#treating my five y/o self with this
hellspawnmotel · 10 months
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emmy & cassie
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oonajaeadira · 8 months
Leave Off Your Wandering pt. 3: Autumn
Fandom: The Last of Us (TV)/ Joel Miller
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Reader: Adult female. Old enough to have been an adult on Outbreak Day. Wyoming born and bred. Sheep farmer, easy-going but confident and self-sufficient. Likes to sing, not a great cook. Childhood friend of Maria. No other physical descriptors; no use of y/n.
Rating: T for now
Warnings: Angst. Canon-typical tragedy (not main characters). Childbirth. A few names that may twist a knife.
Summary: You give Joel a lot to think about.
A/N: Set after season 1 and then diverges. Does not acknowledge the existence of further plot/seasons, although I claim the right to steal ideas and bits of cannon from the second game if I want to for plot reasons later.
It takes a lot to gain Joel's trust, and even longer to tame him. Thanks for sticking it out this long. We're finally shifting into acceptance mode.
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“No, they do not make you look old. They make you look like Joel Miller in glasses. Just like the last five pairs. These are distinguished.”
“Looks like something my old man would have worn.”
“Your dad must have been a stunner. Assume the position. Bottom line.”
Turning him by his shoulders, you square Joel up to the line on the floor across from the eye chart at the back of the Jackson commissary.
“P…E Z O L C…F…T D.”
You pass him a handwritten note. “Good. Now use the bottom half of the lenses to read this one. Do it without squinting.”
Taking the paper, he squints. You pull on his arm to distance it correctly and he stops. He stares at the paper for a while. You might be concerned at the pause if he wasn’t taking a comically elongated time, breathing out hard through his nose, his jaw ticking left to right, feigning decisions, trying not to laugh. “Gimme a pencil.”
Without taking your eyes off him, you reach over to the counter and snag a pencil out of a cup and hand it to him, watch his eyebrows lift, his head shake, and give another dramatic sigh as he marks the paper before handing both the note and the pencil back over to you.
Joel Miller, will you go to the harvest dance with me? [x] yes or [ ] no.
“I don’t think these are gonna work,” he points to the black frames on his face. “Can’t read a damn thing. Not one damn word–” He can’t even make it through the sentence without cracking a smile, and only fully laughs when you playfully punch him in the arm.
“I’ll have you know this is a binding contract whether you can see it or not,” you join him in the tease, fanning the note in his face. “Just how blind are you???”
“Well, maybe I was working up to asking you the same question so…I guess not as blind as you seem to think.”
This slowly melts your laughter down to a smile. “Working up to it? What’s there to work up to? You mean… Did you…not want to?”
When his own smile fades, you realize too late that maybe he didn’t.
While you and Joel have fallen into a close friendship over the past few months, sometimes that’s all it really seems to be. There are moments that come close to something more–an arm draped over the back of your chair–or perhaps across your shoulders–as you stand in the back yard watching the fireflies, always a ready hand to help you up from a chair or the ground. If the two of you are ever in the same room, he’s always near, keeping you on his left where he can hear you. It took a while, but both Joel and Ellie have just stopped knocking when they come by, treating your house as they do Maria and Tommy’s–like family.
There are times he smiles in that way where his eyes shimmer and you think he’s coming around to falling for you. But he never pushes for more and you are beginning to wonder if he even wants that. After all, you’d learned from Tommy what life in a QZ can do to a person….and that’s on top of all the years the brothers spent surviving in some of the most violent and criminal ways possible.
Sometimes when you all sit out on Maria’s porch after dinner and watch the sunset together, he might take your hand in one of his–big, warm, roughened but gentle. And it’s at those times you almost forget about how he’d used it in the past. Almost.
With his bare hands, Tommy had said. Just come up behind ‘em and squeeze.
It takes time to become someone else. You always knew you’d need patience.
You just never braced yourself for something….a little less than affection.
“Listen, Songbird,” he sighs, his jaw shifting hard to one side. “I don’t want you to think–”
“Oh yeah, lookin’ goooooood,” Ellie’s opinion precedes your notice of her entrance. “Hey there, professor. I was looking for a book on relativity. Any suggestions?”
Pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose, he ignores her sass and turns instead to the commissary register to mark down the inventory he’s taking. “Aren’t you supposed to be with Maria?”
“Yeah,” she shrugs, picking up an earthenware mug from a shelf and admiring the owl painted on it. “Her water broke. Baby’s coming. Can I claim this mug?”
“What??” Your body jerks, ready to run, but just barely holding back, shifting all the dismay you were just collecting and using it to power a new anxiety.
Joel’s head whips around, the glasses staying mercifully in place. “What are you doin’ looking for us? Go get Dr. Johnson!”
“Unclench yourself, my good sir. I already did. Went to her–” she says to him and then winks to you,”-- and Willa, thank you very much. You two didn’t tell me where you were going, you think I’m dumb enough to spend time hunting you down first? I’d be looking up and down Main forever. Have been. Almost went out back to see if you were eating spaghetti in the alley with one long noodle between you. Baby’s probably already here by now, jeez.” She spins on her heel, tapping the mug with a finger. “I’m taking this, thanks.”
Joel exchanges a look with you, the former conversation shoved roughly aside for a new concern. “I’ll register it and grab a few other necessaries. You go.”
This is no time to pick up the dropped dialogue but… maybe…should you stay and help? Oh. It takes a second to click that you can leave it to him. You don’t have to tell the man what’s needed for a new baby…after all, he knows more than you. Even if it was a whole other life or two ago.
And with a nod, you shelve your feelings for one more day and jog out the door to catch up with Ellie.
Willa’s just walking out the door by the time you get to Maria and Tommy’s.
“You’re going?”
“For now,” she nods, working her shoes back onto her feet. “She’s got a while to go. It looks like it will be a pretty straightforward labor.”
“Did Dr. Johnson have anything to say?”
Her exhale tests high for irritation. “She’s upstairs. Why not go ask her yourself.”
“Wait. Willa. Did she send you away? I didn’t want to call her, but Joel thought–”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m going to go take a nap so I can get through the night. But she’s using up all the air in the room and what Maria needs is to rest as much as she can and let it come. A good midwife would know that. Too bad the medical authority in this town is a gastroenterologist and not an obstetrician. It’s a baby and she’s treating it like an obstructed bowel.” Muttering something further about obstructions and matters of the bowel in regards to Dr. Johnson, Willa pats you on the shoulder before making her exit. “Maria can have water for a couple more hours, then sips only. Make sure she eats something.”
Upstairs you find your old friend in full concentration mode–laying on her bed, eyes closed, breathing hard, forehead smooth but glistening–as she awaits the next contraction. Tommy’s curled up next to her, holding one of her hands, his forehead to her temple, matching her breath for breath.
Her other hand is being held aloft as the good Doctor checks her pulse. “Family only,” she condescends as you enter the room.
“Good idea,” you say, plonking down at the end of the bed with enough of a bounce that Maria opens her eyes and glares from behind her belly. When you point to her swollen feet and let your eyebrows request consent, she nods, shuts her eyes, and focuses back on the process as you take a foot onto your lap and start to massage.
Maria groans in contentment and Dr. Johnson takes it for discomfort. Turning to you, her silvery hair pulled back into a tight braid, her frown causes her jowls to deepen. “I really must insist that you clear the room. The fewer distractions she has, the better things are going to go for her.”
You pull your stockinged feet up onto the bed. “Is that how it was when you had kids?”
“I never had children,” the doctor snaps.
“I see. Well, Maria said she was gonna freak out if I wasn’t here, so it seems now we’ve got ourselves a conundrum between what the doctor says and the patient wants. But, seeing as how this is her second child and she is very much my family, I think I’m going with her wishes on this. I never got to meet the first one; I’m sure as hell not gonna miss a minute of my new godchild.”
“Who said you were going to be the godmother?” Maria grumbles.
“I did. It’s your own fault. You left the position open and nature abhors a vacuum, so I’m gonna plug my old ass into that hole.”
“You are mixing so many metaphors there. Where’s–nnnnn,” her face becomes a wall of teeth as the contraction hits, her body a live wire as you and Tommy move to soothe. It takes a good minute for her breathing to slow enough to ask, “Where’s…Willa?”
“She says she’ll check back in tonight. You’ll probably be at this awhile.”
“Well, then, if you’ve got your magic healing woman then I’m not really needed here,” Dr. Johnson’s smile only travels halfway up her face. “Blood pressure’s doing well, no signs of abnormality. I’m sure you’ll be just fine. If you need me, you know where to find me. Just send the foul-mouthed girl again. Certainly with a set of lungs like that, she can easily wake me up in a matter of minutes.”
Nobody stops the good doctor on her way out and the train of her passive-aggressive, attention-seeking attitude trails behind her.
“She means well,” Tommy answers your scathing look.
“Your wife didn’t ask for her.”
“My wife’s never been through labor without drugs before. And she’s older now. I just…” his eyes soften on her with concern as he leans in and presses a kiss to Maria’s forehead, “I just want her to be okay.”
“She’s Maria. Of course she will be.”
The subject groans with a minor cramp. “Stop talking about me like I’m not here and go make me a taco. I’m starving.”
She’s less than thrilled with the berries you bring instead– “water and fiber now, carbs later” –but is placated with you reading her to sleep from one of her favorite Amy Tan novels. Every now and then she wakes up with a contraction, but a little soothe in your voice and she’s out again.
After a few hours, Tommy goes to nap in a spare room and Willa returns with a bag full of clean linens, ready to take over, sending you out to get your own nap in.
It’s quiet downstairs, the setting sun throwing long shadows through the western windows, mixing with a few faint rainbows still filtering through the leaded stained glass over the door.
Maria’s not far from you in age. If there were still doctors in hospitals, they’d call her pregnancy not just geriatric, but advanced geriatric. Even with all the medicine that used to be available, she and the baby would still be under the care of several wary eyes. If they both make it, they’ll have beaten the odds. If they don’t–
Slumping down on the couch and pouring yourself over it–just to put your feet up and your head down for a second…just a second–you push worry out of your orbit. This isn’t a world to worry in anymore. What comes comes. All you can do is what you can do. Maria is strong. Tommy loves her. Willa’s capable. The baby’s on time. Everything’s going to be fine.
It has to be.
It hurts too much to consider an alternative.
When your eyes open again, the house is dark and quiet, the sun long since set.
Although, not so quiet when your stomach growls. Nor so dark either, as you notice a faint glow coming from the kitchen.
A simple investigation leads you to a tea candle burning in a jar on the countertop, next to a scrap of paper with your name scrawled on it and a plate covered in a linen dishcloth, under which you discover a flatbread sandwich.
One look at the handwriting and you can imagine Joel coming by to check up on things only to find you asleep on the couch. There was no gentle-but-possibly-disruptive blanket-covering, no “thought you could use something to eat” beside your name on the note. Nothing but reverent candlelight and one word to let anyone who found the plate know for whom it was intended, no requests or commands, just a quiet devotion, a simple offering to a sleeping idol to be taken or left as you chose.
If he doesn’t want you to fall any harder for him, he’s doing a terrible job.
The final labor comes the following morning, Tommy holding one of Maria’s hands and you the other–both of you gritting your teeth as her grip leaves bruises–and Willa holding the soles of Maria’s feet, giving her something to push against.
Joel’s been tasked with guarding the door to the house since Maria’s taken to screaming with each push–not in pain, but in ferocity–and the neighbors have been coming around in concern. He’s quick to turn them around and send them on their way and you’ve gathered from Ellie’s reports that they seemed offended until she started volunteering the information that Willa is upstairs helping out. Then everyone readily accepts that all is well and being taken care of.
But Maria, she’s the real star of the show here. Yes, she’s in pain, and yes, she’s tired and weeping–no tears, dehydrated–but she’s nothing if not a fighter. She wouldn’t be in Jackson without that being true. And, frankly, Jackson wouldn’t be Jackson if it weren’t true either.
When it’s all done and the delivery miraculously comes off without a hitch, when Willa checks the baby boy over and finds him responsive and healthy, ties him off and hands him over to Tommy, taking her leave to go wash up and rest, the room is eerily quiet.
“Hello, little man. I’m your dad,” Tommy whispers, on the edge of tears but too tired to cry as he sits next to Maria and shares the bundle with her, the two of them staring down in awe at the tiny new human. “I’m your dad, and this is your beautiful, strong, fantastic mamma. And your auntie’s here too and we’re all damn happy to meet you. Welcome home.”
Maria smiles wide, the pain already fading to memory, an unnecessary detail she’s gonna leave behind her in exchange for exponentially better days ahead.
“Good job, you three.” Adding to the kiss count on Maria’s head, you start to pick up some discarded towels and sheets, preparing to leave the new family to rest. “Did you finally agree on a name?”
“Oh, I think I settled early on,” Maria sighs, completely in love. “Riley.”
You hum in satisfaction. “Nice. Where’d that one come from?”
“Ellie suggested it and it just hit me right. It’s a good name for a boy or girl, but mostly I liked it because it’s a fighting name. All riled up and ready to go.”
“Sounds like trouble.”
Maria snorts. “Oh, I’m sure. After all, he is a Miller.”
“Damn right,” Tommy whispers, bestowing his legacy.
It’s an easy decision to make, your vow of silence. You’ll never let them know you feared losing her. Not when there’s more now to protect, more to love.
There's been enough fear. It isn't worth your time.
Over the next week and change, a routine easily emerges. You make yourself available during the day for any needs–help with cooking, diaper washing, or just rocking Riley while Maria has a bath or Tommy needs a nap. After school, Ellie comes by and adds two more hands, truly turning childrearing into a village affair. Joel’s the last to add to the party after the sun starts getting low and construction on the new district slows down for the day, earlier if it’s his day for patrol. Every night is family dinner night now and sometimes Riley’s actually awake enough to join them.
Ellie can’t get enough of her new little friend. If she’s got empty hands she willingly fills them with baby, either rocking him or laying him on a cushion to watch him watching her. She’s not had a lot of experience with babies or newborns other than the lambs, but she’s a quick learner. It’s just one more thing that this harder world has deprived her of. Babies were few and far between in the QZ and Ellie seems bound and determined to make up for lost time, not wanting to miss an instant of growth or change.
Joel, on the other hand, is more stoic. If he was hard of hearing before, it almost completely disappears when Riley’s in the crook of his arm. He can’t help but be captivated by his new nephew and you catch a fond smile creeping along his cheek now and then, but there’s always something a little sad behind it, and when the light catches a glimmer off the face of his broken wristwatch, it’s not hard to guess what he’s thinking.
It’s during one of these moments when Maria’s napping and Ellie and Tommy are out in the yard, that you finish up the dishes and plop yourself down on the couch next to Joel.
“Your arm tired? Want me to take him?”
“No. I’m fine,” he says quietly, trying not to wake the boy. But the silence is more for himself than the baby–Riley sleeps hard. For now.
You simply draw a knee up onto the couch and lean your elbow against the back cushion, watching them, chin in hand.
“Where’s Ellie?” he finally asks.
“Enough leaves are down. Tommy’s out back showing her how to make a leaf pile. And what to do with it.”
He chuckles, knowing exactly what’s proper and good to do with leaf piles. “We used to have a big maple out back when we were kids. Dad spent hours raking and nothing he could say or do could keep us from demolishing his work. Whip our hides and we'd be back out there the next day making a mess.”
“Well, at least lawn maintenance isn’t such a priority anymore, right? Just think of all the leaf piles this one’s gonna get. Let the destruction commence.”
“Yeah.” It’s slow and subtle, but the light slowly leaks from him, a twilight descending over his brow. “I guess there’s still a few pleasures to be had for kids in this world.”
This is why he’s always so contemplative with Riley. Worrying. Taking everything he’s seen and experienced and piling them onto one little baby, doing the parent thing, hoping that they’ll have a better life…but doubting that it could ever happen.
“There’s always going to be something, Joel. If the world hadn’t gone to hell, there’d still be car accidents and kidnappers and war in some far off country and the capitalist job market. A kid has every chance to have a good life in this time as in any other. And even if it isn’t in the world we remember, this one has you and me and all of us in it to look after one little boy who gets to live a life. Isn’t that what’s great?”
“Is it?” He finally turns to you. “You think it’s a good idea to bring a kid into this disaster?”
His eyes lay bare the puncture you’ve made in him, his sorrow and apprehension starting to vent, and it seems he hopes you can patch the hole because god knows his hands are full and not steady enough to handle the delicate procedure.
“Hey. Kids are going to happen, Joel. People are still going to find each other and fall in love and I hate to break it to you, but babies are sometimes a consequence of that. Biology’s a hell of a thing. But just because it’s not the world we knew as kids doesn’t mean it’s not worth living in. In fact, Ellie and Riley are going to do better than us, because they were born into it. They’ll have all of this kind of living in their bones from birth and don’t have to take twenty years to relearn it all. Or use up twenty years living life with regret.”
You expect him not to take that well, but he surprises you, softens, and turns back to the baby, his eyes skipping to his watch.
Maria told you once that sometimes she’s glad that Kevin died. He was still young–only 3 and a half–but he would have remembered. He would have held trauma. Back then, a lot of the little ones were lost, either to hunger or to attack…they didn’t know enough to be quiet.
Sarah on the other hand…. Joel didn’t know it, but Tommy had said once that Sarah would have never made it in this world. Too good. Trusting. Gentle. She would have been taken advantage of or become severely damaged by the shift coming in her formative years. Children are resilient, but a teenager’s psyche could be a difficult thing.
“Still not a good idea,” he mumbles. “But he’s here now.”
“Thank god. Maria needed another man in her life to boss around.”
He’s not budged by your joke. Instead, he side-eyes you, hits you with a cynical question, trying to knock you off your rosy pedestal. “If you’re so happy about kids, why don’t you have any of your own?”
You shrug. “Got sheep. What. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what.”
“Not every woman wants kids, Mr. Man. Even if they like them a whole lot.”
“Biology’s a hell of a thing.”
Catching his not-so-clever info gathering, you smirk. “I had other things to concentrate on. And in the meantime, the factory had blessedly closed down.”
He can’t help the instinct that makes him truly assess you now. “You’re not old enough for that.”
You chuckle. “I’m starting to think what you don’t know about women could fill a few books, Joel Miller. You let me know when you’re ready to brush up.”
It’s at this point that Ellie calls in from the porch, telling Joel to “get your flat ass out here! Tommy says you’re a champion leaf-piler!”
“Goddammit,” he hisses as Riley starts to stir.
“Go on,” you smile, holding your arms out for the baby. “I’ve got him. We’ll need to wake his mamma up so he can eat soon anyway. Go on outside and play with the other kids. Be home before dark.”
A few nights later, you’re making assessment in a full-length mirror on the inside of a closet door in a room in your house you very barely use. When was the last time you really had a look at yourself? And when was the last time you wore a dress?
Sure, it’s a fall dress, fine-knit by Addie as a gift for bringing her on as a Roostling so many years ago. You keep it for special occasions, which means you get to wear it maybe once a year. The wool is undyed, so the natural oat goes well with your brown leather work boots. Unfortunately, shoes are at a premium, so having a second pair just for fancy isn’t really a thing anymore. Doesn’t matter. The weather’s been a bit wet and the streets a bit muddy. Boots’ll do you just fine.
But you haven’t worn your hair like this in ages. Freshly washed and let to dry rather than set back or under a bandanna for utilitarian purposes, you almost forgot what it looked like natural like this.
You almost forgot that you could actually clean up quite pretty. Huh. Imagine forgetting a thing like that.
The knock at the front door’s expected. Even though Ellie and Joel come and go as they please, tonight you knew he’d do the polite thing and knock. The comfortable part of you wants to call down and tell him to just come in. But the hopeful part of you knows that this is his way of making an effort. Of taking a step your way.
“You sure?” you’d asked Maria earlier in the afternoon. “You’re gonna be okay for the night?”
“It’s a dance, not a trip to the moon. And Ellie’s here. We’ll have fun.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, clearly not happy about diaper changing duty, but smiling through it. “Please. Go. Get him out of the house. The later he comes home the better. Bonus points if he’s not back until morning.”
“Jesus, Ellie.”
Maria only smirked in full agreement.
He’s waiting on your porch when you open the door, one thumb tucked into his belt, the other holding onto a porch pillar as he examines the sole of one boot.
“You step in something?”
“Shit, I hope not. I just cleaned these. I thought–” but of course he stops when he looks up and sees you. Joel himself doesn’t have a lot of extra clothes, and is dressed in a clean dark flannel and jeans, nothing you haven’t seen before–although tucked in this time–his hair is still wet and slicked back, exposing more of the gray.
Your getup, however, is a new sight for him, and he’s struck enough to let it show on his face. So you give him a twirl, let the dress swing a bit. “Get your fill, I only bring this out like once a year. You’ve earned it this time.”
The smile is subtle, but it’s there, along with the tiniest of nods.
It’s not a long walk to the mess hall, but on your way you both determine that Joel’s definitely stepped in something, and yes, it’s still worth holding his hand. Horses are gonna horse and stepping in crap is an everyday occurrence when you live around animals at the end of the world. He seems grateful and maybe a bit chagrined, but neither does he seem ready to let you go.
The mess hall’s brightly lit; several jack-o-lanterns carved by the town’s kids adorn the long tables which spill out into the street to make room for the buffet and the dancefloor inside. A good portion of the town is out tonight and mingling under the canopy of string lights.
Addie and Goldie are the first to find you and greet you, the former admiring her own handiwork on your dress–even if she’s much improved over the years–and the latter pushing mugs of warm cider at you and Joel. Willa, it seems, took to the Roost short after Riley’s birth, always opting to take solitary watch during big gatherings and celebrations. But she did help with the decorations and is responsible for a good portion of the cornbread on the banquet table. When they start asking questions about the baby, Joel politely excuses himself, muttering something about getting you a plate.
“And how’re you doing?” Goldie asks, nodding after Joel. “I didn’t think that grump would warm up to anyone, but I suppose you’re tenacious enough when you want someone. I don’t blame you. Grey Fox indeed. If I was twenty years older, we’d have to share.”
“Yeah, he’s coming around.”
“Didn’t think you’d ever take up with anyone again. I heard Ellie had a run-in with the lye.”
A sudden lump rises, nothing you can’t swallow down. “She’s fine. And so am I. Maybe I'm a little lonely is all. Maybe I got a type. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong where it counts!” You smile wide, clinking your mug with Goldie’s and drink deep, chasing away whatever guilt rudely decided to come calling.
Tonight’s supposed to be happy. Tonight’s your night with Joel. Just you and him. No family, no interruptions. The past is the past. And this night is easily the first of many.
Soon enough you catch him waving you down at one of the tables and join him for dinner.
“Figured you weren’t picky, so I got you some of everything.”
“Hells bells, Foxy. Were you planning on dancing with me at all tonight? Because I won’t be able to move if I eat all of this.”
At least he swallows what he’s chewing so he can answer you between forkfuls. “Don’t worry. I’ll eat what you don’t.”
“Then how are you gonna dance?”
He shrugs. “Didn’t plan on gettin’ rowdy. Not with these knees.”
“Oh my god, you old man. Did you really come here with me just to sit and eat? There’s a band playing. And they’re good. You’re not gonna dance with me?”
“To be honest,” he says, straining above the chatter spilling out of the hall and taking another bite of chicken, getting it mostly down before continuing with a pained squint, “I was never good at it. One of those ‘stand around with a beer and watch the band play’ kinda guys. But a pretty girl wanted me to slow dance, I could do that. More swaying than anything.”
“Well I guess that’s something to look forward to then.”
“Good thing you’re easy to please.”
It’s another hour sitting at the communal table, the night settling in and the fiddle and guitar music rolling out from inside the hall. A few friends come by to visit, Missy Tippett makes her way to Joel’s right side to flirt and he pretends to hear her, answering all questions with a “yep” even if they aren’t yes or no queries and you do your best not to laugh. True to his word, Joel takes on the leavings of your meal–nearly half the plate–while you chat with folks, and he rises beautifully to the challenge. Without having to scrape and scramble in the QZ or starving out in the wilds, he’s put on weight since the spring, just enough to fill out his hollowed cheeks and pleasantly soften down his belly. He keeps active with the construction enough that he’s putting away more fuel than storage, but it’s good to see him enjoying the harvest.
You’re mid-conversation with one of Willa’s brothers when Joel taps a knuckle on your elbow. Turning to find him with his chin in his hand, he points inside of the mess hall where a slow song just started, an old Buddy Holly tune, True Love Waits. The time has come then. Like the worn shoe that he is, he gets up and re-tucks his shirt as you excuse yourself and then let him lead you inside to the dance floor.
He’s an old-schooler, guiding you close around your waist and taking your hand in one of his.
In all the time Joel and Ellie have been in Jackson what you’ve felt toward him was a strong pull, a crush, an attraction. It’s been years since you felt drawn to someone like this. But it isn’t until this moment that you actually register the ramp up and learn that your species of butterflies don’t really seem to reside in your belly, but behind your sternum. The tip of your nose and chin tingle with the proximity to his, his breath warm and apple-scented, his flannel smelling of soap and being dried in the sun. His hand fits perfectly at your lower back and your arm was made to curve up and around his sturdy, ample shoulder.
It’s that feeling where you can’t seem to look him in the eye for more than a fraction of a second for fear of losing control, and so you focus on his chin instead, yearning to land your lips there.
It takes most of the song to realize he’s doing the same with the top of your head.
You should say something; it feels odd not to be poking fun somehow. But then, you can’t think of a damn thing to say now that you’re exactly where you’ve been wanting to be all these many months. Well, nothing witty anyway.
“It’s been forever since I slow danced with anyone.”
“Out of choice, I assume,” he answers after a while. “Seems odd you being here so long and not spoken for.”
“Not everyone has to be paired up for life to be worth living.”
“Maybe not. But it looks like you want to and I’m not sure how anyone says no to you if you set your sights. You’re damn persistent.”
The song ends and you break to applaud, ready to quip back. But there’s a look on his face, and expression that you’re not able to categorize in the context of this moment, only that it looks like he might want to leave or be alone.
“Joel, I’m sorry if I pushed you. I know you’re still settling in. I didn’t mean to–”
But the next song starts up, sweet and slow–You Belong To Me–and he doesn’t give you a chance to finish. He just pulls you in close, tucking your head against his shoulder under his jaw, taking your hand again and holding it against himself.
“I’m settled,” is all he says as you sway.
Determination. That’s the expression. A commitment laced with lingering sadness or fear.
And that’s okay, you think. After everything he’s been through, that’s okay. As long as he wants to be here with me, everything’s going to be okay.
At the end of the song he peels away, and while the expression has softened, it still remains.
You reach for his hand. “You wanna walk?”
He nods. You let him lead.
Outside in the crisp autumn night air, he doesn’t take the direct path to your house, instead, he ambles slowly down another road, toward Maria and Tommy’s place.
Joel’s a thinker. He’s got things to say but needs to put them in order in his head first. So you let him organize while you walk slowly beside him, the light and the pretty violin ballad fading behind you. It takes a little longer than you expect and you’re almost to the house when he finally speaks.
“I’m not good at this.”
“You say that like there’s one right way. Like I’m expecting something out of you.”
It’s obviously not what he expected you to say. “But you are.”
“Okay, maybe. But I’m also willing to meet you where you are.”
“No, that’s not what…” he breathes out hard, frustrated that his thoughts are getting out of order, but you wait. “You should be…expecting…something. You should want me to…reciprocate.”
“I do want that, but I can’t force you and I know it.” You amble on, watch his jaw tick. “Joel, I’m crazy about you and I’d love nothing more than for you to feel the same way about me. It’s been a long time since I felt that way about someone. But I know it’s different for you. I know you were more recently attached, and for a long time–”
“It wasn’t like that. Well…wasn't like this, anyway.”
You follow him silently past Maria and Tommy’s place–dark, everyone asleep–and take a turn that will eventually lead you to your own house. A block goes by before he finds his next words.
“Tess and I…our lives…we were…rough with each other. Cared for each other, but we were hard. We had to keep on our toes, couldn’t let feelings get in the way or make mistakes. But all that…stuff… We had each other physically but we kept a lot at arm’s length. Like a survival mode. Conserving our energy for things that kept us alive. Safe.”
“I think I understand. Tommy said–”
“Tommy didn’t understand shit. He thought I was using Tess. But he was wrong.” Even if he’s keeping his voice even, his eyes cold, you can see his fist clenching and unclenching out of the corner of your eye. “I…I needed her and didn’t know it. She was right there and I should have… told her so. That’s what I think I’m saying. I don’t have any practice in anything that isn’t just surviving. And I don’t know if I can give you what you want.”
“Are you pulling a ‘you deserve better’ on me?”
Another look of surprise. Again, you’ve thrown him for a loop.
“Because I do deserve better. You’re right. I do deserve to be loved and to be adored and to be happy. But so do you. Most of us do. Doesn’t mean everyone’s gonna get it. Sounds like you spent the last decade and change denying it for yourself and to someone else. But at least you had someone. At least you knew where you stood. Me, on the other hand…I spent the last decade remembering something like that and wishing it would come back, knowing it wouldn’t, and beating off any chance of having it again like a damn fool. Maria ever tell you about Troy?”
His headshake is subtle, but his look of concern not so much. You decide to let it roll off you just as you had with everyone else in the past ten years.
“Figures. Tommy’s got a big mouth but Maria’s always kept her trap shut when it’s not her story to tell.
“Troy was my...husband. We were married for three really good years. He was a refugee, like you. Came through from Seattle QZ with his sister. Ash was a wild one, loved the sheep. She was the last trainee we had before Ellie came out. She had a habit of wandering though, hopping the barrier for berries and honey and just to run free in the woods without a care in the world. Almost cut her off from going out to the Meadow, but Troy spoiled her, took her side in most things. His only weakness. Damn, I loved that stupid man so much.”
Coming up to your house, you take a seat on the steps, not ready to go inside yet. As you continue, Joel follows your lead and ends up beside you.
“You ever wonder why Maria and I don’t live on top of one another? Troy and I lived in the house next door. Once he died, I couldn’t bear to live there anymore.”
The breeze picks up and you give it a minute to die down. Joel’s voice pushes through your silence just above a whisper. “What happened?”
“Troy and Ash were out at the meadow and they weren’t answering the check-ins. So Willa and I went out there with the patrol. Right away we see almost the whole herd gathered in one lay. Not like them unless they’re protecting a sick or injured one. And that’s what they were doing, all huddled around the hole.
“Can’t say for certain how it went down, but from the looks of things, Ash got herself bit, nearly took off her forearm. Back then the area wasn’t so cleared out and Ash liked to play her chances outside the barriers as I’ve said. Must have scrambled back in and come looking for Troy or he brought her back thinking he could fix it and found out he was wrong. He blew her face clean off. He must have dug the hole and put her in it. Covered it with lye. Got in there with her. Shot himself.”
“Yeah. Bodies were in pretty rough shape when we found ‘em.” The stars are bright tonight as you blink back tears in the dark. “I shouldn’t have let her go out there. I thought he would get her to take it seriously. I should have pushed. But. They were so close and I also know that I couldn’t ask him to choose my wants over hers. And in the end it looks like he wouldn’t have picked mine anyway.”
The power from the dam is being conserved for the harvest dance tonight, so the streetlamps are dark on your row. But the moon’s bright enough to catch Joel watching you, reassessing you.
“I’m very, very capable of deserving love, Joel. And I’m capable of giving it with my whole, stupid heart. I remember what the world used to be, and how it turned on a dime and how we all lost everything we were and had. And when I met Troy I thought that love could fix it. Nope. It doesn’t fix it. The past doesn’t go away. But it’s nice to have someone to walk through the better days with. To choose to live in the present and make it brighter.”
As if the world is an underscore to your story, one last, lonely cricket interrupts the silence, a holdout for the season, waiting a little too late to find itself a mate and a home.
“I’m a murderer, Songbird.”
It’s a simple statement.
“I know you are.”
“Just so you know. Just so you know what you’re getting into.”
Now it’s your turn to gather your thoughts. “We’re all a pile of our many selves. Who we were, who we choose to be going forward, how we see ourselves, how others see us. It’s all there, always will be. All of us a little broken. Fractured. But it doesn’t have to be just one thing forever. There’s no mark of Cain here. Just making choices every day to be the person you want to be. You find your people and you take care of them as best you can, and they do the same for you. You slip up, you start over tomorrow.”
And now it’s his turn to blink up at the night sky.
“You did what you had to do, Joel, we all did. We all had to revise the moral manual for a minute. Nice thing about Jackson these days is that there’s nothing you have to do. You can just do what you want, what makes you feel whole and alive. And if that’s something different every day, then that’s your choice. You say you’re not good at this, but you are. You danced with me. Walked with me. Listened. You’re just as good as you have to be and if you want to be better at it then you just...try again. You get unlimited tries.”
His expression is muddled in shadow, his face turned out of the light and focused on you.
Suddenly tired, you stand up and walk up the stairs to the door. “I had a nice time tonight, Foxy. The best. Even if it ended on a downer.”
“That’s my fault.”
“No. It’s nobody’s fault, it’s just what life is now sometimes. Will I see you tomorrow?”
He’s slow about it, but he climbs the last few steps to the porch. You were wrong about the solitary cricket; there’s still a few still pushing the limits, challenging the first frost, singing to the moonlight.
Reaching out, letting his fingertips trail your arm all the way down, he captures your hand to keep you still and moves in, slow and quiet.
When he finally kisses you, it’s a tentative declaration, a promise of what he can give right here, right now; his kiss lingers in apology, showing you in every way that he has trouble letting go, unpracticed in being tender, but he’s willing to try.
Every second lingered is worth the wait, only because you can feel that it won’t be the last.
“Guess I shouldn’t put off until tomorrow what I can start on today then,” he says when he steps back.
“That's a real good start.”
There’s not much more to say as he makes his way down the steps off into the night and toward his own house. No need. No expectations. There’s always tomorrow.
And since Joel’s come to town, it seems like every tomorrow’s usually been better than the yesterday before.
You’ve been sitting on Maria’s couch knitting a sweater in the chilly morning sun for at least a good hour when Ellie comes down from upstairs.
“Oh hey, you’re here,” she says, throwing herself down on the floor by your feet and beginning to paw through your basket.
“I am. Didn’t have any plans today, thought I’d come and be on hand. How’s Riley?”
“Down for one of many naps. He’s growing so fast already.” Finding a full spindle in your stash, she begins unwinding it and forming it into a neat ball with practiced hands.
“That’s what babies do. He’ll be walking and talking before you know it.”
“We should bring him out to see the sheep when he’s walking.”
“We’ve got a corral of milkers in town he can visit. Probably not a great idea taking kids out of town. You’ll see when he’s up and about. Little kids like get away from you and hear themselves scream. Hard to keep safe if you’re dumb and loud.”
“Oh. Right.” She’s silent a while, slowly building her yarn ball.
“Something you wanna ask me? It’s not like you to volunteer to help with this part.”
There’s a certain way Ellie chews her lip and scrunches it at the same time. “I was thinking of asking you…if I could stay behind next time you go out to the Roost.”
That makes you chuckle. “Riley’s a little more fascinating than the sheep right now, huh. What. You thought I’d be mad?”
“No, just…I do like being out there. But I also feel like I can help here. For now. And I know you’re skipping your weeks to be here and I thought if I stayed you could go and then there’s still enough of us around….”
“The sheep are in good hands, they can wait. I’m in no hurry and I don’t mind being here. But I appreciate it.”
The yarn’s coming to an end, the ball in her hands reaching a pleasing softball size. “Can I ask you a favor then?”
“Of course.”
“Tommy went out to the reconstruction site and left his lunch and Maria asked me to bring it to him so he doesn’t come home for it and wake her or the baby.”
“But you wanna stay here.”
“Good timing.” Smiling and finishing up your row, you tuck the needles and sweater into the basket. “It’s a nice, dry day for a walk and I’ve been meaning to go see that sector. Tell you what. Eye for an eye. I go out there, you ball up all those spindles while I’m gone. Don't undo my knitting."
What the autumn sun is lacking in warmth, Ellie makes up for it with that spark of unbridled joy. “Fuck yeah, deal!”
Swinging a bundle bag full of Tommy’s lunch and other sundries, you walk out to the old north edge of town. The wall’s come down here, another one erected a handful of blocks beyond, re-civilization slowly sweeping and expanding out as the need arises. The houses are in varying stages of disrepair, repair, and some have come down to use for scrap. Your elementary teacher’s house is still here, getting a spiff-up treatment and you’re remembering Mrs. Erstine and her roses fondly when there’s a sharp whistle and call of your name.
Joel’s walking down the block toward you with an easy smile and you return it as he nears. It’s been a couple of weeks since the harvest dance and you haven’t seen each other much outside of family dinners and scattered evenings at Maria and Tommy’s’. Between the rush to get some of these homes fit for winter and you helping out with all the canning and preserving down at the mess hall, a twilight trio on the porch with Ellie here and there has been your scant means of together time.
“What’s brought you up this way? Everything okay?” He’s good enough to bend his neck a little so you can meet his patchy cheek in a kiss.
“Tommy forgot his lunch and Maria wants to spare him a trip.” You hold up the bag. “And I brought treats for you too.”
His finger hooks the bag, trying to peek in. “Really.”
“Nah ah, not until you take me to your leader.”
“My leader,” he scoffs, turning and leading you up the street. “Ain’t nothin’ he can do I don’t have to come up after him and fix.”
“Speaking of fixing, we could use new shingles at the Roost. It’s been wet and I’ve heard there’s a leak.”
“Yeah? When you going out next? I’ll go out with you.”
Turning onto a more wooded road, you both follow the sound of hammers. “Well, Goldie’s up there now and I usually take after her. I suppose I could go next week before the rains really start up.”
“Next week then.”
As you approach a beautiful A-frame home, Tommy’s over to one side at a couple of sawhorses, measuring out a beam. Joel calls out to his brother with the same whistle he gave you.
“It’ll be just you and me,” you say. “Ellie wants to stay home with Riley.”
Joel’s head whips around. “What?”
“Hey there, ma’am-o-jam, what brings you up here? Everything alright?” Just like his brother.
“Yeah, all’s well. You forgot your lunch and my legs needed a stretch.”
“Oh shit,” he grins. “I was just starting to get hungry. Thanks.”
“No problem.” You gesture to the house. “This is really beautiful. It’s like a bigger version of the Roost.”
“It’s nothin’ like the Roost. It’s on the ground.” Tommy smiles as you swat at him. “We’ve started with all the houses that need the least amount of help, tearing down the ones that need the most to fix ‘em up. This one had a lot of protection from the elements–the sun and the snow–from all these pines around it. All the windows still in place. Mostly just had to clear out a couple of overgrowths in the basement–probably the previous owners gone to seed. But it’s all good treated hardwood. Good bones. It’ll stand another century or two.”
A small, involuntary shiver passes through you at the casual mention of dead infected. “Did you burn them? The previous owners.”
Your reaction doesn't escape Joel’s notice. “Did it myself. There were a few in this section. It’s okay. They were long gone. Dry as a bone. It’s safe here.”
He’s earned a smile, even if it’s a sad one. “That’s good. They must have loved this house, to want to stay here, even when they didn’t know any better. Can’t blame ‘em. Anyway,” you go through your bag, lifting out a small parcel and handing the rest to Tommy, “here you go. But this is yours,” offering the parcel to Joel but then snatching it away as he reaches for it, “only if you promise to be honest and tell me if you like it or not.”
Joel’s eyes light up when he opens the package. “Holy shit; is that…pecan pie?”
And Tommy winks as he takes his lunch and walks back toward the house.
“Heard it was your favorite.” You can’t help but laugh at his big dumb grin. “Don’t be too excited! I obviously had to make every substitution. Walnuts for pecans, honey for sugar; it’s not exact, but it should be close enough. Been working on my bakes.”
Taking a bite, he shakes his head in what at first seems like pain but soon reveals itself to be the opposite. “Damn woman. And you only bring me one piece?”
“You’re a carpenter. That’s a triangle obviously cut out of a full circle. You know there’s more where that came from.” It’s a pleasure to watch him lose a battle against another big bite. “I take it you’re happy.”
His mouth full of sticky sweetness but the crow’s feet setting in, all he can do is chew and cock his head, looking you over as if to say, damn right I am.
Joel’s quiet the whole ride to the Roost. It’s easy to guess what’s troubling him. A whole week alone should be exciting, but he’s worrying about expectations again and there hasn’t been much time to talk about it…or he just didn’t want to.
“Meadowlark to Goldfinch.”
“Bringing a Grey Fox in at the north gate.”
“Noted. You brought your own sheets I hope.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Joel’s frown and straightened shoulders as he suddenly loses the sympathetic gait with his horse. “Yup. Both sets. For two beds. Man’s here to work on that roof and I’m only payin’ him in food.”
“Ooof. Poor Joel. He deserves better.”
“Yeah, well I’m working on it. Boiled water last night and I didn’t even burn it.”
The banter seems to have relaxed him back into the saddle sag for the time being, and you keep it up until Goldie has you in her sights.
“I know you like sleeping under the stars, Foxy, but it’s been cold and wet. Bed’s yours. I’ll take the top bunk.”
“Fine,” he grunts.
“And you’re not allowed to go up on the roof unless I’m around to spot you.”
“I can handle it.”
“Oh, I’m sure, but my nerves can’t. And this is my domain. I’m the boss out here.”
This gets you one half serving of smile with a side of eyeroll. “Yes ma’am.”
Once you’re settled in, Joel descends the ladder and starts going through the woodpile, looking for adequate repair material, taking up the axe to split some logs for shingles while you go take a cursory round through the meadows.
The sheep are mostly on the near side by the copse of trees housing the Roost, keeping a tight flock, settled down and facing into the wind. A few bleat as you arrive but none of them skitter, allowing you to pat a couple as they chew cud and to check any for painted marks in case Goldie found one of them sick or lame. Other than one small ram that wants to playfully butt you in the thigh, all seems well. The rest of the flock is mostly down by the river and you take a little time to make some noise and shoo them toward the others before circling back to the Roost….
…which is where you find Joel Miller up on the ladder prying at rotted shingles.
“What the hell did I say, Cinnamon Roll?”
“Hold your britches,” he calls down. “I’m just assessing.”
“How am I supposed to get up there and you got the ladder?”
“Oh now we have a quandary,” he jokes. “What are you gonna do if I don’t let you up?”
“You think I haven’t slept out with the sheep before? I’d have no issue with it but that it’s gonna rain, so maybe you should let me up so I can help and make that repair go faster.”
Coming down and moving the ladder to the balcony drop, he scans the sky with doubts. “What makes you think it’s gonna rain?”
“Because I read sheep.”
“You read sheep.”
“Yeah. They spell it out like a marching band. RAIN. Big letters. Cursive. Could you just–”
The ladder comes sliding down with a thunk and you climb, taking his helping hand as you reach the top.
He smirks. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
All you can do is shake your head and hide your grin. “Don’t you dare. I’m gonna get my gloves.”
As he starts to heft the ladder back up, you go inside and quickly grab a wool hat and a pair of deerhide gloves from your pack. Turning to go back out though, a glint catches your eye near the door.
There’s a new nail in the wall.
With a broken watch hanging from it.
This must be the place where he feels like he can be free of it and of the past you gather it represents for him. A special spot for it by the door where he won’t forget it when he leaves, somewhere he can see it if he needs it, but not carry it so much.
It’s a nice piece but for the hole. Well cared for. 2:40. You realize with a little regret that you missed the anniversary, that Outbreak Day no longer registers. Which means you also didn’t–
He doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday, Tommy once said.
It had come and gone without much fuss. But also without any noticeable misery. Railroaded by a new nephew and hard work.
That’s good. He’s not forgetting, just letting it rest. Someday it will be a good day again.
“You gonna get out here and hold this thing or what? You’re the one said rain is coming.”
“Not me. It was the sheep. Hold your britches or get a better belt. I’m coming.”
A gentle roll of thunder wakes you in the night and the Roost is dark as you listen for a moment to the rain pattering against the roof slanting up and over you, inches away. Tuning in, you train your ear for a hard patter, a splotch, any indication that the roof patch didn’t hold, but of course it has. It was mended by Joel Miller himself.
Well, at least it’s dry, but damn, it’s chilly. A glance toward the little iron stove shows you nothing but darkness, which means the fire’s out. As much as it hurts to leave the little nest of warmth you do have, it’s probably better to relight it and warm the place by morning, so down the bunk ladder you go, being as quiet as possible.
Somehow, it's always comforting waking up at night at the Roost. Your house in town is too quiet at night, too full of the possibility of unfamiliar ghosts--of those that lived there, of the society it held, of your own loneliness. At least out here you feel held by the trees and needed by the sheep. There are ghosts buried out there in the meadow, but they're long gone now, part of the land itself, land that was always wild and free and full of the kind of life that wasn't destroyed all at once in one day. Night at the Roost is a quiet comfort, a place of purpose and sisterhood and family. It's full of wooden and woolen things made by hands you know and is welcoming to everyone, including the moonlight and the stars.
It takes a little doing with the wind up and you have to manipulate the flue a bit, but after a few minutes there’s a lovely crackling and smell of pine. Padding over to the chair by the window to snatch the wool blanket there, you stop for a minute to look out at the storm, trying to catch a glimpse of the sheep in a flash of lightning, but there’s not much of that to be had, so you wrap the blanket around yourself and make your way back to the bunk ladder.
“Sheep okay out there?” Joel mumbles in the dimness from his bed, somewhere near your knee.
“They’re fine. Did I wake you up?”
“No. Been listening to the rain a while. You cold?”
“Yeah. Fire went out. You?”
His answer comes in the form of something like a sail in the darkness and it takes a second to realize that he’s holding his blankets open in an invitation. “Come on. You’re gonna let the heat out.”
Sliding into Joel’s warmth is an easy decision to make. And it’s not just the warmth of his sheets, but that he brings the covers around you, pulling you all the way into his chest against his soft old undershirt, tucking you in under his chin, wrapping you up in his whole, woodsmoke-scented self.
Every tension in you simply melts into bliss.
Resting his lips against your forehead, his breath fans gently at your hair. “I could get used to this.”
A long hum rides out on your exhale. “I think I already am.”
“You’re a good woman, you know that?”
“Spoken like a true Texan.”
A long kiss presses into your forehead. “I’ve been thinking about what you said. I’m gonna do my best to be good again, Songbird. Hope I can be what you want.”
“That’s easier than you imagine. You’ve been what I want since you showed up around here, so I’m already quite pleased. Hope I can be what you want.”
A new warmth takes you over as he starts to spread his hand along your back, simply running over your contours, testing out what it’s like to hold someone this way, slowly caressing, lightly squeezing, tucking you in tighter. “You seem to know what I want before I even do. I look forward to finding out what I want next.”
“Well, I have to admit. Your brother tipped me off about the pecan pie.”
He laughs a little as he tips your chin up to meet you in a kiss in the dark. It’s hesitant but hungry; a long time needed and a long time savored.
“Did your sheep say it was supposed to rain all day?”
His hair and beard ruffle softly under your fingertips. “I didn’t ask, but I think it probably will. Sure hope that new roof holds.”
“We could always just stay right here and keep an eye on it.”
“See? You know exactly what you want. We can do that. I’d say that’s a good day’s work.”
His hand splays big and warm on your back, pinning you close for another kiss. “I tend to agree.”
NEXT: WINTER (coming soon)
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hyunnows · 6 months
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In which Jeongin watches you chase after Seungmin over and over, waiting for his turn to have your heart.
PAIRING(S) | Jeongin x reader, Seungmin x reader
THEMES | angst, fluff, unrequited love (two of them), best friends to lovers, high school!au, best friend!Jeongin, lots of background characters, based on a love so beautiful (inspired by both versions), embarrassing and slightly humiliating scenes, crying, heartbreak
NOTE | I’ve been working on this for so long, I don’t even know why it’s taken so long. Literally like a third of Sugar Sugar written in 10x the amount of time. Anyway, I love the dramas this fic is based on (especially the k ver bc the main lead was more likable imo) and I really hope I did this au justice. Alos, its not meant to be a direct copy of the drama, more like inspired by a few episodes/scenes (you'll be able to tell which ones if you've seen either version of the drama). Anyway, I would like to thank my beta reader @that-crazy-five-foot-two-chick, thank you so much for your help, I really did find all your feedback useful <33333 i hope you all enjoy this! Love you all, ty for all the support <3 have a great day/night!!
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“Hey, Seungmin~!” you call in a singsong voice, cheeks tinted pink as the tall, quiet boy stares at you nervously. 
“Hey [Y/N]…”
Shuffling closer to his ear, you gesture for him to lean down so the other surrounding students wouldn't hear. When he does, you cup a hand around your mouth and whisper. "I like you,” you giggle softly as you back away from him. 
Seungmin scratches his neck awkwardly. "No offense, but I don't like you…sorry.” His face drops as he rejects you in the kindest, bluntest way. 
“O-oh,” you rub your arms as you giggle again. "It's fine!” This time, your bright smile dims, and nobody notices how it doesn't reach your eyes. 
Nobody other than Jeongin, that is. 
Jeongin can see how there's no crinkle beside your eyes or nose as you play your confession off, laughing with Seungmin in an oddly offbeat way. He notices how your shoulders are slumping more now than when he'd encouraged you to confess, and how your head hangs as you shuffle back over to him. 
You frown, biting your lip to hold back your tears. Jeongin doesn't need any more confirmation than that to pull you into a tight hug. He caresses your head as you blink away your tears, an artificial smile on your lips. "It’s fine, I just have to win him over!” 
He frowns but bites his tongue. You can’t help who you love…
And neither can he.
He sighs, "Okay then, but don't be upset when it doesn't work out,” eliciting a shove from you that makes you smile softly as the light fades back into your eyes. 
“…and one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract,” Jeongin finishes reading to you, swinging his legs lazily back and forth as they dangle off the counter. He watches you with adoring eyes as you rush to find the vanilla extract, hastily measuring it and mixing it into the cake batter with big eyes. He pretends you’re his girlfriend, scrambling to make him a treat for a date—but as the tangy citrus scent fills his nostrils, it's hard to stay in his trance. He doesn’t like oranges that much, but Seungmin does—and that’s who the orange upside-down cake is for. 
You spoon the batter in dollops onto the oranges in the cake pan, doing your best to evenly cover them without disturbing their positions too much. And once you’ve smoothed the top—as Jeongin had directed you—you’re baking the cake, pulling it out fifteen minutes later to check its consistency and rotate the pan, fully concentrated on your self-assigned task. 
Jeongin continues his loving gaze, taking in your messy flour-covered bun and shirt, butterflies filling his stomach at the view. Something about the dim, warm lights and your adorably focused pout was making his stomach do flips—although it always did that when he was with you. 
When the first cake burns, he offers to help, smiling dumbly to himself every time your hands accidentally graze each other’s and mixing badly on purpose so you’ll come and help him. It’s a wonder how you manage to miss the endless flat-out doting grins he gives you.
“If you keep putting the icing on my nose, we're going to run out of it for the cake,” you giggle every three words as you swipe it off.
He flashes you his braces, leaning closer to you as he dots another glob onto your nose. "Oops, I did it again,” he teases, not minding what he’s sure is a prominent blush on his cheeks every time you playfully push his chest. 
It's only when you're handing the cake to Seungmin that he wishes the whole scenario had never happened, because you two are blushing, and everyone around you is cooing (although he takes the wish back quickly because it was one of his favorite memories)...before being disappointed when he kindly rejects the cake after a quick spoonful, claiming to be full. 
“I know he just didn't want to embarrass me because I'm a horrible baker, but it still hurts,” you mumble against Jeongin’s shoulder, your thumb tracing the outline of the cake box you'd bought earlier. “It must taste awful…”
Jeongin takes the box from your hands gently, pulling a fork from his pocket—don't ask—and stuffing a large bite into his mouth. Truthfully, it wasn't the worst cake he’s ever tasted, and knowing you made it with your own two hands during that wonderful afternoon with him that ended in cuddling on the couch and watching baking shows… oh, he’s prepared to scarf the whole thing down. 
“It's not bad [Y/N], look,” he says, taking another bite and wiping a bit of the caramel onto your nose fondly like he'd done that afternoon, “If he doesn’t want it, it's his loss.”
You flush as he asks to have the entire cake, and of course, you say yes. Honestly, if Jeongin liked it, that was enough. At least it wasn't going to waste. 
“Hey! Stop putting the cake on my nose!”
Your tongue peeks out your mouth as you put all your attention on the beads and clear string in your fingers. “Innie, can you help me pick the bead colors?”
“Sure, but doesn't that take away from you making it?” he says bluntly as he taps his cheek and stares at the different hues of beads organized neatly in Hyunjin’s jewelry-making box. “Red and orange.” His newly freed pearly whites sparkle at you in the natural sunlight. 
You scrunch your nose. “I was thinking of a color palette with more purple tones, y’know, because Min likes purple,” you mumble, unaware of his downturned lips at the mention of the older boy's nickname. 
Nevertheless, he's your best friend, so he thinks hard on what would look good with purple, picking out a dull blue and a brighter one, along with a glittery and a glossy purple, deciding it's all worth it to see your dazzling smile. He carefully picks them out in even groups, holding your hand in his as he pours the beads with his other hand, noticing how your breathing gets caught in your throat for a second when your palms connect. 
“Anything for you,” he whispers, not daring to say it loud enough for you to hear. His eyes disappear in his gleeful expression, his mind in a delightful daze at the thought that maybe he had some effect on you. You wonder if he can see the blush in your cheeks, but shake the thought away when you realize his attention redirected to cutting his own piece of string, picking out pink, blue, and white beads that he laces quickly and strategically. By the time you've managed to thread barely half of your—Seungmin’s—bracelet, Jeongin’s already tying the knot on his. He stretches it gently to check durability, then tugs at your wrist gently to slip it on, a small sun charm dangling from it. 
In reality, he's just not the type to say such things and do such actions at the same time—he’d much rather tease you—so he puts on a fake serious face and shrugs. “It's nothing, I just didn't want you to pick something ugly.”
Your cheeks warm, smacking him as you whine for a moment. You bring your arm to your eyes to admire the pattern, smiling and hugging his neck happily. "You're the best friend I could ask for,” and he grins back, satisfied with the position. 
“You're the best,” he whispers under his breath, quickly making a matching necklace for you to wear. As he pulls the craft onto you, his cheeks warm at the feeling of your neck just grazing his fingertips. 
With a teasing smirk, you eye him happily. “Did you just say something nice to me willingly?” A giggle interrupting you with every other word as his cheeks tint brightly. 
“And it's never happening again.” His face in his hands as he tries to tame the blush on his face. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before you both burst into laughter, you're hopping over to pull at his face-fat teasingly. “You're secretly a sweetheart, aren't you, Yang Jeongin? You probably say nice things in your head all the time,” drawing embarrassed groans and weak attempts at pushing off of him whilst he laughs, blissfully. 
He groans, “I don’t,” trying to sound serious while you pinch at his cheeks.
Your hair perfectly frames your face as it tickles his, an almost halo effect outlining your figure. He doesn't know if it's just him, but all he can see is you, everything else dimmed out into the background as his eyes rest on only you. 
Then you pull away, laughing, with a look he has grown tired of seeing in your eyes when you look at him.
You’re bright and bubbly when you slip your gift into Seungmin’s desk, excited to see him sport a [Y/N]-original accessory and hopefully fall for you. 
Unfortunately, fate had another plan.
“Sorry [Y/N], I’m not really a jewelry guy…” Seungmin trails off, handing you back the box you’d given him earlier that day, all the bracelets inside and bundled. He tries to ignore his friend’s snickers, rubbing his neck nervously whilst handing you the small cardboard box, cheeks red in embarrassment.
You take it with two hands, barely gripping it at all with your shaky hands and blurry vision. They were laughing at you, and he didn’t like the bracelets. A quiet, "Oh, o-okay,” is all you manage to get out, biting your lip harshly as you tuck your hard work away. "Sorry.”
Seungmin gives you a guilty smile, wiping his sweaty palms on his thighs, giving you an awkward wave, and running back to his group, who tease him loudly about you. He cringes at their jokes, hiding his face from you and walking away.
You think you should be crying by now, seeing as he rejected you, but you’re more ashamed because not only was Seungmin embarrassed by being around you, but his friends seemed to think you were a joke as well. How mortifying.
You hear a shuffling pair of feet approach you before you’re wrapped in the long, strong arms you call home. “They teased him and laughed. Laughed, Jeongin…” your voice shrinking in sadness. You turn to him, eyes watering. "Am I that unlikable?”
Of course, Jeongin tells you no. "You’re the most likable person I know,” in a reassuring, uncharacteristically sweet whisper. You sigh, causing him to hold you tighter to his chest. "They just… they need glasses,” evoking a light snort from you.
Turning into his chest, you wrap your arms around his waist, drawing an “Ew,” from Jeongin, although he had been the one to initiate the hug in the first place. You mutter a shut up at his faux disgust. After a tight squeeze, you release him, pulling out the now squished cardboard and handing it to him, a light tint in your cheeks as your hands brush against each other’s. “What’s this?”
“He, um, isn’t into jewelry, so I thought you could have them. They’re too big for my wrist, and I’d hate to waste Hyunjin’s nice beads,” beaming hopefully at him. You open the box, pulling out your favorite and sliding it on Jeongin’s wrist, blind to the pure puppy-love expression the brunet was giving you. Cringing slightly, you frown at the fact that you hadn’t even asked him if he wanted the bracelets. "You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to—”
Before you can pull it off him, he yanks his hand back, holding around the bracelet tightly. There was no way he wasn’t going to wear a bracelet you gave him. Granted, you’d made it with the intention of Seungmin wearing it, but he’d take what he could get. "I-um, I’ll wear it. It’s a neat bracelet,” awkwardly releasing his wrist and dropping it to his side. 
“Leave me alone. This is why I’m not nice to you,” he mutters, face flushed red.
You feel your heart flutter, but you assume it’s out of general happiness and not the fact that Jeongin wanted what you’d made. It wasn’t as if you wanted Jeongin’s approval or anything—you cared about Seungmin’s because you like him, and you definitely didn’t like Jeongin. 
Then why aren’t you able to stop the way your heart quickens around him these days?
Jeongin isn’t the most talkative, especially when it comes to girls. Despite that, here he is, spilling everything he feels about you to Chan and Hyunjin. He’d explained the bracelet when they’d originally asked, and somehow he’d ended up in a rant about how lucky Seungmin was to be the target of all your affection.
“Why don’t you just tell her?” Chan asks, confused. Crushes couldn’t be that difficult, it should be even easier when you’re their best friend, right?
Hyunjin stares at Chan dramatically, causing the elder to lift his hands in a sort of confused surrender. "Are you serious? You don’t just tell your best friend of four years—who’s already in love with someone you agreed to help them win over—that you’re in love with them!I swear, it’s like you’ve never read a book.” 
Shrugging in uncertainty, he elaborates his former opinion. "It’s just, this all seems way too serious for a high school crush. And anyway, don’t you tease [Y/N] all the time?” Making Hyunjin roll his eyes.
“It’s his first love, it’s very serious!” Hyunjin argues, sweeping his luscious blond locks to the side. "And he teases her because he likes her! Plus, it’s not like he can stop, and it wouldn’t be weird, he’s always teased her. I’m ninety-eight percent sure she likes it.”
“Okay, since Love Expert Hyunjin seems to have all your answers, I don’t think I’m needed for this anymore,” the shortest sighs, standing from his seat on the bleachers and onto the field for some soccer. Chan may love Jeongin like a brother, but he’s not the best option when it comes to love advice.
Jeongin stares at the field, watching you as you cheered for Seungmin in the street-style free for all soccer game, wishing you were half as enthusiastic when he was participating. “I don’t want to try to win her over or anything, being her friend is enough… I just wish she’d dedicate herself to someone who cares for her at least as much as she does for them. I bet Seungmin doesn’t even know her favorite color…”
Jutting out his bottom lip in a pity-filled pout, Hyunjin soothes his hand on Jeongin’s back, nodding in understanding. "Y’know, she’s really lucky to have someone like you to always be there for her,” and he genuinely means it. He’s seen how gentle Jeongin was with you, even if he used a teasing front because no matter what, Jeongin’s always at your beck and call. You two could have just argued, and Jeongin would be the first to apologize and make sure you were okay, not expecting anything in return. His love was admirable and pure, and you got it all. “I’m sure she’ll come around.”
Jeongin nods, frowning as you hug Seungmin, making the boy cringe and gently shove you off. He wonders how Seungmin could so easily brush off your love, jealous and wishing you would hug him like that. He might jokingly shout “Yuck!” but he knows he’d hug you back even tighter.
“[Y/N], I don’t like you back.” Seungmin didn’t mean to sound so mean, but you’d once again smothered him in front of everyone, flustering him for the last time. Even as you began to tremble and tear up in front of him and everyone else, he stood his ground, keeping a stern face. "I tried really hard to let you down gently, but you seem to have missed the hints. Please stop giving me gifts and hugs and asking me out. I don’t see you that way.”
Blinking back your tears, you nod, hiding your beet red cheeks behind your hair and staring at the ground. Taking back the scarf you’d crocheted with your own two hands, you hug it to your chest, pressing it against your thumping heart in the hopes it would calm down the erratic beating. When that fails, you try to block out the murmurs from bystanders, and run for your home, your safe place.
While your best friend was never keen on you trying to make someone love you back—not when he was waiting patiently in line—he’s never wished you listened to him more than he does now
Jeongin’s surprised to see you outside his door, knowing Seungmin had baseball practice today, and because it was beginning to sprinkle. Regardless of your damp attire, he pulls you inside, hurriedly running to get you a towel. "What are you doing here? It’s starting to rain, and it’s cold as heck out there!” His concern raw, too lazy to try to mask it with a joke. "Are you crying?”
You throw your arms around his neck, cheek pressing against his strong yet soft chest as you nod, your tears dripping into his shirt. “He… he rejected me in front of everyone. He said he didn’t like me that way, and then asked if I would leave him alone. I made a fool of myself,” your words becoming incoherent as you squeak through your snivels. 
He clenches his fist tighter with each weep, and he’s sure that if you weren’t holding him so tightly, Seungmin would be six feet under by now. But since comforting you is more important than whooping some scholar-soccer player—not that he could do much damage, the boy’s six centimeters taller than him and he plays sports—he cradles your head as gently as he can with one hand and pets your hair with the other. “He’s an idiot.”
“No, he’s not, I am. I don’t know why I thought I had a chance…” You sniffle, shaking your head against him.
Jeongin tilts your face up to look at him, frowning at your glistening cheeks and shushing the voice in his head that’s going on about how you somehow managed to look beautiful even though you’re heartbroken. “Don’t say that, you’re amazing,” uncaring about how he’s probably the color of that ugly sweater Seungmin’s older brother somehow managed to rock.
You can’t bring yourself to believe his words completely, but the fondness in his eyes makes you want to because you knew Jeongin wasn’t the type to throw words like that around. Still, you nod, hoping you could one day be worthy of those words. 
Jeongin jumps when you slam the papers on his desk in front of him, a bright smile on your lips as you eagerly wait for him to ask you what you’re so excited about. He raises a brow, and you point frantically at the papers. “The school play? What about it?”
“I want to sign up for auditions!” You cheer, making jazz hands at the announcement. “They’ll be doing a romance play based on a student’s submission. I heard it’s really good.” Your best friend gives you a concerned look, forehead creased and mouth pursed. Well, that’s not the reaction you were hoping for when you told him. “Why are you making that face?”
Sighing, the black-haired boy stares up at you. “It’s just… are you sure you want to audition?” When you nod happily, he has no choice but to play the role of supportive best friend. “Okay, I’ll cheer you on.”
Your teacher comes in before you have the chance to elaborate on your idea, scolding you for not being ready for his class and eliciting a bit of laughter from your classmates—minus Jeongin, of course. 
Your teacher seems to be on the same page as you, though, pulling out one of the fliers. “Today we’re holding auditions in the auditorium during lunch, drama period, and after school, as well as staff signups. Anyone who participates in the school play’s production gets extra credit. If you have any questions, see me or the drama teacher after class.”
You shoot Jeongin a knowing look that he returns with a confused pout. He doesn’t know what’s up your sleeve, but he’s sure it’ll end badly somehow. 
Well, he wasn’t entirely wrong. You definitely had a scheme up your sleeve, and this wasn’t the desired outcome of your plan, but Jeongin wouldn’t necessarily file it as a ‘fail’. 
Originally, you planned on auditioning for the lead female part, while Seungmin would take the lead male, a part that everyone wanted him to play. You two would play as lovers, and eventually Seungmin would fall for you too and everything would be sunshine and rainbows. That was the plan. 
You knew that you needed someone to audition with, since they were allowing pairs to audition, and you already knew Seungmin would most likely refuse to audition with you. That’s why you brought Jeongin along. You hoped they’d see your star talent and recruit you to the cast while telling Jeongin he just didn’t make the cut—which he’d be fine with, once he understood your plan. That’s how everything was supposed to go down. 
And somehow, everything is going according to plan. 
You auditioned with complete confidence, and you did well. Acting’s one of your talents—not that you had an abundance of them, you just had a knack for pretending to be different people and characters—at least, you thought so.
Mr. Kim—the drama teacher—reads the casting aloud, so far, Seungmin got the lead male, Jeongin was cast as a random villager, and now it was your turn. “[Y/N]... you’ll play villager three and be in charge of the music…”
He continues to read out everyone else’s parts, but you can’t hear him. You didn’t get the part? But you did so well, right? Why didn’t they pick you?
Jeongin watches your crestfallen face, sighing inwardly because he knows nothing would be worse for you than watching Seungmin pretend to be utterly in love with another girl. He knows why you didn’t get the part, but he also knows that you put your all into that audition because you wanted to be Seungmin’s partner, so he feels bad. After all, his feelings for you only made him wish for you to be happy, and being the lead would’ve made you happy. Still, he can’t help the tiny bit of relief he feels because you won’t be playing the part of Seungmin’s lover. 
Someone hands you a recorder, you don't know who, as well as a sheet with different sound effects and songs for you to gather listed. Great. Not only do you play an unimportant side character, you're also in charge of putting together the romantic soundtrack and sound effects. Why did these things always happen to you?
“Don't worry [Y/N], we can have fun getting the songs and music together.” Jeongin smiles comfortingly, just enough to ease your stress, but you’re still upset at today’s outcome. Sensing the irritation in your stature—the way you furrow your brows and chew your nails are dead giveaways—the boy sighs, pulli by you along with him to collect a script. “Besides, it’s not the end of the world, there will be another play in a few months anyway.”
You nod, but honestly, you’re too bummed to pay him any real attention right now. Jeongin, sighing inaudibly, picks up your backpacks and pulls your sulking figure along towards the school’s exit. 
Pouting, you lean your head on his shoulder. “I thought I did so well…” 
The brunet ruffles your hair affectionately, giving you a small smile. “You did, it’s their loss they didn’t pick you.” His words make your lips quirk up. 
Turning to face him, you lift a brow at him. “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Carry your own bag,” he mumbles, handing over your backpack with an amused grin dancing in his lips. 
You pout again, only this time there’s joy in your eyes instead of disappointment. 
Something about that smile makes you feel better.
“You must tread into the woods, find your true love, and ask for her hand. She’s who you belong with, your hearts destined to become one. Now forget about that other miller’s daughter and begin the journey!” You read, trying to put some sort of passion into your voice, but you can’t. The only lines you have pertain to Seungmin finding his love and marrying her, while forgetting about the poor second lead who you couldn’t help but relate to. And just to rub salt in your wound, you have the golden line. “Kiss her, and make her your wife. You have my blessing, to have a long, lovely marriage and life.”
Jeongin claps for you from your bed, his long limbs sprawled across the mattress. He doesn’t have any lines other than quiet repetitions of your words—for dramatic effect, but he doesn’t care too much for them anyway. Extra credit is extra credit, right? “That was great [Y/N], but you really should start recording the sounds and music. They’re going to want them for rehearsals.”
You slump, nodding. You needed to recreate horseshoes hitting the ground, birds chirping, water running and the crumpling of leaves, and then download the songs the production team had already chosen. How fun. 
“Jeongin, grab those rocks and that rug for me please.” He nods, reaching for the two large stones as you start muttering, upset. “Why do I have to bless their union though? Out of every part I could’ve gotten, I had to get the part where I encouraged Seungmin to marry another girl…” You groan more, shutting up only to record the rocks hitting the rug in an offbeat pattern to mimic horse hooves. 
Jeongin rolls his eyes, because you only have to encourage Seungmin’s character, while he has to support you every time you scheme to get the older boy to fall for you. It shouldn’t be a competition, but he can’t help but feel that his situation is a tad worse.
“[Y/N], where’s the audio recording? We need it now!” Hana, the girl in charge of putting the music and sound over the play, calls urgently. The play’s about to start, and because of your constant sulking, you only just finished recording everything. 
Luckily you still have about ten minutes before the play begins, so you’re safe from being scolded. “Sorry, here it is.”
She takes it from you happily, readying it in a way you don’t exactly understand—hence why you aren’t one of the techs—and sending you off to get into your costume. 
The play’s going smoothly, everything’s in order and running perfectly. You’ve said your lines, Jeongin’s said his and Seungmin is absolutely killing his role. And then your voice booms through the speakers. 
“Why do I have to bless their union though? Out of every part I could’ve gotten, I had to get the part where I encouraged Seungmin to marry another girl…” 
The familiar statement falls upon the crowds shocked ears, and you feel all color drain from your face. That…that recorded…?
Your drama teacher glares at you, murder bright in their eyes. You can almost see the steam coming out of his ears. 
The crowd erupts into laughter and boos when the echoes of your words finally fade from the auditorium. All the staff and students behind the curtains are staring at you, some pitying, others angry and some disappointed. But that isn’t the worst of it. 
Someone in the audience spots you hiding behind the curtain on the east wing, “Hey! [Y/N] that was you, wasn’t it? You must really be in love with Seungmin, huh?”
You loudly shush him, hoping he’ll stop and the play will continue peacefully, but the odds aren’t in your favor. Someone behind you shoves you onto the stage, and you’re suddenly in the spotlight, frozen in front of dozens of people laughing. Your friends and teachers stifflong their giggles at your pathetically embarrassed state. 
You want to stand up for yourself, tell them to shut up and put their pointing hands away but you’re too mortified to do anything as a stray tear escapes your eye and your lip trembles. You’re hardly able to scramble off stage, muttering dozens of apologies to everyone watching. 
It’s hard to even be upset when all your mind can think of is Seungmin’s face of embarrassment—shame, because of you. 
It’s not long after the fiasco Jeongin finds you crying in a storage closet, and he shoos off some students who are teasing you far too much for his liking. 
“[Y/N]? Are you okay?” He asks gently, kneeling in front of you to see your face that’s hidden in your knees. You nod, burying it further and wrapping your arms tighter around yourself. He can’t help but think you look adorable so small, but he’s more focused on comforting you. 
Pulling off his jacket—he remembers how much you always say you love his clothes—and taps you with it. You don’t notice at first, but after he pushes it against your shoulder a few more times, you slowly peel yourself out of your [Y/N]-cocoon. Your face instantly lights up, just a bit when you catch sight of his jacket and you don’t hesitate to wrap yourself in it and scoot over for him to seat himself beside you on the step stool. 
He takes the spot, and you immediately lean on his shoulder as his large, lanky arm wraps around you in a comforting embrace. “You wanna talk or just stay here quietly a bit longer?”
“Just stay quiet for a bit…” your shaky voice mutters, heavy eyelids struggling to stay open. 
The storage closet opens again, only this time Seungmin stands in the doorway, face blank and eyes void of anything other than disappointment. 
He lets out a deep sigh before mumbling quietly. “Why do you ruin everything? Couldn’t you put your feelings aside for once and get your job done once? You embarrassed us both, all because you have a stupid crush on me. I told you I’m not interested, get over it, please.”
Jeongin’s about to open his mouth, fed up with Seungmin’s ass of an attitude toward you when you kick the door closed, shoving Seungmin out so you can sob into the younger boy’s sleeves in peace. You don’t want to see him, not now. You don’t really want to see anyone.
Except Jeongin.
“You need to apologize to her,” the shorter male demands, feet making squishy sounds with every step from the wet grass he chased Seungmin through. Jeongin may not always be the most affectionate or sweet friend, but he’s your best friend for a reason and he’s determined to keep you happy at all costs. Which includes making Seungmin apologize for his harsh words after the play. 
The older boy rolls his eyes. “Why should I? I was giving honest, helpful criticism. Plus, she’ll get over me faster if she hates me.”
Jeongin has no clue why you like him so much. 
Seungmin seems just about done with this conversation, turning to walk away, when he hears Jeongin huff under his breath. “And here [Y/N] said she liked you for your kindness. I don’t know where she got that idea from, you’re obviously a jerk…”
Seungmin doesn’t care about people’s opinions of him, but something about Jeongin’s word choice (specifically the word jerk) strikes a chord in him. . 
Which is how he finds himself in front of your door, Jeongin beside him with a semi-smug look as the older boy knocks on your door. 
“Who—Seungmin…? What-what’re you doing here…?” You shrink slowly, not in the mood for more insults. Not to mention that you’re just a bit traumatized from last week’s fiasco and that you’ve been skipping school to avoid the mental and emotional torment you’re sure is to come. 
He feels genuinely bad when he notices the tremble in your lip whilst you slide the door closed just a bit more to hide behind it. Handing you an envelope, he bows. “I’m sorry about what I said [Y/N]. I didn’t mean to be so rude and insensitive. There’s a longer apology in the envelope, feel free to read it or throw it away. Have a good night and come back to school soon. All of your classmates miss you.”
You doubt that last statement a bit. As far as you know, the whole school hates you, but you appreciate the idea that someone missed your presence. You give Seungmin a small bow and mouthed thank you just before he leaves. For the first time, you think he genuinely smiles at you. It's small, but real.
Rushing Jeongin inside, you melt against the door, clutching the envelope to your chest. “Did Kim Seungmin just… apologize to me…?”
In all the years you’ve known Seungmin, he’s never been one to apologize. He’s usually not in the wrong, so most of the time there’s no need for him to. Still, on the rare occasion he is on the wrong side, he almost never takes the initiative to own up to his mistakes. He’d much rather let time do its thing and wait for the incident to blow over and be forgotten. 
So you can’t help but feel both shocked and even a bit special to have a written apology from the brown eyed golden boy. 
Jeongin nods triumphantly. “Yep.” He wants to tell you that he’s the reason behind this, but he can’t ruin the way you must be feeling. If thinking Seungmin apologized completely of his own accord made you happy, then he’d allow you to believe that. 
As long as you’re happy, Jeongin doesn’t really care about anything else. 
However there are times when he wishes he could put his own feelings first.  
Slowly since the play, Seungmin had accidentally begun to sneak into your friend group. Suddenly he hangs out with you and Jeongin during lunch. He’s in the library with the two of you, making sure you’re actually studying. He’s even invited the two of you out to eat and hang out a few times over the past three months. It should be odd—the way he wormed into your group, but it happened so gradually that by the time either of you had noticed, he’d become part of your duo-now-trio. 
So it’s only natural that when your annual trip to Chan’s lake house rolls around, you invite him. 
While Jeongin’s fine with Seungmin—there are times where they seem to have been best friends since birth—he can’t help but feel almost possessive of the time he’s supposed to have with you. As much as he hates it, he knows Seungmin will effortlessly steal that time from him. 
“So you’ll come?” You giddily ask the taller boy, bouncing on the heels of your feet. 
Please say no. Please, please, please say no. For once, Jeongin wants Seungmin to reject you, wholeheartedly too. You do it all the time, don’t make this different!
The older boy thinks for a moment, typing something into his phone a moment before it lights up again, and nods silently with a small, almost unnoticeable grin. Flashing his screen, Jeongin realizes he’d been asking permission—which unfortunately, he was given. 
Don’t be fooled, since the incident, Jeongin has come to find that Seungmin is actually a great guy and wonderful company that he thoroughly enjoys on most occasions. They’ve completely warmed up to each other. But he knows that you’re still utterly in love with Seungmin, maybe even more than before, and he doesn’t think he can stand being around you two in a casual setting for more than a few hours. 
Still, he bites his tongue. If you’re happy, he’s happy. 
At least that’s what he tells himself during the car ride whilst you stare in awe at the older boy for most of the ride, trying and managing to convince him to let you sleep on his broad shoulder. He repeats this in his head over and over during the board games you all play where you beg Seungmin to let you be in his team—which he grants you after a bit of friendly teasing. By dinner time Jeongin has a headache from the mantra, almost disgusted by just watching you feed the sophomore by spoonfuls. He’s ready for bed before nine-thirty. 
However, his plans for sleeping—and evading Seungmin and you—are halted when Minho—a mischievous friend of Chan’s—decides to play some party games. You all play twenty questions, an age-appropriate few rounds of never have I ever (Chan and Hyunjin would have your heads if you or Jeongin were exposed to any sort of adult materia) and now you’re playing a game of secrets. 
Everyone gets a strip of paper and a pencil for them to write their secret on. Once everyone’s done, the strips are put in a bowl, mixed around, and picked out at random. You can’t tell anyone what you wrote or picked from the bowl, regardless if it's your own secret. 
Somehow it’s simultaneously harmless and filled with potential drama. You give props to Jisung (Minho and Hyunjin’s friend) for bringing up the game, so long as you pick Seungmin’s secret. 
Though it’s not exactly a secret, you haven’t confessed to Seungmin since before the incident, and you think you’ve been subtle about your feelings since then, so you pick that as your secret. In your tidy handwriting, you spell out “I’m in love with Kim Seungmin.”
Beside you, Jeongin contemplates what he wants to write for a moment longer than you do. He can reveal anything he’d like. That he’s jealous of Hyunjin’s height, that he actually looks up to Changbin more than he’d like to admit, that he failed his last English quiz, or that…
He likes you as something way more than friends. 
He’s sure about half of his friends already know, and that Seungmin is probably suspicious of it, so it wouldn’t be much of a surprise. And plus, they’re anonymous… So what's the harm?
He ponders his decision a bit more, before essentially saying fuck it and professing his feelings for you with a short, “I have a crush on [Y/N].”
After about another minute or so, all the paper strips are stuffed into a glass bowl Jeongin thinks looks an awful lot like a fishbowl, and mixed around violently by Han. Then, everyone reaches in and pulls out one strip each. 
You can’t contain your curiosity, immediately unfolding the strip and reading its contents. Your eyes widen and you struggle to hold in your gasp of disbelief. 
Your cheeks burn as you reread the sentence. “I have a crush on [Y/N].” 
Too focused on the secret you picked, you fail to see how Jeongin’s soft smile of excitement falters into a slight frown. Your handwriting spells out: “I’m in love with Kim Seungmin '' on the slip of paper in his hand.
After he’s done reading his strip, Hyunjin reminds you of the rules. “Okay, nobody can say anything about the secret they got, okay?”
You all nod, but your eyes gravitate to Seungmin, who seems oddly calm compared to the rest of you. You don’t blame him, he probably got something boring—or your confession. The only reason you’re so excited is that you’re pretty sure you got his proclamation of love. 
Yet, in the back of your mind, I can't help but think that the handwriting doesn’t look like Seungmin’s.
“I got my own,” Seungmin pulls out the piece of paper from his backpack, handing it over to you with a shrug. “Why?”
As you read “I’m tired of school” in Seungmin’s handwriting, your brain strains to find an explanation as to why you just convinced Seungmin to break the game’s rules and show you his secret. I thought… “Oh, I was just curious!”
As always, he shrugs it off. 
If it wasn’t Seungmin… then who was it? It couldn’t be Chan, he’s too brotherly, and Hyunjin is always talking about who he’s in love with that week, you would know if it was him. Which leaves you with only one person you can think of. 
To be honest, you wouldn’t be mad if Jeongin had a crush on you. But if he did, you couldn’t return his feelings.
You think back to all those times your eyes have locked with his, when you’ve ignored the pounding in your heart at the slightest graze of his touch. You can’t deny he’s the one who can always make you feel better, no matter what. That you would rather sit and argue with him then go have fun with someone else. 
To be honest, you can’t exactly say you’re not in the same boat.
But, he’s your best friend, he couldn’t have a crush on you. You flush as you try to reason with yourself. There’s just no way. Plus he likes—
You stop. Come to think of it, you’ve never known Jeongin to have a crush on anyone. He’s never once confided in you about girls. “Maybe he just doesn’t like anyone…” you mumble, thinking of reasons why he can’t possibly have a crush on you. 
“Who doesn’t like anyone?”
You jump at the sound of Jeongin’s voice. “N-nobody!” you internally slap yourself at your stuttering. 
He doesn’t seem convinced, but opts for being concerned more than curious, “Why are you so jumpy?”
“I-I’m not,” you protest, trying to sound calmer. It seems to fail though, since he quirks his brow in confusion at you. 
With a shrug, he continues walking beside you towards your house. “You’re weird.”
“And you’re mean,” you scoff, immediately forgetting why you had–in fact–been so jumpy only moments before. However, it's not too long before you are reminded of your tiny predicament when his eyes sparkle in amusement and your heart stops momentarily. “Hey Jeongin, what secret did you pick from the game the other day?”
You notice him slump over a bit, “I got yours. Unless someone else in our group has a crush on Seungmin,” the glint in his eye diminishes. “Why?”
“It's just… I think I got your secret…” He freezes up besides you, a tinge of pink in his cheeks you fail to see as you stair at your toes. “Do you have a crush on me, Jeongin?”
Clenching his jaw a few times, he panics. Think brain, think. He stands there awkwardly for a moment. “I-”
Cutting him off, you start apologizing, “You don’t have to answer that, actually. I’m sorry for putting you on the spot–I get it if you’re mad at me too, since you know I like Seungmin–” Some quiet chuckles leave his lips, making you stop in the middle of your words, confused. “Why are you laughing?”
He ruffles your hair, pushing you playfully. “You think I would write a real secret there? No way. I just thought it would be funny if Hyunjin were to get that one and start some rumor or crazy quest to find out which one of us had a crush on you.” 
Your shoulders drop from their tensed position as you relax, beginning to giggle a bit at the thought of the gossiping teen losing his head in order to find out just who had a crush on you/ Even if you didn’t know him well, everyone knew Hyunjin was a huge drama queen who always needed to know everything about everyone. “Oh that makes so much more sense!”
Ignoring the pain in his chest that your apparent relief brings him, he keeps his small smile displayed for you. “So that's why you were all anxious. You’re so odd, [Y/N].”
You glare at him, pushing his shoulders jokingly. “You really are mean, you know that?” Eliciting a gentle laugh from the boy. He shrugs, continuing his path beside you to what he assumes is your home. 
He can’t help but wish he had written something different on that paper, though. Maybe then, his chest wouldn’t ache so much. 
And secretly, you wish it was a real secret. Maybe then, you wouldn’t feel like you’d been tricked.
Jeongin finds it hard not to notice the way you’ve started retreating from Seungmin these days. As your best friend, the one who was always there to help you in your plans to win over the upperclassmen, it's impossible to not realize how you haven’t asked for his aid in such schemes. It's almost concerning at this point, the way you haven’t attempted in a month or so to woo the older boy in any way. 
He doesn’t mind though, not at all. In fact, he’s enjoying watching you spend your time on your hobbies and making new friends rather than pining over the boy who had broken your heart so many times.
“Hey, can you help me take these papers to Mr. Young’s classroom?” Seungmin stops at your desk, staring at you. 
Since finding out the paper wasn’t Seungmin’s, your feelings for him have slowly dimmed. Over the last few weeks, everything you felt for him just dissipated. He doesn’t like you back, and now, for some reason, you don’t seem to care too much about who or what he likes anymore. 
However, that doesn’t mean your attention hasn’t shifted somewhere else.
“I’ll help.” 
Your head shoots up to look at Jeongin, who’s already standing up and grabbing half the stack of papers, bringing the rest of Seugnmin’s face into view. “Can you watch my food for me?”
You nod at him as he walks out of the cafeteria with Seungmin. The silence between them is awkward, but not too awkward. They enjoy each other’s company enough to get along. However, with your odd behavior towards Seungmin, the two haven’t hung out much. 
The walk is quiet for a while, until Seungmin says, “Why did you stop [Y/N] from answering me?”
Jeongin shrugs, “She didn’t look like she wanted to. Why? Do you like her now?” he says less than playfully, failing to hide his disapproval if Seungmin did indeed like you now.
“No, I don’t like her like that. I was just wondering if you were trying to keep her away from me since you like her,” the older boy tells him nonchalantly. 
Jeongin almost drops his stack of papers at that, “What?”
With a slight eye roll, Seungmin continues. “You like [Y/N], don't you? Even if you say no, or don’t answer, I know you do. It's obvious. It is kind of weird you helped her ask me out so many times though.”
“I don’t know what you're talking about.”
“Right,” the older boy sighs, “We’re here.”
After dropping off the papers, the two have a silent walk back, both of them uncomfortable with the energy in the hall. Jeongin couldn’t stand the thought of Seungmin playing with your heart, not again. 
Before the two reenter the cafeteria, Seungmin places a hand on Jeongin’s shoulder, holding him to a stop. With a sigh, Seungmin starts, “I consider us friends, and as a friend, I’m rooting for you. [Y/N] was never right for me, and I was never right for her, but I think you two would be right for each other.”
The older boy releases him, pushing through the metal doors and joining your small circle, leaving Jeongin with his thoughts.
And his thoughts agree with Seungmin.
“Did you hear? The school chose another romance novel to base the play off of!” You cheer in excitement as you set your school bag under your seat. “Maybe I can get the lead this time, I think I’ve improved a lot since last time.”
Jeongin looks at you as if you’ve grown a third head, plopping down into his own desk. “Why do you want the lead? Do you think Seungmin is going to play the male interest?”
He ignores the little green monster that rages at the thought. 
“What? No, I just want to be the lead, maybe redeem myself since last time I messed up so bad,” you flush. “Hey, you should audition too! It would be cool if we were both in the play!”
“I don’t think so, I’m not really into acting.”
You pout at him, shaking his arm as you plead, “Please Jeongin, please please please–”
“Fine! Stop whining like that,” he huffs, pulling his arm away from you. You gleam at him, making him roll his eyes with a gentle smile. “What a dork.”
You stop smiling at that, launching towards him, “You jerk!”
Just then, Ms. Lee walks in, a scowl on her face at your figure lurched over Jeongin’s desk. “[Y/N]! Sit down right now young lady!”
You hear your classmates–including Jeongin–snicker at you. He makes an L with his fingers under the desk at you, making you glare at him. Silently, you mouth, I’ll get you back for this.
He mouths back, Sure you will, like the menace he is.
Once again, reading your mind, your teacher begins the class announcements with the play. “We’re holding auditions later today in the gym during your lunch period and after school. Please feel free to audition, those who do will be exempt from the next pop quiz.”
Jeongin watches from the corner of his eye as you hunch over your desk, scribbling something down, then pop up again. Snapping, you get him to look over at you and see the message written messily on your notebook. “You could really use an exemption from a pop quiz…”
He sighs, grabbing a sticky note from his notepad, and writing back, “I already said yes, stop bugging me.” (He doesn’t actually want you to stop, he would prefer if you never stopped bugging him, actually.)
You stick your tongue out at him with a grin, turning back to face the teacher.
It's not long after that lunch time rolls around, meaning you’re dragging Jeongin away from his friends.
 “Where are you two going?” Hyunjin asks, a far too devious smile playing on his lips.
“We’re auditioning for the play!” You smile, to which the older boy’s eyes sparkle. 
“I wanna watch!”
Jeongin groans at the three voices, he really doesn’t need Hyunjin, Chan, and Changbin all watch him embarrass himself. “Too bad. If you guys come I won’t audition.” At that, they all groan, sitting back down on the lunch bench with frowns on their faces. 
“Jeongin, I got the part~!” You all but sing, looking at your lines highlighted in the script. “How about you?”
He purses his lips, ears slightly red. “They gave me the lead.”
You stop in your place, staring at him wide eyed. “You mean, we’re going to play lovers?” He nods. “Oh…”
“I can take back my audition if you want–”
“No!” You stop him, a bit too quickly even, “It's fine! It's just acting,” your face as red as his at the thought of playing his love interest. You’re just friends–best friends–and it's just a play, it shouldn’t be that weird. Right?
Wrong. So wrong.
You both can’t help but feel so stiff around each other as you rehearse your lines. Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin can’t help but be oh so entertained by your awkwardness. Seeing the two of you bright red as you stumble over your lines to each other is just gold.
“Stop recording us!” You frown with red cheeks at Hyunjin, who’s phone is pretty much inches from your face. “Hyunjin c’mon.”
“No can do, you two are so cute,” he wipes a fake tear, putting a dramatic hand on his chest, “They grow up so fast.”
You all stare at him like a madman. Then, Changbin counts down backwards, yelling action for you and Jeongin to start the scene from where you messed up.
“I can be fun, if you want… pensive, uh, smart, superstitious, brave, and uh, I could be light on my feet,” he pauses, staring at you intensely, a nervous–but sweet–smile dancing on his lips, “I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want and I’ll be that for you.”
Jeongin tries not to think about how true that is.
With a lightly contemplative look on your face, you recite the next line. “You’re dumb.”
His smile grows as he nods, “I can be that.”
You mirror his expression as you turn around, skipping away and pretending to get into a car as he calls behind you. “C’mon, one date, what’s it gonna hurt?”
“I don’t think so,” you tease in an almost sing-song tone.
His smile falls a bit, as he stands there looking disappointed, “Well what can I do to change your mind?”
“Guess you’ll figure something out,” you grin, silence filling your ears for a moment before Changbin loudly yells cut!
They all praise you two’s acting skills, Seungmin included–though his praise is much less enthusiastic than that of the others. However, you don’t pay any of them much attention, your gaze fixed on Jeongin as your mind replays the way he’d looked at you just moments before.
You almost wished this wasn’t a play, but try not to think about it too much as you ready for the next scene.
You know your best friend is good looking–everyone does, it seems. Every rehearsal, there are students hiding in the back row of the school’s theater trying to catch a glimpse of his acting. You’re thankful for Hyunjin, who dramatically shoos them out of the room whenever he catches them. 
It's not that you don’t want people watching the rehearsal, it's just… 
Why are there so many girls with crushes on Jeongin?
It shouldn’t bother you, really. He’s just your best friend but even he is starting to feel the energy shift whenever someone comes up to talk to him. He doesn’t want to get any ideas, but he doesn’t deprive himself of enjoying your attention. 
He watches as you shuffle over to Hyunjin in exhaustion after thirty minutes of the same scene, laughing as the boy fawns over you theatrically, giving you water and a pillow to get comfortable with. It's comedic the way you two have grown closer recently, Hyunjin seeming to take the role of your mother almost. 
Needing to get away from the dark room and hot stage lights, Jeongin sees himself out, getting a drink from the water fountain. Straightening up, he leans against a post, silently reading over his favorite scene–not that he would ever admit that he had a favorite scene. He can’t help but imagine you telling him what you want in your home, saying you wanted to be a part of his life like that.
Doing this play, it's not good for his heart.
He heads back in for rehearsal not too much later, finding it too easy to get into character. 
Maybe it's the way you look into his eyes as you practice your lines, or how cute you look flustered saying these romantic words to him of all people. Whatever it is, it's really, really not good for his heart.
Or yours.
“Hey [Y/N]!” Jeongin calls after you, his jog slowing to a walk as you turn the corner too quickly for him to reach you. It seems this is how you two are now–Jeongin tries to talk to you, you run away from him before he can.
He wonders if it's because of the play–specifically, because of the kiss scenes he’s sure you're dreading. 
He didn’t think you would be so worked up about it–it wouldn’t be your first kiss, or your second, or even third for that matter. But you’ve been avoiding him like the plague since the last time you rehearsed the scene, the two of you staring at each other intently rather than kissing since it was just rehearsal.
Maybe doing this play was a mistake, he thinks, frowning to himself. A few moments later, a large, thin hand rests on his shoulder, and he meets the eyes of his personal cupid, “What do you want?”
“Well that's not how you should greet your big brother,” Hyunjin whines with a pout. He chooses to dismiss the younger boy’s you’re not my big brother, instead opting to talk about the real reason he sprinted after Jeongin. “So, how are you feeling? The play is next week, when you’ll finally kiss your true love.”
The shorter teen chokes on air at Hyunjin’s words, filled with embarrassment. “Be quiet!”
“Sorry! But really, how are you guys? I’ve noticed [Y/N] dodging you like she dodges her vegetables.”
Jeongin shrugs, “I don’t know. I think auditioning was a mistake, it's probably too weird for her, especially since she doesn’t like me like that.” He completely misses the look on Hyunjin’s face, continuing, “I’ll have to apologize after the play I guess.”
The taller boy facepalms, stepping in front of the freshman, “Don’t apologize–it's not your fault. Plus, that’s weird.”
Jeongin wants to argue, but decides against it ultimately, nodding in agreement with Hyunjin’s words. 
“What do you want?” Jeongin stares at you intensely, leaning against the cardboard car behind him. “What d’you want?”
You shake your head vigorously, tears in your eyes, “It's not that simple!”
He interrupts you, his voice more stern than the last time he uttered these words to you, “What. Do you. Want?” Lip quivering, you watch him ask you once more. “Damn it, what do you want?”
Eyes filled with emotions and tears, you finally get out a weak, “I have to go.”
The set workers are quick to cover the stage as they change the set to show you talking to your character’s fiance as Jeongin hides off in the wing, watching your incredible performance. He doesn’t know how, but you really did develop a talent for acting since the last play the school put on.
Soon enough, you’re by Jeongin’s side, the two of you watching as the teachers playing the older versions of your character play out their scenes beautifully, bringing everyone–especially Hyunjin–to tears with their performance.
“You did a great job, really,” Jeongin mutters, almost too quietly for you to hear him, but you do.
You grin at him, “Has nice Jeongin finally made a reappearance?” 
“Nevermind, this is why I don’t say nice things to people,” he scowls, turning away from you, only to be stopped by you turning him back to you. “What?”
“Do you want to get something to eat with me after this?”
He’s confused, flustered, and excited if he’s being honest. But he keeps up his nonchalant attitude and nods. “Sure,” fighting the tender expression ghosting his face at your happiness.
After a few minutes of watching the final scenes, everyone emerges from the stage wings, taking their places beside one another, Jeongin and you in the center as the leads. Joining hands, you all bow, taking in the praises from your parents, classmates, and anyone else who watched the play. Then you’re dragging him to your bikes, the two of you freshly out of costume, still sweating from the under-conditioned theater you had just stood in for hours.
 “Do you even know what you want to eat?”
You nod, beginning to pedal down the street towards the small food stand that always lingers by your school–a student favorite. You’ve already ordered two corn dogs, waiting by the stand as Jeongin pulls up. “What are you? Some secret speed cyclist?”
“Maybe,” you hand him his corn dog, “Can we go sit over there?”
He follows your finger to look at a lonely bench underneath a tree that's only a few meters away, a small, dim lightbulb just barely illuminating the area. “Are you sure? What if there are spiders?”
“Stop trying to scare me and move your butt,” you command, strutting forward to the bench. He follows with a sigh, dragging his feet and bike behind you. 
As the two of you eat in silence, Jeongin finds that he doesn’t agree with Hyunjin’s advice once again, speaking up awkwardly. “I’m really sorry if the kissing scenes were weird for you, I tried not to put a lot of pressure or anything into them, if that makes you feel better.”
You cough, laughing at his awkward apology. “It's fine. Don’t worry about it,” your words are muffled by the food in your mouth and your laughter–which triggers some sort of embarrassment in your best friend.
“Why are you laughing at me? I’m obviously nervous and apologizing because I thought that’s why you were avoiding me, and you’re laughing,” he can’t hide the bit of irritation in his voice, or the pink hue covering his face as your laughter grows, “And you’re still laughing. Why are you laughing at me?”
Taking a few deep breaths, you turn to him, “It's just, I was avoiding you because of the kiss scene, but that’s not the only reason why,” a weird grin on your face, “I spent so long, ranting to you about one guy who kept rejecting me, and there I was, unable to face you because we had to kiss for a play. And you’re apologizing for it, even though you didn’t even know if that was why. It’s just really funny seeing how this all turned out?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll tell you in a second, if you tell me something first,” you lean towards him, a strange glint in your eye, “Yang Jeongin, do you have a crush on me?”
He starts genuinely tweaking at that, choking on his food, chunks flying out of his mouth from the sheer and utter shock of your question. “What? Why are you asking me that?” He coughs again, his face becoming a shade of red that rivals that of a strawberry, “What the fuck why can’t I stop coughing?”
“I’m sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t think you would start dying if I asked you!” You apologize, rubbing his back and offering the half-drank bottle of water in your bag. “I just needed an answer!”
“Answer and I’ll tell you why!”
“Why do you need to know? You’re so weird sometimes!”
“Jeongin,” you pause, hands on his shoulders as you look him directly in the eye, “Do you like me?”
He avoids your gaze, closing his eyes and mumbling an inaudible yes.
“I can’t hear you~!” He mumbles it slightly louder.
“I still can’t hear you,” you tease, your hands still on his shoulders as you push them back so he has to look at you.
“I’m not doing this. You heard me and you still didn’t tell me,” he groans with a pout in his voice, “And you say I’m the jerk.”
You laugh at his aggravation, finding it hard to take him seriously when he looks like a red crayon threw up on his face. He gets up from the space beside you, sitting on his bike and getting ready to ride home when you come up beside him.
“Hey,” you say quietly, making him look at you. You hold in the urge to laugh at his annoyed expression. His eyebrows are furrowed, and he’s obviously fed up with being embarrassed for one night. With all your courage, you whisper, 
“I like you too.”
"I like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care  I like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear I like you more, the world may know but don't be scared  ‘Cause I'm falling deeper, baby be prepared" ― Translation from Ysabelle's English Cover of "I Like You So Much, You'll Know It"
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rougecreator1 · 4 days
Pretty Girl || Part 2
Read Part 1
|| Regina George x fem!reader
|| Warnings: Regina being Regina, mentions of house party, brief mention of alcohol poisoning from Ms. George, Regina struggling with her sexuality, Regina being harsh with Gretchen
|| Summary: Regina takes Reader to her house with the rest of the plastics. She gives Reader a makeover to be party-ready.
Requests open!
Started: April 22nd
Finished: April 23rd
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"My place, duh." Regina pulled you along, taking you to her doorless jeep. A blush coated your cheeks as you followed, looking down at where your hands connected together.
Gretchen, Karen and Cady were already in the jeep waiting. Karen and Cady in the back, Gretchen in passenger.
"Gretchen!" Regina snapped, making the girl tense as she looked at her in confusion.
"Yes, Regina-?"
"Move it." Regina demanded, Gretchen glanced at you and you felt a little bad. You assumed passenger was usually her seat. However Gretchen listened to Regina, squeezing into the back next to Karen who was now between Gretchen & Cady.
Regina nodded her head towards the passenger seat as she looked at you," Well? Get in! Come on!"
You could not figure Regina George out.
She's been nothing but kind- no, kind wasn't the right word. All you knew was she hadn't been her usual harsh self towards you. Regina could go from snapping at one person one minute to treating you like... well, you honestly didn't know how to describe it. She did still have an attitude with you, so it's not like you were getting Princess treatment. Although her attitude was more toned down.
When you all arrived at Regina's house, you stepped out and gawked at it. She just lived here? Like this was her norm? Well, it certainly explained a lot but DAMN. You had figured she was rich. You just never considered how rich until you were stepping into her family's modern day mansion.
Man you were so out of place.
Regina glanced at you when the five of you walked into her place, a small smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth as she watched your reaction. Clearly, you weren't from a rich family. If you had been you wouldn't be reacting the way you were. She found it kind of cute.
She stopped. Cute?
Why does she keep thinking about you like that? You're just a friend. It's normal to imagine yourself kissing your friends, right? Well... no, she never thought about kissing Gretchen or Karen. That thought almost made her shudder; not in a good way. Maybe it's just cause you were a pretty girl. It's normal to want to kiss the pretty girls, right?
Her thoughts were interrupted by her mother.
"Girls! How was school? Any new tea to spill?"
You turned and looked at Ms. George, trying not to cringe. Watching adults try and use modern slang was not it.
"Ew, Mom. Don't." Regina cringed with you. Hers being much more noticeable.
Ms. George was going to respond when her eyes locked with yours and she gasped.
"Well aren't you just the cutest! Regina, honey, you're making more friends?" She smiled at her daughter before walking to you, pulling you into a tight hug that made you tense up.
Regina, luckily, had pulled you away. Her hand laced with yours as she sent a glare to her mother. You felt Regina's thumb brush against your knuckles and relaxed at the gesture.
"Uh- hi, Ms. George." You mumbled, she smiled at you and her eyes went to your hand Regina's hands. She looked at Regina with a gaze you couldn't figure out before her smile returned," Y/N." You offered out your free hand, much more comfortable with a handshake than a hug.
She laughed a little and moved your hand down," no need to be so formal! You're part of our little family now! You should know that I am not like regular moms. I'm @ cool mom with six O's. You can come to me for anything. Boy trouble, alcohol poisoning, I've been there before too."
You couldn't help but internally cringe at "boy trouble". You wouldn't be needing her help with that, that's for sure. If anything you had Regina George trouble. You simply nodded though and glanced at Regina, who looked irritated that her mom was still talking. You instinctively gave her hand a squeeze, which brought her attention to you and she looked at you with a softer gaze. Though it didn't last long, making you second guess if it was even there at all as she looked at her mother with that irritated look again.
"Mom, snacks." Regina demanded.
"Right! I'll bring those right up, sweetie." She gave Regina's shoulder a squeeze, Regina moved back and closer to you. Ms. George left the room and you all went upstairs to Regina's room.
Her room was massive.
Your eyes widened as you looked around, taking in all the little details before looking at Regina.
"You sleep here?" You asked, though you knew the answer. She didn't have to tell you.
Regina laughed and shook her head," No, this is just my hang out space." She paused when she saw your confusion," I'm messing with you."
"Right.." You felt a little embarrassed. You fully believed her for a moment. Well, with how large her house was you wouldn't be surprised of she had been telling the truth.
Gretchen, Karen and Cady were all grouped around the mirror, looking at themselves.
Gretchen had a hand to her cheek with a frown," I've gotta retouch my makeup.."
"My BO still smells like crayons." Karen added.
Cady glanced at Karen and rested a hand to her shoulder," You can borrow my perfume. It's just vanilla, but you can't go wrong with that, right?"
Karen gave Cady a smile and Regina rolled her eyes, walking over to her bed and sitting down. Her hand still connected to yours, so you had to follow her. Not that you minded.
She looked up at you, her other hand rested behind her for support. You watched as her eyes trailed your body, making you blush and suddenly feel self conscious.
"Regina?" Your voice got her attention and she met your eyes.
"You need a makeover if you're coming to the party tonight." Regina stated. You blinked. Makeover? Party?
"I don't think I was invited to a party."
"Shut up, yes you are. I'm inviting you." Regina pulled you down onto the bed with you, you stumbled a bit before landing on the mattresses next to her. She laughed at your clumsiness and moved her hand from yours to your back." You'll have to borrow some of my clothes."
Did Regina really just invite you to a house party? Great, you were going to have to mentally prepare for that.
Gretchen glanced back at you and Regina, raising an eyebrow as she watched you two interact. Regina was different with you and she couldn't figure out why.
Regina got up from the bed," Stay." You didn't have to be told twice as you sat up and watched the blonde go to her closet.
She was in there for a good solid few minutes before she came back out, finding you in conversation with Gretchen. Her eyes narrowed as she heard Gretchen giving you makeup pointers.
"Gretchen!" Regina snapped, getting her attention as she tensed and looked from you to her.
"Yes, Regina?"
"I'm doing her makeup." Regina's arms folded across her chest, one hand holding the clothing she had picked out for you.
Gretchen glanced at you before looking at Regina again," I was just-"
"You were just." Regina mocked, Karen and Cady shared a look. The two had been doing each other's makeup.
Gretchen frowned and stayed quiet, getting up from the bed and going to join Karen and Cady.
Regina's eyes followed her before landing on you. You tensed slightly at her gaze. You weren't sure what that was about, but you knew better than to ask.
She walked over to you and handed you the clothing," Go try this on. You can change in the closet."
You nodded and took the outfit, going and trying it on. To your surprise, the outfit fit your figure perfectly. You walked out and looked at yourself in the mirror, you had to admit. Regina found an outfit that suited your style perfectly. It looked great on you.
You can decide what that outfit is.
Regina walked up behind you, hand resting on your hip. You turned your head to look back at her with a smile that made Regina's heart melt. Wait what?
"It's amazing." You tell her, she smirked.
"Obviously, they're my clothes." She replied, you rolled your eyes and looked back at yourself." Come on, let's do your makeup." She pulls you along to where her makeup stuff is.
You follow," can we go light with the makeup?"
Regina looked back at you and raised an eyebrow," I was going to. You don't need that much anyways, you're naturally gorgeous."
Your cheeks flushed. Regina George just called you naturally gorgeous. You quickly racked your brain for a response.
"Yeah well, not as gorgeous as you. I mean it's literally your last name. Regina Gorgeous." You paused and cringed at yourself. Did you really just say that to her? Clearly you don't know how to react to compliments.
Regina stifled at laugh when she heard you, loosely put her hand over her mouth as she looked away." That was horrible."
"I know... I regretted it as soon as I said it." You sighed.
She sat you down on the chair, situating herself in your lap. Which got a blush from you as you tried to focus on her eyes and not the fact that she was in your lap.
Regina got out her makeup stuff and started applying it lightly to your face. You stared into her eyes, watching her as she concentrated on what she was doing. She grabbed your chin and tilted your head back slightly.
"Keep your head there." She told you, you nodded." Don't nod, stay still." Her tone was demanding, but nothing like how she talked with Gretchen. You did as you were told.
It didn't take her long to finish your makeup and she tilted your head so you could look at yourself in the mirror, though her hand remained on your chin. The touch sent shivers through you as you tried to focus on your makeup and not how she was touching you.
"Wow..." You whispered, looking at yourself. Regina had listened to your request and done a light look, but it was perfect. Maybe makeup wasn't as awful as you originally thought. You looked at Regina, who looked pretty damn proud of herself," Can you do this for me more often?"
She smirked. But nodded," Yeah, whatever." Regina took out her phone to check the time," Party starts at 5 but we should get there for 7."
"Why 7...?" You raised an eyebrow, confused by that. Why arrive 2 hours after the party started?
"Because it's lame to be the first ones there." Regina said as though it was just common knowledge you should've known.
You'd never been to a house party, so you didn't know.
"Oh, right. Makes sense." You replied a little awkwardly, she rolled her eyes and got off your lap.
Ms. George came into the room with a snack tray," So ladies! What's the plan for tonight?" She asked, sitting down on the bed and eating some chips from the tray.
"Party at Shane's." Gretchen replied, taking a chip.
Regina groaned, she didn't want her mother to be there.
"Well! If you girls need anything at all don't hesitate to call, I'll be up and can give you a ride home." Ms. George said.
"We get it, Mom. You can go." Regina glared at her and Ms. George got up, still holding the snack tray which confused you.
"Alright, alright. I'll be out of your hair, oh and Regina give Y/N my number." She added before she left, Regina looked annoyed at that.
She never gave you that number.
Surprise! Pretty Girl part 2! Part 3 will be the house party, if y'all have anything specific you'd like to see feel free to request 🫶
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ariaxjohnson · 6 months
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if you’re hearing DON'T KILL MY VIBE by SIGRID playing, you have to know ARIA JOHNSON (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the TWENTY FIVE year old BARTENDER has been in denver for, like, TWO YEARS. they’re known to be quite IMPULSIVE, but being ASSERTIVE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KRISTINE FROSETH. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those LATE NIGHT PHONE CALLS, ESCAPE PLANS & SPONTANEOUS ROAD TRIPS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
Musings // Pinterest // Playlist
NAME: Aria Johnson AGE: 25 HEIGHT: 5'6 BIRTHDAY: August 20th OCCUPATION: Bartender at Hell & High Water
ZODIAC: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini Rising MBTI: ESTP - T ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 POSITIVE TRAITS: assertive, adventurous, confident NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, impatient, reticent
M I S C / F U N F A C T S
- There is not a single Sigrid or CHVRCHES song that Aria doesn't relate to - Very much a "leave before get left" approach to life - Would absolutely carry vodka in a waterbottle, and what of it - Honestly takes pride in how aloof and guarded she is. Kind of treats it as a game sometimes, finding amusement in people trying to "figure her out" - yet still desperately wants someone to understand her even though she self sabotages so much they eventually get tired of her games - expect many late night texts if you're friends w/ her a;sdgja - so. much. anger
- Drinking buddies - Ex's (romantic or platonic!) - Confidants - Childhood friends (that likely lost touch) - Friends she used to live with (would be right after high school, a group of friends moved in together and had a huge falling out, which was the spark for Aria to pack up and move to Denver) - Found Family vibes !!!!!! - And really anything else!
B I O G R A P H Y:
( TW: Abandonment, Emotional abuse, Grooming, Suicidal ideation/attempt )
TLDR: Aria was a competitive figure skater and an olympic hopeful. However, between the pressure her mother placed on her, the muddied boundaries between her and her coach, the fall right before the Olympic trials was merely the last straw that broke the camel's back. She found Denver to be an escape from all of the pressure and expectation.
Aria used to joke that she learned how to ice skate before she learned how to walk. As far back as she could remember, prodigy, a natural, Olympic hopeful were all labels orbiting around her. Her entire world revolved around the ice. When she wasn't actively competing, she was rigorously training. Sleep was the only break she'd get from skating, and she'd still be perfecting every technique in her dreams. Before long, several competitions in, she established a reputation for herself for her relentless precision, almost feeling more machine than human. And with her growing success, she began to realize she'd only hear from her father, who left before Aria could form any meaningful memories of him, when she won something. Yet no matter how many competitions she finished first in, or how exceptional her score was, there was always something to criticize. At least, that was how she rationalized her mother screaming and shouting behind closed doors, ridiculing and degrading her for every tiny mistake, even ones that the judges themselves didn't even seem to notice.
Her coach, on the other hand, couldn't cease to sing her praises. Always asking her to demonstrate for the others, being the first to teach her more advanced techniques, and expressing more pride than she ever had felt from her mother. Yet even with the pedestal he put her on, she felt like he was the only one who still treated her like a person. He understood things at home were difficult, an understatement at best, and he would lend an ear to any vents she needed to get off her chest. In time, he trusted her with his own burdens and troubles at home. Conflicts with his wife, excusing and problem solving ways to hide his own infidelity, and more. None of which he should have looked for support from a child. Even as boundaries started to waver, Aria couldn't comprehend the red flags. Not only was she a child, but one who lacked any sense of comfort or nurture from the one who was supposed to love her the most in the entire world. He made her feel important. As though she had a place in the world. As though she mattered.
Her peers training alongside her began to be more perceptive to his favoritism. Some took it out on Aria herself, whereas others were more confused and occasionally concerned. Unbeknownst to Aria, her coach shifted in his treatment towards her. At least, publicly. Calling her on each mistakes loud enough for people on the other side of the country to hear, with so much contempt that she couldn't help but wonder at times if he and her mother exchanged notes on how to cut her down most efficiently. Yet, whenever they were alone, his sweet, caring persona would be back. He'd even explain to her that the others didn't understand, and he couldn't have them get the wrong idea. She bought the excuse, even as it formed a strange pit in her stomach - tying into knots as it felt like she was a secret. Still, she just reminded herself that he didn't really mean it every time he made her feel like the dirt under his shoe that he was trying to scrape off anytime they were in the presence of others.
At fifteen, she could start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, after putting her blood sweat and tears into training. The Olympic trials were right around the corner, and she felt more confident than ever. Her coach even was easing up on her. She finally felt like she was doing something right. However, during practice, after hours and hours of overexerting herself, she missed her landing, her ankle bending in a way she never knew it could before, and let out a harrowing yelp. And for as much pain as she was in, she wouldn't be able to recall it if she tried to retell the story present day - the only pain she could remember was every cruel word that felt like spears piercing through her from her coach. After a while, his voice became muffled - in fact, everything did… it was like she had slipped underwater and she was just hearing indistinguishable shouts from above the surface. Until finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and she took off her skates, and stormed out - or as best as she could with a sprained ankle, more so hopping than anything.
When she got outside, she had no incline as to where she wanted to go, just anywhere but there. And the adrenaline coursing through her veins failed to remember the rink leading directly to a busy intersection. Was she so out of it that she couldn't perceive the cars zipping down the road? Or did she just not care? Either way, she woke up to fluorescent overhead lights, persistent beeping of monitors, and a nurse informing her that she was lucky to be alive. The entire duration of the time she was in casts, her mother could hardly stand to look at her. As if she was the one who worked so hard and dedicated her entire life to this one dream that shattered along with the bones in her body. Aria was lost… Knowing it'd be a miracle if she ever got herself to skate again, and impossible to ever perform as well as she had before, she didn't know who she was anymore.
She started staying out late, going to any party she could find only to go to school hungover having slept barely an hour. Teachers noticed her shift and were understandably concerned. But no matter how many times the counselors would try to get through to her, she was intent on her mission to self destruct. After spending so much of her life maintaining a perfect image to satisfy those who didn't know the meaning of the word, it felt liberating to let herself fall apart for everyone to see.
Having no interest in continuing her education to college, Aria moved in with a few friends and lived paycheck to paycheck with any minimum wage jobs they could find. Yet drama ensued, as she was beginning to realize it inevitably did wherever she seemed to go. With the money she saved, she moved out and ventured in search of a place where no one knew her and there were no ghosts from her past, finding that haven in Denver, Colorado when she was twenty three.
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rizlowwritessortof · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
I was tagged by @littlegreenplasticsoldier 😍💕(Her fics are like the world’s best chocolate, the kind you have to sit down and let melt every so s-l-o-w-l-y on your tongue because you never want the flavor to end) - thank you, my friend!
I’ll admit, I re-read my own fics fairly regularly. I like my series fics, too, but I’ll stick to the fics I go back to the most often, my ‘comfort food’:
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Inspired by the sexy AF Cowboy!Dean we were treated to in 13x06 Tombstone. Helped along by Joe Cocker’s rendition of “You Can Leave Your Hat On.“  (Gives me a little Cowboy!Dean fix when I just want a one-shot to read before I go to sleep and don’t want to spend the time to read my Sheriff!Dean series)
The Pool House
Inspired by a dream - one I will never forget! (The dream that gave me something I’ll probably never get in real life - naked Jensen (like, full frontal) - and I’ll never look at Adirondack chairs the same way again...)
Not Wasted Now
When you all decide to get drunk in the aftermath of a bad hunt, lines get a little blurred. Or crossed. Or fucking erased. Fluffy, smutty, comforting, sweet and sexy Dean. ( I just fucking love Dean, okay?)
When I Think About You
It was a wild hunt, and you’re both a little high-strung. Surely there’s some way to blow off some steam… (Yeah, this one... the thought of being in the same room with him, talking him through getting himself off... it’s just fucking hot)
Pest Control
You think you’ve got mice. The exterminator that shows up is Dean Winchester. He’ll just let you believe that, and take care of the problem. And you. (I just really love my descriptions of him in this, and how sexy and sweet he is...)
My Masterlist is HERE if you want to read more! 😊
I don’t know who to tag that hasn’t been already - please, if you write and haven’t gotten this already, share with us! ❤️💕
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i REALLY DO love U
1,000% ReAl 1,000% SaNe
So how about some of that goddamn affection you promised me?
you're always so fucking serious. why do you treat having a sense of humor like it's a federal offense?
When I was young and enduring periods of insecurity I used to have to play this on repeat ALL of the time. Just to get through being rejected. Don't have to play it at all anymore.
Because. . .
"Sanity" is . . .
m e r e l y i n t e g r a t i o n
I'm highly symptomatic listening to that meditation music when I'm alert/aroused.
My mental health GOAL is to be able to hear anything, anytime and not be symptomatic.
HOWEVER, I'm not counting on it BECAUSE I HAVE SENSORY ISSUES. That much I can accept, and my life has been so much better for having done so.
and as far as having self control, yeah I have self control. I can manipulate myself in order to manipulate others. But why would I? Why should I have to? I'm already a good person. And so are you. How can I make it obvious that I channel my insanity into karaoke, video games and being an internet comic? What else should I be channeling it into?
Alright. So how to put myself into a summary that isn't going to get me murdered. You know this just makes me want to go off on a philosophical rant or 20 right? God fucking dammit... Hey wait? Is this my goddess giving me an order? Okay. But no deadlines. I got this assignment in kindergarten and I'm over 33 years late turning it in.
Always just wanted someone else to write my eulogy.
My only goal in life being to outlive my enemies whoever they may be
Well writer's block is a welcome feeling. Maybe this is how I attain peace.
I can't be as direct as you are. I just am. i EXIST. Reaching conclusions isn't a starting point for me, it's the product of gathering enough clues and intuitions to create a system map. I'm the system map. I'm not constructing a lie. I'm searching. I don't have the answers pre-canned; at my best, I have them pre-scanned. I do not identify as any particular conclusion or opinion. I don't betray my heart no matter what my senses or logic tell me. And I'm even more of a wiz at the ol' logic than I am with the ol' feelings.
i cost c o m m u n i c a t i o n & p a t i e n c e
i'm paid in a f f e c t i o n
So do whatever, whenever. I always have my
i n n e r p e a c e
c l a r i t y
Just don't Engage the Killswitch and put me into BT Overdrive
How's this for a LIFE HACK:
Whenever your heart gets broken 💔, save the pieces and put them back together yourself ❤️‍🩹
don't mind if i do . . .
♡ ♥💕❤ ♥💕❤😘❤💕♥❤💕♥♡
♡ ♥💕❤ ♥💕❤😘❤💕♥❤💕♥♡
♡CANNOT B♥cribbed♡
♥SHOULDN'T B♡fibbed♥
♡ ♥💕❤ ♥💕❤😘❤💕♥❤💕♥♡
CringeWarning: clicking the above link is bound to cause more 1st, 2nd, 3rd and every.other.kind.of.🤙 EMBARASSMENT than any 💜 could possibly 🧸 🌸💜✨🌼🌸💖💜🌼✨🌸💜
This here isn't my "growth" this is my "normal"
I know I'm down for you whoever you are. The only caveat being that I make everything as gay as I possibly can.
take whatevers tho; ain't no one collecting no royalties
0 notes
white-poppie · 2 years
Yandere Machi and kurapika dealing with their S,O’s bully and forcing them to apologize to their S,O please?
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A/n: One thing I am sure of is that people of Tumblr love toxic relationships lmao.
Character: Kurapika || Machi x G! n reader
Source: Anime- HxH
Warnings: gore, bullying, violence
Writer: @white-poppie
NOTE: I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT PROMOTE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOUR. It is impractical scary and even gross. Violation of someone’s personal space/ life is not being romanticized in this post. Rather it is JUST A FICTIONAL TROUPE WITH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.
If you are experiencing bullying please do not keep it to yourself, inform your guardians/ authorities immediately: https://unitedgmh.org/mental-health-support you can find information here. Remember that you are not alone in this :)
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Kurapika can be considered as one of the most ethical yandere. he treats you with great care as if you are a flower that would break if he were too harsh. He lets you continue with your life, is proud of your achievements and never forces you to do anything you are uncomfortable with.
He is very busy with the Nostrads yet he tries to find time for you. Even when he is out he is constantly worried about you. he however won't disturb you to show his concern.
Once he was about to pick you up from work/school, it was a surprise for you. What he did not expect was to find you shaking as a person obviously threw taunts and degradations at you.
Kurapika got out of his car, sleeves of his shirt rolled up.
"May I know what's happening here?" he said very calmly.
You were shocked, never expecting to find your s/o and your bully face to face.
"Who is this, Y/N?" Kurapika asked.
"An acquaintance of mine," you replied.
"I see," he said extending his hand while the person shook it, "I really hope you are not giving my s/o a hard time."
"Cause if you were..." he squeezed the person's hand and crushing it, you were scared that their bones would crack, "it wouldn't be good for you."
"Let's go Y/N," he pulled you away and let you settle in the car.
He leaned in and placed a kiss on your temple, "tell me as soon as something like this happens, wouldn't want you getting hurt or tensed, right sweetheart?"
"Mhm," you replied intertwining his finger in your yours, "I love you so much."
"Me too, darling, let's get home now, alright?"
A few hours later you received a message from the person saying that they were sorry about their behaviour and won't disturb you again.
A/n: Oh my gosh, I can't even type jsjsjsjs I am so in love with this man it's not even a joke anymore.
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Machi knows you inside out and can read you like a book.
So when you told her that you were being bullied she felt multiple emotions at the same time: surprise, disappointment, anger and sympathy.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I was scared..." you answered.
"Of what? That person hurting you or hurting me?" she tsked.
"Neither...I was scared that you would hurt or worse kill them, but yesterday it got out of hand and so I was more scared of them hurting me."
She was silent. Not the peaceful kind of silent, the silence before the storm; the silence that was the loudest and screamed in anger more than any words could.
"I could go talk to the authorities of your institution but that would just ruin your reputation, being the s/o of the most wanted criminal group and that would even put you in danger."
"Rather I can talk to the person personally, I won't hurt or kill them just threaten them into getting their sorry self not even near my s/o, how does that sound?"
"That sounds nice," you said hugging her, "thank you machi, you are the best."
Later Machi scared your bully so much that he did not even stay within a five-metre radius of you. It was funny but you were glad.
A/n: I want Machi as big-sister, she seems so cool and nice
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Taglist: @denkis111 , @jazzylove , @kristaline2dmensimp , @cloudsgathering , @lordmypantsaresocool , @futuristicallykawaiiturtle , @ikin-y0u , @rintaroubby , @nanaseishiro , @dislownini, @goreb1tez, @cleaning-fairy-levi
〜 ➤Be added to my tag list: TAGLIST (If the link doesn’t work message me under this fic or personally to add you)
Please like and reblog it if you find it nice. The following content is written by me and please do not plagiarize my work. If you find anyone copying this, please inform me ASAP. (Requests are open)
Love <3 @white-poppie™ on Tumblr
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lotus-flowerz · 2 years
Can I request Albedo hurt/comfort? Romantic please, with Gn!reader.
I had this idea, so, your together like romantically, only for the last couple weeks/months he’s really only talked to you if you’re helping with an experiment, or you’ve made the effort to talk to him. And the reader now feels neglected because of this. And when they brought it up with Albedo, he quickly dismisses their points and shuts them down.
Later he thinks about it, and realizes the reader is right, and ends up going down to Mondstat to apologize, only to overhear a conversation between his s/o and whomever you think would fit. The convo is like the reader telling them about Albedo, and their like “honey, you need to break up with him,” but like less harsh? Like “I know it’s hard to come to terms with it, but if someone isn’t treating you right you need to get them out of your life.”
And as Albedo overhears this, he isn’t pleased and decides to make it up to the reader by like idk taking them out to the pond in whispering woods, and they cuddle while watching the clouds and Albedo spends the whole day just apologizing every way he knows how.
I know this is a lot, and it might take some times to get to ahahaha, feel free to as much time as you need!!
~🌈(can I be that emoji?)
hi rainbow anon! sorry i'm just now getting to this! I said everyone's requests would be done by midnight but that proved to be too much work. This is a bigger project than I intended, but rest assured I have started all of my requests. Hope this suffices for tonight!
albedo x g/n! reader
"Hand me that beaker."
"Sure," you sighed, "Are we almost done? The reservations I made us at Good Hunter are for 6!"
Albedo looked up from the potion he was making, face contorted uncomfortably.
"Dove.. I do not think I can make it tonight. There's so much work to be done! You should go with a friend."
"Albedo, what? You've done this every time we have had plans for the past two months! You can't be serious?"
"Y/n, my work is tedious! If I am disturbed I could mess the entire thing up!"
"Disturbed? That's what I am to you? A disturbance."
"Well, if it's making noise and preventing me from finishing groundbreaking research, then yes, I would define that as a disturbance. Would you not?"
"You know what? Maybe I will go to that dinner with a friend- but don't expect me back in Dragonspine tonight to keep your hardass self company or give you any help."
There was no response from the blonde man, he simply returned to his work and continued with his research. With a huff, you left to go get ready for dinner and headed to Mondstat to see if any of your friends would join you.
Albedo looked up from his work a bit after you left- it was 7:30 and you still weren't back? You had left at five.. and what was it you had said before leaving?
"Don't expect me back in Dragonspine tonight to keep your hardass self company or give you any help."
"Sucrose." he called out for his assistant, who had been diligently working on something else.
"Yes? Is there something you need help with?"
"No. I want to know where Y/n went?"
"No can do, Mr. Albedo, I told Y/n I'd keep their whereabouts private. I don't really think you deserve to know right now either. Y/n is my friend and you really messed up this time."
Albedo ran a hand through his hair and scrambled to pull on his coat and boots.
"Watch the lab while I'm gone- I don't know when I'll be back."
"Alright. Good luck, Mr. Albedo."
He trekked into Mondstat, making a beeline for Good Hunter, but alas, you were nowhere to be seen.
He rushed over to the Cat's Tail next. No dice. The last place he could think of would be Angel's Share.
He slipped into the busy tavern quietly and instantly recognized your voice- but he also heard someone else's.. is that.. Eula?
"I can't do it anymore!" you sipped your wine. You and Eula had decided to go drinking after dinner, to ease some of your pain. "He's ALWAYS busy. And he thinks of me as a burden anyway. What can I even do at this point? I'm just a lab partner for him. Another assistant."
No! That's not what he thought at all! His heart dropped when he heard Eula's words though.
"Leave him. Take your vengeance! You deserve it. He doesn't treat you how you should be treated! No use in salvaging this if he isn't willing."
He saw you nod, but he felt so sick he had to leave. He returned to Dragonspine, feeling defeated, and climbed into bed. He didn't sleep well, keeping himself up in case you returned. He did eventually doze off, but he still woke up alone.
He got dressed and left for Mondstat early that morning, heading for Eula's house. After knocking a few times, she answered looking less than pleased.
"What do you want? I will have my vengeance for waking me up at the asscrack of dawn."
"Where is Y/n?"
"Oh? Now you come looking for them?"
"I didn't want to interrupt your conversation at the bar last night, so I left, if you must know." he grumbled, annoyed.
'Y/n, Albedo is here. Go make up with him."
After you got dressed and thanked Eula, you left with Albedo.
"Y/n, listen, please come to the Windrise tree with me- let me explain! I brought your favorite breakfast and a blanket for a picnic! Remember? Like our first date!"
You sighed, contemplating it.
"Fine, Albedo. Let's go."
You walked in silence to the tree and set up the picnic.
"Listen Y/n. I have.. trouble separating myself from my work. You know this. I also have trouble with words. I do not consider you a disturbance. I am not affected by physical cold, but Dragonspine felt cold for the first time without you there. I do not know feelings or comforting words well. But I do know that I love you, and I cannot lose you. I am far from perfect, but for you, I would try my damn best to be perfect."
You were silent, before leaning in to hug him. He was initially surprised, but wrapped his arms around you gently.
"We can work this out, Albedo. I love you too."
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honeymilkk00 · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys: You Flinch
Pt 2
@silver-argent​ :  Hii! I super looooove the way you wrote Haikyuu Boys: You flinch, perfect amount of angst to fluff! Are you taking requests? If you are, will you please do a Sakusa and Kenma? the you flinch. It's okay if you don't tho! I'll still look forward to your works!❤❤
tysm for the encouraging words!! my requests are open and im more than happy to do Sakusa and Kenma jewbjkew. i hope you enjoy. i'm literally so tired and just wanted to finally get this out <3
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Dating Sakusa was the last thing you ever thought would happen to you. He filled your days and nights with such love and passion. You had broken through his stoic and cold shell and had seen him for who he truly was deep inside- a loving partner through and through.
Of course, old habits die hard. Since he had spent years of his life being a reserved person, only putting up with his family and teammates, he still was very hesitant when it came to affection. Sometimes all he wanted to do was to be alone with his thoughts and nothing else. It hurt to see him like that, knowing that no matter what, you couldn’t help him, but you understood and gave him the time he needed.
Five months into yours and his relationship had lead to a few disputes, but nothing too serious. He was a prideful, headstrong man which lead to you having to bite your tongue during arguments and keep your snarky words to yourself, refusing to let them slip off the tip of your tongue. If they did, the argument would escalate. 
You loved Sakusa for everything he was, bad parts and good, but sometimes he was too much. 
And, that’s how you were here, biting your lip harshly as you stare at him, refusing to let your anger get the best of you. 
Sakusa had been coming home quite late due to volleyball practise, but it got to the stage where you were scared that he was doing to overwork himself and injure himself. Instead of letting it slide, you confronted him about it and suggested that he should take some time to let his body heal from the strenuous training regimen that he was doing. It seemed that Sakusa wasn’t in the best of moods and had snapped at you, shooting abhorrent words towards you as if you were nothing but a pile of shit, accusing you of restricting him from reaching his full potential and trying to turn him away from volleyball because you were too clingy for his liking. 
“Fucking hell (Y/N), you’re so fucking clingy! Just because you’re an attention whore and want me to worship you doesn’t mean you can try and take me away from what I love doing. You’re so fucking obsessive it’s driving me crazy!” Sakusa bellowed and clenched his hands together, his nails digging into his hands. 
Taking a deep breath to keep yourself as calm as possible, you spoke in a soft tone, “Omi, I’m not trying to keep you from anything. I just think you should rest your body before you overwork yourself and become ill or injure yourself. I know you want to improve but that can happen gradually over time. I doesn’t need to happen all at once.” You murmured and gently placed a hand on his, trying to reassure him.
Letting out a deep, angered growl, Sakusa pulled away from your grip harshly and pushed your hand away, “don’t fucking touch me! You’re fucking disgusting! All you do is hold me down and try and control my life, you obsessive pest!” He hollered out.
His words ripped open your chest and stabbed you in the heart repeatedly. You felt like you were choking on your own heartbeat. It hurt knowing that your lover found you disgusting. A strong feeling of rage surged through your veins. “How fucking dare you, Sakusa! I’ve done nothing but tried to help you and all you do is treat me like shit. Every time we argue I have to bite my tongue because I know that if I retaliate, you’ll just get even more angry. I can’t express how I feel to you anymore and I feel as if I don’t matter in this relationship. If you want to overwork yourself and injure yourself then fine, go ahead, but don’t blame me for saying I told you so after it’s happened!”
His eyes narrowing at your words, Sakusa swiftly turned to glare at you and raised his fist, poking your chest aggressively, “Fine, I will then because I’m not letting you control me anym-” He paused mid sentence, his eyes widening when he noticed you flinching when he raised his hand. Slowly, he lowered his hand and dropped them at his sides. Your shaking figure made his heart clench painfully tight. “(Y/N) I-”
“I can’t do this anymore, Sakusa.” You voice whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled quietly. “I can’t handle this pain anymore. I can’t handle feeling like I’m walking on egg shells with you. I can’t handle being afraid of how you’ll react when I speak about how I feel. I just can’t do this anymore.” You voice got quieter and quieter the more you spoke. Looking up at Sakusa, you swallowed thickly. “I can’t do us anymore.” 
Sakusa was frozen, watching you carefully. It was deathly silent. The only sound he could hear was the sound of his heartbeat beating rapidly. 
“I’ll pick up my things tomorrow. I’m going to stay at Atsumu’s for the night.” You whispered and turned away, heading towards the front door. 
A small, almost whine-like noise left Kiyoomi���s mouth. He reached out and clasped your hand gently, tears forming in the corner’s of his eyes. “Please.” He begged quietly.
Looking back at the man you loved, your heart shattered into small pieces when you noticed his dampened eyes. Never had you seen him cry before. “What is it?” You asked quietly, biting the inside of your cheek.
Sakusa pulled you in tightly for a hug and pressed his lips against your cheek gently. “Please don’t leave. Please please please… I’m so so sorry (Y/N).. I didn’t mean anything I said. I love you and I’m grateful for everything you do for me. I’ve just had a really bad day. Please I love you. Please don’t leave. You’re my baby... “ He pleaded softly and held you tightly, as if afraid that you’d disappear if he let go. 
Letting out a sigh, you caved in. You were still mad at him but at the end of the day, you loved Kiyoomi more than anything else. You would give up everything for his happiness. “Kiyoomi...” You whispered softly and then turned around so you were face to face with him. Gently cupping his cheeks, you sighed, “I love you so so much Kiyoomi... But you can’t say stuff like that to me even if you’ve had a bad day. You really really hurt me even though I was just trying to look out for you.” You explained and frowned softly, kissing his tears that resided in the corner of his eyes. 
Pressing his lips softly against your hands that rested on his face, he let out a shaky breath that he didn’t realise he was holding, “I know... I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I promise I’ll do better..” He whispered gently and pressed his nose into your hair lovingly. “I love you so much...”
Leaning in closer to Sakusa, you inhaled his scent, “I love you too, Omi..”
He never wanted to see you flinch like that again.
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Kenma was an erudite genius when it came to the art of strategy. His deep understanding of the game and the unspoken pledge to win is what drove him forward and kept him reaching, grasping, clutching for new strategic idea that would leave his opponents breathless.
For days, maybe even weeks, on end, Kenma would be researching, training, and repeating the process until he felt confident in his methodology that would be used in a game. Thus, led to a breakdown. After weeks of undereating, lack of sleep, training beyond his physical capabilities, and his mental strain thinking of ways to defeat the opposing team, Kenma was at his wits’ end. 
As his partner, you immediately noticed the changes in his personality. Of course, concern was your initial reaction and you were somewhat frightened of irritating him more, but you knew you had to confront him about his lack of self care. Seeing him train during lunch and falling asleep in lessons led you to realise how hard he was working himself. 
So, after school you managed to pull him to one side before he proceeded to train at the club. A frown was present on your lips and you took a deep breath. Looking at him now hurt a lot: his eyebags had considerably increased since the last time you saw him; you could now see physically where he had lost weight from undereating for weeks; his eyes seemed a lot duller; his body slouched over slightly, as if it was begging for a break. It was agony to see your partner slowly harm his body and mind like this.
"Kenma, just know I love you so much and I understand that volleyball means a lot to you right now since it's your final year with your team as you know it with Kuroo as captain, but look at yourself. You're not taking care of yourself at all. You aren't helping you or your teammates by undereating and not sleeeping." You murmured gently, taking Kenma's hands in your own. You knew that you had to be careful and not push your boyfriend, but you couldn't let it continue.
Kenma simply frowned at your words and pulled his hand away from yours, "(Y/N), I don't need your lecturing. I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself. I don't need you." He hissed out and turned his back on you, proceeding to head to practise. He had no time to waste on pointless conversations.
(Y/N) grinded their teeth together, their heart aching slightly at the harsh words, "I'm not lecturing you, Kenma! I'm doing what a s/o should do and I'm looking out for you! Please just take a small break before you overdo it!" You hallooed, as if that would make the words sink in.
Vexed, Kenma turned around with a deep scowl on his face, "Why don't you just back off, (Y/N)!? I don't care about you right now, all I care about is me and my teammates winning this game!" He shrieked, which caused you to trip back and swallow thickly.
A small whimper escape your lips and tears formed in the corners of your eyes as you flinched. You were normally fine with Kenma's salty attitude, but he never usually shouted at you. Taking a shaky breath, you looked at your boyfriend dead in the eyes, "fine! Do what you want to do! Since you don't care about me I won't bother anymore! Don't you fucking dare come running to me when you overwork yourself and can't handle it anymore!" You retorted and turned away.
Kenma's eyes widened slightly at your words as he watched you turn away. "Wait...." He whispered out, his hand reaching towards yours. Lightly, he grasped your wrist and sighed, pulling you close and burying his head in your shoulder. "'M sorry... I'm just so stressed..." Tears brimmed his eyes and he sniffled softly. "I didn't mean it..."
Letting out a soft sigh, your shoulders relaxed and you pulled your lover in for a cuddle. "I know you didn't mean it baby... But remember your health comes first, volleyball after." You whispered and gently stroked his hair. He simply nodded in response and hugged you tighter.
Maybe you both could work things out. You just need to learn to communicate more.
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
all the good girls go to hell
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— synopsis: The Angels made a deal with Jeon Jungkook, the son of Lucifer, to help them bring Y/n back to her good, prim and proper self. Even though Jungkook grants the atrocious plan, he leaves a lesson that no one should give their trust to a wicked devil like him.
↳ pairing: jungkook x f. reader
↳ genre: smut, very slight angst if you squint hard enough
↳ rating: m/18+
↳ word count: 10k
↳ warnings: religious themes, heaven and hell, angels, devils (this fic is not a correct representation of these figures and is purely fictional), alcohol intake, cursing, hard dom jk, daddy! jk, fingering, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, squirting, unprotected sex, breathplay, spanking, face fucking, filthy dirty talk, rough sex, jungkook and his demon cock ehe
a/n: title is inspired by billie eilish’s song all the good girls go to hell. her title inspired me to write this fic! please ignore if you find any errors <3
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“You’re not good enough.” 
“You look so pathetic, really.”
“Can you at least try to look hot?” 
“This is why no one likes you.” 
These words will forever haunt you until the day you die. 
It wasn’t your fault that you were raised very strictly, your overly-protective parents treating you like some kind of rare treasure that no one, no man, can touch. The fact that your parents still had to drive you home from school even at an age like this always irritated you to the brim of your existence. So now you can’t even have the freedom, the life of a normal young girl can have. 
Being raised strictly with a heavy-handed family – not to mention religious, too – has taken a toll on your mental health. There’s always the feeling of pressure wherever you go and whatever you do. The fear of not succeeding and disappointing your mom and dad is the worst feeling, like the Devil punching your gut repeatedly, as many times as he likes. 
Plus, some students at your school know you for your lack of “personality”, the boring one, the killjoy. You can’t even refute because it was all true. You never experienced fun, parties, how to have interesting conversations, how to interact with a large crowd, all because of your parents being so uptight in you. 
“Y/n!” The high-pitched voice of your mother calls from downstairs, and you were quick to scurry outside your room and find where she was sitting on the couch. “Yes, mom?” You say. 
She was dressed in a royal-blue dress that goes up to her knees, her hair fixed perfectly and the hairspray is clearly doing a great job of keeping her updo in place. She grabs her purse while your dad walks into view, dressed up in a neat suit. “We’re leaving for our business trip, Y/n. Didn’t I tell you that?” 
“Ah.” You sort of forgot about that. 
Quickly nodding your head, you force a fake smile that you know all too well, “Yes.” 
She gives you a weird glance before she fixes her makeup in a mirror, and your dad decides to continue for her. “We’ve hired a nanny to look after you, so that you won’t go out and about going behind our backs—”
“But dad! I really don’t need someone to babysit me,” You scoff. You weren’t a child anymore, what are they thinking! “I’m an adult. I can handle myself. Don’t you trust me?” 
Trust. Something they don’t have with you, whether they admit it or not. 
Your dad just sighs deeply and starts to walk closer to you. He places a hand on your shoulder as he looks straight into your eyes, giving you an authoritarian look. “Y/n, just do as you’re told and be a good daughter.” 
“I’ve always been one,” you scorn. 
“A good daughter doesn’t talk back.” Your mother retorts. 
This is why you can never argue with them. They never let you speak your own opinion or have your own voice. 
Your parents left exactly at 5 PM as they went on their flight to Madrid, leaving the house all to yourself only for tonight.
It was the next day, and you were sitting on the dining table, eating your cereal peacefully as you watched Netflix on your phone – until the doorbell rings. 
You stand up and quickly make your way to the front door, pouting when you already know that it is the person that was supposed to look after you. 
This is ridiculous. 
“Hello!” A bright, short middle aged woman appears standing on the doorway, her bright energy startling you. “Y/n! I’m May, nice to meet you!” She lifts her hand in front for a handshake, and you chuckle nervously, accepting it. “I’m here to look after you for ten days, hm?” 
“Uh, ah, yeah. C-Come in!” You tried to sound as positive and energized as you could to match her own energy, but you couldn’t. You step aside to let her in, pulling her luggage with her and she immediately takes up the design of the house. She was nodding her head, her arms crossed together while you accompanied her little journeys throughout the whole ground floor. You found her weird. 
“Uh, come follow me, my dad says you’ll be staying here at the guest room —” 
“Wonderful! I thought I was sleeping on the couch!” She claps her hands, excited that she has her own room. 
You look at her with big, shocked eyes, yet you can’t say anything. 
“O-Okay…” you mumbled, “Here,” you helped her open the door and she immediately set her things up. “May?” 
“Yes, my dear?” She stops unpacking her bags to look up at you. “I’ll be at the kitchen, okay? If y-you wanna ask anything, I’m right over there.” 
“Ah, that’s okay, Y/n. Your mother told me everything I need to know. Your bedtime is at eight and no midnight snacks!” 
Your heart drops down to the floor as you immediately encountered a wave of emotions. Why did it matter?! Why did your mom had to apply all these stupid rules when she’s not even around? You thought at the start that you’ll have some kind of freedom when your parents aren’t here, thinking that your nanny might be easier, but perhaps not. 
“Okay.” You say simply. 
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How else can you prove to people that you can be better? You're sick of everyone seeing you as the boring one, but your parents were the only thing that was keeping you from having fun. So you decide to be a little risky. 
Step one: Sneak out the house. 
Isn't that what people your age do? Usually they sneak out to party, to go hang out with their friends and have the time of their life. But you had none, no ‘best friend’, but a couple of lunch friends here and there. 
“I should try clubbing.” You mumble to yourself as you sit down on the plush comfort of your mattress. Until you hear your phone chimes, signalling a text. You grab your phone from the bedside table and frown when you see who the text was from. 
Mom: Remember to go to church later, Y/n. 
You didn't reply, instead, it got you thinking. 
Nothing will happen if you skip church, right? You've always attended Mass every Sunday with your parents, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with skipping at least once.
Besides, you need to plot your plans for tonight!
“What is this girl doing?” Armaros says in a deep whisper, his well-shaped eyebrows furrowing deeply while he watches Y/n on her phone, laying down on her bed as if church isn't just five minutes away from starting. 
Armaros rushes to the other side of the room to get a better view of her human who lays on her stomach, a white wisp of smoke trailing behind him. He shakes his head, crossing his arms together in front of his chest. “Y/n, Y/n,” he tuts, “What are you doing?!” 
He decides to step forward and reaches forward for his hand to caress the crown of your head. He chuckles when he sees your eyes expand in a quick second, your body abruptly sitting up straight from the tingling feeling in your neck. Your hairs stand up, a chill running down your spine. 
This was Armaros’ way of mustering his presence onto you. Your dad always taught that whenever you suddenly feel a chilling sensation out of nowhere, it means that your guardian angel is there with you and trying to send you a message. 
And you clearly know what he's trying to say. 
There was a slight feeling of guilt – uneasiness, even. But no. You've already decided that you weren't going to follow your old routine. 
Armaros’ jaw drops when you don't move from your position on the bed, only making yourself comfortable even further. ”Don’t you dare skip church...” he slowly whispers to himself. But he quickly shakes his head side to side, trying to be optimistic, “It's just one time. Just one time.” 
Time passes by faster than you think, you sink your teeth down on your bottom lip, chewing on it as you try to Google clubs near you. It was ridiculous, feeling so overwhelmed from all of the options the Internet is showing you. 
There was a generous list of bars and clubs with different ratings. It was a humane decision to choose the best one, right? So you went for a nightclub called ‘Soap Seoul’. Although, you feel your stomach churn when you scroll through the images attached to it; seeing all of the strange blue and red LED lights, big and tight crowds, and an HD picture of their bar. The bar was long and almost occupied the width of the whole club. You don't even know if you can stand such a place like that. 
But no. You can't back out now! You had to show yourself and to others that you can have some fun too. 
The club opens tonight at 8 pm, letting yourself have two hours to prepare. Rummaging through your garments of clothing, you try to find an appropriate outfit.
“I have nothing!” you whined, eyebrows furrowing in dismay. All you had were simple t-shirts and countless skinny jeans and leggings. Your dresses were almost knee-length and suitable for church – not for a nightclub! 
Armaros stands at a distance, shaking his head at you. 
Until, you heard a loud knock on the door, “Y/n!” May's voice shouts from the other side of the room, “Dinner's ready!” 
Oh no. 
Quickly opening the door, you stared at her with big, worried eyes. “May! I-uhh, I-I’m not gonna stay for dinner…” you mumbled, looking at the ground. 
“Oh, why is that?” she asks, a faint sad tone in her voice. You felt so sad and regretful that you didn't say anything to her because she already cooked your dinner. 
“I-I have plans for tonight,” you hold your hands behind your back, slightly getting embarrassed. 
“Are you going out with your friends?”
“Y-Yeah!” You lie. You've never lied before. 
“Ah, I understand. Have you told your mom?” 
She doesn't have to know. 
And there it was again, the chills in your neck appeared while your arm and leg hairs stood up. Armaros touches your scalp, desperate to seek your attention and bring you back to your old, good self. The angel didn't like that you were lying, for he was perpetually accustomed to your good deeds. It was making him anxious for what's about to come. 
But you ignored his message. May nods when you told her that she can have the food to herself. 
You feel a pang of guilt rush through your body when you shut the door behind you, your heartbeat suddenly racing faster. The nervousness in you made your head hurt. Is this the right thing to do? No. It wasn't. But you had to show people that you can be different. Will it be worth it? Of course. 
Thankfully, you spot a white dress that you've never worn before. It was a gift from your cousins that was supposed to be another addition to your collection of church dresses but it was too short for your liking. 
“Hm, maybe this will work…” you quietly mumble to yourself.
You tried the piece of clothing on, carefully examining your reflection in the full-length mirror. The hem of the skirt falls right above your mid-thigh, too high for your usual comfort but for the sake of dressing up for a nightclub — there was no problem. The dress was snug, hugging your body so that it accentuates your curves.
The dress was plain white and was relatively simple. You don't really know what people usually wear for nightclubs but you were certain that dresses were a part of the code. 
You looked for your black three-inch heel that you last wore during your highschool graduation, slipping it in carefully. Doing a little bit of makeup and applying a thin layer of lip gloss, you grabbed a purse and walked out of your room. 
“May, please don't wait for me, okay?” you say after walking past her. 
“W-Wait, I'm supposed to–”
“It's okay. I'll be okay.”
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“She's not gonna be okay!” Armaros declares, kneeling on one knee before Archangel Michael – the protector and the spiritual warrior, as he mentions Y/n's recent mischiefs.
After you've been to the nightclub the first day, you've never stopped. You became addicted. 
Sometimes you don't even tell May that you're going out, you just sneak out of the window and let May worry about you. You've happened to know how to drink as you get wasted every single night, hanging around with people that you don't know, people that are a bad influence on your good side. These past few days had you acting up like you’ve never before. You longed for alcohol and the feeling of it numbing your nerves, and there’s not a day where you didn’t get drunk.
Armaros’ power wasn't enough to stop you. Every single day he's been drying his best to send signals, to make you feel certain ways and speak to your consciousness that what you are doing is by far dangerous and wrong. But you never listened. 
You've skipped church, stopped talking to God, ignoring your parents’ phone calls, not doing your homework just because you're busy either getting drunk or making out with someone at the club. It's like you have been addicted to misbehaving. 
But for you, you thought you’re doing the right thing. 
“Armaros, are you doubting your powers?” Archangel Michael replies, running his fingertips along the sharp blade of his sword. 
“N-No, but, nothing seems to work. She's been ignoring my calls for almost two weeks. I just want the best for her.” Armaros’ voice fades at the end of his sentence. He was speaking with such sincerity because he really cares for Y/n. He truly loves her. “Why is she doing this?” He asks for help.
“Because, my dear, she's trying to prove something she's not for other people.”
Archangel Michael laughs quietly, staring at him endearingly. He points his sword at him, “She obviously tries to be immoral to fit in. She's rarely praying to God like she used to, rarely respecting the people around her. Ever since humans bullied Y/n for being herself – she starts to change. But the question is…”
He walks around Armaros, his eyes never leaving his. “Is this making her happy?” 
Armaros lowers his head and shakes his head. “I don’t know.” 
The Archangel grins and returns his sword back on the scabbard attached to his belt. 
“If I can't warn her to stop, then who else can?” The angel asks. 
Michael lifts an eyebrow up, crossing his arms together as he stands right in front of him. His mouth draws into a slow smirk, a hint of playfulness in his eyes as if a lightbulb appeared on top of his head. 
“You wanna have some fun, Armaros?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Stand up, stand up.” Armaros quickly obeys his superior’s command. The Archangel places a hand on his right shoulder, preparing to speak. 
“I have an idea. We call Jeon Jungkook up and–” 
“No! Absolutely not! I will not allow Y/n to come face to face with the son of Lucifer!” Armaros bellows, instinctively pushes Michael's hand away from him. 
“Armaros! It's just an idea!” Michael chuckles, spreading his arms to the side as he shakes his head. “And besides, I have to ask permission from our Highness anyway.” 
“And what will he do? Taunt her? Provoke Y/n to be more sinful?” Y/n's guardian angel asks, referring to Jungkook. “We both know how manipulative and cunning he can be!”
“No, no. We'll make a deal with him, of course! No devil will do anything without receiving something in return.” 
“This idea of yours, not to be rude, but is really out of this world.”
Archangel Michael snorts from the out of the blue pun. 
“Do not be afraid. If our Lord agrees to our plan, I'll be watching. I always will. Give me your trust, Armaros.”
Armaros sighs deeply, yet smiles up at him right after. “Okay, I trust you.” 
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“May, stop it,” you mutter angrily, pulling your arm away from her hold. May tries to block your way from going outside the house but you abruptly push her to the side. 
“Y/n! Your mom told you that–” 
“Told me what?! That I’m being independent? Unruly? That I should just stay home? I don’t give a fuck anymore, May. I’d rather hang out with friends than stay here and do nothing!” You bark at her. She was smaller than you and you were definitely giving off that intimidating vibes that you wanted to show. She isn’t the one wearing the pants in this house. You are. 
“Y/n, I will not tolerate this behavior!” May snaps, eyes glaring at you with her hands balled up into fists on her sides. 
Rolling your eyes, you let out a sour chuckle, “You sound like my mom.” 
May sighs deeply, the tiredness in her voice evident, “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Y/n. Just listen to me.” 
“I’m an adult. I can keep myself safe. Now, let me go and don’t wait for me.” 
“Bye May! Have a nice sleep!” 
“Y/n! Where the fuck are you?!” Emilia, one of the new friends you've met no longer than three days ago shouts through the phone as loud, blazing music muffled her voice. “Sophia and I are waiting for you! Get your ass over here!”
“I'm almost there, save me a drink already!” you giggle, looking out from the taxi’s window. 
Sophia snatches the phone out of Emilia’s hand to speak to you, “Y/n, you still remember the bet we made, right?” 
“Of course! It's not a huge deal, c'mon now.” You roll your eyes, faking a laugh. 
“We'll see!” Emilia giggles. 
The driver drops you in front of the nightclub and you throw him a couple of dollars. Stepping out of the car, your high heels clicking on the cement. Upon entering the place, you were immediately greeted with your friends. They were both wearing a tight dress – glittery red and silver – whilst you wore a black one that reached down to your middle thigh. You bought the dress only a day ago, special thanks to your Amazon Prime account . 
“Hey! Here, drink this,” Sophia hands you a single malt whiskey and you swiftly drown it down your throat without any problem. You reminisce back to your first day where you can’t even take a sip of beer without gagging. Now look where you are. 
“Ahh fuck, that tastes good,” you mumble through gritted teeth. 
“Why are you late tonight, Y/n?” Emilia asks as she leads you to the bar to order more alcohol. Her high pitched voice mixing with the loud music,”You know it's always 9 PM. Sharp.” 
You breathe out heavily as you watch Sophia pour three shots of straight vodka into a shot glass. She distributes the beverage to the two of you. 
“Well, uh–” 
“What?” Emilia snaps.
“I couldn't find a goddamn cab, that's why!” you hide your falseness with laughter, hoping they won't sense your lie. 
“Alright anyway, let’s go get wasted and you, Y/n – will be our first player.” Emilia smirks as she crosses her arms together. She analyzes your body, eyeing you up and down. You didn’t like it, and you felt worried. 
Your eyebrows furrow, confused and slightly offended, “What, why me?” You take a sip of your newly-ordered beer, trying to get comfortable on the plush-covered stool. 
“Because,” Sophia answers for her, “we need to know your… capacities.” 
You snort, “Capacities of what? My capacity of having to get into a m-man’s bed? Pffft… easy!” 
Sophia’s forehead furrows, glancing at Emilia with a knowing look before focusing her attention back to you. “Sure. Anyway, let’s have fun first and then…” she leans closer to you, her face inches away from yours. You feel your face redden in embarrassment, “And then you can choose your man.” 
It wasn’t that bad. It isn’t bad dancing around the dance floor, beer in hand, as you danced all your worries away. Emilia and Sophia were out there – somewhere, but you didn’t care about them at this moment. You let your body go with the beat of the loud EDM music, holding your hands up in the air as you whipped your head left to right. You had a huge smile on your face, the alcohol kicking in like it was meant for your body to consume. 
Sweaty bodies were bumping each other from left and right, and you for sure stepped on someone’s toe with your pumps. Nevertheless, you didn’t care. You were having your fun. 
It was until the song changed from upbeat to a more sensual, heart-pumping song from the loud bass. As if there was a switch inside you, you turned into a sultry mess. 
Wasted. You were wasted like hell. 
Your eyes turn into little slits as you look around the dance floor to try and find someone to play with. Taking a huge sip of your drink, your throat burns yet you tried to ignore it. 
“Ah-hah!” you giggle, walking – or should we say, stumbling – towards a guy with black hair parted in the middle, nicely dressed in a black button up tucked in some skinny jeans. The man locks eyes with you, licking his plump lips as his eyes rake your body. 
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he smirks, making you blush in red as he holds your waist and tugs you closer to him. The song in the background was helping you a lot to get into that seductive, sexy mood that you planned to have. 
“Hey,” you smile up at him, “I’m Y/n.” 
“What a pretty name for a pretty lady.” He starts swaying your body to the beat, going along with you. “I’m Seokjin. Nice to meet you.” 
Seokjin tugs your body closer until he holds the back of your head with one hand, making you look deep into his dark eyes. “Y-You’re a new face,” you slur, “You don’t belong here.” 
Unexpectedly, your eyes grow big when Seokjin throws his head back as he laughs almost hysterically. “What?” you question. 
The man slightly leans down until his face draws near to yours, and you can immediately smell the alcohol in his breath. You didn’t judge though, you probably had beer-breath too. 
“Baby girl…” Seokjin suddenly speaks deeply, making your heart jump from the sudden change in his voice. There was a sultry look in his eyes that made it hard for you to keep eye contact. “Baby it’s you who doesn’t seem to belong. You don’t know who I am.” 
“Well y-you don’t know me e-either!” You try to retaliate, although it was messed up with your embarrassing stuttering.  
“You really wanna know?” he whispers, his lips right against your lips, almost touching yours. You couldn’t breathe properly, wanting to pull away but his intoxicating scent was forcing you to him. 
You nod your head, not trusting your voice. 
“I own this place, baby.” 
You almost tossed your cup right across the room from his sudden confession, totally not expecting such a young-looking man to own such a place like this. Your eyes expand, body staying still. 
’Wait! Be sexy… be sexy…’ you thought to yourself after an awkward five seconds of silence. 
You decide to chuckle, biting your bottom lip slowly as you draw yourself nearer to him. He lifts a brow up in surprise, wrapping his arms around your hips and he closes the distance between the two of you. 
“Really? Well then,” you mutter, “I want you to own me too.” 
“Oh, finally. Someone straightforward.” 
“Well I – oh!” Seokjin takes you by surprise when he quickly tugs your arm and leads you to the second floor of the club. You haven’t been in this area before, looking so luxurious and well decorated. Although what shocks you is the series of doors that passes through a long, wide hallway. 
“Seok...Seokjin,” you whisper, but he looks at you with a smirk, a playful glint in his eyes. 
“C’mon baby,” he opens a door and walks you inside, locking it behind him. “Let’s have a little fun.” 
Let’s have a little fun. 
Yeah. I should. 
This is fun, right? 
Before you can even process things, Seokjin shoves your body to a wall as his hands start to wander down your sides. With flushed cheeks, you look at him like you’ve just seen a ghost but he clearly doesn’t mind, grinding his hips into yours. 
“Mmm, what a cute babe I have in front of me,” he groans, leaning forward to pepper wet, gentle kisses all over your neck and down to your shoulders. 
Something feels off. 
“Y/n, right?” he asks, his forehead furrows and you nod. “Can I kiss you?”
Your heart starts to rapidly pump inside your chest, feeling as if it’ll burst at any minute. An uncomfortable feeling starts to overwhelm your system, sensing your palms getting sweaty. You can’t look at his eyes, looking anywhere but him. 
“Uh, o-okay,” you straighten your back as you try your best to look confident. 
This is the perfect opportunity to tell your friends. Having sex with someone like him will absolutely impress Emilia and Sophia. 
Seokjin chuckles, shrugging, “Alright then.” And without any warning, he throws you on the bed and he quickly hovers above your body. 
“Mmph–!” he immediately presses his lips into yours before you can even react to everything that had just happened. He caresses your cheeks with both hands, his lips moving softly with yours. You try your best to keep up with him and his pace, but you can’t. There was something stopping you from giving him your all. Seokjin grunts nevertheless, humping you. 
Seokjin’s right hand snakes down to grab the hem of your dress as he teasingly pulls the fabric up, then lets it snap back down. There was a weird feeling inside your stomach, and it did not feel good at all. 
His hand slowly starts creeping up your leg, and that’s where you couldn’t hold it back. 
“Mmm, n-no,” you mewl, pushing him away from you. Seokjin stares down at you with a frown, head tilted to the side. 
Rapid heart rate, the back of your neck sweating, and chills all over your body occur all at the same time. You were panicking. 
“I-I…” immediately you stand up from the bed, hiking your stupid short dress down as much as you can. “S-Sorry,” furiously shaking your head from side to side, you stumble your way to the door. 
“Y/n, wait!” Seokjin yells, confused yet he felt sorry at the same time. “Let’s talk about it!” 
“No,” you whisper. You can’t do this anymore. There was no energy left in your body to talk, to process what just happened, to stand in this fucking club. Home. All you were thinking about was going home. 
You twist the doorknob open, trying to catch your breath as much as you can but you feel like you were going to pass out any minute. Making your way down the stairs, you run as fast as you can towards the exit of the nightclub yet a person catches your arm. 
“Y/n!” Your eyes widen when Emilia and Sophia stop you, observing your state. “What’s wrong with you?” 
“No…” you breathe tirelessly, “c-can’t do it…” 
“You failed?” Emilia snaps as she leans her body on one hip, resting her hands there. She looks at you with disgust, “But we saw the guy that you’re with! He was hot!” 
Sophia snorts, smirking as she stares at you sourly, “Proves our point. You’re nothing, Y/n. You had such an easy job, the guy’s already all over you and you just had to throw him? Where is he, let me get with him myself.” Sophia struts away, heels clicking as she flips her long hair over her shoulder, leaving you with Emilia. 
“What can I say, Y/n,” she smiles menacingly, the corners of her eyes crinkling, “You can never be like us.” 
Your whole body felt heavy, heavy like you were carrying a boulder behind your back. This isn’t what you had planned at all, everything was going so well until this! Your eyes started welling up with tears, blurring your sight. You had to go. 
Without saying a word, you quickly run away to the exit, ignoring Emilia’s insensitive laugh. 
What went wrong? Why did you feel that way? Negative thoughts were clouding your mind as you cried and cried to your poor, soaked pillow. 
Maybe you are just not enough. Perhaps you’re not meant to be like this. 
It was fun the first time around, and you were actually enjoying yourself. But the days passed and you sadly weren't doing this for your own pleasure anymore, but for the validation of other people. 
You should’ve stopped Seokjin from touching you when it clearly made you uncomfortable. There was a line and he crossed it, but you erased that line so you can finally say that you’ve slept with someone. But you guessed it wasn’t that easy. 
Grabbing your phone, you ignored all of the rude messages Emilia has sent you, blocking her and Sophia’s number. You turned off your phone, throwing it somewhere on the ground without care before you switched off your lamp. There was never a time that you’ve cried yourself to sleep, but tonight was your first. 
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“And what do I get in return for this deal?” Jeon Jungkook purrs with a low, dark tone, crossing his legs together as he sits on his father’s fire-blazing throne. Even though he has his own throne for himself, thrones on fire were way cooler. He scans the frightened angel from head to toe through the strands that fell in front of his eyes. 
“The A-Archangel says you will obtain a soul. A soul that is longing for hell.” Armaros stutters as he tries to keep eye contact with the devil’s hard glare. 
Jungkook chuckles, hanging his head low. “You mean to tell me…” he starts to stand up and walks towards the angel. Armaros tries his best to keep his guard up and stand as tall as possible. 
Jungkook circles around him, arms crossed while his right hand plays with his bottom lip, “That I should convince this little girl to prevent doing bad, bad things to stop her from going to hell?” He laughs hysterically. “That’s quite… an unnatural job for a devil, isn’t it? It’s completely the opposite of what i’m supposed to do. Tell Michael that his plan is utter bullshit.”
Armaros takes a deep sigh, closing his eyes for a brief second before replying. “Firstly, Y/n is not a little girl. And second, this job is easy. You have the skill to persuade humans to sin – what’s hard with doing the opposite? Besides, you’ll obtain a soul either way.” 
His words made Jungkook ponder and deliberate with himself. He stops in front of Armaros and shows him his signature imposing smile. “I can have my way with the girl, right?” He bites his lip, “Anyway I want?” 
This made Armaros’ eyes go wide, mouth opening but no words seem to come out properly, “I-I… w-well, um… yes? Yes? P-Perhaps? Just don’t do anything bad to her.” 
Jungkook scoffs, running his long tongue over his teeth as he smirks, “Define bad, Mr. Angel.” 
“You know… hurt her.” He gulps.
The devil squints his eyes, absolutely loving Armaros’ reactions. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m not gonna kill her, if that’s what you mean.” 
“I’m done with this conversation.” Armaros quickly chirps as he unfolds his large, white wings. “Remember what your main goal is, Jungkook. I’m counting on you.” 
Jungkook stops him before he flies back up. “Armaros…” he says, dragging his name long in his tongue. Armaros looks at him, eyes impatient, arms crossed together. 
“You know I’m a devil, right?” 
The angel chuckles, scoffing, “Oh, I know that alright.” He scorns, eyeing Jungkook up and down. Although the devil in front of him looks intimidating and his eyes are jet black, Armaros keeps his calm. “I’m only following orders. I didn’t agree with The Archangel in the first place.” 
“Do you know what devils do to… humans?” 
Armaros nods fully. 
“And what I might do to… that precious little girl?” Jungkook growls deeply, walking closer to him. He tilts his head down, looking at him through his lashes, “There’s a huge chance that I might not control myself when I see her.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Suddenly, black smoke appears from Jungkook’s right hand, summoning something beside him. The smoke appears to subside and at once, Y/n’s appearance can be seen through the thin air. Jungkook rests his hips on one side, twirling his hand so that her image spins around. 
“This is Y/n, right?” Jungkook studies your face, watching you read a book inside your room. “I’ve never seen someone so beautiful before.” 
“Jeon Jungkook!” Armaros bellows, his tone loud yet sprinkled with fear. 
“I’m just saying, Angel. You can’t stop me from trying to do devilish things to her.” Jungkook smirks, prodding his tongue on the inside of his cheek. “You might have to reconsider this deal of yours if you don’t want me to have my way with that pretty little girl,” He taunts, already warning Armaros.
“Jungkook,” Armaros’ nerves seem to heat up, slowly getting irritated although he tries to calm himself. He looks down, shaking his head as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “There’s no point in doing that. You think she wants to have an affair with someone like you?” 
The devil laughs loudly as he twirls his hand until your image disappears. This conversation further proves Jungkook’s argument that angels are actually dumber than they realize. 
“If you want me to help you, I will have my way with her. My job, my rules. Understand?”
Armaros feels defeated, but he can’t say anything but nod and agree to him. He can’t fight him anyway. Jungkook dismisses him, and with that, the angel ascends back up to earth. 
Jungkook can’t wait to have his fun. 
Prancing around, making friends, getting to know each other – Jungkook doesn’t want to do that. Instead, he’s very straightforward, saying words that he probably shouldn’t, he likes to say what he thinks no matter how bad it’ll probably hurt. 
That’s what he plans to do with you. 
If he gets his point clear, make you frightened, scare the shit out of you, then the job would be complete. 
You were currently on your laptop, scrolling through your pinterest tabs until you hear loud and frantic knocks on your door. “Y/n!” May shrieks, her voice quivering. “Someone’s at the door!” 
Oh no, you thought. 
Immediately hopping out of bed, you went out to see who it was with May following behind you. You peak out through the windows and suddenly, you inhale sharply from the man that you see. 
He was unfamiliar. Thankfully, it wasn’t Seokjin or Sophia nor Emilia, but rather tall, might you say handsome looking man waiting outside your doorstep. He was dressed in all black, his hair covering his eyes. 
“Do you know him?” May asks quietly. You shake your head slowly, “N-No.” 
“Y/n… I think you should just leave him.” 
“May, I can handle it. You can go now.” You say softly to her. 
“Are you sure—”
“Yes.” You spat a little harshly, blazing your eyes at her. May nods, sighing as she walks away to her room. 
Gathering the courage to open the door, you took a deep inhale and exhale, calming your nerves. 
Once you open the door, your eyes immediately fly to his dark ones. Your whole body suddenly shivers, the air around the place somewhat getting cold as if it was winter. 
You can't take your eyes off of the man. You have never met him before but it felt like you've known him for too long. There was a strange aura surrounding the two of you that you can't explain. 
“Hello.” He speaks first, giving you a sly smile. 
His voice. You've never heard such a dark and menacing timbre before. 
“Hi,” you gulp, “Who are you?” 
“May I come in?” Jungkook snaps, ignoring your question. He doesn't want to waste any time, that's for sure. 
You furrow your brows as you shake your head, “Answer my question first.” You blurt, blocking the entrance by placing your hands on either side of the doorway. 
“Hm,” Jungkook slowly shows you a deadly smirk, eyeing your body up and down. “You really wanna know?” 
What kind of a question is that? 
You quickly got annoyed, looking at him with a scorn. “Obviously!”
Feisty, Jungkook thought. 
“I'm the devil.”
There was a long pause, silence filling the air. This man is too handsome to be this dumb. You laugh hysterically, bending over as you hold your aching stomach. “A-Are you… oh my god… please tell me you're fucking joking!” you say with creased eyes. 
Jungkook already expected this reaction, and he only rolls his eyes without you noticing. 
“Mhm. You don't believe me?” he slowly pronounces his words, voice deep and sinister. 
“Nah,” you shake your head, giggling. 
“Aren't you religious?” Jungkook pushes you to the side without hesitation and enters, your eyes expanding slowly as his body suddenly comes in contact with yours. “Don't you believe in your God? You believe in angels, right?” He backs your body up and shuts the door loudly behind him. 
You felt a series of chills erupt from your system, his gaze locked on yours. You wanted to look away from his intimidating gaze, but you can't, for some strange reason. “Huh, Y/n?”
You gasp. “Wait, h-how do you know my name!?” 
Jungkook smirks at you, tilting his head to the side as he ignores your question again. 
Your body seems to move by itself, like you can't control your own limbs. The air thickens around the two of you as you feel your body submit to the man in front of you. 
Sighing, with a shaky voice you answer. “I do. I do believe in them.”
Although what shocks you is the way his eyes suddenly turn a bright shade of red. From deep black to red, his irises glow. 
“What the fuck–” you quickly back away, body shivering in fear until your back hits a wall. You rub your eyes, trying to see if your mind was only playing tricks with you. 
Jungkook grins and chuckles darkly, clicking his tongue. “Then…” he draws, walking closer to your frightened figure, “Can this convince you enough?” 
“S-Stop… stop playing games with me!” you whimper, feeling your palms get sweaty. “Your eyes are red!” 
“Hmm, I wonder why,” Jungkook snarls, forehead creasing, “Maybe because I'm the fucking devil?” 
And in a flash, Jungkook’s appearance changes from a tall, handsome boy into a dark red figure. Black, bat-like wings sprout from his back, long horns appearing from his forehead, a spear-like tail behind him. His lips and the area around his eyes were tinted in black while his fingers grew longer, sharper. 
You almost fainted then and there. 
“Oh— p-please,” your eyes turn watery as tears start to fall down your cheek, lifting your hands up to your mouth in shock, “please d-don't kill me!” Shutting your eyes to avoid the frightening image in front of you, your knees drop down to the floor with a loud thud. “I'm sorry, please f-forgive me! Don't k-kill me! Please!” 
“Oh, what a cute pretty girl you are,” the devil grins, his voice more gravelly now. He looks down at your frail self, amused. “I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to teach you a lesson.” 
You start to sob as your body shakes, “No! Please d-don't…”  
“Do you believe me now?”
“Yes! Yes I do!” you quickly reply, voice cracking. “I’m sorry s-sir, don’t hurt me!” 
Jungkook, satisfied with your reaction, morphs back to his normal human look within a few seconds. “Look at me.”
Slowly, afraid to anger the devil in front of you, you obey his words. You sigh in relief when he finally looks normal again, but you can't look at him the same way. 
“Stand up.”
You do so with wobbly legs. You felt so weak with your energy quickly drained so quickly. Wiping your tear-stained cheeks, you try your best to keep your composure. 
“Anyway, I'm Jungkook,” he gives you an award-winning smile, “I'm sent here to supposedly warn you from doing bad things.” He cringes, shaking his head. “Which, honestly speaking, I think is atrocious.”
He scans your body, biting his lip right after. “A good looking girl like you should have her fun.” 
You try to regain your senses back. A devil — a real devil appeared right in front of you. You can't seem to shake the thought away while he’s there looking so handsome in his human form. 
With a shaky breath, you ask him, “J-Jungkook? I'm really sorry. I don't know what I'm doing.” 
He snorts. Brushing his black hair away from his face. “Wrong. You know what you're doing.” 
Something in the air changes when Jungkook snaps his fingers. A thick, black smoke appears, capsuling the both of you in. “What is this?!” you question, terror overtaking your face. You watch your surroundings getting blurry, blackness covering the area. 
“Oh nothing,” he gives you a lopsided grin, “just making sure that your little angels can't see us.” 
Jungkook's eyes shine and his pupils enlarge, smiling as you notice how his teeth grow sharper. There were veins popping out in his neck, grimacing at you in pure excitement.  
“We can't afford your poor, guardian angel to stop us now, can't we? I don't want him to see us…playing.” 
“Playing?!” You gasp, eyes expanding in shock.. 
“Yes, baby. Angels are so fucking dumb, aren't they? Asking a devil to do their own work? Isn't that pathetic.”
You were locked to him like a magnet as your body seems to fill with utter desire in such a quick time. 
Was he doing something to you?!
A series of pleasurable chills erupt from your body, mouth getting dry as you look up at Jungkook with big eyes. 
His hand suddenly touches your bare arm, making you silently mewl from his chilling touch. He smirks at your reaction, “How dumb of them to trust the son of Lucifer himself.”
“Y-You… you're…” your voice fades, trying to process his words. 
“Mhm. Aren't you excited to play with me?” 
Maybe he's doing tricks to your mind, controlling your body – or maybe you’re just fucked up. Either way, you want him. 
You lust for him. 
Jungkook draws his lower lip between his teeth, his hands finding its way to your waist, holding you firmly until he unexpectedly pulls you to his body. He lifts a single eyebrow up, “Really?” 
Your heartbeat quickens. 
“I've… I’ve never been more sure.” Words seem to spill out of your mouth without your consent, as if it wasn’t you who’s speaking. But you don’t try to take your words back.  
Jungkook laughs and starts to lift you up without struggle, finding his way to your bedroom while the smoke follows the two of you. “Bad, bad girl you are.” He lowers you down on the mattress, sending you a seductive wink, “I'm so fucking proud.” 
He preps himself on his knees, capturing your thighs in between. His eyes run down your body, chills running down your spine from how hot he looks. His figure was so big and muscular, making you feel like he can destroy your frail self. 
“Look at this, you look so fucking delicious baby.” 
His hand suddenly flies down to your armpits, roughly handling you as he carries you up as he sits down on the bed, his back pressed against the headboard, as he places you in between his legs. 
You hold back a whimper as he pushes your body closer to him. Hearing him growl deeply made your cunt throb, feeling a strange wet feeling down there. 
“Demons can't help humans,” he mutters lowly, his lips right against the shell of your ear. “They want you to sin and sin and sin until the day you fucking die.” 
His hands play with your shirt until in a quick flash, he rips the cotton material in half, your body shivering as it has been exposed to the cold air. “Ohh,” you whimper, covering your body with your arms. 
“Nu-uh,” Jungkook grins behind you, “Don't do that, baby.” He leans down and starts pressing wet and sloppy kisses all over your shoulders, running his mouth up to your neck. “Don't try to hide away from me.”
He sucks on the soft skin of your neck, his big dick throbbing in his pants from the way you were constantly squirming. You were so sensitive, and it made him so horny. He hums, marking your skin in bright red and purple bruises. 
“Ahh, Jungkook,” you moan, throwing your head back until it rests right against his shoulder. 
His hands suddenly fly to your breasts, his long and slender fingers pinching and twisting your hardened nipples. You bite your bottom lip as you can't seem to open your eyes from the feeling. It was until Jungkook suddenly digs his nails into your nipples, pinching them roughly that made you jolt right up. 
“Oh, t-that hurts,” you cry, the stinging feeling of his sharp nails pinching your buds. Jungkook watches your face contort, digging his nails even harder. He feels your body twitch, hearing your gentle whines and mewls. 
“Ohhh you don't like it baby, does it hurt too much for your sensitive, precious body?” he mocks a concerned tone. “Hm?” 
He was playing games with you, that's for sure. You nod your head up and down, trying to push his hands away. “Mhm…” 
Thankfully, he does stop but he quickly cups your breasts with both hands. He feels your rock-hard nipples pushing against his rough palms, kneading your boobs until he finally lets go. 
“Take these off,” he instructs you to pull your shorts down, and you do so. With trembling hands, you swiftly tug them off of your legs. 
“Mmm, fuck,” he grunts behind you, his right hand lowering down from your stomach until it reaches the destination right against your clothed pussy. His fingers slowly trace down your slick, feeling how wet you are through your panties. 
He smirks cockily, “You're fucking drenched, baby. Are you this horny?” he rubs your clit in slow, circular motions with just the right amount of pressure with the tips of his two fingers, your legs shivering. “Want something to stuff that little hole of yours?” 
He pulls your underwear down to your thighs, and you instantly shake it off with your legs. Jungkook pushes your legs apart, forcing your knees up with your feet flat on the mattress. Your cunt flutters around air from the exposure. You whine when his left arm possessively wraps around your stomach, his biceps flexing when he holds you tightly. 
“Stay fucking still,” he growls, his warm hand cupping your bare cunt. He chuckles, prodding his tongue against his cheek as he plays with your folds. He uses two slender fingers to spread your labia apart and you can feel your glistening arousal drip from your hole down to your ass. 
Jungkook hums in satisfaction, spreading your lips wider, making you emit a moan. “Jungkook—”
“No. I want you to call me something…” he elongates the pause in his sentence to suddenly insert the tip of his middle finger in your pussy, causing you to jump. “Something else, baby.” 
“Ah-ahh, what?” your legs couldn't stop trembling as he pushes his finger deeper, your walls sucking it in deliciously. 
You can feel him smirk against the skin of your neck, he snickers, “Starts with the letter D.” 
Your eyes squint in confusion, tilting your head up to look at him. Jungkook, with his glowing red eyes, scans your face with a quirked eyebrow expectantly. 
Jungkook scoffs loudly and instantly pushes the rest of his finger in your cunt, immediately pumping in and out at a rapid pace. Your hands quickly hold onto his arm that was wrapped around you, mouth agape from the sudden thrusts. “Ohhh!” your body shakes, leaning your head against him. Electric waves of pleasure run through your body, being new to the sensation. 
He growls as he removes his finger out to slap your pussy harshly, hitting your sensitive clit. “Wrong.” 
“Oww…” you mewl, your hips bucking up from the sting. He does this again, and again, and again, making your eyes watery. He tightens his hold on you, stopping you from squirming too much. 
“Daddy.” He purrs. 
Your body instantly feel a series of shivers. 
“Call me daddy.” Jungkook bites your neck roughly while he inserts his digits back, this time using his middle and ring finger. You hiss in pleasure, eyes tempting to roll back when he brushes the sponge-like texture inside your pussy. 
“Shit, right there daddy,” you curse, rolling your hips against his hand for more. “Right there!” 
Jungkook feels his cock harden even more, precum dripping down his tip as it twitches against his clothes. The way you pronounce that certain word drove him crazy. Jungkook loves how your body easily crumbles beneath him as you allow him to have all the control. He pounds your pussy faster with his hand, putting his bicep to good use. 
You were about to cum, the feeling of a tightness inside your tummy, a ball about to burst at any second. You warn Jungkook, “Daddy, i-i think… I think I'm gonna c-cum,” you sob. 
“I know.” He says simply, fucking you harder. Suddenly, he pushes his index finger in, three digits stretching your walls out. You cry loudly, thrashing around him as high-pitched moans carelessly leave your mouth. “Shiiiiit, d-daddy!” 
“Need to stretch this little pussy out for my cock” he purrs, “cuz’ we don’t want that tiny hole of yours to split into two, right baby?” 
Your toes curl, nails digging into the skin of his arm as you fail to warn him that you're gonna cum any second now. Although he can feel the way your pussy was pulsing around his long fingers. He angled his hand until your clit was brushing against his palm, “Daddy! Ohh fuck, just l-like that!”
Until it all stops. 
All of the pleasure stops when Jungkook pulls his fingers out. 
“Fuuuuuuuck!” you yell, never been more frustrated before as he denies your orgasm. You were about to cum so hard. Your legs shake uncontrollably, scratching his arms as your body shudders. Your poor cunt pulsates rapidly from the sour loss. You were a whimpering, sobbing mess. 
Laughing dryly behind you was Jungkook, licking his fingers clean as he watches your dignity wash away right in front of his eyes. 
“Fuck you,” you scowl, pushing away his arms and turning to face him. “Fuck. You.” 
But he wasn't bothered at all, of course. He was the devil after all. He had no remorse.
Before you know it, Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat and swiftly pulls you close to his face. You gulp, terrified from the intimidating look in his eyes. 
Jungkook thinks that he can easily kill you then and there. If it were a different person, he wouldn't hesitate to snap their neck like a stick. Usually he would feel tempted to physically hurt a person in this kind of situation. But no. He likes you. He likes you too much to kill.
“Take my cock out.”
Even though you hate him for denying your orgasm so brutally like that, you nod your head. Jungkook removes his shirt as you scoot down. You were careful to unbutton his pants, heart rate going faster from the thought of seeing his cock right in front of your face. By the look of the large tent evident, he was gonna be huge. Jungkook watches you with heavy eyes, running his hand through your hair softly. 
You pull the garment down and your mouth visibly waters from the sight. The outline of his cock was evident from his briefs, long and thick and was certainly rock hard. You were so afraid to even touch it as you let your hands sit right on his thighs. 
“Haven't done this before?” he asks, rubbing your cheek with one hand. You shake your head, afraid to look at his glaring eyes. 
Jungkook chortles, quickly pulling his underwear down by himself.
His cock immediately springs out and rests on his abdomen. With wide, surprised eyes, you notice his red tip leaking so much precum, dripping down his abs. You involuntarily whine and wiggle your hips in need, your wetness dripping down your thigh. 
“Take it in your mouth.” He orders, voice strict and demanding. 
“Did I stutter?” 
“No daddy.” You whisper, looking away and finally gathering the courage to wrap your hands around his girth. You clench your thighs together when you feel him against your palm – warm and heavy, yet the skin was soft at the same time. When you stroke his shaft up and down watching how his precum pours down to your hands, providing you lubrication as it coats his cock. 
Jungkook throws his head back as he smiles down at you, feeling so good. He bucks his hips up repeatedly, meeting your timid strokes. 
His patience runs out and slaps your hand away, gripping his cock tightly. Suddenly, he slaps his dick on your cheek, making lewd and wet sounds. “Open your fuckin’ mouth.” 
Obeying his command, you wrap your lips around his leaking tip. You taste the saltiness of his seed on your tongue, trying your best to take more of him. His thick girth was making it hard for you as your jaw immediately feels sore. 
His hand flies to grip your hair, making you whine around his cock, causing vibrations. “Look at that pretty little mouth tryna’ take this cock,” he smirks, “Go deeper baby. Gag around my cock if you don't wanna be punished.” 
Your hips swivel in need from his words, pussy soaking like a river. You slack your jaw as you sink down on his cock, trying to ignore the harsh gags when his tip hits the back of your throat. Jungkook growls loudly above you, seeing that the corners of your mouth were dripping in saliva. 
He uses both of his hands to force you deeper. Your eyes start to water when you swallow just half of his big dick, already being too much for you. The harsh and wet gagging sounds were music to Jungkook's ear, loving to see you struggle. “Mhm, fuck yes,” he grunts, “Choke on that big dick.” 
He keeps you down there, feeling sinister as his devilish instincts get the best of him. He ignores your cries and pleads, only focusing on the feeling of the sweet vibrations whenever you moaned around him. Or whenever your throat closes around his shaft when you choked, it was all too good for him. 
You immediately tapped on his thighs furiously when you can't take it anymore, but what did he do? He starts fucking your mouth with sharp thrusts of his hips. You whimper, closing your eyes tight as your nails dig into the skin of his thighs. He grabs you by your head as he uses your poor mouth for pleasure. 
Trying to breathe through your nose, you ignore the burning sensation in your mouth yet it feels too good. “Ahhhh holy fucking shit,” he grunts, feeling your throat tighten, “Look at that – fuck. Bad little girl aren't you? Mhm? You're my bad, naughty girl.” Jungkook mocks, watching the stream of tears drip down your cheeks. 
Finally, he pulled out and there were thick strings of saliva connecting your lips to his cock. He groans loudly, his cock twitching as it lays back on his stomach. 
“Ohh, c'mere baby girl, come here.” Jungkook whispers and pulls your body close to him. You straddle his lap, feeling his cock beneath your folds that made you hiss. He wraps his strong arms around you, his face inches close to yours. You try not to be intimidated by his menacing eyes, but he notices this and clutches your throat with one hand, squeezing it again that made you inhale sharply. Jungkook sees your pout, your lips bruised from your numerous bites, and he chuckles. 
He tugs you until his lips are right upon your ear. “You wanna cum, baby?” 
Your body shivers from how deep and alluring his voice was, although you nod your head. “Please, daddy.” 
“Oh but do you deserve it? Do you even deserve a cock like mine?” 
You hate how frustrated he can make you. You punch your hands down on his chest, whining, “I-I do…” 
Jungkook quirks a brow up, immediately forcing your hands behind your back. He roughly grasps your wrists together with one hand, surely leaving a red bruise. He bites his lip, “You do?” He swiftly lands a spank on your right ass cheek, making you moan. “Then sink down on my cock.” 
With a puff of your breath, Jungkook helps you align his dick to your sopping entrance. You couldn’t breathe properly, anticipating what will happen as soon as you slowly sink yourself on his thick tip. 
“Ohhh daddy!” Your walls stretch out as you take his tip in, making you feel a harsh, stinging sensation as he rips your walls. If it wasn’t with his impressive girth, it probably wouldn’t hurt as much. Jungkook grunts, his cock throbbing from the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him. 
“Fuck yeah,” he watches your pussy take him further, your juices coating his shaft. He tightens his hold on your wrists, slightly bucking his hips up. Jungkook lands another hard, loud spank. 
“Daddy you're so b-big,” you moan, almost halfway down his dick but you can't take more of him anymore. Jungkook gets turned on from the sweet tone of your voice, the thought of tainting such a girl like you made him chuckle. 
Jungkook feeds himself from the idea of corrupting you, letting you know how it feels to truly rebel. Who the fuck cares about what your parents think? Humans are all going to die anyway, there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun. 
You start to bounce up and down slowly, your pussy rubbing against him, feeling the thick protruding veins upon your walls. You dig your nails onto your palm, eyes closed shut as you prop yourself up to your feet. 
“That's it, baby. Ride daddy's cock,” he insinuates, watching your face contort in pleasure. With your eyebrows knitted together, eyes shut and mouth wide open, Jungkook’s cock throbs inside of you.
“Look at that fucking face, cant take it?” he snickers. 
“I can, I can,” you pant tirelessly, legs getting sore. Your brows drew deeper as you concentrated on the feeling of his cock hitting your sensitive nerves so good, already so close to an orgasm from how big he is. 
But Jungkook wanted more. He wants it harder, rougher. He wants to shoot his hot cum so hard and deep inside your fresh womb, filling you up. He wants to wreck your body until you break. 
So he releases your hands free and instead grabs a hold of your waist firmly, keeping you still. He plants his feet on the bed and starts to thrust his hips up like crazy. 
Your jaw drops into an ‘o’ shape and you release a particular loud squeal. Your hands hold onto his broad shoulder, throwing your head back as he continues to drill your abused cunt. His balls slap against your ass, creating lewd slapping noises. 
“Dadddyyyyy!” you shriek, eyes expanding so wide from the unexpected bliss of electric currents shooting down your spine. You can't handle it, your orgasm snapping in a quick second. “I'm—!” 
Jungkook groans loudly when your pussy squirts your cum all over his dick and gushes all over his stomach. He fucks you through your mind-blowing orgasm, your eyes rolling back to your head as your legs shake from the unexpecting feeling. Your mind seems to cloud in lust as he doesn’t stop fucking you. 
“Shit,” he laughs, “look at this poor little girl.” Jungkook caresses your ass before he spanks it roughly, emitting a whimper from your mouth, kneading the bruised flesh right after. “Squirting all over daddy. You love my big cock so much, huh? You horny, desperate little slut.” 
Before you can even process what he just said, he flips you over until you lay down flat on your stomach. He hovers on top of you, keeping his dick in without pulling out. You yelp as he wraps his big hand around your throat, tightly squeezing your jugular without mercy. 
“A-ahhh oh—” you choke, letting your forehead down to rest on the sheets as he continues to pound you from behind. 
He had absolutely no mercy, using you as his little fucktoy for his pleasure, abusing your pussy like it was made for his demon cock. He chokes you harder, almost making you see stars. 
Your cunt throbs once again, signalling that another orgasm is coming near. “Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck!” you moan, heavy puffs of breath coming out of your mouth every time he thrusts into you. 
Jungkook feels his nerves getting hotter and hotter, his cock aching to cum. He doesn't think of anything else but the way your walls clench so tightly around him. “Gonna break this motherfucking pussy of yours,” he growls, leaning down until his chest presses against your sweaty back. “I'm gonna fucking paint your walls with my cum, baby. You're gonna take all of it, you're gonna take all of daddy's cum in that tight cunt.”
Your legs squirm, hands closing into fists as you hit the bed over and over from how sensitive you become. Your hands claw the sheets tightly, back arching from the breathtaking pleasure. 
“Ahhhh daddy! Ohh my fucking— ahhh yes, yes yes!” your body crumbles, mouth wide open as you scream while you cum for the second time. Your pussy pulses so harshly around his dick, coating it with your juices, making it more wet for him. 
He groans, removing his hand from your throat and slaps your ass again. “Naughty little shit right here.” It was so messy, just how he likes it. His cum covered in your glistening arousal, fucking you through your high. 
He immediately flips you around again, making you face him. He smirks cockily from your flushed chest and face, noticing that you were having trouble opening your eyes. 
He leans down and rests his forearms beside your head, “Take it baby, take it.” he murmurs roughly, his balls getting heavier. “Take my fucking dick.”
Your legs never seem to stop quivering, everything around you seems blurry besides Jungkook's face. How does he still look so handsome and perfect? His black hair falls down his forehead, swaying with every hard thrust, his deep dimples peeking through when he bites his lower lip slowly while he savors the feeling of your warm, wet pussy. 
“Gonna cum in you baby,” he pants, holding your cheek in one hand. “Daddy’s gonna cum so fuckin’ hard for you.” You notice a dark, sinister forming his lips as he looks down at you. There it was again, that intimidating, almost teasing look. 
He growls roughly, hips staying still inside you as he dips down to gnaw at your shoulder. You hiss, whimpering when he sinks his teeth so harshly into your delicate skin, leaving an ugly mark. “Ah-ahh, daddy!” His cock spurts out warm strings of his seed, filling you up to the brim. 
“Mmm, mmm, fuck yeah,” he moans, “take it, Y/n.” 
When he pulls his cock out, his pupils enlarge as he sees your arousal dripping out of your cunt and onto your bed. He chuckles, stroking his cock a couple of times to milk himself furthermore, not wasting any of his sperm.
The two of you were breathless, breathing heavily. Your legs feel so sore and you can't feel them either, your ass stinging from his numerous rough spanks. 
“Clean yourself up, Y/n.” Jungkook suddenly throws you a wet towel, about to ask him where it came from, although he just stares at you blankly with a quirked brow. 
Gulping, you nod and start wiping yourself clean. 
He can't leave now. Not after all of this. 
There was something that attracted yourself to him. You can't seem to grasp what it is – but whenever Jungkook looks at you in the eyes, you feel like submitting. 
It was like your body doesn't belong to you anymore. He possesses your body now. 
“Crawl to me, my love.” He whispers, and you were easily drawn to his beautiful eyes. 
Still naked, you do as you're told and crawl towards the edge of the bed where he stands. He wears his pants, thankfully covering his goods. 
He sighs and softly caresses your cheek with a warm hand, making you flutter your eyes shut whilst leaning against his palm. He hums delightfully, smirking. 
“Surrender.” He purrs, eyes drooping down as he looks at you with such gentleness, almost with care. He leans down until your faces are mere inches away from each other. “Surrender to me, my love. And I’ll take you to somewhere you belong.”
Your eyes shimmer, batting your eyelashes as you gawk up at him with eagerness. “W-Where I belong?” you repeat in question.
“Yes, Y/n.” He smiles, showing you his perfect teeth. “Where no one will judge you, no one will criticize you for you. You can be whoever you want, you can do whatever you want. Isn’t that exciting, baby?”
Mouth getting dry, your nerves heat up once again, feeling nothing but anticipation. “Yes.”
Jungkook holds your face in two hands, compelling you to stare unswervingly at his red eyes. “Submit to me, Y/n, and you’ll never worry about this earth’s dreadful problems.” His voice gravelly yet dark, somehow different to his normal human speaking voice. 
You didn’t know what he really means by ‘submit’, or where he was supposed to take you. But your mind was telling you to go. Your consciousness speaks to you like someone was whispering in your ear what to do. You kneel before him, still keeping eye-contact. The air around the two of your shifts and it suddenly grows warm as your body starts to sweat.
“Where are…” your voice was breathy, “Where are you taking me?”
Jungkook starts to chuckle, brushing your hair back with his fingers. Suddenly, your heart races when he presses a tender, wet kiss on your forehead. Your eyes widen, heart beating out of your chest when he continues to kiss you down to the bridge of your nose, until it stops right upon your lips. He hovers his mouth right against yours, feeling his warm breath.
He whispers the words so ominously that goosebumps appear all over your arms and legs. “I’m gonna take you down to hell.” 
Jungkook watches your face go pale, all the blood leaving your face as you gaze at him with such big, surprised eyes. Without warning, he presses his lips against yours. You can’t keep up with him, his kiss rough and dominating. You whimper when his hand goes to wrap itself around your throat, pulling you closer. His tongue easily slips in your mouth, causing you to gasp. Jungkook smirks through the kiss as he controls the way your mouth moves. The two muscles dance together with such need and passion, hands getting sweaty. 
He bites your bottom lip, chewing on the soft flesh while he gently rolls it against his teeth. Jungkook growls, eyebrows furrowing. He can’t seem to get enough of you, wanting you all for himself. He’s addicted to you; your scent, your beautiful eyes, your body, he doesn’t want to leave this earth without you. 
He needs you down with him. 
Jungkook pulls out as he watches your flushed face, all out of breath. There was nothing else that you could do but whine about the loss of his lips. You were craving more of him. You pout, hoping that he’ll give in but Jungkook just shakes his head with a smirk. 
“Answer me, baby. Go down with me, and I’ll treat you so good.” He insinuates, “I’ll treat you like my own fucking queen. Don’t you want that?” 
You nod your head furiously, “I do want that,” you say softly. 
He clicks his tongue, “Tch, louder.” 
“I want it, please. Bring me with you.” Jungkook watches your pupils dilate, growing bigger as you speak. “Please.” 
Jungkook smiles. And within a flash, the black smoke that was encircling the two of you all this time thickens and starts to wash over the two of you. You cough uncontrollably yet Jungkook just stands there and watches. The smoke fills your lungs until you lose consciousness. 
Sounds of the crackling fire fills your eardrums, and your body tries to accommodate the scorching heat of your surroundings. 
Opening your eyes, you see that you’re nowhere in your room, or in the overworld. All that your eyes can see was miles and miles of dark red and black hills, huge torches of fire everywhere, scattered all over the place. There were girls and boys dressed in all black outfits, walking around the place with blank faces, eyes having stripped off of their emotions.
You look down on yourself and thankfully, you were wearing clothes. A tight red dress that hugs your body perfectly, enhancing your curves.
A soft voice calls out your name, and you whip around to see Jungkook in his demon form, smiling at you as he sits on his throne. You feel a warm, familiar feeling in your heart as if coming home and going to bed from a long trip. His blazing eyes lead you to a trance.
He beckons you to him for he lifts his right hand out to you. He eyes your body up and down, fixing his posture whilst he runs his tongue along his bottom lip. The way your hips gently sways as you make your way towards him – not losing eye contact – and how your irises burn in desire, it was all that Jungkook asks for.
Your legs move without your permission, leading you up the stone steps to his throne.
His hand was warm when you grasp it, although it was rough and almost hard unlike his human skin, you touch as if there was no difference. You weren’t afraid anymore. Jungkook signals you to sit on his lap, and you gladly obey. With legs on either side of his thigh, you straddle him.
“You’re mine, baby.” Jungkook snarls, “This is your place now.”
“I…” you speak for the first time, “I can’t see my friends and family anymore?”
He shakes his head no with a sly grin.
You exhale, a big smile painting your face. You’ve never felt so content and happy in your entire life.
“Then I love it here.”  
Jungkook makes sure that your angels can’t and won’t look for you anymore. He swears that he’ll protect you in every way possible, promising to shield you from anything that will hurt you. Jungkook looks at your beautiful red eyes, feeling your arms wrap around his neck as you pull him close. 
The last thing anyone should do is trust a devil — and that goes for your foolish angels. 
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
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So yeah, I wrote the thing based on an anon message for @itsme-star
I made it a Barley x (female) reader (based on my self insert character) fanfic ‘cause I had to be a little self indulgent lmao
I hope you enjoy it! It turned out longer than I had planned xD
The double-decker couch
Barley x (female) reader fanfiction
Around three months ago:
Y/n’s boyfriend, Barley Lightfoot, had knocked on her window… with small stones… in the middle of the night:
At first her ear just twitched and the noise had mashed with the dream she was having, but the more the noise repeated, the more her consciousness felt pulled into the physical realm again, and with a groan, she had to face the reality that the noise would not stop until she got up (she already had a suspicion as to who was causing the noise).
With a heavy sigh, y/n forced herself from under her comfortable blanket, before ripping the window open.
‘Of course it’s him’, she thought, looking down at Barley as he waved his hands up at her, somehow wide awake.
‘How much energy can a person have?’, she asked herself, before she motioned with her hands, that she’d come outside.
“What in the world are you doing here?”, she asked as she arrived, whisper-yelling at him.
“Well you know how it is my lady: sometimes one just drives around at night after finishing a campaign of quests of yore and sees the poster of a double-decker bus and then one might think: ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if one could have a couch after that structure?’ After having had thought about a new couch for a while and ‘wouldn’t it be cool, if one might be able to build that with their girlfriend?’”
“I can’t say I relate, though I am impressed by one having the idea”, she said, deliberately accentuating the word ‘one’, as she couldn’t now but smile at her beautiful dork, “And I have to say I love the idea, though I still have to decide whether it was worth waking me up at three a.m… but for now I’ll just say yes, because I love you too much to be mad at you for this”
“I know: I’m irresistible”, he winked, pulling her closer to him and engaging her in a sickeningly romantic kiss.
“As nice as this is, I would still like to catch up on some sleep. We’ll write later and you tell when we should start building”
“I actually thought… you know… that maybe now-”
“Don’t push it”
It hadn’t been easy. First they had to scavenge several junkyards for old couches (because let’s be real: They were both poor college students and buying material or new couches just was too expensive), who weren’t completely busted. Then they had to figure out how to build the thing.
After studying art for a while, where y/n had to do a bunch of installation projects, she had gotten significantly better at building things with woods and such, though she still wasn’t an expert. And whilst Barley also got crafty from time to time, he also wasn’t a master.
But somehow, after sweat, and even a couple of tears after y/n once got her hand stuck under one of the couches, they had finished it: The double decker couch.
“This-”, Barley said, pointing his finger at it, “This is beautiful”.
It was a yellow and a green couch, connected through metal poles and stabilized with old wood planks with two ladders placed on top of it and just enough space between the couches, so that one could sit up straight. It sort of looked like a bunk bed, but with couches.
“It is. It really is”, y/n agreed, looking at her bandaged hand, “totally worth busting my hand”
“Totally worth going through every junkyard in the city”, Barley added.
“Totally worth being awake once for 48 hours”, she added as well.
“This should be awarded some kind of price… maybe I’d also just be happy for some money for a wellness weekend ‘cause my back could really need a nice massage”, Barley groaned, touching the small of his back.
“Hard agree”
They stayed standing there for a while, looking at it, before y/n occurred a question that should’ve occurred to her much sooner.
“So-uhm-”, she started, “what do we actually do with it now?”, she asked
“Sit on it of course. You sit below and I above so I can feed you grapes like you’re a roman emperor”, Barley explained matter of factly.
“That sounds lovely darling but that’s not what I mean”
“What seems to be the issue then?”he asked, a little frustrated. What could she possibly have to say now? After so much hard work?
“I mean… where do we put it?”, she asked with a sincere expression which immediately washed away his annoyance, “because it certainly won’t stay in my parents basement”, she stated.
“It’s certainly more worthy than this old, dusty room with your family's junk. And also because this place is crawling with bugs that I will have to remove every time because you’ll just screech and run away until it magically disappears”
“Hey!”, y/n interjected
“It's true!”
“Ok yeah fair enough, though seriously- where? I also can bet’ya we can’t put it anywhere in our homes either. It probably barely fit under the ceiling”
“Yeah no”
A moment of contemplative silence spread across them.
After a while, Barleys thoughts wandered to the night where he had gotten the idea. He thought about his beloved car-
‘OH. MY. GOD. That’s it!’, he thought to himself.
“I got it!”, he then yelled excitedly, his face contorted into one of the most adorable expressions y/n had ever seen anyone wear. No matter what it would be: She couldn’t but say yes to that smile.
Still she asked, “What’ya got?”
“You know how I got my idea from a poster with a double-decker bus?”, he asked her, still smiling like he had won the lottery
“And you know how I have a van, right?”
“No”, she answered sarcastically, “I know absolutely nothing about your most prized possession of a van that you called Guenivere the second after you sacrificed your first Guenivere when on a quest-”
“Ok I got the gist”, he chuckled, “but ok hear this: Since I have this wonderful van, this wonderful BIG van-”
“Wait a minute: You really want to put the couch in-”, she interrupted as she realized what he was saying, but got immediately interrupted back as he realized she had caught on
“Yes! I absolutely am”
“Dear lord… but ok I have no better idea, let’s do it”
“Barley I am telling you, this is NOT working”, y/n huffed as she let her side of the construction gently land on the ground once again.
“Come on, just one more time!”, Barley pleaded.
“You’ve been saying ‘just one more time’ for an hour!”, she argued, “there is no way around: this just doesn’t fit inside the van. You underestimated Guenivere”
“Hey! There is no underestimating Guenivere! It’s not her fault”, he pouted.
“Ok ok ok... Sorry Gueni”, y/n said, giving the car a sincere pat on one of the back doors. She has gotten used to treating the car similar to a pet, “but seriously: We’ve been trying this at every angle, and as cool as Guenivere is, she can’t magically shapeshift”
“Magically shapeshift”, Barely repeated her last words, suddenly deep in thought, before an “ohhhh”, sound escaped him, “wait here my lady, I’ll be back in a sec”
“O...k”, she said, a little confused.
Five minutes later, she saw Ian storm out of his house, his hands clenched around his magic staff, with Barley closely behind him. “WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY?”Ian yelled as he came to a hold, which caused his brother to almost crash into him.
“I need you to make Guenivere big enough so that our self made double-decker couch fits into her”, Barely explained, breathing as though he had just run from death.
For a moment nobody said anything to that before Ian and y/n both shouted
“WHAT?”,at the same time.
“So much for an emergency”, Ian also mumbled, a little annoyed at his brother's antics.
“I mean: If she’s too small, then we can just make her bigger, right?”
“Technically yes but I think you didn’t consider a very small, tiny detail”, Ian commented.
“And what would that be?”, Barley asked irritated, not understanding what the issue was.
“You are aware as a supposed magic expert, that I can’t only enlarge the trunk, right? I would have to make the entire car big, and that would lead-”
“-to the entire street being filled with the car”, y/n finished the thought, apologetically laying her hand on Barleys shoulder, “I’m sorry my love. It was a nice thought”
“Dang it”, Barley breathed out, “I was looking forward to make my own uber-van-couch-double-decker-business”
“Hm”, y/n simply hummed. She had known from the beginning it would probably go south, but his enthusiasm had given her hope.
“Sorry Barley”, Ian said quietly, now feeling bad for having been so harsh beforehand , before slowly heading inside again.
Y/n and Barely sat down on the edge of Guenivere’s trunk, tired and disappointed that it all hadn’t turned out like they wanted as they looked at their creation.
Y/n leaned against Barley’s shoulder, lovingly rubbing her cheek against him like a cat (she loved doing that).
After a while Barley decided he had enough of sulking, standing up to go to the front to put on some good old metal (which luckily she enjoyed too).
As he however returned to the trunk, he noticed some ropes laying around.
He had used ropes last time to tie up some of the material he had bought for their project, so they wouldn’t move around- what if though…
“Ok I’ve had enough”, Barley decided, “I WILL have my double-decker-couch-van for more people to ride with me and my buddies and if its the last thing I’m gonna do!”
“Barley, what are you-”, y/n wanted to ask, but as she saw him pick up the ropes from the trunk floor, she understood, “- Are you sure this will work out?”
“Nope”, he answered truthfully, “but I will surely try!”
She was still skeptical, but at the same time she would try anything with him, and if it meant helping him tie a double-decker-couch to the roof of his van.
“If you believe it can be done, I will too”, she smiled, giving him a quick peck on his cheek, “let’s do this!”
It was eight p.m. The sun was almost behind the horizon and the streetlamps threw dodgy looking lights in the middle of the street and kept the corners dark.
But the elven couple, who stood in front of a yellow van with a double-decker couch tied to its roof, couldn't help but see what they had accomplished: Which was accomplishing what, at least the female elf, had thought was impossible… yet again.
“I can’t believe that worked”, Y/n mumbled.
“Told ya”, Barley hushed back.
“Should we drive around? See if anyone is crazy enough to go on a drive?”, she asked.
“You bet we are. And tomorrow… and whenever we can. I’ll be the driver and you the tourist guide.. or maybe some kinda sturdess, after all you’re good lookin’”
“Oh hush”, she giggled, visibly blushing
“And-”, he continued, though not without giving her a good wink after his compliment, “then we’re gonna show the dear people of this town another perspective to life”
“That we can promise”, she laughed, “that we sure can”
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
A/N: Lord knows I got a nasty attitude when I get in my feelings. I swear I’m working on it 😭 Anyways, when my past entanglments used to (respectfully) put me in my place, it had me feelings some things 🥴 so I’m translating that into headcanons. Hopefully this will get me out of my little writer’s block. Hope y’all enjoy ❤️
Warnings: cursing, implied sexual activity
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Todoroki Natsuo:
natsuo is generally an easy-going person so it takes a lot to get him riled up 
when you get an attitude, it doesnt really bother him bc he can understand where you’re coming from
but dont get too disrespectful bc he’ll remind you who you’re talking to
like when you do poorly on an exam and it just ruins your mood
you don’t feel like talking to anybody so you ignore his text when he asks you to meet up for lunch 
he’ll assume you didnt see it or youre napping 
but then he spots you on campus and goes to hug you 
he notices you’re stiff in his arms but doesnt think much of it 
“did you see my text?” he asks 
“yea, sorry. i forgot to respond.”
that makes him give you a side eye bc that’s what you usually say to people when you just didnt want to answer their text 
“it’s okay if you had other things to do. you just had to tell me—“
“i said i forgot, okay? sorry!”
his head kind jerks back in surprise but he drops it
he’s a todoroki, so instead of giving you space, the dense™️ gene activates and he’s all up in your business 
even though he’s only being a good bf and trying to cheer you up, you’re annoyed af 
texts you throughout the rest of your day about how you’re doing even though you respond with two word sentences
shows up to your dorm and you only let him in bc you feel bad
and he brought food
but now you’re regretting it bc he’s just yip yapping away and his cheery attitude is pissing you off 
fed up, natuso finally confronts you after you snap at him one too many times
“what’s with the attitude, y/n”
“i don’t have one” (okay miss girl)
“well you’ve been acting like you have one all day”
you smacked your teeth and got up “i don’t care natsuo. if you think i do then you can just—“
natsuo barks your name in a way that makes you turn your head
he grabs your arm and firmly tugs you back on the couch so you’re face to face with his frown 
“now i dont know who you’re mad at, but i know it ain’t me. so you can either sit here and have a conversation with me like an adult or i can leave bc i don’t need the attitude”
you: 😮
you keep up an annoyed faaçade but inside youre melting  
who knew natsuo could be so assertive? 
like damn, okay daddy
you apologize and telling him what’s got you so sour 
once you seem relaxed, he goes back to his usual self and y’all end up cuddling until his hands start roaming your body 
next thing you know, youre making great use of the couch 
needless to say, you were back to your normal self the next morning LMAO
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Shigaraki Tomura:
shigaraki is not the one 
he might have his moments, but ever since he grew into his role, he expects everyone else to do the same 
he lets his friends and loved ones get away with a lot of shit so he doesnt think it’s hard to give him some respect
and usually, it isn’t
but ever since he woke up, he’s been practically ignoring you
you got one kiss and a “missed you” and he kept it pushing
like bitch, wtf?
you know you were being selfish and petty but you went three whole months without dick your man and for him to pretty much ignore you bc he was “busy with his responsibilities” was making you feel some type of way
king of the underworld or not, you weren’t gonna take this laying down 
for the next few days you were ms/r. petty 😌 
every time he tried to greet you, you’d just nod your head and keep walking 
he’d try to kiss you and you’d turn your head so his lips would land on your cheek instead
if you came back late, he’d ask you where you were, just to try and make conversation, and you’d just say “out”
shiggy is confused atp and it’s pissing him off
he didnt have the time to ask you about it before it got bad
there’s a meeting with the higher-ups, talking about the next game plan and you walk in about five min late bc you were held up with a previous responsibility
shigaraki happily regards you
“y/n, good. we wanted to wait for you before we started.”
“oh that’s suprising. didn’t think you’d notice my absense. sorry for the hold up,” you bite before sitting down with a huff
everyone: 😦
you: 🙃
shigaraki: 🤨
the people in the room are sweating bc now that shigaraki was thicc™️ and highkey indestructible, he was actually really scary now
even though you were his respected s/o, no one knew how he’d react 
surpringly, he ignores your attitude and starts the meeting; so everyone forgets about it
the meeting goes on and whiles someone else is talking, you notice your bf shuffle his chair closer to yours 
you give him a side eye “what do you--”
shigaraki grabs the side of your neck in a firm grip and pushes your ear against his lips
“i don’t know what’s up with you, but watch it, sweetheart” he whispers before he goes back to listening like nothing happened
you: well call me scared and horny!
when the meeting ends, it’s just the two of you and he eventually figures out why you’re being like this
he gives you a smirk and calls you a spoiled brat before laying you across the table and apologizing to you in the best way he knows how   
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lmaooo funny how you think this man gives a fuck
you’re really beefin with yourself bc he don’t got enough energy to deal with the pettiness 
if you act way out of line though, don’t put it beneath him to retaliate
you give him nice, he’ll treat you sweeter 
but you give him bitch, he’ll give you bitch back tenfold
it’s the same for you
you’re just as jelaous and stuborn as he is
you’re perfect for each other but still a lil toxic in a good way 💀   
one time, you dragged him to go grocery shopping with you (he really hates how much he likes you lmao) 
whiles you were a ways away getting something, a woman came up to him and started flirting with him
*spidey senses activated*
you watch from afar, expecting him to immediately turn her down but he “plays nice” and you can see him gobble up the attention
it’s not until she asks for his number that he points to you and she genuinely apologizes before taking her leave
dabi acts all surprised when you throw a soup can in the cart and stalk off 
“you good bro?” he asks
“i’m great and i’m not your bro” you say, but there’s a clear attitude in your voice 
you couldnt even hide it on your face
he’s mad confused, but dabi doesn’t push it bc he doesn’t time for all that
“okay, be mad by yourself lol”
you weren’t even that mad but now since he wants to be funny, it’s game over 
“and you go fuck your other bitches”
he literally turns into that nick canon meme
dabi’s head is spinning 
bc wtf are you even talking about, my guy?
“yooo, i dont know who you talking to but i know it’s not me”
“who tf else is here, dumbass?”
now you got him heated and he’s this close to just walking up out the store 
but he thinks youre hot when you’re being crazy so he stays
he grabs your wrist to stop you “you’re doing a lot”
you snatch it out his hand, “and you didn’t do enough when that woman came up to you and started putting moves on you!”
ahh, so that’s why you’re angry
dabi’s anger fades and now he’s chuckling
“oh so you think this is funny? i’m not gonna stand here and be disrepsted by no man looking like a fucking burnt piece of charcoal--”
he pulls you into his arms and smothers your rant in a kiss that makes you see stars 
you’re lucky the aisle is empty bc you spend the next ten seconds with his tongue down your throat 
when he pulls back, he smirks at your speechlessness 
“well this burnt piece of charcoal is your man. no one else’s. and don’t forget it, doll-face”
he smacks your ass and walks away leaving you nearly skipping behind him
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saikuras · 3 years
THIS LEADS TO MY OTHER ACCOUNT. faevi is now aot / levi focused and i wanted to make this account for other writing. if you're confused, please ask and i'll try to explain! Please forgive me!
SCENARIO: TRIGGER WARNING (Self-Harm & mental health) Gaara comes home to find that Y/N self-harmed.
SCENARIO: Y/N bakes with Genma.
HEADCANONS: Boyfriend Genma with a citizen girlfriend & what people think.
SCENARIO: Y/N & Hinata being intimate in bed. NSFW.
HEADCANONS: Ibiki having a secret wife and children.
SCENARIO: Y/N & Iruka take care of little Naruto. Naruto senses something between them and so decides to help them in his own mischievous ways.
HEADCANONS: Boyfriend Itachi with a citizen girlfriend& what his parents think.
HEADCANONS: Boyfriend Itachi with a shy girlfriend who is secretly a pervert. NSFW.
SCENARIO: Y/N taking care of Kakashi and expressing feelings.
SCENARIO: Kakashi finding out his friend (Y/N) is a lesbian.
SCENARIO: TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual harassment. ANBU Y/N and Kakashi fled from an ambush & Kakashi protects Y/N from another shinobi who sexually harasses her with comments. NSFW.
SCENARIO: (TW: Self harm, etc.) Kakashi discovers self harm scars on Y/N.
SCENARIO: Kakashi meets his newborn son.
SCENARIO: Kakashi catches Y/N reading his erotica novels and decides to have fun with her. NSFW.
SCENARIO: (TW: Abuse, torture, etc.) Y/N is a longtime friend of Kakashi and even his first kiss. In their teenage years, Y/N was abducted with her team. Kakashi felt lost till years later, he is put on a mission by Tsunade after rumours appeared about shinobi being tortured by the memory. Kakashi meets Y/N once again, after years of feeling empty.
SCENARIO: Y/N gets off by using Kakashi’s thigh. NSFW.
SCENARIO: SOULMATE!AU - Kakashi feels things that he shouldn’t supposed to. NSFW.
SCENARIO: Painful Love. - Y/N is being forced into a marriage that’s not out of love and is escorted by Kakashi.Chapters: ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | COMPLETED
HEADCANONS: Boyfriend Kakashi with a citizen girlfriend & what people think.
HEADCANONS: Kakashi introduces his citizen girlfriend to team 7.
HEADCANONS: Kakashi’s wedding & honeymoon.
HEADCANONS: How Kakashi found out his student is ill and how he treats them.
HEADCANONS: Drunk S/O and drunk Kakashi. What happens?
SCENARIO: Y/N had a childhood crush on Gaara but realises Kankurō truly has her heart. Kankurō still believes Y/N is crushing on Gaara and tastes bitterness. A misunderstood love.
SCENARIO: (TW: abuse, trauma, etc). Team 8 finds an injured and abused girl that was left to die by the bandits they were chasing. They bring her back to Konoha for treatment. Y/N is too traumatised to talk but finds comfort and joy through Akamaru who is protective of her. Y/N comes to realise that his owner, Kiba, can be just as a sweet and comforting in his own special way.
SCENARIO: Naruto asks Y/N to pretend to date him. Only to realise there are actual feelings.
HEADCANONS: Boyfriend Naruto with a shy girlfriend who is secretly a pervert.
SCENARIO: Neji & Y/N go on their first date.
SCENARIO: Adult!Rin (Alive, too) being sort of grumpy at her girlfriend.
HEADCANONS: SFW and NSFW Dating HCs for Sakumo Hatake.
HEADCANONS: Sakura taking on an apprentice like Tsunade.
SCENARIO: Y/N watches the clouds with Shikamaru.
SCENARIO: Y/N couldn’t save a friend. Shikamaru comforts you.
SCENARIO: Shino takes Y/N, his civilian girlfriend to meet his parents.
SCENARIO: SOULMATE!AU - Shino has always been insecure about his grey eyes. Being bullied through childhood does things to some people. Shino is very comfortable with his shades. As an adult, he meets Y/N and their eyes change colour but sadly, Y/N think it’s one-sided.
SCENARIO: Y/N and Yamato accidentally fall asleep together on the couch.
HEADCANONS: Songs for Sakura, Kakashi & Jiraiya.
HEADCANONS: Konoha Boys & Senseis; How they’d deal with their partner on their period.
Kakashi x Mercy (OW): Kakashi gets injured on the battlefield and Mercy is there to save him.
MATCHUPS: Click here for matchups tag :)
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Aim For The Heart Chapter 4: New and Old
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 3.5k im sorry she’s short :(
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, jk is a lying sh*t, a knife is mentioned but not used, alcohol consumption
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @sugaslittlekookies @jaebeomsblackgf @moon-asia  @yoonchrisgullwrites @armyhollander
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
Previous → Next
"What made you want to be a teacher?" Jungkook asks as the two of you stroll over to a trashcan to throw away your trash. 
"I've j-just always loved working with k-kids," You say with a bright smile. "I guess I th-thought why not teach? Y-You know?" You look up at him and he nods.
You turn to look around you, then you get distracted and point to an ice cream stand, "Ohh, I'll b-buy us some ice cream."
Jungkook shrugs, "Sure." 
You do your little run over to the stand and Jungkook finds himself biting back a laugh. He catches himself though, why the hell are you laughing? She's trying to throw you off track. 
Jungkook hurries over when you wave to him.
Keep your head on straight, Jungkook.
"W-What kind would you like, J-Jungkook?" You ask sweetly, watching him with big eyes. 
Jungkook clears his throat and glances at the menu, "Uh, I'll take a scoop of mint chocolate chip." 
You walk up to the man at the stand, he smiles when he recognizes the girl that always stops by his stand for a scoop of ice cream. 
"Hello!" You say cheerfully and the man bows, "Hello again, missy! What can I get for you today?"
"Mm, c-can I please get one s-scoop of-" You turn back to Jungkook, "You sure y-you only want o-one scoop?" 
Jungkook nods and smiles, but again, the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
You turn back and finish your order, "One s-scoop of mint chocolate ch-chip and two scoops of p-plain chocolate please."
The kind man nods and makes your order quickly, then you hand him your card. After he swipes it, he hands it back to you along with your two ice creams.
Before you can grab them though, Jungkook's arms wrap around from behind you and he snags them.
You feel your heartbeat increase and try to control your breathing. Jungkook is unaffected as he simply smiles at you and hands you your chocolate ice cream when you turn around. 
"Thank you," Jungkook says before taking a big bite. 
You smile, hoping your cheeks aren't as red as they feel, "Y-You're welcome."
You two continue on your walk, both of you eating your ice cream and making small conversation, then you take Jungkook by surprise when you suddenly speak up with a mouthful of ice cream and a very random question. 
"Do you w-want to have kids in the f-future?" You ask casually as if that isn't an intrusive question at all. 
Jungkook swallows the bite he had in his mouth, "Uh, I haven't really thought about it much. But, probably not."
"Why n-not?" You ask, very curious. 
Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly, "I don't know...I just-... I don't think I'm cut out to have kids."
Why the hell is he having this conversation with one of his targets?
If a few weeks ago he could see himself now, he'd disown his own self.
"I think y-you would make a g-great father." You say in a matter-of-fact tone, "I just h-have a feeling."
"Uh, thanks." Jungkook takes another bite of ice cream, he needs to get the attention off of himself and quick. "What about you?" He asks stupidly. 
"Oh, I want to h-have lots of k-kids." You say with a dreamy smile on your face, "I can't wait to be a m-mother."
Your words turn his stomach to rot as it twists inside of him. He looks down at his melting chocolate chip ice cream, a feeling he doesn't understand swirling inside him. He stares intently at the green blob in his cup, trying not to put too much thought into what you said. 
"D-Did I say something wrong?" You ask quietly when you realize how silent he's become. He looks at you and notices that you have chocolate around your mouth from your cold treat. 
Jungkook just shakes his head, "No, it isn't you." He mumbles as he looks away. 
You both finish your ice cream in silence as you walk down the path through the park. 
After you take your last bite, you walk over and toss your cup into a trashcan, Jungkook right behind you. 
"Now what should we do?" Jungkook asks you, trying to forget about the previous conversation. 
"Mm," You put your hand to your chin, your eyes squinting in thought, "Do y-you like to p-play games?"
Jungkook nods, "Yeah, sure."
"Ok!" Then you take off running, making Jungkook jog to keep up with you. Once you make it to the arcade you had gone to last week, you stop and turn to smile at Jungkook. 
"D-Does this look fun t-to you?" You ask hopefully. 
Jungkook nods again, then he moves to go inside. You follow him, but he doesn't hold the door open for you, so you have to catch it before it hits you. 
When you go in, you see Jungkook standing there waiting for you. "W-What do you want to p-play?" You ask awkwardly. This outing had started off good, but now you're starting to feel out of place around him and you don't like that feeling. 
Jungkook fakes a smile and shrugs, "I don't care."
"Um, o-ok." You look around the arcade before picking a game and heading over to it. You grab the little puck on the air hockey table and gesture for Jungkook to go to the other side. He moves over and gets into position. 
You hit the puck and he hits it back, immediately dodging your block as the puck slides right into the goal on your side. You huff out a breath in annoyance and glance up to see Jungkook smirking. 
Ok, it's on boy.
Then you smack the puck suddenly, catching Jungkook off guard as it hits the side of the air hockey table and skims past him before he can catch it. When it goes into the goal on his side, you see him look up at you in shock and you send him a smirk of your own.
"That was lucky," He scoffs. 
You nod innocently, "Oh y-yeah, probably."
Jungkook takes the puck and sets it on the table, faking a move before hitting it the other way. You block it effortlessly, sending it straight back to his side as he grunts in frustration. 
You two go at it for a few minutes, Jungkook hitting the puck furiously and you calmly blocking and sending it back. Eventually, Jungkook sighs and hangs his head when you've blocked his recent moves more than five times in a row.
You're tied on points and now neither of you are getting anywhere.
"W-Want to call it?" You ask, sensing his frustration. 
Jungkook purses his lips, his competitive nature wanting to do nothing but annihilate you in this blasted game. But alas, you're apparently a lot better at this game than he had anticipated. 
So, he sighs again and nods, "Yeah, let's call it a tie."
You walk around the table and stick your hand out to him. Jungkook hesitates, then he takes your hand. 
"T-Tie." You say while smiling, shaking his hand up and down. 
Jungkook grimaces, then pulls his hand back, "Ok, now what?"
"I picked th-the first game. N-Now, you have to p-pick." You say with a sneaky smile. 
Jungkook looks around the arcade, then he points to a game with two fake guns sitting in front of a large screen. "How about that one?"
You don't really like those types of games, but it's Jungkook's turn to pick and if that's what he wants to do, then you'll just go along with it. 
So, you nod and follow him over to it. 
Jungkook smiles to himself as he grabs one of the guns, there's no way she's gonna beat me at this one.
He looks over and sees you grab the other gun cautiously, it looks huge in your hands compared to him holding one. 
Jungkook bites back another less than kind laugh seeing the look of uncertainty on your face. "Ready?" He asks casually. 
You nod and heft the gun up, trying your best to keep it steady. 
The game starts and there's instantly a bunch of zombies on the screen. You aim and shoot as best you can, but you're barely hitting anything. 
But right next to you, Jungkook single-handedly takes out more than half the crowd in less than a minute. You manage to hit a few zombies before the game ends. At least you think you did.
The words flash across your side of the screen in bold red letters. You look over at Jungkook's screen and gasp at the letters flashing on his side. 
"Wow, y-you're really good at th-this game." You say in astonishment. 
Jungkook shrugs cockily, "That wasn't my best."
You nod absentmindedly, then you point at a claw machine in the middle of the arcade. "Oh, l-look!" You jump up and down in excitement. 
Jungkook sighs when you rush over to the pink claw machine full of stuffies and candy. You pay his annoyance no mind as you immediately start getting your money out to try and get the kitten stuffie.
"Look at it J-Jungkook, it's s-so cute!" You turn to him with a pout and the biggest puppy dog eyes he's ever seen. 
He tears his eyes away to look at the kitten stuffie sitting there, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not gonna get that."
Your pout deepens, "R-Really?"
"Yeah, not in a million years." 
"Why n-not?" You huff, looking more and more like a disappointed child. 
Jungkook scoffs, "Those machines are designed to steal your money. You're not meant to have even a chance at getting the prize you want."
"Oh," You look crestfallen as you stare at the little kitten that seems to be looking back at you, pleading you to get it out of that stuffy old box and bring it home with you, "That's m-mean."
"That's just the way the world works," Jungkook says simply, hoping you'll give up and pick a different game, "Everything is about money."
"Not e-everything." You counter, finally peeling your eyes away from the little toy to look at him. 
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow but you continue anyway, "Not everyone d-does stuff for m-money. Some p-people care about other's f-feelings."
He laughs in disbelief, "If that's the way you see the world, you're in for a nasty surprise as you meet more people and see the real world." 
"If you always l-look at the world the way y-you do, you won't be v-very happy." You say back, then you turn on your heel and go off on a search for more games. 
Jungkook watches you in surprise, he didn't think you'd actually stand up for yourself and clap back with something like that. 
Jungkook squints at you, the plan going through his head again before he hurries to catch up. 
"T-Today was fun. Th-Thank you, Jungkook."
You're standing at your front door, having just unlocked it. 
Jungkook nods, his lips pressed together before he says hesitantly, "We should hang out again sometime." 
You smile and nod, "I'd l-like that."
"Well, goodnight," Jungkook says quickly before turning and hurrying down the stairs. You watch him disappear behind the corner before turning and going inside. 
You set your bag down and yawn, stretching your arms above your head. You stretch a little more before moving to your room to get dressed for bed. Pulling out one of your nightgowns, you make quick work of changing into it. Then you go to the bathroom to do your nighttime routine. 
By the time you're climbing into bed, your eyelids feel like they're being weighed down by a ton of bricks. 
You pull the covers up to your chin, cuddling into the warmth of your comforter. The giant octopus stuffie next to you is quickly pulled into your side as you wrap your legs around it and squeeze it tightly. 
"Mm, goodnight." You whisper to it before you slip into a deep slumber.
Jungkook drags himself up the stairs to his apartment, his feet killing him. The target dragged him around half the city and the entire arcade today, and he's gonna have to do it all over again until he can earn her full trust. 
Never again will he underestimate the simplicity of a target. 
She might be the dumbest person he's ever met, but she sure is a handful when it comes to trying to finish his job. 
Jungkook pulls out his keys, fumbling with them for a second before he realizes something is off. He looks closer at the door lock and sees a few scratches on it. 
The fuck?
Jungkook quietly pulls out a little knife he keeps in his back pocket at all times when carrying a gun around isn't the smartest decision. 
Then as gently as he can, he puts his keys in the lock, turning it as slowly as he can. 
When he pushes the door open slowly, it creaks. 
The light from the hallway floods into his studio apartment, showing how truly dark it is inside. Not a single light is on. 
He always leaves his kitchen light on when he goes out. 
Jungkook stands up to his full height as he opens the door the rest of the way. He steps inside, then everything that happens next happens in a matter of seconds. 
An arm comes from behind him and wraps around his neck. 
Jungkook grabs the forearm of the intruder and lifts himself before bringing himself back down and flipping them over his shoulder. A loud thump sounds as the assailant hits his floor with a pained grunt. 
Jungkook leaps on them and wrestles the man to the ground again before straddling his chest. Jungkook pins one of the man's arms with one of his feet and the other he grips tightly in his hand. 
"Who sent you?" Jungkook growls. 
His small knife is pressed to the neck of the person whose chest is now starting to shake. Jungkook can't see his face in the dark but he can tell he's definitely laughing. 
"Shit, boy," The man groans, "You've gotten a hell of a lot stronger."
Jungkook's breath releases at the sound of a familiar voice. He leans back, releasing the young man's arms but still sitting atop his chest. 
"Fucking hell, Taehyung."
"Hello to you too, kid."
Jungkook rolls his eyes at that but doesn't move. 
Taehyung pushes at Jungkook roughly, "You've also gotten heavier. Get the fuck off my chest, asshole. The fuck are you doing anyway? Trying to seduce me?"
Jungkook laughs but finally gets off of the man lying on the floor in pain. 
"You wish," He retorts as he moves to flip the kitchen light on, making Taehyung squint and hiss in annoyance. 
"Fuck off, fatass," Taehyung growls, making Jungkook laugh again. 
Jungkook walks over and offers the older boy his hand, but the other just smacks it away and proceeds to get off the floor on his own. 
Jungkook shuts the front door and locks it, "You still suck at picking locks." 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I'm a little rusty, whatever."
Moving to the fridge, Jungkook opens it to pull out a bottle of soju, then he gestures for Taehyung to take a seat on the couch. 
The older boy listens begrudgingly. 
"What are you doing here anyway, Tae?" Jungkook asks as he opens the bottle and hands it to his friend. 
"I have a hit around here," Tae says simply, "Knew you'd let me stay a few days." 
Taehyung is always on the go. He's never in one place for long, so he tends to stay with people he knows when he gets a hit that'll take a little longer than usual. 
Jungkook knows this, so he isn't surprised. 
"Yeah, whatever. Next time just ask me, don't break into my home, dumbass." Jungkook says before snagging the bottle and taking a long swig. After he swallows he continues, "I almost killed you." 
Tae snatches the bottle back, "You're no match for me, little shit. I let you win." 
Jungkook snorts but lets it go. Honestly, he could be right. 
Among all of the hitmen he's ever met, young and old, new and experienced, Kim Taehyung is by far the best.
He gets hundreds of hits every year. 
Jungkook is glad he's on his good side. He'd hate to be on the other side of whatever weapon Tae decides to use at that time. 
"So, who's your hit?" He asks his older friend curiously. 
Tae takes another drink, hissing as the liquid warms his throat and stomach.  
"Mr. Chen." 
He smirks at the look of shock on the younger's face. 
"Why you so surprised, kid?" Tae asks, tapping Jungkook's nose with his finger. Jungkook flinches back in irritation making him laugh, "You shocked you weren't hired to kill him yourself?"
Jungkook shakes his head, "No, stupid. Just surprised the bastard is still alive. I thought he would've been a hit a long time ago."
Tae nods, "Piece of shit deserves to be twenty feet under, that's for damn sure. I'm glad I get to be the one to do it." 
Jungkook takes the bottle from Tae for another sip. 
They sit in silence for a few minutes before Jungkook sets the bottle of soju on the coffee table and stands up, groaning. 
"Ok, well your ass is sleeping on the couch. You get in my bed while I'm sleeping like the pervert you are, I'll kill you." He points at Taehyung threateningly. 
Tae just chuckles and man spreads on the sofa, "Sure thing, JK."
"I'm taking a shower, you're welcome to take one after me. Ramen is in the kitchen, make yourself some food." 
"Wow, JK. You're a wonderful host, I should've come here sooner." Tae smiles cockily and Jungkook scoffs before moving to the bathroom to get washed up. 
Half an hour later, Jungkook comes out, one towel wrapped around his waist as he dries his hair with another one.
Tae is sitting at the dining table eating a cup of ramen noisily. He glances up and sees Jungkook, then he swallows and whistles lowly at him. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Shut the hell up. Do you want to stay here or not?"
"Hell yeah, I do."
"Then stop being a fucking pervert." 
Tae finishes his last bite then stands up raising his hands in defense as he makes his way to the bathroom, "It's called a joke, sweetheart. I'm straight as a pencil, I swear." 
Jungkook whips the towel he was drying his hair off with at Tae, smacking him in the thigh and making him yelp as he runs to the bathroom.  
After a little while, Tae comes out dressed in the pair of sweats Jungkook left for him there. His hair is damp as he shakes his head like a wet dog, sending water droplets flying. He looks over to see Jungkook lying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
Taehyung walks over to the couch and notices Jungkook put a pillow and an extra blanket there for him. He smiles and glances at Jungkook, "Aww, you shouldn't have, sweetie."
"Another word and I'll take 'em back," Jungkook mutters. 
The older boy just laughs and gets comfortable on the couch before Jungkook turns out the light by his bed. The silence in the dark room is deafening. 
Then Jungkook hears Tae speak up from across the room. 
"What you so grumpy for, JK?"
"I'm not grumpy."
"Is it your new hit?"
Jungkook sits up in bed and stares where he knows the couch is, "How did you know I had a new hit?" 
"I saw the folder earlier. It must be bad since you tore up the picture of the target." Tae muses. 
Jungkook lays back down, "The whole thing is just a fucking mess, Tae."
"How so?"
"My target acts like a kid-"
"A kid?"
"Yeah. I think there's something up with her. She's a dumbass and doesn't have a single sense of self-preservation."
"Shouldn't that make your job easier?" Tae asks, making Jungkook sigh. 
"That's the thing, I just don't understand why she's a tar-"
Rustling from the couch makes Jungkook pause. 
"Wait, are you questioning your hit?" Tae asks in disbelief. 
"No," Jungkook flips over onto his side, "No, I'm not. I just need it to be over with."
He hears Taehyung sigh from the couch and he stares into the dark, something stirring in him at Tae's next words. 
"Remember why you started this, JK. Don't question anything. It isn't our job to judge why someone sets a hit, but it is our job to get it done."
"I know." Jungkook snaps.
Taehyung's right. 
He just needs to remember why he started this whole thing in the first place.
a/n: sorry its late and short. hope you liked it tho :)
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shingia · 3 years
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how some of the haikyuu boys would react to a s/o who’s self conscious about their body
⤷ ft. our boys akaashi, asahi, osamu, terushima and tsukki
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↳ 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
• poor boy definitely knows how you feel (and it breaks my heart every fcking day)
• i think akaashi would have a pretty methodical approach, he would try to get to the bottom of your insecurities by making you think about when/how they started or stuff like that
• then you’ll be able to find the sources of your complexes and shed light on the true reasons why you’re feeling self-conscious
• if he ever sees you stare a bit too long at a magazine cover or a perfectly retouched instagram post he’ll never fail to remind you that “it’s not real life”
• he’s super observant and attentive so he immediately knows when you start to get in your head and will immediately give you a comforting kiss on the cheek or squeeze your hand
• akaashi keiji WILL draw your insecurities and show you every drawing just so you can see how beautiful they are to him (and to the whole world, honestly)
• eventually, he opens up about his own insecurities which leads you to have many therapeutical conversations together. there’s a mutual support between the both of you, you’re going through this process together
• if you ever try to cover parts of your body out of embarrassment, he’ll grab your hands and put them away very carefully to make sure you’re okay with it
• let me just add that he praises you more than enough the first time he sees you in your underwear
• honestly a true cinnamon roll because he knows exactly what you need to hear to feel better <33
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↳ 𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞
• he’s astounded when you first share your insecurities with him because he genuinely thinks you have no flaws at all 
• however, he’ll never tell you that you’re overreacting or being too dramatic, he understands how it is to feel worse than we actually are
• he might get frustrated pretty quickly if he feels like he’s not helping, because he just wants to make your complexes vanish as fast as possible
• obviously hypes you up 2x more than before, and that’s no small thing to say
• asahi might think that his compliments are not enough, so whenever he hears someone say something nice about you he’ll immediately text/tell you
• “hey i just heard tanaka say you were hot :)”  (and he’s not even jealous about it)
• but he knows that what you need most is self-approval and self-love so whenever you’re feeling down, he’ll make you think about at least three positive things about yourself
• definitely high fives you afterwards
• he has already asked noya and suga for advice, especially noya because he knows he’s rly good at hyping people up and boosting their self-confidence
• if you ever feel super down then he’ll rely on actions more than words like cooking your favorite meal or just spend hours holding you in his arms if you need it : anything to make you smile really
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↳ 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
• plz he’d be so protective of you as soon as you open up to him
• if he hears anyone (and i mean anyone) tease you about your appearance, then they’re in for a rough time. especially if that person happens to be his idiot of a brother
• and that also includes you. he’ll never stay silent or passive if you start putting yourself down
• but nothing would make him more outraged than hearing you compare yourself to him
• definitely kisses every part of your body you’re self-conscious about, just as a reminder that he loves everything about you
• if you’re struggling with your weight and want to change your diet, he’ll make 100% sure that you’re doing that to feel better in your own body, he doesn’t want you to try and please anyone else but yourself (as he should)
• once he’s convinced of that, he’ll be very supportive and even offer to workout with you if you feel like it
• no matter if you're looking to gain or lose weight, he'll be more than happy to cook for you
• he insists on going shopping with you in case you think your body does not look good enough to buy something you like. he wants to be there to talk some sense into you and maybe even buy the outfit without letting you any choice
• if you’re self-conscious about your face then i’m afraid that the best way for him to solve this issue is to kiss every inch of your skin until he’s out of breath (and we both know this man has stamina)
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↳ 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚
• i’m sorry but his first reaction would probably be something like “just don’t think about it”
• but when he finally understands that it’s not that easy, he’ll turn into your #1 hypeman
• aggressively cheers you up : “could you stop being so HOT i’m trying to fucking FOCUS !”
• he knows that his job is to make you feel wanted and attractive so you can be sure he will never stop flirting with you, even years in the relationship
• if you’ve been gloomy for a few days, he would definitely make you put on your nicest outfit before taking you to a nice restaurant, obviously treating you like royalty in the process
• he’s the kind of guy that would make you personalized hype playlists whenever he feels like you need a little boost
• having a s/o that’s self conscious about their smile would be the biggest challenge for terushima because he has a primary need to see them smile every day
• if you ever try to cover parts of your body out of embarrassment, he’ll grab your hands and slowly put them away
• when he notices you start comparing yourselves to the people you’re around, he does this really cute things where he either snaps his fingers in front of your eyes or just wave his hands around your head to get your attention
• “psst hey ! nuh-uh, we’re not doing that darling !”
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↳ 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚
• blunt™
• tsukki won’t lie to you, he values honesty too much for that
• for example if you’re insecure about your butt being too small, he’ll tell you straight to your face “yes it is”
• you were pretty upset the first time he told you that, but he really didn’t mean any harm so he looked at you, raised an eyebrow and asked « what’s wrong with that ? i like your butt the way it is »
• physically can not comprehend why you would like to change something about your body. he’s super smart but that’s just beyond him. maybe because he couldn’t care less about how you look, he loves you for what’s inside your head
• although he’ll never admit it, he can’t help but feel bad about your self-consciousness because he thinks it’s linked to his cold and rather distant nature
• and so it often happens that when you’re cuddling, his hands wander unconsciously to the parts of your body that you’re concerned about
• he will slap your hand without thinking twice if you try to push his away
• he’s not the kind of boyfriend that would loudly hype you up in public like terushima but you can rest assured that he’s super comforting behind closed doors
• definitely facepalmed when you told him your body was “not ready for summer”
• “it’s literally a season y/n come on, it’ll take whatever body you bring to it”
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