#truly an abundance of riches to choose from
anotherocean · 3 months
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This reading is about a dream your soul has for you. This is my second PAC reading and it's like a compass for your soul-- something you deeply desire, something that is already occurring on some level, and something that has seeds within you already. Please feel free to pick more than one pile, or pick them all, or just pick one. This is meant to be a glance at something essential inside you that popped out at me, and some advice moving forward toward a more complete realization of it. Please let me know if you found this helpful or if it resonated! :)
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PILE I. You are so beautiful to me Pile 1, and your life is abundant with riches. There is SO MUCH peace here. You can finally rest. The energy I see is you on a tropical island swinging in a hammock without a care in the world. You are allowed to take life as slowly as you want. You really appreciate the sensuality of things. Really truly. That’s what makes you rich. The abundance spills forth from there, and you have the money to cover all the basics (and more) without worry. You even have enough money to take care of your loved ones it seems, which is something that matters to you. You want to share so much of what you have, and that's part of what makes you feel rich too. You’ve carved out a gorgeous life for yourself, and that life is just for you. It doesn’t look like a life that anyone has ever seen before. It’s fully YOURS... you invented it! If the word “mine” isn’t your guiding word, it should be. You are learning about all the things that are yours, and it makes you truly rich. You can live your life in secret if you want. Or you can live it very loud and big. There is a duality to you. Somehow your legacy in life is both very small and very huge. You live both a very secret life, and a very public one. You acquaint yourself with the riches of the world and live in true luxury, as personally defined by you.
Advice: You’re coming off of a really hard time it looks like. Recognize the difficulties you’ve been through. Honor them. Address concerns you have about security and how that may be holding you back. Security is your birthright, but it is a state you can feel without obsessively pursuing it and valuing it above all else. RELEASE your regrets for how you wish things could have been. People and situations are flawed. We are flawed. Life doesn’t always take the twists and turns we like, and it’s your time to move on. It’s time to step away from those things and embrace your confidence, your fire, your passion. Aim to complete what you’ve started and begin afresh. It’s the end of a cycle and the beginning of a glorious new one. You are headed for exciting new opportunities and the feeling of inspiration is just around the corner.
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My graceful and gorgeous pile 2. Letting your body be completely free makes you really happy, and this is something you feel allowed to do privately.  You are utterly unique and solitude just allows you to stretch out into that.  You loooooooove to be alone, and it is a truly gorgeous thing.  I think a lot of the time solitude gets a bad rap, but this pile is all about the gorgeousness that comes from really getting to enjoy your own company, and the world around you.  You are EXTREMELY sensual and I mean sensual with a capital SSSSSS.  Your greatest joy is pure quiet, and the sounds of nature.  From this place of solitude, and a deep knowing, you find absolute and utter, tranquility.  Maybe this is a pile that has experienced pain or trauma or power struggles but that is all over.  It’s like all the nature you’ve surrounded yourself with has just sucked it out of you completely.  Your body is going to take over.  I keep getting that this is maybe a scary thing, but it shouldn’t be.  You are 100% aligned with something holy.  Deep down I think you know this.  Anyway, the divine will wash over you.  Just say thanks, or say nothing at all, and melt.  You are here for this kind of bliss. You are absolutely absorbed into a spirituality that many people would die to experience just a fraction of.  You are existing on other wavelengths entirely, and what a stunning thing that is.
Advice: You’re undergoing a massive transformation.  Embrace the upheaval you are going through.  Move away from rigid thinking (“this is the way it should be”).  Rules and adherence to rules are not your friend right now.  You will still want to use your mind to think clearly, but be playful and inquisitive as you do it.  Ask a lot of questions and be curious.  Understand too, that emotional pain may be part of the process toward what you most want right now, and that is okay, it will only make your heart stronger and you more beautiful.  Let joy, friends, community and camaraderie lift you up and be part of your healing process.
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Right away I get the glory of good food!  Of nourishment!  This is just the surface.  You have absolutely incredible, deep-in-your-body physical confidence.  You are an athlete, a chef, someone whose whole world depends on their body.  Still, you are going to the gym, making the smoothies, swimming, dancing, your world is revolving around your physical self.  You get massages.  In a sense you are free to worship yourself.  You are free to worship your world.  Judgements from other people (and there are some) only thrill you, and you might even enjoy the fiery friction.  Sexuality is a part of your life, and it’s tied to your creativity.  You are of the body, by the body and for the body.  You get the pleasure of standing up for what you believe in.  You are some kind of star.  Something old-fashioned even.  Or there is something about the way you live that is old fashioned.  Or your notoriety (fame?) is old fashioned somehow… You are my most musical pile.
Advice:  You are setting out on a brand new adventure right now—how thrilling.  I can feel the potential and excitement.  You are a bit concerned about the long term stability of your plan and it’s holding you back a bit.  There is some hesitation, and it might be hindering your progress.  Don’t be so conservative right now, but also don’t be reckless.  There is a bit of a push-pull between a conservative approach, and a devil may care attitude.  Balance your enthusiasm with steady and thoughtful planning.  Above all else, embrace collaboration and teamwork.  Recognize the importance of collective efforts.  I promise that even if this does not relate directly to your goals, that peripheral collaborations will still help you.  Learn from people around you.  My other word of advice is take time to rest and recollect.  Be diligent, responsible and practical and be in it for the long haul.  There is stability in that alone, which should give you some comfort.  Practicality without conservatism will do you a world of good right now as you set out on your exciting new path.
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You are a traveler down to the deepest parts of yourself.  You see the world and different people in the world, and make connections everywhere you go.  You rush hurriedly from one flight to another, and then you find yourself somewhere exotic and your world gets bigger and your whole mind expands.  It’s like the drapes were drawn in your living room for your whole life and now you’ve finally opened them letting light stream in, and even the windows are open and fresh air is finally getting inside.  You see so many things.  Greatest mountains, other oceans, animals and flora and fauna of other worlds.  In a sense you are like an alien walking on earth and just want to see as much of it as possible before you have to leave.  You are so free.  You step so lightly in this world, and with so much joy.  You go to cafes you’ve never been to, shops you’ve never been to, temples and fragrant forests where the caterpillars are huge and orange and you reach out and touch one out of curiosity.  You are a true citizen of the world, and deeply connected to humanity.  Your travels do not alienate you, they deepen your roots to Earth and connect you with your global family.  
Advice: You are on a new path, perhaps related to the material world or financial comforts.  There are real tangible beginnings now.  What’s holding you back are indecision and possibly procrastination.  Let go of indecision and avoiding the task at hand.  Make a decision and move forward with it… at some point in the future it might be appropriate to make adjustments, but not right now.  Right now you must embrace your vision and your confidence.  Be bold!!!!!!!!!  You might encounter worry, fear, anxiety but face it head on.  Don’t try to deny or hide away.  See the fear for what it is and have a direct confrontation with it (sometimes this is the war in our mind).  Persevere and value your resilience.  Say thank you to yourself for it.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I may eventually do paid services if people want additional info or clarifying questions. Very grateful to help and hope some of this information resonated with you. I had fun doing it and the hours slipped away. Put in my inbox or in comments if you want to see me focus on a specific reading.
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vechter · 4 months
ao3 for dick grayson fics is such a trying experience, truly bc what do you mean there's not one, not two but an overwhelming abundance of fics where dick is a bad sibling and jason todd is the ideal, supportive, drops-everything-for-your-crisis sibling?
like i can understand the appeal of exploring the lesser of dick's choices and character traits and how those impact his relationships with the rest of the bats but you mean to tell me that any of them- damian, tim, cass- tim, especially- would willingly go to jason for help when they have the option of asking dick?
as much as red robin is a deeply rich, complex story about grief and morality, i'm afraid it did irreparable damage to dick's character, not to mention tim's (that boy does not have an egregiously high body count, comics would never gloss over that kind of mass death or be implicit about it in any way if that had actually happened)
dick's primary character thesis is being a safety net for people who fall- the way bruce and batman were for him after his parents died. it's one of his chief driving forces. there is no world where he doesn't help out a stranger, let alone his siblings if they come to him for help. and despite all of the bats being notoriously bad at asking for help and support, the number of instances where dick is an empathetic listener, doling out advice and emotional support and compassion (even when people are tight-lipped about needing any of those things) far outweighs the times he has been short-sighted or intentionally harsh. no character is perfect but to see how often jason is written favourably whilst simultaneously dragging dick is maddening fr
like, fine you like jason a lot. it can be fun and cathartic to write about him choosing to develop relationships outside of his grief/trauma/revenge with bruce (although i think that the most compelling thing about jason is how much of his character post-resurrection is driven by existing as a dead boy walking so to see him actually care about living and making healthy choices would probably require something beyond therapy with harley quinn lmao) but is it really necessary to do that while putting dick down? both tim and damian have seen dick while he is decidedly not at his best (reeling from the circus burning down in nw '96, grieving bruce, finding his footing as batman) and have come out the other side firm in their belief in him. cass, unfortunately is more removed from dick's immediate circle but that's a whole other tangent about how peripheral dick is to both of the batgirls that come after babs. steph, by virtue of having a parent who is alive, is lucky enough to be removed from more of the complicated dynamics all of them have with each other. and while dick is an ass in her initial batgirl days, he does warm up to her (but that again is a whole other post considering the legitimacy and nuances of characterizations in batgirl- tim never gets the same flak for his treatment of steph despite being much, much closer to her and actually knowing her beyond the second robin to die- and even then, when dick finds out about steph's death, the gist of initial reaction is to blame bruce, perhaps, rightfully so)
like you're falling for his act!!! as readers of a form of media like comics, we are lucky enough to get a glimpse into dick's inner neuroses and thought-processes while simultaneously seeing how he acts on them. ofc we see him make mistakes but a lot of the other characters don't!! and if/when they do, they don't see beyond the performance he delivers. even barring the fucked-up-ness of a high stakes job like vigilantism where trauma and death and adrenaline are linked together messily, no relationship between two people is perfect. people hurt each other, people lash out!! but the most compelling thing about dick is how often he reaches out, how often he swings back even after he has swung away!! that's what makes him such a source of light, hope and positivity for everybody he encounters
and this is not even touching n52 which seems like the most hasty kind of decision making and writing from editorial with no consideration for a lot of the characters' histories, lore and their core characterizations
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Pick A Card: Discover What Love is Teaching You: Free Tarot Reading! 🌟💖
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Online psychic reading is available here:
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Lovers 💕
The Hermit 🧘‍♂️
The Four of Cups 🥺
The Lovers card represents the deep connections and choices you're making in your love life. The Hermit shows that you're learning to seek inner wisdom and reflection from your experiences. The Four of Cups indicates a period of contemplation and dissatisfaction with your current love situation. Together, these cards suggest that you are learning important lessons about the nature of love, self-reflection, and the need to evaluate what truly fulfills you. Your journey in love is about understanding deeper connections and finding contentment within yourself.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! ✨💫
Pile 2:
The Empress 🌸
The Tower ⚡
The Knight of Cups 🏇
The Empress signifies growth, abundance, and nurturing energy in your love life. The Tower represents sudden changes or revelations that have impacted your relationships. The Knight of Cups symbolizes the quest for emotional depth and romance. Together, these cards reveal that you are learning to balance nurturing love with navigating through unexpected shifts. You are discovering the importance of emotional richness and how to handle disruptions gracefully, leading to a deeper understanding of what love truly means to you.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌟💕
Pile 3:
The Sun 🌞
The Nine of Wands 🛡️
The High Priestess 🌙
The Sun card represents joy, positivity, and success in love. The Nine of Wands shows that you are learning resilience and perseverance despite challenges. The High Priestess suggests that you are tapping into your intuition and hidden knowledge. Combined, these cards highlight that you are learning to embrace joy and positivity in your love life while remaining resilient and in touch with your deeper instincts. This journey teaches you to trust your inner wisdom and find strength in love’s ups and downs.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! ✨💖
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or be the ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity! 🌟
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
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darkdemeter · 16 days
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Her heart’s desire. Somewhere that humanity would be protected from the reaches of Heaven, Hell and the Council. Fury sets upon a journey across the cosmos, a liquid landscape of starlight and darkened, inky oceans that swirl in a calming abyss that hum with a beating force. It drones in her ears peacefully. The humans charged under her guardianship venture with her, following her. She leads the way to their new home. But where? 
She musters images of serenity. Somewhere like earth. Green and hospitable, a safe where the dirt doesn’t stir with broken ash upon a mere touch but insead, the soil is rich with growth and can supply an abundance of crops. A haven where they can rest themselves and gather their strength, forge the foundations of their home to build their life anew and reclaim their numbers. 
But all thoughts of such a wonderful place are banished. Overtaken by the distorted and cruel memories of her past. Lands of rolling, green pastures turn to barren wastes, smoke travels in winding spirals until they come together as a large, looming cloud above without promise of anything else but a polluted visage of darkness. All the places she wanted to be safe weren’t good enough. Haunted by the past, she cannot find that safe haven and she, along with the ethereal energies that go with her, begin to falter in their travels. 
Ugh, why is this so hard? Why can’t I find somewhere safe for them?
Her heart pounds hard in the cavern of her chest. She begins to rush through the process, impatient that for once, she tries to do the right thing only to fail. Was she truly suited for this purpose, to serve as their protector? 
Her eyes pry open quickly, widened. Someone or something spoke to– no, through her. Fury feels her body become weightless in the grasp of whatever power that guides her. She willingly chooses to follow it instead of being led like some dog. The souls of the humans gather close to her,  following her direction with clinging desperation to not get lost. To not be left behind.
It’s safe here. Come. 
Fury’s body succumbs to the shudder that pulses through her body, leaving her nauseous and weak. Her eyes become heavy, drooping as the calm, soft lull of the voice pulls her through the white light at the end of the tunnel where the twinkling lights of stars and dancing halos fuse closely together. 
Pulled through and vision covered entirely, her head falls back, her hair fluttering in a column of fiery, tapering locks. 
She descends slowly, the phantom hold she feels around her carefully moves to lower her into a bed of a softened texture. It caresses her skin with a comforting tenderness. Her eyes are so heavy. Even when she tries to keep them open, to will herself to stand up and see to the humans in her care, her body has grown exhausted. 
She feels warm under the glowing pale of the sun that paints over her. The scented perfume of flowers fills her senses and further blankets her with promise. This place is safe. This is her heart’s desire. She hasn’t even seen a single detail of this world and yet she knows it is right. It is all that the humans will need. Perhaps what she and her brothers will need, if they ever see each other again…
How she yearns to be with her brothers and finally to be united together. She has seen the error of her selfish wants. Lust had been right, what it was she lusted for was a sin all her own. She continues to learn from her mistakes but some feel incapable of mending. 
I’m so tired…
Her mouth cranes open to yawn, her cheek turning inward to the touch of the lily petals. The shadow that hovers over her is unseen by her, finally able to rest peacefully in this bed of flowers. This serene home. 
“Welcome home, Fury. Sleep now… you have earned it.”
Fingers tethered to a gentle hand move down to brush a stream of hair from Fury’s face. An even kinder gaze watches her, fond and hopeful that the Horseman may finally find her respite here. A breeze envelops the field of lilies, their petals lean with a swaying dance and Fury’s breath slows, her heart no longer rapping hard and instead settles. 
Wherever this new home is, it is nice. Beautiful. She hopes her brothers will get to see it soon. 
This unseen form wanders, steps adrift to leave Fury to sleep amidst the flowery meadow. The humans returned to their physical bodies, gasping and eyes widened, the spiritual verse uncontained by a physical vessel one that they do not experience often. 
Silently, the host that resides in this world as its caretaker lifts a finger to rest on the curve of her lips, inaudibly swearing the humans to secrecy. 
Her identity will be revealed… all in due time. Until then, she turns on a wayward path towards the half bending sun that sets upon the horizon. The veiling whites of her robes flutter in the wind, drawing around her body gracefully. Her bare feet move along slowly, her eyes shimmer with a warm glisten and she continues to smile. In her embrace, she nurses a bundle of freshly plucked lilies, the dark smears of ash and decay fading away and ready for their planting among the many in the field. 
“Thank you for the flowers, my love.”
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I have an insane belief in my ability to manifest things and control my life. I have an insane belief and true knowing that I am the power that forms my world. I have an intense, insane, burning belief in myself and my ability to give myself everything and surround myself with love, joy, abundance and peace. (And whatever I choose, because there is nothing without me. Actual particles change based on my consciousness.)
I know truly, it is my true insane belief deep rooted in the very fibre of my being and my dna that I AM all and I AM the source and I AM the creator and I CREATE everything and I GIVE MYSELF everything. My true insane belief is I know that I control this world for myself. Seeming matter, particles, the fabric of this world all changes and forms based on WHO I am and what I THINK and believe in my mind.
Some parts of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1883 - 1970) So many people explaining the law of existence. In this book it shared again the law of your world.
“There is a power, an intelligence, which permeates every atom of matter and embraces every unit of perceptible energy, that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow downhill in response to gravity, follows night with day, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to each other. This principle can be induced to aid in transmuting desires into concrete, material form.” - Napoleon Hill
“In attaining whatever they ask of life. The starting point of all achievement is desire. A burning desire, faith, emotion, belief and your conscious mind are all it takes to create all seeming matter. Particles start to take forth and work at once to shift and change in accordance to your creation and your beliefs. Matter is formed and the earth is shifted in accordance to you. The finishing point is that brand of knowledge/ belief that leads to understanding - understanding of the self, understanding of others, understanding of the Laws of Nature. Eventually you will find yourself in possession of a power that will enable you to throw off discouragement, master fear, overcome procrastination and draw freely upon your imagination.” - NH
“Thoughts pass from one mind to another, whether or not realized by the person releasing the thought or the person picking up on it. (Ishtak Bentov proves this.) The person who gives expression to negative or destructive thoughts is certain to receive some sort of kickback. The release of destructive thought impulses alone produces a kickback in more ways than one. The person who releases thoughts of a destructive nature must suffer the damage through the breaking down of creative imagination and the frequency associated with it. These thought impulses are not only damaging to others, but they imbed themselves in the subconscious mind of the person releasing them, and there become an apart of their character and the creation of their life. One is never through with a thought merely by releasing it. When thought is released, it spreads in every direction through the medium of the ether, but it also plants itself permanently in the subconscious mind of the person releasing it, becoming it. You have control over your own mind; you have the power to feed it whatever thought impulses you choose. With this privilege goes with the responsibility of using it constructively. You are the master of your own earthly destiny just as you have the power to control your own thoughts. You may influence, direct and eventually control your own environment, making your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill
Chapter 4: Autosuggestion: The Medium of Influencing the Subconscious Mind
Autosuggestion is a term that applies suggestions and all self administered stimuli that reaches one’s mind through the 5 senses. Autosuggestion is self suggestion. It is agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind. Through the dominating thoughts one permits to remain in the conscious mind (where these thoughts be negative or positive is immaterial), the principle of autosuggestion reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with these thoughts.
NO THOUGHT, where it be positive or negative, CAN ENTER THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND WITHOUT THE AID OF AUTOSUGGESTION, (with the exception of thoughts picked up from the ether.) All sense impressions which are perceived through the 5 senses are stopped by the conscious thinking mind, and may be either passed on to the subconscious mind or rejected at will. The conscious faculty serves as an outer guard to the subconscious…
Nature has built us so we have absolutely control over the material such reaches our subconscious mind. Auto suggestion is the agency of control through which you voluntarily feed the subconscious mind thoughts of a creative nature, or permit thoughts of a destructive nature. Whatever seed you plant into the garden of subconscious is what grows and is given life.
You were instructed in Chapter 2, to read aloud twice daily the written statement of your desire, and to see and feel yourself already in possession of it. By following these instructions, you communicate the object of your desire DIRECTLY to your subconscious mind in a spirit of absolute faith. Through repetition of this procedure, you create thought habits favourable to your efforts to transmute desire into existence. And remember, the mere reading of the words is of no consequence unless you mix emotion with your words. You must mix faith and emotion with your words. Your subconscious mind only recognizes and acts ONLY upon thoughts that have been well mixed with emotion or feeling. This is a fact of such importance to warrant repetition in every Chapter. The lack of understanding this is the reason people who try to apply the principle get no desirable results. Plain, unemotional words do not influence your subconscious mind. You will get no results until you learn to reach your subconscious mind with thoughts or words that have been well emotionalized with belief.
The price of the ability to influence your subconscious mind is everlasting persistence in applying the principles.
Here is a most significant fact - the subconscious mind takes ANY orders given it in a spirit of absolute faith and acts upon those orders, although the others often must be presented over and over through repetition before they are interpreted by the subconscious mind. Consider the idea of playing a perfectly legitimate “trick” on your subconscious mind by making it believe - BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE IT - that you must have what you are visualizing, that this desire is already awaiting your claim, that the subconscious mind MUST hand over to you practical events and plants for acquiring what is yours. Hand over this thought to your IMAGINATION, and see what your imagination can do to create your desires and practical plans for the accumulation of your desires.
Begin at once to see yourself in possession of the desire, DEMANDING and EXPECTING meanwhile that your subconscious mind will hand over the plans or plan you need to obtain everything.
Remember, your subconscious mind will act only upon instructions that are emotionalized and handed over to it with feeling. Faith is the strongest and most productive of emotions.
Life begins in the form of thought. The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into. Faith removes limitation.
“Man must be where he is in imagination. Your circumstances are whatever you feel and believe them to be.”
All thoughts which have been emotionalized (given feeling) and mixed with faith begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent.
Faith is a state of mind that may be induced or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind. You must convince the subconscious mind that you believe you will receive what you ask for. It will act upon belief. If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your life.
The wisdom of Napoleon Hill Book: Chapter Eight: Persistence
Persistence is the essential factor in transmuting DESIRE into physical equivalent. The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL.
Will power and desire make an irresistible pair. Men who accumulate great fortunes are known as cold blooded or ruthless but they are misunderstood. What they have is will power, which they mix with persistence, and place at the back of their desires to ENSURE the attainment of their desires.(Brazen Impudence.)
Lack of persistence is the cause of failure. Experience with millions of people prove that lack of persistence is a weakness common to majority of men; a weakness that be overcome with effort.
Those who cultivated the habit of persistence (brazen impudence) enjoy the insurance (belief) against (temporary) failure. No matter how many times they are defeated, they finally arrive on top of the mountain. (You are all it takes to scale this mountain.) sometimes the greats are tested through sorts of discouraging experiences but those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep trying are the ones who arrive at their destination. Those are the ones who pass the persistence test. It’s those who fight in the face of discouragement.
The human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature. No great power can be accumulated or achieved through no other principle.
A burning desire, faith, emotion, belief and your conscious mind are all it takes to create all seeming matter. Particles start to take forth and work at once to shift and change in accordance to your creation and your beliefs. Matter is formed and the earth is shifted in accordance to you. - JC
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sidewayspeace444 · 1 year
I must say that it's very telling how The Irksome Queen have go out of their way to not call out Albert and Jasmine's constant thirst for attention and baiting fans. They keep reiterating that it's CE's fans that continue to give them attention, deliberately being obtuse and skipping over the point. This does NOT change the fact that two full-grown adults are constantly spending their days intentionally trying to upset the fan base. The fan base that made Albert's so-called "fiancé" rich and famous.
Then the fans call them out, every time and somehow the fans become the bad guys for not wanting to be messed with nor ised as pawns. They scared away such a large portion of his fan base with all of their hate and antics like the true energy hounds that they are. Now, they have the AUDACITY to taunt the loyal ones who are still choosing to stick around despite all of this nonsense. Hmmmm...almost like they're destroying him on purpose. ???
What's the matter, Albert? We all know that you read up on all of the MANY(and I do mean many) tarot readings between tumblr and YouTube with almost all of the readers letting it be known that he doesn't want you. I guess now, knowing his secret thoughts you're out for revenge. You were never gonna be chosen and readers have hammered that in, over and over. I guess you figured that if he didn't want you you'd go out with a bang, huh? Sweet revenge, I suppose? Sneakily destroy him while you're still around for the PR shit show? Leave a mess before you go run off to hop on the next wealthy d*** that you hope will bring you attention? I'm sure you'll bring bad luck and energy to the new guy as well. Little girl is truly cursed. The Gods and spirits are truly never in her favor. It shows in all that she does. Notice everything she touches turns to ash? Not sure how one can be so dead set on their own demise. It's simple. You continue to put out bad energy and the universe will put that right back on you! Isn't she soooooooooo spiritual? She should belief in this stuff, right? She should believe in Karma.
Any other woman with dignity and self-respect would have just took the "L" and moved on ages ago. She didn't get the attention she so desperately seeks. She didn't get groundbreaking roles. Chris doesn't want her. The fans never gave her the praise she was hoping for. Why not just end the facade and move on with your life? How much longer are the Portu-Potty crew planning to troll and be sly, childish and petty on the internet? Aren't they tired? We sure as hell are! It's been almost TWO YEARS. The plan didn't work. Nothing's going to change at this point. The fans have already seen what they needed to see about them. LET IT GO! MOVE ON! GO AWAY! LIKE, FAR,FAR AWAY!
Imagine if the two of them put as much effort into their craft as they did in a bunch of strangers on the internet who they swear they're better than? They might actually be booked and busy and receiving the abundance that hard work gives you. Such losers! All of this carrying on just for it to end(and it will end. This, we all know. Including her.) with them having gained nothing. Little girl has been losing weight, losing pigmentation in her skin, losing hair, rapidly aging and isn't even happy! But at least after all the stress and strain this trainwreck has put on her mental and physical form(and Chris's too) these two years,at least she and her actual soulmate, Jasmine have spent that whole time going out of their way to piss the fandom off. That's all they can say once it's finally over. They've only proved the fandom had justifiable reasons to dislike their energy from the jump. They proved the fandom right! But according to Irksome, the mEaN oLd fAnS are the problem. Just the fans, not the Nazis. Shit's embarrassing.
Yeah I never understood why so many certain fans aren’t speaking up about the trolling. Instead, they’re adding to it with the most bizarre scenarios. Now lately it’s because his stylist is in MA, where her husband is originally from, and her in laws live. It’s almost like they get a thrill out of nonsense themselves so they want to rile up the fan base as well.
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mywisdomexchange · 21 days
Diving into the Deep: A Scuba Enthusiast's Guide to the Best Destinations
As a seasoned scuba diver, I've had the privilege of exploring some of the most breathtaking underwater worlds on Earth. From the vibrant coral reefs of the Caribbean to the mysterious depths of the Pacific Ocean, each dive has been a unique and unforgettable experience. In this blog post, I'll share my top picks for the best scuba diving destinations and offer insights into what makes each location truly special.
The Caribbean: A Coral Reef Paradise
The Caribbean Sea is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, warm temperatures, and diverse marine life. It's a scuba diver's dream come true, with countless islands and atolls offering world-class diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Caribbean destinations:
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia: The world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for any scuba enthusiast. With its vast array of marine life, including sharks, turtles, and colorful fish, it's a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Cozumel, Mexico: Located off the Yucatán Peninsula, Cozumel is a popular diving destination known for its healthy coral reefs and abundant marine life. The island offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience.
Bonaire: This Dutch Caribbean island is a diver's paradise, with pristine reefs and crystal-clear waters. Bonaire is also home to a marine park that protects its underwater environment.
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The Pacific Ocean: A World of Wonders
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth, and it offers a vast array of diving experiences. From the tropical waters of Southeast Asia to the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the Pacific Northwest, there's something for everyone. Here are a few of my favorite Pacific diving destinations:
Raja Ampat, Indonesia: This remote archipelago in Indonesia is considered by many to be the most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth. With its pristine reefs, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, Raja Ampat is a must-visit for any serious scuba diver.
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Maldives: This island nation in the Indian Ocean is famous for its luxury resorts and stunning beaches. But beneath the surface, the Maldives offers some of the best diving in the world, with vibrant coral reefs and a diverse range of marine life.
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural laboratory for evolution. With its unique marine ecosystem, including sea lions, penguins, and giant tortoises, the Galapagos Islands offer a truly unforgettable diving experience.
The Red Sea: A Hidden Gem
The Red Sea is a relatively small body of water, but it offers some of the most diverse and vibrant diving in the world. With its warm waters, nutrient-rich currents, and unique marine life, the Red Sea is a hidden gem for scuba divers. Here are a few of my favorite Red Sea destinations:
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt: This popular tourist destination offers excellent diving opportunities, with a variety of dive sites suitable for all levels of experience. Sharm El Sheikh is also home to the Ras Mohammed National Park, which protects some of the most pristine reefs in the Red Sea.
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Hurghada, Egypt: Another popular Red Sea destination, Hurghada offers a wide range of diving experiences, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Hurghada is also a great place to learn to scuba dive.
Safaga, Egypt: This quieter Red Sea destination is known for its pristine reefs and abundant marine life. Safaga is also a great place to spot pelagic species, such as tuna, marlin, and sharks.
The Mediterranean Sea: A Classic Destination
The Mediterranean Sea is a classic diving destination, with a long history of maritime exploration. While it may not have the same level of biodiversity as the Caribbean or the Pacific, the Mediterranean still offers some excellent diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Mediterranean destinations:
Gozo, Malta: This small island offers a variety of dive sites, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Gozo is also home to the Blue Hole, a famous underwater sinkhole that attracts divers from all over the world.
Croatia: The Croatian coast is home to many beautiful islands and coves, offering a variety of diving experiences. Croatia is also a great place to explore ancient shipwrecks
Cyprus: This island nation in the eastern Mediterranean offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience. Cyprus is also home to the Zenobia wreck, a large cargo ship that sank in 1998 and is now a popular diving destination.
My Personal Experiences
I've had the privilege of diving in many of these destinations, and each one has left a lasting impression. One of my most memorable experiences was diving with manta rays in the Maldives. These majestic creatures are truly awe-inspiring, and it was a privilege to swim alongside them in their natural habitat.
Another unforgettable experience was diving with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos Islands. These sharks are incredibly graceful and powerful, and it was a thrill to watch them swim through the crystal-clear waters.
Tips for Scuba Divers
If you're planning a scuba diving trip, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:
Get certified: Make sure you have the proper training and certification before diving. There are many reputable organizations that offer scuba diving courses.
Choose the right destination: Consider your experience level, interests, and budget when choosing a diving destination.
Pack the essentials: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment, including your dive computer, mask, snorkel, fins, and wetsuit.
Respect the marine environment: Be mindful of your impact on the marine environment. Avoid touching or disturbing marine life, and be careful not to damage the reefs.
Dive with a buddy: Never dive alone. It's always safer to dive with a buddy who can assist you if necessary.
Enjoy the experience: Most importantly, relax and enjoy the experience. Scuba diving is a fantastic way to connect with nature and explore the underwater world.
Scuba diving is a truly rewarding activity that offers countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether you're a seasoned diver or just starting out, there's a destination out there that's perfect for you. So pack your bags, grab your scuba gear, and get ready to discover the wonders of the underwater world.
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roomchailimited · 4 months
Scandinavian Wildlife Expedition: Exploring Sweden and Finland's Natural Wonders
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Our journey from Dhaka, Bangladesh, to the breathtaking wilderness of Sweden and Finland was a dream come true for nature enthusiasts like us. The thrill of encountering Nordic wildlife in their natural habitats, coupled with the serene beauty of Scandinavian landscapes, made this expedition truly unforgettable. Planning such an adventure required careful preparation, and Bangladeshi travel agencies like Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash played a crucial role in making it seamless.
Starting in Stockholm: Gateway to the Wilderness
Our adventure began in Stockholm, a city that beautifully blends modernity with nature. After a few days of exploring its historic sites and vibrant culture, we set our sights on the wilderness of Swedish Lapland. The transition from the urban charm of Stockholm to the untouched beauty of Lapland was nothing short of magical.
The Wild Heart of Swedish Lapland
Swedish Lapland is a realm of endless forests, clear lakes, and majestic mountains. We embarked on guided tours that led us deep into this wilderness, where we had the privilege of observing reindeer herds and tracking moose. One of the most exhilarating moments was catching sight of a lynx, a rare and elusive predator that epitomizes the untamed spirit of Lapland.
Our stay included an unforgettable visit to a Sami village. The Sami people, with their rich cultural heritage and deep connection to the land, welcomed us warmly. We participated in reindeer sledding, listened to traditional joik songs, and shared stories around a fire beneath the aurora borealis, which painted the night sky with its ethereal glow.
Finnish Lapland: A Continuation of Wilderness and Wonder
Our expedition continued as we crossed into Finnish Lapland. Here, the landscapes were equally stunning, and the opportunities for wildlife observation were abundant. Finnish Lapland is known for its bear watching tours, and we were fortunate to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural environment.
A highlight of our Finnish adventure was exploring Oulanka National Park. This park is a paradise for nature lovers, with its diverse flora and fauna, picturesque rapids, and tranquil forests. We hiked through its scenic trails, encountering bird species like the Siberian jay and marveling at the park’s natural beauty.
Choosing the Right Travel Partner
Organizing such an extensive and detailed safari required the expertise of reliable travel agencies. We found Roomchai Limited to be exceptionally well-suited for our needs. Their personalized approach, from handling visa applications to crafting a detailed itinerary, made our journey smooth and stress-free. Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash also offered valuable services and packages, but Roomchai’s attention to detail and customer service stood out.
Reflections on Our Journey
Looking back, our Scandinavian wildlife expedition was more than just a travel experience—it was a journey of discovery and connection. The landscapes of Sweden and Finland, with their pristine beauty and rich biodiversity, provided us with countless moments of awe and inspiration.
For travelers from Bangladesh considering a similar adventure, we wholeheartedly recommend exploring the wilds of Sweden and Finland. The support of Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash will ensure that your journey is as seamless and enjoyable as ours was.
This expedition has reinforced our passion for travel and nature, and we eagerly anticipate our next adventure, wherever it may lead. Until then, we cherish the memories and lessons from our time in the Scandinavian wilderness.
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tommyluces18 · 2 years
Unique Cultural Values of India
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Background of India
From their rich cultural heritage, uniquely tasty cuisine with abundance of spices, religion and belief system,  down to their distinct arts and clothing style, we are here to give you the pleasure of learning and falling in love with India through the simple swipe of your finger. 
Our first stop? History! Did you know that the social, economic, and cultural structures that exist in India today are the results of extensive regional expansion? All with its 3,287,263 square kilometers of land glory, the country has earnestly earned the title of being the seventh-largest country in the world. A huge number, isn’t it? It truly means there’s so much wonder waiting to be discovered in this ethno-linguistic home for 1,660,197,571,110 people! By virtue of this, India offers a wide variety of languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs which differ from place to place within the country. To keep the fun going, let’s ride and get onto our next stop! We can’t wait to show you more.
Unique Cultural Values of India
India is indeed a diverse country. However, now that we know the façade of the country, let us now proceed who really India is with their Unique Cultural Values.
But before anything else, let us have a knowledge what Unique cultural values is:
Cultural values are a series of principles and values passed on generation after generation by our ancestors. Based on the given values, the entire cultural community must decide their own process of life. And those ideas decide how a person of that culture behaves and how they lead their lives.
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Collectivism and Harmony
Indians place a high value on Harmony and unity with others, as long as being characterized by what is called collectivism, a principle of giving a group priority through each individual in a community. This system/principle results in a stronger support system from a community or family that anyone can rely on daily.
This culture is important for Indians to help maintain order and Harmony, one application of Collectivism and Harmony is in the field of economics, some parts of India are suffering from economic hardships and unreliability of official services, but this conflict did not stop them, instead they rely on one another to sustain their needs.
Karma, acceptance, and personal Choice
Many Indians have a strong principle of acceptance through one’s life, or a belief that anything they do is being observed by their god. With that being said, Indians have this belief that good people will benefit from their good deeds, while those who made wrong doings will pay the price often in their next time also known as the ‘samsara’(the cycle of rebirth).  
The interplay of these social, cultural and religious factors allows people to be accepting of life events and trajectories. However, this is not to be interpreted as Indians being unwilling to take responsibility for life circumstances. Many often contemplate how their actions may impact their future and make decisions accordingly. Some of India's youth are challenging a fatalistic perspective by asserting their free will to choose their vocation, spouse and other life factors. Indeed, as social mobility becomes more common, there is a growing belief that one can change their circumstances.
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Namaste, which means "I greet the divine inside you," is a widespread greeting used by Hindus in many parts of India especially on ceremonial occasions. Depending on the status of the person you are greeting, this is followed with a nod of the head or a bow. Verbal greetings vary by area and also depend on the relationships between individuals. "Kem cho" ('How are you?') is a typical Gujarati greeting. Muslims can extend a greeting by shaking hands and saying "Salaam" to their counterpart. Shaking hands is generally acceptable between men and women. But it's best to wait till a woman extends her hand first. Some Hindu or Muslim men and women might not want to touch someone who is the other gender.
1. Khuda Hafiz
-        This type of greeting Is followed by the Islamic religion by India. They use Khuda hafiz or Allah hafiz as a form of saying goodbye to someone. It is followed by the Muslim community for ages, that simply means “let God be your protector”.
2. Vanakkam
-        In the southern part of India, welcoming someone is done by saying Vanakkam, this greeting is practiced by Tamilians, Malayalam, and Lakhans. It is also used when the person is leaving the home.
3. Pranam
-        Mainly there exist 6 types of pranam which are ashtanga, sashtanga, panchanga, dandavats, namaskar, and Abhinanda. Pranam is an old form of Hindi mythological greeting that is used to greet to elderly people, people who greet pranam usually touch their feet.
4. Jai Shree Krishna
-        Jai Shree Krishna is generally used by all the individuals of India, but especially when you visit Gujarat or meet the Gujarati family, Jai Shree Krishna is the first word you hear from their mouth. Greeting Jai Shree Krishna means hailing Lord Krishna.
However, Unique cultural values do not only appear in greetings, but it can also be shown in their religion, specifically the way they pray.
How Hindu Pray
Hindu worship is primarily an individual act rather than a communal one, as it involves making personal offerings to the deity. Worshippers repeat the names of their favorite gods and goddesses and repeat mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered to God.
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-        In most countries, living in a house only consists of 1-2 generations only. But in India, a single household is formed usually by 3-4 generations. Which resulted due to encouraging people to have a strong relationship with their aunts and uncles just like a parental relationship. Extended families tend to defer to the elderly and observe a clear hierarchy among family members. In more urban areas, people will usually live in smaller nuclear families yet maintain strong ties to their extended family.
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Relationships and Marriage
  Arranged marriages are common throughout India, though expectations and practices of marital arrangements vary depending on the region and religion. Marriages are typically arranged through a matchmaker, the couple’s parents or some other trusted third party. Unlike in the past where individuals would not be informed about their future partner, it is now more common for the family to consult the couple for consent before the wedding.
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   In Indian Culture, facing the feet with someone else must be avoided, for this is a sign of disrespect, especially inside the temple, since the feet is the dirtiest part of the body. On the other hand, the head is the most important thing. Touching someone’s head in India is a sign of disrespect or rude.
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   -  Indians are known to be hospitable, when people visit their homes, they offer tea to their visitors, but there are times that visitors reject the offer, and this is considered politeness. In addition, saying goodbye when leaving someone’s house is a sign of respect.
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-        In India, they usually do not use utensils when eating as they normally use their hands. When eating, the most commonly used hand is the right one as they consider the left hand as the dirty one which is used for cleaning. However, when it comes to the variation of food, there are some Indians that are restricted from eating a certain food, especially Pork for Muslims.
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Gift Giving
-        The lucky colors for Indians are Red, Green, and Yellow which are usually used for gift wrapping. In India, when men are giving gifts it should be from themselves and their families to avoid misinterpretation. On the other hand, they are particular about the connotation or meaning of the flower which should be learned before giving it to someone.
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-        Most Indians are polite and use indirect communication when socializing with other people. They are usually open to hearing other people’s opinions to know the different perspectives, especially during debates to avoid arguments and address this through negotiation instead. Phrases such as “maybe” and “I’ll do my best” are used in India as a way of saying no, this is to avoid any harshness. However, there are times that they are also silent which is considered they are refusing or not agreeing with the discussion. They also use gestures to communicate with people. They usually nod as a sign of politeness, however, there are times when this does not mean that they are agreeing with you. Additionally, using our point finger to point out something, especially when giving directions is accusatory to them. In India, they use the whole hand in pointing out something.
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What makes Indian Culture Unique
Indian culture is a fusion of cultures of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and other Indian tribal communities. Indian culture involves Yoga, Kumbh Mela, celebrating festivals (Diwali, Eid, Baisakhi, Buddha-Purnima, Onam, and many more), clothing, beliefs, customs, ethics, social norms, art crafts, and technologies. Many elements of Indian culture (like mathematics, philosophy, food, etc.) have influenced the world too. Indian culture teaches us to respect each other, be kind, tolerant, and generous.
Indian culture is one of the oldest and most diverse cultures in the world. Still, many Indians stick to their culture. Indian’s way of hospitality, greeting, ethics, belongingness, unity, adapting behavior makes India unique in sustaining its culture more than the rest of the world.
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Why people should take time and learn about India
Indian Culture is undoubtedly the oldest and unique culture of the world. Indian culture is teaching us about the right values, which is much above dressing sense or styling. By adopting some changes we can bring a greater result in our life and society at large.
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Takeaways from India
-        From the world we live in today, there are two barriers that set us apart from one another, and that is the battle of choosing between good and bad. Most of the time, we are just looking for ourselves, without realizing that we must look for others also. But because of India, it gives us a glimpse on what unity really is, and they executed it by just taking the path of culture. One thing that sticks into my mind every time I hear the word ‘beliefs’ is the principle of Karma from India, it made me realize to think first before I act, that gives us a time to reflect on everything we do has consequences. From that, it serves as a stepping stone to make a better world and to be responsible human beings.
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boys-love-tension · 6 months
Kim Jiwoong for ELLE Japan
Strong and kind, a reliable older brother figure.
As the oldest member of ZEROBASEONE, Kim Jiwoong is a source of mental support for the members. He was born in 1998 in Korea and has a rich performance career. His abundant expressiveness adds a touch of brilliance to the group’s performances. “I’m an intuitive type, and once I make a decision, I see it through,” he says in his self-analysis. “But the only time I hesitate is when I’m choosing what to eat. All the members are big eaters (laughs).” He performed on stage several times at award ceremonies in Japan last year. “I’m truly happy to finally debut in Japan and receive so much love from the Japanese ZEROSE (fandom name). If the debut song ‘In Bloom’ is like a rose, ‘Yura Yura -Fate’s Flower-’ has a different flower image. I hope you’ll see our newの姿 (appearance) in the MV.”
Kim Jiwoong is wearing Gucci
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fazilchinnu · 7 months
Optimal Timing for a Memorable Trip to South Padre Island
Optimal Timing for a Memorable Trip to South Padre Island
Embarking on a journey to South Padre Island offers a multitude of delights, from sun-kissed beaches to exhilarating water adventures. To ensure your vacation is nothing short of spectacular, it's crucial to choose the ideal time to visit. This guide will navigate you through the seasonal nuances, helping you pinpoint the perfect moments to explore this coastal paradise.
About Best Time to Visit South Padre Island:
Wondering when to plan your escape to South Padre Island? Look no further! Below, we'll delve into the optimal times throughout the year to experience the island's splendor, ensuring you make the most of your getaway.
Sun-Kissed Summers:
South Padre Island truly comes alive during the summer months. From June to August, the island boasts sun-drenched days and balmy evenings, ideal for soaking up the radiant warmth and indulging in various outdoor activities. Whether you're craving a leisurely beach day or seeking thrills on the water, summer offers an abundance of opportunities for unforgettable adventures.
Festive Winter Escapes:
Escape the winter chill and bask in the mild temperatures of South Padre Island from December to February. Winter brings a tranquil ambiance to the island, making it perfect for relaxation and exploration. Enjoy uncrowded beaches, breathtaking sunsets, and a host of seasonal events that add a touch of festivity to your winter getaway.
Refreshing Spring Break:
Springtime heralds the arrival of vibrant energy and excitement on South Padre Island. With temperatures beginning to rise and nature in full bloom, March to May is an ideal period for beach enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Experience the thrill of Spring Break festivities or simply unwind amidst the island's natural beauty during this rejuvenating season.
Fall Serenity:
As summer transitions into fall, South Padre Island offers a serene escape for travelers seeking tranquility. From September to November, enjoy mild weather, fewer crowds, and discounted rates on accommodations. Whether you're strolling along the beach or embarking on eco-tours, fall presents an idyllic opportunity to immerse yourself in the island's peaceful ambiance.
Water Sports Extravaganza:
No matter the season, South Padre Island beckons adventure enthusiasts with its array of water sports activities. From parasailing and jet skiing to kiteboarding and deep-sea fishing, the island offers endless opportunities for adrenaline-pumping fun. Dive into the turquoise waters and discover why South Padre Island is a premier destination for aquatic adventures.
Family-Friendly Attractions:
Planning a family vacation? South Padre Island caters to visitors of all ages with its diverse array of family-friendly attractions. Visit the South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center, embark on a dolphin-watching cruise, or explore the interactive exhibits at the Sea Turtle, Inc. Conservation Center. With so much to see and do, the island ensures a memorable experience for the entire family.
Romantic Getaways:
For couples seeking a romantic retreat, South Padre Island offers the perfect backdrop for romance. Watch the sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico, indulge in a candlelit dinner at one of the island's waterfront restaurants, or take a moonlit stroll along the beach. With its enchanting ambiance and breathtaking views, South Padre Island sets the stage for unforgettable moments with your loved one.
Exploring Nature's Wonders:
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of South Padre Island by exploring its pristine landscapes and diverse ecosystems. Hike through the Laguna Madre Nature Trail, observe migratory birds at the South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center, or embark on a thrilling eco-adventure at Isla Blanca Park. With its rich biodiversity and breathtaking scenery, the island offers endless opportunities for nature enthusiasts.
Culinary Delights:
Indulge your taste buds with the flavors of South Padre Island's vibrant culinary scene. From fresh seafood and Tex-Mex classics to beachfront bistros and waterfront cafes, the island offers a diverse array of dining options to satisfy every palate. Sample local favorites like shrimp tacos, ceviche, and margaritas while savoring the laid-back atmosphere of island dining.
Shopping Extravaganza:
Discover unique treasures and souvenirs to commemorate your trip to South Padre Island. Explore the boutiques and surf shops along Padre Boulevard, where you'll find everything from beachwear and jewelry to handmade crafts and artwork. Whether you're searching for the perfect gift or treating yourself to a memento of your island adventure, shopping on South Padre Island promises an enjoyable experience.
Nightlife and Entertainment:
As the sun sets, South Padre Island transforms into a vibrant hub of nightlife and entertainment. Experience live music performances at beachfront bars, dance the night away at lively clubs, or simply unwind with a sunset cocktail overlooking the Gulf. With its lively atmosphere and diverse entertainment options, the island offers endless opportunities for evening enjoyment.
Accommodations and Lodging:
From luxury resorts to cozy beachside cottages, South Padre Island offers a wide range of accommodations to suit every traveler's preferences and budget. Whether you're seeking oceanfront luxury or budget-friendly options, you'll find a variety of lodging choices to enhance your island experience. Book your stay in advance to secure the perfect accommodation for your South Padre Island getaway.
Transportation and Accessibility:
Getting to and around South Padre Island is a breeze, thanks to its convenient transportation options and accessible amenities. Whether you're arriving by car, plane, or bus, the island offers various transportation services to ensure a seamless travel experience. Once on the island, explore its attractions and amenities with ease, thanks to a network of shuttle services, bike rentals, and pedestrian-friendly pathways.
Environmental Conservation Efforts:
South Padre Island is committed to preserving its natural beauty and ecological diversity through various conservation efforts and sustainable practices. From beach clean-up initiatives to sea turtle conservation programs, the island prioritizes environmental stewardship to ensure future generations can continue to enjoy its pristine landscapes. Support these conservation efforts during your visit and help protect the natural wonders of South Padre Island.
When it comes to planning your trip to South Padre Island, timing is key to ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience. Whether you prefer the bustling energy of summer or the serene tranquility of fall, each season offers its own unique charm and attractions. By considering factors such as weather, crowds, and seasonal events, you can make the most of your visit and create lasting memories on this enchanting island paradise.
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wise-journey · 1 year
Journey into Hovd
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Embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of Mongolia. Nestled amidst the vast landscapes, Hovd, a city brimming with rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking natural beauty, offers an immersive experience that will ignite your wanderlust and leave an indelible mark on your soul.
When to Go
Featuring a continental climate, Hovd welcomes visitors with long, warm summers and cold winters. The ideal time to pack your bags for Hovd is between June and August, when the weather is agreeable, and the days last longer, giving way to abundant sunshine.
How to Get to Hovd
Reaching Hovd is convenient via air with direct flights from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. For a more scenic journey, one can opt for a road trip from neighboring cities such as Ulaangom or Khovd. The picturesque routes offer a glimpse into the mesmerizing landscapes of Mongolia.
Where to Stay
In Hovd, you can choose from a variety of accommodation options to suit your needs. Experience authentic Mongolian hospitality by staying in a traditional ger camp. Here you can experience the nomadic lifestyle, engage with the local community, and enjoy warm hospitality. For those who prefer modern amenities, hotels and guesthouses are also available in the city center.
What to Do
Immerse in the Enchanting Culture Hovd is a cultural melting pot where Kazakh, Mongolian, and Tuvan influences blend together. Visit local museums, art galleries, and art-inspired locals to delve into the city's history and heritage. Engage in traditional festivals such as Naadam, where horse races, archery competitions, and wrestling matches showcase the locals' unparalleled skill. Indulge in Local Cuisine Taste the tantalizing gastronomy of Hovd, which features a mix of Mongolian, Kazakh, and Tuvan flavors. Visit local markets to sample fresh produce, traditional snacks, and dairy products. Don't forget to try airag, a traditional Mongolian drink made from fermented mare's milk. Adventure Activities Adventure lovers will find themselves spoilt for choice in Hovd. Ride across the vast steppes, hike through the stunning valleys of the nearby Altai Mountains, or participate in the pulse-racing excitement of eagle hunting, a traditional practice among Kazakh locals.
Sights and Tours
Altai Tavan Bogd National Park Altai Tavan Bogd National Park is a spectacular site, offering views of majestic mountains, the iconic Potanin Glacier, and shimmering lakes. A guided tour and camping under the starlit sky is a must-do experience. Khar Us Lake Discover the tranquility and beauty of Khar Us Lake, one of the largest freshwater lakes stretching across the Mongolian-Chinese border. Engage in birdwatching, explore its serene shores, or take a boat trip to truly appreciate this natural wonder.
Useful Tips
- Embrace the nomadic lifestyle. Interact with the locals to learn more about their traditions. - Carry warm clothing. Even in summer, temperatures can drop significantly at night. - Respect local customs. Always seek permission before taking photographs of the locals or their livestock.
The local currency in Hovd is the Mongolian Tugrik (MNT). Though credit cards are accepted in some places, carrying cash is advisable for smaller shops and markets. Fortunately, ATMs are available in the city center for any withdrawal needs.
Explore Hovd's vibrant nightlife by visiting local bars and restaurants, offering live music, traditional performances, and an opportunity to socialize. Try local beers and the traditional Mongolian vodka, arhi.
Transport and Shopping
Get around Hovd using taxis or public buses. Visit the bustling local markets to purchase traditional handicrafts and locally made textiles. These unique souvenirs are perfect for taking back a piece of Hovd's rich culture with you.
With its untamed wilderness, captivating culture, and warm-hearted locals, Hovd is a hidden gem of Mongolia that is waiting to be discovered. Unleash your inner explorer, pack your bags, and begin your unforgettable journey to the remarkable city of Hovd. Read the full article
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dearest-painter · 2 years
Meaning of flowers @dollmoth-productions
Blazing Star
Also commonly known as Liatris and Gayfeather, these blooms symbolize joy, happiness and blissfulness. Gift them during special occasions and celebratory moments
Add these florals to your bouquet to show a loved one that you recognize and admire their strength, determination and endurance.
Blanket Flower
Also known as Gaillardia, these rich-colored blooms symbolize joy and modesty — perfect for the charming figure in your life.
Scotch Brooms
These brilliant flowers were known for regulating the heart and circulatory system, leading them to represent strength and abundance.
Give these to a family member or friend for their anniversary or as a way to say "thank you." They symbolize gratitude, uniqueness, and at times, caution.
Bee Balms
As members of the mint family, Bee Balms have been used to combat sore throats, bloating and nausea. So it's no wonder their meaning is protection and prosperity.
Bleeding Hearts
These heart-shaped blooms have a strong meaning of passionate love and romance, which makes them gorgeous bouquet additions for Valentine's Day.
Balloon Flowers
If there's someone you'll never stop loving, gift them these star-like flowers. They also represent the desire for a friend to re-enter your life.
Pink Azalea
Along with a meaning of wealth, these striking blossoms represent family and familial duty.
In the Victorian language of flowers, Alyssums are known to mean "worth beyond beauty." Many wear them to repel negative emotions such as anger.
These bell-shaped blooms represent kindness. They're also the perfect gift to show someone how grateful you are for their friendship, love and support.
Based on Victorian culture, Asters embody daintiness and charm. Greek mythology lovers will also be interested to know that they can be a symbol of love (known for being placed on the altars for the Greek gods).
Coral Roses
Make sure you gift the right rose to the right person. Unlike red roses, coral roses represent friendship, modesty and sympathy.
With its orderly arrangement of petals, it's only natural that cosmos be known for order and harmony. There are several colors to choose from, including different shades of pink, purple, red and orange.
Yellow Roses
Based on its meaning, you might second-guess gifting this rose color to a loved one. Yellow roses have a hidden symbolism of jealousy and infidelity. However, gifting them to a friend can mean warmth and affection.
Officially known as the birth flower for July, delphiniums are gifted for encouragement and joy. Different colors have different meanings— with the blue delphiniums symbolizing dignity and the white, pink and light blue blooms representing youth and renewal.
Freesias are popular for their citrus fragrance and long-lasting vase life. Gifting someone a bouquet of freesias may symbolize friendship, along with innocence, purity and trust.
Calla Lily
Do you find someone beautiful (inside and out)? Give them a bouquet of calla lilies to represent your attraction. Unknown to some, the true flower is the spike on the inside, while the outer petal is a leaf.
This bloom is dedicated to the Greek sun god Apollo (also known for archery, truth and prophecy). They signify games, sports and play. You can give this flower to someone who loves to play sports as a way of encouragement for an upcoming game.
Have a crush on someone, but they aren't aware of your feelings? Gardenias represent secret love or a way of saying "you're lovely." Gifting them is a sweet and romantic gesture, and a great way to tell someone how you truly feel.
Pink Roses
Grace, happiness and gentleness are the meanings for these delicate blooms. If you know someone who represents these qualities — such as a motherly-figure in your life — gifting them pink roses is a thoughtful gift.
Integrity, strength and victory are the meanings for these blooms (also known as one of the August birth flowers). Gift this "flower of the gladiators" to a recent graduate or game winner.
Marigolds are beautiful gifts for someone in mourning or stricken by grief. They also have a hidden meaning of jealousy.
Although tansies are common additions in bouquets, they at times can be a declaration of war. In other occasions, they can symbolize protection and hope for good health (as their name comes from the Greek word for immortality).
White Roses
Do you know someone looking to make changes in their life? White roses represent a new beginning. They also symbolize purity and innocence.
These flowers grow in the mud. Each night, they return to the mud, and then miraculously re-bloom in the morning. In many Eastern cultures, they signify rebirth, self-regeneration, purity and enlightenment.
Lily bouquets are some of the cheeriest ones available — and they have a bright symbolism too. Keep in mind that different colored lilies have different meanings. White ones signify purity, pink ones signify prosperity, red ones signify passion, orange ones signify pride and yellow ones signify gratitude.
These ruffly flowers may be the stuff of high school secret admirers, but they work for a lover on a budget. If you pick up one of these blooms, choose white ("sweet and lovely") or pink ("I will never forget you"). But stay away from other colors. The two-toned version means "I cannot be with you," and the yellow ones signify "disdain." Not exactly a crush-worthy sentiment.
These stunning blooms often festoon the trees as spring arrives, getting everyone who sees them excited for the season to come. That's why it's only logical that they signify a love of nature.
When you hear the name, you probably think of the Black Dahlia. Well, never fear. These ruffled flowers stand for dignity and pomp, so they would feel right at home at a momentous occasion like a graduation or new job.
These regal blooms have long stood for royalty, but also for wisdom and respect. And their opulent-looking blooms sure suggest the same. That means it's definitely a compliment if you receive a bouquet of irises.
Red Roses
This probably comes as news to exactly no one, but red roses are some of the most romantic flowers out there. These are the perfect bloom for Valentine's Day, representing love and desire.
Daisies are the first level of Girl Scouts so it's only fitting that they represent innocence. And with their cheery, sunny little faces, the symbolism definitely makes sense.
Legend has it that when Spanish explorers reached the Americas, they thought sunflowers were made of real gold. Can you blame them? Of course, they were wrong. That's where the sunflower got its symbolism of "false riches."
Red Tulips
Red roses aren't the only flower with a romantic meaning, so you don't have to totally splurge to show your dedication. Red tulips are also considered a declaration of love, and they're especially gorgeous in the spring.
Depending on its color, salvia can have several different meanings. Blue salvia (like this one) means "thinking of you," but in red, it means "forever mine." So if you're adding salvia to a sweetheart's bouquet, watch your colors!
The Sound of Music fans already know the song, but did you know the meaning behind it? Edelweiss stand for courage and devotion, probably because they thrive in harsh Alpine conditions.
These assertive blooms look like they're just bursting with excitement, which may be why they signify pride. They look like they just accomplished something and can't wait to share it.
If you need the perfect bloom to add to a wedding bouquet, look no further than myrtle. It stands for good luck and love in a marriage, so there's no better flower to carry down the aisle.
Rosemary signifies remembrance, perhaps because it's said to enhance memory. Folk medicine says to wear a sprig of rosemary in your hair to help your recall, or brew some rosemary tea to do the same. We'll drink to that!
Not only does hibiscus taste delicious in teas and desserts, it also symbolizes delicate beauty. They're also commonly found in Hawaiian hula symbology, since they're the state's official flower.
Derived from the French word "pansée," this bloom means thoughtfulness and remembrance. That may be why you often see them planted at funeral plots. They're also hardy little plants, so they work well for those of us who have, um, less-than-green thumbs.
From their wonderful scent to their beautiful purple hue, a bouquet of lavender is a message of devotion. It also has calming aromatherapy properties, so a bouquet of lavender may make an excellent gift for a student or anyone in your life who needs some
It may be tricky to spell, but the chrysanthemum has a simple message: honesty. They also look lovely as part of a fall bouquet and because they can withstand cool temperatures, often appear in autumn landscaping.
Black-Eyed Susan
The name of the flower likely comes from an Old English poem by John Gay about a woman by that name. It probably came over during Colonial times, when the settlers sewed the wildflower on the plains where it's now abundant today. The flowers stand for justice, which is a sentiment we can all get behind.
Gift these cheery yellow blooms to someone celebrating a new job, a new home, or a new addition to their family. Daffodils symbolize "new beginnings," so they couldn't be more perfect for any of these occasions.
While they are one of the bolder blooms in a garden, these flowers are actually sentimental. In fact, they serve as a reminder to never forget absent friends. Send them to someone you love who lives far away, for a nice thinking-of-you gift.
The meaning of these gorgeous flowers varies depending on the hue. Purple lilacs represent the first emotions of love while magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion, perfect for a more serious lover.
These pretty little bell-shaped flowers carry a message that's just as innocent as they look. They stand for purity, happiness, luck, and humility. Though they smell delicious, don't be fooled: These flowers aren't edible.
Morning Glory
These early risers greet the day with beauty, and they'll take over your yard entirely if you aren't careful. The clingers also represent affection. One look at their smiling faces and it's not hard to see why.
Oddly enough, these sweet, many-petaled blooms represented "anger" to Victorians. Today, however, peonies are linked to romance, marriage, and even bashfulness.
Purple Crocus
They're the first signs of spring, so it makes sense that crocuses symbolize youthful happiness. It's also the way we feel when we see them start peeking through the snow at the first bit of warmth.
Though a symbol of rest and relaxation today (think: chamomile tea), this flower signified "energy in adversity" in the 19th century. These days, maybe you can combine the two while enjoying your morning cup of tea and getting ready to face the day.
Maybe it comes as no surprise, given the name, but the symbolism behind snapdragons isn't exactly friendly. They stand for deception, so you may not want to give these to your main squeeze for Valentine's Day.
Red Poppy
You probably already know this one because of Veterans Day: The red poppy represents "remembrance." That's why people wear poppies pinned to their lapels on that day.
Purple Hyacinth
The purple version of this bloom means "please forgive me," which originates from the myth of Apollo and Hyacinthus (the former accidentally killed the latter). The perfect "I'm sorry" flower, don't ya think?
Another quirky bloom with a traditional message that might surprise you: Yarrow symbolizes love. While the weedy look of this one might not look perfectly suited for a formal bouquet, remember the symbol next time your kid picks you some wildflowers.
Yes, it's all in the name! Forget-me-nots ask that you forget-me-not. A faraway friend would surely appreciate these delicate blossoms.
These blooms take their name from the Greek word for wind (anemos) since their lives are so short. In modern times, they symbolize fragility. Because they're so short-lived, these pretty little flowers are best appreciated in the garden.
The Victorians labeled this flower "beware," — which is actually appropriate since they're quite poisonous. If you don't plan to eat them, they make a beautiful addition to your landscaping.
These yellow puffballs look friendly, but they carry a sinister message: "I declare war on you." If you're not ready to rumble, leave tansy out of your bouquet!
???(forgot this one’s name)
Due to their prominent place in religious ceremonies throughout history, these petite purple flowers mean "pray for me." They can also represent protection against evil, which may be why they showed up in those ceremonies in the first place.
White Clover
Before you get out the RoundUp, take a second to look at the flowers sprouting from your clover. They frequently pop up in the yard, reminding you that others are always thinking of you.
Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness. What's not to love about the lovely little violet? Those are sentiments just about everyone can appreciate.
These impressive, lush flowers were beloved by the Victorians who gave them the meaning "my destiny is in your hands." Tailor the flower's color to your relationship: White camellia should be given to someone you like, pink camellia is for someone you miss, and red camellia is best for a significant other.
This blue-purple bloom represents cleanliness and sacrifice. Anyone who struggles to declutter knows that these two concepts are completely intertwined. Besides, don't they look just like a feather duster?
White Jasmine
There's a reason this fragrant flower often shows up in perfume. Its scent is as intoxicating as its message: sweet love.
A cornflower (or "Bachelor's button") carries a fond single blessing with every blue bloom. Give these as a good-luck charm, because they're especially linked to wealth and good fortune.
Roses aren't the only passionate flower in your garden. Heliotrope represents eternal love, too. These also show up in perfume, thanks to their sweet smell.
Don't let its delicate appearance fool you — this flower means ambition, perhaps because the flowers bloom on tall stalks stretching toward the sky. Perhaps we should rename it the Lean In flower?
Though some of us know this herb for its calming properties, this bloom has a more active meaning: readiness. If you've got valerian in your wildflower bouquet, you're prepared for anything.
Delicate, intricate, and a little sensual, sweetpeas represent pleasure. They've also been used as a thank-you flower, or as a way to bid someone goodbye after a pleasant visit.
These sweetly-scented flowers are another sign of devotion, representing strong bonds of love. And with their intoxicating scent, sweet center, and lusty tendrils, we can definitely see where the name comes from.
It might not be ideal for the allergy-prone, but this bloom represents "encouragement." Maybe encourage your kids to leave this one out in the field, to avoid getting the sniffles.
These unusual flowers carry a patriotic meaning, proving that pride can come in many shapes and colors. It can also represent conquest, perhaps because of its assertive celebratory color and leaves that look like shields.
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oldbutnotyetwise · 1 year
Purpose, Belonging, and Love
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     I am a collector of quotes, ponderences and written words of wisdom.  You know the kind, where your reading a book and then suddenly what you are reading hits you right between the eyes, or perhaps in the heart.  You go back and reread that last sentence or paragraph again after which you just close the book and stare off into space and let what you have just read seep into your soul where it will be chewed on, pondered, perhaps expanded on and hopefully take root.
     My daughter knows I am a ponderer and we exchanged books, as per our usual Christmas Eve tradition.  The Book she gave me was 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest.  If I am being honest the book isn’t really changing the way I think, but I did run across the following gem while reading it.  
     “Some of the statistically happiest countries in the world are nearly impoverished.  Some of the most notable and peaceful individuals to grace this Earth died with only a few cents too their name.  The commonality is a sense of purpose, belonging, and love; things you can choose to feel and cultivate, regardless of physical/material circumstances.”
     Now I don’t know what you thought when you heard that, but I thought to myself that is some simple but profound wisdom.  I liked it and found myself in total agreement with it.  A sense of purpose, belonging and love, that to me sounds like a good recipe for a successful and happy life.
     Now I have been blessed to have been born in Canada, into a simple middle class family and along the way I had some good opportunities that I was able to take advantage of and make a good life for myself and my family.  I was fortunate that I had a sense of purpose in my life, I had a sense of belonging and I gave and received an abundant amount of love.
     So if Canada is truly such an advanced country, with a highly educated population why is it that none of the commercials that you see or hear encourage you to pursue purpose, belonging and love?  No the commercials tell you that you want, no you need, bigger, better, more expensive and the majority of the population buy into that and forever chase that golden carrot.  Shouldn’t we all be smarter than that?  Of course trying to sell purpose, belonging and love would not be profitable, and in this world it seems to be all about making money.
      I spent thirty-one years in an organization that had a large amount of people who were driven to chase promotion, get more prestige, earn more money, get a bigger pension.  I often looked at some of these people who spent all their time doing volunteer work, going to night school, getting degrees, and joining organizations that would assist their promotional prospects, their main focus was getting ahead at work, and many of them did.  You might think I envied these people but I didn’t.  I felt sorry for them because while they were busy chasing promotion their children grew up with what must have felt like an absentee parent.  Their spouse or partner carried the burden of looking after children and the home.  One day they retire with their big pension, to a home that is now empty because their children are all grown and gone, and their spouse left long ago because they were lonely and tired of doing everything on their own.  Do these people have anything that is desirable or valuable, or do they just have a rich bank account and an empty life?  
     Maybe we could learn something from those young children whose parent spends all kinds of money on a big fancy gift and the young child is more interested in playing with the empty box then the expensive toy that came in it.  Hey parents let me let you in on a secret, your children savour time with their parents, that is worth more than any toy you could buy them.  Enjoy it before the opportunity is gone……Sorry, I got distracted there for a minute, a song started playing in my head, it was Harry Chapin singing “The Cat’s In The Cradle”.
     I’ve written about this search for happiness before, and I probably will again.  Why is happiness so elusive for so many people?  How can the Advertising Industry do such a good job at distracting us from true happiness and send us chasing an illusion that they themselves have created?  Flashing lights, big billboards, commercials, and the incessant advertising that intrudes into every corner of our life, really the only way to escape it is to disconnect from the world.  I think that we would all be wise to do that from time to time.  Here is an idea, leave your phone at home, go for a walk in the woods, listen to nature, see nature, feel nature, breath deeply and take pleasure in that peace and quiet that is a rare commodity in this busy, loud, expensive world of ours.  Remember doing this is free, you won’t find better value anywhere.
     In closing I would like to share another quote here, it is from Alan Lakein, “Time is life.  It is irreversible and irreplaceable.  To waste your time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it.”  Wouldn’t this world be such a better place if we could just get people to understand that time is life’s most valuable commodity, not money.  Take it from someone who’s time is running out, the importance of money and things pales in comparison to the joy of spending time with your loved ones.  
     I think my definition of rich will be someone who has purpose, belonging and love….using that definition would you be rich?  Who is the poorest rich person that you know?  
     Purpose, Belonging and Love, remember that.
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canopy-log · 10 days
30 golden ideas to help you reverse your youth and grow up: a must-read growth guide for young people.
Seek constructive criticism as early as possible. Knowing the problems sooner rather than later will prevent you from losing opportunities for improvement.
To improve your speeches, watch a recording of yourself speaking. It will shock you, and it will hurt, but it’s an effective way to make progress.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence.
Worry is pointless. It’s a safe bet that 99% of the things you worry about won’t happen.
If a website has the word “truth” in its URL, don’t visit it.
Be extremely frugal with your promises, because when it comes to keeping them, you must be generous.
You think you see the future, but you’re only seeing the present.
A proper apology involves three Rs: regret, responsibility, and remedy.
The best way to give advice to young people is to figure out what they really want to do.
Be more hopeful, because if you can do that, you and the people around you will be better off.
Invest in yourself without hesitation—take classes, learn new skills. These seemingly small investments can yield huge returns.
A worthwhile life goal is to become influential.
The quirks you had as a child can make you remarkable as an adult—if you don’t lose them.
If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, then chasing happiness will only demotivate you in the end. For most young people, a better path is to master a skill first. In the process of learning a skill, you’ll gain a perspective and be able to find your happiness more easily.
To quiet a crowd or a drunk, simply whisper.
When you lend something, consider it a gift. If they return it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
At any age, you can ask yourself, “Why am I still doing this?” You need a good answer to that question.
A balcony or porch needs to be at least two meters long, otherwise you won’t use it.
Life gets better when you replace transactional relationships with healthy ones.
The importance of money is overrated. Creating truly new things doesn’t usually require a lot of money. Otherwise, new inventions would be monopolized by billionaires, but that’s not the case. On the contrary, almost all breakthroughs are created by people who are short on money.
Stay hungry.
If you can’t decide what you desperately need, what you desperately need might be sleep.
You can be extremely serious about a simple thing, almost anything. Treat it as the only thing in the world, and perhaps you can assume that the whole world depends on this one thing. Just take this one thing seriously, and you can light up the sky.
When making anything, prepare a little extra, like extra materials, parts, space, or decorations. These extras are a safeguard against mistakes, can reduce stress, and prevent future risks. It's the cheapest insurance.
Nobody cares about your stuff as much as you do.
Never work for someone you don’t want to be.
There are no secrets. It’s best to tell people the unwelcome news directly. Secrets can’t be kept, and they will inevitably be spread. Also, everyone who knows a secret will be corrupted by it. Don’t seek out secrets.
The expanding universe is rich and full. It is so abundant.
Focus on what you love, instead of constantly criticizing what you hate, and you’ll become better, and you’ll make others better too. Life is short, focus on the good things.
When dividing things, one person divides, and the other chooses first.
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For Your Dream Celebration, Explore Thrissur’s Best Wedding Resorts
Choosing the ideal location for your wedding may be a challenging but exciting process. Thrissur, often known as Kerala's cultural center, has some of the most stunning wedding resorts that can make your special day truly unforgettable. Blue Serene Resort is a highly recommended option for couples wishing to tie the knot in elegance among them.
Why Should You Have Your Wedding in Thrissur?
Thrissur is renowned for its gorgeous scenery and calm atmosphere in addition to its rich cultural history and exciting events. The city is a great place for weddings since it has a number of opulent resorts that offer the right fusion of contemporary conveniences and traditional Kerala architecture. The wedding resorts in Thrissur have options for any budget, so you may have a small get-together or an extravagant event.
Best Wedding Resorts in Thrissur: Blue Serene Resort
Blue Serene Resort: An Excellent Location for a Wedding
One of the top wedding resorts in Thrissur is Blue Serene Resort, which is surrounded by peaceful settings and an abundance of vegetation. With its cutting-edge amenities, gorgeous architecture, and first-rate service, the resort guarantees that your wedding day will be nothing short of ideal.
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Blue Serene Resort's salient features include:
Beautiful Location: The resort has several indoor and outdoor areas that can be tailored to your wedding's style. A gorgeous setting for your wedding photos is provided by the tastefully designed gardens and sophisticated dining venues.
A comfortable stay for you and your visitors is guaranteed at the luxurious Blue Serene Resort, which features well-appointed rooms and suites. After a day of festivities, the opulent lodgings at the resort are intended to offer a tranquil haven.
A variety of wedding packages are available at the resort, all of which may be customized to fit your unique requirements. Every aspect of the Blue Serene Resort is catered to, from décor and cuisine to entertainment and photography.
Skilled Event Coordination: The Blue Serene Resort's skilled event coordinators are committed to ensuring that your wedding day is stress-free. With great care and attention to detail, they meticulously realize your vision in close collaboration with you.
Gourmet Dining: The resort's culinary experts are experts in crafting mouthwatering dishes that satisfy a wide range of palates. The culinary artists at Blue Serene Resort will wow your guests with their delectable creations, whether you like an international buffet or traditional Kerala food.
With Blue Serene Resort setting the standard as an excellent option for couples wishing to celebrate their special day in elegance, Thrissur boasts some of Kerala's most exquisite wedding resorts. Blue Serene Resort guarantees that your wedding will be an unforgettable and enchanting event with its gorgeous settings, opulent lodgings, and first-rate service.
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