#truly awful human beings
hatikarat · 8 months
The mama cat that i took in jumped from our fence to the roof of the kindergarten behind us. She had done it before when she panicked and tried to relocate her then 2 week old kittens to that roof. She then brought them back when she was sure they'd be safe. But since then she had gained weight so i guess her center of gravity had shifted & she couldn't jump back to ours.
A staff apparently stayed at the kindergarten so I was let in through the gate but guess what? I cannot fly to the roof. At first I really thought mama cat was stuck or worse, injured. So i called emergency services. No one was dying so they took a while to come and after waiting like an hour, that staff sent a pic of mama cat to her boss who sent it to my mom who is a friend.
At this point, I was fuming. The heat was crazy & it rained heavily for ten minutes & this woman just let me wait outside while knowing that mama cat can be easily retrieved at the kindergarten's balcony. I told the emergency services that they didn't need to come but this teacher will not respond to me calling her from outside.
Finally, i found a window of the room she was in and had to beg her to let me in. She claimed the principal forbade me from coming in the kindergarten. I was only allowed on the lawn.
I was stunned. Like how am i going to retrieve a cat inside the building from the outside. They let me in the compound to what?
Anyway, after i pleaded a few times almost crying, the staff let me in. I got in and out in just 5 minutes. But because i was not let in, i was there for 1+ hour just waiting out there like an idiot.
The next day, i talked about it with my mom. My mom said the principal was in a meeting and she told her staff to let me in to get the cat but the staff just idk ignored the direction.
So i texted the principal to thank her. There was no apology which is fine i guess but then she added i shouldn't worry too much because the staff said mama cat was big enough to jump down the roof
I had many bad thoughts about her because she ignored my mom after sending the pic of mama cat on the balcony. When my mom said she was in a pretty intense meeting, i thought oh well that's reasonable. But with that addition, i'm just back to oh this woman was purposely stalling me from getting into the kindergarten because ???? And her staff just went along with it.
When i begged to her staff from under the window, that staff said she had already chased away the cat to the roof. I was incensed. What kind of dumb dumb thinks that that would save the cat? Also at this point, mama cat had been on the roof for a whole day. If she was able to come down, she would have.
It boggles my mind that these two had thought that the cat would just eventually save itself when it's been meowing for help. And that reply was implying that i'm the unreasonable one when their logic was terribly flawed. I sent a text back to say mmm well the cat had been there since morning sooo... and all i got back was a thumbs up.
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ohbother2 · 8 months
Alastor lost his cool and flipped his shit immensely when Lucifer showed up - why would that be? and why wedge himself between Lucifer and Charlie? Why would he react so viscerally when his literal main-competitor for retaining his rank and respect is Vox, and Vox openly antagonises him first, trying to drag Alastor's reputation through the mud in his broadcasts
Alastor remains cool, calm, collected, and in doing so completely surpasses Vox's attempts
in many ways, Alastor is unflappable. Always smiling, always a step ahead, always the most powerful and domineering in a room
and then- Lucifer shows up. This short statured, rosy-cheeked, rather pathetic excuse of a man
he waltzes in to the hotel, a fumbling over-excited mess, the least threatening a person could possibly look in hell, barely reaching Alastor's waist
and yet, he outranks Alastor, he could over-power him easily, he is the predator
and Alastor simply cannot handle that
Alastor may be furious that such a week-minded, emotionally unguarded man ranks so far above him with no way for Alastor to even attempt to gain the same status
so what does Lucifer lack? what is the one thing Alastor can have that he can't?
a relationship with Charlie
his anger is calculated, he finds what hurts Lucifer, he finds his weakness, he grips onto it with both claws, and he drags it in front of him, mocking the fact that, yeah, sure Lucifer may outrank him, but in his daughters mind? one of the few things Lucifer can't control? Alastor has the power, has the lead - in all manners of 'power' and 'influence' that Lucifer cannot control, Alastor makes sure he knows he is on top - he is Charlie's favourite, he succeeds where Lucifer has failed her
regardless of his motives, he has been there for Charlie, and Lucifer hasn't, and that's all that matters
but why does he have this deep-rooted need to prove himself? why can he not accept that he is still the second most powerful in that hotel?
his need for power, for dominance, for control is shown again when Husk confronts him in the hallway
'big talk for someone who's also on a leash'
this time, Alastor doesn't even bother targeting Husker's, insecurities, his weaknesses
he drags him down the hallway chained at his neck, teeth gnashing and positively enraged
there's no typical Alastor intelligence or cunning behind this action - it is pure unadulterated rage, it's a: I can kill you, and I will
killing husk would be useless - Alastor obviously has a purpose for him, that's why he's been kept alive and the other overlords haven't, killing him would get rid of any leverage Alastor had, it would get rid of Husk full stop
Alastor has been gone for 7 years, and now he's back, supporting a cause he doesn't believe, forced to wander around the hotel halls and haunting its residents instead of freely roaming Hell
Lilith has also been gone 7 years - and she isn't yet back
Alastor just so happens to appear at the hotel mere moments after Charlie tries to talk to Lilith, marching into the foyer and wedging himself into the project with a showman's flair
he is chained, he is chained to that infernal hotel where he doesn't belong - he cannot be redeemed, he doesn't want to be redeemed
he is chained to Lilith, and by extension he is chained to Charlie
and in his eyes, he is powerless, so utterly and infuriatingly at the mercy of those above him, and that simply won't do
so what can he do? what can a man, whose greatest desire is power, who's biggest insecurity is the power and status he wields over others, do to reclaim some semblance of that power? how can he usurp Lilith? how can be make this soul-bond beneficial to him?
he can win Charlie over - he can replace her father in the process, he can mould her as he sees fit, he can play on her need to view the best in everyone, in the need to create friendships and her insatiable ability to care for those around her
he cannot get to Lilith, he cannot match Lucifer, but he can have Charlie
and he's nearly got her
and when he does? who's to say her naivety, her trust, the relationship he's intentionally crafted with her, leads her to strike a deal with him in a moment of need? when the angels attack, when the hotel begins to crumble, when heaven commands her to stop her efforts? why wouldn't she strike a deal, in her mind, he's as caring as a father figure, and a man who's been there since day one unlike either of her parents
she shakes his hand
he has her soul
he has Charlie, and he has Lilith, and he has Lucifer
there's nothing they can do, and isn't that really what power is? not raw-strength, not magic, not status, but the ability to control those who others may believe to be above your own station?
he's forced to the hotel, he's chained down and unable to grab for more power - if Lilith is preventing him from earning it himself, well, he can always just force her to give it to him
all it takes is one hand shake.
the cherry on top? he get's to show Lilith it's her own desire for him to be at the hotel that has allowed him to ensnare them all
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I can imagine anything guy image: “I can spiral into tears and convince myself I’m the worst person alive over anything”
#it’s soooooo easy#‘hey that thing you said was kind of insensitive’ -> feel awful and apologize immediately ->#try to explain that I’m a flawed human being in hopes that they don’t hate me as much -> realize I’m using it as an excuse -> feel worse ->#want to explain that I feel bad in hopes that it makes my apology sound genuine -> realize if I do I’m starting a pity party ->#Devil on my shoulder says that I SHOULD start a pity party bc then people have to console me even though I’m the one who fucked up ->#realize that if the devil on my shoulder thinks that that some part of me must think that. thinking that is kind of terrible ->#feel like I’m terrible -> start crying -> realize that crying will turn it into a pity party anyway ->#realize that I don’t want to feel like I’m terrible. that I do actually want people to console me -> realize I don’t deserve it ->#admit that I am truly horrible for trying to turn my fuck up into a way to make people comfort me ->#post about it on tumblr to vent (?) -> realize now I’m starting a pity party in front of almost 8k people ->#realize that makes me even worse. -> break down in tears feeling sorry for myself when. again. IM the one who fucked up#repeat at and slight inconvenience or mistake. feel like a piece of shit forever :)#it’s a flawless system. if someone sees me struggling and tries to console me I can redirect that to confirm that I’m a horrible person#try and tell myself that I’m spiraling bc of mental illness -> that’s an excuse ->#excuse = horrible person bc I’m not willing to own up to my mistakes -> return to spiral
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
Okay so they're exploring the corpse of a long ruined kingdom. Almost like they're being eaten by the very dungeon they are eating in. Consumption leads to consumption leads to consumption
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alluralater · 9 months
okay so i asked an old hookup for one of my hoodies back and god i feel SO nervous about the whole thing like— i stopped seeing this person over two years ago but the hoodie was my mom’s and it’s basically an heirloom at this point considering she had it for my whole life. and this person, i stopped seeing them because things got super super complicated. but i actually really did like them and now i just ugh. i’m not the nervous type whatsoever and i keep feeling like at any moment im going to throw up just thinking about seeing them again after all this time. i specifically didn’t take back that hoodie in the first place because i knew if i saw them i’d fold instantly and want to kiss them and fuck their brains out for the millionth time. i don’t like opening closed doors. i really really don’t like it. i’m an emotional bitch at the end of the day but it’s hard for me to… let it happen that way. things were so complicated and i just couldn’t handle it. texting them now i feel like i want to ask them how they are and how they’re doing but i don’t want them to think im like trying to snake my way into their life because im not. i just genuinely care about them. ugh fuck. i HATE opening closed doors. fuck me in the face, this SUCKS. how do people even handle this?? i’m like trying to be respectful while also being myself but it’s hard to just force myself to be less sweet.
this person made me feel really… happy. about so many things. cutting them off was something i had to do but i didn’t want to. i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know
#just woke up like an hour ago and i might be sick so wtf#i hate it here mannn skdksdrrnshirhjfdjtdhaaaaaaahhhh!!!!#they’re so funny and kind and considerate and ugh like their smile makes me lose my mind. i’ve also never met another person who can#communicate so openly and willingly the same way i do but they are exactly that way#and i just— ugh i keep seeing them next to me in the driver’s seat with sunglasses on and their hand on my thigh and the way they looked at#me always fucked me up.#i think about them a lot but i just don’t like to engage with any of those memories so i push them very far down and since texting them#again it feels like… like i’m finally feeling all of these things openly and it’s WAY too much.#i don’t understand how anyone peacefully exists while holding onto romantic favor for another human being. jesus fuckin christ.#the situation just wasn’t… doable. they had a partner and their partner had like crossed boundaries and accidentally hurt me and it just go#out of hand so fast#and toward the end they broke up with their partner but i still couldn’t do it. so much had happened and i needed to truly separate.#but now it’s like hahA lol lmfAo— and i feel like a fucking jerk for hurting them emotionally when i didn’t even want to stop seeing them.#i’m so over this oh my goddddddddddd OH MY GODDDD#i’m not even upset with their partner for hurting me it was the way they reacted to hurting me that freaked me out. as a girl with shit ton#of trauma it just was awful in that regard. but like at this point i don’t give a fuck because life happens and i’m fine#i want to scream. someone kill me.#sstexts
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shima-draws · 2 years
Thinks about Perry covered in the blood of his enemies and swoons
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kikizoshi · 1 year
I came across the realisation that Nikolai's motivation to kill Fyodor, as we understand it now, isn't compelling. I think that's my biggest issue with him. There are all these fanfics about it, and yet the one I've read where Fyodor's death is compelling, Nikolai hasn't ever even thought of killing him and doesn't want him to die (and yes, I'm including my fics with Fyodor's death in the "not compelling" category).
So, I tried to reframe it, taking some of my current experiences and what I know about Gogol, and I think I may have figured something out: Nikolai's core motivation right now could be to escape from reality.
This could be foreshadowed earlier on with things like a distaste for factually accurate (read: dull) stories, a love for acting and exaggerated impressions, and an aversion to talking issues out in his personal relationships.
But now it's worse, and has grown to an extent where he can't stand anything--he just wants to escape everything, but he can't. (This change would be brought about by some sort of terrible or tragic event--something that makes all his flawed coping mechanisms collapse entirely in a way they never have before. In my story, it's Fyodor disappearing and Nikolai finally giving up hope that he still lived. Anything awful enough would probably work, but I think a lot of care needs to be put into exactly what is the thing that pushes Nikolai over the edge--it says a lot about what he values.)
I visualise his wanting to escape reality with Stanzcyk (the Polish painting). Nikolai is the jester, but desperately wishes he could be carefree like the celebrating nobles in the background. But he can't. No matter what, no matter how he tries, he can't escape reality, and so he does the next best thing: he does the unthinkable. He becomes what any normal person can't even fathom, does what any sane man couldn't, and desperately tries to lose himself in it. (In my story, this is a worse version of what's already occurred: a few years ago, Nikolai became an actor in hopes of losing his misery to the stage, but when that failed and he became suicidal, Fyodor helped him pull through. Now, Nikolai tries to lose himself in a much more involved and self-destructive way (notably still through acting), and Fyodor, though much more negatively now, is still the force that's keeping him alive.)
At first, he may have even deluded himself into thinking he'd somewhat succeeded in losing himself, but then Fyodor makes his "in opposition to God" comment, and Nikolai is at once violently dragged back into himself. It's a wonderful feeling to be understood, yet terrible, because as long as such an anchor exists, he can never escape (bonus points if in a backstory fic, Fyodor being Nikolai's anchor to reality was a positive in their relationship, creating a contrast here).
And so now, every time he thinks about wanting to share a thought or idea with Fyodor, the only person with whom he can genuinely converse, he first gets a nice feeling at the thought, then falls into despair at the thought of losing that connection (Fyodor is constantly putting himself in mortal danger, and as much as Nikolai believes in him, it also makes sense to me that he'd be worried out of his mind at times), anger that his emotions still control him, and this reinforces his feelings of needing to escape. It's a constant merry-go-round of love and misery, and he just wants to be on stable ground, essentially.
And I think if I do that, it starts to be compelling. It's not quite there, let alone polished, but it's a lot farther than I've gotten before. And 'Arcane' story analyses are really helping me with contrast, callbacks and foreshadowing.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
what’s the furthest touya-nii would go (physically) to punish reader? was the branding where his sadism taps out? what would he have to do to truly feel bad for harming her?
oooh herb good question!!
tw: physical harm/abuse, extreme sadism, mention of murder + suicide, extremely toxic relationship + mindset
i mean touya-nii is a yandere, right, so technically his punishments could go as far as murder if she were to ever try to leave him and refused to come back with him (very much a ‘if i can’t have you then no one can’ case, but he would only kill her—and then himself—if he thought it was truly the only option he had left. he’d exhaust every other option available to him, including kidnapping and restraint, before resorting to a murder-suicide. he’d really, really rather not kill her). but we all know he’s fucked her up so badly that she’d never ever leave him of her own accord, so murder isn’t something either of them need to worry about. i’d say that the branding is probably as far as his sadism goes. he’d absolutely be willing to carve, cut, burn, scratch, and scar his name into her as many times as he deems fit (i’ve said this before but i LOVE the idea of touya branding you with his name over and over again with different tools/weapons each and every time you really misbehave).
it’s definitely possible that he’d force her to wear those pretty n terrifying rings, but as i mentioned there it would only be in the case where he believes she needs a hefty reminder that she belongs to HIM and no one else. there’s a very low chance he may break a bone or two if he deems it truly ‘necessary’, but she’d have to do something really bad to warrant such a thing (like try to escape him!). he’d never like, cut an appendage off though, or permanently physically disable her (he’d rather chain her to a bed or a wall).
the sad fact of the matter is that he’d never feel bad or guilty for a punishment, no matter how sadistic and gruesome and cruel it is. if it’s a punishment, then to HIM that means she deserves it. the only time touya would ever feel bad for harming her would be if it were unintentional. otherwise, there’s no guilt to be felt there. touya barely feels guilt or remorse in the first place, for anything he does, especially when he does it on purpose.
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daintydoilypon · 5 months
I went on a lowkey rant about that girl who cheated on her husband and I would like to share my favorite diss-
"She has an inferiority complex as big as her forehead."
Thank you.
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ichthyorelationships · 8 months
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ideas: i didn't really think of him being underwater but they deserve to have drama by crying there too so i just think you could say something about the composition being denser than water or w/e. proteins
i'm always like good thing he didn't try to exit asap via swimming in ciao alberto But What If He Did lol. just swim Somewhere else along the coast, maybe panic about [money??] & whether somehow this ruins school for luca, whether he can get in touch w/o it being On Sight b/w him & all marcovaldos, consider just kind of trying out other places, traveling after all...fascinating considering the other povs on the issue like: now there's the paguros to sympathize w/a kid vanishing, luca however in a somewhat more novel position there, giulia's throwback to alberto being a bit perplexing lmao, kind of thinking the best massimo could do is have a prewritten letter for luca to give to alberto If Possible, conveying something like i know you didn't set my livelihood on fire on purpose but even if you did i'd want you to stay. and luca in a position to do all of "maybe give the island fun facts so someone can check if he's there" & "wait & hope alberto can/does get in touch" & "have a lot of feelings"....not even the context of what this drawing is about necessarily, just tacking it on here anyways. ahead of time i went "heh now i Know they're gonna have it get little Real here b/c it's really about alberto wanting the security of feeling he can 'earn' a sustained relationship" then the short cleared & i was lying completely dead on the pavement
#luca 2021#pixar luca#alberto scorfano#love when like ''yeah ofc you Could guess approx what would happen; b/c of The Themes & things following them''#but then like of course it still manages to Surprise. feels apt when like ppl doing some savvy media analysis can Guess along w/the film#like oh we're gonna fight here we might have our secret revealed here yep. then get caught off guard by alberto but 110% surprised by luca#even as ofc it all makes sense & is cohesive w/those Themes that have been unfolding; not just breaking w/the material to Surprise us#but still unpredictable. the whole movie being so vignettey (god bless. i live) allowing for a lot of that too like just Stuff Can Happen#someone can guess alberto's dad is not in the picture really but you could think oh he's been killed by humans. No lol...#or massimo lost an arm to sea monsters. but no. oh my god & this is how i realize i didn't draw alberto's arm scar hang on lol#okay there it is. here we go gays (me turning in for some rest at 8:15 am)#oh i read this picture book in the internet archive abt like A Parent Expressing Unconditional Love via conversation w/a child. hang on#''even if i did something awful'' by barbara shook hazen; i did think of it here. let me obtain a quote for effect...#[but what if i did something really truly awful?] [like what?] [like playing ball in the living room after you told me not to & breaking#the vase daddy gave you for your birthday even if i didn't mean to & it was an accident? would you still love me then?]#[i love you so much i'd love you if you Did mean to & it wasn't an accident. / but i might also be mad & yell things like 'i've told you a#thousand times!' & 'this is the last straw!' & 'i've had it with your disobeying!' & send you to your room with no dessert... / ...& cry a#little & pick up the pieces.] [i'll help.] [but i still love you no matter what; no matter how mad; no matter how awful. & i always will.]#so long as it's commitment to Actual support which; massimo already On That even before realizing like oh bereft And you're of the sea.....
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mariocki · 2 months
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L'isola degli uomini pesce (Screamers, 1979)
"Oh, well, I can understand that a scientist like Marvin is ready to give his life for a discovery of this magnitude. But you don't give a damn about science, do you, Rackham? All you care about is the treasure down there, and I'm damn sure it won't be used to promote anyone's research."
"Yes, I'm afraid you're right. I intend to keep it all for myself. Dreadful, isn't it?"
#l'isola degli uomini pesce#the island of the fishmen#screamers#italian cinema#1979#sergio martino#cesare frugoni#luciano martino#barbara bach#claudio cassinelli#richard johnson#beryl cunningham#joseph cotten#franco javarone#cameron mitchell#mel ferrer#eunice bolt#roberto posse#giuseppe castellano#franco mazzieri#known by a dozen different titles and in a number of different forms; i accidentally downloaded the Screamers cut‚ an American version#which cut about half an hour of Martino's film‚ added a newly shot prologue with Ferrer and Mitchell‚ and enhanced some of the#gore fx. I'd rather have seen the og film and will have to get to it eventually‚ but even in bastardized form this was a lot of fun#largely that's down to Johnson's superbly mannered‚ urbane villain. he's clearly having just the best time‚ chewing up the scenery#and being just despicable whenever he's onscreen; a villain for the ages truly. against him is poor Cassinelli‚ having just an awful#time as he goes from disaster to disaster. mix in some human experiments‚ the lost city of Atlantis‚ a heap of treasure and some#stranded convicts and you have a riproaring adventure film that's honestly more Boy's Own adventure than the sloppy sleazy nastiness#I'd gone in expecting (and most of the sloppy nasty that is here was added by the US!). oh and apologies for the slightly risqué picture#I've chosen to end this post with‚ but it turns out there's a whole photoshoot with Bach and the fish men and it's kind of amazing#ok i just read that apparently Johnson rewrote most of his dialogue for this and that only makes me love him more
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pissfizz · 4 months
I know I’ve become an extremely unbearable person to be around and people don’t like me and that I am fundamentally awful. I know acknowledging what you’ve done or who you are us bad doesn’t make it okay and that you actually have to work to make things better. But I don’t know how. How do you make yourself a better person when it’s everything that you are that you’d have to get rid of. How am I supposed to fix myself without replacing every piece. How do I become something people like when I am at my core unpleasant and awful.
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daeluin · 5 months
30mins onwards...... dear god i miss old yeezy
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albtrosz · 9 months
#one of the most annoying parts of having bpd isn’t even part of the bpd itself but it's the stigma#and don’t get me wrong this shit is FUCKING HELL and very hard and embarrassing#but the way people think bpd is somehow the same thing as sociopathy or psychopathy is just like ??????????????#and the way even doctors are so sensationalist about it and it does affect your overall hope for how you're gonna be able to#idk navigate life with it. because they make it look like someone who has bpd#is just the worst most difficult and awful human being on earth#like everyone else isn't difficult everyone else doesn't struggle w emotions or relationships or abandonment#and the way they approach it truly makes you feel like you're damaged for life and you're broken and you're doomed#i could go on and on about how this is just upsetting and like sometimes when people learn that i have bpd they're surprised#because i keep a lot of things and feelings to myself because i don't want to be the stereotype#i'm venting but what i mean is that i think the stigma around bpd just makes everything harder#for instance i feel the need to be centred because otherwise i'll be perceived as a bpd stereotype#so i can't get angry i can't get upset i can't get sad i can't miss someone i can't need someone#i can't fear not having someone in my life anymore i can't fear being alone and so on#i have to be manageable and cool and nonchalant and complaisant all the time#sometimes i feel like i'm not allowed to be a person BECAUSE i have bpd#but yeah i'm yet to learn to not give a shit about how people perceive me but there are days that this is harder than others
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lecliss · 9 months
If someone says they're part of the Naruto fandom you need to immediately run and never look back. Ever.
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newvision · 1 year
I love loving people even when I hurt!!!! Love’s such a great gift!!!!! I’m capable of love and forgiveness and I’m more than my anger and pain, how wonderful
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