#tracey wolf
anchorcitys · 1 month
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wait i forgot to post them here !!
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femmehysteria · 5 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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outcastpack · 11 months
I'm not OK like look THIS is what my boys(and girls) could of looked like in the movie
Starting off with the Loml Theodore Karl Raeken NO words whatsoever because cody is ahshjsjdbbsjejnrennej
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Next The Lomls Lohl Liam Eugene Dunbar and yes ok we got Liam in the movie (and he did look hot at times) BUT Imagine a mix of movie and S6 Liam........ you see the vision like Ima envision this as him
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Next my son Corey Bryant-Hewitt and his husband because he would definitely be married to Mason
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Like they are married and happy and I will NOT be told otherwise.
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Leading into Alec and Nolan and just yeaaaaaaaaah (as a Nalec shipper just yes)
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Now the Lesbians (or occasionaly BI) Hayden and Gwen. Oh so pretty
Also special feature with my girl Tracey if she had lived (😔😔😔😔)
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Sorry I'm just imagining him in glasses and got fixated on that 😅 also I've reached the pics limit so will do more for few that I missed
Anyway yeaaaaaaah F**k Jeff for taking them away from me(or trying to)
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extraordinary-heroes · 9 months
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Sonic The Hedgehog #40 (Cover art by Tracey Yardley)
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adelaidedrubman · 2 months
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great tumblr is sending me jacob seed targeted ads now
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dozydawn · 11 months
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Models: Julie Wolfe, Tracey Nash, and Lisa Hollenbeck.
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ulrichgebert · 11 months
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Leider auch nur bei Broadway (gelegentlich) HD, dem in diesem Falle sogar noch viel schlechter funktionierenden untalentierten Streamingdienst anschauen kann man das großartige komplizierte-Familienkonstruktionen-Gay-AIDS-jüdische-Befindlichkeits-Musical Falsetttos, das wir Ihnen in einer einigermaßen zufriedenstellenden Präsentation total ans Herz legen würden.
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felixcarlucci · 2 years
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TEEN WOLF 5.02 “Parasomnia”
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horsechestnut · 2 years
Maybe it’s just my mild face blindness, but every blonde haired, blue shirt, woman on this show looks exactly the same.
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
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what do i have to do to get people to draw more sapphic fanart for my fandoms
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I can't handle this anymore but Jesse Lee Soffer needs to come back as Jay Halstead!! Hailey needs to have her man back so she can be happy all over again and to go home to him all over again! Seeing Hailey sad just hurts me and other fans who feels for her!
How can we convince One Chicago and Chicago PD to make Jesse to come back?? I miss him so so much and I just can't deal with all of this without Jesse! I need to see Hailey happy again with her man by her side! This is the reason why I love One Chicago is because of Jesse Lee Soffer. He's the best actor and a cute guy to be on the show! I know it's been said that Jesse is coming back but not as Jay Halstead but Jesse needs to come back on the show and be with his newly wife and partner!
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anchorcitys · 5 months
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
Theo Raeken loved Liam Dunbar while Liam Dunbar could've loved Theo Raeken:
At this point my love for Thiam is evident and I love to think that my headcanons about them are facts but I also love to analyze canon and in my opinion Theo loved Liam while Liam could've loved Theo but we didn't have enough time.
Let me explain:
The first thing is that Theo's sexual orientation is never disclosed in the show but we can analyze what we get. Theo never showed romantic interest for anyone. The only two remotely romantic examples in his scenes are the ones with Malia and Tracey, however those instances were "programed", those were fake interactions impulsed by his -villanous- interests at the time.
Theo, however, seems much more interested whenever he interacts with men (I am not saying that he likes every single man he interacts with, but we can admit that even his expression seemed to change). Still, I don't think Theo felt anything for anyone -other than anger, jealously, etc.- until he met Liam.
In my opinion, yes, at first Theo didn't leave Liam's side because he had the power to send him back to hell but later there's plenty of times where Theo keeps showing even when he doesn't have to.
I have a post dedicated to explain how Season 6 Theo is the "Real Theo" and that Theo is pretty much mesmerized by Liam in many scenes. Evidently, he also feels some type of loyalty towards Liam to the point where he only decides to not leave Beacon Hills until Scott mentions Liam in that phone call.
Not to mention the amount of times where he saves Liam's life and helps him with his IED.
It's never stated explicitly but I think Liam is the first person Theo loved in a very very long time (or maybe the first one, we don't know how his relationship with his family was), wether it was platonic or romantic, Theo had feelings for that boy. I am personally inclined to think that those feelings are not platonic at all given the fact that I firmly believe that Theo might be gay or maybe bisexual with a strong preference for men.
Now, here comes the problem... Liam is a completely different case.
Liam feels resentful towards Theo most of the time and I think his unwillingness to send him back to hell has more to do with the fact that in Season 6 it's hinted that Liam will be the new leader at some point and he has to prove himself.
However, at some point things get much more complex because there's plenty of times where Liam keeps asking Theo for help even when he doesn't really need him. Liam listens to Theo and he knows that Theo is a reliable person -Towards Liam himself only because the rest of the pack never seems to forgive him, not even my sweet boy Mason- and wants to have him fighting by his side. He explains his plans and waits for Theo's opinion -the funny thing is that no matter how dumb Liam acts Theo will help him with his plans and save him if necessary-
And... the biggest point of the analysis on Liam's side is that it's heavily hinted that Theo is Liam's new anchor. Of course they never say it explicitly, but the subtext is too strong to ignore it (it's painfully obvious even). One of the biggest proofs of it is Theo saying "That's progress" when Liam controls himself after seeing him in that scene with Gabe because that line is a direct parallel to Stiles saying "That's progress" to Malia... HIS EX GIRLFRIEND.
I think Liam was not really prepared to accept that Theo was already his ally, his friend -given the fact that they smile at each other, they save each other, etc- and his anchor.
Liam was already feeling some type of affection for Theo by season 6B but it was buried behind the angry and annoyed facade Liam keeps for the entirety of that season.
Liam could've definitely loved Theo back but the show ended too early for Liam to come to terms with his new feelings.
I am choosing to ignore the existence of the Teen wolf movie because it makes Thiam even more tragic. If we consider it canon then it's very likely that Theo never confessed to Liam and Liam, at some point, probably buried his feelings even more until they faded.
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outcastpack · 11 months
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Drawings,Pictures.... and Kisses Moodboard
Tracy likes to draw. And Malia, taking pictures. What happens when the two mix their talents with a few kisses?
For @thiamsxbitch ArtistTraceyXPhotographerMalia fic.
Had this scheduled to go up somepoint but here it is.
Fic link here for any interested in taking a look(I do recommend and hope it can help cheer you up😁)
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widogastc · 2 years
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→ the dissection of yasha nydoorin
black leopard, red wolf - marlon james // home is not a country - safia elhillo // slut - daphne gottlieb // birthright - george abraham // mural - mahmoud darwish // the only truth left in the box - katie maria // stephanie peters // mother - michał elwiro andriolli // angels in america: parestroika - tony kushner // john martin // tracey emin // monet // heavy - mary oliver // death kit - susan sontag // john martin // nocturne - e.e. cummings // they can't turn back - james baldwin // goodbye tsugumi - banana yoshimoto // les misérables - victor hugo
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collecting-stories · 9 months
Misc. Masterlist pt. II
This Masterlist is for fandoms that I've only written a handful of fics for.
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Chase Graves  Trust Issues | Zombie Killer
Lowell Tracey  Flirt
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Carmen Berzatto Blueberry BBQ | Strawberry Gazpacho | Peaches & Cream
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Sonny Carisi 2am | Feels
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Logan Echolls  Alternaprom
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Garcia Flynn Puzzles
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Tom Davidson Question…? | Cowboy Like Me
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Tyler Townsend Home Game
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Leo West Mykonos
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Fezco Fire Starter pt. 2 | Party Dress | Ride | Birthday
Camera Roll Series
Fezco | Lexi Howard | Cassie Howard | Rue Bennett | Kat Hernandez | Maddy Perez | Jules Vaughan
Teen Wolf
Isaac Lahey Haunted House
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