 2 0-3-6 SUP 0-1-12 2 rakan Biofrost
MATCH 4: TSM vs. C9
Winner: Team SoloMid in 27m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM kalista olaf twisted fate shen ornn 52.5k 18 9 H2 O3 M4 H5 B7 C9 caitlyn sett nidalee syndra leblanc 41.8k 7 1 I1 M6
TSM 18-7-38 vs 7-18-11 C9 Broken Blade jayce 3 7-6-2 TOP 2-5-2 4 wukong Licorice Spica skarner 2 0-1-12 JNG 2-5-4 1 evelynn Blaber Bjergsen zilean 3 5-0-5 MID 2-3-0 1 lucian Nisqy Doublelift senna 1 5-0-7 BOT 0-3-3 3 ashe Zven Biofrost rakan 2 1-0-12 SUP 1-2-2 2 tahmkench Vulcan
*Spoiler-Free Schedule;
**Patch 10.16 Notes: Yone Disabled — LCS Summer Playoffs.
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by /u/TheRogueCookie to r/leagueoflegends [link] [comments] from reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/ from Blogger https://ift.tt/2ENZ6EK
0 notes