#traitor kaminari
thatonefandomjumper · 2 months
You ever just read a fanfic that rots your brain so much that you had no choice but to make a comic out of it? Yeah.
Anyway, here's the first 1000 words of A Mirror in the Dark by Fastern on Ao3 illustrated.
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(Click for better quality)
I know I could have picked some sort of big scene to illustrate, but idk man, I felt like going from the beginning even if it doesn't seem like much is happening. Trust me when I say this is the best Traitor Kaminari fic I have ever read. My initial plan was to do the whole first chapter but then I realized I didn´t have infinite time so have these 8 pages instead!
Anyway, go read the fic right now. You will not be disappointed.
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a ship that is very rare but holds a place in my heart is kamitoga. especially with lov/traitor!kaminari. bonus point if if its shinkamitoga. i can just imagine these poor 14 year olds with villainous or self destructive quirks all caring for eahc other :((
Secondly: You’re So Right For That.
Tw: mentions of dissociation
Personally, I dislike how everyone always makes fun of kami when he short circuits. Like. For the sake of this, imma just say to him, it feels like heavy dissociation and we’re running with that for now
Soooo, he joined the lov after being found in this dissociative state and they made sure he was safe and comfortable until he was grounded again
Toga thought he was adorable
Kaminari is a little weary of them all at first, but toga explains her quirk and her background and he just kinda 🥺💙😤
Toga is the first to explain what’s going on. She’s just so bubbly and extroverted and excited to have someone her age to talk to
And he’s so nice!
They’re both such bright lads
They’re so supportive when the other is feeling bad about their quirk
Kami makes a bunch of really bad good blood related puns to try and get toga to smile (“I am O so positively in love with you” “you can’t B negative about this one” etc)
Toga always makes sure to have safe foods that kami feels comfortable eating when he’s short circuited
They both make the most wonderful of puns relating to each others quirk.
How do I know this? Because the eyre both full of whimsy and whimsy loves puns, and puns are the highest form of comedy.
The first time toga made a pun about electricity, kami just 👁👄👁 and then he knew he would die for this funky fresh nerd
The number of times toga has gone about saying some shit like, “I don’t know watt you’re talking about” in the middle of lov meetings has driven shigaraki to madness
Dabi is driven to anger when he is on the receiving end of the onslaught of puns these two have, but he so enjoys watching shigaraki rip his hair out
Shinsou, toga, and kami would be such a trio. They’re protective of their people in their own rights, but when paired together, the world won’t know what hit it
Sorry this is so short but I hope you liked it!!! Thank you for the ask! :D have a good and safe day!!
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kami-and-the-lov · 2 years
Toga: Shigaraki, you're addicted to Minecraft
Denki: this is an intervention.
Shigaraki: FUCK OFF
Dabi: Dusty, there are people who love you, I am not one of them but there ARE people-
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
BNHA really fumbled the Kaminari UA Traitor idea.
Think of the angst! I love Aoyama but imagine the hurt of bakusquad and class A if it was Kami.
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Obligatory Villain!Kaminari Brainrot
So beside my obvious obsession with this AU/theory/headcanon whatever, there’s something that’s got me about Kaminari’s character for a long time now.
If you pay attention to it, or if you watch and read bnha in tinfoil hat mode like me, you might notice that there’s a lot of official art and manga panels where half or parts of his face are hidden.
I’ve really only started paying attention to it once I stumbled over the positive/negative charge/split personality theory. (Check out this video by Hokai on Youtube, it sums it up really well: https://youtu.be/4gH1dYDi3lA)
Now I need to make a slight distinction between panels or anime frames where he’s like half in the frame, which could be coincidences, and those instances, like in official art, that seem like they have a deeper meaning. For example that what we see of him is really only one side, and something else is hidden. A Villain family, a dark past, anger issues, some kind of dark side, or just a secret.
Some of the more obvious examples: 
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So this is the very obvious one that makes almost everyone go what the fuck a little. It's pretty old and I think it's actually the one that sparked the whole theory. Here his face is very obviously split in two, and it does not look like a coincidence. With this context, here some other ones:
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Those still look pretty intentional. And his face in the fantasy AU? Holy fuck.
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Then there's his fight with Shishikura, to date one of my favorite scenes in the manga, because it gives so freaking much thought material about about Kaminari's character. I made a whole own post about this, so I'll spare you the elaboration.
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Here again. Pretty obvious. Pretty serious look. If I'm correct this is an official art by Betten Court, the artist of the Vigilantes spin-off.
Keep in mind that in most of the official sketches his face is normal, but those few still stick out, especially the one with the split face. The design of his hair makes it easy to hide parts of his face, even if it's not as obvious as in the sketches above most of the time. There are of course characters like Shishikura, who has half his face hidden by his hair all the time, but I think this is a thing you need to see in context of the character.
I'm probably overthinking this, but I think it's an interesting detail if you keep the split personality theory in mind.
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fishy006 · 1 year
look i know aoyama is the traitor and all but i have always been (and always will be) a traitor kaminari believer, and because of that i LOVE when i read fics that aren’t really about the traitor but the traitor comes up somehow and they find out the traitor is kaminari. because i’ve read all of the fics that have traitor kaminari tagged but those fics don’t have the traitor tag and it’s a pleasant surprise.
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Chapter 51
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We're finally here. The Last Chapter. See the end notes inside for information on my future plans for this au.
The title page for this chapter was done traditionally instead of digitally. It's a redrawing of the first canon bnha cover but VATER. I actually drew it months ago and I've been saving it since then.
The Real Truth: Izuku has to find a way to reform The Organization. He doesn't know how. Katsuki and Himiko might be willing to help, but they have goals and ideas of their own too. Denki and Tooru make a discovery. Izuku needs allies, and he's going to need time to make them.
The Lies it Reveals: The Organization is corrupt. Everything Izuku, Katsuki, and Himiko ever thought they knew about it was a lie. They're left with nothing but questions about their upbringing, their purpose, and everything they've ever known. Together, they'll have to struggle through the aftermath, but first they need time to come to terms with their new knowledge.
Extra: Amajiki receives a strange note in his locker. Denki and Tooru get invited on a first circle patrol. Denki hacks into Organization cameras. Tooru connects dots. Izuku and Katsuki move into the dorms. Himiko gets ready to find the rest of the League again. Hisashi and Inko make a decision. Izuku stays up late and gets to work.
Something in the back of his head watches him.
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thatofabeaver · 1 year
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Recently read bakugo wearing pastel au and I need one for shinkami
Made a moodboard while brainstorming for fic ideas
How did I get so much blood from it? Well. Traitor kami is living in my head rent free and it really has nothing to do with the pastel thing but now I wanna smash them together-
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notatraitordenki · 2 years
okay but let’s say (figuratively!!!) you were the traitor? what would u do?
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1 day left…..
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yamraihasgirlfriend · 11 months
Denki: Don't worry, I got a plan. Sero: Alright. Denki: TraitorSayWhat? Aoyama: Excuse-moi? Denki: What? Sero: ... Denki: ... Denki: No wait-
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heronoegg · 7 months
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in the AU Toru is picked by the UA staff for showing extremely good espionage skills to find the traitor and she thinks it's Kaminari but it's not she was informed about the liberation hand sign by Snipe the one who recommended her for finding the traitor
i want Snipe Toru duo it's just a cowboy dad and his silly invisible daughter against the odds
also i gave her a invisible suit cause if Mirio can have a suit made from his hair so can she how she puts it on is a mystery to all including herself
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kami-and-the-lov · 2 years
Denki: (feeding rabbits) aww look at these little angels!
Toga: I wonder what buggs bunny's kill count is.
Denki: what the fuck?
Dabi: 35
Toga: no 45
Dabi: it's 35
Toga: 45 counting the people he's killed multiple times
Dabi: ah... I see, I see.
For any non-mha questions, my main is: @keiachi-chan
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kitweilon · 8 months
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They're so Kaminari Denki core
So I edited a few
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I apologize in advance for the person I’ll become should Kaminari ever get revealed as a second traitor, or should he ever turn out to have connections to the Villain landscape.
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ssshishia-art · 1 year
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I just want to see you shine ’cause I know you are a stargirl~
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Chapter 50
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Only one more chapter left to go after this! That's absolutely insane! Thank you all so much for following this for so long, I appreciate every single one of you that's given me kudos or commented. I'm so glad I could write something so many people could enjoy :)
Successful Rescue Missions: Katsuki is rescued from the League of Villains.
Legacies Fallen: All Might wins his fight with All For One, but he loses his power in the process.
Extra: Izuku comes to a decision about Katsuki and Himiko.
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