alice-the-demon · 9 months
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Art vs Artist 2023
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revmarques · 1 year
The Expression "Deeds of the Law" is Talmud, Not "The Laws of God"
The Expression "Deeds of the Law" is Talmud, Not "The Laws of God"
We always thought that the Law of Elohim in the Pentateuch, given to Moses on Mount Horeb on the Sinai peninsula, was eliminated by this verse Romans 3:20 and others in Galatians under the preaching of the Apostle Paul. But now it turns out that it is and always was false. The expression “Deeds of the Law” is Talmud (rabbinic traditions, discussions of Jewish laws, customs and halakha, passed…
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cartoonsforlife · 2 years
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civilmentor1 · 2 months
Current Affairs - 4 AUGUST 2025
1. LA NINA ● La Nina is a climate phenomenon characterised by a cooling of the sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial PacificOcean. ● It is one phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in theEarth’s climate system. ● La Nina typically develops during the late summer or early fall and can last for several months, sometimes longer. ● The term “La Nina” translates…
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pioupioublanc · 1 year
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Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi 🎶
Sooo idk why but Tumblr put an adult rating on this post xD haha... I wanna die.
🇫🇷 Tradiction :
L : J-j’ai quelque chose d’important à dire avant que vous ne me mangiez.
L : M-mais c’est trop embarrassant de le dire à voix haute… Donc… S-si vous pouviez…
B : … Ne t’imagines même pas tenter quelque chose, le vert.
B : P*TAIN IL EST TROP MIGNON J’EN PEUX PLUS <— (une confusion royale)
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lynchollow · 22 days
I think it's crazy how SJM has been bulding up elain and azriel's story since ACOMAF but y'all simply refuse to see it? i literally don't understand how you could ever see Feyre asking Rhys about rejected mating bonds, looking directly at her sister and how she was smiling at Az as anything but a foreshadowing. And, honeslty, it just makes me sad because y'all are missing out on such a fucking great story that's going to be told! Rhys talking about how rejected mates can even declare duels on another males that are interested in their mate, how a lot of couples did not work just because of the mating bonds, and the Autumn Court's tradiction regarding it.
Honestly, how does that not make anyone excited?
That would be MUCH more interesting to see than another fated mates story, that are beautiful but it is also beautiful to see a change in the pattern, a new type of love and growth of a relationship. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Lucien but i just don't think neither He or Elain deserve to be try something that is obviously not going to work because Elain is clearly not interested and Lucien got the message, hence why he felt confused as to whether she is "worth" fighting for.
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mytheoristavenue · 4 months
Could you do Mizu X reader if reader showed Mizu Tyler the creator? It’s okay if not! 🙂‍↕️
This song if so! Thank you! :3
My asks are actually closed, but I'll give this one a shot, hope you don't mind it being so short, I don't know much about Tyler, The Creator!
BES College AU!Mizu x Reader - You Introduce Her to Rap Music
⭐ Mizu is going to school to get a degree in criminal justice, and works at a dojo to pay tuition, teaching novice level swordfighting.
⭐ You two met in one of the mandatory corse studies classes and began dating shortly after.
⭐ A bit of a stick in the mud, and very serious about her herritage, Mizu only really listerns to tradictional Japanese music. She also likes that she can play it in teh dojo and not get flack for it since it fits the theme.
⭐ You, however, are a huch fan of hip hop and rap, and always beg her to give it a try. One day she finally does, after you catch her absentminded humming the beat to 'She' by Tyler, The Creator.
⭐ You convince her to listen to the full song, and then another and another. You're delighted to see her head bobbing lightly.
⭐ Within a week, her entire playlist has changed, full of not only said rapper, but the likes of G-Easy, MFDOOM, and Nujabes
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Yesterday i was visiting Poland's most famous sanctuary (a catholic church where is kept the so called "black madonna", a depiction of Mary with little Jesus). And it is a tradiction for people who go there to kneel down, even outside of the church apparently, in the cobblestones streets outside of the curch itself.
There was this little girl, blonde and dressed up in a tiny white shirt, that looked really puzzled when she saw almost every adult around her kneeling down just like that ("almost" because ofc i didn't). She looked around for a few seconds, still confused, but ended up kneeling too, eventually.
And idk it left a bitter taste in my mouth when i saw it. I'm also pretty sure it reminded me of something, but i don't know of what, exactly.
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i-dont-pay-taxes · 5 months
Sky should be high from guilty gear is actually about being trans and I didn't completely make that up!
Lyrics we'll be referring to throughout this analysis:
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//it should be noted this song is not actually about being trans, but i find this reading of it interesting, everything I say is completely my own interpretation so take that as you want
"I just tried to take the PATH
that led me to be FREE and ended in this bind
The PAST is what it's called
FILTH is what it is.
That's the wall of the CELL"
The beginning of this song is the closest to having outright trans themes, with it talking about taking the path to be free, which could be seen as the process of transitioning. What I find more interesting is how it talks about being binded by the past, referring to it as filth. There is a clear disgust towards it, comparing it to a part of a cell trapping the person going through this.
A common feeling after transitioning is a certain disliking of our past, and thinking we are trapped by what we were. This idea that we are somehow not being true to the person we were before can develop, leading to us feeling trapped by our own identity.
The song sets up our main issue within this first section, that being the hardships of transitioning.
"Fades away
Fades away like footsteps on the shoreline
why? They try to bring me down.
Sky should be high... Backflow"
The song brings up the idea of the past slowly fading away, and while calling the past a filth, it still has a somber tone while talking about it disappearing. The next line, about others trying to bring the person down, without any understandable reason, is quite obvious in it's correlation to the trans experience.
The last sentence is a repeating line throughout the song, and it's the most important idea this song has to offer... a rejection of death. The sky it refers to could be seen as an afterlife, a place we go to so we may rest, and this song states that such a place should be far away from us. We shouldn't give up on life, on our choices, and as such our sky should be high.
The backflow part doesn't have much to be interpreted. If i had to draw some kind of conclusion, I'd say it's the idea of changing gender, changing the flow... (It's a stretch, but so is everything)
"HERE we go again CON-tradiction
Should I stay or should I die
TRIED to pave a path
DUG a huge hole
had no clue that was my GRAVE"
Sometimes, after transitioning, we can feel like we are contradicting our own body, this whole verse of the song is an almost rageful rant about the hardships experienced throughout the process of figuring it all out.
The idea of staying or dying is a dark concept many trans people have to face, having to choose between gender dysphoria or possible social shunning.
The song again mentions the idea of paving a path and this time it results in almost giving up. It should be mentioned that it does something interesting vocally here, with the word DUG being pronounced so that the D sound is emphasised, making it sound like the word DIE before the UG sound and further context is added. This is used to show the descent of the song, going from doubt to almost completely giving up.
The last two lines further reinforce this, with it now representing the transition as a grave which will lead to death, a death of one's own creation.
"Fades away
Hands and feet are bound, Can't even see
why? They try to bring me down.
Sky should be high... Backflow"
This verse is mostly the same as the one before it, with the important distinction of the second line. The past is now almost completely faded, and that can be scary, feeling like we can't change anything about our future or see what we were like can be a scary idea.
Backflow... As dark shades are made by the sun
Backflow... Good booze is just making it just worse
Backflow... The more words, the less I get
This world is built in brimstone"
The constant repeating of the word backflow is meant to be an attempt to forcefully get through this, continuing with the transition despite the contradictions consistently being brought up within the person.
Dark shades made by the sun can be seen as the negative effects of the transition, with the sun representing the transition itself, while the shades are meant to show how this, at its core healthy and good process, has negative effects due to the way trans people are treated.
Addictions can be developed because of these internal (and tbh in huge part societal) issues. The booze is used as an example of a furthering spiral downward, making everything worse.
The idea that the more words are used to express this feeling, the less the very person explaining it understands themselves is also quite powerful.
It ends by stating that the world is built in brimstone, which could be taken as society being unwilling to change and co-exist with the idea of trans people. This is the lowest point of the song, having it feel like the whole world is against the very idea of being trans.
"Can't you see?
The innocent may find the way
Wise men lose track of the single path
No one knows tomorrow"
A change in perspective. The first line suggests this is a different person completely, as with an almost rhetorical tone it asks the question we thought we knew the answer to. This idea that the answer is obvious, but we've been blind to it, is the major theme of this verse.
Firstly, it claims that as long as we stay innocent, as long as we stay good and moral people, we may find the way.
Secondly, it says that even the wisest of us can lose track of said path, and that there is no shame in that.
Third, it presents the idea that no one knows tomorrow, that no one is certain what the future may bring.
These words contrast the verse before, claiming that no matter the hardships we face, this world isn't built in brimstone, it can change, we can find our own path, and we may get lost along the way, but even the best get lost occasionally.
"I'll never ever kneel down"
This might be my favorite sentence in a song ever, a complete rejection of giving up, refusing to not live because of hardships. Something not innate to the trans experience, but one of the things that defy it. The song has presented the hardships, and the answers, but this, this is the conclusion.
Jaded town of god... what the hell
Stay away... not going there
Sky should be high"
The town of god is another synonym for the afterlife, with the song, now with certainty, proclaiming it wishes to stay away. Rejecting death, giving up and this fake peace, it repeats the idea of how the sky should be high.
"Oh Fades away
Fades away like footsteps on the shoreline
(Yeah) Fades away just one moment left
Sky should be high Backflow"
The past is fading away for the final time, but this time, due to the certainty gained, the song doesn't have a regretful and somber sound. As the last moment finishes, we repeat the ideas we mentioned, and the ending lyric of backflow signifies the completion of the transition, finally accepting ourselves and finding our path. The sky should indeed be high.
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//again, overdramatic trans reading of a song for a fighting game, do not take too seriously
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 9 months
I like your post about the why in things. I read tarot, but worry I've fallen into that inbreeding you mentioned. Do you have resources you recommend that really dig into that 'why'?
First: Tarot Wheel is the best site I know to learn about the evolution of trumps cards and many MANY history about the tarot deck itself. You can try to find individual information by your own but here you'll find most of it condensed in one place. Excellent to check how your understanding of the cards relates to modern and old interpretations and learn how the fuck we went from this to this:
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Second: This is an analysis exercise so you need to ask yourself why do you do the stuff you do.
As magic practitioners and fortune tellers we LOVE irrational things. Our little rituals, our nonsensical associations, our superstitions. And all of it is perfectly ok, while we understand how it works and when it's in fact irrational.
For example: I like to thank my cards after a reading. It's not something rational because the deck is not a sentient object but I do it anyways, so I can't this this as a "must-do" rule. Many practices have a rational reason (use red or white cloths instead of colorful ones because it avoids distractions, don't let anyobody touch your cards because they could dirty them) while others are just irrational traditions (shuffle exactly seven times, never read on sundays).
There is not a list of rational and irrational tradictions and most of the time, they fuse. You need to examine your own practice and look if you do any of these for a good reason or just because other people do it too.
Another example: The basis for any good fortune telling system is that it must reflect the society and culture it will serve. Petit Lenormand cards don't have a "job" card because it was meant for rich women without this worry. In the other hand, the spanish-playing-cards deck usually used for the common folk has the whole wands suit reserved only for job issues. Check if your associations for the tarot cards actually make sense with your society and culture and the root knowledge of every card.
Ask yourself "does this makes sense or am I just repeating something somebody else told me?"
Hhashashasa hope this helps!
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alice-the-demon · 2 years
Ashley's wardrobe
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moleculegirls · 17 days
GRRRRRRR GGGGEGGRGGERRRR growlinggg because sky would be SO COOL and fitting as a tradictional drgon hybrid but minecraft has the enderdragon which gives them a whole different dragon narritive than like. dnd and western fantasy media arggggg
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dwrotesomething · 1 year
everyone saying that they wished one of the roy siblings (especially shiv) had broken the cycle, when the whole show is about Succession. keeping legacy and tradiction going. things stay the same even when they change.
Roman and Kendall become different sides of their father
Roman: a guy with an abusive father who wants to prove his value
Kendall: a guy how resorts to violence to the point of scaring off his children
And Shiv turns into her mother, in a loveless marriage to a powerhungry CEO, feeling emotionally distance from her child.
The poison does drip through.
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asktheitalianempire · 11 months
Drawing after years is much harder than i thought... still, working slowly on a small starting piece with luci, lutz and Gillen. Probably a tro parts thing. Gods I missed the kids.
I am also trying to remember all i scattered around but i may co tradict toings of the past. Ooops i forgot my own lore.
Still, back into producing content, even if work is stealing all my energies
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leemoy · 2 years
Daily doodle #3
This post will be spoiler free, so I wont write much about Gwen other than Im still thinking about her!
So I drawn her- first is tradictional medium drawing, feat marker stains from previous sketchbook page, lol
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Second is my 101022090 attempt at liking digital art (I traced my own drawing of couse)
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
did u know that i used to be mildly allergic to shrimp to a certain degree growing up but i loved it so much and ate as much as possible whenever i got the chance until around 12 years old i became immune
i like shrimp a. normal amoutn 🦐
I also love shrimp, everyone in my family loves shrimp
We arent super believers or christian but it's tradiction to not eat meat in christmas eve right, so everything we eat is shrimp
Shrimp soup, fried shrimps, boiled shrimps every kind of shrimps
We are shrimp lovers tm
Also super important question do you know how to peel shrimps, like fried shrimps, or do you always cook them without shell or
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