#treated margaret
majorbaby · 1 year
that bakery gifset of mine is circulating again and a lot of people are taking note of how genuinely happy frank is about the prospect of baked goods. is that the one time we see frank genuinely want something frivolous or want something for himself that doesn't bring harm or misfortune to another person?
most of the time he's after money, prestige or validation from other people and he's willing to lie, cheat and steal to get it. and even when he does get it, he doesn't seem happy. he's of a higher rank than hawkeye and trapper and he lords that over them but it doesn't bring him lasting happiness, he still wants their companionship and approval.
maybe i've been too sympathetic about his whole 'liking to be liked' it's human nature to want to be liked but no one can reciprocate genuine affection towards frank because he's not putting any of that out there to begin with.
there's margaret but she constantly doubts whether or not frank really likes her several times, and with good reason. he's critical of her looks, he's unwilling to leave his wife for her, "surely i'm worth $240 dollars" sure you are margaret as long as you pay it back with interest. i do think he probably likes her as a person or at the very least is sexually attracted to her, but that's probably less important to him than the external validation he gets from her attentions.
the best thing you can say about most of his desires is that he's far from the only guy who wants all of those things, and he was probably socialized that way. that does not absolve him of his actions.
but he wants pie! and in another episode (quo vadis captain chandler, i believe) he says a prayer for chocolate pudding which, alas, god answers "no" to. the former is a pretty innocent moment for frank, i think that's why i like it.
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garashir · 5 months
obsessed with how arthur is all “I can’t be bothered” and “I better get paid” until he encounters one of the gays then he’s nothing but warm and helpful
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
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major? sorry. major? sorry. major? sorry
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hballegro · 2 months
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"It's more than something. It's everything."
s8e11 "Life Time"
painted screenshot. cannot give a time estimate, i lost track long ago. still gouache brush, my beloved, with blur tools to fade edges and so on
i have to go to the zoo now and will be making the version with the clock later [i cannot express how long ive been battling with hawkeye's face, gamers]. background went very fast like i said it would lol
version 2 [as in, w/ clock] will probably be done later today, and i will edit this and add it when that happens [and prolly make a separate post too, for celebration purposes, and will link them]. i will also compile progress pics for that post. they are terrifying early on lmao
"A lot of very touching songs came outta that war" previous painting
"It was pink, and perfect, and I tossed it in the scrap bucket" previous painting
everyone say thank you to bj to being a perfect painting subject today he was very polite and he looks about how i wanted unlike SOME PEOPLE
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that was me to my sibling last night, and i stayed up til 1:10ish and still didnt finish the final pass over hawkeye's eye. everything else took like 5ish minutes
also everyone say thank you to margaret and nurse kellye for also being perfect and lovely and pleasant to work with
photo used blatantly stolen from this post thank you again @remyfire i owe you my life
update edit;
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clock back
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 5 months
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Smooth Talk (Joyce Chopra, 1985)
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muffinrag · 11 months
have you ever wanted to watch a man squirm
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cannibalspicnic · 1 year
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DEADLOCH (2023- ) Season 1 Episode 6
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tired-fandom-ndn · 16 days
Hello Margaret was completely in the right for wanting to transfer out a nurse who kept running out of surgery and she was right for caring more about the well-being of the patients than the feelings of one person.
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remyfire · 7 months
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Love when you can see the moment a sexuality crisis begins anew
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Just going to warn you now not to look up anything with the last episode of What If because you'll absolutely despise it lmao. It's not great.
Too late! 😜
I read a summary of the episode and it is the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time. I had heard the rumours prior to the release of the season but nothing could prepare me for this. So, Stephen was the villain all along and for... *checks notes*... his obsession with Christine. Again. Wow, so creative. Is there anything to Stephen beyond her? According to the Marvel writers, nope.
It's not like his arc was focused on that in S1 and it got a wonderful conclusion in the finale. Nah, they have to ruin yet another Stephen variant so that they can confirm what the Illuminati said in MoM. Because the Illuminati were such good guys, you see. They were always right.
Stephen is no more than a threat, the same Stephen who had such capacity for goodness that the Ancient One herself was willing to risk her life for him. The same woman who said Stephen is the best of all of them. The same Stephen who chooses to sacrifice his hands and live in pain 24/7 just out of fear of reverting back to who he used to be at the hospital. The same Stephen who sacrifices everything, including his own life, to save people. The same guy who saw his reality be destroyed before his own two eyes and vowed to spend eternity protecting the Multiverse. That same guy is taken on a character regression and goes back to his obsession in S1 as if he had learnt nothing.
Awesome, that's just... great. It would bother me less if MoM had treated him right, addressed his pain and his suffering, and actually cared to focus on him. But this is more salt in the wound. And these guys are preparing a third Strange movie... my, my. If it's not with Scott Derrickson, then I don't want to see it.
Thank you for the warning though, you're too kind 😉
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thunderberryart · 1 year
I really do hope the devs for Rune Factory never come out and say which of the bachelors/bachelorettes from RF4 is the one they consider canon.
I haven't played RF1/2/3 but I know about all the hate Mist, Mana, and Shara got from the fandom simply for being pushed as the canon bachelorettes of their respective games (especially Shara now that RF3S's Western release is so close) and the idea of that happening to any of the RF4 candidates is not fun. The same goes for RF5.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
The list of things Debbie did for her siblings while they treated her like an annoyance, so hurtful.
She ran the daycare for Fiona
She looked for Ian with Lip
She took care of the house while Fiona was going through a downward spiral
She managed the household when Fiona left
She kept Ian and Mickey's wedding from being ruined and missed it on top of that
She got Lip and Tami an RV to live in, I think she even put in some money on it.
Debbie isn't as selfish as the writers tried to make her out to be. None of the siblings are what I'd call outright selfish. But Debbie is the one who gets slapped with that label and it makes me feel so bad for her. Everyone stop being mean to Debbie. 💔
i mean, debbie has been annoying on several occasions, but so have all of the other characters. i think that all of the “annoying” things she has done are relatively justifiable. and not to throw anyone under the bus (i love you fiona i’m so sorry for this) but fiona can be just as annoying as debbie.
it honestly saddens me how poorly debbie has always been treated, she really has never had any ill-intentions towards her family members, she’s very helpful and yeah, she can be controlling and a little much, but really all she wants is a family that will stay together.
every “selfish” thing she’s ever done really wasn’t that selfish. like, some people say that keeping franny was selfish and she only did it “to spite fiona”, but we literally saw why. derek’s sister-in-law said that having a kid gave her a new family, she literally wanted a kid so that she could build a family, she specifically said she didn’t want fiona to hate her/she didn’t want more issues with fiona- franny wasn’t created as a “fuck you” to fiona and debbie did it ALL on her own. fiona didn’t raise franny at all.
and honestly? debbie deserves to be selfish at times. she’s spent so much of her life doing things for others and just getting hurt over and over again, so let her be selfish from time to time.
but like seriously she does so much and is treated like a nuisance. ian should be thanking her for all that she did for the wedding, fiona should be thanking her for all that she did while she was having a breakdown, tami should have thanked her for spending her hard-earned money on the rv, she just deserves a big thank you because she really cares.
the fandom decided one day that they hated her and then the writers went off of that, but it was complete bullshit. you can’t convince me that all of the gallagher’s hate debbie because they don’t. they love their sister. argue with the wall.
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fideidefenswhore · 8 months
what was the difference in margaret tudor annulling her marriage that let her keep her daughter legitimate compared to henry breaking from katherine?
Some historians have argued that it was a matter of Margaret Tudor already having had an heir (male); that had Anne Boleyn had a son in 1533, HVIII wouldn’t have done anything regarding Princess Mary’s status and it would be kept the same (assuming , of course, that she would acknowledge their son as prince).
However, I think this might be an oversimplification, the historian JF Hadwin has argued it was actually more a matter of English law and statute/inheritance precedent:
“[Henry VIII] now argued [Princess Mary] would be barred by illegitimacy. This contention puzzled continental contemporaries because elsewhere in western Europe those children born to couples who in good faith believed themselves validly married were treated as legitimate. Nevertheless, Henry was right. After a period of some uncertainty, by the late fourteenth century England had opted out of the bona fides principle. As Sir John Baker notes, 'succession problems were usually debated in legal terms and in accordance with the common law canons of inheritance.’ A successful challenge to his marriage would thus automatically bastardise Mary and leave Henry no direct heir… [although] Mary could have been legitimated by statute.” HADWIN, JF. Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Henry VIII. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 2019.
Chapuys claimed that HVIII argued that Mary was incontrovertibly illegitimate; but had also said that even if she were not, her ‘disobedience merited her disinheritance’. That’s instructive, maybe less on his belief about her illegitimacy (I mean… seems pretty clear and inflexible, to me) and more as to why he never granted her a title lesser than Princess; Chapuys claimed he’d promised her this in exchange for her acknowledgement of her parents’ annulment and the ‘illegitimacy’ of her birth/status, and then was very miffed when he never granted her any (Duchess of York, etc) in 1537- (if the claim was true, it seems it was an offer with an expiration date, since Chapuys first made the claim… 1534 or 1535, can’t remember which atm).
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
I sincerely hope that Trapper's last night in Korea was spent having mind-blowing sex with Margaret
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Hi I'm back with character rants
Honestly it's a little depressing how quickly Killian tried to cling to David and Snow, especially after marrying Emma (i.e, "Hello there mummy" literally the day after the wedding)
ALSO DAVID'S "I'm gonna trust my son" 🥺😭
Yes you will also see me talking about how gay David and Killian were together and then you will see me talking about David being a father/brother figure to Killian, do not Sweet Home Alabama me I'm not trying to create incest I promise
But as Killian himself stated, David reminds him of Liam which is like the best compliment you can get from Killian, even if he is insulting you in the process
And for Killian, a Liam figure is practically a father figure so there you have it
And I've mentioned this to a few people but Killian was DEFINITELY a mama's boy okay? And then his mom died so he just steals Snow and is very accepting of her excessive mothering.
TL;DR, David and Snow have officially adopted Killian as their estranged emo child and this makes Killian really really happy
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
the fun of having put out the "bj's moustache is gay culture" post while also headcanoning first and foremost that whatever bj is, it's not actually gay but something way funnier and more fucked up
#what im saying is that hawkeye is sometimes bj's wife but not in a gay way#it's the opposite in a way of how frank burns desires hawkeye carnally and is so mad about it being really gay#and that hawkeye is queer in a gender and a sexuality way that means he can slide into whatever mold someone else desires#and margaret is a transmasc who will give herself that crew cut when she's in her 60s#and everyone will mistake her for a lesbian but actually she's gay for men#but hawkeye can be a girl for her if he wants#bj and frank both represent the lie of the american dream but in different ways#(that is they both went to war on a promise about smthinsmthin american duty masculinity etc)#but while I'm absolutely on the frank is gay choo choo train#idk with bj it just seems a bit boring as a read to end it there imo#especially as it's generally agreed upon that his character was so broadly written#i prefer to play in that broadness personally but hey if u wanna tag that post as gay bj i get where that comes from#ilke yeah for sure the moustache is gay culture - 70s gay culture#also tbh to get serious for a sec it was very weird getting into the mash fandom while this whole thing was going on#and i think it kept me from getting totally into it from the first jump - lot of judgement on headcanons#lot of *this is all of fandoms opinion on xy thing and if you say something different you're wrong*#lot of treating headcanons and meta as serious discussion pieces rather than just... engaging with a piece of fiction#(this not about analysing outdated elements of the show am talking the character and not-so-serious meta)#all of this to say: pls dont be weird on this post they're called headcanons for a reason#it's 2pm and i am pulling an all-nighter to hit a deadline#we're feeling fragile gents
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