#travelin stan
travelinstan · 1 year
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Part two of Arabia Mountain! AM is home to an endangered species of succulent called Diamorpha Smallii, also known as Elf Orpine. It’s bright red and blooms in the spring time before it totally dies off to survive the summer heat. Much of the plant was already pretty dry and crunch, but I was delighted to see some patches still in bloom.
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askthestans · 2 years
I Know We’ll Meet Again Some Sunny Day...
~ Somewhere In the Pacific Ocean ~
Waves roll and roil as they circle a lone boat in the waters. On its hull reads 'STAN O' WAR II' in capital white letters.
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The air is frigid, punctuated by the occasional warm furl of coffee, cigar smoke, and spicy cologne scents mingled together. The black and crimson craft bobs along, glossy with moonlight and the golden glow of a single window.
Within that window stand two men so similar in profile and color - eyes tea brown and hair wavy and silver - that, if not for their different clothes and glasses, one would mistake them as clones. That is, until one sets his palms on the oak table.
He sifts these six fingered hands through yellowed pages with maps on them. A little smile comes to his face as he then organizes the maps into neat piles, sorts them into a folder, then places the folder atop a maroon book with a golden hand, covering the numeral six in the center. He takes a swig from an owl shaped mug, sighs pleasant and quiet, and leans against the table as he looks out at the sea, eyes forever trained to look for what secrets it could be hiding.
In the corner is the other man, sifting through objects in a tattered leather steamer trunk. Coins with emperor’s faces long worn, multiple dice with different numbers of sides, a crystal dagger, papyrus scrolls, a flat stone with Elder Futhark runes etched into it, a clover with twelve leaves, and on one end, multiple knitted sweaters, glittery letters tucked into their arms, and a different design on each front.
He refolds them gently, fond memories resurfacing with every stitch. A banshee whose screeching was really practice for a heavy metal band and not an omen of death. A skeletal, antlered wendigo whose rotting smell he perfectly recalls even now, and whose ability to mimic his brother’s voice still chills him to the bone. Then there’s the one with the vampire who never sparkled in real life nor was actually that attractive, though he knows that kind of embellishment was to be expected.
At the very top is one with him and his doppelganger walking side by side towards an A frame house with the words ‘Mystery Shack’ on the roof, and a portly man, a woman, and a teenage boy and girl with matching hair there to greet them.
But that memory hasn’t happened just yet. Nor would any holding of hands be involved, he knows, but he grins crookedly at the sentiment.
That night, they fall asleep to the lullaby of waves and each other’s calm breathing. The next day, they pull into a quiet harbor, get into a maroon car, and drive through the morning mists into redwood forests. By dinner, they’re at that house, walking side by side towards it, and to their delight, the scene is a little different than it was on the sweater. 
This time, the figures don’t wait by the door. They rush forward. Hugs and questions and comments about what’s changed and what hasn’t begin. By the time they’re ready to head inside, the teenage girl is already measuring one brother around the waist and arms, and the teenage boy is already pouring over the maroon book with a hand and a six on the cover, given to him by the other brother.
After dinner, they sit around the living room table telling stories until eyelids get heavy. Summer begins again the next day, and though - like twins - more things are the same than not, there are some distinct little changes.
There’s a different kind of rift that needs patching this time. What was broken long ago takes more than adventuring around the world for a few months to fix. But everyone can see it’s well on its way towards mending.
A Few Days Later in the Shack Living Room...
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Stanley: You know, as much as I like travelin’, it’s sure nice to be home, ain’t it, Ford? The best part is seein’ Dips and Mabel again, with you here the whole Summer this time. I missed those kids more than anything. Besides, I need their help with those comics I’ve been workin’ on. Mabel’s great at drawing, and Dipper’s a genius at comin’ up with plot twists.
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Stanford: It’s strange. Back in those days before our fight, I never pictured my house so full of life. I always thought I’d be alone, pouring over my research. The worst part is that I was content with that. Pleased, even. But now I dread thinking that that could have been my life.
It’s even better than I could have imagined now, actually. Not only are you here, but Dipper and Mabel... they add a lot of light to this old place.
Stanley: Don’t worry, Poindexter. I’m sure it’ll get a lot more stuffy and moody again now that you’re back.
Stanford: Hmm, we didn’t run out of that air deodorizer we had on the ship, did we? I fear the Shack might start to smell more now that you’re back, too.
Both give each other a glare. Then their expressions melt into grins and a shared chuckle.
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Stanley: You know, I get the strange feeling like we forgot something before we left on our adventure, though. I mean, more than what got zapped outta my brain when I socked that soggy corn chip who tried to end the world, or whatever.
Stan and Ford think to themselves for a moment, then shrug. It’s not until that night, upon Ford logging into his old laptop, that they realize what it was.
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Stanford: Uh, Stan? Could you come down here? I think I discovered what that thing we forgot was.
Stan comes down into Ford’s lab with Soos, Mabel, and Dipper in tow, a conversation about the time Stan punched a kraken in the eye following them in fragments.
Stanley: Yeesh, Ford, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Like that one poltergeist jerk we exorcised in Peru after he told us he was gonna haunt our fridge for eternity. It can’t be that-
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Stanley: ...
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Mabel: That’s right! They were doing that cute old man ask blog thingy.
Dipper: Think anyone who asked one of those questions is still even around? Soos, you made stuff for the fandom, right? Are people still interested?
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Soos: Of course they are, dood! I’ve been writing Stanfiction for years now, and if there’s anything I’ve learned, well, two things actually... it’s that people just can’t seem to get enough of these guys hugging, and second, the best way to get readers is to have Ford as the main character.
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Stanley: Wait, why does Ford get more attention than me!?
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Stanford: Is it my intelligence and vast knowledge of all things supernatural and theoretical? My dark backstory as an outcast and my struggle to fix my mistakes? Or maybe my tragic, devastating need for validation of my wisdom and capability after a childhood with a father who never gave me the approval I so desperately-
Soos: I dunno. No one really said anything about your chapters until the one where I put you in a red speedo. Got lots of reviews and favorites and requests for more after that!
Someone even sent me fanart for it! Here, I was saving this for you for when you got back. I’m gonna miss having this fella on my nightstand.
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Stanley: Lookin’ a little drafty, there, Fordsy.
Stanford: Soos, that specimen incinerator I left down here still works, yes?
Soos: Yeah, I use it to burn mail Stan still gets here from the IRS all the time! Also the DEA, the DNR, the FBI...
Stanford: Fantastic! Now, do an old gentleman a favor and set that thing on the ground.
Soos: Sure, I guess?
Soos sets it on the floor. Ford takes out one of the many pistols on his belt under his trench coat and zaps the fanart with a quick electric blue beam. Then he takes a rifle out that shoots a small bubble that encapsulates the crater. A miniature nuke goes off inside, shaking the lab around them with an ear-splitting explosion. Ford lifts the bubble filled with glowing ashes and walks over to a hatch in the wall. It squeals as Ford wrenches it open. He dumps the bubble into the incinerator, which hungrily accepts it with green tongues of otherworldly fire. Meanwhile, the others stare on with blank faces.
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Stanford: Ahh! Isn’t the power of science magnificent?
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Dipper: Grunkle Ford, was that... legal? The mini nuke part, I mean?
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Stanford: My boy, if there’s anything I learned from your Grunkle Stan these past few months, it’s that if there are no cops around, anything’s legal! Also, I’m already a wanted felon in over a thousand dimensions, and I’ve set off nukes far larger and for far less than that.
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Stanley: Soos, you made copies, right?
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Soos: What do you mean? Of course I-
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Soos: I mean, no, I did not make multiple high quality copies of that fanart. There are no copies in my wallet, on my bedroom wall, in the cash register, in my secret hidden Stanfiction box in the woods, in the hands of those government agent doods who raided the house last year, or in the visor of my truck whatsoever. Nope. Nada. N-none?
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Stanford: I knew I could count on you to do the right thing, Soos. Otherwise, if I ever saw that fanart again, I’d have to set off more nukes. Specifically targeted ones. We wouldn’t want that, would we?
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Soos: Y-yes, Mr. Pines! No nukes! I could go for that! Actually, I gotta go, now that I think of it. I’m late for my burning evidence and raiding a government office appointment. You have fun answering those questions!
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Stanley: Ugh, you’re no fun. Lighten up, Sixer! The internet’ll just make dozens more.
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Stanford: And here I thought I’d escaped hell when I came back through that portal.
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Stanley: Anyway, we need to get back to business. We have 516 messages to sort through, and I’m not about to let my reputation as the internet’s favorite Grunkle die! We might not answer all of ‘em on account of some being repeats, but we’ll try to do the best we can.
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Stanford: Alright, as long as there is no more art of me wearing... never mind. Let’s just get to it. I think we should open the ask box again, too. We’ll answer a mix of old and new ones. Eventually, we’ll catch up.
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rillette · 2 years
ok so dnd. today was a long one. before i write this id like to point out that i forgot to mention last time that eivas gave us a list of people that will help us which includes: his aunt marie, his brother, the capitol branch of the tci, and a farmer dude and in the bottom corner of the note in different handwriting (we assume theriots) it says something along the lines of "if anyone knows a theriot macheteuil stay away from them"
so we arrive and guards stop the boat all "state your name and business" and boat boy helped us get disguised which included codos almost dropping damona off the side of the boat. anyways dirk thought it would be funny if the fake names we gave our dnd characters we have played in the past so we became cc=wasp hornet big man damona=wilbur soot codos=aardic zurgheid. we said we were here to see family and they let us through. we dock and get off the boat boat boy leaves and we realize haha turf and harry are the only 2 kids here but we cant really go get the other two so they are just. travelin around on the boat now. anyways we get a map and head to maries house and on the way cc looks down an alley and sees a jester with a weird purple aura that nobody else can see and she continues to see glimpses of it everywhere from then on. we arrive at maries and are greeted by her youngest son gregory who is very...confident. we then meet his older brother enjolras who goes and gets his mom. we explain that we know eivas and we need help and she offers us a place to stay. damona takes a room with harry, cc takes a room with turf, and codos takes the couch. oh also theres another son named phillip but he doesnt do anything really. we then head out to the tci hideout which is quite literally a hole in the wall and we first speak to autumn who seems not very fond of theriot when we mention him. they then go and get citrine and murmur who are like. the people in charge of that area. citrine seems fond of theriot and not a fan of eivas and murmur seems indifferent. earlier when we passed by the castle we noticed a chunk of it was *the* blue so we asked them about that since they seemed to know about *the* blue stuff and they were like yeah we dont know why that is we havent been able to get into the castle yet BUT YK YOUR HERE YOU COULD HELP US WITH THAT and we agreed but we have to go solve a problem with the waterways to prove were trustworthy. we drop the kids off at home and on our way to the waterways we stop by the address given for eivas's brother which just seems to be like....the family home? his mom was there we spoke to his mom who is very hot by the way. she said she could give us shelter if the other place didnt work out and she also asked how eivas is and that he hasnt talked to them in years. and then she was like "does eivas have a girlfriend yet?" and because i didnt think she would ask to elaborate i said "you could say that" AS A JOKE ABOUT THERIOT and then she went "oh????" and i had to pretend like eivas had a situationship with a girl. oh also eivas's mom is a clip-clop bagels stan and there is.....something goin on between the two of them. cc might be fucking eivas's mom sometime soon.
wow u guys had a productive session!! eivas is going to get a very confusing letter from his ma soon im laughing
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doubtingsalmon · 7 years
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Make a Request
¬Angels and Demons -Safe in my arms // Carmerlengo Patrick McKenna x reader
-Some things can’t be resisted // Patrick McKenna x reader
-Not that long // Patrick Mckenna x reader
-Patrick McKenna SFW alphabet
-Patrick McKenna // NSFW alphabet
-Sick Day // Patrick McKenna x reader
-Broken Vows // Patrick McKenna x reader
- Would it be a Sin? // Patrick McKenna x Fem!Reader
¬Apex Legends
- Bloodhound Headcanons
¬Arcane  - SFW alphabet // Silco
-NSFW alphabet // Silco
- Drunken Silco headcanons
-  Silco Nickname headcanons
-SFW alphabet // Vander
-NSFW alphabet // Vander
-  First meetings // Vander x reader
- Apologetic Vander Headcanons
- Impeded // Vander x Reader 
-  Eventually Together // Vander x Reader
- Vander and anniversaries headcanons
-  Vander nickname headcanons
-  Vander x shorter reader headcanons
-  Vander on Birthdays
- Viktor // SFW alphabet 
- Viktor NSFW alphabet
¬Baldur’s Gate - Modern AU shadowheart's underwear hcs
- Close proximity headcanons; Astarion, Gale, Halsin
- Gale x Fem!Selkie reader Headcanons
¬Bill and Ted franchise - Not so Wyld morning // Bill S Preston + Ted Logan x M!Reader
¬Birds of Prey - Roman Sionis SFW alphabet
- Drunken Roman // Roman Sionis x reader headcanons
-Harley Quinn SFW alphabet
- Breakfast time // Harley Quinn x GN!Reader
¬CATS - Dance with me // Misto x reader
- Jellylorum and Gus the theatre cat headcanons // CATS the Musical
¬Dead By Daylight  - Dating Ji-Woon Hak Head canons
¬Doctor Sleep N/A
¬IT -Summertime // Stan Uris x reader - Dating Richie Tozier would include...
¬Kingdom Hearts N/A
¬LOTR/The Hobbit N/A
¬Moulin Rouge - Honeybee // Christian x Reader
¬Marvel/Sony - Hobie Brown SFW alphabet
- Miguel O’Hara SFW alphabet
-Don’t Push It // Miguel O’Hara x Reader
¬Overwatch -Jesse McCree // SFW alphabet
-McCree NSFW alphabet
- A Final Decision // Jesse McCree x F!Reader
-Slightly Unexpected // McCree x Reader
-Misunderstood Distraction // McCree x Reader
-Illness is a consequence // McCree x F!Reader
- 36 Degrees C // McCree x Reader
-  McCree headcanons- Reader with a respiratory disease
- McCree headcanons- Touch-starved, short reader.
- McCree/Ashe + S/O and kids.
-Ashe // SFW alphabet
-Fresh Meat // Ashe x Reader
-Zero Hour // Mercy x reader
-When you get stressed // Various x reader
- Perfection Achieved // Moira x Reader
- Moira O’Deorain nsfw alphabet
- Shy // Junkrat x F!Reader
-Shy part 2 // Junkrat x F!Reader
- Mercy, Widow, & Sombra x fem pornstar headcanons
¬Penny Dreadful - An Idyllic life is nothing short of Splendid // Ethanessa
-A Day in Bed // Ethanessa
- Work doesn’t equal life // Victor Frankenstein x reader
¬Resident Evil -Karl Heisenberg // SFW alphabet
-Karl Heisenberg // NSFW alphabet
-Jealousy comes from love // Karl Heisenberg x reader
- Ethan Winters // NSFW alphabet
- Home // Mother!Dimitrescu x Child!F!Reader
-Home- Part 2
- Bona Fide// Lady D X Reader
-Mortuus Nomen Eius // Lady D x Non-binary reader
- Lady D X affectionate F!Reader Headcanons
- Lady Dimitrescu NSFW alphabet
- Heart of Glass // Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
- Nesiguranta // Lady Dimitrescu X Reader
- Donna Beneviento x half-lycan SO
¬Saw N/A
¬Shallow Grave - Alex Law x reader // SFW alphabet
- Murders // Alex Law x Reader
- Motus Nocere // Alex Law x Reader
- Sick // Alex Law x reader
- Drunk Alex Law headcanons - David Stephens x reader // SFW alphabet
-Time Together// David Stephens x male!reader
¬Sherlock N/A
¬Star Wars - Obi-Wan x reader // SFW alphabet
-Anakin Skywalker x reader // SFW alphabet
- Stars //Sith!Obi-Wan x pregnant!Reader
-Travelin’ Soldier // Obi-Wan x reader
-Castle // Darth Vader x Reader
- Featherlight // Padawan!Qui-Gon x Padawan!Reader
¬Stranger Things - Billy Hargrove SFW alphabet
- Sharing and Caring // Billy Hargrove x M!Reader
-  Billy x M!Metalhead!Reader Headcanons
-  SFW Alphabet // Eddie Munson
-  Steve Harrington // SFW alphabet
¬Trainspotting - Long time, no see // Mark Renton x reader
¬Marvel N/A
¬Mortal Kombat -Liu Kang NSFW alphabet
-Liu Kang SFW alphabet
-Blaze // Liu Kang x Reader
-Nightmare // Liu Kang x Reader
- Mors faces ligavit // Liu Kang x Reader
- Soot // Liu Kang X Reader
-Kung Lao NSFW alphabet
-Kung Lao SFW alphabet
-Kano NSFW alphabet
¬Mortdecai N/A
¬Misc - Self Indulgent Headcanon list // Various characters
Baldur’s Gate 
- Tiro x reader dating HCs 
-Tiro questions 1
- Tiro questions 2
- Tiro questions 3
- Dating Hcs; Renton, Micheal, Markus, Ilvon
- Bg3 ocs questions Renton, Micheal, Markus, Ilvon 2
Birds of Prey
-The Man of A Thousand Faces - Jerra
- Disbelief // Jerra
- Valerie Steward SFW alphabet
Star Wars
-The Stranger at the Festival -Alaana Rohiikshuul
Sea of Thieves
-The Omen’s Captain - Victor Farley
-A Ship’s Crew- Victor Farley
- Safety // James ‘JJ’ Hudson x reader
-  Mr Silverman assorted Headcanons
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bxccxdxll · 3 years
bxccxdxll’s Masterlist
Hello loves and welcome to my masterlist! Here you’ll find all of my fanfics. I write for Sebastian Stan and his character of James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, and Henry Cavill and his characters of Geralt of Rivia and Walter Marshall. I may write for other Marvel characters in the future but at the moment these are the only guys I write for! 
Dive deep into the fics you find here and feel free to let me know what you think and/or send in requests!
Bucky Barnes 
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One shots 
Strong Arms, Blue Eyes
Summary: You and Bucky had always been wary of each other. But can two broken people really stay apart when it’s clear that they are each other’s missing piece?
Summary: You have been with the avengers for a while but they know almost nothing about you. After one of Tony’s parties everything goes to shit.
A Purple Carnation 
Summary: Bucky helps you through one of the toughest losses in your life.
Travelin’ Soldier
Part 1
Summary: It’s 1940 and one James Buchanan Barnes has just received his orders. He’s to head overseas tomorrow. What will he do with his last day?
Part 2
Summary: Rosie receives her first letter from James and sets out to find a certain someone to keep an eye on for him.
Part 3
Summary: As the weeks go by, the letters continue. Bucky prepares for the largest battle yet and Steve does something that leaves Rosie worried about both of her boys.
Henry Cavill
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Bunny and Daisies
Summary: After a bad day at work you come home to your loving boyfriend and have a nice relaxing night with daisies, candles, and good food.
Walter Marshall
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In Case You Don’t Live Forever    
Summary: Walter comes home late to find his little girl waiting up for him wearing something that doesn’t belong to her.
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
Who is the patriarch of this clan and where might I find him?
Salem blinked at the Greylim and slowly set aside his mortar and pestle. “Well that depends on what yeh define as a ‘patriarch’,” he said, resting his elbows on the counter. “If yer askin’ about the head a’ the family, that’d be my brother Bonely, since he’s the eldest. If yer askin’ about the patron a’ the Kiemin race a’ Bel’Terum, that’s the Great Sovereign. If yer talkin’ about Terum trolls, I’m not sure.
“See, I’ve heard Stan ‘n’ I ain’t the first teh come from Bel’Terum. So I went travelin’ teh find out what they had on ‘em ‘n’ apparently, before the Necronum wars, a gatherin’ a’ Gærlim used the wayports teh escape a genocidal war that split their interfightin’ tribes. One portion allied themselves with the Clerci Clerics ‘n’ became Eilgarum, one portion allied themselves with the Necronum ‘n became Draconum, ‘n’ the third part either died or escape through the wayport the here.
“I can only guess that those who made it here came ‘n’ mixed with the native trolls ‘n’ became the Terum trolls. So as fer their patriarch, I expect it’s a tribe or clan leader. Someone like Vendel ‘cept fer the Terum trolls. From what I learned, I think their oldest troll there is actually a matriarch named Antiila but I dunno if she’s still around anymore. Might wanna check. If yeh can, I mean.”
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murdershegoat · 5 years
Very Specific Playlists: A Masterpost (updated)
(all playlists are under the username sgotta)
maggie x alex - sanvers playlist
worlds greatest cover band - covers only, mostly glee
modern classics
i’m jewish but i still fuck with christmas - a christmas playlist
songs you’d find in a teen comedy from the mid-2000s
that scene in a movie where 2 lovers go their separate ways and there’s a montage (of despair)
when youre a 13 year old punkass bitch with too many feelings
that scene when the main characters being a badass bitch u don’t wanna cross (... and everyone else is like damn son u a boss ass bitch)
emotional scene in a tv medical drama where the patient probably dies
judaism, son - a very ashkenazi jewish playlist
when ur best friends a superhero and ur an emotional cowgirl bitch - a yeehaw supergirl playlist
songs that highlight your sad life story for when you audition for a singing reality tv show
hayley williams date me challenge - a paramore playlist
songs that end up becoming the theme song for a romcom from the years 1989-2010
when you live on a greek island, have three fathers, and a greek chorus keeps following you around - a mamma mia! playlist
when it’s 1985 and all u wanna do is put on a leotard and wrestle other women - a glow s1 and s2 playlist
songs worthy of being immortalised through meme like africa by toto or mr brightside by the killers
ten years of this bitch - a demi lovato playlist
when ur heads in the game but ur hearts in the song - a hsm 1, 2 & 3 playlist
when its 2009 and all u want is a crisp new jonas brothers poster and the next hsm movie
smoke filled new york city night club in 1947
opening credits where the protagonist goes through a montage to get ready for the day
camera pans upwards from the protagonist to a beautiful landscape and then the credits start
rest your head on the bus window and watch the rain fall on an already grey day
we’re not here to fuck spiders - aussie music only
when u meet a 17 year old immortal who sparkles and gets u caught up in wacky vampire hijinks - twilight playlist
slowdance at prom in a teen romcom
literally every cover of travelin soldier i can find on this god forsaken website - a breakdown
when u try to light a candle but theres only enough oil for one night and then it lasts for eight nights - a chanukah playlist
the mother of evangeline - a brandi carlile playlist
you were singing to finn and only finn, right? - a faberry playglist
let them say we’re crazy, what do they know? put your arm around me babe and dont ever let go - i cannot describe this one
carol danvers is the only avenger who matters - a captain marvel playlist
i dont wanna be (anything other than what ive been tryna be lately) - a teen dramas from 2001-2010 playlist
reinvention (oh why? she’s dead.) - a taylor swift playlist
brittany howard date me challenge - the musical genius of alabama shakes, thunderbitch & bermuda triangle (aka we stan a bitch with three bands)
so your best friend is a superhero and lied to you for years? thats rough buddy - a supergirl post reveal playlist
soundtrack to an indie movie 
songs that sound like summer - 2019 summer playlist
songs glee should’ve covered - as decided by me
partybops.com - for all your lowkey party needs
joe was the best one stop kidding yourself - a definitive jonas brothers playlist
car-aoke - karaoke for your car
darn tootin - country for beginners
when you make a virtual reality world just to deal with a broken heart - a lena luthor season five playlist
turn any space into a liminal space - taking suggestions for liminality-inducing songs
the only song that matters - aka thank you for my life ms carlile
songs that make even me - a literal golem - believe in love - aka happy love songs!
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
hi! matchup pls? ♡ straight, she/her, 5'6", short blue hair, septum/ear piercins! in art school busy 24/7. told i come across as intimidating but just v chill + luv makin new friends! open to new experiences, places, ppl + ideas. ~vibin~ most of the time + happiest travelin, skateboardin w friends w a good playlist, spontaneous nights out bein dumb, singin/guitar seshes—solo or w friends + art. the "Always Down" + "Advice Giver" Friend, here if u need a shoulder to cry on or vibe on. always(1/2)
teasin/banterin. love lang = touch + service! independent ambivert, but cherish all relationships. positive outlook on life/ppl, but no to ppl’s bs/drama. will stand up for myself/ppl when smths wrong. ez-ly captivated so always tryin smth new (new thing for me is rock climbing!). work hard/play hard mindset—determined to be a cartoon creator! but happy explorin/enjoyin life. sarcastic, ez-goin, confident, adventurous, cup half full + Doin My Best™. ENFJ/leo sun/scorp moon/gem risin. TY! 💗(2/2)
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Your match is...
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo is the kind of guy who’s always chill and just vibing but also down to have a good time
Will be more than happy to do whatever spontaneous, new thing you have on your mind
But he also is fairly laid back and isn’t so energetic and chaotic that it’s exhausting
Because of his looks, he is also seen as intimidating but he’s really just a goofy nerd and he can see you’re a sweetheart as well
Kuroo will 100% call you at 3am to go on a fast-food run just because he couldn’t sleep and wanted to see you
Will make sure to put together a good playlist for the trip so you’ll sing along and he can hear your voice 
He’s also someone who finds himself giving out advice to his friends because he’s a natural leader so he’s relieved to have someone similar to him that he can turn to whenever he needs it
And likewise, he’s always there to listen to you if you ever need it
Oh and banter between the two of you is nonstop
It will keep going until one of you finally cracks which could take hours tbh
But seriously he really admires you and how you’re always there for your friends and aren’t afraid to stand up for yourself
And he will constantly be telling you that
He thrives on PDA and touch so he will constantly be on you but he’s also a smooth talker who likes to tell you just how much he cares about you
Miya Atsumu
a/n: you sound like such a good time honestly <3 also we stan art students in this house
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themysteryshack · 6 years
Come One, Come All...For TheMysteryShack’s Final Event!
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Heya, kiddos!  Thought you’d seen the last of me?  Heh, can’t get rid of me that easily!  I may be old, but I ain’t dead yet!  Heck, I’m only--wh...sixty--f-fourty...twenty...Nah, can’t lie about my age that much anymore...
Whatever!  Who are you, askin’ a man his age anyway?  Real rude!
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But anyway, I’m delayin’ the issue.  Y’see, I may not be goin’ anywhere, but this askblog whatchamacallit...that’s a different story.
It’s nothin’ personal, y’know?  But I mean, between me and Ford travelin’, Soos tryin’ to run the shop, Dipper and Mabel keepin’ up contact between school and--well, bein’ kids--it’s been a doozy findin’ time to run this thing. 
You might’ve noticed our radio silence these last few months.  Not my finest moment, but I kinda put Mayor Tyler at the head of the whole operation for a while, and he spent the whole time debatin’ a blog theme and not actually postin’ any content. Bottom line, this place deserves better.
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So to make it official, from yours truly:
TheMysteryShack Askblog will be closing officially on February 15, 2019.
It’s been a hard decision, ‘specially after the years we’ve put into this thing.  But it’s better to give this thing a proper funeral than leave it festerin’ from uncertainty like it has been.  I had a rash that did that once!
We’re goin’ out with a bang though, so I’d stick around a little longer before you hit that unfollow button.  Or what am I sayin’?  Don’t hit that unfollow button, ya flakes!  Nostalgia sells merchandise! 
I mean, uh, nostalgia serves ya well.
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I’ve got the kids back for about a month or so due to a holiday break mix-up, so here’s the game plan:
From January 15 to February 15, we will be postin’ at least one answer daily.  Sometimes more!
Startin’ January 15, we will also be acceptin’ fanart for your favorite ask from TheMysteryShack!  It can be a particular story we shared, or just a response ya found laugh-worthy.  Don’t worry, they’re all tagged so y’can find whatcha want.  We’ll share a bunch of ‘em during the last week of our run, along with promos for all’f ya!
Anyone remember that limited edition Gravity Falling merch?  That puppy’s back on sale for a super limited time in honor of the closin’!  Absolute last chance for anyone who missed the first run--Get it here until February 15!
On our last day, February 15, we will be openin’ the askbox one last time, and answerin’ questions LIVE.  We’ll be keepin’ this up all day until Midnight PST (3am EST), so everyone has a last opportunity to pop in.
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Goodbyes are always rough, but heh...we’re gonna try an’ make it worth your while!  Thanks for everybody still followin’ this fun little project.  Six years later and y’really stuck it out ‘til the end.
See you soon ya knuckleheads,
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travelinstan · 1 year
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Went to Arabia Mountain a few weeks ago. An easy hike until you get to the mountain itself, but aside from being steep, it’s still easy going. Lovely spot, just a bit ruined by the steady traffic going by.
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daresplaining · 6 years
How can you describe Murdocks's personality?
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Matt: “I’m an endless contradiction that’d never stand up to cross-examination, Foggy. Always thought that was part of my charm.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #353 by Karl Kesel, Cary Nord, and Christie Scheele
    Matt’s personality is varied and complex, thanks to one of my favorite aspects of Big Two superhero comics: the fact that Daredevil has been around for 55 years and has been written by dozens of different people. The downside of this situation is the myriad continuity issues that plague these comics, but the upside is that it results in rich characters who have been explored from every possible angle, and Matt is (in my unbiased opinion) one of the best examples. The tone of the story being told tends to impact the way he behaves, and different writers have emphasized different sides of his personality based on their own interpretations of his character, but there is a lot that has remained consistent over the years.
    Since his introduction, Matt has been characterized by fearless heroism; his origin story involves him leaping in front of an out-of-control truck to save a stranger’s life. He is called “the Man Without Fear” (and, heck, Daredevil) for a reason. He has a strong moral code and sense of justice that keeps him fighting for people in need. His childhood spent in a crime-ridden neighborhood, and his father’s murder while he was in college, both taught him hard lessons about how cruel and unforgiving the world can be. He knows how important law and justice are, and knows how often they fail, and so he is compelled to help people, both as a superhero and as a lawyer. He is extremely brave, and doesn’t hesitate to go to great lengths to achieve his goals. This is true in every aspect of his life– in his legal career as much as his superhero one.
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“Stay calm.”
“The voice isn’t soothing. It’s stern-wry-stormy. A reckless say-your-prayers sign-your-will-before-crossing-it kind of voice. The attorney with the vocal attitude is Matthew Murdock. Known in legal circles to be something of a daredevil.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #380 by D.G. Chichester, Lee Weeks, and Christie Scheele
    This ties into Matt’s adrenaline junkie tendencies. He isn’t just willing to take risks– he enjoys them! He’s an active, energetic guy, and both his blindness (and the ableism/societal expectations that came with it) and his father’s role in limiting his athletic activities as a kid further exacerbated his need for action. I can’t allow myself to get through a post like this without getting up on my usual soapbox and saying: regardless of what else may be going on in his life, on a fundamental level, Matt loves being Daredevil. Swinging through the city, fighting bad guys, and making a name for himself as a superhero fulfills his need for action, thrills, and empowerment, and has actually proven to be a key aspect of his mental health. Whenever Matt is bored, restless, stressed, upset, or doesn’t know what else to do, he will fling himself out the nearest window. 
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Matt: “Look! I’m not getting anywhere sitting around here… which means– it’s travelin’ time… for this bored little Man Without Fear! It’s true… it really is; out here, with the wind rushing past me, I come alive! For a short while, I have no problems, no worries– nothing but total freedom!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #125 by Marv Wolfman, Bob Brown and Klaus Janson
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Foggy: “What are you doing?”
Matt: “I’m going out.”
Foggy: “Out there? To face them?”
Matt: “No. Out there. To do something worthwhile for someone.”
Foggy: “You’re a stubborn @?!*! You know that? You’re a stubborn @!?*!!”
Daredevil vol. 2 #34 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, and Matt Hollingsworth
    At times, Matt has questioned whether this thrill, rather than the superheroics, is the real reason he is Daredevil, and it’s part of why I’m convinced he would have become a superhero even if Jack hadn’t been murdered.
    Matt is extremely strong-willed and resilient. You can’t beat him down; even when he gets stomped into the dirt, he will not stop fighting. This has also been true since basically the beginning of the comic. One of his earliest character-defining issues is Daredevil volume 1 #7, in which Matt singlehandedly battles Namor the Sub-Mariner, and refuses to give up even when it’s clear that he has no hope of winning
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Caption: “But, once again, the power of the Sub-Mariner is greater than any could suppose, and it is he who recovers first– while the Man Without Fear […] lies weak, and dazed, and helpless…! Yet, how can one measure the limitless courage of a fellow human? Although on the brink of unconsciousness– although racked with pain and fatigue– still the sightless crusader reaches out–!”
Matt: “Come back! You– you mustn’t fight the others–! They’re innocent– mustn’t be harmed– mustn’t–!”
Namor: “I have fought the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and other super-powered humans, but none has been more courageous than he, the most vulnerable of all!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #7 by Stan Lee and Wally Wood
    Matt’s life has been difficult to the point of becoming a running joke within Marvel comics. He has suffered a lot. But a key element of this suffering is showing how he survives it. For instance: many people point to the “Born Again” arc as an example of a depressing Daredevil story, but I don’t see it that way because it’s ultimately a celebration of Matt’s strength of spirit. There are two ways of being the Man Without Fear: there’s the swashbuckley Daredevilling, and there’s having the courage to keep fighting when all seems lost.
    Matt’s superhuman willpower also has a negative side. He is stubborn and hardheaded to a frustrating degree. He has a big, sometimes overpowering personality, values his perspective above all others, and will frequently trample over/disregard the opinions of other people for the sake of doing what he thinks is right. This wholehearted confidence in his own judgment is vital for his hero work, but not so great for his personal relationships. It’s one reason why he mostly operates on his own as a superhero (it caused him to butt heads with Natasha Romanov while they were partners), and why he can also be a huge pain to work with as a lawyer. This is exacerbated by his secret-keeping– something he has done since he was young, long before he became a superhero or even had powers. One of the first things we learn about young Matt in DD #1 is that he snuck to the gym to train without Jack’s knowledge, hiding a key side of himself from his father, and he has maintained layers of secrecy– including crafting an array of aliases/alter egos– ever since.   
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Matt: “Even when I was first blinded, I never told anyone about my radar or my hypersenses. Not even my dad. I enjoyed having a big secret. When people make you feel like you’re weak and helpless, it’s empowering to know something they don’t. And, boy, did I need empowering. […] But here’s the truth: learned behaviors die hard. They become a comfort zone. So even though I grew older, and stronger, I somehow never let go of that need for the power of secrecy. And along the way, it went from survival skill to habit to… to…”
Foggy: “Emotional addiction. I can see that. You do love coming to the table with an ace up your sleeve. No wonder you took to law.”
Daredevil vol. 3 #22 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
    He puts up facades and keeps information to himself almost by instinct at this point. When things get bad, he shuts people out and turns inward. And he often displays what I’d call selfish selflessness– doing things he thinks are right while ignoring the fact that they may actually have harmful consequences. A major example of this is faking his death to keep his loved ones safe– something Matt has done on multiple occasions.
    He is also an extremely emotional person. Matt feels things intensely, in more ways than one. He has clinical depression (which was established by Mark Waid in Volume 4), and he has been through a series of horrific mental breakdowns over the course of his career. Matt at his lowest points is erratic and often frightening. He becomes dangerously impulsive, sometimes emotionally abuses those around him, and is extra angry and violent as Daredevil. 
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Matt: “I don’t enjoy torture. But tonight I don’t care. In between the screams, I beat him. Like he was a heavy bag. And it feels good. I should feel sick. I should, but I don’t. I just feel more angry… ready for a new target.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #104 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, Matt Hollingsworth, et al.
    He has suffered immense loss over the course of his career-- mostly in the form of his array of dead girlfriends-- for which he blames himself (and to be honest, he does deserve at least some of that blame). He doesn’t always learn from the mistakes that leave his loved ones dead, but he still feels that grief very deeply.
    On the upside, he’s also extremely passionate. He will do anything for the causes/people he cares about (even if he doesn’t always show it), falls in love fast, hard, and all-consumingly, and in general needs to have friends around him to keep him sane and happy. He is very smart but often lacking in common sense. He’s a charming flirt, a charismatic public speaker, a snarky punk to those who know him well, and he has a hilarious dry sense of humor that is 50% self-deprecation and 50% blind jokes. 
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Foggy: “Did you see this, Matt?”
Matt: “Foggy, how long have you known me?”
Foggy: “You know what I mean!”
Daredevil vol. 2 #76 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, and Dave Stewart
    In short, he’s a hugely complex person in a way that I adore, flaws and all. I’m going to end with this quote from Foggy (well, Mark Waid), since it’s a personal favorite:     
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Foggy: “[Matt] will confound you. He will frustrate you. He will make your choices FOR you, he will manipulate you without CONSULTING you, and you will want to PUNCH him in his self-assured face at least ONCE AN HOUR. […] But he will care about you in a way that no one else ever could.”
Daredevil vol. 4 #5 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
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nerdstreak · 5 years
🎭 The Little Mermaid, with any f/o you'd like! (@tuff-and-fluff)
i suppose i could elaborate a little on my tlm au with ford.
so obvs with the gf epilogue stan n ford are travelin around the world for anomalies of course, so they port on the coast of i dunno insert random vague european ocean country like in the story/movie, cause they hear abt mermaids right
so then there i am bein a mermaid with my mermaid-ass blue ombre sittin around bein like "man i wish i could talk to the humans up there they seem p cool" but of course king dad is like nah
but then stan o war is overtaken by waves when they try leaving and i save ford and im like "dang this dudes pretty neat" but of course when i go back to dad (heck maybe mom instead so i can squeeze in rose too idk) theyre like WHAT THE FUCK I SAID STOP INTERACTING WITH HUMANS and i run off and a sea witch takes advantage of that and is like "yo ill turn u human permanently if u can kiss that dude in a month no voice tho and no tellin him who you are" (bc fuck 3 days thats too little plus they have to repair the ship to leave)
so we yadda yadda thru the rest of the movie just with more slowburn, and of course ford isnt disappointed discovering im a mermaid but hes like "man i actually really liked you" so i kinda follow him on his adventures at sea for a while until mom's like "oh fine u can be a human and join him for realsies" aaand happily ever after
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doubtingsalmon · 7 years
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Settling in for the night at our first stop in Kentucky! I forgot I’d brought Stan with me, so expect more pics with him from here on out!
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Hello, how about ⌚ for Fiddleford and Danny. I'd love an interaction between those two.
⌚ - Time Travel
This was such a rad prompt Anon, thank you so much for it.  I need to write more with Fiddleford and Danny interacting.  The two mad engineers that build death machines.
Send an emoji and one or more characters!
              The flashof light cleared.  Danny blinked thespots from her eyes.  Her jaw dropped.
              This is…not right.  When she was working on the self-aware vacuumfive minutes ago, the forest was green with new buds.  But now, leaves were orange and red on thetrees.  What happened?
              “I’mstill in Gravity Falls, at least,” Danny mumbled to herself, rubbing the backof her neck.  She looked down at the self-awarevacuum.  “What did you do, huh?” sheasked it.  The vacuum beeped at her.  Danny sighed. “I need to learn Morse code if I ever want to communicate with myrobots.”  Something rustled in the forestundergrowth.  Danny immediately adopted adefensive pose.
              You can take care of yourself.  Dad taught you how to fight.  Someone stumbled out of the bushes and intothe clearing.  Danny’s jaw dropped open.
              “UncleFidds?” she asked.  Her Uncle Fiddlefordbrushed off his clothes before looking up. His eyes widened.
              “Pardon?”he asked.  Danny could only staresilently.  Fiddleford’s face was free ofwrinkles, he didn’t have a single gray hair, and his posture lacked the stoopshe associated with him.  Her breathcaught in her throat.
              Oh, no.  Oh, crud. I traveled back in time!
              “Sweetsarsaparilla,” Danny whispered. Fiddleford met her gaze.
              “Took thewords right out of my mouth,” he said slowly. Danny swallowed.  “Who are ya?”
              “Um…”  Danny chewed on her lip.  “Um…”
              “Ya lookan awful lot like my lil sister.  But yaalso look an awful lot like my lil sister’s boyfriend,” Fiddleford said.
              Son of a gun!  I’m back in time before Ma and Dad even got engaged!  Fiddleford continued to watch her silently,waiting for an answer.
              “…I don’tknow what to tell you,” she said finally.
              “I thinkya already answered who ya are when ya called me ‘Uncle Fidds’.”  Fiddleford raised an eyebrow.  “So, how’s the future?” he asked.  Danny smiled sheepishly.
              It’s pointless to try to lie.
              “…It’sall right.”
              “Stan andAngie go the distance?”
              “Yeah.  I’m the oldest of four.”
              “Four?”  Fiddleford beamed.  “Stan ‘n Angie have four kidlets?”  Danny nodded. “And what’s yer name, hon?”
              “Danica.  But I go by Danny.”
              “Danny.”  Fiddleford’s grin grew broader.  “It’s quite the pleasure to meet ya.”
              “I’d saythe same, but I’ve known you since the day I was born.”
              “Aw.  Yer a sweetheart, ain’t ya?”
              “Arguably,yeah,” Danny said.  Fiddleford strodeover to her.  He looked her up and down,still beaming.
              “Goldarn,Stan ‘n Angie make themselves a cute daughter. Are ya close to Tate?”
              “Yeah.”  Danny rubbed the back of her neck.  “I- I probably should be careful with howmuch I disclose.  I’d hate to return to adif’rent future than the one I left.” Fiddleford nodded slowly.
              “Fair enough.  Say, how’d ya get here?”
              “I’m notsure.  I think my project malfunctioned.”
              “Project?”Fiddleford echoed.  Danny silently handedhim her self-aware vacuum.  “Ooh.  This is some mighty fine work.”  He looked the machine over, turning it in hishands and mumbling to himself.  “Genius,some of it, I’d say.  And you built it?”
              “Wow.”  Fiddleford shook his head.  “Can’t believe I’m already proud of ya.”  Danny beamed.
              “You’re takingthis a bit better than I would have expected, since ya don’t like Gravity Falls’weirdness.”
              “Sure,the stuff I seen here makes my skin crawl. But I adore my fam’ly to bits.  Soit evens out in this case.”  Fiddlefordremoved the panel hiding the vacuum’s motherboard.  “Ah.  Here’sthe problem.  Ya have this wire connectin’wrong.”  He pointed the mistake to Danny.  “I’m assumin’ ya want it to be an artificial intelligence-typeof robot?”  Danny nodded.  “The wire should connect here fer that.  The way ya have it now, it’ll warp thetime-space continuum on a localized scale.”
              “…Oh.  Shoot. I didn’t catch that.”
              “Eh,everyone makes mistakes.”  Fiddlefordhanded the vacuum back to Danny.  “Whatbutton did ya press when ya wound up here?”
              “The onefor vacuuming on a hardwood floor.”
              “Pressthe one fer vacuumin’ a thick carpet, then. It should take ya back home.” Fiddleford sighed.  “I mean, I’dlove fer ya to stick around a bit longer, but since yer parents are rightbehind me, ya should prob’ly skedaddle.”
              “Probably.”  Danny smiled at him.  “Thanks, Uncle Fidds.”
              “Any time,sweetie.”  Fiddleford smiled back.  There was a loud crash from the undergrowth.
              “Son ofa- I got stuck again,” Stan’s voice said.
              “Here,let me help,” Angie’s voice said.  Therewas more rustling.  “Stop movin’!  Yer makin’ it worse!”  Angie huffed irritably.  “Fidds, could ya come help free Stan?  He walked into a thornbush again.”
              “Comin’,”Fiddleford called.  He winked at Danny beforewalking back into the forest.  Dannylooked down at her vacuum.
              I sorta wanna stick around a bit.  The past would be a fun place to explore.  The voices of her parents, playfullybickering, continued to carry through the trees.  Maybe adifferent day.  Can’t let Ma and Dad bespoiled about their future kids. Shepressed the button Fiddleford had indicated.
              There wasa flash of light.
              Danny lookedaround.  The trees were budding again.  She began to make her way back to the MysteryShack.  She could hear her mother hummingas she got closer.
              Ma must still be gardening. There wasthe sound of the back door opening.
              “Where’sDanny?” Fiddleford’s voice asked.
              “She wasworkin’ on that vacuum thing and it kept scarin’ off customers, so Stan madeher go practice it in the woods,” Angie’s voice replied.
              “Thanks,”Fiddleford said.  “I feel like we have afew things to discuss.”  Danny finallystepped out of the forest.  Her unclelooked over at her.  He grinnedcheekily.  “Have a good trip?” heasked.  Danny grinned back.
              “Yep.  But I think you knew that.”
              “Don’thurt to ask.”  Fiddleford jerked his headin the direction of the house.  “Come oninside.  Let’s have a look-see at yerrobot.  Try to fix that time-travelin’problem.”
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queen-of-songs · 5 years
Lyrical Meaning in the Spotify Game of Thrones: The End Is Coming Part 2
4. The End by The Doors (This song is about a goodbye)
Lyrics that stood out to me:
A=Of our elaborate plans, the end, Of everything that stands, the end, No safety or surprise, the end, I'll never look into your eyes again.
B=Can you picture what will be?,So limitless and free,Desperately in need,
Of some stranger's hand, In a desperate land.
C= All the children are insane, Waiting for the summer rain, yeah.
D=There’s danger on the edge of twon, Ride the King’s highway, baby,Weird scenes inside the gold mine.
E: The killer awoke before dawn, He put his boots on, He took a face from the ancient gallery, And he walked on down the hall, He went into the room where his sister lived, and then he, Paid a visit to his brother, and then he,He walked on down the hall, and,And he came to a door, And he looked inside "Father?" "Yes, son?" "I want to kill you" "Mother? I want to..."
F:It hurts to set you free, But you'll never follow me, The end of laughter and soft lies, The end of nights we tried to die, This is the end.
Thoughts: This is mainly us saying goodbye to GoT. Part of me feels this is Jon saying goodbye to what he thought he knew and confronting that. I think he’ll feel conflicted towards Ned and angry at Rhaegar and the mess he made out Westeros. His mom, I feel that’s going to be hard for him to pinpoint his feelings.
5. Girl from the North Country(with Johnny Cash) by Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash. (This song is theorized to be Dylan’s high school sweetheart that also lived in the North Country.)
Lyrics that stood out to me:
A=If you’re travelin' to the north country fair, Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline, Remember me to one who lives there, For she once was a true love of mine.
B=See for me that her hair's hangin' down, It curls and falls all down her breast,
See for me that her hair's hangin' down, That's the way I remember her best.
C=If you go when the snowflakes fall, When the rivers freeze and summer ends
Please see for me if she's wearing a coat so warm, To keep her from the howling winds.
D=Please say hello (Remember me) to the one who lives there, For she once was a true love of mine.
Thoughts: Call me a Sansa and Jonsa stan, I think this is about Sansa. “Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover’s kisses, and melted on her cheeks.  At the center of the garden, beside the statue of the weeping woman that lay broken and half-buried on the ground, she turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.” I can’t see how this isn’t about her. This reminds me of season 6 when she and Theon are escaping Winterfell and having to travel in a frozen river. It reminds me of the Wolf Bit. So far all of the tender Jonsa scenes have snowflakes in it. I think Jon is asking Sansa to remember him as him, not whomever Westeros hails him to be. “You’re a Stark to me.” I approve!
6. Mama Kin Live Edition (Explicit) by Guns N’ Roses (This song is a cover of Aerosmith’s Mama Kin. Steven Tyler wrote ths song which about remembering the desires that drive you to excel.)
Lyrics that stood out to me:
A=It ain't easy livin’ like a gypsy/Tell ya, honey, how it feels/I've been dreamin' floatin’ down stream/And losin' touch with all that's real/Whole lotta lover, keepin' undercover/Never knowin' where you been ooh yeah/You've been fadin', always out paradin'/Keep in touch with mama kin.
B=You always got your tail on the wag/Spittin’ fire from your mouth just like a dragon/You act like a perpetual drag/You better check it out ’cause someday soon/You'll have to climb back on the wagon.
Thoughts: Oof. Oof. Oof. Oof. I don’t think Jon has been himself because (justified) he has tunnel vision on the Night King. Right now he thinks that’s the only “significant threat” he faces, which TBH I don’t think it is at all. The sledgehammer is going to drop and it’s going to drop very hard. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Littlefinger gave Sansa the best two pieces of advice. One-Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before. Two-“Sometimes, when I try to understand a person’s motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What’s the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say, or doing what they do? Then I ask myself, ‘how well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?’”   I also think the lyrics allude to the wheel might get broken but perhaps it won’t be by DQT. To me it sounds that she’s going get back on her wagon (her goal of ruling) and it’s not going to be peachy keen. She’s tired of being controlled and get betrayed (I have some empathy for that.)
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