#tresillo x branch
wickedwritingchaos · 8 days
Mi familia - Chapter 22 - Wickedme - Trolls: TrollsTopia (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
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And I thought I was so close to finishing and the muse strikes again
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Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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vacayisland · 9 months
@!; New Years Eve Imma try something a little different! Who's included?: Poppy, Viva, JD, Bruce, Clay, Floyd, Branch, Creek, Barb, Val, Veneer, Velvet, Delta, Hickory, Holly, Trollex, Synth, Lownote, Prince D, Tresillo !! all seperate!
"Tag List"! @storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat @cyb3r-st4r @esterphobic @nevaeh-jasso
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ꨄ︎. WAITING (impatient, “speed this up, pls”)
You were standing outside the pod, watching as the little kids ran around and played amongst themselves. From what you caught, they were playing freeze tag, yet with some sort of infecting twist. It was entertaining to say the least, especially when one of the younger ones ran over to the nearest group of adults (where you happened to be standing) and ran around you guys to only get caught. It was both entertaining to watch and entertaining to listen to the others having to quickly change their conversations because the little kids were now here. “Looove,” But, there is always one baby that can’t seem to entertain themselves. You would stifle a chuckle as you felt them slug over, wrapping their arms around your waist and resting their head atop of yours. It had only been two hours, the two of you having gotten here since the sun went down, but you could already tell that they will be bothering you for the next half an hour to make the ‘clock go by faster’. “It’s not time yet.” You would simply tell them, leaning back into the hug as you messed with the straw in your drink. Again, you had to suppress a chuckle because of the groan you got. For the past two hours you’ve been sending them on meaningless tasks to get them to do something, or else they’ll be up your butt until the fireworks went off, but you couldn’t think of anything for them to do right now. Maybe you should send them off to play with the kids.
JD, SYNTH, Velvet, BARB, Val, branch, Tresillo
ꨄ︎. WAITING (impatient, “bouncing off the walls”)
“And that’s when I said, nu-uh he better not!” You were talking to your little friend group in the kitchen, as one of them was trying to make Flan and the others decided to just migrate with them into the kitchen. You tagged along. Sure, you wanted to stay outside to keep an eye on the kids, yet you were reassured that they were in good hands no matter what. But hey, at least it was more quiet inside since all the speakers blasting music were outside. That was a big relief. “He did not, did he?” Another one of your friends asked as you took a sip of your drink, glancing outside the door to notice your love rushing in with some of the kids. They were all giggling and rushing around, pushing the couch forward to hide behind it, hiding inside the pantry, bathroom, etc. Before you could ask any questions about what they were doing, you assumed playing hide and seek, your lover rushed over to you in a fury. They pecked your forehead, “Love you, Dove, don’t rat any of us out! Melody is it.” And they rushed off again, scrambling to find somewhere to hide despite being a little too grown to shove their way into cabinets, like some of the other kids were doing. Well, someone’s excited for the fireworks!... that or they were doing this to get on your family’s good side… or the kids kidnapped them into playing this.
BRUCE, POPPY, VIVA, val, barb, veneer, Holly, TROLLEX, SYNTH, Lownote
ꨄ︎.WAITING (patient)
Having come early to help with the party, it was a good few hours until midnight and the New Year. The family and friends invited to the small event had been slowly showing up, some even offering to help up with the final little details and some just placing down the food they brought before going to socialize. The kids were put into the gaming room, for now to keep them all entertained, and the adults were all socializing either outside or in the living room. Hours flew by and you found yourself standing outside with your lover, their arm around your waist to hold you close. All the adults were laughing and chattering and having been kicked outside of the house since the kids took up the living room to play their games. Your smile wobbled a little as you glanced up at your lover, and you couldn’t help but whisper to them: “Hey, sorry we had to be here so early. Thanks for being so patient.” Which caught your lovers attention instantly, as they glanced down at you with a curious look before smiling. They would lean down, placing a rather sweet kiss on your lips. “Anything for you, love.”
DELTA, Trollex, BRANCH, Tresillo, barb, HICKORY, holly, Viva, CLAY, FLOYD, CREEK, LOWNOTE, PRINCE D
“HAPPY NEW YEARS!” The shouts of many filled the small house just as the counting that took place earlier, as big grins spread upon people’s faces and couples paired up to kiss one another. Some of the kids would recoil and yell yuck, grabbing a cup of candy or grapes before giggling and rushing away outside to get the firework show started! They knew that someone had to follow them outside or else there would be a repeat of last year; There would be no fireworks to set off because someone doused them in water! You were laughing, about to follow the kids out with a shout, “Wait up you buggers!” Yet before you could exit the door an arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back. You would let out a yelp, not having expected it, nor having expected to be twirled around and dipped. Your lover would chuckle seeing your flushed face staring right back up at them, they just couldn’t help it! You look all too cute being so flustered. “Did you forget you got someone to kiss now on New Years, love?” They would tease, the biggest snicker upon their face. You wouldn’t even get a chance to respond before their lips met yours, in an oddly steamy yet enjoyable kiss; Even if most of the kids were shouting in disgust in the background.
HICKORY!!!, CREEK, TROLLEX, JD, Branch, Velvet, DELTA, Barb, lownote, TRESILLO, clay, Viva
“Three!” You and the others would count down, watching the closet clock that had been brought out for this exact purpose. Your love was standing right next to you, counting down just as excitedly with you. It was going to be a new year and no way were they going to be anywhere other than your side tonight! The kids were bouncing excitedly, basically off the walls, and some adults were two as the next two numbers were called: “Two!- oNE! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” We did it, another year around the sun was completed and a New Year had started. Cheers and applause erupted from everyone as couples kissed their lovers and some tried eating their cup of grapes for good luck that year. You couldn’t help but giggle, noticing how your lover was glancing over at you with expected eyes. They were too cute! So, before they could make a move to meet your lips, you would cup their cheeks within your hands, squishing them together, before you pull them down to meet your lips. You didn’t realize how shocked they were at first, though you couldn’t help but giggle at this fact as they soon melted into the kiss and accepted it, hugging your waist with their arms to pull you closer.
Creek, TROLLEX, FLOYD, BRANCH, Clay, barb, Hickory, POPPY, VIVA, PRINCE D., Lownote, Veener
ꨄ︎. MIDNIGHT KISSES (fucked up)
You were trying to hold back your laughter, turning your head away from your lover as they held you firmly within your arms. It was 12:01 o’clock in the morning, a minute into the New Year, and you were already denying your lover the kiss they wanted badly! You could hear the others call for the children to be rounded up so they could launch fireworks while others laughed, playfully, at your lover’s misfortune. “I was a minute late, babe, please!” They would beg, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes they could manage. You swore if there weren't any other people around that your lover would be on their knees, begging for you to spare them one kiss. “A minute!” You protested, biting back your giggle, “A minute! And I was calling you to come here because we were going down. I called you when there were ten, eight, five, two, and one minute left but you were too busy outside!” Your tone was playful, your lover knew you were slightly upset with them but still couldn’t help but be amused at their antics. “Then I’m just going to have to take it from you!”
CREEK, JD, trollex, Barb, anyone else you think fits here?
“Be careful!” You would shout to your lover, standing off to the side with the rest of the family; You weren’t sure exactly how this happened, your lover being voted as the one to light the fireworks, but it happened. At first you had tried to tell everyone that it wouldn’t be a good idea to let them do such a task, pointing out a few things but they were confident enough to tell you: “Don’t worry, love, I got this!” Before rushing over to help light the fireworks. Honestly, you were a little surprised at this fact, even more surprised that the family was able to step away from the big gathering to be able to have a small celebration of their own. But now, you were thinking you would rather take the crowd than this. Especially since you knew- “OW! OW, OW.” There it was, your lover shouting because they burnt themselves on the lighter while trying to light fireworks. You honestly expected some bigger freak accident, like them getting hit by a firework or something like that, but you were glad that didn’t happen. You didn’t need a trip to the ER today, no matter if this came about due to their own stupidity. Either way, you rushed inside to grab them mustard and ice to hopefully quell the burn. (You also weren’t surprised to hear the laughter of others as you left.)
JD, BRUCE, POPPY, Barb, SYNTH, Velvet, val.
The kids waved around their sparklers and ran around the yard, which was clear of any of the bigger fireworks, waiting anxiously. There were three adults helping set up the fireworks and, thankfully, your lover wasn’t one of them. Nope, thankfully, they stood next to you with one hand in their pocket and the other around your waist, holding you close. It was really moments like these that made your heart beat, moments that were peaceful and just pure loving. “Alright everyone, stand back!” The shout was given from one of the three in the front as a lighter was sparked. Not even a few seconds later did they all rush back from the igniting fireworks as kids gathered around in front of their parents to watch the spectacle. Your lover would place his pocketed hand on top of your kid’s head, holding you ever so closer, as one of the fireworks shooted towards the sky and exploded in a colorful burrage. After the first one, everything else seemed to go off in a slightly chaotic but systematic rhythm, allowing their color to paint the skies in ways you never knew you missed until this time of year rolled around again. Yet, what you didn’t notice is that your lover would barely catch the fireworks with their own eyes, as they would much rather watch them through yours; You and your lovely face, oh they could just smooch you right now!
BRUCE, FLOYD, CLAY, Creek, veneer (watching the fireworks), Prince D., Lownote, DELTA, Barb, val, VIVA, poppy (also watching the fireworks then notices your face), BRANCH!!! (has the most puppy-love look ever), jd (ig /j), TROLLEX (AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY DAMN MIND!!), Synth.
You were standing outside with your kids, holding them close in a big hug while you guys watched the fireworks together. Your lover had been stuck in the restroom, saying that they had to have eaten something bad to upset their stomach so much. You had offered to stay with them, saying how one of your siblings would watch the kids so they could experience the fireworks, yet they told you to go on without them. To enjoy the fireworks with the kids even if they couldn’t be there. So you did, leaving your lover with a glass of water and medication for their ill stomach, and went to watch the fireworks with the kids. When it was over, you would give then a kiss before playfully shooing them off to your siblings before you would rush into the house to check on your lover. They were still in the bathroom. You gave two gentle knocks. “Honey?” You would hear a groan of pain, to which you had to suppress a small giggle. “Yes, Love?” You playfully asked back. You couldn’t miss the complete devastation that rang from their voice moments later, “I missed the fireworks, didn’t I?” As you turned your face away, the smell from inside slowly hit you like a stink bomb. “Yes.. but maybe now you’ll listen to me when I say you shouldn’t have eaten all those burritos my aunt cooked.” “But they were so good!”
JD (and you cannot change my mind, yes this is slander /j), SYNTH, hickory, BARB, Val, JD (saying this again to DRIVE THE POINT HOME), branch (I see it).
“Love?” You called out before you entered the home, looking around for your lover. They had told you they were going to go lay on the couch inside, claiming that they needed a little rest before the fireworks due to the kids running them ragged. They had told you they would be outside in time for the fireworks, so you guys could watch them together! But they weren’t outside, nor did they seem to be making their way outside. You had asked one of the kids where they were and all they did was giggle, so you had to go investigate on your own. Upon walking inside, not even ten steps in, did you see your lover asleep on the couch. And upon walking closer to them, did you notice why all the kids had been giggling when you asked; There were marks in bright, colorful markers and glitter glue all over their face! Well, if they didn’t wake up to that, you guessed that they really needed the sleep. You couldn’t help but giggle a little though, taking a picture of the scene before walking off to get some baby wipes. You were cruel enough to take a photo of the moment, not cruel enough to leave them like that.
JD, Bruce (on accident), synth (on accident), HICKORY (on accident, or someone spiked his drink), val, creek
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empressgeekt · 2 months
Trolls - Accidental Crystal Knight (FoF au au)
So, I was looking over the different aus that have made an appearance on Ao3, and The Crystal Branch was one of them. So here's my attempt at combining it with the FoF au (don't worry I haven't forgotten about the end of the world au for FoF).
We start on a less then routine patrol for the Forest Guard. It's dark a storm is beginning to come in. Branch stayed out along with Tresillo, since the troop they left with were investigating giant footprints in the south part of the forest. If their dealing with Giant issues Branch wants to be on top of it, even if it's just a Bergen that wandered into their territory. Despite the brewing weather, the two are having a very casual conversation about the guard uniform, because Tresillo is on the fence of whether or not to wear the armor since most of his moves are dance based. It's when the rain starts that things go south. Branch sees the hand reaching out for Tresillo before the former bounty hunter does (Pop trolls kind of have a sixth sense for giant hands at this point, Branch especially), and throws Tresillo out of the way. The reggaeton troll falls through the Brambles of the forest's low brush, getting cut up and hitting his head, but hidden. And Branch is taken away.
Keith immediately knows something is wrong when Branch doesn't come home that night. Poppy knows it too, sure she knows that he's takes possible giant threats seriously, but he knows to get back to the bunker before really bad weather sets in. By morning, and after a meeting with the troop that left earlier, a full blown search party is deployed. They find Tresillo, knocked out but Blood clotting saved his life. Still no sign of Branch. They keep searching the forest, but after three days they get the full story from Tresillo who finally woke up. Poppy is horrified that something might have taken Branch, under her orders and the rest of the Guard's lieutenants suggestion, she beefs up security around Trollstopia and on the trading networks between the Kingdoms just in case. All while still looking for Branch.
Meanwhile, Branch was currently being transported to who knows where in the troll world's equivalent to a cat carrier, and he is not happy about it. He doesn't recognize they type of giants that caught him, but he's narrowing down their weak points. No visible joints, probably exoskeletal shells, but there eyes are large and probably sensitive, considering that their practically nocturnal. Branch does not let them think he's and easy catch, he keeps escaping the cat carrier, and attacking them. The female slams him usually to disorent him and shove him back, and try to proorly re-enforce the carrier. Seriously, He has a sword he will cut thought duck tape no matter how much you use. At some point they make it to mount Rageous, Branch tries to escape one last time there, because he hears the twins yelling at someone about how a "better cage" wasn't complete. Needless to say Branch is not sticking around for that. He's about to get into the vent when he pauses at the sight of a troll trapped in a bottle. A hand grabs him and squeezes his breath out of his lungs, next thing he knows he shoved into the bottle with the other troll.
Floyd had been trapped in the bottle for who knows how long, disassociating has become his new hobby, Crimp sneaks him food and water, and the only thing he wants to do is take a shower and sleep in a bed. He barely reacts to when the Twins come back from their little trip, he's horrified another troll was captured, but he doesn't react. He doesn't have the energy. Until the second troll was shoved into the bottle with him. At first he's startled, but he quickly turns his attention to helping the Troll catch their breath. Floyd doesn't recognize the odd armor their wearing or the weapons they had.
"You're going to be okay, just breathe. Everything's fine."
"*huffs* Fine? I've been kidnapped and carted half way across the continent! It's not fine!"
"Doesn't mean getting upset will help. Believe me pissing off Velvet makes it worse."
"Yeah I'll be the judge of that. Those noodle limb idiots aren't the first Giants I've had to fight off, next time that lit opens I'm taking out both of their eyes."
"*mildly concerned* Uhm, My name's Floyd..."
A masked face just turns to the red-headed troll and, "Fuck my life."
Branch does not want to talk with his long lost brother. Floyd was a liar who abandoned him, that's all Branch needed to know. However, Floyd is making the not talking thing very difficult. Every other word out of his elder brother's mouth is either an attempt to make up or utter words of comfort that Branch doesn't need he's a grown troll who licks his own wounds thank you very much. At one point he thinks Floyd's worse then the fucking Spritz. Honestly he's this close to punching out the smaller troll's teeth. It's when John Dory shows up that Branch thankfully gets to load off some steam.
When JD got the letter about both his baby brothers in danger, of course he set off for mount rageous. He finds them in a diamond bottle, Floyd seems happy to see him, Branch however remains on the floor of the bottle silently watching. John isn't even sure it was Branch because of the mask, but Floyd confirms it. It isn't until Floyd starts to talk about the harmony that John hears branch speak, and it wasn't like the sweet little bitty B he remembered.
B: oh for madonna's sake will you both shut up! We all know that the fucking harmony won't work.
F: Branch it will work, don't worry.
J: Yeah bitty don't worry we got this
B: *rolls eyes and stands up* First, don't call me bitty, second we couldn't even pull that myth off when we were still a family, what makes you think we can do it now?
F: Branch, we're still family, we can do it.
B: Please Floyd, we haven't talked to each other in 20 years, I know my neighbors better then you, and i live in the middle of the woods. John, You need to go north of bergentown, there you'll find Pop village, it's hidden deep in the forest but it's there. Get in contact with Queen Poppy, if you tell them I sent you they'll listen to you. She has contact with the Funk tribe they can make an alternative that can save us if they don't have one already.
J: Bits don't worry we got this!
B: John! For once in your miserable life just listen! If your so instant on the damn harmony then do it, but get in contact with Queen Poppy first! If you ever gave a single crap about me, then do this...please.
J: *taken aback and sharing a glance with an equally shocked floyd* Okay, B. I will.
Back in Pop Village, Poppy is besides herself. She had reached out to the other tribes asking if they had any kind of kidnapping (they hadn't, but their on high alert), and asked Gristle to look into forgein connections asking if any sort of giant nation is buying/selling trolls. She's keeping herself together best she can, especially since she's now Keith's primary caregiver, with Branch missing. Speaking of the trolling, things haven't been good. It's the middle of summer so the trolling was on a break from school, however instead of spending time with his friends or working on his book, Keith was spending his days searching the forest. Looking everywhere for his brother, all while wearing Branch's lest vest (he doesn't usually wear it underneath the uniform). Tresillo has been a godsend in this time. EVen if he's out of the hospital he's still not on active duty yet, so to keep busy he's been going with Keith to make sure the trolling's safe, when Poppy can't. The reggaetón troll kind of feels guilty about what happened, even if he wasn't sure what was attacking them. So he's taken to protecting what Branch cared for most, his woman and child. It's on one of these excursions when All three of them come across a Troll and his armadillo bus.
John Dory did decide to check out the forest that Branch asked him too, with how desperate his baby brother sounded how could he not. He ends up stumbling upon a small group of trolls, two adults and a child. He introduces himself, but quickly get side tracked at the sight of the Kid's vest. He knows that Vest. His dad wore that vest, and then he wore it as did everyone in his family, Floyd being the last one he remembers having it, as Branch was too small. Floyd didn't have the vest at Mount Ragous, neither did Branch. The kids eyes were blue, and so was his hair....Holy crap no wonder Branch was so insistent that John come here, he had a family. With how clingy and nervous the pink troll was with the kid no doubt who was the mom, or just Branch's partner and the kid was a case of an ace egg. Either way, bitty had a family that he was worried about. (also how old was branch we he got a kid? This little guy was at least 8 and Branch was what? late teens? early twenties?)
Poppy is a little suspicious of the John Dory at first, after all he's looking at her little Keith in an odd way, but then he mentions Branch and she's all ears. To her horror he tells her, that her Branchifer was currently being held captive. To her surprise he tells her that he's Branch's brother (and that he's brozone, she'd fangirl if she didn't have a scared trolling in her arms). Thankfully John Dory also offers her a plan to rescue Branch. She's about to say yes, when Tresillo pulls her aside and makes cautions her. Go with him is she has too, but Tresillo urges her to contact the other tribe leaders about this matter since this is technically a war crime since Branch is on the council as head of security, not to mention that with his experience in musical combat he knows that the PFH is something that's nearly impossible to pull off, it might even just be a myth so they need a back up plan. Poppy has John Dory drive them back the to the village, before heading out. She gets the other royals involved and asks for their help. Funk is already working on a way to break diamonds before the day ends and the other's (along with the Bergen kingdom) are trying to get in contact with Mount Ragous officals to get them to do something.
John Dory is not happy about waiting for Queen Poppy (His baby bro scored a queen, great job Branch! Also this adds to further theory that the kid isn't actually hers but she and Branch got together after the kid was born...and did that mean his baby brother had to deal with a pregnancy and newborn on his own?) to finish with...what ever she was doing. All he knew was that it was taking time (barely a few hours), and he needed to get this show on the road. Apparently she wanted a back up plan, and he couldn't understand why, the PFH was a perfect plan. Eventually, she's ready to go, though John is worried about the guard who insisted on accompanying her. That is until Tresillo says, "She is a queen who is going into a territory who's people have proven dangerous to trolls, You think we're going to let her go with out protection?" John relents at this, perfectly fine with a third member of this rescue team, at least until Rhonda hits bump and a tiny green trolling falls out of one of the kitchen cabinets.
Keith felt bad about sneaking on to the transport critter, when Poppy asked him to stay with her dad, but the trolling wasn't going to let them rescue Branch without him. Especially, since all of branch's bio brothers would be involved, no way was Keith going to let them hurt Branch again. Poppy can't send him back at this point, and then JOhn Dory drives them off a cliff....yeah Keith was coming along.
Meanwhile in the Diamond prison Branch was beginning to feel the effects of imprisonment. He's started having nightmares of Poppy and Keith trapped in a bottle in Velvet's clutches, and they're impossible to hide from Floyd, because even if Branch tiled the Bottle onto its side they're still practically sleeping on top of each other. Floyd keeps trying to get Branch to talk about it, but all he gives his red-headed brother was that "Just dreams about horrible things happening to people I actually care about." It isn't until a dress rehearsal that Branch finally cut's Floyd some slack. The spritz hurts but the knight manages to recover quickly. Floyd not so much. Branch isn't sure if it's due to Floyd's longer imprisonment, the fact that he's trying to push the little food and water that Crimp and Veneer are sneaking them on to Branch, or the lack of sleep. Still once he watch's Floyd's feet crystalize do major alarm bells start ringing in his head. Though, he waits until Crimp and the twins were gone until doing anything.
B: Sit down.
F: What?
B: Sit down I'm checking you out.
F: Branch don't worry I'm fine.
B: Don't give me that crap. You and I both know you're feet turning into rocks is not normal. Sit down I'm checking you out.
F: *sigh* fine
B: Do they hurt?
F: no, they just feel cold.
B: *mumbling* could be messing with blood circulation...
F: Did you become a doctor?
B: What?
F: did you become a doctor? You seem to know what your doing.
B: No, just field medicine, first aid that kind of thing.
F: so first responder?
B: No.
F: then why....
B: *rolling his eyes* if you must know it's an occupational requirement. And no I'm not telling you why for what my job is. Can you feel this?
F: Feel what?
B: I'm pressing the sharp end of my gauntlet tip into the ball of your foot. You can't feel it?
F: N-no...what does that mean?
B: Well either, you're foot is dying or what ever this is is damaging you're nerves.
Back with the rescue Squad, John Dory's post card is not well received, but Tresillo actually recognized the island so they're not shooting completely blind. Still that didn't mean he agreed with getting them nearly drowned. Though, he and Keith do like John's machette. Keith asks if Tresillo had ever been to the island, nad sadly the reggaeton troll hasn't, his squad's hunts mostly stuck inland.
Bruce is surprised to see John Dory, but it happy to see his brother, even if they parted on bad terms. He also recognizes the vest, and takes notice of Keith's hair color, drawing the same false conclusion. When Poppy introduces her self as Branch's Girlfriend, all he wants to do is congratulate his baby brother on such a beautiful family. All he feels is horror when he learns about Branch and Floyd being kidnapped. Once given the okay from Brandy, they leave to look for Clay.
Finding the middle brother is harder then they thought, it's a good hour or two, of Keith making a clue board, calling Tresillo's old informants, Bruce driving since he doesn't know the first thing about tracking, until Keith remembers how wolves track and finds the funderdrawers. Yeah everyone is grateful to john for keeping them, but are incredibly grossed out. The only shared thought between the whole group when they enter the golf course is "Someone was murdered here"
Meeting Viva and Clay is a little different in canon. Poppy is already stressed out by her boyfriend being in danger, so she doesn't react all that well when viva is revealed to be her sister, and kind of has a little break down with Keith in her arms. This leads to Bruce and John explaining the situation to Clay and viva, still under the impression that Keith is Branch's kid and Poppy is practically the kids mom, and how the two youngest are in danger. Tresillo isn't apart of this convo to correct them, becasue the putt putts are giving him bad vibes and he's not going to slack on his protection detail here. Viva wants to convince Poppy and Keith to stay in the golf course, safe, and spends the next hour trying to convince her to stay. After all, while she feels bad for Branch, Giants got him, in viva's mind he's as good as dead. Clay starts working on their escape, planning on using Poppy and keith as a distraction while they run out to get Branch and Floyd. Tresillo objects to this, after all did they even think that Poppy and Keith would be okay with such a plan. Clay asks why would that matter they would all be coming back here. This sparks a conversation about how Poppy, Keith, Tresillo and Branch had lives outside of the golf course and they couldn't stay. Bruce has to agree with the reggaton troll much to Clay's disappointment. Viva tries to tap them, but this only makes Poppy more upset, Keith unlocks the gate and they get out of there. Poppy's hurt that she and viva didn't get along, but she has to think about more then just herself, she has to worry about Keith, her kingdom and of course Branch. She can't loose her Branchifer.
Back in the bottle, Branch is getting more desperate. Whatever those shoulder pads did was 10x worse then the bottle, and while Branch hasn't had anymore symptoms other then exhaustion and some bruising from the rough handling, the same couldn't be said for Floyd. The crystalization had spread to his hands, legs and even hair. The elder brother is half asleep most of the time and constantly freezing. The shivering gets to the point where Branch feels bad enough to take off his armor, shirt helmet and gloves to try and keep Floyd warm by giving it to him, also to protect Floyd from hurting himself since he can't feel much of his body anymore. This reveals the scar the chef gave him and Floyd is horrified Branch still refuses to tell him what happened but that is enough to know it's bad. They try to escape with Floyd playing dead and Branch calling out for help. The moment the bottle opens Branch jumps out and attacks Velvet with his sword, cutting up her face and using his hair to choke her while telling Floyd to run for it. Floyd doesn't get far, as he turns back just in time to see Velvet Rip Branch off her and throw him to the floor before kicking him into the wall. In the end the attempt fails, and without his armor to protect him Branch suffers severe injuries.
Inside of Rhonda practice is happening (Tresillo's driving since he doesn't want to be involved). From the start it's a disaster. Poppy is pulled in as a practice substitute for Floyd and John tries to get Keith to play Branch's role, but Keith doesn't like to sing. Poppy steps in and tells John to back off when he pushes. Very quickly everyone looses track of why they're doing this by picking at each other's old wounds. The rising tension and shouting, finally pushes Keith over the edge. The trolling starts sobbing about how Branch is going to die and none of them care. Poppy rips off the puffy vest and runs to the trolling's comfort. They all make half hearted apologies but then "Mission the mission, after this we go our seperate ways". Poppy has some chose words for them.
Poppy: I don't know what happened back then. But what happened after? You're all at fault. I used to think could caring Branch was towards everyone, wanting everyone safe, was just him having a good heart. But no, its because no one did that for him, and the one person that did...may Madonna bless your Grandmother soul because she must be turning in her grave if she knows what's happening right now. No wonder Branch never told anyone about you.
Tresillo pulls over and they (Poppy, tresillo and Keith) leave. they meet up with Marimba and Tambora with the plan to get Branch and floyd out of there, before bringing them to the Funk trolls to get them free. Infiltration is easy for three former bounty hunters and Poppy and Keith are fast learners. they find Branch and Floyd easy enough. Poppy and Branch reunite with hapy tears and Keith and Branch hug through the bottle, while the reggaton trolls try to find a weak spot in the bottle. They don't find one and their too small to get the lid off. they have to retreat back into the vents, just as the twins come back.
The car chase is utter hell for Branch. He's fairly certain he has several broken ribs and a concussion, every jump and jostle is a whirlwind of Pain. Even worse Floyd is barely conscious at this point, and to keep him aware Branch is answering any mumbled question his elder brother asks. Mostly Floyd wants to know who the Pink troll and green trolling were. Branch answers but still keeps certain things private, it's only when Floyd starts talking like he's on his death bed does Branch get really concerned. He might not be on best of terms with Floyd but he doesn't want him to die.
It isn't the harmony that frees them, instead it's the proper authorities stopping the boat and arresting the twins at the end of the ride. Poppy Breathes a sigh of relief knowing that Essence and Quincy were successful in getting the mount rageous leaders to help and make a device that could undo the lids of the bottles. Cooper arrives in a smaller shuttle to take them to the hospital in Vibe city, and with Floyd still half out of it with crystalized limbs and Branch developing a collapsed lung, they don't object. (they take Rhonda with them in a separate shuttle).
Branch is taken to get scanned and eventually the surgery table to fix internal bleeding, but over all his prognosis is good. Poppy and Keith wait at his bedside almost never leaving. Tresillo pop in and out, but he's there when Branch wakes up. "You came for me?" "C'mon hermano, I couldn't let you hold saving my life over me for too long."
It's Floyd everyone is worried about. During the transit he lost consciousness and eventually slipped into a comatose state. the doctor's set his fractures and put him on supportive measures, a feeding tube, IV, and breathing tube, but there's little they can do for the crystallization at the moment. He spends three days in the ICU before the doctor's notice a small improvement with the crystal creeping back.
With Floyd not being allow visitors until he's more stable, three panicking older brothers turn their mother-hening towards Branch. The Knight is not happy about it. Poppy was sadly pulled away since she needed to help with all the legal matters of the scandal, being Pop queen it was her tribe was directly threatened and she needs to be present in the meetings with the Mount Rageous leaders. Branch also makes Keith go hang out with cooper for a few hours a day so the kid isn't just sitting in a hospital room. He can't really move due to the chest tube, but he is very tempted to leap out of bed and smack his bio-family up the head, when they act like they know what's best for him. Needless to say they are force to air the dirty laundry and Branch lets them have it. The brothers know they have a lot to make up for and they are willing to make it work. Branch with some prodding from Keith allows them a chance, but he calls the shots. He also sets them straight regarding his relationship with Keith (they are all a little embarrassed by that misunderstanding). Eventually Branch is let off th chest tube and allowed to go home with strict orders to rest and go to a hospital the moment anything felt off.
Life goes on another two months, Bruce left and came back, Clay helped convince some of the putt putts to move to Pop village, Poppy and Viva reconcile, the twins are given a life sentence and use of trolls for talent enhancement is outlawed, John Dory sticks around the village to make sure his brothers are safe, Keith is getting used to have more then one Brother. Eveything seems to be getting better...except for Floyd.
Three months pass, Floyd still hasn't woken up. The crystal is gone, but his limbs remain thin and pale, and the roots of his hair remain stark white. He was moved to the hospital in Trollstopia for long term care. The doctor's aren't hopeful. One day Branch is visiting, his brother's hand cold in his, "If you don't wake up, and make all our hard work to save you worth nothing, then I'll never forgive you."
Floyd's hazy eyes open...
Well here's this idea. I think this was a great idea to celebrate the end of the summer semester. Once more ask all the questions you want. I really need to go to bed.
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brights-place · 9 months
hii! may i request headcannons with john dory and/or branch with a reggaeton troll s/o? thank you!😊
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Branch and John Dory dating an Reggaton S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader, JD X Reader (Seperate)
Warnings: None
A/N: OMG YESSS! I hope you enjoyed the classical troll Headcannons! As I said Broppy will not be cannon if I'm doing an X Branch unless it's an poly relation ship with branch and poppy! Anyways I had fun writing for the reggaton trolls CAUSE THEY ARE SO COOL! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
John Dory
- He met you when you came by branch is bunker to drop of an gift for branch
- Branch greeted you with an fist bump while you laugh happily speaking in spanish to him while branch just shrugged and replied back before taking the gift off you - John dory and his other brothers where in awe before glancing back to you and your appearance - Your markings across your f/c body and in your hair which matched with you and your f/c hair was dreadlocked and has a wooly appearance JD was just in awe - branch introduced you to his brothers you mainly nodding at the group slightly "Sup Chicos" you said as John dory was the first to shake your hand "I'm JD it's nice to meet you?" "(name)" you said smiling - He asked why you were diffrent and you explained you were an reggaton troll doing an quick dance and an random reggaton beat appearing before you stopped and gave an lazy smile "Reggaton" You said snapping your fingers into an finger gun pointing towards JD
- You explained that Reggaeton is a Jamaican-inspired music genre that started in the 1990s. Although it had some prevalence in that decade and the 2000s it wouldn't become notably popular until the late 2010s. - Reggaton originates from Puerto Rico and is a Spanish-speaking style of Caribbean music though it is mostly considered a variant of Hip hop, and not Reggae. Reggaeton music uses both rapping and singing results. Reggaton lyrics are often about heavily sexual and violent theme most of the time because of either a lack or non-restrictive use of parental advisory requirements in Caribbean countries. (Def wasn't nerding out while studying the reggaton trolls and the music ) - He was interested so he decided to walk with you to the exit to ask more questions - You were laid back and agreed telling him that he could find you and have lessons in the updated version of the map or you'd go visit pop village - He awkwardly complimented you with an goofy smile which you chuckled at and thanked him as he asked if you could come by and teach him more and maybe ask you to show him some dances for their next songs and show
- You gladly accepted and told him you'd come by and visit more often - You came by an couple days later to meet with JD as you went and taught him some dance moves which he failed at first before you slowly taught him to follow the beat with you - Was paying attention to you the whole time how you moved easily and fluently while singing along to the lyrics as he stopped dancing looking at you in awe - You had to snap him out of his daze and told him to try do what you did which he did doing mistakes every now and then as you helped him once again - It was becoming normal for you to visit and help him with dancing and explaining more about Reggaton soon it turned into you teaching him basic songs in spanish - You two would soon become close and he introduced you to rhonda when he came by to visit you at your place
- Other Reggaton trolls gasped when he saw rhonda and when JD Left to ask someone for directions to your place - Everybody was speaking Spanish so he tried his hardest to ask for directions and Tresillo, Marimba, and Tambora helped him out cause they knew JD was famillar since you showed photos of him to them - He arrived to your place and you two just did the basic routine you've been doing for the past 6 Months - You two would visit each other more often sometimes staying over at the others - You two would be seen walking around dancing and singing together whenever or just sitting down laughing.
- He wanted to thank you by speaking spanish to you about something he'd been practicing in the mirror "(name) uhm Estoy agradecido por cuidarme y enseñarme tu música." and you teared up before walking over and hugging him and handing him an gift of your's which was an scarf you made yourself it had your patterns on your body - He wears it 24/7 now whenever he goes exploring and won't take it off at all until you have to remind him to wash it - Started dating after an few weeks of going on 4-5 dates - You would be listening to his new songs in bro-zone and trying to change it a bit to fit some reggaton music. - He writes songs as you just lay your head on his chest while telling him drama and speaking in Spanish sometimes then trying to say it in English for him and translating words for him - When he does know what your saying in Spanish he's proud of himself asking if he was right with his guess he'd happily cheer when he gets it right. - He's trying his best to learn Spanish for you picking up phrases but sometimes failing and frowning but you always make him feel important when you cup his face "Mi Amor your doing great" - When you found out he left his brothers you were cursing him out in Spanish faster then light itself as he tried to get you not to beat his ass - Branch had to hold you back while JD apolgized to you aand begged for your mercy he didn't get any attention from you for abit... until he started to sing in Spanish for you
- He'd learn some bit more spanish with the help of branch and other reggaton trolls so he could try make you feel better and proud of him
- He met you when you were with Tresillo, Marimba and Tambora to take him to barb the queen of rock to save reggaton - He noticed how you were laid back and sneaky like your other three fellow reggaton trolls but he also noticed how sometimes you would whisper to Marimba and Tambora about how cool the K-pop trolls looked while Tresillo was talking to the K-pop trolls to take Branch - He noticed how you four were very similar to each other, not wearing any clothes and only having hairbands and earrings. - Your markings across your bodies and in your hair which matched with you and your fellow reggaton trolls. - Your hair was dreadlocked and has a wooly appearance, like the Funk Trolls he loved how you stood out though... well to him that is - In the dance battle with the K-pop trolls he noticed the fact you bopped your head and vibed abit to the music but Marimba had to stop you from bouncing and liking the music - When it was the reggatons turns to dance it was such an huge vibe you were showing off while dancing - Though you were the first one to listen to him when he brought up all music being saved as you turned to Tresillo "Tresi... Maybe he is right" you muttered as Branch couldn't help but feel an slight smile tug on his lips "Okay Pop troll were listening" Tresillo said crossing his arms turning to branch - When you hopped into the hot air balloon you greeted the K-pop trolls happily and asked about their genre while they asked about yours while you soon went to talk to branch - You asked him alot about himself him giving blunt replies but he was quite shocked how an reggaton troll like you were talking to him - You were laid back and asked him questions about pop village and asked if he knew about the other genres which he didn't so you happily explained your style and music - You explained that Reggaeton is a Jamaican-inspired music genre that started in the 1990s. Although it had some prevalence in that decade and the 2000s it wouldn't become notably popular until the late 2010s. - Reggaton originates from Puerto Rico and is a Spanish-speaking style of Caribbean music though it is mostly considered a variant of Hip hop, and not Reggae. Reggaeton music uses both rapping and singing results. Reggaton lyrics are often about heavily sexual and violent theme most of the time because of either a lack or non-restrictive use of parental advisory requirements in Caribbean countries. (yes I added this again for branch cause YES I'M STILL INVESTED AND HAPPY!) - Branch nodded his head as he kept quiet but listened to you - After saving all music and becoming in harmony he noticed you about to leave so he told poppy he'd be back to go catch up with you and ask you if you could show him more of your music since he felt comfortable with the dancing and music - You were laid back and agreed telling him that he could find you in the updated version of the map which you gave him and leaving with the other reggaton trolls who raised an eyebrow at your two interactions - When he came by to where the reggaton trolls live he noticed how everybody was speaking in an different language and looked like the three reggaton trolls you hanged out with. - Tresillo noticed branch and walked up to him telling him where to find you at your place
- You happily greeted him and welcomed him inside to teach him more of your music and culture
- This continued for an couple more months as he learned how to speak Spanish and learned how to dance to reggaton music.
- Reggaton trolls have been noticing how you were very close to the pop troll
- Poppy and the other pop trolls have been noticing branch leaving and coming back with an smile on his face
- After three months of him visiting and hanging out with you, he was surprised when you came to visit pop village and asked to see branch to poppy who was in shock seeing you
- Branch quickly hurried towards you and grabbed your arm looking at poppy making an zipping mouth motion and walked away dragging you with him as you waved goodbye to Poppy (this is starting to become an fanfic... Hold on should I make an fanfic of this?)
- he took you to his bunker and asked why you visited when he was suppose to go to your place "Why are you here!" Branch said turning towards you at the entrance of his bunker "Well I came to visit you Amigo" You said playfully punching branch is shoulder as branch rolled his eyes sighing
- You gave him an matching bracelet - Would sigh and thank you as you fist bumped him - You two would start visiting each other more then usual some times staying over at eachothers people starting to suspect your dating - He literally became fluent in spanish and would laugh when you curse out creek in Spanish when first meeting creek after the pop trolls allowed him back in - Branch was wheezing and laughing which shocked the other pop trolls mainly pop cause they never seen him laugh but when they turned to see you close to punting creek and yelling in spanish they had to pull you back and branch would walk over pulling you back and patting your shoulder whispering to you that you both can kill him later -He fell first and you fell harder for him
- You two would confess to each other while dancing together to reggaton and pop music - he's been tryiing to confess for awhile but gave up last minute so when he was lucky and relaxed he confessed. He's so romantic and would confess to you with an huge relaxed face as you turn into an flustered mess - You too would officially date after like 5 dates - He'd speak spanish with you to make you flustered which works very well for the both of you. Him seeing your blushing face and you hearing him speak spanish - You'd giggle and complain back pouting while he held your waist
- when you two are together and your speaking in spanish in annoyance or arguing with someone Poppy and the other pop trolls have to turn to eachother then turn to branch who has to explain with an bored expression - You love eachother so much and when he takes you to meet his family for the first time in ever... it was whoa... so much
- When he introduced you to his brothers your jaw dropped so fast - your boyfriend was in the famous boy band - Then started to whisper in spanish how hot branch was when you two went to save his brothers with poppy - Literally cheering and dancing happily - His brothers are shocked their were other genres of trolls but even more shocked how branch and you would talk to each other lovingly as branch held you waist while you giggled arms wrapped around his neck flirting
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reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
how you keep track with all the branch ships?! like theres all branches x poppy. all branches x demo. all branches x synth. most branches x lownote. a few with hickory and i think ive seen a few with a hand full of others. ive seen him with guy dimond, tresillo and chaz like how do we as a collective keep track of all the branch romance?! oh also if you wanna how would you rank the ships? like ones you like, dislike, ect.
I got rid of all my knowledge of basic math so I could keep track of Trolls AUs like Spongebob in the fine dining episode.
My personal fave is Brynth, but Branch x Demo and Branch x Poppy are also good. Branch x Lownote isn't a favorite but it's cute. Polyamorous Diner Gang has some real possibilities that I think should be considered.
There's not many ships I dislike but I tend to avoid any that I've made an AU where they have a familiar relationship. Like I can't really see Darnell and Branch as anything other than brothers now, and I've forgotten that Barb and Branch aren't actually adoptive siblings. (Fun side note is I did almost trick my sister into believing they were because I called them siblings and she believed me since I'm the trolls expert in the house)
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sunnystrollblog · 5 months
Is there any cult au ships?
Barb x viva
Poppy x branch x creek
Clay x trollex
Hype x Trickee x boom x ablaze
Jd x Chaz
Floyd x tresillo
Bruce x Brandi
Future ships are to be added but these are the only ones I’m set on right now
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toon-tales · 2 years
About me:
Hi guys!
Hope you're doing well!!
This is a 'get to know me' post as you can see, and since I'm so awkward and don't know how to start, let's just get to the main points!
First off, I'm not lgbtq
House: Hufflepuff, and proud
Favourite color: Pink
Hobbies: I like editing photos, and making edits (as in videos), and i also like writing! Especially oneshots, and fluff!!
Pinterest: Cartoon_for_life
Favorite band: Brozone, and 4town
Favorite animal: Badgers
Supports: Palestine 🇵🇸, boycotter!
Fanfictions: I post my fanfictions on fanfiction.net, but I'm gonna be moving to ao3, under the name TheCartoonistQuill (same name on fanfiction.net)
The bad guys
Meet The Robinsons
We bare bears
My little pony a new generation
Turning red
Regular show
Harry Potter
Powerpuff girls
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Alvin and the chipmunks
Inside out
The Lorax
Top ships:
Wolf x Diane (The bad guys)
Ron x Hermione (Harry Potter)
Blossom x Brick ( Powerpuff girls)
Branch x Poppy (Trolls)
Tresillo x Wani (Trolls)
John Dory x Delta Dawn (Trolls)
Bruce x Brandy (Trolls)
Clay x Viva (Trolls)
Louie x Webby (DuckTales)
Andy x Carla (Ghostforce)
Cornelius x Franny (Meet The Robinsons)
Alvin x Brittany (Alvin and the chipmunks)
Fear x Anxiety (Inside out)
Onceler x Norma
Please let's all be respectful to each other's opinions and ships, and please always be kind, if you don't like a certain post, just ignore it, there are others who like it and want to enjoy it, so yeah, please no hate
I gladly take requests and asks, y'know, editing or writing, I'm no artist, sadly (just please, no lgbtq or anything of that sort)
Thank you for making it all the way here, i appreciate y'all! 💛
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trollsfusion · 2 years
PopTrolls X ReggaetonTrolls Fusion #01
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Branch PopTrolls In Trollstopia + Tresillo ReggaetonTrolls In Trolls World Tour Into Trolls Fusion...Can You Draw Trolls Fusion For Me Please
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theshy1sout · 4 years
Delta Dawn: Branch, can you help me build a yak pen?
Barb: Branch, I've destroyed my guitar once again!
DJ Suki: Branch, my boombox doesn't work again!
Tresillo: Branch, we need one more troll to our choreography.
Hickory: Have you seen my gumdrop, Branch?
Prince D: Branch! I wrote a song, what do you think about the lyrics?
King Peppy: Branch, I lost my cane once again. Can you make me one more?
Poppy: Branch! I need you!
Branch: What!? What do you need?!
Poppy: *kisses him lovingly on cheek* Just you. I couldn't find you the whole day. And I think you need a rest, You look really exhausted. *hold his hand* Let's just lie on the grass and watch the sunset.
Branch: *sighs tiredly* What would I do without you.
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cleverri · 4 years
WHAT TYPE OF TROLL ARE YOU? | written by MOD clever
NOTE: Note that these are also on my Wattpad account! So if you find something on there that’s very similar, it’s probably me! XD - MOD clever
warnings; none
preference one - what type of troll are you based on which troll you like?...
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POPPY ~ you are a Country Troll!
BRANCH ~ you are a Pop Troll!
COOPER ~ you are a K-Pop Troll!
HICKORY ~ you are a Techno Troll!
TRESILLO ~ you are a Reggaeton Troll!
DELTA DAWN ~ you are a Classical Troll!
KING TROLLEX ~ you are a Funk Troll!
PRINCE D. ~ you are a Rock Troll!
TROLLZART ~ you are a Rock Troll!
BARB ~ you are a Techno Troll!
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wickedwritingchaos · 1 month
Mi familia - Chapter 21 - Wickedme - Trolls: TrollsTopia (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
Continuation of chapter 20, read the disclaimers from 20 ah heck if you've read this far you already know this story is not suitable for children,
With some added extras, Floyd and Riff become parents, 3 more trolls find out about the pup, and Brannch feels guilty, Tresillo as ever is a loving and caring mate.
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Party squad but jealous headcannon (not of each other) love your work 🫶🏽
look i KNOW it was most definitely a typo but "Party Squad" got me giggling and stuff ngl--
♥️🖤💙 Partner Squad Being Jealous Headcanons ♥️🖤💙
❤️ Barb ❤️
How easy is to make her jealous: 8/10
When she gets jealous she tries to not let it show, but, let's be honest here, she's terrible at it and it's very, very obvious. She's this 👌 close from outright snarling at whoever got her jealousy senses going. It not common for her to get jealous but it can sometimes happen and she's too stubborn to admit she's feeling that way, so you have to really talk her through it if you want her to feel more at ease.
Best way to reassure her: Quality time! It's as simple as that. Especially if it's with a lot of nose nuzzles and tiny kisses, those are her weakness and will help her forget about whoever set her off.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
How easy is to make her jealous: 3/10
She knows better than to be jealous (she's one of the hardest to get jealous out of the whole Squad actually), but sometimes she can't help it. There are moments when she sees other trolls outside of the polycule being a bit too friendly with you for her taste and she gets kinda restless about it. She won't be outspoken about it but it's very obvious when she's upset about something because her smile looks way more forced and she laughs a lot to cover up how tense she feels.
Best way to reassure her: Just. Talk her through it, really. Remove yourself and her from the vicinity of the troll that got her feeling jelly and give her some smooches, tell her how much you love and appreciate her and it'll be like night and day in no time at all.
🩵 Branch 🩵
How easy is to make him jealous: 9/10
It is very known already he gets increasingly grouchier whenever he gets jealous, which is not that often but his Jelly-Meter™️ can very easily be triggered. He will pout, he will sulk and he will make a lot of passive aggressive comments about the troll that was getting too comfy with you in his personal opinion. But even if he can be very easily set off in this aspect, he's never been wrong about his assumptions before, and he knows when someone outside the polycule is flirting with you and when the conversation is entirely friendly and harmless.
Best way to reassure him: Distract him first to help him cool off and then let him vent about it, because trust me, he'll have a whole monologue to destress about the situation. Also, validate him so he doesn't feel like he's overreacting, because he will kinda feel bad about it if you don't.
💙 Trollex 💙
How easy is to make him jealous: 5/10
Trollex can be a bit oblivious at times when it comes to this kind of stuff. He's blissfully aloof because more often than not his focus is on you and you only. But, once he catches someone getting a bit too close to you, or making a few out-of-pocket comments about your appearance or personality, that's when he snaps out of Heart Eye Land, that's his "hol' up" moment. He gets pouty, grumbles a lot and he'll be wearing this half pout half scowl look when he talks to the troll that made him jelly. It's comically obvious he's upset.
Best way to reassure him: Stepping away from the situation and talking about it it's the best route to take with this fella, but it'll help his peace of mind a million times over if you blow off whoever was flirting with you yourself. He'll also get super giddy if you add any remarks towards your happy position inside the polycule, so please do add those remarks, please.
💚 Tresillo 💚
How easy is to make him jealous: 7.5/10
Tresillo’s a cool guy, he usually very chill about other trolls interacting with you, not even blinking an eye when someone else hugs you or hangs out around you frequently. But things change once he knows that someone has ulterior motives and it's clearly flirting. He'll get vocal about it right there and then, fuming at the lack of shame the other troll has for daring to act like that right in front of him. To keep things from escalating further than this, you'll have to drag him away while he grumbles and curses in Spanish under his breath.
Best way to reassure him: Once the situation is over, he'll need a lot of hugs and cuddles to help him cool off and go back to his calm persona. He'll be sorta pissy about the whole thing for a few hours but that'll pass eventually, just keep those cuddles coming and he'll be fine.
🧡 Hickory 🧡
How easy is to make him jealous: 2/10
Hickory almost never ever gets jealous. Not even when someone comes up to you to flirt or whatever, because on top of being a calm soul, he's cocky as hell. He knows very dang well you won't give pay the time of day to any attempt at seduction from some rando troll outside the polycule, so he just watches with a knowing smirk, snickering to himself and lets you deal with the situation if you're up for it. He'll only intervene if you too fed up and then he'll simply wrap and arm around your waist and pull you away to go somewhere else. Easy peasy.
Best way to reassure him: In the very, very, very rare case that he does get jealous of someone else, he won't actually need you to do anything at all. He'll keep his frustrations to himself and he'll deal with them on his own and it'll be as if he wasn't bothered at all cuz he's got an image to uphold, okay?
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im-abanana · 4 years
Finding time to write small one-shots in between online-classes is hard, but boi, this quarantine is perhaps making me slightly more productive?
I shamelessly took inspiration from @geekgirles‘s wonderful Rock!BranchAU (love you, friendo <3), because I just love it and everyone probably knows it at this point-- and I just had to give Tresillo some screen time too, bc I’m just weak for that pal.
Some related parts: part 1, part 2
Summary: Rock!Branch isn’t the best at taking certain hints, so it takes a good friend, who also happens to be an experienced family man, to help the rocker realize what the funk is going on. 
The last thing Branch expected to receive from Tresillo that morning, as he anxiously waited for Poppy outside the Pop Trolls’ medical office, was a honest congratulations and a perhaps-too-vigorous pat on the back. 
“Congratulations, for what? What do you mean?” the overly tattooed Rock Troll tilted his head, a vague and irritating sensation of disorientation burdening his already fully-loaded cargo of negativity. Being the responsible and reliable man he was, he hated not being able to understand something immediately. Was Tresillo making fun of him?
Either way, Branch decided that he didn’t care, at least not at the moment. “Listen, I’m really not in the mood for riddles. Poppy is not feeling well, and this medical appointment is taking hours… I’m starting to worry,” he fearfully admitted, hoping that part of the weight on his shoulder would disappear. It didn’t work, of course.
“Poppy’s sick?” The Reggaeton leader’s brow furrowed, his expression not at all ironic; on the contrary, he seemed sincerely taken aback by the Captain’s defensive response. “But I thought she was pregnant?”
Oh. Oh, alright. Branch must’ve misheard, and that was totally comprehensible, considering his actual concern for his beloved mate. Or Tresillo must’ve simply misinterpreted the situation, which was completely fine too, it happens to the best of us. 
Poppy wasn’t pregnant, she couldn’t be! … unless?
“And you’re making this assumption because…? I mean, h—how would you know!?” the Captain’s last sentence came out a bit more hysterical than he intended, but he took little notice. How could he take notice, when the pieces were finally coming together?
Upon hearing the Rock Troll’s stupefied question, the Reggaeton leader raised his eyebrows, somehow smug— No, there was actual pride shining in his bluish eyes, with just a tiny amount of amusement. “Why are you acting so surprised? I have fathered three fine trollings after all, and two more are on the way. Créeme Branch,” Tresillo put an encouraging hand on the freaked-out Captain’s shoulder in hopes of calming him. “when Tambora and Marimba got pregnant with our second clutch, I was the first to find out. At some point, you just know.”
It made sense. It all made a terrible, awfully plausible sense.
“So, that’s w-why… y-you really think that Poppy is… could she—” Branch blabbed and stumbled, scorching blood pumping furiously into his pointy ears and probably flooding his entire brain cavity, because the typically eloquent rocker couldn’t string two words together right now. Hell, the world was spinning so hard he could barely stand on his feet!
“If you ask me, there’s a good possibility that Queen Poppy is expecting. I mean, the rounder belly is pretty self-explanatory on its own, but only you can know for sure,” the cerulean Troll replied, his fingers squeezing Branch’s skin tighter to give further support. “The point is, did you give her a reason to be?”
Holy Rock, she actually could be. The signs were all there too, right under his nose; it would explain the constant tiredness, the bigger appetite, the unusual carefulness in each step and movement she took. Last week, when Poppy decided to postpone her own birthday party because ‘she wasn’t feeling like celebrating’, Branch had feared she’d gotten seriously sick. But now—
Now the young Captain had something else to be worried about, something even more important.
An egg, a trolling. A small, precious life that he and Poppy, the kindest soul and the most beautiful angel who ever walked on the planet, had created together. That mere, simple thought alone was enough for Branch’s chest to swell with pure joy and a sense of privilege.
On the other hand, their offspring would be the first half-breed Troll ever generated in… decades or centuries, at the very best. Actually, was there ever a Rock-Pop Troll? And how would the others react to the news? Being pushed away, or worse still, being treated like an outcast or a freak, was the last thing Branch wanted for their child.
“What if the other Trolls don’t accept it? What if they push our kid away, just because he or she is different?” the Rock Troll whispered, his anguished gaze glued on the doctor’s pod front door. 
He needed to see Poppy now. He needed to hear her sweet voice, full of reassurance and positivity, or at least, Branch needed to know if the Pop Queen was sharing his own doubts and fears about that particular subject.
“Branch,” what reached his ears instead, was the voice of the Reggaeton Trolls’ leader, this time dead serious and almost peremptory. It demanded respect and attention, and the Captain couldn’t help but give it to him— now more than ever, Branch understood why Tresillo was a tribe leader. “Have you seen my son, Charango? Physically, he is a Reggaeton Troll through and through, with markings on his body and dreadlocks to prove it. And yet, anyone can see how excited he gets when his tìas Wani, Gomdori, Kim-Petit, Ari and Baby Bun come to visit us; he genuinely adores them and their music. Understand what I’m getting at?”
Branch suspected he must’ve had a pretty dumb and clueless look on his face, because Tresillo let out a lighthearted laugh and went straight to the point. “What we are, what we truly are, cannot be seen or touched. We are the decisions we make, the things we’re passionate about. Perhaps my son is a bit Reggaeton and K-Pop inside— so what? Mi música no discrimina a nadie, remember?” 
Stunned by that frankness and wisdom, the Rock Troll took a moment to reflect on the Reggaeton leader’s words. Yes, it was true that everything had changed for the better since Poppy united the kingdoms, but his usual paranoid-self couldn’t help but wonder if the other Trolls were actually prepared for such a thing, for a more tangible and physical representation of said union. 
“So, do you think the others will just accept it? No curious glances, no nasty comments, no nothing?” Branch finally spoke, his skeptical voice firm, but barely audible. 
“While I wouldn’t know about that, I do know that this new generation we’re creating is genuinely… mejor. I can see it in my children’s eyes,” Tresillo firmly replied, laying his benevolent gaze on his three offsprings. “and one day, you will see it in your own kid’s eyes, Branch. On this, I’m absolutely sure.”
The pensive Rock Captain slowly opened his mouth to answer, but a little voice beat him to it. “Papà!” staggering a bit clumsily on feet that were still too big for his tiny, growing legs, one of Tresillo’s trollings approached the two friends. “Moms said they need you right now, and— oh, hello Branch!” the kid chirped, in high spirits as usual, staring happily at the grey rocker.
Branch instantly recognized him, it was Charango. The color of his skin was the same, unmistakable cerulean shade of Tresillo’s, elegantly covered in orange, magenta and yellow stripes and patches on his arms, legs, chest and face, reminding of Tambora’s own body pattern. The child’s nose was yellow and his irises were bright pink, just like his dreadlocks which, however, displayed multicolored tufts of green, ochre and cerulean blue too. 
“I better go then, the bosses are calling for me,” Tresillo chuckled, a playful grin appearing on his face as he vigorously patted his friend’s back for the last time and picked up his cheerful son. “Good luck, Branch. Whatever happens, just know that you’ll always find a friend in me and my tribe members.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” Branch tipped his head gratefully at the tribe leader, and then at Charango. “Take care, the both of you.” 
As the Rock Troll silently watched father and son heading home together, laughing and talking of this and that, he couldn’t help but hope— perhaps a bit selfishly? —that he too could have that kind of relationship with his future children, one day.
The sudden bang of the doctor’s pod front door caught his attention, and before the young Captain knew it, Poppy’s voice resounded in the air. 
“Branch, Branch! Come here, quick! You definitely wanna hear the news,” Poppy cried out, her smile brighter than the sun and exuding an excitement she had never shown before. What Tresillo had said was true apparently, there was no need for words; the Rock Troll understood as soon as her magenta, sparkling eyes met his.
To his own surprise, as Branch wrapped his muscular arms around his beloved mate’s waist— where a small life, their own radiant future, was slowly growing —he realized that he wasn’t scared anymore.
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empressgeekt · 1 month
Trolls - Accidental Knight and the end of the world (Field of Forget-me-nots au - what if?) -PART 4!!!!
Okay, so this is a what if off of second movie of the FoF au (this post), where Barb won. This was inspired by the fic "The Beginning of the End" by AnimationFan2006 on Ao3. Pls go give it a read. I highly recommend that anyone go to look at the rest of the Field of Forgetmenots au. And I had to split it in half because I posted the first one at 2:00 am. Here is that first post! and here's part 2 and here's part 3
Keith wakes up from a dream about him and Branch practicing archery in the woods. Well, it's more of a memory, about the trolling being scared to shoot at something after accidentally hitting his brother last time. Dream Branch's presence and comfort feels so real, and once awake the trolling misses his brother more then ever. Branch's final words echoing through his mind....
"Never be afraid to shoot, it could mean your life or others."
Him and the others had taken cover on a plateau on the edges of Rock territory for the prisoner pick up. It's one of the few places with actual green vegetation in nearby because of a river that flows through it, before going deeper into the territory and the distance between the top of it and the hot ashland ground below. Demo left hours ago, and Keith's worried about him. The rock troll is a little dorky, definitely a weak link, but genuine. Branch would like him.
He joins the others outside of Rhonda, their crew consists of John Dory, Bruce, Floyd, Clay, Viva, Tresillo and Wani (DJ and the other trollings stayed at the golf course). Keith sits by the fire they set up the previous night for breakfast. He accepts the food, but doesn't interact when Bruce and Floyd try to talk to him. Keith doesn't talk much anymore. Especially to Branch's bio-brothers. The trolling's feelings towards them complicated. He was mad at them, and some part of himself wanted to be mad forever. Branch had suffered through so much, and they were never there. Whenever Keith had been hurt or sick, even if it was just a little scratch or sniffle, Branch was there patching him up with a story, medicine and a bandage. Branch's brothers didn't even bother to show up when Branch was possibly on his deathbed last year after the chef nearly cut him in half. But another part of the mossy Trolling was just to tired to be angry and wanted to just snuggle up next one of them, pretending they were Branch. Because...who knows if Keith would ever get to hug his brother again.
It didn't help that most of them were just straight up jerks. They apologized, but didn't say for what, nor did they change their behavior. Floyd wouldn't leave him alone. The red-headed brother, acted all clingy, it felt like he was trying to take Branch's place as Keith's older brother. Not that Keith would ever let that happen. Floyd couldn't be trusted, he was a lair, there was a reason that Branch didn't make promises often. Bruce kept treating him like a little kid, who couldn't take care of himself. Granted, there were somethings that Keith needed help with, but he wasn't a baby. Branch made sure that Keith had all the skills to take care of himself, and where his limits were. Bruce didn't believe him when he said that, and that was offensive not only to Keith but to Branch as well, who took great care of Keith! He just also made sure Keith knew what to do in an emergency! Unlike some people who think an eight-year-old can't cut their own sandwich!
Clay wasn't at the firepit as he was busy keeping Viva calm, since they were out of the golf course, (while she had been all for getting her sister back, going outside was still nerve wreaking), and Keith didn't mind. Clay was just straight up a hypocrite! He spoke all the time about being serious, this calm and collected guy with a plan. When in reality he never took anyone else seriously, and was a kettle ready to blow with that temper he had. Both the stringbean brother and Bruce were almost tied for most annoying since they didn't believe Keith when the trolling told them he knew what he was doing. Something had shifted with Clay recently, his temper mellowed out slightly, but it didn't change the trolling's opinion of him.
After eating, Keith would run to join Tresillo on look out, John Dory came along after a few minutes. Out of all the brothers, John Dory seemed to be the only one who actually felt guilty about leaving, and actually put effort in figuring out Keith as his own person. Not seeing him as a replacement baby brother. Not as a scared kid who didn't know what he was doing. Just as Keith. Not that Keith gave him much to work with. Still it put him leagues above the other three.
Once that anglers showed, up Keith felt excited for the first time in a long time. He was running before Poppy even exited the transport critter, but nothing would stop him from running into her arms. She looked different. Her dress dirty and ripped, a streak of black and grey going through her otherwise bright hair, and tear tracks along her eyes. But she was there and with her Keith felt safe.
If only it lasted. The soft reunion, even Viva walking over gently calling Poppy's name was interrupted by chaos breaking out in an ambush. The peace was broken, by a the zombified K-pop gang and reggaeton trolls, and Branch himself.
His brother's corrupted form is horrifying. The green of his armor, was shifted over to a burn metallic red. The smooth leaf platting and vine sashes, had been replaced with critter leather and blackened brambles. The once comforting amber color of the lenses in the mask were set ablaze with the hue of blood. The caller, and cuffs were black spiked bands, tight like shackles. Showing his brother as a prisoner in his own body. A haze of red smog surrounding him, suffocating his form.
The fight that ensues is chaotic an bloody. Tresillo and Wani take on their sisters with heavy hearts, trying to both defend themselves while not hurting their family too badly (I head canon the Reggaetón trolls as triplets, I know most people see them as a throuple, but I like the siblings angle better, sorry), with Clay and Viva backing them up due to the numbers angle. Smidge jumps in being part of the guard using her hair to subdue them best she can. Floyd and Bruce are Trying to herd the others into Rhonda so they can escape, however when they come to Poppy and Branch their both frozen. Because in front of them, sword against sword, brother against brother, John and Branch dueled. Keith could tell that Branch was holding back, or at least trying too. His strikes are shaky, like he's fighting himself. However, whatever the little restraint Branch has is slipping quickly.
John Dory is mostly panicked at this is happening. His Baby brother is trying to kill him. Not to mention, where in the world did Branch learn to sword fight like this?! Eventually the corrupted troll forced John toward the edge of the plateau, right next to the river bank before it became a waterfall. By some miracle John isn't pushed over, instead he slipped around Branch hoping to lead him away from the cliff. However, out of nowhere Branch flips back throwing his leg out and knocking john to the ground. The next few moments are clear in his mind even as his head pounds. Branch standing over him Sword raised high, ready for the final blow. Then there's the whistle of an arrow and suddenly Branch was falling over the edge, an Arrow sticking out of the middle of his baby brother's chest. John turns to look in the direction the Arrow was shot, finding Keith, the trolling trembling, his bow held up, its string shivering as if it just fired.
"What did you do?!" Clay screamed, startling the trolling, and making Poppy glare at him.
Smidge has fully restrained the other zombies attacking them. Jovi came running over, pulling John to his feet. "C'mon, if he landed in the river he has a chance," The halfing spoke.
John and his brothers, along with, Jovi, Demo Poppy, Viva and Keith load up in Rhonda and began to search the river banks below the plateau. Bruce is helping Floyd through a panic attack, and Keith is sobbing into Poppy's arms, saying "sorry" over and over again, but other then that it's a silent ride as they all look at the river bank for any unknown shapes. It's Demo that spots a grey lump among the rapids. Rhonda leaped into the water, swallowing Branch, pulling him into the cabin. Branch lands on the floor, they haze was gone but he was completely grey, soaking wet, and arrow in his chest and not breathing.
Jovi jumps in the moment the grey troll falls on the floor. He screams for people to back up as he addressed the damage. His first main concern is that the grey troll wasn't breathing. With a drowning victim getting air into the body was one of the most important tasks, and it had to be done in under five minute. He settles Branch on his back, and administers CPR, he worries about doing chest compression, but after the armor was removed, turns out the arrow wound wasn't all that deep, it was close, so close to hitting something important and killing the grey troll. Jovi's hands are horribly bloody by the time he gets Branch breathing again.
With Help from John Dory, Jovi gets Branch stable. The grey troll is stripped of his armor and weapons, left in a pair of barrowed pj shorts and bandaged torso. Tucked in tight on the sofa in the back of the Armadillo bus' cabin. Jovi isn't a doctor and for that he apologizes, but he's done his best with the phsyical. as far as he can tell, Branch has a puncture wound, along with broken ribs, but he has no answers for his lack of color.
They pick up the others, tying the Zombie's up an head back to the golf course.
On the way back, Poppy and Keith stay by Branch's side. The trolling glaring at anyone other then Jovi coming too close. It takes a hot minute but eventually Keith falls asleep curled into his big brother's side. The scene in front of her is horrifyingly similar to like when Branch was in his coma and she hates it. It hurts to see him like this, and it makes her realize just how important he is to her. She silently vowes to tell him, as soon as he wakes up.
After that she can't keep the others waiting. They need a queen right now, and Poppy can't fail them. She at first checks on her friends and thanks the new trolls for saving them, Jovi and Demo especially. When she meets Brozone, internally she's kind of fangirling, but she's to tired to express it outwardly, and it makes her very suspicious as to where they were when Branch was in trouble when she learns their his brother's too. Over all she's pretty collected, until Viva introduces herself. Now, Poppy doesn't mean to be well, mean, but she Just starts laughing. Not an "Excited to meet you this is so funny laugh" its and "Of fucking course" hysterical laugh. Viva asks if she's okay, and Poppy answers...
"Sure! Why wouldn't I be, I just found out that not only did my father lied to me for my entire life the second time like it wouldn't seriously effect me in the future! Like who cares about the other tribes! We'll never hear from them! Who cares if I don't tell my daughter about a long lost sister! it's not like their ever going to meet at the end of the world!!"
Poppy breaks down sobbing, sliding down to her knees. Cooper walks up and nudges his sister gently.
"Poppy are you okay?"
"No no i'm not."
It takes a few days to get back to the golf course. John used the hustle to get them into rock troll territory, but he wasn't sure how the experience could effect Branch in his wounded and unconscious state. With the snackpack and every one else (zombies were left where they were tied up, sadly for Tresillo and Wani, but Demo and Jovi know that Queen Barb won't leave them to die in the wilderness due to the hunting skills their sister retained after turning), it's rather crowded, so they camp out when darkness falls, and to give Branch and Keith a little privacy he sets up a curtain in front of them. He hates it, all of his brother's hate it, but for some reason he can't help but also feel like he's intruding whenever he sees Poppy and Keith at Branch's bedside.
Clay is still mad at Keith for shooting Branch. He knows it's stupid but he is. That's his baby brother and that kid nearly killed him. Did kill him! His heart had to be restarted! he vents this all to Bruce in private, and lets his older brother take some of the weight. Bruce knows that Clay reacts with anger when he's stressed, and watching Branch get hit was terrifying, but he makes sure that Clay knows he can never let Keith know this. The kid is still a kid after all, a scared kid.
Floyd is a walking mess. He thought he was going to throw up the moment that he saw the arrow hit, the feeling growing ever stronger as he watched Jovi cut away at Branch's armor and skin to remove the arrow head. Even now he wants nothing more then to be right next to Branch holding his baby brother's hand, and feeling the living pulse in the grey troll's wrist with his own fingers. But he can't, Poppy and Keith had taken that role of soothing his wounded brother while he rested. That and the fact that he's terrified. Branch is grey, hurt, covered in scars and clearly has been mad at Floyd for a long time if it was enough for Keith to pick up on. He was scared that if he went to Branch now it would make it worse. So, he talks to Jovi, asking this oddly cute halfling troll about his brother's condition. Jovi has sympathy for Floyd, really he does, but he doesn't really know how to help, he's never had siblings before, so he just listens.
Viva is desperate to help her sister, but in her panic she falls back on the old ideals that were used in the tree during times of crisis, grin and bear it. No matter what look on the bright side. Shove the negative emotions down. It doesn't work and Poppy ends up snapping at Viva. She apologizes, and just tries to talk with her sister about how she would love to get close and do all the sister things, but she can't right now. She has Keith and Branch and the others to worry about. They need a plan, but she's never been the planning type, that has always been Branch's side of things. Viva respones that she and Clay work similarly and a little bonding happens. It's not happy, or excited, but rather just a simple understanding happening between the sisters, and its enough.
When Branch wakes up, he's pretty sure he's dreaming. The last thing he remembers is Jumping in front of Keith and Poppy. After that it's hazy. Just a void of anger, screaming and fire. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel. Just a complete detachment from between his soul and body. When his eyes flutter open, and his thoughts are finally clear, he thinks he's either dreaming or dead. His head is pounding, and his chest hurts. But it's clear, there's no blinding anger, and his body is his own to control. And even better, snuggled up next to him is his brother, and at his bedside Poppy is passed out in the chair next to the couch.
When Keith sees his brother's eyes open he starts crying, hugging Branch and apologizing. feeling so so guilty and so so grateful. They had no idea how Branch broke from the control, but they were so thankful. Poppy wakes up too, and hugs him gently. Though she does choses to wait for anything else until after Keith is calmed down. Branch is bone weary tired, so the back strokes he gives the trolling are weak, but they seem to sooth the trolling well enough. Still isn't enough to get him to sleep, so Branch starts humming a lullaby ("Sacred Oath" By Beth Crowley if anyone is wondering). Something broken inside of him is fixed as the music flows from his tongue and Keith lulled to sleep.
With the trolling out cold, Poppy give Branch the run down. He wants to pass back out again and never wake up at the mention of his brothers, and at the mention of Viva he has this overwhelming desire to find Peppy and punch him in the face. But in his state Branch can't doo much other then just accept his situation. He'll make the best of it, he always does, but that doesn't mean he enjoys it. It gets a little better when Poppy kisses him before they both fall back asleep though.
When morning comes, Jovi checks him out, making sure his wound is healing, and marvels at the return of colors to Branch's still dulled coat (none of them are sure how). His older brothers are there and Clay mentions Keith was the one who shot him. Branch does not miss the wince that rest of theme give, and they way Keith wilted. Branch just tells Keith he did a good job, it was a clean shot, and wouldn't scar much when healed. Clay looks surprised by his reaction, but Branch pretends not to be paying attention. Jovi continues to ask him questions, and when the topic of food comes up, Branch ahs no idea when was the last time he ate, so Jovi recommends light foods for a while. Bland porridge was for breakfast, and it was delicious.
With Branch back, Poppy feels in control again, and she's ready to take charge once more. She talks with Demo, Tresillo and Wani while Branch naps through the afternoon, and then with whisper to each other through out the night, forming a plan. With their small numbers they would need allies, the other tribes are not an option, but Poppy still has one ace up her sleeve, Bridget.
The plan is not well recevied when they present it to everyone in the morning. The snackpack is on board, while Jovi, Demo, Tresillo, and Wani don't really care they just want a home base, however it is rejected with venom by Viva and the brothers.
V: What?! NO! We are not going to the bergens, it's not safe!
Clay: I'm with Viva, this is not an option. The puttputt course is the best defence from both giants and trolls, we need to go there.
Demo: Uhm, you're defenses are not enough to stop a power cord assault.
Clay: and how would you know?
Demo: I work with musicians, Rock tribe musicians, I need to know how music weaponry works, and you're buildings are barely sound, not to mention the plastic is old and rotting.
Poppy: would stone and metal be harder to break?
Demo: in general? yeah, but if they have the right angle and frequency they could still break it.
Poppy: See we'd be safer in Bergentown, we gather up the trolls in your outpost and seek refuge with the Bergens.
Viva: Poppy no!
Poppy: And why not?
Viva: I just got my baby sister back! I am not going to let you just walk back into town full of MONSTERS! It's my job to protect you!
Poppy: And it's my job to protect everyone else! You're scared Viva, and I get it, but we can't let our fear stop us! Believe me I know just what kind of horrible things that the bergens are capable of, but i've also seen what good they can do!
Clay: how the fuck would you know what bad things their capable of?! You were a baby when the escape happened, you know nothing of what we went through!
Branch: Don't talk to her like that!
Bruce: Bitty sit back down!
Branch: Oh shut up spruce! I know my limits! And for you're information Clay she knows just how bad they can get because she was there, when I got this *points at face scar*. Chef got real pissed when I cut off her finger, you know.
Floyd: ...th-the chef gave that to you?
Clay: If you got hurt by a bergen then how on earth can you think that going to them is a good plan?!
Branch: Because I've watch them reforge their society. And I trust Poppy over any of your sorry ass opinions.
Viva:...when we get back to the golf course you'll see....
When they get back to the golf course something is immediately wrong. It's calm but the in the wrong way. All the trip wires are broken, and the gate is smashed to bits. Inside the course is a wreak, the buildings burned and crushed. Clay calls a search for survivors and the others spanned the course. All they find are zombies, Clay almost getting bitten by one when he thinks he find a survivor in the rubble.
Viva is panicking, this was her safe place, and now it was gone. Ripped away, and she doesn't know what to do. The world around her is crumbling and she has a panic attack that leads to her passing out. She comes too only to throw up and pass out again. Clay feels helpless during all this. Everyone is gone. Until...
"Hey Captian no slappy!"
A rather annoying cloud joins the chat. Branch shoots and arrow at him out of habit. However, even he can't be too upset with Cloud Guy, after he explained that he got as many putt putts out as he could with his caterbuses. "whoa that's actually nice of you." "Oh Branch you wound me, I can be nice, after all it is the end of the world. I'd be a real jerk if I didn't do anything now." Clay breaths a sigh of relief, at the news that the Puttputts, well most of them, are safe. When they meet up with the excavated Puttputts there's a lingering question in the air.
What do they do now?
Clay knows the answer and it's not going to be easy. They're going to Bergentown.
Stay tuned for part 5
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vanilla107 · 4 years
You got me feeling like a Psycho
Hey everyone!
My first ever Trolls fanfiction and it just so happens to be a rare pair! I adored Trolls (2016) but never really prioritized to write for it but when Trolls World Tour came out...that love for the first movie came rushing back. The movie made me really happy while in quarantine and I hope that this fanfic made you a little happier too.
I'm a HUGE Red Velvet fan and when I saw the announcement for them to be in the second movie I LOST MY COLLECTIVE SHIT. Even though the interactions with Tresillo and Wani are low, I loved their banter and this fanfic sorta happened. I added in a few Red Velvet concepts in the fic itself so if you see one, leave a comment or a like! I definitely added that Wani was the more fluent one in this fic as Wendy, the woman who voiced Wani, is the most fluent in Red Velvet!
I do plan on writing a Broppy one shot a little later so you can expect to see that in the next couple weeks.
Please stay safe!
Songs used in this fic:
Taki Taki - DJ Snake, Cardi B, Selena Gomez and Ozuna
Psycho (reloaded remix) - Red Velvet
Zimzalabim - Red Velvet
Like I’m gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor
Part Two/ A03 ***
Wani giggled as she splashed Baby Bun with water, the pink haired troll grinning before splashing her back.
It was one of the hottest days of the year and almost all the trolls from around the land were in the lake that separated Vibe City and Lonesome Flats. Everyone was taking a dip in the cool water and she couldn’t help but sigh in contempt.
It had been about a month since all the trolls accepted that they were different and were now living in harmony.
It was absolute bliss.
It felt so much nicer to talk to other trolls about music and sharing their own genres than keeping it to themselves and because of it, they had all made new friends. The k-pop gang were pretty close with Queen Poppy and Branch since they were a subculture of Pop itself and it made sense to vibe to the same music but Kim-Petit had become friends with Prince D, Baby Bun was friends with one of the rock trolls and Ari and Gomdori often hung out with the techno trolls as well as the classical trolls.
Wani wiggled her feet in the water before swimming to the banks of the lake and hopping out and sitting down on her towel. She was so caught up in making sure the transition for the k-pop gang went smoothly that she didn’t have much time to focus on friends of her own. Despite most of them being able to speak basic English, she was the more fluent speaker and after ensuring that they were all settled in, she could relax.
She put on her sunglasses and closed her eyes, the sun making her glossy chrome skin sparkle.
“Oh that’s bright!” a familiar voice teased and she grinned as she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head and angled her head to look at Tresillo.
“Hey Tracy! How’s it going?” she grinned and he rolled his eyes at the nickname.
“On the hottest day of the year? Just cooling ourselves off,” he said and gestured to his friends in the water, “Mind if I join you?”
“Sure, take a seat.”
Even though the k-pop gang had a mutual respect for the reggaeton trolls, that didn’t mean that they couldn’t tease each other from time to time like they had before Queen Barb’s initial reign of rock. With their subcultures being the smallest next to the yodellers, it felt natural for them to gravitate towards each other.
“Where you goin’ after this Wani?”
“Uh, home?” she said with a shrug.
“Wait, are you serious?” he asked and stared at her incredulously.
“Yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because it’s the Summer Song Dance Party tonight! Everyone’s gonna be there!”
For the first time ever, Wani felt nervous. She was planning on skipping the party because she didn't want to be alone.
“I didn’t get an invite,” she lied and she saw the troll chuckle before pulling out a flyer from his bag next to him and giving it to her.
“Open invitation. Everyone’s going and it’s going to be fire.”
“Oh wow, this has Poppy’s decorating skills all over it,” she giggled, handing him back the flyer and shaking the glitter from her fingers.
“Yeah, you know how she is with her glitter. So you’re coming right?”
“What’s with all the questions? Tryna get something out of me?” she hummed.
“I just...” he hesitated before sighing, “I can see you’re lonely Wani.”
Her body froze and she forced a smile a second later.
“What? No, I’m perfectly-”
“Wani don’t lie to me. I’ve been watching how you’ve helped your other k-pop trolls talk to everyone else but you were so worried about them that you don’t really have any friends yet.”
“I have friends!” Wani said defensively.
“Okay, name one troll other than Poppy, Branch and the k-pop gang that’s your friend.”
“You?” Wani said slowly and he raised his eyebrows in surprise, “What? Did you seriously not expect me to consider you one of my friends?” she asked.
“Well I can’t say I’m not happy but...” he said, avoiding her gaze, “But you definitely need more than that so let me help you tonight. I’ll introduce you to some trolls and by the end, you’ll know almost everyone.”
“No buts! You are going to make more friends! Now c’mon, the others are packing up and are getting ready to go.”
“Okay fine,” Wani groaned but her stomach was doing flips.
Maybe this would be a good opportunity to make new friends after all.
“Ohhh, Wani you are going to turn a certain somebody’s head tonight!” Baby Bun teased, her Korean flowing effortlessly and the blue troll sighed deeply as she look at herself in the mirror.
“I never should’ve told you guys that Tresillo is helping me tonight.”
“Yeah, like ‘helping’ is the word I’d use,” Ari giggled as she did her hair at the vanity.
“It’s really no big deal! You guys are making this small thing a huge deal-”
“Oh come on Wani! You like him!” Kim-Petit said with a smirk and she narrowly dodged a pillow the blue troll had thrown.
“Respect your elders!” Wani yelled and the rest of them burst into laughter.
“Wani, chill. You know we’re just teasing,” Gomdori said as she put her hands on the troll’s and lead her to the vanity and sat her down.
“Besides, we know why he’s taking you out specifically, to make new friends, which is very sweet of him,” Baby Bun nodded and handed Gomdori a clip that she slid into the blue troll’s hair.
“Yeah, you deserve some down time after helping us settle in,” Ari agreed and they all stepped back to admire their work on Wani’s hair.
“But just so you know, if you did like him we would be thrilled-” began Kim Petit.
“Okay, let’s go to this party!” Wani yelled, desperate to get them to stop talking about Tresillo.
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Pop Village and their jaws dropped.
“Are...are we late?” Ari asked, looking at the huge pit of trolls of all shapes and colours jumping up and down to some of King Trollex’s beats.
“Nope, you’re right on time!” a familiar voice said and Wani grinned.
“Tracy, this doesn’t look on time,” she said, gesturing to the area packed with trolls.
“Pop trolls know how to party, I’ll give ‘em that. Now c’mon, I got some friends to introduce you too.”
“What about my friends-?”
“Wani, just go!” Gomdori said in English, and Wani smiled at how fluent she sounded.
“Okay, okay! Bye girls!”
The two of them walked away and Baby Bun turned to face the rest of the k-pop gang.
“How much do you want to bet they’ll get together by the end of the night?”
They all laughed and headed towards the dance floor.
On the sidelines of the dance floor, there were designated ‘chill’ spaces with bean bags and chairs were Tresillo introduced Wani to Hickory.
“This is Hickory. A yodeller but lover of country,” Tresillo said.
“Oh, you’re the other bounty hunter!” she said, remembering that he never showed up for the meeting with Queen Barb.
“Yep, but I don’t do that anymore. Just me n’ the music I love,” he said with a wink.
“Yeah, guess we’re like a band of bounty hunters all reformed, huh?” Wani said with a laugh and Hickory grinned.
“Yeah, guess you could say that. Oh and have you had anything to drink yet? I should warn you that once you get on the dance floor...it’s easy to stay there for two hours or more because the set list is incredible.”
“No...is there a drink bar?” Wani asked and Tresillo nodded before pointing to one not too far away from them.
“They’re scattered all over the area so that the queues aren’t too long. Wani, you want something?” Tresillo asked.
She smiled gratefully and nodded before he made his way to the drink bar.
As the reggaeton troll stood in the queue, Hickory turned to the k-pop troll and gave her a knowing smile.
“So how long have you two been a couple?” he asked and her eyes widened.
“We- no. We aren’t a couple-”
“Well, I can see that you like him darlin’.”
“You are assuming things-”
“Wani, I’ve known you for less than half an hour and I can see your heart leaking out your chest for that guy. Now what’s stopping you?”
She was quiet for a while before answering him. There was no use in lying to him and maybe...he had some advice.
“I do like him but...it just feels fast...and it feels like everyone’s pressuring me to get together with him and...I don’t know if I like him because I like him like that or if I like him just because he’s nice to me and talks to me.”
“And have you told him that?”
“Well I don’t know if he likes me.”
“Let’s me tell you a secret. If a troll gives you the attention he’s currently giving you then you do have his attention. So do what you can now to set a boundary and see where it goes. There’s no harm in tryin’.”
“I’m feeling nervous now,” she groaned.
“I’m not saying you have to do anything about it right away. I’m just sayin’ the faster you set a boundary, the better because...let’s just say Tresillo is popular amongst some trolls here,” he chuckled before motioning to the juice bar.
Wani followed his eyes and landed on Tresillo and a country troll laughing with him. She felt acid in her stomach as a rock troll squeezed his shoulder, getting awfully close.
“ I’m just sayin’ Wani. If you don’t shoot your shot...you might miss him.”
“But...but I don’t even know yet. What if I just like him for being a good friend?”
“You will know. Currently you’re just trying to settle into this new mishmash of genres and that’s okay. Your heart will know when the time is right. Now, forget about your worries and enjoy your evening. Remember...if you want your own questions answered, you have to ask them.”
Tresillo came back with their drinks a few minutes later and gave Wani her one. She peered into it, the blue pieces of fruit floating on top.
“Well this looks interesting...”
“You never told me which one you wanted so I chose what I thought fit your personality,” smiled the reggaeton troll.
“Oh really? Well let’s see how well you know me,” Wani smirked before taking a sip.
Her eyes widened in surprise and took another sip before humming in approval.
“I think that’s a winner Tresillo!” Hickory nodded, “What flavour is it anyway?”
“Blue Crush.”
At his answer Wani choked on the drink, her eyes tearing up and she coughed. She felt Hickory place a hand on her shoulder and Tresillo pat her back.
“Woah, slow down there,” murmured the reggaeton troll.
“Sorry, it went down the wrong pipe,” she lied and he laughed before turning to Hickory and resuming the conversation.
While she occasionally laughed and added to the conversation, Wani’s mind was racing.
Blue Crush? Is he trying to hint that he has a crush on me? No...that’s ridiculous! It’s just a drink! A really tasty one!
“Wani? Wani!”
Tresillo’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she gave him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, lost in thought!”
“Well that’s not good. I think we need to get you on the dance floor!” he said with a smirk and she nodded enthusiastically.
“You two enjoy it. I’m going to stay here for a little longer before going back,” Hickory said and they made their way to the dance floor.
While dancing, Tresillo introduced her to other trolls. Soon she was losing count of everyone she had met and their names after five songs. She was relieved when she saw Poppy and Branch dancing and grabbed the reggaeton troll’s hand and made her way over to them.
“Poppy! Branch!” she yelled and the couple perked up at her voice.
“Wani! Tresillo! How are you finding the Summer Song Dance Party?” Poppy asked as she did a twirl.
“It’s great! Wanna dance together?” Wani asked and Poppy nooded before she grabbed her hand, and using her pink hair, catapulted them to a platform that overlooked the dance floor.
King Trollex noticed them and grinned, playing a new song that the two trolls could dance too.
“Attention everybody! Let me see your hands up!” he yelled into his microphone and the trolls screamed enthusiastically as he began to build up for the beat drop.
“You read to throw down?” Poppy laughed.
“Not without us!” Branch said as he landed on the same platform with Tresillo and they all laughed before jumping together as the beat dropped.
“Wooo!” Poppy yelled as the song ended and King Trollex took a bow before Queen Barb took over the DJ station.
“What up everyone!? How we feeling tonight?” she yelled and she was greeted with applause and screams.
“Now I’d usually start playing some hard rock but...I notice four trolls on a platform just a little above me and I think...this calls for a dance off!” she yelled and Wani froze in place as a large spotlight was directed at them.
“W-What?!” she said, panic rising in her.
“How does that sound trolls?” Barb asked, her smile pearly white and the screams were even louder.
“Yeah! Let’s do this Branch!” Poppy said but was interrupted by Barb.
“How about...boys against girls?” Barb asked and the screams were deafening, “Looks like the crowd has made up their mind!”
“I...I don’t know if I can do this-” Wani said nervously.
“You’ll be great Wani! You’re a great dancer! C’mon I’m on your side!” Poppy said, mischief sparkling in her eyes.
“I mean...if you forfeit then we win by default...” Tresillo said, a lazy smile on his face and that was enough for Wani to grab Poppy by the hand.
“Poppy, we’re winning this! Now!” she said determinedly and Poppy swung them off the platform and down to the dance floor.
A circle was made for them to dance and Branch and Tresillo joined.
“Okay everyone! May the best dancers win!” Barb yelled and she began to play a medley of genres causing the crowd to go nuts.
Poppy and Wani started first, moving their bodies elegantly to a classical remix before Branch and Tresillo took over with an infectious pop song. Wani glared at Tresillo, her competitive spirit getting the better of her and proceeded to dance her heart out.
It was bringing back memories of when they had their first dance off all those months ago, when they needed Branch to find Queen Poppy to give Barb the pop string.
Tresillo only winked at her and she rolled her eyes. From where they were standing, Branch and Tresillo looked like they were going to win. She needed to think fast.
She grabbed Poppy’s hand and gave her a nod and the pink troll grinned before they did a cartwheel into a split as the beat ended and the crowd went wild.
“Wow...that was some crazy dancing but who’s the winner?” Barb asked and protests came from the crowd, “Okay looks like we need a tie breaker! Wani and Tresillo! You two will be the tie breaker!”
Wani got nervous all over again but she looked at the reggaeton troll and he gave her an encouraging nod before she took centre stage with Tresillo.
“You ready to lose?” he asked with a grin.
“In your dreams!” she scoffed but her jaw dropped when a reggaeton song started playing.
Báilame como si fuera la ��ltima vez
Y enséñame ese pasito que no sé
Un besito bien suavecito, bebé
Taki taki, taki taki, ¡rumba!
“Woah, how is this fair?! He’s a reggaeton troll!” she yelled but Tresillo just laughed.
“Just dance baby!” he said before busting into a series of fluid movements earning applause from the audience.
She joined in, earning screams of encouragement from Poppy and the k-pop trolls.
“Destroy him!” Baby Bun yelled in Korean and Wani couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’d she say?” Tresillo asked and she laughed more as she danced.
“It’s nothing!” she laughed and before she knew it the song had ended.
“Well that was quite a performance but let’s end this with one more song!” Barb yelled and the familiar notes of a song hit Wani’s ears.
She immediately started dancing, the song flowing through her and she heard the k-pop trolls behind her sing along to the lyrics.
You got me feeling like a psycho psycho
우릴 보고 말해 자꾸 자꾸
다시 안 볼 듯 싸우다가도
붙어 다니니 말야
이해가 안 간대
웃기지도 않대
맞아 Psycho psycho
서로 좋아 죽는 바보 바보
너 없인 어지럽고 슬퍼져
기운도 막 없어요
둘이 잘 만났대
Hey now we’ll be ok!
Wani danced her heart out and when she heard that it was a remix, she free-styled a few moves causing the crowd to go insane.
As she did a spin, she briefly made eye contact with Tresillo and-
He wasn’t dancing.
He was staring at her and has a small smile on his face as he watched.
She felt her heart squeeze as she finished the final move right in front of him, her hand on her hip as she whispered the last word.
The crowd burst into applause and Barb grinned as she raised the microphone to her mouth.
“Since Wani’s applause was louder, she has officially won the dance battle! Congrats!”
Poppy squealed and lifted the k-pop troll into a hug.
“Wani! That was incredible!” she said as she put her down.
“Yeah, great job.” Branch said sulkily and Poppy gave him a playful shove.
“Thanks but I can’t say anything because Tracy didn’t dance!” Wani said with a snort and the reggaeton troll rolled his eyes.
“I was stunned okay. It’s not my fault you’re an excellent dancer.”
“Thank you,” Wani said softly, a light blush dusting her cheeks.
Before they could say anything else, Barb played the first few chords of a rock song on her guitar and the dance floor immediately was swamped once more.
Wani managed to squeeze her way out of the dance floor after a few minutes and headed towards the juice bar, only to find Tresillo there already, holding two cups.
“I figured you’d need this after that dance battle,” he said as he handed her the cup and she smiled gratefully.
The music was loud and as the two of them sat down at the chill section, Wani was approached by trolls she had never met before, all introducing themselves.
"Hi! You are an amazing dancer!"
"Hey, you did great out there! You dance so fluidly!"
"Woah, can you teach us some of the dance moves?"
Tresillo watched her easily make friends and he grinned as she finished her juice. He gestured to her.
You want another one?
She nodded and he headed back to the juice bar.
When he got back, Wani seemed to have more trolls around her and when she saw him, she leapt off the beanbag.
“Thanks everyone for the great time but I think the sore loser needs some cheering up,” she teased and the group of trolls giggled at him.
He was about to object because he did not need cheering up when she grabbed his hand and walked up one of the hills.
“Look Miss Popular, I do not need cheering up-”
“I know. I just wanted to spend some time with you,” she shrugged and he looked at her in surprise.
“Wait but you are here to make more friends-”
“-And I think I have enough for one night,” she said with a smile, gesturing to the group of trolls that were hanging around her previously in the chill area.
“Oh...I guess you’re right. Looks like all you needed to do was win a dance battle to get your name out there,” he nodded and they sat down, overlooking the whole party.
“I mean I’ve forgotten half of their names but I’ll get there eventually. I already have lunch plans with Barb and Poppy on Tuesday, a house party invite from a country troll and got invited to a Mix Off from Prince C,” she said with a cheeky smile.
She sipped her juice and they collapsed into a comfortable silence.
“Thanks for tonight Tresillo. I really appreciate you going out of your way to make me feel like I belong here.”
“Aye, it’s no problem. Us subculture trolls need to stick together and get more people liking our music aight?” he said with a chuckle and she giggled.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Go ahead.”
“What did the song you dance to mean? I mean I heard bits of English like ‘psycho’ and ‘we’ll be okay’ but I don’t know the meaning and I was wondering if you could explain.”
Wani set her cup down and looked down at the grass beneath them, her face getting warm.
“It’s a love song-” she said softly and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“-But you’re saying ‘you got me feeling like a psycho'...Isn’t that a bad thing?”
“Let me finish!” Wani said and bumped him on his shoulder.
She hummed for a minute and looked at the stars in the sky.
“The song talks about a relationship where two lovers, whose love is constantly being perceived as toxic and crazy by other individuals, admit that their love is special and strange; as though one minute they’re about to break each other and the next, they makeup. They say that they are beautiful and sad, like the moon and river. That they feel dizzy and sad without each other like all their energy has been sucked out of them. And because they are together, that they are also often seen as psychos to those individuals.”
“Okay I didn’t know k-pop could get that deep,” Tresillo said, holding his hand to his heart and she laughed.
“Yeah, you’re missing out! But to be fair there is a song called Zimalabim and...let’s just say it became a bit of a meme in the k-pop community,” she said as she demonstrated the dance and song.
“What does Zimzalabim even mean?”
“Theories range from Zim, Zala and Bim being three trickster demons to those words being used as magical words like Abracadabra. In all honestly, I’m not even sure anymore.”
“Okay now that’s weird!”
“You can’t judge because what does ‘Taki Taki’ even mean?” she enquired with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh...it doesn’t really mean anything-”
“But there’s been hints to uh...explicit things?” he struggled, blushing.
Wani stared at him before laughing and soon they were laughing together at their genres. They settled into a silence again and Wani felt her heart begin to beat a little faster. Hickory’s words were echoing through her mind.
If you don’t shoot your shot...you might miss him.
“Tresillo...I need to tell you something,” she said and he turned t look at her.
“Wow, no nickname? Must be serious,” he teased and she shushed him, her heart pounding.
“I...I was really nervous about tonight. I knew that the party was happening but I wasn’t planning to go until you asked me. I can’t thank you enough for making me come with you,” she said quickly, cursing that she completely avoided the real thing she wanted to tell him.
“It’s no problem. I wanted you to be happy and now you’re the life of the party,” he chuckled.
“Yeah it’s just...” she sighed and turned her whole body so that she was facing him directly.
“Look this might be a big mistake but...I think I like you. Like more than a friend but I’m terrified of messing up what we have now. And I don’t know if I like you because I actually really do like you or if it’s because you’re just nice to me.”
He looked at her, surprise written on his face before asking, “Is that why you choked on your juice earlier?”
“What? No! Yes! Maybe! You said it was Blue Crush flavour and I’m blue and I thought you were giving my subliminal messages!” she yelled, her face going bright red and he laughed.
“Okay...well if I told you I liked you too...what would you say to that?” he asked, his voice low and sending shivers down her spine.
“I...I would be really happy and relieved that you feel the same way but...I need you to know that I’ll probably set boundaries. I don’t want to seem like I’m leading you on but I need those boundaries.”
Her heart was thudding in her chest. This was what scared her the most.
“Boundaries? Like what?”
“Like...you’re going to have to be super patient with me on PDA and I’m not ready for a lot of relationship things...I guess I just wanted to ‘shoot my shot’ with you so that no other troll go you before I had a chance.”
He was quiet.
“So...you’re saying that you’re confessing you like me now because you thought that some other troll would catch my eye?”
“I mean...you have trolls grabbing you left and right! I saw those rock and country trolls at the juice bar getting close with you! And you’re attractive, a great dancer and your Spanish is so lovely to listen to and-” Wani stopped herself when she saw him smirking at her.
“You repeat this to anyone and you’re dead,” she threatened but he just chuckled.
“Wani, I’ve only had eyes for you for a long time. Sure other trolls and nice but you...you are...something else entirely. An ethereal something else and if those boundaries make you feel more comfortable...then I’m willing to do that for as long as it takes.”
“Even if it takes me a year to kiss you?”
“Wait, I seriously have to wait that long?” he asked, horror on his face before taking a deep breath, “Okay, okay I guess I can try-”
“-Nah, I’m just kidding about that,” she giggled, threading her hand through his and planted a kiss on his now intertwined hand, “But I might be really nervous at first so just...wait for me okay?”
“Okay,” he said lightly kissed her cheek, “Can I put my arm around you?”
Wani gave him a smile so bright, he thought he’s seen the sun and she cuddled up next to him.
The two watched the party from the hill and when Poppy called for a slow song to play, Wani stood up and offered her hand.
“I...I thought you wanted to take thing slow? You want us to slow dance in front of everyone?”
“I was thinking slow dancing right here.”
He took her hand and she pulled him close as the familiar notes of a love song echoed around them.
I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows
“This must’ve been hard for you. Admitting you like someone is scary,” he murmured.
“It was at first but I knew it would hurt me more if I didn’t say anything and...”
“And what?”
“You’re worth it Tracy,” she giggled and for a minute, he thought his heart was going to burst.
“I...I don’t know if I would’ve had that much confidence,” he admitted.
“Really? But you’re one of the smoothest trolls I know.”
“Being smooth around people is one thing but being smooth and brave enough to admit that I care about someone...that’s different.”
“Hmmm I’d like to think you would’ve done something if another troll tried to shoot their shot with me,” Wani said confidently.
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
I’m gonna love you
Like I’m gonna lose you
I’m gonna hold you
Like I’m saying goodbye
“So what do your friends think of this? Did you tell them about this plan before?”
“They knew I liked you but-”
“Ha! I told you they were going to end up together before the end of the evening! Branch owes me big time!”
Ari’s voice shattered the atmosphere and Wani turned to see the k-pop trolls grinning at her a few metres away.
“You made a bet?” she yelled and they burst into a fit of giggles.
“Enjoy your evening Wani! We’ll talk when we get home!” Kim-Petit yelled as they ran away.
“Those little demons,” the k-pop troll huffed and Tresillo grinned.
“They just love you. Now are you going to dance with me or keep complaining about your friends?”
He let out a yelp when she dipped him and gazed into his eyes.
“Dance with you obviously.”
And they danced for the rest of the evening, their laughter filling the space and their feelings no longer a secret.
It felt great to have set boundaries with Tresillo and he respected it which made it even better.
He didn’t complain when they didn’t hold hands walking back to her house and when it was time to say goodnight, he was expecting a hug.
He never expected a kiss on the cheek from her and he melted immediately when she kissed him.
“You are going to have to warn me when you do that,” he whispered, breathless.
“Sorry, guess it is me calling the boundaries right?”
“No, I meant when you kiss me because I was not ready for that. The boundaries are not a problem,” he said.
Wani sighed happily and hugged him.
“You are absolutely wonderful. Thank you Tresillo. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Wani. I’ll see you soon.”
She gave him one last kiss on the cheek before opening the door before she was tackled by her friends.
“Wani! How was your date?” Gomdori asked
“Yeah you gotta tell us everything!” Ari squealed.
“Guys slow down I just got back!” Wani yelled.
“Wait did he walk you home? That’s so sweet!”  Kim-petit gushed.
“Uh...I’m right here...” he said with an awkward smile and they registered that he had just witnessed them tackle Wani to the floor.
“Oh hey, Tresillo,” Baby Bun said, getting up off the floor and offering her hand out.
He looked confused as he shook it and Baby Bun nodded.
“As the eldest of our group, I’m warning you that if you hurt Wani in any way, we will destroy you.”
The blue k-pop troll's jaw dropped and before she could protest Tresillo spoke.
“She means a lot to me. I never want to hurt her and I will do my best to make her feel cared for. If I hurt her in any way, feel free to know some sense into me.”
Baby Bun seemed satisfied by his answer and gave him a rare smile before walking inside.
“Goodnight everyone. I’m going to sleep!” she announced and one by one the other girls said their goodbyes and walked inside.
“You handled that really well,” Wani said impressed, "Baby Bun is usually overprotective but you seemed to pass the test."
“What can I say? I’m the smoothest troll you know,” he winked and she shoved him playfully.
“Goodnight. Sweet dreams,” she said as she closed the door.
As he walked away, he could hear the k-pop trolls ambush her again as she entered the house with screams and squeals and he smiled.
I think we’re going to work out just fine Wani.
He hummed the last few verses of Psycho before looking back at the house one more time.
We'll be okay.
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