#trainer chloe cerise
Dawn x Chloe Cerise | MoonlightBlossomShipping!
Them from Pokemon the Series (Pokemon Journeys)
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jadeazora · 2 years
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They really saved Ash reuniting with Butterfree for the end credits, huh? 😓
Also, Misty and Inteleon! And Leon in his Battle Tower outfit!
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rixi-96 · 2 years
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harukadrawsthings · 1 year
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Part ten of "And So The Adventure Begins"! Thank you once again for your patience!
Destiny shows her new gear to the Cerise staff! She's a few moments away from obtaining the Pokédex app and her first Pokémon so please stay tuned for the eleventh part of the story!
[✨☀️Soul(mate)s of Light Pokémon AU Master Post🌕✨]
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
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Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
All remaining characters © Nintendo/TPC
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wallflower-koharu · 10 months
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We love curry
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scraftyisthebest · 8 months
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Tmw when you realize Serena and Chloe are both horse girls.
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g0-h9 · 7 months
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Goh! Maybe I don't have to be evil after all!
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doi-dot · 2 years
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
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And here's to Liko! Looking forward to meeting you soon!
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theerurishipper · 2 years
Me back on my bullshit, just popping in to talk about this scene.
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It's kind of confusing to hear Chloe say it, right? Why would she not call herself Goh's first friend? But I thought about it more, and it makes sense. It's kind of true.
So, it's been established that Goh used to be more of a loner. He's not interested in having friends. He doesn't have any friends and he doesn't want any. He's home alone a lot, and he's always studying to find Mew.
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His only friend was Chloe. And what we know of their friendship is that Chloe and Goh met up when Goh came to hang out at her dad's lab. She brought him to camp. They've been friends since they were kids. That's how we're introduced to them.
I'm not going to come here and say that Goh and Chloe weren't friends. That's not true, they are childhood friends. But they weren't really close friends, or best friends. They liked each other and to hang out with each other, but it seems that that's about as far as it went.
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Even during the course of their friendship, Goh said, to her face, that he doesn't want to get friends. Despite their friendship, Goh is still more of a loner who prefers to do things by himself and stay in his own shell. He often runs off to do his own thing without telling Chloe and leaves her waiting for him. He doesn't put in the effort to maintain their friendship, because it ultimately falls second to his dreams. Chloe mentions that Goh always came to play at her dad's lab, and that phrasing kind of says that Goh was always more interested in her dad's work than spending time with her. That's not to say that he didn't care about spending time with her or that he didn't care about her, but clearly it wasn't his priority. In episode 2, she brings him the handouts from school for them to do together, but even after she hands it to him, all Goh cares about is Professor Oak.
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Goh's an ambitious person. He's a loner. He's got a severe case of tunnel vision. His friendship with Chloe was important to him, considering he does encourage and ask after her throughout the series, but it ultimately comes second. He's just got bigger things to do, like find Mew.
And as for Chloe, she just doesn't get him.
Chloe doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. She sees so many options and can't decide which one to choose. She doesn't have any dreams or ambitions. At the beginning of the series, she's pretty aloof and apathetic. This is in complete contrast to Goh's passion for his goal, one that he's already completely sure of. Goh loves this. Goh loves to spill Pokémon facts and talk about Mew. Goh loves to show off his knowledge. Obviously, he's mentioned to Chloe that he wants to find Mew and all that. But at the end of episode 2, again, when he excitedly tells her he met Lugia, this is her reaction.
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She's pretty dismissive of him when it comes to his ambitions. I understand that being around someone like Goh can be tedious and that she's probably not very happy with him in this moment, but it speaks to her general attitude towards this side of Goh. She's just not really interested. Not to say that she doesn't care about Goh or that she won't support him, but she just... doesn't really care, I guess.
This generally just comes down to them as people. Goh is ambitious, but Chloe can't get that, because she has no ambitions or dreams of her own. Chloe wants simple things like for Goh to hang out with her, but Goh can't get that, because he's all about his dreams and destiny and fateful encounters. They're both stuck in their own shells, and they can't break out of them, and they don't get closer to each other because they don't understand each other.
Which is why Goh gets along so well with Ash. Ash is someone who understands Goh's passion and ambition, because he feels the same away about becoming a Pokémon Master. He gets Goh. He supports Goh in a way no one has before by encouraging him and supporting him. He offers Goh the affirmation Goh is looking for. His influence helps Goh break out of his lonely bubble and notice the world around him. Ash is the first person Goh actually rewards with his trust. Goh follows his dreams and Ash is there every step of the way, by his side. Goh learns from Ash. Goh does things with Ash. Ash's influence is what helps Goh grow from a rather selfish loner to someone who is empathetic to the people and Pokémon around him. To someone who decides to open up to people and not be scared that they'll abandon him. Ash is the first person Goh really accepts as a true friend.
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Again, this is all not to say that Goh and Chloe aren't friends. As the series progresses, they do come to understand each other better. As they grow as people, they get closer. But the fact remains that when they were kids, they were too caught up with their issues to be able to become closer to each other. When Chloe says that Ash is Goh's first friend, she doesn't mean that she was never his friend at all. But emotionally speaking, Ash is the first person that Goh has ever cared about so much as a friend. Ash is the first person who's truly understood Goh and valued everything Goh likes about himself. The first one Goh has treated as a true friend. The first one he's put first and tried to maintain a friendship with. The first person Goh has actually supported, the first person by who's side Goh has stood. The first person he's trusted. (And the first person he's had a cru-)
So that is why that line is there. It made no sense to me the first time I watched it too, but it really does make sense. Chloe and Goh's relationship has improved through the course of the series, maybe not as overtly as I would have liked, but still. They understand each other way better now, and they're more supportive of each other as a whole. But their friendship in the past, while not non-existent, was flawed, and Chloe recognizes that. But it's not all lost. They've grown as people and their friendship has grown too, and I'm sure that in whatever future they're headed towards, Chloe and Goh will continue to be good friends.
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askthejourneysgang · 1 year
And the Journey Continues
Ash: Well, my friends, this is it. We've made our 1000th post.
Goh: So that means no more questions...
Chloe: I'm kinda going to miss them. Some got pretty weird, but we've been doing it for literal years, so it'll be hard to get used to not doing them
Goh: I get what you mean 😔
Ash: Cheer up, guys! Just because this journey is over, doesn't mean we don't have more journeys waiting for us on the horizon...
...Er, that wasn't meant to be foreshadowing, don't get your hopes up 🙏
OOC: And thank you to all the people, both familiar and anonymous, who sent questions and kept this rp blog alive!
Ash: Whoa! Who are you, mister? 😳
OOC: I'm @andrem962. I made this blog and the previous @ask-ketchumjourneys blog that was replaced by this one. I thought I should say something myself
Ash: Oh, okay. Goh right ahead! 😋
Me: Thank you again for your support. I was happy to do my part in contributing to this fandom! I don't know if I'll do any kind of rp blog in the future again, but if you still want to ask the trio some questions, I'm always available in the roleplay channel of the satogou server!
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jadeazora · 1 year
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I'm just saying, a big old RIP for what could have been. (Ash has a fair number of these actually, but Latias probably hurt the most with it being his goodbye arc and multiple episodes of her following him around.)
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rixi-96 · 1 year
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harukadrawsthings · 1 year
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Here's part twelve of "And So The Adventure Begins"! Thank you once again for your patience!
It was obvious she was going for her first Pokémon friend as a starter! In this next scene we have a peek on Lucario's meditation at Cerise Park. What is he sensing? Answers on part 13, coming soon. Stay tuned!✨
[✨☀️Soul(mate)s of Light Pokémon AU Master Post🌕✨]
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
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Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
All remaining characters © Nintendo/TPC
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wallflower-koharu · 28 days
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ambipotent · 2 years
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“Maybe someday..”
Thanks for reading folks, this was a journey and I loved taking you all on it with me! 
This comic may or may not get a continuation of some sort (there were a decent amount of cut jokes and scenes I’d love to share lol) but if you wanna see more of my comics, check me out on Tapas and Webtoon I got one in progress over there. Follow me here on Tumblr if you just want to see more Satogou stuff, I pop up in the tags sometimes. 
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 (you made it to the end... :D)
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