#totally harmless ;)
More penpals! More, more! We demand additional penpals to console us in this Jonathan drought.
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little-blind-a-qing · 4 years
I found this laptop just lying around and it had this website open so I figured I’d give it a go! 
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yessoupy · 5 years
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yellow - you take a nap.
a self-insert fic based on a dream. imagine it yourself. 307 words.
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21 questions
Tagged by @rockmarina and @drarrymylove thank you =)
Rules: answer these 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Fleet or Shippy lately =) 
Height: Just got measured today at the doc actually and it was 160cm =) (or at least I think that’s what she said...)
Last movie I saw: Dumplin’ (had to go digging in my netflix history for that...I don’t watch movies often...)
Last thing I googled: ‘hypnagogic hallucinations‘ fun fact, I have this and the meds I was put on for my insomnia make it worse to the point I experience it nightly and sometimes multiple times in one night....talk about counterproductive to increase the incidence of vivid sensory hallucinations on the brink of falling asleep when you’re actually trying to improve the falling asleep stage to improve insomnia...cos lemme tell you, nothing helps me fall asleep like vividly hallucinating someone standing over me, or the sound of my door handle rattling, or a motherfucking insect of some type crawling across my pillow towards my face, or a hand coming out of the wall above my head...and so on and so forth...and it takes forever for me to accept what I saw wasn’t real and try to sleep again...wide awake and still freaked out...thought for ages they were night terrors but you don’t wake up or remember night terrors XD
...so I only just found out my insomnia meds were making this worse...I needed to vent...apparently
Favourite musician: no one atm, just listening to epic music mixes on youtube
Song stuck in my head: none, thank fuck
Other blogs: are where I escape to when the drarry fandom becomes toxic, so NOPE
Do I get asks: YAH, but they mostly consist of people nagging and whining and trying to bribe me into putting Restraint back up so I mostly just delete them right away unless I want to make a point of them or I’m having a bad day and vent by responding spitefully. But I do also get some lovely messages of support and that’s nice, oh and the very occasional ask screaming about one of my fics (love those =D)
Following: 172 (did a huuuuuge unfollow spree when I moved my larger multi-fandom experience to a new account, was 500 before XD big purge)
Amount of sleep: never enough and never restorative XD see a ways above, I vividly hallucinate when I’m on the brink of falling asleep and then frighten myself awake again XD I should just have an IV of caffeine and never sleep XD that sounds perfect
Lucky number: no clue, but I like even numbers and generally don’t like odd numbers (except 5, and I tolerate 3 and 1)
What I’m wearing: sleeveless top and billowy light pants (IT’S SOOOOO HOT) and socks with little cacti on them that are very cute =D
Dream job: I just want to get well enough to be able to do anything that can bring me financial stability (or, you know, the ability to afford basic needs) without making my fibromyalgia worse. I would love to do something I can do from home =)
Dream trip: Travelling is a new hell for me now XD but I would still love to see so many places in the world. Historical and sciency locations mostly =) I would also really like to go to Chatham Island to see the Rakau Momori on the kopi trees before they’re all gone. 
Favourite food: since it’s summer all I can think about right now are summer fruits XD all the berries and stone fruits are finally affordable and I AM LOVING IT and I’m staying at my mum’s for the weekend while she goes away, so I am going to obliterate her blueberry and strawberry crop muahahahahaha 
Play any instruments: I used to play the piano but it’s been many years now since I have had access to one.
Languages: Just English, though I would love to learn a new language =)
Favourite songs: Into Darkness - Thomas Bergerson, Sound of Silence (J2 and Disturbed are my fav covers), Dead V (vocal ver.) - Nightcall ft Dreamhour (names have changed tho I think)  Rise - Boyce Avenue (still haven’t heard the original and still not interested XD)
Random fact: The Aussies just made a dumb advertising joke about merging with NZ into one country and calling it New Australia. We are not impressed. Cheeky buggers.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: ummmmmmmmmmm  ??? do what now? How does one describe themselves as aesthetic things?? What are aesthetic things??? someone hALP
Tagging (probably people who have already done it...whoops): @dewitty1 @kittyaugust @dracohasmycat @banana-ge-ge @secretlycrazyhummingbird @victorieinthesmallthings @rose-grangerweasleyisbae @carolcunha7 @belleslettres-love @lower-east-side @random-realist @akashikadoesthings @keyflight790 
aaaand that’s not 21 but whatever XD anyone else feel free to do it too and tag me so I see!
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wanderer-of · 3 years
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I'm just gonna leave this totally harmless image here :)
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byrdblood · 2 years
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it’s mermay so i *slaps fish onto my sona to make new sona with fishness* personally i hate the idea of not having legs! i love swimming with my whole heart but The Joy is stored in the Stimmy Kickies so give me fin peets or give me death. 
both of these are very rough sketches but unfortunately i don’t have the time (yet) to do better unu
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inbarfink · 3 years
So we know the power of the Dark World can turn totally ordinary and harmless Light World objects into fantasy weapons and magical objects. Kris’ pencil becomes a wooden sword when they first enter the Dark World.
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And their other blades are the Spookysword (becomes a Halloween-themed pencil in the Light World), the Mecha Saber (a mechanical pencil) and the Bounce Blade (an eraser). 
We also know Noelle’s Wristwatch becomes the Silver Watch in the Dark World, gaining magical properties and... maybe changing from a wristwatch to a pocketwatch??? (considering Ralsei chooses to qoute the White Rabbit from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland if the Silver Watch is equipped to him)
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We can’t be sure about any other sort of weapon or armor. (Only Kris’ weapons always clearly manifest in the Light World. I hoped that Susie following around in the Chapter 2 Epilouge meant that maybe we could see her equipment but nopes - so for now we can only guess.
I think Susie’s axes might be based on hairbrushes? Because her starting Axe is the Mane Ax “forged from the mane of a dragon whelp” - so it’s literally made from Susie’s hair. A hairbrush with a lot of hair tangled with it would make sense as a Light World equivalent. Noelle’s Snow Ring might also be a Light World piece of jewelry that becomes more elaborate and magical in the Dark World (and presumably the Snow Ring’s Light World equivalent also looks identical to the Freeze Ring and the Thorn Ring’s Light World equivalents, otherwise Noelle would have commented on it at the end of the Weird Route). It’s basically impossible to tell with Berdly’s halberd but since he got sucked into the Dark World during a study session, it was probably also a piece of stationary. Maybe a green marker?
Now the question that remains is this, if the Dark World turns pencils and hairbrushes and markers and erasers into Real Actual Weapons, what the HELL would happen to Kris’ Emotional Support Knife in the Dark World???
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Laurits, his cookies, a kicked puppy look, and a plan
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cheesey-rice · 3 years
I saw some posts about intersectionality going around and how white lgbt people need to recognize that they’re still white, and another thing I wanted to point out is that there are a lot of white people who don’t realize that lgbt poc are also more at risk of violence for being lgbt than they are.
Something I didn’t realize before having to interact with a bunch of white people in the all trans dorm floor at my uni is that white people don’t understand how poc are legitimately more at risk than them. For instance, there were a couple issues where some kids wanted to get their picture taken in the newspaper, but when they invited everyone from the floor to come down for it, a few people pointed out that our campus newspaper had taken a picture at an all black dorm a while back, and then a hate crime happened at that dorm not long after.
Of course, all of the people who pointed this fact out were the poc on our floor, and it shocked me so much that the white kids who wanted their picture taken hadn’t even considered the fact that they could be persecuted for existing. They acted like the poc on our floor were overreacting when in fact anti-lgbt hate is not uncommon in our area. Even if white lgbt people theoretically understand the violence that can be leveraged against them, it’s never at the proportion that lgbt poc have learned to expect.
If ur white lgbt and want to be better, main thing is to fucking LISTEN to poc in your life when they talk about persecution and racism. Your opinion on racism is never going to be more well informed than a poc’s experience and that is FINAL. There’s no ifs or buts about it. They’re not overreacting, they’re not making it up, they have experiences that you don’t and you have to acknowledge that.
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itsbenedict · 2 years
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hm. there's a part of the post editor you can click and this will happen, as many times as you want
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cosmos-hime · 3 years
Ok but what if you COULD save spamton after the neo fight and have him turn back to normal? That sounds good and all, but what if his corruption was species-specific. As in it’ll jump and multiply to every other addison in the city?
What if it turns out our little buddy was the addison that managed to have the most composure during the corruption through sheer luck? Sure, he was still driven insane, and was glitchy as all hell-but he wasn’t unusually violent until he got the neo body in the basement.
The others addisons though? Complete and total batshit. And now the four of them are going feral at once and destroying the city, with glitchy bracketed text and different sets of (admittedly cool) glasses.
So now a perfectly traumatized spamton joins the party to help the crew stop his brothers before the whole city’s totaled. Which cannot be fun for anyone, especially spamton, who probably has more then a few unhappy feelings about the whole thing.
Especially since after every successful battle, a forth of the corruption returns to him.
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winepresswrath · 2 years
often I feel sort of bemused by gender things but Jiang Cheng specifically as Wen Qing's little wife is the forbidden bunny cuddles of relationship configurations and that pleases me.
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requirings · 3 years
my ooc gaara trait is that i think he’s a little sneaky.... a bit of a jokester....... 
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years
if I see one more fan art of a star wars character waving the ukrainian flag I am seriously going to fucking lose it
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subsequentibis · 3 years
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more awful hospital crossover with my boys! i think in this AU sal tried to get medical help for his parasitic fungus, while laz just had a mild head cold and downed an entire bottle of nyquil, and then they both woke up in The Hospital.
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yardsards · 2 years
tip for any kids/teens out there: if your parents say things like "don't tell anyone about this; they won't understand how our family works. they'll wrongfully think that we mistreat you and you'll get taken away and you don't want that." there is a MASSIVE chance that you're being abused/neglected
(or ESPECIALLY "don't tell anyone, or we'll punish you." that is almost definitely abuse right there)
it's getting pretty well-known that if an adult touches you and says to keep it a secret, that you're probably getting sexually abused. and it's a good thing that kids are being taught about that.
but it's often forgotten that the "don't tell anyone" tactic can be used for other forms of abuse/mistreatment too
"don't tell anyone how long we leave you home alone. don't tell anyone we hit you. don't tell anyone how much we drink. don't tell anyone how violent our fights get. don't tell anyone how much you have to take care of yourself. don't tell. don't talk about home. nobody will understand. this is how we work. this is how families are supposed to work. the outsiders are wrong. don't let them hear. they'll hurt you worse than we do."
maybe they genuinely believe that they're right and that everyone else is wrong. maybe they know they're abusing you and don't want to get caught. doesn't matter, it's not okay. even if you don't feel ready to tell anyone or ask for help, it can sometimes help to just acknowledge that what they're doing to you is wrong and that you don't deserve to be treated like that
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