thelegacyofgreyleaf · 7 months
Stories from Kyoguild #1
The Falcon Takes Flight
By Eveline Brooks
As the young tiefling girl comes to, all she can hear is the ringing in her ear from the initial explosion, the cracking and popping of the engulfing flame around her. A glowing red light is all she can see as what was once her home is suddenly falling to ruin around her. The elegant spires and structures of this methodically constructed monastery, which once would bustle with life of all shapes and sizes, is fracturing as the wood that makes up the structures splinters and pops in the inferno.
Yavari looks around at her surroundings. Dazed, she is able to make out the blue glow of the gem at the end of her staff. Being on the ground, she crawls through the rubble and debris to her staff. Upon grabbing it, the gemstone projects three glowing orbs that emit a golden aura. A shadow can be seen, they are tall, muscular, and massive. A boar-kin maybe? No. A half-orc.
The orcish figure exclaims, “Raeburn! Over here!” Yavari dashes out of the collapsing building as it comes crashing down. Upon stepping out of the blaze, she falls to her knees. Before her body is pulled to the ground by gravity’s magnetic force, she is grabbed by her shoulders and is pulled to her feet.
“What were you thinking? You could have been killed.” He says.
“My apologies, Archdruid Torrig.” She mutters barely. “The children. The fire. It was too much. It was too far late by the time we arrived.” Yavari releases a sigh as she falls unconscious.
Torrig looks up, with his student cradled in his arms, to watch the building crumble. As he gazes at the support beams, he thinks of the times his tutor would bring him to this temple to practice druidcraft and the Druidic language. The walls and books marked only by Druidic sigils. Each one, more unique and intricate than the last. They all give off a powerful, mystical feeling that only those who draw power from nature itself can understand. “Who could do such a thing?” He says, and as Torrig reminisces on the times of old, lightning strikes.
As the flash fades quickly out of the darkened night sky which is lit by the surrounding flames. An arrow pierces the back of Torrig. He lets out a mighty roar through his jagged asymmetrical tusks. His roar booms throughout the monastery, even after he’s stopped it continues to echo off the enflamed walls.
Torrig falls to his knees as a hooded figure, slim and tall, steps closer and closer to his back. With one quick motion and a second strike of lightning, the assailant plunges a jagged dagger into the back of the Archdruid.
Once again, the mighty half-orc lets out a roar that echoes the surrounding forest. Now his thoughts go from his childhood and upbringing, to his son. Now realizing that if he were to give up, he would lose everything. He wouldn’t be able to raise his son.
Torrig picks up his mace and swings it faster than any creature should be allowed to swing a weapon of such mass. The hooded assailant’s legs get shot out from underneath them. Yavari’s unconscious body falls out of his arms and naturally rolls into a tall bed of flowers. The patch of flowers are tall enough to completely engulf her.
The assailant mutters, “so long” As a wave of purple and gold energy blast is released from his hand, sending Torrig flying into the side of the building. The assailant stands up and looks around. “Raeburn!” He draws a blood red sword. The blade, slightly curved back to slice through it’s prey. The sword emits a dark mystical aura, one that could never be natural. “Ya-vaa-riii!” He calls out. “Damn, she got away. Who knows, maybe the inferno consumed her.” As he begins to walk away, Yavari regains consciousness.
Before getting out of the flowers, Young Raeburn simply asks one word: “Torrig?”
The hooded figure turns around with haste, a magical wind lifts him by the cloak and drops him on the bed of flowers. He raises his cursed blade and slashes through the flowers. As the flowers begin to rapidly decay and fall, there is no sign of Yavari. The only living being left is a single Falcon flying away.
The Falcon flies enough away to land on a tree, she turns back into herself. And there she is, Young Yavari Raeburn. Having lost it all, she begins to simply cry. As she does, the leaves begin to close in around her. The leaves contain her in what could only be described as a cocoon. Occasionally, her cries can be heard around the tree. And there, she waits, for whoever wills to get her down and help her resolve the murder of her tutor and the destruction of her home. Yavari hasn’t given up before. She never loses hope. She never loses faith in the nature of the world. But now, she’s at least questioning it.
“What could I have possibly done?”
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dexter-by-designation · 11 months
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This actually feels pretty finished. I'm happy with it. Explanations below the cut.
In mid-ground I have a custom designed Cloud Dragon from Pathfinder, a variant which I would call a Sunset Dragon. To the photographer-right of this image are 2 kobolds (presume the designs of any ancestry are for a non-Golarion world; I've tweaked some physiologies to create differentiation from humans.) who hold the role of non-villain antagonist of this first arc for the party. I tend towards a slightly dog-ish face for kobolds in reference to their original design from 1st Ed D&D (I think that's where that comes from), plus, it gives them some appearance space from lizard-folk.
From photographer-left I have two wood-elf siblings (don't know If I want high-elves on the planet). All of the fey races I have determined will have three primary fingers, because I like the number (this include dwarves and gnomes; No halflings here, I have a hard time seeing what sets them apart from gnomes). The Stout young man in green and bronze is a dwarf, too young to have grown more than stubble yet, though I may change that to be he shaved to fit uniform requirements for the human legion. The devil-spawn next to him uses the human ancestral template, hence the four primary fingers.
Names from Left to Right:
Ech'Lialla; Teh'Lialla; Torrig; Creed; Dragon-Hrek'Dhel'Lhav'Etk; The Kobold Queen Hres'Kel'Tek; Kobold Prince Hrek'Ged;
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Dodekalitten in Torrig, Denmark A monumental ring of enigmatic stone sculptures with inlaid electronic musical sounds stand in a hidden coastal area of the island Lolland. The name stems from Dodekalith, which means “Twelve Stones” in Greek. Each of these massive, imposing sculptures is roughly seven to nine meters high and weighs between 25 to 45 metric tonnes. Sculptor Thomas Kadziola envisioned this work as something of a contemporary Nordic temple. The work is still in progress, but the artist has said in a public statement, “When all 12 figures are finished, they will hopefully mirror lived lives others will recognize themselves in. My hope is that the finished Dodekalith will stand as a kind of zodiak of life.”  Standing at the center of this circle of giants as the ambient “singing” washes over you is truly a surreal experience, one meant to invite contemplation and introspection. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/dodekalitten
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politirapporten · 2 years
MARIBO: En bil i tomgang kan godt irritere nogen mennesker - det er dog sjældent at nogen hidser sig så voldsom op, som en 75-årig mand gjorde torsdag eftermiddag. En 75-årig mand fra Torrig L. blev tilsyneladende meget vred over at en 73-årig kvinde i går, klokken 13.32 på Jernbanegade i Maribo, holdt stille mens bilen kørte i tomgang – i stedet for at slukke. Manden overdængede kvinden med skældsord og spyttede hende tilsyneladende også i ansigtet. Manden blev efterfølgende sigtet for vold. Der er ikke nogen faste regler for om hvorvidt en bil må køre i tomgang - eller hvor længe. Det er den enkelte kommune som fastsætter reglerne for tomgang, og her er der vide rammer, idet der i nogen kommuner er 1-3 minutters tilladt tomgang - og enkelte hvor der slet ikke er nogen regler omkring tomgang.
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Torri Gate to Divided Worlds by TheTimeTheSpace Today I’ve got another shot that needs revisiting. What I’ve always liked about this shot is how the Torri Gate separates the golden sunlight from the deep blue of dusk. The previous edit was once again overdone and had a lot of issues with gradient transitions and color on the edges. This time I left it darker and made sure all the color transitions were clean https://flic.kr/p/2mJ6d4j
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michaelsnowdon · 4 years
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< MOR//2021 > < 18//HOME > From beneath the Temple gate, Sarugami waves Kabuto home. @chocolatesoop #marchofrobots2021 @marchofrobots #createwithxencelabs #robots #robot #robotsindisguise #art #drawing #omgrobots #robotart #robotsketch #universalrobots #torrigate #samurai #mecha #blossom #characterdesign #artwork #mech #robotspirits #scifiart #illustration #robotsofinstagram #morethanrobots #conceptart #home https://www.instagram.com/p/CMnCSb4MYjK/?igshid=v3ovduhkk3u5
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methos3h · 5 years
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I forget to get this uploaded :( ~ As some of you noticed I was working on this #illustration as a part of my #excitement for my #trip to #japan ~ Things got crazy! If you would like to know more check out my least blog link in my bio ~ Methos' Letters EP11 | Not dead? Watch, like and comment on the #youtube video https://youtu.be/ej7ZSuMq0DE ~ I will posting #photos of my trip soon and a video talking about my trip. ~ #pacificnorthwest #filmmakerslife #studentlife #travel #Tokyo #torrigate #vlog (at Vancouver, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNsVwqJ_VN/?igshid=tvxz5cr6iw79
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universaltorrigs · 6 years
What are your muse’s famous last words
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“I... I don’t know what brought me to that... but I won’t go down without a fight!”
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eva-forsyth-opoc · 6 years
Out of Hiatus- May change
Hey everyone. I am caught up and hope you will all forgive me for not being on so much.  I will be back for now and caught up, but depending upon schedule I may be just a semi-active blog. THough I am going to try and on days off do posts and take advantage of the queue. 
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echoinglegends · 7 years
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Here is one of the characters that is a part of the d&d campaign I’m running called Nightmare in Elyria.
His name is Torrig Stonebeard, our Dwarven Cleric of Sune. Growing up in a competitive Dwarven society, where people are stepping on others to get what they want, Torrig was just about the kindest soul in the Dwarven Capital City of Eralin. He never raised a hand against his fellow dwarves (or any other living thing, for that matter). In his world of treachery and hurt, he was a beacon of kindness and compassion. So when the surface world of Elyria was being threatened by some evil magic-user, Torrig was quick to sign up to aid against this “Convergence”. The surface world was head first in battle, many races and cultures had joined together to fight this horde of demons, elementals, and souls of the past, but Torrig was far from the front lines. He would heal all who needed it, showing the love of his Goddess the best he could. It wasn’t until an elven woman was brought to his healing table that his world changed. He didn’t even get her name, only her station and how beautifully and madly he was in love with her. When he went back home, his parents did not approve of his choice, but Torrig was insistent. They had a falling out and Torrig left his home to find his true love, never looking back.
If you would like to have one commissioned for your character or a friend’s character, I’m still setting things up, but feel free to message me and ask me questions.
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sunflowershine03 · 5 years
“Hey, so you wanna know who we all are, eh? Listen up!”
Misfits. That’s what we are. Just a quartet of misfits that somehow collided with each other.
Take Torrig as an example.
Ah yes, big strong and slightly blue dragonborn. Perfect fighter!! He was NOT always like that let me tell you something. Heard of the Polymorph spell? Yeeaaaahhhh guess who got hit with that.
Used to be human as far as he told us. Killed the guy who cursed him and ran away from his village, apparently they didn’t take too kindly to magic there. Became a hired sword for a little and BOOM! He met us.
Next one! Talia, the vertically challenged half-elf.
She’s a cleric. Cute, a little like a squishy wizard in a physical fight... only a fair one. If she has an advantage she will exploit the hell out of it and I am scared.
Her small... do you call it a covenant? Eh. Whatever. Her clerical group was sent a sign for someone to leave via a death every night until someone did (best godly patron. god of the year) and guess who decided to steal a horse and a morning star and vamoose? That cleric. Somewhere along the line she lost the horse, met us, and now we’re here on a wagon. It’s not fun.
Okay enough about the adorable ball of demons lets talk about the dwarf. He’s Briggolf.
Apparently he’s a thief? He’s done less stealing and more getting caught so I wouldn’t know, we had to break him out of jail several times in the past week! Chronic kleptomaniac I think. But that’s why he’s here, for stealing your belt from off your pants!
His story’s more generic. He got caught stealing from some veerrryyyyy important and was exiled. Or something. Oh he also lies a lot that story has varied from stealing a horse to sleeping with a captain’s daughter to all SORTS of things, it’s hard to keep track!
...oh. And then there’s me. I’m not very special aside from a spell book here. Oh yeah, I’m Alex.
I’m your stereotypical 18 year old. Buuuut I’m not exactly from around here, you see. I hail from a distant land called Terra! Or Earth, if you want to oversimplify it!
You know you’d think whatever gods run this hellhole would pick some plucky 16 year old kiddo with hopes and dreams and ideals and a will to live and or change the world! Nope. Some guy at a retail store at 10pm was apparently teh best candidate to be flung into this... probably mid-15th century medieval world and plonked some spells onto. I don’t know, I remember something about a predetermined destiny and that’s it!
How did we all meet? I was unconscious for most of it but it had something to do with goblins, fire, and someone’s friend died. It was weird.
So, that’s the crew. Now... who exactly are you?
( @givethispromptatry woop here we go! have some first-person exposition)
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communistcat666 · 6 years
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hasancakir · 8 years
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#fushimiinarishrine #torrigates #kyoto #japan #travel (at Kyoto, Japan)
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universaleva · 6 years
Continued from Here
 “Ah…hey don’t get sad! I didn’t know that happened to you.” She quickly patted her back a little trying to cheer her up. “I hate that it happened to you like that. I’m not going to ask anymore if you don’t want to.”
Eva shook her head and gave a small smile, “It’s okay. It was bound to happen...” And that was true. She had had plenty of visions about being betrayed, and every time Sadan would handle them. But the young woman should’ve realized sooner that her luck would run out and one betrayal would slip past her gift of foresight. “I was just lucky Torrigs and Sadan acted fast and got us out of there in time.” 
She looked up from her mug to Mira, “The truth is I didn’t really have what it took to be a captain, ya know?” Deep down, she knew that, but there was a fear of what would happen to her if she wasn’t one. The fear of being used again, treated like a tool and not a person. She had vowed never to let another “Kreetch” into her life. At first, she thought the only way to avoid that was to be her own leader, but she was wrong. Gazing down at her cup again the small smile on her lips grew, “But you know, I am happier now. I am with a crew I actually trust, I feel safe, a-and,” a small blush came to her cheeks, “I have an amazing captain.”  
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Eva realized she was rambling a bit and her blush turned to one more of embarrassment, “T-that’s a bit much about me, Teehehe,” She scratched the back of her head as she gave her small embarrassed chuckle, “T-tell me more about how you have been, or about yourself. We didn’t really get to talk much last time we met.”
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An art challenge for myself
Send me: name gender main 3 traits and species An i shall make you a character ok of that for example i did almost the same thing with the oc torrigs ( created by @ask-captain-forsyth) and made this in result
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Good? i like to think so. Send as much as possible and i shall draw as soon as humanly possible,
i have fucking zero asks send them. I do not care how many. Send thoughs asks and have good day and remember dont be a debil!
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kawaicherrypi · 4 years
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Exposed wood torri gate at Fushimi Inari Kyoto ⛩⛩⛩ I love when you feel you know a place well as it is photographed so often but you then find a different perspective . . . #photographylovers #travelphotography #travelholic #japan #japanphotography #japaneseshrine #fushimiinari #fushimiinarishrine #fushimiinarishrine⛩ #traditionaljapanesearchitecture #traditionaljapan #kyoto #kyototrip #wanderlust #wanderlusting #wanderlusttribe #amateurphotography #solofemaletraveler #redorange #torri #torrigate #differentperspective #differentperspective #japantemple⛩ #photographersofinstagram #wanderlustphotography #japannaturelovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CEym7KyDKrE/?igshid=hze69gqazg69
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