ie-de · 2 years
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thegirlmirage · 2 months
Each day, perhaps even 3 times a day, do a vocal warm up - yawn, hum an M sound, do that a few times for a few seconds, then go M into sounds like Mmmmmoo Mmmee mmmmmaa and then into words like Make Monday Meeting. Congratulations that's forwards resonance and is one of the parts of feminising voice training. Keep it up.
Drink water!
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Run Ghost Run 8
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If a friend ever says let’s jump off a building…. Ignore them. Danny did not enjoy it this time. 0 out of 10 stars. Would not do as human again. Now as a ghost, it’s a grand time. Even if he’s just being chucked off a roof it's fun. Skulker isn’t even alone when it comes to chucking him off before. It was common day practice. Just not as human.
Fleeing from the contaminated was becoming too much of a norm. There had now been three people out of the four he’s interacted with that were death/ecto touched. Gotham must like to hold on to her citizens. That or the nightlife here is a lot more lethal than in Amity. It wasn’t permanent back home; they were already dead. Here the living just seemed to have death latched to them.
Robin had been touched by death itself. Not even Sam, Tucker, or Jazz set his ghost sense off. Maybe it's because of the corrupt ectoplasma. Could it have just lingered? No matter how the ectoplasma stuck to him it did.  Nightwing even less so than Robin. Neither was comparable to red.
He probably should have heard them out. Then again, they shouldn’t have snuck up on him. They made him panic. The fault is on them. Besides, the whole government is probably after him. Why risk talking to them? Legally he is non-sentient. The two also cost him one of his favorite sweatshirts. It was still crumpled up on the roof. It would have been useable after he washed the blood off it.
Gotham was a cruel place. He didn’t care what Lady Gotham said. This place was not safe. His run-in with two vigilantes and some guy in a red mask. Plus, he’s already re-injured himself. Was it technically his own fault yes. That’s beside the point. It all just points to this place not working out for him.
Being able to freely use his powers was not worth it. Regardless of the powers being hidden, he couldn’t even use them.
Calling his powers had his whole body starting to tingle. Slowly zapping away his strength. Only then to have pain shoot through him until he called them off. Just like when John Fenton nightingale had him surrounded by blood blossoms. When he had been forced to the ground and completely immobile. Those flowers when he was a ghost nearly killed him.
As time was going on it was getting worse. The journey to Gotham is a tad fuzzy, but he could maintain his form for longer than five minutes. Now he could hardly use them. Lady Gotham may fully hide his signature; his belt would work just fine without his powers.
Agent K or O he thinks said they injected him with some blood blossoms. Until he healed it may be best to stop using them altogether.
The so-called “safety” the city offered didn’t matter; he is currently hiding in the sewers. Which had the most ectoplasma in an enclosed space he has ever been in. The Fenton portal let less out than what was here. Death is half of his identity, but this is ridiculous.
He’s been walking around aimlessly for who knows how long. Wherever he pops up the two reasons he jumped off a roof should be long gone.
This city lacked safety precautions. The sewers back home were harder to get out of and he didn’t have to deal with vigilantes. You’d think they’d monitor the sewers. It’s a good place to hide out.
Time to find someplace to get some coffee and food. He money he could spend. Danny could figure out where to go next at the café.
Dick was busy lecturing Damian on not leaving the manor. His little stunt as Robin was not going over well. Danny was most likely a meta. That kind of disappearing act would be nearly impossible for a human. Perhaps the shadow that consumed him was a part of that. Possibly a type of teleportation. Dick had also grabbed a sweatshirt that had dried blood. Danny had to be seriously injured.
Tim had already done a complete breakdown of the acts. He highlighted every instant that goes against the metahuman protection. Only to then be kicked out of the Batcave. Being told to go to bed. Which was ridiculous. There was so much more to this. He had no solid answers, minus the acts needing to be overturned. The more info they investigate the more problems pop up. Stripping an entire species of their rights had to be an intergalactic crime. If this didn’t get handled the lanterns would end up involved. Of course, the United States had to mess around. Time for them to find out.
To keep up he needs his coffee. Once Bruce, Steph, and Cass get back he’d be ready to go through the data they’ll be bringing. Time for operation get caffeine. It was his turn to ditch the unlawful grounding. He was an adult. Just a quick in-and-out mission. No one would even be aware.
A trip to the Traffic Light Café. Get his coffee and be back within the hour.
Tim had to make a choice. Tell everyone he snuck out and had eyes on Danny. Then receive a lecture much like Damian. Or he could approach Danny and make contact as a civilian. No need to inform them. The whole jumping off a roof to avoid them makes him think they won’t make much progress as vigilantes. Tim just had to talk them up. Hopefully making Danny less inclined to run.
Duke was closer in age and may be able to be more effective. Then again Tim could at least get a head start at the whole were not bad people thing. Multiple people talking them up would do wonders. If he continued to run off no one would benefit. Danny needed help and likely medical attention.
Upon entering the café Danny seemed to shiver and then look directly at him. It could be explained by the bell on the door. Tim didn’t think that was the case. Danny had to have sensed him. Without the full story of the roof incident what he did hear was how Danny essentially woke up as soon as Dick had him in his sight.
He didn’t immediately bolt when Tim got in line behind him. Now all he had to do was not mess this up.
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plan-3-tmars · 9 months
I think we as a society should talk about mikoto's fucking asthma attack in the middle of MeMe more because he is WHEEZING
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absolxguardian · 3 months
T giving me a libido and making me quite sex favorable sometimes makes me feel self conscious about being asexual. Because now the activities/behaviors I'm interested in are pretty similar to that of a kinky allosexual person. But luckily I often come across stuff in the very smut I'm now into that throws the difference into sharp relief.
Character: I want to have sex with this person
Me: Reasonable, sex is a very pleasurable activity and they seem like they'd be pretty good at it.
Character: Due to an ineffable reason inherit to this person.
Me: Nope you've lost me there.
(I mostly read dub/non-con for this exact reason. In the sexual attraction as a craving for a specific food and libido as hunger metaphor, it's the fantasy of someone else deciding what you're going to eat- but magically it's something you like anyway.)
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bogkeep · 2 years
so grateful for people who upload looping+extended versions of songs to youtube. thank you for understanding my need to listen to the same song 91275389214 times
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rose-icosahedron · 9 months
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I'm planning on getting more art up later today, but for now have some funky gesture sketches I did to figure out J-bert's pose in piece I'm working on.
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frankensteincest · 3 months
I’m stressed in a way I’ve never been stressed before in my life but tbh I’m not even registering it as bad per se but rather a curiously novel thing about myself that I get to analyse
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 5 months
little funny that when i was talking about hrt with my dad he kind of implied that he'd have less of an issue with me going on e than going on t. like his issue isn't that he wants to control my appearance or whatever it's that cis men have used testosterone too irresponsibly because now all he can think of is athletes taking too much steriods
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ie-de · 2 years
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coughloop · 2 years
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nierielfaegir · 2 years
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“This knife… it was hers. Now it is yours.”
“On the day you where born I made two knives, mixing metals from my home and rom this land. One for myself, and when you where ready, one for you.”
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secondlastpsycho · 2 years
im sorry but its time to talk about the transition effects between scenes in The Mandalorian
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forestofdragons · 2 years
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I made a boa constrictor dude
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midnightcowboy1969 · 2 years
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the above article is from 2018 btw (the text from a the guardian article), this is still concerning. Gas companies are evil and not part of the future we need.
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I watched the bad cgbg movie and the guy they got to play David was cute but not weird in the hot way-like this is just some twink
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