#transmission media
genobeat · 1 year
As of 4.30, I'm now 19 yrs old! I'm remaking for hopefully a final time to @isledelfino
I'm going to try to post a lot more in depth about video games; similarly to blogs like (suppermariobroth, sonichedgeblog, videogameartarchive, etc) but for Nintendo and Sega in general (among others).
I'll still have my handful of side blogs where I post my interests and my personal side blog as well.
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Begin Transmission by Tilly Bridges
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Trans woman and screenwriter Tilly Bridges takes you through the trans allegories of the Matrix franchise, with deep dives into The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Animatrix, The Matrix Revolutions , and The Matrix Resurrections , tracking one person’s transition journey - from Thomas Anderson, to Neo... to Trinity. Each movie’s allegory is deeply layered, building from movie to movie, and speaks to a different aspect of trans existence. You’ll learn how color is used to convey more than you realize, how Neo’s psyche is personified in the people around him, how no other mass media franchise speaks as truly, deeply, and honestly to the trans experience, and exactly why these movies are beloved and vital to the trans community (and their cis allies). Free your mind, and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this book yet, but it sounds quite interesting.
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I Am A Media Student And Will Therefore Overanalyze This Shot Pt1
Right I just want to talk about this shot here:
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From Transmission. 
So the first interesting thing here is their outfits - one of the most interesting things this series has been the antagonists' designs. Gabriel has always worn light colours, but before there was red too, like with Nathalie. Red is often used to connote danger and villainy, but there is now not a trace of the colour on Gabriel's outfit. The new outfit that he has designed for himself is entirely white, even his hair and glasses. White is often used in conjunction with purity and innocence, suggesting that Gabriel is trying to put forth an angelic image of himself - fitting, as he refuses to admit that Ladybug and Cat Noir aren't the cause of his problems, and continues to refute the idea that he's the bad guy in this situation. Nathalie, on the other hand, is very different. Her outfit is black with red, both colours typically associated with darkness and villainy respectively. We could otherwise see this as a very businesslike, coordinated, sophisticated style (typical business attire) with a streak (the literal red streak in her hair, the stripe on her glasses) of villainy, of vengeance, spite, malevolence, whatever word you want to use - either way, she's not making any attempt to hide it. She hasn't made any attempt to change this outfit at all, and the only addition in S5 is the back brace, aligning with the idea that she knows that she is the villain, and acknowledges the severity of her crimes. Even the lighting is significant - there are far more shadows on Nathalie and her side of the shot than Gabriel, who is almost haloed in this light. However, when you look at their eyes, you get a very different story. Gabriel's eyes are very, very dark, a sort of greyish-black, whereas Nathalie's are bright blue - which seems at odds with their design otherwise, and you'd expect them to be the other way around. However, this serves to emphasise the truth - the eyes are often described as being the windows to the soul, and eyes are commonly used in animation to tell us whether or not we are supposed to sympathise with a character (I can't find it now but I saw a post about Bruno from Encanto that summed this up perfectly). Blue eyes are normally associated with clarity, innocence or youth, here - which makes a stark contrast to everything else about Nathalie's design, and implies that there is more to her story than we know. Gabriel's eyes, however, are dark, and we can't quite tell what he's thinking. 
The next thing is the composition. Gabriel has just said the line, "I'm not a monster", but the shot makes it glaringly obvious who is in the right here. Nathalie is higher up than Gabriel, having a literal "moral" high ground. Both are looking at the other - Gabriel looking up, obviously, and Nathalie is quite literally "looking down" on Gabriel - just as she's looked down on his recent attempts to get the Miraculous, and his attempts to "be a better father" to Adrien. The light directly between them gives the idea of something separating them - that something being the heroes, who are the reason they were driven apart (Gabriel's obsession) but also are the reason that neither can betray the other (because of mutually assured destruction - neither can accuse the other without implicating themselves). However, Nathalie being the one closer to Adrien's room implies that she is blocking Gabriel's path or "guarding" the entrance to Adrien's room. 
Finally, the symmetry of the shot gives the impression that these are two characters who could easily have followed the others path. They're wearing similar clothes - high-necked shirts and blazers, both have glasses, and their hair is at a similar angle (if that makes any sense). Even their stances are similar here, which is significant as Nathalie usually stands slightly hunched over ever since the beginning of S4, when she started walking with the brace. (Edit: I've recently noticed that this is something that is present since S1.) This implies that both of them could have gone either way - Nathalie could have continued further and further in assisting Gabriel, either as Mayura or potentially (now that they have all the Miraculous) with another power, and continued to be the "monster" that she thinks she is. On the other hand, Gabriel could have realised that his actions were monstrous, rather than denying it, and put aside his battle with Ladybug and Cat Noir the way that Nathalie has. Either of them could easily have chosen a different path. 
Anyway, there's my over-analysis! I love this shot so much. 
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princecupid · 1 year
in the marketing for interstellar, matt damon wasn't mentioned at all and when the movie came out him being in it was a total surprise
...highkey hoping NSS is doing the same thing with alex, because if they put erin yvette in the voice cast post today it would've been huge spoilers if alex IS in lost signals
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
I’m pretty sure bg3’s going to sweep every category it’s nominated for in the game awards, except perhaps best multiplayer lol
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thethingost · 12 days
my apolocheese for my spam earlier folks. or mini-spam i guess. idk i loooove 20+ year old media YAAAAYYYYY
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Help I have listened to Tales to Be Told and I am OBSESSED with Alice and Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser.
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ufolvr · 4 months
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I 💛 her btw she's nuts
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feedbackblues · 5 months
Do u whine about ppl liking Bad Media to make up for the fact you make no real contribution irl?
this is so funny... can u get off anon & kiss me on my hot mouth
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
Voices and Pages: Navigating the Pros and Cons of Oral and Written Communication
In the vast tapestry of human communication, two fundamental threads have woven intricate patterns throughout our history: the spoken word and the written script. Both modes of expression, oral and written, bear their unique strengths and weaknesses, shaping the ways we share information, preserve culture, and advance as societies.
Oral Communication: The Power of Spoken Words
1. Immediate Impact: The spoken word carries an immediacy that written language often lacks. In face-to-face interactions, nuances of tone, pitch, and rhythm enrich the message, fostering a deeper connection between speaker and listener.
2. Dynamic Adaptation: Orality allows for real-time adjustments. A speaker can gauge the audience's reactions and tailor their message accordingly, ensuring comprehension and engagement.
3. Cultural Tradition: Many cultures have passed down their histories, myths, and wisdom through oral traditions. Storytelling, poetry, and oral epics are integral to preserving the essence of diverse cultural narratives.
1. Ephemeral Nature: Spoken words are transient, existing only in the moment. Once uttered, they often fade into the recesses of memory, unless intentionally recorded or passed down through generations.
2. Limited Reach: Oral communication has geographic limitations. It primarily serves immediate, local audiences, making it challenging to convey complex information across vast distances without distortion.
3. Subject to Interpretation: The absence of a fixed script can lead to misinterpretations. The same oral narrative might be recounted differently by different individuals, introducing variations and potential inaccuracies.
Written Communication: Unveiling the Power of the Written Word
1. Permanent Record: Written language creates a lasting record. From ancient scrolls to digital archives, written communication preserves knowledge, allowing it to transcend time and be shared widely.
2. Precision and Clarity: The written word allows for precise expression. Authors can carefully craft their messages, providing clarity and reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation.
3. Global Reach: With the advent of written languages and translation technologies, written communication can traverse continents, enabling the dissemination of information on a global scale.
1. Lack of Immediacy: Unlike oral communication, written messages lack immediacy. Responses are not instantaneous, potentially impeding dynamic, real-time exchanges.
2. Fixed Expression: Once written, a text is static. It remains unchanged unless intentionally edited. This lack of adaptability can be a drawback in situations that demand flexibility.
3. Potential for Misinterpretation: Despite efforts to be precise, written communication is susceptible to misinterpretation. Readers bring their own perspectives and experiences, influencing how they understand written words.
In the ongoing evolution of communication, the interplay between oral and written forms continues to shape our understanding of the world. Whether spoken in the heat of the moment or etched onto pages for posterity, each mode carries its significance, contributing to the rich tapestry of human expression.
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i think in conversations about "media literacy" or whatever its important to remember that even if some deplorable act is portrayed as a bad thing in the context of a story its still perfectly normal if someone doesnt want to interact with it. like "oh but its framed as a bad thing!!!!!!!!!!" isnt a valid reason to make people feel bad for personally disliking a media because of it having [really bad thing] in it
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[Pinned post accompaniment]
Tagging system:
#genius speaks [original post]
#incoming transmission [asks]
#unknown sender [anonymous]
#social interaction [character reblogs]
#from the internet [non character reblogs]
#private logs [whisper] [For when he is talking to himself, without other characters being able to hear.]
#technical expertise [media attached]
#404 error [dream/recollection]
#breaking the fourth wall [OOC]
#task manager [to do list]
#data collection [polls]
Trigger warnings are written as #error.subject (for example, error.needles, error.amputation). If it’s two words (or more), the spaces will be replaced by periods. (Example, error.needle.mention).
If you need something tagged you can either message or send an ask [my memory is. Not so great. So I cannot promise anything but I will try.]
Character tags:
My timeline
#orange pawn [mikey]
#red king [raph]
#blue bishop [leo]
#the crow [darner]
#teal rook [casey junior]
#cyber bishop [S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.]
#turquoise pawn [acie]
#green queen [april]
#green knight [yarrow]
#minor interference [minor character]
Past timeline
#donnie.pst [past!donnie]
#mikey.pst [past!mikey]
#raph.pst [past!raph]
#leo.pst [past!leo]
#toby.pst [past!toby]
#junior.pst [past!cj]
#yarrow.pst [erin]
Lite timeline [Slightly in the past]
#donnie.lte [donnie lite]
#mikey.lte [mikey lite]
#raph.lte [raph lite]
#leo.lte [leo lite]
#toby.lte [toby lite]
#yarrow.lte [zinnia]
Genius Built [AU] timeline
#indigo knight [gb!donnie]
All other characters will have their blog name as the tag.
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simonstamenovic · 10 months
I think that if this author wrote this book with a few more years experie it would be crazy insane
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forcedhesitation · 8 months
oh the teaser. it has to be chucky, right?
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thecapturedafrique · 2 years
So Alya is just fucking trapped in the Black Best Friend role huh 🗿
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thethingost · 1 year
oh my god today’s the 41st birthday of the thing 1982 WOOOOOO LETS GOOOOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOVIE
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