#trans!jack frost
regular0side-hoe06 · 6 months
Hiccup is Demisexual,
Jack is Trans and Pansexual,
I rest my case.
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katetorias · 1 year
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since it’s mermay I decided to get in the spirit by drawing HIJACK!!! 😱😱💥💥 anyway they’re trans and in love wow…
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hexkore · 2 years
I can't rlly explain it but Zagreus, Jack Frost, and Danny Phantom are the same genre of character
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
People shipping Jason Todd and Danny Fenton because they both died and got ressurected is the new shipping Jack Frost and Elsa because they both have ice powers.There's also how both ships are ped0philic since Jack is canonically 17 btw
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Modern Sk8-inspired AU where American snowboarder Jack moves to a dinky little Canadian town called Berk & meets a reckless, longboard racing Hiccup. Hic ends up getting him into skateboarding & racing, & Jack ends up teaching him to snowboard. They’re both big adrenaline junkies & reckless as hell, but they have fun.
I thought it’d make more sense to make Hiccup Canadian even tho he’s not the Langa parallel, cause his VA is Canadian & I’m far more familiar with Canadian small town vibes lol. Especially mountainous, winter tourism small towns. I also plan to add in Hiccups whole friend group as his racing team & give them a kinda punk aesthetic. Let’s be honest, they’re all little punks, and I’m gonna lean into that, fer sure.
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poemega · 6 months
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Annual appreciation post for him
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bunnimew · 9 months
What do you think was going through Jack's mind when he was following his sister's voice, and found the bed frame that leads into Pitch's domain? It was unsettling and fascinating how Jack seemed to be in a trance as he approached the bed frame. Do you think at that point he knew it was Pitch, due to him being associated as the monster that hides under beds?
Hey, Anon!!
Absolutely nothing. I think it would be generous to imply he was thinking about much at all.
Kam pointed out that at this point in the film, Jack doesn't know it's his sister's voice yet. He hasn't seen the memories. He just hears a kid calling for Jack, and follows it like a carrot on a string.
I maintain, and have from the beginning, that Jack Frost is a color-negative James Potter. He spots trouble and he throws himself at it with abandon. He's got bravery to spare with very little prudence to temper his actions. I think Jack heard a disembodied voice and like a curious cat, was concerned with absolutely nothing beyond, "What's that?"
We see it later in Jamie's bedroom. Sandy, as much of a brawler as he is, tries to stop Jack from straight up yeeting himself into danger and Jack does not stop to give it a second thought. He just says whatever will get Sandy off his back so he can follow the fresh, new carrot to his heart's content.
Jack sees a shiny, Jack chases the shiny.
If someone wanted to characterize him as, like, slightly less ADHD, they could say he might have suspected it was Pitch when he saw the bedframe. It didn't stop his horrendously Gryffindor self from jumping down with both feet, but maybe he was starting to suspect. I don't think he was applying his brain with that much care, though. I think he slowed down only to make sure he was going the right way; hesitating just long enough to verify that yes, the disembodied voice is coming from the weird creepy hole in the ground, before he threw himself down there only to have to back-track. Nobody likes back-tracking.
Jack stops to think as like, his solution of last resort. He didn't even know the full extent of his powers after 300 years. This guy spent 300 years wandering the earth with very little to occupy his time and at no point went, "Let's see just what I can do." That whole Shazam montage of trying out flying, jumping, punching? Jack never did that. If he didn't stumble into an ability, he remained completely oblivious of it. For 300 years.
I bet he can juggle like a pro, tho.
So what do I think was going through Jack's mind when he heard the voice?
"I wonder what that is?"
Thanks, Anon! Always love an opportunity to wax poetic about Jack's lack of forethought ❤
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finnzz08 · 4 months
Did y'all ever go through this thing where you had a crush on a fictional male character and than soon realized you were trans so than you got massive gender envy later on???
Or was that just me 🧍🏾
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liliannagordon · 1 month
new fanfic
if you want a cute love story between two trans men one of who is a vampire then may I present my new fan fic base of the novel let the right one in.
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Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians ✨
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g3nd3rg4y · 1 year
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frostcup cuz i'm still stuck in 2013
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katetorias · 2 years
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i haven’t posted on here since middle school. anyway I gave Jack some of my pronoun juice
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dynamicflight · 6 months
I need help from my Santa Squad. this is urgent. What is the natural enemy of Christmas. Who is the antagonist of Santa Claus and the elves and the reindeers.?
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chitaayakuqing · 1 year
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When your binder's still wet from being washed last night but you kind of have to wear it anyway
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safyresky · 2 years
I'm going BONKERS and can't focus on SHIT this week so plz enjoy this list of wip ideas that I have that Will Not Let Me Rest and Focus on CS
AU in which Winter and Blaise disappear and Jack becomes the legal guardian of an INCREDIBLY angry 1400 year old Jacqueline and 300 year old Fino and Fiera who seem to be stuck in their terrible two hundreds STILL and are on FIRE and have a penchant for blowing shit up all. the. time.
Smile Shot in which Jack and Jacqueline have to chase a piece of fractured time that is hell bent on killing them for some reason through multiple timelines to defeat it, and get stuck with their younger, pre-day of darkness selves 👀👀👀
A series in which the youngest Diteline kid, Robyn, makes a funky cool friend and they go on all sorts of magical adventures that get them both into heaps of trouble. The friend is 100% human. Robyn can set things on fire. Shenanigans ensue. Diteline are acting Cupid and Jack Frost at this point, for maximum shenanigans
AU in which Jack isn't the BAD guy but is INCREDIBLY chaotic. Why? Because in this AU, in fact, the WHOLE REASON I want it to exist, is because I want to see a version of tsc3 in which Jack sees Santa's loosing sight of what's important and decideds "hey, let me help him by forcing him to use the escape clause, taking his place, so he can learn a Valuable Life Lesson about family in a very Dickens-esque way. This results in a scene where Jack explains this plan to Jacqueline after enacting it (so he's Santa) and Jacqueline just stands there, hands on her hips, absolutely furious like, "YOU THOUGHT W H A T?" (tho it does end with Jacqueline being like do u think it'll work. And Jack being like I know it will. And Jacqueline being like FINE. UGH. WHY are you LIKE THIS but agreeing to help nontheless)
Story based on when I thought the series was going to be called "Clause for Celebration" in which, to find a replacement Santa, Scott has a Santa-Lympics where the Legends pick a champion to claim the title of Santa Claus. Unfortunately, he learns too late that he can't pick Charlie. Jack also can't pick Charlie bc he gets BANNED from picking a champion COMPLETELY by the dude who is making sure it's all "fair" (most likely a mischievous evil fairy). Jack finds a loophole--Legates are technically Legendary and by those rules, can pick a Champion if they'd like to. Charlie is a school teacher and is upset about the Santa-Lympics bc he cannot participate. Danielle also teaches and knows about the Santa thing and is encouraging him to do it anyway. She's made friends with the quirky new librarian, Ms. Winters, who has these AMAZING fantasy stories during story time, and tells Charlie to ask her and pretend it's a story. She'd dig it. Ms. Winters does, in fact, dig it, and tells him he should volunteer anyway and maybe someone will sponsor him in a very hunger games-esque way because surely, there are more Legendary figures than just the ones he knows, right? So he does. Guess. guess who sponsors him. GUESS. Shenanigans ensue. Krampus is the BBEG. Diteline get eaten by Krampus. Jacquie commits atrocities. Charlie defeats Krampus. It's great. This one's too developed for my own good, holy hell.
RotG Crossover where the Legates get sucked into the Guardians universe bc of a dumb Pitch plot. Toothiana thinks Myles is the cutest thing! Jack is sus of Jacqueline. North thinks Charlie is v tiny and funny for a Santa. Charlie really wants a Yeti. Xander is super excited to interact with someone who knows SSL (sand sign language). Our Jack pops into the universe to bring back Jacqueline (and the others too, I GUESS) without telling the rest of the Council. When he finally finds his sister a scene ensues where Pitch is like, "YOU'RE Jack Frost. and YOU'RE Jack Frost (points to Jacqueline). ARE THERE ANY OTHER JACK FROSTS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?" and our Jack goes "Hi." Pitch whips around and gets socked in the face by him. Shenanigans and angst ensue, the latter especially on the rotg side of things >:)
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npdflowey · 2 years
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they are trans
i will not elaborate<3
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