#trans freedom
meandmybigmouth · 3 months
Supreme Court rejects appeal from parents who lost custody of trans teen
Supreme Court rejects appeal from parents who lost custody of trans teen (msn.com)
Mary and Jeremy Cox, self-described devout Christians, lost custody of their trans teen
The case began in 2021 after the Indiana Department of Child Services received two reports of abuse or neglect, both related to teen’s transgender identity. One alleged that the parents were verbally and emotionally abusing their child because they did not accept that the teen was transgender, according to court records.
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fatguarddog · 5 months
Oh to rub a cute guy's cunt while he hand feeds me, he can't cum til my belly is satisfied 😘
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freespiritlilith · 10 months
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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wakewithgiggli · 1 year
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achilleanfemme · 2 years
To Win Trans/Queer Freedom, There Are No Shortcuts
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The clout chasing has already begun. After any mass tragedy, like yesterday’s shooting at Club Q, a queer nightclub in Colorado Spring, there’s a move to politicize the events from the liberal center of US-American politics. I would argue that amongst no marginalized community is this push towards liberal assimilation, and movement co-optation, worse than amongst LGBTQ people. I have already seen the tweets of liberal politicians asking for liberal LGBTQ “organizers” (campaign workers) to “drop their venmos/cash-apps/zelles/etc” so that “they can get paid in the wake of such a tragedy”. The level of unapologetic clout chasing is honestly galling. Bodies are not even in the ground and they’re already asking for people to give money to LGBTQ Democratic candidates. It’s disgusting. 
Liberal assimilationist forces in the LGBTQ movement have been around for a very long time. Timothy Stewart-Winter’s Queer Clout: Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics well documents the neoliberal turn of white gay men in Chicago towards Democratic Party politics and away from street action and mass organizing, as a means of assimilating into the liberal status quo, instead of challenging it. This turn continues to contemporarely benefit a small minority of LGBTQ people, especially (but not exclusively) gays and lesbians, while the rest of us trans and queer people are hung out to dry. Civil rights victories like same-sex marriage, which itself represented an assimilationist turn in trans and queer politics, have not ushered in a wave of continued mass organizing for expanded civil and social rights for LGBTQ people. As many trans organizers and scholars have pointed out, the “marriage equality” victory in 2015 represented the collapse of organizing infrastructure and the end of lesbian and gay politics being done on a national scale.
Liberal politicians, social media influencers, and journalists, both queer and non-queer, love to point out that trans and queer people of color were the ones who “threw the first brick at Stonewall”. Every June there are endless articles about “10 Ways to Support Trans Women of Color” and “50 LGBTQ People that Lead the Way for Equality” yet the radical politics of folks like Sylvia Rivera and Lorraine Hansberry are rarely acknowledged, and the contemporary movement implications of their work are never acknowledged. This is because the forces of assimilation in LGBTQ liberalism would be called into question if these implications were put to the forefront of public discussions of politics amongst trans and queer people.
The contemporary radical implications of our queer ancestors and foreparents are clear. It is time for that we build a radical trans and queer movement in the United States of America rooted in Black feminism, PIC abolition, trans liberation, and economic justice. Events like yesterday’s mass killing at Club Q and the Trans Day of Rememberance are not going to become less frequent while trans and queer people hold no political power in society outside of the Democratic Party establishment. We need to organize to pass the Equality Act and fight beyond it. We need to fight to free all trans and queer immigrants and asylum seekers locked in cages for seeking safety outside of their countries of origin. We need to fight to free all trans and queer people from prison. We need to fight to end the prosecution of trans women of color for acting in self-defense against violent men. We need to fight for housing for all, trans-inclusive medicare for all, free abortion on demand without apology, jobs for all, food for all, and disability benefits that are easily accessible and paid at a thriveable level. We need to fight for a globally just, decolonial, anti-militarist Green New Deal that divests from death-making institutions and invests in live-giving institutions so that trans and queer peoples of the Global Majority have the ability to stay and thrive in their places of origin without fear of US-backed coups, imperial wars, or climate catastrophe destabilizing their countries of origin, leading to violence that harms them the most. 
The legacy of our trans and queer foreparents is a legacy of radical resistance to the World as it is and a radical reimagining of the World as it could be. If we continue to let liberal LGBTQ clout chasers who want to run for office, be social media influencers, or head non-profit organizations lead us down the path of assimilation, many more of us will die. If we let ultra-left anonymous twitter accounts lead us away from mass politics and towards focusing exclusively on armed self-defense and mutual aid, many more of us will die. To paraphrase Jane McAlevey, to win Trans/Queer freedom in our lifetimes, there are no shortcuts.
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aspookyhallow · 3 years
@themotherbirdie on TikTok
We don’t owe others explanations when it is no longer an option for us to be someone other than ourselves.
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sewingscars · 9 years
We had a video visit last night and he’s gotten really depressed. I got a letter from another girl in the dorm, and she said that the staff never lets up. Every time he walks out of the dorm he gets harassed by an officer. I’m worried about his emotional strength. I've never seen him so down. Ky is a powerhouse of courage. In the last year he stopped 3 women from committing suicide, while the officers just stood by watching. He's always been so positive and encouraging. Even in the video, HE'S trying to make ME feel better. I've ALWAYS said that Ky is unbreakable, but I feel like they're finally starting to break him. It is impossible for us in the free world to know what it's like to be mentally tortured, harassed and abused by police every single day. He actually said " I feel so hopeless and alone here." Those are words I NEVER thought word come from his lips. I'm asking for help from all of you. Not money, just time. Please share his story and send Ky a message of encouragement. Let him know that he's not alone. If you can't write directly, add him on Facebook ,post on his wall or send him a message. I will print and send every message of love and support you all send his way. Ky's Facebook Ky's Story Our email [email protected] Write Ky a letter: Kenyota Peterson 1000961001 Pulaski State Prison (E8A) P.O.Box 839 Hawkinsville, Ga. 31036
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sewingscars · 9 years
A little of my visit with Ky on Sunday. I was heartbroken to find out that an officer there is harassing him.
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sewingscars · 9 years
It was a hard day
Today we had a video visit, and usually they make me so happy. This one made me happy too, until I found out the Ky is being harassed by an officer. He actually had a scratch on the side of his face where she slapped him. I'm furious and heartbroken. Once I calm down and get my thoughts in order, I'll post some video.
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