#treat constipation without medication
self-care-tips-free · 6 months
Finding Relief: Exploring Lifestyle Changes to Manage Constipation
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okaymeg · 5 months
my boyfriend and I have discovered the best candy in the entire world. unfortunately it’s a magnesium laxative chewable
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
What’s your most controversial hospital opinion?
Hoo boy.
I'd have to say it's a tie.
First, I'd say that the medicalization of nursing practice was a mistake.
See, medicine and nursing are two different sciences. Medicine treats disease (for example, asthma). Nursing treats reaction to disease (for example, the difficulty breathing related to asthma).
While an RN (Registered Nurse) is technically an independent license (as in, we are able to do our own assessments, create and implement our own care plans without direct oversight or orders), we still can't prescribe. Now that's fine- I'm definitely not saying an RN should have prescriptive privilege.
Because we can't prescribe, though, we need someone with prescriptive privilege to order things like pain medication, nausea medication, bronchodilators, and other things that drugs might do better than available nursing-based alternatives.
The problem is that hospitals tend to require orders from a doctor for things that should be entirely under a nurse's purview. Things like q2hr turns for pressure injury prevention, fall prevention interventions, patient education, and other things that by law don't require a doctor's order, and for which doctors are not well trained. This tends to end with a subpar set of orders related to the nursing care of that patient, and nurses don't really have the freedom to override these orders (or the time to educate our medical counterparts on nursing care to get those orders changed).
Now, there are nurses who can prescribe- Nurse Practitioners (NP or DNP, depending on their highest degree).
So if I ran the nursing world, I would de-medicalize nursing care. There would be a nurse practitioner on each floor whose job it was to manage pain, nausea, discomfort, urinary retention, wound care, constipation, and other things that are reactions to disease that require drugs or other orders to manage. This would free up doctors to focus on things they were trained for, and allow nurses to do what they were trained for, and, hopefully, result in better outcomes for the patient.
Second, and this one probably is more controversial, I think the trend towards single-occupancy rooms in hospitals was a mistake.
Not, of course, because I feel like privacy shouldn't be a thing or that single rooms are too cushy, I just genuinely think the care would be better in a ward-style setup.
Here's the thing. When a patient is in a room alone, we can't see them and they can't see us. They don't know if we're actively taking care of someone else, and we have to go all the way into a room (and all the customer service that goes into going into a room) just to check if a catheter bag needs emptied or if SCD pumps are on, or if one of our many confused patients is trying to get out of bed.
This tends to result in situations where patients feel like they've been forgotten or aren't getting the best care we can give them. It also results in things like food or needed medications being left in patient rooms for a long time because we didn't see it dropped off, and patients who go hours without an SCD pump being on because we might only see them once every 2 hours (instead of a quick check every time we're on the way to another patient).
And finally, while this sounds ridiculous, the size of the hospital floors that are needed to house single-occupancy rooms are a drain on time when time is at an absolute premium.
See, picture you're doing a 12-hour shift and you have 6 patients. That's 2 hours of care per patient spread over 12 hours. That's not direct care, either. Order needs changed or clarified? That's 10 minutes gone. Charting? That's another 45 minutes. Pretty soon you get down to less than an hour to give meds, do all necessary assessments, treatments, clean ups, education, etc... Spread over 12 hours. That amounts to about 20 minutes in a patient room spread over every 4-hour period. Say it takes 30 seconds to get from one room to another. Say it takes more than a minute to walk from the med machine to the room. That time all adds up, and eats into those 20 precious minutes.
Versus if I could have all 6 of those patients laying in beds right in front of me, maybe with walls between them and the option of a curtain facing the hall for privacy, I could provide considerably more nursing care with the same amount of time.
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nottskyler · 1 year
The Church has an obsession with obedience, specifically obedience to the prophet. I think this comes from a misunderstanding of both the first law being obedience and the purpose of having a prophet.
The first law being obedience does not mean giving up your agency to only do what someone else tells you to do, but it does mean following rules that are important until you understand why they exist. Like a child learning to stop and look both ways before crossing a street or to not hit their sibling or to eat fruits and vegetables so they aren’t constipated. Those rules should be followed because they are important to living a good life and getting along in society, and as a child you don’t yet understand why. You have to obey until you are old enough to understand and then adapt them to their life (like looking as you approach the street instead of stopping or knowing to not cross if you can’t see around a blind corner) but a parent should never force a child to eat legumes if their child breaks out in hives every time they eat them.
Obedience is an act of faith. If there were no commandments, there would be no way to have faith. It’s the act of saying hey I want to trust you, what do I need to do to see if what you say is trustworthy. It’s the first law because without it you can’t experience the transformative power of faith and repentance (the act of becoming a better person). It’s virtue lies solely in developing faith.
This is why “blind obedience” is bad. Blind obedience is giving up your agency to allow someone else to dictate what is right instead of figuring it out for yourself. You are allowed to experiment upon “divine” counsel from prophets and determine that it is not right based on the fruits you experience. And guess what, some people will be allergic to vegetables while other people feel so much better after starting to eat vegetables. And that’s the point. We are supposed to learn for ourselves what is good and evil. If there was only one right answer, humanity would’ve figured it out by now and we wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn for ourselves.
Which brings us to prophets. So many people what to surrender their agency and just blindly follow prophets (I used to be one of them). Sure, if you deign to simply be a sheep following the prophet, yeah you will likely be in the clear as the prophet will be accountable for your actions, but you will be unfit for exaltation. Heavenly Father isn’t running this world based on something someone else is telling Him to do.
So what is the purpose of the prophet? To be a warning on the watchtower. The prophet warns us of dangers ahead and tells us to repent and be prepared. The only time prophets get specific laws for everyone is when they are also leading people in a secular manner (Moses).
Let’s take the example of the family being under attack. And you betcha it is. Families are being broken up by poverty, meaning the state treats being unable to take care of your children due to lack of money the same as physically abusing them. Florida is threatening to break up families if any family member is trans. Anti-abortion laws are encouraging people to be sterilized rather than risk an unwanted pregnancy, meaning families that might’ve been formed won’t be. Long work hours and low pay are reducing the size of families and putting undo stress on families. Expensive healthcare also reduces the amount of kids people have and quality of life and time spent with families, including feeling like it is better to die painfully than riddle your family with medical debt.
The warning that families were under attack was correct. The idea that it was LGBT people trying to live authentically and form families of their own was not correct. It is the rejection of a queer child that breaks up a family, mixed orientation marriages, disagreements on the right way to help a trans child, the fascist response to queer happiness and families, and the general lack of pay increase and exploitation of good people who want to have families but can’t because a billionaire wants a higher score than last year.
Just like I won’t receive revelation for the Church and it’s administration, the prophet is not to make up commandments when Gd has simply given a warning, to create so many rules and policies that it prevents people from experiencing the love of Christ, or to put himself as a Gd on earth without need for repentance, especially for speaking good ideas that aren’t actually meant for everyone.
Sharing my testimony about how Christ has healed me and promising the same to others in my situation is not “receiving revelation for the Church”. It’s finding a legume alternative to fiber and sharing with those who also share that allergy. It’s saying Gd does not want people to suffer an allergic reaction and possibly die. It’s shining my light so others can come to Christ and reduce the suffering in the world.
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vireserein · 2 months
TL;DR: Obvious amputee struggles, hidden hEDS hijinks, failed attempt at mooning church ladies with my sexy yoga talents.
Invisible disabilities are still disabilities, and even if people can't outwardly see what you struggle with, you have the right to look "unsightly" or "inappropriate" in public to take care of yourself. This is taking medications, this is sitting down, this is doing whatever you need to do to keep your body happy and healthy. I'm used to being very obviously different with a congenital forearm amputation that doesn't really get in the way of my life besides the occasional inconveniently short microwave handles (can't get my residual joints behind them) or the way strangers and family often treat me in public for it (very poorly; this is my main struggle and I'd go so far as to say social separation is my main lifestyle difference. I am always unsightly in public.) . . . But the less notable side of my body, which is a progressively worsening diagnosis of hEDS that I've been dealing with for half of my life, is something I am still getting used to accepting and managing. With or without a lot of physical therapy, supplements, rest, and preventative care, I have issues that won't go away. Lately, this means that I can't sit up straight or stand for long periods of time, and very often need to do strange little jigs to get my ribs back into their parking spots in my poorly-oiled upper back— essentially, I can't look proper in quiet spaces. As a woman attending a tri-city snooty-suburb church primarily composed of prim-and-proper older ladies and their equally judgy sheltered tweenagers who would have a conniption at the idea our planet Earth being over 6,000 years old or, God literally forbid, people being themselves, I have at least one personal worst place to have three ribs twist themselves out of me so suddenly while mid- un-pretzelifying my body (to avoid back pain on a shitty pew) (also read: standing up like I'm an overburdened robot). That said, I love my community for the things they do correctly, and I love and prefer the church I attend while at my university for being much kinder, more open-minded, science-loving people.
So anyway, you do what you have to do, even if this means gasping like a fish with a harmonica stuck in its throat, squeezing past 10 of those people very forcefully, and lumpily skittering out of the room (picture a constipated armadillo. I'm fond of my parenthetical similes if you can't tell) to the aghast spite of plenty to put your rebellious skeleton back together in the bathroom, hands covered in napkins and ass directly to the door like this:
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(I was taught this funny hot banana-pyramid pose by some very good friends of mine. It saves lives.)
Some people will still love you when they see your nice ass at church, and others will be offended over silly things, and even more will have the right intentions but a terrible mindset. . . But you matter most in this context, unless you're bowling over 95-year old grandfathers for bonus points.
And no, I didn't get caught. And, as a final addition, I think this whole connective tissue disorder thing has helped me to start accepting the visible part of me more. As I've mentioned before, I was raised to stamp out the idea that I was different, and to ignore my own support needs to convince others. Those needs were much easier to believe for something new and fresh that I could demand regular appointments for, and the wacky things I have to get up to to avoid pain have helped me to give less of a shit about others, even if it's hard to.
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Born “gifted”; grown chronically depressed
// long, personal post. basically a tutorial on express therapy (and by express I mean 10 years of rationalising, learning psychology on myself and fictional characters + 48 hours of not sleeping)
When I was grieving I spent 48 hours sleepless
it’s not that I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been on insomnia medication for 3 years now. I just had to “have a reason” and time to actually acknowledge my emotion and thoughts which caused my body to struggle with setting a “proper” circadian rhythm
Living with a 5 person family in basically a studio flat for 13 years of my life low-key harmed my ability to think and “feel” without privy eyes
this accidentally sent my brain into survival mode where I could only “think rationally” at night
So when we moved out and I got to have a room of my own
that’s when *serious* sleep problems started
my brain would just REFUSE to shut the fuck up
first off I was used to tv noise while falling asleep
i fixed it up with some rain sounds or watching ATLA when I was feeling funky
it distracted me enough
still I wouldn’t fucking sleep.
because my brain didn’t feel like it
probably hyperactivity which I could never “treat” with sport as an asthmatic kid
also an outcast but it is what it is
unable to name the cause of my insomnia I would just head to sleep at 10pm. Two reasons for that:
a) you know what they say! Don’t trust your thoughts after 10PM
b) 8h of sleep is THE healthy amount. And it seems like my brain likes waking up early for whatever reason!
yeah also I went through a fair share of medication before they got it right
anyways whoops I’m depressed now. Very depressed and even more anxious. Day by day my brain is giving me more compulsive behaviours and thoughts! Yaaay!
so I went through a 3 years worth of antidepressants
also a lot of unintended research (thanks, tiktok.)
basically I “subconsciously” KNEW what my problem is but “consciously” my brain refused I acknowledge it because haha living in the state of constant survival mode is way more fun! right?
basically it was like being a doctor and being pretty certain about the diagnosis but having to go to some other doctor to objectively either confirm or discard my diagnosis
yeah anyways I changed medication, SNRI, venlafaxine
known to help some adhd folk with severe vegetative depression for “no reason”
Yeah basically my new psychiatrist kept on upping the dose until I got “a kick in the ass” so we know it works
and then my aunt died.
wELL my workaholic and emotionally constipated child brain would NOT acknowledge it
hell you’d catch me dead before I’d admit that I felt shitty but didn’t know how to deal with that because at the same time I “saw it coming”
No one ever told me she’s sick
I just saw her hair loss (or rather a sudden haircut change and awkward silence that followed) and had some foggy memory of someone saying her sister died of cancer
Mind you I don’t fucking remember my childhood that well
hell I don’t remember it at all but it is what it is
I just “know” some things and some are more of a “hunch”
I have this information buried in my brain but I can’t recall how it got there, ykwim?
yeah basically I was suspecting she’s dying of cancer but I was trying to stay optimistic and told myself I’m “overthinking it”
and I thought the mourning was “good enough of a reason” to stay up for 48 hours, write down my “thoughts” and wail all day long (yes, everyone gave me shit for crying growing up, how did you know?)
anyways yeah I did this and suddenly I “solved” the root of ALL my anxieties and minor paranoias.
as if it was a fucking riddle. Or a fucking house MD episode.
I hope you can understand WHY I’m so livid.
Also I’m fucking dyslexic. But hyperlexic at the same time. I mean I’m hyperlexic in my native language, and I “remember” the spellings so I went undiagnosed
but I love technology. I want to be a CS student and then I’ll see where I can go from here. I’d love to work on an online learning platform for “gifted” children
y’know so they don’t lose their childhood but at the same time can associate learning with something nice and actually enjoyable
I think a lot of “gifted kid burnout” comes from the | dopamine <—> habit making | mechanism
so if children can learn they don’t HAVE TO be good at every subject and learn their “strengths and weaknesses” early on
Hardships later on won’t be as depressing
cause hey maybe I’m not the best at english but I know a lot about maths and I like maths and maybe when I grow older I can be a mathematician!!
you see what I mean?
at least this is what I’m trying to do for myself
generational trauma and neurodivergency running in the family made me develop some shitty coping mechanisms (example - perfectionism in order to cope with my actual time blindness and the “need” for structure while hating organisation and refusing “unreasonable” authority)
I wasn’t raised catholic, not really
nor was I raised queer lol
but my brain reacted to religion the same way people who went through religious trauma did
basically I put myself through religious trauma on accident!
fun, aye?
what I mean is, I grew up religious because that’s what “felt right”
tradition and all that
and then I realised the catholics hate me for no fucking reason
and then I thought “well fuck you too!” And called myself an atheist
later it went into agnostic
and a couple of weeks back I grew OBSESSED with religion
christian one I mean
Fuck I even started reading the nsrv bible in english (!)
and then I tried to interpret it “by myself” using some historical context and googling some stuff
WHAAAAAAAT! Turns out the bible is a product of its own time and is not to be taken literally!
That’s crazy innit?
Yeah and then I realised all of my recent hyperfixations (last two years) were a silent ways of rationalising ALL my “unreasonable” anxiety and trauma caused by; you guessed it
I can learn *any* language
I just need some books, movies, music in said language
But don’t ask me about any grammar. I don’t care about grammar. And you can’t make me. Idfk what present simple is but I can shove it so far up your ass your own mother won’t recognise you. so yeah
I’m great at learning languages cause they’re a “brainless” work for me
I mean
I learn languages for fun - it’s a tool to communicate with broader audience AND find more knowledge on the internet (I Google EVERYTHING in english)
and when someone tries to make it into an actual job of mine. This is when it goes downhill.
also english being coded as “language of knowledge” is my “main” language
my native language is way more complicated and I never really had to acknowledge my emotion in polish
I mean maybe I did but I just never wanted to cause I never learned that! English in comparison is simple. It allows me to communicate simple ideas without the need to “sound smart”
this and isolation from my peers (kids are bastards) gave me an actual “language barrier”
which isn’t the case really
it was just my overthinking
I started enjoying polish music way more recently cause I can never get the lyrics
so I listen only to what sounds “cool”
in english on the other hand the most of my music taste was built around midwestern emo and folk punk
cause I listened only to songs that felt “somewhat relatable”
yeah all of that understanding makes me want to write an essay but i kind of don’t care and I’m too lazy to do that!
so yeah this is how I “cured” my compulsions, anxiety, depression, irritability and perfectionism. By having fucking adhd and being a massive nerd. because I would hyperfixate on linux, customisation, open source applications, cybersecurity, programming
turns out I’m great at maths since I KNOW HOW to solve the problems
My brain is just too quick to do it step by step so I tend to skip and get lost in my own fuckin notebook 💀
schooling just made me believe I suck at maths and i should actually kms for trying to improve at it /hj /lh
And I suck at my own language. I know a lot of “complicated” words and can deduce what certain words mean (logically) but I have issues adapting my language to my listeners. I either cuss every other word (too comfortable; thanks mom LMFAO)
Or I speak like an university professor. To my peers. And they don’t know what the fuck is going on. And I end up isolating myself because of crippling fear of being misinterpreted. And people think I don’t have a sense of humour whatsoever because I don’t “get” jokes. But I joke a lot and am very sarcastic cause that’s just how I am. God damn it
When were y’all going to tell me not everyone thinks I want to use them and be a bastard overall when I need to ask someone for help. when. were. you.
icb I had to go to paid therapy, feed myself some subliminal messaging, deprive myself of sleep for 48 hours, force myself to talk to my dad about things I don’t understand or scare me, go manic for a week on venlafaxine, my aunt had to die and I had to have a reason not to go to school for 2 days for me to actually acknowledge my emotion instead of rationalising it.
also everyone in school + my therapist thinks I’m still manic and in need of hospitalisation. How do I even begin to explain it’s not that I have superiority complex, and I just realised I’m hella smart, just in a pretty unexpected way….. because thorough my entire life I never acknowledged it for the sake of being “humble”. bitch it’s not humble it’s the lack of self worth and being someone else’s doormat.
y’all think that if I say “house md and one tumblr post cured me” they’ll let me off the radar?
no honestly I have too much to catch up on (maths, c++, reading in POLISH, and learning German for fun) to actually care about “depressing” things of this world
I mean sure it does sound unhealthy in hindsight
but thing is
this is the first time in my life where I don’t feel hopeless both about present AND the future
and I guess that’s enough for now
I have “a goal” and that’s enough
Later I might catch a job as an actual university professor. Maths or computer science. Biology or physics maybe?
it gives me an excuse to be “eccentric” lol
cause the students are here to learn not to make fun of who I am and focus on that
sure it’s a funny anecdote to mention like “dude my physics teacher is fucking nuts but at least his lectures are interesting”
and that’s all I care about
I get to express myself instead of internalising anything
and the students get to learn
yay and yay
mutual benefit!
yeah anyway fuck I have so much shit to catch up on and I’m so lazy I actually have to reorganise my room and desk so I don’t try to do my homework in bed……. (Yes I was THAT depressed and lazy)
when I do my chores in bed I keep on losing my pens and I’m one minor inconvenience away from doing something I might not particularly want to do…….
thats it I guess
If this post made anyone realise something (“connect some dots”)
congrats and I’m sorry you had to find out this way LMFAO
if not
scroll ahead, not the target audience probably
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How about a Dracula!Miguel X Villager!Peter au? Peter's aunt May is gravely ill and the only way for Peter to get the money she needs for her medical bills is to agree to become the vampire lord's thrall and resident blood bag (or in this case bride).
YES~!! YESSSSSSS~<3<3<3!!
you shot this up WRITE~<3 up my alley and i LOOOOOOOVE this and i'm postin' it now cause HAPPY HALLOW'S EVE~<3! yes fuck THANK YOU<3 (i queued the others with some other stuffs~<3 you'll see them soon enough lol)
i love this.
absofuckinglutely~<3 especially, ESPECIALLY.
if miguel is that same kinda means well horribly constipated bastard who like legit wants to help but social ineptitude~<3 especially bein' a vampire.
he expects peter to be *terrified* and peter's just... he's just not. and an absolute shit that handles every fuckin' thing like a goddamn PRO, or is even getting on the vampire's nerves and eating a TON of garlic to try and get the vampire to dump him because he's such a terrible bride.
maybe BOTH~<3! ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
MAYBE~<3 aunt may's the REAL mastermind who know's dracula miguel's actual nature and talked to him first asking him to take care of her crackhead boi peter who she expects will not survive without her.
hell, miguel could even be the doctor treating her and peter could be suspicious of him, maybe he's just supposed to 'marry the handsome 'doctor' to pay them debts<3' as hwas the old hways~<3 miguel could be keeping his vampiness a secret~ that peter is on the verge of discoverin' while miguel only really accepted because of a cultural thingy~ (other villagers expecting him not to treat aunt may/being salty if he does without the money/being buttheads about it/rich white dickholes throwing their aristocrat daughters at him CONSTANTLY and peter~ is his easy escape from that bullshit<3)
lmao, this could go so dark and i just went full crackhead on it i'm sorry but i'm also not cause leik THE OPPORTUNITY~<3!!
could still def have dark elements for sure~<3 but i love the kinda crack that comes with peter boo and the spoodermans~<3
let's talk about vampirism tho~<3 one trope i love~<3 is the *sensations* that can come from *feedings* tho<3 they can be painful... or~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
maybe that's something peter didn't *quite* expect but really really very much enjoys~<3
but miguel, just... y'know, he won't actually bone him. so peter has to change tactics to ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
wear the vampire down let's say.
even better. even better cause y'know the mpreg is comin' like it always does...
peter's a 'bride', and that could mean a number of things. always game for a/b/o<3 maybe peter is a little wolf~<3 and doesn't know it ;))))))))))))), maybe peter has diluted but somewhat special blood that made him particularly attractive to the vampire~<3 (i believe in dracula's case, something of scent was involved with his obsession with mina)
fae, witch, wolf, mutation (as an origin for vamps i love exploring mutation, maybe peter is a new born vampire in the making like miguel was and the *perfect* mate for him because always yes for me<3)
maybe vampires are just freaky freaks who can impregnate other dudes and that's why miguel doesn't quite wanna bone peter who definitely wants to be boned but also kinda does wanna bone him and is trying so hard to resist but leik peeeeteeeeerrrrrrrrr~<3<3<3
bottom line... mayday. gabriella. any other vampy babies~<3 imminent<3<3<3
... maybe peter *was* just supposed to be a blood bag and he fucks it all up to high hell by getting miguel to fuck him--
not gonna lie, kinda wanna write this one but i STILL have work to be done and at least wanna do just ONE butchlander fic~! (and now i'm on a half sterek kick fuck mah life--)
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t3mpest98 · 6 months
Hiii, I bring thee some enrichment 😌 Emoji asks for Spade, Noir and Cyra (bc they're new and must get used to their enclosures):
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? 🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat? 🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? 🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for? 🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Drink water :D
!!!!!! YESSS (also does it count if I have a lot of sweet tea? It’s vry good sweet tea)
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Allllll of them. He is very emotionally constipated and tries to bury any strong feeling somewhere deep down inside so it can’t hurt him or interfere with his job
Ones like empathy or compassion because no matter how much he may want to show it (he’s long since stuffed that down in a box locked tight and it rarely peaks out) it could cloud his judgement or get someone he cares about killed because one minute you think you’re dealing with someone who needs help and the next they’re taking advantage of you or are able to kill you
Things like anger or frustration come so easy that when she feels peace or even happy it feels like something is off or that she’s letting her guard down. And the last time she felt or did that well, she gets the friendly reminder in the way of phantom pains
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Ice cream but the simple flavors, nothing to extrapolate or something with to many different flavors. Just seems over complicated and he can’t focus on the one specific flavor he likes
Donuts, glazed or powdered (can have cinnamon or not doesn’t matter he’ll eat it) ABSOLUTELY no sprinkles he hates them
She reeeeally likes pastries but she’s not had one for years now. There isn’t exactly a bakery down in the lower levels of Coruscant
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
He doesn’t know, he’s never let himself think about anything beyond what was the next clear step. If he had to say anything it would simply be that he wished his brother would stop almost dying on him cause he may start going grey if Noir doesn’t.
For the love of everything good and holy he would wish that he could stop being in constant pain all. The. Time. So that maybe he could do more and be more useful than he thinks he is (he doesn’t even think about getting a way out of what they do now, since he’s been doing it for so long) But as to actually getting the problem solved (or at least lessened since there’s not really a cure for osteoarthritis) he can’t go far unless their medic can get the supplies they need
To please just see the sky one more freaking time before she dies at least, even if it’s through a window or for just a few seconds. She would do near anything but she can’t without being killed
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
(Akkdkfkgkgkg apologies these seem very similar but like, they’re all they really have and are rude or die for each other)
Well given the fact that it has happened before, Noir, Thire, or even Cyra would be reason enough for him to go in guns blazing. It if he was told that this one more mission and he wouldn’t have to watch his vod’ike starve and die down in the lower levels.
Pretty much the same as Spade except the promise, if he had the promise to go after every single person who’s ever hurt him, his brother, and Cyra without repercussions than he’s game
There are two people she even remotely still cares about left and she’s not keen on letting anyone hurt or kill them anytime soon so the twins. But if someone were to offer her a way off Coruscant and a way to make sure no one would ever be able to track her down she would take it
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
It really depends on who is on the tracks but he’s probably go for the track with one person on it then try to get them off it before the train got there. Now if he did see some of the really bad people he’s met then he’d let them get run over without a care
Not sure if he could find it within himself to care much anymore, he tends to see the worst in everyone so he doesn’t care who dies as long as it’s not someone he cares about. He knows that sound cold and heartless but you do what you have to do to survive
This one is complicated because Kassai would have tried to save as many as she could but Cyra tries look away and not care at all
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beazt · 1 year
I got an ad on YouTube the other day, and maybe if my circumstances were different I would’ve watched the whole ad so I could pinpoint more harmful parts about it. I skipped most of it.
but the part I did see said almost verbatim “constipation can make skinny women feel plus size.” but I think it may have used the phrase “stuck poop” instead of constipation. I can’t find any accessible version of the ad, so I’m hoping they fucking rethought it and pulled it.
some of my general thoughts, admittedly without poring over my wording for perfection and tone:
1) I generally do not give a fuck if a skinny person “feels fat” from constipation. 2) softening the blow using the word “plus size” isn’t the progressive look you think it is. 3) can we please for the love of everything fucking holy stop centering the skinniest women in conversations and experiences of fatness. 4) this may get my head blown off but constipation making you look a bit bloated =/= you look fat. if you think mild bloating is the same as looking fat I’m inclined to suspect you don’t look at fat people very much.
(these next 2 points get no further discussion in this iteration of the post because I am fucking tired, others can add discussion of these as well as any other points I’ve left out)
5) why is “looking fat” the most important factor making you want to relieve the constipation. 6) the marketing of this is definitely going to fuel disordered laxative abuse
more in depth discussion below
1) if you ever go into intensive eating disorder treatment like I have been, you will get exhausted of hearing the phrase “fat isn’t a feeling.” it’s often either A) a fear of fatness or B) disgust and/or shame about perceived fatness. both of these need to be worked on on an individual and cultural scale. I’m not saying there’s never a reason to fear it— but I rarely ever see anyone skinny’s fears align with the most harmful results of fatphobia— medical negligence, inaccessibility, “fat tax” where necessary items don’t exist or are much more expensive, etc. And i’m not going to put the qualifier of “maybe they just don’t talk about that part” because when I was in my 7 months of intensive ED treatment, none of the providers in the facilities knew how to handle those fears and trauma that caused my ED as a way to escape them— some of them hadn’t even realized those were widespread issues.
and yes, the more prominent fears and shame surrounding fatness are often based in reality of how fat people are treated, and indicate major societal and internalized fatphobia. but the internalized parts can be worked on, and the societal parts can be worked on at an individual scale, and way too many people will fight tooth and nail to be able to further demonize fat people rather than address those biases or get involved with fat liberation. and that makes fat liberation a lot more difficult and directly contributed to the harm towards those of us who are already fat. thus, I do not have much sympathy on a population-scale for skinny folks who express they “feel fat.”
2) I despise the phrase “plus size” because no one ever advertises “straight size” clothing by that name or calls themselves “straight size” outside of specific clothing contexts where “plus size” is already involved. using that phrase here absolutely reinforces the idea that skinny=normal/default and fat=abnormal/anomaly while simultaneously reducing us to an ambiguous, impersonal, mass-marketable clothing size range. not to mention that “plus size” can mean anything including “you aren’t wafer thin and 5’0.” it’s performative and pretty antithetical to reducing fatphobia in this usage if you ask me, I highly highly doubt they were including any sort of reclamation of the term “plus size” here since they’re painting it as an undesirable trait
3) this is slowly changing I think but nearly every conversation about fatphobia that isn’t started by fat folks either starts as “but it’s so harmful when skinny people get seen as fat even if it’s just body dysmorphia :(“ or frequently the rest get derailed into “it’s hard to be skinny too!!” and/or the above sentiment. I’m tired of that. there are conversations you can be included in but why don’t you amplify voices of folks well above your size and those with intersecting marginalizations ever, instead of making every single conversation about you?
4) just clarifying here but if you’re constipated enough to change your size significantly enough for you to be considered fat and this is frequent/consistent enough to affect your daily life… you probably want to get that checked out if you can. your intestines will thank you. if there’s no easy solution to help your gut, really think about how you can join in with us who are already fighting for fat liberation. reflect on why you think this is a unique experience that others you from the “actual fat people” that you are assuming are fat for the “wrong reasons” and why you are desperate to consider yourself not fat. everyone else who is complaining about some moderate temporary bloating making them feel fat idk what else to say to you.
and of course a lot of this ties into ableism and racism and misogyny, like much of fatphobia does, I want to acknowledge and emphasize that none of this is in a vacuum, but I’m just too tired to make this post any longer at the moment to dissect the interplay of those topics… you see where I’m going. it’d take me a chapter of a book to analyze everything I want to about this commercial and I simply am not in good enough physical or mental shape to do that right now. so im just throwing out what I can spout off the top of my head. it’s just a blog post from some rando, set your expectations.
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hellishlust · 1 year
Yeast Infection No More: Protect the Body Naturally
Yeast Infection No More is a downloadable e-book that contains information about the permanent cure for yeast infection. This is a holistic system which intends to help eradicate the infections by targeting the main cause. The e-book was click here to learn more written by Linda Allen, a medial researcher, health consultant, nutritionist and an ex-sufferer of the yeast infection. Using this as a guide for treating the infection is absolutely safe and non-evasive.
Yeast infection also called Candidiasis is a fungal infection of any yeasts species. This kind of infection is very dangerous if left untreated; it can spread and affect body organ such as the esophagus, lungs and brain. In the long run, it can produce harmful toxins called Acetaldehyde into the body which can poison the infected host. The symptoms of the Candidiasis include rashes, acne, migraines, menstrual pain, blurred vision, weight gain, chronic fatigue, muscular aches, allergies, constipation or insomnia. The condition may worsen and may lead to other life-threatening diseases.
There are factors that cause the infection. Stress may lead to production of yeast cells the body fails to fight against through increased sugar level. When stressed, a chemical is released into the body that suppresses the immune system. Excess alcohol intake and Antibiotics overuse destroys good bacteria leading to yeasts flourishing in the gut. Birth control pills that contain estrogen also lead to yeast growth. The other causes include constipation, food allergies, constipation and electromagnetic stress.
The Yeast Infection No More book guide contains 5 steps of simple treatment to Candidiasis. It contains tips on right foods to eat, homemade remedies, herbal washes and supplements. There are also bonus contents in the book and personal 3-month counseling with the author herself.
The 5-step simple cure for the yeast infection is easy to follow and only need the cooperation of the person. The 6 dietary lessons given should be followed to stop further development of yeasts. Taking nutritional supplements for the immune system is also vital. Detoxification by raw food diets, fasting, and juices can cleanse the system. The yeasts can be killed by using the products recommended in the e-book. The body must be supplied with all the good foods to stop the fungi overgrowth permanently.
Using the e-book as guide to a healthy yeast-free body is a natural way without side-effects to worry about. No drugs or medication are required. Unlike lotions or creams, which only relieve the symptoms temporarily, this system helps remove the infection forever. The e-book contains all necessary things to know even the worse infections. Aside from the fact that it is holistic, it was written in a comprehensive manner anyone can follow.
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
side effects of losing weight too fast
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Lose 10 kg in 10 days! You can eat as much as you want and still lose weight! Size down in 1 day! If you believe the advertising, you can lose weight quickly. Trending diets and nutritional supplements for weight loss promise slim bodies in no time. Most consumers spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products. Do any of these products really cause rapid weight loss? Is it safe to ingest? And what are the dangers of losing weight too quickly? Here's a look at some quick weight loss claims and the available evidence.
What is Fast Weight Loss?
Many sellers promise "quick weight loss," so it's hard to categorize them all.Most quick weight loss methods fall into the following categories. Tablets and Dietary Supplements Dozens of diet supplements promise to accelerate weight loss. In general, they claim to inhibit nutrient absorption, increase metabolism, or burn fat. Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) One of the most proven methods for rapid weight loss is the Physician-Supervised Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). Most of the information we know about rapid weight loss comes from studies of people following these diets. worms, gadgets, magic There seems to be no end to the questionable ideas being promoted in the name of rapid weight loss. Most of them promise to replace diet and exercise.
Does Fast Weight Loss Work?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements. However, treat it like food rather than medicine. The FDA also does not review claims made by over-the-counter weight loss products. Unlike pharmaceutical manufacturers, dietary supplement manufacturers do not have to prove the safety or efficacy of their products before marketing them. This means that dietary supplements do not have to be approved by the FDA before being placed on the market. Other than very low calorie diets and weight loss surgery, no other product, pill, or diet has been proven to result in rapid weight loss. It is not intended for serious weight loss and may have side effects.In a fast weight loss program, it is not pills or some kind of food that burns fat, but the drastic reduction in calories associated with exercise.
What are the dangers of rapid weight loss?
Rapid weight loss causes physical stress on the body. Possible serious risks include: Gallstones occur in 12-25% of people who lose a lot of weight in a few months. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking plenty of water. malnutrition. It is usually caused by not eating enough protein for several weeks. An electrolyte imbalance that is rarely life threatening. Other side effects of rapid weight loss are: headache hypersensitivity and irritability Malaise dizzy constipation Irregular menstruation hair loss muscle breakdown The risk of rapid weight loss increases with the length of the diet. A diet without protein is very dangerous.
Is rapid weight loss always a bad idea?
Crash diets can have adverse effects, but so can obesity. Therefore, a very low calorie diet (VLCD) is recommended for those who are overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30) and who do not have specific goals such as exercise. A good choice for those who need to lose weight quickly because of such as weight loss surgery. Consider weight. VLCD is a medically controlled diet that lasts for several weeks. Diets are nutritionally balanced but expensive - people end up spending thousands of dollars. VLCD reliably reduces weight by 15% to 25% in 12 weeks. This is for those who have completed the program. 25% to half of people fail to complete the program. If you stop dieting, your weight will return to where it was before, but this will happen quickly. Some experts say it's better to use sustainable approaches to weight loss than conventional diets. Of course, most people who want to lose weight quickly usually do so on their own.Often the goal is to achieve a short-term goal. B. Reach your dress size or look good on the beach. Starving is definitely not a good idea. However, if you are medically fit, there is no harm in doing short-term, severe calorie restriction. You should tell your doctor what you are doing and make sure you are getting protein in your diet (70-100 grams per day). Take a multivitamin and eat foods high in potassium (tomatoes, oranges, bananas). Also remember that crash diets rarely help you maintain a healthy weight. Most people will put the weight back on quickly. Read the full article
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jitendra-singh-sm · 2 years
Medication to treat high blood pressure or hypertension
Prolomet XL 25 is a medication used to treat high blood pressure or hypertension. It contains the active ingredient Metoprolol Succinate, which belongs to a group of drugs known as beta-blockers. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits, dosage, side effects, and precautions of Prolomet XL 25.
Benefits of Prolomet XL 25:
Prolomet XL 25 is a beta-blocker medication that works by blocking the effects of certain hormones such as adrenaline, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure. By doing so, it helps to relax blood vessels, which allows blood to flow more easily through them, reducing blood pressure.
Prolomet XL 25 is effective in reducing high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. It can also be used to treat angina (chest pain) and heart failure, which are conditions that can occur due to high blood pressure.
Dosage of Prolomet XL 25:
Prolomet XL 25 is available in tablet form, and the dosage may vary depending on the individual's condition and response to treatment. The recommended starting dose is 25mg once daily, which can be increased gradually as necessary. The maximum recommended dose is 200mg per day.
It is important to take Prolomet XL 25 at the same time each day and follow the instructions given by your doctor. Do not stop taking the medication without consulting your doctor, as it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Side Effects of Prolomet XL 25:
Like all medications, Prolomet XL 25 can cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Common side effects include:
Cold hands and feet
If you experience any of these side effects, talk to your doctor, who may adjust your dose or prescribe a different medication.
Precautions of Prolomet XL 25:
Before taking Prolomet XL 25, inform your doctor if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or are taking any other medications. Prolomet XL 25 may not be suitable for everyone, and your doctor may need to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate regularly.
It is important to avoid drinking alcohol while taking Prolomet XL 25, as it can increase the risk of side effects. Also, do not suddenly stop taking the medication, as it can cause a rebound effect, leading to a sudden increase in blood pressure.
Prolomet XL 25 is an effective medication for treating high blood pressure, angina, and heart failure. It works by relaxing blood vessels, which helps to reduce blood pressure. However, like all medications, it can cause side effects, and it is important to take it as prescribed by your doctor. If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor, who may adjust your dose or prescribe a different medication.
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nerverescue · 2 years
What are the Best Options for Pain Medication for Fibromyalgia Patients?
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes chronic pain all over the body, often accompanied by fatigue and sleep problems. While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are several treatments that can help relieve symptoms. In this article, we'll discuss some of the best options for pain medication for fibromyalgia.
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What are the Types of Pain Medications for Fibromyalgia?
There are a number of types of pain medications for fibromyalgia, but the best options for treating fibromyalgia depend on the specific symptoms being treated and the individual's tolerances. Common pain medications used to treat fibromyalgia include antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory medications. Many patients find relief from these treatments, but it is important to discuss the potential side effects with a doctor before starting any new medication.
How do Fibromyalgia Patients Respond to Pain Medications?
Pain medications for fibromyalgia can be quite effective in reducing the level of pain a patient experiences. However, some patients may find that these medications cause side effects that make them less likely to stay adherent to their treatment plan. Additionally, there are different types of pain medications available that may be more or less effective for different types of fibromyalgia pain. Patients should discuss their individual needs with their doctor during prescription consultation. Some common options for pain medication for fibromyalgia include:
Opioids: Opioids are among the most commonly used types of pain medication for treating chronic pain. They work by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which then block the transmission of signals that are causing the patient's pain. Opioids can be addictive and have side effects such as euphoria, drowsiness, constipation, and nausea. However, they are also very effective at relieving chronic pain and are considered one of the most effective forms of treatment for fibromyalgia.
Triptans: Triptans are a type of medication that functions as an agonist at serotonin receptors. This means that they stimulate the production of serotonin, which reduces feelings of fatigue and helps to improve moods. Commonly prescribed triptans include sumatriptan (Imitrex), zolmitriptan (Zomig), rizatriptan (Maxalt), and almotriptan (Axert). While triptans can be quite effective at reducing pain, they also have side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and headache. They should be taken with caution if a patient is also taking other medications that affect serotonin levels, such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs are a type of medication that work by blocking the activity of various enzymes that are responsible for causing inflammation. This class of drugs includes ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib (Celebrex), and etodolac (Lodine). NSAIDs can be quite effective at relieving pain, but they also have some side effects, including gastrointestinal problems, liver damage, and kidney impairment. They should be used with caution if a patient is also taking other medications that can damage the kidneys or liver.
Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen is a type of medication that functions as an analgesic and antipyretic. It works by reducing the level of inflammation in the body and helping to relieve pain. Acetaminophen can be dangerous if taken in high doses or if it is taken with other medications that can increase the risk of liver damage. It is generally safe to take acetaminophen in low doses without any additional precautions.
Potential Side Effects of Pain Medications for Fibromyalgia
If you are experiencing chronic pain due to fibromyalgia, there are a number of medications that can help. However, all medications have potential side effects. It is important to speak with your doctor about the best option for you and to be aware of any potential side effects.
The following are some of the most common side effects associated with pain medications for fibromyalgia:
Nausea and vomiting
Anxiety and irritability
Restlessness and insomnia
Fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition that affects the entire body, causing widespread pain and stiffness. If you are suffering from the same, Nerve Rescue is here to help you. It’s a scientifically proven and highly absorbable nerve rescue formula, Made with 100% pure R-Alpha Lipoic acid, this product helps to calm nerve pain and burning sensation. Premium Nerve Rescue is the ultimate choice for those dealing with pain medication for Fibromyalgia Patients. With its potent antioxidant content, it calms inflammation and supports healthy nerve function. Try Nerve Rescue today!
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Cure Varicocele Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide to Varicocele Natural Treatment
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A varicocele medical condition is defined by the growth of veins in the scrotum. It is like varicose veins, which may appear on the legs. It is most commonly affecting the testicular veins that are responsible for removing testosterone from the testicles. While varicoceles are often under the radar, they could cause serious problems, such as infertility and atrophy of the testicular. Understanding the causes and symptoms, as well as the types and preventive measures, is crucial to detect early and have a variety of varicocele natural remedies options, which include the ability to cure varicocele without surgery.
What is a Varicocele?
The varicocele develops when the vessels in the scrotum get dilapidated because of the malfunctioning valves in the spermatic cord which are responsible for carrying blood from and to the testicles. The valves malfunction and create a pool of blood which causes the characteristic swelling and the expansion of veins.
The condition is pretty widespread and affects about 15% of men, typically in the adolescent years. Although it's not likely to cause any symptoms at first, the condition can affect the function of the testicle over time.
Varicoceles: Types of Varicocele
Varicoceles can be classified in a variety of types based on their severity. These grades assist doctors to assess the severity of the problem and suggest the best treatment whether it is surgery or natural treatment for varicocele.
1. Grade (Subclinical) Varicoceles of Grade 1 (Subclinical) are not visible and may only be found through special imaging tests, such as ultrasound. These are considered to be the most serious and, in most cases, asymptomatic.
2 Grade (Palpable but not visible) In this grade the varicocele can't be visible, but it can be perceived during a physical exam. It is possible that symptoms begin to show at this point.
3 Grade (Visible and palpable): The most serious form, where the swollen veins appear expanded and easily felt. Signs of discomfort and pain are more frequent at this point.
Varicocele Prevention
There are many ways to cure varicocele natural remedies because the reason behind it is not always known. But, taking steps to improve circulation and lessen abdominal pressure will reduce the chance of developing the condition. Here are a few preventive steps:
Avoid heavy lifting. If possible, avoid the strenuous activities that can create pressure on the veins that run through the scrotum.
Manage constipation: Constipation can cause abdominal strain during bowel movements. A diet high in fibre and hydrating your body can assist with varicocele treatment without surgery.
Stop smoking: Smoking can affect circulation and weaken blood vessels, causing the formation of varicoceles.
Best Varicocele Treatment Options
The treatment of varicoceles varies depending on the degree of the problem and whether it is causing symptoms like infertility or pain. Many people seek varicocele treatment without surgery to reduce the risk and downtime that comes with surgery. Below is the top non-surgical and homeopathic varicocele treatment without surgery alternatives for treating varicoceles:
1. Varicocele Treatment without Surgery
If you're seeking a varicocele treatment without surgery, a variety of alternatives that aren't invasive exist. The best varicocele treatment is focused on relieving symptoms as well as promoting healthy blood flow.
Supportive clothing or compression shorts may help to reduce the discomfort and swelling caused by varicoceles by improving circulation.
2. Best Varicocele Natural Treatment
For those who want to treat varicocele on their own, there are a variety of methods to help alleviate symptoms of varicocele and help improve the condition.
Herbal remedies The use herbal supplements is often employed to increase circulation and reduce swelling in veins.
Exercise and yoga: Some postures such as the "legs-up-the-wall" pose (Viparita Karani) and the "legs-up-the-wall" pose (Viparita Karani) can increase blood circulation and help alleviate symptoms of varicocele.
Changes in diet A diet high of antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats can help support cardiovascular health and ease the symptoms and cure varicocele in a natural way.
3. Cure Varicocele Naturally
Certain men consider cure varicocele naturally, by improving their lifestyles and applying varicocele-specific varicocele natural remedies. While varicoceles don't always completely disappear with surgery, these ways can reduce symptoms and may ameliorate the condition:
Hydrotherapy: The process of alternating cold and warm water on the scrotum could increase blood flow and lessen swelling.
4. cure varicocele without surgery
A lot of people seek to cure varicocele naturally, especially when the symptoms are not severe. Certain methods concentrate on improving the health of vascular and circulation, whereas others are designed to ease discomfort and stop the condition from getting worse:
The exercises for pelvic floor that strengthen pelvic floor muscles can help improve circulation and help support the veins of the scrotum. This reduces the chance of varicocele getting worse.
Breathing exercises: This exercise can reduce pressure in the abdomen and increase circulation, possibly easing symptoms of varicocele.
Homeopathy is the most effective treatment for varicocele
Homeopathy is believed to be the best treatment for varicocele, and it is not surgery. It offers you a non-sensical, side-effect-free treatment. It is at Bharat Homeopathy that the hospital's doctors are aware of the importance of personalised varicocele natural treatment, which is completely natural. Homeopathic medication (made by combining herbs) to treat the discomfort of this issue is made to consider the root cause of the symptoms. So, prior to commencing your treatment, our team of experienced doctors will review your entire medical history before the treatment begins. Select the most effective treatment for varicoceles from Bharat Homeopathy. When you adopt it, you'll not only notice great results but also begin living a happy and healthy life. 
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medicineforcare · 8 days
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Endace 160mg Tablet is used to treat breast cancer and endometrial cancer. It specifically helps treat breast and endometrial cancer that are hormone dependent. It may also be used for treating low appetite and weight loss in patients with advanced cancer or HIV.
Take Endace 160 Tablet as prescribed by your physician. How much and how long you need to take it will be determined by your doctor. It is best to take it at a certain time, however you can take it with or without food. As long as this medication is prescribed to you, you should take it.
Constipation, elevated blood pressure, weight gain, increased appetite, shortness of breath, hot flushes (warm face and neck), and shortness of breath are the most frequent adverse effects of this medication. The majority of effects are transient, disappearing as soon as the body becomes acclimated to the medication. Tell your doctor if any of them cause you any discomfort. It's possible to prevent or lessen them. All other medications you take should be disclosed to your doctor as well, since many of them have the potential to alter the way this medication functions or reduce its effectiveness. This medication should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing. While you are taking this medication, your doctor may perform routine blood tests to monitor your blood sugar and hormone levels.
Benefits of Endace Tablet
In Breast cancer
Breast cancer symptoms such breast lumps, bloody nipple discharge, or changes in breast texture or shape are relieved by Endace 160 Tablet. It functions by modifying the body's synthesis of the hormones necessary for the development and metastasis of breast cancer. In order to stop the cancer from growing, it might also directly affect the cancer or interact with other hormones.
In Endometrial cancer
A synthetic hormone called Endace 160 Tablet mimics the effects of progesterone, a hormone that is naturally present in females. It improves the symptoms of abnormal vaginal bleeding, lower back pain, pain during sex, and other symptoms of endometrial cancer, a kind of cancer that develops in the lining of the womb. It obstructs the body's ability to produce and use the hormones necessary for endometrial cancer growth and dissemination. In order to stop the cancer from growing, it might also directly affect the cancer or interact with other hormones. 
Side effects of Endace Tablet
Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them
Common side effects of Endace
Increased appetite
Weight gain
Hot flashes
High blood pressure
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gaiapetshop · 9 days
What Are the Aids of Prescription Pet Food?
Pets with certain health circumstances, such as obesity, kidney illness, or allergies, can benefit from the customized nutrition provided by prescription pet food. These meals are designed with elements that promote focused action, helping control chronic disorders and encouraging overall well-being, in contrast to ordinary pet food. Prescription pet food is vital for ensuring pets obtain the nutrients they need for optimum health since it maintenances good organ function, helps them maintain a healthy weight, and increases digestion.
Prescription Pet Food Can Increase Your Pet's Health
The primary step in upholding your pet's health is giving them the proper food. Pet food set by a doctor is particularly made to treat a range of fitness circumstances, including diabetes, obesity, allergies, and digestive glitches. Prescription pet food can help succeed medical concerns such as kidney disease, gastrointestinal matters, and skin conditions, all of which can improve overall health in your pet. In addition to offering the vital nutrients, this modified food removes potentially dangerous materials that could deteriorate your pet's health.
Use Pet Probiotics to Increase Digestive Health
The general health of your pet be contingent on a fit digestive system. Probiotics are good bacteria for pets that increase the health of their digestive systems by supplementary in the balance of microorganisms in their gut. Probiotics can increase immunity; lessen the chance of gastrointestinal glitches including constipation and diarrhea, and increase nutrient absorption. Frequent usage of probiotics for pets can result in enhanced immune function, better digestion, and overall health and happiness.
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Examine Wide Range of Pet Digestive Supplements
The general well-being of your pet be contingent on maintaining the health of their digestive system. Pets recovering from surgery, those with sensitive stomachs, and those having digestive issues brought on by stress can all advantage from these vitamins. The correct digestive additions may guarantee that your pet's gut health stays ideal, from fiber supplements that encourage regular bowel movements to enzymes that help break down food. You may help evade digestive issues and uphold long-term health for your pet by including these vitamins in their regular regimen.
Wholesome Care with Terrapin Care
Specialized care is obligatory for pets such as terrapins to guarantee that their specific dietary and environmental necessities are satisfied. For terrapins to professionally absorb nutrients and maintain a healthy digestive tract, gastral supplements and probiotics can be obliging. When your terrapin is correctly cared for, its ecological and nutritional demands will be satisfied, allowing it to flourish in its natural habitat.
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Purchase Products for Digestive Health for Pets Online
Through the availability of pet digestive health products online, taking care of your pet's digestive system is now simpler than ever. You can get everything you essential to assist the digestive tract of your pet, with probiotics, digestive supplements, and prescription pet food. Even if your pet needs probiotics, digestive enzymes, or a particular diet, shopping online gives, you access to a huge selection of items catered to their individual necessities. You can select the best products for your pet's fitness by reading thorough product reviews and descriptions.
Give Your Cat High-Calorie Cat Treats.
High Calorie Cat Treats are a great choice if your cat wants to put on weight or maintain a healthy weight. These sweets are designed to bring you more calories without sacrificing nutritional content. They are perfect for cats whom essential more energy, are underweight, or are recuperating from an illness. Your cat can reach and stay at an perfect weight by giving it these treats infrequently.
Pet medications for cats and dogs help to ensure their health.
Pet medication for dogs and cats is vital for treating a diversity of health concerns, in addition to nutrition and vitamins. Continuously take medicine drugs as prescribed by a veterinarian to make sure your pet gets the right care for their distinct medical needs. The correct medication can greatly improve your pet's quality of life and keep them relaxed and healthy in addition to prescription pet food and digestive vitamins.
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