#top 10 edtech startups
blogseoai · 11 months
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Running an EdTech startup? Learn the top 10 SEO tips to help EdTech companies like yours optimize websites and improve search engine rankings. For more details: https://www.blogseo.ai/blog/seo-tips-for-edtech-companies
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librarianrafia · 1 month
If you come to edtech through schooling and other venues of compulsory face-to-face learning, you understand quite well that just because a student’s body is at their desk that doesn’t mean their spirit or mind is present there as well. 
If you come to edtech through YouTube, it is easy to convince yourself that the people who are watching your videos are also learning from your videos, that they are also enjoying learning from your videos, that they would also enjoy learning from more of your videos. Certainly, all of that is true for some percentage of Karpathy’s two million views, but far less than 100%. I would anchor our predictions at roughly 5%.
Karpathy is now jumping into the top of a flume ride full of people who found early success explaining stuff on YouTube and later struggled to fulfill their greater ambitions for education, people like:
Sebastian Thrun, who created a very popular YouTube playlist on artificial intelligence, and later turned that playlist into Udacity, and later fell far short of his ambitions in K-16 schooling, and later pivoted to friendlier terrain in corporate education, and later sold his company altogether for what is widely assumed to be a steep discount.
Andrew Ng, who put videos of his Stanford lectures online, and later created Coursera with Daphne Koeller to surround those videos with a learning management system, and later saw course completion rates hover around 10%, and later saw the stock price of his company decline 85% from its initial public offering.
Sal Khan, a popular YouTuber whose videos were first watched by family members and then by millions, who later scaled his ideas about learning into Khan Academy, a platform that has demonstrated significant learning gains in studies where researchers first throw out 95% of the students in the study.
A large reason why these edtech startups do not work well for the majority of students is that the majority of students are not particularly interested in reading academic text or watching sequences of explanatory videos. If they were, we would have solved mass education many centuries ago with the printing press. Thomas Edison would have been correct in 1922 that “the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.”
Whether generative media will over- or underperform static media here remains to be studied, but let’s just say I have my suspicions.
But the edtech graveyard is stacked several caskets deep with resources created by autodidacts—people who are highly self-motivated and highly self-directed, people who are just fine learning by themselves, thank you—for autodidacts. We might estimate the population of autodidacts at about (well look at that) 5% of the overall population.
If Karpathy seeks to broaden the appeal and efficacy of his platform beyond 5% of learners, he’ll need to add community. He’ll need students to understand that their work has an audience, that they can learn from other people and other people can learn from them.
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coolcatteacher · 1 month
How to Use AI to Promote Equity Now
In today's episode, we dive into the transformative potential of AI in promoting equity in education with Victoria Thompson, one of ISTE's 2023 "Top 20 to Watch" and author of the book Elevate Equity in EdTech. While many educators are understandably concerned about AI's potential biases, Victoria shares her perspective on how AI tools like speech-to-text, translators, and others are leveling the playing field in classrooms in remarkable ways. Victoria works to give you some actionable insights on introducing AI, how we're already using it, and ways we can understand how AI can be used positively. She also encourages us to look at AI startups and certifications with a critical eye and shares what she looks for in a certification program.
Show notes: https://www.coolcatteacher.com/e859 
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  Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
New 10 Minute Teacher Podcast episode
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guida-ai · 9 months
Buddy.ai: divertenti giochi didattici - App su Google Play
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Incontra Buddy, il primo al mondo tutor di intelligenza artificiale vocale per bambini dai 3 agli 8 anni. Impara le prime parole, l'ABC, i numeri, i colori, le forme. Buddy offre lezioni di inglese interattive con esercitazioni vocali, cartoni animati divertenti e giochi di apprendimento in età prescolare per bambini per rendere il processo educativo efficace e divertente.La tecnologia vocale all'avanguardia dell'app consente ai bambini di chattare con Buddy proprio come una persona dal vivo, offrendo opportunità di apprendimento precoce illimitate. Ciò significa che tuo figlio riceve tutta l'attenzione individuale di cui ha bisogno per avere successo nella scuola materna, all'asilo e oltre! Buddy insegna abilità comunicative essenziali e concetti chiave dell'educazione precoce attraverso un divertente mix di cartoni animati, attività educative e giochi di apprendimento dell'inglese per bambini.È già una delle app educative leader a livello mondiale con giochi per bambini: • Oltre un milione di bambini imparano con Buddy ogni mese • 470.000 recensioni di utenti a 5 stelle • App TOP 10 nelle classifiche per bambini e istruzione nei principali paesi dell'America Latina e dell'Europa • Importanti premi e nomination tra cui Global EdTech Startup Awards (GESA) Londra, EnlightEd Madrid, Startup Worldcup San Francisco
Ideale per i primi studenti
I giochi e le attività didattiche di Buddy per la scuola materna e prescolare fanno parte di un programma attentamente progettato da un team esperto di educatori e ingegneri con dottorati in Scienze dell'educazione, Psicologia dell'apprendimento e Informatica.Con Buddy, il miglior tutor di intelligenza artificiale, tuo figlio imparerà i concetti e le competenze fondamentali per avere successo a scuola. • Aspetti accademici: esercitati sugli elementi costitutivi dell'istruzione come numeri, forme e colori e ottieni un vantaggio su materie della scuola primaria come lettura, matematica, scienza e tecnologia, musica e altro ancora. • Abilità essenziali di comunicazione e memoria: migliora la conservazione del vocabolario, la pronuncia e la comprensione orale. • Abilità sociali fondamentali: sviluppare sicurezza nel parlare e sviluppare gli strumenti necessari per lo sviluppo socio-emotivo.
Trasforma il tempo trascorso davanti allo schermo in tempo per imparare
I bambini giocano all'app Buddy come se fossero il loro gioco mobile preferito, grazie al nostro fantastico tutor AI, alla vivace grafica 3D e alla raccolta curata di cartoni animati e fantastici oggetti da collezione virtuali. I genitori hanno fiducia che i loro figli imparino competenze e concetti importanti con ogni lezione basata sul gioco. E poiché l'app Buddy è priva di pubblicità, gli adulti possono sentirsi a proprio agio lasciando che i bambini giochino (e imparino) più a lungo!
Ottimo anche per gli studenti ESL!
Buddy insegna inglese ai bambini utilizzando flashcard, cartoni animati, video e/o effetti sonori. Sfida i bambini a usare correttamente parole e frasi nelle conversazioni e li aiuta a migliorare la pronuncia.I giochi di apprendimento prescolare per bambini di Buddy rendono le lezioni di inglese divertenti e coinvolgenti e incoraggiano l'interesse del tuo bambino per l'apprendimento.
Tutti gli strumenti di cui il tuo bambino in età prescolare ha bisogno
• Prime parole, ABC, vocabolario e frasi inglesi di base • Colori, numeri e forme • Comprensione orale e corretta pronuncia inglese • Giochi educativi per bambini per migliorare la memoria e la logica • Strumenti essenziali per diversi livelli e gruppi di età (dai più piccoli ai bambini in età prescolare)!Soprattutto, l'app Buddy consente ai genitori di monitorare i progressi dei propri figli con rapporti settimanali e statistiche di apprendimento.
Inizia a imparare con Buddy oggi!
"Buddy.ai: Giochi didattici divertenti per bambini" offre al tuo bambino di età compresa tra 3 e 8 anni gli strumenti, le competenze e la sicurezza di cui ha bisogno per eccellere nel suo percorso educativo. Le opzioni di piano convenienti dell'app offrono un mese di apprendimento con il nostro tutor AI al costo di una sessione di tutoraggio dal vivo. 0(•‿–)0
Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il nostro sito: https://buddy.aiQualsiasi domanda? Mandaci una email: [email protected] ----------"Buddy.ai: Fun Learning Games" — App educativa che aiuta i bambini a imparare le prime parole, li aiuta a prepararsi per la scuola e migliora le capacità di comunicazione. Offre giochi di apprendimento in età prescolare per bambini dai 3 agli 8 anni, cartoni animati divertenti e attività interattive per rendere il processo di apprendimento facile ed emozionante. Source link Read the full article
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ineubytes · 2 years
Virtual Internships: No Suit, No Commute, Just Skills
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Virtual Internships runs a comprehensive employability program that boosts a student’s career readiness skills, enhances their employability prospects and prepares them for the future of work. Our Virtual Internship program allows students to gain global work experience from the comfort of their own home.
Our missions focuses on four key areas:
Create opportunities for career growth and enhanced employability
Prepare students and graduates for the “future of work”
Reduce cultural barriers, widen participation and provide opportunities for underserved communities.
The democratization of the global workforce through global talent pipelines and access to jobs worldwide
We are backed by some of the world’s top investors who were early investors in companies such as AirBnB, Udemy, Zoom and Apply Board. 
We’re proud to be approved by the British Government & Universities funded charity JISC which has labelled Virtual Internship as one of the top 20 edtech companies to address the sector’s greatest challenges.
We were selected by HolonIQ as one of Europe’s Top 100 most promising EdTech Startups.
We are accredited in the US so that students can receive up to 9 academic credits for completing the program.
We have been featured on BBC News, BBC World, The Telegraph, The Independent, and Professionals in International Education and are the proud winners of the prestigious MassChallenge Program.
Services offered:
The VI Program
Our structured model focuses on international understanding and getting students prepared for their future careers through the framework of the NACE Career Readiness Competencies.  Students can intern for between 10-30 hours a week for a period of 1-4 months and all students are guaranteed an online internship placement in one of their chosen career fields.
The Program inclusions:
A guaranteed virtual internship across 18 Career Fields and across 70 countries worldwide.
Our award-winning online Employability Curriculum, Career Bridge, which offers various modules to help a student become career ready, including CV guidance, intercultural fluency, professional communication, project management and remote working skills.
Designated Experience Manager who is assigned to each participant throughout the program for support and guidance.
Global Employability Expert webinar series with tips and insights for professional development.
Personal Career Coaching with qualified career coaches, including a personalized Global Career Management Plan report presented upon completion.
Supervisor evaluation and program certification that is shareable on LinkedIn
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deepyanti · 2 years
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itsmywayaravinda · 2 years
Is recession real?
‘The Covid-19 pandemic hit the global economy hard. And even as the economy struggled hard to recover from this, the Russia-Ukraine war arrived as another great setback. These two factors combined are expected to push the global economy into recession next year. And India is not immune.
Some of the impacts include
Major output loss in 2023
Rising interest rates to arrest inflation
Mounting public debt
Weakening currencies
Costly food and fuel
Refer to the detailed article by India today 
What are some of other facts that is causing concern
The services sectors lost 7.9 million jobs in October 2022. Of these, 4.6 million losses were incurred in rural India and 3.3 million were in urban India. There is a concentration of the job losses in the services sector in rural retail trade. Retail trade is the largest employer among the services industries
As startups in India keep firing their staff to navigate through the funding winter, India may see more than 60,000 job losses in 2022 alone, led by edtech and e-commerce platforms, according to an IANS report.
The unemployment rate shot up to 8.3 per cent, which was the highest compared to the rates in the past 12 months. This rise in the unemployment rate reflects the inability of the economy to provide adequate jobs at a time when the demand for jobs from people increased.
Here is a list of top companies, both Indian and international, that have laid off their employees in 2022.
Lido Learning – 200 employees
Microsoft  – 1800 employees
Walmart – 200 employees (WSJ report)
Alibaba – 10,000 employees (South China Morning Post)
Netflix – 450 employees
Twitter – Laid Off – 100 employees
BlueStacks – 60+ employees
Unacademy – 600 employees
Vedantu – 624 employees
Cars24 – 600 employees
Meesho – 150 employees
Better.Com – 3000 employees
Blinkit – 5% of the workforce
OkCredit – 40 employees
Furlenco – 200 employees
Trell – 300 employees
Ford – 580 employees
Noom – 500 employees
Robinhood – 300 employees
Nestle – 104 employees
Tesco – 1600 employees
Hindustan Unilever Ltd – 1500 employees
MFine – 500 employees
Klarna – 700 employees
Cineplex Entertainment – 5000 employees
Primark – 400 employees
Royal Mail – 700 employees
DiDi – 3000 employees
Conde’ Nast – 90 per cent of workforce
Rupeek – 200 employees
Coinbase – 1100 employees
CityMall – Laid Off: 191 employees
Byju’s – 2500 employees
Tesla – 200 employees
(Above data has been taken from Inventiva)
66% CEOs in India expect recession in 2023; layoffs on the cards.  Eighty-six per cent CEOs in India, compared to 71 per cent CEOs globally, predict that a recession will impact company earnings by up to 10 per cent over the next 12 months.
39% CEOs freeze hiring; over 45% plan job cuts in next 6 months amid recession concerns: KPMG survey
You're not alone, nearly 80% of workers are worried about losing their job during a recession’
Meta, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, other corporate giants lean on job cuts as recession fears mount
Economists expect recession, job losses by 2023
Employees in the tech companies are hit by a tough season of layoffs and hiring freeze. With Meta, Twitter, Amazon.com Inc too were planning to lay off about 10,000 people.
Infosys reported lower attrition of 27.1 per cent in just-concluded quarter, compared to 28.4 per cent in June quarter.
For Wipro, the attrition came down to 23 per cent in Q2FY23, from 23.3 per cent in the previous quarter.
The attrition rates for HCL Tech had been rising since quarter ended September 2021 (15.7 per cent in Q2FY22), but it plateaued at 23.8 per cent in Q2 FY23, holding on to the same levels as June quarter (Q1FY23).
Good news
State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Dinesh Khara on Friday said that the impact of a global recession is unlikely to be as pronounced in India as compared to other countries. He said that India is doing well with a projected growth rate of 6.8%.
It is not a nice feeling, but it will reduce the government's costs substantially. A recession in the West could lower commodity and oil prices," a senior government official told BT TV.
Some steps to be taken by us during recession 
Delaying major purchases like home or car. 34%
Paying down debt. 29%
Planning to reduce holiday spending. 28%
Allocating more income to savings. 24%
Staying in a job they don't enjoy. 14%
Eighty-four percent of respondents in a recent survey said they are concerned about a recession happening before the end of the year, and 76% said they are making changes to their lifestyle in preparation for the downturn, according to financial group
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techno12 · 2 years
Byju’s education app development cost
INTRODUCTION Byju has made education a lot more accessible with its e-learning apps. The company’s apps have helped more than 25 million students across the world learn and make the most of their education. Here’s how much Byju’s education app development cost. Byju’s is an Indian Edtech company that provides learning services in the form of digital platforms and apps. It has been ranked as the top player in the education app market in India. Byju is a popular education app that has been serving students since 2001. The company has relied on app development outsourcing companies to build its platform. For example, Byju’s app development cost for a feature like 'Revision' is estimated at $25,000, while a module like 'Homework' costs $15,000. … With a total cost of development of $75,000, Byju’s app development cost is approximately $3,750 per student. The digital education industry is booming, and the number of students taking online courses is increasing significantly. With the rising number of online users, there is an increasing demand for online educational services like Byju's. The company has a team of over 4,000 employees, including over 1,000 teachers. The founder of the company, Byju Raveendran, took the company to new heights with his unrelenting efforts and the company is now in the top 10 of the world's most Byju’s is an Indian education app. The app was founded by Byju Raveendran in 2011. The app has a personalized learning module that includes videos, books, and interactive learning games. The company aims to make learning fun for students and help them excel in their studies.
Byju’s revenue Byju’s is an Indian education startup that provides online learning content for students. Founded in 2011, it is one of India’s fastest-growing education companies. Last year, Byju’s revenue was approximately $1 billion. Byju is one of India’s most popular digital education platforms, with over 8 million subscribers. In the past five years, Byju’s has grown from a single app to a fully-fledged ed-tech company. Here’s a look at the company’s revenue in the first half of FY 2020-21. Byju is mainly an educational app that helps students with their studies. The company has been doing well in the past few years and has a revenue of more than $1.8 billion, according to an ET report. Byjus, India's leading learning app, has been making a lot of headlines this year. The company that teaches everything from science to history to math to art to music to yoga to chess, has seen a massive surge in revenue. It has become the fastest-growing education startup in the world. Let's take a closer look at Byju's revenue.
Development costs Byju's is a platform that allows students to learn and study online. Initially, it was a typical e-learning platform where students could access online courses and take tests. The courses were video-based and students could access them at any time from anywhere. However, with time, the platform evolved to be more interactive and flexible. Now, Byju offers a range of courses in various subjects. From science, technology, and mathematics to history, accounts, and even yoga, there is something. Byju is one of the most popular education apps in the country. It has been downloaded more than a million times and has a cult following among students and parents alike. But despite its popularity, Byju's has had to shut down operations in some states due to non-payment of taxes and fees. Many people wonder how much it costs to develop an app Byju's. Byju is a huge success story in the education world. It is a K12 online platform for students. It provides interactive learning tools, interactive videos, and learning content to students.
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Why Byju chose to start this online tutoring business The story of Byju’s, the online tutoring platform, might remind you of your college days. Founder Byju Raveendran saw a gap in the market for educational services. He began tutoring students for competitive exams and eventually expanded into online tutoring. Byju’s is one of the largest online tutoring companies in India. The company originally started as a startup, and now it has a valuation of more than $1 billion. Here’s how Byju’s got started, and why the company is a great example of how to launch an online business in a crowded market. Who hasn’t heard of Byju’s app? It’s one of the biggest online tutoring companies in the world. They started it as a side project, and now it’s one of the most profitable education apps in the world. But what exactly is it that makes Byju’s so successful? And why did it choose to start an online tutoring business? Before starting Byju’s, the co-founders had worked in the education space for 10 years. They wanted to make learning more accessible for all students. So they started Byju’s, which has been growing rapidly since its inception.
Conclusion Byju’s is one of the leading education brands in India. The company has more than 40 million users and a presence in more than 10 countries. However, a major part of the company’s success has been in the area of mobile app development. Byju has created over 100 educational apps for iOS and Android that are integrated with the school curriculum. Byju is a popular education app that aims to make learning fun. It’s especially popular among children living in rural India. The app uses gamification to create a learning environment that is both engaging and effective. What exactly does the educational app development process involve, and how much does it cost? The company has more than 3 million monthly active users. It also has more than 10 million registered users and 1.5 million teachers. If you’re thinking about creating a similar e-learning program and so on.
Brillmindz mobile app is we are the leading mobile app development company in India. we have a team of skilled developers who works on different platforms. we have successfully developed many apps with various clients from all over the world. We offer mobile app design and development services to help you build your dream app. Our team of expert developers can build any app for any operating system.
Visit more: Mobile Game development companies in India
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your-dietician · 2 years
Vedantu acquires majority stake in Deeksha for $40 million in offline push
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/vedantu-acquires-majority-stake-in-deeksha-for-40-million-in-offline-push/
Vedantu acquires majority stake in Deeksha for $40 million in offline push
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Indian edtech Vedantu has acquired a majority stake in education chain Deeksha for $40 million, the latest in local online learning platforms’ growing attempts at tapping opportunities in the offline market.
The Bengaluru-headquartered Vedantu, which became a unicorn last year, said it will integrate its technology into offline centers of Deeksha as part of the strategic partnership to create a “scalable hybrid model.” Deeksha, is a 22-year-old institution that operates 39 physical centers in three Indian states and coaches students in 11th and 12th grade to operate for competitive exams.
Vedantu began experimenting with offline experience earlier this year and said in Deeksha, it found the right partner to maker deeper inroads in smaller Indian cities and towns. In an interview with TechCrunch, Vedantu co-founder and chief executive Vamsi Krishna said he has been tracking Deeksha for 10 years and when they began exploring synergies together, it became clear that the two will immensely benefit from the partnership.
Deeksha’s current topline revenue is between $10 million to $12 million and it’s operating at a 21% EBIDTA margin, according to a person familiar with the matter. Krishna declined to comment on Deeksha’s finances.
Krishna, who is a teacher himself, has taken a slightly different approach to acquisition opportunities. The edtech market in India has witnessed over a dozen consolidation in the past two years, but Vedantu has largely avoided any participation in that game. “We are still open to acquiring more startups, but I don’t have a certain metric to hit. Acquiring firms is not a strategy for Vedantu,” he said.
“When we say we are employing a hybrid strategy, we don’t mean pure offline centers. In fact, we don’t have any intention to ever open a pure offline center. We have always believed in creating access to quality teachers especially in tier 3 and tier 4 cities. Our vision is that students come to the center, but teachers are still teaching through streaming and other technologies.
Indian edtech giants accelerated their growth during the pandemic – and raised record amounts of capital. But as schools reopen, the firms are increasingly finding it difficult to maintain the same growth.
India is one of the world’s largest education markets with over 300 million school-going students and those preparing for competitive college exams. Only a sliver of this base is currently using any online education service.
Offline coaching centers, in contrast, are growing and continue to remain far more popular among students. In the past two years, top edtech giants including Byju’s, Vedantu and Unacademy, some of which sought to displace the offline players by offering affordable and higher quality education, have renewed their efforts to more directly tap the offline market.
Byju’s acquired Aakash, another physical online institute, for nearly $1 billion last year. Unacademy launched offline experience stores earlier this year. “Offline learning is not going away anytime soon. In fact, online complements offline really well, and together as a package, the omnichannel model is going to steer and be here for a long period of time,” GV Ravishankar, a partner at Sequoia India, said at an event earlier this year.
“Through this partnership, we will leverage Vedantu’s LIVE Class platform for our students and provide a hybrid solution that maximizes learning outcomes through personalized learning algorithms. Vedantu’s hybrid learning model will also enable us to provide the same ‘Deeksha Experience’ to millions of students in smaller towns and cities at an affordable cost,” said Dr. Sridhar, co-founder of Deeksha, in a statement.
Read full article here
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swatiptatel91 · 3 years
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kodytechnolab · 3 years
With the advent of technology, education and learning have become more fun and engaging. However, EdTech startups are still confused about which startup idea they should invest in? Here are our hand-picked ed-tech startup ideas for 2021 and beyond. For any queries, feel free to contact us.
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collegevidya · 3 years
During the Covid pandemic, these platforms were rising horizontally as people were converted to online education. Due to this increase, India has become the second biggest Ed-Tech country in the world.
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techsamvad · 4 years
#TechSamvadGameChangers: Join Top-10 Local Startup in the EdTech Region in the year 2020
There is no doubt that while COVID-19 has resulted in huge economic losses to many sectors, there have been some areas which have seen dramatic growth. And one of them was Ed-Tech.
The recently introduced RedSeer and Omidyar Network India believe that the online education offering sector for classes 1-12 alone will increase 6.3 times by the year 2022, touching a figure of $ 1.7 billion. From BYJUs to Unacademy, growing users on platforms and the huge investment these startups receive from investors, clearly illustrates the potential of the online education world.
And that's why this time in TechSamvad Game Changers, we have brought for you to join the Ed-Tech sector of India, such startups are fast growing their feet in this world.
1. ClassMonitor
Launched in March 2016 by Vijeet Pandey and Vikas Rishishwar, ClassMonitor is actually working to provide learning experiences to young pre-school children through Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits. Through this, parents get the facility to create a great learning base while keeping their children away from TV, mobile etc.
In addition, this platform also serves as a means of communication for parents and teachers. Their learning kits come in four different products for children from 1 to 8 years old. Each box includes over 200 DIY activities, including items such as flashcards, rhymes, stories, fun worksheets, art supplies, and children's game plants, animals, etc.
Along with this all these boxes come with the membership of the ClassMonitor app. This app has AR / VR (virtual reality) feature and a QR code scanner. As such, you can scan the QR code given in every worksheet and see the steps to complete it there.
2. Entri
Entri, founded in 2017 by Mohammed Hisamuddin and Rahul Ramesh, offers people a variety of local languages, mock tests, flashcards and video lectures etc. to prepare them for government and private jobs. It currently offers more than 150 courses for government recruitment exams and upskilling courses in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu Kannada and Hindi.
If the company believes it will touch the figure of 5 million users in 2020 and is aiming for 10 million users in the next 18 months. According to a report, the company has some 3 million users on its platform sometime back, out of which 90,000 are customer pads and it is adding 10,000 new users to its platform every day.
3. Cuemath
Cuemath, founded by Manan Khurma in 2013, operates a Maths-related program for children from Asal KG to Class 10. And offers its services in both home-based centers and online portals. These classes are managed and conducted by trained and certified Cuemath teachers from premier institutions such as IIT and Cambridge University.
In addition, this model helps children to improve in Maths as well as provides home-based career opportunities to educated women and qualified housewives. In fact, these women set up home-based centers to teach the children of the neighborhood, and these centers are run independently, and it is the women who decide the time of the students.
At the same time, Cuemath partners with these teachers and provides students and teachers with the right teaching materials and a Cuemath tablet. Its live online classes are for children between grades seven and ten and include slightly more difficult courses.
4. IndigoLearn
IndigoLearn is a Hyderabad-based accountancy-focused ad-tech startup. This startup uses new technology and animation techniques to make the accountancy course easy and fun. IndigoLearn was founded in 2017 by Sriram Somayajula, Sathya Raghu, Suraj Lakhotia, Sarat Velumuri.
IndigoLearn offers over 200 hours of CA Foundation e-learning modules through its Android app '1FIN'. This makes the study even more interesting by using story-based methods along with film visual effects.
With online notes, answers to online questions, student forums and many such new features, it prepares students for the CA exam. According to the company, it has covered more than 850 hours of great and visual rich content for CA Foundation and CA Inter students.
5. Asmakam
The Indore-based startup was started in 2015 by a mother-daughter duo. Asmakam, started by Archana Gehlot and Maitreyee Gehlot, has developed into a community of like-minded parents who share empathy, resources and experiences with each other.
Asmakam helps parents in building their own learning resources. In addition to connecting them with experts, it also provides a lot of support towards self-led open education for their children.
It also guides parents in things related to lifestyle changes, with the changes coming in the way of teaching and educating children.
It has also made its activities online due to COVID-19. Between Indore and Coronovirus lockdown, the platform reached 400 families across India through a platform webinar, virtual meeting, consultation session.
6. Instasolv
Instasolv is a doute-solution app for students of classes 6 to 12 for science, maths, English, social science, etc. Students can take a photo of their questions and get their answer within few seconds by submitting it in the app. It currently has 7 million questions and answers, and answers about 100,000 questions on a daily basis.
In this app, students of other boards including CBSE, ICSE, UP board can also ask their questions. Along with this, you can also get answers to the questions related to the IIT-JEE and NEET exam here.
The Noida-based startup was founded by Aditya Singhal, Nishant Sinha, and Bahul Arora. Its founders believe that students face a lot of challenge in solving various questions, especially in mathematics and science. It is estimated that Indian students post about one billion problems (dout) on the Internet every day.
7. NoPaperForms
Started in 2017, NoPaperForms works to empower educational institutions by modifying enrollment, etc. in the admission process. This startup decided to step up in this direction in view of the management scattered in educational institutions.
In this direction, the company made the task simple for educational institutions in the country by making the registration process easy and accurate. NoPaperForms processed nearly 20 lakh applications and recorded millions of transactions through its platform as well as saving huge amounts of paper.
This company believes in providing a better user experience to students who are interested in coming to the platform and submitting their applications.
In fact, the company competes with IT firms, which offer ERP solutions for entering multiple stages in an educational institution. But NoPaperForms differs slightly as it covers all stages of entry on a single platform with a set of total services. Naveen Goyal and Suraj Supra are among the people who made this company.
8. ActiPass
ActiPass is the largest aggregator of Extra-Curricular Activity in Vapi. ActiPass allows both children and adults to click on a button to find 30+ activities happening in and around Vapi.
This startup was started by Kunal Shah and Kunal Dedhia with the aim of connecting children with workshops and other activities happening around them. So that he and his parents can easily detect these activities. ActiPass is currently targeting cities such as Vapi, Surat, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune.
9. QuizNext
Bengaluru-based QuizNext is a gamified practice edtech platform that inspires students to practice more using the game element to relieve them from the stress of the exam. This startup offers gaming-based practice sets using AI for students in the K-12 segment.
QuizNext was founded in December 2018 by Guruprasad Holla, Chaiitanyaa Naik, Prasanth T and Sikandar Tamboli. Currently, this startup offers bootstrap as a freemium model and an annual subscription model. Along with gamified practice materials, this startup also offers curated remedial videos, worksheets and test papers.
It is currently focusing on students up to class 6-10 of CBSE and ICSE. But at the same time QuizNext is also trying to establish itself as an After School Activity platform. This will not only reduce the burden of giving homework or test papers to the teachers, but will also keep track of the subjects the student has seen throughout the year.
In addition, the startup is also exploring opportunities to develop as a post-class assessment and feedback tool for teachers by partnering with several leading publishers to make QuizNext available to 4,500+ schools across India. Could.
10. Quizizz
Founded in 2015 by Ankit Gupta and Deepak Joy Cheenath, Quizizz is an edtech platform that uses games and memes in its course to make learning methods more engaging among students. The company has recently recorded 50 million monthly active users globally.
Quizizz facilitates self-assessment for teachers with a class or distance learning program, making it even more interesting by adding elements such as Gamification. Using the platform, teachers can also create their own question answers or choose from quizzes created by other teachers for the course.
Meanwhile the company also claims that it has millions of active teachers on its platform and more than 1.5 billion questions are solved every month by students.
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