#translation challenges
absolutebl · 2 years
Hello again! Forgive me if you've talked about this before with me, I have the memory of a goldfish. Faraway Wanderers book spoiler question ahead, (if you haven't read the book this won't really apply to the show Word of Honor):
What are your thoughts on Zhou Zishu and his willingness to enter into a relationship with Wen Kexing? For the majority of the novel Tian Ya Ke, he seems to be interested in and annoyed by and tolerant of and amused by Wen Kexing, but even at the moment when the two "get together" at the end, it seems he's still reluctant. As a reader that feels unsatisfying and maybe uncomfortable that he only gets to the point of tolerating Wen Kexing's physical sexual contact. Did I miss something earlier? I know he doesn't mind physical touch in general from WKX over time, but I am curious about your thoughts. Thank you!
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Hi Hi!
Sorry I don't read OC 90% of the time. Occasionally something will come out of Japan where I have actually read the manga but only if it had print publication in the USA.
I didn't even know danmei existed until my dash blew up with Untamed. Cdramas were probubly the last piece of Asian content I picked up, and I still dither over watching them.
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I went something like:
Yaoi -> JBL (forgot about it) (distracted by life) emotional crisis -> YouTube -> Thai BL + (Kpop) -> Taiwanese BL -> Pinoy BL & Vietnamese BL -> grey sites and illegal content acquisition -> (Korean dramas via Kpop) -> Viki sub -> KBL -> JBL rediscovery (GaGa sub & back catalogue) -> Cdramas (mostly on the perennial hunt of noona romances and because of the pretty robes).
Some of the early CBLs were sprinkled in there when I found them on YT but I didn't really think of them as belonging to a greater oeuvre until much later when I started seriously blogging here and decided to spend all of 2020 watching every scrap of BL content I could get hold of (and developing a tracking system for it).
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Frankly the film side took all my focus.
But also, one of my degrees focused on literature so OC (Y-novels or danmai etc...) and fanfic have never been my thing. What I find tolerable or amusing in captions and graphic adaptations, I find intolerable in the full written translation form. Broadly speaking, the characters and plot aren't enough to distract me from problematic prose. (And by that I mean just sentence structure, repeat word use, incorrect word choices, odd grammar.) And before you ask yes I include Twilight, 50 Shades, and quite a few English pillars of fandom in this mix.
Which is not to say I don't enjoy commercial fiction, just that i prefer it if the English is well written at core. Which usually means the translator needs to have English as their first language or be entirely bilingual, and that's just really rare especially with OC BL content.
I know this makes me snobbish. I genuinely love so many other languages, particularly when spoken and as artifacts of socio cultural interaction/representation, but when I read something in English (and that's the only language I read fluently) I get too judgey and it limits my enjoyment.
What we have in English is an excess of nuance due excess vocabulary (and our predilection for bashing other languages on the head and ruthlessly stealing their words). I don't think, in its spoken form, that English is a very pretty language. But in its written form? Its beauty is in its capacity for nuance and flexibility, and a lot of directly translated stuff (particularly that which is done by or for fans) is awkward and almost brutal with my native tongue. It pains me to read and so I... don't.
Like there are subtle use pattern differences between many English words that the thesaurus claims are equal (dour/glum actually mean subtly different things, so too sullen vs surly). So picking the wrong one because you just never learned the alternative makes me wince. Also knowing when really only the original language word will work (like for honorifics) or when a very very old English word is a superior choice because of historical context.
I guess I just get annoyed because it feels clumsy and while I can readily forgive this one medium I can't in another.
Hang ups.
We all got 'em.
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languagexs · 1 month
Gujarati to English Translation - Live Online Interpreter - Translate Gujarati to English
Unlock the Power of Gujarati to English Translation – Your Ultimate Guide In our an increasing number of interconnected world, language obstacles are getting extra obvious than ever before. Fortunately, the arrival of translation gear has made it simpler to bridge the distance among special languages. If you`re trying to recognize or talk in Gujarati, an Indo-Aryan language spoken via way of…
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zuzu-draws · 9 months
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Is it possible to love a character more than you already do? SOBBING because so many intricate details important for Sukuna's characterization gets lost in translation and lightning is an amazing person for bringing this to our attention (go follow them on their platforms ;_; They deserve it so much)
Sukuna's use of words are honestly so poetic and romantic, there is a certain grace and elegance with the way he presents himself, no doubt like a king. It may seem like he's a hot-headed maniac, but he's clever, cunning and intelligent. He knows when to let loose and when to reign himself in.
"You cleared my skies" I would literally melt at the spot, :') aaahhh I'm glad both of them ended up acknowledging one another, this really hits you right in the feels.
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the-other-puppet · 10 months
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Tasque manager whoa (temporal Berdly spot)
Spamton's superior, and his direct boss..
A firm, controlling and bossy woman with an obsession with both symmetry & order (all good traits), enough to want to work on The Admin's side and get everything in order once she enters on their equivalent to cyber world
fun fact; the little snake tail thinks on it's own (and knows a lot of gossip from work)
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cestcirque · 3 months
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Some Q&A with the former teammates of Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio, as seen in the Haikyuu magazine!
*AS ALWAYS I’m still learning the language and cannot guarantee complete accuracy!
Note: I’m only translating questions that contain new info!
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Are you playing volleyball these days?
Sawamura Daichi: I rarely ever touch a ball, but I do go watch matches every now and then.
Sugawara Koushi: I’ll sometimes play with my grade school students. I feel like that’s the time when I get the most respect from them, so I have mixed feelings.
Azumane Asahi: Rarely. I watch the live broadcasts for my friends’ and kouhai’s matches.
Tanaka (Shimizu) Kiyoko: We have a ball at home, so yes, on occasion. We also watch live matches often.
Nishinoya Yuu: I carry a ball on me, so I’ll play with anyone whenever I get the chance.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke: I will if I’m teaching a volleyball class, or messing around at home sometimes, stuff like that.
Ennoshita Chikara: I don’t play myself, but once in a while I’ll treat volleyball players at my practice.
Kinoshita Hisashi: I don’t really get the chance to play, but I occasionally watch live matches.
Narita Kazuhito: I play from time to time, since I was invited by a local group. I can’t jump anymore and it’s depressing.
Tsukishima Kei: I’m a volleyball player, so…
Yamaguchi Tadashi: I check out all the matches that my friends are in!
Yachi Hitoka: I go to matches and watch live broadcasts and stuff.
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Nishinoya Yuu
Could you tell us how you became an adventurer?
I’d been thinking, I’ve always wanted to try going to all sorts of places, and it happened before I knew it.
What are some memorable anecdotes from your adventure so far?
In America I randomly played beach volleyball with this one older guy who was super good at it. Turns out it was Nicolas Romero.
What would you like to try in the future?
Gather people to go to the North Pole for some snow volleyball!
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Tsukishima Kei
Is there a team or player you would like to play against now?
I don’t particularly want to compete.
Compared to your high school days, in which areas have you personally grown between then and now?
Stamina… and serving, I suppose.
If you would, tell us about your goals for the future?
To keep playing without any injuries.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
Please tell us the details of how you were chosen as team captain in your third year at Karasuno High School?
Process of elimination, basically. “Everyone agreed,” they said, and I thought “Well, maybe that’ll be fine.”
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criptochecca · 1 year
“The rest of the world is glued to the United States. Foreigners follow American news stories like their own, listen to American pop music, and watch copious amounts of American television and film (in 2016, the six largest Hollywood studios alone accounted for more than half of global box office sales). Sometimes the attention cast toward American culture comes at the expense of foreigners knowing about their own countries. Canadians, a 2008 study found, tend to know more about American history than about their own national history.
But that’s only half the story. Americans, too, stick to the U.S. The list of the 500 highest-grossing films of all time in the U.S., for example, doesn’t contain a single foreign film (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes in at 505th, slightly higher than Jerry Seinfeld’s less-than-classic Bee Movie but about a hundred below Paul Blart: Mall Cop).” damn bitch
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peintre-stephane · 5 months
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morning walk
translated from a @oh-saturn-oh sended photo I like this challenge which involves adapting to the photos you send me
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dostoyevsky-official · 2 months
Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal the way you dream, the things you feel. Deep in your spirit let them rise akin to stars in crystal skies that set before the night is blurred: delight in them and speak no word.
How can a heart expression find? How should another know your mind? Will he discern what quickens you? A thought once uttered is untrue. Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred: drink at the source and speak no word.
Live in your inner self alone within your soul a world has grown, the magic of veiled thoughts that might be blinded by the outer light, drowned in the noise of day, unheard… take in their song and speak no word.
"Silentium!" Fyodor Tyutchev, 1830, transl. Vladimir Nabokov
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lauf-larsen · 3 months
Another day another tattoo design :)
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canisalbus · 5 months
I really love seeing your dogs and sometimes I think about how amazing your art style would be in animation ♥ Not that this is intended to ask or prod you to do so, just that I can imagine your lovely dogs in motion and theyre such amazing characters I could see them in a movie format. Thank you for sharing them with us ♥
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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rathologic · 7 months
biggest disconnect in pathologic's reception has kind of always been a divide between "patho is driven by mechanics" and "patho is driven by story" camps where opinions only ever come from one of these extremes... around p1's development and release the developers considered it exclusively a survival challenge sim, not a game marketed for its story (despite story representing a huge fraction of the time and thought put into it). In The Society Of Dead Poets goes into so much detail about this. and it WAS a stunning technical work under the circumstances, but the complex story was what gave the franchise cult appeal, or at least enough so for it to get a sequel... reviews from the period tend to go along the lines of "this game looks and plays like shit but it's extremely thought-provoking". there's a little to be said about the mainstream view of a "Gamer" in 2005 and what they would be interested in marketing-wise not tracking with story games yet; anyway, the one-dimensionality here was consistent with the studio's approach to games as a whole (cf BoneHouse.ppt).
so IPL's perception of their work was what informed p2's priorities, which turned out to be A Way Better Survival Challenge at the expense of things like characters having complex motivations (expansion on this has been omitted; iykyk), and they did an incredible job with that & basically perfected what they had been going for mechanically. which created this weird divide where p2 fans think 1 isn't worth playing because it's less engaging as a gaming experience, and p1 fans (me included, to be clear) see 2's story changes as a spit in the face of everything that made the series work. like, neither of these are fundamentally incorrect, but they refer to completely non-overlapping paradigms of engaging with the material. when hopefully it can be agreed that a Video Game is comprised of Both a narrative aspect and an interactive aspect, and that they need to work together to create the player's transformative experience (again, premise of BoneHouse.ppt).
Anyway. that helps explain a lot of hbomb's stance on the franchise, particularly that he can endorse patho2 without comment as an ostensibly leftist youtuber when even the most cursory playthrough is enough to let players in on its gleeful centering of ecofascism... that game's representation of colonial relations as an unfixable divide employing the racist trope of reciprocal violence, its obsession with maintaining status quo, and its completely tasteless approach to MMIW are all elements of Story and thus all secondary to p2's huge improvements on the survival system. in the same vein, his discussion of p1's changeling's route is limited to the constant reputation decrease and the repeated quests because those are the only mechanical features introduced over the previous routes, even while clararoute text is fundamental to understanding most characters... his video isn't like Bad for getting the interactive experience p1 would present to you, but it sucks for engaging with the story because it's not about the story. and unfortunately, on discussion posting websites, we do usually post about story
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languagexs · 2 months
Online Syriac English Translator: Access the Syriac Translators for Seamless Translation
Discovering the Ancient Syriac Language Through Translators Explore the ancient Syriac language thanks to its translators In the age of globalization and cultural exchange, preserving linguistic diversity is an endeavor worth making. One language that deserves attention is Syriac, an ancient Aramaic dialect spoken by communities scattered across the Middle East, India and the diaspora. This…
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nokia7600 · 8 months
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Guy from show
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sugaaz · 10 months
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@ANIMANGACREATORS CHALLENGE 19 ☆ COMEDY GENRE funniest character: izuki shun
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welcometogrouchland · 11 months
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Hello, another doodle compilation post of everything I haven't posted since the period of May to now that I didn't hate but didn't like enough to post on its own + fanart i made of @catboymoments's fankids Azura and Hyacinth! I'm not normally a fankid person but these guys are a whole moment unto themselves I love them sm. ID in alt text bc it was getting lengthy! Let me know if there's any issues
#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#willow park#gus porter#hunter toh#(he's there too! just very small. let me have this)#i had a lot of fun trying to figure out Hyacinth and Azura! they were unfamiliar so it was a challenge#hyacinth especially doesn't have a face I'd normally draw but i ended up really enjoying getting out of my comfort zone for him#i hope all the details translated well and that i interpreted aspects of their designs correctly?#i ended up accidentally giving Azura a slightly hooked nose bc i for some reason thought she had one? also struggled w/ her mouth a tad#but i decided to keep it in bc it made her face more unique lol. i already draw amity with a hooked nose so it kind of makes sense#you could say it's from alador though (which was also how i justified the way i drew her mouth since i normally draw Luz's differently-#-just imagine she got it from Camila)#also i recognize thst Hyacinth's cane arm is wonky?? really sorry about that! he was leaning on it a certain way in the ref photo#and i tried to replicate that but. eh#It's been a weird difficult time art wise recently#mainly cause of the hiatus I had to take cause of exams that I'm still recovering from.#Probably gonna end up taking another art/posting break (though we'll see how that all plays out??)#it's been a weird few weeks but not bad. I'm just kind of. trying to remain chill!#kinds wanna rewatch but I'm always afraid I'll overindulge and get sick of the shows i love 😭 but also the longer i go w/o rewatching#the more insane i become. like the joker#I've also been slightly back into comics recently and it sucks. i hate it here fr let me out#but yeah that's where we are rn at ladel studios. just chilling i think!#i like it. gonna see if i can cultivate it as a skill
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