doomedhowell · 2 years
rainy days at the library
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44720305 title: rainy days at the library square fill: bookworm!dan rating: general word count: 1,770 summary: Even on rainy days Dan winds up at the library, but it's not so bad when his company is the cute librarian.
written for @phanfictionbingo​
Phil looks over when he hears footsteps, and sees one of his usual customers walk into the library, drenched in rain. It’s been storming all evening, with lightning and thunder going off every once in a while. It causes a slow day, not that Phil is complaining. That’s why Phil became a librarian, because it’s quiet, and gives him a chance to spend time with his books. He doesn’t deal with nearly as many people.
But, the curly brown haired boy who comes in every day is one person Phil doesn’t mind seeing.
“Not even the rain could keep you away, huh?”
Dan startles at the sudden voice, and he looks over at Phil, before his cheeks turn bright pink, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I, uh, I just got bored at home… you know? I-”
“It’s okay,” Phil chuckles softly. “You don’t owe me any explanation. Besides, not saying it’s a bad thing.”
Dan grins. “Yeah, from the looks of it, it kind of seems like you could use some company,” he says, taking his bag off his shoulder. He walks over and sets his bag on one of the tables.
“Yeah, it’s been slow today. I mean, not that that’s a bad thing for me,” Phil confirms with a nod. “But also, any sane person would stay home during a thunderstorm.”
“I’m not what you would call sane,” Dan retorts, trying to make a joke.
“Clearly,” Phil replies, a small smirk playing on his lips.
Dan scowls at that, and decides to ignore Phil’s comment then. He pulls two books out of his bag and he walks up to the counter. “I’d like to return these books,” he says.
“You finished these already? You just checked them out two days ago,” Phil says as he takes the books.
“Well, I mean, you can’t really be surprised I finished them already with the amount of time I’m in this damn library,” Dan replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I actually read my books, unlike most other people who probably just check them out and then forget them.”
“Fair point,” Phil agrees, nodding. “Did you enjoy the books at least?”
“I enjoyed them,” Dan confirms, smiling. “Now I just need to find some other books to read.”
“Well, if you need any help… you know where to find me,” Phil says, grinning up at Dan.
“Thanks,” Dan says, before walking back over to his claimed table. He sits down and pulls out his airpods as well as his phone, turning on his playlist made specifically for when he’s at the library. Quiet and calm, peaceful music that he can listen to when he’s either studying, doing homework or just simply reading.
Dan spends a bit of time doing his homework that’s due tomorrow for his English class. He’d completely forgotten about it and now he’s stuck doing it at the last minute.
The storm is getting heavier outside, causing the lights to flicker on and off.
Dan debates on whether or not he should start heading home, but it’s pouring rain outside and Dan doesn’t feel like getting drenched again. But, he has no clue when it’s supposed to stop raining.
Dan sighs quietly as he stares out the window, watching the rain, anxiety slowly coming through.
“I’m worried the power will go out before the library closes,”
Dan startles, and he looks over to see the librarian standing beside him. “The power?”
“Yeah,” Phil nods. “The lights were flickering on and off earlier. If the power goes out, we’ll be stuck.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?” Dan groans. “I can’t walk in this rain!”
“You walked here? Are you mad?” Phil exclaims, before shaking his head. “You can ride with me-”
“No, no way, I can’t ask you to do that-”
“Mate, it’s no problem at all. I’m not going to let you walk home alone in the rain,” Phil says. “Oh, I’m Phil, by the way. I thought maybe it would make you feel better if you knew my name.”
“I’m Dan,” Dan says, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Thanks. Uh, for offering.” He yelps when suddenly the lights go off. He groans, throwing his head back. “Well, that’s just great.”
“As long as the door didn’t automatically lock up, then we should be fine,”
Dan frowns as he watches Phil head towards the library doors. “I have a feeling you just jinxed us,”
“I didn’t jinx us,” Phil says, rolling his eyes. He goes to try and open the doors, but they don’t budge. “Okay, that’s fine. I have keys.” He walks over to his desk and opens his drawer. He instantly freezes when he sees that his keys are not where they’re supposed to be. “Well, that’s not good.”
“What do you mean that’s not good?” Dan asks, walking over to the desk. “You have the keys, right?”
“Uhm, not exactly,” Phil says, looking up at Dan. “But, it’s fine-”
“It doesn’t sound fine!” Dan exclaims, his eyes widening. “You’re telling me that we’re trapped here?”
“Look, we would have been trapped here anyways,” Phil argues. “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s still storming outside, and it’s not exactly safe to drive or walk in this kind of condition. Dan, don’t panic, okay? I’m just going to call Macy and she’ll come and unlock the doors.”
“Macy?” Dan asks, blinking. “Who the hell is Macy?”
“She’s the principal of the school. You know her better as Mrs. Conewell,” Phil explains.
“Well, okay. As long as you can promise that we’ll get out of here. I love the library, but I don’t exactly wanna be stuck here forever,” Dan mumbles.
“Don’t worry,” Phil tells him. He pulls out his phone, and is relieved that he still has service, so he quickly sends a message to Macy, asking for help. Phil sets his phone down and searches through his desk until he finds his flashlight. “It’s not much, but it’ll do until the power comes back on.”
“This isn’t exactly how I thought my Friday night would go,” Dan mumbles.
“Did you expect anything less when it’s storming outside?” Phil asks, raising his eyebrows at Dan.
“Well, I certainly didn’t expect this,” Dan retorts, huffing. “I can’t even do my homework.”
“You can, it’ll just be very difficult for you to do,” Phil replies with a grin.
Dan glares at him, but he can’t even stay mad at Phil when he’s got the goofy grin on his face. “Whatever. Do you have an extra flashlight? At least I can look through the books and try to find new ones to take,”
“No, but I can walk around with you,” Phil says, walking over to Dan. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
Dan shrugs his shoulders. “Doesn’t bother me. I like company,” he says.
“Most people who spend their time at libraries are quite the opposite,” Phil says as he starts following Dan towards the books. “You know, enjoying the quiet. Being away from people. I know I do sometimes.”
“Oh, definitely. But, I also don’t mind the company. I live alone and don’t have many friends,” Dan says.
“You live alone? How old are you?” Phil asks curiously.
Dan chuckles. “I’m eighteen. Moved out of my parents house as soon as I turned eighteen. I’ve had a job since I was sixteen so I’ve been saving up the money,” he says.
“Wow. I was not expecting to hear that about you, but… that’s good, that you want to be independent,” Phil says. “Which way are we going? I want to make sure I’m shining the light correctly.”
“Just point it in front of me. I don’t have a direction yet,” Dan tells him.
It’s quiet as Dan walks throughout the library, trying to find some new books to read, though it’s quite difficult for someone who is constantly checking out books from this library. Though Dan feels comfortable and safe knowing that Phil is with him, even if they aren’t exactly conversing with each other.
Eventually, Dan ends up going with two classics that he’s certainly already read multiple times but he’s been wanting to re-read the series again, so he picks up Twilight and The Hunger Games.
It’s like a miracle when the power comes back on, just as Dan had picked up his books.
Phil sighs in relief. “Let there be light,”
Dan giggles. “There’s light. But, are we able to leave?”
“What? Have you gotten sick of my wonderful company already?” Phil asks, smirking at Dan. He walks over to the door and opens it without a problem. He looks over at Dan, who sighs in relief. Phil chuckles, and makes sure to keep the door open with the doorstand. Just in case. “We’re free.”
“Oh! It looks like it’s finally stopped raining too,” Dan says when he catches a glimpse out the window.
Phil makes his way back over to Dan. “You know, I can still take you home, if you’d like,”
Dan hesitates, as he looks over at Phil. “I- I wouldn’t want to impose-”
“You’re not imposing,” Phil says, shaking his head. “I’m offering to take you home, because I care. It was just storming outside, and there’s a chance that you could still get sick from the weather. I can’t have one of my best customers out sick, can I?” He smiles sweetly.
“Well, okay. If you’re really sure. I can pay you back next time I get paid,” Dan assures him.
Phil shakes his head. “You don’t need to pay me back Dan,” he says. “Or-” He leans against his desk, trying to be smooth because he really wants to impress Dan. “You could let me take you out on a date.” He yelps when his hand slips, causing him to tumble over.
Dan instantly bursts into a fit of giggles. “You know what? Just for that, I’ll take you up on that offer,”
Phil perks up, and he looks at Dan. “Wait, really? I just made myself look like a-”
“So, I think you’re cute, Phil. You’re also really nice to me every time I come in here,” Dan says. “So, yes. I’ll go on a date with you. I’ll give you my number and you can text me the details?”
Phil smiles, relieved that Dan’s still willing to give him a chance. “Yeah. We can do that. I’m really looking forward to it,” he says. Even though it may have been raining all day and there were very few customers, at least Dan still showed up and turned Phil’s day around.
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Librarian!Phil Masterlist
between the lines (ao3) - dieofthatroar
Summary: Phil's a librarian at a local public library. Dan has nowhere else to go.
Birds (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil is a library volunteer who somehow ends up helping with a children’s activity. And as he’s working, he can’t help but notice the curly haired stranger who is really good with kids and really good at making him smile.
details of an asteroid (ao3) - dantiloquent
Summary: “If you think about it, aliens probably believe in us, too. We’ve got our own intergalactic cheerleaders.”
When Dan and Phil keep bumping into each other, they eventually give in to chance and start talking. Soon enough, Dan makes a home at the library Phil works at, and they talk about nothing and everything so often that there is no going back. The two survive the future just fine, until they learn the flaws of leaning the weight of your existence on someone else’s shoulders.
Figure My Heart Out - definitelythor
Summary: Dans a student with a massive crush on the university's librarian, and it's Valentines day
i can’t focus on what needs to get done (ao3) - obsessivelymoody
Summary: Phil works at a library and Dan’s a philosophy student.
If These Shelves Could Speak (ao3) - phandomestic
Summary: a slice-of-life-esque library au where dan has plans to study for an exam but a certain distraction by the name of hot librarian #1 gets in the way
just once to be lifted strong (ao3) - The_Blonde
Summary: "Maybe it is random. Maybe the lynx was just the next one waiting in line for its human and that human had happened to be Dan, awkwardly manoeuvring his way around the outskirts of situations while it prowled at his side. Or maybe it represented some inner part of Dan, golden and glowing, hidden somewhere amongst all the shadows, something that he could get to if he actually looked. Dan’s more inclined to go with the first one (though he’d considered the second one numerous times. It just wasn’t possible)."
Or: Dan is a boy with a missing anima. He finds a Phil instead.
make a wish when your childhood dies (ao3) - tinydragon (tiny_dragon)
Summary: Things could be going better for librarian Phil Lester. He’s discontent with his life and his job when an episode of accidental magic lands him in a seemingly different world, which nobody else seems aware of other than the neighbour he never knew he had, Dan Howell. Together, they must find a way to return home to their ordinary cities and lives, but there’s something about Dan that’s strange, in that he seems eerily similar to Phil’s favourite childhood storybook character.
Middle of Somewhere (ao3) - det395
Summary: Phil’s an apprentice at a library who is drawn to a regular visitor with fluffy hair and a questionable attitude
More Than Stanzas - mairieuxes
Summary: The hot librarian is a massive nerd and Dan just found his notebook filled with poems.
Scraps and secrets (ao3) - Writtenbyalonelynerd
Summary: Phil is a librarian, dan has nowhere to go during the summer holidays so decides to do some reading. Meets Phil and love grows from there.
Short Skirts and Candy Kisses (ao3) - tahliaisnotonfire
Summary: The boy had chestnut coloured hair and matching brown eyes, golden skin and pink succulent lips. His cheekbones were strongly put together and his jawline was at the perfect angle, complementing the boy’s features nicely. Phil couldn’t believe someone like this actually existed. The boy was young and his appearance seemed even more tempting as he was sucking on a lollipop. A fucking lollipop.
Also known as that AU where Phil works in a library and Dan wanders in one day wearing a short skirt looking for a book and Phil just can’t stay low-key.
teach me how to kiss (ao3) - cityscaped (touchofgold)
Summary: Dan is a typical notorious bad boy smoker who couldn't give a shit about anything. Phil is a quiet librarian nerd who spends too much of his time in an abandoned tower in school. After rumours were spread that Dan had slept with many girls, and his two friends finding about it, Dan's dirty little secret is exposed.
Dan has no idea how to kiss.
And what does he do? He gets kissing lessons from Phil.
Textbook Love (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: phil works at the library, and is more than happy to get to know the cute boy at the back of the room, even if he does play his music loudly.
The Boy Was Cute (ao3) - bookcallipitter
Summary: Library AU, Phil works at a library Dan attends often, but one day changes everything.
The Douchebag (ao3) - novastars
Summary: Phil works in a small library where a local douchebag keeps moving the books and putting them on the wrong shelves.
you’re warm (home) (ao3) - littledgykid
Summary: Dan is a miserable law student. Phil is getting his bachelor’s degree in library and information science. He’s getting work experience in the university library, where they meet. After Dan stays way past the closing time, they bond over their love for literature (and Oscar Wilde).
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lesbiancolumbo · 2 years
Phillip Raven has strong romance novel protagonist energy.
so true! and he looks like this so you just know he also emits strong "i-can-fix-him" energy
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dolokhoded · 2 months
dan was so down bad for phil in the emo librarian outfit that he didn't even react to him going "my name is [Dan]" i fear we've lost him
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tfnonsense · 13 days
Business Wabbit
On a normal work day, Alice could be described as a bespectacled svelte woman with brown hair in a high bun. Were she to have entered a library and declared herself its librarian queen, none would question her.
Were she try such a thing today, she would be deposed.
Alice subconsciously sashayed into the conferences room, her long, voluminous golden hair flowing behind her, and with no glasses on her face. She was voluptuous, and her figure was barely contained within a strapless pink bodysuit with a white, cottony bunny tail. 
The incomplete ensemble included sheer white tights over her legs, white cuffs, a white collar with a pink bowtie, and a headband with pink bunny ears. Missing were shoes, her feet only covered by her tights.
The black briefcase she carried looked somewhat out of place.
Three of her coworkers, Phil, Carl, and Vanessa, were already in the conference room. They were dressed in serious business suits for serious business people. As completely different as Alice looked, they recognized her immediately.
Alice raised her left hand as she set down her briefcase, her every move somehow looking like she was performing for an unseen camera. 
"I know, I know, this isn't appropriate workplace attire," she said wearily in a higher voice than normal. Her attire was actually a secondary concern in the minds of her colleagues, but they didn't interrupt. "This happened during lunch, and I haven't had a chance to do anything about it."
Carl's eyes lit up. "Lunch? Were you eating a carrot?!"
Alice shifted her weight and shook her head. "No, I think lettuce did this."
Carl's face sunk. "Lettuce?"
Vanessa shrugged. "It makes sense. Rabbits eat leafy greens. The part of carrots that rabbits actually eat is—“
Carl interrupted. “Alice is not a rabbit, she is a bunny girl!”
Phil sighed. “He’s really been hoping for bunny girl carrots.”
Alice put a hand on her hip. “I can tell you where I got the lettuce if you’re interested, Carl.”
“What, and eat it in a salad?”
“I guess?”
“No thanks.” Carl crossed his arms, pouting.
Vanessa pointed at Alice’s feet, her lips pursed. “Did the lettuce steal your shoes?”
Alice shook her head again. “High heels. I took them off immediately.”
Phil raised an eyebrow, a mild smirk on his face. “But you kept the ears?”
“The ears provide context,” Alice stated matter-of-factly. “Without them, this outfit is random nonsense.”
Vanessa nodded. “Makes sense.”
Phil looked skeptical.
“Lettuce,” Carl repeated, shaking his head.
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8bits-of-wingdings · 5 months
Today marks a sad day....
The school finally took down the interest board in the library made by the long gone older Tumblr-user students/volunteer librarians that had been standing proud since 2017.
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Circa 2017
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Circa 2024
I no longer get to start my day looking up into the awkward faces of Dan and Phil.
I no longer get to zone out into Sans Undertale's eye sockets whilst organising book displays.
I no longer get to move the world atlas to the side just a tad so that Freddy Fazbear and Charizard can be seen whilst doing my reshelving rounds.
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detroitlib · 6 months
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View of librarian at charge desk at the Chandler Park Branch Library, Detroit Public Library. Stamped on back: "Please credit photo by Phil Olsen. Thanks. Olsen Photographic, TO. 8-6230, LI. 7-4679. #10735. 11527 Jos. Campau, Detroit 12, Michigan." Typed on back: "Chandler Park Branch. 12800 Harper Avenue. Dedicated March 21, 1957."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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transitranger327 · 7 months
Magic the Gathering has so much good art, I want to know who your favorite artist is. Whether you actively collect them, seek out their versions of cards with lots of variants, or are on the top of your list to sign your cards.
There’s a lot of artists I couldn’t put in a poll, but I tried to have a mix of older and newer artists. Reblog with your faves!
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deadandphilgames · 2 months
i don't know if i've ever seen dan that flustered before like when he saw phil in the librarian outfit, like what the hell was that reaction
the sex must have been insane that day
i cant believe they were sponsored to show us their foreplay
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anarchy-and-piglins · 4 months
Veteran Techno + veteran Phil au
In a semi modern world but with a lot of typical Matt lore like hybrids etc. Phil and Techno fought together in an ambiguous war and afterwards, Phil moved to a small town and became a librarian and lives with Kristen. Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo are three kids he tutors at the library. Techno was captured in the war and was tortured and lots of angst. He is rescued/got out and eventually ends up in the same town as Phil.
Phil finds techno and sees his friend who he thought he was dead, changed and incredibly traumatized. (Also amputee techno??).
Could be dark Phil? Or maybe dark syndicate? Or maybe just a lot of healing.
Also Techno has a PTSD service dog named Apollo.
Throw in some amnesia on Techno's part and you have a real angst bomb /pos
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swiftlydnp · 2 months
right??? i think i've never seen dan so flustered like he was when phil came out in that librarian outfit, that reaction was insane, the sex must have been wild that day lol
love is real guys
it was crazyyyy like doing all that in front of a camera likeee😭😭
dan stand up (although i completely get it i mean look at phil)
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qsmpficsarchive · 1 month
Whispers of Tales and Wings by Bag3l
Ongoing | G | 9,647
Fairytale Retellings | Crow Phil | Beauty and the Beast Inspired
Missa is the youngest son of a poor librarian, his older brother takes a book order and disappears for two months, when Missa returns he realizes that has to make a decision and ends up in the castle of a greedy beast.
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4thebedrockbros · 6 months
Hear me out ...
Spy × Family - A SBI AU
Philza " Phil " Minecraft as Loyd Forger
Alias : Phil Watson , the best spy in the country
Age: unknown, above 35
He has abandoned everything about his past to work for his country as an undercover spy under the codename " The Angel of Death ".
For his new mission , he's required to adopt a child and marry someone to access his target J. Schlatt .
An easy mission , he just has to remember not to get attached.
Tommy Innit as Anya Forger
Alias : Thomas " Tommy " Watson , a mind-reader
Age : 10 ( pretends to be 12 )
Tommy is a government experiment that escaped into the outside world . Getting adopted as been hard for him , with people thinking he's " too much " to handle .
When a spy adopts him , he know his life is about to get 1000% cooler . He just has to hide his power to not get caught again , easy peasy .
Technoblade as Yor Briar Forger
Alias : Techno Watson , an assassin
Age : Above 30
(this one I changed the most about)
After loosing everything in the war , Techno was hired and trained by " The Pit " to become an assassin, his goal is to get rid of the corrupted government .
Working as a librarian on the side , people around him start to get suspicious of the lonely man with one too many scar .
So when that blond guy ask him to marry him , he just agrees thinking people will get off his back if he has a kid and a husband.
Not like he wants to actually be friend with the guy . Or actually like the kid .
J. Schlatt as Donovan Desmond
Aka Phil's target
Age : Above 45
Asshole politician with dumb policies .
Tubbo Underscore as Damian Desmond
Aka Tommy's target
Age : 12
A genius kid trying to impress his dad to finally be noticed
He just wants him to love him , even just a little bit .
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
3k-5k Words Fics (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
A Nun and A Priest: You Get Me Closer to God (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: When Dan dresses up as a sexy nun for Halloween in America, he finds himself longing for a sexy priest.
and the days after that (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: He can hear Dan’s voice coming down the hall, laughing with someone from the crew, and it makes his breath stop in his chest.
(doomed tour usa, autumn 2022)
cat bells (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: The catboy photoshoot, except it all goes weirdly wrong because Phil accidentally bought Dan a magic cat costume off the internet. Oops.
🌸 cherry blossom 🌸 (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It had been a silly dream at first. The idea to have a cherry blossom tree in their garden they didn't even have yet. It hadn't felt like it was something that would really happen.
But it was real. Dan was watching their tree, Phil's arms around him, and hoping they would get to see its first bloom soon.
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
Comfort in Chaos (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil wakes to Dan having a nightmare that he struggles to rouse him from. It later transpires that there is a reason behind his unsettled and panicked behaviour.
DreamCasts Presents (ao3) - SummerFlingsAndThings (QueenJunoTheGreat)
Summary: Phil's son is obsessed with the faceless man who narrates audiobooks.
Dan's daughter is obsessed with the brightly dressed librarian in charge of the children's department.
And Dan and Phil? Well, they're a little obsessed with one another.
easy for you to say (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: Phil tries to convince Dan to throw away the grey shirt. Dan can’t do it.
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
growing up or just going down (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is 15 years old today. He's going to have the best birthday of his life, to kick off the best year of his life.
hard launch at last (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: “Maybe the exact right moment won’t ever present itself.” Dan can feel himself hurtling towards some cosmic revelation as they stand here on a sandy beach in Portugal, the ocean bringing out the blue in Phil’s eyes.
home renovations (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil is a new homeowner with a knack for getting himself into awkward situations around cute guys. Dan is a builder who's always working on renovations around Phil's house. What could go wrong?
(An alternate meeting YouTuber Phil/builder Dan AU.)
I know you, hands under my sweatshirt (ao3) - midorijpg
Summary: “How are you?”
It's with an undertone of fear that he dares ask that, as always, even if he knows that he’s lucky if Dan even decides to answer. And as he imagines, Dan just tilts his head, looking at him as if lost in thought, swinging the bottle with his hand before just resting it on the floor.
“Make room,” he just says.
“I said, make room.”
or, something something about having bad days and growing up and realizing you don't (completely) fit in couches anymore.
in this smoking chaos (ao3) - writingcollective
Summary: Dan bottoms for the first time, not being able to shut down his inner demons that whisper internalised homophobic thoughts into his ear. But Phil guides him through it, somehow.
Like a cicada rhythm. (ao3) - emmibug
Summary: every night they share the same bed, legs twisted together, arms holding each other close. dan and phil haven’t grown up from their childlike sense of friendship which leads people to believe there’s something deeper going on.
a dan and phil childhood best friends to lovers AU where they share the same bed and always have done.
Magi (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: Dan doesn’t know how he hadn't thought about a gift for Phil yet. Phil is still feeling a little weird about how much he spent on Dan’s gift.
A fic about coincidence and sacrifice.
Neighbourly Nook (ao3) - wednesday_ukiru
Summary: The stranger had a dimple on his cheek that appeared when he laughed.
“I’m Dan,” he said, extending his hand. Phil reached for it with extreme eagerness, their knuckles knocking together in a particularly painful way, and they both winced, but Dan immediately broke into a smile. “I don’t know why I offered you a handshake, I never know how to do them.”
Revolving Door (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Phil really doesn’t want to think about what Dan said. He really would like to leave, and take this strangled feeling elsewhere. But he can’t stop listening to Dan’s song.
so american (ao3) - ae121
Summary: Phil has been living in London for a year and thinks he's gotten pretty used to the city. He works part-time at a bookstore, using it at first to gain some friends, now it's just fun for him. His friends are constantly trying to find him someone to date, but all of his dates don't go well.
Well, that's until he met Dan.
Sunshine on the street at the parade (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a Pride Parade.
so good (ao3) - grievingwarwidow
Summary: dan gets a piercing
since i wrote you last (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan and his letters to Santa over the years.
The Knight of Wands (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil had always had dreams that he couldn't quite comprehend and a certain intuition about what was truly important for his future.
They fade to nothing when I look at him (ao3) - phasamtasie
Summary: Arriving in the kitchen Phil made himself his one cup of coffee he allowed himself on weekend days and stared out the window lost in thought, so it took him a few seconds to register why the light had seemed so much brighter than usual at 8am. With childish delight he saw that it had snowed overnight, and not just the usual UK dusting where one could still see the grass underneath but a proper snow, coating everything outside in a bright white.
Dan and Phil go sledging.
trouble between you and i (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Phil can't stand the silence for another moment. "I don't want to break up," he says.
Weight on my Shoulders (ao3) - ByTheFire
Summary: When Phil starts getting some unexpected gifts from his dad he starts to worry if he knows something he is not ready to share. Thankfully Dan is there to make it all a bit less scary. All Phil can hope is his dad doesn't want to change who he truly is.
when i walk in the kitchen, my heart hits the floor (ao3) - aura_sky
Summary: a phivorce fic
based on the Renee Rapp song (In the Kitchen)
Dan walks into the kitchen and he misses Phil.
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tma-ficrec · 1 month
hi!!! I know you haven’t been very active recently but I was hoping to get some help finding my favorite fic if you happen to see and get around to this. no worries if not!!
it’s a jonmartin fic that takes place in an alternate universe where jon works as a librarian and martin works in a sandwich shop. jon has a daughter named philomena, or phil for short, and they meet when she runs off and hangs out at the sandwich place with martin for a bit. there aren’t any dread powers, but there are leitners, and the story kicks off when jon receives a collection of them from sasha that used to belong to the keays.
I’ve looked for it so extensively that I’m worried it might’ve been deleted, but I’m holding out hope that I just missed it!! if you or anyone else seeing this can help, I’d really appreciate it, thank you in advance
*crawls from the pits of hell* I KNOW EXACTLY WHICH FIC YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AND NOT ONLY IT ISN'T DELETED BUT IT'SA MASTERPIECE. From all @organchordsandlightning's fics, this one has a SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART
Knowledge is Power (but Love won't Hurt) by SupposedToBeWriting. 156k. Complete. Rated M. Single Parent AU. AU - No fears, only Leitners
Jonathan Sims is a single father and the sole librarian of the most disorganized library in existence. Martin Blackwood's life has entered a new chapter but he can't seem to find the plot. Jon's daughter causes a chance encounter that throws them inexorably into one another's lives. As Jon receives a strange shipment of rare, peculiar books, he realizes that his life is only about to grow more complicated - and more dangerous.
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nomsfaultau · 18 days
Fault crew in nightvale :D
Nightvale of course bristles against interlopers, but this time the discrimination is that they’re new in town, not that they’re anomalous. Progress! And obviously if Nightvale decides to keep them there’s not much the crew can do to leave, so eventually they might even settle into a proper place in the town. Having like actual jobs and homes is crazy for The Blade and Wilbur. They’re remarkable only insofar as they’re something new to gossip about, which is a game changer. Everyone is very skittish of Carlos at first bc of the Foundation, and would probably murder Dr. Janey Lubelle if she’s around when they’re there. The Dr. Blake vibe is just too much.
Tommy as an intern bc hello red shirt! In a purely goof sense I can just picture that because everything is so insanely dangerous, he can just try to pet Khoshekh at the end of each shift and The Blade is instantly summoned. This is how he gets a ride back home. Tommy is likely in the most in danger due to having minimal protection and being nosy. Immediately tries to break into the dog park because he wants to see puppers.
While happy to finally be able to walk in broad daylight, The Blade is NOT pleased with the government surveillance state and corruption and has declared war on the night vale city council. Him and Sheriff Sam are beefing hard. It’s ON SIGHT. There’s probably a plot where he tries to take down the Nightvale government and due to a random old law somehow ends up mayor and hates it. Excited to meet John Peters, you know, the farmer, and is extremely disappointed about the invisible corn. Not sure how a Huntokar and The Blood God meeting would go but I think they should. Like…a protector who is a destroyer, do you get me.
On the other hand, city council is really mad at Tubbo for all the forbidden secrets they’re just randomly stumbling across bc of the omnipresence of the swarms. Tubbo gets locked up in the radon canyon like every other day and Phil breaks them out whenever they get board of watching HBO. Tried to follow along with one of Earl Harlan’s cooking segments and got very disturbed, but Wilbur just followed the recipe not aware anything was abnormal. Plus in Tubbos’ backstory there IS an old woman Josie reference, so it’s possible they already know her and she has been using their honey in recipes for years.
Parallel between the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home and the half faceless young man who secretly lives in no home is fascinating. She keeps leaving him like centipedes in his drawers or whatever and it just goes ‘oh nice a snack’ which probably irks her. Likes hanging with the glow cloud bc the ambient lighting stops the void, who is itself pretty chuffed with all the dead animal carcasses
Philza got a letter for jury duty during Hiram McDaniel’s trial and blew it off bc he was dealing with the Foundation. I think he’d be very chill with Josh Crayton, bonding over different forms and getting stuck in a form you didn’t plan on. Impressed with Tamika Flynn’s Librarian wrangling as a teen, though is more supportive of people growing and changing interests than Cecil dreaming of the glory days. And uhhh technically he’s responsible for the death of many nightvale interns since in chapter Phthalo I used wtnv interns to name Foundation employees. Possibly interesting implications if Chad Bowinger, Maureen Johnson, and Kareem Nazari went to work for the Foundation at some point…?
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