andylantsov · 1 year
List of AFTG Fics that I will be reading.. sometime
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(Thank you for this image, pinterest)
Part 2 but this is not a proper official series
1. Different roads by frankelled
2. Lemonade by trubenblack
3. A Study In De-escalation by cleopatras
4. Go Team! by @bazookajo94
5. Out in the Black by @gluupor
6. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes chapter from ncert
7. Aidan Minyard by OddlyBookish
8. Friday Night Big Screen by @annawrites (moonix)
9. what a chatty creature by nanatsuyu
10. Neil Crashes a Dinner Party by Carryonhowell
11. Tooth and Nail by AlrightDarlin (WhoopsOK)
12. Fake It 'Till You Make It by demesh (and then more stuff from this link)
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aftgficrec · 10 months
andreil being domestic in front of the foxes
Everyone is so surprised to see these two being soft! -A
latest foxes react asks
Foxes react to coupley Andreil here
Foxes react: andreil can’t hide it here
Foxes walk in on cute andreil here
more foxes react
andreil having incomprehensible convos here
andreil + pda here and andreil casual pda here
kandreil coming out to wymack/the foxes here
andreil secret marriage here and secret marriage/relationship here
‘It's a Home’ here 
‘I Found’ here
‘A Dad By Any Other Name’ and ‘small as a wish in a well’ here
‘you're here and you're you’ here 
‘it starts like this,’ ‘Love's an Endgame, but It's Not a Game,’ ‘hedge your bets,’ ‘can you keep a secret?,’ ‘The Bet,’ ‘We aim to win,’ ‘They Look Like The Stars,’ and the tumblr posts here
‘Andreil Massages Turned War…’ here
‘andrew minyard’s gossip sessions with david wymack’ here
‘What everyone doesn't see unless they look close enough.’ series: part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here
‘Secret Privacy’ here
‘simple romance,’ ‘call it what you want,’ ‘The Foxes Date Night,’ and ‘Andrew scares the waiter’ here
‘Consequences of Coaching’ here
‘they match’ and ‘baby, baby’ here
‘Better than a Blanket, Your Coat’ here
‘Surprise?’ here
and more
‘night by night’ here
‘you make my heart shake, bend & brake,’ ‘we'll be the last ones dancing…,’ and ‘you, forever, everyday.’ here 
‘Calling All My Lovelies,’ ‘for a heart beats best…,’ ‘Not boyfriends,’ and ‘Neil calling Andrew cute nicknames’ here
‘I'll See You in My Dreams’ and ‘Seeing Stars’ here
‘there's no way JOSTEN has a girlfriend,’ ‘every piece of you, it just fits perfectly,’ and ‘The One Where Everyone Finds Out’ here
‘Same old fresh air’ here 
‘never stood a chance’ and ‘You've Begun to Feel Like Home’ here
‘Happy Birthday, Neil.,’ ‘ i wanna hold your hand,’ and ‘Fuzzy Feelings’ here
‘The Road Trip’ here
‘Dare You,’ ‘never have i ever…,’ ‘Too Drunk,’ and ‘Here.’ here
‘i’ll crawl home to him’ here
‘Halloween couples costumes’ and ‘skirt and a crop top’ here
‘ANDREIL + #120’ and ‘neil gets his wisdom teeth taken out’ here
‘Hospitals and Anesthesia,’ ‘ I see who you are,’ ‘Ficlet Collection’ Ch 10 and ‘Going Green’ here
‘the one with the black sweater’ here
‘In Too Deep,’ ‘Surfin' U.S.A,’ ‘In a Lifeguard's Gaze,’ and ‘andreil + the beach’ here 
‘Me and You’ series here
‘Andreil- Piggy Back Rides’ here
‘The Love We Lost (then found)’ here (completed)
‘Sugar & Spice (and everything... nice?),’ ‘skylight,’ and ‘scarier things’ here
‘Hungover,’ ‘neil josten goes to the dentist,’ ‘mistakes were made (but it's okay),’ and ‘au where Neil and Katelyn work at a coffee shop’ here  
‘Twinyard Trouble’ and ‘the ‘which one is Andrew’ game’ here
‘Identity Theft,’ ‘don't be so cold,’ and ‘Step 1 in "How To Handle A Crisis"...’ here
pro teams/outsiders reacting to andreil
foxes react + pov outsider here
freshmen react/pov outsider here
andreil secret relationship/relationship reveal here
canon compliant, post canon Minyard-Josten rivalry here
details of Andreil being intimate go public here
andreil in a magazine here
‘Professor Neil’ series here
‘Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before’ here
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foxes revise opinion of Andrew here
super and long domestic andreil
Like no one does by trubenblack [Rated T, 3689 Words, Complete, 2023]
He should get up, he should go for a run but as soon as he looks at his husband he decides he would rather just stay here. Andrew’s face is calm, smooth. Not in the way it used to be, he looks younger, the wrinkles that are just beginning to form between his eyebrows and on his forehead smoothed. - A day in the life of two men that are simply in love thats literally it
Married To Annoy by chaoticas_hell [Not Rated, 6068 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew and Aaron's relationship was better, much better, than it had ever been before. They could talk to each other about anything, fights no longer threatened to destroy their relationship. It was very peaceful. And that was boring as hell. So Andrew plans to do something about it, something that would majorly piss off his dear brother. So Andrew decides to marry his long-term boyfriend, Neil Josten- the guy his brother can't stand.
Definitely Not Valentine's Day by sillyunicorn6154 [Rated T, 961 Words, Complete, 2023]
In which Neil and Andrew definitely don't celebrate Valentine's Day.
head case (what to do with you) by Major_816 [Not Rated, 4007 Words, Complete, 2023]
It bolsters him now. Because Andrew’s in the hospital and this medical fuck with an incompetency problem won’t let Neil in to see him. ~ Andrew gets hurt and Neil...handles it.
tw: major character injury, tw: blood/gore
midnight love by imaddictedtoreading [Not Rated, 2141 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew and Neil have been acting very couple-y lately. 5 times somebody witnesses a moment and one time Andrew clears everything up
Words Are Important Too by sensetia [Rated G, 1937 Words, Complete, 2021]
They all knew that Andrew and Neil loved each other. They’d seen it through subtle touches and passing glances throughout the years. But what they didn’t know is if the two boys said it to each other. Did they say ‘I love you’ ? Did they whisper sweet nothings in each others ears? Did they hold hands just for the sake of being close? Did they kiss when there was really no reason to? That’s what the foxes wanted to know.
tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced torture
flashes of intimacy by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2023]
NB: this series was recced in our romantic andreil/growing together ask
Chapter 1: death threats [506 Words] Andrew’s expression cracks, his baseline apathy shrinking under bright headlights. Neil hears Nicky calling his name, and then he’s being yanked up onto the curb, almost knocking Andrew over in the process. Chapter 14: "devotion" [493 Words] Neil sees Andrew across the dining hall first, but it doesn’t take long for Andrew’s eyes to meet his as he scans the room. Chapter 18: baby steps [443 Words] “Truth or dare, Neil?” 
Forever Is A Big Word by ADifferentTime [Rated G, 14154 Words, Complete, 2022]
Neil gets injured and ends up in the hospital which leads to a marriage proposal and a very quick courthouse wedding with all of their friends.
Pointless by maqicien [Not Rated, 3034 Words, Complete, 2022]
The Foxes have only ever known him as the vicious, vindictive Monster he’s portrayed himself as. Now, he’s a mystery no one knows how to solve; hard and violent for strangers, soft and gentle for this boy with the sharp smile. - 5 times the Foxes accidentally spied on Andrew and his secret boyfriend and the 1 time they actually get to meet him.
One day we'll reveal the truth by allyasavedtheday [Rated T, 3773 Words, Complete, 2019, locked]
“Is there a reason you don’t like Neil?” Bee asks him then and Aaron doesn’t understand how the fuck they got onto this when she’s supposed to be fixing him and Andrew. “I don’t trust him,” he says eventually. “All he’s done since he’s got here is cause trouble.”
TFC headcannons by Sugden_in_a_beanie [Not Rated, Collection, Updated 2018]
Chapter 1 Instagram  Chapter 11 Pancakes  Chapter 13 professional Exy after the match when they all line up and shake hands they take kids on with them too
Tumblr Drabbles by PumpkinspiceLou (CatyDreamDwyer) [Not Rated, Collection, Updated Jan 2022]
Chapter 4: Secret Husbands Neil gets injured during a game (set after everyone has graduated/gone pro)
these feelings, they keep running the red by orphan_account [Rated M, 3589 Words, Complete, 2020]
Neil Josten had never imagined getting married. He’d never been allowed to. He was meant to keep himself disconnected and alone, only in the company of his mother. He couldn’t let himself be distracted by the girl he kissed in eighth grade, sticky with lipgloss, let alone marriage. His mother had told him, endlessly, that love was nothing. It was worthless. Attraction was weakness, love was pain. or, 5 times Neil thinks about marriage, and 1 time he gets married.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Nap Time is Best Time by Willow_bird [Rated G, 2659 Words, Complete, 2021]
“Is he dead?” “Don’t be stupid, he’s clearly breathing.” “Yeah, okay, but like - you should go check.” --- The Foxes are chaos-gremlins who have to stick their noses into EVERYTHING. Neil loves them anyway
Photo Shoot by sheskyripa [Rated G, 2473 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil was not shy, not at all. He had no problem with being placed in front of a camera and saying shit about everything he was thinking. But a photoshoot was completely different. A photoshoot would have an almost total focus on his appearance and Neil didn't like it at all. or, the Foxes have to do a photo shoot and Neil is not happy with it. Andrew helps.
tw: scars
NB: fanart by @linecrosser here 
AJMICKEY56's Fanfiction Palooza! by AJMICKEY56 [Rated G, Multifandom Collection, Complete, 2023]
Chapter 2: aaron asking andrew to tell neil to help him with math Chapter 82: aaron saying something homophobic…this time neil won't ignore it and chews aaron out
tw: homophobia
Chapter 86: Three times Andrew couldn't help but smile and one time he chose to. Chapter 100: foxes react to neil buying the maserati for andrew
Master post for Fluent Freshman AU by @jtl-fics [Tumblr Fic, 2023] The serialized adventures of a foreign language major freshman Fox who is unwittingly subjected to sappy Russian pet names and spicy flirting between Captain Neil and the scary goalie. 
Foxes Reacting to Andreil by @kanekicure [Tumblr, 2022]
foxes reacting to andreil being cute by @rainbow-femme [Tumblr, 2017]
foxes accepting and loving andreil fluff prompt fill by @whatmack [Tumblr, 2019]
the upperclassmen. the monsters. andreil. fandom fun post by @lemonboyjosten [Tumblr, 2023]
Neil: *sticks Andrew’s hand under his shirt* fandom fun post by @4-fox-sake-txtpost [Tumblr, 2019]
mittens and stitches art by @greenchilypepper
anyway this is gay and transparent art by @rotenkehl
Cute lil AFTG tweet 😌art by @eislekaj on instagram
andrew minyard this is boyfriend behavior…  art by @02511213942
i'm sorry kevin... it's too early for this art by @02511213942
this bastard is kissing my brother art by @jayjuls
aftg meme redraw art by @s-hanna-h
he does that sometimes art by @jeannemaybedarc
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whatmack · 6 years
-Nicky understanding why Andrew doesn't like to be touched is super important to their relationship - Obviously Nicky is horrified by what happened with drake and he avoids even going near andrew for a while bc he's so scared of triggering him (he loves andrew so much) But then one day he hears neil asking yes or no before holding andrew's hand. so one day after theyve won a match against the ravens he goes up to andrew and goes "Can i pat you on the shoulder" Andrew nods and nicky is so happy
aHHHHH YES YE SYESYESYESI love this so much????? once nicky understands, or starts to understand, he pays attention and this is a way that andrew really starts to realize how much nicky cares and it’s so good for them both and I’m happy,
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aftgficlibrary · 4 years
hi do you guys know of any fics where either neil or andrew is a nerd
Sure! Sorry this took so long-Beth
Math, Exy and Middle Ground by alex_glasses (T | Incomplete | 3/?)
Neil is a nerd, Andrew is a professional Exy player. Between coffee, bookstores and Exy, will they find what they want?Featuring sassy!Neil, amused Andrew and a tired Aaron.
Neil's A Nerd by orphan_account (G | 455 | 1/1)
Neil can be pretty dumb sometimes, but that doesn't mean he's not smart as fuck
My friend you've been looking so angry by trubenblack (Not Rated | 1,444 | 1/1)
Neil’s relationship with Aaron could be described as rocky at best, but walking in on hims crying was not something he had ever expected
Aaron and Neil bonding!!
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Twinyard Birthday Fic Recs
I haven’t done much with this blog other than to reblog some stuff recently, soooooooo. In honour of Aaron and Andrew’s birthday, I’ve put together a collection of some fics that either includes their birthday or is solely about their birthday. Enjoy!!!!!
Let them eat cake by justdk: 509 words
In which Aaron is nearly done in by desserts.
Bones of our childhood by cave_canem: 6263 words
November 4th isn't a good day in the Minyard household, but it doesn't mean that it has to stay that way.
Aaron, Andrew, and slowly mending their relationship (and their birthday).
A Birthday wish by Baekhanded: 2761 words
Andrew comes home late worse for wear the night before their birthday.
somehow..it's a blessing
In the morning by trubenblack: 1567 words
Happy Birthday Andrew and Aaron
Andrew versus the truth by gluupor: 5619 words
Andrew gets an unexpected message on his birthday from his estranged twin brother and then very strange things start happening.
A spy AU written for the Andreil Week prompt: video games
For Andrew by fubukiatsuya and my_unlikely_hero: 1022 words
Happy birthday Andrew!
(sadly I couldn’t find anything Aaron/ Katelyn, which is a shame. Maybe I’ll write something for them some time)
Alright, have a nice day guys!! be chill, stay hydrated, and love yourself some Minyards!
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adamslynches · 5 years
I was tagged by @knox-knocks, thank you!!!!
rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
Voldemort (Acoustic) - With Confidence
Youth - Daughter
Swimming Pool - The Front Bottoms
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
Heaven is a place on earth - Belinda Carlisle
Stinky Money - Tiny Meat Gang
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
If I’m being honest - dodie
I’m low on gas and you need a jacket - Pierce The Veil
The Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks
I tag @jehanprouvaire @trubenblack @letanger @jewishneiljosten and @fakehappyjosten !!!!
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trubenblack · 6 years
If for some reason anyone wants to find me on any other platforms
My twitter: trubenblack
- My pinned tweets is one of my song so if you want to hear a very young ben singing give that a click and most of it is shitposting ur welcome
My ao3: trubenblack
- I write soft fics usually because my boys deserve everything
My Insta: _lueck_ 
-I know its the outlier I'm sorry but you can see my face, its not great but it is mine 
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Cuddly flirty andreil for life!! Andrew and Neil THINK they are being subtle but all the Foxes watching like : could these two BE more obvious??? Just. Flirty Andreil in front of the Foxes!
Didn’t find much flirting or sass, but here’s a bunch of foxes reacting to soft Andreil with lots of warmth, cuddling, and pda. -A
our latest ask for this:
Foxes react to cute andreil here
Seared Into You by BelovedPoison [Rated T, 5113 words, Complete 2020, AFTG Summer]
AFTG Summer Day 12 - August 14th Bonfire: Seared Into You ~
Andrew thought Neil was good, that he was okay with this. The fire, the smoke, the marshmallows melting on sticks that Nicky had insisted was a thing they needed to do around the bonfire. As it turns out though, Neil wasn't quite as ready as he'd thought he was and now Andrew has to bring him back to himself, to them, to him. Because he's not leaving Neil alone in that dark place he's slipped into, not now, not ever.
And if it takes open affection and soft touches in front of their family and friends, well so be it. Neil's more important and that's all there is to it. Screw them and their stares, his only focus is his silly rabbit.
tw: panic attacks
Warmth by trubenblack [Rated T, 1967 Words, Complete, 2018]
The first time it happens, it’s a bit of a happy accident
the hand holding fic that nobody asked for but is completely necessary.
tw: alcohol
alright, pull your hatchets out by sundowne [Rated T, 9445 Words, Complete, 2021]
Years ago, Neil made a promise to his best friend, Aaron, that he wouldn't date his twin brother, Andrew. After a few years of college, new relationships, and a game of truths, Neil realizes his mistake.
tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: alcohol
it's you i've been wishing for by melopeya [Rated T, 9085 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2020]
When Neil decides to stay on campus for winter break, he’s looking forward to several weeks of peace, quiet, and Netflix. But as he gets to know the only other person staying in his dorm, he realizes he might be getting a lot more than he bargained for.
tw: alcohol 
A very Covid Christmas by Lyndis [Rated G, 1602 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew never thought he would ever mind having a very good excuse to not see his chosen family over Christmas. But the sad and bitter truth was that he did mind and it sucked.
The Jumper by CrownOfAloe [Rated G, 1536 Words, Complete, 2017]
When Andrew sees the jumper, he has half a mind to burn it.
tw: anxiety, tw: violence
Carry Me Home by Amyiguess [Rated G, 3491 Words, Complete, 2018]
Contrary to popular belief, Neil had never been dropped as a child. Being dropped would insinuate he had ever been held in the first place…
(Or the 5 times Neil asked Andrew to carry him + the 1 time he didn't have to ask)
tw: alcohol
They're Twins by superfluoussplendor [Rated T, 7314 Words, Complete, 2016]
Neil's second year at PSU dealing with the new additions to the team and his relationship with Andrew.
tw: alcohol
Sleepy Neil by samikuzo [Rated G, 891 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil is tired after a rough day and falls asleep during the foxes' movie night. Andrew carries Neil back to the dorm. Nicky is absolutely loving life at the moment.
tw: alcohol
AFTG/TFC minifics, headcanons from @/neilsexy on tumblr by mugglecastiel [Not Rated, Collection, Updated 2016]  
Chapter 26 (852 Words)
ANDREIL + #127 (“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”) 
Afterthoughts by wesawbears [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2017] 
Chapter 6: Andreil- Alternate Take [1063 Words]
The Foxes find out about Andrew and Neil's relationship in a slightly different way.
tw: involuntary outing
Chapter 15: Andreil- Drunk!Neil (536 Words)
Neil gets drunk with the Foxes and lets himself relax.
tw: alcohol
Chapter 39: Andreil- Trip with the Foxes [522 Words]
During the few weeks between the end of the school year and the beginning of summer practices, the Foxes decide to take a well deserved vacation, this time to one of Allison’s beach houses. It’s a fun and relaxing time for all, with even Kevin bitching only tangentially about Exy.
tw: alcohol
the foxes by shewhoisntnamed44 [Rated G, Collection, Updated 2017]
Chapter 1 (363 Words)
they were sitting in the last row. every time the bus hit a speed breaker, neil's head banged against the window, and every time, he woke up. of course he went back to sleep two seconds later. he was tired and he'd slept in worse conditions.
Chapter 2  (271 Words)
"what the fuck is this neil?", andrew said as he slowly removed a jumper from the bag neil had given him.
Chapter 3 (393 Words)
imagine the foxes walking in on andreil making out for the first(and probably not last) time
Chapter 12 (838 Words)
Dan was the captain of the Foxes, she sees, knows everything. 
All for the Game Prompt Fills (drabbles+oneshots) by Marmeladeskies [Rated T, Collection, Updated 2019] 
Chapter 12: They're good for and with each other. (519 Words)
neil being oblivious to everyone but andrew prompt fill by @ravenvsfox [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
“You’re all zoned out,” Matt says in her ear. Dan tips him immediately backwards with a hand to the chest.
“Shush,” she tells him, gritted through the straw she’s worrying between her teeth. She ran out of the watered-down pepsi they’re serving in battered plastic jugs a half hour ago.
Foxes Reacting to Andreil by @kanekicure [Tumblr, 2021]
…a mix of my personal thoughts as well as some written out scenes.
Everybody knows prompt fill by @luci-cunt [Tumblr, 2020]
can i get "everybody knows" + "innocent physical contact" for andreil?
Foxes react to Neil sleeping on Andrew by @georgecostanzaatemysoup [Tumblr, 2020]
Andreil cuddling during movie night hc by @knox-knocks [Tumblr, 2021]
Hc that Andrew is actually CONSTANTLY blushing over Neil by @imperfectcourt [Tumblr, 2018]
andriel soft touches headcanons by @dumbwaves [Tumblr, 2019]
Soft Andreil headcanon by @smol-midgets [Tumblr, 2021]
Some sleepy foxes and a song that makes me think of them art by @monster-minyard
in which Andrew and Neil kiss in the middle of an exy game art by @gthechangeling
zonked + stronk 🧡 art by @sunnysideartx
Andreil forehead kisses by @chemdoodles 
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Are there any more fics with Andrew as a bartender? Also thanks for ur work I appreciate it
There are, friend! Enjoy, and don’t forget to check out the previous recs! - S
Also see…
‘still’ here
‘monsters at night’ here
‘This Modern Love’ here
‘Take This Heart (Put Yourself In It)’ here
‘Ultraviolence’ here
‘take yourself home’ here
‘The Foxhole Club’ series here
‘Speak easy to me’ here
‘He's such a surreal Phenomenon’ here
‘late nights’ here
The Twelve (ish) Dates of Christmas by eloquence_and_melancholy [Rated G, 11036 words, complete, 2021]
Allison sets Neil up on a variety of blind dates that all take place at a bar where Andrew works.
christmas fluff au
tw: blood
Bright Lights Make You Shine And I Can't Get Enough by Fox_Fan13 [Not Rated, 4966 words, complete, 2021]
Andrew wasn't planning on working at The Foxhole, but after seeing a help wanted sign and a hot boy, he couldn't resist. Having money to pay rent and bills is one thing, and being able to watch a show was just a wonderful bonus.
'Cause when you love someone (You open up your heart) by foxyroxi [Rated G, 5209 words, complete, 2021]
Neil smiled bright like the sun, then he leaned in and placed a kiss on Andrew’s forehead, then on his lips.
Andrew knew he was home, and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Neil in a small town in Colorado.
rabbit hearted by moderatelymothlike [Rated T, 13924 words, incomplete, last updated April 2021]
"Congratulations. On the game. Earlier," Andrew says, going for offhanded and landing just south of that. He watches Neil pick up the glass too closely to persuade anyone of his indifference.
Neil looks at the opaque liquid within the shot, like if he stares long enough, it'll tell him a secret. "Coward," he remarks casually, still examining the glass. It's said in the same tone one might say thank you, or oops, or okay.
Andrew raises an eyebrow. "A harsh judgment, considering you haven't even tried it yet."
Andrew meets Neil again, after some years. Maybe this time things will work out better.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
All of This Turbulence Wasn't Forecasted by interstellarflowers [Rated T, 25385 words, complete, 2021]
Neil moves to the Big City for a change of pace. He's Tired, paranoid, and in need of a room - one with a roommate!
Andrew is Tired, angry, and *also* in need of a roommate!
(Cloudy days, tall buildings, and general animosity ensue)
tw: violence, tw: depression, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: nonconsensual drug use
Do, Do, Do by Mercey [Rated E, 2172 words, complete, 2020]
‘Picking fights again, are we?’ Andrew asked.
Neil’s lips quirked. ‘It gets your attention, doesn’t it?’
‘I’m not sure whether to kiss you with my fist or my mouth.’
‘Well, I know which one I’d prefer.’
‘Close your damn head,’ Andrew muttered, and crushed his lips to Neil’s.
Or: what happens when a noir nerd decides to write Andreil smut.
Lemonade by trubenblack [Rated T, 2234 words, complete, 2020]
Andrew just wants to go through one day of work without a dumb customer.
Neil just wants to annoy the cute bartender.
tw: scars
Pieces of Ideas for Works by Paradoxolotl [Not Rated, collection, last updated Nov 2021]
Chapter 3: Snapshots and Whiskey Shots [1004 words]
Neil is a photographer. Andrew is a bartender. Neil wants to take Andrew's photo. Andrew wants to take Neil apart.
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aftgficrec · 3 years
oooh the foxes seeing andreil be cute around each other plss
Here you go! For more, check out the previous recommendations, or our foxes react tag. Enjoy! - S
Previous recs:
Foxes react to coupley Andreil here (see top of this post for many other recommendations)
‘Burned Away’ here
Andreil and goodbye kisses hc by @the-chicken-or-the-banana [tumblr, 2021]
part 1, part 2: kevin, part 3: nicky, part 4: renee, part 5: dan, part 6: aaron, part 7: allison, part 8: Wymack (+ bonus)
- so andrew and neil aren't too big on PDA, but after Baltimore, leaving the other is always followed by a lingering fear
soft andreil by @smol-midgets [tumblr, 2021]
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of soft andreil...
butterfly knives by stickball11 [Rated T, 1411 words, complete, 2021]
Aaron just scowled at him. Kevin sighed again. Conversing was always so much more exhausting than he anticipated.
"Do you want to... see the snakes?"
Ft. the Foxes at the zoo, snakes, butterflies, and a confession
Or, the Foxes find out how Neil and Andrew got together
Sunshine by foxholeshoyou [Rated G, 752 Words, Complete, 2021]
Whenever he closed his eyes all he saw was Neil’s pretty smile and his bright blue eyes. All he heard was Neil’s excited voice, his laugh.
AFTG Christmas Series by keirarosexx [Not Rated, 1049 words, complete, 2020]
Neil's first proper Christmas with the Foxes
anything by djhedy [Rated G, 4046 words, complete, 2019]
“You’re in a good mood,” Neil said, looking across the parking lot to see Nicky walking out the stadium, the others behind him.
Andrew shrugged. “I’m preparing myself to be entertained.”
Neil looked at him. “Huh?”
Andrew gestured towards the foxes. “They’re about to surprise you, for your birthday.”
Neil stood up straight. “Oh god," he said, but it was too late.
or, the foxes force neil to celebrate his birthday in classic fox fashion, and andrew and neil cant help being cute
movie night by andrwmnyrd [Rated G, 2125 words, complete, 2018 ]
“Okay, as much as I enjoy making fun of Kevin,” Nicky starts, getting up. “And I do enjoy it a lot, we have to decide what we’re watching today.”
“I vote Fast and Furious,” Matt says.
“Cute, but no. Movies about cars offend my delicate homosexual sensibilities. Dan?”
“Thirteen Going On Thirty?”
“Good one. Keep ‘em coming! Renee?”
“Kill Bill,” she says and Allison nods, agreeing with her.
“Interesting. Anyone else?”
movie night + foxes
Adore by trubenblack [Not Rated, 1121 words, complete, 2018]
Meant to be sort of around Andrew's 5th year when he's much calmer and happier.
Foxhole Tidbits by SpangleBangle [Rated T/M, collection, last updated 2018]
Chapter 29: Kiss It Better? [T, 697 Words]
Prompt for Andrew and Neil being SoftTM in front of the other Foxes. Original here. Fun fact, I was going to add this into the last chapter of Trust Fall but thought it disrupted the flow too much, so have it here c: Warnings for a broken nose and blood in general.
tw: blood
Andreil at a christmas market art by @caraleadraws [tumblr, 2020]
happy andreil art by @lio-zehel [tumblr, 2017]
andreil forehead kisses art by @cute-electrocute [tumblr, 2017]
casual affection art by @verdiris [tumblr, 2021]
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Trans Neil? Like the one where he knew Kevin from the nest and Alison was a supportive friend and she called him handsome the first time they met on fox court? Preferably like a canon rewrite (?still don’t know the correct terms so idk if canon compliant works here) but other types would be appreciated too
Hi, anon. The fic you describe may be ‘Remind me I’m not home,’ which has Neil as a former Raven and is below in our previous recs. I’m re-listing ‘Beautiful and Splendid Things,’ which has a fun twist on exy. - A
previous recs:
trans Neil 1 here
trans Neil, Andrew, Kevin here
‘Remind me I’m not home’ here
‘In Flanders Fields,’ ‘In The House of the Rising Sun,’ ‘All or Nothing,’ ‘Josten’s Eight,’ and ‘Beautiful and Splendid Things’ (this one is also recced below) here
‘there's gotta be some butterflies somewhere,’ ‘forgive our sins forged at the pulpit,’ and ‘We All Get A Little Wrecked Sometimes’ here
‘Staring at the Sun’ (jerejean, since updated, background andreil) here
Affection can be shown in so many ways by Theoddgalaxy [Rated T, 5978 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew is learning, learning to support, to be supported and it’s terrifying. He’s slowly each day relaxing into normalcy, that is until the nightmares start up again, and Luther contacts Nicky.
Andrew has a nightmare Neil comforts. Nicky gets a call from Luther, and it reminds them all they’ve got a home with the foxes. Andrew also drags Neil to therapy.
tw: nightmares, tw: homophobic slur
Show and Tell by darkbluebox [Rated T, 806 Words, Complete, 2021]
“Show me your scars.”
tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: referenced deadnaming, tw: referenced involuntary outing
a different way in the destiny by sheskyripa [Not Rated (we say T), 14853 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil had bandages on both cheeks. Andrew removed them one by one, as gently as possible so as not to hurt him further. The tattoo was gone, giving way to burned flesh. Two new knife scars arrived in Neil's collection. Other than that, he looked fine. Andrew hated having thought of that. Neil was not okay. He was hurt. He was…
Andrew's eyes dropped to his stomach. Neil noticed, of course. He placed a hand on his stomach before making Andrew look at him. “I'm okay. We're okay.”
or, where neil was pregnant when he was kidnapped.
tw: self harm, tw: blood, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: transphobia, tw: misgendering, tw: dysphoria, tw: involuntary outing, tw: panic attacks
When it comes to us by trubenblack [Not Rated, 1762 Words, Complete, 2019]
It’s incredibly difficult to pretend to yourself that you haven’t really fucked up when you very clearly have.
Neil gets anxious and doesn't know when to stop pushing himself.
tw: dysphoria, tw: anxiety
Beautiful and Splendid Things by Dhillarearen [Rated T, 37105 Words, Complete 2019, AFTG Reverse Big Bang]
Hobbes hasn’t been taught in a century, but if he were, Neil Josten would agree with his view on humanity. The only good thing about living is Exy, and being a member of a professional Exy hover-racing team means that Neil doesn’t have to think about anything else.
Enter Andrew Minyard.
tw: violence
NB: Art prompt by @still-waiting-for-godot
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Neil nonchalantly using different languages ?
2/ omgjustkillmealready said to aftgficrec: Neil doing accents. Like not mockingly but like convincing ones nonchalantly?
We combine language/accents as one tag, but I’m listing some Neil with a British accent from previous recs, plus some new-to-us ones at the end of this post. As always, please make sure to check the top of the previous recs for many more fics. - A
Also check out
Neil with languages/accents
Neil with math/language skills
‘andreil learning russian’ here
‘Okay so I have this headcanon about andreil’ here
neil or andrew use sign language
Neil is British or a British accent comes out in these previous recs
‘Armies’ here
‘Neil Hatford’ here
‘The Morning AUs...Ch. 47: i like your face' here
‘morbid stuff’ series (kandreil) here
‘nothing to lose’ series here
‘Broken English’ here
‘it suits you’ here
‘Sinister Kid’ here
‘Fake It ’Til You Make It’ here
‘Dancing With the Devil’ here
‘teach me something about love’ here
I Can't Read Your Mind (I've Tried) by trubenblack [Not Rated, 1976 Words, Complete, 2019]
based on a Tumblr prompt from insanewallaby.
how about the foxes figuring out just how many languages he knows (besides the ones already mentioned in the book)
tw: implied/referenced abuse
AFTG headcanon - Neil sleep talking by @not-until-tuesday​ [Tumblr, 2018]
- once Neil and Andrew get comfortable with eachother in the same bed they start to move
- and holy shit is Neil the fidgetiest motherfucker the world has ever seen
Okay but I love any and all situations involving Andreil and French hc by @gohgue​ [Tumblr 2017]
- Neil saying things to Andrew in french because he knows it gets him hot and Kevin running out of the room screaming “HOW DO YOU UNLEARN A LANGUAGE”
The Languages of Andreil hc by @gohgue​ [Tumblr 2017]
- Public conversations (including dramatic statements to fuel the josten vs. minyard rivalry)
- Hushed and gasped ‘yes or no’s
- Used on social media because honestly who is bothered with all those keyboards, not them.
i bet everyone in neil’s spanish class hates him. hc by @smokeypaprika [Tumblr]
Neil with a British Accent
neil w a british accent and the team losing their shit over it??? prompt fill by @nekojitachan [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
It was the reporter’s fault, Andrew supposed.
when neil gets mad a slight british accent comes out prompt fill by @nekojitachan [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
Now that the Foxes know about Neil’s past (Mary) and everything, he doesn’t need to keep such a close guard on how he talks and everything. He’s a bit more free in talking in French with Kevin and German with the ‘monsters’, in letting the small bit of Italian and Portuguese and Dutch he picked up out at various moments from rambling all over Europe.
NEIL WITH A BRITISH ACCENT prompt fill by @titforatat [Tumblr Fic, 2016]
i like to call this “neil is so hot that he can accidentally turn on a room full of people with just an exy article and andrew is fed up (and turned on)”
HC THING by @i-want-delfeur [Tumblr, 2018]
So Mary was English and we know Neil can do a fucking good British accent if needed. None of the Foxes have heard it, and none of them ask to hear it.
  tw: sexual content
Neil can mimic a British accent perfectly hc by @rayluneia [Tumblr, 2018]
NB: Edited to correct attribution
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Are there any fics where Andrew and Neil meet while they are both in the system? Maybe meeting in a foster home or something like that. Thank you guys are amazing!
We’ve got some fics about Andreil meeting in juvie in this post here, specifically ‘Young Trouble’ and ‘Andreil meet in juvie’.  Among the fics below, where Andreil meet while in foster care, you can find everything from sweet fluff to dark angst, so be mindful of the trigger warnings! - S
If you must by Tourmaline147 [Rated M, 181788 words, complete, 2018]
Neil's whole world went up in flames the minute he burned his mother's dead body. Mary prepared him for almost every possible scenario, except this one. Now he's stuck in the middle of California trying to restart his life.
Andrew's world had been dark long before Neil Josten came into town. He's been barely living the past few years but he was working on that.
Together these two strangers who only knew how to survive take on a new challenge: learning to live.
Featuring the other foxes, the bad guys, copious amounts of music, and, hopefully, happiness.
Basically a high school au with music. Enjoy.
tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: implied/referenced self-harm, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced domestic abuse, tw: implied/referenced eating disorder, tw: intrusive thoughts
Glitter and Gold by trubenblack [Not Rated, 4733 words, incomplete, last updated Sept 2018 ]
Slightly altered timeline. After Mary dies in Seattle when Neil was 10, Neil escapes briefly but Lola, Romero and Nathan catch him again, only to be caught by a police officer and imprisoned for child abuse. Neil is sent into a foster home. Shenanigans with a small blonde boy ensue
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
For little monsters with fragile hearts by A_Nobelmonster [Not Rated, 2907 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2016]
David Wymack runs Palmetto’s states home for the young, with the aid of Abbey Winfield on site Nurse and Betsey Dobson , famed child psychologist for troubled youth. Though the home is for problem children and tough cases you will find nothing but an overwhelming abundance of love in this house.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Brotherly affection by Levixyanage [Rated E, 25323 words, incomplete, last updated April 2019]
Mary hates her son and dumps him in an orphanage
Cass wants her son to have a new friend and tries fostering yet another child
Who will this mistery boy be?
*Cough**cough* it's Neil
tw: rape/non-con, tw: violence, tw: homophobia, tw: child abuse, tw: self harm, tw: panic attack
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aftgficrec · 4 years
To the Anon asking about Mary yelling at Nathan for buying Neil alive: I don't know the title, but it was a video of clips/scenes from Neil's childhood. I think it was played during Lola's trial....
We have searched and searched through everything we could find for Lola’s trial and while several show video footage, none specifically show Mary yelling at Nathan for burying Neil alive.  Below are all the fics we could find that mentioned videos of Neil’s childhood, but none have this specific reference. Were any of these the one you were thinking of @neellok? 
If there’s anyone out there in TumblrVerse who can think of a scene where Mary yells at Nathan for burying Neil alive (from this ask), please help us out! -F
Acting is the Greatest Lie by deadinside_canyoutell [Rated: Not Rated, 2632 words, Complete 2019]
The Foxes have been walking on eggshells around Neil as Lola's trial looms near. But Neil doesn't break. He smiles.
(tw: torture, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: animal harm/abuse)
never let me go. by paleromantic [Rated: T, 1511 words, Complete 2018]
tumblr prompt: can you just hold my hand? for Andreil
Lola's trial is happening, and Neil isn't okay.
(tw: torture, tw: panic attacks)
Twisted by trubenblack [Rated M,1583 words, Complete 2018]
Lola's trial finally happens, its worse, and better than expected.
(tw: torture, tw: panic attacks, tw: animal harm/abuse)
Court (not the Exy kind) by kayxpc [Rated G, 1584 words, Complete 2018] - no video footage
(tw: torture, tw: panic attacks)
Not Lola’s trial but involves video of Neil’s childhood:
One Day We’ll Be Free (But Today is Not That Day) by KatherineF [Rated: Not Rated, 3481 words, Complete 2019]
A unwanted gift arrives in the mail for Neil and the Foxes nearly a year after Baltimore, bringing back bad memories.
Or: Neil is given a flashdrive of videos of him while he was on the run. The Foxes all see.
(tw: canon-typical violence, tw: torture)
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're ok and taking care of yourselves:) love the work you do for us, keep doing it please. Anyways, i wanted to ask if you know of some fics where neil/andrew have like a service animal? For anxiety, depression, panic attacks? I know there are some, but i can't find them:( thank u!
Oh yeah do we have some great fics for you!  We were practically giddy when this ask came in, because this is our jam.  Hope you enjoy the selection!  First there are some previously recommended fics, then a handful that we haven’t mentioned before both from AO3 and Tumblr.  We think maybe we’ve exhausted the supply for Andreil, so any writers out there with a service animal fic idea...there’s room for more!  -F
‘Red Rabbits’ season one here and season two here 
‘This Dog Is Nothing’ from Andrew grieving
‘words can't warm the windows of my soul’ from long distance - Andrew pov
‘Paint On My Fingers, Your Hands In Mine’ from blind, mute or deaf Neil
‘i know that we can survive…’ from Stuart & Neil
‘i had a dream…’ from Neil having flashbacks
‘Ember’ (now complete) from andreil dad aus
‘under the kitchen lights…’ from Staff Recs - Fluff
Modern Constellations by fuzzballsheltiepants [Rated M, 7312 words, Complete 2020]
Neil's life has been one catastrophe after another. With the help of his service dog Fern and the calming routine of looking at the stars, he is slowly starting to trip down the road towards healing. But then he finds a stranger in his new stargazing spot, and suddenly that road isn't so lonely.
(tw: panic attacks)
Bud like you by trubenblack [Not Rated, 1996 words, Complete 2019, Neilmas 2019]
The evolution of Neil and his relationship with animals
Neilmas day five: Animals and Neil
(tw: references to past abuse, tw: implied/referenced panic attacks)
You're Safe like Springtime by ganseyboii [Rated G, 2325 words, Complete 2018]
"Neil knew he was being followed approximately 24 minutes into his midday run."
In which a dog rescues Neil, or Neil rescues a dog, but in the end, Andrew ends up with someone to protect him for a change.
/Title from Troye Sivan's Lucky Strike/
(tw: injured animal)
Neil and Andrew with service dogs Part 1 hc by @minyavd [Tumblr, 2016]
- It was Bee’s idea to suggest a service dog to Andrew
(tw: nightmare, tw: panic attack)
Neil and Andrew with service dogs Part 2 hc by @minyavd [Tumblr, 2016]
Anonymous said: I read your post about andreil with service dogs and it was awesome! Please write a sequel:)
- Pudding and Licorice really didn’t get along at first.
a concept: neil or andrew with a service/support dog by @bramlouisgreenfeld [Tumblr, 2017]
imagine how much andrew would hate it. like, he barely learns to tolerate the cats, and then neil comes back from his therapist with this weird grin on his face and he’s like… “andrew we’re getting a dog.”
Fan art for “Ember” by @fornavn
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aSIIix
by trubenblack
Andrew just wants to go through one day of work without a dumb customer.
Neil just wants to annoy the cute bartender.
Words: 2234, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, (mentioned), Aaron Minyard
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Additional Tags: Fluff, This is so dumb and soft, Alcohol, not really but like there's alot of mentions of cocktail names, Alternate Universe - Bar/Pub, andrew is a tired college student, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, Pre-Relationship, no beta we die like men
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aSIIix
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