#top penalty goals
kentolove · 2 years
Mbappe you will always be a winner in my books
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the-physicality · 8 months
what a beautiful low stress game
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killa-trav · 11 months
manchester united have had the most var decisions against them so far this season in the premier league yet other fans of certain clubs think they are purposely targeted
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dead-end-draws · 7 months
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Tribe Banner concept art:
Folks seemed to enjoy my WOF WIPS, so here’s more concept art for y’all! My favorite thing about WOF is the potential for world building. I thought it’d be cool to see a tribe emblem represented on a banner/flag of sorts:
Read below for some of the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
Skywing Banner:
Skywings pride themselves on 3 things; treasure, fire, & their enormous, soaring wingspan which steals the sky.
As such, portrayed on the banner, the fabric (often made with dyed cow or goat leathers) resembles draped dragon wings. Two Skywings embrace a goblet, which is spewing golden fire.
The banner is often held aloft with iron or gold poles, signifying to other tribes their wealth and pride.
Mudwing banner:
These banners are fashioned with leather hides from cow or crocodile skin, held aloft with bamboo, and painted with a Talon-print & Reed crest.
The talonprint symbolizes community and the strength of Mudwing sibling bonds. The reed border unifies all Mudwings regardless of their relationship to home; the swamp. Bigwings are often seen carrying these into battle, signifing their status and making it easier for a sib to locate them in the flurry of a fight.
Sandwing Banner:
Sandwing flags are made with camel skins and dyed cactus leather.
A crest shows a Sandwing coiled around a beaming sun, a reminder that despite the revered 3 moons, Sandwings are born to thrive in sunlight.
The fabric is cut in a way to mimic the swooping dunes of Sandwing territory. And the poles of the flags are equally intricate, with scorpion tails and golden ropes which frame the banner.
These flags make prominent appearances in parades, festivals, and markets, and even miniature version are often displayed in homes or as tapestries/carpets.
Seawing banner:
These banners are often seen displayed in royal quarters or councils, or above land to mark territory.
A nautilus shell crest on front echoes the swirl-pattern associated with royal Seawings: The banner’s borders resemble waves and a dragon swimming beneath their surface.
These are crafted with rich materials, strung with seashells, pearls, silver dollars, and deep oceanic color fabric. There is severe penalty for Seawings found plucking treasure from the banners, as they are a direct symbol of royalty.
Nightwing Banner:
These banners emphasize the Nightwings’ relationship to the moon, their source of power and praise. The material, a contrast of white stitching against purple velvet showcases moonlight and night, black scales against stars, magic and mystery.
They are seen decorated with 3 moons at the top and a centered dragon reaching up into the night sky.
These banners were often used during the war as secret code by spies to deliver to other tribes. Prophecy scrolls often came attached, delivering cryptic messages or secrets in the night. These banners all helped add to the secrecy of the Dragonet Prophecy, and kept tribes on their toes around Nightwings.
Rainwing banner:
Rainwing banners are not used for battle purposes like other tribes, most are mere decoration, location indicators, and have no unified design.
However, It is said back when Rainwings left the rainforest to trade pre-war, this particular banner design was often raised above Rainwing merchant tables, and showcases the coiled tail of a Rainwing with leaves, vines, and other sights from the rainforest adorning a bamboo pole. Bright color combinations accentuated the flag to entice curious customers.
Now, only one tattered version of the original Rainwing banner remains, displayed proudly in Queen Glory’s quarters, a reminder that building the Rainwings’ community is their most important goal.
Icewing Banner:
These banners reflect the same standards Icewings hold themselves to.
Like a visual of the rankings themselves, each banner is cut perfectly from an Icewing’s trained, serrated claws to resemble icicles, and crafted with fine blue stitching.
Flags are often held aloft with perfectly polished narwhal horn or bone, and can be inlaid with sapphires or diamond.
Icewing soldiers are often gifted these during ceremonies, and perform training exercises with the flags to test their stance/attentiveness. The crest showcases the swift sharpness of ice through a flying dragon, and a snowflake toward the bottom reminding Icewings that even minuscule snowflakes, small things, should be perfect in form.
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Tuesday’s [April 9, 2024] definition-shifting court ruling means nearly 50 governments must now contend with a new era of climate litigation.
Governments be warned: You must protect your citizens from climate change — it’s their human right.
The prescient message was laced throughout a dense ruling Tuesday from Europe’s top human rights court. The court’s conclusion? Humans have a right to safety from climate catastrophes that is rooted in their right to life, privacy and family.
The definition-shifting decision from the European Court of Human Rights means nearly 50 governments representing almost 700 million people will now have to contend with a new era of litigation from climate-stricken communities alleging inaction. 
While the judgment itself doesn’t include any penalties — the case featured several women accusing Switzerland of failing to shield them from climate dangers — it does establish a potent precedent that people can use to sue governments in national courts.
The verdict will serve “as a blueprint for how to successfully sue your own government over climate failures,” said Ruth Delbaere, a legal specialist at Avaaz, a U.S.-based nonprofit that promotes climate activism...
Courting the courts on climate
The European Court of Human Rights was established in the decade following World War II but has grown in importance over the last generation. As the judicial arm of the Council of Europe, an international human rights organization, the court’s rulings are binding on the council’s 46 members, spanning all of Europe and numerous countries on its borders.
As a result, Tuesday’s [April 9, 2024] ruling will help elevate climate litigation from a country-by-country battle to one that stretches across continents.
Previously, climate activists had mostly found success in suing individual countries to force climate action. 
A 2019 Dutch Supreme Court verdict forced the Netherlands to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent, while in 2021 a French court ruled the government was responsible for environmental damage after it failed to meet greenhouse gas reduction goals. That same year, Germany’s Constitutional Court issued a sweeping judgment that the country’s 2019 climate law was partly “unconstitutional” because it put too much of the emissions-cutting burden on future generations.
Even in the U.S., young environmental activists won a local case last year against state agencies after arguing that the continued use of fossil fuels violated their right to a "clean and healthful environment."
But 2024 is shaping up to be a turning point for climate litigation, redefining who has a right to sue over climate issues, what arguments they can use, and whom they can target. 
To start, experts overwhelmingly expect that Tuesday’s ruling will reverberate across future lawsuits — both in Europe and globally. The judgment even includes specifics about what steps governments must take to comply with their new climate-related human rights obligations. The list includes things like a concrete deadline to reach climate neutrality, a pathway to getting there, and evidence the country is actually on that path...
Concretely, the verdict could also affect the outcomes of six other high-profile climate lawsuits pending before the human rights court, including a Greenpeace-backed suit questioning whether Norway's decision to grant new oil and gas licenses complies with its carbon-cutting strategy.
An emerging legal strategy
In the coming months, other international bodies are also expected to issue their own rulings on the same thorny legal issues, which could further solidify the evolving trend. 
The International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights all have similar cases working through the system.
"All these cases together will clarify the legal obligations of states to protect rights in the context of climate change — and will set the stage for decades to come," said Chowdhury, from the environmental law center."
-via Politico, April 9, 2024
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intheupside · 3 months
addressing the boys in the locker room and living his ted lasso dreams
also there’s an athletic article about it:
“It was a roller coaster,” Crosby told The Athletic of the game, shaking his head and smiling. “I feel like there’s been a lot more eyeballs, a lot more attention on this team.”
Crosby, wearing Canada’s red home kit, watched one of the more thrilling games of Copa America. Canada took an early lead thanks to Jacob Shaffelburg, who not only comes from the same province as Crosby, Nova Scotia, but is just the second men’s national team player from the province. Canada’s very own ‘Maritime Messi’.
Venezuela tied the game thanks to captain Salomon Rondon’s long-range chip in the 64th minute but Canada looked composed through penalties and midfielder Ismael Kone scored the winning spot-kick.
And not long after Canada entered their locker room to continue celebrating, Crosby joined them.
“Crosby said it was an ‘Unbelievable Canadian moment,’” defender Alistair Johnston said. “He said ‘The penalties were insane’ and something that he couldn’t even imagine doing.”
Crosby then singled out what midfielder Jonathan Osorio called the “guts of the group” to step up and score in penalties. “They look like a real tight-knit group,” Crosby said.
Crosby’s visit to Canada’s dressing-room soon began trickling out on social media but it wasn’t planned. Crosby said that every summer he and a group of teammates from his days playing junior hockey for Rimouski Oceanic in the Quebec Maritimes Junior Hockey League organize a trip together. This year, once Canada qualified for the quarterfinal, they made the decision to travel south to Arlington.
It was only in the hours leading up to the game that a mutual friend of one of the Canadian players extended an invite to Crosby to come into the dressing room.
As he made his way around the room, Canadian players beamed. Osorio said Crosby nabbed Shaffelburg’s jersey postgame.
“I got to see a Nova Scotia legend,” Shaffelburg said. “I’ve always looked up to (Crosby). To meet him was unbelievable.”
Crosby then encouraged the team for the future and reminded them how proud they have made Canadians.
“His words mean a lot,” goalkeeper Maxime Crepeau said. “But it’s an example of how we are slowly changing things for our country.”
Crosby then posed for a photo with the entire team. He’s no stranger to winning over the hearts of an entire country, having scored arguably the most important goal in Canadian sports history to win the 2010 Olympic gold medal over the United States.
And Crosby understands what so many others are coming to learn as well: This Canadian team is becoming a truly special one.
“The way they reacted after (Venezuela’s tying goal) — it’s a tough goal to give up, but they kept coming,” Crosby said when asked what makes this team special.
Canada is no stranger to having heroes visit the team: Famed astronaut Chris Hadfield joined them for a pre-game speech before their 2022 World Cup opener.
But Crosby’s star status is as radiant as they come in Canada. For generations, Canada’s national team was looked at as an afterthought. Qualifying for the World Cup began to change the perception of the team at home. Yet what they have lacked as of late are results against top teams to earn more fans.
That’s changing, and Crosby isn’t just witness to it. Against Venezuela, he was part of it. “With the games that they’ve put together, they’re only going to get more and more (attention). It’s fun to see. They deserve it. It seems like they’re a really great group of guys,” Crosby said.
This Canadian team is tasked not just with winning matches as they’ve done under new head coach Jesse Marsch; they also understand it’s their responsibility to continue to grow a game that might enjoy heavy participation among children but still falls behind hockey in terms of national popularity.
“What a legend to have on our side,” Marsch said of Crosby. “This is important for us in 2026 (at the World Cup with Canada hosting alongside the U.S. and Mecico). We want to feel the power of the entire nation.”
Now, the team is looking at Crosby’s endorsement as another example of their own star in Canada growing brighter.
“You can tell how much it means to the team that we are taking that next step in Canadian pop culture,” Johnston said. “You could see that we’re reaching a bigger crowd than just the football mad crowd. We’re inspiring a lot of people.”
Canada’s next chance to inspire will undoubtedly be their most difficult test yet: A semifinal against world champions Argentina.
As difficult a test as it might be, Canadian players all agree they believe more people than ever will be watching their team. And that includes Crosby.
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outsideratheart · 2 months
We Support Each Other (Aitana Bonmati x reader)
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A/N: This could be read as a stand alone but it is also a sequel to Sore Loser. Based off this request.
You could ask anyone that knows you and they would say they have never seen you more determined than they have during this last month. Each game you gave it your all and left the pitch knowing that you couldn’t physically do anymore. It was that attitude that got you where you currently are and that is standing in the tunnel about to walk out to a sold out Wembley stadium for the 2022 Euros final.
As always you are the last player in the line. It was superstition of yours and whilst your team mates loved to tease you about it, they didn’t mess with you today. No, today they let you be.
The first half wasn’t bad but it didn’t go as you had planned. Nothing seemed to work and the German players were beginning to get on your nerves. You knew it was their game plan and you welcomed the extra physicality. It did nothing but drive you to do the thing you failed to do in the first half and that was get the ball in the back of the net.
When Ella scored it gave you a boost of energy which was much needed. The score line being tipped in your favour didn’t last long because Germany equalised just over 15 minutes later. 
Injury time came up on the board and the 5 minutes passed without either teams taking the lead.
Then came extra time and the second half of extra time. Both teams were on their last legs and they knew that they needed to score soon because if it went to penalties then it was anybody’s game and all the work they had done would be almost meaningless.
During a Germany corner Mary punched it out and England were on the attack with the Germans hot on their tails. Keira ran down the middle of the pitch and it was as if the ball was stuck to her feet. There was no way she was losing that ball and when you began running along side of her there was no way you were going to mess up this opportunity.
Keira played you the most pin point accurate through ball and you know now was the time. This one shot could make history, it could change everything and when you shot the ball you knew it was going it. That didn’t stop time from standing still as you watched the ball sore through the air.
You don’t know what came over you but you take your shirt off and running towards Keira.
“Bloody Brilliant” you kiss her forehead.
“Y/N!!!” Keira jumps into your arms “You did it”
“We did it”
The rest of your team piles on top of you. When the goal celebrations are over you know that another goal isn’t going to come so your attention goes to running down the clock. You do the thing you hate when other teams do and you take the ball to the corner flag and do everything you can to keep the ball. The clock isn’t in your eye view but the final whistle is definitely heard.
England were Champions of Europe and you had done it at home. That final goal made you top goal scorer of the tournament and all your hard work was rewarded by winning player of the tournament. 
You had every right to celebrate yours and the ‘ achievement and whilst you are never one to go mad after winning a game, you do with this one. You celebrate with the entire team, players and staff alike but after an hour or so in the locker room you only want to be with one person and she is upstairs in the bar where all the friends and family were.
“Aita” You bury her head in the crook of her neck. 
The last couple of days had been stressful to say the least so when your body feels the safety that Aitana’s arms give you, it relaxes for the first time since you played Sweden.
“Amor meu” Aitana held you tightly knowing that in this moment you will be feeling very overwhelmed.
When you pull away you notice that she is crying and whenever your girlfriend cried, you cried. It didn’t matter if they are happy tears or sad tears.
Both of you stood there in the middle of the room crying without a care in the world. 
For the next hour the team stays at the bar in Wembley stadium but after that people start to leave and you are told it is time to go back to the hotel. You knew the tournament rules but technically it was over now so did the rules still apply? 
Aitana recognises that look. It was one she was well accustomed to and was often followed by mischief.
“Gaffa!” You shout maybe a little too loudly but you blamed the alcohol for the slight raise in volume. 
This term wasn’t something Aitana knew.
“It means boss, baby” you turn back towards your coach who was now coming towards you. 
“Wait!” You turn back to Aitana “not boss baby. It means boss and then I was calling you my baby because you are, you’re my baby” you kiss her once, twice, three times.
“Lo se” Aitana giggles. She liked drunk Y/N, she really liked her.
By the time you turn around again, Sarina is right next to you.
“Gaffa!!!” You place your arm around her shoulder.
“Yes, Y/N” Sarina gives Aitana a look as if wishing her luck with you in your intoxicated state.
Your girlfriend watches as you take a couple of seconds to compose yourself. She could have sworn she heard you giving yourself a little pep talk.
“Sarina, we have just won the euros” the Dutch woman shakes her head but then nods her head when she sees your expression change into one of confusion “We did win, look” you hold up your medal “I have been very good and well behaved”
“You snuck out of the team hotel and didn’t return for over two hours” Sarina recalls the night when she came to talk to you only to be told several different reasons why you weren’t with the team.
“That’s because of Aitana” Without realising you throw your own girlfriend under the bus.
“Right so Aitana here is a bad influence on you, I understand”
“She is not!” You say rather protectively “Aitana is the best thing to ever happen to me. I am a much better person because of her. You should have met me before we started dating, I was a handful”
Sarina knew that it was time to leave and whilst she was enjoying seeing you react this way, she also knew that you three were some of the many few left at the bar and that the rest of the team was already on the bus. She had to get to your point quickly.
“Y/N, I have already told Aitana that she is more than welcome to come to the hotel with us”
“You have?” You ask her “She did?” you ask Aitana who at this point could contain her laughter no more.
The coach journey back the hotel was loud and rowdy but not for you and Aitana. The alcohol had began to wear off given you stopped drinking. The two of you sit there, barely talking as you hold hands looking out of the window. Your girlfriend knew you were coming down from the winner’s high.
As you enter the hotel you excuse yourself stating that you wanted some time with Aitana before rejoining the festivities. She finds that a little strange but doesn’t push you. The elevator ride up to your room is silent but once in your room Aitana notices what is happening.
“You deserve this Y/N. I’m here because I want to celebrate with you” 
You had already laid your self out on the bed. With no hesitation she curls up into your side.
“We have celebrated. You shouldn’t have to watch us celebrate when we beat you in order to get to the final” You had enjoyed celebrating with the team but it was also important to take your girlfriend’s feelings into consideration.
“Watching you win today will be one of the best days of my life. I am so so proud of you and I don’t want you to stop celebrating your achievements because of me. We were never going to win this tournament. The federation—“
You let out a dramatic sigh.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about what was going on” 
“I told you after the game. I am your girlfriend and some of the team are your closest friends, some even family. You wouldn’t have been able to be near Jorge and not say something”
You sat up rather quickly. Quick enough startle Aitana.
“You’re right, I would have said something. You should say something. From what you have told me, things are really bad at the minute and the way to make change is to stand up. If I come face to face with that man or any of his buddies then that is what I will be doing”
“We are going to say something but we are going to do it the right way” Aitana moved down the bed so she is closer to where you are standing.
“I will support you” you stand between her legs, cup her face with your hands and lean down to kiss her softly.
“I know you will” She returns the kiss with the same amount of softness “Right now I want to support you so let’s go celebrate you and your friends”
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
World Cup VI
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: It's heartbreaking
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It's the worst kind of pain imaginable.
The kind of pain that lodges in a chest, in a throat, in a mind. The kind of pain that radiates throughout a body, weighing on someone, eating away at them until there's nothing left.
Eaten from the inside out.
Until there's nothing left but an empty husk of a person.
To be so close to a dream that will never be reached.
Not now.
Not ever.
It chokes someone from the inside, suffocating them until they can do nothing but accept their fate.
There's not much else to say about it.
The kind of pain that is only really experienced once in a lifetime.
The kind of pain only experienced in extra time of a football match as one last substitute is made.
The board goes up.
"On for number fourteen, number one for Sweden, Harder-Eriksson."
The final of a World Cup.
Sweden, two.
Spain, two.
And the worst person to take penalties against is subbed on.
"No," Talia says as she watches you run on," No, please. Please."
You'd taken a knock in the semifinals against Colombia, a bad one that had you sitting out most of the final.
Selfishly, Talia was glad for it.
The two goals she had scored wouldn't have gone in had you been standing between the sticks.
Had you been on in the beginning, there would have been no extra time.
You are the greatest goalkeeper in the world and you're never out of control in finals.
You thrive under the pressure, under the pressure of the whole world watching your every mood, under the pressure of Magda and Pernille's legacy.
You rise to the occasion every time.
You show why you are so sought after.
Extra time leaks away and the tears already fall as penalties are announced.
Your Sweden team isn't known for their penalty-taking abilities but it hardly matters. All it takes is one penalty to win.
One ball in the back of the net.
You can delay that for as long as you need to.
One goal to win a match.
One goal for a childhood dream to shatter.
One missed save to return to Spain as a World Champion.
But you have never let a penalty passed in your entire career.
Not at Linköping. Not at Arsenal. Not at Barcelona.
Not for Denmark. Not for Sweden.
No penalty has ever escaped you.
The shots are taken in quick succession.
You don't let any pass but neither does Spain's keeper.
The anticipation swells. The tension builds. The camera flashes to fans in the crowd.
To Patri, sitting in the stands with her hands clasped in front of her and a nervous look on her face. Talia has never seen her cousin so shaken before.
She cuts a striking picture against the complete calmness of Magda and Pernille when the camera switches again. They don't look worried in the slightest.
They've always been your biggest supporters, the biggest believers in your ability to do anything you set your mind to. They've seen the talent in you for years.
There is no reason for them to be worried.
Talia takes the ball, the last penalty for Spain.
She steps forward.
You come out of your goal, walking forward towards her until you're face to face.
The conflict is clear on your face.
To anyone else, you look deadly calm. Magda's feature on your face matches your mother's expression in the crowd but Talia can see through it.
The slight furrow of your brow, the downturn of the corner of your mouth. The way that you can't quite meet her eyes.
"I'm sorry," You say as she places the ball on the penalty spot.
"I know," Talia replies.
"I am really sorry, my love. I...I didn't want it to end like this."
"Don't be. Go do what you do best."
Talia's dreams of a World Cup slip through her fingers in an instant. She usually shoots right, in the top corner. This time though, she'll shoot left to the bottom.
Pernille sits up in the stands as you back away from Talia, returning to your line.
The stadium holds its breath.
A home World Cup win would mean the world to Sweden. To defeat the hosts would mean the world to Spain.
But you stand in their way.
A formidable force between the sticks with more experience than most your age and an unshakeable spirit that intimidates by just your mere presence on the pitch.
"She's got this," Magda whispers to her, clasping Pernille's hand tight," Even if it is Talia."
The stadium ripples with anticipation, shouts escaping throats as Talia lets the ball fly...
Your familiar red jersey moves, your black gloves reaching out.
Your body crashes to the ground.
A millisecond too late and the ball would have gone in.
Your fingertips manage to brush it away though, forcing it away from your line.
The knock to Spain's confidence is big.
It can be felt all around the stadium and just a box away, Pernille sees Patri bury her head in her hands.
Sweden's last penalty is taken quickly.
Scored even quicker by your captain.
A title defended on home soil. The triumph of Sweden over Spain.
The crowd is electric and Magda pumps her fist into the air, screaming like she'd just won this herself and Pernille hauls herself out of her seat to head down to the barriers with her wife to greet you.
The crowd is nothing compared to the roaring in Talia's ears as that pain settles into her bones and gnaws away at her muscles.
She falls to the floor, breathing in a ragged breath as a childhood dream slips away from her.
"I'm sorry," She can hear over her sobs," My love, I'm so sorry."
Familiar arms wrap around her. A familiar smell filling her senses and she grabs onto a familiar red jersey, pulling at it and forcing herself even closer.
"Go," She says," And celebrate."
"No," You reply, sitting down next to her and guiding her head to your shoulder where she could cry without cameras watching her," I'm staying right here."
"Your mothers-"
"Can wait," You insist," I want to be here. With you."
You've singlehandedly ruined Natalia's dreams. You had dangled a World Cup in her face and snatched it away again.
It was so close.
She was so close to being the first person to ever score a penalty against you.
Mere inches sat between her and the World Cup.
But you'd ruined it. You anticipated her change. You pushed away her penalty.
Last time, you'd scored Sweden's only goal. This year, you'd saved all of Spain's penalties.
You are Sweden's hero. Sweden's golden girl. Sweden's vice-captain and the greatest goalkeeper they've ever produced.
There is no hope of competing against you.
A World Cup won and a World Cup lost.
Magda and Pernille wait by the barrier. Talia can see them, ready to celebrate with you.
But you don't go anywhere.
You just hold her as she cries.
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bellawoso · 8 months
New Romantics
Alexia Putellas x fem!reader
really channeled my lack of knowledge for the football rules into this fic
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Alexia had always sworn by one rule.
If she was to date anyone - which she was sure she wouldn’t due to her busy football schedule - she wanted to be with someone who knew football. Who knew the rules, and the players.
Alexia loved football, so honestly it made sense on her preferences, she did the want to bore someone with conversations of football which was a repetitive topic for her.
After one relationship with a girl who knew nothing of the sport Alexia adored, the midfielder decided she didn’t want to be with someone who wasn’t even interested in Alexia’s career.
Her ex’s failed flirting attempts at playing dumb of the sport did nothing to make Alexia laugh, it only irritated her more.
Alexia broke up with her after a week, she was suprised with herself for not have ending it sooner.
However, when Alexia met you in the stands of a Barcelona game that your friend had dragged you to, she was quick to break her one rule in dating.
You had met your friend when he accidentally hit you in the face, whilst cheering in a secluded Barcelona bar after his team had scored the winning goal, your friendship quickly grew from there, you both had much in common, both going into teaching as you were quick to apply for a vacant job position at the primary school he worked at.
The only difference you had with him, was that he loved football, and you had never had any interests in watching people run up and down a pitch, kicking a ball for ninety minutes.
Therefore it was very safe to say that you were not a fan of football, you didn’t know the rules or the players, and unsurprisingly you were not aware that it was practically forbidden to wear white and gold in Barca’s home section of the stadium, your choice of white denim shorts and a gold tube top had recieved many dirty looks from all of the Barca fans you had passed.
As you and your friend arrived at your seats around fifteen minutes before the game was to start, a soft “ay dios mio” could be heard from the woman next to you.
You, who had no knowledge of the spanish language, only heard “dios” which you mistook for “dia”, and concluded the woman next to you wished you a good morning.
You responded with a smile “bon dia!”, to which your spanish friend translated to you that the woman said “oh my god” and reminded you that you accidentally wore the opposition’s trademark colours.
You missed the woman’s friend laughing, and settled on sitting down and shrugging your shoulders, honestly not understanding the big deal.
However, as soon as your die-hard Barcelona fan friend noticed you were sat next to world-class Barcelona players, he was quick to rush to get you a jersey from a store near the food and drink, with a promise to get you a tea.
Your friend came back quickly just as the game was about to start, throwing a blue and red top in your face, telling you to put it on now, you lifted up the top which caught the two Barca player’s attention next to you, and were met with a last name on the back you briefly recognised.
Alexia thought you were beautiful as soon as she saw you, experiencing a swarm of butterflies in her stomach and a light flush of her cheeks which didn’t go unnoticed by Jana next to her, who took to teasing the older footballer next to her.
The sight of her last name on your back did not help her case at all, and pushed all thoughts of you to the back of her head, her one rule making you completely off limits.
Being set with the hard task of sitting next to you in the match, Alexia was constantly subjected to your soft “huhs” each time the whistle was blown, and honestly the only words she had actually heard you say the entire time were “What’s going on?”
Until a Real Madrid forward made a tackle on a Barcelona defender in the box, and you shouted:
This recieved confused glances from surrounding Barca fans, and an elbow from your friend, and a snort of laughter from Jana who sat next to Alexia.
“She is very funny Ale, admit it!”
To this you gave her a look of confusion, and asked “Whats funny?”
The pure look of innocence on your face made Alexia hold back a smile as Jana explained that it was in Barcelona’s own box, so there would be no penalty as if there was it would be an own goal.
You quickly thanked the brunette, to which she gave you a cheeky grin and a promise of “anytime” in return.
It wasn’t until 10 minutes later that the flags for offside went up against Hansen, which had your friend shouting.
“Ref! How the fuck was that offside!?”
To which Alexia and Jana nodded in agreement, leaving only you yet again confused, with no idea what offside meant, your brain short circuited it to mean that the player went off of the pitch, making you agree with them.
“I know right! She didn’t even go off the pitch!”
Your exclamation combined with your friend’s Spanish cursing of you and your stupidness under his breath once again captured both Alexia’s and Jana’s attention, but this time even Alexia couldn’t help her laughter.
After their teasing died down, Alexia felt a bit bad for you, as you really did just have no idea what was going on, and took on the hard task of explaining what offside was.
Even if you were listening to the blonde’s soft accented words, you were still sure you wouldn’t understand what this “offside” thing was, except you were to enamoured with her beautiful features that you accidentally let all of her words go in one ear and out of the other.
You could only nod with a dopey smile on your face, as the blonde flashed you a knowing smirk.
The game ended 4-1 to Barcelona. You had zoned out, thinking of the gorgeous blonde next to you, debating whether to ask for her number or not.
Until you felt your friend tugging you up by your arm, saying that you needed to cheer instead of looking sad as if they had lost, as he teased that you might be an inner Madrid fan at heart, and joked he would disown you if you were.
You only gave him a lighthearted shove, you definitely didn’t deserve how he absolutely bodied you back, making you fall straight into the woman next to you.
Until you felt a pair of strong hands gripping your waist, you looked up to see the the blonde once again with a cocky smirk adorning her face.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you falling for me just yet.”
You were fast to push yourself off her and mutter a “gracias” in return, feeling your cheeks flush red.
It turned out that your friend had not wanted to come across as a crazy fan to the two players earlier, but was quick to whisper who they were in your ear, offering you a brief description of them, and telling you how he wanted their signatures before they left.
He leaned over you and tapped the blonde on her shoulder, and asked in Spanish if you could both have their signatures, to which they agreed.
When Alexia went to sign yours, she went against all the thoughts in her head telling her that you went against exactly what she wanted in a partner, and scribbled down her number on your jersey.
Alexia then leaned over to whisper in your ear,
“text me, I don’t mind teaching you some more football, as long as you agree to a date, in a better choice of clothing colours”
A/N : I do actually have a part 2 to this planned out of meeting the team to watch a match or just you watching a training session and still not understanding, however first I am going to finish my Jana fic 🤍
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emmy19-05 · 27 days
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Just Like That
Jenni Hermoso x Female Reader
I’m new at writing these so please don’t judge! 💙❤️
Summary : Jenni causes you to miss a penalty that may make you tied for the World Cup Final. While you lose, Jenni surprises you at your hotel room to make it up to you.
Top: Jenni Bottom: Reader
Warning!! Contains: Cunniligus, dirty talk, rival/enemies, fingering, orgasm, jealousy, possessiveness (if you squint)
Word count: 2.3k
You and Jenni are in the tunnel about to go out to play in the Women’s World Cup final. Jenni is on Spain, and you are on England. You look over and Jenni is already looking at you. She smirks and you smile brightly at her knowing you are about to kick her ass in this game. You and Jenni have been rivals for multiple years. Not only in national team games, but club games as well. You are always competing against each other trying to get the top spot. You walk out onto the field getting ready to play and are warming up and a player named Alexia walks up to you, and starts smiling and talking to you while the captain of Spain and England do the coin toss.
“Hola hermosa soy Alexia” Alexia says
“Oh sorry I don’t speak Spanish”
“Oh my bad I said ‘Hello beautiful, I’m Alexia’”
You look over and you see Jenni staring at you with a sour look on her face just watching you and Alexia interact. You decide to then start to flirt with Alexia to make Jenni jealous because obviously Jenni likes Alexia hence the way Jenni is looking at you two interact and Jenni doesn’t like you like that.
“Thank you, I appreciate that you’re very beautiful yourself.” you then say and smile at her.
“So I was wondering-” Alexia starts to say, but gets cut off by the whistle being blown saying the game is about to start, your team won the coin toss, so your captain decides to start on the right side of the field.
About 75 minutes into the game the score is 0-1 and you are getting nervous that you’re going to lose, because your team is losing. Olga made the goal for Spain and you and the rest of the team are feeling very defeated. Mary made a mistake, which led to a goal.
 It is now down to the 87th minute and you feel lost, everyone just seems out of place. You were supposed to win this. At least you thought you were. You then look and you see Alessia running down the field with the ball. It looks a little offside to you, but the flag stays down, you begin to run to catch up to her just in case she needs help. She’s almost there and Cata starts running to get the ball and Alessia kicks it to you because it’s too risky to shoot the ball from where she is because of how close Cata is to her. You see Jenni running from the corner of your eye. You now have the ball and try to go around her, but right as you were about to shoot, and you know you’d make it because Cata is on the total other side of the net still thinking that Alessia has the ball. And Just as you were shooting Jenni pushed you and you fell. Hard. You thought you broke something considering how much pain you’re in. As the pain started to go away, you realized nothing was broken and just the impact caused some sudden pain, but you are feeling fine as you get pulled off the ground by Alessia. You then look and realize that the ref is holding a card up and Jenni gets a yellow card, and you are awarded a penalty. You then think if you make this penalty then you’re tied. You need to make this penalty. The team is depending on you to make this.
The penalty is set up and you are about to shoot, you look over at Jenni and she’s smiling and laughing trying to get into your head. You look at Cata and you hear the whistle blow, you are really good at penalties, so you know you’re going to make this. You begin to run towards the ball and you think about Jenni and that she’s laughing at you and making fun of you, you try to push it out of your head, you say fuck it and run towards the ball, and… It hits the post of the net… You begin to cry, and then when she realizes you’re crying. She immediately looks ashamed, turns around and starts to walk away. The referee calls for an extra 7 minutes on the clock. 
There’s 1 minute left of extra time and you realize you aren’t winning. About a minute later, the whistle blows, and you fall to the ground and think to yourself that it’s all your fault. You can make every penalty shot in the world, until it counts you miss it. 
After meeting with fans and going through the “it’s ok you guys did amazing speech.” by the coach of Spain. You get an Uber back to your hotel, and decide you’re not going to party or celebrate, because you don’t deserve it even if your team was runner up in the World Cup.
You were in your hotel for about an hour, you showered and put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and as you laid down, you began to ball your eyes out, you were so embarrassed and sad. You felt it was your fault the team lost. As you were crying you heard a soft knock on the door, you ignored it thinking that whoever they were probably got the wrong room, since you were in the suite by yourself. You heard the knock again but louder this time. You go to open the door to tell whoever was behind it to leave and not come back because you weren’t in the mood to socialize. When you open the door you see Jenni. You look around to make sure this isn’t a joke and the whole Spain team wasn’t about to bombard your hotel room, because that seems like something they’d do. 
“Can I come in?” Jenni say
“Absolutely not, leave. Now” You say
You go to close the door and Jenni puts her foot at the bottom of the door to avoid it closing
“Please let me in I just wanna talk” She says
“Fine you have 5 minutes to say what you wanna say then you leave”
She puts her hands up and says “Ok, ok, 5 minutes.”
“I just wanted to know what Alexia said to you.” Jenni says
You then say “What the fuck! I was expecting an apology for pushing me, not some random question about what your hookup wants to talk to me about.”
“My hookup what? Alexia isn’t my-”
You cut her off “Obviously you’re jealous that Alexia is talking to me not you. You like her, it's fine, it's not like I care.” You say
Jenni smiles and walks towards you
“You know… I think you’re jealous that you think I like Alexia, when you wish you I liked you”
You frown and say “Wha- What n- no, you have it all wrong.”
Jenni comes closer and closer as she says “Don’t think I haven’t caught you looking at you me whenever we’re playing together or how I didn’t get the notification of when you liked my post from 2 years ago last week. And don’t you dare try to make me feel bad for you when your team can’t win even with a penalty.” Jenni makes a fake frowny face.
“ I hate you,” you say. 
You can see a hint of sadness and shock in Jenni’s eyes when you say that. Then the look is gone almost immediately.
“Oh no. You think I care that you don’t like me? Wow my life is over y/n doesn’t like me” she fake cries.
You try not to cry so badly and you try to stop yourself, but the tears start to rain down your face. 
“What did I ever do to you? Why did you even come here? To make fun of me? To make me feel  more like shit than I already do? What was your purpose of coming here when you could’ve been out celebrating with your team, instead you’re here with me. Maybe you’re the jealous one Jenni, maybe you-”
Jenni cuts you off by putting her mouth on your lips and starts to try to kiss you roughly. You stand there in shock and you push her off and she says
“I don’t know why I did that I-” 
You pull her back to you and you both start to frantically make out like this it’s your last breath. You are desperately trying to get each other's clothes off. She is staring at you the whole time you two are undressing, with lust in her eyes. She comes up to you as you’re getting undressed and pushes you onto the bed and says to you.
“You look so beautiful right now all naked and sprawled out for me begging to be fucked”
You whine about to beg her to touch you, but she is just staring at you and says
“Do you want my hands on you, baby?”
You almost cry out yes, then you realize this is Jenni, your rival, the person who just ruined your chance at winning the World Cup. You feel almost ashamed at yourself thinking, what is wrong with me why am I doing this with the person I hate most? Then you think fuck it, it’s fine it is just a hookup. As you’re thinking all of this in your head you realize Jenni is just staring at you while you are in you’re head just thinking
“Come back to me baby, it’s ok. You did so good out there today.” She walks up to the bed and crawls up your body and starts to slowly kiss your neck. This feels so good, you think to yourself.
“Says the one who won” You say
“Tsk Tsk, don’t get an attitude princesa, or I won’t let you cum.” Jenni whispers into your ear.
“Who says we’re hooking up?” You say
Jenni then looks at you with a strange look on her face and says “This isn’t a hookup. Once I have you, you’re not leaving me.”
You like the possessiveness in her tone, it turns you on. A lot.
“Ok?” you say almost like it’s a question.
Jenni begins to run her hands down your body and it goes lower and lower, you spread your legs a little wider and she slips her two fingers inside you. You moan almost embarrassingly loud.
“You like that, sweetheart?” Jenni says
“Hmm hmm” you say
“Just like that” she says as you begin to ride her fingers.
She is still kissing your neck and whispering things into your ear. After a few minutes of fingering you, she then kisses her way down your body. 
“So pretty” Jenni says
“Please” you say
She smiles and brings her mouth down to you and she begins to eat you out. Stroking her tongue back and forth while she’s fingering you. 
It feels almost heavenly, you can’t believe this is happening after all these years of crushing and hating on Jenni, but none of that matters now. 
Jenni stops for a second to say
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this, seeing you all the time on the field and not being able to touch you drives me insane.”
“We could’ve been hate fucking this whole time instead of arguing” you begin to say then Jenni says “There’s nothing hateful about what we’re doing, baby.”
She begins to eat you out and finger you again. 
“Keep going it feels so good, please Jenni, don’t stop” you say
“Nothing could stop me right now, I wanna make you feel good, that’s my goal right now, just relax and feel, cariño”
You were about to ask her what that means then her tongue begins to move faster, you are about to cum, you can feel it coming. You begin to moan and you close your eyes. Then Jenni stops.
“Close your eyes and i’ll stop” she says, “look at me, only me” 
You open your eyes and begin to watch her fuck you with her tongue and fingers.
“Come on mi amor, you can do it. Come for me, baby.”
You begin to cum all over her hands and tongue and she moans while you do. You were about to ask to return the favor and look down at her and realize then, she also came just by getting you off. She looks at you and smiles. And crawls up the bed
“You did so good. Rest, I'll be here when you wake up, beautiful.”
Jenni snuggles up next to you and wraps her arm around your waist. You feel content and happy.
You wake up and turn over and expect to find Jenni, you don’t feel her, so you open your eyes and she’s gone. You think maybe she’s in the shower or in the bathroom, so you go look and she’s not in there. You go to check your phone and go on instagram to check to see if she messaged you there, since you don’t have her number, you think to check later to make sure she didn’t add her number into your phone. While you’re thinking this, you see she posted on her story a picture of her in the plane 2 hours ago and the caption says Australia—-> Spain
You immediately feel sad and realize it was probably all a game to her. She didn’t even want to wake you up or text you goodbye before she left, she just got on a plane and left you after everything that happened, even after saying she’d be there when you woke up. You begin to cry and think it’s all Jenni’s fault, she played you, made you think she felt something for you and left you by yourself. You’d never forgive her. 
A few hours later you hear someone calling your phone. You look and it says “Jenni” on the caller id.
FIRST STORY YAYY!! Let me know if you want a part 2, it was very fun making this. I'd love to write a second part or another story about a different player :)
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alesandraelin · 1 month
𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚢 - 𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚑 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎𝚊!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
description: the aftermath of the London derby
warning: smut, 18+ only
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The roar of the crowd filled the air as the two teams took the field, the fierce rivalry between Arsenal and Chelsea took place at Stamford bridge. Leah scanned the pitch, her eyes locking with yours, Chelsea's best winger. Your gazes held a mixture of intensity and affection, it was never easy but it was your jobs.
The whistle blew, and the game was on. Both teams fought fiercely, each determined to gain the upper hand. Leah lead Arsenal's defence, making crucial tackles. Your lighting pace and precision being a constant threat to their backline.
As the match wore on, the tension mounted. Neither side was willing to give an inch. Then, in the 80th minute, you pounced on a loose ball and raced towards goal. Leah, in a desperate attempt to stop you, lunged in with a sliding tackle. The referee blew her whistle, signalling a penalty to Chelsea.
You stepped up, your heart pounding in your chest. You knew Leah would be devastated if you scored. But this was a derby, and the stakes were high. With a deep breath, you struck the ball, sending it past the goalkeeper and into the top left corner of the goal. Stamford Bridge was instantly filled with the roar of the Chelsea fans and the groans of their opposition. Your teammates immediately running over to you in celebration.
The final whistle blew 20 minutes later, and the Chelsea players erupted in celebration. Torn between joy and guilt, you sought out Leah. You found you partner sitting on the bench, head in her hands.
Gently, you approached, placing a hand on Leah's shoulder."Babe, I'm so sorry," You whispered, your voice laced with emotion.
Leah looked up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Don't," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just leave me alone."
You opened your mouth to speak, but Leah cut you off. "I need some space," she said, turning away.
You watched helplessly as Leah walked away, your heart breaking for the woman she loved. You knew Leah took losses hard, but this was different. This was personal.
Chelsea celebrated their victory long into the night. you, however, couldn't fully enjoy the moment. Your mind kept drifting back to Leah, wondering if she was okay.
As the party wound down, You made your way back to the apartment you shared with Leah, Jess dropping you home. You hesitated before unlocking the door, unsure of what you would find on the other side.
When you opened the door, you find Leah sitting on the couch, her eyes red from crying.
"Hey," You say softly, sitting down next to her.
"Hey," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.We sat in silence for a moment, the tension thick.
You wanted to reach out and hold her, but you weren't sure if she would welcome your touch. "I'm sorry," you finally said.
Leah nodded, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "I just... I feel like I let the team down. I shouldn't have gone in like that, I let the team down and I could've injured you."
You moved closer to her, wrapping your arms around her. "It's not your fault, babe. You played your heart out. Results will not always be how you want. I'm perfectly fine."
Leah leaned into your embrace and she looked up at you, her eyes shining with love and gratitude. "I love you" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I love you too, Leah," you replied, pressing your lips to hers in a tender kiss.
As your kiss deepened, you felt the tension melt away, replaced by a burning desire. Leah's hands roamed your body, igniting a fire within you. You stumbled to the bedroom, both of your clothes falling to the floor in a trail.
Leah's anger melted away. "I'm feeling a bit... frustrated." Her eyes darkened with desire as she pulled you closer, your bodies fitting together perfectly despite your differences. "And I think you should help me with that."
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the familiar spark of arousal ignite within you. Leah's dominant nature always sent shivers down your spine "Of course, anything for you," you whispered, your voice husky with need.
Leah growled softly, her hands grasping your hips possessively. She lowered her head, her lips trailing along your jawline, down to the sensitive spot where your neck met your shoulder. "Get on the bed, baby," she murmured, her hot breath tickling your ear. "I want to taste you."
You whimpered, already dripping with anticipation. You did as you were told, climbing onto the bed and positioning yourself comfortably on the soft sheets. Leah joined you, kneeling between your thighs, her eyes glittering with lust as she took in the sight before her.
Leah ran her hands along your thighs, spreading them wider to expose your core. She leaned in, inhaling the sweet scent of your arousal before parting your lips with her thumbs and pressing her mouth to the pulsing heat within.
You gasped at the first touch of Leah's tongue, moaning as your lover lapped at her juices, swirling her tongue around your clit before plunging it deep inside you. Leah knew exactly how to drive her wild, and she took her time, teasing and tasting, drawing out your pleasure until you were writhing and begging for release.
"Please, Leah," you panted, your fingers tangling in Leah's hair. "I'm so close. Don't stop."
Leah hummed in response, the vibrations sending you over the edge. You cried out, back arching off the bed as your orgasm crashed over you, waves of pleasure rippling through your body. Leah rode out the storm, her mouth bringing you back down.
"I wanna use the strap on you baby." Leah whispered in your ear as she hovered above you again.
A shiver ran down your spine at Leah's words, and she reached for the nightstand drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. She poured some onto her fingers, rubbing it between her palms to warm it up before reaching down to stroke your swollen core.
You moaned, spreading your legs wider to give Leah better access. Leah teased you, circling her fingers around your sensitive clit before sliding two fingers deep inside you, scissoring them to stretch her open. "You like that, baby?" she whispered, leaning down to nibble on your ear.
"Mm Leah please." You practically begged as she teased you.
Hearing your plea, Leah wasted no time. She reached for the strap-on that you had bought for these very occasions and buckled it around her waist, adjusting the harness until it fit snugly.
She positioned herself between your spread thighs, taking a moment to admire the view. You looked breathtaking, eyes closed, chest rising and falling with each rapid breath, your pussy glistening with need. Leah wanted to take her time, but the sight before her was too much to bear.
She guided the tip of the dildo to your entrance, pushing slowly inside, inch by inch, until she was buried to the hilt. Leah groaned and your back arched as you felt yourself stretched and filled. "Move, Leah," You moan.
Leah didn't need to be told twice. She began to thrust, slowly at first, but soon picking up the pace as your moans filled the room. She watched as her cock disappeared into your body, again and again, the wet, sucking sounds filling the air. Leah's clit catching on the base of the strap with each and every thrust, her moans being drawn out alongside yours.
Your legs wrapped around her waist as she picked up the pace. "Fuck Leah. Don't stop, I'm close." You moan as Leah speeds up even more at your words, your orgasm quickly approaching.
You threw your head back as your were finally pushed over the edge, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. Leah carefully removed herself and discarded the strap to be dealt with later.
Finally, you collapsed back onto the bed, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Leah crawled up beside you, a smug smile on her face. "Feeling better?" she asked, her voice laced with satisfaction.
You nodded, a lazy smile on your face. "Mmm, much. But now it's my turn to take care of you." She rolled over, straddling Leah's hips and looking down at her with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What do you say, Leah? Do you want me to make you feel good too?"
Leah's eyes darkened with desire, and she reached up to pull you down for a passionate kiss. "Please baby, I need you." Leah tells you.
That was all you needed so begin as your un hooked yourself from her waist and started pressing soft kisses down her chest, trailing down her stomach before pressing a harder kiss on her clit. This drew a soft moan from the blonde below you.
You wrapped your lips around her clit and sucked softly as her moans grew louder, you trailed down from her clit to her entrance. You tongue moving passionately on her, hitting that spot that drove her absolutely crazy.
You could tell she was getting close as she tugged at the roots of your hair. You mouth returned to suck and flick on her clit as two fingers entered her. Leah's deep moans were like music to your ears as she told you she was close. You fingers and tongue speeding up as she reached her peak, you lapped up all of her bliss and brought her back down from her high.
You moved away from her legs and attached yourself to her body, arms wrapping around her shoulders. "I love you Le." You mumble into her shoulder tiredly, her hands running up and down your back soothingly.
"I love you more baby. I'm sorry for almost hurting you my love" Leah kissed the top of your head lovingly, clinging onto you like a lifeline as your soft snores replaced the staggered breathing.
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haddonfieldwhore · 9 months
talk me down - vince dunn
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vince dunn x gender neutral! reader
summary: after a late game penalty and a frustrating shootout loss, vince is in a bad mood. good thing he has you to make him feel better
warnings: mentions of violence, langauge, angry vinny, a bit of angst but mostly fluff
word count: 1.2k
as the whistle blew with only a few minutes left in overtime, you ran a hand over your face in frustration as a penalty was called on your boyfriend, vince dunn, for deliberately whacking another player with his stick. while there should have been a call for the opponent holding and tripping vince, the way that vince had reacted was unnecessary. you’re making it worse, you thought, as he punched fiala in the face, nearly hitting him with his stick before the refs separated them. even in the stands you could hear dunn swearing his head off, and you were shocked he didn’t get more than a 2 minute penalty for what he’d done. thankfully los angeles wasn’t able to take advantage of the extra man on the ice and score a goal, but things went to the shootout and eventually the game ended in favour of the kings.
a cloud of disappointment hung heavy in the air of climate pledge arena as kraken fans filed out, without a win but still with a point as the players left the ice. you sighed as you stood up from your seat, the other players wives and girlfriends who had been at the game also getting up to go find their partners. they were talking about the game, and while you could have joined their conversation, you were more concerned with vince. you made your way to the back and waited impatiently for him to come out of the locker room.
after what felt like forever - the team surely having had a long talk with their coach about the events of the game - a familiar curly haired brunette emerged from the doorway, a scowl on his face.
“hey,” you said softly as you stood up, walking over and grabbing his hand gently. to your surprise he didn’t pull it away, but didn’t say anything, simply tilting his head in the direction of the exit. getting the message that he just wanted to go home, you nodded, walking with him out to your car and getting in the drivers seat, and the two of you began a silent drive home.
when you arrived home to his house, he went straight upstairs without a word, and you heard the sound of a door slamming upstairs as he disappeared into your shared bedroom. you grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, your fingers anxiously tapping the granite counter tops as you sighed. you hated seeing him like this; beyond frustrated and tired. you knew he would never do anything to hurt you, you also understood that it was best to give him some space and time to cool down when he got like this. you took a seat on the sectional in the living room and scrolled through different apps on your phone, avoiding anything you saw about the game. about 15 minutes went by before you began to yawn, and decided to head upstairs to find vince.
as you walked into the bedroom, you saw him laying face down on the bed, his head at the wrong end. his one arm was hanging over the edge while the other was folded under his head like a pillow. he had discarded his clothes except for his sweatpants, and you admired the toned muscles of his back that were on display as he lay turned away from the door. it was clear he had just collapsed onto the bed, the blanket barely covering his legs and crumpled from being kicked aside. you quietly got changed into some shorts and one of vince’s t-shirts, before padding over to the bed and sitting down next to him.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by his arm and the mattress. reaching towards him you brushed your fingers through his messy curls, shaking your head, though he couldn’t see you.
“you don’t have to apologize to me,” you assured him.
“i still am.”
“i know,” you replied, moving closer to him as you let your hands travel down to his shoulders, gently massaging the tense muscles. he shivered slightly at the feeling of your hands on the back of his neck, but then sighed softly as you worked at the knots in his back, trying to relieve some of the tension from the game. you spent about 10 minutes in silence, and you were honestly beginning to think vince had fallen asleep, until he spoke again.
“i’ll be lucky if i don’t get suspended or fined,” he said, groaning softly as you kneaded a particularly sore spot on his lower back.
“yeah,” you agreed cautiously. “i’m sorry, vinny; i really don’t know what to say.”
“now who’s apologizing?” he laughed dryly, and while it was bittersweet, it was the first hint of a smile you’d heard in his voice all night. “i fucked up, i have to deal with the consequences.”
“that’s true. but they should have called a penalty on the other guy.”
“yeah well i guess they thought otherwise. i didn’t exactly make the situation any better. i think i owe joey an apology for sending us to the shootout,” he gave another halfhearted laugh.
“i wouldn’t say it’s your fault it went to a shootout. give me your other arm,” you instructed, having finished massaging the arm you could reach. vince rolled over onto his back, looking up at you as he extended his right arm into your lap.
“i guess it doesn’t matter in the end,” he sighed, watching you as your hands ran up and down his bicep, soothing the tired aching beneath his skin.
“you guys still got a point,” you said optimistically, trying to look on the bright side of a shitty end to the night. vince smiled at you, the admiring gaze going unnoticed as you continued pampering him.
“yeah,” he mumbled, as you lifted his hand, playing with his fingers gently. “thank you.” you finally looked at him, his eyes tired but full of love as he stared back at you.
“anytime,” you smiled warmly, and giggling softly as vince opened his arms for you to crawl into. you laid down next to him, letting him pull you into his side as he stared up at the ceiling. you closely admired each freckle and detail of his face, and if life were a cartoon your eyes would have had hearts popping out of them.
“i love you,” you spoke quietly, placing a few kisses on his cheek. he turned his face toward you, your foreheads pressing together as he bumped his nose against yours softly.
“i love you,” he whispered. “i don’t know what i would do without you,” he admitted, kissing the tip of your nose, and then your forehead before pulling you closer, tucking your head under his chin.
“you’d have a stiffer back for one-“ you were interrupted by your own laugh as he tickled your side, and you smiled as you curled your body into him, inhaling the scent of his body wash that lingered on his skin from his post-game shower. “okay - okay i’m done.”
“goodnight baby,” he squeezed you tightly in his arms before reaching over and turning off the lamp next to the bed. a wave of tiredness washed over you as the darkness in the room enveloped you, and you quickly fell asleep.
vince laid awake for a little while, listening to the tiny snores that fell from your lips as you slept. whatever repercussions were to come from tonight, and whether they had lost the game or not, he had you, and that was a win in his mind.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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abbys-wifey · 11 months
penalty shot
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request linked here
pairing: jenna ortega x female reader
warnings: none
a/n: i think i’m also gonna start writing for arcane characters (mostly sevika) , lemme know what u guys want :)
Stress doesn’t even begin to cover the amount of anxiety I feel as I stand under the stadium lights readying myself to kick a penalty goal. My team may be up by one but missing this kick could ruin my chances at moving up the league ladder. Plus it doesn’t help that football fans are never lenient when it comes to penalty goals, miss it and your basically the worst player to ever walk the field.
Taking a deep breathe I glance toward the goalie who stands crouched in the middle of the goal side stepping from side to side ready to dive. With a clench of my jaw and a last glance at my team behind me I manage to calm myself as each member nods their head in encouragement. Finally I begin to run towards the ball, grass kicking up in my wake as I lift my right leg and make contact with the ball.
The stadium is silent, watching as the ball flies through the air looking as if it’s going for top bins. My hopes are quickly squashed however as the goalie manages to get a finger to the ball causing it to fly up and over the goal and straight into first row of the crowd.
An ooh echoes around the stadium as my ball smacks a brown haired woman dead in the middle of her face. Her hands immediately flying up to her nose as she winces in pain. “Shit.” I mumble under my breath seeing the woman on the big screen, my cheeks blushing red as I notice how beautiful she happens to be.
“Dude, you just hit Jenna Ortega in the face.” My teammate Sam whispers, her eyes not leaving the big screen either. “Of course I did. I’ll be right back.” I pat her on the back before heading over towards Jenna who dabs at her nose which runs red blood all down her chin.
“Hey, no you can’t leave the field.” The ref sprints in front of me, an arm extended out before me to prevent me from getting any further. “I just need to see if she’s ok.” I plead gently pushing the refs arm.
“Only time your leaving this field before time is up will be for a red card and if u keep behaving how you are it won’t be far away.” The refs eyes narrow before he picks up his whistle and blows it loudly in my ear.
“Get back on the field.” He seethes, a vein popping on his neck. Holding my hands up in surrender I head back to the field glancing over my shoulder to find Jenna already staring at me. I send her an apologetic smile to which she raises her eyebrows with a tiny smile she tried so hard to hide.
Throughout the rest of the match I can’t help but glance over at the brown haired woman who holds a cloth to her nose yet still cheers loudly. Even with the blood running down her chin and the large cloth covering half her face, her beauty still managed to force the blood to rush to my cheeks.
Finally only two minutes remain with the score now tied. The crowd fades into background noise as I slide across the ground successfully tackling a girl from the opposite team causing her to trip over my foot as it hits the ball from between her legs. Her arms extend as she gasps, glaring at the ref as if trying to force him to give me a yellow card.
Luckily the call never comes allowing me to take the ball that rolls down the field and dribble it towards the goals. Defenders come my way pausing my play as I somehow manage to manoeuvre the ball between their legs until it is just me and the goalie once again.
Kicking hard silence falls over the stadium as my ball flies through the air. Only this time the goalie dives the opposite way allowing the back of the net to catch my ball.
The stadium erupts into cheers and applause, my name echoing across the stadium as the buzzer finally sounds ending the match. I find myself surrounded by my team mates, each one wrapping their arms around me and slapping my back in celebration of our victory but I only have eyes for one person at this time.
“Guys, guys hang on I have to do something. One minute.” I force my way out the group and head towards the crowd once again, only this time no ref stops me as I lean against the barricade where Jenna sits.
“I’m so sorry for hitting you.” I apologise instantly, gently biting my lip as she sticks her tongue out to wet her lips. “You made up for it with that last goal.” She shrugs with a small smile. “Plus it’s not broken so.” Jenna pulls the cloth away from her nose for a second as if to show me her button nose is far from damaged. “Yeah still looks perfect to me.” I flirt holding eye contact with the girl who raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” She fakes a pout and I let out a laugh before stepping backwards.
“Well then let me make it up to you.” I pull my jersey over my head leaving me in just a sports bra and shorts. “Got a pen? I can sign it for you too.” I chuckle as Jenna not so subtly eyes my stomach before reaching into her back pocket. “How do you even know I go for your team?” She teases watching me with a grin as I roll my eyes.
“Well the cheering and screaming of my name was a large sign.” I retort leaning my jersey against the barricade so I can write on it.
Signing my name and my number onto the jersey I place it in her hand, ignoring the tingling sensation as her finger graze mine. “Don’t sell it or I’ll have to change my number for the third time.” I playfully threaten. “Ooh I might just have to. Call it revenge.” Jenna chuckles before glancing over my shoulder.
“Looks like people are waiting on you. I’ll text you. Maybe.” She grins. I raise an eyebrow. “I’ll be waiting Miss Ortega. And I promise next time I see you there will be no blood noses involved.” I send her a wink before turning around and heading back to the field.
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kingkunigami · 8 months
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— Shidou Ryusei
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So what if he played dirty to get here, can you really blame him? When the reward is the biggest trophy there is—
Warnings: 18+, dubcon, spanking, no prep, unprotected sex, creampie, cunnilingus, cum eating, cum swapping.
Pairing: Shidou Ryusei x f!reader.
Word Count: 2.0k.
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A man who’s reputation preceded him, rumours swirling about the numerous exploits he was involved in that had to be covered up. Non-disclosures paired with hush money meant the internet was buzzing with convoluted theories about what Shidou Ryusei got up to when he was off the pitch.
But no one really knew the truth— for a man that was seemingly so dangerous and depraved, he was always focused on the win. Trophies and titles are only so important when they’re earned, the thrill of the chase almost more exciting than the prize itself.
Not this time, though— this time the prize was well and truly worth the chase. Leaving a line of deflated men hunched over out in the locker rooms as he stalked towards the room you were waiting in, ignoring every word that Ego tried to say to him as he pushed the door open. Slamming it shut behind him as he took in the sight of you sitting so quietly at the foot of the bed, towering over you as though ready to consume you whole.
“So this is what all the fuss was about, huh?” Shidou scoffed, shamelessly leaning forward to hook an index finger between the cups of your lacy bra. Tugging at the thin string as your breasts bounced from the motion, magenta eyes focused on your bare skin as the same maniacal grin that he wears on the field appeared, “No wonder those bozo’s are practically begging for penalties now.”
Shidou wouldn’t admit the lengths he went to in order to be the next one to have you. The desire and drive the other members of the program now had evident to everyone around, the way they all played the game now far more calculated and tenacious. Every man stepping up their game for a chance of claiming you next, which meant that Shidou had to adapt. And now that he was here in the room with you, he’d admit it was worth the yellow card he’d received after shouldering Isagi as he was about to score. The poor fucker trying to jog off a hurt ankle for the rest of the match, while Shidou managed to intercept the penalty given and knocked his own goal into the top left corner.
“Don’t worry, Isagi,” Shidou called across the pitch as the players made their way towards the locker rooms. Holding up his fingers in a peace sign towards Isagi after before moving them to his lips to stick his tongue out between them in a lewd gesture— a reminder to his rival of what reward awaited Shidou tonight, and left the poor striker fucking his fist in the showers at the thought of it, “I’ll tell you how she tastes.”
You could smell him, a virile musk that shrouded his form and clung to his football shirt that made your thighs shudder. Clearly, he hadn’t even bothered to shower after the game before finding his way here to you— deciding this matter was of far higher importance as he shrugged his damp shirt up and over his head.
“Aww, don’t worry,” He cooed as he noticed the way your eyes widened at his bold movement, voice oozing with faux sympathy, “I’ll be gentle.”
Shidou broke off into a laugh after, as though he couldn’t even believe his lie long enough to endorse it. Catching you by surprise as he wrapped a palm around your thigh to flip you over, pulling a surprised squeal from your lips as he took in the view of your round ass.
“Shit, that ass is fuckin’ eating your panties, huh?” He was so crass, the words had an intense heat rushing to your face as he smacked a large palm down on your right cheek hard. Splaying all of his fingers for maximum impact as he palmed your cheek after, letting the meat of it mould around his fingers as he shook roughly, “Can’t wait to make it bounce.”
You cried out when he spanked you the second time, the dull ache from the first now ebbing to a sting as he gave the other cheek the same attention. The sensitive skin darkening from his ministrations as he pushed his hips forward, feeling his naked length now perched between the curve of your ass. When had he even—
You turned your head back to see his football shorts left bunched around his thighs, barely enough to free his hard cock. And although he hadn’t been as big as you’d anticipated him to be, nothing could seemingly be as big as his ego. The length definitely made up for his size, forking veins scattered along him as they melded into a bulging, swollen tip.
“Like what you see, babe? And unlike these other losers, I know how to use it too—” He sneered, wrapping a palm around himself to give a teasing pump before slapping the tip of it against your ass, leaving a silvery line of pre against your skin, “On your knees.”
Shidou slapped the side of your thigh as he leaned back on his calves, watching in amusement as you assembled the position. Bracing yourself on your palms as you kneeled, legs on either side of him as he reached out to run his fingers along the crotch of your panties. A guttural groan rumbling deep in his chest at the sensation, feeling how wet the material was before he’d even really toyed with you.
“Does he make you get yourself wet before, or is this all for me?” Shidou smirked, pinching your labia between his thumb and forefinger as he toyed with your folds, “It’s all because of me, ain’t it?”
Knew it, he murmured beneath his breath as he continued to play with you like a toddler with a new toy at Christmas. Rough hands prodding at you as he did as he pleased, thumbing your clit to pull more pretty moans from between your lips before tugging your panties to the side. Grinning as he watched the glistening strings of your slick stick to the fabric and break off against your skin as your tight hole fluttered around nothing. He pushed his middle finger forward, prodding it against your hole to feel how tight you were. Biting down on his bottom lip as he dragged the calloused pad along your inner walls, watching in amusement as you tried to push back into his touch.
“I thought I’d have to prep you or some shit, but looks like this pretty pussy’s practically begging for me, ain’t she?” He snorted, moving into position as he took himself in a rough fist. Lining himself up with your drooling slit as he dragged his leaky tip through your folds, coating himself in you as he slowly began to push forward, “So fuckin’ easy.”
“Oh,” You exhaled, fingers curling into the sheets beneath you as you felt Shidou push into your tight sex, unbothered about the slight resistance as he rolled his hips.
“Shit,” Shidou grunted, “No wonder those fuckers are actually trying now, you got this perfect angel cunt.”
Shindou was ruthless as he started a brutal pace, hands splayed against your ass as he spread your cheeks apart to watch his cock disappear inside your wet heat. Creamy rings of your slick circling his length as his balls slapped against your clit with each rough thrust. Your arms became weak trying to keep up with the force of his movements, shaking before you collapsed onto your forearms. Changing the angle of his thrusts as he moved to curl over your body, one of his hands now pressed to the sheets beside you while the other curled into the back of your bra. Roughly holding the clasp as the wires dug into your chest, pink eyes watching the swell of your ass ripple with the force of his thrusts.
“Shit, baby. You’re tryin’ to get me to cum fast, ain’tcha?” He trailed off into a groan as he felt your walls clench around him from his tone.
You couldn’t keep your head up, your forehead now against the sheets as he fucked you hard and fast. The tip of his long cock so deep inside you that it gave your cervix a bruising kiss with each forward motion, certain that you’d feel his cum in your guts if he came inside.
It was too much, and not enough at the same time. The pleasure numbing the pain as your cunt cried out for relief, the euphoria swirling inside you as you teetered on the edge of your climax. Embarrassed at the pathetic whines that you couldn’t stop from spilling from your throat as Shidou fucked into your pliant body, overcome by pleasure.
“Oh fuck, baby. That’s it— cum on my cock.” You felt lightheaded as the pleasure finally consumed you whole, crying out in pleasure as your climax crashed down around you. Toes curling as your arms and legs gave way, collapsing onto your stomach as your walls pulsed around him.
Shidou didn’t miss a beat as he followed you down onto the mattress, his cock still buried firmly inside you as he pressed the muscular weight of his body on top of you. Chasing his own pleasure as your cunt continued to pulse around him, trying to milk him of his own release.
“That was so hot,” He grunted, chapped lips pressing wet kisses against the curve of your neck as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin, “Sound so pretty when you cum— I bet the whole locker room heard ya.”
He was relentless as he chased his own pleasure, the change in position had you even tighter as Shidou felt his balls tighten in anticipation, giving a few more rough ruts of his hips against the curve of your ass as he came undone. Coating your walls with ropes of white, hot cum as he emptied himself inside you.
“Fu-uck,” He grunted, his sweaty chest tacking to your back as he nuzzled your neck. Surrounding you completely with the scent of him as he stayed buried inside you for a few moments, cherishing the sensation of your walls continuing to clench around him in the tremours of your climax before he finally pulled out.
Smirking in satisfaction at the way your slick and his cum left messy strings along the length of his cock, glistening in the fluorescent lights of the room as he spread your cheeks apart to see your stretched hole.
“Can’t let it go to waste,” He scoffed, pulling your hips up as he pushed his tongue inside you. Tasting the bitter mixture of his spend laced with the flavour of you as he slurped lecherously at your throbbing cunt, sucking the mixture out if you and into his mouth.
You groaned as he moved to hold the back of your head with his strong palm, fingers digging into the base of your skull at the root of your hair as he tugged your head back. His other hand pulling at your jaw to tug your mouth open as he pressed his lips against yours, letting the debauched combination of your releases trickle into your mouth as he spat. The bitter taste hit your tongue as your eyes rolled back, his fingers moving lower to wrap around your neck as he urged you to swallow. Magenta eyes focused on you with the same depraved smirk on his face as he felt your throat bob, swallowing everything he’d given you.
“God, you’re a bigger freak than me.” He shook his head, leaning forward to give your glossed lips a languid lick before pulling back and making a scene of smacking his lips, “Maybe I’ll let those other fuckers clean you off my cock— see what they’re missing.”
If Shidou had risked a red card to get a chance with you today, before he’d even had you, you dread to think what he would do to get another taste. Stuffing his cock back inside his shorts as he pulled them back up, scratching at his chest as he gave himself a final look at your spent body lax against the messy sheets. Knowing that every single man inside Blue Lock would be jealous of him and the stench of you that permeated from him when he walked back into the room. That Shidou Ryusei currently held the biggest prize in the program.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
And he intended to hold onto that trophy.
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dwntwn-strnlo · 9 months
jackass. [m.st.]
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── ⟡˙ ̟ hockey!matthew sturniolo x gn!reader
↳ synopsis. — matt gets into a fight while on the ice
↳ a/n. — getting all my female rage out in this fic bc of ex pookie
↳ requested? — no
↳ cw. — really long, tuff guy matt, profanity, physical fighting, mentions of blood/scarring, slight angst, "y/n" used, verbal argument, un resolved ending (sorry lily 🫶)
"you can't expect to get everything you want, y/n."
"all i expect is for you to not be a fucking jackass."
running your hand through your hair, you began growing nervous. you can see that matt was growing more and more agitated the longer he was on the ice, and luckily chris had caught on enough to the point where he kept looking at you curiously.
once you got a text from nick, whom was currently in the locker room had he just gotten off the ice, you knew you and chris weren't going crazy simultaneously. he had asked you if you knew what was up, and that matt had supposedly been perfectly fine before the game.
watching matt carefully as he runs across the ice, he steals the puck and heads for the goal. finally relaxing, you stand up along with the rest of the crowd, fueling on excitement for your boyfriend.
as he nears an appropriate spot to shoot, his feet get kicked out from under him. luckily he catches himself, but he lost the puck. his eyes grow wide when he finds the kid on the opposing team who illegally knocked matt over, taking the puck back.
you started to panic as matt started to panic. it looked as if his mind was racing and then flatlined in the matter of a second. not processing it as he skates up to the kid in red, body checking him to the ice.
it takes seconds for matt to land on top of him, punching him in the nose and dripping blood onto the ice. he's only able to land one punch before chris is pulling him back up to his feet. it takes everything in matt not to push off his brother in fear that he'd get dragged into the fight.
chris drags matt back several feet, trying to get him to cool off. but the kid with the last name miraz stitched on the back comes flying forward, blood dripping down his nose and rage painted on his face.
he throws a punch to matts cheek, cutting it quick enough to hit him again in the nose before the ref pulls him back.
"matthew sturniolo, 5 minute penalty for fighting." the ref calls out over the speakers. "cameron miraz, 5 minute penalty for fighting. 2 more for instigating."
"fuck." you whispered to yourself. not sure whether or not you should be pissed or concerned. eyeing the clock, you find that intermission is in a short time, so you believe that'll be your nearest chance to talk to matt.
matt skates over to the penalty box, face still hot in anger. he pulls his helmet off and drops his head back before looking ahead again. finding chris pointing his pointer finger at him, clearly annoyed, but still washed with concern for his brother. you can't distinguish what words hes using to scold matt, but you can tell it pisses him off.
you can't seem to keep your eyes on the ice for the rest of the period, your eyes stuck on the coffee-haired boy with his arms crossed over his chest.
soon enough he's let back out on the ice, though there's only a minute and a half left. you can tell his body is less frustrated, but it doesn't shake the fact that he just hit someone.
as the clock hits its final seconds, you stand up, walking down to the locker rooms to wait impatiently for you boyfriend to enter.
as the buzzer sounds, the team starts flooding in heading off into the locker room for intermission. looking seemingly defeated by the currently tied game. this game could go either way, and that's leaving them on edge.
matt's one of the last people off the ice, following closely behind chris in silence. chris meets your eyes with a shrug before disappearing into the locker room.
you're quick to grab matt, pulling him towards you-carefully as he still has his blades on.
there's still dried, as well as slightly fresh blood on his face from where he was hit in the nose and on his cheekbone. you figured that one would scar if he didn't get it taken care of soon. his emotions looked mix, leaving you struggling to figure out what he's thinking.
"matt." your murmured, trying to get his light blue eyes to meet yours. "hey, look at me." your voice was low and demanding, but you couldn't help but let it stay laced with panic.
his eyes slowly meet yours, his lips pressed in a firm line. he doesn't want to talk, and normally you'd respect that but right now you're worried and pissed and just want to make sure that he's okay.
"what's your problem?" you bit, crossing your arms over your chest.
matt looked taken back, astonished even that you came at him like that. "what are you talking about." he furrowed his brows, eyes finally glued on yours.
"baby this is your third fight this season, they're going to fucking suspend you." you sounded harsh, but you felt as if it was necessary in the moment to try and knock some sense into him.
he crossed his arms too, mirroring your image. "why do you care if i get suspended? that's not going to effect you."
letting out a breath of air, you squeezed your eyes shut for several seconds. "because you're my boyfriend, and i love and care about you." you mumbled, "i know that getting suspended would effect you, and i don't want to see you in a position like that."
"you can't expect to get everything you want, y/n." he whispered, his voice dropping significantly. struggling to find a place in his heart to argue with you about this.
"all i expect is for you to not be a fucking jackass." you snapped.
matt's eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing. trying to find the right words to say. he suddenly felt small under your hot gaze, though he was significantly larger in his hockey equipment.
pressing your lips together in a line, you started to feel bad, but you still had a point to get across. "i don't know what happened today, but you're at the point where you need to learn to walk away and be the bigger person." you said, trying to meet his eyes again, which now dart around the hall. looking everywhere but you.
"he fucking tripped me." he mumbled, looking at your for a single second.
"so?" you queried. "you play hockey for gods sake. you get tripped all the time."
he squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in a breath of air before looking at you again. "i'm not gonna stand here and listen to you beat down on me." he said, his voice wary. "if you don't wrap it up i'm going back and we can talk about this later." he hushed, gesturing to the locker room.
staying silent, you try thinking about what to say. clearly he doesn't want to listen to you right now, and you want to respect that. you stare at him intently, eyes drifting down to the still slightly bleeding gash on his cheek.
"get that cleaned up, and good luck with the rest of the game." you mumbled, waiting for a response before you walk off.
matt nods, and you step away, nearing the corner when he speaks up. "i love you, baby." he says.
"i love you too..." you turn your head to look at him, mumbling the same words back before disappearing around the corner.
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife @jellybeanbby @slaysturniolo @iheartshifting @mxqdii @luvsturniolo @lvrsparadise @partoftoofuckinmanyfandoms
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Wolfsburg II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first Wolfsburg match
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When a team signs the greatest goalkeeper in Europe, whatever other goalkeepers move back in the lineup.
When a team signs the greatest goalkeeper in the world, they automatically become the first choice.
When a team signs the greatest goalkeeper of all time, they debut on the first game of the season.
When a daughter signs for the club of her dreams, her mothers make sure to be there for her debut.
It's all so different now.
Pernille can remember her own Wolfsburg debut.
There weren't nearly as many people. None of them really knew her name.
But they know your name. They know who you are.
They love you.
There's people wearing your shirt and screaming your name and holding banners asking for your match-worn jersey.
You've only just joined the team but the fans already love you. They adore you.
You stand in line, staring out ahead of you with laser focus like you don't even notice them.
The Wolfsburg shirt suits you, like you were made for it and you go into your goal without much fuss.
It's the first game of the season and it seems Wolfsburg is already off to a difficult start.
Shots come in quickly but there's a reason you're the best goalkeeper in the world.
Your instincts are unparalleled and you make daring saves that others would only dream of.
One of your defence gives away a penalty and Pernille holds her breath, ignoring the way that her own anxious face appears on the screen.
The penalty sets up.
The ball flies.
You make it look easy. You make it look like a world-class player hadn't just booted a ball at you. It's as easy as if a kid kicked it at you.
The crowd roars behind you but you don't seem the be fazed. You don't even seem to notice them.
Within seconds the ball is released again and you're yelling at you defence to organise themselves or else.
You've just come into the team but you're already taking charge of your backline like you've been there for years.
The respect they have for you is already there. They trust you to know where to direct them. They know that you're not going to steer them wrong.
Halftime ends with you as the hero, catching a ball that seemed destined for the top right corner.
Something happens in the break that has Wolfsburg coming out the gate charging with two goals being scored in the opening five minutes and you're not troubled for the rest of the match.
It's a perfect debut for you, proving to everyone that you're worth the massive paycheck you're being given.
"I'm so proud of you," Pernille says as you come up the barrier," Look at you! Wolfsburg's finest!"
"I can't be Wolfsburg's finest," You complain," I've only just joined."
"Well you're certainly the hero today," Magda says, reaching out to pat your head," I counted at least four goals that would have gone in without you."
"Any goalkeeper would have saved them."
Pernille loves you deeply but this is a part of you that really annoys her.
You have a complete inability to accept a compliment. It would be endearing if it wasn't so annoying.
"But that penalty?" Magda continues," That's all you."
Pernille watches as red appears on your cheeks and you glance down bashfully, scuffing your toe in the dirt.
"Yeah," You finally admit," I am good at penalties."
"Yes," Magda says," You are."
"Good at penalties for a perfect debut," Pernille says, pulling you into a hug.
You try to squirm away. "Momma! I'm sweaty and gross!"
"I gave birth to you," Pernille says decisively," A little sweat means nothing."
"But still," You reply, still trying to shove her back," You'll have to let me go so I can change. We've got dinner booked soon."
"No," Pernille teases, squeezing you even tighter," No. Oh, I just want to keep you here forever and ever!"
"Momma! You're embarrassing me!"
"Good. That's my job."
"Pernille," Magda says," Let her go. You can hug her at dinner."
Pernille finally does let you go and you head off to shower and change.
But as you go, all Pernille can see is that little girl wearing her jersey and declaring Wolfsburg is the team you'll play for one day.
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