skyflyinginaction · 7 months
Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL Official Setting + Shinwa Sekai he no Tabi translations 
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I don’t own the raw scans or the translations in this post all credit for the translation belongs to Miel who did a wonderful job on it. The Nanashi bio was already translated by Dijeh and the rest are translated by them.
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In the early scenarios, she was supposed to be a tomboyish character who often used foul language. As you can see, she ended up the complete opposite (lol). Asahi was designed as a child whose parents had lovingly raised, and had her life planned out for her to survive in this destroyed world. They were hoping that she would one day be able to see the light of dawn, hence she was named Asahi. We based her design off themes of the sky, hence the goggles, hat and the blue color scheme to make a pure, orthodox heroine.
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A harmonious, all-green presence… Actually I just came up with that after (lol). But I think the meaning of Navarre's scarf color was shown pretty well in the game. His ghost form and the fact that he would be a partner was decided from the very beginning. I wanted him to be able to run around the map following the MC, so I suggested a mascot-like design that could float alongside the MC. I'm glad he was able to re-appear as a likeable character (lol).
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In the previous game, she was an event character with only pixel art, but in this game, we decided from the very beginning that she would be a partner along with Navarre. We tried to keep the same imagery she had from the previous game but designed elements unique to this game. After she became one with Danu, I wanted a change in both mind and body. Her hair and eye color, as well as her physique are all mixed with Western features, and when compared to the main characters who are all children, she looks like a mature adult lady.
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We had planned to create a mixed-race child who would show what kind of world setting it was in this game. His brown-colored skin was the only thing that still remained of his initial draft; every thing else about him was totally changed from the initial planned scenario. We gave him a Ashura-kai styled outfit, as well as a school jersey to make him look like a child delinquent. The pointy ears and black nails were to give him a demonic feel. When he transforms, he changes color, and I think it perfectly represents the devs’ ideal image of him.
When Chironnupu was created as a demon, I was requested to make him a mascot-like character. They did not want a standard cutesy character, but rather something that had a “Megami Tensei" type of cuteness. There are very few legends about the Chironnupu, so I got ideas from keywords such as Ainu, fox, divine spirits, and hunting, and instead of simply drawing a fox, I made him a young spirit that wears a carved wooden mask.
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When I first heard that Navarre’s younger brother was going to be in the game, I laughed… and I was very surprised. Of course they must have the same hairstyle and facial expressions to live up to the family name (lol). Since he is an elite member of the newly established Samurai group, I put his Samurai uniform over his inner wear, so that he looked like a medieval musketeer but set in modern day. The cross symbol represents God and the four archangels. Michael's spear was originally meant to defeat Lucifer, so I based its design off Lucifer’s motif.
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Out of all the characters, this character had the most changes and was the most difficult to design. In the early designs, she was made to look like a miko (TN: shrine maiden) who served Lilith, so I wanted her design to emphasize her young age when compared to Asahi and Nozomi. That design later evolved into a tall, ephemeral type of girl, and then later, finally settled into the design of an assassin. She’s designed as a member of the Ring of Gaea, and her unmasked face has the cuteness of a Japanese doll but also a beauty that exudes an exoticism. 
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This is a character that appears right at the beginning of the game, but we did not originally plan to have an illustration for him. However, there was a request for a illustration to show the worldview of this hunter from Tokyo, and how the world and the people he cared for were being overrun by demons. Thus we created illustrations for the 3 of them: Nikkari, Manabu, and Master. The name Nikkari is based off a famous sword, but you’ll just have to find out whether or not his sword is the real deal by playing the game.
As a more senior hunter, he has become a unique character. Like Nikkari, we had initially only planned to have pixel art for him, so we made sure to exaggerate that reggae-like feel to convey his love for reggae, even if it's a tiny pixel art. Compared to veteran hunters, he didn't have much experience yet, so we designed him to still look a little naive. Having designs for the sub-characters was not initially planned, so I only had a short amount of time to design them, but I was able to take a breather and had fun while drawing them.
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When I was making drafts of his design, I borrowed the design of the adult form of the protagonist (lol). Since the character is a former hunter of an inhabitable society and a master of the company, I gave him unshaven stubble and thick arm hair to give him that rugged feel, but also gave him the outfit of a bar waiter to give him a sense of tidiness. Anyway, it feels like a strange coincidence that the pilot-style outfit worn by the original adult protagonist ended up being worn by Asahi instead. I wanted to see how well he would do.
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Swordsman Hunter
During the idea stage, there were many variations for a non-human hunter. This is a lightly armored female hunter whose main weapon is a sword. Her personality also seems outgoing.
Professor Matsuda
This was the initial idea draft for Matsuda. Back then he was planned to be a NPC that you can speak to but didn’t have a character portrait. His facial expressions can’t be seen clearly from the small portrait, but you can see his hunched-back posture.
Elite Hunter
An elite hunter who has a high rank and is well-dressed. It's the type you don't see very often in the underground world of Tokyo, but it seems there’s actually some hunters who are living a privileged life out there.
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Punk Hunter
A female hunter that catches the eye with her standing hair and studded clothes. Strong female hunters who live by fighting with demons are all cool-looking. The same goes for Nozomi. It’s no wonder Asahi admires them.
Child Hunter
The boy with the spear is an NPC you can talk to. During the designing stage he was made to be a little child hunter but the final version of the NPC seems to be older in appearance.
Gaea Elder
An old man who was created as a member of the Gaea. Compared to the fierce male members and cold-looking female members, he’s more of a good-natured old man character.
Asurakai Member
Most of the Ashurakai members were thugs in suits, so we had the idea for a man who actually looked dangerous because he had a drawn knife in his hand. Might’ve been a change after Tayama’s death.
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nitrochiralfan · 2 years
Lemures Blue at 2.a.m Main Character Bios
These pages was taken from the Lemures Blue art book. The translation was done by this lovely person. I don’t own the translation or art don’t reblog without crediting the original owners. be sure to supports the creators by buying this book. The charater bios contains major spoilers for the game, If you haven’t played the game I recommend not to read. if you do read at your own risk. you had been warned
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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I love how big of a difference a few simple layers can make.  Texture only is meh, its washed out, very flat  with transluency its better but its still to... smooth adding a normla map? Now thats perfect. the difference between normal and no normal is massive and gives it life imo. 
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giazhou1 · 6 months
With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the problem of interior noise has become more and more prominent, and consumers' demand for a comfortable interior environment has also increased. In terms of car noise treatment, transulate has become a popular material. Its advantages in lightweight, environmental protection and other aspects make it an ideal choice for extensive use in car interiors.
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kingyazer · 6 months
With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the problem of interior noise has become more and more prominent, and consumers' demand for a comfortable interior environment has also increased. In terms of car noise treatment, transulate has become a popular material. Its advantages in lightweight, environmental protection and other aspects make it an ideal choice for extensive use in car interiors.
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what do you think Touya was like at school?
Hmmm…I don’t know either or even think the manga hasn’t shown it to us so all we can do is harken a guess as to what it's like.
If we are talking about Touya then based on what we got from snippets in the manga 
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Touya is surrounded by his classmates who want to be heroes, this creates pressure on Touya to perform to endeavor expectations in surpassing All Might. Touya has to be a hero too if he isn’t then he would not fit in.
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Next, Touya used the same line that Endeavor used but the wording used is different in context transulation said that Touya is adopting the same mindset as Endeavor but this isn’t it. endeavor used the hero as a shield to run away from any responsibility. 
Others would frame this as Touya thinking he needed to be good enough to be included in the world of heroes and be worth anything in his father's eyes.
But if you think about his rant with Natsuo and what he said prior I mentioned that his classmates wanting to be heroes makes Touya feel that he does not fit in because he didn’t match their perception. this line shows how disconnected he is from his classmates because of the fact that they don’t understand what he sees due to his own father. 
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What I think based on what I told you before is what Touya is like in school, Touya is seen sitting by himself either reading or studying. If we examine on how Dabi acts in his time at the league he mostly hangs in the background observing his surroundings never engaging with the League at times. 
There is a disconnect between him and his classmates which is largely caused by his home life touya is lonely but he doesn’t know how to interact with others. The trauma that affected Touya in school made him lonely in turn caused him to close himself off and refuse friendship 
In school, people know that Touya is the son of the number 2 hero but don’t approach him due to their different standing. Furthering the loneliness Touya felt.
Touya didn’t seem interested in others he never participated in group activities until someone asked, When Touya does participate he never looks to have fun he joins because he feels that he needs to fulfill out of obligation this is seen when he is invited to play with Natsuo and Fuyumi.
He helps out because he feels he needs to be useful if he wants to fell like he has a place to stay in the group.
I think Touya is popular with girls but he doesn’t know it, he is innocent when it comes to flirting Smash makes reference to that. 
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It has been stated Dabi was similar to Todoroki before he enrolled in U.A. so if you considered how Shoto acted in class after he was enrolled that might be similar to how Touya acted.
the reason why he isn’t interested in others is due to how deep he is in his trauma he doesn’t have the time to invest his energy in others because he is primarily focused on his problems at home.
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the-enzyme · 1 year
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I finally got some Penny’s Box Antu (Dreamlike Tea Party) Centaurs! One of my older (grand) nieces who has a slight interest in BJD, but loves all other dolls of all types, wanted a chance to get the secret versions. So, she purchased a full set of six for that reason (from Kikagoods, first batch if I recall correctly). She’s going to college soon however, so she wanted to lighten the cost by splitting the set with me and her oldest cousin (not blood-related to me, whom appears to also be interested in collector dolls), so she didn’t feel too terrible about the purchase. 
She didn’t get any of the secret ones, sadly, but she seems to like these enough that now she wants to get the other Penny’s Box Antu and Adou, as well as some of the Simon’s Toys Teenar girls. I don’t think she’ll get into resin BJD (most of my family are action figure/adult-miniature-collector types, and many don’t favor resin). But now she seems adicted to Chinese desginer trading collector toys! Not sure that’s good or not, but I was able to get these girls finally! I am super happy with mine; she sent the boxes sealed, although we all agreed we were okay if she got to choose the ones she wanted to keep (by opening all the boxes). I am happy with mine -- I was only interested in getting only one originally, but then because I felt I needed to help out a bit more (to lighten the expense burden), I paid for two boxes.
I got the one with the brown hair and the one with the gradient black and white hair! I wish I would have gotten one of the pink or purple/bluish hairs, because they seem like they have semi-transulent hair pieces! However, I might try again, once I am not hording other stuff (or paying for extra-expensive s/h from Japan!). These truly are super adorable dolls, I don’t mind owning a few more than I originally intended, although I certainly don’t need all six (watch me as I fail at that, just like at just getting only one)! LoL! DX
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k00296471 · 10 months
Project: Disrupt
Workshop: Manifesto poster making
•This was my favourite workshop I've done so far.
•We learned about many of the gadgets in the room. The Risograph printer. With a static senser. Oil based inks. It's sustainable by not using heat, and by having plant based inks. The machine is colour blind. It only knows tones/values. The inks are transparent. When the colours are made, they are always slightly different each time. Each colour layer has 50% transparency when printed. The Risograph uses 3 colours max. The machine can print off digital pieces and hand-made pieces. Which is great for digital artists. And it makes it more sustainable.
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•I sketched some ideas of mine
•The colours we used were green and pink. Green was our base colour. Floresent pink was the highlight. We drew our base image on a white sheet. We drew our highlight on transulent paper so we could see how the two layers looked on top of each other prior to printing.
First design
•I Chose the money idea for my first poster design. It represents food companies making money off of people.
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•Here is the reference photo I took.
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•I also wanted to see what it looked in colour before printing. I used the app ibisPaint X. I created a green layer and pink layer. Making them both 50% transulent.
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•Here is what it looks like printed on white, yellow, and blue paper
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•The teacher suggested I add more cut-up magazine prices to the design. I added many cut-out magazine pieces to the blue layer. I did not get to put the new poster design into the risograph printer
My second poster design
•I also digitally designed another poster digetally
•I will make it into a two layered piece for printing.
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yukirayu · 1 year
Thank you pointing out the changes in the localization and the Japanese one I was pretty angry at how badly the localization handled slow damage and II’m glad that you pointed the transulation s errors in your post
This is kind of belated, but you're welcome! I got rather miffed from a few people who gave me quite a lot of grief by defending the localization to the death so I became determined to do a side-by-side comparison in retaliation to show that yes, like it or not, the localization took questionable liberties.
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kmgquote · 1 month
Leak-proof Condiment Squeeze Bottles for Sauces - 8 OZ Kitchen Squirt Bottles for Liquids - Plastic Condiment Bottles for Sauce, Ketchup, Dressing, Oil - Easy Pour & Clean, 3 Pack
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gursimrankaur03 · 2 months
Luxor Limo: Redefining New York City to Boston Car Service
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erytheans · 1 year
can you please transulate the k wonderful school days prologue please when you have time?
Sorry this is years late, but I will not!
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nitrochiralfan · 2 years
Lemures Blue at 2.a.m Creator’s Interview
This interview was taken from the Lemures Blue art book. The translation was done by this lovely person. I don’t own the translation or interview don’t re blog without crediting the original owners. be sure to supports the creators by buying this book. This interview contains major spoilers for the game, If you haven’t played the game I recommend not to read. if you do read at your own risk. you had been warned
Creator Interview
I have created a spectral explanation survey, and I will answer the questions we received.. Thank you to everyone who replied to the survey!
Q. Which route was the easiest to write?
Itsuki’s route. His primary principle was clearly stated to be the guilt he felt towards Shinnosuke, so I think it was the easiest to sympathize with as he strived for repentance. Also, thanks to Itsuki’s supernatural powers, Aoi can go more places, like the city.
Q. Which route was the hardest to write?
Hinata and Aoi’s route, easily. I wasn’t sure about Hinata’s motivation, or how he would help Aoi. I hadn’t decided on Hinata’s personality for quite a while...
Q. Which character was the easiest to write?
Sakura. He’s pretty easy to understand as a character. He speaks and acts like he always has Aoi’s best interests in mind. But there’s more to him than that. His father not accepting him is also easy to sympathize with.
Q. Which character was the hardest to write?
Aoi. I didn’t want him to sound repetitive, so I had to work very hard to avoid that. Also, he’s a ghost, so he’s limited on how much he’s able to do.
Q. Do you have a favorite character, or one you’re attached to?
Everyone has their own opinions, but if you ask me... I would have to say Aoi. I both hate him and love him... He’s a monster, and yet we empathize with him, we think about how we can save him.
Q. Which character in Lemures Blue is the most similar to you?
!?!? Some people said I was like Aoi, but I asked my friends who know about my obsession with him, and they said I wasn’t like Aoi. Maybe I’m like Sakura then, since he’s obsessed with Aoi too.
Q. What’s your favorite route?
For me, it’s Itsuki’s route. Unlike the other two, he has no history with Aoi. They were complete strangers, but once he met Aoi, Itsuki’s life slowly fell apart. Sakura and Hinata had deep connections with Aoi, but Itsuki’s never had to be involved. That’s what I like most about it. I also like the idea of the two of them being alone in the world. Or maybe it’s just because I concentrated too hard on Hinata and Sakura during production that I naturally gravitate toward Itsuki...
Q. What are your favorite scenes in each route?
In Sakura’s route, there’s two scenes: the scene where he spreads blueberries on Aoi’s body, and the one where the two sing together. For the first one, I was aiming for it to be a sickening scene. And for the other one, the music by TownHall was fantastic! I playtested it a lot.
For Itsuki’s route, it’s the train ride scene. It’s the only route that has the characters contrast with the people of the city. I really liked the idea of the two boys alone together in the middle of the night among the adults. In the Hinata/Aoi route, it’s the scene with Hinata running. I tried my best to make it feel animated. Animation is about breathing life into things that can’t move on their own, and I wanted to do that for Hinata. I was so happy when I played through that scene.
Q. What is your favorite ending?
Perfect Dystopia from Hinata/Aoi’s route. Aoi becomes a terror on the world once he enters high school. He believes that people dying at fourteen would be a benefit to society. Fourteen years old is the limit until people become unpredictable. Also, I think Akane Aoi is a good name... I think it fits him well as a high school student.
Q. How long does it take to make an illustration?
30 minutes for the sketch, 20 minutes for the line art, 3 hours to color, and 30 minutes of rendering. So about 5 hours, roughly.
Q. Did you do the line art by hand?
Yes. I use a Pentel Graph 600 mechanical pencil.
Q. Which illustrations were the hardest to draw?
The illustration of Sakura in Chapter 3 and the one of Hinata running in Chapter 12. For Hinata, it was simply a lot of work to do. For Sakura, it was difficult overcoming my own shame.
Q. What do you focus on the most when drawing?
I don’t focus on anything in particular. Maybe the colors?
Q. How did you come up with the story?
It began with the idea of the main character meeting a mysterious boy and wondering if he’s a ghost, only to find out that they were a ghost themselves. And then I expanded it from there. In Lemures Blue, there was a truth that had to be revealed, so I focused on foreshadowing and false leads. I’m not that good at writing a story, so I write isolated scenes when they come to me and find some way to connect them. I drew the artwork first and created the story around that, which isn’t exactly common. Otherwise, I wrote down questions I had in my notebook and tried to answer them.
Q. Did you model the characters after anything? Any sort of motifs?
I didn’t have any motifs in mind, other than the color scheme— blue, red, yellow, green. I also pulled from the characters from other projects. Aoi’s face was meant to resemble a creepy avatar character, for example. I didn’t model the characters off of anything in particular, but I am aware that Aoi and Hinata resemble characters from Evangelion. I was hoping to create a false lead with Hinata resembling Kaworu.
Q. What works influenced you?
For Lemures Blue, I was most influenced by the works of Nisio Isin, Otsuichi, and Ikuji’s works. I was exposed to Nisio Isin in a very emotional period in my life, and while I’m not directly
influenced by his works, they definitely influence the basis of my projects. Characters, settings, wordplay... It all comes back to him. My desire to do a “I was really a ghost this whole time!” twist was largely influenced by Nisio Isin and Otsuichi. I really wanted to do something like Utena, but I couldn’t at all... I think the concept of searching after a specific foreign item came from Penguindrum.
Q. What works inspired you?
I was inspired a lot by the music of Ling tosite Sigure. I remember being on the train, trying desperately to think of characters and plot concepts. I was always listening to Ling tosite Sigure on my iPod. I personally think the charm of their music is the sense of gravity in the performance, almost like the song is folding in on itself, as well as the lyrics which desperately try to depict TK’s thoughts but ultimately can’t. I especially love the grief and pain from his screams; that thought of heartbreak formed the ideal image of Aoi. In addition to Ling tosite Sigure, I’m inspired by a lot of other music.
Q. Were the characters an homage to The Heart of Thomas? (Aoi →Thomas, Hinata → Erich, Sakura → Juli, Itsuki → Oskar, etc.)
When I first thought of this game as a BL game, I immediately thought of The Heart of Thomas. Or I think my view of BL has been defined by Heart of Thomas... It wasn’t until I was nearly done that I realized the characters were almost one to one. If Aoi is Thomas and Sakura is Yuri, then the phrase “I’ll give my heart to you” is very appropriate. It might be surprising, but I didn’t intend it at all! That said, I did just read The November Gymnasium. I was surprised to see that the characters still lined up there. Aoi to Thomas, Hinata to Erich, Sakura to Oskar, and Itsuki to the class president.
Q. Is the story set in Hokkaido? Or somewhere else in Japan?
Of course it’s Hokkaido! I’m glad some people picked up on the Star Festival part. I don’t know much about Hokkaido, but cherry blossoms in July would have to be somewhere cold. I haven’t picked a specific location though. Somewhere next to the sea and a forest, and relatively close to the city. So, somewhere near Sapporo. I initially wanted to set it in Furano, but there’s no sea there... Ideally it’s somewhere near the Sea of Okhotsk, with all the drift ice and sea slugs, but the places around there are too rural to have TV... but it is set in 2033, so maybe it’ll be more urban by then!
Q. If you gave each character a voice actor, who would they be?
I’m not that well versed in voice actors, but... Aoi: I would prefer a female voice actor, for sure. My friend suggested Rie Kugimiya. A soprano voice would work best. Itsuki: A female voice actor that can do a male voice, or a male voice actor with a higher voice. The shriller, the better. Hinata: I don’t have anyone in mind for him. My friend said Jun Fuyukama, and while I’m not familiar with him, he seems to be a good pick. Sakura: Anyone. No real preference.
Q. Who is seme and who is uke?
All of the characters could easily be seme or uke. I hope people don’t worry about it too much.
That said, the original concept was for Aoi to be seme to everyone, but with Hinata he’s uke. But now I just go with how I’m feeling in the moment. (Also, my views on seme/uke are very different from the rest of the world, so don’t take anything I say as fact.)
Q. The piano is important to the story, but have you ever played one?
I used to play the piano in kindergarten, and the keyboard in middle school. I’m a bit out of practice these days, though.
Q. When did you come up with the April Fool’s joke?
It was around the middle of March. I may have had the idea sometime before then. It’s frustrating for it to be called a shonen-ai game even though it’s a BL game, so I made it in order to show what BL is really like (lol).
Q. Why did you start making games?
I was inspired by playing lots of other games. I’ve always wanted to put my creativity to use, but I’m not very good at manga or writing. But with games, it’s just illustrations and dialogue! I felt it was the best fit for me. In fact, I enjoy being able to use music in games as well.
Q. What made you want to make Lemures Blue?
It all started with the idea of a plot twist. I made a 30-minute long game in order to test it out. I had no idea it would become this big.
Q. What message did you want to convey with this game?
It’s in Chapter 12, where Hinata and Aoi are shouting near the ocean. Like I wrote in the commentary, I want people to appreciate themselves... even a little. It’s a bit embarrassing…
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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giazhou1 · 11 months
SINOYQX Launches Melamine Foam in Rolls for Electronic Precision Manufacturing Industry
SINOYQX, on 30th, 10, 2023 launches melamine foam in rolls for thermal insulation, flame retardant and heat preservation application on electronic precision manufacturing industry.
The Melamine Foam in Rolls by SINOYQX's innovative processing technology, has a uniform appearance, and high open cell ratio. It is widely used in the electronic precision manufacturing industry, providing excellent thermal insulation, flame retardant, heat preservation, and the material in rolls, which facilitates the customer's post-processing adhesive laminating process, and improves the production efficiency.
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Typical Properties of SINOYQX Melamine Foam in Rolls:
Permanent flame retardancy (UL94 V-0, HF-1, B1 grade) ;
Excellent acoustic performance (0.95NRC) ;
Excellent thermal insulation (thermal conductivity, 0.035 W/ (m*K)) ;
Permanent and stable three-dimensional mesh structure (99% open-cell) ;
Wide range of weathering (minus 180 degrees Celsius to 200 degrees Celsius, up to 240 degrees Celsius, with a wide range of weathering resistance (minus 180 degrees Celsius to 200 degrees Celsius, up to 240 degrees Celsius, with a maximum resistance of 240 degrees Celsius, with a wide range of weathering resistance) ;
Lightweight (8.5KG/cubic meter) ;
Environmentally friendly (does not contain any halogenated hydrocarbons, flame retardants and/or toxic heavy metals; does not emit toxic or harmful gases when burnt in a flame);
Environmentally stable (resistant to acids, alkalis, antibacterials and molds) .
Typical Specifications for SINOYQX Rolled Melamine Foam:
Thickness: 0.3mm to 3mm
Width: 100mm to 600mm
Length: 20m/roll to 300m/roll
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In addition to its properties advantages, SINOYQX melamine foam in rolls have many other merits, such as highly cost-effective, short lead time, in-time after-sales service, even OEM service.
SINOYQX is looking for partners and distributors of its melamine foam in rolls products globally.
SINOYQX is a huge chemical entity based on natural gas production chain, manufacturing urea (AdBlue), melamine(powder), melamine foam, melamine cyanurate (MCA), polyphosphate (MPP), polyvinyl butyral resin (low-polymerization PVB resin), modified melamine formaldehyde resins, and other chemical products. The annual capacity of AdBlue is 150,000Litters and 600,000Tons of Granule; Melamine, 50,000Tons; Melamine foam, 200,000M3, the Melamine Cyanurate (MCA) is 50,000Tons. And the Transulate (an Equivalent of 3M Thinsulate) is 20,000 Sqm, per day.
For more information about SINOYQX's rolled melamine foam products, please call us at 028-8411-1861 or write to us at [email protected] for free samples or quotes, or for more innovative solutions.
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suikyounamegami · 2 years
excuse me can you transulate Slow Damage | Escenas Eliminadas into english please I would like to know what its about
"Deleted Scenes"
it's about scenes that weren't used in the game
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