#tower control knockout
mamagaming8 · 11 months
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lesbianbishounen · 4 days
getting back into ffxiv pvp for the first time since endwalker came out and maybe i just havent played enough of it yet but man crystalline conflict just does not do it for me. its not even that i dislike it its just that it usually just makes me go “man i miss playing splatoon”. meanwhile frontlines feels like im doing rabid wolf pack rp
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not-p1 · 5 days
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stickytrigger69 · 8 months
some angst or fluff with tfp megatron and his femme s/o 💜
TFP Megatron x Femme Cybertronian Reader
This is angst to fluff
Femme reader, she/her pronouns
Abusive Megatron
Megatrons soft side is always hidden unless you two are alone
"Uuuugghh, Starscream!!" The seeker shivers and holds his arms close to his chest, ready to cover his face. "How many times must I tell you, remind you, warn you that we can not waste our troops and resources to thoughtlessly?!" He towers over the seeker in a proud display of dominance. Starscream can't speak. The feeling in his tanks chokes him and closes his throat, his fans whir and struggle loudly. All he can muster up is a pitiful, mousy squeak before his master groans loudly. One powerful swing of his arm is all it takes for the seeker to go flying backward right into you. The larger mech smashes right into you, and you make a pained sound upon the impact.
Megatron stalks forward and plants a pede on top of Starscream, who is still lying on top of your smaller frame. The both of you groan under his weight. "You continue to disappoint Starscream. And you," He looks into your optics, red hot anger beams into you, and you try to hide beneath Starscream, "do you not try to stop this fool? You are at fault just as much as he." With one final huff, he applies more pressure to Starscream's chest before he walks away, frustrated. Your chest feels tight and coolant behind to build up in your optics. Starscream is heavy on top of you, and you try to push him off. When he doesn't budge even the slightest, you start to feel panic rise up in your throat. Thankfully, before it gets worse, Breakdown pulls him up off of you, and a pair of familiar servos grasp your arms and pull you up softly.
"You need a new buff and polish, what do you say? Wanna come to the medibay with me for a little?" Knockouts smooth voice rumbles through your chest. Breakdown looks at your defeated face for a little while before turning up toward KO.
"Don't think she's feeling it, KO." The red mech turns his helm down to look at your face, then back up at his lover.
"Guess not." He says with a shrug. With a nod, you turn to walk out of the control room. "Just swing by if you want, okay?" You stop and look back at Knockout, giving him a small smile and another nod. The door whooshes shut behind you, and Knockout sighs before looking at Starscream with a pout. Megatron had stopped halfway down the hall to wait for you and shifted when he heard your pedes. He was quite away from you, and you were going at a slow pace, no doubt sad. He knew he saw it when he looked down on you. You were sad and scared.
He knows you didn't have much power when Starscream hatched a little "plan." For a decepticon, you have a bad habit of letting others walk all over you, and he loathes that fact. He really doesn't think you should wear a decepticon badge, but he couldn't bear to see that ugly red Autobot face on your chest again. Never again. In the middle of his thoughts, you pass right in front of him. Servos clasped together in the middle of your dainty chest, and helm pointed down to the floor beneath you. No doubt disappointed in yourself for getting caught up in someone else's mess yet again.
Frustrated with himself and his fleet commander that he grabs you roughly, lifting you off the ground with ease, and stomps his way to your shared hab. He doesn't even mind that you're trembling in his grasp. He just wants to take you to the one place on this ship where he's comfortable enough to be as sweet and soft with you as he pleases. He does know that he's scaring you, but he doesn't really care. He actually feels a little pleased with himself that you're this shaken up. Your shaking gets worse the closer you get to your hab, just like always, though it does never seem to get old, your tremors entertain his sadistic side.
His grin grows wider as the door comes into sight, and you go limp, giving up on any hope or plans to fight or argue. The second he stands in front of the door, he drops you unceremoniously, but through the tears, you land perfectly on your pedes. He is once again filled with pride that you're his lover and puffs out his chest so he can snatch your wrist again. With a whoosh, the door is open, and you're thrown in. You yelp, trying to get your balance only for large servos to be on your frame again. The grip like a vice, sharp claws dig into your plating just enough to cause discomfort. What hurts most is the sound it makes, the high-pitched whine of your armor, and just when you feel and hear it about to crumble beneath him, the pressure leaves and is replaced by feather light touches.
The fear begins to subside, but it remains idling by still just in case you need it. If he's really mad, you will need to be on the tips of your pedes. When he gets this way with you, you never know whether to fight or run. It's not like you ever really get to do either, but you still like to think that maybe you'd get the chance or that maybe you still have some control. Your legs are trembling, and the dull pain from when Starscream was laying on your chassis still throbs. Megatron says nothing and comes up behind you to stand there and look at you below him. He sees your servo come up to hold your chassis where scratches and smudges of grey paint decorate your own.
He sighs deeply and places his servo over yours. He steps forward and pulls you into him at the same time, leaning down to press his chassis to your back. All is still. His optics are closed while he holds you gently to him, and it begins to soothe you. Your legs stop trembling, and your mind stops racing with fear and is filled with nothing. A comfortable nothing, and you can just feel and hear him behind you, and you feel safe again. He always knows how to make you feel safe, even without saying a word to you. With a deep, throaty hum, he begins to lift you up and hold you a little tighter. He brings his other arm up to hold you around your waist for that little extra support.
It takes little to no time for you to begin crying. The pent-up stress from the day and sadness from disappointing him so finally has an outlet and releases from your spark chamber. You sniffle, derma trembling as coolant flows down your hot faceplate as he holds you close. His tenderness is an apology. For a mech who is so good with his words hardly has much to say when he's being soft and kind, he lost those skills when he was denied his right. With great speed, he moves his arm from your waist to support your weight from under you. Forearm holding you up by the backs of your thighs. The small shift allows him to pull you closer into his chassis, his servo enveloping your chassis squeezes tighter. He holds you like it's the last time he will ever have the chance to.
"I'm sorry." He nearly whispers, voice gritty and rough, "I love you so very much." He doesn't know why he apologized when he enjoyed tormenting you, but he did, and he won't take it back. Especially because it's calmed you further. You've melted right into his chassis, leaning back and squeezing his servo with your two little ones. Scaring you and hurting you really does provide him with a euphoric burst of energy every single time. Your weakness is all around a beautiful trait that he can relish in. The fantasies of you coming back, back to him, slouched and small from having failed.
Your little frame beneath his pede while you take every hit and every word silently. And how you cling to him afterward, you cling so tightly to his strength, knowing he and he alone can protect you. You will never leave his side. Not for anything in the universe. You NEED him. He's offered you the chance to have power and make the next move against the Autobots, but you meekly stepped back with your helm bowed. You smiled and awkwardly laughed, feeling shy with all optics on you. But you weren't built for such responsibility and, thus, stood back to allow someone else the pleasure.
Your sniffling has lessened, and you're not shaking so badly anymore. Perfect. He feels and knows that he would lose himself if you were to disappear in any way, shape, or form. Your softness causes weakness in him, but he would be damned if he showed it or told somebot about it. He's sure that you're the only one who has a hold on the last wire of his old self. The past him that was bright and brilliant. To lose you would be to lose himself for good.
"I didn't mean to." You whisper rhaspily. "I love you, I would never go against you or your word. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough." He looks at your face from over the top of your helm and sees more coolant build up in your optics.
"Stop that, or I'll give you an actual reason to be sorry. My sweet femme, so small and powerless." He pecks the top of your helm before he sits on the berth, keeping you close to his chassis. "It's never your fault." Your tears stop, and he takes a breath. "Though you do know how I enjoy punishing you." Another peck. He holds you out in front of himself to maneuver you to face him, but you don't dare look him in the optic. You open your legs and put them around his waist, and hug him, laying your helm on his chassis comfortably. Even though you were and are still afraid of him and the possibility that he could throw you on the ground whenever he so pleases, you're content with the current affections of your strong partner. You don't like it when he's angry, at you or otherwise because he disappears, swallowed by inky black hatred that blinds and deafens him.
It horrifies you to no end, but there's nothing you can do about it when it happens. Nothing to do other than pray and hope and cling to the chance that the real him will resurface again. "Are you awake, little one?" He asks. How long has he been talking to you, if he has been at least.
"Hmm?" You hum quietly.
"I've been trying to speak to you." He whispers as he lowers his helm onto your open shoulder. "It's alright, let's just recharge instead. We need it. You need it." He lays back on the berth. He can't stand recharging flatly. He likes to be propped up at an angle, especially with you against his chassis. Thus, the berth is at the perfect level that lulls him in a timely manner. You lay and listen. His warm frame hums and rumbles with energy so softly in his own way of showing you affection.
He subconsciously holds you nice and firmly to himself. And he won't let go until he wakes up again or is woken up for whatever his commanders deem appropriate enough to do such a thing. But for now, he holds you. He loves you. He's merciful tonight, and it eases your spark and slows your processor. Knowing and feeling the strength of his love overshadows any doubt that may have begun to grow and continuously cut it down any time it shows up. You would do anything to keep him like this, keep him soft and kind, but you'll have to change some things, get stronger.
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comphetkoncass · 14 hours
Your post about Batfam fans not knowing or caring about what their friends or love interests get up to in their own books is so spot on, and speaks to a wider problem I've noticed with that particular fandom. The vast majority of Bat-fans have zero interest in engaging with the wider DC universe outside of Gotham, to the point where they're not even willing to do the bare minimum level of research to accurately reflect the status quo of the DCU in whatever era the fic they're writing is set in (the JLA showing up in fics set around the time of Jason's death instead of the JLI is an obvious example that sticks out to me as a JLI fan). It's a large reason why I don't read many Batman fics anymore despite still loving those characters, because there's almost always some glaring inaccuracy that takes me out of it.
same :( i was reading a really cute [kory/non-dick] fic recently and to pretend that dick and kory didnt date it went with an idea that dick and barbara were soulmates and had always been together since childhood instead. or ive seen multiple titans tower aus where 'kon just happens to wake up from jason's knockout gas during the titans tower incident and save tim' ...... but like... kon was fully in a depression bunker (...his room in kansas) at that time, literally not on the team because he'd been mind controlled and considered himself too dangerous to be around after hurting his friends. like. kon had his own stuff going on. if u wanna write a kon titans tower fic theres definitely a market (tim being in trouble snaps him OUT of his depression bunker fugue depression state) but like... he wasnt just conveniently there.
i know no ones perfect about these things but its just especially glaring if it's literally involving the other half of a ship.
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havendance · 10 months
Scattered Batman: War Games thoughts
It honestly wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of parts that were bad, but it also moved at a quick pace and I have definitely read comics that were way more of a chore to get through
Still way too much torture though. I purposefully skipped all the scenes where Steph got tortured but other people also got tortured in this and why is there just so much?
I do like that Bruce actually asked for help/called in the cavalry at the begining of the event rather than running around making things worse a bunch of times. Of course the only help he called in was Batgirl and Nightwing, but baby steps!
I actually enjoyed most of the entire first act of war games. It was focused mainly on chaos exploding on everyone being on the ropes and doing damage control. It was quick moving and I like seeing the bats on the ropes. Plus, there was the
I did like both Cass and Tim's storylines throughout.
And then of course, act II onwards just went downhill. Look, I wish Zeis had succeeded in killing Black Mask when he was disguised as Oprheus because he just sucks.
Anyway, I already talked about the torture stuff :/
The thing is, I think because I skipped the bad parts and I knew both that Steph was going to die and that she would eventually come back going into this arc, her death actually made me less made than say, Sarah Essen's death in No Man's Land which is in some ways much less egregious (I'm still annoyed about that). If I HAD been a comics reader in 2004 and not a possibly-illiterate child whose mom wouldn't let them read comics at that age anyway, I probably would've been pissed! But context is everything.
But to backtrack a little, Bruce was like "I was never going to implement the war games plan" but he also had Orpheus going undercover to get control of the hill? It certainly looks like you're laying the groundwork my dude. I mean, he still could have been planning to not go all the way and made the contingency plan in question recently, but still. Out of universe, it's clearly laying groundwork for the War Games event.
Hmm, what else did I want to bring up. Oh yeah. Bruce, trying to take control over the entire GCPD is definetly a major overstep. You deserve to be wanted by them after that. Seriously dude, you didn't even have control over the GCPD during No Man's Land where there was no goverment. Your whole stchick involves acting outside of the law. You can't just do that dude.
Also, him hijacking Oracle's systems was also an asshole move. I think it is interesting the way that they had the interection of the urban legend batman mythos with the event. He's out during the day, being captured on camera for the first time in ages and it's in the middle of a major disaster. Terrible PR all around. The batman is real and this is his fault. I do think that's a fun move.
I am here for Barbara beefing with Batman, he was a dick to you during the event! But also the whole tower blowing up thing at the end was clearly because it was required by editorial. You're telling me you don't have knockout gas or batgrade tasers in there? Your only option was to blow up your home base?
Like, he also was a major presence during No Man's Land, but that was No Man's Land.
Anyway, this was clearly an event that was designed to make some major changes to the status quo. I will probably have more opinions on these changes as I read more comics, but for some initial thoughts:
Batman & co wanted by the GCPD. I'm a big fan of this one. Make him have to face greater odds with fewer resources than he's used to!
Stephanie dead. Lame :/
The Birds of Prey no longer based in Gotham. I am tentatively optimistic about this. I did like the era of Oracle being a key player in Gotham, but her being an idependent force not tied to them is defintely something she deserves! Of course, if this just results in her being exiled to Birds of Prey rather than playing a major role in the rest of the universe that'd be disappointing.
(Of course I also primarily only read Bat books, so uh, I don't think I'd see this either way.)
Tim and Cass in their Blüdhaven era: why not? I've heard good things about this.
Black Mask being a key play: grump grump grump I don't like him.
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ghosts778 · 3 months
The Consort and The Warlord Ch9
Summary: Megatron uses the All Spark to gain access to Cybertron and demands a peace treaty. An Autobot Consort is offered and Optimus is chosen. A Bonding Ceremony takes place and now Optimus has three vorn to figure out exactly what Megatron wants to do with Cybertron.
Pairing: Optimus Prime x Megatron
Continuity: Animated
Status: Ongoing
Two vorn has gone by far faster than Optimus had ever anticipated. He'd spent most of his time focusing on the Tour Guide project that Megatron had assigned him and it had completely overwhelmed him at first. After doing research on guided tours held at other cities, Optimus found out that just having someone show civilians around would not be enough. He needed fliers, brochures, rules and legal agreements, a business license, documents for hiring guides, a clear path for the guides to take, written permission from each location, what to do in case of an emergency, training the guides on any questions mecha might have. His processor was about to explode with every little detail he needed to keep in mind of. 
More than once Megatron had had to drag Optimus to the berth for recharge during the planning. Optimus of course protested but Megatron usually won when he picked Optimus up and very easily carried him to the berth. Optimus would have been embarrassed at the mech-handling but was usually too tired at that point to properly argue. He'd usually he out the moment his helm hit the berth and he'd wake up cuddled up against Megatron. Something Optimus was minding less and less with each cycle. The warlord actually faced him as they recharged and it wouldn't be uncommon for Optimus to wake, curled up into Megatron's chassis and the warlord's large arm draped across him gently. In all honesty, Optimis found it very nice to sleep next to another mech, it was warm.
While Optimus' project had many bumps along the way, the rest of Kaon was basically ready for new mecha to move in. The hospital had been built and even Ratchet had given his all clear on it. He was intending to give the new medics there some crash courses due to their Decepticon origins but Ratchet had been adamant about remaining in the tower as a medic there. He said he'd only move to the hospital if it turned out they really needed him. Not even a decavorn after the hospital opened, Ratchet was proven to be needed and ended up relocating. The old medic was cussing the entire time but Optimus swore he saw Ratchet smile at one point; he hadn't had his own clinic since the war after all. 
Ratchet was going to move into one of many housing units in Kaon. Strika had built many of them, some for warframes and some for civilians to make it easier for all of them. She'd managed to get three separate units up in time for the opening of Kaon, much to everyone's delight. Ratchet had gotten a warframe housing unit near the hospital and Optimus had been curious about it when he visited. That was until the Decepticon named Deadlock came out of a room asking Ratchet where he wanted the berth. Ratchet gave a look that said Deadlock was none of his business and Optimus agreed with him.  
Ratchet wasn't the only one who'd begun to settle down completely, Bumblebee had taken up racing along the empty streets of Kaon with Knockout and it turned out that the two racers had a group of sorts that bet on them and cheered them on. Optimus had managed to catch one of their races and realized that when Bumblebee had been playing around in the halls before, he'd truly been playing. The speeds the yellow bot and Knockout were reaching as they sped across open road was far faster than anything Optimus had seen. It was loud, it was fast and each drift and turn made it seem like they would crash, only to keep perfect control. Optimus had felt himself getting worked up with the crowd as he realized that this was what racers were meant to do. 
The only bot that Optimus hadn't been able to get in touch with during the last two vorn had been Bulkhead. The mech had been locked up in the Science Department, working on the ground bridge project and nothing else. Bulkhead did try to send them a message every couple of cycles, saying he was okay and apologizing for being absent. It was a bit quieter without the large green mech around but Optimus was happy that the mech was keeping busy. 
Now Kaon was ready for visitors, the Tour Guide project was done and it was time to head to Iacon for a quarterly meeting that Optimus had completely forgotten about. Cycles before they left, both Optimus and Megatron had been working to make sure there wouldn't be any problems while both of then were gone for a few cycles. Especially since the day after they came back was Opening Day. That alone made Optimus' tanks clench, remembering that he had to make a report to Ultra Magnus made them knot.
Sitting in the same space shuttle that they took to the Temple of Primus, Optimus frantically went over the datapad with his entire report on it. He needed to make sure that there no spelling mistakes and that the grammar was good. Megatron chuckled at the flustered prime and Optimus glared at him.
"It's not funny!" Optimus said defensively. "Ultra Magnus is strict when it comes to proper etiquette in reports."
"I am aware of his strictness but I am amused by the expression you are making." Megatron said. Optimus frowned, his derma forming an adorable pout that made Megatron grin. 
"Good to know my Bonded enjoys my misery." Optimus huffed. Megatron chuckled again and swiped the datapad from the Prime's servos. "Hey! Give it back!"
Optimus reached for the datapad, but while seated, he had no chance of reaching it where Megatron held it high above their helms. Optimus huffed, stood up and moved between Megatron's thighs and reached up, only to be several helms short. He was trying not to touch Megatron out of politeness, but when the warlord gave him a mean smirk, Optimus had enough. 
"I will climb you." Optimus said, optic ridges furrowed.
"I'd like to see you try." Megatron goaded.
Optimus gave Megatron a look before bracing his pede on the little bit of the chair seat visible and using that to push himself up. Now standing haphazardly, Optimus grabbed Megatron's outstretched arm with one servo while his other brushed against the bottom of the datapad. Lifting himself up just a bit, Optimus nearly got his digits on it when the shuttle suddenly lurched and he lost his balance. His pede were lost as he felt himself fall and embraced in something solid that barely budged as the shuttle shook and settled in a familiar landing motion.
Opening his optics, Optimus found himself on Megatron's lap, the Warlord securing him against his chassis with both arms. Noticing that the datapad was right beside him, Optimus plucked it from the unsuspecting warframe and stored it into his subspace. Megatron just seemed amused by the act and helped Optimus back onto his pede. Once he was sure that the smaller bot was not going to go toppling again, Megatron stood as well. 
"It seems we have arrived at Iacon." Megatron stated, going to the front or the shuttle to speak with their pilot.
Optimus peeked outside the windows and found that they had been docked at the private docks of Fortress Maximus. A number of Autobots stood in rank right outside the building door and the familiar figure of Ultra Magnus standing center caught Optimus' attention. Hopefully it meant good things when the Autobot Leader came out to greet them personally. 
Megatron came up behind Optimus and opened the hatch release. Jumping out due to the lack of steps, Megatron ignored the shuffling of pede across the docking platforn. He turned to offer his servo toOptimus, knowing that his little consort could easily jump down but deciding that he would show how much of a gentlemech he could be. Optimus didn't even hesitate to take his servo, putting his weight on it as he hopped down much more gracefully than Megatron had. Optimus let go of his servo once on the ground but Megatron decided to move that servo to his back struts as he led Optimus to the Autobots.
Ultra Magnus took two steps forward when Megatron stopped a respectful distance away. The warlord did not fail to notice the way the Magnus' optics traced of Optimus' frame, as if he was trying to find a single dent or scratch that could incriminate Megatron. Optimus didn't seem to notice this as he gave Ultra Magnus a proper salute and stood a bit straighter, while still beside Megatron.
"It is good to see you have arrived safely." Ultra Magnus stated, his optics on Optimus who gave him a polite nod.
"I am surprised that you came to greet us yourself, Ultra Magnus." Megatron stated. It made the Autobot Leader turn to him.
"It was deemed necessary." Ultra Magnus stated. He stood a bit taller, his armor bristled as he narrowed his optics at rhe warlord before turning on his pede. "The meeting will be held immediately."
The meeting took up most of the morning and went much quieter than Optimus had expected. Council members muttered amongst themselves as they went over the documents and reports that both Megatron and Optimus had provided. They even asked questions about the availability of the ground bridge project and the fuel formula that Blackarachnia had created. When Megatron offered a fair trade for the latter and an open use policy on the ground bridge once stabilized, many were near giddy. Some voiced the same concerns as Starscream with the ground bridges being used to invade but Megatron assured them that they had no intention of starting another war. Some lower council members even mentioned how Autobot civilians were eager to view the Decepticon city in a few cycles time. 
Once everything was looked over, the Council decided to finish for the cycle, electing to finish in the next cycle. Many agreed, and Optimus noticed Megatron hold back his frustration since the cons typically held their meetings in one setting. They left quietly however, exiting the massive meeting room from a public door. Ultra Magnus had met them at the door, his attention on Optimus. 
"I need to speak with Optimus, in private." Ultra Magnus stated. 
"Do you intend to take away private time with my consort?" Megatron asked, his voice a gentle tease.
"He is my Prime before he is your consort." Ultra Magnus snapped, catching both of them off guard. "Follow me, Optimus."
Optimus gave Megarron an apologetic look and a small wave before following behind Ultra Magnus. The large Magnus walked at a steady and practiced pace, a great deal of grace and dignity in each step he took. Optimus followed with a respectful distance behind him, arms at his side, chassis out and helm up to the watch back strut of his leader. The position was a habit, practiced for stellar cycles, but now it felt a bit uncomfortable. How long had he gone without having to use this proper posture? 
Optimus was led to Ultra Magnus' office and was gestured inside. He had been here a servoful of times before and like always, it was minimally filled, a large and neat desk, shelves for datapads, a side desk for Ultra Magnus' secretary and a seating area to the side with two large chairs and a small table. With the door locking behind him, Optimus was led to the seating area and sat down.
"You are able to speak freely now." Ultra Magnus said as he took a seat. The Magnus Hammer was set aside and he sat up straight to look Optimus in the optic. The mech looked confused.
"Excuse me, sir?" Optimus asked, digits tangled together on his knee.
"That dastard cannot hear you here." Ultra Magnus continued. "Please, Optimus, what has he done to you?"
"Nothing!" Optimus sputtered out. "I mean he hasn't done nothing, he's obviously done stuff. He's not neglected but the stuff he's done isn't bad either!"
"Optimus, you need to speak clearly." Ultra Magnus said patiently. 
Optimus let his voice reset and after a few nano-kliks he spoke again. "Megatron has been completely respectful to me these last three vorns." He said with a smile. "I haven't been treated rudely, even the other Decepticons treat me with a level of respect. It's not just me either, my team are integrating really well with them! I think that Megatron truly wants this peace."
Optimus had expected Ultra Magnus to look relieved, but he almost seemed appalled. The old mech had a stern look of disdain that Optimus had never seen before.
"That is not what I wanted to hear." Ultra Magnus stated, looking away as he clenched his servos. 
"Sir, what do you mean?" Optimus asked, leaning a bit closer to his leader. "Isn't this a good thing?"
"Of course it isn't!" Ultra Magnus snapped, shocking Optimus who sat back. "Do you really think the Council will be happy to know that the Decepticons are settling in just fine?"
"B-but at the meeting… they seemed pleased!" Optimus stuttered. 
"They may be pleased but they are still fearful of the Decepticons and preparing for whatever attack they have planned." Ultra Magnus replied.
"But they aren't planning any attack!" Optimus protested, standing up. "All of their focus these last three vorns has been on rebuilding their cities and making them habitable and safe!"
"Yes and I'm sure these tours they've been advertising are perfectly safe!" Ultra Magnus retorted.
"I'm… the one who came up with those…" Optimus said. His shoulders slumped. Had all his hard work gone to waste?
Ultra Magnus looked up at Optimus with optics he couldn't read. Reaching out, the Magnus gripped his prime by both shoulders and met his optics. "Listen to me Optimus, I'm certain that Megatron has coerced you into siding with him somehow but you need to focus. Remember who you are loyal to." He said.
"I'm not coerced! Megatron hasn't harmed me!" Optimus said, his voice less strong than it was before. 
"Then what is this scar?" Ultra Mahnus asked, gently tracing the location on his shoulder pauldron where Megatron had accidentally gone too hard. Though it was healed up, he had never made it to Knockout for a new paint job so the welding was visible.
"It was an accident." Optimus stressed.
"I promised you, that I would help you out of this situation." Ultra Magnus said.
"But I don't need help!" Optimus insisted. "I'm happy with Megatron!"
"That's unacceptable!" Ultra Magnus stood up, his grip getting stronger as he pulled Optimus closer to glare at him. "You are an Autobot! And one of my primes! Your loyalty is to me! I will not accept you running off with our planet's sworn enemy!"
Optimus was shook, staring with wide optics at Ultra Magnus and not realizing that his arms were being dented. Optimus tried to speak, but his voice sputtered out static. 
"Megatron has been abusing you." Ultra Magnus spoke suddenly. He let go of Optimus and turned to face the large window in the office. "You are too terrified to speak in public or to see him anymore and so you are currently under the care of a medic to access your well being. This will be enough to undo your bonding to him. Afterwards you will remain by my side. I need a new secretary and I believe your skills will be beneficial to this position."
Optimus stared at the chair the Magnus had been occupying. He heard everything that was said to him, but he couldn't process it. Why was Ultra Magnus so unaccepting of the Decepticons?
"Why?" Optimus finally managed to speak. Ultra Magnus turned to him and gestured for him to continue. "Why can't you accept that Megatron wants peace?"
"It is not Megatron’s desire for peace that I cannot accept." Ultra Magnus said. He moved back in front of Optimus and used his digits go lift the smaller mechs chin up so they can once again be optic to optic. "It's the fact that he is Bonded to you that I cannot accept."
"W-what!?" Optimus asked in a fluster. 
"I have had my optic on you since I first learned your designation." Ultra Magnus said. "You were the top of your class with scores that rivaled my own. When you managed to become a Prime before you even graduated, I decided then and there thay you would be my consort.
"However, you made a mistake by going Off World and took all the blame for it. I had intended to clear you of all guilt but before I could even speak, you dug your own grave. The leader of a spacebridge repair team was the only thing I could give you and I thought I'd lost all chances of you being able to be mine." Ultra Magnus explained. "Until the Council decided to bond you to Megatron for peace. Then I realized that I could restore your honor as my Prime and have you by my side again. Surely Megatron would treat an Autobot consort poorly which would cause an annulment of the bond. You would become the martyr who survived living with the Decepticons and after a few stellar cycles I could officially take you as my consort with no objections."
Optimus couldn't speak, honestly he didn't know what to say. But he knew what he felt: disbelief, disgust, rage.
"Y-you expected me to just be okay with bonding to you?" Optimus asked. He clenched his servos as his frame shook.
"What reason would you have to reject the offer?" Ultra Magnus said, optics narrowing. 
"My own feelings on the matter, the fact you only wanted me because I'd been successful!" Optimus protested. "Would you even care if I was happy?"
"Of course."
"No, no you wouldn't!" Optimus shouted. "You wanted a trophybot to look good with! That's it!"
"Optimus…" Ultra Magnus was getting impatient. He hadn't expected Optimus to be so hysterical. 
"No!' Optimus interupted. "I'd rather be Bonded to Megatron for the rest of my creation than you!"
The sound resonated to the room, echoing and deafening the sound of Optimis falling, of the chairs being pushed across hard floors, of Ultra Magnus' vents rushing out air. The Magnus had his fist up, level to where Optimus had once been. Optimus was now on the floor, one arm propping him up as his other servo gently touched his cheekplate. The soft surface was hot and swollen and painful to the touch. 
He'd been hit…
Ultra Magnus had hit him…
He'd been punched by his leader…
Optimus looked up at Ultra Magnus and he wondered if the larger mech saw his own anger in his wide optics because he looked away rather quickly. 
"Get out."
Optimus stood quickly, holding his injured cheekplate and exiting Ultra Magnus' office in a haste. He didn't know where he was expected to go, but his pedes moved faster than his processor could think. He took familiar hallways, ignoring looks, ignoring whispers and his own designation being called. He didn't run, he didn't have the energy for it but he walked as fast as he could. Optimus took the path to the only place he might be. 
Megatron had been looking through datapads as he leaned against his shuttle. They'd offered him and Optimus a habsuite for the night but he hadn't been allowed to wait for his consort in the halls so he chose to wait at the docks instead. It was much nicer being outside anyway. 
He could hear the familiar step of Optimus after the door slid open. They were rushed, but Megatron didn't need to look up to know that it was his consort. What he hadn't expected was for Optimus to run straight into him and mutter something Megatron couldn't understand. 
"You must speak clearly, little one." Megatron stated. He froze when Optimus looked up, optics dull and cheekplate swollen. It was cracked slightly, energon shining just under the wound but not spilling out. It was clear that someone had punched Oprimus, and that thought filled Megatron’s chassis with rage. Very carefully, he traced his clawed digits along the edges of the injury, being as gentle as physically possible.
"Who did this to you?"
It was a question and a demand and Optimus knew he should tell but he shook his helm instead. He wanted to forget what happened. He wanted to leave and forget the entire conversation he'd had with his leader.
"It was Ultra Magnus." Megatron said harshly, a growl escaping his vocalizer. "I'll tear his arms off!"
Optimus put his hands out, pushing against Megatrons chassis in an attempt to hold him back. It was enough to cause the warframe to pause.
"Please." Optimus pleaded. "Don't do anything… I-I just want to go home.. back to Kaon…"
Megatron grit his denta but seeing Optimus in this state caused his spark to ache. With a dissatisfied growl, he let his shoulders drop. Optimus let out an ex-vent before Megatron picked him up and held him with one arm. 
"Alright, but know this little one, his actions will not be forgotten." Megatron swore, staring Optimus in the optic. Optimus nodded and settled against Megatron, helm resting against his shoulder. 
Optimus wanted to recharge and never wake up.
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I just somehow managed to win a tower control match despite having an ice cream in one hand and not being able to move around great... Mad respect and a thousand kudos to my teammates who somehow managed to knockout win despite having one semi-incapacitated player. Well done and happy Splatfest whoever y'all were
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mchi22 · 1 year
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ough.... 30 more levels to go......
this time it took me 39 games, of which 9 were salmon run, 28 were ranked, and 2 were turf war. i lost 6 salmon run games and won 3, lost 16 ranked battles (in my defense during two of them 2 of my teammates disconnected) and won 12 (7 knockout), and lost/won one turf war each before deciding it wasnt giving me enough XP and changing to ranked
also i dont usually use blasters but im having fun with them on tower control
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ninjacat1515 · 2 years
Fiadh fending off Red Riding Hood's grandmother, who is weilding an enchanted cane.
"You tried to eat my granddaughter! Take THIS, and THAT!"
"Ow! And?? Ow! She looks delicious!"
Red herself joins the fray and gets a fire poker, jabbing the Pillager woman in the behind with the glowing tip. Fiadh yelps and immediately rounds on the girl, towering over her with a hateful glare.
"Oh, you'll pay for that dearie!! I will-"
The poker then goes up a nostril and Fiadh's tirade is brought to a painful halt. She howls with hungry rage, and grabs the poker, bending it in half and tossing it back into the fireplace. Grandma went to land another hit, but the Pillager seized the cane.
Knowing she had the upper hand again, Fiadh's grin returns and she backs the two into a corner, rapidly tying them up and rubbing her hands together. Back in control! She rummaged in the basket Red had been carrying.
"Lovely bottle of wine, might I add! It pairs nicely with red meat."
Red spat at her as she comforted her grandma, who was failing to remain calm.
"Hope you choke!"
A knock came to the door, and Fiadh hissed. Who dared interrupt her fun?! Marching to it, she flung the door open and there stood a furious Archie. He was out of breath but glaring. Fiadh groaned.
"Archie, now is NOT the time-
Something liquid struck her face and Fiadh was out cold. Archie had thrown a knockout potion, and he made sure she was deeply asleep before going and freeing the humans. They were confused but grateful.
"Who are you?"
"I'm her grandson."
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mamagaming8 · 11 months
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Unforeseen Consequences 
This is the second part to "To Be Decided" I would recommend reading that first so this makes sense.
The only reason this was even written at all is because of the likes and reblogs that have me re-reading my fics and get me inspired. Thank you for enjoying my mediocre writing of my favorite genre and fandom.
“You keep eyeing the clock, got a lady meeting you tonight?” The bartender, James, comments. I chuckle before downing the rest of my drink. 
“I wish, but it's all business tonight,” I pull my wallet out and tuck some cash under my now empty glass, “Keep the change.”
“Have a good night Sir.” James waves as I walk away. It should be a good night. It's been almost 10 hours since I poisoned the target. No one has ever lasted more than 4 days before they come running back for a cure. 
The cold, night air was a welcome contrast to the stuffy heat of the bar. The one drink did help with my nerves though, this client wasn't exactly the easiest.
I scan the streets and notice the red & white Porsche parked in an alleyway across the way. The client must have seen me since the headlights flashed on and off before the car reversed into the dark alley.
“Guess we are still doing the car thing,” I comment, checking for traffic before jogging across the street to the alley. This is the second time I've met the client face-to-face, kind of. He's never gotten out of his car. It didn't really matter anyway, this guy's money was good, and that's what was important. 
“This betta’ be good.” The client states flatly. God, he always sounded annoyed or pissed off whenever we spoke, even over the phone. I eye the windshield, trying to get a better view of him. Always imagined him as a big, tough boxer, probably retired. But, as always I can't even see a silhouette through the windshield, he must get pulled over a shit ton for that tint. 
“Your target finally showed themselves yesterday, after nearly 3 months of hiding. Thought you would want to know?” I lean against the alley wall, eyeing the sidewalk and street for any passer-byers. Wouldn’t want anyone to overhear our conversation.
“Ya’ have ‘em?” He sounded less annoyed. Good.
“Not right now, but soon. They ran away in a teal and black Lambo, but not before I tagged them. I’ve got their live location streaming to this device,” I wave my phone in front of me, the tracking app open and actively pinging their location.
“Useless.” The client's lights flash on, the engine revving. Damn, this guy's brights are intense!
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I got them with my inhalant. They won't last long in hiding under its effects. I’m the only one with a cure. You’ll have the target in less than a week, I guarantee it. Everything is under control.” I explain, pushing off the wall to stand up straighter. I needed to command more respect with this guy and leaning against a wall in a dirty alleyway wasn’t cutting it.
“Ya’ had one chance, and now ya’ve made things harda’ for me.”
Fuck. This guy sounds beyond pissed. “Hold on-” 
“Enough.” The car lights turned off, leaving me struggling to focus with the sudden darkness. The sound of grinding metal. Glowing red eyes. What was going on? Something cold grabs my center and my feet are no longer on the ground.
“You failed and I’m done dealin’ with a lower life form.” 
“I expected at least you two to understand why I have such strict restrictions in place with Y/N more than anybot else!” Megatron scolds.
“How were we supposed to know Optimus would get a human involved?! Did you expect that?” Sunstreak cuts into the rant, arms firmly crossed. 
I was sitting on the med-bay counter, Knockout towering over me while Megatron was berating the twins across the way. Knockout was able to cure me of whatever it was that guy made me breathe in. I wasn’t shaking and coughing anymore, but my chest and throat hurt like a bitch. I rub my chest as if it could smooth the pain.
“Anything change Y/N?” Knockout asks, noticing my movement.
I look up at him and shake my head, before turning back to look at the twins. I couldn't speak, it hurt so bad and made me sound like I’ve been smoking since birth. 
“That is exactly why we have the restrictions. There is no telling what Optimus Prime will-” An alert sounded from the med-bay computer that cut Megatron off.
“Megatron. I’m picking up an aircraft fast approaching from the southwest. Confirmed Autobot signature, though I can’t pinpoint who exactly.” Starscream reports. Megatron gives the twins one final side-eye before turning his full attention to the screen. 
“Just one signature?” Megatron questions, turning his attention to the computer's controls. Knockout moves out of Megatron's way, leaving me with an unobstructed view as the screen changes to an overview map, the Nemesis in the center with another dot quickly approaching. The tension in the room rises and falls as the dot zips right over and past the Nemesis. 
“It appears they dropped something, let me see if I can get visuals,” Starscream reports. Before anyone could say anything the screen changed to a live view of the outside, not far from the Nemesis, an area I was familiar with.
Suddenly everyone was moving at the same time. Megatron scrambled with the computer controls and Knockout moved forward to stand in between the screen and me, but it was too late.
The man that had attacked me yesterday… his body was broken and twisted into a pile on the ground. So much red... were those bones sticking out? My stomach drops and the air leaves my lungs. Above his body there was a hologram that was displaying a short message:
“See you soon, Y/N”
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zaptap · 3 months
im doing the tower control challenge with random gear and weapons and i just had one where a minute and a half into the battle we were approaching the tower goal (about 10 away) when suddenly half our team got disconnected (and one on the other team thankfully... but still)
my teammate and i somehow managed to avoid a knockout loss, but they did get the tower 4 away from our goal after that (we stopped them, just not fast enough)
...of course this would happen the time it gives me the frye gear. by wearing her clothes ive inherited her curse
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grazer-razor · 9 months
i played a few rounds of tower control before 8:00 PM(which is when splatoon 3 switches to a new day).
i was planning on getting a few rounds in to level up my catalog before the new day came so i could win a round and get my daily bonus.
i ended up winning 3 rounds of tower control, with the latter 2 rounds being knockouts and the 2nd round leveling up both my catalog AND my regular level!
AND... when i won the third round right as 8:00 struck, i got my daily bonus!
i can't 100% say for sure if this was god's doing, but the bible says that everything good is from above, so i cannot rule this out.
so, thank you lord!
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splat-asvaldr · 6 years
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ace-octo-pix · 6 years
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The Wild Pix, seen here with others who navigate the Tower Control Habitat on the daily.
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