#my poor little meow meow i would treat you right
t00thpasteface · 8 months
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major? sorry. major? sorry. major? sorry
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justporo · 1 year
An Assortment of Strays
I believe I still owe you guys a drabble about how Astarion adopts a stray kitten. So here you go. @mushy6902 this one's on you again! (Also I only googled what you could give a kitten for improvisation, don't take that as advice!)
Artwork by the wonderful @britonell ❤️
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Pairing: Astarion/Gn!Tav
Wordcount: 2,2k
After an autumn storm Astarion comes home completely drenched, under his doublet jacket he has a small kitten that's desperately trying to cling to the vampire's chest.
Astarion had gone out to run some errands - probably mostly threads for his embroidery projects and some new tomes he could brood over.
He‘d asked you if you would care to join but you had taken a look outside your tall living room window, seen the autumn storm brewing outside, making itself known with stormy winds and clouds passing over the moon and told him “thank you, but no thank you”.
He couldn‘t catch a cold - you could, and weren‘t very keen on it.
Then you had cozied up in front of the lit fireplace with a goblet of wine - you had adopted Astarion‘s inclination to it in no time - and a book. Surely, it had started to rain cats and dogs soon after. And because you were such a nice and thoughtful person you had already collected some towels for the vampire when he would return and curse the weather, looking like a wet puppy, his white curls all but flattened by the rain and drooping adorably around his pointy ears.
He took much longer than expected though but you weren‘t worried - he was a free man now after all and could do whatever he pleased.
So, you sat and read - Scratch had come over too when the storm had really started going. After your party had split after everything was said and done, you‘d insisted on keeping the stray. So now he lived with Astarion and you in your little townhouse and very much enjoyed being spoiled by you.
Astarion didn‘t bond with the dog awfully much - „rather a cat person, my love, sorry“ - but he still sometimes could be found sitting in the window alcove reading with the dog in his lap, who received some head scratches.
Scratch had almost buried himself under the blanket you had spread over your legs now, when the first lightning strikes had turned into roaring thunder. You were gently patting his head and ears to soothe him while holding your book with your other hand. Focused completely on your reading you only looked up when you heard noises - and cursing - in the hallway.
You put your reading down and softly lifted the dog‘s head from your lap to get up. As you walked in the hallway you saw the expected scene: Astarion completely drenched, hair dripping and cursing like a sailor.
„Gods, I should have listened to you concerning the weather - you were right“, Astarion spat and made and disgusted face. „I‘d say I am right more times than you would like to admit, my love“, you answered with a chuckle and grabbed the towels you had prepared but were startled when you realised there was something more.
The vampire seemed to have something inside his doublet jacket he had obviously tried to keep dry.
„What is it you have there, Astarion?“, you asked curiously and drew your brows together - somehow you were sure that it wasn‘t just books or a precious bottle of „a fullbodied red“ that he was carrying.
The vampire ignored your question. His face lit up when he saw that you were holding some towels: „Oh, good thinking, my sweet, we could really use something to soak up all the godsdamned rain.“ „We?“, you replied confusedly and helplessly held up the towels.
Astarion carefully opened up his doublet and revealed a small furry creature. A small white kitten that was just as drenched as Astarion and desperately tried to cling to the vampire‘s chest: small, scared, miserably shaking and meowing.
„Oh no, who‘s this poor little thing?“, you cooed immediately and opened up your arms with one of the towels opened up so you might wrap the small kitten in it.
„Really? That‘s how you treat a cat you‘ve just met when I am here - your cherished soulmate - just as wet and miserable?“, Astarion complained. „For being so miserable you have an awful lot of breath to waste, my friend.“ Astarion huffed in protest. „Also you are not probably only a few weeks old and loudly meowing for help“, you continued and carefully took the kitten from Astarion who just as carefully handed the tiny little thing to you.
„Oh, I could meow if that‘s what would help further my case with you“, Astarion pouted while you cautiously dried off the kitten.
When the vampire just stood in front of you and said nothing while still dripping all over your hardwood floors you looked back up. „Oh uh, there‘s another towel back there, my love, if you want to dry yourself“, you said and then went back to cradling your small new friend.
Astarion sighed dramatically and walked past you to grab the promised towel. „I already get the feeling, this was a mistake. Your heart so eagerly conquered by a cute little stray you just took in“, he proclaimed theatrically, the back of one of his hands placed on his forehead.
„Hmm, says the cute little stray that I took in and that conquered my heart“, you replied matter-of-fact, not taking your eyes of the small animal and started to walk towards the living room and the burning fire there in the fireplace.
As you passed Astarion who was still trying to get his hair dry you threw your vampire a sideglance though; just to make sure he‘d caught that. And, oh, he had. He smirked and winked at you, having heard exactly what he wanted from you.
You sat down in front of the fireplace. Scratch was immediately up and wagging his tail, smelling the newcomer. “You be nice and keep your distance, Scratch”, you warned the dog. “I guess our new friend is already scared out of their mind!” And so the stray layed down again, his head on the ground between his paws, looking up at you with puppy eyes. His tail was still lazily wagging in excitement.
The kitten was slowly stopping shuddering with the warmth of the fire starting to dry her fur, but she wouldn’t stop meowing. Astarion came over to you after some time after he had put on some dry clothes. “I guess she doesn’t want to be held by me. Will you hold her? I’m going to look for something we can feed her in the kitchen”, you explained immediately after the vampire had sat down on his knees in front of you. You cautiously handed over the towel with the kitten to the stunned elf who started to huff in protest: “No, Tav, please you are the one good with animals…” “You brought the small cat here…” “Yes, but only because-“ You were already out the door and halfway to the kitchen. You searched your brain for what you knew about what you could feed a cat that was still so small. Tomorrow you would have to go out and find proper nutrition for the poor small thing.
You rummaged through your cabinets and finally mixed together some milk, water, yogurt and eggs – at least for tonight that would hopefully suffice. In one bowl you had your improvised kitten food and in another you filled some water. Then you went back to the living room. Astarion had donned the towel and was holding the kitten against his chest where it had calmed down. But she still had her claws borrowed in Astarion’s doublet and apparently they went right through the cloth judging by the vampire’s grimace.
“Watch out, she got you, tiger”, you joked as you kneeled down in front of him with the two bowls in hand. Scratch was up again too and sniffed curiously at the mixture for the kitten. But it was seemingly not much to his liking as he laid down again quickly.
“Should I set her down so she can feed and drink?”, Astarion asked you. He really seemed a bit overwhelmed with trying to care for the small furry thing. As she clawed at him again a soft “oww” left his lips. “We can at least try but we should pay attention Scratch doesn’t get too close. He would probably be a bit much for our newcomer”, you said and looked at the dog tentatively. But Scratch seemed to have taken the hint and had laid down a bit further and had just started to snooze peacefully.
Astarion slowly and carefully lifted the kitten from his chest, having to remove a claw or two with his fingers. He sighed as he looked down and saw some loosened threads in the embroidery: “I’m going to have to patch that up later.” Then he sat the small one down in front of the bowls. But the vampire did not let go f the small animal before he let one finger caressingly run over the creature’s head and down it’s back. He almost seemed scared that it would run off. But the kitten did not. If anything, she seemed to even enjoy the vampire’s pets.
“She’s so weird. Animals usually don’t feel very comfortable around me – you know, the whole vampirism thing… They feel it”, Astarion said absent-mindedly while he watched the cat slowly check out the two bowls. His red eyes were still observing her, a small warm smile was playing on his lips. Your own heart swelled with affection seeing how much he cared for this small being.
“Where did you find her?”, you asked. The vampire reached out to the kitten again, softly stroking her why she drank a little water. The small blue eyes were wandering around the surroundings – cautiously. But she still moved up her head to get more of the vampire’s pets. “I guess she likes you”, you said with a smile and kept your eyes on her before the Astarion could answer your previous question. “Trust me to get someone to purr”, he smirked. “Eww Astarion, not the time”, you moaned. You only received a chuckle and a smirk in response.
“I heard some meowing while everyone was scurrying from the rain in a small alley. I thought I was imagining it at first but there she was, a small little kitten, sitting alone in a small basket. It was completely drenched and it didn’t look like its mother was still around. Maybe she was the runt of the litter. I… just couldn't leave her there, all alone and cold, in the dark”, Astarion explained, his eyes miles away as he remembered the situation. But you could quickly see that that wasn’t the only thing. It was apparent why he felt for the lost little creature.
“You have a big heart, Astarion”, you told him sincerely which made his gaze flick to yours. But his eyes immediately left yours again. He surely didn’t believe what you said himself. At least not yet. That was okay though, you would tell him again and again until he didn’t doubt himself anymore.
The kitten meanwhile was trying to feed from the mixture you had concocted but it seemed she was only really getting the stuff on her adorable little face.
Astarion kept observing her a little bit more, cocking his head. Then he shook his head and softly grabbed the small creature again. “It’s not going to work like this, little one, if you only keep rubbing your face in your food”, he said affectionately as he made to hold her with one hand. With the other he took some of the mixture with one of his fingers and then held it to the kitten’s snout.
And surely, after a few seconds she licked it off the vampire’s fingers. A big smile crept onto your face and your heart grew in size while you watched the scene. Scratch also had slowly come back and was pushing his nose under your arm so you would let him rest his head on your lap again. You allowed it and kept watching how Astarion slowly fed the kitten. She’d quickly grown more eagerly and had started using her teeth too.
“Oww, will you stop biting me, you mean little thing”, Astarion exclaimed and shook his hand. “Serves you right, now you know how it feels”, you immediately threw in. The pale elf threw you a glance, saying “are you even serious”, but he kept allowing the cat to feed of his fingers until she seemed sated and her eyes grew heavy.
The vampire grabbed the towel that still laid next to him and lightly rubbed the mess of the kitten’s face. You offered Astarion the blanket from before to make an improvised bed for the small one on which he placed the cat carefully so she could get some rest.
“She’ll need a name if we’re going to keep her”, you said as you both watched the fur ball breathe softly. “Well, we already have a dog called Scratch, maybe we can call her Bite”, Astarion replied with a grin. You made a face at him and left the topic for the time being.
“What a fine assortment of strays we are, don’t you think, my love?”, Astarion asked then and looked at you with warmth in his eyes. You leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Fine, yes”, you answered as you made to lay down and put your head into Astarion’s lap. “But we’re not strays anymore, we’re home now”, you said with a smile and looked up at your soulmate. The vampire let his hands cup your cheeks and ran his thumbs over them lovingly: “And how sweet it is being home with you, my heart.”
Bonus: Enjoy this sweet little creature stare directly into your soul!
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blueteller · 8 months
TCF Theory: What If God of Death Had a Reason for Kidnapping Minors?
(Hey, @murasaki-cha, I might have a theory that could sorta maybe redeem your pathetic little meow meow! 😂)
[Also: SPOILER WARNING for... basically everything in TCF?]
So, here's the thing:
It's no secret I always had… issues with the God of Death for kidnapping the Chois.
Let me clarify a bit.
What he did to Kim Rok Soo, aka. Cale, was not okay either – however! I can see it justified somewhat by circumstances: he was cursed, his life was generally depressing and terrible, and there was a world in need of saving. Honestly, the deal with the Original Cale Henituse to switch the two of them was best for all parties involved. (I'm still angry he did not ask Cale himself for permission, though! All the God of Death needed to do was tell him: "Look, this is the world where your BFF Lee Soo Hyuk reincarnated into. And the world is going to be destroyed in about 20 years if nothing is done about it. Would you mind cleaning that up for me?" You bet your butt Cale would have agreed fair and square, even if he were EXTREMELY miffed about the deal. But it's so much easier to simply hide your involvement in the transmigration, so that Cale doesn't have a personal vendetta against you once he gets OP, right…? Not that it succeeded, lol. Cale still ended up cursing the God of Death a lot)
However – all of what I just said? NONE of it applied for the Choi family member.
First, we have Choi Jung Gun, aka. Nelan Barrow. Let me remind you, the kid was FIFTEEN. Freaking 15!!!! The God of Death kidnapped a literal CHILD with no combat experience, and dropped him in the middle of an active war zone! Sure, technically Super Rock was there and presumably took care of him – but still, that was an objectively a terrible thing to do, God of Death! Bad boy!! 🧹🧹🧹
Then we have Choi Han, and ohhh boy, he had even worse somehow! Even though he was 2 years older than Choi Jung Gun when he got transported, he still ended up in the freaking FOREST OF DARKNESS. Weaponless, isolated, under constant threat of death. It's a miracle Choi Han did not die or completely lose his mind – and in a sense he did – but he was still able to retain a piece of himself, NO THANKS TO YOU GOD OF DEATH. My goodness! What a way to treat your "chosen hero ", mister!
...as you can probably tell, I was pissed enough at the God of Death for kidnapping poor Choi Jung Gun, but I am NEVER forgiving him for what Choi Han went thought. Should have given him something! A letter, a sword, or at the very least – A FREAKING MAP!!!
Aaaand finally we have Choi Jung Soo. Which was a bizarre case in comparison to the previous two. Even the God of Death remarked how unusual it was.
First of all, consent was asked – WHAT A TWIST! 🤣
Secondly, Choi Jung Soo was already an adult, and experienced fighter. He'd have a much better time in Nameless 1 world than any of his predecessors (excluding the fact that he'd have a TERRIBLE time trying to fight the White Star; who may I remind you possessed Kim Rok Soo's face... Also, did he even get to read "The Birth of a Hero"...?). He was also on the verge of death. AND he allowed to say no!! It was much more fair than what happened to the other two.
...But why though? Why the special treatment, God of Death? Why not kidnap Choi Jung Soo as a kid as well? The timing was kind of strange.
So here my theory comes in.
What if, it wasn't the God of Death who determined the timing of the transportation? What if there was an outside factor involved? Just because there seemingly wasn't a strict pattern to WHEN the Chois got transported, that doesn't mean there couldn't be one.
An outside factor like, let's say.... the Hunters? 🤔
From his behaviour in the Sloth Test, we know that Choi Jung Gun absolutely hates the Hunters. And it seemed very personal too. Even if we take it for granted that the Hunters were responsible for the existence of the Original White Star and the war and all that... It was still VERY personal. Like, "I will tear you to bloody pieces with my bare hands and chew on them with my teeth" level of personal. So, what gives?
Then it hit me.
The Five Colored Bloods Hunters are Wanderers who can freely travel across dimensions. They targeted young Kim Rok Soo, because he had a "mark" of the God of Death on. They assumed it could be a sign of a Single Lifer, and it did not matter to them if it necessary to kill him just to "check". The only reason why Kim Rok Soo survived was because Choi Jung Gun was there (even though I have issues about his execution – using a minor as BAIT?! Not cool man! Almost as bad as the God of Death!). Without him, young Kim Rok Soo absolutely would have been killed. And the way Choi Jung Gun was acting in the Sloth Test made it seem like it wasn't the first time something like this happened either.
Meaning: the Hunters were already on Earth 1. They have been there.
So, what if... the Hunters had already targeted the Chois in the past? Including Choi Jung Gun himself?
Think about it. If the Hunters had any clue that this particular lineage could produce Single Lifers... they'd certainly keep an eye on the Choi family, right? There would be no need to directly interfere. Just, watching them from the sidelines and let them produce next generations. Spying on their kids – like the total creeps they are.
And perhaps, there was a particular sign of a potential Single Lifer to watch out for, that could manifest around adolescence? What if Choi Jung Gun showed such a sign at the age of 15?
Instead of simply using him as a weapon to save another world... was the God of Death actually trying to save Choi Jung Gun? By transporting him into another dimension??
It would... kinda make sense, right? By transporting Choi Jung Gun, his "Single Lifer power" activated. His lifespan became much longer, he developed an Ancient Power too. He was initially weak, but he grew stronger overtime. Strong enough to stand up to the Hunters and protect himself; and also taking him away from their immediate reach.
...What if the same happened with Choi Han? What if Choi Han became a target at the age of 17? And the only way to save him was to transport him as well? I mean it worked with Choi Jung Gun, why not try it a second time? If the first one became a powerful ally who could fight the Hunters, the God of Death would certainly like another one on his payroll, right?
And then there's Choi Jung Soo, of course. Maybe he escaped the scrutiny of the Hunters? Or maybe because he developed powers which made him a harder target? Why would the Hunters bother with difficult opponents when they can always play dirty and go after literal children, instead? There is also the issue of the Monster Apocalypse, as Cale suspects the Hunters were behind it as well. Maybe the Hunters had a different plan for Earth 1, and so they had to stop using it as hunting grounds for Single Lifers?
If I'm right about this, then the God of Death's actions became a liiiiitle bit more understandable.
I will forever criticize the man for not asking at least three of his victims (and don't try to give me some bull about him being "unable to", God of Death used various means to communicate through the story; Choi Jung Gun even freaking wrote "The Birth of a Hero" books for the sole purpose of giving necessary exposition to a transmigrator – more than that, if he had enough space to simp for Whales and provide Harol's backstory for no reason! He could have included ANY type of message in there, to ANYONE!), but if Choi Jung Gun were to literally die if he did not get kidnapped and transported into a war-torn dimension in need of saving... Well? Saving someone's life via transmigration might be unconventional, but I've seen it happen a lot in many isekai. I can roll with this.
...But seriously tho, I hope Choi Jung Gun makes that broom beating a regular thing. The God of Death certainly can use it. You know – for emotional intelligence improvement! 😏
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
You’re the other woman
Pairing : Mason Mount x reader
Theme : Fluff
I saw a tiktok video and thought it would be fun to come up with a short blurb with Mason. Enjoy! I haven’t proofread so I apologize for any mistakes.
Mason and you decided to be a cat parents because of your enormous obsession for them. It took you quite a while to persuade him but after a few attempts and fake tears, he finally gave in and boy, you were so ready to visit the shelter right there and then.
“Oh my god, Mase! Look at this one. It says ‘My past owner returned me back because I was too cuddly. I’m sorry…’ I’m gonna cry.” You bit on your bottom lips and felt your heart clenched at what you just read. Whatever the shelter did was clearly working on you because right now, you sworn you would have had all these cats loaded in Mason’s car if it wasn’t for him to stop you from doing so.
“Baby, you cried for the other cat we saw earlier as well. People gonna think we just had a fight.” He snaked his arm around your waist and planted a kiss on the side of your head. “Come on, let’s go further down.”
After what felt like days at the shelter, Mason and you decided to adopt a 4 years old tabby cat and named it Moori. Moori was well known amongst Mason’s fans because whenever they saw your Instagram story update, what they thought they would have gotten boyfriend pictures of Mason turned out to be pictures of Moori doing some random things most of the time.
ynusername has added to their story
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What they didn’t know was that while you were obsessed with your furry child, she was actually a daddy’s girl. Whenever Mason laid down on the couch, she would immediately followed him and tucked herself under his chin to sleep. Even when she had her eyes closed, she would always replied back whenever Mason talked to her. She would sticked by his side whenever and wherever it seemed like he put her under a spell.
It was a random night when you decided to stand your phone against the couch to record a video of you cuddling Moori when she gave you a side eye for standing in front of her.
“Babe, I can’t believe she’s giving me a side eye. Look at her!” You gasped in shock and tilted your head to catch Mason’s gaze from the kitchen.
“Baby, move. We are in a middle of a conversation and you are blocking her way.”
“I can’t believe you.” Stepping aside, you were now no longer in the video frame as all it could capture was a shot of Moori looking at Mason who was in the kitchen with full of admiration.
“Have Moori had her little lunch?” Mason asked, talking as if he was talking to Mia.
She chirped back in response.
“Yeah? What did mommy feed you? Did she give you treats for being a good girl? No?”
She replied again with repeated meows.
“Poor baby. Come here, daddy will give you your favourite treats and cuddles.”
That was when she hopped off her cat bed and ran off to the kitchen, leaving you and your phone recording the whole scene. The recorded video was then being uploaded on your Tiktok account because you couldn’t help but found her squishy little face so adorable when she looked at Mason. Even when you knew doing so would have made you went from the main girl in the household to the other woman but you weren’t even mad because how could you?
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mcytblrconfessions · 3 months
Hi, little hater here from earlier. At no point when writing that out did I think it was misogynistic, but like. Yeah it might have been a little bit. Idk if I would care enough to yap about it if it had been just another guy being added. Maybe I am holding her to higher expectations then I would for a male creator.
I was hoping for other female creators to get in, and maybe since she was the final person announced in the 6 we expected I'm salty cause she 'took' the hypothetical slot that other creators I was hoping for for lifesteal. And that's stupid, and looking back I know that that's stupid. And that's not on Kab, that's on Lifesteal for adding 6 guys and 1 girl, and that's on me for bitching about it in a public place.
I've been watching her for a while now, and I really do want her to succeed. I think some of my hesitancy for her in Lifesteal is the sort of lack of commitment to real storybeats that we saw in the final stretch of s5, and Kab deserves to be in better stories. She's at the top of the artform of mcrp, and so far Lifesteal has not been. I want Lifesteal to do better, and maybe Kab can bring some of that to the server, but like unless they can reach that level idk if its the right place for her. I just don't want to see her on a server that refused to meet the energy level she brings to things.
Idk man. I'm not that pressed about it, just between seasons is the time to yap cause theres no streams to watch to focus on instead, by july 7th I'll be hyped to see her there. I'm sorry about that prior ask. I will be paying Kaboodle the unfair hater tax in the form of a gifted twitch sub tonight.
first off, thank you for the apology.
i dont have any real bias for lifesteal or kaboodle. i started watching lifesteal this week and im not familiar with kaboodle at all. and the reason ive stayed away from pvp focused mcrp is because it's so heavily male dominated especially lifesteal, ive been making jokes that there's a secret no girls allowed rule since ive heard abt it.
this fandom has a long history of not treating women well and when a woman is a fan-favorite she's really only allowed to be 1 of 3 things, a fighter, a girl-boss, or ur soggy poor wet little meow meow. its just not fair to creators to be essentialized and treated as support for their male peers. made to fit into men's stories instead of getting recognized and respected for their own. and smps themselves have horrible ratios, my favorite is hermitcraft but 5(4?) out of 27 is less then 20 percent! that's terrible! there's so many wonderful women ccs out there yet so little space is made for them. 2(3? idk squiddo's gender) out of 31 is the ratio for lifesteal 6. i dont need to point out how bad that is.
so to get an ask with "I just don't think that the vibes are going to be right with her there" put me really on edge. it's putting the fault on her, and it's ignoring that there was a group of lifestealers who already agreed that she was a good fit because she's on the smp! she's on the team! the difference between "the vibes arent going to be right with her there" and "they can't reach her level" is huge. but you know lifesteal better then me. if you say they cant match her energy i believe you! but if it's true, her and lifesteal dont work out because she did put her all in and they didnt that is still completely different from the thesis of your original ask
ive turned off the reblogs of the other post but i hope moving forward we can be more critical and careful with how we treat our women creators. there's already so little space for them in creator spaces let's not push them out of community spaces too.
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Ooooommmmgggg i love golden chain! Its so good, Jason keeps getting more and more toxic towards us, suffocating us but he doesn’t care because we have him and what else could we need? I just know he was seething at seeing replacement Robin there, trying to take you away from HIM and i KNOW seeing Batman trying to save you didn’t help anything.
Batman sending Robin there means that he either knew where we were and was jut waiting for a time to strike or Jason had slipped up somewhere, doesn’t matter now bc now he’s kept you away from Batman again and AAAAAAAAA the small parallels between how Joker treated Jason to how Jason keeps us. Snatched up under Batman’s nose, kept secluded in a place no one would expect, Jason giving you that necklace and being gentle but firm that you keep it on, like how he can’t escape his own brand you can’t escape Jasons love obsession, and even eventually chaining us to a chair after escaping Batman? Love it, he’s awful he’s never letting us go, Joker won’t leave him even if he’s dead and by god Jason will make sure it’s the same way with us
He also definitely didn’t let our friends Krystal, Destini, and Robbi live, trying to warn us like that? They’re dead im so sorry my lovelies hes crazy
Also BEAAAANNN please tell me he’s ok the poor little baby kitty don’t let harm befall him he’s innocent, i love your writing, if u continue this (and don’t feel pressured to!) i just wish for bean to be ok our little meow
Ah, nonnie!! I literally read this so many times!! I'm so glad you liked it! Omg, I'm actually smiling so wide! Thank you for taking the time to send this! 🥰🥰
Between you and me, I do plan on continuing the series, I don't have too much written down for it right now, but I'm planning on calling it A Glass City.
I'm so thrilled people picked up on the parallels between how Jason's treating you and how he was treated! It's angsty, and I actually made myself unwell over it.
I'm more or less following the games timeline, and right now, Batman has no idea who the Arkham Knight is. What Batman does know is that the Arkham Knight kidnapped Jason's best friend.
Batman thinks it's a way to get under his skin and show his failure over not saving his last Robin. He has no idea that you being taken has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you.
Robin being the one to save you was pure coincidence. (On Batman's part, intentional on mine) Bruce, again, has no idea that you're important to the Knight. He had no idea that AK was going to drop everything to get to you, because he assumed you were just a tiny part of the game.
Robin was the convenient one to send, and it definitely made Jason more volatile than he would have been if Nightwing went instead. (He probably wouldn't have jumped off a building with you)
Some light spoilers under the cut about Bean and your three friends:
Bean is okay and will return in chapter four!
Krystal, Destini, and Robbi are alive, I SWEAR, but he definitely scared them. Jason knows you like them, and it would only be a problem if he killed them.
Honestly, they've been really nice to you, and he knows they make you happy. If anything, he wants them to keep doing their job after this all blows over. (If he gets his way and wins)
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Note: I know I said I wouldn't write/post a fic today, but I couldn't stop myself in my grief, and I needed a LOT of fluff as well as a coping mechanism. So here I am, with a little ode to my beloved Thor. Firefighter chapter 3, direct follow up to part 2.
Warnings: suggestive/fluff. mention of animal death, grief and a brief hint to childhood trauma.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric stuck by your side after the incident with your cat.
wordcount: 3,7k
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'Do you hate me? For what happened?'
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After you saw your Mister Meow Meow under Sihtric's car, Sihtric had held you tightly wrapped in his arms, pressed against his chest. He cried just as hard as you did, and kept murmuring endless 'I'm so sorry, love,' and 'I really didn't see him,' as he held you. Sihtric eventually asked what you wanted to do with Meow Meow's body, and you said he should be buried.
'Next to the tree he always climbed in,' you sniffled, 'where you and I first met.'
Sihtric smiled softly and agreed. He wiped your tears and you tried to wipe his eyeliner, which had run down his cheeks, as best as you could. Sihtric picked Meow Meow up in his arms and carried the lifeless body inside. You figured the poor cat had been sleeping on your driveway, as usual, because no one normally used it at that hour, so it was one of his favourite spots to nap, when you'd let him out of the house. And you completely forgot that Meow Meow had escaped through the open back door when you and Sihtric had sex on the living room floor, before the BBQ. And therefore it didn't cross your mind that he could be sleeping in your driveway, but when you heard that thump, you immediately knew what had happened. At least he was asleep, you thought, so he went rather… peacefully.
You searched your attic for a box in which your furry friend would fit, and you draped it with a soft cloth. Sihtric had cleaned Meow Meow up as best as he could, and carefully laid him inside the box, then stood back and let you do your thing. You petted Meow Meow on his little head and pressed a soft kiss to it, then you put some of his favourite toys in the box with him, as well as a few cat treats he loved. 
'Maybe he'll need a snack on his way,' you sobbed with shocking shoulders. 
Sihtric wrapped his arm around you as you both looked down into the box, and he held you tight when you broke out in tears again.
'Do you wish to bury him now?' Sihtric asked after a few minutes, wiping a tear from his own face, 'it's quite late. I mean, I don't mind it, love, I'll dig a hole right now if you want. But maybe you want to wait until the morning?'
'Maybe it's better in the morning,' you sniffled, 'it's really dark out there, near the tree.'
Sihtric agreed, kissed your forehead and cupped your cheeks. 'Can I do anything for you right now, sweetheart, tell me?'
'Will you s-stay here with me?' you fought your tears, 'tonight? I'd like to sleep at… at my house now.'
Sihtric looked at you, compassionately, and he pressed another soft kiss to your forehead, then to your lips.
'Of course, doll,' he whispered, 'but I do really have to stop by my place to feed… you know,' he struggled to say 'his cat', afraid you'd resent him for still having a breathing cat at home.
'I know,' you said, 'you should go and feed Dog,' you smiled lightly at the silly name of his cat, 'and give him a cuddle for me.'
'I will,' Sihtric smiled softly, 'will you be okay here for like half an hour?'
'Yeah,' you looked back at Meow Meow, 'it'll give me some time alone to say goodbye, I guess.'
Sihtric studied you, desperately hoping you would be okay.
'I'll be okay,' you reassured him when you saw the look in his eyes, 'it'll just be weird, to sleep without a cat on the bed, you know?'
'I know,' Sihtric said, 'I promise I'll be back soon, okay?'
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He pecked your face all over and then kissed your lips again. 'See you in a bit, babe,' he whispered before he kissed your cheek.
And when Sihtric drove off your driveway, he started sobbing behind the wheel. Another animal died because of me, he thought.
After an ugly crying session, you managed to somewhat compose yourself again. You closed the box and placed Mister Meow Meow safely on the table. You found peace knowing that the cat was already of age and half deaf. He had a good life full of cuddles and treats,and in the morning you'd say your last goodbye. With that thought you went upstairs and changed into your pyjamas. 
Not much later Sihtric rang your doorbell, and as you opened the door, Sihtric ran back to his car.
'I hope you don't mind I brought someone,' Sihtric smiled when he walked back up to you, holding his own adorable, black cat in his arms.
'Dog!' you cried out, and started sobbing again, 'of course I don't mind,' you said and took the cat in your arms.
Dog was Sihtric's emotional support cat, and if there's anything you needed, it was emotional support.
After some strong doctor's advice, Sihtric was matched up with Dog about two years ago, after a lot of childhood trauma had spilled out during long overdue therapy sessions. Sihtric hadn't given you a lot of details, except that his trauma was caused by his father, and that it led to Sihtric having severe panic attacks when he was alone at home often. And Sihtric said he's been doing so much better ever since he got Dog. 
When Sihtric got home to feed Dog that night, before returning to you, he broke out in tears again and laid down on his kitchen floor. Dog ran up to him immediately, licking his face and jumping on his chest. And then Sihtric knew he had to bring his cat with him. Sihtric was afraid he'd freak out at night, at your place, if he started to spiral about him accidentally killing Meow Meow, but he also knew you would feel better too with Dog around.
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You sat on your bed, on top of the sheets as you played with Dog, who was easily entertained while doing his job of making you, and Sihtric, feel happier and more calm. Sihtric sat back, shirtless, against your bed's headboard, and the sheets covered him from his hips down. You were too busy with Dog to glance over your shoulder, but if you had done so, you would've found Sihtric's eyes on you. 
Sihtric stared at you with his heavy-lidded and completely in love mismatched eyes. A soft smile graced his face and he felt his heart ache inside his chest. Sihtric wished he knew how to express his feelings for you, but he didn't even know if there was a way, or if there would ever be a word that could express what he felt for you.
I'm going to marry her, Sihtric thought as he looked at you. He suddenly smiled wider and lightly shook his head to himself. You only met her like two months ago, you idiot, he argued with himself. Yeah, but I love her. She's just… perfect. I can't even imagine not having her in my life anymore. Am I going too fast? He furrowed his brow. Maybe, Sihtric lightly shrugged at his inner dialogue. Okay, maybe. But… proposing doesn't mean you have to get married fast. You can be engaged for years. Sihtric nodded, that is true, he thought. And he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard your soft giggle, when Dog jumped in your lap and started purring as he headbutted his soft head against yours. Oh, fucking… gods, Sihtric exhaled sharply at the sight of you and his cat. She'll be my death regardless, the little valkyrie she is, he smiled at himself again and a soft chuckle escaped his lips.
You turned and found Sihtric smiling at himself.
'What are you up to?' you smiled.
'Hm?' Sihtric snapped out of his thoughts again, 'oh, n-nothing,' he blushed.
'Sure,' you chuckled, 'well, I think we should go to sleep. I'm exhausted,' you said and joined him under the covers.
You faced Sihtric and he snuck his arm around your waist under the blankets, pulling you a little closer against his body, and your legs tangled together. Dog settled down on Sihtric's pillow, resting his fluffy body against the top of Sihtric's head, as the cat always did when Sihtric wasn't laying down on his back. Otherwise Dog would sleep on Sihtric's chest, as the cat was trained to monitor Sihtric's breathing. If it would suddenly spike, the cat knew something was off and would distract Sihtric in any way possible. And you thought Dog was a blessing for watching over the love of your life like that.
'I… have to ask,' Sihtric spoke softly, 'do you- do you hate me? For what happened?'
'Hate y-,' you frowned, 'Sihtric,' you sighed and chuckled, 'of course I don't hate you, how can you possibly think that? It was an accident. I don't blame you, honey,' you said, 'if it was me driving, the same thing would've happened. We both didn't see Meow Meow.'
'I just feel so awful, baby,' Sihtric whispered and pressed is forehead against yours, 'I'm so fucking sorry. This is going to haunt me…'
You hushed him sweetly and cupped his cheeks.
'Stop that,' you whispered, 'there is no reason to beat yourself up over this, okay?'
Sihtric nodded as he sniffled. 'I'm sorry, love,' he said.
'And stop saying sorry,' you chuckled lightly, 'promise me you will try to let this go? I am not mad at you, I don't blame you, and you don't need to apologise. It just happened.'
Sihtric nodded again, 'I'll try,' he said and gave you a soft smile.
He caressed your cheek with his thumb and bit down on his lip as his eyes darted over your face. He hummed soft and allowed a bigger smile to tug at his lips.
'You're so damn cute. Hm, I love you,' Sihtric whispered, then realised he had said that out loud and his eyes grew wide, 'I- I mean…' he stammered.
You stared at him with big, glossy eyes, seeing Sihtric's cheeks turn a shade of red before he tried to hide his face, but you stopped him from pulling the blankets over his head.
'You love me?' you asked after a long moment of silence.
'Well,' Sihtric chuckled nervously, 'y-yeah. I....'
'I love you too,' you blurted out.
'You do?' Sihtric looked concerned.
'Of course,' you laughed shyly, 'I… I love you.'
'Okay, but… I love you more,' Sihtric smiled a little smug, and he pulled you in for a kiss.
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After you both admitted to being in love with each other, there seemed to be no more stopping. You were both emotionally exhausted, but that didn't stop neither of you from whispering 'I love you' in between soft kisses and cuddles for hours on end, until you finally fell asleep. And it seemed that the more affection you showed to Sihtric, the more smothering he became, but you loved it and couldn't get enough of him.
You were glad you had been able to sleep with him that night, and with Dog, who was a much calmer sleeper than Mister Meow Meowever was, but you enjoyed his soft purring all the same. And you woke up rather early in the morning, with Sihtric next to you. You sat up and looked at him for a moment, and you smiled at the sight of the handsome firefighter in your bed, who loved you.
And you couldn't help yourself when you cuddled up to him and pressed soft kisses to his shoulder and neck, to wake him up, hoping to get some hot action.
Sihtric hummed softly and wrapped his arms around you while you continued your kisses. And the more awake and aware Sihtric became, the intenser he hummed and the bigger his smile grew.
'Hm, baby,' Sihtric husked as you pecked his neck again, 'do you know what you're starting here?'
'Mhm,' you smiled, hands moving up into his short hair, 'and I hope to finish it too.'
'Hm, fuck,' Sihtric smiled and bit down on his lip, his hands moving down to your ass.
He grabbed your hips and pulled you on top with ease, his arousal teasing you as you straddled him. You leaned in to kiss his lips, and you moved one hand down into his boxers. Sihtric's breath hitched and he hummed with a smile.
'You know what I like,' he whispered, slowly running out of breath as you worked his length with your hand.
You kept your face close to his, enjoying the expressions that twitched on his face as you pleased him. 
'You like that?' you purred.
'Fuck,' Sihtric's breathing became faster, heavier, his hands squeezing your thighs, 'need you to fuck me, babe,' he moaned, 'you make me so damn horny all the time,' he breathed heavily, 'come on, doll, let me have you.'
And just as you wanted to pull down his boxers, Sihtric's cat leaped onto his chest.
'What the-,' you blinked and sat back up.
'Fuck!' Sihtric hissed, 'not now!' he groaned and shoved the cat off, but Dog wasn't having it, and jumped back on his chest.
Then you realised the cat probably thought Sihtric was in a state of panic, as his breathing was hard, fast and heavy. And you started to laugh.
'Fucking… gods,' Sihtric sighed and chuckled, 'really, Dog? This is exactly why you sleep downstairs when she's over,' he hissed at his cat, regretting he brought him right now.
You cackled and got off Sihtric.
 'God,' you snorted, 'that's a cockblock, huh?'
Sihtric muttered and hid his face behind his hands. 
'Shit,' he said, 'I'm sorry, baby.'
'It's fine,' you laughed, 'we'll make up for this later,' you smiled and pecked his cheek, 'but Dog will stay downstairs then.'
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After you both had breakfast, you carried the box with Mister Meow Meow outside as Sihtric had dug a hole. You were kinda glad that your nosy neighbours weren't able to move back into their house yet after the fire, so you could bury your cat in private, without them lurking through the window.
'You okay, love?' Sihtric asked as you lowered the box into the ground, his hand on your shoulder.
'Yeah,' you sniffled and got up from your knees.
Sihtric wrapped his arm around you, and like last night, you both stared down at the box. But this time it was closed, and in the ground.
'Thank you for everything, Meow Meow, I will always love you. I'll never forget you,' you said softly, 'you've given me so much joy and love. You were one of a kind. You were my best friend in a way too. And,' you chuckled, wiping away a tear, 'because of you I met the love of my life,' you said and looked up at Sihtric.
Sihtric smiled sweetly at you and kissed your hair when you had said your last words to Mister Meow Meow.
'And here I thought Meow Meow would one day be the death of me,' Sihtric chuckled softly and then choked up.
'I promise,' you squeezed Sihtric's waist, 'Meow Meow did this on purpose, to mess with you one last time,' you chuckled, 'he knew you were competition.'
'Smart bastard he was,' Sihtric smiled, 'he really was competition. We both wanted your heart.'
'And you boys were too foolish to know you both already had it.'
'Oh, doll,' Sihtric sighed and kissed your lips with a soft hum. 'Listen, Meow Meow,' he said and looked at the box, 'I promise I'll look after her for you and take care of her.'
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A few weeks had passed since your beloved Mister Meow Meow had been buried, and Sihtric had been subtly prying if you wanted a new cat. You said you did, but not a kitten, as cute as they were. You wanted to adopt one from a shelter some time soon, as your house was rather empty without Meow Meow in it. Sihtric had stayed over with Dog most of the time, but some nights required you both to sleep apart due to your jobs, and then Dog would not be around you either. During those nights you simply realised you really needed the company of a furry friend.
And Sihtric went to a shelter behind your back some time later. He knew you loved any cat, but you had a soft spot for big fluffy cats, and Sihtric couldn't believe his eyes when he spotted a rather young, white Norwegian Forest Cat waiting to be adopted. Apparently his owner had passed away in a tragic car accident about a month ago, and Sihtric felt it was destiny. It took a few days to arrange everything, and every day Sihtric went to the shelter, without telling you, to lowkey bond with the cat. Sihtric had also stolen one of your shirts and left it with the cat, so he'd get used to your smell already and would recognise you as his new owner, while Sihtric would sort of be his owner too, as he was the one to rescue him.
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About a week later Sihtric finally got the call that he could pick up the cat. The shelter had given him a brand new collar and name tag, and Sihtric couldn't wait to surprise you. But first, he made a stop at a jewellery store.
'You better not let me down, buddy,' Sihtric said to your surprise cat as he tied a little handwritten note to its collar. 
Sihtric got out of his car and carried the big box that held your new pet over to your door. He rang your doorbell and anxiously bit down on his lip, as he couldn't fidget with his rings.
'Sihtric,' you smiled, then saw the large box in his hand, 'are you finally officially moving in?' you laughed.
Sihtric's eyes grew big.
'You'd want me to move in?'
'Well… I mean… I- I wouldn't mind,' you felt your cheeks heat up, 'a-are you moving in?'
Sihtric's heart jumped out of his chest, and he shook his head to bring his attention back to the box in his hands.
'No, I mean… well, eh,' Sihtric sighed and tried to collect his thoughts, 'I have a gift for you,' he smiled.
You let him inside and wondered what on earth he was up to.
'Sit down, baby,' Sihtric said, barely able to contain his nerves as you did what he asked.
'Are you okay?'
'Fine,' Sihtric swallowed hard, 'look, so, eh… I mean… I guess it's… maybe a bit … fast. But- but if you really want me to move in-'
'I'd love that,' you smiled, 'maybe it's fast, but… everything just feels right with you. I just - I don't want to be without you anymore,' you said, and Sihtric blushed.
'I don't want to be without you anymore either,' Sihtric smiled, 'and then… eh, this… I guess this,' he looked at the box in his hands, 'this is… a… somewhat of a… moving in gift,' he chuckled.
He placed the box in front of your feet and told you to open it.
'Oh my god!' you yelled upon the sight of the adorable white cat, 'Sihtric!? What… what…' your eyes teared up right away, 'is… f…for me… mine?'
'He's yours, my love,' Sihtric said, and tried to keep his nerves in check. And he also desperately tried to not cry at your happiness.
'Oh my god!' you cried out again, 'what… when… ohh,' you cooed when the cat allowed you to pick him up with ease, and he licked your face. 'Oh my god, how cute are y- oh, what's this?' you frowned, and then read the note on his collar.
Hi, my name is Thor. I needed a new owner as I lost my previous one. I wish to keep my new mom company for as long as I live… and that handsome guy over there wishes to have my new mom's company for as long as he lives.
'Wha- I don't… Sihtric?'' you said, confused while being a crying mess.
And when you looked over at Sihtric, he got down on one knee as he held a box with a stunning ring in his slightly trembling hand up to you.
'My love,' Sihtric said, hoarsely, fighting his tears as well as a feeling of panic, and Dog ran up to him. 'You are just… everything I have ever dreamed of,' Sihtric continued, 'and every morning when I wake up without you, I am terrified that you truly were just a dream. So… I only wish to wake up next to you, every day, for the rest of my life,' he swallowed a sob and took your hand, 'baby, please,' he smiled as his tears fell down, 'will you marry me and dream with me every night, and wake up with me every morning?' 
Sihtric stared at you with big, watery eyes. And he held his breath when you stared back at him, hugging your new cat while Sihtric held your hand.
'Y-yes,' you let out a sob, 'Sihtric, of course!'
Sihtric exhaled sharp with relief and almost passed out for a second, but then managed to slip the ring around your finger and he grabbed your face, kissing you all over as you both cried.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered, almost desperately.
'I love you more,' you sniffled, 'I never want to fall asleep or wake up without you ever again.'
'Neither do I,' Sihtric smiled as he looked down into your eyes, 'but I love you more.'
And right as Sihtric taunted you, your new fur baby, Thor, let out a loud meow as he pushed himself in between you and Sihtric. 
'Looks like you have competition again,' you sniffled and smiled.
'I'm willing to share you with them,' Sihtric chuckled as Dog started to interfere too, 'but not in the bedroom,' he said firmly as he looked at his new, put together family, 'in the bedroom, she's all mine, you guys got that?'
'Only at night, or when the door is closed,' you laughed.
'That is fair,' Sihtric agreed. He kissed your lips and then smiled cheekily, 'I kinda need you in the bedroom now,' Sihtric said, 'with the door closed.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy
166 notes · View notes
toxicwasteempire · 23 days
Foreshadowing in book one for Sidestep secret.
We all know by now but did we always? How many of us picked up the clues for the first book?
I personally was 100% convinced Sidestep was a Re-Gene before I started to play Retribution. This is because my mind is huge™ (Lying). It is interesting how it isn't information the first book is withholding, it keeps bringing it up to the point it feels natural once you read it once again with that knowledge. It doesn't hide it, it's just not said explicitly.
This is not a exhaustive list. I did one playthrough and took every reference, just so you all see my point. Remember, this is all just from one playthrough.
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Is not foreshadowing (or is it?) but the phrasing is interesting knowing that Sidestep was made to do undercover missions. At the start, one things they're talking about gender norms in general but Sidestep was taught those in a clinical, artificial environment, with the goal of being as unassuming as possible. Only cuckoos are socialized this way, something that separates them from other Re-Genes.
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More clear impossible and this is at the start of the game. Close your eyes and imagine baby Sidestep in a test tube. 🧪👶🏻
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Tech-savvy Sidestep knows the capability of modern science, they're a product of it. Is the topic of race and heritage touchy because they see themselves as having no heritage or is do they consider Re-Gene culture as their heritage. (We know they have a unique language) If the latter is true, they would also feel isolated from it, since cuckoos are set apart.
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Here is The Point™ it occurs in every playthrough. The existence of Re-Gene is explained and Sidestep is shown extremely distressed after calling the Special Directive. This is the point where it's practically confirmed there's story between Sidestep and the GeniTech corporation. it's difficult to not at the very least suspect.
I mean, the whole situation is stressing Sidestep the fuck out. If her crying, sobbing and throwing up about this isn't suspicious I don't know what is.
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"You see Re-Genes have NO HUMAN RIGHTS because a CEO (of a company that kicked off after moving somewhere without a bioethics board) ~~claimed~~ that Re-Genes, allegedly 😒, are not sentient. Oh, you see they can mimic 😋🤗 so if you see some acting alive that's just silly pretending Which is why they have to be BRANDED as the MINDLESS OBJECTS they are just so nobody confuses them for actual people. 🙄 They have no mind after all. Or so they say. 😒 They are used for war... Do what you want with that info."
The way Sidestep talks immediately sends off alarms. Putting aside her being a Re-Gene, it is very clear the moment the Re-Genes are mentioned, the text is also putting in question the apparently known fact that they are not sentient.
Even if Sidestep had not been revealed to be one, I would've be on the side of the Re-Genes. Made by a sketchy enterprise somewhere with little to no regulations, they're marked to make sure nobody confuses them for a human, sent to make rich people richer in proxy wars abroad. The company says uuhhm actually they have no soul so it's okay if they got not human rights. 💕 And I'm supposed to believe that? Go away
Also a journalist was straight up murdered. Como cosa rara.
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So the supposedly mindless robots need to have their thoughts shielded from possible telepaths 🤔 how weird.
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There's show of kinship if you chose to save the Re-Gene. You see me and I see you. We are the same. We don't deserve this.
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Sidestep stop hating your body challenge (impossible)
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The first one can assume she's talking about being a villain but we know better.
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Kinship between Sidestep and Heartbreak. They both being treated like less than a person. I see you. You see me we are the same etc. We also get a glimpse of her life in The Farm.
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If you already got the inclination to believe sidestep is Re-Gene mid playthrough, the game proves you right with texts like this.
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My poor mew meow...
Being serious, one assumes their tragic backstory means Sidestep's childhood was sad. When actually is simply non existent.
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None really
A/N: Gods you guys I am so sorry it's taken so long, life just keeps getting on track and derailing into some crazy bs for me lately (and of course the wonderful problems of depression and problematic mental health are an issue) but I'm hoping I churn out a bit more writing because I miss it and Lord it drives me bonkers when I wanna write, but can't think of where to start. So this is one of the shorter chapters, filler mostly. But have some Hippo Mama-focused stuff for a bit!
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity @mundivagantsoul @furblrwurblr @zoleea-exultant @latenightcravingz @daygirl26 @thelastemzy @leahnicole1219 @crazyunsexycool
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Chapter 7:
Cats and Cradles
You were certainly a peculiar creature. Odd dietary habits, an awkward sleeping schedule...
But all this could be tied to your soulmate, surely. Or well... Soulmates, as it were. It had to have been.
"It must be so difficult for you, poor little thing." Taweret sighed as she watched you eat your breakfast for the day. Some simple grain-based cereal with granola and dehydrated fruit mixed in, with some sweetened oat-milk poured in, a nice piping cup of tea steaming next to you.
You idly ate spoonful after spoonful while you read an old journal of some sorts. Mass produced of course, but the pages were yellowed and torn at the edges, the spine well-creased.
Taweret leaned over to see what was in the book. Inside were detailed sketches of relics from various Egyptian tombs.
The goddess chuckled as she looked down at you, and looked at your wrist. The bottom right Moon was full today. Given your choice of breakfast and reading material for the morning...
Taweret had to guess Steven was in control of the body. Already, you and the boys were so in tune with one another you didn't even notice when your habits would change depending on who was in control.
Like the day you put whiskey in Jake's coffee. You were intending to do the same for yourself. In fact, you did.
You were sipping at your tea when a slight scratching could be heard at the door that led to the stairs that descended into the alley behind your shop.
Taweret's little ears flicked about as she watched you curiously as you stand, and go over to the door. Once it opens, there, patiently sitting with big, beautiful green eyes, was a silky-soft black cat.
The cat raised its paw at you a few times, meowing.
You chuckle and step aside, "C'mon, Puck. Yes, I got your treats for you." You say to the little creature as she--yes, Taweret was positive the cat was female--sauntered into your flat as though she owned the place.
The cat, apparently named by you as "Puck" sat at two empty little dishes on the floor, pink with little fish pictures printed on.
"How quaint!" Taweret giggled. Of course, she knew you couldn't see or hear her, but she was curious about you. And if that blasted old pigeon was nosing about you, Taweret wanted to know more about you as well. And gosh, did she find you positively endearing! Especially with how you were baby-talking to your little furry friend!
"C'mon, Puck." You giggle, pulling out a small container of goat milk. Taweret watches, absolutely besotted with the scene in front of her as you pour some of the milk into one of the pink bowls, and a handful of kibble in the other.
You scritch the cat's ear as she happily laps up her milk, before she switches and munches on her food.
"I wish I knew what you got up to when you're not around. I haven't seen you for two weeks!" You sigh, sitting on your haunches with your cheeks in your palms as you watched the creature eat.
Taweret carefully maneuvers herself out of the way as you get up to grab your cereal, finishing it off as you talk in between bites to your furry companion, ranting about some controversial fact or another you've read about, or perhaps it was a particularly rude woman in the local super market, you never ran out of things to rant about to the cat.
The hippo woman giggles again as she clasps her hands in front of her and the one-sided conversation you were having. When she looked back down, she noticed Puck was staring right up at her.
Oh, right. Animals can see her.
Ah well... It's not like Puck could talk, so she couldn't exactly tell you there was a 9 foot hippo woman standing in the middle of your flat.
"You're such a good girl, Puck." You coo, scooping up the fluffy critter. The cat allows you to hold her in a way reminiscent of a mother holding her baby, and she purred as you rubbed her belly, licking her chops clean of the food and milk she still had on her.
"Such a messy girl, too." You grin, leaning down to boop your nose to Puck's.
'This cat is the calmest I've ever seen.' Taweret thought amusingly. 'So well-behaved and sweet. A perfect little friend for this darling girl.'
Already Taweret was feeling things for you, she was already starting to dote on you (even though you didn't know it) in a similar way she did with Layla.
The past few weeks, when she wasn't conversing with Layla or the boys, she was with you, milling about in your shop, watching you bake. (Watching someone bake muffins without eggs and other animal products was fascinating! Steven usually made meals, not sweets!)
Sometimes she would sit on the floor, curiously watching whatever it was you had on the TV in the background. (Heavens, there was some dreadful stuff there. She learned to tune out your serial killer documentaries...) However, Taweret was certainly partial to the sci-fi movies you watched.
Particularly the old ones, like that one... Oh, what was it? That strong young woman with the orange cat? Ah! Alien. She very much liked that franchise, it was nice seeing such a strong young woman. "Ripley" reminded her so much of Layla. She even had curly hair! And her darling cat, Jonesy; she had a soft spot for ginger tabbies; they tended to be so silly!
As you went about your morning routine, Taweret noticed that Puck would watch her everywhere she went. It wasn't uncommon, again, for animals to react to her presence. Dogs and birds would make a fuss, but cats were always content to just watch. Sometimes she would lean down and give the little animals a good stroke to their fur.
Taweret continued to watch, the invisible spectator to your routine as you did your dishes and began baking your morning muffins and cakes for your shop.
The day was rather droll, the grimy chilly weather outside meant you would have few customers. So, you'd taken it up on yourself to start organizing and dusting shelves of the books that hardly got touched, Puck staying your loyal little shadow.
She was a big hit with those that did come in, especially older folks. They would lean down, stroke or scratch her and go "oh, such a sweet cat" and "such a good girl!" And of course, Puck seemed to eat it all up, purring loudly and sitting snugly in a folded up sweater you set on the checkout counter.
However, you noticed that Puck, somewhere around mid-afternoon, began walking about the shelves, sitting at the end, and staring.
It was unlike her, when she would spend time with you. She almost always snuggled in your old wool sweater and waited for pets from customers.
But right now, Puck was sitting in the section that held your stock of fantasy and sci-fi novels. Her eyes large, and unblinking as she looked at what appeared to simply be dead air. You noticed she did this in your flat this morning... but paid no mind to it. After all, who could possibly claim to know the inner workings of a feline mind? Perhaps a speck of dust wafting about caught her eye and she was fixated upon it? Who knows?
You left Puck to do her silly kitty routine and continued cleaning and organizing.
Taweret got a little anxious when the cat persistently followed her about. For some reason, this cat was wholly invested in Taweret's appearance after she awoke from her nap on the counter.
Perhaps it was because Taweret was an alien presence that the cat had never seen before? Perhaps she could sense Taweret's divinity? Cats were often capable of sensing supernatural things, or even venturing into a kind of spirit world, and capable of bringing good luck and good fortune to those that housed and loved them.
And you seemed to care and love Puck whenever she would come back to see you from her "adventures" as you put them.
But right now, Pick was still just... staring.
"Oh, dear... Shoo, little one! I'd hate for your friend to catch on!" Taweret said, her fingers wiggling anxiously, ears flicking about.
The cat merely stared, giving Taweret a long, slow blink in response.
"Whatcha gawking at, Puck?" You say, clicking your tongue as you kneel next to the cat, rubbing her head with your fingers.
Puck's tail merely flicked about behind her a few times, and she gave another slow blink, but not at you.
Your eyes track where Puck was staring, and for a moment, Taweret was worried you could see her...
But instead you chuckle and scritch the cat again.
"Is my bookshop haunted, Puck? If so, tell your ghost buddies not to knock stuff off my shelves, okay? I do not have poltergeist insurance."
Taweret sighed, her body sagging in relief as you walked off, paying no further mind to Puck and her odd behavior.
"Goodness me, you certainly are an odd one!" Taweret told the cat, reaching down to stroke her sweetly.
A young woman with bright green hair and possibly the most piercings you'd ever seen in a person had walked into your store, striking up a conversation with you.
She was from Turkey, originally, and was looking into books about any local history, and oddly enough, nursery rhymes.
The young woman told you her name was Anya, and that her parents met when her mother was on some job that required her to travel. She only recently moved to England (her mother's birthplace) after her father passed away.
That's when Anya told you she wanted to go into childcare, hence the books on nursery rhymes.
"Yeah, there's a local daycare that says they need more books cause the kids love em to pieces." She snorted, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Literally."
"Oh, no I can imagine." You chuckle, placing the colorful books in one of your reusable bags.
Anya reached out and patted Puck's haunches, and Puck stretched, making a "mrrp?" noise as she did. Stretching over Anya's torso (that was visible beneath her over-sized shirt that hung off one of her shoulders) was a mark that looked almost like flames. You were absolutely transfixed by it.
"'S not ink, if that's what you're wondering." She winked at you.
Your face flushed, and you rubbed the back of your neck, embarrassed that you were caught staring. "Oh, I just... It's just so..."
"Eye-catchin'? Yeah, I know." She grinned. "I've had it since I was like, six."
"Oh! It's your mark?" You gasped.
"Yep! I like it, honestly. Rather cool and adds to my whole aesthetic." Anya laughed. "You can imagine my mum's reaction when she woke me up for school one day and I have a freakin' big arse mark that looks like some sorta phoenix. You should've seen the look on my teacher! Oh, man. She about died!"
Anya petted Puck again. "You've got a really sweet cat, here. She's really calm."
"Oh, Puck? She's actually not my pet, if you can believe that!" You chuckle, watching as Puck soaked up the attention like a little fluffy sponge.
"She's not?" Anya blinked on reply. "Then whose is she?"
"I'm not sure," You answer truthfully. "She just comes around, disappears for a while, and comes back. I love her company, though. She's a real sweetie."
"Man, I've always wanted a cat. I wonder if I can talk my mum into getting a cat?" She mused.
"Oh, I recommend it. My dad always had cats growing up." You chuckle. "He'd feed the strays on our property, would get them vaccinated, build little hutches for the winter... We also had one or two in the house as our pets. Always had a black one, like Puck here."
You sigh wistfully, playfully poking Puck's belly as she rolled over and showed the pudge to Anya, who cooed at her cute behavior.
"So I guess I have a soft spot for little voids, they remind me of my dad."
"Oh, man, void cats are the best. I love watching videos of them online! They just look like giant polka dots with eyes!" The young woman giggled with glee, happily rubbing Puck's belly.
You'd finished ringing her up and she gladly paid, saying as she left, "I'll have to come back and get more of these for the kids. Thanks!"
"Anytime, sweets!" You say to her as she happily walked out into the dreary weather.
You looked at Puck, your chin in your palm as you snorted at her. She turned her head and stretched, moseying over to you and headbutting your chin, before pulling back and giving you a slow blink.
"Maybe I should get you some of those talking buttons, eh, Puck? I'd sure love to hear what you're thinking!" You sigh at her. Puck merely purred in response.
You were still blissfully unaware of the goddess still inhabiting the space of your shop, watching you with a fond smile.
Chapter 8: Link
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gothy-froggy · 1 year
Buggy as a cat headcanons
Hey! This is a huge inspiration from a tumblr post by d1ner! I made a small drawing before this post! (Got lazy to add the makeup and finish the ears lmao)
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Warnings: very adorable, slight angst, Buggy being a little menace
Buggy is a fluffy cat. So fluffy he’s called the fluffer. He’s so soft too. He still has his nose because let’s be real, is it really Buggy the clown without his iconic nose? Right, didn’t this so.
His fur color is the shade of his hair as a human. And as for his patterns, Buggy has the clown makeup on his face. But the bones are on his back. He has the flash eyelashes as fur patterns as well. Just a cute little blue clown cat with an adorable big red clown nose! I like to believe Buggy has cute little white socks on his paws.
As for eyes, I’m debating whether or not his eyes should be blue or a darker color. Buggy would be very cute with some dark brown eyes just staring at you, begging for food or some pets. But I can also see some shade of blue that’s different from the fur and turns blue & green at times.
He’s just a very touch starved and talkative version of my cat. Literally just my cat Eli. Very mischievous and loves to play around. By playing around, I mean he hides under table and beds just to sprint out, pounce on your legs and bites as hard as he can before quickly going back to his hiding place.
Yes, that is what my cat does.
Buggy is a complicated, unpredictable and sneaky cat. Despite his bright colors, you somehow miss him all the time. He slips into doors he’s not supposed to be in, letting you hold him before biting your hand as hard as he can, so many things.
He’s such a troublemaker but he’s just too cute to fully get mad at him. He gets breaks something that means a lot to you, but he’s so cute that you just pick him up and tell him it’s ok and that’s he’s your cute little clown baby.
He pretends that he doesn’t like head pats and ruffles, but Buggy will put his paws on his human’s hand and forces it back down. And if his human walks away from their cuddling section, he’s very pouty and upset. He will throw up a hairball because you left him. He will. Don’t test him.
Very easily jealous. There’s a cat coming up to his human? He’s hissing and starting fights. A dog small or big? Big or small? Don’t care. He’s jumping up and smacking them right in the face. Then he rubs up on his owner and licks his human. Buggy definitely uses his ability to get a few hits on the animal he’s jealous of.
Buggy is one of those cats that enjoy the (fake) skin routine care with his human. He loves baths as well. Just not sea water. Don’t hurt the poor clown kitty! Buggy jumps in the bathtub and swims around while his human is bathing.
You know that one cat that holds a really long meow for food? That’s Buggy. He’s holding that meow like he’s singing for an opera. He wants his food! He’s making trip with how close he is near your feet.
Please give him his treats. He’s giving you such cute eyes…please give the clown kitty treats. Give him extra! So what if he terrorizes you all the time? He’s so cute!
Don’t ignore him. Don’t you dare ignore him. Keep your eyes on him. Buggy wants all of your attention. You’re taking care of him, just give him a bit more attention, please?
Oh you’re giving your attention to someone else? HOW DARE YOU? Fine! Why not just keep the thing that has your attention as a pet instead? He’s dragging himself around the house, stomping his paws around. He’s upset. Buggy deserves ALL of your attention, dammit!
What’s this? YOU’RE LEAVING HIM ALONE IN A ROOM? ALL BY HIMSELF? Oh he’s just like my cat. Buggy is yelling SO much. He ain’t stopping either. He needs to be with you 24/7. Buggy is meowing nonstop for hours.
He doesn’t like it when you stop being all cuddly and sweet with him after he acts like he hates it. He’s sad and he head butts his human for more. He will lay on top of you and force you to pet him. He’ll purposefully scratches things while staring into your soul because you won’t pet him.
He’s a goddamn gremlin. Buggy is stomping around, running so fast while his tail is between his legs. He’s making noises like a race car while jumping, flipping in the air, circling on carpet and sliding on hardwood.
The slightest movement from you will make him run and jump straight at you. He’s insane during zoomies. Best to leave a bunch of toys out and keep a water gun with sea salt to shoot him with as you try to stay in a Buggy-free room. Trust me, it’s for your own safety and sanity.
(We have water guns for my cat as well. He does exactly this but the race car nosies)
How he met his human
Buggy was abandoned. He was filthy and left on the streets to live or die. It was a rainy evening as the sun was about to start setting. Buggy was at the edge of the sidewalk as the rain was hitting his head. He wasn’t annoyed by it, but he looked so sad and looked like he was about to cry.
Then a human looked at him, trying to get closer and started talking to him. Out of fear, he ran and hid under between garbage cans. When the human followed him, he hissed. He was scared, only just a little baby kitty.
When the human left, he went back to just watching the rain, trying to stay warm. But then the human came back. Buggy arched his cat and started to hiss…until he was the food in the human’s hand.
After some hesitation, he started to eat the food. He was pretty hungry. Buggy struggled to eat the food a little bit since he was so small. Eventually he trusted the human enough to let them pick him up.
“Aren’t you a strange kitty?” Buggy just stared at the human, letting out a cute little meow, melting the human’s heart instantly. He was cold, shivering and still hungry.
Once at the human’s house, they fed him and took him into a bathroom to clean him off. He was pretty dirty. Being wrapped up in a towel, he kept meowing, staring at the human. Them baby talking him and pressing a little kiss on his nose, he started to warm up a little bit more.
He explored his new house, loving the fireplace and the heat that came from the fire. Buggy meowed loudly and ran up his human’s leg when they showed him his clean red striped bandanna, putting it back on.
(He also loves dress up)
Buggy grew very close, but now is very clingy and hates being left alone with the fear of abandonment still affects him. He doesn’t want to left alone again. Even though he’s been with the human for a long time, the abandonment is still there.
But one night by the fireplace with a cozy blanket in his human’s lap, his human rubs his face. And Buggy realizes that he really has found his human and no longer has to worry about being left behind, closing his eyes and falling to sleep.
A cute little headcanon for my dear friend @raven-the-cryptid <3
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beevean · 2 months
You know I actually think that Lisa flat out forgetting the fact that she had begged Dracula not to commit genocide, just so that she and him can have their happy ending, is actually far more problematic than any case of fridging from the games
Of course fridging a female character just to further a male character's story is absolutely wrong, but N!Lisa's very personality and character motivation for even loving Dracula in the first place (ie:the fact that he still had some good in him and the possibility for him to learn to coexist peacefully with humans) got completely flipped over their head just so that her husband could get an (undeserved) happy ending
The former sacrifices the character's life, the latter destroys their literal character
It essentially treats Lisa as Dracula's "reward" for...doing all the fucked up things that he did. It's an actual, textual example of objectifying a female character
I noticed some time ago that the show doesn't really judge Dracula's action morally, only logically.
Even the most Alucard can say is that it's a shame that his father won't use his genius and knowledge for good because the CHURCH BAD has pushed him to do evil, or that his victory would lead to an empty world. He never points out how utterly disrespectful Dracula is being to his wife's (Alucard's mother) memory: she wanted to help mankind, she (allegedly) cared about mankind, and he's honoring her by exterminating her own species that she wanted to help and heal. That is fucked up, and it shows that Dracula may have loved Lisa, but he did not respect her for who and what she was. But the story only beats you over the head with how stupid and shortsighted and self-destructive Dracula's mass slaughter is, eventually warping it to "ohhh he's just trying to kill himself the long way around 🥺 poor depressed little meow meow 🥺" yeah sure uhhhhh his demons ate babies and he was willing to let vampires starve to death as a price to literally kill everyone. If he only wanted to kill himself, nothing stopped him from stepping into the sun.
I also pointed out how Lisa shows no concern at all for her own son, not thinking about him in her last moments of her life, gleefully leaving him to his grief once she comes back to life (which is one of the parts in NFCV that personally insult me). Why? Because it's all about Dracula. In SoTN, Lisa talks to Alucard, she wants him to do the right thing, and only at the end she expresses her love for her husband - love, not "please stop my hubby from committing genocide because I know he will". Sure, painting Lisa as some sort of cross between Jesus and the Virgin Mary isn't exactly peak female representation because women are not inherently pure saints, but you know, it's still better than Lisa being written as the spineless wife of the Devil and a shitty deadbeat mother while still meant to be seen as this kindhearted person and Dracula's only morality chain!
I really, really am uncomfortable with how whitewashed Dracula is, and how this reflects on the other characters.
And yes, the end really is sick from this point of view. I keep bitching about Lenore and Isaac's "redemption arcs", because one is still the callous abuser she was in S3 behind all the "bonding" and the other woke up one day and decided to become a hero but more or less only to feel good about himself and his life. But Dracula... didn't even go through that. He didn't even pretend to change, or realize he was in the wrong. He died only lamenting that he was killing his boy! That was what broke him! He was horrified that he was about to kill "Lisa's greatest gift to him"! Which sure, it's a wholesome sentiment, but he didn't even have the time to think that maybe his plan was just fucked up from the start. And he gets a saccharine good ending on a silver platter? Lisa is just forgetting that she died with the fear that her husband would kill everyone in her name, screaming to please not hurt her because Dracula is worse than Satan?
It really feels like he was a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, and Lisa was the pacifier stuffed in his mouth to keep him calm. There, wife back, now stop being evil. Not because he had a change of heart, but because he got what he wanted.
That ending is objectively awful under so many aspects, from a characterization and lore standpoints, and I know it was shoved there only as a response to backlash to S3's bleakness. No thematic relevance whatsoever - Isaac's comment that Hector shouldn't bring Dracula back because he has earned his rest feels like the remains of a first draft in retrospect. It's just "yay everyone not named Hector lives happily ever after <3 only good feels all around <3"
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vanzuris · 8 months
i don't know if this may be a kinda weird idea but i thought about it last night and it's been eating me alive, follow me on this one:
kyman as cats au. yes.
(sorry if it’s poorly written, english isn’t my first language)
so, kyle is a slim orange cat who's been living with the marshes since two weeks after he was born. they found him on the side of the road during a family trip, dirty and tiny and loud, and randy was outnumbered; he had zero chances of convincing stan, shelly and sharon to not keep the goddamn cat. and as time passed he successfully gained everyone's heart. they loved him. even sparky (rest in peace) and specially stan who considers him his super best friend because kyle is a very chill and nice cat.
and it has been just him in his territory for a while.
so it's just natural that he can't help but stare in confusion when shelly comes back home with a fluffy, fat brown cat with big brown eyes and a red collar, alleging that she saw him around all by his own for a few days now and decided to take the poor thing to their home. stan, who just loves animals in general, finds him adorable and reaches out to pet him. that motherfucker immediately starts to purr, just to bite stan’s hand seconds later and then act like it was all in good fun. and he doesn’t quite know what is it, but there's something about him that kyle just... doesn't like.
whatever, it doesn’t matter because then it happens. while eric (as printed on his collar) rubs on stan’s legs, he notices kyle for the first time. he immediately starts to approach him, ears and tail up communicating his curiosity. the family just stands there, wanting to see how this will turn out. first they smell each other, and then proceed to make a kind of staring contest before eric raises his paw and hits kyle on the face.
“oooh, i would fight back if i were you, buddy” says randy.
but they still let eric stay after posting pictures of him on social media in case there’s someone out there looking for him. the week goes by with loud meowing from both cats, and it’s a bit annoying but funny, because it’s like they’re arguing in their own little language all the time. kyle tries his best to avoid him: staying in stan’s room for more time than he’s used to, resting on the tallest step of the cat tower, going out of the house to hang out more often with the neighbor’s cat, but he still gets involved in these “arguments” that sometimes even become physical and end up with shelly and stan having to separate them.
and it certainly doesn’t help that eric spends 50% of his time sleeping in shelly’s bed (his favorite human of the four, because she’s always petting him, treating him like he deserves (yeah, like a king) and even bought a nice plate to feed him) and the other 50% trying to start fights with kyle. seriously, what’s wrong with him?
okay. they hate each other, right? kyle must be angry because this cat came out of nowhere and invaded his territory and even dared to try to start fights with him. that’s what it looks like to the whole family.
so it’s just natural that stan has to rub his eyes five times to confirm he’s not insane and seeing things when one night he goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water and catches both cats curled up together, incredibly close, on the couch.
“i think kyle is gay”, stan shares his thoughts with the rest of the family three days later during dinner, after constantly catching the two cats getting along and being… clingy? when apparently they thought no one else could see them.
“sparky was gay, what’s the possibility of our cat being gay too?”
stan doesn’t know, but he’s sure he’s right. of course he had to be a fucking orange cat. no one believes him, though, because the cats continue to be gay in secret.
and it’s all fine until one day a blond guy in an orange parka shows up to their house, claiming that eric is his cat that ran away two months ago.
shelly and stan look at each other, knowing damn well that they both started to love that rude cat and don’t want to give him back. but it doesn’t matter, they eventually would have to.
eric greets kenny with a loud purr and even louder meows, happy to see him again. shelly asks kenny to please take his plate and newly bought toys with him so eric can remember her, and then they leave.
the whole week after that is a torture between shelly talking about how much he misses eric and kyle meowing at the door, waiting for the brown cat to come back.
and on a tuesday, stan wakes up to find the two cats curled up on the couch again. oh my god.
he calls kenny, who comes to pick eric up and stan explains how their cats are… lovers? apparently. kenny laughs, but believes in his word and promises to take eric to visit his cat-boyfriend sometimes.
it’s not necessary, though, because eric keeps coming back on his own, but eventually learns the way back home with kenny so that’s not a problem anymore.
the only option the marshes have now is to accept their cat’s sexuality and eric’s presence too, whenever he shows up.
whether they like it or not, he’s part of the family now.
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Guys you don't understand when I say I like Splashtail I don't mean Splashtail is my pathetic little meow meow covered in blood poor baby forced to lead in a crisis... That's Frostpaw. Frostpaw is the pathetic little meow meow covered in blood poor baby forced to lead in a crisis.
Splashtail is the guy causing the crisis. He's cunning and manipulative and Frostpaw is too naive to see it. Frostpaw was explicitly told to trust no cat and the only cat she has decided to trust is the one leading her astray. And I love this and I think it's so fun to read.
I know I've said this a million times by now, but Splashtail is literally awful. If the theories are to be believed, which I believe they are, then he joined a coup to overthrow RiverClan from the inside, murdered Reedwhisker, planted a false sign for Curlfeather to become the next leader, intentionally planted dogs to kill her, presumably to make it easier to manipulate Frostpaw- and then he did manipulate Frostpaw, who had just lost her mother, by being sweet to her and convincing her to trust him. He is not a good person and I fully believe the narrative intends to treat him as such.
And by the way, when Frostpaw starts getting frustrated with him and refuses to play along with his tricks, his patience begins to snap. His mask begins to slip. He starts being harsher and colder and we begin to see that he finds her company to be an annoyance. This has been consistent right from the very beginning, when she lead the patrol to find Reedwhisker's body.
We don't know why he attacked her at the end of Shadow yet, but I believe that he used it as a way to scare her out of becoming a warrior. He's at his wits end, he doesn't want to be running around playing this game with her anymore. She's not listening and he has run out of patience.
So yeah, Splashtail really doesn't give a shit about Frostpaw. He is using her for his own personal gain, and when it doesn't benefit him, he gets frustrated. I could not disagree more strongly with the notion that the writers are leading up to Frostsplash being the cute happy endgame. With everything that's been set up, that just seems impossible to me. That would be incredibly bad writing, and I genuinely think that Splashtail is the product of good writing so far.
Splashtail is evil. He's an awful awful guy and I hope Frostpaw and/or Mothwing kill him in the end.
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quinloki · 5 months
Any uh, thots you wanna share there?
My brain immediately was torn on ace or Sabo and I said you know what, why choose
Both is better
I’m not in my 40s yet but I’m cheating and still applying it <.<
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Kid, Killer, Law, Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Sanj--
I mean.
look, okay, look, I'm not even a Sanji simp by any stretch. I love the poor little wretched meow meow who is used in the series as some kind of running girl crazy slobbering idiot for some reason (why Oda won't give him good and proper character growth is beyond me, but I guess since Zoro still gets lost, Sanji still does his gag too. I won't hold it again him, I'll just write him better XD)
Sanji, who is just down to treat you right. He's not worried about age, or appearances really, he's going to do his best to treat you right. It would almost be overwhelming, you know? Here you are, trying to get back into the proverbial groove and this 20 year younger man who gets a bloody nose when you call him cute is an oddly endearing kind of persistence.
It doesn't set off any red flags, but you imagine he's definitely got a praise kink, and he's probably touch and love starved.
You don't have to worry about keeping up with him, you could probably just tell him how much you'd love it if he came for you and he'd pop on the spot. One little finger under his chin and he's eating out of your hand.
You can let him know what you like and he listens, and he's got a massive amount of energy, but he cooks. Gods does he COOK, and you've never eaten so well honestly, he's going to spoil you.
The age difference probably gnaws on you. Even if you don't want it to. You're both adults, no one's leading anyone on, but he's half your age, and even if he sticks around for 20 years there's still be twenty years between you.
And do you have that right? To take this young man's 20s and 30s and when he's 40 something you'll be 60-something, and is that fair?
And I feel like Sanji would so sweet, and so understanding, and so reassuring, and he'd tell you to stop worrying about tomorrow or a month later. Enjoy here and now. With him, with you.
If he's really lucky he'll be able to take care of you 40 years from now, and you'll still be beautiful, and he doesn't need you to keep up with his libido or energy, he just needs you to lend him your lap, or smile that beautiful smile you smile when you tell him how delicious his cooking is. He'd keep it in his pants forever, if that's what it took to stay beside you for a few more days longer.
/hides face/ oh god
Have a collar around his neck, holding onto the a leash, knee between his thighs, pinning him to the wall, it doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter or the same height, he's the perfect little sub, just staying where you put him, whimpering and shivering and so close and he wants to ride your thigh, but he won't move until you tell him too.
Kissing those frustrated tears from his cheeks, praising him and telling him how good he's being, how obedient. Giving him permission to move his hips, and reminding him he has to hold out, to hold on until you give him permission, and he can beg and beg but he has to wait, and you finally demand that he cums and he does.
Staining his boxers, shirt and pants, still fully clothed, and once he starts to come down from the high you start pushing your knee into him, and the whimper turns into a panting need so fast and he rides that pleasure and your praise and cums again when you tell him too.
He's so sweet, and so ready, and as long as he keeps being good you'll let him have dessert, because he's such a sweet boy, and you know that no matter how much you tease him he'll be able to satisfy you.
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
the legends with their s/o as a teammate
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𓆩♡𓆪 ft ; crypto, seer, mirage, octane, revenant
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n ; had to sneak in my little princess meow meow revenant !! i'll write a female legend centered part 2 soon if i feel like it <3
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the dropship screen interrupted the program it was televising to show everyone the lineups
his eyes widen a bit since you both rarely get paired in a squad together
his heart rate picked up a bit and seer could only giggle from the other side of the room
tried playing it off like he's unbothered
but please help the poor guy he's kinda dying inside
especially if it was duos, ya might need d.o.c on this one
isn't that different than he normally would be
but becomes really protective
he knows you wont actually die but he is the literal embodiment of the word paranoid so he will treat it like you will
always lets you go first whether its in buildings, tunnels, ziplines, etc.
like the gentleman he is
discreetly attempts to impress you with moves using his biwon blade
already at your side when you get knocked down, "don't worry, i've got you" he'd say as he grabs an injection then pierces your chest with it
he'd quickly press a kiss onto your forehead then go back to your other teammate/just by himself to finish off the rest of the remaining enemy squad
with adrenaline coursing through you, you healed up pretty quickly from the med kit he dropped before finishing that squad
it wasn't long until you heard him pinging things you needed such as a better evo shields, shield cells, optics and the like.
trusts you enough to protect him and actually take his time to scout out the area with his drone
waaaay more chill with you, not in a 'let's his guard down completely' but more in a 'not on the verge of snapping his teammate's neck'
winning with you makes it a hundred time more rewarding for him, that smile you give him especially if he had the last kill
he would kill for it
sneaks in a kiss on the way back to the dropship
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at the time, seer was chatting away with ramya at the dropship's lounge when it was announced the match was starting soon
you were tidying your room at the drop ship, making sure everything is spotless and at its place
the announcer's voice echoed throughout the dropship, reminding every legend that was within the vicinity of the approaching game, including you
all the legends gather at the drop area and it wasn't long until the squads were announced
a small laugh escapes seer as the screen shows you in the same squad with him
"this performance will be entertaining with you, beloved" he says to your direction as the platforms lower until everyone is faced with the breeze of kings canyon
"with you, it will be a spectacle" you reply, placing a light kiss on his right snakebite
whoever you poor teammate is would have to endure the endless romantic remarks you lover birds exchange
if it's just the both of you then the level of flirting that happens between you both cranks up
the most gentle lover ever
knows your limits and boundaries and never dares to push any of it
frequently asks if there's anything you need
"is there anything you find missing, my love?" he'd ask as your squad advance through crash site, making sure to look out for anything you potentially need
you tell him the certain optics, ammo type, or grenade you needed and its not long before he hands you those with a loving smile
he always has an eye and ear out if you're crafting or opening a care package
frequently checks if there are any heartbeats to be heard when your squad rotates the map
any squad approaching would be detected before they could even set foot to where they wanted to go
"i hear heartbeats approaching from the left, let us show them not to play with fire" he informs your squad, placing his exhibit shortly after
your squad was at a strategic position but unfortunately, you got downed by a grenade due to a knocked enemy blocking the only exit you had
the swiftness and grace seer executed when he heard you being knocked down was like no other
every heartbeat of an enemy he heard, soon ended as he rushes to your aid
"i won't let my flame die out yet, ifuru m" he says, quickly reviving you and helping you to your feet
informs your squad that there are no heartbeats he can hear as he lets you loot the death boxes and heal up
"phoenix kit here, we need to calm that heartbeat of yours" he says, hearing your heart rate from the adrenaline that was just injected into you
the ring started closing in but to your advantage, you were already within the next ring with seer using every survey beacon he sees
the number of legends and squads were quick to dissipate and it wasn't long until the remaining players were '?'
the sound of gunshots and explosives increased and seer gives a nod of approval that the enemy heartbeats were getting louder, meaning both squads were knocking each other out
your squad jumps into the fight, eliminating every last player with ease
seer managed to get the last kill with a grenade, finishing his act with grabbing your hand and waist and leaning into you, the distance of your faces decreasing as the announcer declare you both champions
"how about an encore for our audience?"
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he was serving drinks at the dropship bar when the abrupt cut announced the match, "approaching drop site"
was excited to see you in the lineup with him, then that excitement turned into nervousness
"you're stuck with ol witt now! not that its a bad thing- you should be grateful not everyone has the opp- oppor- chance!" he wriggles his brows to you as you both hop onto the platform
"keep it in your pants, elliot." you reply while looking at the map, deciding on a place to land as jumpmaster
"keep what in my pant- wait- HEY!" unfortunately for him, by the time he understood what you said you already launched the squad
he always protects you even if there are no squads near
does that spy movie thing where he pretends he has an earpiece before turning the corner and pointing the gun
knows your exact favorite gun and the optics you need
drops batteries and med kits but pretends its already there to hear you commend him
"thank you, babe. appreciate it," you say, stuffing the kits in your backpack
"anything for you, beautiful" he finger guns while winking. you try to stuff the laugh in when he almost trips while doing it
likes carrying you and loves it when its the other way around
he knows he can handle them too but seeing you so focused on knocking down the other squad while he heals up, gives him butterflies in his stomach
an absolute SUCKER for pda and kisses from you
he hands you the hop-up you've been looking for since the beginning of the match "voila! as always i've got your back so you are very welcome"
you kiss his cheek as your own form of thanks
he quickly turns into a blushing mess, "oh- oh wow okay- right here too- not that i don't like it- i love it"
he continues like that for a few minutes, contradicting himself every other words and before other teams could hear him and shoot your squad down, you cup his cheeks with your palms and place a firm kiss on his lips
it quickly did the job with shutting him up and oh did he feel like he was gonna melt in your hands
he can't stop the smile on his face throughout the remainder of the match
when you're knocked he deploys his dupes and rushes to your side "i'm here, can't let you leave me so soon, "
sticks to your side most of the time, rambling about whatever because he knows you'd always listen to him
would totally do that hero thing where he sacrifices himself as a body shield so you can live on and win the match for him
doesn't turn out the way he wanted though, seeing that you scolded his ass nonstop after the match for doing something as idiotic as that
ego boost to the thousands when you win with him, brags non stop that someone might just duct tape his mouth
"of course we're champions! we're a force to be reckoned with!" he shouts at the cameras capturing your winning moment
once all the press things are dealt with, he can finally be with you to relish in glory and comfort
slinging his arm around you to pull you closer, he gives you a celebratory kiss, "told you being stuck with me has its advan- ad- perks- yeah i meant perks psh"
you lean into him and just hum in reply, the fatigue a match brings is unmatched
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the moment the screen flashed the lineup he was in for the match, he couldn't stop the grin behind that mask
octane ended up running and jumping around the dropship while waiting because he couldn't contain his excitement
gushes to you how fun it's gonna be in a trio/duo with him
caustic was so annoyed he almost gassed the entire place
finds excitement in finding the exact items you requested, looking forward to the praise
"hop-up here, turbocharger, only for mi cariño"
"how kind of you, thank you," you'd kiss the side of the mask that covered his cheek
he gets a rush from your encouragement, adrenaline and stim running through his veins from running and your compliments
huge ego boost
he WILL bridal style carry you to cover if you're really hurt
after that, he'd fight off the enemy squad and the moment they're eliminated, he sprints back to you to check if you're fine
makes sure you're revved up and fine before running off again
tries to keep it professional for the cameras and everything, but still loves to kiss you
when he knows there's no squad nearby he uses every pickup line that wattson taught him (the poor 3rd teammate)
randomly picks you up to run off somewhere
"wha- hey! tavio where are you taking me again!"
"can't let mi amor die of heat here!" he shouts in the midst of the sound of his metal legs working, 'how considerate' you thought, smiling that he noticed you were sweating a lot from the lava that surrounded lava siphon
he love love loves to show you cool tricks with his jump pad, although sometimes it ends in you having to stop him because he was gonna use a grenade again
or you get eliminated by another squad out of nowhere
either way, he had fun with you and he's content with it, although winning could've made it better
when you do win though he's so happy he could run circles around an oval
peppers you with endless kisses in your own private time
"we should be in a squad more often, makes us a deadly duo huh, mi cielito?"
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mostly doesn't care whoever his teammates are, he's just satisfied to kill
but he wonders why is it that when he saw your banner beside his, he actually wanted to try for once
"you're spared this time, skinbag" he leans to you when you're lining up on the dropship
becomes a bit more docile when you're around
actually waits for you but gets a little impatient sometimes
"hurry up! there are skins to collect!" his robotic voice interrupts of your squads' comms
"i am literally crafting!" you shout back, checking the map to see he's already across the location
you could only sigh and wait for your med kit to finish, before running across the map to catch up to him
he'd see your panting state and laugh, quoting how "humans are so weak"
you give him the annoyed side eye and he only grins
he sometimes drops shields or syringes when he notices you have yet to heal, claiming "i don't need it" or "since you're fragile"
you can't tell whether to be touched or annoyed so you just take it
you're also probably the only person he'd say thank you to, reluctantly of course
he finds joy in knowing you just watched him execute a kill perfectly
he assures you firmly that it's not to impress you but "what you should look out for"
if you're camping he loves to literally stare into your eyes, his metal ones turning and adjusting with no indication to ever blink
maybe it's to intimidate you but every time you have to remind him
"we are literally dating, i could not be fazed at all," you mutter, working on the optics of your gun to your style
confused why you get so happy after kissing him but since it makes you happy he just lets you do it
doesn't care about pda, couldn't care less about what others think because he would literally let you hold his hand while shooting people with the other
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© this work is by cryptonite-exe, please do not copy and post on any other platform.
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Tony Stark
The whole fucking point of this character is that he is an arrogant billionaire arms dealer who realizes that he Kind Of Sucks and consequently spends the next fifteen years trying to Not Suck to mixed but ultimately decent results. On one hand you’ve got the people who act like hes terrible and like I get it I would hate him in real life too but this is a fictional character and you have to admit theres more going here. On the OTHER hand are his legions of fans who insist that he has never done anything wrong ever, he is the smartest nicest little boy who isn’t actually even a little arrogant, and actually everyone who ever went against him even for understandable reasons (incl. very morally upstanding Captain America) is Evil, actually. I say this as a fan of the character: PLEASE you can like this man and have him suck a little at the same time!!!!! I am begging you!!!! Help!!!!
Literally a millionaire who started out manufacturing weapons for the military. Was then chased by the consequences of his actions while not making any sort of reparations. Of course stayed a millionaire the whole time. Then did not communicate with the team about making a sentient "suit of armor" that turned into a massive slaughter bot. People claim that this should be excused as a result of PTSD but is his responsibility to seek out help and he most certainly had access to whatever treatment he could choose as a -in his words- "millionaire playboy philanthropist". Then supported an accords rife with human rights violations that he was of course exempt from - and refused to hear any of the others rebuttals to it - like they were not millionaires and did not have access to entire legal teams that would work to exonerate them. Then exposes Clint's family and farm which he had revealed to Tony in confidence and kept secret from any authority to protect them. Then Tony spends the rest of Civil War trying to straight up murder Bucky - ignoring that it had already been established that Bucky had no agency nor autonomy in his time as the Winter Soldier, in doing so ignored the Accords he had advocated for. He then kidnapped a 16 year old child - who he did not tell why he was taking him - in direct contradiction with the accords and then allowed for Steve's team to be held in a maximum security prison with no trial. He then proceeded to refuse any sort of communication with Steve, resulting in a delay of him defending Earth from Thanos' invasion. After this - despite his failure playing part in the deaths of half the universe, and the child in front of him he treated as a son - he refused to rectify his failure because he had a family now - ignoring the literal entire universe who had lost their families. Upon his death he was treated as a hero and the one who saved the universe, despite his actions being that of hubris.
The Darkling
Okay so this guy is the main bad guy of the series. He made “the fold” this barren wasteland of darkness and monsters dividing the land, causing like hundreds of thousands of people to die. He killed his mom. He psychologically manipulated his girlfriend (like, he caused her to hallucinate and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff). He made one of his followers (a young girl) use her body to slowly poison the king over time. He started a cult. He did a LOT of crazy stuff. However, we do see his backstory of him as a kid, and learn that he did all this in the name of equality, so people would stop torturing and killing the ‘grisha’ or the witches/magic users. Later, he fakes his own death and starts a cult worshipping him and acts as the leader of the cult, going by his old name Aleksander. He is a very complicated character. So tell my why everyone thirsts after him and is like “he did nothing wrong” HELLO?! He is NOT your poor little meow meow he is complies please please don’t sanitize him
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