fineosaur · 1 year
last line tag 
i was tagged by @go-catch-a-chickn a few weeks ago but im only getting to it now that i have a day off 
i think the rule is to tag as many people as there are words in the line i last wrote so here we go:
this is from my new fic (a rewrite of my old, unfinished fic, and i can change your marital status | aiccyms):
patterns of life
“Sleep and for this situation not to mess up what he has with the one person he cares about most.”
that is twenty words and i dont even know if i have twenty mutuals who write so im tagging only some
@wexpyke, @nalgenewhore, @aryasbadbenergy, @salty-wench, @evax3, @shayarbel, @team-mom-wannabe, @agameofstarks, @harpers-ramblings, @catb-fics, @hendrikfaheys, @jeynepoole, @treaddelicately, @estrangedandwayward
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earnmysong · 7 months
@hondagirll requested that i list ten comfort shows before asking ten people to follow suit, should they so choose! thank you for including me, friend! looping in @goddesspharo, @megalong, @semperlitluv, @cashewdani, @treaddelicately, @pasmonblog, @scarletslippers, @somethingaboutsewing, @simmerandcry, and @katiecotugno
schitt's creek
ugly betty
the musketeers
buffy the vampire slayer
roswell, new mexico
the nanny
stranger things
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dresupi · 9 months
9 lines, 9 people
tagged by @nurselaney tagging: @ibelieveinturtles, @treaddelicately @thestanceyg, @hollyspacey, @meilan-firaga, @idontgettechnology, @yespumpkindoodlesthings, @that-wimpy-cowboy-doll, @wheresarizona
You get the first nine-ish lines of my ST fic that I am still writing and planning on posting if I can ever get through this block/burnout/blockout w/e. <3 <3 <3 This is Eddie Munson/OFC, Sam Hartford being the OFC.
“So what… you can’t come pick me up from school? I made plans, Sam. You know how I am about plans.” “I know, I know… they’re for losers, and you became a loser for me, Robin. And believe me, I appreciate it, but Tony decided to work a half day, and I don’t want to talk to Dad without him here…” “You haven’t talked to them yet?” Robin squawked. There was the loud blare of a trombone in the background, and she stopped paying attention to Sam long enough to loudly scold whoever it was, before coming back to their conversation as if nothing had happened. “Sa-man-tha… you said you were going to talk to them before now!” “Do you know how hard it is to tell your well-intentioned parents who are paying for everything, mind you, that you’re failing out of the college you threw a fit to attend in the first place?” Sam asked.  “No, Sam. No, I don’t. You know I don't.” “And don’t full-name me, it makes me feel like you’re trying to nag me or something.” “You need to be nagged, apparently. Because I made perfectly awful plans for today and now I don’t get to do any of them and I’m upset. That’s what you’ve reduced me to, Sam. I’m upset that my lame plans are falling through.”
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thestarfishdancer · 10 months
tagged by the delightful @shineyma - thanks for the tag, it's nice to have fun things to think about!
name: Myranda. Often misspelled, most recently as Moiranda by the Starbucks barista who asked "Is is Mir?" and got the reply, "Myr, actually, but it doesn't matter!" and yet neither of those were used!
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: Northern Canada. Yellowknife, if you need more pinpointing but honestly I usually just get ??? after that so... Northern Canada. Above the 60th parallel Northern.
favorite animal: Like @shineyma who tagged me, also tiger! I like the way they stalk about and their stripes. I also like dolphins though.
cereal of choice: I actually rarely eat cereal! When I do, I tend to weirdly like the "boring" grownup granola kind I would have turned my nose up at as a kid.
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: Some combo of auditory and visual, not entirely sure. I can remember a lot from what I hear without notes, but I also recollect a lot of what I see/read, so...
first pet: A couple of tetra fish.
favorite scent: A light floral jasmine.
do you believe in astrology: I think anything that you can use to help discover more of yourself is interesting and that there's validity to it. I read my horoscope now and again to see what resonates, but really I can take it or leave it.
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: Several! I love exploring playlists, but I'm also lazy. Periodically I made a new one for myself or do one for a friend, but when making a "real" playlist I'm also obsessed with the flow being JUST RIGHT so they take forever (though I do also have "dump songs in playlists". My friend Emily makes incredible playlists though. She used to live above me when we both lived in a different building, and once there was music playing loudly and I messaged her and was like, 'hey, what are you playing???" and she was all "I'm sorry, I'll turn it down!" and I was like, "No! I'm not complaining, I am chilling to this hard!" So she burned me a couple of CD (this was like 10 years ago) of the playlists she'd made: "Love Songs For Lonely Foxes" inspired by the foxes by hour house and "I Miss Pear Crisp". She still sends me an excellent playlist now and again. Here's one: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3d0aHp9eEttSA1GZ1E8lcp?si=e1bd2c36dfc14869
sharpies or highlighters: Sharpies, but only for writing the address on packages. I like pens with really fine tips.
songs that make you cry: I can't really think of any that make me cry on my own. Music on its own not yet a tear trigger for me.
songs that make you happy: So many. I just love discovering new music. Or old music. I was Teamsing with an HQ colleague lately about The Rigs, The Civil Wars, The Weepies being a vibe I like, so thinking of those artists is making me happy lately!
do you write/draw/create: I do write, though I haven't been lately. I have been taking on some editing projects outside my day job. BUT my best friend and I did write and publish a kids' book this year, and we're both off in September (she's a constituency assistant so our territorial election means no job in September, so I planned some Leave With Income Averaging to coincide) so we are going do a writer's retreat for just over a week together to work on more... then I'll be hanging around BC for a few more weeks on my own to get inspired by the ocean and work on some of my own writing. Hopefully the Muse will appreciate the setting and become a little more activE
tagging but no pressure: @dresupi, @meghan84, @treaddelicately, @sapphireglyphs, @ANYONE who wants to! My brain is too tired to tag more! I'm an old potato who slept poorly, and needs to get a few more braincells back to rub together.
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unlikely-alliance · 2 years
thank you for the tags @hephaestn @saltstuck! 🥰🥰
rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
u - unconsolable by x ambassadors
n - nothing personal by des rocs
l - lost in the citadel by lil nas x
i - i wouldn’t ask you by clairo
k - kiss me, kill me by la bouquet
e - electric indigo by the paper kites
l - lovefool by the cardigans
y - you get me so high by the neighbourhood
a - agape by bear’s den
l - lost by frank ocean
l - lethal by cloudeater
i - i want it all by arctic monkeys
a - apocalypse by cigarettes after sex
n - never be me by miley cyrus
c - carry me ohio by sun kil moon
e - every you every me by placebo
(damn my url is long lmao and so many ‘l’s!)
I’m gonna try to tag some ppl I don’t usually tag / haven’t tagged in a while but no pressure 💛 @atlafan @treaddelicately @wndasmaximoffs @elliewilliamsmiller @yousmelllikeparis @thejackalhasarrived @blairhumphrey @realchemistry @bloodbuzz-ohio @penny-hartzs @stevenrogered @jjskiaras @starlight889 @maybelleteas @penny-hartzs @theoversky
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robb-stark · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for Shasam? Also, any thoughts on what the new Captain America movie could be about? Because I'm hoping Sharon will be involved.
Sure, I can share some recs! As a disclaimer, I am kind of picky about Shasam fanfics, because I tend to prefer more romantic stories than really angsty ones and I am also very attached to my own interpretations of their characters. Here are a few that I really like:
Locked by buckysknifecollection This was one of the earliest Shasam fanfics I found that I enjoyed. It's a short, fun oneshot where Sam and Sharon get trapped in a bunker.
you can hear it in the silence by treaddelicately This one is a tiny bit angsty but also very sweet and I like it a lot. It's based on the idea of Sam and Sharon falling for each other while Sam is on the run pre-Infinity War.
Venus Fly Trap by shroomyystar This one explores the idea of Sam falling for Sharon after TFATWS. I really like Sam's characterization in this.
chalantness has two drabbles that I really like (here and here) that have informed a lot of my characterization of Shasam as a couple. Just as a heads up, these are both smutty.
Finally, I will mention my own writing as well. You can find all of my published Shasam drabbles and fics here. A lot of it is taken from the long-running RP I have with two of my friends, where I write both Sam and Sharon. I also wrote a one-shot called Reconnaissance which is set before Sam and Sharon are in a relationship, but is very flirty and fun.
I hope you enjoy some of these, Anon!
As for the Captain America movie, I'm with you and I hope that Sharon will be involved somehow! I like how Malcolm Spellman wrote Sam in TFATWS so I'm looking forward to that, and I'm not familiar with the director's work but I am interested to see what he does with it. I was a little disappointed nothing related to Sharon was announced when they announced the cast, but I'm holding out hope. Apart from anything else, this movie is kind of lacking in the female department at the moment (aside from the new character that was announced) 😂
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pasmonblog · 3 years
for the ship asks: nat/steve!!
What made you ship it?
Honestly? Everything. These two have had enough interactions and implied closeness that it was hard not to. Winter Soldier kind of sealed the deal for my multishipping ass, along with all that unaccounted for Nomad time between movies.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love their familiarity. From the get in CA:TWS, it’s clear these two spend a lot of time together and there’s quite a bit of trust between them (even if Natasha plays fast and loose with the concept at times). A spy and a soldier- just different enough in moral codes to make things interesting.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I tend to lean towards the ‘Steve Rogers is not a virgin’ end of spectrum, which makes the ship even more interesting. There’s more potential to flip the power dynamic, with Steve’s brute strength and Natasha’s stealth. I’m honestly not sure if that’s ‘unpopular’ but it’s probably the closest my headcanons get.
Thanks for the ask, friend 💜
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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loveaos · 3 years
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@treaddelicately is an AMAZING person!
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siren-song-answered · 4 years
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Lest we forget to protect ourselves
in the season of playing with shadows...
lose ourselves in the moonlight
mistaking enemies for friends
vampires for faeries...
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redvanillabee · 3 years
Hiiiiiii! So I’m having a bad day and reeeeeaally just want to consume some comfort media, and your recent reblogs have sent me into Peggysous territory. I have never read a single Peggysous fic so I was wondering if you could rec me like your top 5 favorites? (Feel free to throw in your own works if you’ve written for them as well 👀)
No problem! Oh and, *virtual hug*. I hope you feel better soon. I don’t have any Peggysous fics of my own yet, but here are some that I have really enjoyed lately:
A Little Something by paeonia. Post-S2, almost established relationship, slice of life. Discussions of tea. It’s a sweet little downtime-between-work-stuff fic.
And since we’ve no place to go by paeonia. Pre-S1, pre-relationship. It’s tagged Christmas, but it’s not very holiday-specific. It’s pre-relationship, but it has that kind of...coy banter that I see a lot in pre/early-relationship fics and I quite like it :)
Peggy Carter’s Day Off by keysburg. Post-S2, established relationship. Day off at the amusement park. It starts off funny and it’s just a whole one-shot of Peggy being Peggy, and them being adorable.
Test Drive by keysburg. Post-S2, established relationship, smut. It is just a little cracky, but nothing out of the ordinary of canon. (Is canon-typical crack a thing lol). Peggy takes Daniel on a drive in one of Howard’s cars.
Ring, Light Maroon, Lucky! by HappyGTYHVF. Established relationship, fluff. I’ll just borrow the author’s summary: ‘Peggy's thoughts the morning after Daniel's proposal.’ A soft, waking up slowly in the morning kind of fic :)
I would also rec the other works by the authors listed above, as well as Cuppa_tea_love and eveningstar477. My favourites from them are on the angstier side, so I didn’t include them in the list above. But if you’d like a good Peggysous/Agent Carter fic, I’d definitely check them out too :)
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earnmysong · 2 years
the extremely lovely @amillcitygirl requested that i fill these out! thank you for the invite, as always, friend! i feel like a lot of my circle has done this recently? BUT if @lookupatthesky, @blithers, @event-inverse, @aleksandrachaev, @stargazerdaisy, @treaddelicately or anyone else feels inclined, please have at it!
favorite color | ballet pink
currently reading | three pianos - andrew mcmahon [i haven’t been grabbed by the throat like this in forever]; the girls i’ve been - tess sharpe [our faculty book club read for first quarter; very fun so far]
last song | MFEO - jack’s mannequin
last series | a roswell, new mexico rewatch in preparation for the series finale next week! really, though, i’ve just looped the pilot a bunchhhh! also? i’m waiting impatiently for wednesday to drop on netflix!
last movie | dear jack, andrew macmahon’s documentary; a good samaritan uploaded to vimeo! my one-track mind is legendary!
sweet/spicy/savory | sweet! rumor has it that apple crisp macchiatos start again at starbucks tomorrow!
currently working on | a ‘name your autobiography’ intro activity for my STEP kids and a continents + oceans lesson for my middle schoolers; my lone blank doc is reserved for post-RNM finale forks in the road that might prove necessary! 
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dresupi · 4 years
Dirty, Dirty (E) - Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis/Wanda Maximoff
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for @treaddelicately​ 713 words Rated E (under the cut) Dirty, Dirty - Charlotte Cardin
It wasn’t like she was trying to eavesdrop.
But she could hear it through the walls. And she’d lived with Darcy long enough to know what she sounded like in basically every possible scenario. And she always made that sound when she was with someone.
She made it more with Clint than anyone else, though.
And it made Wanda’s heart feel sick. The second he’d walked through the door with her, she’d known it was likely over.
Darcy didn’t get all giggly over just anyone. And she hung on every word Clint uttered.
The problem was, so did Wanda. She couldn’t help it. Maybe he was just a charming guy. Or maybe she was a horrible bitch who wanted her roommate’s boyfriend.
A muffled fuck practically resonated through the wall and made her clench her fingers into the sheets, her chewed off nails snagging on the fabric as she pressed her thighs together and tried not to think about what he looked like naked. Or what his muscular forearm would look like buried under her dress, fingers tucking under her panties and making her bite her lip hard enough to bleed.
But he made Darcy happy.
And that was the really shitty thing about this. Because while she was jealous of Darcy, she was also jealous of Clint.  Because he got to make Darcy sound like that.
God, she was sick.
Sick, sick, sick.
She should just move out or something.
Because the mental image of Clint’s tongue fluttering against Darcy’s clit, fingers pressing into her wet pussy... fuck... it made her want.
She wanted in the middle of them. She wanted one in her mouth and the other’s mouth on her.
Her fingers pressed down into her panties and she gasped harshly when she rolled her clit. She was so close already just from listening to them.  She fought to keep from pressing her head to the wall.
She brought one hand up to tease her breast through the lace of her bra when a sharp rapping on the wall startled her.
“Shit...” she hissed, wiping her fingers on the sheets and knocking back.
It was their signal. To see if the other was there.
So now, on top of being the most beautiful, perfect couple in existence, they also knew she was listening to them fuck. And if Darcy came over here to talk, she’d know she was touching herself.
Maybe she could just pretend she wasn’t here.
Another rap on the wall made her sigh though. And she reached over to rap on the wall in reply.
The next knock was on the door and Wanda was quickly righting her clothes and hoping like fuck she didn’t look like she was in here listening to them and touching herself.
She took a deep breath and opened the door, surprised to see both of them standing there. “Oh... hey, guys.” Her cheeks were bright red. They knew. Fuck, they knew. She was going to have to move out. Move back to Sokovia. Change her name. Fuck.
Darcy was the first one to speak. “Hey, so... I’ve been kind of going back and forth on this... not because I’m changing my mind, but because I’m a fucking chickenshit and I didn’t want you to get mad and move out, because that would be the actual worst, and---“
“Darce...” Clint murmured. “Focus, babe.”
“Right... umm... is there any chance you’d be willing to come to join us? Milady?” Darcy looked unbelievably hopeful as she held out her arm to the side in invitation.
It took Wanda a couple of seconds to even realize what she was asking. “Wait... what?” She blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend the words. “You want me to join... to join you? As in you two? Are you going to see a movie, or---“
“We were going to like... I dunno, fuck in the other room for a couple of hours...” Clint said, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. “And we both kind of... we’d like you to join us. For the fucking.  If you want.”
Wanda ran her tongue over her teeth and grinned, stepping forward and catching Darcy’s hand first, and then Clint’s. She didn’t speak, just turned and led them back to Darcy’s room.
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grimeysociety · 3 years
38-42 for the cute asks please! 💜
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
when white people think they can say whatever racist shit springs to mind because there are no minorities around
people who are way too vocal about their notps
people that are rude to service workers (waiters, cashiers etc)
people that somehow never got the memo to social distance
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
I haven’t been there in over a year because of COVID but it’s a little vegan bakery/coffee shop that serves the best cinnamon rolls in existence, and the shop’s aesthetic is kitschy 1950s
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welt-verbessererin · 3 years
K, L, and M for the fandom meme? 💜
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
@anniephl's excitement and enthusiasm are contagious and always make me smile 💚
@gendryafanwhore and @the-end-is-kigh are true reblogging Queens and real cuties 💚💚
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
I recently rewatched the Battle of the Bastards and the episodes after because they were on TV and I was really impressed with how badass Sansa is in those episodes.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
So my new hyperfixation is Lucifer and Deckerstar specifically and I searched through Tumblr and AO3 for content and I came across Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer) and isn't that just the cutest (crack) ship (name) 😂
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ninzied · 3 years
is this allowed for writing? whatever I’m doing it, I’m a hoe for praise 💜🎨
weLL we’re in luck because you do the BEST fic/edit combos. give me a sec here to profess my eternal love for with you on my horizon - the warmly colored homeyness of the edit is so *chef’s kiss* i could die for the lived-in feel of it. but okay now let’s talk about the fic because it’s so! so! good! you bring all these deliciously real, jagged layers to frank - it reads like a character study and i learn so much from it with each reread. that and the fact that it sets my computer on fire wheeeew so good.
creators send me 🎨 & I’ll tell you my favorite of your last ten creations and why
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pasmonblog · 3 years
Any Taserwidow to share? 👀
Uh, hell yeah there is! Here's a bit of my post-Infinity War Taserwidow WIP, Like You'll Never See Me Again:
“You made it.” She could barely hear the redhead’s call over the yells of a scuffle ringing up from the street. With a wince and a tiny jump she tried to stifle, Darcy shuffled towards Natasha, rolling her suitcase across the rooftop. “Thanks for joining us,” Natasha added as she neared, a little worry slipping into her tone at the lack of reply. Darcy’s blue eyes finally snapped to her greens as she added, “I’m sorry to hear about Foster.”
And I've added 100 words to it! Thanks for the ask 💜
(Send me a pairing and I’ll post a two sentences from a WIP + add 100 words to the project)
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