#towards what Inazuma suffered
dcndrohime · 1 year
Getting a Vision, is well and all but i'd rather believe no one start in control too easily, rather accumulate experiences and mastery going forwards.
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tinandabin · 8 months
SAGAU but the the reader is the ACTUAL creator
Thorny love: part 5
Previous part: part 4
a/n: am I back from the dead? I dunno, but yesterday night I felt like writing and wrote another part. so, I decided to publish it here also!
"Yo-Your Grace... You are finally here.." Ei spoke, her eyes wide and her legs shaking a bit. It almost looked like she was gonna cry. However, her face hardened up as soon as more people started gathering around you and her. Perhaps, you were the only one to catch a glimpse of her expression. She is an Archon, she too has a reputation to uphold in Inazuma, after all. "Hello, Ei. How have you been?" You smiled at her, hand going up to ruffle her hair. Revelyn still hadn't let go of your robe, her hold on it tightened a bit.
Ei's breath hitched as soon as your hand messed with her hair. "I'm..." She tried to find the right words to express her feelings, but she couldn't. How can she explain that she felt as if a part of her had been torn from her when you left her? It felt as if...she had been plunged into never-ending despair and loneliness. She missed you, very dearly. The place where her heart should have been, felt strangely empty without your embrace, your smile, your eyes, you.
Your hand retreated soon enough, "You don't have to answer, Ei." You gently told her, sensing her inner turmoil. It hurt you to leave your creations suffering and in agony, it truly did so. But some actions are sadly enough, necessary.
Ei smiled and nodded, hand coming to hold yours when she saw another hand grasping your robe. Immediately, she looked at the culprit only to see the face of the impostor. How dare she even show her face here after all she did? The thought made her scoff. She not only deceived the Archons but even you. The nerve of some people.. And now she acts all angelic and needy when you show up? But of course, Ei won't say anything. Not in front of you. 
"And who might be the coward behind you, Your Grace?" Ei gestured towards Revelyn behind you. You smiled beamingly, gently prying Revelyn from behind you. "Oh, come now, Ei, you don't remember her?" You asked her innocently, quickly realizing the jab she was throwing towards Revelyn, but brushing it off. You don't wish for an argument to start over here, of all places. 
Ei stared at Revelyn for a moment, taking your hint to not taunt her. "I do, Your Grace. How could I not?" 
"I'm glad to know so, " You put your hands on Revelyn's shoulder, your touch sending an electrifying shock of pleasure through her body. "Everyone misunderstood Revelyn. She's a very sweet and angelic girl. I'm sure she will fit right back in, hm?" 
Revelyn stood awkwardly, clearly wanting to be anywhere but here. She decided to keep up her act of cowardice until you left. "Um.. Hi," Her meek voice spoke up, a slight tremble to it. She batted her eyelashes at Ei, smiling softly. "I'm Revelyn.. Revelyn Aniela. " 
The surname struck some nostalgic feeling inside you. You had a brief feeling that perhaps you had heard this somewhere before, that perhaps someone dear to you held the same surname. Someone close to your heart, your mind, your soul- but who? Who was that? You can't recall. Aniela. Aniela. Aniela. So familiar, yet so distinct. Maybe it was simply the name of a friend long gone, you would love to give yourself this benefit of doubt, but you're not the kind of person to do that. You're the Creator for fuck's sake, if you're remembering something, then that must be because it's important! It was of significance, you wouldn't just remember a random surname, right? Right...?
You shook your head, deciding you're indeed giving yourself the benefit of the doubt because you're too old to deal with this detective stuff. Frankly enough, if you think about it more, you'll probably just get a headache. Best to leave it be, now. You'll just ask Seraphina to play detective, like always. You cleared your throat. "So, what are we waiting for? Shall we go?" 
Ei nodded right away, grabbing your hand and Intertwining your fingers. "As you wish, Your Grace. " 
Revelyn was left behind to catch up. 
A few days passed in Inazuma without much commotion. You spent most of the time with Ei, Revelyn of course stuck around so long as you were there. Personally, you were tired of both of them. They need to stop clinging to you like you're their mother. Ei, you understood why she clinged to you, considering she didn't see you for months on end, but Revelyn, who lived with you for like... the past month, it wasn't very understandable. Lile be for real, Revelyn. You not tired yet? Like. Girl. Stop embarrassing yourself and get some self respect and go where you're actually wanted. 
So, for both your sanity and their's (Lie), you decided to leave both of them together to socialize and become the best of best friends. (Lie. You just wanted time to yourself and wanted to meet Yae Miko.) Of course, you were, for the first time, surprised to see both Ei and Revelyn unite together. Merely for the purpose of notetting you leave but hey, progress! They atleast united for a common goal, no matter how troublesome that may be for you. 
Their combined forces weren't enough to deter you, in the end, you won and they were forced to talk to each other or sulk together, or maybe, a rare possibility, but have a heated make-out session. Who knows. Whatever works, works. They're on their own now and you're on your own, to meet Yae Miko and have a heated make-out session with her perhaps. It won't happen, maybe, but the thought is entertaining though. You're like, 93% certain Miko would agree if you asked. It's not like she hasn't suggested that before. Ah, enough thoughts. You're here. 
"Good grace, it's such a heavy task to climb these hills to just be graced by your presence, Miko, " You let out a whine, leaning against one of thr shrine. "You should know my old bones can't hold for long-" A book was placed against your lips and a fluffy, really fluffy and soft, tail caressed your thigh sneakily. "My my, Your Divinity, you ought to know, I don't fancy you saying those words. You look very beautiful, and ravishing, might I add. " Yae Miko said, leaning in close to you with a smirk on her face. 
You placed a hand on her wrist, gently removing the book. "I'm happy you think so, but might I say, you look even more delightful, " You replied back with a grin. This flirty playful banter was always your favorite thing to do in Inazuma, apart from watching Revelyn and Ei be at their throats, of course. "Oh please, Your Divinity, you flatter me. But we both know, you're the most beautiful-" You placed a finger on her lips. "Ahhh, shhh. Nothing more to speak of this topic. You can't argue with me on this, you're, of course, the most stunning woman in Inazuma, " 
Miko let out an offended gasp, "Inazuma only? Is that my beauty's worth to you, Your Divinity? I'm offended, " She pouted, clearly putting up an act just for you. 
"No no, my dear. I meant in whole Teyvat. It would be a crime for me to think your beauty isn't other worldly, " 
And this playful banter continued on. 
On the other side, Revelyn and Ei were indeed having a heated make-out session. Not the kind you're thinking of. 
"Oh, so as soon as my graceful creator leaves, you suddenly drop the act of cowardice?" Ei stared at Revelyn, a cold and unrelenting aura around her. 
"Your creator...? Psssh," Revelyn let out a mocking laugh, "Please. Your words are blatantly false!" She glared at Ei, her fists clenching at her sides. 
"Shut up, you witch, you casted a spell of sorts on my graceful creator, didn't you? That's why she is completely and utterly fooled by you!" 
"Oh? I'll cast a spell on you too and turn you into a monkey if you don't shut up!"
You walked in with a smile. "Guys. I just had a make-out session with Miko-"
taglist: taglist: @shizunxie @dearloonies @iruiji @yani-dere @kiraisastay @fauxizs @salvationprodigy @thetruepair @lunalily19 @vvyeislazzy @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kaveh-is-pretty @plusea @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs @the-real-fandom-person @kunikuzushisbeloved @artwitchh @sadgutaches @irisxiel @atlaincorrect @warcelia @lorkai @muomoii @elakari @burningtyphoonlady @daily-average
@3noa3 @7smexy7diva @5sos-wdw @bre99 @kittieswitheverything @theblueblub @faejvst @ryver8000 @dreamlessnight @bunnyOu @goldenglow149 @callmehnooby
@angelofdarkness2 @anglicascorner
@pinxeajin @avalordream @boycigs @ilovemyhusbandaaravos
a/n: hi! if yr name is cut, then that means I couldn't tag you. if in the next part I won't be able to tag you, then your name will be removed from the taglist. please ask me to tag you again in the LATEST part to be readded to the taglist! thank you (❁´◡`❁)
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luminecent-sky · 4 months
Divinely ordained
A/n: yes this is for my birthday, i mean it's also sagau sooo
I did not finish neuvi's part, feel free to request more
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Did… did he just hear you right? He's your favorite?
His heart soars, he feels warm and giddy, like a hearth giving warmth to a home, it's almost too much, to hear the words again falling from your lips, reaffirming your earlier statement, before he jolted, wilting like a flower deprived of sunlight. Hadn't you once abhorred him? Ignored him for some petty reason after he had caught that glimmering golden star in his hand.
To gaze upon your flustered visage as you admit how petty and immature it had been to be angry at him for such a trivial thing… he thinks it was all worth it. Every bit of suffering and pain, the scars that marr his form, all for your gaze, your attention.
Keep looking at him like that, with that flustered gaze and those apologetic words,
Keep looking at him.
He puts a hand to block his face, hoping that the blush on his cheeks isn't that obvious —it clearly isn't working, his whole face is almost as red as his hair— that he isn't looking like a fool in front of his deity.
Both of you are just staring, tension building as the silence goes on for longer than either of you would like,
You break first, a nervous chuckle bubbling from your throat as you approach, holding his face gently, repeating yourself.
"I- i guess i can stop hating you for that… you are my favorite after all."
She may just die here, held in your embrace as the sun bears down on you both.
A light blush creeps its way onto her pale skin, obscured by her fan while she tries to wade through the thoughts flooding her mind.
She always knew of your favor towards her, evident in the blessings and artifacts she was bestowed with. All she is, and will ever become is for her deity. And this blatant admittance is something she will treasure forever, like the first and last falling petals of the sakura trees.
So please, if it isn't much of a bother… Please keep telling her that, keep speaking in that lovely voice, those utterly captivating words that even the Archons would beg and grovel for.
If only time could stop at this very moment.
Keep talking, keep those words of praise flowing from your divine mouth, and allow her to bask in it.
It's all she needs, all she's ever craved. What else was there in life to achieve now that she holds your favour?
You move to repeat your words, letting them wash over her like the cool stream water.
Her worries seem so far away now, all her duties pushed to the side for something that has now become a routine.
The people of inazuma can wait just this once, she has given her all to her duty, her family and the nation.
Rest has never been more alluring than now.
“...i think we can rest for just a little longer, no?”
He must be dreaming, he muses, relishing in the way your breath fans his face.
After all, how else could he justify your sleepy murmurs, the serene declaration of the obvious favouritism he had witnessed directed only at him.
His day had been too good to be true, he thinks.
Kaveh had not woken him up with the usual clamour, in fact, the blonde was asleep, not in a hangover way, but honest to god asleep.
His work was also light, even if he barely did much anyways. It seemed like the universe itself decided to smile upon him and give him this.
And then he was summoned, aparently you had decided that perusing through the house of daena and looking through old tomes and various stories was the retinue for the day.
He never imagined that you would be quite interested in the old books, but as the scribe and only available person that day — never mind the fact that you had asked for him, he would never know — he supposed that his work was light enough that he could help you.
But here the both of you were, in a private room, with bookes piled up to your noses and your sweet whispers gracing his ears.
The library's curfew could be broken, just for once, just for you, he hummed,
After all who would question the creator on why they were here so late anyway?
Hours would pass and he would just sit there, admiring your face.
“I- uhh i didn't say anything embarrassing while i slept right?”
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krowlovesinazuma · 5 months
Hello ! How’s your day today?
How would Kuki Shinobu react if she is your favourite character and how far would the other girls like Yae and Sara go to separate the two of you?
College's getting tricky, but I'm managing! Definitely affords less free time though...
Scenario: How it is to be your favorite
Characters: Kuki Shinobu, Others
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Let's be frank, Kuki never expected to be something special. If Inazuma as a whole was favored by you, in her eyes she was simply a cog that had helped the process, nothing more, not even as you took her in trips way more than others...
After a while, she couldn't help but get a suspicion, even before you entered the world, but it felt wild to her, too wild to be true, especially considering who her competition was. She decided to play it safe and just think of it as a wishful dream...
She already had a lot on her plate from her day to day life even without your influence, so needing to adhere to your expectations on top of all of that couldn't help but stress her out, even if she did enjoy the trips out of Inazuma.
So when you come down to personality greet her with eyes that show clear fascination, she doesn't know what to feel. She feels so many emotions, both good and bad, at once! She may need a moment to take it in...
With the Arataki gang being as loud as they are, she has no chance of keeping this under wraps in the long term, and just imagining the reaction of the other influential people in Inazuma frankly scared her. This was the creator she was talking about!
She really didn't know what to expect when you began to ask for her presence whenever you caught sight of her, but she couldn't deny that she always ended up enjoying it, even past all the stuff that worried her before. She was right to assume that your presence was radiant.
Even if your trips together are more geared towards relaxation, she's grateful whenever you spend some time of your day with her. It might take her some time to get used to, but after doing it once, she can't help but want more...
She really doesn't need much to be happy, but whatever extra effort you put into it will be appreciated! It doesn't have to be anywhere near perfect to satisfy her, just make sure to spend time with her and all will be alright.
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It's hard to tell how would the rest respond to you having a favorite. It would involve a lot of inner conflict though, that's for sure. For some more than others, but all of them to a certain degree, even before you appear in their world.
Of course, some are just happy to be there, and be acknowledged. Yoimiya, and Kirara, for example, are more than happy to accompany you, even if they may not be the stars in your eyes, and wouldn't do much to change things.
Others would similarly listen to your wishes, but have faint, fleeting wishes to be a little more special. Ayaka and Kokomi, for example, may have more selfish wishes, but wouldn't act according to them, especially not against your wishes.
But for the others? Things start to get more complicated. Characters like Ei, Miko, Sara and Chiori understand when they aren't the most beloved, and who is above them. And a such, their actions can be a bit less compliant.
Sara and Ei aren't as unrestrained, however, and they know how to compromise and plan without risks. They wouldn't challenge your love directly, but would be constantly thinking of plans to change it. Maybe showing off their potential, or giving you more attention...
If you arrive, they're definitely going to suffer some more inner conflict. You're right there, they could do something far greater to capture you, but they shouldn't disturb you like that, it wouldn't end up well. They can't help but think of more schemes however.
Miko and Chiori? Now that's definitely a bit trickier to handle. These two don't have anywhere near as much restraint, not with their actions, and neither with their words. They will make their attempts to make you appreciate them obvious and bold.
It only gets worse when you're physically there with them, as they have more opportunities to try and take your attention away. Presents, sweet words, companionship, they'll try many things without directly admitting their desire to become more favored.
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anantaru · 2 years
— is he jealous?
is he jealous? feat. albedo, heizou, venti, scaramouche x gn! reader
genre: fluff, slightly possessive but not detailed
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— albedo
albedo isn't the type to usually get jealous, you could say he's quite unbothered and trusts you fully, he doesn't see the point in being wary about his s/o whereabouts or doings at all.
in his eyes, those emotions would only lead to problems in your relationship later on.
as the chief alchemist of the knights of favonius, he obviously was overblown with huge piles of work on a daily basic. It was important to him that you gave him enough space and so did he, automatically give you space as well.
it's all about trust and confiding in your s/o in order for a relationship to properly bloom and flourish.
yet unbeknownst to you, albedo could become quite protective, not in a possessive way but in a worrying one. With the things he had experienced in the past he ought to make sure nothing would ever happen to you under his watch.
for him, you're his everything, you're family.
that sheer, strong love he held towards your person wasn't only a direct indicator for your relationship, but for the new branch in his newfound life and he'd rather let something happen to himself than let you suffer.
bear in mind, something he values the most would be communication too. Albedo would appreciate it if you were to tell him what you had planned today and where you're headed.
of course he wouldn't force you nor does he want to know every single little detail of your daily schedule, it's just a slight reminder for him to know what you're up to while he was drowning in his work load.
consider it a safety measure on top of that, so he knows where you are should something happen so he can right away, find you.
in the end his overall jealousy level wouldn't be able to be measured, but his protective nature would be a solid 6/10.
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— heizou
as a matter of fact, heizou could become quite jealous but it depended on the situation he found himself in with you.
for starters, he trusts you completely, it's also safe to say that if his s/o would lie to him about something, heizou most likely will be able to deduct the truth almost immediately, in a single heart beat.
clearly he wasn't the easiest to get along with in that aspect.
as a detective for the tenryou commission he couldn't help it but be encountered with numerous evil run ins during his work hours.
his mind was clear as day yet the thought of you finding someone better would cross his thoughts ever so often.
most people in inazuma knew of his rebellious and hard to get along with personality and once he got to meet and love you, it's as if life gradually became easier in a sense he couldn't quite decipher.
take notice, because how often does it happen for someone like heizou to simply not be able to deduct something?
it was as if a large quantity was lifted off his tense shoulders, to finally have found someone who accepted him just as he was with nothing else in mind.
if someone was to approach you in a flirty manner, he trusted you enough to not turn your back on him. So it's safe to say that the emotion he would experience rather than jealousy would surely be the sheer fright of losing you.
whenever you would notice that heizou was trapped in his mind by those irrelevant thoughts that tinkered within his cleverness, you would make it your duty to show him that he was the only person that made you happy.
bristling his pride and ego, you would continue to tell him how talented he was in many fields, not to mention that his humor was perfectly matching yours.
as his eyes began to roam with happiness and joy again, all is but the more forgotten, in the end heizou really just needs a confirmation from you. his overall jealousy level would be a 5/10.
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— venti
one would think venti was the unbothered type, but he actually was of a jealous type, not the biggest out there of course, but still quite dominant in that particular aspect.
however, he wouldn't show it to you, venti thinks it's kind of embarrassing or shameful? he didn't want you to think he doesn't trust you because he did.
in fact, he trusted you the most.
as needy for attention and clingy as venti could be, he wasn't expecting you to gift him the entirety of your time.
but he adored spending his day with you regardless so when someone like the oh so cool diluc or the oh so beautiful lisa would seem to make you laugh, with your giggles sounding slightly different, just a bit, his working mind began to trifle in afterthoughts.
if he isn't busy himself, which he mostly isn't anyways, venti will straight up join whatever you're doing. He can be quite a handful and start to annoy you too, maybe poke your shoulder or playfully nudge his elbow into you.
anything for you to take your goddamn attention of diluc, lisa or whoever dared to waste your time, because lets be honest here for a second, only he's allowed to waste your precious time.
until you're smacking some clear sense into him, venti will continue to do just that, even the almighty anemo archon can be wholly insecure.
who would‘ve thought?
as someone who hasn't experienced many relationships in the past he didn't want to mess his current one up nor lose you in the process.
his jealousy level is a good 6-7/10 but it's also mostly him being bored when he annoys you so it depends on where he finds himself in every day.
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— scaramouche
i'm certain that by now, most know that in regards to jealousy, scaramouche's relationship to that particular emotion can be quite tricky and complex.
obviously he doesn't see the point in sharing his s/o, you're his and honestly, if someone would want a s/o as well they should just search for one instead of bothering you.
will stay especially near to you, arguing with scaramouche is as if you meet a dead end, there is no victory to be claimed by you, he will just go silent in an instant and brush off whatever you have to say about this topic.
but it's important to note that if someone were to approach you, he's quick to speak on your behalf, a snarky remark being the first of many little grunts and groans he'd exclaim while that irritating person talked to you.
what was even the reason for that in the first place?
did they not see you're in accompaniment, by him? doesn't he look threatening enough or what‘s the deal?
don't be fooled though, scaramouche wasn't the kind who'd start throwing fists and smacks to whoever dares to meet your gaze, he'd be quite well reserved and will mostly rely on his snarky, cheeky remarks.
normally, if it's a person he knows you're well acquainted with, like a close friend, his profile will stay low. Scaramouche won't interfere in your conversation either, in his eyes it's both annoying and unnecessary to force a dialogue.
so above all, he has got you figured out, he knows how you think and what your little quirks are, so the second he notices you being made uncomfortable by someone, you clearly don't have to worry anymore because he will make sure said person isn't bothering you ever again.
if we talk about jealousy it's a 7/10, bear in mind that this specific emotion stems from the fear to lose you and it‘s huge. For a while it will become challenging with some instances never fading at all.
his pure fear wouldn't be able to be measured with anything.
scaramouche had to face sorrowful, dejected situations in the past so he was really trying to be a good boyfriend to you, with all of his might.
certainly he wasn't new to display possessive behavior every once in a while but he surely gets better at simply trusting you more and the crucial fact that you won't leave him, ever, wouldn't matter what he did, you will stay and that was the key.
you were his heart after all.
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©2022 anantaru do not share, copy, translate
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uhzuku · 2 years
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— 𝐏𝐔𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐍! ; 𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: not all early arrivals are a good thing. 
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: genshin impact | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: tighnari/gn!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 1.80k. 
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: gn!reader, tighnari in heat, no he/she pronouns for reader but they have a dick, anal creampie, drooling, heat cycles, breeding kink, begging, crying, dacryphilia, pillow humping, bed humping, anal fingering, tail pulling, dacryphilia. 
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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tanned fingers dig into soft bed sheets as tighnari squirms against them. his heat had come early this year, and y/n was away on business — they weren’t even in sumeru anymore, not when what they needed to do involved being on inazuma’s watatsumi island. as a result, he was left alone to suffer, his skin hot and sweaty and his cock hard and aching against his taut stomach. 
“y-y/nnn!” he moans weakly, calling for his absent lover while rolling over to rut against the bed. tears spring up in his eyes along his waterline, threatening to fall as he dryly sobs when he gets no relief from his movements, even with the friction caused by humping the mattress. “y/n, please!”
silence broken only by the sounds of the forest is his only response, and he lets out another short sob as his abdomen tightens up painfully, demanding he be filled in the way his body so desperately craved. he buries his face in the pillows, biting at the fabric while the tears begin to fall, his breathing coming out in heavy gasps. his ass, presented perfectly as he pushed it high in the air with his back arched, sways slightly in place as his thighs tremble. scratching sounds fill the hut as he claws at the sheets, his mouth falling open to release the fabric of his pillow so more whines and cries can come out. he grabs y/n’s pillow and sticks it between his legs, humping it desperately and only letting out a wail when it does nothing to ease the heat and pain in his belly. 
his ears flick back as the door to his hut opens behind him, and his eyes widen in a panic. he was in heat, no one was supposed to know about what happens during this time — the other rangers knew ( because how couldn’t they? ), but no one had seen! no one but y/n was allowed to look down over him and see him in this way. “n-no-!” he gasps, fearful that one of his subordinates would find him this way, but when he turns he discovers nothing but absolute mercy. 
y/n stood in the doorway, their travel bag slung over their shoulder; like tighnari’s heat, they’d come back to him early. 
“y-y/n!” he sobs, twisting around so he can crawl on his hands and knees to them when they toss their bag to the side and take quick strides towards the foot of the bed. “m-missed you, ‘nd i need it — need you!” his voice is shrill and reflects his desperation, and he whines as they gently take one of his ears in one of their hands and rubs it softly. tears roll down his cheeks as he turns his head into their touch, and he sniffles. “please f-fuck me…”
“aw, puppy — did your heat come early?” y/n asks softly, and tighnari nods tearfully. y/n frowns down at him, their brows furrowed; they take off their coat, casting it to the floor without a second thought, and kick off their shoes, stripping themselves of the rest of their clothes as well before climbing on the bed to be with him. 
tighnari throws himself on top of them, grabbing whatever bare flesh he can and pressing his mouth against theirs in a near forceful kiss, whining into y/n’s lips while grinding himself against their thigh. one of his hands bumps against the brass buckle of their belt as they whip it off for him, and his hand continues scrambling around their crotch until it finally comes to a stop on their hardened cock, his fingers curling into a fist around it before jerking it a couple times. his love moans into his mouth, and he whimpers into theirs as they pull him up to sit in their lap with his legs on either side of their hips. 
a sudden shriek falls from his mouth when theirs latches onto one of his already sensitive nipples, sucking hard; his mouth falls open farther in a cry, his thighs trembling, and y/n sticks two of their fingers in his mouth without warning. 
“suck,” they order, their voice a low drawl that sends a shiver up his spine, and he immediately closes his mouth and curls his tongue around the digits, sucking them and coating them in saliva. as he suckles at them, his eyes roll back a little, the very weight of their fingers in his mouth already giving him some relief. 
he whines when they pull them from his hot mouth, a thick strand of saliva connecting them as he chases them with his mouth before they disappear from his sight, bow completely out of reach. he gasps suddenly when he feels y/n’s fingers, wet from when they’d had them in his mouth, press into his empty hole both at once, crooking up to toy with his swollen prostate. 
and then fresh tears begin to fall. 
he didn’t mean to cry, but he just couldn’t help it - the combined feelings of his lover’s  fingers curling up over his prostate while buried all the way to the knuckle in his tight ass, as well as the way they were fisting his cock with an almost cruel grip all while sucking and biting his nipples had him howling, unintended tears springing from his eyes as he cried out for them. “y-y/n! oh please, y/n, fuck me!” 
“that’s it baby, cry for me!” y/n purrs, their other hand holding his hips and pushing then down so he grinds their cocks against one another hard. “come on, ‘nari, give it all to me.” the tears rolled down his cheeks in a constant stream, tighnari absolutely wailing now. 
“i-in — put it in!” he begs, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks, and y/n helps him shakily stand on his knees so they can press their cockhead against his twitching hole. 
“go slow-“ they warn, but tighnari ignores them, instead slamming down to take them in all at once. his eyes bug out, fresh tears bursting from them, and he lets out a shrill scream. y/n is worried at first, and goes to check on their boyfriend, but tighnari just lifts his hips before dropping back down, repeating the action and turning himself into a blubbering mess. 
“oh g-god — oh yes — oh fuck-!” he sobs, his insides confirming to the shape of y/n’s cock in the best way. his hips desperately rutted up into their front as his ass ground down, and he cried from how good it felt. while he does so, y/n starts actively fucking their boyfriend, making him howl with pleasure and his short claws digging so deeply into their back that blood popped up in pinpricks whenever he moved his hands. “y/n, y/n, y/n — please, ‘ve been a g-good boy, i've been so goo-ood-!”
after a long stretch of them fucking him like this, he absolutely melts into their touch as they slowed their brutal thrusts to a slow roll of their hips in order to lick his tears away.  “such a good boy...” y/n murmurs, nuzzling their nose against his cheek. 
loud, high pitched chirps and whines punctuate his moans and sobs, his eyes both crossed and rolled back as y/n bounces him on their thick cock. it’s stretching him out, filling him in all the best ways, and the burn that came with minimal lube has him clenching around the root of y/n’s cock. y/n themself groans lowly, squeezing their eyes closed and letting their head fall back onto the bunch of pillows behind them as tighnari gets more and more desperate. 
“oh archons — oh fuck, ‘m cummin’ ‘m gonna cum!” he pants, eyes wide and wild as his own cum spurts all over his chest; not a full orgasm, no, but he’d get there. “cum in me, fill me up! i want all of your cum in my ass, want you to breed me!” he whines, and y/n lifts their head to look at him again. their eyes are dark, looking almost pitch black as their pupils have swallowed their irises. 
taking him by the hips, y/n rolls them over, pulling out after getting tighnari on his back. the fox hybrid lets out a small but loud cry of discomfort from the loss and sudden emptiness, but y/n is rolling him over in an instant, his cock pinned between the mattress and his taut tummy. when they grab him by the base of his tail and lift him with it so his ass is presented to them, he realizes where they’re going with all the movement, and so he eagerly welcomes the sudden fullness that comes with y/n slamming their cock all the way inside all at once. 
“oh my gods!” he screams, and y/n throws their head back again as they settle back onto their former brutal pace, their balls slapping against his loud enough for an echoing smacking to fill the hut alongside that of their hips hitting his ass. “wan’ it, wan’ it — wan’ your puppies, wan’ all your babies, wan’ a wh-whole litter! please, master, breed me!”
with nothing short of a roar y/n slams themself into him one last time as thick globs of cum shoot from the tip of their cock and start filling his insides. as the sudden, telling warmth fills his guts he lets out a long screech that tapers off into a wailed moan, his own cum splattering against the sheets beneath him as he cums again, this time having an entire orgasm. his entire body spasms against y/n’s, his fingers digging into the sheets and his claws ripping them, as he’s both filled with cum and letting it out. 
a shaky, ragged breath leaves his mouth and he all but collapses against the bed, held up only by y/n’s callused hands. they gently ease him down, carefully pulling out and watching the seemingly endless river of cum that leaves his swollen, abused hole before getting the cup of water he’d put on a nearby table. 
they hold the cup to his lips, cradling his head carefully. “drink, my love,” they murmur, and tighnari does as told, his exhaustion allowing him to do nothing but cooperate. once he’s drank his fill, y/n finishes the rest and refills the glass, putting it back where they’d gotten it before climbing back into bed with him and curling up around him at his back. he’s dozing now, resting between this wave that’s ended and the future one that would be coming in around an hour, and y/n can’t help but smile down at him as he grabs their arm and clings to it, laying his head on it like a pillow. 
they were more than glad they cut their trip short; there was no place they’d rather be. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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fairykazu · 8 months
letters to her ft. kazuha
cws: established relationship, f! reader (referred as lady, princess, etc), third person, making up lore to fit the story, princess bride ref
kazuha stood tall amidst the warmer breeze that inazuma had to shoulder for the spring, every cherry blossom tree was in bloom, the pink petals falling to the ground. he pocketed one petal for her as his long, white hair dancing like ribbons of silk in the gentle winds. red eyes scanning the horizon as he was searching for a glimpse of the one who held his heart captive.
just before leaving to inazuma last night, he had written her another letter, his heart pouring out onto the parchment paper as if it was the lighting storm that showers over the islands, blessed by the electro archon herself. he wrote carefully as the ink stained his fingers; words blurred together as his vision began to blur with tears. unspoken words he'd never said out loud.
as he was traveling by boat to the city, the memory of their first meeting came flooding back, he remembered it as if it was yesterday. he was left, stranded, in the harsh wilderness of the islands, abandoned to care for himself.
thankfully, a woman had taken him in out of pity. although kazuha wasn't the type to believe in the archons like he used to, he thanked them above for blessing his eyes with her. her beautiful, sparkling eyes and her dimples when she smiled. she was truly someone who was as beautiful as the ocean waves when they crash on the shore. he had fallen to her charms quicker than the first snowflake that danced in the winter.
he remembered how kind she was as she poured him some jasmine tea. her delicate hands made him feel safe. even then, in his heart, he had known that she was the one. the one who would make all his pain and suffering worth it.
once he arrived on the dock of the city, it had been a long time since he saw her. years had passed since, but their love for each other had only grown stronger. they exchanged countless letters, sharing their deepest desires and fears. promises were made, vowing to be together soon. kazuha took out a letter from his pocket, unfolding it. clutching it close to his chest, the scent of her perfume lingered on the paper, taunting him with the memory of her.
closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be consumed by the moments of their time together, reliving each memory as if it were happening all at once.
he chuckled silently to himself as he remembered the way she would laugh, how her eyes would sparkle when she smiled, nights they spent together, whispering secrets and sharing dreams beneath the starlit sky.
like how the archon mythology had said when people were originally had four arms, four legs and two heads, but when the archons had a war, it eventually split the people into beings with two arms, two legs and one head, doomed or blessed them with their other half wandering the world.
maybe, she was his other half, and he was fated to be hers forevermore.
his heart started to race once he arrived at her estate, hoping that he would be embraced by her arms once again. pink blossoms waltzed in the wind around him, the scent of love in the air. the grand mansion loomed before him, its towers reaching towards the celestials.
the door was guarded with two knights, clad in their bright armor, holding onto their polearms as if their life depended on it. he took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. one of them asked the ivory haired samurari,
"state your business."
"i am here to see the lady." kazuha replied, staying calm despite the broody knights staring daggers into his soul. he smiled politely as one of them raised a brow,
"the lady? don't be silly, young man. everyone in the world wants to see the lady. please show me how you know her."
kazuha didn't expect the security to increase when he was gone. he handed the letter he recieved from you recently to the broody knight number one.
broody knight number one laughed in kazuha's face, the saliva sticking to his face. he grabbed a tissue, wiping his face. "young man, don't make me laugh!” loud, booming fits of laughter came from both knights. “this is no way the lady's handwriting." he squinted, passing it to the second broody knight.
"i agree. this must be a bootleg version. nice try, kid." kazuha tried to take back the letter but the knight only had ripped it up in front of him, his eyes grew to saucers, watching the parchment become one with the pink flowers. as kazuha was about to unsheathe his sword, a little man, dressed in all black, presumably the butler, creaked open the doors. he waddled to one of the knights, whispering something.
as the laughter took a full stop, a moment of silence increased the tension. the knights' facade of being proud dropped completely, laughing nervously. "my apologies, sir kaedehara, we weren't aware of your business with the lady."
he retorted back, "you would've if you read the contents of the letter." the knight opened the door wide open, making the brass knockers clink against the wooden door.
as the doors were still open, kazuha sauntered his way into the mansion; it revealed a grand hall adorned with tapestries and different styled paintings of your family. kazuha could feel the weight of the knights' daggered gaze upon his head again, he chuckled nervously, forgetting that he made a remark towards their intergity.
most definitely, deserved though.
he made his way towards the staircase that led to the upper levels of her estate.
as he ascended up on the marble stairs, the tension in the air grew more cruel, colder. it was as if the whole world was holding their breath, waiting for him to arrive; it made him realize that he was holding his breath too.
he made himself relax as he paused for a moment on the top of the stairs, taking in the surroundings around him. from the lavish furnishings to countless, new portraits framed in gold, each single one served as a painful reminder of his time apart from you.
he was familiar with the hallways, turning a left, reaching her chamber. his heart was pounding in his chest, taking a deep breath just before he steadied himself. he knocked on the door, "my lady, are you there?"
a moment of silence came before a click of the latch replied to kazuha's question. the door swung open, revealing his lady in front of him. she was more beautiful than he ever remembered, even if he attempted to remember her appearance, engraved in his mind. it couldn't compare to reality
. her eyes lit up like sparkles in the night sky, "hello, my knight, how are you? how was your journey?" she said with grace, upholding the reputation she has across many towns. her voice was soft and sweet just like how he remembered.
taking her delicate hands into his calloused ones, he kissed her knuckles, "it was beautiful despite the harshness of the weather." your face shifted uncomfortably. "don't worry, princess, i wasn't hurt badly. in fact," from his bag, he grabbed a single rainbow rose he saved just for her. "i have this flower for you. it reminded me of you."
she smiled, her teeth shining brightly, "thank you, my knight. care to come in?"
kazuha nodded. the door behind him shut closed. she took a deep breath, taking a step forward, her facade as a perfect lady crumbled before him. her hand trembled, reaching out to his cheek, "kazuha," she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion. "you've come back to me." tears began to form, creating little pearls at her eyes.
"i promised that i would." kazuha replied, gently comforting her as she pulled him into a tight embrace, clinging to him as if she might never let go. he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck, breathing in her familiar scent.
it was the scent of home, of love, of everything that had maintained him during the years they had been apart. kazuha departed from her embrace. he lit the fireplace as it crackled and cackled. he returned to the nook of the bedroom. he carried her to the loveseat, sitting next to her. she gazed into her lover's eyes,
she sniffled, "kazuha, i adore you. although sometimes i wonder if i'd be enough for you?" her snot running down her nose, he quickly retrieved a tissue, wiping the snot from her face.
"you know, i'll always come back to you, princess," he said softly, brushing a lock of hair from her face. "no matter where I go or what I do, you'll always be the star that guides me home."
she smiled through her tears; her face began to light up. "and you, kazuha, my love, you're the only one who can make this place feel like home." she leaned into him, her body warm and familiar against his. "stay with me, won't you?"
he returned her smile, sweetly, wiping a single tear off her face, "of course, my lady, i wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with you." he pressed a kiss to her head, humming a tune.
she nodded, sniffling, wiping her nose with the tissue kazuha gave her. "thank you, my knight." she rested her head against his shoulder, her breath warm against his neck. "i've missed your stories about your adventures; do tell me, what have you been up to since you left?"
"as you wish, my lady."
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silverflqmes · 10 months
notes. genshin boys as songs from taylor swift’s album, lover, super sorry for misreading your request mikan, i hope this one is better for you!
genre. fluff + angst
for @alatushours <3
ft. xiao, kazuha kaedehara, albedo, scaramouche ( wanderer / kabukimono / kunikuzushi / balladeer )
tw. implied alcohol consumption ( scaramouche’s ), implications and discussions of abandonment issues.
gender neutral! reader
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. the archer.
+ about. the archer tells the story of someone’s anxiety, inner suffering and insecurities. while they have had their fair share of the upper hand in a situation, they’ve also been in a more vulnerable, hunted position. relationships are hard to hold onto, as most of their enemies started off as friends
+ xiao has lived a long time, having gone from a peaceful life among his yaksha allies — whom he called his friends. in the present, those friends are no longer, having become corrupted with karma and the after effects of the cataclysm, which had left him with no choice but to fulfill his duty as the remainder of the five. on the outside, the conqueror of demons stands as a symbol of strength and protection for the people of liyue, a hope for a karma-free region. yet, there stood somebody who always seemed to see right through him, who saw through the stable front he put on for everyone. he found it stupid that you did, but deep down it scared him. xiao once wondered who could ever leave him, but now.. it’s who could stay? it strained his chances at new friendships, at relationships — at letting somebody into his life. yet you paved a path towards him, through all the karma that follows and bathes him under the moonlight, and reach out for him to hold onto you.
+ “i’ve been the archer.. i’ve been the prey..”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. daylight.
+ about. daylight tells the story of a person who has been stuck in what feels like a never ending dark night, and finally breathes out a puff of fresh air when the brightness of day, their cherished love, washes away the eternal darkness that has trapped them for so long.
+ kazuha didn’t want to look anything else now that he saw you. ever since the lockdown on inazuma with sakoku decree, the loss of his friend, what remained of his lineage; just about everything, he felt stuck. stuck within a night without a moon or stars to light his way, to guide him out of the dark.. until he met you, that was. with his only escape through beidou’s ship, he was met with the most cleansing opportunity of meeting you upon his arrival in the ever prospering liyue. you were like a ray of sunshine, the daylight he’d been search for what felt eons for, and finally found. you’d driven out every shroud of darkness that held onto him and flooded his vision with a brightness so warm, it gravitated him to you. of course there had been the fear of flying too close, like the story of icarus. only, if kazuha flew too close, there was the fear of losing you as he’d lost another once before. but as he drew closer.. he found himself greeted with warmth, rather than ashes.
+ “and now i see daylight, i only see daylight.”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. lover.
+ about. lover tells the story of someone who feels they’ve known their partner a lifetime, rather than the amount of time in which they’ve been together. they have finally found the one they have been searching for all their life, and wants to go wherever they go.
+ albedo never thought himself to be cut out for frivolous love and romance, and yet here he was now. a holiday dinner at his place had ended with his colleagues friends of the knights crashing in the living room, fairy lights still up, casting their warm glow. he held up a cup of tea as he walked in to see you snickering at them with a morning drink of your tastes in hand, wrapping an arm around you as he held you close to him. he could remember last night near perfect detail, recalling the cooking, the laughter, and the seat you saved him right next to you, just as he did for you at every table you both sat at. it was always the little details that made his heart burn with an unfamiliar warmth, similar to the one he felt with alice’s daughter, klee, yet different. yours felt like a bundle of blankets on the coldest day of the year, on the peak of sal vindagnyr, with a shower of adoration in the form of sweet nothings, dirty jokes and the tenderest kisses. a reminder that you are his, forever and ever and ever. his.. lover.
+ “i take this magnetic force of a man to be my.. lover!”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. cornelia street.
+ about. cornelia street tells the story of someone afraid to lose another person they loved, due to previous loss. they’re enjoying the moments with the person they love, but doubts and fear surface in their head of those moments coming to an abrupt end, just as everything else does.
+ scaramouche swore off getting close to people after the third incident in his early life. now, he is met again with what could be the fourth incident, out of his ( stupid ) feelings for someone that warmed their way into his hollow chest. that was you. after a night out, feeling tipsy, you threw in the idea of renting a place for the both of you to live in. the wanderer thought it to be stupid. given his new lifestyle, renting a place didn’t align with that. but he didn’t refuse the idea. he enjoyed his time with you there, life was never brighter.. except for those moments where he thinks back to his past, and wonders if he would lose you, too. if the former harbinger did, he knew he would never be the same, that he would never be able to walk the street of your rented home again. terrified, he tried to leave at point, fearing history would repeat.. and yet you showed your hand before he could leave, and sat on the roof with him that night with the promise of never leaving.
+ “hope it never ends.. i’d never walk cornelia street again.”
notes. hello mikan! super sorry again for misreading the request, i hope this one is better and that the songs i chose are okay😭 i only listen to a few tracks on lover so i tried my best to pick what fits them best</3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Regret, Guilt and Anguish- Zhongli
Sequel to 'Of Flowers and Death'
featuring:- Zhongli, sister!Ei, reader [name] warnings:- angst, hurt no comfort, a few slaps from Ei to Zhongli a/n:- This was a request from an anon, so nonnie, I hope you like it!
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“Chirp, chirp, chirp!” Birds flaw about happily as Zhongli walked down a familiar path, heart clenching as he looked at one of the houses. The guilt and grief he felt was immeasurable, to the point he hadn’t even protested when the Traveler set off to Sumeru, merely wishing for her safety and success. Why? Why did you have to die? He had barely recovered from Guizhong’s death with your help, before you too left him, shattering him into pieces all over again. And who would help him to rise from this night again?
His attention was drawn to a bird chirping angrily at the footstep of a house that was starting to look old . That bird was an exotic bird, imbued with electro, carrying a roll of paper with it. He walked over to it and bent down to take the paper, seeing that the recipient of those letters would not open the door ever again. His eyes widened as he went through the contents of the letter sent by Ei.
“Dear [name],
Did you safely reach Liyue? Why have you not been responding lately? Are you that busy? [Name], I’m getting worried. Please, send me a letter soon, even if it has just a few words. I won’t mind. Just let me know that you’re alright, and I’ll leave you in peace for a while. I am anxiously waiting for your letter, so please don’t forget.
With love,
Raiden Ei."
Zhongli’s breath hitched as he dropped the paper. He’d been so absorbed in himself that he completely forgot about your sister. How… how would he tell Ei that her dear sister would never reply to one of her letters again? It would be most rude and cold to merely inform Ei about your passing through a letter. Perhaps he should go to Inazuma himself to tell her, now that the Sakoku Decree had been lifted a few months ago.
“What…” The violet-eyed female in front of him whispered, staring at him like he had grown two heads. She shook her head. “This is a joke, right? You’re just joking. Last I’d seen her a few weeks ago, and she was well and healthy. There’s no way she could be- be-” Her voice cracked at the end, unable to see it. Zhongli, or Morax, didn’t respond, he merely stared at the floor in regret. Anything he said now would trigger Ei, send her off the edge. She didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve this. 
“Morax?” She murmured in a voice less than a whisper. “Is… is it really true?” Zhongli had told Ei all the details about your end, omitting a few things at the end though. Now he responded only with a nod, unable to talk due to the choking feel in his throat. (dw he wont get hanahaki he has to live to suffer). A multitude of emotions could be seen swirling in Ei’s eyes- grief, sorrow, anger, rage, disbelief, fear; it was all there. Staring at him with wide, shell-shocked eyes, she slowly collapsed to her knees, staring blankly forward, ears ringing in the silence. First Kitsune Saiguu, then Makoto, and now [name] too? You had been so full of life the last time Ei saw you. But now… She was all alone. How did she not even know about your hanahaki? Why did you hide it from her, making her believe everything was great?  What was the point of her pursuing eternity, if she couldn’t even protect the ones she loved?
A loud sound echoed throughout the room. ‘Slap!’ Ei had unsteadily gotten to her feet, and landed a harsh blow across Morax’s face. ‘Slap!’ Another. She didn’t care that he was older and more powerful than her. What she cared about was that he was the reason you were dead. Another slap echoed throughout the room, and another. Ei didn’t stop. He was the reason her sister was dead, and Ei was releasing all of her fury and grief on Morax, and he… He silently stood there with his head bowed, silently accepting all the sharp blows that made his jaw ache. Because her anger towards him was completely justified- it was all his fault.
He had to go back to Liyue with a heavy heart. And he knew, he knew that he would never recover from this.
I'm sorry, this was really short but the idea has been living in my head since the time you sent in the ask, i hope you liked it!
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Voicelines About You - Inazuma Girls x Male!Reader
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Kuki Shinobu
About Y/N: "He’s easily the most reliable person I know. If he says something, it will be done, no matter if the sky is falling down on us. Actually, he promised to take me to the hot springs tomorrow. Y/N has been saving up for a private bath for some time now… Heh, I can’t wait to see what surprise he has in store for me there.”
Raiden Ei
Ask Ei - About Y/N: “Y/N… Our fates were intertwined from the beginning, I am sure of that. Over the millennia we have become one - our minds perfectly aligned, despite being within different bodies. He is a capable warrior who wishes to protect me and Inazuma at all costs. I trust him fully, and he trusts me. Although we suffer some disagreements sometimes, we are inseparable.”
Ask Ei - Pasttimes: “What do we get up to in free time? Oh, hm, well, we usually have tea or spar. We can always improve in some way, no? We also walk across the capital or Inazuma as a whole. We share each meal with the other, even if sometimes in complete silence. We also do… other things.”
Ask Raiden Shogun - About Y/N: “Y/N is a capable warrior who wishes to protect Inazuma. That makes him an invaluable ally. Though he is not amongst my concerns, I have observed that he seems to be a pleasant individual. We often work towards the betterment of Inazuma together.”
Kamisato Ayaka
About Y/N: "My lo-... O-oh. He's very kind and helpful, and he always comforts me when I'm feeling unwell. Y/N and I were friends since childhood and, um… Y-yes, we're now lovers… Oh? Ah, yes, he's indeed very… Handsome… When he smiles, the sun pales in comparison…" 
Yae Miko
About Y/N: "Tsk tsk, little one. You're quite direct. You would love to know what me and my husband get up to in our free time, wouldn't you? Well, what can I say about him? He's kind, strong, good looking and loyal. A little hot headed too, as Kitsune men tend to be. Such soft fur and strong scent, and his physique… My oh my, he's really quite the treat. What else can a Kitsune like me wish for, hm?"
Nagonahara Yoimiya
About Y/N: “Oh, he’s the sweetest! Here, I’ll show you a picture. We took it during the Summer Festival last year. Hehe, what a wonderful time it was! Lots of tasty food, fun games, and the evening firework show spent in his arms… It was like a dream! I hope we can do the same this year~”
Sangonomiya Kokomi
About Y/N: “Y/N is a very kind person, and never once has he let me down. He jumps at every opportunity to help me, and that's wonderful of him, yes, but… Truth be told, I can't help but worry about him. Perhaps my work is putting a lot of stress on him too?"
About Y/N - Games: "I remember the time when I didn't have anyone to play games with regularly. Y/N always wants to play some board games with me. He's gotten so good at Go recently that I can rarely beat him at it… Perhaps he has a general's talent?"
Kujou Sara
About Y/N: "Truth be told, I always thought that I wouldn't have a place for a lover in my life. I believed that being a general demands complete rejection of personal matters. All of that was before I met Y/N. Just then I got to know how love feels, and that experience opened my eyes. We have been together for a long time now. His support was constant, and I cannot be more thankful for what he has done for me. I'll disclose no more."
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Thanks for reading!
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decarabiandivorce · 3 months
Day 5: Flowers / Summer Breeze
Summer was horrible no matter how many years passed by. Despite wearing a rather breezy outfit, Venti felt like he was going to die.
So there he was, laying on the ground underneath Vennessa’s symbol’s branches. The newly planted tree provided a bunch of shade, the delicious smell of home laid within its leaves. Sweeter than honey and warmer than nectar, but the dastardly heat destroyed any hint of serenity. Curse whatever god thought this was a good idea.
The anemo god summoned a breeze, but even the winds around Mondstadt did not want to move. Understandable, but the archon was suffering here! The squire- now Lord Ragnvindr was busy today, his kin were busy harvesting and he had banned the wind wisp from bothering them today!
Venti wanted to sob. He was alone! Alone and Suffering! It’s toooooo hot!!!
He can’t even summon the strength to strum his strings! Nor words could form in his mind! Nothing but emotions rising like the heat.
Yet salvation smiled upon the bard, as he felt the breeze of wings flapping down near him.
“Dvalin!” Venti smiled at his friend.
“Barbatos.” Dvalin said back.
Venti complained, “It's so hot! Why are summers so hot! Why can’t it be spring or fall! Heck! I think even winter would do me well!”
Dvalin snorted, his tail wrapping around the giant tree. Venti moved from the grass to the stones near his friend’s snout. “I don’t see why you can’t fly to somewhere colder.”
Venti put his arms around him, “Tired… I’m going to die here… I’m going to melt into a little Venti puddle. Woe! W-Ahahaaa!” Dvalin flapped his wings, sending a nice cool breeze towards the archon’s face. Falling down from the strength of his winds, Venti looked up at the aqua dragon with nothing but familiar love.
“Get on my back.”
Dvalin rolled his eyes, and lowered his body ever so slightly. Eyes full of sparkles, Venti hopped on top of the dragon, barely having enough time to grip the azural feathers before the dragon leaped. Venti laughed and screamed at the sudden acenseion, the winds of Mondstadt saying goodbye as the duo zoomed.
Before long Dvalin’s pace slowed, allowing Venti some grace to lay on his back.
The clouds looked peaceful. The sky looked lovely. The heat may be killing him at the moment, but with every second he flew side by side with his east wind, it was pure bliss.
With the falcon of the west having ascended, he should make plans for the three of them to fly like this.
Looking down and holding Dvalin’s body by his legs, the endless ocean beyond Mondstadt looked refreshing.
“Inazuma is over there.” Venti muttered.
“I know!”
“…?” Where was he taking him.
More water greeted him.
Creatures of all sorts lived in these depths- far away from any boat. What was in this area that Dvalin was so eager to show him?
Then he saw it.
The peaks of land- no. An Archipelago.
“Woah!” Venti called out. There was no map in the nations he visited of such a place! A brand-new section of land only known to Dvalin? That’s so cool!
Then he felt it.
Something… was…
“Those trees are only grown in Mondstadt.” Venti muttered as Dvalin approached the islands.
“It smells like home here.” Said Dvalin. “Also, the sea mist grants such a nice coolness to the area.” Venti hopped down from his friend’s back, the beaches of this place was much cooler than Mondstadt’s- while being warm enough to make him want to lie down like a cat. Practically on cue, Dvalin rested on a large section of rock as Venti explored the area.
Flapping his wings and closing his eyes, he called out to any winds living in this area. Nothing. No… only faint traces of wind- like messages carved on wood.
The summer breeze was friendly, greeting him like an old friend. “Don’t you remember, newborn god?”
He kneels down to the edge of one of the islands, the rock too smooth for natural erosion. Windcut. Windcarved. Windswept.
A being with anemo made these islands...
A being with anemo used Mondstadt’s geography to make-
Venti’s face turns redder and redder, wishing to sink into the dirt as a memory of his youth pops into his brain. The sea breeze laughs in his head as the anemo archon collapses. These were no ordinary islands! These were mountains! His mountains!
“Ugh….” He is never going tell Morax this.
Wait no.. he probably should. Get them called neutral land or something. It’s not like anyone in Mondstadt is going to use them with them being so far far far away. Perhaps he could name them something like “Haar Islands” and be done with it.
As the anemo archon recovered from the heat in his face and from the sun, he looked towards his close friend enjoying this sanctuary. Perhaps this heat wasn’t so bad after all.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi x Fem!Reader Part 2
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Banner: @fusaex3 Continuation of this ------
4 days passed since the adopted cat turned out to be a Bakeneko. The first night when you were trying to fall asleep, the Yōkai came into your room without any word and laid down by your side, he put his arm around your waist and held you close. You only feared what he could do to you in your sleep, if you even wake up in the morning. So you were just laying, looking at the ceiling, heart beating so fast. He must noticed that you won’t fall asleep with his presence, so he changed into his cat form and left the house by window. You weren’t sure back then if he will come back so you were awake for some more hours. In the morning, you were woke up by him. He was annoyed, saying that you should be thankful that he even bothered to wake you up so you won't be late for your work. On the table was prepared some breakfast, at first you didn't want to eat it, no trusting it if he hadn't poisoned it just to watch you suffer for entertainment. He noticed your hesitation with eating, so he sighed, saying that there is no point on wasting good food just to poison you even for fun. The food smelled nice and you were hungry and tired of the lack of sleep, so you finally give in and ate it. It was delicious. Nothing happened and Bakeneko was smirking while eating his portion of the breakfast. Later he would follow you in his cat form to your work and then when you would finish he would be waiting for you in front of restaurant. He become popular with clients and your boss’ wife. Whenever you asked why he follows you to the restaurant, he would ignore you or say ‘I have to make sure you won’t try to run away’. This repeated for the past 4 days till now. You just finished your work. -“Thank you for your work today!” said with the smile Okazaki Erika, wife of the boss. “(y/n)-chan! Wait!” You stopped in front of the door, turning around and seeing Erika-san holding box. “Here, take those extras!” she gave you the box filled with delicious food. -“Erika-san, are you sure?” -“Of course! You’re a hard working young lady! And after that incident with that ronin you deserve it even more! Ah, I put some extra treats for your cat too!” You smiled and bowed. -“Thank you so much Erika-san.” The lady smiled back and bid you goodbye.
After leaving the restaurant, there he was, waiting for you, with the face that was saying “why did it take you so long?”. You sighed, even if nothing happened for the past days, you still feel a bit fear when you see him. -“I got some extra food, so don’t look at me like that.” You told him, ignoring that people can see you talk to your cat. -“Let’s go back home, I’m tired…” you started walking slowly towards your village. Kunikuzushi was walking by your side, before leaving Inazuma City, some children and even some adults would be amazed by cute cat following it’s ‘owner’. Not far away from gates of Inazuma City, you stopped in your tracks. The cat looked at you, with the worry in his eyes that you didn’t noticed. You were starting to feel little dizzy. -“I need to sit down.” You said, going to nearby tree and sitting under it. Kunikuzushi sat by your side as well. -“What’s wrong with you?” he asked you, with a bit annoyed tone to mask his worry for you. You didn’t replied, you were concentrating on breathing to not pass out. But it was already too late and you blacked out.
You woke up in your home, laying in your futon. You could smell something delicious, suddenly the door to your room was opened. There stood Kunikuzushi in his human form, with the food in his hands. -“You’re finally awake…” he approached you, laying bowl with what it seems to be a Shimi Chazuke by your side. -“Eat.” He ordered and said nothing more. He looked like he was angry at you. -“Thank you…” you took the bowl and started eating. “You’re really good at cooking.” You said to him between bites. Yes, even if you’re scared of him, you still appreciate the food he makes. The first time you ate the breakfast he prepared, you were amazed how delicious it was. -“…” He didn’t say anything. After a while he opened his mouth -“Do you really don’t want me to be here that badly?” he whispered the question, if it wasn't silent in your home you wouldn't be able to hear it. You were taken aback, in that moment by your side, you didn’t saw a scary Yōkai, there was a boy, looking sad and scared at mere thought that you don’t want him to be here. And at this moment you realized, for the past days he was doing his best to take care of you.  After seeing how uncomfortable you’re with him at night, he started leaving the house, in the morning he would make breakfast for you and make sure you won’t be late for your work and even after work, you noticed that the house is cleaned and dinner prepared so you can rest till the end of the day. And him walking you to the restaurant and then after your shift is over, he would walk you back home, wasn't he doing that because he was worried you would be robbed again? Even if he didn't spoke in that soft voice, like on your first time seeing his human form, ever again and most of time he looks like he is annoyed with you, doesn't his actions speak more louder now?
-“I’m sorry…” you apologized, not looking at him. He was observing you, waiting for the next words. -“I’m sorry for treating you like that Kuni.” He was surprised but before you could see his face, he changed into a cat and went to your lap, burying his face in your stomach, like trying to hide from you his expression. After he showed what he truly was, you didn’t call him ‘Kuni’ till now, no, you even avoided saying his full name. So this made him happy, hearing you call him ‘Kuni’ again. You started to pet him, it’s been awhile since you even touched him. -“I’m sorry… I was afraid of you… after what you did to that ronin… I…” you wanted to say that you thought of him as a ‘monster’ but you bit you tongue, knowing that it would be cruel to call him that after what he did for you. He said something, but his voice was muffled by the fabric of your yukata. -“Can you repeat? I didn't hear you.” He looked at you, with that annoyed look again -“I said, did you really already forget that I promised you that I will protect you? Tsk, I can’t believe it. We shared a kiss as a proof and you-“ -“Stop! Don’t remind me! No, wait! Why did you kiss me in the first place?! You can’t just kiss people without their permission!!” You took the cat from your lap, holding him in front of your face. -“Why not? I saw humans that held affection towards each other, kiss when they promised something to their loved ones.” The cat said, to think he sometimes have a nasty tongue and now he sounds like a child that doesn't understand what he did wrong. -“But they are lovers, of course they can kiss-“ -“Aren't we lovers too?” he asked, surprised that you don’t think of him like that -“W-what?! Where did that come from?!” -“Lovers sleep in the same futon right? And we slept together too…” You were shocked -“You were a cat! Of course I would let you sleep with me! Do you think I would share the futon with random guy?!” -“…would you?” -“Of course not!!” there was a silent… and then you suddenly started to laugh. The cat looked at you as if you had lost your mind. “Why do I have conversation like this with Bakeneko?!” you couldn’t stop laughing, not long ago you were afraid of him and now you feel relaxed again, holding him in your arms. You stopped laughing and laid down, starting to feel sleepy. -“Are you going to pass out again?” He asked, laying on your chest, you could hear him slightly purring. -“Mmhm… I feel so sleepy suddenly…” you started to doze off.  Kunikuzushi looked at you, watching if you really fell asleep. He put his head closer to where you heart is, hearing your heart beat and being in your arms brought him comfort and he fell asleep not long after too.
Some days later, you had your free day from work, you were lazing in your futon, Kunikuzushi wasn’t at home. It was already noon, so you finally decided to get up and eat something. After that conversation with him, some things changed. For some reason he wasn’t in his human form that often, he still follows you to your work but this time he leaves you by the gate to Inazuma City and there he waits for you when you finish your work. One time when you were going back home you told him -“Don’t kill other humans.” -“Why? That insect was terrible person anyway, he doesn’t deserve to -” -“Kuni.” You stopped in your tracks and took him in your arms. “I don’t want your cute little paws to be covered in blood.” The Bakeneko didn’t understand. Why is it wrong for him to end some pests lives? Especially if the pest threatens you. -“If you find bad person like this, just knock them out and inform in some way Doushins, they will take care of the rest. Just… don’t do that scary things.” -“…” Kuni didn’t responded for a while, but after thinking about something he replied “I will do whatever I want.” You smiled, knowing by now that this is his way of agreeing with you.
Even if you know that he agreed back then to not kill, you’re still worried if he won’t hurt anyone. -“Ah after all, Yōkais thinks different from humans…” you sighed, after remembering that conversation. You looked around the room, it was cleaned. Why does he even clean and cook for you? Is this because he thinks he is your lover? You can’t help but wonder, where he lived before he meet you? Did he lived with some family? Then what happened to them? Did they… You shook your head to stop thoughts about the worse. After eating breakfast, you decided to go for a walk around village. Your village is very small but you don’t mind because it’s really peaceful here and Inazuma City is not that far away. But you wish there were more people around your age, most inhabitants here all elders and children. Sometimes if you not tired, you would play with children or read them some books and other times you would help older people with their field work, in exchange they always share some of their crops with you. Everyone here is kind and everyone knows each other. -“Good Afternoon (Y/n)-chan.” You turned your head to see Saimon Eri, smiling to you. -“Good Afternoon Eri-obaasan!” You welcomed the old lady with a smile. -“Today is really nice day isn't it? Also please tell your fiancé that I'm grateful for his help.” -“Yes, it is—Wait…m-my fiancé?!” You were surprised, feeling your face getting warm. -“Oh, am I wrong?? I meant that very lovely looking youngster, that been helping around the village from time to time. He said that you weren't feeling well for the past week so he came to help you. I'm sorry, this old granny thought you two are together.” Eri-obaasan said, worried that she made you uncomfortable with assuming that you are both together. “That cat…” you thought, getting angry that he walks around village in his human form. “And he was the one saying to not tell anyone about him being a Yōkai!! I need to talk with him!” You coughed. -“It’s alright Eri-obaasan, he’s just a friend, but he is such a worrywart that even if I tell him that I’m alright, he insist on visiting me every day haha!” you laughed awkwardly. You can’t tell anyone that he lives with you, you’re sure that there are some people who will give you looks when they know that you live with a man without being married. And your relationship is not even that… no, the truth is, you don’t even know what is your relationship with this Bakeneko. The old lady smiled. -“Ah, to be young again. If you’re searching for your friend I heard that children wanted to play with him by the beach.” -“Oh! Thank you so much! I’ll be going then! Have a nice day!” -“You too (Y/n)-chan!” Eri-obaasan waved as you went towards beach. That day after getting robbed, you remember how Kuni hissed at children that wanted to pet him and because of that, you thought he’s not fond of children…or just other humans. It is very surprising to know that he have been helping around village and now he even plays with the kids. You want to trust him but deep down you’re still wary because of what he truly is. You just hope that he is not planning anything awful to your neighbors.
After reaching the beach you could see Kuni with three children, they were searching for shells. The youngest child was holding onto Kuni’s hand, showing him what the kid found. The Bakeneko smiled, telling something that made the child jump in happiness. “To think this person is a Yōkai, a Bakeneko who ended some ronin’s life…” The scene is cute and yet, you don’t feel that comfortable of seeing him with little ones alone, you know he won’t do anything to you, at least you want to believe him with that but you're not sure what about other people. You called his name -“Kunikuzushi!” everyone turned around to see you, Kuni smiled to you, the same way he smiled when you first time saw him in his human form, and waved and children started to run towards you. -“(Y/n)-nee-san! Look what we found” the kids showed all beautiful shells they found on the beach. -“Oh, I see you found many pretty ones!” The children smiled. -“Kunikuzushi-nii-san helped us! He’s really good at finding shells!” said Futaba, looking at Kuni with the sparkle in the eyes and little blush. You’re not surprised that the little girl is charmed by Kuni’s pretty face. -“I’m glad but now I have something important to talk with this Nii-san.” You grasped at Kuni’s sleeve, already tugging him to follow you. The smiles vanished from children's faces. -“But we want to play hide and seek with him!” the boy named Takeru said. -“I’m sorry, but he will play with you three another time, alright? Now come back to the village, you can’t stay on the beach without adult!” the kids groaned but said ‘fine’ and went towards village. You too went towards your home with Kuni following behind. -“Alala~ Were you afraid that I’ll eat them or something?” he said with his annoying tone. But you didn’t reacted, you didn’t even turn to look at him. This made Bakeneko silent. When you reached your home, you sighed. -“Can you explain why did you even showed in your human form to my neighbors?” you asked, glaring at him. The boy in front you shrugged his shoulders, avoiding eye contact and sitting down. -“I was just bored. Why are you getting worked over nothing? I thought humans appreciate help from others.” -“Well…yeah… but you’re not human!” -“So this is the problem? Because I’m not human I shouldn’t even get close to other humans?” He hissed at you. His cat ears appeared with tail, now he is glaring at you, you're surprised how angry he got for saying that he’s not one of your kind. He got up from the place he was sitting and you took step back. He was displeased with that. -“So you’re still afraid of me…and here I thought you finally started to trust me..” you didn't say anything, because he was right. You still can't fully trust him, you still come back to thinking ‘he’s a Yōkai, that can kill me or someone without batting an eye’. Kuni went towards door. -“W-where are you going?” you asked. -“It’s not your business.” And with that he left, before opening the door his cat ears vanished with the tail. You stood there not knowing what to do. Should you go after him? Or maybe just let him be alone for some time, but what if he won’t come back? … For some reason, you don’t like the thought of him not coming back. It’s normal in human nature to be afraid of something you don’t understand, and you don’t understand him. When he is a cat, he loves to cuddle with you, he's always affectionate, but as a human he, for some reason, annoy you or just be rude to you and yet at the same time he always shows how he cares about you with his actions. But whether being a cat or human he is still a Bakeneko, a Yōkai who sees the world in different way than humans, than you. At least this is what you think, this is what everyone would say. “Don’t get too close to Yōkais, don’t trust them, don't believe what they say or you may end up being spirited away.” And yet… And yet… You feel confused. What he truly feels towards you? Towards humans? You sighed, you decided to start preparing dinner hoping that Kunikuzushi will come back home soon.
----- AAaaa sorry that it took so long! (>~<) Tbh I wanted to write this chapter and then one extra with Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi x Reader x Kitsune! character but… I changed a bit the ending and it started to get longer so I decided to leave it here and then write next part in the next chapter :’3c Like always thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for any mistakes!
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Exchanges between Women [Yan! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, unconsenual kissing, deception, implications of violence, slightly suggestive content towards the end.
The Raiden Shogun was uncertain of why she had opted to keep Kunikuzushi alive, let alone assign him a name.
He emerged as a result of constructing the Shogun. She could be beginning to feel indebted to him in some way, but she restrained from attempting to control him. Perhaps that's the reason she's enabling him to stay in her residence for so long and why she's postponing implementing Miko's advice to get rid of him.
She likewise felt a twinge of guilt after witnessing him establish friendships with a young woman from the Kamisato clan, despite the fact that she knew he was too frail to handle the responsibilities of the Shogun and really had no purpose of being brought to existence. But it was too early to make any quick judgments; perhaps she'll give him a little more time to appreciate his tranquillity, or perhaps that's what she constantly tells herself.
He is harmless in any case, so there is no reason to subject him to suffering.
Given his incredibly mild nature, which prevented him from expressing any desires or demands, this was the first time in his brief life that he had ever desired for anything. She thought that if he could build a relationship outside of his comfort zone, he could be more than capable of taking care of himself. She therefore permitted him to pose as a young woman and don the attire of a lady of Inazuma because he claimed that this was the only method a timid woman like you would let him get near to you.
He was correct, despite the fact that his morals appear a little skewed. He may not yet have a firm understanding of what is good and wrong, and morality isn't her strong suit considering her understanding of it did fade over time.
The two of you got overly close after a few get-togethers and playdates. In the view of the general public, they would appear to be two close friends, but Shogun knew better and couldn't shake off that strange feeling. Kunikuzushi had a pretty physique, making it much simpler for him to abruptly pose as a woman, thus it was almost convincing.
Maybe she should halt this play before it develops into something much worse that she would later regret.
It should be fine. He's harmless.
Ei stopped at the door, positioned her delicate fingers on the doorknob, and eased it a little bit open, breathing out an unintentional sigh. It has been a few hours, so it was time for you to end this date of yours and return home. However, what she saw beyond the doorway made her shiver—you and the puppet were both nodding off against the chair. The indigo-haired man was dozing off in your lap, his dark hair spilling over the edge of your lap as you sat erect with your eyes closed. She was aware of Kunikuzushi's partiality toward you, but she may not have foreseen the extent to which he would develop feelings for you.
No, it was her fault. She should have known a fragile being such as Kunikuzushi would end up developing some sort of attachment towards others sooner or later.
Maybe she's just overthinking?
You both must have slept off after sipping some tea. Maybe it's best if she returns later, there's no point in disturbing your peace.
Ei peeks through the door's opening once more as she prepares to seal it, but as she does, she is diverted by the sound of faint shuffling. In order to get up, Kunikuzushi lifted himself off your knee, positioned himself against your lap, and leaned a little too close to you for the Shogun to consider it appropriate. She was aware that you only permitted him to approach you so closely because you believed he was a woman. Perhaps she even felt a little bad for letting him fool you in that way.
What is he…?
Your cheeks are pinched between Kunikuzushi's fingers as he chuckles lightly, causing you to squirm and turn in your sleep due to the intense discomfort.
What a mischievous child. Quite rude to be doing that to someone who's sleeping.
The Shogun let out a further sigh as she prepared to enter the room and reprimand the puppet for his uncivil behaviour and demand that he leave you alone. But once more, the Shogun comes to a stop as she observes in astonishment as Kunikuzushi leans so near to your face that his nose was practically brushing over the side of your flesh.
It was her first time seeing him allowing himself to be vulnerable to others.
He appears to study at your face before descending to give you a chaste kiss on the lips while trying to incline his head so that your lips may fit together more pleasantly. The sight was illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the drapes, which Shogun thought was reminiscent of the lovely Sakuras that would frequently bloom in spring. If it had been carried out with her approval rather than without, she would have felt it was a superb picture. She was aware of how repulsed you would be if you ever learned that a man had polluted you, given that you weren't married to him.
Poor child.
Kunikuzushi leans back and carefully traces the contour of your face with his fingertips up to your cheekbones, ending behind your ears. As he drew you closer for a second kiss, he this time put his tongue in between your lips, licked the inside of your mouth, and then chewed on your bottom lips. His eyes were half closed and his face was a bright scarlet, and when his other hand slid under your kimono, Ei couldn't help it but uttered his name.
"... Kunikuzushi."
When the Raiden stepped back, she unintentionally bumped up against the door, causing Kunikuzushi to break off his kiss and gaze at the entrance. As if he were a predator discovering his prey, his eyes appeared to turn gloomy and ominous. Both of them made eye contact, with Kunikuzushi appearing to glare at her—surprising given his generally reserved demeanour. He appeared to have been caught red-handed when his hands slipped out of your kimono, but he made no effort to apologise or explain himself.
He doesn't understand his actions were wrong.
Kunikuzushi maintains his fixed gaze on Raiden before making the shush gesture with his lips and fingers. In fear that you might wake up and realise your predicament, perhaps even causing you to lose your temper and become despondent, Raiden made no attempt to move.
No, he knows that his actions were one of sin.
Yet he doesn't care.
After all, perhaps she ought to have listened to Miko.
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sangoqueenkoko · 6 months
"not our brightest idea"
Drabble prompt: page 1: #70 = “not our brightest idea.”
Warnings? Beans. Not really! Unless you’re an Oni. But seriously, there are no warnings.
Contains a mention of Kuki Shinobu, Chiori, The Arataki Gang, and Itto, of course!
825 words.
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"Thank you, and have a great day!" you smiled, kindly waving as a customer walked away with their newly bought products from Sailing Breeze, a Mondstadt store. Being from Mondstadt, you were well versed with the local specialities and eager to share them with others. You came to Inazuma to trade your home nation's local specialities with the people of a different nation so they can broaden their horizons.
New and returning customers came every day.
Even if the products did contain beans, you made your own version that doesn't, after witnessing what happened at the Iridori Festival. When I say 'returning customers,' I mean Arataki Itto, the rest of the Arataki Gang, and Kuki Shinobu.
But today, Kuki and the rest of the Gang couldn't make it because the Gang got into trouble, and Kuki had to bail them out. So, instead of being with his friends and suffering her wrath, Itto came to Ritou alone to pick up some orders that Kuki had made in the prior week. With you being friends of the Arataki Gang and the leader himself, they managed to bag some discounts.
"Hey, hey, my compadre!" A familiar voice called out; before you knew it, it was Itto, sauntering over as he casually combed his hair like it was his pride and joy. "Boss says that our order is ready to go! And it was made by the amazing (Y/N) themselves!" he grinned, "So I know that it will be the best ever made!"
"Well, thank you, Itto," you smiled sweetly. "Luckily for you, I had just finished packing it up, and it was ready for pickup just before you came! However, I underestimated the size of this delivery, considering how much was ordered. And it will be too much work to make more than one trip to deliver it to its destination. So I'd say that we need to use a cargo balloon for its safe transportation. That is if you're Okay with returning it to the others yourself?"
He stood silently for a moment as he thought. Looking between you and the distance of Inazuma, pondering how long it would take.
"Alright! It should be no problem!" he said with a laugh, "but you could always come along with me to make sure that the precious cargo doesn't get damaged while I go on ahead and take care of potential threats. That sounds like a deal to me. Deal?"
Soon enough, you met Itto at the edge of Ritou with the Cargo 'slime' Balloon that you hired for the day. Itto, being as strong as he is and insisting he helped you pack the cargo onto the balloon before you double-checked it and set off for the Gang's camp.
The start of the journey went as smoothly as ever. Some playful things even happen because it is better to make them bearable than unbearable. When crossing over a sandy section that leads to Narukami Island, Itto found it funny to splash some seawater on you, but you didn't find it funny much, mainly because your outfit was made by the one and only Chiori, so in return, you splashed water back at him. Just some light-hearted fun.
Later on in your journey, on the same path but in the incoming direction, you both noticed some Nobushi coming your way. Itto was raring to go, as he wanted to fight them. He didn't want the cargo, or more importantly, you, to get damaged. But you insisted he not provoke them, as they could be passive and mean no harm.
But neither of you could take any chances, so you pulled him towards the cargo on the side of the path, behind some bushes, to hide. Because of its purpose, it could withstand such weight, so you pulled Itto into it. Despite his loud protests, shoving a hand over his mouth, you two stayed put and quiet to ensure you weren't found.
It felt like an eternity, but the Nobushi would come over to the stationary cargo, take a look at it, move it around, inspect it and even open the boxes to take a closer look. It took Itto everything not to burst out from inside it and defend you and the cargo, but you didn't let that happen. They were merely curious.
But they soon realised it wasn't very valuable to them, so they left it alone and carried on with their journey, their heavy footsteps eventually fading away.
Taking deep breaths with relief, and also realising how physically close you two were, you quickly jumped out and looked over the cargo. It was fine.
Looking at each other with red cheeks and a light layer of sweat on their faces from the long wait in close proximity. And your feelings for each other would slowly creep up to the surface.
He coughed and scratched the back of his head nervously.
"not our brightest idea."
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But thank you to the irl bestie for helping with this idea! This one is for you, girlie, you simp!
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undercovergamer · 3 months
❤️Gimmie Attention!❤️
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Hiatus who? Writer’s block what? Never heard of them (watch me fade out again after this 💀 istg). I’m alive, just tired and suffering with a load of executive dysfunction 🫠 adhd is a super power 🥰 /J /S (no it’s not /srs)
Itto was bored out of his mind and decided to bother Ayato about it so they could snuggle. He was understimulated on top of it all and wanted Ayato’s help to fulfill his sensory need. Unfortunately for him, his beloved human was too occupied with work to give him the love he needed so badly. He’d have to wait his turn, but would the wait be worth it?
Word Count: ≈4600
It was a normal day in Inazuma. Ayato was dealing with some paperwork in his office, sipping some boba tea on the side to treat himself. He’d made significant progress today and was about to finish off the last few documents… until someone stepped into his office rather loudly, interrupting his workflow.
Ayato didn’t see who it was at first…
“Please, whatever the matter, I’m far too busy. I must ask… oh! Hello.” …but soon recognized the man standing before him, feeling an embarrassed blush on his face.
“Bwahahahaha! Aw c’mon, don’t you recognize lil’ ol’ me?” Itto stood there with a proud smile, closing the door behind him before walking up to the commissioner’s desk.
“A-Ah, my apologies, dear. I’ve been so consumed with work I’d forgotten you’d visit today…” Ayato admitted sheepishly, deciding to take a brief break from his duties to chat.
“Heheheh! I can tell. You work too much! Don’t you wanna chill? Ooh! Let’s go out on a date right now!” Itto exclaimed excitedly, leaning on Ayato’s desk with a big ol’ grin on his face, his eyes glimmering with joy.
“Hahaha, oh, darling… I’m so sorry, but I can’t leave just yet. I still have documents left to go through, you see.” he said, gesturing towards the stack of papers laid aside on his desk. It was surprisingly small considering his usual schedule.
Itto’s excitement faded slightly, which made Ayato feel concerned. The oni glanced down at the desk before saying “Who needs all this paperwork anyway?! Boooring! You work basically every day, man! Can’t you take some time off? Just today?” Itto tried making a cute face, hoping to convince his darling human with his charm. “Pleeeaaase?”
Ayato reached out to stroke Itto’s cheek, smiling softly as the oni leaned into the touch. “Sweetheart… as much as I would love to spend time with you, I can’t leave my desk right now… I’m sorry, my darling.”
“But-…” It was clear Itto missed him, given the sad look in his eyes. The two hadn’t spent much time together this week since Ayato had been so busy. Although his goal was to finish all of his work as fast as possible, that had already taken three days…
“Oh, Itto…” Ayato gently squeezed his cheek before standing up to comfort him, walking to the other side of his desk to give Itto a hug, which the latter basically melted into.
“C’moooon… gimmie attention! Paperwork can wait, I’m way more fun!” Itto groaned with boredom, trying to hide his loneliness, but Ayato saw right through him. Especially with how tight the hug got as if Itto was desparate not to let go.
“I promise you, the moment I’m done with this stack of papers, I’ll get right back to you.” Ayato reassured him and stroked his head, which seemed to go well since Itto perked up with a smile.
…a mischievous one at that. “Or~ you could take a few minutes off right now~ so we can be silly… hahaha!”
“Now now, dear. I’m sure you can wait j-just a f-few- hmph-!” Ayato was interrupted as a ticklish shiver got sent down his spine.
“Heh… what’s wrong~? You seem so tense all of a sudden.” Itto teased, definitely not tracing his nails on his boyfriend’s back. Totally not on purpose either.
“I-Itto…!” The audacity! He knows darn well how ticklish Ayato is there!
“C’moooon~ there’s a way out of this, y’know...” the oni teased, trying to persuade him to do… well, anything that wasn’t paperwork.
“Pfft~.. hgh..!”
“Gimmie attention!”
“Y-You already h-hahave it..!”
“Uh… well, I want more!”
Ayato tried to wiggle himself free, but Itto hugged him tighter and tickled him more, causing him to laugh and struggle. “Wahahahait! Nohohoho!”
“Tickle tickle~ heheheh…”
“Itto! Hahahahahaha! Stop it!”
“Why~? Changed your mind yet?”
“Ahahahahahaha! L-Lehehet’s tahahalk! Plehehease!”
“Uh-huh… hmph, fine.” Itto stopped his mischief, briefly letting go of Ayato as well.
“Ah.. heh… thank you.” Ayato cleared his throat. “Now, let us make a deal. You let me finish my work, and-”
“But that’ll take ages! I’ll have turned to dust by then, man! Or- or at least be asleep…!” Itto interrupted impatiently, crossing his arms.
“Please, let me speak… ahem, you let me finish, and I’ll give you kisses right now in return… and of course those cuddles I know you crave so much.” Ayato smiled and booped Itto’s nose to cheer him up.
“H-Huh? For real?!” It worked like a charm as Itto was quickly back to his energetic self.
“Yes, for real, my love.” Ayato felt happy to see the good results.
“Haha, noice!! Just don’t take too long~ or I might not let ya go!” Itto said with a playful expression, sticking his tongue out as he held his beloved close to himself once again.
“Hahaha, I’ll give you as much attention as your heart desires, my sweet…” he said, holding Itto close in return and kissing him softly, planting gentle smooches on his cheeks, his chin, his forehead… saving the best for last with a kiss on his lips. Itto loved the attention of course, smiling too much to properly kiss back, with both of them finding it rather amusing.
“There… are you satisfied~?” Ayato asked, his gaze full of love as he smiled at the oni.
“Hmm~… how about a hundred more?” Itto asked with a playful chuckle.
“Oh my, how greedy…” Ayato teased, giving him a quick tickle to the sides as he let go, making him jump.
“Ack! Hey!” Itto was quick to defend, covering his sides and taking a step back just in case.
“Hehe~ you’re fun to tease, my dear… but for now, I must unfortunately ask you to leave my office.” Ayato said with a gentle smile, hoping he’d would understand.
“Aw, you’re no fun…” Itto frowned.
“I’m sorry, darling. Could you please be patient?” Ayato asked gently with an understanding smile, stroking Itto’s cheek. “For me?”
“Hmm… fine~ I’ll try.” Itto said, smiling again before the two of them kissed once more.
“Good… I’ll come look for you when I’m done, okay?” Ayato smirked and gently stroked Itto’s cheeks with his thumbs.
“Okay! I- uh.. I’d say have fun, but this-… I don’t think that’s possible there.” Itto said, gesturing towards the paperwork.
“Haha… oh, you’re right. But it’ll all be worth it in the end, so don’t run off too far!” Ayato replied, looking forward to spending his free time with the love of his life.
“Pfft, hahahahaha! Well, when you’re done, y’know where to find me! .. unless I’m somewhere else!” Itto said with a loving smile, chuckling at his own joke.
“You little rascal…” Ayato shook his head with an affectionate look on his face.
“Hey! Who you callin’ little?” Itto retorted playfully, glaring at him for the funny.
“Oh, shush…” Ayato rolled his eyes. “You big, strong rascal… haha~” oh how he loved this man…
“Heheh, that’s better. Uh.. I’ll see ya later then!” Itto chuckled and headed for the door, glancing at his partner.
“Indeed. See you later, my dearest~” Ayato replied, smiling and waving him goodbye. With that, he was alone with his duties again.
After what felt like a thousand years for Itto, Ayato finally finished work and went out of his office to look for his darling oni. He knew he’d find him somewhere at the estate, but he was unsure where exactly.
Out of curiosity, he checked the time… oh gods, it’d been hours since they talked! It was already getting late, but thanks to that Ayato knew where to look now. He decided to check the bedroom, figuring Itto would be resting by now. And there he was, chilling in their shared bed as he waited for Ayato. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be asleep.
“Itto…?” Ayato carefully shut the door as he went in, checking on his lover. He thought he might be pretending since his eye mask was off. No matter, Ayato had to change his clothes before getting into bed anyway. He tried to make it quick, switching from his usual formal attire to his comfier sleepwear.
“Hmm…” He’d been glancing at Itto occassionally, just to see if he’d break the act. But there was no reaction, so Ayato shrugged it off and decided to get into the bed. As he sat next to his partner and leaned in to take a closer look,
“Boo!!” Itto suddenly scared Ayato, making him jolt back with a surprised expression.
“Ah! Goodness…!” Ayato chuckled as the shock wore off, somewhat relieved by the oni’s laughter.
“Hahahahahah! Gotcha~ ahahahaha!” He thought it was hilarious, already laughing up a storm.
“Oh, please…” Ayato rolled his eyes, ruffling Itto’s hair. “You rascal. That’s no way to treat your partner~”
“Hahahaha! You should’ve seen your face..!” Itto giggled, excited to finally spend time with Ayato.
“Shut up. Hahaha…!” Ayato made sure his tone was playful so Itto wouldn’t misunderstand.
“Hehe~ nuh-uh…” He’d calmed down from his giggling fit by now, stretching out before sitting up.
“Ayato! Hey! Um…” Itto would always get shy when asking for affection so directly.
“Yes, dear?” Ayato already knew.
“Heh… uh… c-can we cuddle?” It was cute how his cheeks turned red at such a simple request.
“Of course, love. I did promise, didn’t I?” Ayato laid down on his back, coaxing his darling to come over.
“Sweet!!” Itto laid with his arms tightly wrapped around Ayato, resting his head on his chest as if he were a pillow and listening to his heartbeat. It was such a calming sound, he thought as he nuzzled lovingly. Ayato softly ran his fingers through Itto’s hair, petting his head as he snuggled closer with a content smile.
“Are you comfortable, my dear?” Ayato asked softly.
“Mhm… you’re warm…” Itto replied, nuzzling his face into Ayato’s chest. “Are you comfy too?” he asked with a smile.
“Yes, I am.” Ayato replied with a smile, gently stroking his oni’s cheek.
“Mmkay, let me know if I get too heavy!” Itto said, somehow cuddling closer. This was their usual position as the oni’s weight helped reduce stress in the other man. A much-needed weighted blanket…
“Of course, darling. Now, just relax~” Ayato began gently scratching the top of Itto’s head. He knew his beloved oni really liked that feeling.
Ah, this was just perfect. The light was dim, the bed was cozy, and Ayato could take the next day off with ease. After such a long and stressful work day, the oni was like a big, happy blanket in his arms. The tight hug, the snuggles… Ayato felt so loved receiving this adoring affection. The two of them rested like this for a while with some light chatter, until Ayato felt a familiar sensation upon his waist…
“Ack-! Itto, w-what are you d-dohoing?” It seemed the oni had other plans for tonight… again.
“What? I’m just chillin’.” Itto said, totally not performing any mischievous actions.
“Pfft- I-Itto, s-stohop thahat..!” Ayato could feel fingers wiggling near his lower back. He tried to contain himself, but he was really ticklish in that area.
“Whaaaat? I’m not doing anything~” Itto teased, giggling to himself and hugging his beloved human closer.
“Pfft- i-it tihihickles! Mph- hehhehehe..!” Itto’s fingers kept increasing in speed, playfully wiggling and poking at Ayato’s lower back. It was really difficult to stay still.
“Hehe, what’s wrong?” Itto asked, grinning with amusement and looking at Ayato’s smiling face.
“Y-You’re t-tickling mehehEHE! ACK- nohOHOHOho!!” Itto started playfully vibrating his fingers into Ayato’s lower back and waist, earning himself lots of joyful laughter and adorable squirms.
“Alright, you got me! Tickle tickle tickle~” Itto teased, playfully sticking his tongue out while tickling his boyfriend silly.
“AhahahAHAHAhaha!! IttohohOHO!!” Ayato was trapped in that ticklish hug. Itto was too strong to escape from!
“Aw, what’s wrong, feeling giggly? Hmm? Hehehe! Your laugh is so cute~” Itto said, playfully burying his face into him.
“Hahahehehehe!! EEK! NOHOhOhohahahahAHA!!” The mixed sensations tickled so bad it made him squeal.
“Aww! Do that again, that was adorable! Hehehe!” Itto giggled and nuzzled him more, trying to get another squeal out of him.
“Ahahaha!! Ittohoho! StohohOHOP!!” Ayato struggled to somehow grab those tickling hands, but to no avail.
“Hehehe, okay, okay.” Itto stopped tickling and hugged Ayato tightly before pulling his arms free from under him. Then he laid back down, resting his head on the commissioner’s chest for a moment before asking, “Should I get off? You sound kinda winded right now…”
Ayato was still giggling a little bit while catching his breath. “Huff… haha…! N-No, it’s fihine…” Itto couldn’t help but giggle too, he thought Ayato was adorable.
“I love your laugh so much. You sound so happy! It’s so cute!” Itto said, smiling at him and pinching his cheek to tease.
“Oh, haha, thank you darling. That’s very sweet of you to say.” Ayato replied with a warm smile, blushing slightly and gently brushing Itto’s pinch away.
“Hmm… I wanna hear it again, hehe!” Itto said, playfully wiggling his fingers near Ayato’s waist.
“W-Wait, d-don’t you dahahare-! Ah! PffwhahahAHAHAHAhaha!!” He didn’t grab them fast enough before they latched onto his waist, tickling mercilessly.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle! Mwahahahahahaha!” Itto just loved to play with Ayato, smiling and giggling along with that precious laughter.
“Ahahahahaha!! NoHOHOhahaha!! Plehehehease! StahaHAHAhahap!!” Ayato tried to push him away somehow, but it didn’t help. His squirming couldn’t save him from the oni’s vicious claws. Before stopping, Itto decided to playfully scribble all over his tummy. “Ticklish here?”
“Ittohohohoho!!” Ayato swatted at his hands, wrapping his arms around himself in defense. He hadn’t laughed this much in a long time…
“Alright, alright, I guess you can live for now. Heheh~…” Itto teased, stopping his ticklish torment and ruffling Ayato’s hair. “Your laughter is honestly so precious! I love it so much.” he added, playfully nuzzling Ayato’s neck while he caught his breath again.
“Haha.. hah… o-oh gods…!”
“You okay?” he said, pulling away to check on his lover.
“Ha… haha… please…! I need to rest…” Ayato replied with a tired smile, gently stroking Itto’s cheek.
“Hmm…” Itto smiled and closed his eyes, leaning his head into Ayato’s hand to feel his warmth.
“Hahaha, my, my… How adorable you are, my dear.” Ayato said, gently petting his face with both hands.
“Hehehe! Nuh-uhhh! You’re the adorable one here!” Itto replied, smiling and blushing softly. He was loving the affection!
“Uh-huh. I guess you’re the cutie then, since I’m adorable… right~?” Ayato teased, playfully ruffling the oni’s hair.
“No way! How dare you?” Itto said, giggling and trying to hide his growing blush. Damn, Ayato really knew how to make a man melt, huh?
“Hehe~ I love you so much, sweetheart…” Ayato said, gently pinching and playing with Itto’s ears for the funny.
“I love you t-toohoo-! pfft~ hey! That tickles!” Itto quickly sat up to defend his ears, feeling embarrassed.
“Haha, how could I resist? Your ears are simply adorable. Don’t you agree?” Ayato spoke with love in his voice and a genuine smile.
Itto’s face flushed red and he stuttering as he struggled to respond properly. He didn’t know if he should hide his face or his ears, feeling too flustered to think straight. It seems Ayato landed a critical hit.
“Aww, feeling shy, my dear? Hehe~ Come here, darling.” Ayato teased with a chuckle, inviting him to a hug so they’d resume their cuddles.
Itto huffed and hugged him tight, burying his blushing face into Ayato’s neck. “You’re mean…” he muttered. His face felt hot.
“Hahaha, I know… I’ll let you calm down, my love. It’s okay.” Ayato said, gently petting Itto’s head and holding him close. He’s surprisingly easy to fluster if you know what to compliment. He felt so loved he didn’t know what to do with himself, melting to the loving touch of Ayato.
“Are you alright, my sweet~?” Ayato asked softly, running his fingers through Itto’s hair.
“Mm~… yeah… I love you~” Itto said, feeling so happy and loved.
“Aw… I love you too, sweetheart.” Ayato smiled softly, gently stroking Itto’s back, making him melt slowly. The two of them stayed like this for a while longer, until Ayato noticed how restless his darling seemed. He kept adjusting himself slightly, small and subtle movements that indicated he couldn’t stay still.
“Hey… darling? Are you feeling a bit bored by any chance?” Ayato asked, softly petting his head.
“Hmm~…” he seemed to like that.
“Say… would you like to switch places?” Ayato could tell why Itto was restless…
“Hm…? Yeah~ sure.” Itto replied, squeezing him in a hug for a little while before letting go and rolling to the side.
“Thank you, dear.” Ayato said, smiling at his lover and moving closer to him.
“Heheh, c’mere!” Itto felt impatient and simply pulled Ayato into the cuddles, letting him lay on top while hugging him tight.
“Oomph- hahaha…! Be careful, darling…” Ayato chuckled and adjusted his position to get more comfortable.
“Nuh-uhh~!” Itto kissed his forehead.
“Aww, look at you~” Ayato smiled, lightly stroking Itto’s cheeks. “So cute… I could eat you up.” he teased, deciding to unleash some mischief of his own by nuzzling and nibbling on Itto’s neck before he could react.
“Pfft- hahahaha! Hehehey! Thaha- EEK! Thahahat tihicklehehes!!” Itto protested through his surprised giggling fit, letting go of the hug and playfully trying to push Ayato’s face away.
“Hmm~ that’s too bad… hold still, please.” Ayato replied, nuzzling even more because yes.
“Hahahahahaha! Noooohahahaha! It tickles!!”
“I know~…” Ayato teased, lightly tickling Itto’s side and blowing air into his ear, raising the pitch of those adorable giggles.
“Eeek!! Hehehehahahahaha!! Nahahahaha- nahahat the ehehear!! Hehahahahahaha!!” Itto squirmed and tried to tilt his head away and cover his ear somehow, but Ayato had grabbed his wrist to prevent that.
“Oh, you’re so ticklish, darling. It’d be a shame if someone were to use that against you~” Ayato teased, blowing a small raspberry on his cheek.
“Hehehehehe!! Stohop teasing mehehehe!!” Itto complained, smiling and blushing from embarrassment while playfully pushing Ayato’s face away.
“What’s wrong, love? Can’t take what you dish out? What a shame~” he teased, gently tickling the oni’s ribs, eventually sitting up on his thighs while increasing the ticklish intensity. Suddenly, before the giggling Itto could register what was happening, Ayato started mercilessly tickling all over his tummy and abs, admiring his lover’s adorably happy and confused expression as he exploded into boisterous laughter and squirms.
“Aww, such a sweet smile you have, my love~” Ayato cooed, scribbling around all over the place.
“AAH!! EeheehehahAHAHAHAHA!! IT TICKLES!!” Itto squealed, laughing like a child and kicking his legs.
“Hmm, does it tickle here too?” Ayato asked, using one hand to quickly tickle his bellybutton. Itto let out another surprised squeal before laughing his ass off, squirming around.
“Tickle tickle tickle, you silly oni~” Ayato teased, scratching and vibrating his fingers into the oni’s lower ribs, laughing to himself as Itto let out a playful scream and threw his head back to laugh louder. He was really ticklish in that area, which was rather obvious with how his squirming and wild kicking increased.
“HWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!” Itto’s hands latched onto Ayato’s wrists in a playful attempt to pull the tickling hands away, which worked after a few seconds.
“My, my, you’re quite the wiggler, hehe. Now, would you kindly release my wrists, my sweet prince~?” Ayato asked with a smug smile.
“Ehehe! Nuh uh! Pfft- Y-You’re gonna have to break free yoursehelf!” Itto replied, still giggling like a madman.
“But didn’t you want to get tickled, silly? I thought that was the whole reason for your tickle attacks earlier.”
“Uh… um..” Itto’s face started to turn red. How did he know?!
“I’ve just been noticing a pattern.” Did Ayato just read his thoughts? Itto remained silent, he didn’t know what to say. “By now you’d surely know such mischief results in tickles, right~?”
Itto started giggling again. Turns out his true intentions were obvious all along! How silly!“I-I’m allowed to fight back! Eheh! G-Good luck tickling me without hands, hahaha!” He laughed to himself and gave Ayato a cocky smile, thinking he had achieved some kind of victory.
“Oh… I still have quite a few tricks up my sleeves, darling.” Ayato said, giving Itto a very mischievous smile that sent chills down his spine. What was he planning?
“Pfft- as if! Y-You’re bluffing!” Itto challenged, trying to stay cool.
“Just wait and see, my love~” Ayato began leaning closer. Itto didn’t quite understand what was going on until Ayato started to softly kiss and nuzzle his abs. Itto blushed and tried his hardest not to giggle. Yeah, it felt nice and all, but he was too ticklish hold still. It got worse when Ayato began kissing down to his belly instead.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Feeling ticklish?” He teased, hearing his lover snicker.
“Snrk- n-nope!” Itto replied quickly, stifling his giggles and holding Ayato’s wrists tightly. He mustn’t let go, or he’ll lose the game!
“Oh, what a shame.” Ayato replied, picking a different method...
“Mhm-hmhmhm pfft- wahahahait!! EEK! Nahahahahat thahahahahat!!” Itto shook his head and burst into a wild giggling fit as Ayato started to nibble at his belly and abs. It tickled so bad his legs kicked like crazy… or at least as much as they could while trapped under Ayato.
“I’m hungry, you have to share some of that. Don’t be greedy now~” Ayato teased, flustering the poor oni while softly biting at the sensitive skin.
“BUHUHUHUT IT TICKLES!!” Itto squealed, blushing like a cherry and giggling frantically.
“I know, darling. But sharing is caring~” Ayato replied, enjoying his ticklish meal.
“Eehehehehehe- *hic* nohohoho!!” He’d never admit how much he loved it. There was something extra loving and special about Ayato tickling him with kisses and such. He felt like the luckiest man in the world.
“Oh, you’re just so cute I could eat you right up!” Ayato said playfully. His nibbles eventually made their way up to Itto’s sensitive ribs, making him squirm more and laugh louder. Some more soft bites and ticklish squeals later, Ayato stopped so his darling oni could breathe.
“There~… You really are adorable, you know that?” Ayato said with a gentle smile, his wrists still held in Itto’s hands.
“Haha… hah… hehe…! Is that all you got?!” Itto challenged, giggling to himself as he caught his breath. He was loving this game so far!
“Really now? You want me to go for the kill already, do you?” Ayato raised an eyebrow, surprised at how fast his boyfriend had recovered.
“Pfft, your hands are mine! What are you gonna do ‘bout it, huh?” Itto had an attitude about it, secretly hoping to rile him up.
“Oh, my dear… Don’t you need a breather first?” Ayato asked, making sure to double-check before proceeding.
“Heh… nah, I’m having fun! I can take anything!!” Itto replied with a big ol’ grin, not ready to surrender yet.
“We’ll see about that~” Ayato inhaled and leaned down to Itto’s tummy again.
“Ah- w-wahait nohohoho! N-Nohot thahat!! Don’t you dahahahare!!” Itto quickly realized what was about to happen, giggling and squirming in anticipation. His giggles quickly turned into boisterous laughter again once Ayato began blowing raspberries on him. The commissioner found it very amusing how Itto would throw his head back to let out playful screams and loud laughter with each raspberry. They were both having lots of fun with this! “AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto eventually let go of Ayato’s wrists to try and push him away. “It tickles~!!”
“I know, darling, I know.” Ayato replied, playfully tickling his ribs and sides while nuzzling his abs, blowing one last raspberry right on his bellybutton. “Ready to give up~?”
Unfortunately, Itto was starting to feel overstimulated and couldn’t handle it anymore. They’d both overestimated how much stamina the oni had left. “AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Y-YEHEHEHES!! IHIHIT’S TOO MUHUHUHUCH!!”
As soon as he heard that, Ayato instantly stopped tickling and sat up, giving him a caring smile and loving strokes to help get rid of the leftover tingles while calming him down.
“It’s okay, darling. It’s okay. Breathe. You’ve had enough now…” he said with a gentle voice, getting off of Itto’s legs.
“Ahah… heh… huff… hehe…” Itto still had a smile on his face, which Ayato felt relieved to see. Had he truly been pushed over the edge, he would’ve looked sad instead.
“There you go… deep breaths, sweetheart…” Ayato soothed, helping him relax as the two breathed together. “Phew… haha…” After the oni had calmed down, Ayato kissed him on the forehead and asked, “Did you have fun?”
“Heh… y-yeah…! I needed that…” Itto giggled slightly, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m glad to hear that. I can’t get enough of that sweet laughter you have. It’s such a wonderful sound.” Ayato said, gently squishing Itto’s face with his hands and softly pinching his cheeks. He couldn’t resist the cute aggression.
“Pff, stooooppp! Let go!” Itto protested playfully, a bit flustered from such a compliment.
“Hehe~ you sweet little thing…” Ayato kissed his forehead, smiling lovingly at him. Such a cutie…
“Sh-Shut up…” Itto blushed and avoided eye contact.
“Would you like to cuddle, my dear? Or should I get you some water first?” Ayato asked, still petting the oni and playing with his face gently.
“Hmn… I don’t need water… I think…” Itto replied, adjusting to lay on his side instead. He seemed sleepy after all that chaos, so Ayato laid down next to him. “Are you sure…?” he asked softly.
“Heh… yeah… I just need you~” Itto replied with a smug look before the two of them adjusted together, resuming their original cuddle position. Itto laid atop Ayato, this time high up enough to nestle his face into his neck.
“Are you comfortable, my dearest~?” Ayato asked, stroking his back softly. Itto let out a satisfied hum, nuzzling Ayato gently.
“Mm~… Ayato..? Could you.. uh.. y’know…” Itto had a request, but struggled to express it.
“Yes, dear? Use your words~” Ayato replied, softly squeezing the oni in his arms to help him feel secure.
After a little while of mental preparing, Itto asked shyly, “Um… could you- uh… t-tickle my back too? … p-please?” He always felt embarrassed when asking directly.
“Oh? Hehe, of course, my dear. Just relax~…” Ayato said soothingly, softly tracing and gently scratching Itto’s back all the way up and down with slow and caring motions. The sensation felt very relaxing, only a little bit ticklish as Itto let out occassional chuckles here and there, melting to the touch.
“Hm… good night, my dearest…” Ayato said softly, teasingly tracing over Itto’s sides and waist as well, though he was gentle enough to keep him relaxed and calm.
“Mm~… heh~… night night~” Itto hugged him tighter, burying his face into his neck before slowly loosening as he started falling asleep. He shivered a little bit and let out soft, quiet giggles, but not a single protest or complaint. Ayato hummed a soft tune for him as well, lulling him to sleep.
Ah… this was just perfect. The soft breaths and quiet chuckles from his partner, the reassuring pressure of laying under him like this; it felt so comforting and cozy. This really was the perfect way to spend a night after such a long workday. Ayato felt like the happiest man in the world, holding the love of his life as he lulled him to sleep with the gentlest of tickles.
Itto sure is lucky his back isn’t a death spot unlike Ayato’s… It’s a silly thing to think about.
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bahbzxxx · 1 year
Serenitea Pot Shenanigans 2: Basic Anatomy ft. Some silly little Fox Friends✨🦋🍃
“My Windblume…that’s not exactly my shoulder…”
Venti X GN! Reader (Oneshot)
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You had absolutely no idea that you would be shredded in Genshin Invocation TGC. You had just suffered the most humiliating defeat, and to TIMMY no less. That PIGEON BOY.
It’s time to go home and wallow in your self pity…
But guess who’s made himself comfy on your loveseat… again…
“Oh, Windblume, I had a feeling I’d be seeing you soon! I just was taking care of your animal companions, that’s all…since I got here before you, I thought we could get to know one another…isn’t that right, my lovely fluffy friends?”
He’s covered in the foxes you adopted from Inazuma. All of them are snuggled up with him, lying all over him and making their adorable fox noises. You don’t know what they’re talking about, but clearly, the bard in residence does. He turns his attention back to the fox that he is cradling much like a baby, who you know to be the whiney one.
You love him very much, but that little guy is whiney.
“Oh, well, they’re right there? Don’t you see?” He chuckles warmly as the fox shuffles out of his arms and runs to you, pawing at you and whining for you to pick him up.
“H-he’s been waiting for you, my Windblume…all he yapped on about was you! somehow, he’s even more eager to see you than me…haha!!!”
You nuzzle the creature innocently, and it makes the wind spirit watching you blush.
“And…what about, pray tell,…hmm…me? I presume I’m chopped liver now, hmm?” He pouts.
You look up at him and give him a look. He gives you a pouty one. It’s so over-the top that you can’t help but giggle as you come towards him.
“Well my friends, move aside…our Windblume here is taking their rightful spot on my shoulder!” He perks up, his pouty facade instantly becoming gone with the wind.
“Now, my beloved, tell me, would you like my right or~”
You’re sliding into his lap, and his cheeks flush with heat.
“M-my dearest, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but, I, uh…”
It comes out as more of a purr.
“That’s not exactly my shoulder. That’s…my lap.
“Oh. I had absolutely no idea.”
Your fake deadpan shock has him reeling on the inside. For seductions sake and the sake of the little fox who’s somehow still snuggled into your chest…he moves to whisper into your ear.
“Oh…did you really now?”
Now that you’re here… he’d prefer if you stayed a while. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer into him and trapping you.
“Hmmm…I see how it is…”
It seems like the other foxes got the hint, and they’re giving their new friend and their dearest adopter some space…
Not that one apparently.
The windborne archon moves into kiss you, but is interrupted by a paw to his lips. You cackle.
“Oh! Right…I’m sorry…I forgot to tell you!!!”
He boops him on the nose.
“Unfortunately for you, lad…this Windblumes already mine…
He gently takes the fox in a gust of wind and plops him within his other fox companions. He whines, but an older, and wiser fox shakes it’s head and grabs him by the scruff, and the leash departs.
He’d get the talk sooner or later.
“Thank youuuuu….!” He sings as they leave. The instant the two of you have privacy, he acknowledges your confusion.
“Poor fella never got the memo…oh well, now he knows!!!”
He eagerly pulls you in for a kiss.
After a little while, you forget what you were so upset about…
“So…tell me, my warrior… *another kiss*…what has upset you so dearly earlier…”He wastes no time in claiming your lips once more.
“Uhm…do you really want to know?”
“I’d like to hear your…your retelling…yes…” He purrs.
“My-my retelling?”
He chuckles darkly, and moves to kiss your neck as he massages your back and waist.
“Do you not remember, my beloved? The wind hears everything…
“Everything when it comes to you…”
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