#truly Travis's face and everyone trying to be cool
arabella-strange · 5 months
Also the Essek (and Astrid) of it all should not detract from the other absolutely enormous development we got hours and hours ago,
Callowmoore "do you want some company" to "I just want to wake up with you" 0-to-60 in 4.5 seconds
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pink-lightsabre · 1 month
c3 105 thoughts dump
when... are we getting new opening titles... please i wanna see more of dorian in the beginning credits...
oooooooooooooh she's gonna broadcast downfall. "it'll harm everyone." while that is true. i dont think yall can hoard that information. personally.
we really didn't do any check about that. wow. that feels ill advised!!!!!!!!
a mass poisoning???????? perhaps a little like molaesmyr?????
it could be a trap! that's true! which is why IMOGEN NEEDED TO DO A CHECK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
do not. try to bargain with fearne's bio dad. please.
oooooooooh what IS ira doing. that's a great question.
"i thought we would have A plan and now it seems like we have A LOT of plans." dorian that's so relatable
man i wish the silken squall was at this meeting. i understand that theyre not bc they're very isolationist but. i want to see dorian interacting with his parents SO bad
the judicators are still so fucking creepy. and the fact that aeor had their own arcane version FUCKS me up.
"it's pretty low... 24." LMAO
i hope someone gave vex advanced warning that dragons were gonna be there. otherwise her favored enemy ranger sense gotta be going BANANAS.
braius flirting with dorian. absolutely hilarious. 12/10 sam i love it.
"i've got my faith in you. and my finger." // "it's a pretty big finger." // "dont underestimate me." ROBBIE
pie dice!!!!!!!! i love that.
oooooooooooooooooooh who is there. WHO IS THERE!!!!!!
fearne being poly is so special to me. i love it.
robbie cosplaying as dorian with the deep necklines of his shirts. is chefs kiss.
braius sticking his nose EVERYWHERE. way to go sam.
DORIAN'S DAD IS THERE?????????????????????????
i need to run laps around my house. i cant handle this.
oh no cyrus looked like their mom. D;
"i'll shake it off."
FIRE ASHARI!!!!!!!!!! robbie gets to know the feeling of a character he voiced being there! i love this for him.
related to that. i cannot w a i t for the robbie daymond c4 permanent cast member announcement.
zone of truth cast by a fucking dragon!!!!!!!! my god that's so cool. but jesus christ what is the DC on that. 20 apparently!
robbie calling himself the rizzler. hate that. LMAO.
it's not bolo. and that is a TRAGEDY. LONG LIVE BOLO.
people being upset that vm gets to take down the malleus key and m9 gets to take down the weave mind while bh takes down ludinus. understandable i suppose but COULD NOT be me. i love how interconnected c3 is to everything and i love the other heroes getting to take other shit down.
"time is short." // "and so am i."
"ash. just for a few minutes. lock it up." THAT'S RIGHT DORIAN.
ashton i swear to god... do not blow this...
PHEW thank god braius can lie. my god. SPECTACULAR work braius. way to fucking go.
saint graham... sam what the hell
travis peer pressuring his wife into using her abilities. i fucken love it.
LOVE the contingent from the matron's temple supporting laudna. absolutely wonderful.
i want. the first thing. that dorian's father says to him. to be about dorian wearing gold.
ashton going to talk and EVERYONE going "no no nonononono!!!!!" hugely relatable
okay okay that wasn't bad actually!!!! way to go ash!
magical girl fearne in her titan transformation. amazing.
a bard with performance anxiety! truly i love that so much. robbie ur mind. absolutely genius.
orym can you step up and talk about all dorian has to offer
"orym totally blue screens" oh so relatable. a HUGE mood. i've also been that horny.
chetney reminding everyone that he's old... old as balls...
all the speeches were so good. i am. of course. absolutely biased towards dorian's.
does chetney have A KID
liam GLARING at matt while he's playing dorian's dad. EXTREMELY relatable.
"word of cyrus's passing has reached us." O U G H E "we wanted to make sure you were properly aware." excuse me whilst i sob on the floor.
oh no. oh no this is not how i thought this was gonna go. oh no i'm gonna cry. dorian "locks up with physical affection" storm. my favorite for a reason.
OH NO SAM WEARING THE FRIDA HOODIE. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. frida still doesn't know what happened to fcg....
aaaaaaaaaaand there's the other shoe dropping! "those willing and capable" because you think dorian ISN'T?
y e a h this is more how i thought this was gonna go. oughe my heart.
there's dorian's anger! oh it is so precious to me.
i'm gonna throw up dude. oh my god. matt and robbie i love you. IS THE ZONE OF TRUTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a deeply revealing question!
"a smile and a look in his eyes you've been chasing your entire life. pride." O U G H E
"you made my favorite toys growing up." HAHA I KNEW IT.
THE C-POPPERS!!!!!!! chetney has a fan club this is so great.
"can i get a painty." m a t t h e w
chet calling imogen his assistant. what a throw back to dorian and imogen at the masque in jrusar.
braius you silver tongued motherfucker.... god that's so good
that's so funny. oh my god.
HOW MUCH HE LOVES DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liam obrien i am kissing you on the mouth
dorian and orym having so many conversations AROUND how much they love each other. never actually saying it. or talking to each other about it directly. makes me want to chew concrete.
oh ashton....................... i love u. i really do.
"i think what she said was trustworthy" AGAIN YOU WOULD HAVE A BETTER IDEA IF YOU DID A CHECK ABOUT IT
imogen and keyleth... kiki saying imogen reminds her of a younger her... saying she's gonna need to convince the rest of vm to do this malleus key mission... oh i am sick
matthew.......... why the random d20 roll
oh if we're going back to nana morri does that mean SOMEONE will FINALLY ask orym about his not new anymore magic and how/why/where it came from. or if there's a conversation between orym and nana morri about the state of his deal since fcg died.
chetney you dumbass. that was NEVER gonna happen. HER CALLING HIM A YOUNGIN. amazing.
the BQILF lmao
y'all simply HAVE to be more careful with ashton and the worshippers of the luxon. this is how people get kidnapped and experimented on in underground layers.
oh the tragedy of ashton only getting to be okay and not in pain when he's in the titan form. ugh that makes me so sad.
god i love callowmoore so much!!!
chetney is so excited about having a fan. i love this for travis so much LMAO.
"he made me a beautiful toy boat! i gave it to a street urchin." LMAO
this is truly so funny. i relate to this man so much.
"this is the room you're gonna die in." // "i'm okay with that."
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elaborating on this cuz i can
laurance's slow decent into becoming such a possessive dickhead throughout season 2 is actually so painful to watch. this arc mirrors the story described in vampire,, one of a boy taking advantage of and lying to the singer,, ultimately leaving her scarred for life.
although laurance has good intentions throughout season 2 he continually becomes more and more possessive over aphmau,, becoming suspicious of her relationship with aaron. practically any man she interacts with he views as a threat. this is the most evident when he lashes out during the werewolf wedding just as aphmau is about to be married off to fenrir. laurance literally admits that he massacred everyone and killed the chief out of jealousy.
Just what you wanted Look at you, cool guy, you got it
he claims he only exists to serve aphmau but his actions seem to betray this. his mask of a suave,, casanova hides the insecure man hiding underneath,, being merely a farce.
'Cause l've made some real big mistakes But you make the worst one look fine
laurance never truly faces consequences for his actions at the werewolf wedding,, the responsibility being passed onto aphmau despite her doing nothing wrong. furthermore,, laurance doesn't seem to even regret his actions and doesn't learn anything from his mistakes. whilst aphmau rips herself apart desperately trying to be a good leader,, laurance repeatedly acts impulsive without thought or reason (e.g. attacking travis once everyone discovers the demon warlock is his father).
You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard? You can't love anyone 'cause that would mean you had a heart
laurance proclaims his love for aphmau again and again but like i stated earlier,, his actions (especially in the latter half of season 2) don't seem to line up with that. after aaron's death he ruthlessly interrogates her about the nature of their relationship,, not caring for the fact that she's actively grieving. instead of acting as someone she can lean on,, he becomes someone who only brings her more pain.
Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire
by the end of the season,, aphmau is worried sick for laurance's well being and is so drained by his actions. he sucks up her happiness and eventually leaves her in the dust,, permanently abandoning phoenix drop and by extension - her.
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OKAY, let me start by categorising what spoilers I know as best I can, going (mostly) in chronological order AFAIK:
Clarota betrays them (VERY sad, when I first watched those first 10-ish episodes I was fully behind Keyleth’s ‘trust him’ train)
Vax loses a foot to lava and also his snake belt rip
Kima and Allura are the cool, trustworthy PCs, as is everyone’s favourite, Gilmore, a shopkeep with a black belt in karate
The dragonborn guy’s homeland gets dunked on and then later he dies offscreen
Percy’s sister is alive and betrays them but only kind of? I think? She was held captive by the Briarwoods for years and Percy thought she was dead, but she was blackmailed/brainwashed/tortured?
Vax gets cornered by the Briarwoods alone by accident (classic)
There’s a chick called Ripley who makes guns A Thing for the wider world
Something about a sun tree? It’s a creepy tree? They hallucinate their own corpses on it? Or something?
They probably kill one of the hottie vampires at the end of Percy’s arc, I think the male one? Because the lady vampire shows up later?
Percy dies in his arc and it’s the second res ritual they do, after Pike’s one pre-stream
“Take off the mask, darling.” I still don’t care about romance but I feel obligated to mention that I know that famous line
I also know the equally famous “I thought he’d never leave” bubble bath bit, ah Laura
There’s a CHROMA CONCLAVE attack right at the end of Percy’s arc, somewhere
Rashian is a dragon or something, everyone laughs at Liam for not knowing this. I know nothing else about who the Chroma conclave is (3-5 chromatic dragons??? One of each colour????) or what they want, except Vax levels up in the middle of fighting one and Keyleth yells at one
There are communication earrings. There is also a weird black powder man. Victor?
They actually have a permanent home/keep unlike the Mighty Nein?
Vex dies because Percy didn’t check for traps, this is the start of some deal of Vax’s with the Raven Queen which means he multiclasses into paladin?
Vax can fly, he can fly, he can fly!
Uhhhh there’s a couple cursed swords or something in there lol
Percy sells his soul briefly? Genius move Smart Guy lmao
Feywild??? Somehow????? They meet Artagan and make a deal with him for a doorway, and they spend an episode as cows somewhere in here?
Keyleth has Mom Trauma, I don’t know how much this will feature in the campaign
Vax and Vex’s dad suxxx or something, mother is dead
Scanlan hits on his surprise daughter and everyone screams
They have some kind of year long adventuring group break for some reason?
Keyleth makes a storm on an airship (???) and this is cool. Also she turns into a fire elemental a lot and this is also cool.
There’s a kraken fight? It goes really badly, like LEGENDARILY badly, and ngl I’m kind of looking forward to it
Scanlan #LOSESIT and has his legendary ‘what’s my mother’s name?’ rant, after which he leaves for an undetermined number of episodes and is replaced by Tary
This leads to Grog spelling C-A-T for some reason and this???? Makes people cry???????? Truly something you had to be there for
Pike tries to commission drawings of VM for Tary (who calls Vex “little elf girl” and braces for impact when Laura’s nostrils flare) and this goes Very Wrong in a funny way
Tary’s dad sucks
He writes a book
Some NPC reads said book in campaign 2, hence why I know about it
Grog has an arc to do with the other Goliaths who beat him up for defending Pike’s dad?
When Scanlan comes back he tries to sneak in, Vex chases him and he panics and casts modify memory on Vex, it fails several times, an angsty moment becomes comedic very fast
He is received with Mixed Emotions lmao
Keyleth turns into a goldfish and kills herself, this is both apparently extremely painful and extremely funny
Vax gets disintegrated and dies in a beholder fight (rip)
Gilmore is not a dragon but everyone was fully convinced he was. He also gets bodysnatched or something at some point to freak out VM, but they figure out very quickly it’s not him
Scanlan is Ioun’s chosen? Whatever that means, something to help fight Vecna I think
“It was an honour knowing you” sad! Sad! Sad line! Gilmore doesn’t understand, cheekily responds, and leaves!!!! Liam looks on the verge of tears!!!!!! SAD!!!!!
There are so many true love nat 20s. I don’t know what any of them are except that Pike has one and Ashley looks like she’s about to cry
They win the Vecna fight and Keyleth gets the HDYWDT, Scanlan wanted to save a Wish spell for Vax but couldn’t, so he stays dead
Everyone cries here but at least the rest of the party is okay
Keyleth is the last woman standing and everyone cries at this too
And then Grog uses the deck of many things, spawning two oneshots to clean up his mess
Also somewhere in here Vex steals a broom from a guest (lol)
More tears than campaign 2 I think, since there are at least two resurrection rituals we see on screen that I know of
The fights might be more stressful since they’re higher level?
Scanlan is going to be the most sexual and lewd character because he is played by Sam
Vex is going to be the second most sexual and lewd character because she is played by Laura
Vax will still instigate most of the one-on-ones so Liam can have as many heavy conversations as his theatre kid’s heart desires
Keyleth will try and fail to make the group more moral
Pike will not try to be moral at all despite being four feet of blessed armour and adorable hair
I think other characters try to make Percy feel remorse for Murder Reasons, but I suspect he’s not going to feel that guilty (I will likely support him in murderous endeavours unless they are FAR more messed up than I currently believe)
From what I understand Grog is Loveable but not hugely layered or complex, and I know Travis was proud he didn’t cry this campaign. I suspect I may be surprised at the character depth Travis gives him, however.
Keyleth also thinks the gods are overrated and I AGREE
Percy is three feral and eldritch raccoons in a trench coat, held together only by sheer force of will and the fragile shell of a posh accent. No one notices because it’s a really cool accent.
There will be a lot more money/shopping/drinking elements than in campaign 2, since I know Vex is a haggler, Percy is a Lord, and Keyleth is a day-drinker? As are Grog and Scanlan
It will be funny for me to see Taliesin play a smart character and Travis a dumb one, though I know that the whiplash went the other way for most people lmao
Vox Machina will be less team-heavy than the Mighty Nein? I gather they’re more of an ‘individual hero’ makeup than an ‘everyone has support abilities’ makeup
It will be more fast-paced than campaign 2? It seems like a lot of the arcs lead directly into each other, with only the occasional shopping episode break
It feels like it might be less friendship heavy than the Mighty Nein? Like they seem more like ‘we’d die for each other’ pals who otherwise spend all their time trying to draw dicks on each other’s faces
They have a more clear “party leader” than the Mighty Nein, who might be Percy and/or Keyleth
I think most PCs and NPCs are more morally clear cut than in campaign 2, like most towns and people in positions of power are either “cool guy who can pitch in” or “get rid of this abomination immediately” territory
I think my favourite character will be Vex, Percy or Keyleth. I just feel it in my bones. 
I think I may also get an extreme soft spot for Grog and Pike, however
My main sources of surprise will be, I think, how things fit together? Like I have no idea WHY they’re in the Feywild, or most other places really, or what any villains’ motivations and backstories and personality traits are, and how they end up fighting any of them in any particular place for any particular reason. I don’t even really know characters’ abilities or literally anything done in any of the fights, aside from “they win/nearly die” and “Scanlan uses Wish and Bigby’s Hand against Vecna”
I assume most plot threads all lead into each other fairly solidly and that they don’t actually seek most of their stuff out?
This assumption will either be fairly right or hilariously wrong, but -- I assume that I already know almost everything important or shocking? I tried really hard to avoid it but being active in campaign 2 meant that over time I got exposed to more and more of campaign 1, and I genuinely believe that I have almost everything down, if not details or order. I don’t think I’ve missed any big moment or impactful arc
Let’s see if I’m right
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E116-119 (Dec. 15, 2020)
Hi! I missed the first three minutes or so and opened the stream to Brian giving an absolutely incoherent ...ad? for some jewel game? Six thousand jewels just for logging in? Some app in the app store and he’s literally been talking about this now for six minutes and I don’t know what he’s talking about. He finally wraps up, Laura brings the show to a close, and we’re all a little worse than we were before.
Ashley tries to get us back on track and Henry bays over her. Brian tries to ask the first question and breaks off into feigned sobs halfway through. This is chaos incarnate.
Tonight’s guests: Laura Bailey & Ashley Johnson.
How’s Yasha feeling right now about Molly? She and Jester both are desperately curious about whether there’s a spark of Molly left in Lucien that can be brought back. It’s not the same as when Yasha was controlled by Obann; this seems more like just the way this is now. They’d settle for even finding the good in him, like they did with Essek. Brian jokes that they can monitor his mental state if Matt’s Irish accent starts to slip a little bit.
Jester is a little wary about scrying on Lucien now since he’s able to see her back.  She’s interested to try again now that Fjord’s given her the necklace.
Ashley has to run and grab a replacement set of headphones from Brian after hers get “crunchy.” It’s pretty cute seeing them run around and smooch on another screen. Brian teases that he doesn’t have any more questions for Jester since Caduceus has been doing all the healing lately. Laura tells us indignantly that she had Heal prepared for Caduceus in that last big fight, but Fjord got to Cad first. Brian explains how this is the same as all the good jokes he always lines up for Talks but never tells. Ashley’s crunchiness continues and we go briefly to a technical difficulties screen while Brian hops up to fix it.
Dani pips in to get this show back on track. Save us, Dani!
Ashley hadn’t thought about the aspect of Lucien controlling his friends’ minds, but finds it really creepy. It’s a cool game dynamic, and it’s a little different because they’re there willingly, but it’s really weird.
Jester thinks that “the tarot cards know all. She wants to buy into it real hard.” If it doesn’t make sense now, it will later. Laura has an Idiot’s Guide to Tarot Reading.
They’re super interested in why Aeor is like it is. Were they more advanced than us? Did they evolve along a different line? Ashley loves sci-fi and is all about this, especially since she wasn’t there for Happy Fun Ball time & hasn’t been able to get caught up on some of the things she missed in between, so she’s using this as an erstwhile replacement. She can already tell there are some things from this campaign that will bother her the way the unopened box did from C1. She and Laura both seethe at the camera about having to leave the spider behind.
Cosplay of the Week! Harland3r on instagram with a gorgeous winged Pike with a shield & mace. It’s an incredible photo and the wings look great.
Travis distracts Laura by dancing like a Trex offscreen. That seems right for this episode.
Jester’s encouragement of Yasha pursuing Beau was important in a lot of ways, not least because Ashley considered herself as uninterested in D&D romance as Travis & was a little unsure of activating a romance among her friends. However, it felt really natural within the game and it was really helpful to have Jester’s in-game encouragement. Yasha’s grown a lot and is in a much more positive place and is ready to find out what’s possible. Laura: “Jester from the get-go has seen Yasha as this wonderful soul from the beginning, and has seen how sad Yasha’s been through everything, and to see the difference that she exhibits when talking about Beau is drastic and wonderful. Jester’s joy in life is helping others find joy.”
Ashley points out it’s also so fun to “yes-and” with Laura because you’re like a little kid being dragged along by the hand - you don’t know where it’s going, but you know it’s going to be fun along the way.
Ashley does have a sense of “thank goodness Marisha isn’t jumping right into this” so she can coax herself into it, but when she tried to figure out the poem she had a lot of drafts that didn’t survive. She intentionally crafted the letter to give Beau an out if she didn’t feel the same way. There’s a lot going on with Lucien right now and there’s constantly a running thought in the back of her head about “maybe Beau is not into this.” Even the last couple episodes with Jester & Fjord have had Ashley finally understand shipping.
Brian brings us to the moment “almost as romantic as the pre-season finale of the Bachelorette.” Jester was “goo” afterwards. Early on in the campaign, Jester was very forward with her flirtations with Fjord & he shut her down. And then he kissed her underwater and immediately went and slept with Avantika, and Jester automatically shut herself down, because she thought she was misunderstanding & would only be hurt by those emotions. She deliberately focused on just being there with her friends, making everyone healthy and happy. These last few episodes where Fjord was flirting back felt like “my teenage heart again, my first kiss, the boy I like actually likes me back!” and she was able to open back up.
Yasha definitely has some instrument plans for those bones. She doesn’t know if she’s going to add to her harp or create a new one.
Ashley and Laura cheer about Travis stepping out his comfort zone. Laura thinks it was really good that he was doing it with her, his real-life wife, to see if he likes that sort of stuff in his D&D campaign. “It was just so sweet. It was just so sweet.” Brian says he’s actually a really romantic dude & Dani is so glad he asked before the kiss. Brian: “It’s going to be so sad when he breaks your heart and goes back to the corpse of Avantika.” Laura: “It’s fine, Jester will be long dead by then anyway.”
Jester does believe the four-year time trade was worth it, but that the city leaves “a mark on your brain,” especially as in-depth as she saw it. “Jester’s always been reticent to talk about her age because she’s aware she’s perceived in a juvenile way by a lot of people, and she’s insecure about that. She grew up by herself without a lot of social interactions and is experienced in a lot of ways now and naive in others; she’s very aware of human emotion around her, but chooses to see it in a certain way.” Losing the time makes her wonder if she needs to grow up & become an adult about certain things now. Laura: “I think actually she’s closer to Fjord’s age now. Actually, I’m not sure about his age. I don’t know how old he is - I’ve never even asked Travis!” Brian: “I think he’s definitely fifteen.” Laura: “Travis, how old is Fjord?” Travis, off-screen: “Sixty-five,” but he’s had the Mask of Many Faces up this whole time. Later, he adds that he’s in his early 30s.
Ashley has really enjoyed digging into Yasha’s more humorous side lately. It’s how she gets comfortable as a player, making it fun and light in a way that this year needs. “It’s also really funny to think that Yasha doesn’t know how Message works.”
Brian congratulates Laura & Ashley both on their game awards nominations. Brian vamps trying to get himself in as the presenter, but incidentally refers to Laura as his sister in the conversation and it’s super cute. “I would like to be the one to give the award to either my fiancee, or my sister!”
Fanart of the Week: @ethanmaldridge with an illustrated page from the Katzenprinz book. It’s just beautiful.
Jester’s polymorph gambit was terrifying, but the stakes got even higher when everyone else got stunned. She does lament choosing a bunny at the start. “Frickin’ Fjord’s armor!”
Yasha loves being polymorphed lately. She thinks it’s kinda funny, especially given her rigid upbringing with such defined roles.
Laura feels like Jester and Vex are weirdly two halves of herself. Brian: “You see the very bargainy, I’m gonna use my wit & smarts to negotiate situations. But at the same time, you’re very open to what people are thinking & feeling and navigating that. What you end up putting out (though it comes across as innocent and naive) is something pure because she truly believes it.” Laura thinks Yasha and Pike are the same way for Ashley, though Ashley feels a little closer to Yasha right now. Sometimes you just feel really exposed. Laura compares how much idealism she put into Jester to her character from Fruits Basket.
Since Yasha didn’t belong to either side in the war, she’s not hugely concerned by the fallout; she more wants to make sure her found family are okay and safe. Jester is the same way, Laura tells us. Jester doesn’t have any greater vision of the Empire & Dynasty interacting; she cares about the people, and it hasn’t been until the vision with the city that she kind of woke up and realized they have to really stop this now. It feels bigger than the Dynasty/Empire. Ashley: “It seems more of a thing for Beau and Caleb to care about.”
Really, up to now Jester was mostly concerned about getting Molly back, but now the stakes seem much higher. “We have to do this. We have to complete this, to beat them, to keep them from doing this.” Yasha is just going with the flow for now. There’s a lot coming at them and they are ready to find out what’s next.
And that’s that for tonight! Brian thanks the crew especially for working incredibly hard on switching everything to home-based streaming. He then gets stuck halfway spinning around in his chair and the last thing we hear is him idly wondering “What’s Fjord taste like?” which seems pretty on brand for tonight’s show. Is it Thursday yet?
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It’s You (Nico Hischier Imagine)
Y’all, I’ve been so busy lately! I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but hopefully this and the Matty imagine coming soon will make up for it :)
Rating: G
Pairing: Nico Hischier/fem!reader
Words: 3047
Warnings: minor language
Requested: yes/no
Prompt: “It’s you. It’s always been you.”
Summary: “ Nico Hischier, fluff prompt 2, and the couple trope where they’re both dense af and don’t realize how cute they are together. The third wheelers that wanna smack their foreheads? Nico’s entire team. “
Knowing that you’re in love with someone is different than accepting that you’re in love with someone.
You’ve known that you love Nico for years. It wasn’t anything special that made you realize, really. It was during one of your semi-regular movie nights, when he was tossing popcorn into the air, trying to catch it in his mouth. He hit himself in the eye with a piece, and you’d laughed at him so hard that he shoved his cold feet under your leg in retaliation, and as you yelped in shock, it had hit you. You never wanted to hear anything but his laugh ever again, and you’d suffer worse than some cold feet for that.
It wasn’t until last year that you truly understood how far gone you are for him, and actually accepted what being in love with him meant. Despite being annoyingly sure that you and Nico were meant to be together, your friends had tried to set you up with someone. Their reasoning was that you hadn’t made a move, and probably never would, so they decided you needed to meet someone else to get over him. It was the second blind date when you realized that as well as you meshed with the guy, all you wanted was to be at Nico’s place watching some stupid show cuddled up on the couch. You didn’t want anyone else, and you never would.
That was the part that scared you at first. You’re never going to love anyone like you love Nico, and you didn’t have any desire to try. He’s everything you want, and the only thing you want. And he would never want you back. The prospect of a life without romantic love was terrifying, but after a month of near-constant panic, you were able to accept it. You have friends, and so much in your life that makes you happy, and that will be enough. You’re not excited to see him fall in love with someone else and get married and start a family, but having him in your life is enough. It’s enough. It’s enough.
You wonder sometimes, though. When he turns down invitations from the guys to spend time with you, when he holds you close on the couch, when he curls up next to you in bed after a bad game. The wondering is the worst part. You know he doesn’t feel the same as you, that they’re just best friend things, but sometimes you can’t help but to let yourself believe in the possibility.
The guys used to tease the two of you about “being in love”, but in the past year or so, it’s started seeming less teasing and more genuine. Frustrated, even. Between the guys and your friends, it seems like everyone thinks you should be together. That’s the second worst part.
Today, Nico has saved you a ticket for the game, since you can actually make it after work. When he’d gotten the captaincy, he’d gotten you a new jersey with the C on it, so you wear it to the game over your favorite sweater. A few of the WAGs came as well, and you’re excited to catch up with them. They’d adopted you as an honorary WAG a couple years back, considering how close you are with Nico.
The first period goes well, Nico scoring a beautiful wrister six minutes in. He looks up to where he knows you’re sitting after collecting his fist-bumps, though you’re sure he can’t really see you.
The second period is a little rougher, the Rangers scoring two goals, separated by a tip-in from Nico. He looks to your section again, and it makes you smile every time. Having him on hatty watch is exciting, and the game is dynamic enough that you’re cheering maybe a little too hard to be respectable. Luckily, the girls think it’s endearing, and know to expect it from you.
During second intermission, you chat with Nicole. She’s still beaming with pride from Travis’s thousandth game the other day, and you love to see it. She asks you about work and family and Nico, the conversation casual and comfortable. The only thing that bothers you is the way she looks at you as you talk about Nico, smile small and gentle, eyes almost pitying. The other girls still occasionally urged you to make a move on Nico, but Nicole had stopped around the time that you accepted your love for him. Now she just looks a little bittersweet when you bring him up. It’s kind of annoying, honestly. But she’s your friend, and she means well, so you don’t mind too much.
The third period is dynamic, the puck flying between zones, both teams feeling the pressure of the impending end of the game. The atmosphere in the arena is electric, everyone shouting and leaning forward in their seats, enraptured by the action. Because of the way the team has been struggling in the past few years, most of the Devils fans that are left are the die-hards, and it shows in the passion filling the Pru.
It’s looking like they’re going to go into overtime, the score still tied with only two minutes left in the game. Neither team pulls their goalie, probably trying for overtime so that they get at least one point. At 1:47, Nico gets a breakaway, and you jump out of your seat along with the rest of the crowd, throwing a fist into the air and cheering at the top of your lungs. Nico reaches Georgeiv, fakes a five-hole shot, and when Georgeiv hits the ground to block it, Nico flicks the puck up toward the top shelf. Georgeiv flings his glove up to catch it, but he’s just a moment too late. The puck hits the top left twine, coming to rest in the back corner of the goal.
The arena explodes.
Your hands are in the air as you jump around, screaming in unfettered joy. Even the WAGs are shouting, the shot beautiful and coming just in time. Nico collects his fist-bumps, then looks toward your seat yet again. But this time, he points toward your section, and you’re sure he’s pointing to you. You place a hand over your heart, the other clenched in a fist in the air. The pride is overwhelming.
The last minute and a half are a desperate rush of the Rangers trying to even the score back out, and the Devils doing all they can to keep their lead. Kreider, Zibanejad, and Buchnevich make a fantastic first line, and they’re doing a great job of bringing the puck into the Devils’ zone over and over, but Ty and Damon are on fire, clearing the puck every time it’s brought in. When the buzzer sounds, you and Nicole hug, excited to see your boys succeeding.
Nico will have to talk to the media for sure, considering his hat trick, in addition to the cool down, game debrief, and getting changed. It adds to the time you’ll have to wait before you see him, but you’re so happy for him that it doesn’t even faze you. He was amazing, and you’re looking forward to having a late dinner and cuddle session with him.
After a moment of consideration, you resolve to make him his favorite post-game meal. That means you’ll have to stop at the store, so you decide to forego meeting him outside the locker room in favor of grabbing the ingredients and getting the food started. You have a key to his apartment anyway, and the doorman knows you, so you don’t have to wait for him to let you in.
You stop at Shoprite on your way to his place, grabbing everything you need, along with some snacks to stock his pantry. He forgets to keep them in the house sometimes, so you like to make sure he has something to nosh on when he doesn’t feel like cooking. When you get to his complex, the doorman greets you happily.
“Roger!” you greet in return, giving him a quick hug, “It’s great to see you. How’s the family?” The two of you chat for a few minutes, catching up since you have a bit of time. He lets you into the building, and you take the elevator up to Nico’s floor. You unlock the door and drop your keys and bag on the table in the entryway. After dumping the grocery bags on the counter, you put on some music and start unpacking.
You stash the snacks in the upper cabinets, setting aside the things you need now. You set to work, singing along to the music as you cook. There’s a lull while you let the chicken cook, so you check your phone. You’d sent Nico a text before you left, letting him know you’d meet him at home, so you wanted to make sure he saw it. He’d sent back a thumbs-up, so you don’t have to call him. You have a couple notifications, and a text from Nicole. After checking the notifications and replying to a snapchat from your friend, you open Nicole’s message. It’s just a link, so you tap into it, and a video pops up. It’s Nico’s post-game interview. You don’t usually watch them, because he tells you about the game afterward anyway, but if Nicole sent it, there must be something special about it.
The pride on his face brings a smile to yours. You listen to him give some pretty standard answers to some pretty standard questions, waiting for whatever made Nicole see fit to send it to you. The reporter asks about his hat trick, and the flush on Nico’s face grows. He’s so damn cute.
“Well,” he begins, huffs half of a laugh, continues, “There was a special girl in the audience, so I wanted to do something special for her.”
“Oh, trying to impress somebody?” the reporter asks, the smile evident in her voice.
“Yeah,” Nico replies, clearly embarrassed, “She’s the most important person in my life, so…” He trails off at the end, but the intent is clear.
Your heart stops.
It’s unbelievable, what you’ve just heard, and it’s inconceivable that it could be about you. You try your best to think of everyone who was in the family and friends section, anyone in Nico’s life that he could be talking about. You were the only one there for him tonight, unless someone else was in a different section. You try as hard as you can, but you can’t think of anyone that Nico’s talked about lately that he could be interested in. You try to convince yourself that there’s someone he hasn’t told you about, but you tell each other everything. If there was someone, he would have told you.
You want to call him, ask him what the hell that was, hear him tell you that it was for someone else. You’d already accepted that you’d never be together, that you’d never have love, and the possibility of your greatest desire being obtainable throws you off so hard that you have to take a moment to lean on the counter and breathe.
You manage to resist the urge to call him, knowing that he’ll be home soon anyway. If you keep focusing on the interview, you’ll have a panic attack, so you force all of your attention to finishing the food. The chicken is still cooking, and usually you’d just let it sit, but this time you’re spooning the sauce over it with very intentional focus. Anything to keep yourself stable.
Once you’re sure it’s cooked through, you turn the heat off. The broccoli is already done, but the rice takes another minute to finish. You plate the sides next to each other on the dishes, placing the chicken on the bed of rice and dousing it in the rest of the sauce. The sauce is Nico’s favorite part, so you make sure to give him extra.
Once the plates are set on the coffee table in the living room, you hear the doorknob turn. Your heart skips another beat, and you take a deep breath to settle yourself. He calls your name as he comes in, and you swallow hard so that you can tell him you’re there without your voice cracking. He rounds the corner and walks straight to you, wrapping you up in his arms. You hug him back, face buried in his neck. You know that you’re tense, and that he’ll probably notice, but you hope that he doesn’t ask about it.
Luckily, he only gives you a worried look. You smile back instead, and you can feel how fake it looks. To avoid the question, you start asking him about the game, leading him over to the couch to sit and eat. Nico stops when he sees the meal, a soft look overtaking his face. He always got soft and sentimental when you did thoughtful things for him, and his appreciation brings a real smile to your face. Your heart settles in your chest, and you remind yourself that this is Nico. At the end of the day, this is Nico, and he’s your best friend, for better or worse. There’s no reason to be afraid; there’s never a reason to be afraid around him.
You turn on the TV, navigating through until you can start the episode of The Good Place that you’d left off on. Even as you eat, you take pauses to make small comments about the show. Nico laughs at all of them, even if they’re not that funny. Once you’re both finished eating, you pause the show and take the dishes into the kitchen. Nico trails behind you, slipping between you and the sink at the last moment, close enough that you bump into him.
“You cooked, I wash,” he says on the tail end of a laugh.
“Then at least let me dry,” you reply, smile shining through your voice. He gives an over-dramatic sigh and an “I guess” before his smile returns. You bump your shoulders together and grab the towel off of the drying rack. Nico has a dishwasher, but you always wash the dishes by hand when you eat dinner together. It’s just a little tradition at this point, a way to spend a quiet moment together, to extend the time you stay. To increase the chance of you just staying over. Well, it’s not really a necessary motivation any more, but it is a handy excuse.
As Nico starts the water and soaps the sponge, you turn on the bluetooth speaker at home on the island and choose some chill music. There’s just something about this time together that always gives you a special feeling, something that you don’t get anywhere else. Something that relaxes your shoulders, softens your jaw, turns the edges of your lips up just enough that you realize your face has been resting in a frown all day. Your life is perfectly fine, but being with Nico makes you realize that it could be better. That you deserve better. That as long as he’s by your side, you have better.
Washing the dishes is calming, silent save for the clink of the silverware and the soft melody floating from the speaker. Once all the dishes are dried and back in the cabinets, Nico steps into your space, resting his hands on your waist. It takes the breath from your lungs, until he starts swaying you and you realize you’re dancing.
Your hands had landed on the curve of his shoulders without your conscious decision, thumbs gently propped along the tendons on either side of his throat. It feels too intimate that way, so you move them to join behind his neck instead. The more traditional position is less uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally.
You have no idea what song is playing now, too caught up in the weight of his hands, the baby hairs at the base of his skull running between your fingers, the unbearably fond look in his eyes. He’s looking at you like he’s just as happy to have this as you are, like there’s nowhere he’d rather be. Like he loves you.
“I saw the interview,” you say, not meaning for the words to slip out. You knew that it would ruin the mood, but you had to know. You had to know.
“Oh, um,” Nico stutters to a stop, though he doesn’t remove his hands from your hips. He tightens them, actually. No matter how much you want to cup your hand around the curve of his jaw, you leave them where they are. You don’t want to assume, just to embarrass yourself later.
Waiting patiently, you keep an eye on Nico’s face. He’s cycling through so many emotions that it’s difficult to catch them all. His face has gone pink, cheeks nearly glowing as they continue to redden while he thinks. You give him as much time as you can bear.
“Who were you talking about, Nico?” you ask, needing him to say it. You need to hear him say it. His breathing has gone a bit ragged, and he takes a gulp of air to steady himself. His cheeks are still bright red, and it somehow makes him even more beautiful.
“You,” he says simply, eyes locked on your own.
Your heart stops.
“Yeah?” you ask, the barest hint of a smile starting. Nico ducks his head for just a moment, huffing a laugh before angling back up to look at you again, eyes soft instead of determined.
“It’s you,” he replies, “It’s always been you.” Your breath catches in your throat as he says the words you’ve been dying both to hear and to say. It’s you. It’s all for you.
“Well, that’s convenient,” your smile is blooming wide, “Because it’s always been you, too.” Nico’s face springs into a bright grin, and you let your hands come to his face. Your fingertips wrap below his jaw, your thumbs resting on his cheekbones.
“You should kiss me now,” you say, pulling a dazzling laugh from him. He leans down, pressing your lips together in what you hope will be the first kiss of many.
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
under the stars- t. konecny
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travis konecny x f!reader 
warnings~ smut, swearing, alcohol consumption
summary~ travis fucked up, but he is going to make it better. 
genre~ angst to fluff
word count~ 2.4k
valentine’s week masterlist
main masterlist 
Everyone knew of Travis and his playboy reputation. You especially knew. Everytime you were about to go exclusive with him, suddenly he was interested in someone else. As much as Nolan loved Travis; Nolan couldn’t let you live like that. Nolan could see how hurt you were, when Travis had his arms wrapped around another girl. He advised you to just let Travis go, but something in you wouldn’t let that happen. When you were finally able to forget about Travis and his compelling ways, he was at your door begging for another chance. You always ended up giving him another chance.
Want to go stargazing with me? Travis texted you at one am. You knew you should say no, but you couldn’t ever seem to say no.
Sure you texted back keeping it simple.
I’ll pick you up in 10 he had texted back after a minute.
You jumped out of bed and changed from your pajamas to some leggings and a sweatshirt that probably belonged to Travis is a previous lifetime. Waiting patiently on your couch, you noticed his headlights turn into your driveway. Before he even had a chance to text you, you were out the door with your bag. You had brought a blanket, water bottle, and some snacks to share.
Good morning!” you chirped as you climbed into his truck. “Your coach is not going to like you being out at 1 am.”
“Hopefully, he never finds out. Are you going to tell him, Sweetheart?” Travis’ eye briefly met yours, before going back to the road.
“My lips are sealed.” you faked zipping up your lips by running your pinched fingers along your mouth. Travis just chuckled and grabbed your hand with the one that wasn’t on the steering wheel.
“What have you been up to?” Trvais asked when he finally found a place to park.
“Just the same old stuff.” you shook off the question. You got out the truck, and laid your blanket out in the bed of the truck. The fall air was cool, and the stars were shining bright. They looked like diamonds. Travis pulled you into him, as you both just stared at the sky.
“Everytime I see you, I’m blown away by your beauty.” Travis whispered into your ear, as he hugged you closer.
“I bet you are.” you dismissed him. Sinking into his body. It’s always like this, but you were going to savor the good moments.
“I really am.” Travis concluded and you decided not to answer. He sat up and jumped out of your makeshift bed. You looked up at him confused when he took your hands, and tried to pull you out as well.
“What the hell are you doing, Travis?” you asked, confused.
“Come dance with me.” he simply said, as if he did this all the time. In reality Travis never wanted to dance with you. He barely wanted to show he knew you in public. Nevertheless, you got out the truck and let him sway you under the stars. Travis was staring at you, but you just kept your head tucked on his shoulder. Suddenly he started kissing your neck and you knew what he wanted. He only called you to be his booty call. You should’ve known. Travis was now kissing up your jaw, and found your sweet spot making you gasp out.
“Wanna take this to the backseat?” Travis asked, looking into your eyes, and you nodded. You couldn’t say no to him. He was your kryptonite. He opened the door for you, and you climbed in. You started taking off your shirt for him, and he was taking off his jeans. You hadn’t worn a bra, and you saw the hunger grow in his eyes when he noticed. “You are gorgeous.” he mumbled out as he started kissing your breasts. His tongue was working on your left nipple, as his fingers were playing with your right nipple. You were a moaning mess. You saw him growing in his boxers, and you were ready for him. He knew your body was ready for him, but he wanted to play with you for a little while longer.
“Travis I want your dick.” you moaned out.
“Patience, Sweetheart.” Travis grumbled out, but moved to take off your leggings. He felt all the blood rush to his dick, when he saw you red thong. He pulled it off of you as fast as he could in the backseat of a truck. Then he got his boxers off, and rolled on the condom that was in his jean pocket. “You are so wet for me.” Travis stated the obvious as his finger found your pussy. You were bucking your hips into his finger wanting more friction. “I told you to be patient.” Travis reminded you as he pushed your hips back down.
“Please, Travis, give me more.” you whined out into the heavy air. Without warning, Travis slammed his penis into you. Stretching you in a way, no one else has. “Travis! Fuck!” you yelled out.
“You take my dick so well, Princess.” Travis praised you. “Do you like taking my dick?”
“Yes! Yes! I love taking your dick!” you were a hot mess, and he loved seeing you like this. Your hair was big and you were falling apart under him. Travis was slamming into you so hard you could feel the truck moving back and forth.
“Look how hot you are. Taking me so well.” Travis kept praising you as you were both getting sweaty.
“I’m going to cum.” you warned, and when Travis heard that his fingers went straight to your clit. He was pinching it and rolling it, getting you screaming even louder. You tightened around him, and he helped you through your orgaism. You were panting, but Travis was still chasing his high.
“I’m getting close. You are doing so well, Sweetheart.” Travis admitted, and you mustered enough strength to tighten around him. That did it for him, and he exploded into the condom. He pulled out of you, and tied off the condom throwing in an old grocery sack he used as a trash bag. “That was amazing.” He praised you one lat time.
“Yeah, it was.” you agreed with him. You promptly start getting dressed again. you didn’t know how much longer you could do this. You were Travis’ secret booty call. That was a tough pill for you to swallow. “Do you even want to be in a relationship with me?” you quietly asked, nervously.
“Oh come on,” Travis scoffed out, “Don’t ruin the moment.” you stated quiet for a couple minutes as Travis was still getting his head in order from the mind-boggling orgaism you gave him.
“Can you take me home?” you asked even quieter. He obviously only wanted sex from you, and you needed to get out of the car before you started crying.
“y/n, don’t do this.” Travis signed.
“Just take me home, Travis. Please.” you pleaded with him, and he huffed as he got himself dressed. You were packing up the back of the truck. He was in the driver's seat when you got back into the truck.  
The car ride back to your house was awkward. The radio was the only thing to be heard. When you got home you broke down. How could you be so foolish to think he wanted something from you? You ended up crying yourself to sleep, and slept most of the next day away. You didn’t even bother to try and catch the game on TV, but knew they won when Nolan texted you asking for you to come out with the team. You didn’t want to see Travis, but you wanted to find someone else to fill the void he left.
You got into your best outfit, and did your hair and makeup. You tried telling yourself that you weren’t doing this for Travis, but even you didn’t quite believe it. Nolan picked you up, on his way to the bar.
“How are you?” Nolan asked as soon as you got into the car.
“I’m doing fine.” you stated, but Nolan gave you a look. He didn’t even believe you. “I’m fine, Nolan.” you said again with more force in your voice, and Nolan let the conversion go.  
“Travis had been a wreck. Showing up to practice late and tired, almost got himself scratched.” Nolan quietly said.
“I don’t care.” you lied. You really did care about Travis. That's why you had put up with his fuckboy attitude for as long as you did.
“You do.” Nolan stated the obvious, “Travis is just scared of commitment. He really does love you. He’s just worried about fucking it up.”
“He fucked it up, even if he didn’t mean to.” you stated. “But tonight I am going to be leaving with someone that isn’t Travis.”
You and Nolan had made it to the bar, where the rest of the guys were. You went straight to the bar, before even looking at them. When your eyes found Travis, you were surprised to find his arms empty. He wasn’t flirting with anyone, which was weird for him. He shyly waved to you, and you turned back to the bar not wanting to talk to him. He got the hint and left you alone for most of the night.
The air was too stuffy, and you needed a break from everything. You were leaning against the outside wall. “Hey, you okay?” when you turned your head to the side and found Carter Hart, the rookie goaltender.
“I think so.” you mumbled out.
“Bars not your thing?” Carter asked, and you scoffed out a laugh.
“You could say that,” you replied, “It’s proving to be increasingly difficult to avoid someone.”
“So your hiding?” Carter clarified.
“I guess I am.” you concluded, and just then Travis walked out the door, with no girl in his arms. “Fuck. Speaking of the devil.” you mumbled.
“Oh shit. You’re Konecny’s girl?” Carter asked.
“I am not Konecny’s girl.” you clarified. You saw the hurt that flashed in Travis’ eyes, but decided he was worthy of feeling that pain.
“Can I talk to you, y/n?” Travis asked, “Alone.” Travis waved off Carter. Carter left with no problem, and you cursed under your breath.
“What do you want, Konecny?” you sharply asked him.
“I want to ask for your forgiveness. I fucked up. Really badly. I was leading you on, and that was unfair of me. I truly do love you. I’m just not that good at showing it.” Travis pleaded with you. You glared up at him, but you saw the sadness in his eyes, and knew he was telling the truth.
“You really hurt me.” you confessed with tears in your eyes.
“I know. Please let me make it up to you.” Travis' eyes were also glossy. You just nodded, and his face exploded into a smile. “y/n l/n will you please go on a date with me?” Travis asked you.
“Travis Konecny, I would love to go on a date with you.” you smiled, when his smile got even bigger, which you didn’t even know was possible. With the light music coming from the bar, Travis dragged you off the wall and swayed with you under the stars. Just like he did a couple days ago, but this time it was in public. Travis leaned down to kiss you, and the kiss was sweet. He barely tasted like alcohol, which made you more confident. You now knew for sure that was him talking, not the alcohol. When he pulled back, he just let your forehead rest on each other.
Travis picked you up the next Friday night for your date. He was dressed up in a suit you’ve never seen him wear, making you think he went out and bought it. You had on a red dress, and did your hair and makeup. You felt beautiful and confident. Travis knocked on your front door, and led you to his truck. Then he opened the door for you helping you up into it. Everything was going great. He even let you play your music from the aux cord.
The restaurant he took you to was nothing less than fancy. There was chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and there were candles on the table. Everything was so romantic. You insisted on paying for your meal, but Travis was having none of that. He insisted that it would just be ungentlemanlike to let you pay, and you rolled your eyes.
After dinner, Travis asked if he could blind fold you. You were skeptical, but trusted him. He was driving through winding paths, and after what felt like ten minutes, Travis stopped the truck. He killed the engine, and opened your door for you. When he had you take off the blindfold, he had his arm wrapped around your waist. “This is where I go to just get away from everything.” he explained. Travis had taken you to his hiding spot. The spot was up on a hill, and overlooked Philly. All the lights were shining. When you looked over at Travis you found him already looking at you.
“It's beautiful.” you mumbled.
“Yeah it is.” He agreed but didn’t even look away from you. You stood on your tiptoes, and he leaned down to let your lips meet in a kiss. After the kiss, Travis got a blanket that was in his backseat, and laid it out on the ground. He sat down and you followed suit. He held you as he told you stories about his family and hockey teammates. Travis was letting you in, and you couldn’t be happier.
“I love you, Travis Konecny.” you interrupted his story, about something Nolan had done on their most recent road trip.
“I love you too, y/n l/n.” Travis said back. Leaning down to kiss you again. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” you said. As you laid under the stars, you couldn’t help but fall even more in love with Travis Konecny, and he couldn’t help but fall more in love with you.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Pros can cons of dating Travis or Connor ( liek as young teens 13-14)? If so, thanks!
Time for headcanons!!!
He’s surprisingly good at being a boyfriend
maybe it has to do with the fact that he’s the oldest, therefore the one that has to look out for the both of them
so for him, it’s just as easy to look after you
always has the best snacks, and his sweatshirts are always fluffy 
won’t hesitate to call you out on your bullshit if you’re being shitty to yourself or others
expert at kissing all over your face until you feel like a tiny ball of happiness
he doesn’t know the meaning of proper behaviour 
not that you have to be his mom, he’s well aware that all his mischief is ‘not cool’ sometimes, but it’s part of his heritage you know? he has to be a little shit
sometimes he’ll give you a ~look~ and you have to spend the rest of the day fearing for your life, you don’t know when will come, but you know you’re about to get pranked
he gets so fidgety at times that it feels like you’re sitting next to a chihuahua
he’s got a quick temper and it’s really sensitive about his pranks, insult them and it’ll be like you just told him you don’t love him anymore
This boy is learning but what he lacks in experience he makes up with lots of hard trying
He might be a bit rough sometimes and treat you like a buddy instead of his gf but he’ll get the hang of it eventually
once he does, it’s like he can read your mind
after all Hermes kids are great learning stuff, so he learns your love language quite easily
he is hugely respectful, might be a bit of a tease but if you need your alone time he won’t budge
a show off, will do PDA if you let him, but if not he’ll find a way to let everyone know that you’re dating
hermes kids love to go out, they’re travelers, lots of fun dates
He can’t take a hint, you gotta be truly blatant about what you want (this is before dating)
he’s not scared to argue with you if he’s got the energy, and trust me, he does. Sometimes he’ll insist even is he’s the one who’s wrong
talks in his sleep, says a lot of weird, creepy shit
extremely lazy when it comes to normal chores
refuses to eat healthy
not the best people to be around if you’re feeling out of it, he’s too energetic 
leaves dirty clothes all over the place
Both brothers are still extremely loyal and will love you no matter what though UWU 
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squidneysidney · 4 years
William Nylander - Friendzez
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Word Count: 2,409
Thank you, 
You hit the yellow level 5 button in the elevator, trying to balance the two grocery bags filled with food for the hungry hockey players. William called last night while studying for an exam to tell you few of the guys would be coming over the next day and for you to join. You put up a protest, knowing you’d be pulling an all-nighter to pass this test on Monday. To your dismay, he couldn’t take no for an answer. So here you are with salsa, chips, and drinks requested by Willy earlier this morning.
Walking up to Willy’s door, you knock and wait for someone to open it. No one comes, so you knock again. You are greeted back with yelling from the other side. Rather than knocking again, you put the bags down and search for the key Willy had given you to look after his apartment during long road trips. You open the door to see Auston, Mitch, Travis, and William sitting in the front room watching the latest basketball game.
“Anyone care to get the door once in a while?” You chuckle at the guys. Lugging the bags into the apartment.
“Hey you’re here,” William greets you with a hug and a kiss on the check, “and with the snacks.”
“You did call me earlier to ask me to bring them”, following Willy into the kitchen. “Hey boys, good to see you.”
“Hey!” a chorus of yells returned to greet you. Their eyes never leaving the game.
“Thank you for coming, you know it is never complete without you here,” Willy says pouring the chips into a bag.
“You know I can never say no to you William. Although, I am very sleepy. I was wondering if I could take a nap in your room until the game is over.”
Willy looks up at the tv before answering me, “You weren’t kidding when you said that it was going to be an all-nighter were you? Yeah, that’s fine, the last quarter just started so you’ll have sometime to get a nap in. I’ll wake you up when it’s over. Thank you for the snacks again.”
“No problem. I’ll probably have to study a little bit more tonight too. I’ll be good after I get some shut eye, thank you.” You hug Will from behind as you walk out of the kitchen into the hall way where his bedroom is located.
You fall asleep rather quickly, getting three hours of sleep will do that to a person. Though, you always end up falling asleep quick when it comes to Willy’s bed. There have been many times that you decided to sleep in his bed rather than your own when he is gone on long road trips.
You feel much better after a cat nap, though, you could have definitely have gotten more sleep had the boys not been yelling. It was a regular thing to hear the boys yell when watching a game, no matter the sport. You get up out of the bed and straighten out the blankets before walking out to meet them.
“Dude, come on. Just admit that you like her already. It’s so obvious, you aren’t fooling anyone.” You can here matts talking to one of the boys. Being curious who he was talking to, you slowly walk out of the room.
“Guys, how many times do I have to say this? I don’t like her. We are just friends. I don’t get why you guys think I like her.” William says, running hand through his hair. It was obvious that he was getting frustrated.
“I don’t get why you just won’t admit that you like her. She’s a cool person and you guys get along. She basically lives here with you,” Mitch says, trying to calm the swede down. You still don’t know who they are talking about. Surely Will mustn’t like who they are talking about. He would have told you before the boys would even know.
You are being slightly biased though, secretly harboring a crush on Willy yourself. Ever since meeting him a few years ago, you have been stuck. The blue-eyed blonde has always been at the forefront of your relationship life, hoping one day that he would notice you the way you noticed him. You have always been there for him, after bad games, sickness and nursing him through injury.
“It’s just not like that with Y/N,” Willy responds with a shrug.
Your heart falls into your stomach, confirming what you have always known to be true. It hurts a lot more hearing it come from his mouth instead of you telling yourself. There was always hope when it came to Will but now you know the solid truth. William doesn’t like you. Not like that.
“Give us one reason why you don’t like her like that then,” This time it is Travis coming in to interrogate the blonde. Your ears perk up at the question.
“I don’t know? For one she’s not my type. She’s, she’s boring. I keep her around to help with my parents constantly asking when I’m going to get into a relationship. I just lie and say that I’m for when she is ready. In reality, I will never see her like that. The only thing she does outside of my friends is go to school. Don’t even get me started on how much she complains about a test or something. She doesn’t have a life. I always feel suffocated with her.” Willy lets everything out on the table, not letting anything hold him back about how he truly feels about you.
“So, you wouldn’t mind me going out with her then?” Matts asks, trying to get a rise out of the blonde.
Will chuckles, “Please do, at least it will get her off my back for once.”
He looks at the boys shaking his head when you come out from behind the wall with tears streaming down your face. The boys seeing you before William can, their eyes going wide.
“How,” You ask trying not to choke on the sob that you are holding in, “How could you talk about me like that? After everything that I have done for you? After all of the phone calls that I get from you! Asking me! No, not even asking, begging me to come over after games! I do have a life William! You are just so smothering that I can’t even live it without you wanting me to be here with you. You are a coward Nylander.” You run out the door before anyone can respond to you. As you run down the hallway to the elevator, you hear your name being called. Clicking the yellow button repeatedly, you look back to see Will closing in on you before the doors slide open. Jumping in, you continually push buttons to get the door to shut.
As the doors shut you realize that all you have is your phone in your pocket, having left your keys and purse in Wills room. Not having a way home, you call the only person that you could think of.
“Hello?” their voice comes through the phone; curiosity being laced through their voice.
“Hey, I’m sorry for calling but I really need a ride and I don’t have anyone else to call.” You say, trying your best to not sound like you have been crying.
“Send me your location and I’ll be right there.” Keys are heard through the line before they hang up.
William wasn’t wrong when he said that you didn’t have a life that didn’t involve him. Most of your time was spent with Will, at Wills game, or studying. You never thought of yourself as boring though, you thought that he wanted you around. At least that’s what it seemed like to you.
Before you know it, Morgan’s car is pulling up in front of the apartment building. As you get in the car it is evident that you have been crying. Mo notices upon first glance.
“Home?” Morgan asks as he pulls away from the building. A nod is all you manage to give in response. “Are you going to tell me what is going on?” he asks after a moment of silence.
“It’s nothing, I am probably over reacting. Nothing for you to worry about Mo,” you look at him with a small smile.
“Cut the crap, that was the weakest smile that I have ever been given.”
“I just over heard Willy talking to the boys about me,” you said with a sigh as you continue, “They were talking about how William doesn’t like me. Not to mention that I am boring and suffocating.”
Morgan’s head snaps in your direction, eyebrows furrowed. “He didn’t say that did he?”
You give Morgan a ‘Would I be making this up look?’.
“You know he doesn’t mean any of that right? The boy must have been pushing his buttons. Will thinks the world of you. He always asks if you can tag along with everything we do.”
“Well apparently not Mo.” You say as he pulls up to your house, “Thank you Mo, I really appreciate it.”
Mo gives you a nod with a sad smile on his face before driving off. You slowly climb up the stairs of your apartment. Reaching your door, you lift the welcome mat revealing the spare key you keep just for emergency.
It has been a few days since you have seen or spoken to any of the boys let alone William. He has been texting and calling non stop since that day. Every so often, you will get a text from one of the boys asking you to hear Will out.
You aced the test that you have been studying for and all you want to do is tell Willy. His voice saying how suffocating you are plays in your head. Knowing that you probably will never be able to have a relationship like that with him again.
A knock at your door pulls you off your couch, opening the door without thinking who it could be. You are met with the blue eyes that you have come to love.
“Um, you forgot this the other night. Thought you might need it,” he says, lifting your bag and keys in hand.
“Thanks” You grab the bag, starting to close the door before a he sticks his arm out preventing you to shut it completely.
“You know that I didn’t mean what I said,” His eyes full of sincerity, “The boys were just annoying me when they kept asking if I had feelings for you. I just said anything that would get them off my back. Nothing that I said was true to how I feel.”
“That doesn’t make it-“
“No, no that doesn’t make it okay but that is the truth. I never would have said that had I known that you were standing right there. The boys just know how to get under my skin sometimes.” Will looks down at his feet, not looking at you.
“At least Auston is honest to everyone about his feelings. We are going out next week after his schedule calms down.”
Williams head snaps up to look you in the eyes, gauging whether or not you were telling the truth.
“You can’t go out with him.”
“And why can’t I? You don’t think that someone as boring as I am can work out with someone like Auston?” You cross your arms, waiting for his response.
William shakes his head, “No, that’s not why you can’t go out with him.”
“So why can’t I?” you counter.
“Because,” You wait for a response. “Because, you are meant to be with me. There is no one that you belong with other then me. Especially not matts, he will never treat you how I would. He will never love you the way that I do. He will never notice how you tap your nose when you are close to finding the answer to a question. He won’t know to buy you coffee at that coffee shop down the street to get you out of bed after you studied all night. Because no one in this damn world will see you how I see you. I’m sorry for what I said, there is not enough words in English or Swedish to explain how sorry I am for what I said. But please for the love of god, do not go out with matts.”
“How do you know that I wouldn’t know how to treat her?” Auston says, coming into view behind you.
Willy is shocked looking between the two of you with his mouth open. “What? Matts, what are you doing here?”
“Asking y/n out obviously. You said that I could so I came over to see how she felt.” Auston throws an arm around my shoulder.
“Stop it,” you push his arm off your shoulder laughing, “you are going to break him.”
“Alright, sorry. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity.” Auston shrugs walking out of your apartment, chuckling to himself. “Willy, I’ll see you at practice.”
“No, you don’t” William grabs the back of Auston’s shirt pulling him back in front of him.
“Willy! Let him go, he was just joking. We aren’t going out. Auston came by to explain what happened. Now calm down.”
“So, you two aren’t?” Will looks as confused as ever.
“No man, but it was one way to get you to admit your feelings,” Auston shakes his head, walking away from the two of you.
“Were you really going to fight your own teammate just because you thought we were dating?” You ask in disbelief.
“Yes, yes I was. I was already close to losing you once and it was the worst few days I have ever had. I wasn’t going to risk losing you again. Give me a chance, not as friends, give me a chance to take you out. To prove to you that I can treat you better than any man could.”
“Trust me Willy, I know that you can.” You say with a smile on your face.
“So, you forgive me? You’ll let me take you out?” Wills famous smile evident on his face.
“Yes, I forgive you Willy. I will always forgive you William.”
Willy runs to you, lifting you up. You both giggle, happiest either of you have ever been.
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Fjorester in the Bjreaus talk
It’s yelling about Fjorester hours. I haven’t done this breakdowns in a while but there’s so much to analyze in that Bjreau’s talk and so much subtext and admissions and feelings in Fjord’s explanations that I really need to go step by step
this is mostly focused on the Fjorester side of the conversation because so many people have already broken down the BY in it and maybe i will too later but for now let me focus on my main OTP because wow 
Beau: So…. Jester
Fjord: *pikachu panic*
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Fjord: There it comes. I was wondering when that melodic intro was gonna hit. 
Fjord: J-J-Jester?
Beau: You know what I’m gonna ask, dude, right? Like, what’s the deal?
Fjord, still deflecting: when you come with the ‘dude’, yes, I know what you wanna as.
Fjord, getting serious suddenly: What? What about Jester?
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Beau, finally giving in: You know how she feels about you. Or, at least, how she did. I don’t know if she still does.
*Fjord, immediately, starts touching his mouth in that nervous mannerism he always has when his image insecurities are brought up, like he wants to hide his tusks*
*i start quietly sobbing*
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Fjord: I don’t either! I have no idea. 
Fjord: I’m actually the less clued in as to how Jester feels. I actually tried to… ask, but I don’t know. 
Beau: You have to kinda be direct with Jester. Like, if you tried to side-step it-
Fjord: I get that. It’s just that there are more pressing matters at hand
Fjord: And… I feel like I’m the fourth version of myself since I left Port Damali. And I feel like it could change again in a month or three months. I feel as if the ground is shifting underneath my feet every few nights that I wake up. And it’s crazy, I actually love cause it’s all been for the better, it no matter how crazy it’s been, but what I wanted when this all began is so far in the past I can’t… I forget about it sometimes. It comes for me in the middle of the night. But… Jester is hard to ignore. 
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but clearly that lack of stability, as much as it thrills him, it also makes him anxious, not knowing who he will be next and what he will believe and what he will want
And then, right there after the nod to his death, Jester comes back into the statement. Fjord describes the changes and turmoil in his life like all of that is already too much to also focus on love… and then says but she’s still there, in my mind, by my side, all the time. In that mess of these pasts few months, Jester is his lighthouse
Beau: Yeah, no. I- I know! I’m pretty certain literally everyone has a crush on her. 
Fjord *panics like that Joey meme*: WHAT?
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Beau: Like, at least all of Mighty Nein. I don’t know, though, but I’m pretty sure everyone she meets is like ‘well, I’d maybe kill for you, yeah’
Fjord: No, yeah, I totally agree with. 
Fjord: No, I- where is she?
Fjord: I... 
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Fjord: You know when someone makes you feel a way that you don’t think you have any right to feel? Or you never thought that you might?
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Fjord: And that feels... off... because I should know how I feel or what I want! 
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*low wisdom frustration intensifies*
Fjord: But... there’s a gravity around Jester, at least to me, and she’s the one I’ve known longest in this new part of my... life. And I really thought that when this started there would be an end for me in this, and I would get even or retribution or payback and then I’d be... done. And it hasn’t been that way at all! It shriveled up and died and in its place seven new interests sprouted and... 
[i can’t type the whole Academy thing, im too tired and this is so long already but what a great throwback]
Listen listen listen tho
i wanna talk about this
i wanna talk about fjord noticing jester’s crush and not acting on this because he was convinced the m9 were temporary
i want to talk about a part of him always feeling like this will eventually end and be ripped away from him and how then it kept going and going 
and this woman he met was just such a steady and supportive presence in his life through it all that finally, finally after months, he can’t deny that she’s part of his life for good??
but that also explains what he said before and how he’s afraid that he’ll change again and lose this
Fjord: I... I... I want Jester to be happy. 
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Fjord: I do feel v-v-very strongly for her. 
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Fjord: But I also know, when this began, her affections might have been based entirely on whimsy... I don’t know!
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this is the perfect parallel to her talk with caleb in darktow ok
and im fucking living for this angst and this doubts and to see fjord yearn for her the way she did for so long 
Fjord: And I don’t really feel like asking, either. I almost don’t wanna... know.
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but here’s the thing. He’s ok with that. He doesn’t expect her to love him back, doesn’t need her to feel the same way. Fjord is just happy loving her and being her friend and being here to support her and make her happy. That’s enough. 
How selfless is that? How absolutely romantic and painful and heartfelt? 
I love this so much. This love isn’t possessive nor demanding. All he wants, all he really asks for, is the chance to make sure she’s happy and safe. 
He requires nothing in return. Being around her light and showering in her warmth are enough. She’s already given him so much support, he can’t ask more... certainly not love in the way he would want, in the way he would hope, because life has never told him he’s worthy of such thing —not a monster like him— so why would she? 
Fjord: I just like it and, to me, as long as she’s alright...
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hOW MANY TIMES BY NOW HAS FJORD SAID IN DIFFERENT CONVERSATIONS “as long as she’s alright” “as long as she’s happy” “as long as she’s not getting hurt” “as long as she trusts him” HE KEEPS REPEATING IT LIKE IT’S THE ONE THING THAT TRULY MATTERS TO HIM IN THE WORLD IM-
Fjord: It seems like this is not a permanent... thing. It’s not like we’re gonna leave her in this island and we’re gonna just go off which I was worried about before, but it sounds like it’s all... for show and it might be the Nein again after all this.
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and we know that was a possibility right?
But really I wanna know how long... how long has Fjord been worried about her leaving, about loosing her... how much of what’s been going on has been him —without saying it— concerned that she’s about to leave the group, how many of their interactions and conversations (”i’m glad you’re here”, “we are happy to have you”, all the talks about disappearing and leaving the sad parts of the world behind) had him secretly concerned that she would soon leave??
Fjord: and then, I don’t know what. I wanna explore the world! I want to see the lands we haven’t seen! I want to find the things that people are scared of and solve them or do what everyone else needs to do...
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Fjord: but....... I- I hope- I hope she’s a part of that
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the way he deflates and gets very quiet and earnest as he admits this????
im sobbing
[im not gonna get on Beauyasha territory because as much as that made me want to scream too this is soooo long already that i feel like that deserves a meta on its own]
i do wanna point out that fjord definitely seemed kinda jealous when Beau started describing her former crush on Jester
Like, he’s so excited to talk about her and Yasha but when Beau brings past feelings into this you can feel a note of panic and defensiveness as he says 
Beau: so I definitely had a crush on Jester, just since we’re drunk and we can be...
Fjord: when you said it before, it was like a thing... you had a real crush on Jester?
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Beau: well, she’s so enigmatic, like you said and she just like... she’s got this way... just when she talks...
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Fjord: I’m talking about Yasha! You can go back to Yasha! It’s- uhm-
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also fun thing
it’s similar to when he’s reacted to the traveler before and jester calling artagan handsome lmfao
im just saying 
and I like that he’s being supportive and he listens and all, even when Beau brings Jester back up... but then he confirms that Beau’s feelings for Yasha are deeper than for Jester and he definitely seems happy with that answer, both for Beau’s happiness (you know Fjord is so excited about these two since forever but especially the way he asks when he turns the tables on Beau he’s so excited for her!) but also because maybe it means one less chance that his own feelings won’t be reciprocated? like an... “alright, so we are good? with this? this is not going to hurt your feelings if i.. if i do love her?” and i think that’s very sweet? like regardless he’s gauging the depth of Beau’s feelings in this regard and I think if she confessed something deeper he would, heartbrokenly, step back and let her have a chance... especially since he’s happy just loving Jester from afar
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ethanramseyyy · 4 years
I’ve got a feeling that this one is going to be very long because this chapter had so much in it but it is not like I am complaining.
So this chapter begins straight after the cliffhanger in chapter 10. Ethan being on the other side of the door worried made me so emotional. He seemed so worried about MC. I chose the option to run into Ethan’s arms but obviously I wasn’t able to because my man had hold of the door handle to keep the virus from escaping. The connotations to the corona virus are uncanny. The way that MC knows Ethan that well that she knows when he is hiding something just from the look he is giving her is so sweet and shows how deep their connection is.
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One of my favourite things from the chapter is the way we got to experience the assassination attempt from different perspectives. The first perspective was Bryce. He was in the middle of Kyras surgery when he found out about the murder attempt. Eventhough I am not romancing Bryce his reaction was so cute, the genuine worry he showed for his friends was heartwarming. He is so sweet and I understand why a lot of people romance him. The mention of Naveen was so nice but unfortunately he didn’t make an appearance in this chapter, I am hoping that he will make an appearance soon because I love him. I also think that we deserve to see Ethan and Naveens relationship more. On a happier note, we got to see Ines for the first time in a while which was really nice. Hopefully we get to see the other doctors in the hospital a bit more. Moving on the Bryce, I really enjoyed the fact that he carried on the surgery because he knew that is what MC would have wanted. I thought it was a really cool concept to be able to see his reaction to such an intense situation. 
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The next scene broke my heart. Bobby’s body being rolled out of the room. Like I said in my last post I LOVED his character even from the short time we got to see him. Hopefully, we get to seem some kind of send off for him because he truly deserves it. The thought of his covered up body being pulled away on a stretcher is honestly heartbreaking.
ANGRY ETHAN INCOMING. You can tell that he was ready to kill someone for MC and honestly I wouldn’t be mad about it. The way the 3 doctors entered in hazmat suits was iconic (if I do say so myself). A quick side note: Ethan’s cheekbones look so defined in the suit. That man looks good in everything, it’s unfair on the other males. 
I was not expecting the book to shift to Ethans perspective but I LOVED seeing it from his eyes. I liked that the whole hospital came together to help the people involved in the assassination attempt. The senators reaction to Baz and Ethan asking for help was so disrespectful. “Bad day for them”. Like excuse me sir people DIED whilst trying to save you from your crazy assistant, have some respect.
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This next scene was one of a few happy scenes in this chapter. It was so interesting to see Sienna and Ethan have a conversation just the 2 of them. I think that their friendship would be a very interesting one. Obviously, out of the 3 options which were: We’re friends; And that’s all I’ll say on the matter; I have feelings for her. I chose I have feelings for her because if I am given a chance to see Ethan open up then I will be taking it. But if any of you chose the other options let me know because I would love to see Siennas reactions. Then he explains that he decided that it would be better for MCs career to distance himself from us. Which is both annoying and adorable. And my poor baby got all emotional, the whole scene was just so cute.
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I’m not going to say much about this but thank god that bitch Travis died. 
Did anyone else find Rafael’s dishevelled hair kinda attractive or am I just really strange. Anywayss, to make the situation worse Sora shows up. Now listen I have no reason to hate this woman because I’m not romancing Raf however I felt soo angry when she turned up and stole Raf from all the Rafael stans. The disrespect. But what happens later in the chapter makes me very very happy.
All the little interactions between Ethan and MC make my heart melt. The fact he just reaches for our hand and squeezes it, it’s just too much for my little heart to handle. But then to ruin this sweet moment, Raf loses consciousness and at this point I am pretty sure we all thought he was dead. To make this moment even worse, we find out Danny died. When I tell you I cried. I mean I cried. Poor Danny, I still can’t believe it. And Sienna they didn’t even get the chance to be happy together because of her stupid ex. I just can not believe it is his funeral we will be attending. When that chapter comes out I am going to be an emotional wreck.
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On a slightly happier note, the Mass Kenmore doctors and the Edenbrook doctors work together to try and find a cure. I knew Tobias had a soft spot for MC. I should hate him but I just can’t maybe it’s the pretty face.
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Ethan Ramsey breaking my heart again. He spent the night sat in his hazmat suit just so he could look after us. Tell me this isn’t the most kind-hearted thing ever. “If this is my last night alive, I want to spend it with you”. I’m not even going to explain that quote because I’m pretty sure we all reacted the same way. His regrets. He actually regrets asking us to stay away, he regrets that he wasted so much time. HE WANTED TO HOLD US IN HIS ARMS. I’m tearing up even thinking about it. And forgive me if I am being dramatic but I’m 99% sure that he was about to tell us he loves us. This moment will be going into the Ethan x MC hall of fame. I can’t think about it for too long or I will start crying. Again.
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They found an antidote! I never doubted them for a second. I loved how June asked Ethan if he wanted to do the honors. She knows. And then the next morning, Ethan comes in and tells MC to get up. Without the hazmat suit may I add. “You feel a tear tracing down your jaw, but you don’t know which of you it belongs to”. I like to imagine that it was Ethans. Just because it makes me happy. The moment that MC and everyone shares in the elevator is so precious. You can just tell how close they all are and it’s so sweet.
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I’m glad that Aurora and MC got the chance to make up as we all know how much she deserves a decent friend. And then MC has the brilliant idea of potentially joining forces with Mass Kenmore to help with state budget cuts. If this ends up being some Seattle Grace Mercy West kinda thing, I’m down. ( Please tell me someone gets the reference). 
Sora turns up again but this time I am happy about it. THE BITCH BROKE UP WITH RAF. Anddd Rafael isn’t moving to Brazil. I am really hoping that means Rafael stans get their mans back. We are all rooting for you!!!
All together this chapter was incredible. It would be my favourite chapter but we lost Danny and Bobby in one chapter which breaks my heart. It has to be one of the best written chapters though and the content in just 1 chapter was phenomenal. Let me know your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for the continued support, it means the world 💛
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morgansyorkie · 4 years
Too Afraid of Losing You ~ Nolan Patrick
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Summary: You’re a med student and you had to graduate early due to the Corona Virus pandemic happening in the Philadelphia area. You have been working insane hours and the exhaustion from it all has definitely took a toll not only on you, but on your boyfriend Nolan Patrick well. You both have come to realization on truly how each of you mean to one another and how much you need one another during this difficult time.
Word Count: 3,660 
Disclaimer: this is my first writing that I am posting, I hope that you all in enjoy it and would love to get any kind of feed back. Thank you :) Also thank you to @quinny-boy-hughes​ and @kravistonecny​ for giving my the courage to write and post this!
Who would have thought that two months ago your normal life as a med student was going to change, but change in a way you never thought could happen. Sleeping was starting to become more and more difficult nor it never came at all. You frequently found yourself tossing and turning throughout the night or during the day depending on your crazy schedule. The world as you knew it was changing and not in a good way, your school decided to let all medical students graduate early if they chose to due to the pandemic that was happening here in America.  
Sixteen hours...sixteen hours later you were finally walking into your apartment in downtown Philadelphia feeling completely exhausted and worn out. Your shift was only supposed to be from 7 pm to 7 am a normal twelve hour nurse-based shift, but with the amount of cases that were pilling in overnight, your team had to work overtime to make sure there was enough room for everyone coming in. You quickly kicked your shoes off and headed straight to the bathroom so you can remove your uniform and jump into the hot scolding shower. As you were removing your clothing you noticed a note and a single red rose laying on the countertop of the sink. “You’re so amazing and I’m so proud of you” Love always Nolan
As exhausted as you were, you couldn’t help but smile at the little gesture that your beyond amazing boyfriend Nolan has done for you. Nolan is your absolute everything in this world, he has seen you go through so much while attending med school and knowing that your graduating year had to be cut short due to the Corona Virus outbreak put a toll on the both of you. He was looking forward to watching you walk across the stage and finally getting that diploma that you’ve worked so damn hard for. He was looking forward for after graduation to settle down some and enjoy sometime together and maybe start planning your guys future together before you landed your official nursing job at University of Penn. He was even in talks to the guys about proposing to you when the time was right, but now that’s all thrown out the window due to this insane virus that no one has control over.
Once you got out of the shower, you changed into some sweats and one of Nolan’s hoodies that he totally sprayed his cologne with overnight to make sure that it smelled exactly like him. You walked out of the bathroom and was surprised to see Nolan still spread out in your guys bed peacefully sleeping. Must have been a long night of video games, if he is still sound asleep at this time of the day. As much as you desperately needed sleep you didn’t want to disrupt your boyfriend so you headed towards the spare bedroom and crawled under the blankets. You turned to lay on your side but the scarring on your face made you jolt some, but after a while the cooling of the pillowcases felt good against your beat-up face.  
Nolan rolled over and looked at his phone which had a bunch of notifications that he could care less about, he saw that it was almost noon. He opened his text’s and saw that the last text from you was around eleven in the morning stating you were finally clocking out and heading home. But it’s almost been an hour since that text and he doesn’t understand why you’re not home lying in bed next to him. He got up and walked out of the room “Y/N? Y/N you home”? He asked in a low mumble tone. When there was no response, he got worried, he was about to grab his phone to call you when he noticed the guest bedroom door slightly closed and the bag with your scrubs in it laying out in the hall way. Seeing the bag out in the hall way made his nerves calm down a bit, he softly opened the guest bedroom door and saw you peacefully laying in the bed sleeping. He was glad to have you home safe, but he would be lying if he wasn’t a little hurt for the fact that you were sleeping in the guest bed instead of next to him in your guys bed.
You were finally getting some good sleep for once until you heard the loud ringing coming the night stand next to you. You sat up and rubbed your eyes a few times before answering the phone.  
“Hello?” You answered still half a sleep.  
“Y/N” I am so so sorry to wake you; I know how worn out you must be but I need you to come in for another overnight shift tonight. We just got about another 100 or so cases that rolled in from the time that you left and it’s getting out of hand here. We are going to need all hands-on deck tonight and tomorrow.” Your boss explained to you.  
You had no choice, you had to go in this is what you signed up for. Well not this exactly, but you knew that becoming a nurse meant you were going to have some really tough days and nights.
“Yes, of course I’ll be there for shift change at seven tonight” You said in mid-stretch and getting ready to hop out of bed since it was just pass three thirty in the afternoon.  
“Ugh thank you so much Y/N see you later hun.” Your boss said quickly and hung up
You walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the living room and kitchen area. You might as well start planning on cooking a big meal since you don’t know when the next time you will be able to eat a proper meal next. You saw Nolan sitting on the couch with his gaming headset on, trying his best not to yell into the mic at the person on the other end which was most likely Travis and maybe Carter.
“Dude Trav what the fuck are you doing? You just shot me I am on your team you stupid idiot, such a dumbass, god you are so fucking bad at Call of Duty.” Nolan said into his headset.  
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself and shake your head at the site of Nolan. You walked over and leaned over the back of the couch to run your hand through Nolan’s hair and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into the kitchen.  
“Hey guys, I gotta go.” Nolan said as quickly as he could before shutting down the game and throwing his headset onto the coffee table.
You’d just finished getting out some pots and pans to start preparing a meal of spaghetti and meatballs when a pair of familiar strong arms wrapped themselves around your torso and a nose nuzzled into your neck.  
“Done your game already.” You said giggling.  
“Why were you in the spare bedroom?” Nolan questioned, as he spun you around so he could properly kiss you.
“I slept in the guest room because you took up the whole bed and you looked so damn cute and peaceful that I didn’t want to disrupt that. It's been so hard for me to even get a good night’s and in this case a good day’s worth of sleep lately so when I was done showering and found you sprawled out, you looked so peaceful. That I didn’t have the heart to ruin your beauty sleep in case I couldn’t fall asleep.”
I appreciate that babe…but I missed you.” Nolan breathed. “Was worried that something happened to you or that something had happened at the hospital.”
“Nah…never.” You insisted. “Not when I have you here to come home to after a long exhausting shift at work.”  
With Nolan’s arms bringing you closer to him and him resting his head over your shoulder you sighed softly.
“Baby, what’s wrong and why are you cooking now? I thought that we were just going to snuggle and relax tonight and order some take out.” Nolan said as he played with your hair
“Plans changed...” You said barely above a whisper
“Y/n? What’s going on?” Nolan asked while stepping next to you so he can get a good read at the expression on your face. He knows how exhausted, worn out and beat up you have been lately. Seeing all of scars on your face every time you walk through that door reminds him how serious this virus actually is, it reminds him how scared he is that you are on the front lines during this time and how he doesn’t exactly know what you are battling every day, hour and minute.
“My boss called...hundreds of more cases came flooding in after I left the hospital, we need all hands-on deck. So, I have to head back down to the hospital later for another overnight shift.” You spoke softly as you pour the pasta into the boiling water and went to the freezer to grab the bag of meatballs.
“Y/n...no you were supposed to have the rest of the evening off, you weren’t supposed to go back into work until tomorrow morning. We were finally supposed have a relaxing night together, I feel like I don’t get to see you anymore.” Nolan said grabbing your hand squeezing it tight afraid that he might never get another relaxing night with you again.
“Patty, trust me I more than anyone in this world want that. I just want to crawl onto the couch and in your lap and just wish this horrible nightmare of a virus away, but it’s not like that. It’s getting worse by the hour and minute it seems like now and I just can’t say no. I just can not just not show up when there are higher doctors and nurses out there who never really get chance to go home and see their families and loved ones.” You said squeezing his hand back and kissing his soft lips to reassure him how much you love him.
“Here why don’t I finish dinner and we can sit outside on the balcony and enjoy some fresh air…” Nolan said picking up the ladle. “Then we can have a little cuddle session before you have to leave for the night.”
“‘Deal.” You said in agreement, while quickly rising up onto your tippy toes to plant a kiss onto Nolan’s lips before grabbing the place settings for outside. Being a med student wasn’t easy, but it was certainly easier with Nolan by your side the whole entire time. Now being a freshly new nurse isn’t easy either especially during this pandemic time, but again it was certainly a lot easier with Nolan by your side.
Nolan brought out dinner and you two just shared the moment that you were in. Eating a great dinner together while enjoying each other’s company and looking off into the cities sun. Every now and then you would glance over and give Nolan an adorable look and smile. He would try to give you the same reassuring glance back, but you knew there was something off with him. His eyes didn’t have that sparkle or shine to them like they normally do and it worried you.
After dinner, you joined Nolan in the lounge chair that he was sitting on and crawled in between his legs so your back was snuggled up to his chest and he could tightly wrap his arms around you.
“I can’t wait for this new normal to be over. I can’t wait to actually get my diploma and hopefully have an actual ceremony or at least party to celebrate my hard work with our friends and family. I can’t wait to see what an actual regular day of work is going to look like, a day where I don’t have to wear protective gear 24/7 and have to social distance myself from everything and everyone that I love.”
“Can’t wait for that too...” Nolan said barely above a whisper
Nolan’s voice alarmed you, you spun around so you were facing him. You looked up at Nolan and could see a sea of tears forming in eyes and a few slightly falling down his face.
“Nolan, baby are you okay, baby what’s wrong you’re worrying me.” You said grabbing onto his shoulder and running your hand through his hair.
“No..I’m not okay y/n... I’m scared...I’m scared as hell.” He said mumbling  
“Scared about what Nols? Baby please talk to me; you’re really worrying me here. I have never seen you like this.” You said wiping a tear away from his face
“I’m scared to death of losing you Y/N. Ever since this virus has gotten more and more out of control it has frightened me more each and every single day. Every time you walk out of our door it kills me not knowing if that will ever be the last time that I get to see your face, hold you and kiss you. I’m so damn afraid that one of these days you aren’t going to be walking through those doors again and right into my arms. I can’t imagine my life without you Y/N, I’m so incredibly proud of you don’t get me wrong you’re a fucking super hero in my eyes but you’re also my girlfriend who I’m madly in love with who one day I hope to make my wife and the mother of my children. It’s like I need that reassurance to know that every time you leave to fight this virus that you’ll be able to come home back to me. It's why I have arguments with my mother on daily occasions about why I decided to stay here instead of flying back home because of the season being postponed. It’s because in reality I could never live with myself if I did that and god forbid something happened to you and I wasn’t here and I couldn’t get to you! It’s why I leave you little notes with a rose in the bathroom so when you come home you know that I was thinking about you the whole entire time you were on the front lines at work. As much as you hate not being able to sleep properly lately, I kind of love it because I can be there to protect and comfort you through it all y/n. I feel better when I have you tightly in my arms, I feel better when I’m able to look at you from a far, I feel better when I can play with your hair and kiss your lips. Over all I’m a better person when I am with you, if you don’t believe ask Travis and Carter, they have heard it all.” Nolan said full on breaking down at this point
You have never seen Nolan this vulnerable before, in all the years that you have been dating. It killed you to see this side of him, you never realized how much this was also affecting him until now.
You grabbed his face with both of your hands and kissed him like you have never kissed him before. You pulled away and leaned your forehead against his and wiped away a few more tears. “Nolan Patrick, I promise you I will always come back home to you.” You said looking straight into those gorgeous eyes that you love so much.
You looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:05 in the morning, you were hoping to run into your boss so she can give you the all clear to head home. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen until a few hours and a break down alone in the hall way later. Your one coworker made sure to give Nolan an update every so often to let him know and that you were alright even though you weren’t. But she didn’t want to worry him anymore than he already was, plus she did it since you were too busy running around and forgot to leave your phone on the charging station to charge.
One O’clock...One O’clock in the afternoon that is the time that the clock read when you were able to finally clock out for the day. An eighteen-hour shift was way more than enough that you could ever possibly handle. You looked into the mirror and could barely recognize the woman staring back at you. It wasn’t you, this woman had dark bruised circles and lines around and under her eyes. This woman had broken and cracked lines on her cheek bones, where her mask had laid and dug into her. The only good thing that is coming out from these past horrific days is that your boss was giving you the next few days off to rest and compose yourself.
You drove yourself home and the moment you parked your car in the garage exhaustion took a new total on you. You didn’t member the elevator ride up to your floor, you didn’t remember walking down the hall to your apartment door and noticing all of the lovely and cute little notes that the children on your floor made for you and hung on the front door for you to see every day. You didn’t remember walking in and taking off your shoes and heading straight to the bathroom to take your routine hot shower. The only thing that brought you back to normal thought and time was the strong arms of Nolan wrapping you up tight into his arms while leaning next you on the cool bathroom floor.
“Shh, let it all out baby. It’s okay y/n I’m here..I’m here. Just please talk to me.” Nolan said while kissing your hair and rubbing your shoulder
“In the eighteen hours that I have worked I have seen way too many deaths than I ever wanted to see in my life Nolan. People are dying alone..because their loved ones aren’t allowed to come in contact with them. Its people of all ages young and old. Some I stood by their side because it broke my heart that they were dying alone. I broke down in a hallway at work, because I don’t understand how we are going to continue to fight this. You aren’t the only one who is completely scared to death, I am too. I am scared just as much as you are about not being able to return home and being able to crash into your arms. Nurses are already starting to get tested for the virus in different departments and floors and I’m so worried that soon we will have to be tested. I’m trying not to think of the worse, but what if I get tested and I’m positive I can’t imagine never being able to see or talk to you again. You deserve so much better”  
Nolan brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, brushed the falling tears away from your cheek with his thumb and turned your face so you were looking right at him. “Don’t think like that baby, you are one strong woman. Each and every single day I find more and more reasons to fall in love with you. This pandemic made me realize to appreciate and love the little things in life more, to hold and adore your loved ones a lot closer. I can’t imagine what you and your staff are going through day in and day out but know that I will always be here waiting for you, so I can ease your mind and try my best to take it all away from you. If anyone deserves better it’s you y/n, I’m just a bonehead professional hockey player. But you, you are a talented young woman changing the world every single time you out walk of this apartment. Here come with me, I have something I want to show you and I think that it will make you feel a lot better.” Nolan said picking you up and carrying you into your guys bedroom and placing you onto the bed.  
Nolan took out his iPad and handed it over to you and started playing a video for you. It was a video that the entire Flyers team put together thanking you for everything that you are doing during this crazy and difficult time. Even Gritty made a special appearance for you in the video which told made you light up and giggle. They even went on and talked about how such an amazing person you are and how much you mean to not only Nolan but to them as well. They were so grateful and thankful for you and it warmed your heart so much to hear them say it. The video ended with Nolan obviously getting emotional about much he is so proud of you and how he can’t believe that you were willing to get your degree early and risk your entire life just to save others without any hesitation.
Once the video ended you looked at Nolan and thanked him, this is what you needed to help you get through these times.
“I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us, if we can get through this together than we sure can get through anything in life together.” You said leaning in and closing the gap between you with a kiss
“As long as I have you in my arms, I don’t care where life take us. I realized that as long as you’re in my life that I have officially won no what matter. You’re my absolute everything y/n and I wouldn’t change it in a heartbeat.” Nolan said cupping your cheek and kissing you passionately  
Nolan was right, as long as you had each other you knew you were always going to be safe and have strong arms to come decompose home too.  
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apropensityforcharm · 5 years
I am... having a little trouble processing how perfectly that episode was tailored to my specific interests??
People were justified in their mistrust and criticisms of Essek, but he continues to be an incredibly complex, engaging, and weirdly sympathetic character; somehow, both sides of the debate were right.
Nott!! Nott acknowledged her fear and was stronger for it! She was terrified that changing her body would change her soul, and perhaps destroy her relationships with both her family and the M9. And yet she still had the courage to know what she wanted, to know who she is, and to go through with it. Truly, Veth the Brave.
I loved Beau and Yasha being so awkward and fumbly but sincerely complimentary of each other. I could watch eight hours of disaster lesbians trying to figure out how to tell the other that she thinks she’s, like, pretty and cool.
Speaking of, considering Fjord’s reaction.... ace Fjord rights.
That one favourite AU where the team dress up all fancy to go to a formal event? Ain’t an AU anymore, that’s canon babey. Newsflash, everyone in the M9 are super hot. 
Beau being high off her face with True Sight was the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Travis and Marisha are comedy duo icons together. They had me in tears. 
CALEB, MY BOY, I’M SO PROUD OF HIM. Acknowledging how the M9 have changed him for the better without an ounce of shame; acknowledging the darkest parts of his path, and how other people did that to him; acknowledging that deeply ingrained self-hatred, but insisting on his ability to be better. I love him. I’m so proud of him. I love him. 
I just... am so in love with this incredibly complex, nuanced, powerful narrative that Matt and his players are weaving in this campaign. They’re so good. And that episode was so good.
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mosswolf · 4 years
Kidnapping for the bthb with Skyjacks + the pcs?
here you go, anon! 1.5k, travis & jonnit & gable, cw for big evil prisons a la the one in the flashback eps! 
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(send me bad things happen prompts here!!)
As much as he hates to admit it, this is probably Travis’s fault. Jonnit’s a smart kid, sure, and more perceptive than most— hah— but it’s Travis who has the experience, and the experience with this specifically. He should be more than skilled at spotting and avoiding church officials with something to prove by now. 
But here he is, in the back of a cart, a bag over his head and a terrified fifteen year old breathing fast by his side. The sun had only set less than an hour ago, that was why he’d been sent into town with Jonnit to scout out a place for the crew to stay in the first place. So, roughly eleven hours before he was conveniently the wrong shape for handcuffs. 
That’ll probably be fine, right? He’s survived worse. He tries very hard not to think about how much the Church would love to get their hands on Jonnit. 
The cart is full of people, all murmuring quietly to themselves or each other, so it isn’t too hard to lean in the vague direction of Jonnit’s ear and whisper “Wouldn’t be a Matagot party unless someone gets arrested.” 
“It was a shopping trip, Travis!” Jonnit responds, muffled through the bag on his head. Travis isn’t sure why the Church doesn’t want them seeing where they’re going. Maybe it’s something more serious than the normal town lock-up. 
Travis shrugs before realising that Jonnit can’t see him. “I like to multitask.” 
“No you don’t. You don’t even like to task, singular.” 
“Well, what can I say?” Travis begins, “I’m just—” 
The cart rattles to a halt, and Travis stops, despite himself. It’s going to be fine. It’s going to be fine! 
When the back is wrenched open and someone grabs him and wrenches him away, he can hear the anxiety in his own voice when he says “Jonnit!” 
“Hey, stop it!” Jonnit says, from somewhere to Travis’s right, as they’re marched across cobblestones. “I can walk myself!” 
Eleven hours, they can handle that. 
“Ouch,” Travis says, less than half an hour later. They’d had the bags pulled off them once they’d got inside, and the building is huge and old, old stone. It’s not the worst prison Travis has ever been in, but it’s not— it’s not good. The air has the telltale smell of blood. The cells are far enough apart that you can barely hear the screams, but they’re definitely still there. And he’s broken enough bones to know that his leg is definitely broken. 
The small mercy had been that they hadn’t tried to separate him and Jonnit. They’d tossed them into the same small, windowless cell roughly, roughly enough to jostle Jonnit’s bandana out of place. 
The man’s eyes had widened. “What the fuck?” he’d said, gripping his spear tighter. 
“Uh oh,” Jonnit had said, stepping backwards, and Travis had stuck his leg out to trip the man as he tried to follow. It was a stupid, panic driven response, a trick that he plays on Gable more rather than a genuine attack, but it had worked and the man had fallen, hard. 
When he’d got up, there was a look of murderous rage on the man’s face that Travis was so very familiar with. But he still hadn’t been able to move fast enough to avoid the man cracking his spear down on Travis’s leg, and he’d crumpled immediately. 
If he’s being honest, Travis doesn’t really remember what had happened next. But he knows that now the man is gone, the cell is locked, and Jonnit is kneeling anxiously by his side. 
“Are you okay, man?” Jonnit’s saying, “He hit you super hard.” 
“Yep,” Travis manages. “He sure did.” He gestures at Jonnit to help him sit up against the wall. “Well, you know what I always say…” 
“Not a Matagot party unless someone gets their leg broken?” 
“You know it.” 
Jonnit just shakes his head, and reties his bandana. Then he flops beside Travis with the leggy awkwardness of teenagers that Travis is so glad he outgrew over two hundred years ago. “What are we gonna do?” he says. 
“We’re gonna wait till I change in the morning, then we’re gonna escape,” Travis says, wearily. 
“Do you really think we have that long?” Jonnit says. “Before they…” 
“Before they…?” 
Jonnit gives him a look. “C’mon, this is a Church of the Slain God prison and we’re… you know, weird.”
“Speak for yourself,” Travis says, but Jonnit’s right and he knows it. “It’ll be fine. Gable knows where we went.” He’s grasping at the one other straw that isn’t his ten and a half hours distant transformation. Gable will, probably, maybe, realise that they’re late returning and something must be wrong. 
“Yeah. Yeah!” Jonnit says, perking up a little. “They’ll bring the crew and it’ll probably be really cool!” 
“And maybe they’ll even trip over their own feet coming in,” Travis says. “That’d be funny.” 
Jonnit shakes his head at him, and that’s good, because while he’s frustrated he’s not scared. And the only thing worse than getting captured by the Church with a magic kid would be getting captured with a scared magic kid. 
Travis is good at pain. That’s like, his whole deal. But by the time the sound of distant shouting echoes into their cell, he is well and truly tired of his leg hurting. 
“Oh, good, that sounds like Gable,” he says. “Better late than never.” 
“Can you walk?” Jonnit asks him. 
Travis tries, experimentally, and hisses through his teeth. “I would rather not.”
“Here,” Jonnit says, offering his arm, and together they hobble over to the door. Jonnit looks at him judgmentally when he produces lockpicks from his sleeve and proceeds to pick the lock. 
“Could you have done that this whole time?” he asks. 
“Well, yes, but we couldn’t have gotten past the guards,” Travis says, tugging the door open. “And I didn’t want to draw more attention to us than we already have.” 
Now they’re out in the corridor, it’s easy to follow the sounds of chaos. The building is grimy and unpleasant. Travis doesn’t look too hard into any of the cells they pass, or at the stains on the floor. He’s starting to think this place is worse than he’d initially thought. Jonnit is uncharacteristically quiet at his side. 
They come out to a huge, central room, and Travis hears Jonnit gasp. There are soldiers and guards everywhere, some in Church regalia and some clearly red feathers— but mostly, they’re all just dead. The air smells of smoke, and Gable’s standing in the centre of the chaos, sword held high and wreathed in fire. Their eyes are deep, pure black. 
Travis just sighs. “Come on, Jonnit,” he says, and together they hobble across the room. The few people left alive make noises of shock and terror as Travis reaches over and grabs Gable’s sleeve. 
They don’t respond, eyes darting between the people who are still scrambling away and muttering, so Travis tugs their sleeve. “Come on,” he says. “Time to go.” 
“Are you insane?” some brave soul blurts, shuffling out of the room as they speak. “That— that thing killed everyone in here!” 
Travis rolls his eyes, and pulls harder on their sleeve. “We’re going,” he says, taking hold of their wrist firmly with one hand and readjusting his grip of Jonnit’s shoulders with the other. 
“Yeah,” Jonnit agrees, and together they lead Gable back through the prison complex and out into the courtyard. There doesn’t appear to be anyone left to stop them. 
It’s dark outside, dark and cold. They can’t go back to the ship, not with Travis’s leg and Gable’s… whole situation. Jonnit’s shivering already, and trying to pretend that he isn’t. 
Travis does the only thing he can think to do, and leads them towards the forest. 
They’re barely out of sight of the town when the shouting starts, loud enough to be audible even from this distance. 
“I think they’ve found out about…” Jonnit says, trailing off. He gives a worried look to Gable, who still doesn’t seem aware of them, eyes snapping to movement on the horizon. 
“This isn’t going to work,” Travis says, glancing down at his leg. They’re going too slowly. “Gable, you need to carry me.” 
He thinks, for a long moment, that they’re too out of it to hear him. But then they blink, and with surprising gentleness, scoop him up. 
“Okay!” he says, from their arms. “Jonnit, you good?” 
“Yeah,” he says, but there’s a waver in his voice. Gable looks down at him, and then kneels on one knee so he can climb on their shoulders.
“Can you carry both of us?” Jonnit asks. 
“I wouldn’t question them,” Travis advises, nodding back at the town. There are lights illuminating the sky orange now, like people are being roused from their beds. Travis knows the early signs of an impending witch hunt only too well. They head for the treeline. 
It’s darker still under the trees. It’s a pine forest, thick and heavy, Gable’s feet sinking into the soft ground every time they take a step. Travis closes his eyes and takes several deep breaths, listening intently. There isn’t a sound. He takes that as a good sign. 
The Queen may be unpredictable, but she keeps her word. No one will follow them into the woods. 
They’ll be fine.
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mgkconfessions · 4 years
AMAs 2020 2/2
The tattoo
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Actually she got the gunman as a tattoo, because the gunna or gunner would be el artillero. I guess that didn’t sound as nice so she went with el pistolero, but it isn’t really his nickname and with everything that she pretends to know about Kells, it makes me laugh that this is what she wanted on her body to honor him! Says a lot about who she is as a person and what version of Kells she cares about in this relationship. She got a nickname of his stage name, not his real name. She’s all about MGK and doesn’t give a fuck about Colson. Even Col would have been better for a love tattoo and would have been a lot more personal and shown him that she accepts and loves Colson too and not just MGK. But el pistolero only makes her look like a groupie who is excited to date her favourite singer and she’s obviously living out her bad boy fantasy with him. It’s even more tacky, because she’s supposed to be his real first love and serious girlfriend, but all she cares about is his public fame side and she only needs Colson to make MGK depending on her.
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It’s embarrassing and she should get it removed as quickly as possible! Maybe she can get Brian’s tattoo removed together with Kells’ then :). Don’t feel bad for her, first time it’s a mistake, but second time it’s a choice. She or they want to be stupid, let them be stupid. They have to live with the tattoos and public humiliation.
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No, she said that she got his nickname, but we only ever heard her call him Buddha and Lamby, so we joked around which one she would choose and for her own sake she should have gone with Buddha, because that would have been the one that people would associate the least with Kells.
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We talked about the tattoos and Banyan Tree before, but absolutely not planned at all Megan properly revealed the tattoo for the first time on her red carpet debut with Kells to get more attention for it. And even less calculated she started rumours about it only shortly before with the fan pictures. I assume that Kells is next with a public love declaration, maybe we will see his M.F. tattoo for her that I will forever read as mother fucker ^^! I assume it’s somewhere near his crotch or hip or on his butt cheeks. If it’s on a body part that we have seen then it’s very unnoticeable. The tattoos are real, but I believe that they didn’t show them on purpose to reveal them at the best time for the most media coverage. Imagine that’s how your relationship is like. Everything is planned to fit into your PR strategy! Sorry to say this, but Kells isn’t smarter than this. He does and says stupid things all the time and whatever you thought about Kells doesn’t apply to his 2020 Megan Fox version. This isn’t Kells anymore, this is Richard! Old Kells would have never done that, but Richard surely does these things and calls the paparazzi to become more famous. Kells has a tattoo for Casie and got it quite early on. It’s right under his nipple, close to his heart :)! I don’t think that Megan has any tattoos for her kids tho, she seriously got a tattoo for Kells before she got one for her own children!
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Apparently neither of them learned anything from the past tattoos and relationships. Megan got the second time a tattoo for a man who she knew around 3 or 4 months at that time although her last relationship and marriage didn’t last either despite having a tattoo of Brian’s name. An anon said that the woman on Kells’ side is about a comic figure, but I couldn’t find a picture of that comic figure with a mole on her face which Kells’ woman has and Hedi has one too. Then with the caution band around it, I still believe that it means that he should be careful with women like Hedi and still with that tattoo on his body he’s dating someone even worse than her now. Neither of them learned anything from their past mistakes, we can only hope that they will do it now when their relationship ends. I don’t think that the fang tattoo has anything to do with Megan, because his Instagram caption was “take me away from all this death” and I think that it’s more about how he has lost so many friends and important people in the years that he wants to be taken away from it and vampires are also dead but still alive.
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It’s so many things this year that made him incredibly unattractive! I honestly can’t even imagine them having a normal conversation with each other, so I don’t think that there was any discussion about their tattoos for their exes. I don’t see them bringing up topics that might be a sensitive spot for the other one so that they will never fight.
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She did this the second time now. I don’t know why after Brian she didn’t realize that tattoos for your boyfriends aren’t a good idea and especially not for guys who majority of people believe to still be capable of cheating, because they’ve done it in the past all the time.
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They were already doomed when Megan decided that he was her twin flame on the second day, but the tattoo is an amazing symbol for a relationship that will fail too. :)
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It’s just Megan trying to be edgy and cool. From all of his nicknames and symbols she could have got for him as a tattoo, the wrong version of the gunna just shows that she’s obviously living out her bad boy fantasy and she wants to be the hot chick at the side of this bad boy MGK LMAO! ^^ It doesn’t fit to her caring about his well being tho and that he calmed down, which I doubt he has, and since she’s pouring him Tequila and emotionally manipulated him from the beginning, I don’t think that she truly cares about him either. She’s dating his image and his celebrity, but not the real Colson. Kells struggled so much with accepting that there’s Colson too and his own girlfriend gets his “nickname” as a tattoo, but even she only cares about MGK. Megan hasn’t seen Kells’ party and wild side yet when he’s on tour and on stage performing. Would she still want to date him if he was sucking on girls’ boobs on stage, hip thrusting them into the crowd and have sex inside the tour bus with multiple girls? I don’t think so, because remember Megan was the one who got him out of the fast lane and Colson Baker doesn’t need more women anymore or that whole party lifestyle. No, he’s an obedient lamby to Megan now :)!
Pregnancy rumours
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Megan isn’t pregnant. At the AMAs she had a little belly, but she’s a mother of three and even skinny people can have a small belly. The shiny fabric only emphasized it. Last year in December she had a little belly too and wasn’t pregnant. It’s probably just her figure or she was bloated. Also it doesn’t seem like Kells got any other girl pregnant since Casie’s mum and he has been smoking a lot of weed every day for years too. I think he takes children quite seriously and I don’t really see him accidentally get a girl pregnant, not even Megan. And Megan didn’t sound like her body could take another pregnancy either or like she wanted more.
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Kells’ post
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I honestly think that her finger was the only thing that he could grab of her lmao! ^^ With all the other pictures from that day and the way Megan announced him, it looked like she didn’t even want to take one of their couple mirror selfies with him that day. Kells was ready to take the picture and trying to get her in front of the mirror too, but she didn’t want to. Even her smile isn’t really a smile. It’s like she was awkwardly saying “yeeeaah” to appear like she wanted to take a picture and was having fun too, although she hated being there or maybe she wanted to give us a different facial expression, because they always look so serious in their mirror selfies and now she wanted to show how much fun she can be in a not very convincing way tho. It looks awkward and they seem off in that picture too.
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I think that he did sleep with a gun right next to him, however not all the time, because Casie has been sleeping in that bed too and who took the gun away then? Not Megan! Because she wasn’t even around that time! He needed an Instagram caption that again would make everyone believe how real and deep their love is and how much she changed him into a new man :’). I can’t take anything seriously that he says about them, because he’s always doing too much and it’s always the same old story just with different words. Also what does it matter if she made him put the gun away when she’s enabling him in his alcohol excesses. For the boys sharing their pictures, I don’t believe that anyone of them cares a lot about Megan and is very interested in getting to know her, because she’s dating their friend. Kells went to the AMAs with Megan of course they will choose their couple pictures to post about it.
Watching AMAs
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I believe that Megan only came to watch the show and then left, because her signature water bottle left the table eventually and Megan wasn’t on any of those pictures anymore either and when Kells was in the kitchen with many others too, Megan wasn’t there and she’s usually where Kells is. I assume that the food wasn’t organic and sushi enough for her and instead of bringing something as well that she and others could eat from too, she didn’t eat there and left early. I believe that she really only came to watch it. She doesn’t seem to like his friends anyway. It must have been embarrassing for her to see her announcing Kells and Travis on television in front of everyone! It’s funny how nobody filmed that part of their performance to put it on Instagram ^^.
Twitter Trends
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You know what’s sad? When Megan Fox and Sydney Sweeney were both trending on the day of the AMAs, but Kells the guy and reason for them to even have the opportunity to be trending on Twitter, wasn’t. Kells’ performance wasn’t amazing and one time he even sang the wrong lyrics and overall he seemed quite out of breath too, but it’s obvious that whenever Megan will be there, everyone focuses on Megan and not him. Regardless of that I don’t think he needs Megan, because he’s the one who is getting all these opportunities to be seen and heard and not her. So yes, she has to insert herself into everything to get her 5 minutes of fame and Kells allows it, because her name gets him more attention and he can show everyone that he’s dating her for his own ego.
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soullistrations · 5 years
Just got to Grog finding the Deck of Many Things, and this is perhaps my favorite segment so far (which i have said about many things...but this is truly something special)
The dawning horror on everyone’s faces as Matt describes the cards, and the fact that the others can’t stop saying “oh NO” “WHAT”
and despite the fact that everyone else is freaking out, Travis is like, “Meh, I don’t need playing cards” and is about to CHUCK THEM INTO LAVA when Laura Bailey PHYSICALLY MANIFESTS IN THE GAME to ask him what the hell he’s doing
Just. Travis’ continued confusion as everyone’s like, no, no, it’s super powerful, it’s like, world-ending and he’s like “...but does this item have a name?”
So he pulls a card. (Marisha, her pen nervously tapping back and forth at full speed: “Keyleth is out in the hallway with Kerr, right???”) 
Liam explaining to Travis in a hushed voice what this item actually IS, and then Travis’ panicked, “WhY DID yOu give this to ME?”
matt, shuffling through cards because doesn’t have cards ready, explaining in the most exasperated voice that he didn’t think that Grog would be the one to loot for magical items, let alone ACTUALLY PULL A CARD
Travis nervously looking around the table, “I mean, it’s thirteen cards. How bad can it be, right?”
And Taliesin just grinning like a maniac the whole time--he’s so excited for the nonsense that’s about to go down. So excited.
Sam, as matt looks up the item--”He’s turning more pages! Why is he turning more pages????”
And then Matt is describing the card and Travis is like...stars. stars are nice! Orion wouldn’t fuck us, right? And yes, it’s cool, it’s a scimitar, apparently?
Grog grabs a marble bust and tosses it in the air to break it with the sword when Vex cuts in: “Grog don’t forget, this is property of Emon--” “It just broke, because you distracted me. I gotta go find...sigh...another bust.”
Grog trying to stealthily pocket the rest of the cards, rolling a nat 1, and dropping the cards in front of Vex instead
Vex taking the cards from Grog, and he’s like, “Theyonlyactivateundermymagicaltouch.” And then she tells him that if he finds another one, he can keep that deck.
Cut to Grog, tossing handfuls of platinum over his shoulder: “Garbage. Rubbish. Filth.”
Honorable mention from later in the episode:
Grog slowdancing with the sword while Scanlan sings “I know this much is true” is, perhaps, my favorite moment of theirs to date.
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