#trans kouichi
pastelnightgale · 1 month
ANW + Digimon
Development (Devine) Devin Dimmadome- Crests; Darkness, Partner; Lopmon, Occupation; Servant of the “dark one” aka his father. His partner and crest are representative of a tendency towards corruption and the need to actively work to become a better person. Lopmon is prone towards corruption in its highest form, however, its highest form sans corruption is an angel type of digimon representing a capacity for good unlike any other.
Hazel Wells- Crests; Hope, Partner; Tailmon. Her crest is representative of a need to learn about and gain hope. Her partner evolves into an angel type. Her partner and crest are representative of a good and pure heart and the need to allow more hope into her experience of the world lest she falls into a negative cycle of emotion. Hazel is someone lacking hope due to her anxieties and tendency towards overthinking.
Jasmine Tran- Crests; Courage, Partner; Cutemon. Her crest is representative of a need to gain courage. Her partner is a mischievous and peppy little fella, just like her! Both her partner and her crest are there to aid her in her journey towards facing her fears. Jasmine is someone with many fears that aren’t taken seriously by the adults in her life.
Winn Harper- Crests; Friendship, Partner; Renamon. Their crest is representative of the need to allow people in and to build friendships and connections. Renamon is a solitary digimon that does not adhere to the gender binary despite what others might have to say about it. This connection between Winn and their partner holds a special place in their heart. Winn is someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends despite seeming so call to everyone around them.
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windfighter · 11 months
Would that be wrong?
The crew is out camping. It's time for dinner, Takuya calls Junpei a girl and the others try to finally get a clear answer out of him. Would it be wrong?
a/n: this wasn't supposed to be about trans!kouji but somehow it ended up that way anyway. I don't know why. Anyway hope you enjoy another disaster from me!
Ship: Kouji/Junpei to shake things up a bit :3
The fire was warm. Junpei closed his eyes, let the warmth wash over him. Takuya and Izumi were arguing about something, Junpei didn’t know what, just that it was football-related. Tomoki was making dinner over the fire with Kouichi aiding him. Kouji had disappeared into the forest a while ago, hadn’t let them know why. Junpei leaned his head back, rested it ontop of the trunk he was sitting against. The fire crackled, ate away at the wood. This was nice. Reminded him about the digital world, but without all the danger.
Time passed. The air got colder as the evening snuck over them. Takuya and Izumi had ended their argument, had joined Tomoki and Kouichi by the fire instead. Steps came closer, then Kouji sank down next to Junpei, leaned against him. Kouji was shivering and Junpei put an arm around him without opening his eyes.
”Food’s done”, Tomoki told them.
Junpei opened his eyes again. Watched as Takuya grabbed a plate. Didn’t even wait for Izumi.
”Ever heard of ladies first?” Junpei asked.
”Didn’t know you were a lady”, Takuya answered.
Izumi snickered. Junpei’s cheeks felt hot, his brain locked up and he didn’t have any answer. Kouichi grabbed a plate and gave to Izumi.
”Would that be wrong?” Kouichi asked.
Takuya scratched the back of his head. Laughed in that way he did sometime, when he had been caught speaking before his brain could reel him in. Kouji turned towards the fire, pressed closer against Junpei. Junpei pulled Kouji closer in a sideways hug.
”Hungry?” he asked.
Kouji shrugged. Stood up and grabbed Junpei’s plate.
”So where did you go?” Takuya asked.
Junpei already felt tired. This was an argument waiting to happen. Kouji filled Junpei’s plate and gave it to him.
”None of your business.”
Some kind of stew made from vegetables and noodles. Kouji sat down again and Junpei took a bite of the food.
”Just trying to be friendly”, Takuya answered and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”It tastes great, Tomoki! You did good!”
Tomoki beamed and Takuya turned away from Kouji, towards Tomoki instead. Also praised the food despite not having tried it yet. Junpei ate another mouthfull of stew. It was warm, staved off the chilly evening air. It’d be winter soon, and then they wouldn’t be allowed to go camping, not until spring. Kouji shivered next to Junpei.
”So what are we doing tomorrow?” Izumi asked.
”We could go spelunking”, Kouichi suggested. ”There’s a pretty big cave nearby.”
”Caving sounds fun”, Takuya agreed, ”unless someone’s scaaaared~”
He looked at Junpei and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”I was in the digital world just like you, you really think a cave would scare me?”
”You’re scared of thunder”, Takuya laughed.
Junpei looked away. He wasn’t going to dignify Takuya with an answer if he was being a butt about it. Besides it wasn’t like Takuya needed to hear the whole story about the lightning bolt striking the house when he was home alone, it wouldn’t change anything. Junpei was scared of lightning.
”No thunder in caves”, Kouji said. ”Cave sounds good.” ---
Junpei ate another spoonful of soup, watched the fire. He hoped it wasn’t one of the tiny caves they had to crawl around in. Kouji wrapped his arms around himself and Junpei nudged him.
”Go get a sweater or something.”
Kouji let out a sigh, stood up and left towards the tent. Junpei finished his meal, put the plate on the ground. Closed his eyes again. Takuya and Tomoki also finished eating, started kicking a ball between themselves, while Kouichi and Izumi talked quietly about something.
”Would it be wrong?” Kouji asked.
Junpei opened his eyes again. Kouji had put on a sweater and was leaning against a tree near where Takuya and Tomoki were playing football. He had his arms crossed, already on the defense, and Junpei sat up straighter. Takuya stopped running and tilted his head.
”If Junpei was a woman, would it be wrong?”
Junpei’s cheeks felt hot again. If it had been anyone else he would have said anything.
”It’d be weird”, Takuya answered. ”Can’t make fun of girls.”
Izumi looked at Takuya. She didn’t seem angry, just… resigned. Kouji kicked something on the ground.
”You make fun of Izumi.”
”Yeah, but she’s Izumi.”
”What does that mean?!” Izumi shouted.
”You don’t behave like a girl at all”, Takuya shouted back.
Izumi was on her feet, started running towards Takuya and Takuya took off.
”This is what I mean!” he said as Izumi hunted him through the trees.
Kouji gripped his arms and Kouichi stood up as well, went over to Kouji and put a hand on his shoulders. Whispered something Junpei couldn’t hear. Kouji shook his head.
”I’m going to bed”, Kouji said and disappeared into the tent again.
Kouichi’s shoulders fell. He looked towards the tent for a while, before returning to the fire and sitting down next to Junpei. Not curled up against Junpei like Kouji did though. That would have been weird, actually.
”I’m… worried”, Kouichi said.
”He didn’t eat”, Junpei noted, ”but I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Kouichi looked even more worried, but shook his head.
”I’m more worried about Takuya. Or… like…”
”Yeah”, Junpei interrupted.
He understood. Takuya always become avoidant when they asked anything like that. Tried to joke it off, often with another offensive remark, or by shifting the topic in blunt ways. And afterwards Kouji would always disappear into himself.
”We could just kick Takuya out of the group”, Junpei suggested.
Kouichi snorted.
”What if we just go camping without him and Tomoki next time?”
”Tomoki’s fine”, Junpei said. ”It’s just Takuya that’s being weird about it.”
”He probably thinks we’re the weird ones.”
Tomoki picked the football up and returned to the fire. Looked at Junpei and tilted his head.
”Are you a woman?”
Junpei pulled a hand across his face. This was stupid, everything about this was stupid, Takuya was stupid.
”I’m not”, Junpei said. ”Just the butt of the joke in this group.”
Tomoki kicked a leaf on the ground, didn’t look at Junpei and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”Come on, kiddo, stop looking like you sold the butter and lost the money.”
”What even does it matter?” Tomoki asked.
Junpei glanced at Kouichi with a smile and gestured at Tomoki. Kouichi rolled his eyes.
”It doesn’t”, Kouichi said. ”That’s the thing. At the end of it we’re all just… humans.”
Junpei yawned and rubbed his eyes. Would Kouji and Takuya be friends in the morning, he wondered. He stood up, stretched.
”I’m going to bed as well”, he said. ”See you in the morning.”
”Night”, Kouichi and Tomoki answered.
They started talking when Junpei left, he could hear them whisper to each other. About the same topic or another Junpei didn’t know, but he glanced back, noticed Kouichi’s raised shoulders and concluded that yes, the topic was still the same. Did Tomoki know, Junpei wondered as he opened the tent.
Kouji had moved his sleeping bag, placed it furthest into the tent, between Junpei’s and the canvas. Junpei smiled.
”Hey”, he whispered.
Kouji looked at him, eyes slightly red. Junpei closed the door again and sat down on his sleeping bag, started pulling his pyjamas out of his backpack. Absolutely freezing.
”Are you doing okay?”
Kouji sighed.
”Yeah… just…”
Junpei pulled his shirts off and Kouji turned away, blushing.
”We’re both guys”, Junpei said, ”you can stare.”
Kouji snorted.
”It’s fine. The tent is interesting to look at.”
Junpei snorted as well, quickly changed into his pyjamas.
”Kouichi suggested we leave Takuya and Tomoki home next camping trip.”
”It’s fine”, Kouji repeated.
But his voice was less light-hearted. Junpei laid down in the sleeping bag with another yawn and Kouji turned back towards him, put his head on Junpei’s shoulder and Junpei wrapped an arm around Kouji. Kouji yawned as well.
”Are you doing okay otherwise?” Junpei asked.
This was the best chance to get an actual answer, without any of the others around to hear. Kouji shrugged and put his arm over Junpei.
”I’m… okay?” Kouji suggested. ”Just feeling a bit meh.”
”Are you getting sick?”
Junpei put the back of his hand against Kouji’s forehead. A bit cold, but everything was cold with night falling. He shivered and put the arm back inside the sleeping bag.
”I think it’s just PMS”, Kouji whispered. ”Hate this body.”
Junpei looked at the ceiling. There wasn’t much he could do about that. He hugged Kouji.
”Well, that body contains you, so I like it”, he said with a grin.
Kouji snorted. Good enough.
”Good night, Junpei.”
”Night, Kouji.”
Junpei closed his eyes, listen as Kouji’s breathing slowed down and he fell asleep. The others also stepped into the tent, got ready for bed. Turned off the lights hanging from the ceiling. Junpei fell asleep the second darkness fell completely.
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frosty-tian · 11 months
Random Rambling/Idea Drop.:
Old trans folks of the original Inazuma Eleven:
- Biruda Kouichi
- Tamiyama You
- Kamimura Kirito
Thank you for your time.
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stormyaxolotl · 1 year
pride pfps for pride month ૮ ♡ﻌ♡ა todays = horimiya
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characters + flags = Hori = bi Souta = rainbow Kyousuke = aceflux Yuriko = pan Miyamura = non-binary Yuki = ace Ishikawa = trans Sawada = lesbian Syu = gay Kakeru = bigender Remi = hypersexual Sakura = acespec Akane = unlabeled Kouichi = demi-boy Chika = demi-girl Motoko = aroace Honoka = genderqueer Shin = graysexual
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon [Adventures]/[02]/[Tamers]/[Frontier]/[Xros Wars] ~ Pride Icons Trans!Various Chosen Children + flag icon base by @izzyizumi​ !
Just some Trans headcanons I personally am intrigued by / enjoy !
{ LGBTQIAPN+phobes, Queerphobes, Aphobes / Acephobes / Arophobes, Panphobes, anti-Polyamorous, TERFs, Truscum/Transmeds, Radfems, Gatekeepers / REGs in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT } [ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ] { Even if you do not plan to use, “liking”/reblogging is OK ! }
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon all as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on kiyoko as a character?
oh this is an interesting one!!! long post under the keep reading because i have lots of thoughts on kiyoko and women in haikyuu (the rest will prob get their own post)
in short, i think that kiyoko as a character is interesting (the confidence the dedication) but also limited by sexism in the narrative!!
kiyoko’s character is nearly entirely defined by her femininity and existence as a girl. when we first meet her properly, she’s objectified (hinata and kageyama staring at her chest and body). as the story progresses, she continues to basically only exist as an object of attraction + a source of motivation for the boys. she has a personality, but it’s a bit generic in that she’s shy and quiet and responsible (’ideal female character’). her most notable moments mainly involve the boys’ attraction to her (hinata shutting down when she tries to encourage him, suga’s comments about marriage).
and finally, she is plagued by the pervert trope. or rather, tanaka and noya embody the pervert trope and she is the victim of it. most of kiyoko’s screentime, especially in the earlier seasons, is dedicated to tanaka and noya’s attraction to her and the way they act on that. constantly being overprotective (taking away her agency), violating her personal boundaries (noya leaping at her and getting slapped + the ensuing respect the boys give noya after it), and generally treating her as more of an object than a person. yamamoto is an example of it too! it’s a common (and problematic) trope in anime and manga, and generally most forms of media. i hate it!! while this is all a gag and for the sake of comedy, it doesn’t change the fact that kiyoko’s character mostly exists in this context alone: either to be motivational because she’s attractive, or to be a subject of harassment because it’s funny and she’s attractive.
kiyoko gains more depth by season 2, when yachi is introduced. yachi is a fellow girl - around her, kiyoko’s behavior is more open. even then, though, yachi’s first reaction upon meeting her is objectifying her like the male characters do. she highlights all of kiyoko’s physical traits, even calls her sexy, sexualizing a girl she has never met on the grounds that she’s attractive. and sure, as the fandom we find it hilarious because it’s. clearly gay! but it’s part of a pattern in the story where kiyoko’s existence is nearly completely defined by her being a pretty girl.
we can’t forget how s2 also brings johzenji, and consequently, terushima (+ bobata) who outright harass kiyoko in a way that women/afab ppl/etc are ALL too familiar with irl. they corner her and refuse to understand that no means no, and it takes hinata’s interference to get them to stop. even after this, terushima continues to harass kiyoko, and it’s played for laughs. even smaller moments that involve kiyoko still objectify her. oikawa’s current concern pre-timeskip? kiyoko turned him down. yahaba and kindaichi comment on karasuno’s luck in having a beautiful female manager. over and over again, we see kiyoko defined as an object of attraction instead of as an actual person.
this OF COURSE leads me to season 4!!! when she gets her moment to shine!! there’s her moment at the shrine, where she displays her absolute confidence in her team in like. the most fucking awesome way possible. and then there’s the whole revelation about her being an athlete! and having her own passion and skills! and while i think that this is a great moment for kiyoko!!! and for her character as a whole!!! i do not think it outweighs the sexist tropes and treatment that surround her character throughout the whole of the story. it follows her even to the timeskip.
in fact, it follows her even to the fandom perception of her. if you go to her page on the haikyuu wiki, you get this stellar entry: She is most commonly described as an extremely attractive, albeit "erotic" girl who would often garner a lot of attention from both male and female students; including from other school teams. Because of her appearance, Karasuno High is generally known as the team with the beautiful manager. It’s absolutely mindblowing to me (not really. it’s to be expected) that a teenage girl is sexualized like this to the point where she’s described as ‘extremely attractive, ableit “erotic”‘. why is it even ‘albeit’. please tell me they’re not implying that people finding her erotic is a negative trait for her. pls tell me that the wiki is complaining about people sexualizing her. please.
anyways, kiyoko as a character is cool! she just. barely exists! we know that she’s funny, but only because she loosens up enough around yachi (another girl) to be that way! we know that she’s confident and determined from the way she speaks about her team when the show gives her the chance! we know that she’s capable because of all the responsibilities she shoulders (well!!!) that. barely get any attention. (because remember when she cooked for the whole team??? which. of course she cooks for them.)
so it’s just tragic to me that she gets treated in such a way by the story. like, sure, at least she gets more attention than narita, but. most of it is just sexist.
also btw im so curious about who sent this and what their thoughts on my response are. i’d love to see some feedback, even if it’s in the form of another anon ask or something like that!! or dms! sorry that this ended up being such a downer and a discussion of. sexism and misogyny.
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rolaplayor101 · 3 years
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"Unconventional" relationships for this year's Valentine's Day!
First: yes I still ship RooScolona yes I know the ship name is too long yes they're all metamours with each other since they're all dating Rook yes they're still competing for his attention on their quadruple person Valentine's date
Second: yes Ian is angled aroace no its not up for debate yes that's my OC i love him be nice to him, his name is Thinnakorn :)
Third: if you haven't watched Toni's abridged Another series on youtube you should totally watch Toni's abridged Another series on YouTube. I'm pretty sure this is how the meme goes, right?
Redbubble...commissions....Dm to leave a tip!..Pls reblog!!!
DNI proshipper/antianti, queer exclusionists of ANY kind, nsfw/kink blog, or racists
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Mei Misaki and Koichi Sakakibara from Another are trans and play Minecraft!
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
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#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi hcs#koushirouizumi frontier hcs#koushirouizumi frontier edits#koushirouizumi frontier icons#koushirouizumi pride icon sets#koushirouizumi pride icons#koushirouizumi frontier headcanons#frontier#frontier chosen#takouji#junzumi#kouizumi#takouichi#junpei x kouichi#junpei x takuya#(to be honest prefer no reblogs on this one but yeah i made these FOR MYSELF if you don't like them. please just. leave)#(Frontier Chosen are honestly pretty much ANYTHING GOES for me)#(but I also feel pretty much any of them work with the Trans umbrella super well I mean. they transform into Digimon)#(but yeah that's why there's more multiple variations for this set and also I DO NOT HAVE A FAIRYMON TRANSPARENT YET)#(pls assume ORIGINAL WARRIOR FAIRYMON for ship and with Izumi can be as friendship)#(Redeemed Ranamon is Lesbian while izumi again can be pretty much anything but Pan is a fav headcanon for her)#(I never saw much contents for Junpei x Takuya or Junpei x Kouichi but i can ship them)#(Tomoki icons are there for friendships and Trans umbrella headcanons but yeah again. you guys there's a future timeline drama CD)#(when I was Young Me I actually also considered Yutaka x Kouichi but rarepairs contents were VERY HARD TO COME ACROSS by Frontier)#(and yeah i was sad that shipping outside of like. Izumi ships basically Didn't Exist it was actually hard to find Takouji goodfic)#(but even Kouichi x Izumi barely got anything despite them having that one surprisingly nice interaction in canon)#(honestly it still feels like ships aside from Takumi and Kouzumi don't exist for this series)#(i would have reblogged contents for some of these ships if only they existed)
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Ok. I remembered your headcannon post I'm like. Ok, give me your headcannons on Takuya
\*cracks knuckles* Here we go
Short king, first and foremost.
He’s absolutely captain of the soccer team.
Trans Takuya rights!
He’s also very much pansexual, it doesn’t matter what you identify as, if y’all vibe y’all Vibe.
Takuya has had to give both Kouji and Kouichi pep talks. Especially in regards to public speaking. And by that I mean he will grab them by the shoulders, say You Can Fucking Do it, and say There You Go Go Get ‘Em Champ
He and Izumi are the most social of the group.
I have said this but he is Clueless when it comes to people having a crush on him. It requires the entire squad’s assistance when Kouichi tells them he has a crush on Takuya.
He’s a chill guy most of the time until you set him off, in which case things get explosive. He didn’t get the spirit of fire for no reason.
A lot of his dreams go back to the digital world. Said dreams are usually bizarre, one time he dreamt himself as Crusadermon and was in a burger making contest… and somehow won. Kouichi was there, and so was Kouji. Both were in penguin costumes selling used shoes. Nothing about that dream made sense.
He doesn’t have any pets, but if he were to have one, he’d have some sort of reptile.
He claims to hate cats, but gets Kouichi a cat (with Tomoko’s permission) because Kouichi is not in a good state and a cat would be good for him (also he loves him v much and wants to see him happy)
That being said, he becomes one of those guys who claims to hate cats, but will make an exception for this one cat.
The squad has heard more than once “I’m sick of this, I’m going to go start a sheep farm somewhere” from his mouth.
He almost starts one.
Instead he goes to the salon and gets an undercut.
It’s a very good undercut.
His aesthetic changes a little going into high school- he starts getting into flannel and dark jeans. He does keep goggles at all times, but without the hat.
He oversleeps a LOT. It’s almost a problem.
I think that’s it.
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welcometosotano · 3 years
I n t e r a c t i n g : 
✘  Mention me to bring my attention to posts I would otherwise not be notified of. ( @welcometosotano )
✘  To continue a thread/RP, reblog the previous post. Trimming occasionally is preferable.
✘  Please do not send replies in through Ask or Submit, unless you are continuing off of an Anonymous Ask.
✘  Please, I don’t interact with genderbends/cisswaps. Trans headcanons are awesome though!
✘  This is a side-blog. My main blogs are @fraglaunchingferal and @armoredshuichi, that’s where I’ll be following and liking from!
✘   Please tag your ships. Not everyone likes all ships. 
✘ I will rp with ocs, but please have an about page, and a mun page with your age listed. I’m uncomfortable with writing with anyone under the age of 18 because I write mature content. If I suspect you are lying about your age I will soft-block. I promise it’s nothing personal.
✘ Please don’t spam reblog rp memes from me. One here or there is fine but seeing my notes filled up with nothing but meme reblogs really bums me out.
M y   M u s e s:
✘  Do not kill them without first asking my permission to do so.
✘  Do not control my muses’ actions.
✘  Absolutely NO powerplaying, godmodding, metagaming, or otherwise unfair play. 
S h i p p i n g  /  R e l a t i o n s h i p s :
✘  I am willing to ship almost anything so long as there is a natural buildup and chemistry between the characters…
✘  That being said, I hc most of my characters as gay or male inclined.
✘  Do not force a ship. 
✘  Respect the ships of others. All is welcome here… within legality.
✘ If smut happens it will be tagged as (;; mlem | nsfw) and be put under a read more. This goes without saying, but I will not rp smut with minors!
✘ If smut happens, it won’t be right away unless the characters have super high chemistry and we (the muns) vibe well.
✘ I only write bottoms because of bad experiences writing tops.
✘ I’m very picky about smut with trans characters due to some terminology people use that heavily triggers my own dysphoria. What’s okay with some trans guys isn’t for others. Sorry about that.
Current Muses:
Hiroyuki Akiyama (nty), Maki (nty), Kouichi Inui (nty), Narimiya (nty), and Ryu Kurosawa (nty.)
Youji Sakiyama (Sweet Pool), Kitani Kouhei (Sweet Pool).
Garu/Karu (Nu: Carnival), Quincy (Nu: Carnival)
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windfighter · 2 years
I could have been a better son
Today was a bad day. Kouji stared at the ceiling and didn’t move out of the bed. He wanted to, but his body vetoed that decision. Birds were singing outside his window and he listened to them as the room got brighter around him. He should move already.
”Kouji?” Kousei opened the door and let out a sigh. ”...I’ll take Garm for a walk, but you have to get up.”
”I…” Kouji shut his mouth. Hearing his own voice made his stomach hurt.
”Satomi’s making your favorite breakfast.”
Kouji turned to look at Kousei. He bit his lip.
”I’m your son right?” he asked and Kousei smiled at him.
”Of course you are.”
Kouji took a shaky breath.
”Say it?” he begged.
Kousei walked inside the room, sat down on the edge of the bed and put a hand on Kouji’s shoulder.
”You’re my son, and I love you very much. You still have to go to school though.”
Kouji sat up, still holding the cover over his chest. Feeling it against his arm made him feel sick. He leaned forward, buried his face in his hands. He wasn’t crying, boys don’t cry.
”You’ll be okay?”
”Yeah, I’m up.”
He still needed to get out of bed, but step one had been completed. Kousei nodded and left and Kouji swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He looked at his clothes, held the cover tighter over his chest. He needed to shower. Better get it over with.
It felt better when he was showered and had gotten his binder in place. He stared into his closet. Choosing clothes was harder than he’d thought, but eventually he went with a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Not clothes he liked, but at least his body disappeared in them and he could pretend he was just an anonymous blob. He walked downstairs, sat down by the kitchen table. Satomi was still preparing breakfast.
”Tell me I’m handsome”, Kouji asked.
Satomi put the knife down, came up to his side and pulled him in for a hug.
”You’re a handsome young man and the best son I could ever ask for.”
Kouji wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her side.
”Love you, mom.”
”Love you too. Are you hungry? I’m almost done with breakfast.”
He wasn’t, but she’d be sad if he skipped breakfast.
”Starving”, he said and smiled at her.
”You’re a terrible liar”, she answered and pulled at his ponytail. ”As long as you eat something I’ll be happy. Want me to pack lunch for you as well?”
”Lunch is good”, Kouji said and pulled away from her.
She continues preparing the breakfast, Kousei return with Garm and the three of them ate together. The day was looking a little better already.
And he was late. Not late-late, but almost an hour later than he’d usually arrive at school. He almost crashed into Izumi in the corridor outside the classroom. He blinked, and she looked just as confused as he felt. She had a hand pressed to her stomach.
”You’re… heading home?” Kouji asked.
”Takuya and Kouichi are nuisances and I can’t stand them.”
She let out a sigh and leaned closer.
”Also my period just started and I don’t have a pad”, she whispered. ”I want to get home before I bleed through.”
”Ah”, Kouji said and pulled his backpack off his back. ”Hang on, I have some.”
”It’s fine, you don’t have to…”
”No, no”, Kouji rummaged around in his bag and pulled a couple pads out and handed them to Izumi. ”This way you don’t have to worry while walking home.”
”This way I can stay”, Izumi said with a laugh. ”Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.”
Kouji blushed, then pulled out a package of painkillers as well.
”If it’s a bad one?” he said and held them towards Izumi.
She took them and nodded.
”I owe you my life.”
Kouji laughed.
”Just make sure I get my homework next time I’m sick”, he said. ”See you in class?”
”Yeah, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes. See you!”
She disappeared towards the toilets and Kouji put the backpack on his back again before letting out a sigh. He heard the classroom door close and seriously considered just going home instead. If Takuya was being a nuisance even to Izumi he wasn’t sure he had the willpower to handle it. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Kouichi waved to him and he walked over.
”Why do you have pads?” Takuya asked with the grace of a gorilla in a lamp-store.
Classmates close by snickered in their seats and Kouji felt his patience draining already.
”Never know when someone needs them”, Kouji answered and tried to not sound like he wanted to beat Takuya up.
”Do you have pads?” Takuya asked Kouichi.
Kouichi shook his head and Takuya turned to Kouji again.
”Me neither. It seems stupid. It’s a girl-thing after all.”
Kouji pulled a hand across his face. He put his bag on the desk and sat down, back turned towards Takuya.
”Why were you even spying on us to begin with?”
”I was gonna apologize for making her angry, but then you showed up and I got distracted by making funny faces to your back.”
Kouji buried his hands in his pockets and turned around to stare at Takuya. Takuya was making funny faces at him already.
”You’re such a kid”, Kouji said.
”Uhu. At least I don’t go around carrying girl-stuff in my bag.”
”There is nothing wrong with guys having pads.”
Kouji’s voice was tense and Takuya absolutely failed to pick that up. Izumi returned to the classroom and was heading to her seat behind Kouichi’s.
”It’s just weird”, Takuya continued. ”Or are you a giii~rl?”
Kouji felt like he shattered. He clenched his hands, tried to decide to either attack or bolt, but he couldn’t move. His hands were cold and it felt like icy fingers were squeezing his heart. The sound of a slap echoed through the classroom and the room fell silent. Kouji slowly came back to it.
”How DARE you?” Izumi asked.
Takuya’s cheek was red. Kouji blinked. His eyes were wet and his breathing was shallow. Takuya turned to look at Izumi.
”What did I do this time?!”
”You’re a disgusting little asshole, is what you did!”
”It was just friendly teasing between guys, a girl like you’d never understand that.”
Takuya crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. Kouji clenched and unclenched his hands. He couldn’t speak. Izumi put her hands to her sides. She glanced at Kouji before glaring at Takuya again.
”It makes it glaringly obvious what you actually think about girls”, she said. ”We’re just as capable as you guys.”
”Geez, someone’s on their period”, Takuya said and rolled his eyes.
”That’s neither here nor there.” Izumi crossed her arms. ”Apologize or I’ll defenestrate you.”
”I’d like to see you try.”
She grabbed Takuya’s collar and pulled him off his chair. Kouji got up, his body was trembling. He didn’t say anything, didn’t know what to say. His chest hurt, he couldn’t breathe. Kouichi and Izumi looked at him and he looked at the floor. Izumi started dragging Takuya towards the window, some of the other girls jumped up to help her when Takuya grabbed a desk to stop her.
”Are you okay?” Kouichi asked.
Kouji wanted to nod. He grabbed his backpack. Someone opened one of the windows, they started hefting Takuya up to it. The classroom door opened and the teacher entered, looked at the scene.
”What’s going on in here?”
Kouji turned around, bolted past the teacher and out of the classroom. He heard Takuya cry out in surprise and pain as he left. Tears clouded his vision as he ran through the corridor and out of the school. He slung the backpack over his shoulder as the doors closed behind him. He shouldn’t have gone to school today. He couldn’t go home. He stared at the gate, tried to get his lungs to cooperate, to breathe normally. He took a couple of steps towards the gate, his legs trembled, felt like lead.
”I’ll defenestrate YOU!” Takuya yelled from outside the classroom.
Kouji took a few quick step, sank down on a bench and wrapped his arms around his stomach. His breaths were quick and shallow again, his cheeks were wet from tears. He just wanted to escape his body. He scratched at his arms, tried to get his body to stop panicking. Minutes ticked by, and he just couldn’t stop. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he just have been born a guy? He pulled a hand over his eyes to dry off the tears.
”Hey”, Izumi whispered.
”I’m not a girl”, Kouji said.
She sat down next to him.
”I know”, she said. ”Do you want a hug?”
Kouji hesitated, then shook his head. Izumi held the painkillers towards him.
”I was going to give this back, but Takuya distracted me. Thank you.”
Kouji took a shaky breath and grabbed the package.
”Anything to help. I know how hard it can be.”
He let out a sigh.
”I knew it’d be a bad day today.”
”Can I do something?”
Kouji shook his head again.
”Thanks for… Takuya…”
”He was being an idiot.” Izumi sighed and leaned her head to the side. ”It’s not the first time he talks shit about girls.”
Kouji squirmed on the bench.
”Thanks for not outing me…”
”If you don’t want him to know you don’t want him to know. Does Kouichi know?”
Kouji shook his head.
”Sleepovers are starting to get complicated”, he said with a laugh.
He leaned forwards and let out a sigh. Izumi put a hand on his shoulder.
”So, what do you wanna do now?”
”We should probably head back…”
”You ready for that?”
Kouji leaned back again.
”Five more minutes.”
Izumi waited with him.
Kouichi followed Kouji home after school. Takuya was supposed to come as well but Kouji had refused and Takuya had disappeared to his own home instead. Kouji and Kouichi had done homework, had dinner and were playing Mario Kart in the living room. Kouji had curled up in the corner and pulled a blanket over himself and Kouichi was constantly glancing at him.
”That’s why you keep losing”, Kouji said when Kouichi threw another glance in his direction.
”Are you sick?” Kouichi asked. ”You’ve been acting weird today.”
Kouji swerved a bit too quickly and drove of the track.
”I’m not!” he said, his voice a little too high-pitched for his liking.
Kouichi drove past him and dropped a banana on the track for him to drive over. Kouji masterfully avoided it.
”You’re wearing your sick-clothes, and you’re curled up under a blanket, and you’ve been tense the whole day, and you started crying in school. Signs point to sick.”
”...might just be PMS”, Kouji muttered and Kouichi laughed.
”Don’t say that near Izumi. Did you see when she threw Takuya out the window? scaaa~ry.”
Kouji smiled, but it was way too tense to be convincing. Kouichi was busy looking at the television and didn’t see it.
”It’s just a bad day today”, Kouji said.
”Okay?” Kouichi asked and Kouji shot a blue shell at him.
”Everyone has bad days sometimes. It’ll be fine.”
”Fine, fine. I trust you.”
Kouji won again and they started a new round. Kouichi glanced at Kouji again and Kouji drove off the track.
”Will you stop staring?!”
”I’m your big brother, I’m allowed to worry!”
”There’s nothing to worry about!”
The front door opened and Kousei finally got home from work.
”How’s my favorite son?” he asked as he entered the living room and Kouji leaned back to look at him.
”You can’t ask that when Kouichi is here, dad. Parents shouldn’t play favorites!”
”Uhu”, Kousei said and leaned over the back of the couch. ”Then you don’t want this chocolate I got for you?”
He held a chocolate bar infront of Kouji and Kouji snatched it.
”I’ll accept your bribe today”, he said and watched as Kouichi overtook him in the game. ”Did you get niisan one as well?”
”I didn’t know he’d still be here.”
”It’s fine”, Kouichi said and drove straight into a wall. ”I don’t like chocolate much anyway.”
Kouji tensed up, but Kouichi didn’t say anything more about that. Kouji opened the chocolate and turned to Kousei again.
”Thanks for the chocolate, dad. Love you~”
Kouichi glanced at him again and Kouji kicked him.
”Stop staring.”
Kousei patted Kouji’s shoulder.
”You done playing soon? News will be starting in 15 minutes.”
”Yeah, let me just kick niisan’s butt once more.”
”Alright, have fun.”
Kousei left. Kouichi turned to Kouji again.
”When did you get all mushy like that?”
”Kicking your butt~”, Kouji sing-songed and tried to ignore the question.
”I’m just saying, you’re probably dying or something.”
”I’m not dying. I promise you’re the first who’ll know if I ever am.”
”You’re definitely sick though.”
Kouichi won the race and Kouji started a new one.
”If I was sick you’d have beaten me a lot more”, he said and Kouichi shrugged.
”You’re probably right about that.”
Kouji won the race and Kousei returned with his dinner. He nodded at the boys.
”Time to go with Garm”, he told Kouji and turned to Kouichi. ”Satomi’ll drive you home if you want to.”
”It’s fine, it’s not that far.”
They turned off the game and Kousei changed channel to the news. Kouji untangled himself from the blanket before standing up and Kouichi gathered his books and backpack before following Kouji to the hallway. They put on shoes and jackets.
”Be right back!” Kouji called inside.
”See you on friday”, Kouichi also called.
They walked outside together. Kouji leashed Garm and followed Kouichi to the road where they said goodbye and walked their own ways.
Kouji sat down in the couch and curled up against Satomi when he came back inside.
”Today was a bad day”, he muttered.
She put an arm around him and gave him a sideway hug.
”You got through it though”, she said. ”Go change into pyjamas, you’ve been wearing the binder for too long already today.”
”Bleh”, Kouji answered but dutifully did what he was told.
He kept his gaze at anything except himself as he was changing clothes, and then walked downstairs again. Kousei looked at him and smiled mischievously.
”I did buy a second chocolate bar”, he said and held it towards Kouji.
Kouji laughed and grabbed it before sitting down between Kousei and Satomi. He opened the bar, curled up against Satomi again and watched the television with them. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.
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that-taters-my-tots · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Lupin III Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jigen Daisuke/Arsène Lupin III, Arsène Lupin III/Mine Fujiko, Ishikawa Goemon XIII/Jigen Daisuke/Arsène Lupin III/Mine Fujiko, Arsène Lupin III/Zenigata Kouichi Characters: Arsène Lupin III, Ishikawa Goemon XIII, Jigen Daisuke, Zenigata Kouichi, Mine Fujiko, Original Characters Additional Tags: Major Original Character(s), Guns, Found Family, Trans Characters, Lupin is a dumbass, Parent-Child Relationship, Daddy Issues, Lupin pay your child support already, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lupin and his polycule Summary:
Lupin is faced with an imposter using his name to steal things that he had his sights set on to steal. Angry, he sets out to catch his imposter red-handed to teach them a lesson or two. Once caught, however, the impersonator is no one Lupin could have ever guessed to be: she's his kid. Now faced with the knowledge that he has not one- but at least three illegitimate children, Lupin's life will be forever changed.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
Trans People Real, Mayhaps
trans people real, mayhaps by Lidupo
Sato Rikido: we get it ur a lesbian
Jirou Kyoka: actually im bi
Sato Rikido: ack sorry
Sato Rikido: *we get it ur a wlw
Jirou Kyoka: better
Hagakure Tooru has changed their name to bi visibility
bi visibility: thank u for the idea jirou, sato, and also in honor of class 1as national coming out day
Words: 2164, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: All of Class 1A - Character, and aizawa - Character, and some others show up, not tagging them cause i dont rlly wanna clog up the tags but, i wanna give minor characters some time to shine 2
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Haimawari Kouichi/Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina/Utsushimi Camie, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, Trans Kaminari Denki, Trans Girl Kaminari Denki, Trans Yaoyorozu Momo, Trans Uraraka Ochako, Trans Kirishima Eijirou, Trans Midoriya Izuku, Nonbinary Midoriya Izuku, Trans Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, also nobody is neurotypical, AND GAY, mostly trans, Trans rights, chatfic, Lots of Cursing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25868251
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ Pride Icons / L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ Headcanons Bi[sexual or Bi-romantic]! various Chosen Children / characters: BI + ASEXUAL/ACE-SPEC Yamato Ishida [Yamato “Matt” Ishida in US] { Adventure } GENDERFLUID + BI Sora Takenouchi, { Adventure } { who accepts ALL sides of Themself } QUEER + BISEXUAL Jou Kido { Adventure } BIROMANTIC DEMISEXUAL Ken Ichijouji { 02 } BISEXUAL Daigo Nishijima { Tri }, { who had a canon deep, intimate relationship with Maki Himekawa } (+GENDER)QUEER + BI Takeru Takaishi { Adventures } BISEXUAL Jenrya Lee { Tamers } BISEXUAL Kouichi Kimura { Frontier } NON-BINARY BI Ikuto Noguchi { Savers } + flag icon base by @izzyizumi​ !
OP’s commentary: It is Bisexual Awareness Week ; I recently made these for it ! Have some of my favorite Bi (+ Bi MLM, Bi WLW, Bi NBLM, Bi NBLW, Bi NBLNB) headcanons !! ! Former icon sets made by me containing Bi icons: Adventure Chosen
{ L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N+phobes, Queer-phobes, A-phobes / Ace-phobes / Aro-phobes, Pan-phobes, anti-Poly@morous, T.E.R.F.s, Tru-scum/Trans-meds of any stripe, Rad-fems, Gate-keepers / R.E.G.s in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT } { YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED IF DETECTED } [ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ] { Even if you do not plan to use, “liking”/reblogging is OK ! }
If you want to use, Please READ notes under the “read more”!
{ usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE. } { Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use ! } { Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission ! } { However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section. } { if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK } { I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; you will likely/may pass the check and can use ! } { However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such } { It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons }
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon MOST as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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clementinecoastline · 3 years
listen there is just something empowering about going ‘this bitch gay AND trans’ and then fleshing out their experience with transness and transition and gender and.
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