#trans tomoki
sarakiz · 2 years
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did not expect to come out of the men's free skate with so many new favs!! what a competition!!
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windfighter · 11 months
Would that be wrong?
The crew is out camping. It's time for dinner, Takuya calls Junpei a girl and the others try to finally get a clear answer out of him. Would it be wrong?
a/n: this wasn't supposed to be about trans!kouji but somehow it ended up that way anyway. I don't know why. Anyway hope you enjoy another disaster from me!
Ship: Kouji/Junpei to shake things up a bit :3
The fire was warm. Junpei closed his eyes, let the warmth wash over him. Takuya and Izumi were arguing about something, Junpei didn’t know what, just that it was football-related. Tomoki was making dinner over the fire with Kouichi aiding him. Kouji had disappeared into the forest a while ago, hadn’t let them know why. Junpei leaned his head back, rested it ontop of the trunk he was sitting against. The fire crackled, ate away at the wood. This was nice. Reminded him about the digital world, but without all the danger.
Time passed. The air got colder as the evening snuck over them. Takuya and Izumi had ended their argument, had joined Tomoki and Kouichi by the fire instead. Steps came closer, then Kouji sank down next to Junpei, leaned against him. Kouji was shivering and Junpei put an arm around him without opening his eyes.
”Food’s done”, Tomoki told them.
Junpei opened his eyes again. Watched as Takuya grabbed a plate. Didn’t even wait for Izumi.
”Ever heard of ladies first?” Junpei asked.
”Didn’t know you were a lady”, Takuya answered.
Izumi snickered. Junpei’s cheeks felt hot, his brain locked up and he didn’t have any answer. Kouichi grabbed a plate and gave to Izumi.
”Would that be wrong?” Kouichi asked.
Takuya scratched the back of his head. Laughed in that way he did sometime, when he had been caught speaking before his brain could reel him in. Kouji turned towards the fire, pressed closer against Junpei. Junpei pulled Kouji closer in a sideways hug.
”Hungry?” he asked.
Kouji shrugged. Stood up and grabbed Junpei’s plate.
”So where did you go?” Takuya asked.
Junpei already felt tired. This was an argument waiting to happen. Kouji filled Junpei’s plate and gave it to him.
”None of your business.”
Some kind of stew made from vegetables and noodles. Kouji sat down again and Junpei took a bite of the food.
”Just trying to be friendly”, Takuya answered and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”It tastes great, Tomoki! You did good!”
Tomoki beamed and Takuya turned away from Kouji, towards Tomoki instead. Also praised the food despite not having tried it yet. Junpei ate another mouthfull of stew. It was warm, staved off the chilly evening air. It’d be winter soon, and then they wouldn’t be allowed to go camping, not until spring. Kouji shivered next to Junpei.
”So what are we doing tomorrow?” Izumi asked.
”We could go spelunking”, Kouichi suggested. ”There’s a pretty big cave nearby.”
”Caving sounds fun”, Takuya agreed, ”unless someone’s scaaaared~”
He looked at Junpei and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”I was in the digital world just like you, you really think a cave would scare me?”
”You’re scared of thunder”, Takuya laughed.
Junpei looked away. He wasn’t going to dignify Takuya with an answer if he was being a butt about it. Besides it wasn’t like Takuya needed to hear the whole story about the lightning bolt striking the house when he was home alone, it wouldn’t change anything. Junpei was scared of lightning.
”No thunder in caves”, Kouji said. ”Cave sounds good.” ---
Junpei ate another spoonful of soup, watched the fire. He hoped it wasn’t one of the tiny caves they had to crawl around in. Kouji wrapped his arms around himself and Junpei nudged him.
”Go get a sweater or something.”
Kouji let out a sigh, stood up and left towards the tent. Junpei finished his meal, put the plate on the ground. Closed his eyes again. Takuya and Tomoki also finished eating, started kicking a ball between themselves, while Kouichi and Izumi talked quietly about something.
”Would it be wrong?” Kouji asked.
Junpei opened his eyes again. Kouji had put on a sweater and was leaning against a tree near where Takuya and Tomoki were playing football. He had his arms crossed, already on the defense, and Junpei sat up straighter. Takuya stopped running and tilted his head.
”If Junpei was a woman, would it be wrong?”
Junpei’s cheeks felt hot again. If it had been anyone else he would have said anything.
”It’d be weird”, Takuya answered. ”Can’t make fun of girls.”
Izumi looked at Takuya. She didn’t seem angry, just… resigned. Kouji kicked something on the ground.
”You make fun of Izumi.”
”Yeah, but she’s Izumi.”
”What does that mean?!” Izumi shouted.
”You don’t behave like a girl at all”, Takuya shouted back.
Izumi was on her feet, started running towards Takuya and Takuya took off.
”This is what I mean!” he said as Izumi hunted him through the trees.
Kouji gripped his arms and Kouichi stood up as well, went over to Kouji and put a hand on his shoulders. Whispered something Junpei couldn’t hear. Kouji shook his head.
”I’m going to bed”, Kouji said and disappeared into the tent again.
Kouichi’s shoulders fell. He looked towards the tent for a while, before returning to the fire and sitting down next to Junpei. Not curled up against Junpei like Kouji did though. That would have been weird, actually.
”I’m… worried”, Kouichi said.
”He didn’t eat”, Junpei noted, ”but I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Kouichi looked even more worried, but shook his head.
”I’m more worried about Takuya. Or… like…”
”Yeah”, Junpei interrupted.
He understood. Takuya always become avoidant when they asked anything like that. Tried to joke it off, often with another offensive remark, or by shifting the topic in blunt ways. And afterwards Kouji would always disappear into himself.
”We could just kick Takuya out of the group”, Junpei suggested.
Kouichi snorted.
”What if we just go camping without him and Tomoki next time?”
”Tomoki’s fine”, Junpei said. ”It’s just Takuya that’s being weird about it.”
”He probably thinks we’re the weird ones.”
Tomoki picked the football up and returned to the fire. Looked at Junpei and tilted his head.
”Are you a woman?”
Junpei pulled a hand across his face. This was stupid, everything about this was stupid, Takuya was stupid.
”I’m not”, Junpei said. ”Just the butt of the joke in this group.”
Tomoki kicked a leaf on the ground, didn’t look at Junpei and Junpei rolled his eyes.
”Come on, kiddo, stop looking like you sold the butter and lost the money.”
”What even does it matter?” Tomoki asked.
Junpei glanced at Kouichi with a smile and gestured at Tomoki. Kouichi rolled his eyes.
”It doesn’t”, Kouichi said. ”That’s the thing. At the end of it we’re all just… humans.”
Junpei yawned and rubbed his eyes. Would Kouji and Takuya be friends in the morning, he wondered. He stood up, stretched.
”I’m going to bed as well”, he said. ”See you in the morning.”
”Night”, Kouichi and Tomoki answered.
They started talking when Junpei left, he could hear them whisper to each other. About the same topic or another Junpei didn’t know, but he glanced back, noticed Kouichi’s raised shoulders and concluded that yes, the topic was still the same. Did Tomoki know, Junpei wondered as he opened the tent.
Kouji had moved his sleeping bag, placed it furthest into the tent, between Junpei’s and the canvas. Junpei smiled.
”Hey”, he whispered.
Kouji looked at him, eyes slightly red. Junpei closed the door again and sat down on his sleeping bag, started pulling his pyjamas out of his backpack. Absolutely freezing.
”Are you doing okay?”
Kouji sighed.
”Yeah… just…”
Junpei pulled his shirts off and Kouji turned away, blushing.
”We’re both guys”, Junpei said, ”you can stare.”
Kouji snorted.
”It’s fine. The tent is interesting to look at.”
Junpei snorted as well, quickly changed into his pyjamas.
”Kouichi suggested we leave Takuya and Tomoki home next camping trip.”
”It’s fine”, Kouji repeated.
But his voice was less light-hearted. Junpei laid down in the sleeping bag with another yawn and Kouji turned back towards him, put his head on Junpei’s shoulder and Junpei wrapped an arm around Kouji. Kouji yawned as well.
”Are you doing okay otherwise?” Junpei asked.
This was the best chance to get an actual answer, without any of the others around to hear. Kouji shrugged and put his arm over Junpei.
”I’m… okay?” Kouji suggested. ”Just feeling a bit meh.”
”Are you getting sick?”
Junpei put the back of his hand against Kouji’s forehead. A bit cold, but everything was cold with night falling. He shivered and put the arm back inside the sleeping bag.
”I think it’s just PMS”, Kouji whispered. ”Hate this body.”
Junpei looked at the ceiling. There wasn’t much he could do about that. He hugged Kouji.
”Well, that body contains you, so I like it”, he said with a grin.
Kouji snorted. Good enough.
”Good night, Junpei.”
”Night, Kouji.”
Junpei closed his eyes, listen as Kouji’s breathing slowed down and he fell asleep. The others also stepped into the tent, got ready for bed. Turned off the lights hanging from the ceiling. Junpei fell asleep the second darkness fell completely.
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ignis-sama · 9 months
Greetings humans and non-humans. I consider myself an old man despite my "age". I'm apparently 23, but I don't care.
I'm an autistic bigender trans man/agender using he/they/it and doll/dolls/dollself pronouns. The things you'll find here are as random as me. I draw but to me, I'm not an artist. I don't want to be known because fame only brings problems.
I'm also otherkin and fictionkin (dollkin, demonkin, and my fictotype rock human kin, but in my case it's more "Yotsuyu kin")
Sideblogs : @yotsuyuchanswonderland
What I love :
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Being hated because I don't deserve anything else
Ghost type Pokémon
I ship :
Yotsuyu/Wu Tomoki
I don't ship :
Risotto and anyone else who isn't Prosciutto (because goth rice man belongs to blond ham man and nobody can change my mind)
Prosciutto and Pesci (I headcanon them as brothers and shipping them would make me uncomfortable)
Trish / Giorno and any member of la Squadra / Bucciarati / Abbacchio (they're 15 for Pucci's sake!)
DNI if you are :
racist/LGBTphobic/any other kind of hate
a lolicon/shotacon/MAP
a TERF/radfem/radqueer
a pornbot (seriously, don't, I'm not interested in seeing naked women)
Artwork tag is ignis sama draws.
Please don't try to flirt with me, I'm not into anyone.
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chatot · 2 years
Is it weird and random that I’ve always seen Kumamon the silly little ice bear as FTM Trans fella?
Hm, I don't think it's random or weird at all!
If anything, it could be a neat hc if you push it further with Tomoki having a trans awakening from it.
I personally see Takuya and some of the others as trans in the same way (aka going "whoa becoming a Digimon is giving me some kind of Gender Feelings"), so it could definitely work for Tomoki too! It would honestly be kind of endearing since Tomoki does look up to them (especially Takuya) and it would encourage him to open up about his own feelings about it too.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon [Adventures]/[02]/[Tamers]/[Frontier]/[Xros Wars] ~ Pride Icons Trans!Various Chosen Children + flag icon base by @izzyizumi​ !
Just some Trans headcanons I personally am intrigued by / enjoy !
{ LGBTQIAPN+phobes, Queerphobes, Aphobes / Acephobes / Arophobes, Panphobes, anti-Polyamorous, TERFs, Truscum/Transmeds, Radfems, Gatekeepers / REGs in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT } [ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ] { Even if you do not plan to use, “liking”/reblogging is OK ! }
If you want to use, Please READ notes under the “read more”!
{ usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE. }
{ Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use ! } { Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission ! } { However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section. } { if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK } { I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [ CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S ] you will likely/may pass the check and can use ! } { However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such } { It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons }
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon all as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Hijiri MIzuki from Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy is a polyamorous bisexual nonbinary girl, Noda Yamato is a polyamorous pansexual amourgender trans boy, Takashima Tomoki is a polyamorous panromantic asexual boy, Tsukumo Rei is a polyamorous polysexual transmasculine libramasculine person, Touga Ryuushouin is a polyamorous bisexual transfeminine lunarian daederic angeligender nonbinary person, and they’re all dating each other!
Mizuki and Ryuushouin are both in a QPR with Watase Nanako, a lesbian-oriented aroace trans girl! They’re all close friends with Mikuriya Futaba, an aroace genderfluid person!
dni transcript here
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2022 - 2023 Team USA International Selection Pool
The International Selection Pool (ISP) includes junior- and senior-level athletes and teams who meet criteria approved by the U.S. Figure Skating International Committee. These athletes and teams are eligible to be considered for assignment to international competitions.  
List as of 7/1/2022
William Annis
Lucas Broussard
Jason Brown
Nathan Chen*
Goku Endo
Kirk Haugeto
Jonathan Hildebrandt
Tomoki Hiwatashi
Liam Kapekis
Lucius Kazanecki
Joseph Klein
Kai Kovar
Lake Liao
Jimmy Ma
Ilia Malinin
Samuel Mindra
Antonio Monaco
Maxim Naumov
Nhat-Viet Nguyen
Matthew Nielsen
Yaroslav Paniot
Camden Pulkinen
Jacob Sanchez
Taira Shinohara
Eric Sjoberg
Beck Strommer
Dinh Tran
Michael Xie
Robert Yampolsky
Maxim Zharkov
Vincent Zhou*
Starr Andrews
Sonia Baram
Mia Barghout
Mariah Bell
Gwen Bloesch
Alena Budko
Karen Chen
Elsa Cheng
Hazel Collier
Sarah Everhardt
Amber Glenn
Gracie Gold
Giselle Graves
Hanna Harrell
Finley Hawk
Jill Heiner
Hannah Harrera
Tia Hilbelink
Rena Ikenishi
Gabriella Izzo
Mia Kalin
Ellie Kam
Katie Krafchik
Josephine Lee
Isabeau Levito
Elyce Lin-Gracey
Hannah Lofton
Maryn Pierce
Abigail Ross
Paige Rydberg
Clare Seo
Katie Shen
Audrey Shin
Phoebe Stubbenfield
Bradie Tennell
Linsday Thorngren
Kate Wang
Wren Waren-Jacobson
Sherry Zhang
Adele Zheng
Ava Ziegler
Sonia Baram / Daniel Tioumentsev
Ashley Cain-Gribble / Timothy LeDuc~
Emily Chan / Spencer Howe
Alexa Knierim / Brandon Frazier
Katie McBeath / Nathan Bartholomay
Anastasiia Smirnova / Danil Siiantsyia
Cayla Smith / Andy Deng
Ice Dance
Emily Bratti / Ian Somerville
Oona Brown / Gage Brown
Helene Carhart / Volodmyr Horovyi
Christina Carreira / Anthony Ponomarenko
Molly Cesanek / Yehor Yehorov
Madison Chock / Evan Bates
Caroline Green / Michael Parsons
Jenna Hauer / Benjamin Starr
Kaitlin Hawayek / Jean-luc Baker
Angela Ling / Caleb Wein
Lorraine McNamara / Anton Spirdonov
Caroline Mullen / Brendan Mullen
Leah Neset / Artem Markelov
Eva Pate / Logan Bye
Elliana Peal / Ethan Peal
Vanessa Pham / Jonathan Rogers
Katarina Wolfkostin / Jeffrey Chen
* - indicates the skater has indicated they will not compete next season
~ - indicates the team has retired
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sywtwfs · 4 years
2020-21 US Championship Series & National Qualifying Structure
Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, qualification for the 2021 US National Championships is slightly different from previous seasons. Skaters can qualify through placement at last season’s Nationals, the ISP Points Challenge virtual competition, or the US Championship Series virtual competition. This post will explain the USFSA national qualifying structure and provide links and information that will be updated throughout the season.
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Reference: 2021 Athlete Bye and Advancement Criteria See also: 2020-21 National Figure Skating Competitions
Senior skaters can qualify for the 2021 National Championships if they fulfill the following criteria:
Senior Men & Ladies:
Skaters who placed in the top 5 at the 2020 US Figure Skating Championships.
The top 4 scores from the virtual ISP Points Challenge, excluding byes from the previous Nationals.
*New: The top 9 scores from the virtual US Championship Series, excluding byes and ISP Points Challenge.
Senior Pairs:
Teams who placed in the top 5 at the 2020 US Figure Skating Championships.
The top 4 scores from the virtual ISP Points Challenge, excluding byes from the previous Nationals.
*New: The top 5 scores from the virtual US Championship Series, excluding byes and ISP Points Challenge.
Senior Ice Dance:
Teams who placed in the top 5 at the 2020 US Figure Skating Championships.
The top 4 scores from the virtual ISP Points Challenge, excluding byes from the previous Nationals.
Skaters who earned a bye by placing top 5 at the 2020 National Championships include:
Ladies: Alysa Liu, Mariah Bell, Bradie Tennell, Karen Chen, Amber Glenn
Men: Nathan Chen, Jason Brown, Tomoki Hiwatashi, Vincent Zhou, Andrew Torgashev
Pairs: Calalang/Johnson, Kayne/O’Shea, Cain-Gribble/LeDuc (teams 1 & 5 have split)
Ice Dance: Chock/Bates, Hubbell/Donohue, Hawayek/Baker, Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons
See the 2021 Athlete Bye and Advancement Criteria for junior qualification criteria and other information.
The International Selection Pool (ISP) Points Challenge consisted of two virtual competitions where skaters could compete to qualify for the national championships. Skaters recorded videos of their programs at specific times; they were not allowed to start over if they made an error in their run-through. Skaters had two opportunities to submit videos. They could participate in one or both opportunities. The highest score a skater earned out of the two opportunities was used to determine ranking. The top 4 scorers in each discipline (excluding byes) earned spots at Nationals.
How to watch: Results and videos of the ISP Points Challenge can be viewed here.
The following skaters qualified for Nationals through the ISP Points Challenge:
Ladies: Audrey Shin, Starr Andrews, Pooja Kalyan, Lindsay Thorngren
Men: Alex Krasnozhon, Camden Pulkinen, Jimmy Ma, Joseph Kang
Pairs: Knierim/Frazier, Lu/Mitrofanov, Serafini/Tran, McBeath/Bartholomay
Ice Dance: Cesanek/Yehorov, McNamara/Spiridonov, Pate/Bye
11/11/20 UPDATE: The US Championship Series was originally planned as a series of 8 in-person competitions, but was cancelled in early November and will be held as a virtual competition instead. Similar to the ISP Points Challenge, skaters must submit their videos to be judged remotely and results will be available the week of December 21.
For seniors, the top 9 men, top 9 ladies, and top 5 pairs in the US Championship Series will qualify for Nationals (excluding skaters who have already qualified through byes or the ISP Points Challenge). There is no event for senior ice dance.
12/22/20 UPDATE: The results of the virtual US Championship Series can be viewed here. Videos are available for subscribers to Peacock Premium. Entries to the 2021 US National Championships are available here.
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
FU But Gay
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In honor of this comment on Frontiers Unexplored that made me laugh my ass off, it’s time to talk about gay stuff in the Frontier rewrite. (Minor spoilers for chapters 15-17 and contains very over the top humor)
I mentioned this in an author’s note somewhere in some chapter (I don’t know which one, and it might be for a chapter that hasn’t been released yet; as of this post, I am writing chapter 49 but have only posted chapter 30), but everybody in this cast is queer in some way. Why? I’m gay, and I like writing about gay characters. 
Also, a very good point that I’ve heard brought up within the fandom is that when the Frontier cast becomes Digimon, they become something that isn’t at all confined by the boundaries of humanity. Gender? Sexuality? What are those? I only know Digimon. 
Bokomon stated earlier in the story that Digimon don’t have gender either since you know. they’re data. so I took that as an excuse to make everybody gay! You get to be gay, you get to be gay, and you get to be gay! 
Without further ado, let’s get gay. 
Takuya is bisexual and a trans guy. That’s right, transphobes! I sucked you in under the preconceived notion that all goggleheads are cis! Funny enough (not really), I actually had somebody get mad at me for the trans rep in this story before Takuya was even revealed as trans. They stopped reading after getting mad that I included nonbinary characters, but I didn’t care and kept going out of spite. Also, I want to say that since bisexuality doesn’t exclude nonbinary identities contrary to popular misconception, Takuya could feasibly get with Chihiro, so worry not to the people who ship those two (since there are more than I thought there would be). Takuya could feasibly use he/him and them/they pronouns, but he doesn’t have ~ a second gender crisis ~ until after the events of the story. Shoutout to Aguni, Vritra, and Alda for making that happen since they hate gender (probably). As of the time of the story though, Takuya uses exclusively he/him pronouns. 
Koji is pansexual and nonbinary. The main reason that this comment made me cackle so much is because it was right; Takuya and Koji are bi and pan respectively. Koji doesn’t really give a damn about gender; he just wants to be held and also to punch his father but that’s irrelevant. Koji uses he/him and them/they pronouns, but he doesn’t come to terms with that until after the story ends. He’s faster with it than Takuya, but it still takes a bit. 
Tomoki is asexual and panromantic. He uses he/him and they/them pronouns. Tomoki is one of multiple asexual characters since I myself am ace and love expressing that through the characters I write. Tomoki is baby, and we should all look after him no matter what. 
Izumi is, much like Koji and Tomoki, pansexual. She comes out as nonbinary after the story, and it is definitely thanks to Zephyrmon’s influence. Zephyr would 10/10 cause that and not really give a shit about it. She uses she/her and they/them pronouns. 
Junpei is bisexual and nonbinary. He likes he/him and they/them pronouns though he admittedly prefers the former. His romantic type is Koji or Izumi; there’s basically no in between. He’s a disaster bi but I love him and you should too. 
Koichi is asexual and demiromantic. He doesn’t really mind much what the gender is of the person that he ends up with as long as they care a lot about each other. He’s also nonbinary like Koji and comes out as using he/him and they/them pronouns not long after the book ends. 
Chihiro is pansexual and nonbinary. They’re neutral on the gender of their partner but would probably have a bias towards other trans people because of their experiences with being nonbinary. They may or may not make gay jokes about themselves and Takuya for the hell of it they do. Chihiro uses exclusively they/them pronouns, and you will wind up on their shit list for insinuating that they are particularly masculine or feminine when they pretty clearly hate that. 
Yumiko is yet another asexual character, and she’s panromantic like Tomoki. She has a bias towards women, but she could still wind up with anyone who respected her. She uses she/her pronouns, but the Digimon sides of her don’t really care about gender (Fioremon in particular really doesn’t give a flying fuck), so that could easily change in the future. 
Hinoka is a demisexual lesbian who loves women. It takes a while for her to connect with others, but when she does connect with a girl, chances are Hinoka will wind up head over heels sooner or later. You know, as soon as she can figure out her feelings, but that could take a while. Hinoka uses she/her pronouns, but much like with Yumiko, this could change. 
Saki is pansexual and genderfluid. As of the time of the story, Saki is only out as pansexual and nonbinary, not having realized that they’re genderfluid yet. Like with a few others, the influence of the Digimon pushes them to realize that they’re genderfluid. During the story, they use they/them pronouns, though they wind up using any pronouns after the story ends. They laugh when people struggle to figure out their gender at a first glance to further feed their internalized chaos. 
Mayumi is pansexual and nonbinary. She comes to terms with being nonbinary after the story ends and starts using they/them pronouns in addition to she/her. Mayumi doesn’t really mind about the gender of the person she ends up with, and she would probably flirt with anybody if she had the motivation and the love for it. She doesn’t feel that way about anyone in the group, but she totally would if she did. 
Haroi is simply demisexual, though much like Mayumi, he comes out as nonbinary after the story. He uses he/him pronouns during the story and later comes to start also using they/them. Haroi doesn’t mind the gender of the person he winds up with, but it takes a while for him to develop feelings. In conclusion, he’s baby. 
Closing Thoughts
What have we learned here today, kids? Everybody is gay. When you’re a Digimon, straight people don’t exist. Also, cis people are minimal because of Digimon gender stuff. If you want to headcanon the two cis characters (Yumiko and Hinoka) as nonbinary, go for it. You have free reign over your headcanons, and I sure as hell will not going to stop you. Woo for the gays! We won! 
Also if anybody is wondering about the influence of the Spirits since I brought that up I’m developing an AU focused around that and I’ll share the info about it as soon as the spoilers on it have been revealed in canon which will happen in chapter 39 the AU is called Spirit Fuse and it’s very interesting
Anyways, that’s about it from me this time. This post was pretty casual and goofy as far as my writing goes, but this stuff is all canon. Go gays! We win!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
This past weekend I picked up another Steam dating sim, Full Service. I don’t think I could do a complete write-up like I’ve done for some others, but it’s worth mentioning some highlights and lowlights.
The Good
A lot of content for an indie erotica game, with seven primary love interests, over 200 CGs, and over twenty endings running the gamut from tenderly romantic to wildly kinky to dubcon/noncon scenarios. There’s more actual gameplay here than any of the dating sims I’ve previously talked about, with some light scheduling and resource management and a gifting/heart level system comparable to Fire Emblem support ranks or even more so heart levels in those old Harvest Moon games (are those still a thing?). The second playthrough adds more story content to better explore certain character motivations, and there are even after stories - epilogues, essentially - unlocked after perfect endings that catch up with the characters some time later and feature brief animated sex scenes. In the tradition of most gay dating sim protagonists that I’ve come across, Tomoki is fully vers, and his love interests are evenly divided by favored position: three tops, three bottoms, and one fellow vers with a little additional flexibility for certain scenes/combinations. Speaking from extensive personal experience I consider this much more reflective of how the gay/bi male population as a whole approaches anal than something like To Trust an Incubus contorting itself to ensure that every single guy is vers.
The premise is that all the love interests work at a spa/massage parlor that specializes in happy endings. All of them could be considered sex workers, and some of them have alternative sources of income in a similar vein, ex. modeling. This is not the easiest subject matter to write well without being either overly glorifying or overly preachy, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that for the most part Full Service walks the fine line between the two. It doesn’t shy away from the potential dangers and hardships of sex work (especially in some of the bad endings) or from the issues it can create with forming romantic connections, but it also remains generally sex positive and never condemns its characters for what they choose to do with their lives or suggest that they’d all be happier doing something else. The most judgmental the game ever gets seems to be a projection of Tomoki’s own prudishness...which comes off as deliberately hypocritical considering all the raunchy things he can get up to over the course of the game.
Speaking of sex positivity, it’s actually impossible to go through a full playthrough and only have sex with one person, and the fact that around half of the love interests’ development occurs outside plot events means that it’s quite likely that Tomoki will sleep his way through half or more of the spa’s masseurs before all is said and done. Furthermore, despite what I said in my Chess of Blades review about a poly relationship being beyond the scope of a typical dating sim this one pulls it off with one pair of love interests that Tomoki can potentially end up with at the same time.
While she’s not a love interest, there’s a trans woman in the supporting cast. Her full story isn’t revealed until your second playthrough owing to her major role in the plot, but I appreciated the depiction of someone who discovered her gender identity/presentation through her sexual relationships with men. Thara may not be the sort of trans character who would appeal to typical fans of either yaoi or bara, but having explored feminization kink in the context of sex work myself I thought she was a nice addition.
The Bad
So...voice acting. Most of the game goes for vocal work in the style of Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, short clips that only somewhat match up with the text on screen and are meant to be more suggestive of what the character is saying. Those are fine enough if not always exactly on point, but then there are the perfect endings which are fully voiced. There’s a fair bit of variance in this game’s vocal talent and even audio recording equipment in one or two cases - sadly one of my favorite love interests has a noticeably lower recording quality to his audio, and it’s no more evident than in his perfect ending where suddenly he’s voicing full lines of dialogue - and then there’s the recurring problem these games have with fully voiced sex scenes and how generally silly those come off. I really have to ask: does anyone genuinely feel that full or even partial voice acting adds anything to the eroticism of such scenes? Props to the voice actors for doing their best with the material, but the sounds of sex are just not easy to vocalize unless you’re actually doing it - at least not without sounding ridiculous.
Harping on lack of realism in gay sex scenes has become rather passé, and I can overlook things like everyone being muscled and well-endowed, no one wearing a condom, or there rarely being any mention of artificial lube. However, there is one glaring issue that over and over shattered my suspension of disbelief, because it comes up in like 80% of the game’s sex scenes: these men have no refractory periods, at all. Almost every scene has all characters involved cumming twice, with only one or two lines of text between CGs as a break. Even worse than the inherent absurdity of a man cumming and then being hard again five seconds later is that it leads to the scenes coming off as quite predictable. With only a handful of exceptions sex scenes in Full Service consist of two NSFW CGs: a foreplay CG - oral, rimming, or some light kink like bondage or nipple or armpit play - and then an anal CG. There’s a lot of variety in positions and (tame) kink elements on display, but it’s undercut when almost every encounter follows this exact script.
On some subjects Full Service flirts with a particular kind of kink but can’t find it in itself to commit. Tomoki’s romance with his boss Rald is almost an instance of this, although they do end up having one of those (allegedly) scandalous workplace romances with its kink potential left intact. Less fortunate however are the twins Oki and Okan, who Tomoki can romance either individually or together in the aforementioned poly ending. The twincest is indeed hot, but it’s explained in supplementary material (if not necessarily the game itself) that two really aren’t twins or even related which annoys me as the same sort of cop-out as Coming Out on Top’s teacher/student romance. Here it’s a bit more forgivable as the reason Oki and Okan are more or less RPing as twins is tied into the plot.
Full Service’s setting is difficult to pin down. It’s clearly somewhat inspired by Japan and takes place somewhere in the real world as various other ethnicities get referenced throughout, but it’s all rather vague. I honestly can’t even tell if the developer is Japanese or Western, as there’s signs pointing to either.
There’s an annoying mascot character who runs a gacha for gift items - in-game currency only, thankfully - but the script knows how silly he and uses him sparingly in the plot and heart events.
One of the love interests is (so I’ve read) the protagonist of a completely different indie game, recognizable because he looks like a JRPG protagonist and has plot-convenient amnesia. He’s not a bad character by any means, just a big bundle of genre clichés.
With both Chess of Blades and Coming Out on Top I pointed out that best friend romances were a tricky business and tend to end up lighter on conflict. Full Service really yanks the rug out on that one, but it’s impossible to say any more without heavy spoilers. Suffice it to say Tomoki does have a best friend romance, but it’s hidden and hard to obtain and figures into the main plot in a thoroughly unexpected way.
What I said pertaining to second playthrough reveals also brings up another serious issue the game attempts to tackle, this one with more mixed results. It’s sex trafficking, which indeed ties into the larger sex work premise but in my opinion doesn’t land nearly as well as the rest in large part due to it being treated as a mystery and the centerpiece of many a lategame reveal. There are worse ideas for a source of conflict independent of who Tomoki ends up dating, but I’m still not sure about the overall execution.
So in summary? It’s not entirely my genre and there’s a lack of polish in parts, but a lot of gameplay for a dating sim and so, so much porn. Kind of middle of the pack for me.
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
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#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi hcs#koushirouizumi frontier hcs#koushirouizumi frontier edits#koushirouizumi frontier icons#koushirouizumi pride icon sets#koushirouizumi pride icons#koushirouizumi frontier headcanons#frontier#frontier chosen#takouji#junzumi#kouizumi#takouichi#junpei x kouichi#junpei x takuya#(to be honest prefer no reblogs on this one but yeah i made these FOR MYSELF if you don't like them. please just. leave)#(Frontier Chosen are honestly pretty much ANYTHING GOES for me)#(but I also feel pretty much any of them work with the Trans umbrella super well I mean. they transform into Digimon)#(but yeah that's why there's more multiple variations for this set and also I DO NOT HAVE A FAIRYMON TRANSPARENT YET)#(pls assume ORIGINAL WARRIOR FAIRYMON for ship and with Izumi can be as friendship)#(Redeemed Ranamon is Lesbian while izumi again can be pretty much anything but Pan is a fav headcanon for her)#(I never saw much contents for Junpei x Takuya or Junpei x Kouichi but i can ship them)#(Tomoki icons are there for friendships and Trans umbrella headcanons but yeah again. you guys there's a future timeline drama CD)#(when I was Young Me I actually also considered Yutaka x Kouichi but rarepairs contents were VERY HARD TO COME ACROSS by Frontier)#(and yeah i was sad that shipping outside of like. Izumi ships basically Didn't Exist it was actually hard to find Takouji goodfic)#(but even Kouichi x Izumi barely got anything despite them having that one surprisingly nice interaction in canon)#(honestly it still feels like ships aside from Takumi and Kouzumi don't exist for this series)#(i would have reblogged contents for some of these ships if only they existed)
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catalystsexpositive · 5 years
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Next up on our vendor list is BeeWolf! Beewolf will be focusing on slave bracelets, zipper pulls, rings, patches, crowns, buttons, pendants, sexy coins, mermaids, and magnets! Ty hey are sure to sell many things with the Rainbow, Pan, Bi, and Trans flag on them such as bracelets and earrings, including the slave bracelet included in the photos! Emry, the human behind BeeWolf, is a person with a Raven's eye for the shiny. "I like shiny things but I don't like spending lots of money. I found a way to get the cool stuff at a decent price so that others can have the unique, Queer, and often macabre, things too. I love having a reason to go to Portland and spend time in the Community!" Come see the treasures BeeWolf shall have on the tablr at the Catalyst Vendor Fair this Saturday! The current vendor list is: Asylum Leathers Audrey Angel Art BeeWolf Blood and Resin Bossbondage.com/playpiercingkits.com Breathe, Toys and More Chainmaille by Chelle Crafted from Scratch House of Wolfram Kandi's Kitten Boutique Kinman Studio Little cosmic customs Littles Laboratory Living Love Revolution and I Luka Custom Trinkets Lulu's Little Boutique McCool's Place Notorious Toys Occam's Edge RACK Leather Goods Riverqueer Leatherwork Short Arm Shibari Slow Camera Photobooth Spirit Oracle Stumptown Kilts Switch Leather Company T_Rope Tormented Artifacts Torrid Timber Toys That Please Twisted Toys Warped Wire Creations Live Music: Tomoki the Violinist Naughty Balloon Art: The Adult Balloon Twister This time around, we have over 30 vendors from the PNW sex-positive community! We're hit a new record and cannot WAIT to see how this vendor fair goes! Catalyst Leap Year Vendor Fair February 29th, 10am - 4pm 18+ $5 entry (includes raffle entry!) This event will be hosted at: Prism House PDX 5516 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97206 #catalystsexpositive #sexpositive #sexpositivepdx #consentissexy #consent #portlandor #portland #portlandoregon #pdx #pdxoregon #pdxor #sepdx #seportland #southeastportland #fosterpowell #fopo #fopopdx #livingroomwithadungeon #503 #thissaturday #saturday #vendor #vendorfair #5bucks (at Catalyst: A Sex Positive Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9E0ZZJBQzf/?igshid=1qarkmcyeicje
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lau-fanatic · 7 years
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9/8/17 (9/8/17 KST) Donghyeon’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“Bro 토모키형 생일축하해~!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎐🎐🎐🎐”
“Happy Birthday to my bro Tomoki~!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎐🎐🎐🎐”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventures / Tamers / Frontier ~ Pride Icons / Headcanons Inter-sex!/various Chosen Children + flag icon base by @izzyizumi​ !
{ LGBTQIAPN+phobes, Queer-phobes, A-phobes / Ace-phobes / Aro-phobes, Pan-phobes, anti-Poly-amorous, T.E.R.F.s, Tru-scum/Trans-meds, Rad-fems, Gate-keepers / R.E.G.s in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT }
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon MOST as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted * } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
(CGB 1/2) (feel free to just remove any characters u can't find pictures for) Hijiri Mizuki from Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy is a bisexual nonbinary girl, Noda Yamato is a pansexual amourgender trans boy, Takashima Tomoki is an asexual panromantic boy, Tsukumo Rei is a polysexual transmasculine libramasculine person, Touga Ryuushouin is a bisexual transfeminine lunarian daederic angeligender nonbinary person, and they're all polyamorous and dating each other.
(CGB 2/2) Mizuki and Ryuushouin are both in a QPR with Watase Nanako, an lesbian-oriented aroace trans girl. All of them are close friends with Mikuriya Futaba, an aroace genderfluid person.
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sywtwfs · 5 years
Team USA: 2020 ISU Championship Assignments
Men: Nathan Chen, Jason Brown, Vincent Zhou (alt: Tomoki Hiwatashi, Andrew Torgashev, Camden Pulkinen)
Ladies: Mariah Bell, Bradie Tennell (alt: Karen Chen, Amber Glenn, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Knierim/Knierim, Cain-Gribble/Leduc (alt: Calalang/Johnson, Kayne/O'Shea, Denney/Frazier)
Dance: Chock/Bates, Hubbell/Donohue, Hawayek/Baker (alt: Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, McNamara/Carpenter)
Men: Jason Brown, Tomoki Hiwatashi, Camden Pulkinen (alt: Alex Krasnozhon)
Ladies: Bradie Tennell, Karen Chen, Amber Glenn (alt: Starr Andrews, Gabriella Izzo)
Pairs: Knierim/Knierim, Kayne/O'Shea, Calalang/Johnson (alt: Denney/Frazier, Lu/Mitrofanov, Serafini/Tran)
Dance: Chock/Bates, Hubbell/Donohue, Hawayek/Baker (alt: Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, McNamara/Carpenter)
Men: Andrew Torgashev, Ilia Malinin, Maxim Naumov (alt: Dinh Tran, Eric Sjoberg, Lucas Altieri, Liam Kapeikis)
Ladies: Alysa Liu, Starr Andrews, Lindsay Thorngren (alt: Audrey Shin, Gabriella Izzo, Isabelle Inthisone, Calista Choi)
Pairs: Finster/Nagy, Smirnova/Siianytsia, Deardorff/Johnson (alt: Fleming/Isbell)
Dance: Nguyen/Kolesnik, Wolfkostin/Chen, Brown/Brown (alt: Cesanek/Yehorov, Delcamp/Somerville, Ling/Wein)
Source: 1, 2, 3
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