#trail tips
wanderguidehub · 9 months
Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit: Ultimate Hiking Guide to Grant Village Area, Yellowstone National Park
Set foot in the heart of the wild with our comprehensive guide to hiking in the Grant Village Area of Yellowstone National Park! This natural paradise brims with awe-inspiring landscapes, diverse flora, and fauna, creating an unparalleled hiking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of outdoor adventure, our guide provides essential tips…
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whatsy0urdream · 1 year
Thru-Hiking: Overcoming Your Trail Fears and Living Your Adventure Dream!
Thru-hiking is the ultimate adventure that’s both thrilling and challenging. But let’s be honest, it’s normal to have a few concerns before hitting the trail. So, let’s talk about these concerns and some tips for managing them, so you can feel ready to conquer any trail. One common concern is physical fitness. It’s understandable to wonder whether you’re prepared for the physical demands of a…
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vandaliatraveler · 1 year
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“A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.”
— Rachel Carson
The photos above were taken along the Virgin Hemlock Trail at Coopers Rock State Forest following a prolonged rain. The old forest's dripping green intensity, charged by early summer's electric, stormy atmosphere, reminds us that nothing really dies here; all matter is reabsorbed and repurposed and made new again. You can smell it in the wet moss, decaying wood, and humus. The forest is immortal and sentient and relentlessly renewing itself.
From top: Little Laurel Run rushing through the old hemlock forest like a gem-filled artery; partrideberry (Mitchella repens), a trailing, evergreen vine whose fragrant white flowers come in pairs; a tall, handsome whorled loosestrife (Lysimachia quadrifolia) in bloom at the forest's edge; white avens (Geum canadense), a shade-tolerant perennial of forest margins; swamp dewberry (Rubus hispidus), a bristly-stemmed relative of the blackberry; wild hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), also known as smooth hydrangea, a rapidly-colonizing woodland shrub with high wildlife value; running clubmoss (Lycopodium clavatum), an attractive, spore-bearing vascular plant; crown-tipped coral (Artomyces pyxidatus), an elegant, edible coral fungus that grows on decaying wood; and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), the forest's majestic benefactor, which can grow to over 100 feet high and live to be more than five hundred years old.
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tamagotchikgs · 9 days
im also getting really bad visual trails like i pretty much always have them to a bit of an extent but they r so bad there was a bug flying around my room n i was just laying down watching it and it was so vivid it was like there were at least like 7 like. fully opaque but it was just 1
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kemetic-dreams · 4 days
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Running a mile per day for the rest of your life can have both benefits and drawbacks. Let's explore them in detail:
Cardiovascular Health: Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, and lower the risk of heart disease.
Weight Management: Regular running can help you maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism.
Mood Enhancement: Running releases endorphins, which can boost mood, reduce stress, and promote overall mental well-being.
Bone Health: Running is a weight-bearing exercise that can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Enhanced Lung Function: Regular running can improve lung capacity and respiratory efficiency.
Improved Fitness: Consistent running can enhance overall physical fitness, including endurance, stamina, and strength.
Time Efficiency: Running a mile daily doesn't require a significant time commitment, making it a convenient option for busy schedules.
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Overuse Injuries: Running frequently can increase the risk of overuse injuries like shin splints, stress fractures, and knee pain.
Joint Impact: The repetitive impact of running may put stress on joints, potentially leading to joint pain or issues, especially if proper form and footwear are not maintained.
Burnout: Running every day without adequate rest can lead to burnout or reduced motivation over time.
Weather Dependency: Running outdoors might be challenging in extreme weather conditions or during illness.
Muscle Imbalances: Running primarily targets specific muscle groups, which may lead to muscle imbalances if other areas of the body are neglected.
Time Commitment: While running a mile daily is relatively time-efficient, it still requires a regular commitment that may not be sustainable for everyone.
Lack of Variety: Running the same distance daily might become monotonous for some individuals who prefer diverse workout routines.
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To mitigate the drawbacks and make running sustainable, consider the following tips:
Incorporate rest days to allow your body to recover and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
Cross-train with other activities like cycling, swimming, or strength training to work different muscle groups and add variety to your routine.
Invest in good-quality running shoes and pay attention to proper form and technique to minimize the risk of injuries.
Listen to your body and adjust your running intensity or distance as needed based on how you feel.
As with any fitness routine, individual factors such as age, fitness level, and any existing health conditions should be considered. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer before committing to a long-term running regimen. They can help create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and takes into account any specific needs or concerns you may have.
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laneaconite · 2 months
Eucalyptus bark crunching underfoot— Deliciously crisp, Shed from naked boughs Like old worn clothes.
Saw it sold as decoration: Gorgeous Table Centerpiece! For 50 cents a gram. I imagine how someone gathered them, Might even make a pretty penny.
I imagine I’d tie them with twine, like A scented candle of crumbling Cutaneous cells. Swaddled off In paper and plastic to vanish, Sprinkling Inexorable splinters in the sea. Beneath my feet they lie, Stacked with space between. If I reached, I’d feel the crisp outer layer And scrape away the spongy inside. I raise my hands, can’t help but laugh and I shatter them to pieces. -Lane Aconite
October 7th, 2023
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pinkmirth · 6 months
i bet suguru’s pubes smell like $200 shampoo
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musictyme · 17 days
T.I. - I'm Illy
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faroutfarms · 9 months
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This little stinker decided I need a front door greeting when I got to the barn yesterday. Apparently there's not enough grass in the pasture, so he had to jump the 5 foot fence to graze outside. He's a pain in my ass, but freaking gorgeous and so lucky I love him
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allofthebees · 1 month
Learning to draw specifially so I can give Orihime dragonfly wings created from her Shun Shun Rikka
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nobodybetterlookatme · 6 months
I love my coworkers so dearly but,, jesus christ lmao 😭
Asked if any of them wanted me to make hot chocolate when we got back to station bc it's cold and rainy and one of them goes "oh I hate hot chocolate it tastes awful" and I was confused bc this is the same dude who's eaten and liked so many questionable things and also he loves chocolate. So he ended up elaborating that it tastes good when it's from like a cafe or whatever but not when he makes it himself. So I asked him how he makes it and this man really says "hot water and cocoa powder" and I was fucking speechless. Anyway he does, in fact, know how to make it for real now and I have things I can incorporate into fics so win win for everyone I guess
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wanderguidehub · 9 months
Hiking Guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park, California: Discover the Heartbeat of Nature
Welcome to the ultimate guide for hiking in Lassen Volcanic National Park, a magnificent jewel nestled in the beautiful landscape of California. This guide offers you the golden ticket to explore its thriving wildlife, captivating volcanic landscapes, and serene mountain vistas. With trails that cater to both novice and experienced hikers, Lassen Volcanic National Park promises an unforgettable…
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jdhikes · 1 year
Ticks- Spring's Parasitic Terrors of the Trail
New post- As warmer weather approaches it's time to think about steps to protect yourself on your hikes. Especially against one of these parasitic terrors of the trail.
As spring approaches, many hikers look forward to the warm weather, blooming flowers, and energized wildlife. But with all these wonders also comes some natural hazards such as poison ivy, mosquitos, and ticks. Ticks are especially bothersome to hikers as they are often overlooked, can be tricky to remove, and spread diseases. Let’s take a moment to learn more about this parasitic terror of the…
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flokali · 1 year
seen ur hsr charas and there's only one thing in my mind....
h-how u got all of the mats?? 🗿🗿
(i mean yea, there's "ways")
oooohhhhh but prob just good management of the trailblaze power/fuels or r they just leveled up? (i meant the others,,, (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) ) like genuinely curious fufu
Hello, hello~
To be completely honest, the main reason I’ve been able to advance in the game so fast is because I’ve been sick and resting - so no class nor work for me - which means I’ve had a lot of time to do nothing other than playing. It’s partially why I’ve been able to reach lvl 36 in under a week, compared to Genshin where it took me almost twice the time to do so;;
When it comes to mats, I’ve set up a bit of a system for myself!
UTC because it got… really, really long - I did not think this game would have me this excited, alas here we are - almost 760 words of me just rambling about it…
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I try getting exactly what I need rather than grinding and hoarding as many mats for the future; if I need, let’s say, 3 character ascension materials then I’ll set the rewards to get me exactly 3 mats!
Since I’m at Equilibrium lvl 2 and only have until lvl 3 to set, I know I’ll be getting 2-3 drops per round, so I’ll set it to use exactly the needed amount of Trailblaze Powder so as to not waste it.
I’ve also used up a lot, and I mean a lot, of the Trailblaze Fuel, which means I haven’t had to wait as much time to have the Trailblaze Powder filled up again.
Then there’s the local shops for each location, you have them in Herta’s Space Station, Jarilo-IV, and the Xianzhou Luofu! They use unique world currency that you have to get via quests and progressing through the story, but they have a lot of materials for both Light Cones and Character Ascension! There’s also the rewards you get from spending a certain amount in each shop where they give you Stellar Jade, Wrap Tickets, and other materials.
Another pretty good way to level up your characters fast is to claim the Level up rewards Pom-Pom gives, some of the drops are Trailblaze Fuel, Travel Guide, Adventure Logs, Refined Aether, Condensed Aether, Wrap Tickets, etc.
Then there’s the classic Embers Exchange (the little blue things you get from the Wraps), where you’ll get Trace and Light Cone ascension materials from 4-12 Embers, this resets each month so you have plenty of time to get them!
Other than that, I tend to work on all the characters at once when it comes to leveling them up and ascending them; I don’t prioritize my main team from the others, though I tend to treat my favorite characters a little better, I don’t know if that has helped me much but I thought I might add it? I do tend to try and always have all my characters at a certain ATK and ascension level - mostly because the game relies a lot on having different characters with different paths and elements. I kind of, just click add and see if I have enough for them to reach the next level, lol.
I do tend to neglect Relics a lot, mostly since I can’t really get the five star sets yet and I’d rather wait until I can get my hands on the good stuff than waste my resources on something that I’ll be replacing, so I can’t give much advice for them (T^T);; I tend to mostly use the ones I get from chests and completing quests/missions but it’s worked quite well so far!
These are all my tips and reminders for material compiled into a list:
1) Don’t hoard yet! Try getting only what you need, that way you’ll save Trailblaze Powder and grind for different materials.
2) World Shops are your best friends, they’re a quick way to get your hands on materials and give you rewards the more you spend on them.
3) Don’t be too afraid of using your Trailblaze Fuel, it’s there for you to use!
4) Some characters are easier to grind for, some are harder - some use the same materials as others, some will be the only character that needs a certain material: make a mental (or physical) list of characters that have similar materials and choose who to level up first and if you’ll grind for both of them or not.
5) Learn to prioritize what talents/cones/characters you want, even with all of what I’ve said; there will be times a character will be slightly behind, that’s okay - just focus on having fun and on the ones you’ll use the most.
6) Do both the Simulated Universe and Hall of Echos, if I had to pick one I’d recommend Herta’s SU since it gives weekly rewards for points and hands out EXP and materials as well, it also doesn’t use Trailblaze Power so you’re free to do it as many times as you wish.
7) The game is incredibly generous, it’s not afraid to give you materials the more you progress in the story and levels.
Hope this helps;; it’s kind of (very) long but I racked my brain to give as many tips as possible!
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vampireloverz · 1 year
i just know miguel lays multiverse shattering, life changing, mind numbing pipe with his stupidly thick dick :’/
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
Bizarre Witch Trial Test
Witch Cakes
A bizarre form of counter-magic, the witch cake was a supernatural dessert used to identify suspected evildoers. In cases of mysterious illness or possession, witch hunters would take a sample of the victim’s urine, mix it with rye meal and ashes and bake it into a cake. This stomach turning concoction was then fed to a dog the “familiars,” or animal helpers, of witches, in the hope that the beast would fall under its spell and reveal the name of the guilty sorcerer.
During the hysteria that preceded the Salem Witch Trials, the slave Tituba famously helped prepare a witch cake to identify the person responsible for bewitching young Betty Parris and others. The brew failed to work, and Tituba’s supposed knowledge of spells and folk remedies was later used as evidence against her when she was accused of being a witch.
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