#top tarlos scenes
Top 10 Tarlos Scenes of All Time (so far)
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The final poll!!!
I've combined the winners of the previous 4 polls into a poll to determine the top 10 Tarlos scenes of all time (so far)! You can vote HERE.
The poll is open until 8:00 a.m. EST on Friday, September 22. I'll share the results after that!
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sunflowertarlos · 1 year
Five Fave Tarlos Scenes
Thanks for the tag @whenshereads
I literally mentioned to an irl how picking my top 5 fave scenes is so difficult but I'm gonna try anyways
1. The Wedding
We have been waiting for them to get married for a while now and we finally got to see them get married and become husbands!! Although I still have mixed feelings about the finale and how they did it with giving us no time to prepare between Gabriel and the wedding
2. Soulmate scene!!
The "hi, you're TK. I'm Carlos. And we're soulmates" has become one of my faves ever since I watched it. Like I have not left that scene actually. I am still there!! I probably memorise it by how often I watched it after the episode aired lmao
3. Wakeup scene
The wakeup scene in season 3 after TK's hypothermia coma? Yeah, I have not moved on from there actually. I remember crying at the parallelism from his speech earlier with "the worst part about this is I can't even hold your hand, or run my fingers through your hair, or kiss your head" AND PROCEEDED TO DO ALL THOSE WHEN HE WOKE UP HSHAJSH (I mean he kissed his cheek and not his head, but still!!)
4. Proposal
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have watched the proposal scene since the episode aired last season, and now we got another one with Carlos asking??? When I tell you I nearly cried when that happened. Ho estly both of them need so many hugs I swear. They have been through too much :((
5. The talk about kids ep
Am I cheating by not specifying which scene in particular? Maybe. But I loved this episode. Also Carlos making jokes like "I'm also good with horses" 😭 but then the end!! And then getting Lou II !! and the "is that TK's by my side" "is Carlos is my person" I love them so much actually
Tagging anyone who wants to be tagged because I am too shy to tag anyone on this app since I don't really know anyone here because I just started being active again recently
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Anatomy of a Soulmates Scene
- T.K. checking to see if his hand is shaking 😭
- T.K. using his little baby voice because he’s feeling vulnerable 😭😭
- T.K.’s little criss cross applesauce sit on the sofa 😍
- Carlos putting on his thinking face and trying to read what’s going on in T.K.’s head
- Carlos unable to hide that he thinks calling off the wedding is hilarious because there is no way he’s doing that ever
- “I don’t want to be your responsibility to take care of” 😭😭😭
- Carlos trying to pull T.K. out of his spiral with humor and flirting but it doesn’t work this time 😭😭😭😭
- BABY 1!!
- T.K.’s li’l panicky tongue situation of despair 
- Carlos kneeling on the couch and grabbing T.K.’s hands 😭😭😭😭😭
- “Since the first night I took you home.” (DAMN YOU CARLOS REYES FOR BEING PERFECT!)
- “You’re such a liar.” 😍
- BABY 2!!!!
- Carlos going in for a traditional neck nuzzle of comfort
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
My Top Five Tarlos Scenes
@strandnreyes @chaotictarlos @alrightbuckaroo @rosedavid Thank you for the hardest tag that exists (love you xxx)
SoulMarryMatesMe?Soulmates? - ie. joint between soulmates and the proposal.
Carlos crying on TK's shoulder..... but whether I mean the fire aftermath scene or the airport tarmac scene is my business.
When TK finds Carlos watching the footage of Katie talking to her kidnapper and he didn't think the voice was distorted lol and he lies down on the couch with him and helpfully falls asleep on his arm. Why am I picking this over other scenes such as the police station, their honky-tonk dance, or anything from 3x13? I can't be expected to understand my own emotions about Tarlos at 7:52pm on a Tuesday.
Tagging: @actuallysara @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @irispurpurea @ladytessa74 @howlingsaturn @noxsoulmate @meditating-honey-badger @kiloskywalker @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader @never-blooms if you want to torture yourself slowly/haven't already.
I mean look at what this did to me.
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lonestardust · 1 year
this was playing in the tarloft when iris visited! i love how Carlos and TK always put on music when they have people over!! i love diegetic music so much; something so intimate about knowing what's on a character's playlist and how they enjoy listening to music, it brings a certain type of tangibility; to know their little habits and their taste in things!!
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
Top 5 Tarlos Scenes
Tagged by @rosedavid @jesuisici33 @lutavero
5. Plane reunion scene 
“I’m the one that put them on the plane.” Ugh kills me every time.
4. Dancing in the firehouse with Jonah
I know it’s more like a clip than a scene, but I love it so much.
3. Cooper fight scene
My love for Carlos grew infinitely in this scene. And I love seeing TK’s growth.
2. Hi, you’re TK and I’m Carlos and we’re soulmates.
The way I screeched when watching this was inhuman.
1. 2.08 Reunion
Do not ask me how many times I’ve watched this episode or this particular scene. It’s an insane amount. I don’t care. I love it so much. “Hey, baby.” 
tagging @whenshereads @ramblingdisaster73 @thebumblecee @heartstringsduet and anyone else that wants to share, tag me so I can see your favorites!
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valerileygreen · 1 year
Top Tarlos Scenes
tagged by @thisbuildinghasfeelings ❤️
Wow, I have so many, it's gonna be difficult to narrow it down to 5!
The Wedding (4x18) - this seems rather obvious but it made me cry real tears, which is pretty rare for me, and it really was the coronation of Tarlos' journey, and despite my misgivings about it right after Gabriel's death it felt pretty much perfect (I could have done with his ghost joining Gwyn's but we know he was there and wasn't seen just because it was from Owen's pov). The vows were perfect and the fact they mirrored each other and told their respective emotional journeys is just aghdjdfndbsb, and TK and Carlos' expressions and body language, it was awesome. But also Tommy's singing, TK and Carlos getting ready with Owen and Andrea, and the wedding cake scene, which we honestly needed to see after such an emotionally charged episode and felt incredibly natural and was a real ray of sunshine and hope;
The soulmate scene (4x16) - that all scene was just so beautiful and intense and that phrase felt like forever and an unbreakable bond, and then TK confirmed he felt the same as Carlos since the beginning and that's why he ran, it offered such insight (and confirmed what we all already knew);
Carlos' proposal (4x18) - honestly it's more the entirety of the episode, the decision to postpone and then the re-proposal, the fact TK is Carlos anchor and beacon of light, the only thing that keeps him from spiraling completely one way or another, and he needs him and needs to marry him, and damn it was such a wonderful roller-coaster of a finale!
The original proposal (3x18) - it was such a beautiful speech, and all the setting, in bed in the middle of the night, it was so intimate, and the 'for the first time in my life the love that I feel is infinitely more powerful than the fear of losing it' will forever be one of my all time favorite phrases (right there with the soulmates one);
Once again it's not a strictly speaking single scene, but episode 3x13, the dinner scene and then when Carlos called Cooper and TK's 'I'm gonna marry him' eyes, the communication and growth there was just wonderful.
Honorable mentions: 4x12 which shows how their communication skills keep improving, 3x04 the breathe and loft scenes, and 2x04 the reconciliation scene.
I've cheated a lot but I warned it was a hard choice 😅
I think everyone has been tagged already at this point, but anyone who wants to do it feel free to join the madness.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
Top 5 Tarlos moments
Thanks for the tag @wandering-night19
1. 1x03 - police station scene
2. 3x13 - dinner table scene
3. 3x18 - the proposal
4. 3x04 - wake up scene
5. 3x08 - tarmac scene
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Top 10 Tarlos Scenes in Season 4
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I created a poll to determine the top 10 Tarlos scenes in season 4! Vote for your top 10 HERE.
I set the poll to be open until next Friday (August 25). I'll share the results then if people are interested!
I think I managed to be pretty comprehensive but let me know if I somehow missed your favorite!
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herefortarlos · 3 months
Guys, a wonderful person who is at EpicCon just posted saying that Tarlos has a steamy season 5 scene that is very hot and it supposedly tops season 1s, according to Ronen!! Please be true, it's been 84 years 😭!!!
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paperstorm · 16 days
Random things I want in season 5. Feel free to add more
Carlos calling TK Tyler
TK waking Carlos up at 3am again with something to tell him
Carlos cooking with TK sitting on the worktop watching and talking nonstop
Kissing with tongue again
Sexy times
Wake up in the morning together
Watching each other in action. TK watching Carlos tackle a perp to the ground and handcuffing him. And Carlos watching TK intubate someone on the scene of an accident ( if the ever let TK & Nancy do more than vitals 🙄)
YES ALL OF THESE and here's more
Evidence that they are the gossip couple
Carlos at some point collapsing out of grief into TK’s arms
TK catching Carlos being sweet with Lou2
Catan gang hang (with Joe)
Tarlos back and the club. They made a point to mention the loft was near good nightlife put those sluts in tank tops and get them on the dance floor
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she-walked-away · 9 days
Tag Game Tuesday Monday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
It took me nearly a week to get to it, but thanks Anne @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!!!
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
Funnily enough, I was watching the Super Bowl in 2020 and was folding laundry when they showed a promo from Lone Star and it was the part where they were talking to the old lady and I heard "Sure ma'am but just so you know I'm a homosexual" and I looked up because that was VERY random for a commercial to say and I the rest of the scene aired and I thought it was one of the best things I've ever seen lmao.
I actually did not start watching the show until 1x08 when TK got shot and I was HOOKED. I remember having to miss the season 1 finale to go to the grocery and checking my twitter account to see if Tarlos got together in the end ajkdhafdas
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3!
I'll never forget the EXPERIENCE that Push was. I was on a whole rollercoaster of emotions and I remember watching the TK waking up and Grace giving birth montage live and when it went off, my husband sitting behind me and very quietly going "whoa." We were both SHOOK. And then the proposal happened in 3x18 and I slunk off my couch because I was dying happily.
I think my rank is 3, 4 bc of the wedding and SOULMATES!!!, 2, and then 1. I really did like season 2 but you can tell Tim kind of bum rushed the ending dalkhdf
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos will always be number one and I cannot pick a favorite between them. They're both so complex and interesting.
I think my second favorite has got to be Tommy. She always just *fit* in the show better than Michelle and I think she's hilarious and smart and her friendship with Grace and Judd are my favorites. Plus, I love how she and Owen play off each other.
Top five episodes. Go!
Push - nothing will ever top this I'm afraid
Bad Call
Saving Grace
In Sickness and Health
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
After season 4- I kind of NEED a Carlos one. I always want one and I think we learned a lot about him last season, but 4x18 opened a lot more questions about his childhood for me. Especially since he genuinely doesn't seem to remember a lot of the good times with his dad and it makes me curious if there is some underlying reason why other than just distance as he grew up.
But also NANCY. What is her backstory?? Her dad told her to start saving when she was little and she has thousands of dollars that she can lend out?? I want to know if there is more to it! And how did she get her start? Was she with the original 126 paramedic squad?
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Obviously Gabriel's murder being solved and it would be great if Tarlos did it TOGETHER. And if one of them is in dangerous peril at the same time in front of the other- would not complain. I'm all for a "being threated and stalked" kind of storyline- I was thinking of along the lines of The Watcher by @ladytessa74 I want to be scared!! And to watch them be scared and IN LOVE AND A TEAM
I saw this earlier, but an episode from like B-shifts POV. You know that Owen and the firefam respond to the most INSANE calls, so I want to see what B shift and Captain Harper's POV is towards A shift. I think it would be hilarious.
Also- give me some silliness within the Catan Crew. Like maybe someone gets a little TOO into a game and then we have an episode of them all pranking each other or a little funny divide- similar to 4x16, but without them actually fighting.
What do you think is going on in this still?
It's Ghost face from Scream asking Carlos what his favorite scary movies are
I think it's either about Gabriel's murder or them finding out that Robert is dead. Rob Lowe said we'd see part of that day so I wonder if we will see the aftermath since I don't think Robert necessarily died within a week after the wedding.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I think it could DEF be some *spicy* shower sex. If TK get's injured in 504, Carlos should help make him feel all nice and healed in the SHOWER
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think somewhere in Texas like Galveston. It's not too far away, but I think it's far enough to where TK and Carlos would feel okay leaving both their parents for a short trip. I headcanon that they spent A LOT of money on a quick 8 week wedding *cries in timeline* and so they'd have to save up for a bigger and longer honeymoon.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I HAVE SO MANY SO I AM SO SORRY IF I FORGET TO MENTION. It's hard to me to count my favorite stories beacuse I think this fandom has so many. I usually put them on my kindle when I'm traveling so I can reread on a long road trip and read in between the Pluto TV commercials during my long treadmill runs.
I just found my password for Ao3 that i created in 2015 (i was a fanfiction.net OG and live journal girly lol really dating myself) so I am currently making my way through reviewing @welcometololaland's ALTA and I have so many other ones to review as well! @strandnreyes, @reyesstrand, @paperstorm, @carlos-in-glasses, @ladytessa74, @rmd-writes , @goodways, @heartstringsduet , @liminalmemories21 , @lemonlyman-dotcom and literally so many more. I love going back and rereading fics on my work breaks now I'm back from leave and now that I have my password back, I plan on continuing that!!
I love gifsets by @guardian-angle22, @lutavero, @reasonandfaithinharmony, and more!
Also Anne's @thisbuildinghasfeelings cross-stitch!! Literally SO FREAKING COOL.
If I forgot you, I am so sorry. But if you write or make art or anything else in this fandom- just know that I am obsessed with everything you do :) I've just been silently stalking this fandom since like 2020
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howtosingit · 13 days
Tag Game: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @rmd-writes and this is probably the first tag game I've done in... *checks calendar* I can't count that high 🤷🏻‍♂️
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I've been watching since the pilot premiered on Sunday, January 19, 2020 🙃 I actually was still watching OG 911 at that time with @emisfritish and we were trying to decide if we wanted to watch the upcoming spinoff or not, so we checked out the trailer. Saw that first little clip of Carlos Reyes and that moment of Tarlos getting down to business in 1x02 and I was suddenly way more interested in LS than I had ever been in OG (sorry not sorry). And though she never really joined the LS fandom, I do still get to experience @emisfritish watching LS episodes for the first time (even if it's sometimes months after they air) and it's one of my favorite things.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, for sure. Best viewing experience of any season, really strong storylines, so much more Carlos than the previous 2 seasons (combined), the full tarlos arc from exes to fiancés and all the really good growth for them in-between those two moments... I don't know that the show will ever reach those heights again, but I'm so glad I got to experience every moment of it in real time.
[Seasons best-to-worst, imho, are: 3, 4, 2, 1]
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
LOL such a mystery, my favorite character is obviously Caleb. Love that dumbass. (Real answer: my top 3 characters are Carlos, Grace, and Judd.)
Top five episodes. Go!
Oh goodness, okay...
Push Bad Call Saving Grace Riddle of the Sphynx Donors In Sickness and In Health (sorry I know that's six but rafa is just so fucking good)
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
First I will say that I'm really happy that we don't do "Begins" episodes with LS because I remember wanting to skip so many of those when watching OG (never grew attached to any of the characters, maybe I'd like them better in LS but let's not risk it) and I think there are more organic ways to incorporate backstory into the narrative than to say "here's 45 minutes of backstory!"
ANYWAY For a very long time my answer was uncontestedly Carlos Reyes, and I would still love to get every single moment of his life from his birth until now, but also... I don't know, I think at this point in the show we've gotten so much of Carlos's history (through what is sometimes messy writing, sure, but we still got it) that it feels selfish to keep asking for more when a character like Paul still feels really undervalued on the show. So, maybe Paul? But, also Carlos because... I'm me 🤷🏻‍♂️
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Honestly, I would like to see Carlos have to face the consequences of his actions in the s4 finale. I love him, I would die on every damn hill for him, and I fully tracked his rationale for why he did what he did, but it was still really messed up, and I would love to see him battling with those decisions and what they mean for him at the top of the season. I'm not against Carlos struggling and messing up sometimes (two of my favorite episodes are "Cry Wolf" and "In Sickness and In Health"), but it's a way more interesting narrative if we actually see him confronting his mistakes rather than them disappearing into the unknown like most of the consequences on LS... Also, Rafa would destroy scenes like that and I always want to see Rafa at the top of his game.
Would also love to see him get a different job but that seems unlikely and we'd lose that glorious utility belt strut
What do you think is going on in this still?
I do think it's most likely related to Gabriel's murder. It could be an update on where the Rangers are at in the case, it could be them calling Carlos in to assist with something (undercover Carlos mayhaps?), or maybe Carlos got suspended after what he did last season and this is him receiving a call from his boss with an update on his job status... honestly, no idea, but it's making me want to know things so fuck you tim minear
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
See, I thought elements of the 2x12 sex scene were better than the 1x02 sex scene because there was all of this added intimacy and emotion between them, which just makes every touch and kiss and look and breath that much deeper and richer and sexier. Like, that look Carlos gives TK after taking his shirt off while straddling TK's thighs? That's sex right there. So, honestly, I don't know what they're going to go through between 5x01 and 5x04, but as long as the 5x05 scene contains all of that context that makes the moment about them and how they feel to be with each other, it's already topped 1x02 in my opinion. Rushed, casual, fun sex is great and hot and obviously I didn't hate it, but the combination of lust AND love? You can't ever beat that.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
You know, I honestly don't know... I haven't really thought about it. Their honeymoon has kind of been a non-thing for me, so I hope wherever it was it was peaceful and exactly what they both needed.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I know this says one, but there are so many different types of creations and I won't be able to mention all of them (it's been FOUR YEARS OKAY) but I want to try to share a range...
I absolutely have to start out with all the incredible work that @reyeslonestar gave this fandom: I have this one printed and framed, but I also love this one and this one and this one and THIS ONE. Also love this one by @whatsintheboxmh so much. I also love these two NSFW pieces by @a-kinkajou (but the AO3 links seem to be broken so you'll have to look at the SFW versions here on tumblr and just trust me).
ALSO I really love fanvids and in particular this one and this one (SOBBING) and this one and THIS ONE. While I wish I could list every gifset that has sparked an emotional response for me, it would be impossible, so I'll share this one (@maxbegone) because it makes me smile, these two because the vows are ev-er-y-thing (@danieljradcliffe), and this one because the Carlos Reyes Strut is also everything (@evanzbuck).
I mean, the Teacher AU. It's the teacher au. You don't understand, it's THE TEACHER AU (@three-drink-amy). I'm already so in love with Call Me, but that's no surprise since it's from the writers of iconic works like these (@welcometololaland @rmd-writes) The Knave verse is beyond iconic at this point (@liminalmemories21). This Carlos begins fic is really beautiful (@freneticfloetry) and this early fic has one of my favorite Carlos characterizations ever (@singerofsimplesongs). I'm always down for a firefighter!Carlos AU (@reyesstrand) because the man should be wearing turnouts.
Tagging: I'm not going to tag anyone because I think this game was going around a few days ago and I missed the train, but if anyone likes the questions and wants to answer, they should!
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rmd-writes · 14 days
Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @liminalmemories21 and @freneticfloetry thanks, and good timing! You both caught me on my lunch break
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I can't remember the exact timing, but I'm pretty sure I watched the first two seasons while s3 was airing and then caught up after - I wanted to start earlier but I had some issues finding a way to watch the show here!
My introduction to the show was via @three-drink-amy telling me to watch it (repeatedly), @clottedcreamfudge's judicious use of gifs from the show in the gc and a bunch of SC mutuals yelling about the gay howdy wee woo show on my dash every week.
Season 4 was the first season that I watched "live" which I did with @welcometololaland, both of us texting and screaming as we watched each episode together hours and hours after everyone else had.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, hands down. I don't know that they'll ever beat it?
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
Other than Carlos and TK, I think it's Grace. I just adore the her energy and the way that she takes everything in her stride and even when things are hard, she's very practical about it. Also she doesn't take shit from anyone.
Top five episodes. Go!
I don't think I've ever tried to do this? I'm generally very bad at choosing, my SC fave ep list contains three episodes that I insist must be watched together so they only count as one ep hahahaha Anyway, in no particular order, and not necessarily by episode title or number because I can't be arsed looking them up:
Push, my beloved
3 x 13
the one with Lou
Bad Call
the Soulmates one
Bonus: the Marjan ep in s4 which was just so, so good
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Either Nancy because we know nothing about her and I want to know, or Paul because I think he's had such an interesting journey.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I love @liminalmemories21's idea of a Halloween ep! It would be so fun!
We probably won't get it because of the shorter season, but I'd love more Lonestar-is-a-comedy-actually episodes like Red vs Blue and the (original) Lou arc.
More realistically, I'd love to see Carlos actually grappling with the consequences of his actions in s4 and also working through his grief and TK helping him do that. And I'd like to see an absence of Owen love interests.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I want it to be something silly like Lou 2 is lost in the loft and Carlos is Not Happy about it (the reason for TK's posture) and then he answers his phone in the middle of all of that, hence the facial expression. The phone call isn't that important, it's Owen asking Carlos for help on a side quest.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I don't know about a prediction, but I'd love to see them getting distracted from getting ready in the morning. Carlos (in just his underwear) waking TK up with a kiss and TK pulling him back into bed for a good make out session and that turning into more. A very different vibe to 1x02 but hot nonetheless.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think it was somewhere close to home - with the accelerated wedding timeline (lol) they didn't have time for a long trip for to somewhere far away, and by all accounts, travelling overseas wasn't on their radar anyway (see: TK's disbelief when Carlos says he wants to go to Tuscany). So a long weekend at a nice resort somewhere. Enzo paid for it as their wedding gift because he couldn't make it to the wedding when they moved the date up.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
Just one (1)? Impossible! This Rafa fan art by @ambiguouspenny made me actually say "oh fuck" the first time I saw it. I adore the way @whatsintheboxmh uses light in all of her fan art. I love @howtosingit's Carlos episode edits because they a) let me watch all of the Tarlos scenes on repeat (and before I actually get to the watch the episodes when they air because time zones), b) give me an easy way to check canon dialogue and c) make it easy to convince new people to watch the show when they sneak into my DMs and tell me that the number of Tarlos gifs I am putting on their dash is tempting them. @liminalmemories21's Knave-verse might be my favourite Tarlos AU, everything about it makes me swoon. Okay, cutting myself off now.
Tagging: @welcometololaland @howtosingit @three-drink-amy just so they know my earlier tags in this post were tags to do this and also @lightningboltreader @orchidscript
@danieljradcliffe @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @nancys-braids @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to play 💖 PS. if ao3 user olympia2007 is here on tumblr, I'm tagging you too (and please come say hi)
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strandnreyes · 15 days
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
thanks for the tag and for creating this @tellmegoodbye !
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I saw a commercial for it during the superbowl in 2020 and wanted a new weekly show to watch so I caught up on the first three episodes in time to watch 1x04 live
Which season is your favorite?
Honestly it’s a toss up between 3 and 4. I think there are more episodes I like in season 3, but tarlos’ storyline in season 4 is so layered and feels a bit more deep and meaningful to me
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos are my favorites and it would be impossible to choose between them, but I think my second favorite would be Marjan or Judd
Top five episodes. Go!
In no particular order:
Push (3x04)
Yee-Haw (1x02)
Swipe Left (4x12)
The Big Heat (2x12)
In Sickness and In Health (4x18)
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Carlos. I think the more we learn about him, the more questions I have. It would be fun to actually see his past and his relationships with his parents and Iris or when or why he decided he wanted to become a police officer and what that conversation looked like with his family. I think there are a lot of things that would parallel nicely with present day.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I've talked about this a little bit before, but I think it would be tarlos starting off in a good spot at the beginning of the season until something pulls Carlos back into looking for the killer. TK would be involved too, whether that's being threatened or helping Carlos look, with all of it building into this big intense episode with a sweet and sexy relief
What do you think is going on in this still?
It would be fun if they're being threatened by the killer because Carlos is digging too much. I think a more realistic scenario could be someone from AFD or the Rangers calling about a lead in the case
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I think it'll be a catharsis of sorts, maybe after a fight or time spent apart. I think it'll be the two of them desperate for each other, knowing the other is safe and they're okay. maybe a parallel to 1x02 except one of them is already home and meets the other at the door. there's a trail of clothes as they kiss their way to their bedroom this time. probably some kind of emotional music and the low light of some lamps. bonus points if they get their pants off before the fade to black
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I had them go to puerto vallarta in my honeymoon fic, but I could see it being along the gulf too. I know one of them said at a con that they spent it at home and it’s a sweet concept but we literally see them at a pool so sknajdnsjs
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I just read this the other day so it's fresh in my mind, but Cause It's Your Life by GoOffCredits (I don't think they're on tumblr) had me hanging onto every word. it's the perfect kind of emotional angst I love
tagging @reyesstrand @paperstorm @sheholdsthemoon @welcomehometk @carlos-in-glasses @chicgeekgirl89 + open tag for anyone who wants to play along!
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victoriaspriing · 5 months
2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
I was tagged by @swearphil! thank you sm renee <33
Hii!! so 2024 is right around the corner, happy new year yayay. Actually, if I think too much about it I think I'll start crying cause like what do you mean we're less than 42 hours from staring a new year?!! 2023 doesn't feel real tbh time in general doesn't feel real but yeah anyways I'll save that convo for another time. I'm here today to reflect on all the gifsets I've made throughout this year, which let me add, has been A LOT. I'm going to start by sharing some fun stats (yes renee I'm copying you <33), and then I'll do a fun top 5 of my fave gifsets, and to finish it off I'd also like to use this to shout out some of my fave people and creators on this hellsite cause you all made my 2023 so much better and I love you all for that <333
fun statistics:
In total I made 61 gifsets in 2023
57 are heartstopper (not surprised)
3 are 911 lone star (mostly tarlos)
1 are dan and phil
In august I made 20 gifsets, which are the most gifsets I've made in a month this year
In may I made 1 gifset, which is the month I made less gifsets this year
6 of the gifsets are song lyrics edits
3 of the gifsets are heartstopper comic edits
31 of the gifsets are scenes from heartstopper
6 of the gifsets are heartstopper compilations from s1 and s2
top 5 gifsets from 2023 (in no particular order)
that one dnp gifset: I think most people know that I was and still am a big dan and phil fan, and that I spent most of my teenage years obsessing over them and giffing them and only them. Well, they went on hiatus and they stopped having a big impact on my life util they decided to come back and ruin my life again (in a good way). This gifset was the first time I giffed them since like idk 2019/2020, and it does mean a lot to me :') it's not really about the concept and the coloring, I chose this one to be apart of my top 5 for sentimental reasons, and I think that's valid.
give your friendships the magic you would give a romance: once again, sentimental reasons. when I read this quote on loveless it just spoke to me in so many levels. One of the things I love the most about heartstopper is the importance they give to friendship and I just had to make something that highlighted that and I think it turned out super good.
I think nellie loves him: well, now I think I snapped with this one akdhjahak I just love it so much. the coloring.. the heartstopper tv scenes with the heartstopper comic scenes, like chef's kiss, just perfect. of course this is not an original idea so I'd love to thank @rose-nobles for inspiring this gifset <33
mr. ajayi loves museum dates with his grumpy bf: and just like that we are back to sentimental reasons ahdhkas. well, this was one of the first gifsets I made when season two came out and it blew up. I've never had that many notes on a gifset, and honestly I think it's well deserved cause the coloring is good and I had finally just figured out how to sharpen gifs, so yeah love that for me.
I'm bi actually: I had so much fun making this one. the amount of bi coded elements and colors I included on this, I WAS ON A MISSION. the fact I made the font wobbly hsjgdjaka, I love love this gifset.
a little shout out to my faves (I hope you all have an amazing 2024)
@swearphil ☆ @barrowsteeth ☆ @narliee ☆ @cafecdramin ☆ @heroeddiemunson ☆ @nelsonnicholas ☆ @curlyhairedprince ☆ @wylanvannecks ☆ @aimeegbbs ☆ @indimlights ☆ @jelloandsugar ☆ @perrieedwards ☆ @imogen-heaney ☆ @thatwasthenightthingschanged ☆ @klinejack ☆ @birthdaysentiment ☆ @seeleybooth ☆ @sonseulsoleil ☆ @taraolssons ☆ @immortals-malec ☆ @parissquads ☆ @rose-nobles ☆ @itwasmagic ☆ @perccyjackson ☆ @naomismcpherson ☆ @neverfindmegone ☆ @charlieisverybored
Okay I think that's it, I'm so sorry if I missed someone. I'm also tagging everyone that wants to do this, just say I tagged you in it <33
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