#tros reylo fanfiction
io-lu-art · 11 months
An update from your friendly neighbourhood reylo stan who decided to do little teasers for her TLJ Aftermath fanscript WIP. Enjoy.
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Will i stick to doing these? I don't promise anything. Can you expect more of these in the future? I have no idea.
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vedavan · 7 days
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"What if two fated souls divided by tragedy could defy the will of an entire universe, because of one single promise?"
✨"i'll be the light and lead you home" by Vedavan ✨
✨ Modern AU/Canonverse crossover. Soulmates, reincarnation, reuniting the dyad, TRoS fix-it
✨M, 6/6, 13k
This story was a true labor of love, my attempt to take all that pain and tragedy from TRoS and give it some context that might make a little sense. It now remains one of my favorite things I've ever written and sits very close to my heart. 💖 I hope by sharing it with you all it brings you some healing and catharsis, too.
***Now with a post-TRoS companion piece, "And The World Was Gone". Details in Chapter 6.***
Read on AO3 here
Gorgeous moodies by @sofondabooks
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Anything's Possible
read on AO3
1.8k, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, E-rating, Post-Canon Fix It Summary: Nothing ever grows in the wastelands of a desert-planet. Rey considers herself lucky.
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sassinake · 6 months
Wake up, sleepyhead.
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Chapters: 17/17 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Other Star Wars Character(s), Force Ghosts - Character, Rose Tico, Finn (Star Wars), Original Characters, Armitage Hux, Original First Order Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Reylo-centric, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Dubious Consent, Post-Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Make love like war, Light BDSM, Arranged Marriage, Voyeurism, First Order Politics (Star Wars), Dubious Ethics, dubious meat products, Knights of Ren - Freeform, The Force, light gore, Force Visions (Star Wars), Smut as Character Work, Betrayal, Rebellion, the characters took the plot and ran with it, and I couldn't stop them, Finn wanted his rebellion and he was right, but this isn't the first time, Stormtrooper Rebellion (Star Wars) Series: Part 2 of TROS-alternates Summary:
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 Rey's womanly needs gives Kylo the chance to find comfort... and the depth of their Bond helps him turn back to the Light, but he must end the war first. To help him, Rey accepts his proposal and boards the ship as his Consort. Once in the system, she discovers something even a hardened Dark-sider won't stomach.
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Do you have any recommendations for TROS rewrites/fix-its?
My favorites are You'll Be The One To Turn by @postedbygaslight (Complete) and The Tether by @classeyspanks (In-progress). Technically they were both written before TROS, so not sure if they count as fix-its as much as post-TLJ canon-divergent. There are others but IMO these are the best-written and most in-character, so easy for me to imagine them as the real ending! Planning on getting bound copies of both some day!
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beatrixacs · 2 years
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EPISODE IX: Victory of the Dyad (rated E)
Chapter 19/19 - The Epilogue (1.6k words)
Several years into the future...
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27684908/chapters/110286579
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13772868/19/Episode-IX-Victory-of-the-Dyad
TROS shattered hearts of many and especially Reylos. Since then, I’ve been dutifully working on a rewrite of the movie, taking some of the scenes and pieces of dialogue I liked or found meaningful, reversing them into what they logically should be or played with them some more to enhance their significance. I’ve also taken some of its plot and transformed it into something that hopefully makes much more sense and it’s way more satisfying than the movie itself.
So, Palpatine is indeed back but how? And what is his game? What Rey and Ben have been up to between TLJ and TROS? What are their individual struggles and how are they going to deal with them? What is the state of the First Order and the Resistance? All answers will be gradually provided in the story as it unfolds.
If TROS can be considered as a revenge to TLJ, then this story is my revenge to TROS and you are welcomed to join the ride. Centerpiece of the story is Reylo. Other characters and their actions will appear and will be mentioned but not all will be described in chapters.
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reylogirlie · 1 year
So I decided to be evil 😈 and I’m so sorry please forgive me my next fic will be happy and sweet I swear-
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alligatorjesie · 4 months
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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green-apple-juice · 10 months
Remembering why I started to be active on Tumblr in the first place. Yes, it's Rian Johnson's "The Last Jedi" and Reylo, which also led me to be Star Wars obsessed at that time. But after "The Rise of Skywalker" I can't enjoy any of it anymore. Not even just "The Last Jedi" as a stand-alone movie because it doesn't work that way. By the end of the movie, I would be left in pain, a feeling that can't be healed or satisfied by simply reading "fix-it" fanfiction :-(
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Even after four years, I still feel bitter and upset that my love for Reylo and the whole universe was ruined by Disney, JJ Abrams, Chris Terrio and this trashy movie called TROS
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
On finnrey. Tbh I'm not a big SW fan (tho im still planning to watch the original trilogy cuz IK it's amazing), but my fam is and when TFA first released I was forced to go with my dad (don't remember why, just was). By the end a small part of me shipped Finnrey and was certain they'd be a thing. wasn't forced to attend the other 2 films, but from a YTer I learned of crazy Reylo fans and was so confused. Finnrey should be the main couple, not whatever the fuck Reylo is. Vent over lol
Oh, anon you're bringing back memoriesssssssssss
So I got into Star Wars in 2016 exclusively for the sequel trilogy because I heard there was a Black lead. I watched episodes 1-6 in order and LOVED the originals, though I wasn't too impressed with the prequels at the time.
TFA was already out, so after watching it I became a sequel stan waiting eagerly for TLJ, specifically for Finn, and I remember seeing fanart on Pinterest, clicking the link, and being brought to tumblr and discovering this website for the first time years before I actually made an account. I used to browse just for Finn fanart, Rey fanart, fanfiction... it was nice. But I remember there was a bit of Finn hate here and on reddit I didn't understand and some posts about how he was abusive and Kylo Ren was not and was healthier for Rey, and teenage me didn't truly get that at the time. I didn't truly flag it as racism (namely, people jumping to stick Finn with the "dangerous violent Black man" label) but it was big red flag for what was going to happen. TLJ came out, and I was disappointed that Finn was pushed aside for Kylo Ren. I came for the sequels because of the Black lead, not for the white villain. Why should I care about the emotions of a white space neonazi? But things got... so much worse. I remember Reylos calling Finn a coal boy. A dog. A monkey. The actor, John Boyega, spent years being harassed for "getting in the way" of their ship (and he'd already dealt with harassment earlier for having the audacity to be a Black male playing a lead in a big franchise, so this just added to that). Of course, when the actor received harassment in real life and the Reylos started calling the character a monkey, I knew by then it was racism, and I kind of just... stopped poking around on tumblr, Reddit, and even pinterest for sequel trilogy content. One of the people I remember calling out this behavior before I disengaged fully was @diversehighfantasy (check out her blog from the years Star Wars was coming out, from 2015-2019. She talked about the fandom's racism all the time) and she warned that unless fandom positively engaged with Finn more, his character would continue to be minimized as Disney, like all companies, is only after money and will promote whichever characters will bring in the most revenue. But white people (mainly, Reylos) didn't listen. And ofc, Finn was demoted even more in TROS.
Racist Reylos aside, I'd grown disillusioned with the sequel trilogy because, for all the prequel trilogy's weaknesses, it was very strong thematically, and I'd grown to love it for how it complemented the original trilogy. The original trilogy is amazing, but the prequels enhance the originals because the themes of the originals are truly compounded by knowing the full story, the full stakes, and Anakin's fleshed out character as revealed in the prequels. (I also watched The Clone Wars show which was AMAZING, and though I now prefer the prequels to the Clone Wars, the show played a great part in making me love the prequel era worldbuilding and characters and whatnot). The prequels and originals tell a full tale, and so between TLJ's release and TROS I was already feeling... iffy about the sequels walking back on that and the sequels essentially being a poorly made copy of the originals. When TROS came out and the movie completely sidelined Finn, the Black lead we were promised, to shove in a redemption for the white man who'd brutalized him and Rey over and over, and it spat on the face of the entire POINT of the prequels+original trilogy by, uh, having Rey do the thing she does (no spoilers :) ) instead of Anakin having fully completed the job in Return of the Jedi, I fully noped out.
The racists (both the Reylos and the people before them who freaked out over John Boyega having the audacity to be Black and exist in the Star Wars universe) got what they wanted--the white man took center stage, and the "dog", the "coal boy", the "monkey", was sidelined. And the themes of Star Wars and the entire point of the first 6 movies were utterly destroyed, with a variety of retcons and changes in the worldbuilding along the way (and if y'all know me by now you know I DESPISE retcons of any kind).
So for my own sanity, the sequels do not exist. Finn wasn't treated like that. The themes of the first 6 movies weren't walked back on and absolutely trashed as they were. Reylo is not thing, the racists didn't win, and life is good. It was basically an exercise in how I'd treat ACOMAF and all the other books after ACOTAR--they do not exist until I have to honestly critique them.
And frankly I could do it easier here and not for ACOTAR because they weren't technically made by the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, so the sequels are essentially glorified fanfiction anyway.
Anyway: good on you for avoiding the mess the sequel trilogy ultimately became. I wish I could say the same :)
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redrascal1 · 10 months
This poster from the JCF raises an interesting point:
The ST was never really a finale of the saga. TROS was a finale of that trilogy, but not of the entire thing. It was the finale of the Skywalker bloodline, but not of the whole light vs dark battle. It never gave us closure at all. By doing more movies set in that time period (albeit 15 years later), they have a chance to truly give closure to the whole lightside vs darkside and somehow Rey can be a vehicle for the Skywalkers (the TRUE Skywalkers) to put an end to this from ghost form. Perhaps she is the Aragorn to the Force ghosts' "army of the dead" needed to battle the spirits of dark siders. That would be a cool concept. I hope Filoni helps the writers of the new movies to go all in on the mythology.
This could have been done in the ST. But, it should have been done by Ben - working with Rey. As we reylos said all along, the balance of the Force should have been found within both of them, putting an end once and for all to the endless light/dark conflict. Rian Johnson saw this, in fact he pushed it throughout the film, with Snoke berating Ben for having too much of his father's heart and Luke berating Rey for her attraction to the Dark Side.
TROS had a golden opportunity to create a new era for SW. Instead it threw it all away on the altar of Terrio's fanfiction and Kennedy's wokery. And I'm sorry but it's too late to do it now - unless they bring Ben back. Which they refuse to do.
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io-lu-art · 11 months
Look at me, after years and years and years I finally pushed myself to make an AO3 account. I uploaded my TROS: fix-it story I posted on Tumblr over there as well, storyboard included. I also went over it again and rewrote the bad writing of my 17 year old self to hopefully make it a better reading experience. (Tumblr version is also updated with the rewrite.)
To anyone who's interested, here's the link.
I have big plans for that account. Big meaning the Post-TLJ fanscript I am working on which ignores everything that happened after ep 8 and will be illustrated. So yeah, stay tuned!
I might change my username to something similar to Tumblr. We'll see.
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vedavan · 17 days
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💙 "And The World Was Gone"💙
One shot, rated M (for mature themes dealing with grief and loss)
Several months after Exegol, Rey finds herself waiting once again. But this time, it's for Ben.
But she's not worried. He did make her a promise, after all.
This is an angsty companion piece to my reincarnation/soulmate TRoS fix-it fic, "I'll be the light and lead you home". I strongly recommend reading that story first (linked as Part 1 of this series) to understand why this is really a happily ever after, albeit a bittersweet one. However, it can be read as an angsty post-TRoS standalone, if you so choose.
Please mind tags.
Link to AO3 here
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benvskylo · 1 year
The only reason I have hope about this new announcement is cause we have been so vocal about our disappointment in tros.
Several Reylo fanfictions have been published as original novels. At least one of those authors have collaborated with DLF. DLF would have to be delusional to not at least recognize that they messed up(privately, I doubt they would ever publicly acknowledge it) and that this is a way to somewhat fix what they did
(Also Daisy herself is a reylo, and while actors don’t have final say, the writers would be insane to not at least listen to her input)
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sassinake · 2 months
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Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Other Star Wars Character(s) Additional Tags: You Need A Teacher, Slow Burn Rey/Kylo Ren, Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut, real slooow, I'm in no hurry, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Kylo Ren Needs a Hug, Rey needs a Lover, Reylo - Freeform, Reylo Week, Jakku, NSFW, Reylo-centric, HEA, Make love like war, Smut as Character Work Series: Part 7 of Reylo Short Stories and Novellas Summary:
Rey needs a Dark side teacher. She has much to offer in return.
Longing, pining, desperate resisting. Ultimately, smut. Reylo-centric. Romantic? You betcha.
An early work, so naive and clumsy at times.
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
What do you think of Reylo? Do you feel like it's reverse Anidala?
I'm not too big on the pairing.
And I fail to see many of the similarities some draw between them and Anidala. So, no I do not feel like it is reverse Anidala.
But with that being said, I was quite excited for them after TFA. And I was quite disappointed with how the last two movies handled them. Maybe I need to rewatch that trilogy, but to me it felt like the pairing was there just to be there, it served no real purpose the majority of the time. It was like they had two attractive actors and wanted them together on screen, without thinking of a story that fit. Kylo healing Rey in TROS could have happened regardless of their romantic relationship, the dyad wasn't connected to them being romantically involved. And they could have had their rivalry without having to having to become lovers.
On paper. I like them. I think they have an interesting dynamic, in the right setting. But unfortunately, for me, that wasn't the sequel trilogy. However, I'm not against reading fanfictions about them in the future. And I would be open to receiving recommendations.
Also, if there are any Reylo writers out there. Please stop tagging Anidala when they barely appear.
This is all my personal opinion. I don't know if this opinion is wildly shared or not. I ask you all to respect this. I have seen countless of other blogs and people getting harassed by all different sides of the SW fandom for expressing their honest opinion on Reylo and the ST in general. Luckily, I don't think any of those people are on this blog. But if some of them should stumble across this post, please keep your aggressions to yourself. But I'm open to having a civil discussion, if anyone is interested in it.
Thank you for the ask anon :D
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