doomedhowell · 2 months
the cat distribution system
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58077322 title: the cat distribution system rating: general word count: 1,510 summary: The cat distribution system finally choses Phil, he also meets one of his neighbors in the process.
It had been a rather long day for Phil, filming quite a few videos all morning for his youtube channel and then playing catch up on social media. Phil decided that he wanted to go on an evening walk. The weather was quite lovely, and he needed to get some fresh air after being cooped up in his apartment for so long.
Phil’s walking, humming along to the Taylor Swift song that’s stuck in his head. He stops as soon as he hears a sound that sounds like a meow. Phil looks around curiously, and he gasps when he sees a little orange cat across the street. Phil instantly pulls out his phone and starts filming. “Guys, you won’t believe this-” Phil glances both ways before quickly crossing the street, carefully walking over to the cat. “The cat distribution system has finally chosen me. I’ve been waiting for this for so- oh my goodness. Hi.”
The cat starts meowing more, and happily makes his way over to Phil, pawing at his leg.
“Oh wow, you’re super friendly, aren’t you? Hi there,” Phil says, and he bends down to pet the cat’s head. “You’re so cute. Where did you come from? Are you lost?”
“I see you’ve met George,”
Phil blinks in surprise, and he looks up to see a man with curly brown hair walking up to him. “I’m sorry?” He keeps his phone recording, just in case this guy happens to be a total creep and he needs evidence.
“Goerge,” the man says, walking closer to Phil. “This cat has been coming around my apartment for weeks now. I’d love to bring him inside but my dog wouldn’t allow it. He’s super sweet.”
“Yeah,” Phil chuckles softly and finally turns off the video, continuing to pet the cat who is apparently named George. “You said his name was George? Why George?”
“Oh,” the man chuckles. “I’m a Harry Potter fan. I saw the orange hair and thought of Weasley.”
“I see,” Phil says. “Do you think George would come with me?”
“He follows me all the time when I walk my dog, so I’d say there’s a good chance. You’re taking him in?” Dan asks, with a bit of hopefulness in his voice.
“If he’ll let me, then yes, I’d really like to. I’ve been waiting for the cat distribution system to give me a cat for years, ever since I kept seeing all those TikTok’s of other people getting lucky,” Phil chuckles.
“Not to sound really creepy or anything, but… why don’t I walk you back to your apartment? Maybe he’ll follow us. I’ve been feeding him for weeks, but has never let me pick him up,” the man says.
Phil hesitates, because he doesn’t know this man. He’s a total stranger. Just because he seems nice, it doesn’t mean anything. “Uhm,” he begins. “You promise you’re not like… a serial killer or anything?”
He snorts in response, clearly surprised. “I’m not. I promise. Just one of your neighbors who loves cats, animals in general really. Maybe I should tell you my name. I’m Dan. Dan Howell,”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Dan. I’m Phil,”
“Pleasure’s all mine. We should start heading to yours before it gets too dark,” Dan suggests.
“Right, yes. We should do that,” Phil agrees, and he looks down at the cat. “Come on George. Want to follow us? I promise I’ll get you out of this cold. You’ll have a nice bed, plenty of toys, and good food.” 
Dan and Phil slowly start walking with each other, Phil leading the way obviously. After a quick moment, Phil stops to turn and look to see if George has followed them. Unfortunately, he’s still wandering about in the same area, not following them in the slightest, which unsurprisingly disappoints Phil. His heart is totally set on taking George home with him. The cat is sweet, and seems super friendly.
“Hmm. That’s interesting. Usually he’s willing to follow me everywhere I go. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t I go get Meeko? George loves following me around when I have Meeko,”
“Meeko? That’s cute. Let me guess, you’re a Disney fan too?” Phil asks, grinning.
“Duh,” Dan replies, and grins right back at Phil. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay. I’ll be here, I guess,” Phil says, and watches as Dan walks away, heading towards the apartment building. Phil stares at George for a moment before bending down, and starts calling him over. “Come on, sweet boy. Come here. I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I want to help you.” Phil smiles as soon as George finally starts walking over to him, and Phil can’t help but chuckle when the orange cat starts rubbing against his leg, purring and begging for more attention. “That’s a good boy.”
After a few more moments, Phil finally hears footsteps. He looks up and sees Dan walking towards him, this time with a leashed dog. Phil’s eyes widen when he sees that Dan’s dog is a shiba inu, which is definitely not what he expected the dog to be. “Wow. What a gorgeous dog,”
“Thanks. I was always obsessed with shiba inu’s as a kid. Come on, Meeko. Follow me,” Dan says, and he chuckles. “We’re not going our usual walk, so I’m sure he’s wondering what the hell is going on.”
“I promise it won’t be long. I’m just a bit that way,” Phil says as he points towards his apartment building, and he stands again. “Let’s see if it works. I would really like to take this little guy in tonight.”
“Yeah, that would be nice. It’s going to start getting cold soon, and I’d hate for him to have to spend winter outside,” Dan says as he starts walking. Phil walks as well, leading the way to his apartment. He’s pleased when George starts following them. In fact, George follows them all the way to Phil’s apartment building.
“Well, here I am,” Phil says, and he walks up the small set of stairs, he walks up to his door and unlocks it. He opens the door, and he laughs when George just walks right in. “Well, that was easy!”
“I think he knew,” Dan says, grinning. “I’m glad George found a good home.”
“Thanks for the help. Here,” Phil digs his phone out of his pocket and unlocks it before handing it to Dan. “Put your number in. I’ll update you on how George is doing. You know, settling in.”
“Thanks,” Dan says, and hands Phil his phone back after putting in his phone number. “Have a good night.”
“You too,” Phil says, and he looks down, chuckling when he sees George waiting for him. “Alright. Let’s go.” He looks at Dan one last time before walking into the apartment, allowing George to walk in, before shutting the door and locking it. He takes a deep breath. “Holy shit.”
Phil spends the rest of the night trying to get George settled in. He doesn’t have any supplies, but he already knows that he’s going to go out in the morning to buy everything George needs. Luckily, it’s late, and as soon as Phil got into his bed, George laid right there with him. Phil can only imagine how exhausted the cat must be, fighting for its life and surviving on the streets.
The next few weeks go by in a blur. Phil spends most of his time working at his coffee job, and then going home and taking care of George. He has friends over, but that’s about it. Phil doesn’t have much of a social life, really. But, he was never one to be social anyways. He’d rather hang out with his cat. Phil texts Dan small updates on George every once in a while, or sends him a picture or two, as promised.
Of course, that is until he runs into Dan Howell again. They bump into each other at the mailboxes.
“Oh, hi. Phil, right? It’s been awhile since I’ve last seen you,” Dan says.
Phil chuckles, nodding in agreement. “Yes, it has been. How have you been?”
“Busy, but good. How are you? How’s George?” Dan asks.
This is your chance, Phil. Be brave. “Well, maybe we could talk about it over lunch? You like coffee?”
“I can’t say I’m much of a coffee guy, but I’m certainly not going to miss an opportunity to have lunch with a hot guy like yourself. I know of this sick burger joint that just opened a few months ago. You in?”
Phil’s eyes instantly light up, and he nods eagerly. “That sounds perfect. What do you say… one thirty?”
“One thirty would be great. I’ll text you the directions to the place. I’ll see you at one thirty,”
“It’s a date!” Phil grins, and finishes grabbing his mail and heading back to his apartment. Phil has a date to get ready for after all, and this is the first date he’s gone on in over a year. He’s not screwing this up.
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toristurn · 4 months
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All the TIME
this story has explicit sexual scenes and strong wording.
“oooh this is cute, don’t you think?” I said turning over to chris “yeah.. yeah..” he says, typing on his phone “hellooo?..” I said waving a hand over his face “sorry baby, what were you saying?” he said sliding his phone in his pocket
“well you would’ve heard me if you weren’t on your phone the whole time we’ve been here.” I said, turning my back to him. “I’m sorry baby it’s just..” he says stepping closer to my back “I have this meeting..” he slides his hands on my waist “happening in..” he starts placing gentle kisses on my neck “thirty minutes..” he places another, moving upwards “since I had to cancel it..” my heart pounded “for you.” he said, making direct eye contact.
I turned to look at him for a couple seconds before breaking it off, flushed. “a meeting..?” I said, folding a shirt “mhm.” “how come you didn’t let me know earlier baby? you could’ve been in that meeting by now.” I said, slightly annoyed. “don’t worry y/n, it’s not like they’re gonna hunt me down. and plus it’s for merch, we have all the time in the world to plan when our next launch is.” he says, still giving me that flirty, annoying smile.
“ugh, I hate you.” I said, forcing to hide a cheesy smile. we walked back to the food court to meet up with matt and nick and headed out to the car.
blah.. blah.. merch.. blah.. blah.. two months.. blah.. blah.. blah.. at this point I was about to doze off to a lady’s voice on chris’s laptop. I look up at chris and see that he was on the verge to doze off too. why don’t I wake him up? I slowly crawl over to chris making sure he didn’t see me on the floor. I stopped in front of his laptop until he moved and looked over at me “what are you doing?” he said, whispering.
“you looked like you were tired, so I’m here to wake you up.” “oh really” he said, sarcastically “mhm” “and how are you gonna wake me up, y/n?” I smirked and reached for his zipper, slowly zipping it down “y/n..” chris said, hesitantly. I ignored his warning and took off his pants, revealing a hard, veiny member “hard for me already?” I said, looking up innocently.
I took off another layer of his and held it, stroking it slowly. I then started sucking his tip moving my tongue in circles, teasing him until I went down and used my hands for support, slowly opening up my throat. I look up at him to him covering his mouth, struggling to keep it quiet. I grinned.
I then increased my pace, struggling to gag quietly, eyes fogging up, until all the talking went quiet “chris, when do you think we should launch this new set?” shit. “um.. I.. um..” he says, closing his eyes in pleasure “I think maybe um..” he says staring at me, biting his bottom lip. “I’m so sorry could you um.. give.. me a.. second.” he says, forcing his words out.
“yeah sure um.. just don’t take to long okay? we still got a lot to plan on.” he nods and turns off his camera, clicking mute faster than lightning. he looked at me and tugged my hair back from his member, making me make eye contact with him.
“you really want me All the time don’t you baby?” I nodded and grinned. he then picked me up and had my legs cradle his waist as he smashes his lips onto mine and moved to the bathroom counter. he eagerly took my panties off and slid on a condom then thrusted into me making me let out a squeal. “your just a little selfish slut, aren’t you princess?” he says, increasing his pace and thrusting faster. I let out a loud moan and nodded.
I grab the bathroom counter to get firm grip in order to prevent me from slipping and just as I was reaching he placed a thumb on my swollen clit, gently rubbing until I then arched my back and went into full shock, electrifying every bone in my body. we both moan and collapsed on each other until we finally picked up our breaths and grabbed our clothes.
he went back to his boring meeting while I sat next to him and scrolled through instagram hoping to find at least one thing amusing to look at but, I didn’t need instagram anyway.
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annab-nana · 3 years
i saw that you were thinking of watching the irregulars!!! i think you should! i’m on episode five and it’s super good. it wasn’t what i was expecting but it’s very interesting!!!
I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days and just haven’t done it but I might start it soon and when I do I’ll definitely say something on here and might freak out to you guys on here as well as I watch it hehe
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torisauras · 7 years
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torissetsu · 7 years
Girl group prompt: Oh My Girl!
thank you for the prompt!
song: Oh My Girl - I Found Love from the album Pink Ocean
One common mistake most people dois thinking that the process of coming to term with your own feelings – that phasethat brings to to the state where you finally decide to suck it up and like yeah okay I guess I’m in love – is thehardest phase in well, being in love. But it’s totally, irrefutably untrue, thenotion. At least according to Seokjin. To him, that phase is nothing comparedto the next step, which is figuring out what to do with that feeling, now thatyou can put a name on it.
There’s nothing different withthe way he feels now and the past year. It’s just now that it has a name, it’srealer, bigger, more terrifying, and ten thousand times more obvious.
There is nothing sudden with theway he realizes. He didn’t wake up one weekend morning with calm and collectedmind, the slant of sunlight hitting him just right, while he muttered tohimself, “I’m in love with Yoongi.”
The thing is, his eyes havealways found Yoongi.
His eyes have always found thatsmall grumpy kid with far too mischievous smile to be the friend he would sharehis lunch with, but he did exactly that anyway. Yoongi would never thank him,but on some rare recess period, he will throw a small package of almondchocolate to Seokjin and ran away. Seokjin never knew how he even found outabout his favorite type of chocolate, his favorite brand.
But suppose that Seokjin findsout about his feelings in that epiphany-like trance, while he’s looking outthe window on a rainy day, socked feet tapping idly on his warm wooden roomfloor. The streetlights dispersed by water droplets on the glass and he can seehimself staring back on each and every one. Everything is light and gentle andbeautiful. Would he even have half the courage he has now to look at Yoongi’seyes? Would he know what to do around Yoongi, had he not feel this way since along time ago?
He has always known Yoongi.Always look for him. Always yearn for him.
And now that it has a name, he has always loved Yoongi.
So now, to hell with epiphany andrealizations like fireworks bursting inside in the books he reads. He knowswhat he has to do with this feeling.
His heart, like clenched fist,like an unbloomed rose, will open. It doesn’t matter where. Under the pouringrain behind the schoolyard. At the backdoor of Yoongi’s house. At the cramschool after class when they’re slurping ramen under dim convenience storestreet lamps.
His heart will open. The fingersunfurling one by one, the rose now a blossom crown, wherever, whenever that mightbe, while he stares ahead unblinking, saying, “Yoongi, I like you.”
lol idek how many words this is. hope you like it
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
I honestly blame toriwriters for me being horny about Rafe, I liked the idea of being his suger baby🤷🏼‍♀️
@toriswrites you’re creating horny rafe simps. how do you feel?
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 years
Why me?
Why me? by Toriwrites
“It's ironic isn't it? You got everything I wanted and I got everything you deserved.” —————————————————————— In the middle of a battle, and facing capture. Midoriya reflects on how things had gone so wrong, he says everything he has ever wanted to say.
(Fueled by my middle of the night thought)
Words: 836, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Villains, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Things Go Wrong, Angst, Sad, You Have Been Warned, izuku is a sad baby, someone give him a hug, Bakugou is a jerk, One Shot
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/17192882
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ao3feed-destiel · 10 years
Phone Calls Are Nothing Compared to You
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/2694635
by ToriWrites
Dean knew that phone calls from Cas only meant bad things were going to happen, that's why they always texted. But how could he deny his boyfriend of three months an answer, when he knew Cas needed him the most?
Words: 1463, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, One Shot, Castiel/Dean Winchester One Shot, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Nerd Castiel, Depressed Castiel, Jock Dean
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/2694635
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draconic-doc · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Chapter 15 is finally up!  This one was really fun for me to like, and hopefully you all like it, too :) But, judging from all the responses I've gotten so far, you probably will!
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angsty-pretty-things · 11 years
fuck you for giving up on me
i have to remind
myself daily,
that i am worthy.
i don't always believe
but i try. 
i stopped caring 
when you left
and i went a little
a little,
and lately i'm
back there again.
i need someone to,
because i've nearly
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doomedhowell · 9 months
'tis the damn season
Title: 'tis the damn season
Words: 2,438
Genre: AU + Fluff (coffee shop + minor bakery, grumpy x sunshine)
Summary: Dan is the coffee shop regular at the shop Phil just started working at. Phil quickly learns that Dan is a bit of a Grinch who refuses to try the shops' holiday drinks, or anything new really. Phil's determined to change Dan's mind about the holiday drinks.
Written for the @phandomgiftexchange
This fic was written for @heyitskoye! I had a lot of fun writing this fic and I really hope you like what I came up with. I came up with a coffee shop au tied in with the grumpy!dan x sunshine!phil trope which I personally love, so I hope you love it too ❤️ Happy Holidays!
Phil’s head snaps up as soon as he hears the doorbell ding, and smiles as soon as he sees a customer walk in through the door, the first customer he’s had in twenty minutes so he’s ready to serve. “Hi there! Welcome to The Bean Counter, how may I help you today? Would you like to try our new holiday drink?”
The man lifts his head up, a frown on his face. “You’re… new?”
Phil blinks, and he slowly nods. “Yes. I just started two days ago,” he says. “So, I guess I am new.”
“What happened to the one girl? Uh… Louise?” The brown-haired man asks. “She knows my order.”
“Afraid she’s not in today. She’s actually out of town for the weekend,” Phil explains to the customer. “But, I’m sure I'll still be able to help you. What can I get for you today? I strongly recommend-”
“I don’t want to try one of your annoying holiday drinks. I just want my coffee,”
Phil huffs, feeling himself slightly annoyed by the customer, but the quicker he makes this coffee, the quicker this customer can leave. He’s not going to let this Grinch ruin his perfectly good day. “Okay. Then what kind of coffee would you like me to make?”
“I would like an Americano,” the man grumbles, and he starts pulling out his wallet.
“That will be-”
“I know how much it is,” the man says, handing Phil a five dollar bill.
Phil stares at him for a moment, before taking the bill from him, and starts to pull out the change. “So, are you always this rude to people who make your coffee?”
“Excuse me? I’m not being rude. I just don’t have time to bother with your holiday drinks, and it is way too early in the morning to be so… chipper,” the man takes the change from Phil.
“We have a holiday drink designed after the Grinch. You should try it,” Phil says. “Name?”
“Daniel,” the man grumbles, and he crosses his arms against his chest.
Phil writes the name Daniel on the cup with a sharpie, before turning around so he can finally start making the Americano. How boring, Phil can’t help but think as he makes the drink.
Phil finally gets the coffee made, and he turns around so he can hand it to the customer. “Thank you, have a wonderful evening,”
“Unlikely,” the customer mutters before turning, and walking out of the coffee shop.
“Grinch,” Phil mutters under his breath, and he shakes his head.
“I see you’ve met the ever-so kind Dan,”
Phil looks over and sees the manager, PJ, who’s just walked out from the back. “He’s a regular?”
“Comes in every morning. He orders the same thing, and as long as I’ve known him, he’s never gotten anything but his usual.. I know I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I would recommend not recommending our holiday drinks to him. He’s never bothered to try any of them and gets grumpy when you try to recommend them to him,” PJ informs Phil.
“But, I mean, how could you not love the holiday drinks? They are the best part of the holiday season!” Phil exclaims. “And I’m saying this as a customer, not as someone who works here now.”
PJ chuckles, and he nods in agreement. “I agree. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees,”
Phil huffs once more. “I’ll get him to try one of our drinks,”
“If he comes back,” PJ says, and he shakes his head. “Anyways. Are you ready for your first break?”
“Yeah, I could use a break. Thanks PJ,” Phil says, and starts untying his apron. He gives PJ a smile before turning, and heading towards the back. He walks back to the break room, and plops down on the couch. Phil frowns as he sits there for a moment, staring at nothing, pondering over the interaction he had early with the customer, Dan, his name was. “Who hates holiday drinks?” He shakes his head.
Phil goes about his day, and eventually forgets about the Grinch who hates holiday drinks. He doesn’t think about it again until the next day, when Dan comes in at the same time.
Phil looks up, and freezes slightly when he sees the familiar brown headed man come into the shop.
Dan looks up, and seems just as disappointed to see Phil as Phil is to see him. “Oh. You again?”
“I work here. Still feeling just as Grinch as you were yesterday?” Phil asks in a calm tone, and starts getting Dan’s order up, because he made sure to remember what Dan’s coffee order was previously. Americano. It’s pretty simple to remember, and pretty easy for Phil to make. “You’ll get the Americano?”
Dan blinks as he stares at Phil. “Yes?”
“Excellent, and since you already know how much it is, you can just hand me your payment,” Phil says, unable to stop himself from smirking as he sees the surprised look on Dan’s face.
Dan stares at Phil as he hands him the money, and takes the change back from Phil. “Really? You’re not going to try and force your holiday drinks on me today?”
“Well, uh… do you want me to?” Phil asks. “Because, I can recommend some to you if you’d like me to. My favorite holiday drink is currently the peppermint mocha.”
Dan makes a disgusted face. “That sounds horrific. Peppermint mocha?”
“It’s not as bad as it sounds, y’know?” Phil says, and he turns around to start making the drink.
Dan stands there, quietly, watching as Phil easily makes his coffee drink. He’s impressed, because this is going a lot different than it was yesterday, and Phil’s not as unbearably chipper either.
Once finished, Phil turns around, and he writes the name Dan on the cup, before handing it to him. “Hope you enjoy it. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow morning,”
“Uh yeah. Thanks,” Dan mumbles before turning and exiting the coffee shop.
Phil grins, feeling proud of himself. No, Dan didn’t try one of their holiday drinks today, but he didn’t get all completely grumpy when Phil mentioned their Peppermint Mocha, and he was only mildly disgusted. But, Phil’s still determined to get Dan’s heart to grow three times bigger.
The next time Phil sees Dan, it’s not actually at the coffee shop. Phil’s in the local mall doing some Christmas shopping. There’s only a few weeks until Christmas and Phil needs to find his family the perfect Christmas presents for when he sees them on Christmas day.
Phil’s just gotten some hot chocolate and is about to turn to exit the bakery shop he’s in, when he bumps into someone. Luckily, he doesn’t spill his hot chocolate, because that would have been more of a disaster, and Phil would have felt extremely bad if he spilled fresh hot chocolate on a stranger.
“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry!” Phil exclaims, his eyes widening in panic.
“No worries, mate,”
Phil looks over at the man he ran into, and stops when he recognizes that it’s actually Dan. “Dan?”
The man’s head instantly snaps up, and it is indeed Dan. “Oh. I didn’t expect to see you here,” he says.
Phil lets out a soft laugh. “Yeah, I can say the same to you. Doing some Christmas shopping?”
“Yeah, kind of. My brother needed to go Christmas shopping and asked if I wanted to tag along, and I’m just grabbing things for my family if I see anything I like, so-” Dan shrugs his shoulders, and then he notices the cup in Phil’s hand. “You got hot chocolate and not your lame holiday drinks?” Dan smirks.
Phil rolls his eyes. “They are not lame. They’re delicious. Have you ever even tried one?”
“Nope, and I don’t plan to,”
“Dan! There you are!”
Dan looks over, and a younger boy runs up to him. “Adrian, I told you I was coming to the bakery,”
“Yes, but I got lost so it took me a couple extra minutes to find you,” the boy, Adrian, pouts. Dan’s brother looks over when he notices Phil standing there. “Do you know him?”
“Kind of. He works at the coffee shop I go to regularly. I told you about him,”
“Ah yes. I remember you mentioning him before, and how he dared recommend a holiday drink to you,” Adrian says, rolling his eyes, which makes Phil chuckle. “Honestly, you’re so dramatic, Dan.”
“I’m not dramatic!” Dan exclaims, and he glares at his younger brother, before looking at Phil. “Anyways. We need to get something to eat. I’ll uh, see you tomorrow morning?”
“I’m actually off tomorrow. But, I’ll be there the next day,” Phil tells him.
“Cool,” Dan says, and he clears his throat. “I’ll see you. Adrian, come on. The line is getting long.” He tugs on Adrian’s jacket, pulling him towards the line.
“So, that’s the coffee guy you have a crush on?” Phil hears Adrian say to Dan.
“Adrian!” Dan exclaims as his eyes widen in terror.
Phil can’t help but smile to himself, and quickly exits the bakery shop. He continues his Christmas shopping, but all he can think about is how Dan thinks he’s cute? He told his brother he thinks he’s cute? Of course, Phil thinks Dan is quite attractive. He can admit that, even when he thinks Dan’s a Grinch. But, Phil would have never dreamed that someone like Dan would think he’s cute.
When Phil is at work next, he can’t help but tell Louise about running into Dan.
“His brother was there, and apparently Dan thinks I’m cute!” Phil exclaims. “His brother said it.”
“You sound like a little schoolgirl who has a crush,” Louise laughs.
“Do you know how long it’s been since a boy has shown any interest in me whatsoever?” Phil asks, pouting. “Plus, a person like Dan never likes me. We’re total opposites.”
“Well, are you going to do anything about?” Louise asks, raising her eyebrows.
“I… I don’t know. Do you think I should?” Phil asks, biting his lip nervously.
“I think you should if you think you have a chance with him,” Louise says. “I mean, it would work, Phil. You would see Dan every day. I mean, as long as you don’t let a relationship get in your way of work.”
“Of course not,” Phil says, shaking his head. They both turn their heads when they hear their door bell go off, alerting them of a customer. Phil can’t help but smile as soon as he sees that it’s Dan.
“Speak of the devil. There’s your loverboy,” Louise whispers to Phil, smirking when Phil glares at him. “Have fun.” She giggles, and then she walks away.
Phil takes a deep breath, and walks over to the cash register. “So, we meet again,”
Dan looks up. “Hi,” he says.
“Come back for your usual?” Phil asks, getting ready to put Dan’s Americano into the register.
“Actually,” Dan begins, holding his hand out, stopping Phil. “I’d like to try something new today.”
Phil lifts his head up, surprised to hear this. He’s only known Dan a few days, but he knows from what PJ and Louise have told him that Dan never wants to try anything new. “Oh?”
“How about that Peppermint Mocha you were telling me about?” Dan asks.
Phil grins. “I think that would be perfect,” he says, and rings up a Peppermint Mocha for Dan. “Great. That will be five dollars and seventy five cents.”
“I’m sorry. That much for a drink?” Dan scoffs, but he gets out his money anyways. Ah, there’s the Dan that Phil knows. “Sounds a bit ridiculous if you ask me. The things I do for cute boys.”
Phil’s cheeks instantly turn bright pink, because he knows Dan is talking about him,  at least he thinks, and then he takes the six dollars from Dan, and quickly hands him back his change. He looks up at Dan again. “I’ll have your drink ready in a few,” he says. He turns around and starts working on Dan’s drink.
Phil makes Dan’s drink silently, and then he turns around and hands him his drink. “Peppermint Mocha, I really hope you enjoy your drink,” he says.
Dan’s grip tightens around the drink as he stares at Phil. “Yeah. I guess we’ll see,” he mutters, before turning and starting to head out the coffee shop without saying another word.
“Phil,” someone hisses. Phil looks over and blinks when he sees Louise standing by the employees door, looking unamused. “What on Earth are you doing? Go ask that boy on a date!”
Phil’s eyes widen, and he looks over at Dan, who’s about to exit the shop. He quickly hurries around the counter. “Hey Dan!” He shouts, before running over to him.
Dan blinks and he looks up at Phil. “Yeah?”
“Are you doing anything this Saturday?”
“Uhm,” Dan begins, and a smile on his face. “I don’t have any plans at the moment.”
Phil smiles back at him. “Well, how about we go see a movie together? I’ll buy dinner after,”
“Well, how can I say no to an offer like that?” Dan asks, and he laughs softly. “I’ll see you Saturday then?”
“Saturday it is. Here,” Phil says, and he pulls out a notepad, and he writes down his phone number, and hands it to Dan. “Text me later with your details. We’ll work something out.”
Dan raises his eyebrows as he takes the paper from Phil. “Of course you have a notepad in your apron,”
Phil huffs. “Don’t judge me. It comes in handy!”
Dan laughs, and he shakes his head fondly. “Whatever you say, nerd. I have to get to work before my boss yells at me for being late again. Thanks for the drink. I’ll let you know if I hate it,” he says, and winks at Phil, before finally walking out of the coffee shop.
Phil stands there staring at nothing, stunned, for a moment, because he has an actual date. With an actual boy. For the first time in who knows how long. “Holy shit,” he whispers, and then his eyes widen. “What am I going to wear?” He turns around and looks at Louise with terrified eyes.
Louise cheers, clapping for Phil. “Don’t worry, Philip. Louise is here to help,”
Phil can’t help but sigh in relief, because thank God for Louise.
Just a couple hours later, Phil gets a text from an unknown number ‘I didn’t hate the drink x’
Maybe Dan isn’t so much of a Grinch as Phil thought he was.
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doomedhowell · 3 months
we were never in the park (ignoring tornado warnings)
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57174091 title: we were never in the park (ignoring tornado warnings) rating: general word count: 1,255 summary: After Phil leaves Dan, Dan starts seeing a therapist. Then, Phil comes back, and Dan starts lying to his therapist about him.
Songfic: Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter
Dan should be getting better. He’s been going to therapy every Friday, talking to his therapist. He should be getting better, right? Maybe he hasn’t been completely truthful about his ex-boyfriend.
I'm lying to my therapist
I keep saying things like
"I never saw him and we never kissed"
“Can I see you tomorrow?” Phil asks when they’re in the parking lot, saying goodbye to each other. The weather is poorly, and Dan’s pretty sure there’s been a tornado warning they’ve ignored for the past fifteen minutes, too caught up in seeing each other.
Dan swore to himself that he wouldn’t let this happen again, but he spent the entire night with Phil, sitting together on the seesaw like they were giant kids, trying to talk about their feelings.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow is therapy day, and Dan has no idea what he’s going to say to his therapist, because she thinks he hasn’t been seeing Phil these past few months, that he’s been moving on when in reality, it’s the complete total opposite. Dan falls harder for him every time they see each other, which is the complete opposite of what he wanted. He told himself ages ago that he was over that son of a bitch.
I think he's onto me every time I say
"I'm over that son of a bitch"
I'm lying to my therapist
“I can’t,” Dan says, and he lets out a sigh. “I have therapy tomorrow.”
“Therapy?” Phil asks, frowning slightly. “When did you start doing therapy?”
When you broke my heart the first time and my friends told me I needed therapy when I fell into depression, is what Dan desperately wants to say, but that would be a little mean.
“It’s only been a couple months,” Dan lies quickly, shrugging his shoulders. He looks up at Phil. “I just needed to talk to someone about some issues. It’s nothing serious.”
“Okay then,” Phil says, though he doesn’t seem very convinced, but it’s not like Dan owes him anything, so he’s not going to say any more on the matter. “Text me when you get home.”
“I will,” Dan says, and he allows Phil to pull him into a hug, and Dan doesn’t want the hug to end, but it does too soon. Dan looks at Phil one last time before opening the car door, and climbing into his car. Dan glances up at the dark sky, and then he rolls down his window and looks up at Phil again. “Be safe driving. Looks like there’s bad weather.” He nods towards the sky.
Phil chuckles lightly as he glances at the sky as well. “Yeah, we probably should have left ages ago, huh?”
Dan shrugs. “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he rolls his window back up, and turns on his car.
The next morning, Dan spends about an hour debating on whether or not he wants to cancel therapy, because he feels guilty that he’s going to have to lie to her again. He’s just wasting her time.
An hour later, Dan finds himself in the therapist's office, waiting for his therapist to be ready for him, and he’s desperately hoping that she doesn’t bring up Phil today. Dan just wants an hour where he doesn’t have to think about the man. He deserves that. There’s plenty of other things they could be talking about.
“Dan, are you ready?”
Dan looks up from his phone, and sees Angelina standing outside her door, smiling at him. “Uh, yeah,” he quickly clears his throat and stands up, before walking into the office. He walks over and sits in the chair.
“How about that weather last night, huh?” Angelina chuckles, walking over to her desk and sitting down. She looks up at Dan. “I mean, I really thought we were getting a tornado. We dodged the bullet!”
“Yeah, I know,” Dan chuckles. He remembers getting home last night to his apartment and having to go to the bathroom with his dog because the tornado sirens had finally gone off. He’s honestly surprised that he managed to get any sleep last night with all the events that happened. “It was pretty crazy.”
“Yes, well it looks like we have much better weather today. So, what do we want to talk about today?”
Dan can’t help but sigh in relief. “I actually have a lot on my mind…”
Two weeks later is when Dan sees Phil again. They meet up again at their usual place. Dan tries to tell Phil that they can’t keep doing this, that this needs to end. It’s not fair to either of them, and Dan wants to move on, but he can’t with how often they see each other.
Phil disagrees, saying they should give their relationship another try.
“Phil, you hurt me!” Dan cries, getting up from the swing, wanting to walk away. “You put me through hell, and- and do you know how long it took me to get out of the depression I was in after you left?”
“I apologized!” Phil shouts back. “I- I don’t know what I was thinking… I got scared. You were talking about long-term goals and I’ve never been in a serious relationship like ours before. So, I broke it off.”
Dan turns, and looks at Phil. “You should have just talked to me before doing something so drastic,”
“I didn’t know what to say Dan,” Phil argues weakly.
“We could have figured it out together. That’s what couples do,” Dan says, and he stops, looking at Phil, unable to stop the tears from forming in his eyes. Dan never thought about the fact that maybe Phil just didn’t want to figure it out with him. “U- Unless you didn’t want to figure it out together.”
“No! No, it’s not that,” Phil shakes his head quickly, and steps closer to Dan. “I didn’t want to break it off in the first place. I told you, I was just scared of committing to what you were talking about. I know that was wrong of me to do, and I wish I could take it back every single day. I know I hurt you and lost your trust, but can’t you give me another chance? I can make things right,”
Dan sighs as he stares at Phil, and runs a hand through his hair frustratingly. He wants to forgive Phil, because he thinks they could make it work. But, he’s scared of getting hurt again. They were together for three full years before Phil broke it off with him, leaving him in the dark with no explanation. “Fine,” he says. “But we’re going to do this properly. We’re going to start all over, and you’re going to have to earn my trust back. If you can prove to me that you really want this, then I’ll forgive you. Deal?”
“Deal. I think that’s very fair,” Phil says, nodding.
“Okay,” Dan says, and he takes a deep breath, quickly wiping away a tear that slips out of his eyes. “Uhm, it’s- it’s getting a little late. Do you want a ride home?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Phil says, nodding. “Thanks.”
“Yeah,” Dan says, and he nods towards his car, before leading the way out of the park.
Dan’s not really sure where this relationship is going in the future, but he’s sure that anything can happen now if not even tornado warnings can stop them from seeing each other. He also maybe should cancel his therapy sessions.
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doomedhowell · 1 year
keep the glasses on
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48181816 title: keep the glasses on square fill: fluff for @phanfictionbingo rating: general word count: 1,046 summary: Dan has always been insecure about wearing his glasses in public, and he's kept it from his best friend for as long as he's had his glasses. Unfortunately one evening, his cover is blown when Phil stops by.
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doomedhowell · 1 year
skip all the small talk
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48441202 title: skip all the small talk square fill: trapped together for @phanfictionbingo rating: teen and up word count: 1,812 summary: AU in which Dan and Phil have hated each other for years, but when Dan takes a break and comes back to return to Vidcon, the two get stuck in an elevator together, and Dan learns that maybe he doesn't hate Phil Lester like he thought he did while trapped with him.
This fic was written for the @phandomgiftexchange and I wrote for @japhan2023. I chose to do the ___ to lovers option paired with a trapped in an elevator fic, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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doomedhowell · 1 year
airport meetings
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48141724 title: airport meetings square fill: strangers meeting for the first time for @phanfictionbingo rating: teen+ word count: 854 summary: Dan is having a bad start to his morning, and you would think a stranger crashing into him, literally, would make things worse, but actually, it makes Dan's morning somewhat better when Dan sees how attractive the man is.
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doomedhowell · 2 years
rainy days at the library
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44720305 title: rainy days at the library square fill: bookworm!dan rating: general word count: 1,770 summary: Even on rainy days Dan winds up at the library, but it's not so bad when his company is the cute librarian.
written for @phanfictionbingo​
Phil looks over when he hears footsteps, and sees one of his usual customers walk into the library, drenched in rain. It’s been storming all evening, with lightning and thunder going off every once in a while. It causes a slow day, not that Phil is complaining. That’s why Phil became a librarian, because it’s quiet, and gives him a chance to spend time with his books. He doesn’t deal with nearly as many people.
But, the curly brown haired boy who comes in every day is one person Phil doesn’t mind seeing.
“Not even the rain could keep you away, huh?”
Dan startles at the sudden voice, and he looks over at Phil, before his cheeks turn bright pink, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I, uh, I just got bored at home… you know? I-”
“It’s okay,” Phil chuckles softly. “You don’t owe me any explanation. Besides, not saying it’s a bad thing.”
Dan grins. “Yeah, from the looks of it, it kind of seems like you could use some company,” he says, taking his bag off his shoulder. He walks over and sets his bag on one of the tables.
“Yeah, it’s been slow today. I mean, not that that’s a bad thing for me,” Phil confirms with a nod. “But also, any sane person would stay home during a thunderstorm.”
“I’m not what you would call sane,” Dan retorts, trying to make a joke.
“Clearly,” Phil replies, a small smirk playing on his lips.
Dan scowls at that, and decides to ignore Phil’s comment then. He pulls two books out of his bag and he walks up to the counter. “I’d like to return these books,” he says.
“You finished these already? You just checked them out two days ago,” Phil says as he takes the books.
“Well, I mean, you can’t really be surprised I finished them already with the amount of time I’m in this damn library,” Dan replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I actually read my books, unlike most other people who probably just check them out and then forget them.”
“Fair point,” Phil agrees, nodding. “Did you enjoy the books at least?”
“I enjoyed them,” Dan confirms, smiling. “Now I just need to find some other books to read.”
“Well, if you need any help… you know where to find me,” Phil says, grinning up at Dan.
“Thanks,” Dan says, before walking back over to his claimed table. He sits down and pulls out his airpods as well as his phone, turning on his playlist made specifically for when he’s at the library. Quiet and calm, peaceful music that he can listen to when he’s either studying, doing homework or just simply reading.
Dan spends a bit of time doing his homework that’s due tomorrow for his English class. He’d completely forgotten about it and now he’s stuck doing it at the last minute.
The storm is getting heavier outside, causing the lights to flicker on and off.
Dan debates on whether or not he should start heading home, but it’s pouring rain outside and Dan doesn’t feel like getting drenched again. But, he has no clue when it’s supposed to stop raining.
Dan sighs quietly as he stares out the window, watching the rain, anxiety slowly coming through.
“I’m worried the power will go out before the library closes,”
Dan startles, and he looks over to see the librarian standing beside him. “The power?”
“Yeah,” Phil nods. “The lights were flickering on and off earlier. If the power goes out, we’ll be stuck.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?” Dan groans. “I can’t walk in this rain!”
“You walked here? Are you mad?” Phil exclaims, before shaking his head. “You can ride with me-”
“No, no way, I can’t ask you to do that-”
“Mate, it’s no problem at all. I’m not going to let you walk home alone in the rain,” Phil says. “Oh, I’m Phil, by the way. I thought maybe it would make you feel better if you knew my name.”
“I’m Dan,” Dan says, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Thanks. Uh, for offering.” He yelps when suddenly the lights go off. He groans, throwing his head back. “Well, that’s just great.”
“As long as the door didn’t automatically lock up, then we should be fine,”
Dan frowns as he watches Phil head towards the library doors. “I have a feeling you just jinxed us,”
“I didn’t jinx us,” Phil says, rolling his eyes. He goes to try and open the doors, but they don’t budge. “Okay, that’s fine. I have keys.” He walks over to his desk and opens his drawer. He instantly freezes when he sees that his keys are not where they’re supposed to be. “Well, that’s not good.”
“What do you mean that’s not good?” Dan asks, walking over to the desk. “You have the keys, right?”
“Uhm, not exactly,” Phil says, looking up at Dan. “But, it’s fine-”
“It doesn’t sound fine!” Dan exclaims, his eyes widening. “You’re telling me that we’re trapped here?”
“Look, we would have been trapped here anyways,” Phil argues. “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s still storming outside, and it’s not exactly safe to drive or walk in this kind of condition. Dan, don’t panic, okay? I’m just going to call Macy and she’ll come and unlock the doors.”
“Macy?” Dan asks, blinking. “Who the hell is Macy?”
“She’s the principal of the school. You know her better as Mrs. Conewell,” Phil explains.
“Well, okay. As long as you can promise that we’ll get out of here. I love the library, but I don’t exactly wanna be stuck here forever,” Dan mumbles.
“Don’t worry,” Phil tells him. He pulls out his phone, and is relieved that he still has service, so he quickly sends a message to Macy, asking for help. Phil sets his phone down and searches through his desk until he finds his flashlight. “It’s not much, but it’ll do until the power comes back on.”
“This isn’t exactly how I thought my Friday night would go,” Dan mumbles.
“Did you expect anything less when it’s storming outside?” Phil asks, raising his eyebrows at Dan.
“Well, I certainly didn’t expect this,” Dan retorts, huffing. “I can’t even do my homework.”
“You can, it’ll just be very difficult for you to do,” Phil replies with a grin.
Dan glares at him, but he can’t even stay mad at Phil when he’s got the goofy grin on his face. “Whatever. Do you have an extra flashlight? At least I can look through the books and try to find new ones to take,”
“No, but I can walk around with you,” Phil says, walking over to Dan. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
Dan shrugs his shoulders. “Doesn’t bother me. I like company,” he says.
“Most people who spend their time at libraries are quite the opposite,” Phil says as he starts following Dan towards the books. “You know, enjoying the quiet. Being away from people. I know I do sometimes.”
“Oh, definitely. But, I also don’t mind the company. I live alone and don’t have many friends,” Dan says.
“You live alone? How old are you?” Phil asks curiously.
Dan chuckles. “I’m eighteen. Moved out of my parents house as soon as I turned eighteen. I’ve had a job since I was sixteen so I’ve been saving up the money,” he says.
“Wow. I was not expecting to hear that about you, but… that’s good, that you want to be independent,” Phil says. “Which way are we going? I want to make sure I’m shining the light correctly.”
“Just point it in front of me. I don’t have a direction yet,” Dan tells him.
It’s quiet as Dan walks throughout the library, trying to find some new books to read, though it’s quite difficult for someone who is constantly checking out books from this library. Though Dan feels comfortable and safe knowing that Phil is with him, even if they aren’t exactly conversing with each other.
Eventually, Dan ends up going with two classics that he’s certainly already read multiple times but he’s been wanting to re-read the series again, so he picks up Twilight and The Hunger Games.
It’s like a miracle when the power comes back on, just as Dan had picked up his books.
Phil sighs in relief. “Let there be light,”
Dan giggles. “There’s light. But, are we able to leave?”
“What? Have you gotten sick of my wonderful company already?” Phil asks, smirking at Dan. He walks over to the door and opens it without a problem. He looks over at Dan, who sighs in relief. Phil chuckles, and makes sure to keep the door open with the doorstand. Just in case. “We’re free.”
“Oh! It looks like it’s finally stopped raining too,” Dan says when he catches a glimpse out the window.
Phil makes his way back over to Dan. “You know, I can still take you home, if you’d like,”
Dan hesitates, as he looks over at Phil. “I- I wouldn’t want to impose-”
“You’re not imposing,” Phil says, shaking his head. “I’m offering to take you home, because I care. It was just storming outside, and there’s a chance that you could still get sick from the weather. I can’t have one of my best customers out sick, can I?” He smiles sweetly.
“Well, okay. If you’re really sure. I can pay you back next time I get paid,” Dan assures him.
Phil shakes his head. “You don’t need to pay me back Dan,” he says. “Or-” He leans against his desk, trying to be smooth because he really wants to impress Dan. “You could let me take you out on a date.” He yelps when his hand slips, causing him to tumble over.
Dan instantly bursts into a fit of giggles. “You know what? Just for that, I’ll take you up on that offer,”
Phil perks up, and he looks at Dan. “Wait, really? I just made myself look like a-”
“So, I think you’re cute, Phil. You’re also really nice to me every time I come in here,” Dan says. “So, yes. I’ll go on a date with you. I’ll give you my number and you can text me the details?”
Phil smiles, relieved that Dan’s still willing to give him a chance. “Yeah. We can do that. I’m really looking forward to it,” he says. Even though it may have been raining all day and there were very few customers, at least Dan still showed up and turned Phil’s day around.
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