#top gifts for Jack Daniels lovers
chadwick211 · 2 years
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popcornforone · 6 months
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I’ve not done this before but I believe this would be what 8 of the Pedro Pascal Guys would gift you on Christmas morning. A little bit of fun & some of you might not agree but this is what I think they would gift you underneath the tree.
Obviously some of these are not going to be minor friendly so best not to read if you are under 18!
Din Djarin
Din would look on (behind the mask obviously) & se you start to unwrap you small gift. The knot won’t undo so Grogu starts to use the force. You think it’s sweet but Din tells him off for not being patient. You undo the last layer of the brown paper & see that Din has gifted you some Beskar. It has his & Grogus emblem on it & you smile back, you are not a mandalorian. You then notice it has a hook & chain. Din comes & sits behind you & slowly clips in it place & you smile. Through his modulator you hear him whisper”your part of our clan now”
Oberyn Martell
You awaken in your chambers, usually a small bowl of fruit is waiting for you from your lover. But this morning there are 3. One filled with fruit, one with nuts & one with spices. There is also a large display of flowers in front of your mirror. You smile & slowly climb out of bed & see a note from your Prince. “I shall come to see you later today, to make sure you remember our day of celebrations”. Oberyn is a man of his word & satisfy you for an hour later that morning. He is greeted by his own gift of your naked body lying on top of the bed sheets.
Frankie Catfish Morales
Frankie is Sober this Christmas & remember to actually get you a gift. No last minute dash to a 24/7 store on Christmas Eve. Nope underneath the tree is that jumper you pointed out 3 weeks ago when you went shopping, plus a watch, yours stopped working a little while ago. You hold them up proudly & smile that Frankie has taken so much in recently. “Awww Frankie” you say & you scoot along the sofa & kiss him softly. “So perfect, you do listen to me”.
Joel Miller (pre outbreak)
Post out break Joel doesn’t even know what day of the week it is but pre outbreak would have spoilt you with gifts. Ginger bread house packs the week before to build. Flowers & plants for you to make a Christmas wreath with in advance. Candles for the Christmas table. It’s like he was doing his own advent calendar himself. But in the day he softly will wake you up & gift you a small piece of jewellery. It’s not much but it will be half his monthly salary. He’d slowly but on the bracket, neckless or earrings on you & then would pepper you in kisses.
Jack Daniels / Agent Whiskey
He’s probably on assignment, saving the world. If he is he gifts you a bottle of the next years Statesmen for you to have & save for the future. But if he is home he’s got you something to make your life better. This year he has got you an air fryer. You’ve heard the rest of the world talk about them & he thought it was a rather cool gadget. You both wonder if you can air-fry Brussel sprouts to see if that makes them taste better.
Marcus Moreno
Marcus feels sorry for you. He’s not been a good boyfriend, but you understand being a super hero is more important. So when he is not in bed on Christmas morning you’re a little concerned. But then I’m he walks. “Breakfast in bed for my beloved” he’s made pancakes, proper coffee, fresh orange juice & there is a large bowl of fruit too. “I have other gifts under the tree for you but I promise to be here more emotionally & physically this year” he says before he slips back into bed with you to eat the breakfast & maybe have some morning delight.
Pero Tovar
Rice. He’s got you rice. It’s what keeps him going. He’s grumpy if he doesn’t eat & it’s his favourite. So him buying you 3 bags of rice for Christmas means you don’t have to spend any of your money on it for the next three months, which you are secretly happy about.
Dave York
He’s given you a couple of standard gifts over the day in front of the family, but as you both finish putting things away from the day, Dave hands you a small box. No one else is around the girls are in bed, the in-laws have left. So when you open the box & you see the see through nightdress & new vibrator, you blush. “David!” You squark. He lifts you up abandoning the rest of the cleaning away. “But I’m not wearing it” you say. “I know” Dave replies “I don’t want you wearing anything while i fuck you tonight”
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petervicksblog · 8 months
Upgrade Your Summer Look
DiaryLand family members neighborhoodrest of the world, A bright dude canine; Timmy, A white or black male myotonic goat; Nadia, A non colored documents women myotonic goat; darling routine, A brown lightly and then schokohrrutige woman's canine; Daniel, A age additionally creme individual canine; Robvitamin ert, one specific age, grayscale a mans canine; Jett, A black a woman cat; plus the showmanship group, Hedy Lamar, Lana Turner, Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, Bette Davis, with Myrna Loy refined Leghorn chickens; explode, A black colored, natural male, saddle mule; Stonewall, a functional proverb, man, saddle mule; went up by, a definite brown leafy europe cow; art, An orange or whitened candy striped, person, cat; Sin commercial, that greyish, vibrant, and simply dunkelhrrutige, lady feline; Nathan, non colored documents, guys belgium china based websites pigFAVORITE concept: NonpareilMOST LOATHED the word: used becoming verbFAVORITE colourings: as well as white whiteFAVORITE MONTH: OctoberFAVORITE odors: peppermint, vanilla flavor, home dice grassFAVORITE adventure choice: Las VegasFAVORITE POETS: Walt Whitman, Charles BukowskiFAVORITE MARX close friend: GrouchoFAVORITE foods: movement popcorn, ecologically friendly grapesFAVORITE professional: christopher WalkenFAVORITE celebrity: Lillian GishFAVORITE animation: fluffy legendary beast: PhoenixFAVORITE animators: edward cullen Hopper, Maxfield Parrish, Kees Van Dongen, andrew Wyeth, Jamie Wyeth, Andy Warhol, Edvard munch, Salvador Dali, rob Goings, Roy Lichtenstein, Charles baseball, Vincent Van Gogh, Davis ConeFAVORITE tarot units: participant Waite, bloody halloween, Victoria
Regina, Dali prior preference tv series: southwest theme park, crank Yankers, historical past Mysteries, traversing additional, Booknotes, village confidential, as well as,while Six Feet UnderFAVORITE speak radio station explain to: art BellFAVORITE kind of cafe: VegetarianFAVORITE scenery TO hide out: museums, theatres, malls, and therefore mountainsFAVORITE holidays: vampire party, Easter as well. jack work schedule is a great choice. https://www.pv4sale.com/pit-viper-1993-polarized-sunglasses-the-perfect-christmas-gift/ I fantastic!Sumi37 personal diarycomments: items because of smallish family pets. towards contemplated. these lover is considered the most description diarycomments: elegant additionally bizarre, articulate and therefore great, highly charmin on top of that. an uncommon number take 64 as well as also most rare of people, like that amazin lover, currently have 120. Amus e. you are as well,actually. Readin until this diary is going to be time frame paid out with a friend. repairing on backup copies took out soooo time-consuming, still things are as well as no reports have been missed. Ay yeah! in any case, want many people are surely with herpes elements.
friend marathon results to achieve Regina
0 notes
ahmeddsyed · 2 years
Liquor-Filled Chocolate Gifts
If you or a couple you know indulges in alcoholic drinks, then add some chocolate to the mix and watch a ho-hum evening turn into a night of fun, excitement, and the ultimate in romance. Romantic gift baskets with liquor filled chocolates and other sweet treats will have your mouths watering for more and your hearts pounding for each other, and the same goes for any couple lucky enough to get a basket as a gift from you and your own special someone.
So what exactly goes into an amazing gift basket like this? In addition to the awesome keepsakes like a martini shaker, beautiful olive picks, or even the baskets themselves, there are a variety of imported liquor filled chocolates to be enjoyed thoroughly by any romantic couple over the age of twenty one.
If the delicious chocolates aren't enough to get your heart pounding, and the keepsakes are just a bonus that you could take or leave, then you should hear about the rest of the package. Hennessy Cognac Dip into vermouth flavored pimento stuffed olives to add to the delightfully tipsy experience, or drop one or two into your drink for a little added flavor.
Add in the fruits refreshed in liquor that can be found in some of these wonderful gift baskets, and you will start to feel that delicious buzz just thinking about digging in and sharing with that special someone. Dip into a jar of mini apples refreshed in Calvados liquor, imported from France for your pleasure. Or perhaps get some depitted apricots refreshed in Amaretto sounds more your speed? What about a gourmet jar or lychees refreshed in Sake? These also make a delicious topping for cakes or ice cream.
Mix together a couple of small bottles of your favorite shot drinks like Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey or Malibu Caribbean White Rum with coconut and you will be floating up to heaven on a cloud of pleasure with your significant other right by your side. Add in Brandy filled chocolates from Germany, and you are hitting upon perfection.
When you and your lover are looking for a way to celebrate something special, you likely pop open the champagne or another drink of choice and toast to your happiness, your success, or your love. Now you have the chance to pop a liquor filled chocolate into your lover's mouth and let his or her eyes widen in appreciation for the extra special treat that you have procured for your pleasure. Spend a blissful evening sipping at your drinks, snacking on liquor refreshed fruit, and enjoying the delightful keepsakes that come with each romantic gift basket of liquor filled chocolates.
You are hardly going to know what to do with yourselves as you enjoy special treats like Jack Daniel's flavored coffee, golden rum cake with walnuts, and white zinfandel cheese spread along with your special chocolates and port wine and cheese biscuits. With all of these wonderful treats just waiting for a reason to indulge, you will want to find a reason to celebrate every day!
0 notes
celestialmazer · 3 years
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Julie Mehretu, Untitled 2, 1999. Private collection. Courtesy of White Cube. © Julie Mehretu
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Julie Mehretu, Hineni (E. 3:4), 2018. Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne/Centre de création industrielle; gift of George Economou, 2019. © Julie Mehretu. Photography:Tom Powel Imaging
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Julie Mehretu, Mind-Wind Field Drawings (quarantine studio, d.h.) #1, 2019-2020. Private collection, courtesy Marian Goodman Gallery New York/Paris. © Julie Mehretu. Photography courtesy Marian Goodman Gallery
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Julie Mehretu, Mogamma (A Painting in Four Parts) Part 1, 2012. Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. © Julie Mehretu. Photography: White Cube, Ben Westoby
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Julie Mehretu, Conjured Parts (eye), Ferguson, 2016. The Broad Art Foundation, Los Angeles. © Julie Mehretu. Photography: Cathy Carver
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Julie Mehretu, Migration Direction Map (large), 1996. Private collection. © Julie Mehretu. Photography: Tom Powel Imaging
At home with artist Julie Mehretu
Julie Mehretu speaks with the joy and conviction of someone who has had the freedom to investigate all their interests. Curiosity has led her to the myriad topics, objects and moments that inform her work, among them cartography, archaeology, the birth of civilisation and mycology. Since the 1990s, her practice has expanded outwardly in all directions like a spider web. A lack of understanding and preconceived notions among reviewers have often led to her work being flattened – simplified so that it is easily digestible – but in reality, her work is far from a simplistic investigation of any one topic. It encompasses multitudes.
The artist’s recent paintings are mostly large scale, but her early works on paper (often created with multiple layers – one sheet of Mylar on top of another) are as small as a six-inch square. The works often comprise innumerable minuscule markings – tremendous force and knowledge communicated through delicate inkings and streaks. Their layers reveal, rather than obfuscate. And though Mehretu’s creative process springs from a desire to understand herself better, the work itself is in no way autobiographical. 
Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the tails of a continental rejection of colonialism, and raised there, then in Michigan, Mehretu has a flexible and full-hearted understanding of home. It is not one physical place, but many, all holding equal importance. On 25 March, Mehretu will present her first major retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art, with works spanning 1996 to 2019. The institution is an important one for Mehretu, as it played host to several pivotal shows in her youth.
Her exhibition has served as an impetus for Mehretu to look back at her already prolific career, observing and organising the thoughts, questions and answers she has put forth for over two decades. The six years it took to bring this exhibition together proved an incredibly valuable time of reflection, fatefully dovetailing with a year of quarantine. 
Wallpaper*: Where are you as we speak?
Julie Mehretu: I’m in my studio on 26th Street, right on the West Side Highway. I’ve worked here for 11 years.
W*: Are there any artists, writers or thinkers that have had a meaningful impact on you?
JM: I don’t know how to answer that because there are literally so many! It’s constantly changing. Right now, Kara Walker, David Hammons, William Pope.L, and younger artists like Jason Moran (who has made amazing work around abstraction). There are so many artists that have been informative and important to me: Frank Bowling, Jack Whitten, Caravaggio.
I also look at a lot of prehistoric work, from as far back as 60,000 years ago, as well as cave paintings from 6th century China and early prehistoric drawings in the caves of Australia. 
W*: What’s the most interesting thing you have read, watched or listened to recently?
JM: For the last few weeks I’ve been immersed in Steve McQueen films. I’ve been bingeing on lovers rock music. And a TV show that really moved me was [Michaela Cole’s] I May Destroy You. It’s difficult, but it was really well done and powerful. 
Ocean Vuong’s novel On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous is amazing. The Mushroom at the End of the World by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing is a really incredible book too – she studies this mushroom that became a delicacy in Japan in the 7th century. It started growing in deforested areas – it’s in these places destroyed by human beings that these mushrooms survive. [I find it interesting] that this mushroom grows on the edge of precarity and destruction. Like with Black folks, there is a constant aspect of insisting on yourself and reinventing yourself in the midst of constant effort of destruction. 
W*: What was the first piece of art you remember seeing? How did you feel about it?
JM: One of the first times I remember being moved by a work of art was looking through my mother’s Rembrandt book. We brought so few things back from Ethiopia and that was one of them. [Particularly] Rembrandt’s The Sacrifice of Isaac. That story is so intense. I was so moved by the light and the skin and the way the paint made light and skin. 
W*: Do you travel? If so, what does travel afford you, and what have you missed about it during Covid-19?
JM: I travel a lot, but I haven’t travelled this year. There has been this amazing sense of suspension and a pause in that. I miss travelling, but going to look at art, watching films, reading novels and listening to music is the way I travel now. For instance, I’ve been listening to Afro-Peruvian music and now I want to go to Peru.
Before I know it we will be back in this fast-paced, zooming-around environment – there is something I want to savour by staying here, now, in this time and absorbing as much as I can.
W*: You are said to have a vast collection of objects and images. Walk me through your collection – what areas, materials, makers and things have the largest presence and why?
JM: When you enter our home there is this long hallway. Framed along the wall we have around 20 fluorescent Daniel Joseph Martinez block-printed posters he made with words – almost poems. Our kids grew up reading those. One says ‘Sometimes I can’t breathe’ and another one says ‘Don’t work’, while some are really long.
We also have a great Paul Pfeiffer photograph of one from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse series. We have a group of Richard Tuttle etchings right over our dining table. We have an amazing David Hammons body print as well, and my kids’ work is all over the house.
W*: As the daughter of immigrants and an immigrant yourself – how do you conceptualise home and how do you create it?
JM: There were a lot of times I felt very transient – as a student and a young adult, going in and out of school and residency programmes. It always came back to music and food. There are certain flavours, foods, music, smells that you take wherever you go. Also as a mother, I’m building a home for my children. Home becomes something else because of them. They are the core of home now. 
W* How has motherhood affected your practice?
JM: I became much more productive when I had kids for several reasons – one is that I felt a lot of pressure to make [work] in the time I wasn’t with them, which of course is unsustainable. A large part of making is not making – thinking and searching. 
When I got to work I could get into it much more quickly. Kids grow and change so fast, you feel time is passing so you need to use it. I wasn’t going to stop working, that’s for sure. All women who are pushing in their lives make that choice. 
W*: What is your favourite myth and why does it hold importance for you?
JM: Right now I’m reading Greek myths to my ten-year-old. We’ve read them before, but he wanted to read them again. I still read to him at night even though he’s a voracious reader himself.
The myths I remember the most are myths I’ve come across in visual works. Titian’s Diana and Actaeon – I know that myth so well because of his painting. Bernini’s mesmerising sculpture of Apollo and Daphne I saw in Rome, where her body becomes a tree. The leaves are so delicately carved into the marble, it’s a work of incredible beauty. I’ve been considering this deconstructionist approach to mythology. Storytelling becomes this place to interrogate propositions, which is what I think mythology does.
W*: Have you experienced a flattening of your work?
JM: I’m always concerned with flattening and pigeonholing. That is something that happens to artists like us all the time. When I first was working and showing there was a bit of that happening with my work. It was put into the space of cartography or an architectural analysis of it. It was said to be autobiographical work.
The art world tries to consume. There is this desire to flatten and the desire for Black artists to be a reflection of their experience. I don’t think any artist is like that at all. In reality, none of us are flat. We all contain multitudes and are complicated – that has always been the core of the Black radical tradition.
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ladydorian05 · 3 years
A life in retrospection
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(pic credit: @a7estrellas​)
Hello @scribbledghost​ !!! I couldn’t wait, I’m your Secret Santa darling!!!!!
I really, really, REALLY  hope you like this. This is actually the third try at writing your gift, I dot nervous and the self doubt worm hit me hard while writing. You mentioned you wanted ‘talking’, well my on the first one it was more talking than anything and was such a mess that I knew no amount of editing would fix it. I didn’t erase it completely I used some parts for the second one that served as the foundation for the final one.
It’s still a little bit of a mess, I suck at choosing titles and maybe the ending is a bit rushed.
Edit: Forgot to mention, Miss Daisy belongs to Scribbledghost, from her neighbour Whiskey series, check it out, you won’t regret it. 
A life in retrospection
Soulmate AU!
Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x fem character (a name is mentioned so it’s not THAT reader friendly)
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, lil bit of depression, Jack goes to therapy so expect to read a different man (we really just yeeted a whole man and turn him into a better one, the beauty of fanfics), fluffiness, this man is not afraid to cry, allusions to spiciness but just implicit.
Words: 3K and something.
He couldn’t believe this was his life now.
He thought as he watched, through a window from the inside of his warm home, as the snowflakes fell outside.
Couldn’t believe he was capable of feeling such happiness again, not after everything he’s had to live through.
A few years ago, he almost committed the biggest mistake of his entire existence, condemning millions of people just because of his trauma. Good thing a pair of gentlemen helped knock some sense into him. Literally. And god bless Champ for giving him a second chance, since then, his life had been filled with second chances.
He finally went to see the Statesman therapist and work through his issues, he gave himself a second chance, to heal, to see the world in a different way.
What he never thought he would get, was a second chance at love, at being loved, but his beloved’s favorite pastime was to just prove him wrong every chance she got.
And prove him wrong she did.
Everyone has a soulmate, even him, and just like everyone else’s, his soul mark appeared on his thirteenth birthday. Right there, the name and the first letter of his soulmate’s last name etched into his skin in his soulmate’s handwriting and just like everyone he had been excited.
He spent countless hours staring at the letters on his wrist, studying the beautiful, soft and round letters, some of them just a breath away from being cursives. Always wondering when and if he would be able to meet the person they belonged to.
As the years passed, he became more aware of how small the chance that he would actually meet his soulmate was, and while he kept wondering about them from time to time, he didn’t stop himself from falling in love with someone else.
He shared many years with her, they got married just as they were fresh out of college, neither of them caring that they weren’t each other’s soulmates. Marriages like theirs weren’t rare at all, after all the world is way too big and life too short to spend it looking for one person.
Yes, life is short and it can be so cruel to the least deserving. The day he lost both his wife and unborn son was the day something inside him broke, something he thought could never be repaired again. He fell in an abysm of self blame that in time turned into bitterness and hatred for those who fell in the clutches of illegal substances. He really thought he would never love again.
Until one day. One fateful day thanks to a mix up with his order at his favorite coffee shop, he met her, his beloved; when their drinks had been served in the wrong cups by the new barista in training.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, what were the chances that said woman would turn out to also be his soulmate. From the moment he saw her he felt drawn to her. He knew it, the moment their fingers touched when they exchanged their cups. Something in him shifted with a rush of emotions, leaving him breathless.
Hell, even now she still leaves him breathless.
They had spent the rest of that day getting to know each other, they talked about everything and anything, as if they were old friends seeing each other again after some time apart. He had heard the stories multiple times, people would talk about how they felt the moment they found their soulmate, they all paled in comparison to the overwhelming feeling of being know in such a way by someone you had just met.
He felt so blessed just being able to be in her presence.
Indiana, Indy, his love, his Moonshine, the light of his life that pulled him out of the remaining darkness inside him. You gave him a second chance at love, at actually feeling alive and not just living. And he took it, he would’ve been and idiot if he hadn’t.
They decided to take it slow to truly get to know one another and see where this connection of theirs would take them. After all, not all soulmates went on the romantic route; some, were just destined to be platonic and neither option was better than the other, that’s just the way things were.
But after many dates, after both bared their souls to one another, they were happy to discover that all along there had been something growing between them and that the feeling was mutual.
They shared their first kiss beneath a starry sky, she had taken him to her favorite spot in the city, maybe the stars weren’t as visible as in other places due to the light pollution of the city but neither of you were really looking at them, too lost in one another. After that night everything fell into place.
In the following months, they spent as much time as they could together, lunch breaks, dinners, weekends at each other’s apartments watching movies, talking about work, about anything and everything.
After Champ had notified him that he was going to be allowed go back to field work, he invited you to dinner at his place. He decided to tell you everything then and there, about his wife, about his work; he had previously asked for permission for the last one, assuring his boss that this was serious and that he trusted you completely, he even told you about what he almost did during the whole Golden circle fiasco.
He had expected to see some kind of horror or judgement written in Indy’s face when he finally lifted his head when he stopped talking, he should have known better. He found understanding in your eyes, you told him how proud you were that he looked for help after everything he went through and that ‘James Bond job’ or not, you would be there for him.
You had also added an ‘Of course your alias is Whiskey!’ that made him laugh, but that was beyond the point.
You only asked, that every time he was to go on a mission that he’d let you know, and if he had to leave at a moment’s notice, he would call or text you as soon as he could, you also asked him to be careful.
“We just found each other I don’t want to lose you.” Were your exact words. He remembers because he kissed you as soon as you said them, it started slow and full of gratitude but it soon changed into a passionate one.
That had been the first of many nights, and mornings, he got to share his bed with you. You moved together shortly after that night. Going to bed every night and waking up with you at his side soon became the highlight of his days, if he could he would spend a lifetime just lying with you in bed. He savours every moment he gets by your side.
He had been sure, long before the date of your first year anniversary approached; both of you chose it to be the day you met; that he wanted to be there for you, he wanted to protect you, to make you as happy as you make him, to be anything you needed him to be, a friend, a lover, a life partner; you just had to say it and he’d do anything become that person.
He made a decision. They had already discussed the subject of marriage on more than one occasion, so he was sure it was something you would want or wouldn’t be opposed to it eventually. He still thought about it, long and hard for days.
After his first marriage he never thought he would be open to, well, any kind of relationship that went beyond one-night stands, but that was before therapy, before he worked on the demons inside his head; and now, now he just hoped you would be willing to take an old man as your husband. Again, he should’ve known better.
He planned everything, a romantic dinner at good restaurant; not too over the top fancy but with good food; then he would take you on a romantic walk through Central park, he knew of a spot that had a beautiful gazebo with a view to a pond, he decided he would ask you there; and of course, he sent to polish his mother’s ring.
She gave him the ring some time after his wife passed away and made him promise that he would only give it to his soulmate if he met them. His parents had been soulmates, and his grandparents as well, she explained that the ring had been in the family for many generations and more times than not the marriages had been between soulmates, maybe she believed the ring would bring him luck in finding his own.
With everything carefully planned, he just had to wait for the day to arrive.
But even the best-laid plans, often go awry.
The date fell on a Friday, he was just about to clock in when he received a call from Champ, he and Vermouth; previously known as their Ginger ale; where called for an emergency mission. A Band of extremist where planning a bombing, they got the location of their hideout and were tasked to take them out immediately.
While the mission wouldn’t take him to the other side of the planet, it would take him to the other side of the country, he knew even if they hurried up, he wouldn’t be back in time for the reservation; in fact, if he was lucky, he wouldn’t be back until midnight.
He remembers how much he had apologized to you as he called you on the Statesman’s plane, and bless you and your beautiful heart, you took it in stride, telling him it was fine and that you could celebrate the next day, that all you needed was for him to return to you safe and sound.
And he did just that. At around two in the morning, he opened the door to the apartment he shared with you, he left his hat and jacket at the entrance. He was beginning to un button his shirt when he saw you sleeping on the couch, a box of pizza on the coffee table and the tv still on.
It made him feel guilty but it also warmed his heart that you had tried to wait up for him, he decided against waking you up. He turned the tv off and took you in his arms, you only stirred a little bit before your breath evened out again. He placed you on your side of the bed and tuck you in; he took all of his clothes off except for his briefs before joining you in bed.
The next morning, he stirred awake at the feeling of your lips leaving small kisses all over his chest.
“Mmgood morning Moonshine.” He said, his voice rough from sleep.
“Good morning to you too, cowboy. Sorry I woke you up, but I couldn’t resist.”
“Nothin’ to be sorry about, love. Can’t think of a better way to wake up.” He had pull you closer to his side, your head resting on his arm. “’m sorry I missed our anniversary.”
“None of that Jack, I told you it’s okay. Besides, you can always make it up to me.” You said with mirth, running your hand up and down his torso.
He chuckled. “What did I do to deserve you?” he muttered as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
Both of you stayed quiet, just enjoying the moment, basking in the feeling of being in each other’s arms; until he broke the comfortable silence.
“Marry me.”
The words had just slipped through his lips. He knew neither of you really needed fancy restaurants or romantic venues, you just needed each other. So, what better place and moment to ask you to be his wife, than in the warmth of the home you shared, lying in each other’s arms in their bed.
“What?” He felt your hand stop its movement right on top of his heart, he was sure you had felt how fast it was beating.
“I said, marry me, Moonshine. Please?” You sat on the bed, watching him with an unreadable expression.
“Jack Daniels, you better not be joking.” You had pointed a finger to him.
“Tell me my love, if I wasn’t serious, would I have this?” He said as he also sat on the bed and reached inside of the drawer of the nightstand, taking the velvet box in his hand; not the best hiding place but he hadn’t planned for it to stay there for a long time; he opened it to show you the ring inside.
“Oh my god Jack!” you covered your mouth with your hands as your eyes became glossy with unshed tears.
“Indy, Indiana, my love, my Moonshine, my soulmate. You have no idea how blessed I feel to have you in my life, there aren’t enough words in the world to help me express how much I love you, how much you mean to me. You’re an amazing person, so kind, intelligent, strong and beautiful, and I’ll be more than honored to be your husband, if you’ll have me.” He held his breath as he watched you process what he just said.
He was beginning to get worried when you just sat there for a few seconds, that felt like an eternity to him, staring at him without saying a word. You took him by surprise when you jumped into his arms, just as he was considering on telling you that it was okay if you didn’t want to or that you could take your time before answering.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes Jack! Of course I’ll have you!” By the time he got the ring on your finger both of you were a sobbing mess. He didn’t let you leave the bed until way past noon, and only because neither of you had had breakfast. He had to take good care of his fiancée.
The wedding had been beautiful, only your closest friends and family were invited to the event.
Sometime after the wedding, Champ asked him to move back to Kentucky, he offered him a promotion, he offered him his own position in Statesman, saying that he was ready to retire and that he thought that, out of everyone else, he was the best candidate for it.
His past self would have jumped at the opportunity, not only would he be in charge of the intelligence agency, he would also become the major stockholder of the distillery; but he wasn’t that man anymore, it was a huge responsibility, even if it came with its benefits.
And he had a wife. Your friends lived here, your work was here, you had built a life for yourself in this city long before he came into your life; he couldn’t just go home and tell you ‘Darling, guess what? We’re moving to Kentucky!’ and he refused to leave you behind.
He thanked Champ for the offer and asked him for some time to think about it. He told you about it as soon as he got home. He told you that he couldn’t just ask you to leave what you worked so hard to get behind and follow him down south.
You let him speak, you let him ramble on and on about why it wasn’t a good idea, he also listed some of the positive things that came with accepting the promotion.
“Wait a minute.” You interrupted him in the middle of his tirade. “As the head or director or whatever you guys call it, you would be permanently stationed in Kentucky? As in no more field work?”
“Well, yes and no. At first yes, Champ will have to show me the ropes of everything, then I’ll probably still be active for some years but then well yes, eventually I won’t be sent on missions as frequently as right now. There’s also managing the distillery and that means normal corporate stuff like business trips and all that; it won’t be that different from what I already do here.” You nodded at his words.
“Do it. You have my support.” His eyes widened at that.
“But, but Moonshine, what about your work!?”
“What about it? I’m sure I can request a transfer, and if not I’m sure I can get a new job, it’s not like we’re moving to the middle of nowhere; I could also become a free-lancer.” You listed. “Listen Jack, if moving south means you’ll be risking your life less and less as time goes on, then we’re moving south.” And that was the end of the discussion, he knew the decision was made.
He let you choose the new house, he only asked for enough land to get a horse or two in the future; he was dying to take you on romantic rides; and you chose a beautiful roomy one, neither of you wanted to dismiss the possibility of children. The extra points of the house were the beautiful chimney inside and the fire pit on the back porch, it also had a barn not far from the main building.
And it was good that the house was quite large because half a year after moving in, he convinced you to go with him to a local farm animal expo on his day off. As you browsed through the various handmade items in display, he stumbled upon a woman selling teacup pigs, and while he had always considered himself more of a horses and dogs person, his curiosity got the better of him.
They were so adorable, one in particular caught his attention, he couldn’t resist the adorable beaded eyes looking straight at him; before he knew it, he was making his way back to you holding the little piggy in his arms.
He got a “Jack, why are you holding a pig like a baby?” from you the moment you saw him.
“Because she is! Just look at her she’s so cute, she’s my cute little lady.”
The conversation about the new member of their family continued on the way back home.
“I hope you’re not thinking about letting her stay inside the house once she begins to grow.”
“What are you talking about? Miss Daisy’s a teacup pig; she’ll only grow an inch or maybe three at most.”
“Oh, so it’s Miss Daisy! She already has a name and all that. I’m warning you; I’m not going to pick up what Miss Daisy produces after eating.” You said. “Wait, teacup pig? You are aware there’s no such thing as teacup pigs, right?”
“What do you mean? The woman said they were all teacup pigs.”
“Oh my god. My love, you have been deceived.”
He may not know a lot about pigs, but he couldn’t believe that that sweet woman had outright lied to him, right?
Wrong. Like always, you were right, and he fucked up. At least he eventually convinced you to let him keep Miss Daisy inside. She’ll always be a baby to him, no matter how big she got.
And then, he became an actual father. It wasn’t enough for you to give him so much love and happiness, now you had given him the greatest gift of all. She was perfect, from her tiny nose to her even tinnier toes.
If he had cried when you agreed to marry him, and cried even more when you gave him the news of your pregnancy; he was sure he cried a river the day their daughter was born.
Here he was, years later, still madly in love with you, still feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
He was brought back from his memories by a pair of hands sliding around his middle from behind.
“Hey, I made hot chocolate, want a cup?” He turned around to properly face you, a big smile on his face. “What? Do I have some coco powder on me?”
“No,” he shook his head “no. It’s just, well, you just took my breath away.” He said wiggling his eyebrows up and down in the way he knew always made you laugh.
“Pffff, Jack, I married you, you can stop saying stuff like that.”
“On the contrary, Moonshine, I shall keep on stating the truth of how my stunning wife makes me feel every single day of my life.” He leaned to give you a sweet short kiss.
“You haven’t answered Mr. Daniels, hot chocolate or do you want a cup of coffee?”
“Mmmm, I’ll have the chocolate this time, gotta honor the drink that brought you into my life, Mrs. Daniels.” He pressed his forehead against yours.
“What’s gotten into you today?” You asked, laughing softly as the hairs of his moustache tickled your upper lip.
“Nothing, just been reminiscing my happiest memories. Want to know a secret?” He whispered the question. “They’re all about you.” He leaned in for another kiss when the voice of his little girl calling for him reached them.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look at Miss Daisy! Isn’t she pretty?” He turned his head from his Moonshine as his daughter came running up to them in her cute pajamas, just in time to see Miss Daisy as she came waddling behind his lil’ sweetheart wearing a pink tutu, a tiara and he noticed her glittery pink painted hooves.
“Wow, sweetheart! She’s really pretty!” He tried to sound excited for his daughter’s sake, but he knew it came out more strained than he wanted.
She giggled before running off back to her room, with, once again, Miss Daisy running after her.
“Want me to google if that nail polish could be potentially harmful for her while you put our little tornado to sleep?” God bless his wife.
“Yes, please.” He let out a sigh. “You’re amazin’ Moonshine.” He turned back to you before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I got you, cowboy.” He had to separate from your arms so he could go help their daughter keep her bed time schedule, otherwise they’ll surely have a cranky child for most of the next day.
“Hey honey! You want a bed time story?” he heard a distant ‘yay’ and a couple of snorts in response. “Be right back babe.” With a wink as he walked towards their daughter’s room.
Maybe he’ll never get used to this much happiness in his life, but he’ll never complain, what were the odds that he would meet his soulmate and build a beautiful home and a beautiful family with her. He must have done at least something right if he got to live this life.
And he will live it, to its fullest.
Tag list (do let me know if anyone wanst to be tagged in future works):
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What a Jerk
It’s Valentine’s Day. For Castiel & Dean, that means war. 
Read below or on AO3: HERE
"What a jerk," Castiel grumbles, closing the door as the delivery man leaves.
"Who?" Benny asks from his spot on the couch a few feet away. He turns to look at Castiel, more words about to come out. Then he sees the giant bouquet of flowers in Castiel's hands and grins. "Oh. Dean."
"Stop smiling. He's an asshole." Castiel storms off to the kitchen. Since his penthouse apartment is an open-floor plan, though, he doesn't escape Benny. He just gets his bitch face from a new angle.
"Yes," Benny says sarcastically. "What an asshole for buying you flowers."
Castiel huffs as he searches for a stupid vase for the stupid flowers. "I told him not to do this."
"Yeah, bad idea. Telling Dean not to do something is pretty much the equivalent of challenging him to a duel."
There's a dusty vase beneath the sink. Castiel takes it out and fills it with water, not bothering to clean it first. When it's filled enough for the flowers to survive - because Castiel isn't a monster, he's not going to purposely kill beautiful flowers - he stuffs the bouquet into the vase.
"There." He sets the vase on his kitchen island and breathes a sigh of relief. "At least it's over now. Right?"
Benny snorts. "Dude, it's 8 AM. There's no way that's all he has planned for the day."
"You work for me, ya know," Castiel says in a voice that's supposed to be threatening but isn't. "You have to take my side."
"I'm your bodyguard. I keep you safe from bullets and kidnappers. Not overbearing lovers."
Castiel sighs in frustration. He pulls out his phone and very aggressively types in Dean Winchester's number.
Dean answers almost instantly. Clearly, he had been waiting for this call.
"Hey, C-"
"This stupid romantic nonsense is a waste of money and I swear Dean Winchester if you get me any more presents today I'm going to break up with your stupid ass!"
"So you got the flowers," Dean says with a smile in his voice. "Good. You should get ready for work, my love. Don't want to be late."
"Don't ignore me, Dean! You promised. You promised not to do this!"
"No. You ordered me not to do this. I never agreed."
"Have a nice day, babe. I'm sure I'll be hearing from you soon."
"Oh, and Cas?"
Castiel grits his teeth, fuming. "What?"
"Happy Valentine's Day."
Castiel growls - yes, growls - and hangs up. He throws his hands in the air and turns to Benny. "What a jerk!"
When Castiel stops at his favorite coffee shop for his usual morning Americano with cinnamon, the barista already has his order ready. It has a message written on it in Dean's hand writing, black sharpie scrawling its way across the disposable cup.
You are so brew tiful. I love you like I love my coffee - inside me (;
Castiel rolls his eyes. "What a jerk."
"Sorry?" the barista says in confusion.
"He's a jerk." Castiel grabs a disposable cup from the stack beside the register. He pops the top off the one Dean wrote on and pours his coffee into the fresh, non-Valentine cup. Then he tosses the graffitied cup and nods at the barista. "Have a good one."
"Uh… yeah." The barista watches him go, looking crestfallen. Clearly she had found it romantic. Disgusting. "You too."
Another bouquet of flowers is waiting for Castiel when he enters his private office. He glares at it from the doorway for a long moment before huffing in annoyance, going over and grabbing the damn thing. Still dressed in his trench coat, still with his briefcase in his left hand, Castiel walks down to the bull-pen and lifts the vase in the air.
"Who fucked up today and needs a Valentine's Day present for their significant other?" he yells, his anger making most of his employees shiver or tense up.
It takes a second but then a woman in the back tentatively raises her hand. Charlie. She's dating Dorothy from accounting. They're a cute couple.
"They're yours," he announces, thrusting them out in the air to silently tell her to come get them.
Blushing, she makes her way to Castiel. She mumbles something about not forgetting but running out of time this morning. Castiel couldn't care less whether Charlie forgot or not. He just doesn't want to stare at the damn flowers all day.
Once they're out of his hands, Castiel waves a hand in the air and says, "As you were."
Benny is smirking when Castiel gets back to his office.
"What's so funny?" Castiel asks in a voice that's supposed to be threatening but just makes Benny's lips lift higher. "What?"
"I'm assuming you didn't see the box of chocolates."
Castiel parts his lips, about to ask what Benny means, when he sees a heart-shaped box beside where the flowers had been. He deflates. Goes over to his chair. Slumps down. Sighs dramatically. Then he takes the box and reads the attached note.
Life was like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're gonna get. - damn glad I got you, babe ♡
"What a jerk," Castiel growls at the box. He rips the lid off and snatches a piece of chocolate before pushing it toward Benny. "Stop fucking smiling and eat. And don't tell him I ate any of it. That asshole knows I can't resist chocolate so you have to lie."
"Sure thing boss," Benny says with a wink. "Sure thing."
"Are you Castiel?" a man dressed in a cupid costume asks.
Castiel shakes his head. "Nope."
Unfortunately, he's in the breakroom at work and his employees think this whole battle between Dean and him is hilarious. Balthazar says, "He's lying" at the same time Chuck says, "He's Castiel."
Castiel decides he's going to fire them both.
The cupid smirks and turns to Castiel. Castiel puts a hand up in protest. "Whatever it is, I don't want-"
"Lord Almighty,
I feel my temperature rising
Higher higher
It's burning through to my soul
Boy, boy, boy,
You gonna set me on fire
My brain is flaming
I don't know which way to go
Your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky
With burning love"
"Nope," Castiel mumbles under his breath, grabbing his lunch and heading out the door. "Nope, nope, nope."
The damn telegram follows him. Everyone in the office stares, their jaws dropped open as the goddamn CEO is followed around by a glittery man dressed as cupid singing an Elvis song. Castiel isn't even embarrassed. He's just pissed.
Castiel enters his office and shoots a glare at Benny who had conveniently been gone to the bathroom when this all went down but is now back at his rightful place by Castiel's side. "Make him leave."
"It's coming closer
The flames are now lickin' my body
Please won't you help me-"
"Why? He isn't a threat."
"He has a weapon!"
"It's a plastic bow, boss."
"And my chest is a-heaving
Lord Almighty
I'm burning a hole where I lay."
"I own this goddamn building and I'm telling you, head of my security, to kick him out!"
Benny gives him a wry smile. "I'll get right on it, boss. Highest priority."
"Cause your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir-"
"You're fired."
"Oh, well, in that case I suppose he'll get to stay."
"Ah, ah, burning love
I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love."
Castiel grabs his office phone and presses 7, gritting his teeth. With every ring that passes, his rage boils. He's a breath away from exploding.
"Singer's Auto, this is Dean."
Castiel slams a finger down on speaker phone and turns to glare at cupid as he finishes the damn song.
"Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love."
Finally, it's over. Cupid winks at him before leaving. Benny smirks. Dean - the jerk that he is - is laughing hysterically on the other line.
"I hate you," Castiel states very matter-of-factly.
"Oh come on!" Dean snorts a laugh. "It's Elvis! You love Elvis!"
"Not anymore! Congratulations, Winchester. You have officially ruined Elvis for me."
Dean laughs harder. "God, I love you babe."
"Gaaaah, no!" Castiel hangs up the call before Dean can use his mystical powers to sweet talk Castiel into forgiving him. It ain't happening.
Castiel bangs his forehead against his desk a few times before deflating against it. "What a jerk."
Castiel walks into the first jewelry store he comes across. He storms past all of the stupid Valentine's decorations and up to a young man in a sharp suit who is smiling far too wide if you ask Castiel's opinion. Castiel smacks the palm of his hand on the glass display in front of the man and growls, "I need a goddamn engagement ring."
A ring box heavy in his pocket, Castiel stands outside Dean's small two-bedroom house. The yellow paint is peeling back in places, revealing the blue beneath. They come from two completely different worlds. Dean, the eldest son who sacrificed everything he had to raise his baby brother, dropping out of high school, working two jobs, scraping his father off whatever bar floor or sidewalk he ended up on most nights. Castiel, the eldest son who had the world handed to him, private prep school, undergrad at an Ivy league, two master degrees, no student loan debt, a $100,000 no-strings gift from his father to start up his own company.
Dean lives in a house that was foreclosed and rotting on the inside. He’s owned it for three years now. The floors and roof have been replaced. The staircase rebuilt. The walls repainted. The kitchen remodeled. The bathroom gutted. All Dean’s doing since he couldn’t afford to hire contractors.
Castiel lives in a penthouse apartment in a building that’s only seven years old. He got to pick in a catalogue what model of every room he preferred. Professionals molded his home into exactly what he wanted it to be in two weeks, handing it to him furnished and beautiful.
Dean works 60 hour weeks at his uncle’s auto shop, always smelling of oil and sweat. He drinks Jack Daniels. Listens to classic rock. Wears stained jeans and cotton shirts so worn they have holes in the collars and become see-through in certain lighting.
Castiel works 80 hour weeks, but only 30 of them are spent in the office, the rest spent on his phone or at his home so he can lounge on his couch and peruse documents without worrying about employees bothering him. He’s currently working through a bottle of 1926 Macallan. He listens to classical music, as well as plays it himself on his own grand piano that overlooks the city. Wears tailored Brioni suits and silk ties to work, settling for Gucci denim pants and cashmere sweaters when he's casual.
They should have never even met. Castiel would never take his car to a low-grade dealership like Singers. Never. You just don’t do that. Castiel was sure they wouldn’t even know what to do with a custom built Tesla like his. Yet, there Castiel was, broken down outside of the city with a migraine the size of Texas and stubborn impatience that made waiting for the professionals from the dealership that would take 3 hours a choice he wasn’t willing to make. So, he typed in auto shops on google and picked the one nearest to him.
Singers Auto.
Dean had showed up all southern drawl and warm smiles. Flirted right past Castiel’s foul mood. Stroked the hood of his Tesla like it was a cherished pet. Spoke to Castiel confidently about his knowledge on the vehicle. He offered to tow it into the city for Castiel if Castiel wanted but assured Castiel that if he chose to let Dean bring it to Singer's Auto, Dean would be able to take care of it.
“Easy fix,” Dean had said. “In and out. Twenty minutes.”
Castiel had agreed. It was completely out of character but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted more time with the mechanic.
He left that day with a fixed car and Dean Winchester’s number.
They never once brought up the salary gap between them. Some nights they’d crash at Castiel’s. Some nights at Dean’s. They’d go to five-star restaurants and gorge on filet mignon and lobster. They’d go to McDonalds and demolish burgers and chocolate milkshakes. Neither of them so much as blink.
Castiel smiles to himself as he looks at the house again. Where will they live? Castiel could care less, if he’s being honest. He’ll move here if Dean wants. He can deal with the furnace that needs to be kicked every few days as a reminder to work again. He can deal with the pipes that always freeze in the winter. He can deal with the way the fifth step creaks because Dean messed up when building the staircase. As long as he has Dean Winchester, he has everything.
“The hell you doin’ out here?” Dean yells from the front porch, snapping Castiel from his thoughts.
The ring box in his pocket grows hot in anticipation.
“It’s Valentine’s Day!” Castiel yells back, casually walking across the street from where he parked. “I figured if you’re going to insist on celebrating the idiotic holiday, I might as well win by outdoing you.”
“Oh, really?” Dean huffs a laugh, taking the porch steps two at a time until he’s on the grass of his front lawn. “How do you expect to do that?”
Castiel stops when he’s on the sidewalk, about five or so feet between them. He gives Dean a cocky grin that makes Dean’s smirk fall just an inch. Dean Winchester doesn’t like to lose at things - especially all of these silly competitions they get themselves into.
How long can they go without having sex or masturbating, and who will break first and beg the other to fuck him?
Who can eat the most pie in one sitting?
Which one can buy the best Christmas gift?
Who can win the most tickets at the arcade?
How long can they keep their prank war going, and who will be the one to finally throw in the towel when it goes too far?
Who can scare the other badly enough to make them scream?
Which one of them will win the cheesy romantic award of Valentine’s Day 2020.
Castiel won the 1st, 3rd, and 6th.
Dean won the 2nd and 4th.
Neither have won the prank war bet - it’s still on-going.
But Castiel Novak is going to win this damn Valentine’s Day award. If Dean wants to play this game today, it’s on.
“Dean Winchester,” Castiel says softly, in a voice sickly sweet and loving. He lowers himself to one knee and reaches into his pocket.
Dean’s eyes flare with rage. “No! Don’t you dare!”
“You’re the love of my life-”
���I can’t imagine any possible future that doesn’t have you in it-”
“I hate you so much right now,” Dean chokes out, eyes welling up.
Castiel smirks and opens the ring box. “Will you marry me?”
“No,” Dean grumbles with a pouty look on his face. Then he growls low in his throat and shakes his arms like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum. “Fuck - fine! Yes. I’ll marry you.”
Grinning, partly because the love of his life just agreed to marry him but mostly because instead of Dean evening the score Castiel is now 2 points ahead, Castiel pushes to his feet and slips the ring on Dean’s finger. He tugs Dean into his arms and kisses him breathless.
“Proposed to me on Valentine’s Day,” Dean says with an incredulous huff, resting his head on Castiel's shoulder and hugging him. “What a jerk.”
If you enjoyed this, please consider supporting my starving artist bum by donating at my Ko-Fi or becoming a Patron <3 Everything helps!
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waywardodysseys · 4 years
Depths of Love - Oneshot
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x female reader
Warnings: angst, cussing
Requested?: Yes by @iamwarrenspeace - A year later reader is back in Denver and running her dream business along with having a healthy, beautiful baby. Jack is released from prison and finds her. What will become of these two broken hearted lovers?
Quote: “Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.” - George Eliot
Agony of Parting - Part One
~   ~   ~
One year later
Jack sits quietly at the oblong wooden table inside Champ’s office. He’s given the Statesman valuable information regarding a few people he was in league with prior to the misfortune of getting arrested and returning as a criminal. Once the people were obtained, Champ kept his word and was promising to let Jack go.
“My apologies Jack,” Champ remarks as he makes his way towards the table.
“It’s fine sir.” Jack states as he watches his former boss take a seat at the head of the table.
“I wanted to make sure all my t’s were crossed before I gave you information I have.”
Jack perks up, “what information?”
Champ sighs heavily, “I know Y/N hasn’t visited you in quite some time. I’ve kept tabs on her, making sure all is good. And well,” Champ pauses, “I wanted to pass along she has returned to Denver.”
The older gentleman did not need to divulge anymore. He knew what you were doing career and life wise. Champ needed Jack to figure that out on his own.
“She left me in the dust sir. I, uh, I don’t think she wants to see me.” Jack stutters as a wave of emotion washes over him.
Champ leans forward, “I think it’s best you see her Jack. I wouldn’t be tellin’ you this unless I thought was of grave importance.”
You have a child, Champ’s mind screams.
Jack eyes his former boss. The older gentleman was right. Jack lets out a breath.
“You have no one Jack,” Champ remarks, “but you could have someone. She was a part of your life Jack. You proposed to her and she said yes. Don’t let your actions account for what could be now that you are free.”
Jack’s heart sinks in his chest as he relives the day you left him alone in the prison.
He knew you had been right about him comparing you to Lela. He could not believe he was foolish enough to hold onto her for so long when he had finally found you. Jack should have buried Lela’s memory, along with the unborn child’s, the day he knew he loved you.
“She won’t want to see me.”
“I know you’ve changed Jack. Prison does that to a man. Let her see you’ve changed. Let her see Lela and the unborn child are behind you.”
Champ had visited Jack once a week. The old man felt sorry for Jack especially when Y/N didn’t come around for another visit. Champ had become Jack’s therapist in a way, helping him sort out his life, who he loved, and how he could be free from the prison he was in.
Jack sighs heavily as he stands, “Y/N said it was over. She didn’t want anything to do with me.”
Champ raises his eyes to look into Jack’s. “Find her Jack. As a friend, I beg of you to find her. Talk with her,” Champ pauses, “be kind.”
Jack nods curtly, turns on his heel and leaves.
You pull the cookie sheet from the oven and place it on the counter. The smell of cinnamon rolls over the bakery.
“Smells delicious Y/N,” Lisa remarks as she walks over with your daughter, Adira.
The four-month-old smiles widely at you as you begin to place homemade cinnamon rolls on a cooling rack. You reach out and pinch her cheek lightly. You keep your eyes focused on her face.
Your parents had said she was the splitting image of you when you were born. Yet when you look at her you saw Jack in those deep brown eyes of hers. Your mind often thinks of him, recalling the happy years you spent together before everything came crashing down a year ago.
You wonder about the day when Jack gets released. You aren’t scared of facing him, you’re more concerned about him finding out about Adira and him becoming angered because you left out the tiny detail of being pregnant when you saw him last. Therefore, giving him the ammunition to be in his daughter’s life.
“Your mind is wondering off again,” Lisa states lightly.
You grab the made from scratch icing and begin to ice the rolls. “Just thinking.”
“About Jack?”
You wince at the name, and how right she is. “You know me too well.”
“I am your best friend. Same high school, college.”
“I know,” you turn and face her, “and you let me crash with you. You were there with me when I told my parents about the pregnancy. Were with me during the process of buying this place and starting the bakery.”
You had feared your parents wouldn’t like you being a single parent, but they supported you after you informed them of Jack’s situation and once their granddaughter was born they were enamored with her and spoiled her rotten.
Before Adira was born you knew you wanted to open a bakery. It was a dream of yours. You loved to bake. You did it often growing up, did it plenty back in N.Y.C.
“I love these sweets darlin’,” Jack’s voice drawls in your mind, “but you’re still the sweetest treat ever.”
You shake your head and push Jack’s words aside. You didn’t need him invading your thoughts. You were free of him and was hoping you’d never see him again. You know you’ve done well for yourself over the last year. You were a single mom running your own business, and you knew you were capable of anything.
You focus on washing the few pieces of dirty dishes as Lisa opens the bakery for the day. A line of people walk in ready to get their morning coffee and breakfast pastries.
The afternoon comes quickly but you know it drags on, especially since it’s Thursday. You sit at the counter planning out next week’s special treats. May fourth is amongst the dates on your piece of paper. You’ve thought about making cookies in the shape of Darth Vader helmets, Yoda’s head, and even the Millennium Falcon.
Your mind is focused on the list, you don’t pay attention to the person who walks in and begins scanning the small bakery. The place is empty save you. Lisa had taken Adira to a daycare around the corner. You’ll pick her up when you close the shop at five.
“Smells like heaven,” the voice drawls.
You stop writing as the familiar voice reaches your ears. You never thought you’d be hearing it again so soon, or even at all.
You look up and into Jack’s deep brown eyes. Your heart quickens at the sight of him. He looks freshly groomed – well trimmed haircut and mustache. He’s without his beloved Stetson as he wears a long-sleeved black button down top and blue jeans. You can smell the cologne he always wears.
Jack takes in your look of bewilderment as he stands in front of the cash register. You’re a heavenly sight to his eyes. It had taken him a couple of days to find out where you were. He had to plead with a contact at the Denver P.D. about doing a search on you.
When he finally got the information, Jack had watched the bakery for a day. His nerves getting the best of him because he wanted to wait till you were alone to speak with you. And now he had his opportunity.
“Jack,” you whisper.
“Y/N,” Jack drawls in return.
“What, uh, what are you doing here? How did you find me?”
Jack shrugs, “I was let go. Gave the Statesman some valuable information. I was able to beseech an old connection with the D.P.D. about doing a search for you.”
Right, you think. You remember Jack knowing some of the police officers working for various departments in the area when you had begun dating.
“Yet you knew I was back here?” You retort with slight anger.
Jack shrugs, “this was your home. Is your home. The only place you know. When we talked about having a family, we talked about me transferring permanently back here so you could have their support since I had no one.”
Even though I’d have you, you think. Because you knew he’d be a great father to his child. He’d be wrapped around their finger for life.
Your heart swells as you think of the possible scenarios Jack and Adira would have as a father and daughter – their first fight, meeting the dates who will take her out, walking her down the aisle, holding a grandchild.
And where would you be? Would you be with them, living together? Taking Jack back and loving him? Because a part of you still did – he is the father of your child. The precious gift you had been bestowed with by the man standing in front of you.
“I would like to talk to you. Explain things.” Jack remarks.
You nod your head as you walk from around the corner, towards a clean and empty table.
Jack sits across from you, “I’m glad you opened a bakery. You’re the best baker I’ve ever known.”
You blush, “thank you Jack.”
“You’re most welcome.”
Silence stretches wide between the both of you as you gaze into each other’s eyes. Both of you remembering and reliving the past you shared together.
Jack clears his throat, “I want to first and foremost apologize for my actions. I shouldn’t have done what I did which led to me becoming a criminal and you walking away from me,” Jack pauses, “I’d like to apologize for comparing you to Lela. You were right all those months ago when you visited me. I shouldn’t have compared you to her. I should have buried her in the past, where she belongs. It’s where she is now, along with the unborn child. They are both behind me Y/N,” Jack reaches across the table and takes your hands into his, “I want, I need a future with you. I love you,” he removes one hand from your skin and reaches into a pocket. He pulls out the ring he had given you then you had given him in return, “I want to marry you. Have a family. Support you in this bakery endeavor. I will find a job – to support us, to support the children we’ll have.”
You absorb the words Jack spews out. You let them sink in. Part of you wanted him to be a part of your life again because it would be beneficial to Adira. He needed to know his daughter. Jack needed to know he created another life.
“Jack, I—” you begin but you’re interrupted by someone coming into the bakery.
You stand and smile at the gentleman who walks in. He’s become a regular, he’s also a flirt.
“Rob,” you smile as you make your way behind the counter, “what may I get for you today?”
“Your world-famous snickerdoodles, and a few chocolate chips.” Rob says with a flirtatious smile.
“Anything else?” You say as you grab a bag and tongs.
“How’s Adira?”
You smile, “she’s good. At daycare.”
Rob eyes roam over you as you tie the bag then head to the register. He moves to the register as well. “She’s beautiful just like her mom.”
You swallow and smile. Your heart racing in your chest. He always flirted every time he came in but today Jack was here. You take this chance to fully look at Rob. He has short ginger hair, mahogany colored eyes. Light fuzz covers his cheeks. Your eyes then move down the small seating area and land on Jack who’s looking at you with a raised brow. You instantly melt at his gaze.
You turn to Rob, “on the house Rob. Just this once.”
Rob laughs lightly, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you sigh as you hand over the bag of cookies then watch him depart the bakery.
Jack gets up from the table. He moves his eyes between you and the gentleman. He sees the gentleman smile at you as he takes the bag. A tinge of jealousy rolls over him. Jack wonders about the men who’ve flirted with you, wondered how many have been between your legs.
Jack waits till the man is gone. He takes long strides towards you and walks behind the counter. He pulls you into his arms and captures your mouth. He feels your hands travel up his arms and loop around his neck. He rejoices when you open your mouth and let him in. He relishes in how you taste of sugar and honey.
Your body overheats as Jack’s hands move down your back. You’ve had no one else since him. No one else has made your body vibrate like he has since he first kissed you years ago outside a rundown bar.
He had done the same then as he had now. Taken big steps and brushed his mouth with yours. He had wanted to make sure you never forgot him, and you hadn’t.
You pull faintly away from Jack, cup his cheek, “I need to tell you something.”
You let out a breath, “I’d rather show you.”
Jack feels lost once you step out of his arms. He watches you scribble on a scrap piece of paper. You hand it over to him and he traces a finger over an address.
“Meet me at seven.” You knew the man needed to meet his daughter. “Dinner and I will show you what you need to know.”
“I don’t know if I can wait,” Jack drawls.
You reach out and cup his cheek. Your thumb strokes his soft skin. “Please Jack. If you love me, you’ll wait and show up.”
Jack takes your outstretched hand, kisses the inside of your wrist. “I’ll wait and see you at seven.”
Lisa looks at you quizzically. “You’re really going to let Jack meet her?”
“Yes,” you sigh out, “he’s her father.”
“I know Y/N. But what if he wants the whole nine yards? You back with him and married, raising Adira together?”
You shrug, “he said he loved me. He said the ghost was behind him.”
“You believe him?”
“His words were genuine. He looked like a changed man, sounded like a changed man.”
Lisa embraces you tightly, “I just, I want to make sure you think long and hard before you agree to get back together with him. I was here when he wasn’t. I was your rock when he fucked everything up.”
You hug Lisa in return, “I know. I love you. He needs to know about his daughter. That’s all that matters.”
You were still hesitant about being with Jack, but he deserved to know about his daughter.
Lisa steps back and smiles, “call me if you need anything. I’ll be at my parents which isn’t far away.”
“I know. Now go.”
Lisa smiles weakly and grabs her purse. “Alright. I’ll see you later.”
You walk her to the door, “you will, and I’ll be fine.”
Lisa nods her head, opens the door, and leaves you alone in the house you share.
Jack rings the doorbell promptly at seven. He smiles widely and holds out a bouquet of roses as you open the door.
You smile in return and take the roses. You inhale their scent, which brings your mind back to the night he proposed. You push the memory aside as you usher him in.
“Let me get these in some water,” you murmur as you walk into the kitchen.
Jack takes in the open and expansive floor plan. “You’ve done well.”
“This is my best friend’s house. I’ve been staying here since I returned.” You remark.
“And where’s the roommate tonight?”
“At her parents but she will be returning Jack. So don’t get any ideas.”
“I’m a gentleman,” Jack drawls.
You smile and shake your head.
“Is this what you wanted to show me? You’re doing well and don’t need me?”
“Don’t jump to conclusions Jack,” you reply.
“Fine but I am dying to know what you wanted to show me.”
You look at Jack. You’re nervous but must get on with it. You begin walking and turn down a hallway, “follow me.”
Jack follows you down a long hallway and to a closed door. He watches as you turn the handle and open it slowly. He sees the finger you press against your lips – signaling him to be quiet.
He turns to look in the room. It’s a baby nursery with a crib and changing table, even a dresser. The walls are lavender in color and wooden block letters adorn a wall.
“Adira?” Jack’s voice cracks.
You grab Jack’s arm and walk him towards the crib.
Jack looks down and sees a beautiful sleeping baby.
“Meet your daughter,” you whisper.
Jack swells with emotion as he reaches down and runs a lone finger down a cheek. He’s a father. He’s always wanted a child, wanted a family since he could remember. He wanted to have something great in his life because he had to endure the nastiness of his own family. He wanted to raise a child with the woman he loved. He needed a family of his own. “May I?”
Jack reaches down with his other hand and with both hands picks up the baby slowly and carefully. He cradles her against his chest as tears escape his eyes.
“She’s amazing, beautiful,” Jack whispers, “why Adira?”
“It means strong, noble, powerful. I wanted to give her a worthwhile name. Something to reflect my strength and power because she was mine throughout the past year.”
You watch as Jack makes his way to the rocking chair and sits. You see the glassiness of his eyes and the wave of emotions overtaking him. You watch as he absorbs the moment of holding his child for the first time, slightly surprised he’s not angry for keeping Adira away from him but you know he’ll make up for the lost time now.
“I’ll leave you two alone.”
Jack looks up at you. “You’ve given me the greatest gift.”
“You deserved to know Jack. She’s your daughter too.”
“And what about us?”
You walk towards the open door, look back at Jack and shrug, “we’ll see.”
Tags:  @pascalisthepunkest, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @caitlincat-95, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8, @arrowswithwifi, @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead, @longitud-de-onda, @knight-of-heart44, @pedrosdoll​, @halefirewarrior, @stardust-and-starlight, @readsalot73, @random066, @earl-01, @ezraslittlebirdie, @bonkybaaarnes
Part 2 tags: @shayna-winchester​, @mrsparknuts​
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filmfanatic82 · 5 years
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Chapter 5
“I walk through this world, just tryna be nice
They say I'll get hurt, if I'm not like ice
I know I've got friends, I still get so lonely
If I look in your eyes, I'll want you to hold me
I'm sorry that I care, care
I'm sorry that I care, care
It's really not that fair, fair
I can't help but care”
-- Feeings, Hayley Kyioko
“Yo! Penelope! Wait up!” MG yells from across the dining hall as he jogs to catch up with Penelope. 
Penelope stops, letting the sea of exiting students pass by her. 
After ending their impromptu spell lesson in the woods with a literal bang, Penelope hadn’t returned to classes, opting to spend the remainder of the afternoon buried deep within the comforting stacks the library instead. Book had always been a bit of a sanctuary for her. No matter the time nor the place, they were ever constant. A reliable anchor in the chaotic sea of Penelope’s life.
Once leaving the Salvatore School and becoming nomadic, books— non-magical books— were a real luxury. Sure, there was always an abundance of ancient spell books laying around and Caroline loved to surprise Hope and Penelope every so often with an obscure text on mythical rituals and covens. But anything that fell outside of those realms was rare at best. 
The only book that Penelope had managed to keep amongst her few belongings-- besides her journal-- was a mangled copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It had been a one-month anniversary gift from Josie. A simple paperback version so that she didn’t have to lug around her first edition hardcover copy whenever she felt like re-reading it. It was her favorite. Not only within the series but possibly out of all the books Penelope had ever read. There was just something so oddly reassuring about the story itself. The ability to go back in time and right the wrongs of the past. 
Although Penelope had had to make the gut-wrenching decision to leave the book behind-- opting to take Josie’s yellow sweater instead-- she did remember that there was a stray copy of the book hidden away deep within the school library in the section where all the modern books with pop-culture references to witchcraft lived. And after locating it, she had curled up in one of the free wingback chairs and allowed herself to get lost within its pages. 
Sure, it wasn’t the most productive use of her time-- especially given the ever-present countdown ticking away in the back of her mind-- but one that still needed nonetheless. A little extra reassurance that just maybe there would be a happier ending to their story this time around.
But after an hour or two of non-stop reading, Penelope’s hunger had gotten the best of her and she decided to wander down to the dining hall for an early dinner. And to her luck, it had been almost deserted, with only a few young students sprinkled throughout the hall. 
The plan had been to eat quick and then retreat back to the safety of her own dorm room in the hopes that maybe Josie would be true to her word and swing by later. In and out. Unnoticed. As if it were just another day at Salvatore.
And for the most part, it had been successful… Until now.
“Hey, I’ve been trying to track you down all day,” MG says slightly out of breath. “What’s going on?”
“What’d you mean?” Penelope responds, trying to mask the growing ball of nerves within her stomach. 
“What’d I mean?? Pen, you were all set to up and peace out of here last night. You swung by my room to say goodbye and yet… You’re still here. What gives? I thought you were done with this place?” 
“I changed my mind.” Penelope holds her breath and silently says a prayer that MG will accept her answer at face value rather than digging a little bit deeper. 
“You mean Josie changed your mind.” 
“No… Not exactly… I just…” Penelope fumbles over her words, but it doesn’t matter. MG’s eyes light up with an all-knowing spark regardless. 
“Ah… I knew it! I… knew… it! You two are the freakin’ modern-day Romeo and Juliette man. Star crossed lovers. Destined to be together no matter what happens and all that shit.”
“No, seriously Pen. That’s you and Josie. You guys give the rest of us hope, you know?” 
“Please tell me you aren’t still hung up on Lizzie.” 
“A boy’s gotta dream,” MG responds with a bit of shrug.
Penelope sighs. She shouldn’t do it… Just let sleeping dogs lay. It will all work itself out in time. MG will meet another vampire-- a transfer student from Denmark-- during his senior year at Salvatore, fall head over heels in love and forget all about his unhealthy obsession with the blonde-haired siphoner. The two will end up getting married and even go on to have an adorable baby boy who shares MG’s infectious smile. She really shouldn’t. But--
“Piece of advice?”
“Always from you.”
“Pick a different dream.”
“Trust me on this, MG.” Penelope reaches out and places her hand down on MG’s shoulder, locking eyes with him as she does. “Pick a different dream.”
It takes a moment to sink in but then slowly MG’s face transforms into a look of common understanding. He gives a nod in return.
“Good,” Penelope replies and offers up a sympathetic smile. It isn’t much but it’s all she can think of doing without further crossing the line. “I’ve got a mountain of reading to get through tonight, so maybe we can continue to catch up in the morning? Over breakfast?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Oh, wait! Pen, there’s something else,” MG says with a sudden urgency to his voice. “It’s Hope.”
“Hope? What about her?”
“Dunno. Think she got some bad news about Landon or something. She seemed pretty choked up last I saw her. Like she had been crying. Figured you might wanna know.” 
“Shit. Malivore,” Penelope mutters under her breath.
“Maliv- What?”
“Nevermind… Thanks for the heads up.”
“Yeah, no prob--” But Penelope doesn’t wait for MG to finish his sentence before taking off out of the dining hall and diving straight back into the sea of students.
“Mikaelson! Open up,” Penelope bangs against Hope’s dorm room door a few minutes later sweaty and out of breath. 
“Go away, Penelope,” Hope answers back, voice trembling with tears. 
“Not happening.” Penelope waits for a minute or two for any sign of a further response but is only met with silence. She lets out a frustrated sigh. “Fuck.”
Penelope takes a giant step back from the dorm room door and shuts her eyes. “Aperi ianuam.”
The dorm room door flies open and slams against the wall causing Hope to jump out of her skin. “What the fuck?! Did you just use magic to break into my room?”
“Relax,” Penelope replies. “I do it all the time… Or I used too… You get what I mean.”
Penelope crosses the threshold into Hope’s room and then mutters an incoherent phrase under her breath. The door shuts close followed by an audible click. “See? Good as new.”
“Not the point.” Hope settles herself back onto her bed. She swipes at her eyes with the sleeve of her cardigan, in an attempt to mask all traces of her tears. But it doesn’t matter. Penelope already knows. Six years of spending every single moment side by side with the Tribrid and she doesn’t need much in regards to cues. All it takes is a slight quiver on the end of a word or a brief flash of raw emotion buried deep within those golden eyes. That’s all. And Penelope can piece the rest of the puzzle together.
Every time.  
“Move,” Penelope says as she climbs onto the bed and wedges herself next to Hope. 
“What are you--”
“No seriously… Move over.” Penelope gives Hope a nudge in the ribcage with her elbow and Hope obliges. “God, you’re such a bed hog.”
Hope shoots Penelope a hard eye roll. “Am not.”
“Oh, you so are, Furball. And a mad cuddler too, but we’re not gonna get into that one right now,” Penelope replies and slumps her head against Hope’s shoulder. It’s a selfish move… Especially given that this isn’t her Hope, but at the moment, she doesn’t care. It’s been beyond a day and her skin itches with the need for just a little bit of familiarity. “Right now we’re gonna talk about why you are hiding out in here and crying.”
“I wasn’t--”
“Let’s skip bullshit, okay? You were. And it must be about something pretty big cause you brought out Mr. Bearrington.”
Hope’s eyes instantly glance towards her nightstand where a raggedy old teddy bear sits slumped over on top of a pile of textbooks. “How did you…”
“I told you, Mikaelson,” Penelope says with a hint of a smirk. “I know you.”
“God, this is so weird.”
“You’ve got no idea.” 
A momentary silence settles within the room as Hope leans over to the nightstand and scoops up the teddy bear. She rubs her fingers in methodical circles along the stuffed animal’s threadbare ear over and over again and Penelope knows that this is her cue to sit tight and wait. 
Words will come. They always do. It’s just a matter of giving Hope the proper amount of time and space needed to wade through her inner tumultuous sea of thoughts and emotions first. 
Another minute or two passes by and then--
“Okay,” Hope says, breaking the silence. She stops rubbing the teddy bear and sighs. “You’re right. I was crying.”
“About Landon?” 
“Landon?” Hope asks with a sudden quirk of her eyebrow.
“Yeah. I thought… MG mentioned that you… Wait. This isn’t about Landon?”
Hope out a bark of a laugh. “No… God no. It’s not about him… But I guess it could be. It depends on how you look at it.”
“Alright… So… If it’s not about Landon, then who…” Penelope trails off as a wave of clarity all but blindsides her. She doesn’t need to finish her sentence because she already knows the answer. 
In fact, they’ve had this same exact conversation before. Except for the first time when it happened, they had been sitting on the rooftop at 3 am in Paris and halfway through their second bottle of Jack Daniels. It had been on the night that Caroline had let it slip that Lizzie was dating someone new… A Romanian witch named Violet. 
At first, Penelope didn’t think twice about it. Caroline was always providing them with tidbits of information from the world that they once called home. And that specific comment had seemingly been no different than the rest. Just another brief update intermixed within their normal dinner conversations. 
After it was said, though, Penelope noticed that Hope’s entire demeanor had instantly changed. She seemed off with a look upon her face that was only reversed for those rare moments when her emotions were too strong to hide from the outside world. 
So Penelope did what she always did in those situations when she needed Hope to open up. She guilty tripped the Tribrid into joining her for a nightcap at a local pub and proceed to all but pour shot after shot down Hope’s throat. 
It took six shots in total. Six shots to crack through Hope’s stoic facade and finally get to the real root of the problem. Hope had indeed been thrown off by the news about Lizzie. 
But it wasn’t until four hours later when they had stumbled their way back home and ontop their apartment rooftop, did Hope reveal the full truth to Penelope. She had been head-over-heels in love with Lizzie Saltzman since she first time she had laid eyes on the blonde-haired siphoner.
The conversation that followed was one of the best-- and most honest-- conversations that the two of them ever had with each other. It had, in short, be a turning point for their relationship. The moment where they transitioned from friendship into something so much more. 
“I know you said you can’t reveal too much about the future, but can I ask you something?” 
“Sure. Anything,” Penelope responds without missing a beat.
“Do I…” Hope pauses for a moment and lets go of a breath of air. “Do I ever end up getting together with Lizzie?”
The question cuts deep. Ripping straight through Penelope’s soul. 
God, how the hell is she supposed to answer this? It’s such a simple yet complex question. 
Penelope blinks away a hint of tears from her eyes and then forces a reassuring smile upon her lips. “Let’s say that if you both had had the chance to, you and Liz would’ve been together in a heartbeat.”
“She goes by Liz?” Penelope nods and Hope matches her smile. “Liz… I like that.”
“Yeah. The name fits her… At least the future her.”
Hope slinks down a bit, resting her head against the top of Penelope’s and once again exhales. “I was crying because… I think I’m in love with Lizzie Saltzman.” 
“Oh, you are.” Penelope yawns and cuddles in closer, nuzzling up into Hope like she has done countless times before. “And she’s madly in love with you too, Mikaelson.”
“She is?”
“Without a doubt,” Penelope mumbles as her eyelids slowly succumb from the sheer emotional weight of the day. “Okay. My turn to ask you something.”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Would you mind if napped here for a bit? It’s been a crazy long day and just that I can barely keep my eyes open… But if it’s too weird or strange, I can always--”
“Stop,” Hope cuts Penelope off and proceeds to reach down to the foot of the bed and grabs a blanket for the two of them. “Of course you can.”
“But if you start to snore, I’m kicking your ass out,” Hope replies with a yawn as well. 
“You’re the snorer, Furball. Not me,” Penelope whispers already half-sleep. 
Hope shakes her head with a look of amused annoyance and then wraps her arm around Penelope as she gets comfortable. “So freakin’ weird.”
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asenatheoperator · 4 years
Christmas Night..
It was that time of the year again; Christmas. How much it was a military base and the HQ of S.A.S, Hereford was fully decorated with Christmas decorations. Winter was already here but snow did not showed itself yet, only heavy rain and fog.
Few operators did prepared a party to celebrate the day, at the moment every operator in Rainbow was drinking, eating, singing, having fun and celebrating. Meanwhile the only operator who wasn’t there was Asena. She was busy in her room writing the report of her last mission with Blackbeard in Africa’s another fucked up country; Somalia. While others were having fun she was laying on the couch in her room. Laptop on her lap and a cup of coffee may or may not contain some whiskey on the table next to her. Asena wasn’t at the party with her boyfriend Maverick because for her work always came first, even in holidays… Some effects of the training with strict Turkish Military discipline. So when she and Blackbeard returned the base Asena did a favor, told him to go to the party, let her handle the report. In the end it was his religion’s holiday not hers.
At the middle of her report finally Asena’s door knocked then a familiar ‘Yank’ entered the room with a party cone on his head, holding something on his back. Asena knew who came so she kept her eyes on the screen of her laptop, continue typing the report ‘’You bored already?’’ She asked taking a sip from her coffee, put it back down.
Maverick walked otherside of the couch and kneel down, gently put the gift he brought on the floor. Then he looked down at his girlfriend with a slight smile on his face ‘’It was Marius turn at the karaoke, i had to save myself.’’ He  looked over to the screen ‘’You could have write this tomorrow too you know.’’
‘’Yeaah.’’ Asena looked up to him ‘’But you know my work ethic: Job always comes first.’’ She chuckled ‘’Also now Craig owes me a favor aaand i don’t have to listen Marius’s bad voice or try to stop Taina from killing him.’’ Asena raised herself up a bit to kiss him then get back down ‘’I’m tired too.. You can’t imagine how exhausting it was to operate under the heat of bloody Africa..And dealing with the thugs of a bloody retarded warlord.’’ She said, shaking her head with a sigh, continue typing ‘’In these situations, i hate this planet...It’s bloody winter, be a bit fucking cold eh? Not stay as hell above the goddamn ground.’’
After the kiss and hearing her comment about the air, make him smile more ‘’Good thing is you and Craig quickly completed the mission. It could have been a long one too, you know how much paranoid those warlords can be..’’ Asena raised her cup up in the air, looking at the screen and typing with her other hand ‘’God save the Meghan J. fricking Castellano, thanks to her my trip to hell lasted short.’’ She chuckled, after take another sip from the cup she offered to him ‘’Want a sip? Got my special ingredient in it.’’ Maverick shook his head as no ‘’Nah, i already drink enough alcohol in last two hours. BUT’’ He lean down to grab the gift ‘’I bought you something.’’ He get back up, showed the wrapped box to her. Asena looked up to see the gift ‘’I told you not to buy me a gift babe…You know i don’t like gifts’’ She sighed, because now she had to buy something for him. As you may understand she wasn’t a gift lover type of person, also she was bad at getting gifts to her friends, so in her life she always avoid buying gifts best she can. Asena grabbed her laptop, put it on the table then take the gift, sit up on the couch.
Maverick walked around the couch and sit next to Asena, look at her ‘’I know..But i couldn’t pass this one.’’ When she was going to say something Maverick quickly said ‘’Just open it alright?’’ He pointed the box.
Asena rolled her eyes ‘’Aaalright…’’ She start tearing up the wrapping paper around the box, when she saw the golden box under the paper her eyes opened up a bit in surprise, as she finally tear it up from the middle and see the ‘Jack Daniels no.27 label’ on the golden box, her eyes were fully widen in shock ‘’Siktir..’’ She said. She didn’t expected that. No.27. It was an expensive, special limited made whiskey of the Jack Daniels and it was hard to find. This was the last thing she expected from him.
Maverick looking at his shocked girlfriend his eyebrow raised, keeping the smile on his face ‘’Merry Christmas.’’ 
She opened the box, take the bottle out ‘’Where did you find this?’’ She hold the bottle, looking at him.
He leant back, spread his arms ‘’Well, me and Seamus went to town to buy some drinks for the party. While i was looking around in the Liquor Store, i saw this behind of a few bottles of whiskey. I quickly pull it out and bought it… It was a bit of expensive but i think it’s worth it.’’ 
Now she was in a pretty bad spot, she did not have any gifts for him in fact now she had to buy something equal to this ‘’Y-yeah..’’ Asena said while thinking what she can buy to match this gift…. This was going to be ‘fun’ for her ‘’You know i did not get you a gift.’’
‘’Never expected one.’’ He quickly said ‘’It would be weird to expect a Christmas gift from an Theist.’’ he turned at her, lean over to couch ‘’Are you going to take a sip or look at it all night?’’
‘’Here we go…’’ Asena grabbed the top of the bottle, turned the cap. Soon as she lifted the cap, combined smells of the whiskey flow into her nose ‘’Oh my, it smells damn good.’’ She put the cap on the table then take a sip from the bottle after take few sips she lowered the bottle ‘’It tastes good too. Smooth.’’ She held the bottle towards him ‘’Come on take a sip, i don’t care how much drink you had today...Also you put me in a very bad situation with this gift.’’ Asena said.
Maverick grabbed the bottle ‘’You don’t have to buy me a gift.’’ he take a sip from the bottle ‘’So don’t worry.’’ he looked at the bottle ‘’Also it’s really smooth.’’ he take another sip.
Asena scratched her arms with a yawn then lean against to his chest, take the bottle from his hand ‘’I love you, Yank’’ She take a sip with smile, resting her head to his chest. 
Maverick embraced his girlfriend, he kissed back of her head ‘’I love you too.’’ Looked down at her, thinking about the question in his mind. Was it too early? Or it was the perfect time to ask he wondered. They were couple for half a year, If he asked the question it would be very early and could ruin the things between them. But on the other hand they were doing a job where tomorrow is not guaranteed. 
Maverick sighed, rubbed his eyes, looked out of the window seeing finally snow coming down ‘’Everything alright?’’ Asena asked hearing that troubled sigh, Maverick shook his head with a smile ‘’Yeah, everything is fine..I’m just tired like you are.’’ he answered. When his married operator friends saying asking the question was more harder than a defusing an bomb in middle of the minefield located in a desert, Maverick didn't believed them but now when he was in same situation he realized he was wrong. 
He said ‘Fuck it’ in his mind and give a try, Maverick take a deep breath and looked at her ‘’Hey..Will you be my wife?’’ he asked, it was pretty quick and straight to the point. 
When Asena heard that she was taking a sip which caused her to spit out the whiskey in her mouth with a second shock ‘’Ne?!’’ she coughed and quickly get up, turned around to look at him ‘’Did you just asked me to be your wife?’’ She asked to clarify the question, hoped she heard him wrong. Maverick quickly start scratching back of his head ‘’Yes..No..I mean…. It was just an question’’ he got up from the couch and looked at her ‘’I know what happened to you in past and i can understand if you say no.’’ he said, looking at the shocked woman standing in front of him. Meanwhile Asena didn’t know how to answer, they had a pretty great relationship, both were loving each other, there was no doubt about that. But Asena wasn’t ready to engage with another colleague especially after what happened to her, few years ago. She put down the bottle with a sigh, thinking about what to say. She did not want to say ‘no’ ame time she didn’t wanted to say ‘yes’ Maverick’s question really caught her off-guard. ‘’Look, Erik.. We both love each other. But right now, im not rea--’’ Her sentence interrupted with a sound of a loud crash followed by yelling of Lion and Doc coming from the Mess Hall. Maverick and Asena looked up to the ceiling, Mess Hall was two floor above them but they could hear the sound. Asena looked at him ‘’We’ll talk after this okay.’’ Maverick silently nod then both of them left the room to help others to stop that fight. But when they arrived to Mess Hall they saw the chaos.. All of the operators arguing, Twitch and Montagne trying to stop the Doc and Lion. Asena looked to her side, she saw Caveira leaned back on the wall, drinking a beer, watching the chaos ‘’What happened?’’ Asena asked to Caveira. Cav looked at her ‘’Doc and Olivier started to argue when Eliza tried to stop them Mira made a cheeky comment about Eliza, then they start arguing and things get worse from there.’’ Caveira take a sip from her drink ‘’Now you looking at a giant snowball going down from the Alps.’’ she said. Asena sighed ‘’And you just watching the chaos huh?’’ Asena asked, Caveira nodded with a smile. Maverick crossed her arms ‘’Any ideas to stop this First Lieutenant?’’ he asked to Asena. 
She looked around watching the chaos like Caveira only difference she was actually trying to figure out how to stop this. She needed something big to stop this, a pistol would work but she had no time to grab a pistol from the armory. Asena start thinking about a way to stop them before something really bad happens, she was thinking fast. Suddenly an idea pop up in her head but this was going to change her entire life...Just to keep her friends from murdering each other. 
Asena sighed, looked at Maverick and grabbed his hand before Maverick ask what is he doing, Asena yell her lungs out ‘’HEY! YOU IDIOTS!’’ it caught the attention of the operators for a second. Seeing that Asena raised Maverick’s hand she holding ‘’We are getting fucking married!’’ again Asena yell out. This news caught everyone off-guard including Maverick himself which he whispered ‘’Are we?’’ After a brief of silence, sound of clapping heard in the room. It was Thermite ‘’Congratulations!’’ he said and walked towards them with a huge smile on his face. 
This time Asena rolled down a snowball down the snowy mountain, just like the brawl it also start getting bigger. As the other operators who were arguing and fighting seconds ago stop what they were doing and start congratulating them for the news. Surprisingly Asena’s plan did worked, put a stop to that chaos. While receiving the congrats from their friends Asena and Maverick looked at eachother, it was one of the moments they literally talked with their eyes. Seeing her friends turning into foes in a second made something clear in Asena’s mind; that could have been them too. Saying ‘no’ to his proposal would make things worse for both of them, she did not want to lose Maverick so she had to do this. Asena and Maverick looked at each other with a smile…
Hour later everything was returned back to normal, everyone was talking and having fun while the loud music played on the background. Our fresh engaged couple was beside the alcohol table, watching their friends and having a drink ‘’Are you really want to do this?’’ Maverick asked. Asena take a sip from the plastic cup filled with brunch punch ‘’If i was not ready, i wouldn’t say that right?’’ She looked at him ‘’I’ve made a mistake to start dating with you at the first place...I have no problem to make my mistake worse.’’ She said with a smile. Maverick chuckled and put his arm on her shoulder ‘’Okay then..’’ he looked at the operators start gathering up front of the Christmas tree to get a picture ‘’So, when are we going to have a son?’’ He asked with a joking tone. 
Asena looked at him ‘’Slow down cowboy, we still got a long way ahead of us.’’ She take a step forward, grab his hand again ‘’Also i think you meant daughter, not son.’’ Start walking towards the group ‘’Both works for me..’’ Maverick said following her. 
As Dokkaebi prepared the camera, Maverick and Asena take their place at the middle of the group standing behind the crouching Rook and Twitch. Finally Dokkaebi prepared the machine, as the countdown started she ran back to her spot ‘’Alright people, Say Merry Christmas! In 3….2...1…’’
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carndriverrecords · 4 years
First Blog Post 3/20/20
Started CnD Records today. Feels Good.
Working on some diss tracks. Not sure if they see it coming - doesn’t matter either way.
Planning to release Car and Driver first real record this Friday 3/20/20. Driving Test Driver Fest 1. 
Self release first record - another 20 tracks next week. Compile top 10 - 15 for first release with other label - thinking Terrible, Kranky, blu ish label or Thrill Jockey. Citrus City a no-go for now. Maybe just keep building CnD records.
Be the middle man - take advantage of opportunities without sacrificing my bands’ (and those I represent) integrity.
Reach sleep destroyer.
Last night at Ted’s - great DJ set. Kidz bop remixes, Fancy. Crowd hated it. Ted disappointed we had to leave but it’s ok with everyone. Tall guy took aux right out of computer, have video. Started dancing - cucked everyone. Everyone thinks they’re the crazy charismatic guy. Am I actually? I think so. Syd thinks so. 
CnD Fest 2 , 3 , 4 at Purchase and beyond. Would like to play apartments, Scully’s den in BK (reach out) and Philly, DC etc.
Next voice memo album - 20 - 25 tracks right now. Better than the first. Danny said best album ever.
Working on “My oh Maia Reason Why” video - my favorite video I’ve ever seen. Getting good feedback.
Important to collab with certain SUNY people before I go:
Members of Lip Critic, Dawson, Neal, Gabe.
Send stuff back and forth with Joseph Kress. 
Need to write song about not sharing a stage w unstable Car and Driver - cost me 2 gigs. Ok because I had the police interaction that night. 
Things have been working out quite well. Syd is keeping me in check. Main priorities are keep the energy going while I can and make sure everyone around me is comfortable with me doing my thing, specifically mom, sofia.
Going to Only Angels tomorrow to collab with Alex.
Tues/Wed in RI with Zach Gorton. Need to see Nick Holcomb, Sofia, Will Orchard if he’s around. Riley in Boston? Would love to. 
Visit Dad soon on the way to Richmond, in a few weeks perhaps. Grandma Roberta etc. They have a BBQ place now - I bet it’s great. 
Follow up in the morning (3 hours from now) with wedding band, Kevin Daniels, drummer etc.
Film sunrise sessions at Purchase: My Ride’s Here, Splendid Isolation, Keep me in your heart, Studebaker, Cat’s in the Cradle, Everybody that you know. Don’t think twice, Boots of Spanish Leather, Someday my Prince, Teenage Dirtbag, Arthur (Woof Woof), Forget You, Signed Sealed Delivered, Superstition, The Promise, Hold me now (TT), Love on Top, Townes Van Zandt, 1-800 superstar, Evan Wright, Tom Petty, Blinded By the Light, Searching for a Heart, Mag Field’s, Barenaked Ladies, TMBG, Dolly Parton one sided love, Byrds, Beatles, Kinks, Stones, Parquet Courts, T Swift (Red, Way I loved you), Mitski, Sasami, Anything Could Happen, Beach House, He Needs Me, These Days, YLT, Beach Boys, Big Star Take Care, G500/Luna, Felt, Psychic TV, Shelia, BJM, Yellow Sarong, Over and Over, Hazel St, Heatherwood, Helicopter, He Would’ve Laughted, I wanna be your lover, The pump, Good enough (sleep destroyer), Them airs, BH (14, indian summer), help me scrape mucus off my brain), Beach Comber, DO YOUR THING, Icehead, Bobby, 1000 times, WIll Orchard, Bon Iver, MGMT, Tame impala, Instant Crush, etc. Art Vandelay, Quick Canal, Stereolab, Grouper, Broadcast, Animal Collective, Panda Bear, Bachelor Kisses, Cranberries, Cure, Pastels, MBV, I found a reason, pale blue eyes, Deerhoof, Gretel Alex G, Dancing w tears in my eyes, Elvis Costello, No age(things i did), Are ya ok, Maus, Ariel, R Stevie, Aphex Twin, Zomes, Vampire Weekend etc.
Bring Laptop for Beats on some and lyrics for all. 
Love life more than ever before. Music feels so good. Want to help, make amends, everything that moondog did. Don’t be homeless much longer.
Not sure if I like throbbing gristle - definitely like Psychic TV.
How savage should diss tracks be? Very? Match the severity of the person’s treatment of me/others. Aka - pretty bad for all except for Auto.
Listened to new Kanye today - 10x better and more influential than death grips. 
Realized today that i’ve spent my whole life wishing I was Kanye and now I am Kanye. Feels very good.
Everyone is gifted but internet makes us angst. 
I am mostly Camus right now - maybe more Kierkegaard soon. Religion and Terrence Malik. Still need to read books.
Order of Books: The graduate Portrait of the artist Consider Lobster Infinite Jest Pynchon Ulysses (At recommendation of American gamer association)
Syd is incredibly gifted. Want to help her feel comfortable doing art/work here in the chaos but also sort out the chaos for both of ours’ sake. I thrive in it, she tolerates well. Want to move to Riverdale still, maybe East Williamsburg with Backpack Chris. We’ll see about money. Philly perhaps, little too far. Jersey is good location but bad commute. Bad to RI. 
Visit RI and Boston Tues - Thurs. Sell Cigarettes at Concerts. Feels right.
Keep smoking for now - quit end of summer perhaps. 
Don’t have Corona Virus - glad we are not quarantined. Still be smart. Don’t expose mom regardless. Protect at ALL costs. 
Really though, why does Journee hate me? Write new track (Journee into forever nevermore not now not ever (Lou)) or Journee into SJW self righteous moral posturing (way too savage - maybe voice memo outro)
AR Kane album is incredible. Syd loves too. Sample everything.
Crazy - sound better at jazz than ever in my life. Exploring harmony - never practice. Teach free lessons all the time. Love the diminished scale. Might be best jazz guitarist to ever live. Time will tell. Would be cool long term. Prefer singing. 
Getting good at piano too.
I’m my favorite lyricist/comedian/actor.
Is maia right, acting isn’t hard? Weird they can’t act.
^Remember to delete^
Don’t share this on Facebook yet.
Why does Journee hate me so much? Just the Louis CK joke?
People who stay home and do nothing hate to see irreverent people doing things.
People like when you’re losing - don’t like to see you win.
^That makes me sound crazy.
F00D outsider might make me famous first.
Need to keep up with legal situation.
Hope mom and dad both live long. Call Syd, get something nice for everyone in family. Get weird jewel cases. Order jewelry from etsy. Post merch on bandcamp.
Finish album art soon. Music videos. Get better at animation etc. Pay Ben for his poster. Actually really good. Maybe album art? Duo album! Record in Wisconsin, release under his name. WIll success be good for Ben? I think so. Still can’t believe Liv told him I wasn’t ok. Wow - good content for lyrics. You truly cannot write this.
How will people react to diss tracks? Extremely negatively. Or no reaction. We shall see. Maybe no real names in the titles...... only on Oh my. 4 names in titles is too many. Don’t release Auto track. Maybe on Voice Memos. 
Track List: Good God Bed Head Rosa Reprise Oh My House Pop 1 skydive Pop 2 APhex GVO Pay 4 Take some Cherish Stars in F Are ya ok too bright Honeys Get to work Everybody That You Know Frost Bit BPC NYC New Age Heimet Helmet Deadbeat dads watermill for slitting bars romantic song david byrne Cinema study in cinema Brain ego Cherry doc marten Can’t liv w/o Venmo groceries Oh you like? Dancin DJ blues We are the State Farm robots Danny dorito is a dirty devito My funny valentine Zoomer blues The thing abt genres Blss Like minds ft dawson Lil toucha jazz Introducing car and driver The holy moment empire Ethics 101 - gma in the street Otto is sad I don’t know what it means! Operatic mellismatic Car and driver fest will be a success! Car and driver fest was a bust again! Cipha’s comedy corner Ryder Be gone evil atonal spirits!
Unreleased mental breakdown compilation ep:
I like all music! I’m a stupid pos Electric micro bike Get off your phone! John frusc Nice song Lap steel for 2 My masseuse advice Bed head wash sq Punchie John Maus yoyo interview Diminished  kinda thing
Build the NYC scene, w Blu ish, Evan, 1 800, sweet joseph, Comics Club, Dawson, Sloppy Jane, Wheatus,
See Jack Fortin in NYC soon. Either my event or his. 
Things are still good. Syd will be a great filmmaker. WIll maybe will end up with a dancer or a filmmaker - Probably not a musician. WIll have many loves. 
Things are good right now - hope they stay that way. 
Feel like Ezra Keonig - hopefully someone reads this one day and agrees. Different time in history and the internet - hope this is less cringe than Ezra’s blog , probably not. Ezra, if you’re reading this, sorry. See ya at Bernie’s rally. 
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luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
My Selections for GRAMMYS 2020
Continuing what I started last year here’s my reaction to the GRAMMY Nominations with my selections for who I believe should win, and also who I would have picked for each category.
Let me first lay out the ground rules: - I will be following the time frame for eligibility which is October 1st 2018 to September 30th 2019. - I will be ignoring categories for genres I don’t listen to enough. Metal, Country, Classical, Jazz, will be left off. - I am ignoring that the Performance categories are a mixture of recordings and live performances and just treating them as genre specific “Records of the year” awards. The one’s with “Song” in the title are geared more towards the song writing. - I will first make my selection of the available options. Bold and underlines will be my top selection with underlined not bold as my runner up. - I will then make my own selections for each category and who I think should win out of that. - My selection is not just a list of my favorite albums. My selections will be a balancing act taking in account artistic accomplishments, Impact both culturally and popularity as well as what I personally think is good. - I made a few liberties with some of my selections, mostly from the rules for eligibility being vague in spots. - This list is just all my biased suggestions. I’m sure there will be some major differences in opinions with anybody who reads this. - Feel free to shoot me a message to discuss more with me anything you wish to!
Album of the Year:
Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next Billie Eilish - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE SO WE GO? Bon Iver - I,I H.E.R. - I Used To Know Her Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rickwell Lil Nas X - 7 Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Vampire Weekend - Father Of The Bride
My Picks: Big Wild - Superdream Jacob Banks - The Village Illenium - ASCEND Khalid - Free Spirit Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Nick Murphy - Run Fast Sleep Naked Nilfür Yanya - Miss Universe Tyler, The Creator - IGOR
Record of the Year:
Ariana Grande - 7 Rings Billie Eilish - Bad Guy Bon Iver - Hey, Ma H.E.R. - Hard Place Khalid - Talk Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (Feat. Billy Ray Cyrus) Lizzo - Truth Hurts Post Malone & Swae Lee - Sunflower
My Picks: Avicii - SOS (Feat. Aloe Blacc) Bon Iver - Hey Ma Flume - Let You Know (Feat. London Grammer) G Flip - About You Illenium - Good Things Fall Apart (Feat. Jon Bellion) Khalid - Talk Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Taylor Swift - Lover
Song of the Year:
Billie Eilish - Bad Guy H.E.R. - Hard Place Lady Gaga - Always Remember Us This Way Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved Lizzo - Truth Hurts Taylor Swift - Lover Tanya Tucker - Bring Me Flowers Now
My Picks: Flux Pavilion - Somebody Else (Feat. GLNNA)  G Flip - I Am Not Afraid Gryffin & Aloe Blacc - Hurt People Kahlid - Better Maggie Rogers - Alaska MUNA - Stayaway LÉON - You & I
Best New Artist:
Billie Eilish Black Pumas Lil Nas X Lizzo Maggie Rogers ROSALÍA Tank and the Bangas Yola
My Picks: Billie Eilish Clairo Dermot Kennedy G Flip Jacob Banks Kim Petras Maggie Rogers Nilfür Yanya
Best Pop Solo Performance:
Ariana Grande - 7 Rings Beyoncé - Spirit Billie Eilish - Bad Guy Lizzo - Truth Hurts Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down
My Picks: Bon Iver - Hey, Ma Billie Eilish - Bad Guy G Flip - About You Maggie Rogers - Alaska Nilfür Yanya - Heavyweight Champion of the Year
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance:
Ariana Grande & Social House - Boyfriend Jonas Brothers - Sucker Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (Feat. Billy Ray Cyrus) Post Malone & Swae Lee - Sunflower Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello - Senorita
My Picks: James Blake - Barefoot in the Park (Feat. ROSALÍA) JOHNNYSWIM - Souvenir Khalid - Outta My Head (Feat. John Mayer) Mark Ronson - Late Night Feelings (Feat. Lykke Li) MUNA - Stayaway
Best Pop Vocal Album:
Ariana Grande - thank u, next Beyonce - The Link King: The Gift Billie Eilish - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Ed Sheeran - No. 6 Collaborations Project Taylor Swift - Lover
My Picks: Billie Eilish - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? G Flip - About Us Kim Petras - Clarity Maggie Rogers - Heard It In A Past Life Nilfür Yanya - Miss Universe
Best Dance Recording:
Bonobo - Linked The Chemical Brothers - Got To Keep On Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart RÜFÜS DU SOL - Underwater Skrillex & Boyz Noize - Midnight Hour (Feat. Ty Dolla $ign)
My Picks: Big Wild - Joypunks Flume - Let You Know (Feat. London Grammer) Flux Pavilion - Somebody Else (Feat. GLNNA) Illenium - Good Things Fall Apart (Feat. Jon Bellion) Elohim - runnin
Best Dance/Electronic Album:
Apparaty - LP5 The Chemical Brothers - No Georgraphy Flume - Hi This Is Flume [Mixtape] RÜFÜS DU SOL - Solace Tycho - Weather
My Picks: Big Wild - Superdream Alan Walker - Different World Illenium - ASCEND RÜFÜS DU SOL - Solace Whethan - Life of a Wallflower Vol. 1
Best Rock Performance:
Bones UK - Pretty Waste Gary Clark Jr. - This Land Brittany Howard - History Repeats Karen O & Danger Mouse - Woman Rival Sons - Too Bad 
My Picks: FIDLAR - Get Off My Rock Karen O & Danger Mouse - Turn the Light Mother Mother - Dance and Cry The Ting Tings - Estranged Foals - Exits
Best Rock Song:
Tool - Fear Inoculum The 1975 - Give Yourself A Try Vampire Weekend - Harmony Hall Brittany Howard - History Repeats  Gary Clark Jr. - This Land 
My Picks: Brittany Howard - He Loves Me Circa Waves - Sorry I’m Yours Karen O & Danger Mouse - Woman Of Monsters and Men - Rororo Vampire Weekend - This Life
Best Rock Album:
Bring Me The Horizon - amo Cage The Elephant - Social Cues The Cranberries - In The End I Prevail - Trauma Rival Sons - Feral Roots
My Picks: Bring Me The Horizon - amo Circa Waves - What’s It Like Over There? Foals - Part I: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Mother Mother - Laugh and Cry The 1975 - A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Best Alternate Album:
Big Thieft - U.F.O.F. Bon Iver - I,I James Blake - Assume Form Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride Thom Yorke - Anima
My Picks: Bon Iver - I,I Nick Murphy - Ran Fast Sleep Naked James Blake - Assume Form Karen O & Danger Mouse - Lux Prima Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
Best R&B Performance:
Daniel Caesar & Brandy - Love Again H.E.R. - Could’ve Been (Feat. Bryson Tiller) Lizzo - Exactly How I Feel (Feat. Gucci Mane) Lucky Daye - Roll Some Mo Anderson .Paak - Come Home (Feat. Andre 3000)
My Picks: Kindness - Hard To Believe (Feat. Jazmine Sullivan & Sampha) Mahlia - What You Did (Feat. Ella Mai) Maverick Sabre - Slow Down (Feat. Jorja Smith) Nicole Bus - You Rationale - Explosions 
Best Traditional R&B Performance:
BJ The Chicago Kid - Time Today India.Arie - Steady Love Lizzo - Jerome Lucky Daye - Real Games PJ Morton - Built For Love (Feat. Jazmine Sullivan)
My Picks: BANKS - Look What You’re Doing to Me (Feat. Francis & The Lights) Jacob Banks - Love Ain’t Enough Kahlid - Better Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Ruti - Racing Cars
Best R&B Song:
H.E.R. - Could’ve Been (Feat. Bryson Tiller) Emily King - Look At Me Now Chris Brown - No Guidance (Feat. Drake) Lucky Daye - Roll Some Mo PJ Morton - Say So (Feat. JoJo)
My Picks: BJ The Chicago Kid - Reach (Feat. Afrojack) Khalid - Free Spirit Lucky Daye - Concentrate Maverick Sabre - Weakness Ruti - Racing Cars
Best Urban Contemporary Album:
Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Georgia Anna Muldrow - Overload NAO - Saturn Jessie Reyes - Being Human in Public
My Picks: BANKS - III Kindness - Something Like War Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Maverick Sabre - When I Wake Up NAO - Saturn
Best R&B Album:
BJ The Chicago Kid - 1123 Lucky Daye - Painted Ella Mai - Ella Mai PJ Morton - Paul Anderson .Paak - Ventura
My Picks: BJ The Chicago Kid - 1123 Dawn Richard - New Breed Jacob Banks - The Village Kahlid - Free Spirit Anderson .Paak - Ventura
Best Rap Performance:
J. Cole - Middle Child DaBaby - Suge Dreamville - Down Bad (Feat. J.I.D., Bas, J. Cole, EARTHGANG & Young Nudy) Nipsey Hussle - Racks in the Middle (Feat. Roddy Rich & Hit-Boy) Offset - Clout (Feat. Cardi B)
My Picks: Denzel Curry - RICKY Big K.R.I.T. - K.R.I.T. HERE Freddie Gibs & Madlib - Palmolive (Feat. Pusha T & Killer Mike) Little Simz - Boss Mustard - Pure Water (Feat. Migos)
Best Rap/Song Performance:
DJ Khaled - Higher (Feat. Nipsey Hussle & John Legend) Lil Baby & Gunna - Drop Too Hard Lil Nas X - Panini Mustard - Ballin (Feat. Roddy Rich) Young Thug - The London (Feat. J. Cole & Travis Scott)
My Picks: Chance The Rapper - All Day (Feat. John Legend) GoldLink - Zulu Screams (Feat. Maleek Berry & Babi Bourelly) Kevin Abstract - Joyride Lizzo - Tempo (Feat. Missy Elliott) TOBi - Come Back Home (Feat. VanJess)
Best Rap Song:
YBN Cordae - Bad Idea (Feat. Chance The Rapper) Rick Ross - Gold Roses (Feat. Drake) 21 Savage - A Lot (Feat. J. Cole) Nipsey Hussle - Racks in the Middle (Feat. Roddy Rich & Hit-Boy) DaBaby - Suge
My Picks: Boogie - Soho (Feat. JID) JID - 151 Rum Rapsody - Nina Raja Kumari - SHOOK YBN Cordae - Have Mercy
Best Rap Album:
Dreamville - Revenger Of The Dreamer III Meek Mill - Chamionships 21 Savage - I Am> I Was Tyler, The Creator - IGOR YBN Cordae - The Lost Boy
My Picks: Denzell Curry - ZUU GoldLink - Diaspora Rapsody - Eve Lil Simz - GREY Area Tyler, The Creator - IGOR
Producer of the Year (Non-Classical):
Dan Auerbach Finneas Jack Antonoff John Hill Ricky Reed
My Picks: Big Wild Diplo Jack Antonoff Seven Lions Tyler, The Creator
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thisisatestsff-blog · 5 years
Newsletter #99 September — November, 2012
Already Received
Doctor Who Magazine #447
 (The Doctor must face every Dalek ever; Steven Moffat interview; more) $8.99
Doctor Who Magazine #448
 (William Russell on being Doctor Who's first action hero; interview with Neil Gaiman; more) $8.99
Doctor Who Magazine #449
 (First look at the 2013 series; casting director Andy Pryor talks about his work; more) $8.99
Fantasy & Science Fiction July / August 2012
 (New fiction, reviews, more) $7.50
Locus #617 June 2012
 (Interviews with William F. Nolan and Genevieve Valentine; Nebula Awards; forthcoming books; industry news, reviews, more) $6.95
Locus #618 July 2012
(Young adult fiction special issue; interviews with Holly Black, Tamora Pierce, and Rae Carson; Locus Awards; Ray Bradbury tributes; industry news, reviews, more) $6.95
Locus #619 August 2012
 (Interviews with Jack Vance and Ann and Jeff VanderMeer; award news; industry news, reviews, more) $6.95
Abraham, Daniel
Shadow and Betrayal: A Shadow in Summer / A Betrayal in Winter
 (Long Price #1 / #2: Omnibus reprint; 2 fantasy novels) $17.99
Adams, John J. (ed)
Other Worlds Than These
 (PBO; Anthology; reprints 31 stories of parallel worlds) $16.99
Asaro, Catherine
Aurora in Four Voices
(Collection; 2 novellas and 3 short stories (1 original to this volume), all sf, plus an essay on how she uses math to craft her alien worlds) $30.00
Baker, L-J
Promises, Promises
(After making a series of improbable predictions about Princess Beryl's future, Sandy, a mediocre witch, is commanded to make them all come true within a year - or face the executioner. Luckily, her dyke friends are willing and able to join her on her quest) $15.00
Bedford, K.A.
Paradox Resolution
(Spider Webb #2: PBO; Spider Webb fixes time machines for a living, and hates it. The time machine biz has changed. But one machine - an illegal, radically overclocked hotrod built by Spider's boss - has been stolen, and Spider is the only one who might be able to find it) $14.95
Beukes, Lauren
Zoo City
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Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451
(Reissue; Guy Montag is a fireman, his job to burn that most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. He never questions this destruction, until he meets a young neighbor who introduces him to a past where people didn't live in fear, and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television. When she suddenly disappears, Montag starts hiding books in his home; when this is discovered, he must run for his life) $11.99
Broderick, Damien
Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010
(PBO; Nonfiction; discusses each novel and its author(s) in the context of popular literature, as well as providing a plot synopsis and mini review) $14.99
Carey, Mike/Gross, Peter
On to Genesis
(Unwritten #5: PBO; Full color graphic novel. Not for kids. Reprints issues 25-30 of the comic. Tom Taylor's just a daring heist away from the journals that will reveal the truth: was he born of flesh and blood, or written into existence by sheer storytelling magic?) $14.99
Carroll, Jonathan
The Woman Who Married a Cloud
 (Collection; 37 fantasy stories, some original to this volume) $45.00
Chen, Haiyan/Li, Fang (ed)  
Eight Dragons on the Roof and Other Tales
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Conley, Darby
Survival of the Filthiest
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Cox, Greg
The Dark Knight Rises
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Cronin, Justin
The Passage
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Dick, Philip K.
Now Wait for Last Year
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Dick, Philip K.
The Simulacra
(Reissue; On a ravaged Earth, fate and circumstances bring together a disparate group, including a fascist with dreams of a coup, a composer who plays his instrument with his mind, a First Lady who calls all the shots, and the world's last practicing therapist. And they all must contend with an underclass that is beginning to ask a few too many questions, aided by a man called Loony Luke and his very persuasive pet alien) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
(Reissue; Glen Runciter and his teams of anti-psychics protect corporate clients who want privacy and security from psychic spies. When he and his top team are ambushed by a rival, he is gravely injured and placed in a dreamlike state of suspended animation. Soon, the surviving members of the team begin experiencing strange phenomena, such as Runciter's face appearing on coins and the world seeming to move backward in time. As consumables deteriorate and technology gets ever more primitive, the group needs to find out what is causing the shifts, and what a mysterious product called Ubik has to do with it all) $13.95
Duncan, Dave
(PBO; An independent starship heads to Cacafuego, intent on beating the larger corporations to the exoplanet's resources. Will a yellow warning flag planted in orbit stop them? Or, if their prospectors venture to the surface anyway, will they survive?) $9.95
Egan, Greg
The Clockwork Rocket
(Orthogonal #1: Threatened by strange meteors, a planet sends a spaceship crew on a journey to discover the science their planet urgently needs and bring it back in time to avert disaster. The trip will last many generations for those on board, but will return after just a few planetary years) $14.99
Fies, Brian
Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow?
(Full color graphic novel. Depicts an optimistic and ambitious era fueled by industry, engines, electricity, rockets, middle-class popular culture, and the atom bomb, from the 1939 World's Fair to the last Apollo space mission in 1975) $14.95
Gaiman/Bealer et al (ed)  
Neil Gaiman and Philosophy
 (PBO; Nonfiction; essays on Gaiman's writing) $19.95
Grant, Maxwell
Prince of Evil / Messenger of Death / Room 1313
 (Shadow #60: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
The Triple Trail / Murder Genius
 (Shadow #61: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
Cyro / The Man Who Died Twice
 (Shadow #62: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
The Devil's Paymaster / The Wasp Returns
 (Shadow #63: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Hand, Elizabeth
(PBO; Revised from the 1997 edition. Jack struggles to keep his life afloat and his loved ones safe while battling AIDS. A former lover gifts him with a mysterious elixir rumored to cure AIDS. But soon, the side effects become apparent, and Jack gets mixed up with a bizarre entourage of rock stars, Japanese scientists, corporate executives, AIDS victims, and religious terrorists, all competing to control mankind's fate in the 21st century) $14.95
Hearn, Lafcadio
Kwaidan: Weird Tales from Japan
(Reissue; Collection; 29 traditional tales of ghosts and monsters, collected and translated by Hearn during his 14-year stay in Japan) $15.95
Hodgson, William Hope
Horrors from Haunted Seas
 (Collection; 17 stories of nautical mystery and horror, originally published between 1905 and 1923) $16.95
Holt, Tom
The Better Mousetrap
(Insurance is indeed the force that binds the universe together. Frank Carpenter, one of the foremost magical practitioners of our age, felt himself irresistibly drawn to it - until he met Jane, with her annoying habit of falling out of trees and getting killed. Repeatedly. Soon they find themselves face to face with the greatest enigma of our times: When is a door not a door?) $15.95
Hopkinson, Nalo
Report from Planet Midnight
(PBO; Collection; transcript of a speech tackling sexism and racism in publishing, plus 2 short stories, an interview, and a bibliography) $12.00
Kane/O'Regan (ed)
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror
 (Anthology; reprints 25 stories) $13.95
King, Stephen
(On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed. What if you could change it back? Al reveals that the storeroom of his diner is a portal to 1958, and enlists his friend Jack on a mission to try to prevent the Kennedy assassination) $19.99
Koch, G.J. (Gini)
Alexander Outland: Space Pirate
(PBO; Alexander and his crew - which includes an engineer of dubious sanity, a deposed planetary governor, and an annoyingly unflappable sexbot - get in trouble with the military, the Mob, mad bombers, and would-be conquerors) $14.99
Lundoff, Catherine
Silver Moon
(Becca Thornton, middle-aged and recently out of the closet, discovers that menopause has turned her into a werewolf. And a number of other women in Wolf's Point have had the same experience. As the newest member of the pack, Becca figures her nights will be spent protecting the town and running through the woods howling at the moon. But there are werewolf hunters in town, and they've got Becca in their sights) $15.00
Maas, Sarah J.
Throne of Glass
(YA; Celaena the assassin must defeat 23 other criminals in a competition at the castle in order to be released from prison. But something evil dwells in the castle. When her competitors start dying, her fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival) $17.99
Mandelo, Brit (ed)
Beyond Binary: Genderqueer and Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction
 (Anthology; reprints 17 stories that question the ways in which gender and sexuality have been rigidly defined) $20.00
Marmell, Ari
The Abomination Vault
(Darksiders: PBO; Based on the videogame. Ages before the events of Darksiders and Darksiders II, Death and War are tasked with stopping a group of renegades intent on locating the Abomination Vault) $15.00
Martin, George R.R. et al
A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Companion Cookbook
(Song of Ice and Fire: Nonfiction; the authors of a popular food blog based on Martin's epic fantasy provide over 100 recipes, plus a guide to dining and entertaining in Seven Kingdoms style) $35.00
Matthews, Hugh
Song of the Serpent
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
McMann, Lisa
The Unwanteds
(Kids; In a society that purges 13-year-olds who are creative, identical twins Aaron and Alex are separated, one to attend University while the other, supposedly Eliminated, finds himself in a wondrous place where youths hone their creativity and learn magic) $6.99
Merciel, Liane
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Moorcock, Michael et al
Elric: The Balance Lost Volume 2
 (PBO; Full color graphic novel; reprints issues 5-8 of the comic book) $14.99
Payton, T. Aaron
The Constantine Affliction
(London, 1864: A malady that kills some and transforms others into the opposite sex has spread upheaval throughout society. When Pimm, an investigator, and Skye, a journalist, stumble onto a plot that links a criminal overlord with the Queen's new consort, they find the forces of both high and low society arrayed against them) $26.99
Pinkwater, Daniel
Irving and Muktuk: Two Bad Bears
(Bad Bears #1: Kids; Full color picture book; Officer Bunny is the law in Yellowtooth. But can he protect the town's Blueberry Muffin Festival from muffin-loving polar bears Irving and Muktuk?) $6.99
Pinkwater, Daniel
Bad Bears in the Big City
(Bad Bears #2: Kids; Full color picture book; Irving and Muktuk have a new home at the lovely Bayonne, NJ, zoo. But with a muffin factory right next door, can mischief be far behind?) $6.95
Pratt, Tim
City of the Fallen Sky
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Quinn, Seabury
The Devil's Bride
(Jules de Grandin: Reissue; French occult detective Jules de Grandin tackles a case involving black magic, murder and mutilation, rape and torture, and genocidal race war. Plus bonus story 'House of Golden Masks', pitting de Grandin against white slavers) $14.95
Rankin, Robert
The Mechanical Messiah and Other Marvels of the Modern Age
(1897: The British Empire encompasses Mars, and an uneasy peace exists between the peoples of Venus, Jupiter, and Earth. In Whitechapel, a monster is once more committing hideous acts of murder, and it may take nothing less than the Mechanical Messiah Himself to save London, the Empire, and all of the solar system from impending apocalypse) $14.95
Riordan, Rick
The Lost Hero
(Heroes of Olympus #1: Kids; Percy and his friends have rebuilt their beloved Camp Half-Blood, where a new group of demigods must prepare for a chilling prophecy of their own. But to survive the quest they've inherited, they'll need some help) $9.99
Roberts, Adam
By Light Alone
(In a world where people have been genetically engineered so that they can photosynthesize sunlight with their hair, the poor grow their hair, while the rich affect baldness and flaunt their wealth by eating. The young daughter of an affluent family is kidnapped, but the ransom demands are refused. A year later a young woman arrives at the family home claiming to be their daughter. She has changed so much, she has lived on light, can anyone be sure that she has come home?) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
Murder on Wheels / The Three Gold Crowns / Death to the Avenger
 (Avenger #7: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
The Pirate's Ghost / The Green Eagle (Bama cover)
 (Doc Savage #50: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
The Derrick Devil / The Spotted Men
 (Doc Savage #58: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
Pirate Isle / The Speaking Stone
 (Doc Savage #59: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
He Could Stop the World / The Laugh of Death
 (Doc Savage #60: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Salvatore, R.A.
Charon's Claw
(Forgotten Realms: Neverwinter #3: Drizzt draws his sword once more to aid his friends, assisting the elf Dahlia as she enacts revenge, and helping an old foe break the bonds that have held him hostage for over a century $27.95
Scott, M/Barnett, L
Point of Hopes
(Astreiant #1: Reissue; In the great city of Astreaint, magic is real, stars guide lives, and Nicolas Rathe and his colleagues are attempting to establish a police force. Rathe and Eslingen work together to halt an astrological and alchemical conspiracy against the queen, and rescue scores of kidnapped children) $18.00
Scott, Melissa
Point of Knives
(Astreiant #1.5: Novella. Rathe and Eslingen work together to solve the murders of father-and-son pirates. When pirate treasure proves a threat to the throne, they must make uncomfortable choices) $13.00
Shepard, Lucius
The Dragon Griaule
 (Collection; 6 tales, 1 original to this volume) $45.00
Smith, Jeff
The Drift
(RASL #1: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $13.00
Smith, Jeff
The Fire of St. George
(RASL #2: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $15.00
Smith, Jeff
Romance at the Speed of Light
(RASL #3: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $15.00
Stauber, Katy
Spin the Sky
(PBO; After years away at war, Cesar Vaquero returns to Ithaca, an orbital colony that boasts the only cattle in space, to find his wife and son don't recognize him. Penelope swore off men after her husband disappeared, and has been busy running the ranch, raising her son, and fending off suitors. But something about the war-weary man stirs forgotten feelings in her, even as sabotage, rustlers, and a space stampede threaten to tear Ithaca apart) $14.99
Swift, E.J.
(Osiris Project #1: Osiris has been cut off from the land since the Great Storm 50 years ago. Adelaide is a jaded socialite. Vikram is a third-generation refugee, who sees his people dying of cold and starvation. As a brutal winter brings the city closer to riot and revolution, these two will try to bridge the gap dividing the city) $26.99
Szathmari, Sandor
Voyage to Kazohinia
(A dystopian classic in Hungary, available in the U.S. for the first time. A shipwrecked surgeon finds himself among the Hins, who live a technologically advanced existence without emotions, desires, arts, money or politics. Unhappy amid the bleak perfection, he asks to be admitted to the closed settlement of the Behins, beings with souls and atavistic human traits) $16.95
Tan, Charles (ed)
Lauriat: A Filipino-Chinese Speculative Fiction Anthology
 (14 original stories) $18.00
Tobin, Paul (ed)
White Cloud Worlds
 (Full color art book showcasing the work of 27 established and emerging sf and fantasy artists from Aotearoa New Zealand) $29.99
Walton, Evangeline
The Mabinogion Tetralogy: Prince of Annwn / The Children of Llyr / The Song of Rhiannon / The Island of the Mighty (alternate title: The Virgin and the Swine)
 (Omnibus reprint; 4 classic fantasies based on Welsh mythology) $24.95
Watson/Whates (ed)
The Mammoth Book of SF Wars
 (Anthology; 24 stories (3 original to this volume) of war in the future) $13.95
Whitehead, Colson
Zone One
(After a pandemic devastates the planet, a team of civilian volunteers is tasked with clearing out feral zombies from lower Manhattan. Mark is occupied with the mundane mission of zombie mop-up, the rigors of Post-Apocalyptic Stress Disorder, and the impossible tasks of coming to terms with a fallen world. Then things start to go wrong) $15.00
Williams, Mazarkis
The Emperor's Knife
(Tower & Knife #1: When the Cerani Empire is devastated by a strange plague, long-planned conspiracies boil over into violence, and an invincible evil intelligence known as the Pattern Master appears from the deep desert. Only three people stand in his way: a lost prince, a world-weary assassin, and a young girl from the steppes who saw a path in a pattern once, among the waving grasses - a path that just might save them all) $14.99
Williams, Tad
A Stark and Wormy Knight
 (Collection; 11 stories, novellas, and scripts) $40.00
Wilson, N.D.
The Dragon's Tooth
(Ashtown Burials #1: Kids; Cyrus and Antigone Smith join an ancient order of explorers who search for lost cities and powerful artifacts, and act as jallers to unkillable criminals who have terrorized the world for millennia) $7.99
Wingrove, David
Son of Heaven
(Chung Kuo Prequel #1: Dorset, 2085: Chinese airships are in the skies, and Jake finds himself forcibly incorporated into a global city of some 34 billion souls, where a resurgent China is seeking to abolish the past and bring about world peace through rigidly enforced order. But a civil war looms, and Jake will find himself at the heart of the struggle) $12.95
Wrede, Patricia C.
Shadow Magic
(Lyra #1: Reissue; Her kingdom's ancient enemies have kidnapped 20-year-old Princess Alethia, carrying her off through the forest. These are magic woods, home to fabled creatures whose existence she has always doubted. To find her way home, Alethia will have to learn to trust the old tales, which hold the only hope of saving her kingdom; Signed copies) $14.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
Daughter of Witches
(Lyra #2: Reissue; After her parents were executed for practicing magic, Ranira became indentured servant to a brutal innkeeper. While attempting to protect her from her master's cruelty, three guests reveal magical powers. Now she must unleash her own magical powers to save her new friends from certain death; Signed copies) $14.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
The Harp of Imach Thyssel
(Lyra #3: Reissue; Emereck, a minstrel, and Flindaran, a nobleman masquerading as a tramp, have found an abandoned castle, and in it, one of Lyra's most sought-after treasures. Emereck must learn to harness its strength to create and destroy, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance; Signed copies) $22.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
Caught in Crystal
(Lyra #4: Reissue; When a sorceress asks for a room at Kayl's country inn, Kayl is sure the woman has come to take her back to the life she renounced. To save her family and her world, Kayl will have to unlock a side of herself she buried long ago; Signed copies) $24.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
The Raven Ring
(Lyra #5: Reissue; Learning that her mother has died far from home, of wounds sustained in an attack, Eleret sets out to reclaim her mother's belongings - especially a ring etched with a raven. She doesn't know what's special about the ring, but someone was willing to kill for it. To make it home in one piece, she will have to unlock the mysteries of the ring; Signed copies) $23.99
Zeltserman, Dave
Monster: A Novel of Frankenstein
(19th-century Germany: When his beloved is murdered, a young man is accused of the crime. Broken on the wheel and left for dead, he awakens on a lab table, transformed into an abomination. He finds his tormentor, Victor Frankenstein, in league with the Marquis de Sade, creating something much more sinister) $23.95
Expected Early September
Aguirre, Ann
(Sirantha Jax #6: PBO; The planet La'heng is occupied by foreign conquerors, but Jax means to liberate it as part of a grass-roots resistance movement) $7.99
Aiken, G.A.
How to Drive a Dragon Crazy
(Dragon Kin #6: PBO; Izzy is trying to fulfill a ridiculous quest for a pushy god; sexy dragon warlord Eibhear the Blue is determined to come along to protect her) $7.99
Allston, Aaron
(Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi #7: Abeloth is on the run, but has not given up its plans to destroy the galaxy, even as the Jedi and the Sith abandon all pretense of cooperation and make plans to rout each other) $7.99
Almasi, G.T.
Blades of Winter
(Shadowstorm #1: Rather than risk another war, the four superpowers - the U.S., the Soviet Union, Greater Germany, and the Nationalist Republic of China - have poured their resources into creating superspies known as Levels. Alix is one of the best U.S. Levels. But when a decision explodes - literally - in her face, she uncovers a conspiracy that could upset the balance of power) $9.99
Anderson, K/Peart N
Clockwork Angels
(Companion novel to the newest Rush album; a young man travels across a steampunk world of lost cities, pirates, anarchists, carnivals, and a Watchmaker who imposes precision on daily life) $24.95
Anderson, Kevin J.
Death Warmed Over
(Dan Shamble #1: PBO; A resurrected mummy is suing the museum that put him on display. Two witches, victims of a curse gone wrong, are seeking restitution from a publisher for not using 'spell check' on magical tomes. It's all in a day's work for zombie P.I. Dan Chambeaux. And he's got to figure out a very personal question: Who killed him?) $15.00
Anthony, Piers
Well-Tempered Clavicle
(Xanth #35: Picka Bones and his sister Joy'nt are off in search of adventure with three creatures newly arrived from Mundania - and not the sort of creatures you might expect!) $7.99
Archer, Alex
The Matador Crown
(Rogue Angel #38: PBO; Invited to the Museum of Cadiz to assess some coins, Annja soon finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation that leads her to an illegal - and deadly - collection of Visigoth votive crowns) $6.99
Axler, James
Crimson Waters
(Deathlands #106: PBO; Stranded in a gutted redoubt in the West Indies, Ryan and his friends must escape before they are wiped out by pirates) $6.99
Baggott, Julianna
(Pressia barely remembers the Detonations, when the world turned to ash, dust, and damaged bodies. Having reached the age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia - to be trained as a soldier, or used as a live target - she is on the run. Those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked are inside the Dome. Partridge - whose father is an important man in the Dome, and whose mother never made it inside their shelter - feels isolated. When he learns that his mother might still be alive, he risks his life to leave the Dome to find her. And when Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again) $9.99
Ballantine, Philippa
(Book of the Order #3: PBO; Sorcha is still unable to move or speak; even her partner Merrick cannot reach her through their shared bond. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking her lover Raed, only Merrick can find and rescue her) $7.99
Base, Graeme
Little Elephants
( Kids; Full color picture book; a boy living on a farm in Texas gets a big surprise when he discovers tiny flying elephants under his bed) $16.95
Battersby, Lee
The Corpse-Rat King
(Battlefield looter Marius is mistaken for a dead monarch by one of the dead soldiers, and transported to the Kingdom of the Dead. The dead need a King to remind God where they are. To recover his life, Marius must return to the surface and find them a King. Which he fully intends to do - just as soon as he stops running) $7.99
Bell, Alex
Lex Trent versus the Gods
(Lex Trent #1: Lex Trent's world is inhabited by magicians, crones, and a menagerie of gods and goddesses. And while Lex is seemingly dedicated to his legal studies, he leads a double life as a notorious cat burglar who has been evading capture for years. But Lex's luck is about to run out, because the Goddess of Fortune has selected him to be her player in the highly dangerous Games) $11.95
Beyer, Kristen
The Eternal Tide
(Star Trek Voyager: PBO; The fleet continues its exploration of the Delta Quadrant, investigating the current status of sectors formerly controlled by the Borg) $7.99
Blaylock, James P.
(Pursued by kidnappers, three junior members of the Guild of St. George must descend into the depths of the hollow earth to return the Sleeper to his ancestral home. But awakening him might mean the end of the dream, the closing of the passage, and three intrepid explorers marooned in a savage land) $35.00
Bond, Gwenda
(YA; 114 modern-day people have disappeared from Roanoke Island. Miranda, from the island's most infamous family, and Phillips, who hears the voices of the dead, must dodge everyone from federal agents to long-dead alchemists as they work to uncover the secrets of the new Lost Colony) $9.99
Bornikova, Phillipa
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me
(Linnet comes from an affluent human family. When she begins her career at a vampire law firm, she discovers that, in a workplace where some humans will eventually achieve immense power and centuries of extra lifespan, office politics can be vicious beyond belief) $14.99
Brockmann, Suzanne
Born to Darkness
(Determined to end the scourge of a designer drug that can make anyone a superpowered Greater-Than, but exacts a lethal toll, operative Michelle Mackenzie is knocked for a loop when she meets the new test subject: former Navy SEAL Shane Laughlin, her latest one-night stand) $7.99
Brook, Meljean
(Iron Seas #3: PBO; Five years ago, Annika unwitting endangered the secret of her Iceclandic community. Now she serves on an airship - and her home is again threatened when David comes aboard, looking to expose her secrets. Disaster leaves them stranded on a glacier, pursued by a madman - with heat rising between them) $16.00
Buehlman, Christopher
Those Across the River
(When Frank Nichols returns to his Georgia hometown to write a history of his family's plantation, he soon learns there is a presence there that demands sacrifice - and has been waiting for Frank's homecoming) $15.00
Buettner, Robert
(Orphan's Legacy #2: Sent to bring down the local politicos of a politically quarantined giant habitat, Lt. Jazen Parker finds himself inclined to abandon the place to its ways - until he uncovers a plot to throw a 500-hundred-planet alliance into anarchy) $7.99
Carroll, Lee
Black Swan Rising
(Garet James #1: New York City shopkeeper John Dee offers jeweler Garet James a generous sum of money to open a vintage silver box. The symbol of the swan on the box matches a ring Garet's mother gave her, and when she opens the box, otherworldly things start happening) $7.99
Carson, Rae
The Girl of Fire and Thorns
(Elisa #1: YA; Andre Norton Award finalist. Once a century, one person is chosen for greatness. Elisa is the chosen one. She could be everything to those who need her most - if the prophecy is fulfilled, if she finds the power deep within herself, if she doesn't die young. Most of the chosen do) $9.99
Cassidy, Dakota
Accidentally Dead
(Accidentally Paranormal #2: After a patient bites her, dental assistant Nina Blackman ends up with a set of fangs, a taste for blood - and an irresistible attraction to the patient) $7.99
Charlton, Blake
(Nicodemus #2: The demon behind his curse has hatched a plot to force Nicodemus to change language and ultimately use it to destroy all human life. Nico faces challenges from all sides as he struggles to thwart the demon's plan) $7.99
Christopher, Adam
Seven Wonders
(PBO; Tony lives in a city under siege by hooded supervillain The Cowl. When Tony develops superpowers and acts to take down The Cowl, he finds that the local superheroes aren't as grateful as he thought they'd be) $12.99
The Book of the Dragon
 (Reissue; Full color. Reveals the secrets of the dragons, illuminating a culture filled with poetry, magic, and art) $17.95
Cook, Glen
A Path to Coldness of Heart
(Dread Empire #8: King Bragi Ragnorson is the captive of Lord Shih-kaa and the Empress Mist at the heart of the Dread Empire. Bragi's queen and what remains of his army seek to find and free their king, hampered by the loss or desertion of their best warriors. Dane, Duke of Greyfells, seeks to seize the rule of Kavelin. And in the ancient castle Fangdred, the sorcerer Varthlokkur waits, using his arts to spy on the world at large, and observing the puppet strings that control kings and empires alike) $15.99
Correia, Larry
(Monster Hunter #4: When hunters from around the world gather in Las Vegas for a conference, a creature left over from a WWII weapons experiment wakes up and goes on a rampage across the desert. A wager between rival companies turns into a race to see who can bag the creature first. But there's more to this case than meets the eye: the crew from MHI will have to stop an ancient god from turning Sin City into hell on earth; Signed copies; signing at Uncle Hugo’s Tuesday, September 18, 5-6 pm) $25.00
Crane, Carolyn
Head Rush
(Justine Jones #3: As Midcity cowers under martial law, sleepwalking cannibals, and a mysterious rash of paranormal copycat violence, Justine's search for answers leads her into the most dangerous mind game yet) $16.00
Curran, Kim
(YA; 16-year-old Scott learns he's a Shifter, with the power to undo any decision he's ever made. Pretty cool, until his world starts to unravel around him, and he realizes that using his power has terrible consequences) $9.99
Daniells, Rowena Cory
(Outcast #3: With winter storms brewing and raiders drawn by rumors of wealth, tension grows on the overcrowded ships of the mystics. And although Imoshen sent the Sagora Scholars a request for sanctuary, they haven't replied) $8.99
De Grave, Kathleen
The Hour of Lead
(Kansas, 2039: An earthquake that has slowed down time forces two people to confront their pasts in order to repair their broken lives in the present) $14.95
Dick, Philip K.
Upon the Dull Earth
 (Collected Stories #3: Collection; 23 stories and novellas written in 1953 and 1954, plus extensive story notes) $40.00
Dick, Philip K.
Solar Lottery (alternate title: World of Chance)
(Reissue; In 2203 anyone can become the ruler of the solar system - it all comes down to the random turns of a giant wheel. But when a new Quizmaster takes over, the old one still keeps some rights, namely the right to hire assassins to attempt to kill the new leader. After the most recent change in leadership, employees of the former ruler scurry to find an assassin who can get past telepathic guards. But when one employee switches sides, troubling facts about the lottery system come to light, and it just might not be possible for anyone to win) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
We Can Build You
(Reissue; When Louis Rosen's electronic organ company builds a pitch-perfect robotic replica of Abraham Lincoln, they are pulled into the orbit of a shady businessman, who is looking to use Lincoln for his own profit. Meanwhile, Rosen seeks Lincoln's advice as he woos a woman incapable of understanding human emotions - someone who may be even more robotic than Lincoln's replica) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
The World Jones Made
(Reissue; Floyd Jones has always been able to see exactly one year into his future, a gift and curse that began one year before he was born. As a fortune-teller at a post-apocalyptic carnival, Jones is a powerful force, and may just be able to force society away from its paralyzing Relativism - if he can avoid the radioactively unstable government hitman on his tail) $13.95
Doctorow, C/Stross, C
The Rapture of the Nerds
(At the dusk of the 21st century, Earth has a population of roughly a billion hominids happily living in a preserve at the bottom of a gravity well. Those who weren't happy have emigrated to the densethinker clades that fog the inner solar system. The metaconsciousness of the solar system occasionally spams Earth's networks with plans for cataclysmically disruptive technologies. A sane species would ignore these get-evolved-quick schemes, but there's always someone who will bite. So there's Tech Jury Service: random humans charged with assessing dozens of new inventions and ruling on whether to let them loose. Young Huw, a technophobic, misanthropic Welshman, has been selected for the latest jury) $24.99
Doctorow, Cory
For the Win
(YA; In electronic sweatshops, countless 'gold farmers', trapped by abusive contracts and physical threats, harvest virtual treasure for their employers to sell to First World gamers willing to spend real money to skip straight to higher-level gameplay. A mysterious woman called Big Sister Nor will use her experience, knowledge of history, and connections to real-world organizers to build group of young people into a movement that can challenge the status quo) $10.99
Douglas, Ian
(Star Corpsman #1: PBO; Navy Corpsman Elliot Carlyle and Bravo Company's Black Wizards are en route to the colony planet of Bloodworld, where the alien Qesh have made violent first contact) $7.99
Egan, Greg
The Eternal Flame
(Orthogonal #2: When a fuel shortage threatens the generation ship's voyage, Tamara the astronomer sees a risky solution in a meteor whose trajectory will bring it within range. Meanwhile, Carlo the biologist searches for a better way to control the ship's population explosion) $26.99
Elliott, Kate
Cold Fire
(Spiritwalker #2: Cat and Bee are caught in an intricate web of subterfuge and politics. Everyone seems to want something from them: the warlord who wants to conquer Europa, the Cold Mages who stand against him, and the dangerous Master of the Wild Hunt) $7.99
Flanagan, John
The Outcasts
(Brotherband #1: Kids; Skandians are known for their size and strength. Not Hal, Stig, and their friends. But that doesn't mean they don't have skills, or courage. And they'll need both to do battle at sea against the Wolves and the Sharks in the ultimate race) $8.99
Flavin, Teresa
The Blackhope Enigma
(Kids; Blackhope Tower is shrouded in intrigue, centering on a labyrinth and painting in the Mariner's Chamber. When 14-year-old Sunni visits the tower and sees her stepbrother Dean disappear, seemingly into the painting itself, she sets out to find him) $6.99
Flint, Eric (ed)
Ring of Fire III
 (Ring of Fire: Anthology; 20 original alternate history tales set in the world of  
, by Flint, Lackey, and more) $7.99
Friedman, C.S.
Legacy of Kings
(Magister #3: With the Magisters hunting her for killing one of their own, Kamala's only hope of survival lies in the northern Protectorates. There spells are warped by a curse, originally intended to protect the lands of men from the souleaters. But the curse appears to be weakening - and the threat of the souleaters is once more falling across the land) $7.99
Froud, Brian & Wendy
 (Art book; new and classic work by the Frouds, revealing the world of trolls) $35.00
Gaider, David
The Stolen Throne
 (Dragon Age: Prequel to video game  
Dragon Age: Origins
) $7.99
Gear, W.M. & Kathleen
The Broken Land
(First North Americans #19: Dangerous sorcerer Atotarho has set in motion a cataclysmic battle that threatens to destroy the Iroquoian world. To stop him, Jigonsaseh, Hiyawento, and Sky Messenger must find a way to unite five warring nations) $7.99
Gibson, William
Distrust That Particular Flavor
 (Collection; 25 essays and articles on technology, popular culture, writing, and more) $16.00
Gilman, Laura Anne
The Shattered Vine
(Vineart War #3: As conditions worsen throughout the Lands, Jerzy returns to the Berengia to delve into the magic that has been growing within him, knowing that his god-forbidden knowledge may be the only thing that can save the Lands Vin) $9.99
Golden, Christie
Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
(World of Warcraft: When a beloved peacekeeper is pressed to the limit by an inconceivable horror, will it change her forever? Break her? Or redefine her role on Azeroth?) $26.00
Goonan, Kathleen Ann
In War Times
(1941: After his brother is killed at Pearl Harbor, Sam promises that he will do anything he can to stop the war, and is selected to study code breaking, electronics, and physics. He is seduced by a mysterious female physicist, and given the plans for a device that will end the war, perhaps even end the human predilection for war. But the device does something less, and more, than that) $15.99
Gorey, Edward
A Halloween Treat
(In a previously unpublished vignette, kids and cats go trick-or-treating, gathering loot that might be tricks - or their very own monsters. Plus a collection of ghastly ghost illustrations) $13.00
Green, Simon R.
Ghost of a Dream
(Ghost Finders #3: PBO; Renovations at the long-abandoned Haybarn Theater have been thrown off schedule by some peculiar incidents. The team figures investigating a haunted theater will be a walk in the park - until they encounter the Phantom of the Haybarn, an ancient evil with the ability to alter reality) $7.99
Greenwood, Ed
Elminster Enraged
(Forgotten Realms: Sage of Shadowdale #2: Inhabiting the body of a fallen dark elf, Elminster begins to rally Cormyr's Wizards of War. Manshoon has plans as well: to conquer Cormyr and be the new Emperor, and hunt down the Sage's clones) $25.95
Grimes, Linda
In a Fix
(Ciel Halligan #1: Aura adaptor Ciel Halligan takes on her clients' appearances and slips into their lives to handle situations they don't want to deal with themselves. Her current job, snagging a marriage proposal for her client during an island vacation, is pretty enjoyable - until her resort bungalow is blown up and her client's date is snatched by modern-day Vikings) $14.99
Grinti, Mike & Rachel
(Kids; Emma's family lives in a trailer park that's home to down-and-out harpies, hags, trolls - and Jack, a one-eyed, smooth-talking cat. He becomes Emma's friend, and she discovers that she, too, has cat magic - claws. She's going to need them to rescue her sister from the powerful faeries who stole her) $16.99
Harris/Kelner (ed)
An Apple for the Creature
 (Anthology; urban fantasy stories of unnatural education, including a new Sookie Stackhouse story) $26.95
Hartley, A.J.
Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact
(Kids; When he's forced to move from his tiny English town to Atlanta, Georgia, Darwen knows things will be different - but he wasn't expecting to discover that the old mirror in his new closet leads to another world - or that there are creatures there who are after something that only human children possess) $8.99
Hatke, Ben
Legends of Zita the Spacegirl
(Zita #2: PBO; Kids; Full color graphic novel; Zita is determined to make it home to Earth, but her robot doppelganger is wreaking havoc, and Zita is being blamed) $12.99
Herbert, James
The Secret of Crickley Hall
(Would you live in a place where ghostly things keep happening? Where hushed whimpering is heard? Where the presence of evil is all around you? The Caleighs did, but they had their reasons. They should have known better) $9.99
Hinks, Darius
Orion: The Vaults of Winter
(Warhammer: The forest-king Orion awakens from his winter slumber to discover he has been cursed. As the corruption spreads to the woodland realm around him, he must rely upon his loyal subjects to help him unmask a traitor) $11.99
Holkins, J/Krahulik, M
Magical Kids in Danger
(Penny Arcade #8: Full color. Collects the 2007 strips of the popular webcomic starring geeky heroes Gabe and Tycho, plus creator commentary) $14.99
Hughes, Alex
(Mindspace #1: PBO; Adam used to work for the Telepath's Guild. Now he works for the cops. His ability to get inside the twisted minds of suspects makes him their best interrogator. A serial killer is stalking the city, and Adam needs to solve the case, because he's just had a vision of the future - and he's the next to die) $7.99
Hunter, Erin
The Empty City
(Survivors #1: Kids; The humans are gone, and a new animal is ready to rule the world. Which animals are brave enough to take control when disaster strikes? And what enemies will stand in their way?) $16.99
Jacka, Benedict
(Alex Verus #3: PBO; Mage apprentices have been vanishing without a trace, and someone on the Council might be involved. Alex has no evidence, no witnesses, and no suspects, but he sees that he doesn't know the half of it - and that he could be the next to disappear) $7.99
Johnson-Shelton, Nils
The Invisible Tower
(Otherworld Chronicles #1: Kids; A mysterious message appears in Artie Kingfisher's favorite video game, leading him to a game store where a centuries-old wizard named Merlin holds the key to his destiny) $6.99
Johnson, Mat
 (A failed academic acquires an old slave narrative manuscript confirming that Edgar Allan Poe's  
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
 is a true story. He sets out for Antarctica to discover the land of black people that Poe describes, but instead he and his fellow adventurers are enslaved by the white ice creatures from the novel. Now this black crew must try to escape slavery all over again) $15.00
Kadrey, Richard
Devil Said Bang
(Sandman Slim #4: While ruling the denizens of darkness does have perks, James Stark isn't exactly thrilled with the course of his career. He has to hold off a host of killers while working on his escape plan. Meanwhile, a serial killer ghost is running wild in LA, and Slim's angelic alter ego is hiding in the lost days of time with a cabal who can rewrite reality) $24.99
Kibuishi, Kazu
Prince of the Elves
(Amulet #5: Kids; Full color graphic novel. The Elf King has forged new amulets which will allow him to invade Cielis and destroy it; Emily and her friends make desperate preparations to defend Cielis) $12.99
Kittredge, Caitlin
Soul Trade
(Black London #5: PBO; Crow-mage Jack Winter and former detective Pete Caldecott face formidable new enemies as they continue their quest to save Black London from destruction) $7.99
Kostic, Conor
(Epic #3: YA; In the virtual world of Edda, Scanthax the ruler decides he wants to invade another virtual world. This move embroils the universes of Edda, Saga, and Epic in all-out war - with three teenagers determined to try to restore peace) $9.99
Krentz/Castle, Jayne
The Lost Night
(PBO; Psychic Rachel Bonner has found peace and quiet on Rainshadow Island - until Harry Sebastian arrives to investigate strange events in the Preserve. She can sense the heart of darkness within him - and the stirrings of desire within her) $7.99
Lackey, M/Edghill, R
A Host of Furious Fancies: Beyond World's End / Spirits White as Lightning
 (Bedlam's Bard #3 / #4: Omnibus reprint; 2 fantasy novels) $13.00
LaValle, Victor
The Devil in Silver
(On his first night in New Hyde Hospital's psych ward, Pepper is visited by a terrifying creature who nearly kills him before being hustled away by the hospital staff. It's no delusion; Pepper rallies three other inmates in a plot to fight back) $27.00
Laws, Robin D.
Blood of the City
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Lee, Sharon/Miller, Steve
Dragon Ship
 (Liaden: Theo Waitley #4: Theo has a trade route to run for Clan Korval while she convinces the ghost ship  
 - and herself - that she wants to commit herself to being the human side of their immensely powerful symbiosis. While her former lover battles a nano-virus that's eating him alive, Theo faces the unexpected challenge of rescuing hundreds of stranded pilots and crewmen from an explosive situation in near orbit around a suddenly hostile planet; Signed copies) $23.00
Lore, Pittacus
The Rise of Nine
(Lorien Legacies #3: YA; The stakes are higher than ever as John, Number Six, and Number Seven desperately try to find the rest of the Lorien Nine before it's too late) $17.99
Maltin, Leonard
Leonard Maltin's 2013 Movie Guide
(PBO; Revised and updated guide with thousands of capsule movie reviews, DVD and video listings, mail-order and online resources for buying and renting DVDs and videos, and more) $9.99
Mandanna, Sangu
The Lost Girl
(YA; Eva was cloned to replace Amarra if she ever died. So when Amarra dies in a car crash, Eva moves to India to replace her. But does she want to live out her years as a copy? Or risk everything to be Eva?) $17.99
Marr, Melissa
Carnival of Souls
(YA; Aya and Kaleb both face bleak futures, unless they can win a competition hosted by the Carnival of Souls, fighting to the death to join the ruling elite) $17.99
Martin/Lowder, J (ed)
Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
 (Essays by authors and critics looking at Martin's epic fantasy) $14.95
McDonald, Ian
Be My Enemy
(Everness #2: YA; Everett has escaped with the Infundibulum from the clutches of Charlotte Villiers and the Order, but his father is missing, banished to one of the billions of parallel universes. Everett and the airship crew have taken a Heisenberg Jump to a random parallel plane, where Everett is making plans to rescue his family. But Charlotte Villiers is one step ahead of him) $16.95
McGuire, Seanan
Ashes of Honor
(October Daye #6: PBO; While searching for a powerful changeling with the potential to destroy all of Faerie, Tobey is drawn into a web of kidnappings, political intrigue, and attempted assassinations) $7.99
McKinney, Joe
(PBO; Fleeing the cities and their flesh-eating zombies, Bob Richardson and his crew find sanctuary at an abandoned farm. But their stronghold may not be enough - the undead are banding together and working as a group) $7.99
McMahon, Gary
Beyond Here Lies Nothing
(Concrete Grove #3: Ben arrives in Concrete Grove to research a infamous paranormal incident from the early 1970s; when strange things begin happening, it's up to him to put the ghosts to rest) $8.99
O'Brien, Caragh M.
(Birthmarked #2: YA; 16-year-old midwife Gaia flees the Enclave with her baby sister, only to be captured by the people of Sylum, where women rule the men, and a kiss is a crime) $9.99
Oliver, Lauren
Liesl & Po
(Kids; Locked in the attic by her cruel stepmother, Liesl is surprised one evening when a ghost named Po appears. That same evening, an alchemist's apprentice named Will makes an innocent mistake that has tremendous consequences for Liesl and Po, and draws the three of them together on an extraordinary journey) $6.99
Packard, Edward
Through the Black Hole
(U-Ventures: Kids; You're in command of the most advanced spaceship in the galaxy on the wildest mission in history. Choose your own fate as you try to make it through a black hole) $5.99
Palma, Felix J.
The Map of the Sky
(H.G. Wells #2: Socialite Emma Harlow agrees to marry millionaire Montgomery Gilmore, but only if he accepts her challenge to reproduce the invasion featured in Wells'  
War of the Worlds
. Interconnected plots tell a tale of time travel and mystery, with appearances by a young Edgar Allan Poe as well as Captain Shackleton and Charles Winslow) $26.00
Passarella, John
Rite of Passage
(Supernatural: A series of accidents and strange occurrences in a New Jersey town attracts the attention of the Winchester brothers) $7.99
Paterson, K & J
The Flint Heart
(Kids; Freely abridged from Eden Phillpotts' 1910 fantasy. A Stone Age man demands a talisman to harden his heart, allowing him to take control of his tribe. The tribe's magic man creates the Flint Heart, but the cruelty of it destroys the tribe. Thousands of years later, the talisman reemerges. Can Charles and his sister Unity find a way to rescue humans, fairies, and animals alike from its dark influence?) $9.99
Paver, Michelle
Gods and Warriors
(Kids; Warriors have kidnapped his sister and tried to kill him; a stranger has given him a bronze dagger. Now young Hylas is on the run, trying to discover why he's being hunted, and to find his sister before the warriors find him) $16.99
Petrucha, Stefan
Dead Mann Running
(Hessius Mann #2: PBO; The living dead PI is drawn into a killer case when a severed arm leaves a mysterious briefcase at his office) $7.99
Phillips, Holly
At the Edge of Waking
 (Collection of short fantasy fiction) $15.95
Priest, Christopher
The Islanders
(The Dream Archipelago is a vast network of islands whose very locations seem to twist and shift. Some islands have been sculpted into musical instruments, some are home to lethal creatures, some are playgrounds for the rich. And a war being fought by two distant continents is playing out across the archipelago's waters) $14.95
Reay, Joanne
Romeo Spikes
(Homicide detective Alexis Bianco teams up with the mysterious Lola, who is more weapon than woman, to pursue the Tormenta, demonic predators who convince humans to kill themselves in order to siphon off their victims' unspent lifespans) $25.00
Redwine, C.J.
(YA; While other girls train to be ladies, Rachel trains to survive in the wilderness and wield a sword. When her father fails to return from a courier mission, her father's apprentice Logan is assigned to protect her. Together they will escape the tyrant's city to hunt for Rachel's father) $17.99
Reus, Katie
Primal Possession
(Moon Shifter #2: PBO; When a hate group targets humans known to sympathize with paranormal beings, December McIntyre turns to lupine shifter Liam Armstrong for help) $7.99
Rosca, Madeleine
The Clockwork Sky Volume 1
(Graphic novel. 1895: In the London slums, young Sally Peppers and automaton police boy Sky uncover a dark secret that could overturn all of London) $10.99
Scarrow, Alex
Day of the Predator
(TimeRiders #2: YA; When Maddy mistakenly opens a time window, Liam is marooned 65 million years in the past. He must make contact with Maddy and Sal before he's hunted down by dinosaurs - or alters history) $9.99
Sedia, Ekaterina (ed)
Circus: Fantasy Under the Big Top
 (PBO; Anthology; stories of circuses traditional, bizarre, and futuristic) $15.95
Shatner, William
Shatner Rules
(A collection of guidelines and fun facts, illustrated with stories from Bill's life and career, showing how to become Shatneresque) $15.00
Silverberg, Robert (ed)
Tales from Super-Science Fiction
 (Anthology; reprints 14 stories from the 1950s magazine) $32.00
Singh, Nalini
Archangel's Storm
(Guild Hunter #5: PBO; Angelic spymaster Jason and Princess Mahiya are drawn to each other as they work together to solve the murder of Neha's consort) $7.99
Slonczewski, Joan
The Highest Frontier
(On an Earth altered by global warming, with an invasive alien species threatening the surviving ecosystems, Jennifer Ramos Kennedy, daughter of a rich and influential family, is headed for the college of the future, in orbit) $7.99
Smith, Cordwainer
When the People Fell
 (Collection of Instrumentality stories and miscellaneous short stories, providing a sweeping saga of the centuries to come) $7.99
Smith, Sherwood
Blood Spirits
(Kim Murray #2: With the man she loves set to marry a look-alike princess, Kim returns to California to heal her broken heart. But family politics send her to London, where she winds up in a duel with a Dobrenican nobleman, and learns that her great sacrifice, leaving Alex, was a disaster. She returns to Dobrenica, where she finds ghosts, magic, and murder awaiting her) $7.99
Stein, Jeanne C.
(Anna Strong #8: PBO; Vampire and bounty hunter Anna Strong and her friend Culebra end up in Mexico, dealing with cartel infighting, a few old vendettas, and missing girls) $7.99
Stirling, S.M.
The Tears of the Sun
(Change #8: Rudi McKenzie - now Artos, the High King of Montival - must stand against the forces of the Church Universal and Triumphant, knowing he may lose his life in the final battle) $9.99
Stirling, S.M.
Lord of Mountains
(Change #9: To end the war, Artos must journey to the Lake at the Heart of the Mountains and take part in a coronation that will unite the realms into a single kingdom, granting him an army large enough to defeat his enemies once and for all) $27.95
Strahan, Jonathan (ed)
Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron
 (YA; Anthology; original stories celebrating the witch) $16.99
Swallow, James
Fear to Tread
(Warhammer 40,000: Horus Heresy #21: Horus sends the Blood Angels to the Signus system, where an army of Khornate daemons waits for them. The Warmaster's plan is to use the flaw in the Blood Angels' gene-seed to turn them to the worship of the Blood God) $9.99
Thomas, Shelley Moore
The Seven Tales of Trinket
(Kids; Guided by a tattered map, accompanied by Thomas the Pig Boy, and inspired by her heritage, 11-year-old Trinket searches for the stories she needs to become a bard like her father, who disappeared years ago) $16.99
Thorpe, Gav
Path of the Outcast
(Warhammer 40,000: Eldar #3: While Aradryan lives as a Ranger, Alaitoc is attacked by the Sons of Orar Space Marines, and must do what he can to help save the craftworld) $8.99
Tinker, Major (ed)
The Steampunk Gazette
(From the founder of the Victorian Steampunk Society, a lavishly illustrated history of steampunk, from its 1980s origins to today. Sections on fashion, gadgets, home decor, art, literature, media, and social events) $24.99
Trent, Tiffany
The Unnaturalists
(YA; When his Tinker family is captured to be refinery slaves, Syrus Reed finds that his fate may be bound up with that of Vespa Nyx - and with the Unnatural creatures she catalogues in her father's New London museum) $16.99
Varley, John
Slow Apocalypse
(Screenwriter Dave Marshall thought the scenario sounded implausible when he heard it from a government consultant on his last film: a scientist releases a virus that feeds on petroleum into an Iraqi oil field, but it spreads to infect the entire international fuel supply. Now it's become a terrifying reality) $25.95
Weber, David
A Beautiful Friendship
(Stephanie Harrington #1: YA; On the pioneer planet Sphinx, young Stephanie Harrington discovers an intelligent alien species, treecats, and forms the first telepathic bond with one. But a lot of powerful people are determined to make sure that Sphinx remains entirely in human hands - even if it means the extermination of another thinking species) $9.99
Wendig, Chuck
(Miriam #2: PBO; Miriam is trying to live a normal life, keeping her ability - to see when and how someone is going to die - in check. Which feels like keeping a tornado trapped in a tiny bottle. And then comes one really bad day) $7.99
Williams, Tad
The Dirty Streets of Heaven
(Bobby Dollar #1: Bobby is a rough-and-tumble angel who's always done his part in the long cold war between Heaven and Hell. But now he's stepped into the middle of something that's got both sides nervous - an unprecedented number of missing souls) $25.95
Wooding, Chris
(Malice #2: Kids; Having escaped from Malice, Seth isn't sure if he should try to destroy the evil comic book from his own world, or go back for an artifact that might help. Meanwhile, Kady is still trapped in Malice, trying to find a rebel group of kids who want to fight cruel overlord Tall Jake) $9.99
Zeltserman, Dave
A Killer's Essence
(When a serial killer terrorizes New York City, jaded detective Stan Green finds just a single witness, a neurologically disabled recluse who sees through the souls of others as demonic hallucinations) $15.00
Expected Mid-September
Andrews, Scott K.
School's Out Forever
(Afterblight Chronicles: 15-year-old Lee and his boarding school's Matron must try to protect their charges from cannibalistic gangs, religious fanatics, a bullying prefect, and the surviving might of the U.S. Army) $12.99
Bachmann, Stefan
The Peculiar
(Kids; Bartholomew is a changeling, child of a faery father and a human mother, who lives in the faery slums of Bath. When he witnesses the kidnapping of another changeling, he finds himself at the center of a web of intrigue) $16.99
Balaban, Bob
The Creature from the Seventh Grade: Boy or Beast
(Kids; Charlie has suddenly morphed into a giant mutant sea creature. Now his best friends are treating him like a science project, the cool kids are recruiting him for their clique, and, for some reason, his parents are acting like everything is perfectly normal) $15.99
Barnhill, Kelly
The Mostly True Story of Jack
(Kids; When Jack is sent to Hazelwood, Iowa, to live with his crazy aunt and uncle, he expects a summer of boredom. But the people of Hazelwood have been waiting for him for a long time. He makes friends. The town bully beats him up. And the richest man in town begins to plot Jack's imminent demise. It's up to Jack to figure out why - but to do that, he'll have to believe that magic is real, and has something to do with him) $6.99
Bray, Libba
The Diviners
(YA; 1920s: Evie is shipped off to NYC to live with her Uncle Will, curator of the Museum of American Folklore, Superstition and the Occult. They find themselves in the thick of an investigation of occult-based murders. And Evie has a secret - a mysterious power that could help catch the killer, if he doesn't catch her first) $19.99
Brower, S/Heller, S
Breathless Homicidal Slime Mutants: The Art of the Paperback
 (Reissue; A celebration of the art and design of the mass-market paperback, from the late 19th century to today) $7.98
Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan
 (PBO; Authorized by the Burroughs estate. The Tarzan story told from Jane's viewpoint; $25.99 hc also available) $14.99
Carlson, Amanda
Full Blooded
(Jessica McClain #1: PBO; Jessica has become a werewolf. It wasn't supposed to happen: female werewolves don't exist. When a killer comes looking for her, her Pack finds themselves caught in the middle of a war. It's up to Jessica to find out why everyone wants her dead) $12.99
Chabon, Michael
Telegraph Avenue
(2004: Archy and Nat rule a kingdom of used vinyl located in the borderlands of Berkeley and Oakland. Their wives, Gwen and Aviva, are two semi-legendary midwives who have welcomed more than a thousand newly minted citizens into the community. When a former NFL quarterback announces plans to build his latest megastore on a nearby stretch of Telegraph Avenue, Nat and Archy fear it means certain doom for their vulnerable little enterprise. Meanwhile, Aviva and Gwen also find themselves caught up in a battle for their professional existence; Signed copies expected) $27.99
Cornwall, Emma
 (In a steampunk London, Lucy Weston confronts Bram Stoker to find out why he lied about her in his novel  
. Then, with Stoker's reluctant help, she sets out to track down the fiend who turned her into a vampire) $15.00
Davis, Jim
Garfield Gets in a Pickle
 (Garfield #54: PBO; Full color comic strips) $14.00
Durst, Sarah Beth
(YA; Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess, but the goddess never comes. Abandoned by her tribe, Liyana expects to die in the desert, until a boy arrives. Korbyn is a trickster god inside his vessel, who tells Liyana that five other gods are missing. They set off in search of the other vessels, for the tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. The closer she grows to Korbyn, the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she must die for her tribe to live, unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate - or a human girl can muster some magic of her own) $16.99
Edward, John
Fallen Masters
 (A final confrontation between good and evil unfolds on both the Earthly plane and the Other Side) $25.99
Erikson, Steven
The Forge of Darkness
(Malazan: Kharkarnas #1: In Kurald Galain, the commoners want Vatha Urusander, their great hero, to take Mother Dark's hand in marriage, but her consort Lord Draconus is opposed. As the impending clash disrupts the realm of Darkness, an ancient power emerges from the long dead seas. Caught in the middle of it all are the First Sons of Darkness, Anomander, Andarist, and Silchas Ruin) $27.99
Griffin, Kate
Stray Souls
(Sharon Li has just discovered she's a shaman, and not a moment too soon. London's soul has gone missing. To solve the mystery and rescue the dying city, she'll need help from the support group she's just set up for people with magical issues) $14.99
Johnson, Kij
At the Mouth of the River of Bees
 (Collection; 16 works of sf and fantasy from an award-winning author; Signed copies expected) $16.00
Jones, Stephen (ed)
A Book of Horrors
 (Anthology; original stories of horror and dark fantasy from top writers) $15.99
Jordan, Hillary
When She Woke
(In the not too distant future, the line between church and state has been eradicated, and convicted felons are no longer imprisoned but chromed - their skin color genetically altered to match the class of their crimes - and then released back into the population to survive as best they can. Hannah is a Red; her crime is abortion) $14.95
Kenyon, S/Love, D
The Curse
(Belador #3: PBO; When Svart Trolls invade Atlanta, Evalle tries to stop the bloody troll-led gang wars; she unwittingly exposes a secret that endangers all she holds dear and complicates her tumultuous love life with Storm) $7.99
King, A.S.
Everybody Sees the Ants
(YA; Andre Norton Award finalist. Lucky has a secret that helps him wade through his dysfunctional life. In his dreams, he escapes to the war-torn jungles of Laos, where he can be a hero. It's dangerous and wild - a place where his life just might be worth living. But how long can Lucky hide in his dreams before reality forces its way in?) $9.99
Knaak, Richard A.
(Legends of the Dragonrealm: Shade the spellcaster struggles to find an end to the curse he brought upon himself millennia ago) $16.00
Kristoff, Jay
(Lotus War #1: After disaster befalls her mission to capture a griffin for the Shogun, Yukiko finds herself stranded in the wilderness with a crippled griffin. They will face intrigue, betrayal, and murder as they try to save their homeland) $24.99
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Finding My Elegy
 (Collection of some of her best early poetry plus a group of poems written over the last four years) $22.00
Leslie, Mark (ed)
Tesseracts 16: Parnassus Unbound
 (Anthology; short works of speculative fiction about art, music, literature, and culture) $15.95
Marillier, Juliet
(YA; Possessing a powerful ability to communicate with the fairy-like Good Folk, 16-year-old Neryn sets out for Shadowfell, a home and training ground for a rebel group determined to overthrow the evil King Keldec) $16.99
Benjamin Franklinstein Meets the Fright Brothers
(Victor Godwin #2: Kids; When giant bat planes and mysterious attacks bring mayhem to Philadelphia, Victor knows only the Wright Brothers could pilot such creations - but the red-eyed brothers don't seem quite like themselves. Can Victor and his friends stop them from taking over the city?) $7.99
McOmber, Adam
The White Forest
(Jane has a gift that allows her to see the souls of manmade objects. When her friend Nathan becomes interested in a cult - led by a mystic who encourages his followers to explore dream manipulation - and then disappears, the famed Inspector Vidocq arrives in London to untangle events. But when a sinister truth emerges, Jane realizes she must use her talent to find Nathan before it's too late) $25.00
Shirley, John
 (Resident Evil: PBO; Novelization of the film) $7.99
Starmer, Aaron
The Only Ones
(Kids; Martin arrives at the village of Xibalba. Like the other children who've journeyed there, he faces an awful truth. When families and friends all disappeared one afternoon, he and these other children were forgotten. Inspired by the prophesies of a mysterious boy who talks to animals, Martin believes he can reunite them with their loved ones - but believing and knowing are two different things) $7.99
Tanner, Lian
City of Lies
(Keepers #2: Kids; When his sister is stolen, Toadspit and his friend Goldie follow the child-stealers to a neighboring city. Along the way, Toadspit is captured. When Goldie discovers some secrets that the child-stealers will kill to protect, she'll need all her skills as a thief and a liar to survive and save her friends) $6.99
Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Art of
The Hobbit
 (The author's complete artwork for the book) $40.00
Weber, David
Midst Toil and Tribulation
(Safehold #6: A vicar of the Church of God Awaiting has engineered a rebellion against the Lord Protector of Siddermark, bringing civil war to the nation at harvest time) $27.99
Weeks, Brent
The Blinding Knife
(Lightbringer #2: Gavin had thought he had five years left, now he has less than one. Magic is running wild and threatens to destroy the Satrapies. The old gods are being reborn, and their army of color wights is unstoppable. The only salvation may be the brother whose freedom and life Gavin stole) $25.99
Ziegler, Rob
(After economic, political, and environmental collapse, the US is now controlled by Satori, a corporation that is also a living, intelligent city. Satori bioengineers the climate-resistant seed that feeds the nation, as well as the post-human genetic Designers, Advocates, and Laborers. When a Designer goes rogue, the government hopes to regain power by using her to break Satori's stranglehold on seed production) $15.99
Expected Early October
Anderson, Kevin J.
The Martian War
(PBO; What if the Martian invasion was not entirely the product of H.G.'s imagination? What if he witnessed something that spurred him to write  
The War of the Worlds
 as a warning?) $12.95
Anderson, Taylor
(Destroyermen #6: Even as the Allies and the Empire of New Britain Isles stand united against the Grik and the Japanese, the Holy Dominion - a warped, power-hungry mix of human cultures - threatens destruction with a devastating weapon neither Allies nor Empire can withstand) $7.99
Archer, Jill
Dark Light of Day
(Noon Onyx #1: PBO; Noon is capable of wielding the destructive power of demons. But because she's human, the demons consider her an abomination- and a threat to their rule over Earth) $7.99
Bein, Steve
Daughter of the Sword
(Fated Blades #1: Tokyo cop Mariko Oshiro investigates the attempted theft of an old samurai sword, forged by a swordsmith whose blades may have magical qualities. She is only the latest in a long line of warriors to confront this power, and it threatens to turn against her even as she learns to wield the sword) $16.00
Benford, Gregory et al
The Wonderful Future That Never Was
 (Between 1903 and 1969,  
Popular Mechanics
 magazine included hundreds of predictions about the future. This book recaps some of those ideas, illustrated with the original futurist art. Benford supplies modern perspective on why some of the predictions were made. Full color throughout) $17.95
Briggs, Patricia
Cry Wolf Vol. 1
 (Alpha & Omega GN #1: Full color graphic novel; adaptation of the novel) $24.95
Brown, Eric
Helix Wars
(For 200 years, peace has reigned on the Helix. But when shuttle pilot Jeff Ellis crash-lands on Phandra, he interrupts an invasion by the neighboring Sporelli - who scheme to exterminate Ellis before he can return to New Earth and inform the peacekeepers) $8.99
Buehlman, Christopher
Between Two Fires
(1348: After an orphan tells him that the Black Plague is only part of a greater cataclysm, Thomas, a disgraced knight, finds himself in a macabre battleground of angels and demons, sinners and saints, in a struggle for nothing less than the soul of man) $25.95
Tarzan Centennial
 (Lavishly illustrated official history of the Tarzan phenomenon) $39.95
Caine, Rachel
Black Dawn
(Morganville Vampires #12: YA; Unless Claire and her friends figure out how to cure Amelie - who has been infected by the master draug's bite - and defeat the draug, Morganville will become little more than a ghost town) $9.99
Campbell, Jack
Tarnished Knight
(Lost Stars #1: Betrayed by the brutal Syndicate government, Artur Drakon and Gwen Iceni launch a battle for control of the Midway star system) $26.95
Carey, Jacqueline
Dark Currents
(Agent of Hel #1: Fathered by an incubus, Daisy lives in a Midwestern resort town that is home to eccentric locals, wealthy summer residents, assorted paranormals, and eldritch folk presided over by reclusive Norse goddess Hel. When a boy drowns and signs point to eldritch involvement, Daisy investigates with the help of a sexy werewolf cop) $26.95
Chan, Kylie
Earth to Hell
(Journey to Wudang #1: On Earth, Simon Wong, the Demon King's son, is no longer around to trouble Emma and Simone, but his associates have taken over Simon's underworld activities. The otherworldly stones are being targeted and are in danger of being completely destroyed. It seems that the Demon King is the only one Emma can turn to for help) $7.99
Chance, Karen
Fury's Kiss
(Midnight's Daughter #3: PBO; Dory and Louis-Cesare will have to face off with zombie vampires, fallen angels, and a mad scientist to get to the bottom of a deadly smuggling ring) $7.99
Clarke, Cassandra Rose
The Assassin's Curse
(YA; When Ananna runs away from her arranged marriage, her cutthroat parents hire Naji the assassin to murder her. When she inadvertently saves his life, she activates his curse: whenever her life is in danger, he must protect her. This development pleases neither of them - but to lift the curse, they will have to complete three impossible tasks) $9.99
Cobley, Michael
Seeds of Earth
(Humanity's Fire #1: The planet Darien hosts a thriving human settlement. But hidden on Darien's forest moon are secrets that go back to an apocalyptic battle between ancient races. Darien is about to become the focus of an intergalactic power struggle, and the true stakes are beyond human comprehension) $7.99
Connolly, Tina
(Jane, who wears an iron mask to contain the fey curse that scars her cheek, answers a carefully worded ad for a governess, certain that the child is fey-cursed, and that she can help. She finds herself fascinated by the girl's artist father: a parade of ugly women enter his studio, and come out as beautiful as the fey) $24.99
Crossan, Sarah
 (YA; In a world where air is restricted, three teens find out exactly what they're willing to do for the freedom to breathe) $17.99
Cummings, Sean
(YA; To save her witch mother's life, 15-year-old Julie and her uber-geek friend Marcus must find out who is responsible for increasing levels of poltergeist activity all over their town) $9.99
Doctorow, Cory
Pirate Cinema
(YA; In dystopian near-future Britain, artists and activists are trying to fight a new bill that will criminalize harmless internet creativity, making felons of millions of British citizens. Parliament is in thrall to a few wealthy media conglomerates, but the powers-that-be haven't reckoned on the power of a gripping movie to change people's minds) $19.99
Drake, D/Lambshead, J
Into the Hinterlands
(Sent to clear the power-hungry Terrans from a star sector where they're encroaching, greenhorn commander Allen Allenson must also overcome the machinations of the alien Riders) $7.99
Drake, David
Night & Demons
 (PBO; Collection of horrific, weird, and fantastic tales) $13.00
Dunn, Christian (ed)
Shadows of Treachery
 (Warhammer 40,000: Horus Heresy #22: PBO; Anthology) $8.99
Dunn, Christian (ed)
Treacheries of the Space Marines
 (Warhammer 40,000: PBO; Anthology) $8.99
Emson, Thomas
(Vampire Trinity #1: When a new drug starts turning users into vampires, Iraqi War veteran Jake Lawton finds himself doing battle with immortals and their human cohorts. And beneath the London streets lurks a bigger evil, waiting to be resurrected to reign over a city of human slaves) $14.99
Evans, Chris
Ashes of a Black Frost
(Iron Elves #3: As the human-dominated Calahrian Empire struggles to maintain its hold on power in the face of armed rebellion, the Iron Elves' perilous quest to defeat the power-hungry elf witch, the Shadow Monarch, takes on greater urgency) $9.99
Evenson, B.K.
 (Dead Space: Novel based on the video game) $14.99
Feehan, Christine
Dark Predator
(Carpathian #19: When he leaves his life as master executioner behind, Zacarias wonders who he really is. The answer awaits him back home in Peru, where he will face old enemies and a bloody family legacy - and find his lifemate) $7.99
Fforde, Jasper
The Last Dragonslayer
(YA; 15-year-old Jennifer runs Kazam, an employment agency for magicians, but it's hard to stay in business when magic is drying up. Now visions are predicting the death of the world's last dragon at the hands of an unnamed Dragonslayer. If the visions are true, everything will change for Jennifer and Kazam - because something known as Big Magic is coming) $16.99
Fforde, Jasper
The Woman Who Died a Lot
(Thursday Next #7: After an assassination attempt, Thursday returns to Swindon to recuperate. But there are problems at home: Friday's career struggles in the Chronoguard; Tuesday's trouble perfecting the Anti-Smote shield in time to prevent an angry Deity from wiping Swindon off the face of the earth; and the issue of Thursday's third child Jenny, who exists only as a confusing and disturbing memory. With Goliath attempting to replace Thursday with synthetic Thursdays, and a call from Bookworld to hunt down Pagerunners who have jumped into the Realworld, Thursday's convalescence is going to be anything but restful) $26.95
Fisher, Catherine
(YA; Desperate to regain the power and wealth her family had lost, Sarah made a bargain with Azrael, Lord of Darkwater Hall, who gave her 100 years and the means to her objective - in exchange for her soul. A century later, will she be able to stop young Tom from making the same ruinous bargain?) $16.99
Flint, Eric
1635: Papal Stakes
(Ring of Fire: Trapped in a mire of papal assassins, power politics, murder, and mayhem, Pope Urban VII and uptimers Frank Stone and Ambassador Sharon Nichols and their downtimer spouses need help fast. Special rescue crews converge on Rome, and an uptime airplane is on its way to spirit the Pope to safety. When everything goes wrong, it's once again up to the rough and ready Grantville natives to set things right) $25.00
Gear, W.M. & Kathleen
A Searing Wind
(Contact: The Battle for America #3: After learning of de Soto's plans to target the Chicaza, Black Shell is determined to set the perfect trap to preserve his people's pride, traditions, and winter stockpiles of food and supplies) $9.99
Giallongo, Zack
(Kids; Full color graphic novel. Can Broxo - the only survivor of a barbarian tribe - and Princess Zora defeat the man-eating walking dead that drag themselves out of a fetid lake?) $16.99
Gibson, William
Zero History
(Campbell Memorial Award finalist. A Department of Defense contract for combat wear turns out to be the gateway drug for arms dealers so shadowy that even global marketing magnate Hubertus Bigend, whose subtlety and power in the private sector would be hard to overstate, finds himself outmaneuvered and adrift in a seriously dangerous world) $9.99
Gilman, Charles
Professor Gargoyle
(Lovecraft Middle School #1: Kids; At his brand new, high-tech school, 11-year old Robert finds some anomalies: rats in the lockers; a student gone missing; a library corridor full of worm-eaten antique books; and a science professor who seems to be undergoing a strange transformation) $13.99
Gladstone, Max
Three Parts Dead
(A god has died, and it's up to Tara, a first-year associate at a necromantic firm, to bring Him back to life before His city falls apart) $24.99
Gropp, Richard E.
Bad Glass
(PBO; The military moves in to quash rumors of unexplained phenomena in Spokane and figure out what's going on. But after weeks of news leaking out of the quarantine, it becomes clear they have no idea. A young photographer sneaks into the city, hoping to make a name for himself documenting the unimaginable - if he doesn't go insane first) $15.00
Hamilton, Kiki
The Faerie Ring
(YA; 1871: Pickpocket Tiki steals a ring that could lead to all-out war. For the ring belongs to Queen Victoria, and binds the rulers of England and Faerie to peace. A group of faerie rebels hopes to break the treaty with dark magic - and Tiki's blood) $9.99
Harris, Charlaine
The Sookie Stackhouse Companion
(Southern Vampire: Agatha Award finalist. Tour Bon Temps, Louisiana, prowl around the werewolf and werepanther communities, visit Tara's dress shop, and belly up to the bar at Merlotte's in this guide to Sookie's family, friends, enemies, lovers, and adventures. Includes an original Sookie novella, recipes, and more) $18.00
Harrison, Kim
A Perfect Blood
(Rachel Morgan #10: Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other. Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, Rachel Morgan soon realizes that someone is determined to make demons. But it can't be done without Rachel's blood) $7.99
Hayes, Erica
(Seven Signs #1: PBO; Dr. Morgan Sterling doesn't believe in angels, but Luniel is one of the fallen, bound to fight evil to earn redemption. Together they must stop a zombie plague ravaging Manhattan's slums) $7.99
Heinlein, Robert A.
Starman Jones
 (Reissue; Classic sf novel) $7.99
Hendee, Barb
Ghosts of Memories
(Vampire Memories #5: PBO; Not all vampires want to live by the Four Laws. Now Eleisha must confront the deadliest predator she has ever faced, or lose everything she has fought to protect) $7.99
Hidalgo, Pablo
Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion
(Looks at all published Star Wars fiction, providing a synopsis of each story, behind the scenes facts and anecdotes, and a chronological listing of titles placing each in context. Illustrated with over a hundred full-color paintings) $28.00
Holm, Chris F.
The Wrong Goodbye
(Collector #2: PBO; Because of his efforts to avert the Apocalypse, Sam has been given a second chance, provided he can stick to the straight and narrow. Which is all well and good, until the soul he's sent to collect goes missing) $7.99
Hunter, Faith
Death's Rival
(Jane Yellowrock #5: PBO; To uncover the identity of the vamp who is trying to steal Leo's territory, Jane will have to venture into the underbelly of New Orleans vamp society) $7.99
Jerome, Celia
Sand Witches in the Hamptons
(Willow Tate #5: PBO; As if Willow didn't have enough problems coping with Otherworld visitors, now she has a stalker, her doom-seer father has a secret, and Paumanok Harbor has Otherworld sand stealers) $7.99
Jones, Darynda
Death and the Girl Next Door
(PBO; YA; Why is Cameron, her high school's designated loner, standing outside Lorelei's house every night? What does tough, sexy newcomer Jared know about her parents, who disappeared years ago? And what will any of them do when Death comes knocking for real?) $9.99
Jones, Diana Wynne
 (Collection of essays, speeches, and biographical pieces written and/or chosen by Jones) $24.99
Jones, Stephen (ed)
The Mammoth Book of Zombie Apocalypse! Fight Back
(Mosaic novel; interconnected eyewitness narratives - text messages, emails, blog entries, letters, diaries, and transcripts - telling of the fight against the New Zombie Order) $13.95
Joyce, William
The Sandman: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie
(Guardians of Childhood #2: Kids; Full color picture book. When the moon is less than full, who will keep the children safe at night? The Man in the Moon thinks sleepy sweet-dreamer Sandy is the perfect choice to help thwart Pitch, the Nightmare King) $17.99
Joyce, William
Toothiana: Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies
(Guardians of Childhood Novel #3: Kids; Toothiana can spin herself into a multitude of selves, depending on nightly teeth-placed-under-pillows rates. And she is tiny, but very fierce - the villainous Pitch has no idea what he's up against) $14.99
Karpyshyn, Drew
 (Star Wars: Old Republic #3: Novel based on the online game) $7.99
Kessler, Liz
Emily Windsnap Boxed Set: The Tail of Emily Windsnap / Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep / Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist / Emily Windsnap and the Siren's Secret
 (Reissue; Kids; Four fantasy novels; the adventures of a teenage girl with a human mother and a merman father) $23.96
Ketter, Greg (ed)
Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores
 (Anthology; 16 sf, fantasy, and horror stories, each with a bookstore at its core) $15.95
Kiesbye, Stefan
Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone
(Four young friends come of age in Hemmersmoor, a place shrouded with fear - and talk of revenants. Their innocent games soon bring them face-to-face with the village's darkest secrets) $15.00
L'Engle, Madeleine
A Wrinkle in Time graphic novel
 (Kids; Adaptation of the classic sf novel) $19.99
Lackey, Mercedes
(Valdemar: Collegium #3: Magpie pursues his quest for his parent's identity, while being trained as an undercover agent for Valdemar. Bardic Trainee Lena has to face her uncaring father, a famous Bard. And Healing Trainee Bear struggles with his parents, who are pressuring him to quit the Collegium because he lacks the magical Healing Gift) $7.99
Lackey, Mercedes
(Valdemar: Collegium #4: A mysterious new enemy has taken an interest in Herald trainee spy Mags, but why? The answers can only be found in the most unexpected corners of Mags' past. Assuming he can stay alive long enough to find them) $25.95
Lamberson, Gregory
Tortured Spirits
(Jake Helman #4: PBO; Jake's ongoing quest to save his best friend Edgar Hopkins takes him to New Orleans, Miami, and the jungles of Pavot Island, where undead slaves harvest narcotics for a ferocious dictator) $14.95
Launet, Francois
Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)
 (Collection of webcomics providing a humorous look at the Cthulhu mythos through the daily lives of the Great Old Ones) $19.95
Lazellari, Edward
(Cal MacDonnell and Seth Raincrest have nothing in common - except they both suffer from retrograde amnesia. It's as if they just appeared out of thin air thirteen years ago. Now their forgotten past has caught up with them) $7.99
Lin, Grace
Starry River of the Sky
(Kids; Rendi has run away from home and is now working at the inn in the remote Village of Clear Sky. The moon is missing there, but only Rendi seems to notice. He also notices the village's peculiar inhabitants and their problems. A mysterious lady arrives at the Inn with the gift of storytelling, and slowly transforms the villagers and Rendi himself. As the days pass, Rendi begins to realize that perhaps it is his own story that holds the answers to all his questions) $17.99
The Lovecraft Anthology Volume 2
 (Full color graphic novel; adaptations of Lovecraft stories) $19.95
Lovegrove, James
Red Eye
(Redlaw #2: PBO; In the U.S. to investigate a series of vicious attacks on vampire immigrants, Redlaw uncovers a conspiracy that could give journalist Tina Checkley the career break she's been looking for. It could also spell death for Redlaw) $8.99
Ma, Roger
The Vampire Combat Manual
 (PBO; A humorous guide to fighting the bloodthirsty undead) $15.00
The Undead in My Bed
 (PBO; Anthology; 3 vampire romance novellas) $7.99
Maguire, Gregory
Out of Oz
(Wicked Years #4: The Emerald City plans to invade Munchkinland, Glinda is under house arrest, the Cowardly Lion is on the run from the law, and look who's knocking at the door: Dorothy. Amid the chaos, Elphaba's granddaughter Rain comes of age, and will now take up her broom in an Oz racked by war) $15.99
Mallory, H.P.
Something Witchy This Way Comes
(Jolie Wilkins #5: PBO; Jolie must protect her Underworld realm from the Lurkers, half-humans bent on conquering the undead. At least she has her boyfriend, warlock Rand Balfour, by her side. But why can't she forget dangerously alluring vampire Sinjin Sinclair?) $7.99
Mallory, Michael
The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi
 (A look at sf in films and television, from the Saturday matinee serials to modern times) $40.00
Mariconda, Barbara
The Voyage of Lucy P. Simmons
(Kids; An enchanted flute that warns of danger, a mist that unlocks a drawer of family secrets, a bookcase that expands to conceal her: since her parents drowned at sea, magic has been helping Lucy keep her house out of the hands of her greedy uncle) $16.99
Massey, Brandon (ed)
Voices from the Other Side
 (Anthology; 20 horror and suspense stories by African-American writers) $6.99
McCormack, Una
(Star Trek: Typhon Pact: PBO; The independent Venette Convention becomes the flashpoint for a tense military standoff between the United Federation of Planets and the Typhon Pact) $7.99
McDevitt, Jack
(Alex Benedict #6: Nebula Award finalist. Decades ago, renowned physicist Chris Robin, known for his theories about alternate universes, vanished. Alex and Chase discover that Robin had several interstellar yachts flown far outside the planetary system, where they too vanished. Now they're planning to follow Robin's trail into the unknown) $7.99
The Brain Eater's Bible
 (A field manual and manifesto for the reanimated dead) $16.99
McIntosh, Will
(PBO; Contrary his grandfather's dying wish, Finn has resurrected the old man's newspaper comic, and it's more popular than ever. Then Finn realizes he has a hitcher within his skin: his grandfather, who isn't happy about the changes Finn has made) $14.99
McKillip, Patricia A.
Wonders of the Invisible World
 (PBO; Collection of short fantasy fiction) $14.95
Meloy, Colin
(Wildwood Chronicles #1: Kids; After her brother is abducted, Prue and her friend Curtis head into the Impassable Wilderness to find him. There they find warring creatures, peaceable mystics, and powerful figures with dark intentions, and their rescue mission turns into a struggle for the freedom of Wildwood) $8.99
Meloy, Colin
Under Wildwood
(Wildwood Chronicles #2: Kids; A growing threat draws Prue back into Wildwood, where she and Curtis face their greatest challenge yet. To save themselves and the lives of their friends, and bring unity to a divided country, they must go under Wildwood) $17.99
Meluch, R.M.
The Ninth Circle
(USS Merrimack #5: On the distant world of Zoe, an expedition finds DNA-based life - and alien invaders. And it seems that the Ninth Circle and the Palatine Empire have also found Zoe. Glenn Hamilton calls on the  
USS Merrimack
 for help) $7.99
Modesitt Jr., L.E.
(Imager #4: Begins a new story arc set hundreds of years earlier. Quaeryt is a scholar, concealing the fact that he's an imager. To escape the intrigues of the capital city, he convinces his ruler to send him on a reconnaissance mission. On the journey, he must face pirates, storms, poisonings, and attempted murder, as well as discovering that he is not quite who he thought he was) $7.99
Morgan, Richard K.
The Cold Commands
(Land Fit for Heroes #2: Aging warrior Ringil Eskiath is growing more comfortable with his return to the hero's life. But the stakes against him are being raised - a major threat is gathering on the horizon, one that Ringil cannot defeat by himself) $16.00
Mosley, Walter
Merge / Disciple
(Crosstown to Oblivion #2: Two novellas: a lottery winner notices something in his apartment that seems ordinary but reveals itself to be from a very different world; a data entry clerk realizes he has become a pawn in a battle that threatens the prime life force on Earth) $24.99
Niven, L/Barnes, S
The Moon Maze Game
(Dream Park #4: 2085: The first lunar live-action role-playing game turns ugly when a dozen gamers are kidnapped. But the gamers are brilliant, unpredictable, resourceful, and addicted to problem-solving - they're going to play this new scenario to win) $7.99
Oliver, Lauren
The Spindlers
(Kids; One morning, 12-year-old Liza realizes that spindlers have stolen her younger brother's soul. Armed with little more than her wits, and with a huge talking rat for a guide, she sets out to rescue him) $16.99
Pivarcsi, Istvan
Just a Bite
(Nonfiction; a Transylvanian historian peels away the effects of pop culture to set the record straight about the history and evolution of vampire folklore) $16.95
Pratchett, T/Cabell, C
Terry Pratchett: The Spirit of Fantasy
(A detailed biography of the beloved writer, including his battle with Alzheimers, over forty years of irreverent artistic achievements, and a note about cats) $14.95
Pratchett, Terry
(YA; In an alternate London ruled by a young queen Victoria, Dodger is an enterprising lad, smart and lucky. Everyone likes him, which is good, because his life is about to get seriously complicated. When he sees a girl leap from a carriage in an attempt to escape her captors, will he stand by and let her be caught again? Of course not. He's not about to let anything happen to the unknown girl - not even if her fate affects some of the most powerful people in England)
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saiditallbefore · 6 years
AU Exchange 2018 Recs
The AU Exchange collection is open, and I’ve compiled a list of recs!  Fics marked with * are my gifts.
Doctor Who
When She’s Ten Feet Tall
Martha Jones, Alice in Wonderland AU
It's not the weirdest situation Martha has been in. Taking stock, it might rank in the top ten. Possibly top five, when she considers the damn cat. And the medicines that change her size. And the rabbit. And the dodo, which she'd like to examine before she gets out of here. All right, call it top three.
You’ll know who I am by the songs that I sing
Martha Jones, groundhog day AU
Martha is stuck reliving the same day over and over. In a world without consequences, she does exactly what she wants to do.
Harry Potter
The Second Letter
Harry Potter & the Dursleys, AU where Dudley gets a Hogwarts letter
Not one, but two letters arrive at 4 Privet Drive, dragging up all sorts of memories that Petunia Dursley wishes that she'd been able to forget. It feels like history is repeating itself in an even more horrific way than she'd imagined and Vernon has no clue how to respond to something so unexpected.
Salami, Tomato, and Mayo on Rye
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Magic AU
A desperate patron comes into the shop looking for help after he picks up one of Hardison's terrible bargain books. Hardison feels obligated to help, Eliot thinks the man should be left to clean up his own mess, and Parker just wants something to eat.
Garden View
Gamora & Groot, Gamora & Rocket, Role Reversal AU (Rocket is One of Thanos's Assassins and Gamora is Groot's BFF)
“So, how’d you two meet?” Rocket said. “Chlorophyll convention?”
S.H.I.E.L.D. HR dept form 168(c)(2) - Retrospective Request For Absence Due To Encounter With Supernatural Wildfowl (to be completed in triplicate)
Maria Hill/Steve Rogers, soulmate is decided by an angry goose
Being late for work because of the Soulmate Goose is the very last thing Maria needs today.
Shooting the Goose
Maria Hill/Steve Rogers, soulmate is decided by an angry goose
He stared at her, stared at the gun. "You shot your soul guide?"
"I'm giving it a day off," Maria said with a perfectly straight face.
Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa & Jack Thompson, Peggy Carter & Howard Stark, Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli, Superhero AU
Everyone thinks Howard Stark is the armored 1940s superhero called Ironclad. He's not. It's Peggy.
Star Wars
Jyn Erso/Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa, Canon Divergence (Dark Leia Organa, Imperial Jyn Erso), 2nd person POV
You were sent here with the belief that you would fail.
Blossoming in Piracy *
Leia Organa/Qi’ra, space florists
Leia tries a different way of funding her resistance. This involves getting closer to the intriguing flower delivery woman she manages to meet at the senate hangar.
Bugs in the System
Finn/Rose Tico, time travel
Haysian smelt, Paige’s voice echoed from years gone by. Carries a charge well. They say it does strange things immersed in some liquids, but people said there was an all-powerful Force too, much good that did anyone.
Days Long Remembered
Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker|Darth Vader, time travel
Always in motion, the future is. Sometimes, it moves to the present.
Or, Darth Vader gets more than he bargained for when he tries to interrogate Princess Leia on the Death Star.
Finn & Rey, worldbuilding (The Force is demystified and researched and taught like any other field of science)
FN-2187 is no Jedi, but he knows the Force. At least well enough to pass Captain Phasma's physics class.
Families of Choice
Rey, Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter
Kylo Ren could be so much more to Rey. He could be her teacher, yes, but also her protector, her friend, her big brother or father figure…maybe even her lover. Her husband! What a great match that would be! Poetic. Kylo Ren, only grandson of Darth Vader, wedded to Rey, only granddaughter of—
fine balances
Finn/Ben Solo/Rey, Role Reversal (Sith Lord Finn, Empress Rey, Resistance Member Ben)
He says nothing, swallows around his pleas and needs and desires. She can pull them from his mind if she so chooses, each and every one. They’re all a tangle in his thoughts, jumbled and twined together. Vines could not bind him more easily than the conflict inside of him already does. She need do nothing to lock him in a cage.
Hope and Honesty
Anakin Skywalker/Ahsoka Tano, Canon Divergence (After her death on Mortis Ahsoka Tano comes back as an eldritch creature, Anakin Skywalker dies on Mortis and Ahsoka Tano resurrects him)
Ahsoka Tano is the Light on Mortis, but her companion isn't entirely sure of who, or what, he is.
In the Cards
L3-37/Lando Calrissian, Canon Divergence
There were no tears when the empire came to Bepsin.
Not that L3 could cry, mind you, but she wasn't surprised. They'd both known sooner or later that the jig would be up. Years of cutting and running had made them both come up with plans that, in all honesty, either involved running or were little more than pipe dreams. When the report came in that a Star Destroyer had come bursting into orbit like an unwelcome sun going supernova, they'd stared at one another, and years of being thick as thieves had made what happened next a matter of instinct: run.
Kylo Hen and the Bantam Menace
Kylo Ren, everything is the same except Kylo Ren is a chicken
Kylo Ren is a chicken. He's not too happy about that.
meant to make a thing or two
Jyn Erso/Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa, Canon Divergence 
Six years after her brother took command of the Imperial Remnant, Leia prepares to bring him home.
The Last Truce We Ever Came To
Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker|Darth Vader, force ghosts
Darth Vader is dead but he won't leave Leia alone.
The Past is a Story We Tell Ourselves
Poe Dameron/Rey, Rey is Terex’s daughter
For as much time as Rey had spent on Jakku waiting for her family, she could honestly say she wasn't expecting to return there on a mission for General Organa and find herself faced with her father.
The fact that her father was the ex-stormtrooper and criminal Terex was just a bonus.
There Lies a Beast (and when it wakes you know it will not hide)
Padme Amidala & Leia Organa, Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa, Canon Divergence (Sith Leia, Empress Padme)
Sometimes, Leia thinks Padmé Amidala Naberrie will drown the universe in her tears. Or, if not that, then let the streets run with blood. Perhaps Mother finds atonement for her dead husband and dead son in the blood she's spilled.
There are times Leia cannot bear the unbearable heaviness of mother's wrath; thankfully, Amilyn doesn't give a damn about Leia's royal bloodline.
This Dance *
Amilyn Holdo/Rey, Regency in space
Rey was certain she must look utterly out of place, like the urchin she was, like street trash dragged in and stuffed into a dress. The feeling grew when she was faced with Vice Admiral Holdo, beautiful and accomplished, a hero of the Resistance.
But Rey had knocked Lord Ren into the snow, after all. She could face one dance with Amilyn Holdo at a Coruscant ball.
The Good Place
The Humbler Games
Eleanor Shellstrop, Michael, The Hunger Games AU
An ambitious would-be Gamemaker suggests a serial entertainment to show in between the Games.
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