#traffic with macbeth
ghost4ghosts · 2 years
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Larissa Szporluk, "Nihilist" from Traffic With Macbeth
[text: If I pushed my face into the dirt and gulped, I could wash this shame a little off. end text description]
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ageofbajabule · 10 months
Dawn of Love | Chapter 1
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Josh Kiszka x F! Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Fluff, Anxiety talk?, (i don’t think i’m truly missing anything. if i am please let me aware!)
Series Masterpost
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Author’s Note: (18+ themes further on in the series) This series is going to be my baby, my pride and joy. I’ve been putting so much time and thought into this, and I truly do hope you all enjoy it and what I have planned. Please understand no themes relating to 18+ will take place until Josh and Reader are of consenting legal age in the series. Other than that, I do hope you enjoy this series.
October 2013
You had moved around different school districts thanks to your father being in the military… But this move was the final one. He had retired from the Air Force and decided to move to a small town. Known by the name Frankenmuth. It was a Bavarian town, everyone knew everyone and everyone was friendly.
Fitting in wasn’t typically hard, but being a new student in school also put you in the spotlight. You never really made the time to make actual friends considering the situation you grew up in being a military family. So this time around, you had to make the effort to find friends. All day you had the boring classes of general studies. But the class you couldn’t wait for was poetry - something about poetry just spoke to you, it always gave you the feeling of a welcoming home.
It wasn’t always just poetry that caught your eye, film and theatre also held a special place in your heart.
Something about the way Shakespeare wrote always called out to you - specifically Macbeth.
The bell rang indicating your Math class had finally ended. And your last class of the day was Poetry. Making your way there, you had entered the classroom. It was a smaller class, giving it an elective course. There was about 9 other people, you sat near the front of the classroom. The first bell had rang, the teacher waited for any last minute students. And sure enough a boy with shoulder length wavy hair cane sprinting in.
“Sorry! I got stuck in a little traffic jam there in the hallway.” The brunette boy laughed,
“Mr.Kiszka… This isn’t anything new. You need to do better on being on time.”
Mr.Zawalski motioned for him to join the class. He ended up sitting at the desk beside you.
“Last week we finished up our readings from Emily Dickinson, we will be starting with Edgar Allen Poe today. I’m sure most of you are well aware of his work, he had a very different approach than most poets.” Mr.Zawalski spoke as he started parading around the classroom. Everything about Poe, he wasn’t typically your style, but you had grown to like his work.
“He’s kind of a bore… I wish he was a bit more enthusiastic when teaching.”
The brunette boy had leaned over to whisper to you, chuckling as he saw you jump at the sound of his voice, making you giggle softly.
“He has a very monotone voice… Makes me want to fall asleep.” You shifted your body so more of you turned to face the stranger beside you.
“I’m sorry. Let me introduce myself, I’m Joshua Kiszka. But you can call me Josh. What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N, but you can call me Y/N.” You smiled at him softly.
“Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Are you new here?” Then you heard Mr.Zawalski clear his throat, “Mr.Kiszka this isn’t time for mingling. Would you care to enlighten the classroom on what Poe’s poems were inspired by?”
Josh’s cheeks turned a shade of pink, then turned towards the teacher. “His own childhood trauma. At least that’s what most researchers have gathered.”
Seeming to be satisfied with Josh’s answer, Mr. Zawalski nodded and proceeded to carry on with his lecture - leading you and Josh to giggle quietly.
Before the end of class, Mr.Zawalski had announced there would be a project. And you had to pair up with somebody. Being you had been a new student and the only person you really clicked with was Josh, it was obvious who your partner would be.
“Well I guess we’ll be partners then?” He turned towards you,
“If you’re okay with that?” You smiled softly.
“Of course. Here is my number so we can start working on it.” He smiled taking your phone to type his credentials in, you sent him a text right away for him to save your information. “I’m free whenever. Except for this Wednesday night, I have theater tryouts.”
“I’ll be there too!” You smiled at him.
He chuckled softly, your smile turned wider. “Oh really? That’s great.”
You felt a blush creep onto your face.
“So what part are you trying for?” The bell then interrupted your conversation, “Guess you’ll have to find out at tryouts.” He smirked, getting up.
“That is a whole two days away!” You groaned getting up from your desk.
“I’ll tell you what, come over tonight so we can start working on this project. And maybe I’ll run a few lines to give you a hint at what part.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Fine. You better stick to your word.” You giggled softly, walking towards your locker.
“You can come over around 5, join my family and I for dinner. My mom always makes enough to practically feed the neighborhood.” Josh spoke as he followed behind you, smiling from ear to ear as he spoke.
“Sure, as long as she doesn’t mind.” He shook his head, “She’ll be thrilled.” He smiled, then he was being pulled by a brunette guy who looked similar to him. But his hair was like a Justin Bieber style cut.
“Josh, we’re gonna be late for band practice.”
“Jeez, Jake I would’ve been right out!” Josh shouted, you looked between the two of them confused. “Sorry Y/N. This is my brother Jake.”
He smiled at you, “Twin brother actually.” Jake chimed in,
“But I’m older by 5 minutes!”
“Will you ever live that down?”
You giggled softly at them bickering. “It was great to meet you, but I don’t want to keep y’all from band practice. I didn’t know you were in the school band.” You smiled softly.
“No. Not a band for school, we have an actual band. We’re just getting started still…” Jake shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh. I’m sorry… Well, have fun, and I’ll see you later.” You flashed a smile before leaving the two of them to go on with their business.
You had luckily gotten your license recently before moving to Michigan and asked to use your mom’s car to drive over to Josh’s house to work on your project tonight.
The drive wasn’t too far from where you lived, in fact you only live a couple blocks from each other. You could’ve probably walked. When arriving you parked on the street out front of their house, making way to the front door. You knocked softly, hearing some yelling behind the door - a girl who looked close in age to you answered the door.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Is Josh here? I’m here to work on a school project with him.” You spoke offering a small smile.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Veronica but I go by Ronnie. I’m his younger and only sister, he is actually finishing up practice with the guys. You can come in.” She motioned for you to come in.
“If you want, we can go out to the garage. That’s where they practice.”
You smiled, “Sure, why not.”
Ronnie nodded and took you out with her to the garage. As you walked in the guys were in the midst of a song, Josh was singing, Jake was playing guitar and there were two other boys. One looked similar to Jake, assuming it was another sibling of theirs. He was playing bass, and the other was playing drums. Ronnie and you had sat on the couch in front of them.
They sounded really good, for being so young. Josh had finally noticed you as a blush crept on his cheeks, he averted towards Jake as they finished up the song, and concluded their practice.
“That was better than the last run. We’ll resume back to this tomorrow.” Jake directed to them, “Sam, we got to tune that better. And Danny, we’ll have to try and rig the snare.”
They all nodded, making way to head into the house.
“I didn’t expect you to come out here.” Josh had chuckled softly.
“Ronnie asked if I wanted to. And figured why not.” You smiled softly, “So how many of you are there?” You whispered to him - in hopes that his siblings wouldn’t hear.
“There are four of us. Jake and I are the oldest, Ronnie is the middle and Sam is the youngest. And Danny, he's Sam’s best friend. But we consider him a brother, he’s been around for so long.” He smiled, a dimple peeking out.
“Dinner is probably ready, we should head in before my mother starts calling.” He chuckled softly, you followed behind him into the house. He led you to the dining room, it was big enough for everyone that was present. Once you stepped foot in, all eyes were on the two of you.
“Mom and Dad this is Y/N. She is new to our school, and my partner for our class project. But also a new friend.” He smiled at you.
“Oh it’s nice to meet you dear! It’s always great to meet one of Josh’s friends.” She beamed with excitement, “Please sit anywhere you’d like. I made grilled cheese and a family recipe of tomato soup.”
She motioned for you to sit. Josh pulled a chair out for you, that was next to Jake, and you sat down as Josh sat in the seat next to you.
Everyone had eaten, and once your bellies were full to content. You and Josh had decided to head to his and Jake’s shared room to work on the project. Both sides were different from one another, Josh having anything film related where Jake had music related posters.
“Jake and I are forced to share a room, while Ronnie and Sam get the luxury of having their own rooms.” He chuckled softly motioning for you to sit on his bed as he sat on a chair from his desk.
“It’s okay, my sister and I were forced to share a room when we lived in Oregon.” You giggled softly remembering the tiny two bedroom house your parents had gotten when your father was stationed on a mission again.
“Oregon? How did you end up all the way here?” Josh chuckled softly.
“My dad was in the military. We moved around quite a lot.” You responded nonchalantly.
“Oh wow. So you’re settled here in Frankenmuth, Michigan?”
“It's a cute town.” You giggled softly.
“We’re really known for Christmas. Whole town goes overboard with all of it, really. But it is nice. I do enjoy Christmas here.” He rubbed his hands together.
“So where are you originally from?” He questioned you.
“Florida.” You said flatly.
Honestly, you didn’t miss it - especially given the fact you had lived close to Orlando for quite some time, you hated the tourists all year round for the 9 years you lived there.
“Sunshine state… Hm. I think I’ll nickname you Sunshine. How does that sound?” He chuckled softly, a blush crept on your face.
“Now, what role are you trying for Mr.Kiszka?” You impersonated Mr.Kiwalski’s voice. Earning a chuckle from Josh he shook his towards you.
“Don’t laugh.” He chuckled, “But I’m going for Wonka.”
You smiled at him softly, “I think you’ll fit perfectly…you have the characteristics for it.” You giggled softly.
“And how about you?”
“Veruka.” You giggled, sitting up straight.
“Well I guess we’ll just wait and see.”
December 2013
Ever since that poetry class, you and Josh had been inseparable. You finished your project earning an easy A on it. And then got the roles you had both wanted for the Willy Wonka play. Josh had been working on a film script for the last couple weeks, having you help assist him with it.
“You know you are quite the genius Sunshine.” Josh smiled at you, you smiled back. “I’m just doing what I can! I told you I’ll help film, and help with costumes as well.”
You finished writing in your journal with all of the plans for Josh’s film that was coming up early next month.
“Do you think it’s silly?” He scratched the back of his head.
“No, not at all. I think it’s going to be brilliant. You have a very creative mind Josh. You need to stop doubting yourself.” You replied, shaking your head to give more reinforcement to your words.
“It’s just I care a lot about film, and this band stuff with Jake sometimes can be a lot…” He sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Josh… Jake has told you that he would help in any way.” You sat next to him.
“Yeah, but this is his dream… He’s always wanted to be a rockstar. And I want that for him. Me, I'm just a silly old film guy.” He chuckled as you nudged him softly.
“Aaand he would want the same for you. Don’t beat yourself up. This film is going to be amazing. Now come on, we have a Christmas party to attend.” You stood up, putting your hand out for him to join.
Once he took your hand in his, it felt like electricity had gone through you. During the short time you’ve known Josh. You’ve grown to like him more than just a friend…
He stood up from his bed, dropping your hand from his slowly.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Y/N…” He smiled softly.
“Of course Josh, that’s what friends are for.” You smiled mentally slapping yourself. You wish you could tell him how you felt. But you also didn’t want to freak him out.
The two of you made way to the basement where the party was being held, Jake smiled and walked over to you giving you a tight hug. With how close you got to Josh, you got close to his twin as well.
“About time you two showed up. Was starting to think you were sucking face.”
Josh gave him a glare as his cheeks turned to a crimson. You blushed, staring at your feet. “No, we were just working on the last touches of the film Jacob.”
“Sorry…” He gave Josh an apologetic look, they had some sort of twin telepathy way of communicating. You just went with the flow of it all. Josh ventured off to some other film friends that you would eventually join.
“Hey I really didn’t mean to embarrass you guys…” Jake had spoken to you quietly.
“It’s okay Jake, really…” You fiddled with your hands.
“No, no it's not… Has Josh said anything to you lately?” You gave him a questioning look.
“Said what?” You grabbed a can of pop.
“Forget it…” Jake went to turn, you grabbed his arm.
“You can’t say anything.” Jake mumbled as he turned to face you.
You gave him a look, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” You giggled doing the little promise. He pulled you aside.
“Josh really likes you… But he’s just too afraid to admit it.” He said quietly to you, only audible for you to understand. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
“R-really…” You looked up at him.
“Yeah. Why do you think he’s been up your ass so much lately.” He chuckled softly, “But you didn’t hear this from me.” He gave you a stern look.
“Jake, I won’t say a word. Besides… He hasn’t even made a move…” You looked over at Josh watching him talk with your other friends.
“Give it time… He doesn’t really know how to go about these things. He might need a little push, but. He’ll do it.” He patted your back softly.
“Thanks Jake…” You smiled and walked over to your friends and talked about the plans for the new year.
January 2014
“Josh, how the hell did you book a hotel room for the weekend for this film? Don’t we have to be at least 21 to book?” You shot a glare as you settled your bags into the room.
“Sunny, you underestimate my skills… Have I taught you nothing.” He sighs, acting like he’s been hurt. “Okay. Maybe I did, but just a tiny bit.”
You giggled softly setting up your equipment - while Jake came into the room with the rest of their friends.
“Okay, so I totally did not cause a scene in the lobby…” He said nervously.
“Jacob, I swear if we get kicked out of this damn hotel before we even shoot anything. I’m kicking your ass.”
“Some idiot tried fucking with our equipment, what else was I suppose to do.” He defended himself, causing the two of them to bicker.
“Alright! It just better not result in anything bad…”
The remainder of the evening you had set the room up for the liking of how you were filming this short film that Josh had in mind. Jake was one of the main roles, along with their friend Grace. Filming was going great, you had everything pretty much under control so Josh could focus on filming and getting the right angles while you adjusted lighting, make up and props.
After a couple hours of shooting Josh figured it was time to call it a night. You had helped clean up the room while Jake and Grace had finished up their last shots, and proceeded to help clean as well. Josh had already started editing the clips from tonight, and said that we would pick it back up tomorrow.
The twins ended up sharing a bed, while you and Grace had shared the other. It's not like you and Josh haven’t slept by one another before. You had passed out on the pull out sofa bed in their basement a few times when you’d stay over late working on a project. But Jake didn’t want to make Grace uncomfortable.
The next day filming had picked up, but Jake was in a mood as he was tired of filming the same scene for the past hour.
“Well Jacob if you’d actually put effort into it. We wouldn’t have to keep shooting this take!” Josh threw his hands up in frustration.
“How about we take a lunch break!” You suggested taking your headphones off.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Jake huffed grabbing his things, “You want to hit that Sub shop Grace?”
She nodded in agreement following Jake, leaving you and Josh to yourselves. Josh had put some things away grabbing a microwave.
“Joshua, what are you doing with the damn microwave?” You crossed your arms staring at him.
“I want to make stir fry. And I’m not trying to burn the room down, so to the hallway we go!” He made his way to the door, but he could open it considering his hands were full. So you opened the door, following behind him with your camera and other supplies.
Deciding to sprint to be in front of him, you took a picture of him with the microwave. “You’re something else Kiszka.” You giggled, getting to the end of the hallway. He plugged the microwave into the outlet, preparing the meal he had planned.
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“Is this even going to be any good?” You gave him a concerning look.
“You have to live on the edge, a little mama.” He chuckled, mixing it together and placing it into the microwave, turning it on and setting it to whatever time and power he had it set as.
“Sir, what are you doing?” One of the maids had questioned him.
“Just making a five star meal. Care for some?” He smiled.
“You can’t do that out here. Why is it even out of the room?” She had questioned him, with her arms crossed.
“What do you mean? It was already out here.” He played a great character.
“Sir, I can assure you that is the room microwave you need to put it back in its rightful place. Or I will have to report you to the hotel staff.” She huffed watching him.
“It’s almost done cooking. It’ll be out of the way shortly.” Josh replied, smirking.
“I suggest you take it back now.” She then started to walk away to clean a room. Josh sat there letting it continue to cook.
“Josh, she seemed pretty serious.” You looked at him with worry.
“Sunshine, you need to liven it up!” He chuckled softly, as the microwave went off he unplugged it and walked back to the room with it.
“You Kiszka’s sure have a way…” You giggled softly, sitting on the bed.
“I can’t tell if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing.” He chuckled softly sitting beside you with his plate, taking a bite he spit it out quickly. “Oh that is mortifying.” He made a gagging face.
“Not so bright Joshy…” You giggled softly.
“Come on, let’s go get some real stir fry.” You patted his back, he nodded, throwing out his creation.
The two of you found a local Japanese restaurant not too far from the hotel. Taking in on dining there, you let Jake and Grace know where the two of you went in case they came back earlier than you two.
“So, the Valentine’s dance is coming up.” Josh had said nervously.
“Yeah, have you asked any special girl?” You smiled softly, taking a sip of your water.
“No, not yet…” He put his head down, like he was ashamed.
“It’s okay Josh, you don’t have to show up with a date. You can just go with friends.” You smiled softly at him.
“Uh actually. Y/N, I was wondering if maybe you would be my date for the Valentine’s dance.” He looked up at you nervously with flushed cheeks.
“You want me to be your date?” You smiled as your cheeks became a tinted pink.
He nodded, smiling softly, “Yeah. I’d really like it if you would?”
“Yeah, I’ll be your date…” You trailed off with a smile, giving him a small reassuring nod.
He smiled, chuckling softly, “I thought I was gonna walk out of here like a sore loser if you said no.”
“I would never say no to you Josh…”
February 2014
It was Friday, school was a complete drag the past week. They had a spirit week in honor of the Valentine’s dance tonight. Ever since Josh had asked you to be his date, the two of you had been inseparable. You had been working on the last touches of the short film you worked on together. It was nearing completion but Josh decided that the two of you should take this week off from editing, since the dance was taking up a majority of the time.
You had joined the student council prior to Christmas break, and helped the council decorate and plan the dance. It was senior year after all, you had to make some memories while living the last of your childhood. Josh knew how much it meant to you to partake in this, since you were never able to do much like this before.
You had been getting ready at home, finishing the last touches of your hair and makeup. You kept your makeup rather simple, not doing too much of a glam look, and your hair had some loose curls.
You went to your closet pulling your dress off from the hanger, it was an indigo dress that rested against your knees and had some slight rhinestone embellishments on the edges of the dress. You slipped it on looking at yourself in the mirror, content with your look you put your heels on and grabbed your small satchel heading downstairs.
Josh was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you with your parents and sister.
“You look absolutely stunning.” Your mom beamed.
“You look amazing, sweetie.” Your dad chimed in, agreeing with your mother.
Your sister smiled, clapping her hands together. She opted on staying home instead of going to the dance tonight. She was in the same grade as Sam and Danny and you have tried multiple times to get her to hang out with them.
“You look beautiful, Sunshine.” Josh came in front of you holding a beautiful white rose assortment corsage, with a boutineer to go with it.
You smiled softly in response.
“You look dashing.”
Your mom smiled coming over to aid the two of you with putting his boutineer on. Then Josh slipped your corsage onto your wrist.
“Okay! In front of the fireplace, we have to get pictures of you two.” Your mom beamed, as your father ushered you into the living room. Josh and yourself stood in front of the fireplace, as he placed his hand on the small of your back you felt butterflies in your stomach placing your arm around his back. You both posed and smiled for the millions of pictures your mother insisted on taking. Then took a couple with your parents.
“Guys it's not even prom, it's just a regular dance!” You giggled softly after taking enough pictures.
“Yes you’re right dear, but it’s your senior year!” Your mom beamed at you.
“We should really get going, otherwise we’ll be late…” You looked at the time.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’m late to a function!” Josh chuckled softly, you giggled in agreement.
“Yeah, but I think for once you should be on time.” You smirked and started to head to the door with him.
Before leaving your father gave Josh a whole spiel on his rules and when to have you home by. Typical dad move, but he just wanted to be in good hands.
“Dad, he’s a good guy. Besides I think Mrs.Kiszka would be on him if he didn’t abide by your rules.” You giggled softly as Josh nodded.
“Yeah, my mom would have my butt canned.”
The two of you then left your house, he opened the passenger side to his car letting you get in before he closed it getting to his side. Once you buckle your seatbelt he had gotten into the car buckling himself in the driving over.
After arriving, Josh had parked next to Jake’s car. Jake had gotten out and let his date out of the passenger side. He had asked Valerie to be his date, she was more than thrilled when he had asked her. Valerie was this sweet junior who was a part of the cheerleading squad and Jake was absolutely crushing on her.
“You guys look amazing!” You smiled at them, hugging Jake and then Val.
“You guys look great too!” Jake beamed.
“Well we should head in, it’s freezing out here.” Josh had motioned for everyone to make their way, as he kept his hand on the small of your back.
Once you entered the high school gymnasium there was a photo station off to the left, then a table for water and punch.
“Do you want some punch?” Josh looked over at you.
“Yeah, I’d like some.” You smiled.
“Grab a table and I’ll meet you there.” He wandered off to the refreshment table as you made way to a small table in the corner. Jake and Val had already ventured to the dance floor, making the most of their night.
Josh had returned with two cups of punch, setting yours down in front of you on the table, he smiled softly at you.
“My lady.” He chuckled softly, sliding into the chair beside you.
“Well thank you kind sir.” You giggled softly, taking a sip of the punch.
“You guys did really well with planning all of this.” He smiled, taking a sip of his punch.
“Thank you, I was nervous they weren’t going to like my ideas…” You slouched a bit - suddenly feeling a wave of nervousness hit you.
“Are you kidding! Sunny you are brilliant. Who wouldn’t like your ideas?” He smiled softly at you, you returned a smile as your cheeks flushed.
After conversing for a bit, the two of you decided to hit the dance floor joining Jake and Val. You guys had danced the night away, laughing and acting like complete idiots. But it’s all you ever wanted at this moment.
The DJ then turned things slow for a remainder of the evening starting off with All of Me by John Legend. Josh had you pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Smiling softly at him, you giggled to yourself softly.
“What is it, Sunshine?” He chuckled softly, catching your giggle.
“Nothing…” You blushed, placing your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as the two of you swayed.
“Your heart is beating rather fast Josh…”
You giggled and turned to look up at him, he then moved his one hand to caress your face.
You looked at his face, he licked his lips nervously.
“Yeah Josh…”
He studied your face, before zoning in closer he then pressed his soft plush lips against yours.
‘Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you’
You were taken by surprise, but immediately kissed him back softly letting your lips move in sync. Soaking in this moment together. After a moment the two of you pulled away, smiling while giggling at each other.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long…” He shook his head, sighing softly.
“I think you should do it again.” You smiled brightly at him - he then captured your lips once more with his, giving a few little pecks before detaching his lips from yours.
“Y/N… I. Well, what I’m trying to ask.”
“Yes, Josh. I’ll be your girlfriend.” You giggled softly, rubbing his arm to soothe his nerves.
to be continued
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jedimandalorian · 10 months
Something I noticed in the Ahsoka premiere was the Macbeth reference. Episode 2 is called “Toil and Trouble,” and with the Nightsister witch Morgan Elsbeth as a primary villain, it’s not surprising that we got a reference to Shakespeare’s famous witches:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
This isn’t the only reference to Shakespeare that Rebels and Ahsoka fans have been discussing lately.
@jedi-nurse shared this with me recently. It’s an official Topps digital trading card featuring Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger. The card is titled “Star-crossed.” This could be a reference to Shakespeare’s most famous lovers, Romeo and Juliet.
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
The term “star-crossed lovers” is generally used to describe two people who love each other deeply but cannot be together due to tragic circumstances, and I think this is where Sabine and Ezra are at the beginning of the Ahsoka series. They aren’t the first pairing in Star Wars to be associated with the term either. In Attack of the Clones, John Williams gave us a beautiful love theme for Anakin and Padme’ called “Across the Stars” which suggests that they are the tragic “star-crossed” lovers of the Star Wars saga. Being an eternal optimist, I believe that Sabine and Ezra will have a different fate than Anakin and Padme’ and hopefully a much happier ending.
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@jedi-nurse I am updating this post with the screenshots you shared on Discord today.
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All of these cards feature pairings with chemistry and the potential to become canon, or they literally are/were canon couples in Star Wars. Some of these couples even had children together.
We are not delusional to ship Sabezra.
I have spoken.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
This is the second starry adaptation of Shakespeare’s Scottish play within the month, both boasting high concepts. Simon Godwin’s show premiered in a warehouse with Ralph Fiennes and Indira Varma as the crown-usurping couple. This production is just as celebrity-driven, with David Tennant and Cush Jumbo as its leads. But where Godwin’s show flirted with immersive theatricality, half successfully, Max Webster’s concept combines immersion in sound with a fantastically creepy filmic expressionism.
We channel the sounds of the play through binaural headphones. The use of aural three-dimensionality here, designed by Gareth Fry, is incorporated with live folk music, which brings Celtic sounds while the action takes place on a central stage and glass box behind it.
As fanciful as that sounds, there is an intensely focused vision behind it. Superbly directed by Webster, it is full of wolfish imagination and alarming surprise. The action takes place at under two hours’ traffic yet it is not a classically fevered Macbeth but coolly creepy, and horrifying.
Sound, in Shakespeare’s text, has great disturbing significance. That is made manifest here. The 3D headphones magnify every creak and whimper. We hear the cold clink of metal as Lady Macbeth snatches the daggers with which Macbeth has killed Duncan (Benny Young) to return them to the crime scene.
The witches take the concept a step further and appear in sound rather than form. They are sinister in their absence, invisibly roaming in the vapour and smoke around the stage, present as a sibilant chorus of whispering voices played by the entire cast – an ingenious way to suggest that they represent the ever-present murderous voice in Macbeth’s head. They moan, giggle and flap crow-like in our ears, bringing an uncomfortable intimacy.
The headphones allow Tennant and Jumbo to talk in low conspiratorial tones. Tennant is a wiry, austere, self-righteous warrior who turns his intelligence into calculating outrage. He makes this Shakespearean role look effortless as he murmurs his soliloquies and we hang on his every word. There is steel and cunning to Jumbo’s Lady Macbeth, dressed in virginal white throughout, and a sense of purity remains around her despite her plotting.
Paradoxically, hearing the dialogue through headphones brings intimacy but one reminiscent of film with an augmented Dolby sound, as if these characters are not talking in real time...
The horror and tragedy hit all the marks too, from the killing of Lady Macduff (Rona Morison) and children, taking place in pitch darkness and capturing every sound of their last gasps, to Macduff’s (Noof Ousellam) disbelief at the news and the terrible sense of fate in the final fight scene.
The production is so focused, and so self-assured, that it seems to throw a bizarre meta-fictive curveball, straight after Duncan’s murder in which the Porter (Jatinder Singh Randhawa) breaks out in broad modern Glaswegian vernacular in what seems like his own standup routine. Yet the production has such command that it somehow pulls it off.
It’s a cool, cocky and utterly arresting production. Tennant’s Macbeth is vicious and yet he makes us feel his character’s tragedy acutely.'
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Hecate (in Macbeth): You trade and traffic with Macbeth in riddles and affairs of death? You trade and traffic with with him in riddles and affairs of death WITHOUT Hecate? Oh! Oh! Jail for The Weird Sisters! Jail for The Weird Sisters for One Thousand Years!!!!
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WIP Wednesday or whatever
Here's some dialogue I like from my TK Begins WIP. He's 17 here.
He’s halfway through the act of Macbeth he needed to read for his English class the next day, when an obnoxious honk startles him to attention. 
He sighs and looks up at the boy leaning out the driver’s side window. “You’re late, Josh,” TK says pointedly, closing the book and returning it to his backpack.
“Had something to pick up on the way,” Josh says defensively. “Don’t be ungrateful.”
TK rolls his eyes and throws his backpack over one shoulder. “I could’ve gotten to yours on the train by this point.” He leans against the car, dipping his head toward Josh’s. 
“I refuse to let you suffer the hell that is the L train,” Josh laughs.
“Better than looking like the world’s biggest douche by actually driving in Manhattan.”
“Even worse that it’s a Porsche,” Josh agrees with a nod. 
“So much worse.”
"I guess I’ll just leave you here then, so you can avoid the shame,” he says, taking pressure off the break pedal, so the car rolls forward. 
TK takes a step back, laughing as he’s knocked off balance. “Asshole.”
Josh steps on the break again and makes a show of unlocking the passenger side door. “So are you getting in or what?”
TK does get in and tosses his backpack into the back seat. He turns his head towards the driver with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Josh says. He pulls TK forward by his shirt and kisses him, before turning back to the road ahead of him, and starting the drive home. 
“So, what did you have to pick up?” TK asks, already knowing the answer.
“Glove department.”
“Glove dep-- Josh, you’re gonna fucking get caught.”
“You think traffic cops are gonna risk pissing off my dad by searching my car?”
TK shakes his head, but pops it open, revealing plastic bags of small white pills. “Is this it?"
“That not enough for you?”
“Man, it’s all oxy, I can’t afford that shit.”
Josh sighs. “It’s all I could get my hands on this week, okay? I’ll get you your cheap shit next time. But you’re the only one who buys it from me anyway.”
“You wouldn’t have to worry about it if you just stopped charging me.”
“Well, that would be no way to run a business, TK.”
“Your dad owns your apartment and you live off your trust fund. You don’t need the money.”
“The trust fund doesn’t get fully released until I’m 25.”
TK rolls his eyes and pockets a bag. “Guess I’ll just owe you.”
Josh reaches over to shut the glove department and shakes his head. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Anywayyyyyyyy hope ya like
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apalooka · 2 years
It Lives Within - Chapter 6: Erased from Reality - Choices
It Lives Within Home Page
Choices may vary based on if Noah or ILITW MC survived.
For convenience sake, ILITW MC will be referred to as "Devon". ILB MC will be referred to as “Harper”.
Choice 1
Yes, they make me happy. (+BLOOD)
I can never be happy. (+SHADOW)
(MC Nerve -1) (MC Nerve -1)
Choice 2
Help save ‘Devon’/Noah. (+SHADOW) (-ABEL, -AMALIA, +JOCELYN) (CONNOR Nerve +5, AMALIA Nerve -4) Go to Choice 3
Help Amalia with college. (+BLOOD) (+ABEL, +AMALIA, -JOCELYN) (AMALIA Nerve +5, CONNOR Nerve -3) Go to Choice 31
Choice 3
I feel like a terrible friend. (No effect)
I’ll go with her next time. (No effect)
Doesn’t matter to me. (No effect)
Choice 4
Investigate the house with Lincoln and Noah. (+LINCOLN) Go to Choice 5
Question Lucia with Connor and Jocelyn. (+JOCELYN) Go to Choice 9
Choice 5 You investigate both areas, this just determines the order.
The master bedroom. (No effect) Go to Choice 6
The kitchen. (No effect) Go to Choice 8
Choice 6
We can keep looking. (No effect)
No offense, but your power is sorta useless. (No effect)
You sure about that? (No effect)
Choice 7
What about a cam boy?❤️ (+LINCOLN)
That’s still very impressive.❤️ (+LINCOLN) (LINCOLN Nerve +2)
Got it, you’re not a traffic cam. (+LINCOLN)
Choice 8
You would know what residue ‘Devon’ gives off.❤️ (No effect) Go to Choice 12
You think it’s the same stuff? (No effect)
Choice 9
Let’s get some answers (No effect)
You seem happy I’m sitting by you. (No effect)
Does that smile mean you want to get together later?❤️ (No effect)
Choice 10
Why isn’t there more interest in this house? (No effect)
What happened with your daughter? (No effect)
Why should we buy a murder house? (No effect)
Choice 11 You get to ask all three questions, this just determines the order.
What was Isabel like? (No effect)
Why do you think she’d hurt her wife? (No effect)
What’s gonna happen to her? (No effect)
Choice 12
Talk to Noah by the air conditioning grate. (No effect) Go to Choice 13
Talk to Connor on the laptop. (LORE DOC if you visit him twice.)
Talk to Jocelyn at the desk. (No effect) Go to Choice 14
Talk to Lincoln by the bookshelf. (No effect) Go to Choice 15
Go back upstairs. You get this option after you visit the other four. Go to Choice 19
Choice 13
Pulling it off. (--)
Using the paperclip. (No effect) You get this option after visiting the Bookshelf.
Using the floor lamp as a lever. (MC Nerve +1) You get this option after visiting the Desk. ⬅ Correct
Actually, I give up. (--) Back to Choice 12
Choice 14
Forcing it open. (MC Nerve -1)
Opening it with this paperclip. (No effect) You get this option after visiting the Bookshelf.
Using this key. (MC Nerve +1) You get this option if you got the key from the Vent. ⬅ Correct
I give up. (--) Back to Choice 12
Correct typing answer is “Paperweight” or “Crown”
Choice 15
Good catch. (+LINCOLN)
Sexy and smart.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
Choice 16
The empty wrapper. (No effect)
The crown paperweight. (No effect) ⬅ Correct
The paperclip. (No effect) Take the paperclip with you
I’m done. (No effect)
Choice 17
Moby Dick. (MC Nerve +1, LINCOLN Nerve +1)
The Portrait of Dorian Gray. (No effect)
Macbeth. (+LINCOLN) (MC Nerve +2, LINCOLN Nerve +2) ⬅ Correct
(MC Nerve -1)
Choice 18
It’s the Power. (No effect)
It’s something else. (No effect)
Choice 19
We should give Marianthe the knife. (-LINCOLN)
We should NOT give Marianthe the knife. (+LINCOLN)
Choice 20 You get to ask all of them, this just determines the order.
Why does the Power choose to give certain people abilities? (No effect)
How do you learn to control the Power? (No effect)
What types of abilities can the Power give? (No effect)
(LINCOLN Nerve -3)
Choice 21
I’m just checking on you. (+LINCOLN)
I was worried about you.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
I hoped I could get a moment alone with you.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
Choice 22
That sounds like fun! (LINCOLN Nerve +1)
I’ll stay here. (No effect) Go to Choice 64
Choice 23
Will also take a whiskey. (No effect)
Will take a fruity cocktail. (No effect)
Will just have water. (No effect)
Choice 24
It hurts to see you so upset.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
I wanna help you get that hot smile back.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
You’re my teammate. (+LINCOLN)
Choice 25
That’s rough. (+LINCOLN)
That sounds noble of him. (LINCOLN Nerve -2)
Choice 26
Take his hand.❤️ (LINCOLN Nerve +3)
Pat his shoulder. (LINCOLN Nerve +2)
Don’t touch him. (No effect)
Choice 27
Dance with Lincoln.❤️ (+LINCOLN)
Dance next to Lincoln. (No effect) Go to Choice 30
Choice 28
Slow and romantic.❤️ (LINCOLN Nerve +2)
Sensual and rhythmic.❤️ (LINCOLN Nerve +2)
Choice 29
I wouldn’t mind being a casual hookup.❤️ (+LINCOLN) Go to Choice 64
I hope we can be friends someday. (+LINCOLN) Go to Choice 64
Maybe we can be more to each other someday.❤️ (+LINCOLN) Go to Choice 64
Choice 30
Club style! (+LINCOLN) (LINCOLN Nerve +2) Go to Choice 64
Silly style! (+LINCOLN) (LINCOLN Nerve +2) Go to Choice 64
Choice 31
Sit up front with Abel. (+ABEL) (ABEL Nerve +1)
Sit in the back with Amalia. (+AMALIA) (AMALIA Nerve +1)
Choice 32
But this could be connected to the Power. (+ABEL, -AMALIA) (ABEL Nerve +1)
We’re going to help you get your life back. (+AMALIA) (AMALIA Nerve +1)
Choice 33
Ask an administrator to look at Amalia’s photos. (+AMALIA, -ABEL) Go to Choice 34
Break into the school administration system. (+ABEL, -AMALIA) Go to Choice 35
Choice 34
Take her hand. (+AMALIA) Go to Choice 41
Do nothing. (-AMALIA) Go to Choice 41
Squeeze her knee.❤️ (+AMALIA)
Choice 35
Sneak into the advisor’s office. (No effect)
Be the distraction. (No effect)
Choice 36
Got it. (No effect)
Tell me again. (No effect)
Choice 37
Right hall. (MC Nerve +1) ⬅ Correct
Left hall. (MC Nerve -1)
Choice 38
Sixth door on the right. (MC Nerve -1)
Third door on the left. (MC Nerve +1) ⬅ Correct
Fourth door on the left. (MC Nerve -1)
(MC Nerve +1) - if you got the password
Choice 39
Pretend to break up with Abel.❤️ (No effect)
Pretend to break up with Amalia.❤️ (No effect)
Tell her you’re having car trouble. (No effect)
Choice 40
Step closer. (+AMALIA)
Leave her be. (-AMALIA)
Choice 41
Go check out the archaeology department. (+ABEL, -AMALIA)
Ask around the martial arts club. (+AMALIA, -ABEL)
Choice 42
I’ll pretend to be your husband.❤️ (No effect)
I’ll pretend to be your TA. (No effect)
Choice 43
It suits you, Professor.❤️ (+ABEL)
It wasn’t so bad.❤️ (+ABEL)
I’m sure she’s fine. (+ABEL)
(ABEL Nerve +1) LORE DOC
Choice 44
Try to get Coach Dawson to remember Amalia. (+AMALIA, -ABEL)
Try to figure out what the power did to Coach Dawson. (No effect) Go to Choice 48
Choice 45 This Choice is timed!
Check for the cause. (-ABEL, -AMALIA) (ABEL Nerve -1, AMALIA Nerve -1)
Try to stop it. (-AMALIA, -ABEL) (ABEL Nerve - 1, AMALIA Nerve -1)
Remove potential threats. (+ABEL, +AMALIA) ⬅ Correct
If time runs out you Stand There.
Choice 46
Yeah! Totally! (-AMALIA)
Her name is Amalia. (+ABEL, +AMALIA)
Choice 47
I’m glad you’re here.❤️ (+ABEL) Go to Choice 50
Maybe she can help him. (+ABEL) Go to Choice 50
I don’t think it matters. (-ABEL)
Choice 48 You get to select all of them, this just determines the order.
Has anything strange happened to your placement lineup? (No effect)
Have your players been acting strange? (No effect)
Have you seen or heard anything strange? (No effect)
Choice 49
Give her a moment alone with Coach Dawson. (+AMALIA, +ABEL)
Tell her it’s time to go. (-AMALIA)
Choice 50
Go with Abel. (+ABEL)
Go with Amalia. (+AMALIA) Go to Choice 58
Go to bed. (No effect)
Choice 51
I’m not losing you.❤️ (+ABEL)
We’re not losing you. (+ABEL)
Choice 52
Hola, Señora. (No effect)
Hi, Señora. (No effect)
Choice 53
I’ll take the conchas, I’m not that hungry. (No effect)
What are conchas? (No effect)
I’m not that hungry, thanks. (No effect)
Choice 54
Hot chocolate. (No effect)
Milk. (No effect)
Coffee. (No effect)
Choice 55
I can’t exactly judge you. (+ABEL)
I won’t let anything happen to you.❤️ (+ABEL)
I’m still upset about this. (No effect)
Choice 56
But I really, really don’t want to.❤️ (+ABEL)
But thank you. (+ABEL)
Choice 57
Kiss his cheek.❤️ (+ABEL)
Thank him. (+ABEL)
(ABEL Nerve +5) Go to Choice 64
Choice 58
Watch her.❤️ (No effect)
Look away.❤️ (No effect)
Don’t react. (No effect)
Choice 59
Kiss her hair.❤️ (No effect)
Rub her back. (No effect)
Choice 60
You could never lose me. (+AMALIA)
You lost me in the supermarket once and I said never again. (+AMALIA)
Don’t you even dare think that. (+AMALIA)
Choice 61
I’m not hungry. (No effect)
We’ll share the orange. (No effect)
Choice 62
Don’t blame yourself. (No effect)
You couldn’t have done anything. (No effect)
(+AMALIA) (AMALIA Nerve +3)
Choice 63
It was no problem. (No effect)
It had certain benefits.❤️ (+AMALIA)
Just promise me you won’t cry again. (+AMALIA)
Choice 64
I will avenge Jessica. (CONNOR Nerve +3)
I want to understand my own power. (No effect)
I will protect the people of this town. (CONNOR Nerve +5)
Choice 65 You get to visit all of them, this just determines the order.
Abel and Lincoln in the sitting room. (ABEL Nerve -2, LINCOLN Nerve -3, ABEL Nerve -1, LINCOLN Nerve -2)
Noah/’Devon’ out front. (No effect)
Jocelyn out back. (No effect) Go to Choice 67
Choice 66
You don’t know that. (+LINCOLN) (LINCOLN Nerve +3)
Then I guess it’s good you didn’t go (LINCOLN Nerve -3)
How do you know? (No effect)
Choice 67
So do I. (No effect)
I’m not much of a runner. (No effect)
Choice 68
I’m not too worried. (-JOCELYN) (JOCELYN Nerve -3)
I am pretty worried. (+JOCELYN)
Choice 69
Cody? (No effect)
Last time? (No effect)
Choice 70
You can’t save them all. (+JOCELYN) (JOCELYN Nerve -2)
It won’t happen again. (-JOCELYN) (JOCELYN Nerve +3)
I don’t want you getting hurt.❤️ (+JOCELYN) (JOCELYN Nerve +3)
Choice 71
Why don’t I join you? (No effect)
Be careful. (No effect) Chapter End
Choice 72
Are you guys, like, friends? (No effect)
Are they, like, into each other?❤️ (No effect)
Choice 73
Stop to look at it. (No effect)
Catch up to Jocelyn. (No effect)
(JOCELYN Nerve -1)
Choice 74
It… hurts to. (+JOCELYN)
Not much to talk about anymore. (+JOCELYN)
They’re dead. (+JOCELYN)
(JOCELYN Nerve +3)
2 out of 6 Collectibles Found 3 out of 9 Lore Docs Found
Chapter 6 Complete
<< It Lives Within Choices: Index
< Chapter 5: The Missing Link
> Chapter 7: Dead in the Water
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
chapter 15
i know the raindrop scene is coming up and i am. so scared lmfao
lady goes to find macbeth (it's raining AGAIN) and he's on the roof staring at the street behind the inverness
she's like "what are you doing?" and macbeth's like "HHHH IM HALLUCINATING"
lady is based telling macbeth to stop snorting brew
caithness is listening to the radio like "im so glad walter kite is among the moralistic" bestie i dont know how to say this but you are fucking a married man
duff's at her door
duff get OUT
caithness is like "??? tf you doing here." and duff's like "can i stay?"
she says yes
once again, duff has been DESTROYED. VIOLATED by my worst nemesis jo fucking nesbo
the seargent is like "we fucking with the lights ;)"
they're about to kill banquo!!
banquo's got plans of his own. he's sending fleance to capitol, to an apartment of vera's.
66 tannery street
fleance is like "???????" banquo mentions his cousin is staying there, along with someone else
light's red!
banquo commits multiple traffic violations!
back to the inverness, the mayor's here and macbeth's high as hell. again.
tortell has an illegitimate son! it would make me gasp if i gave a shit
lady tells macbeth he's smiling like "an unhinged clown"
banquo and fleance are still being chased. banquo rams into a store and conks himself out so fleance has to fight off the norse riders
homie is 17
fleance eventually gets control of the car by driving like a psychopath (halfway on top of banquo, bc banquo's unconscious). has to unbuckle his seatbelt
banquo awake again
macbeth's high as shit at the party
tortell's like "bestie whats up" and macbeth's like "HHHHHHH"
he snorts up again even though his nose is bleeding.
banquo's like "no police cars??? wym???" and fleance is like "it's all VERY convenient isnt it" and banquo Gets It
yeah he figures it out
he kicks fleance out of the car - LITERALLY kicks him then drives as far as he can
rip the king,,,
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fearandhatred · 1 month
NO!! NO!!! NO!!!! I will boop it out!!! NO!! No run over by garbage truck!! One too many traffic accidents in the news this week!!! NOPE NOPE!!! Boop it out of your head!!!
CRISIS AVERTED!!!!! macbeth tickets secured
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Macbeth Act 3
“Have I not reason, beldams, as you are
Saucy and overbold? How did you dare
To trade and traffic with Macbeth
In riddles and affairs of death,
And I, the mistress of your charms,
The close contriver of all harms,
Was never called to bear my part,
Or show the glory of our art?
And, which is worse, all you have done
Hath been but for a wayward son,
Spiteful and wrathful, who, as others do,
Loves for his own ends, not for you.
But make amends now. Get you gone,
And at the pit of Acheron
Meet me i'th' morning. Thither he
Will come to know his destiny.
Your vessels and your spells provide,
Your charms and everything beside.
I am for th'air. This night I'll spend
Unto a dismal and a fatal end.
Great business must be wrought ere noon.
Upon the corner of the moon
There hangs a vap'rous drop profound;
I'll catch it ere it come to ground.
And that, distilled by magic sleights,
Shall raise such artificial sprites
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion.
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace, and fear.
And you all know security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy."
Hecate, act 3, sc 5, lines 2-33
In this scene, the goddess figure Hecate reprimands the Weird Sisters for interfering with Macbeth and steering him toward the destruction we see occur throughout the play.
I thought this scene was interesting not only because we see the powerful witches being scorned by a figure who is seemingly above them in both power and authority, but this is also one of the few times that Shakespeare uses a consistent rhyme scheme in a speech. I think the rhyme scheme here fits with the vibes and spell-like language of the magical beings, but it definitely draws attention to itself and the words Hecate is using. Overall, I just like this scene because we can see the power dynamics and how the magical beings view their interactions with regular mortals.
I just imagine the Weird Sisters as siblings being scolded by a parent for making a scene in public or scheming to dye the neighbor's dog green or something. Hecate has such a small role, but some of the most interesting dialogue when she appears, and good for her.
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eagletek · 1 year
John Simm: ‘I met one of the Stone Roses and lost the ability to speak’ | John Simm
Born in Leeds, John Simm, 52, studied performing arts in Blackpool and then moved to London to attend the Drama Centre. After roles in television series such as Cracker and Sex Traffic, he was cast in the BBC’s Life on Mars and received his first Bafta nomination in 2007. His films include 24 Hour Party People and Human Traffic, while on stage he has played Hamlet and Macbeth, and performed in…
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hislopchino · 1 year
HIGNFY's Guest Webterview: Tom Baker
This interview was conducted 500 years from now on a hostile planet populated entirely by traffic wardens.
Q1. You've been on the show as a guest before, but this is your first time as a host. How are you feeling about it?
I suppose I'm just feeling I have to brazen it out, because I've never been a host before. I feel rather honoured really that they think I might be waggish enough to get laughs, because I always wanted to be a comedian. One longs to be funny, to make people laugh. Laughter is such a sign of approval, isn't it? I got lots of laughs when I played Macbeth. That was stupendous. Only Peter O'Toole got as many laughs as me.
Q2. You've enjoyed success in two very iconic roles, as Doctor Who and the voice of Little Britain. How do you hope you are thought of by the great British public? Do you feel comfortable being called a 'national treasure'?
Yes, I do. I often get young people in libraries or book clubs saying, "You take care now, Mr. Baker. Remember, you're a national treasure." So, I'm glad to be a national treasure. It's lovely.
Q3. What do you find people recognise more - your face or your voice?
Well, I think people don't recognise my face because I'm so much older now, but it is astonishing that people can recognise a voice. I do sometimes get recognised, and indeed a lot of people do come and see me. The dedicated sci-fi fans network a lot. It's part of a family really, a really great big dotty family, or some kind of highly amusing religion.
Q4. A lot of your lines in Little Britain can be quite rude. Have you ever refused to say any? Or do you actually write some of them yourself?
No. Never. The thing is I'm very interested in bad taste, as anyone who's ever seen me perform or had dinner with me would know. I like outrageousness and rudeness, that amuses me no end, but it's the boys who tell me what to do. Matt Lucas is an extremely exacting director. I didn't improvise or anything like that. It's all worked out very carefully.
Q5. According to Paul, and Paul alone, Ian Hislop has been lined up as the next Dr. Who. What do you think he would bring to the role?
I think he would bring stature, wouldn't he? The thing about Ian being so little of course is that on the television they could enlarge him. I actually think he'd be quite a mischievous Doctor Who and there is a definitely a slightly alien quality about him.
Q6. Before getting into acting you originally trained as a monk. Were there any transferable skills from that experience that helped you get to where you are today?
Well, yes. My capacity as a monk was to passionately believe utter nonsense, and when you're an actor you have to do the same thing. Also, Christianity used to have a lot to do with self-loathing and an acceptance of criticism and things like that which is terribly important for actors.
Q7. You then did your national service in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Was there any danger of you becoming a real doctor?
Oh, no, because I never had the educational levels to become a real doctor, but I was a very, very conscientious and enthusiastic orderly in those old-fashioned days of knowing how to do basic skills extremely well. The army was a wonderful teacher. I learnt how to allay people's embarrassments and change beds and wash people without them feeling humiliated and make them laugh to keep their spirits up. I enjoyed that very much.
Q8. You've had something of a real-life regeneration after the success of Little Britain. What do you hope the future now holds?
I don't really think about the future too much at my age. I don't even buy green bananas. I just take it as it comes really.
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kingoffiends · 1 year
Lady Macbeth's madness enhancement is best shown by inserting her into Skadi Running Into the Night as the Doctor, waving those sticks like air traffic control
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I propose that henceforth if we have to talk about the abomination Amazon is putting on, we don’t refer to it by name; kinda like Macbeth is the Scottish play. That way we can talk about it without giving Amazon traffic. My personal suggestion would be “the LOTR show”, but even then that might be too much of a comparison to actual quality.
0 notes
Rivalry Headcanons -- Falco and Leon
Falco definitely instigated the entire rivalry. 
It was sparked by a meeting that the Star Fox team had when the Lylat Wars were just kicking off.  Peppy pulled up the mugshots of the newly-formed Star Wolf team and gave little blurbs about them.  Falco pointed directly at Leon’s mugshot and said, “I don’t like that guy. He looks like a jerk.”  The statement seemed pretty natural, seeing as how the Star Wolf team was no doubt destined to fight them at some point due to their histories.  Slippy, Fox, and Peppy didn’t think much of it but what they didn’t know is that Falco already had history with Leon.
The source of the feud actually began several years ago when Falco (and Katt) stole Leon’s bike while Leon was in a store on Macbeth.  Leon was pretty embarrassed about it (and still is)!  He and Wolf had to chase Falco down in Macbethian traffic and they ended up getting the bike back.  Leon never forgot Falco’s face after that.  And Falco never forgot Leon either.  Falco, to this day, refuses to speak about the incident because he doesn’t want Fox and the others to know he got outmatched by Leon and Wolf in a race.
Leon frequently taunts Falco about making knives and using his tailfeathers as decorations for the handles.  In response to this, Falco frequently taunts Leon about making him into a scale purse for whoever he dates next.
Leon has threatened to eat Falco a few times, playing off of Venomian stereotypes spread by Cornerians.  Falco doesn’t wanna admit it, but it kinda creeps him out.  In turn, he threatens to cut off Leon’s tongue and use it as a belt.
The only reason Falco decided to learn sniping was because he heard that Leon was a good sniper and wanted to one-up him.
Leon has a cardboard cut out of Falco that he uses for knife throwing practice.
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ragnarlothcat · 3 years
🖊️, 🏅, 🧠 for the asks?? (Friendship hearts! 💜💜💜)
Friendship hearts!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙 From the ask game
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
My WIPs are a disaster at the moment, but here's Obi-Wan rationalizing a demon just openly appearing in his murder house:
Just a dream.
It only happened because this is his first night in a new house. It often takes Obi-Wan some time to adjust to an unfamiliar setting. When he first moved into his old apartment, he struggled to fall asleep at night because his bedroom faced a busy intersection and the traffic noise kept him awake.
This is nothing more than that. He is getting settled. He is getting acclimatized. He is not worried, not really. It’s just that his terrible, unsupportive friends got into his head. Quinlan with his ghost talk, Qui-Gon with his herbs and his exorcisms, Cody with his ‘your life is a horror movie, and you will die alone’ (it is possible he only implied that last part), they’re the ones responsible for whatever just happened.
Obi-Wan sinks his head back into the pillows. It’s just first night jitters. He’ll be perfectly happy and perfectly adjusted within the week.
Just watch.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
This is maybe silly, but I was a bit proud of a compelling argument because I wasn't trying to be funny. I'm branching out to new genres over here. Even if it doesn't work out, it's fun to try!
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Well, we have our whole Shakespeare situation brewing (did I ever tell you that I played Witch #2 in Macbeth as a child?) But I've got a vague idea of an amnesia story. Obi-Wan and Anakin both get plot-related amnesia on some mission and they're obviously super attracted to each other. So they hook up, but then their memories come back and Obi-Wan has the big guilt for taking advantage of his former Padawan (even though Anakin is obviously completely in love).
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