#zero empathy
phosphenemoth · 2 months
Literally. Suffer from your own fucking consequences. I don't know what the fuck you mistake me for, but I am not here for you. I am not here for anyone, but fucking me. I hope you lose everything for trying to manipulate and use me so clearly.
I am not your fucking friend.
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a white userbox with an orange border and orange text that reads “this user has absolutely zero empathy” on the left is an image of a sun doodle . /end id]
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Not to shit on people with zero or low empathy but why the fuck most of them act like assholes? Like ok, i understand you don't understand my situation, so how about you just say nothing and move on? Instead of being an asshole and hurting me....
Like i have extreme level of empathy but even that can be bad sometimes and i try to control myself so that i won't hurt myself or other with it. So i assume this should also go for people with zero/low empathy.
Don't use it to be an asshole.
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hatikarat · 8 months
The mama cat that i took in jumped from our fence to the roof of the kindergarten behind us. She had done it before when she panicked and tried to relocate her then 2 week old kittens to that roof. She then brought them back when she was sure they'd be safe. But since then she had gained weight so i guess her center of gravity had shifted & she couldn't jump back to ours.
A staff apparently stayed at the kindergarten so I was let in through the gate but guess what? I cannot fly to the roof. At first I really thought mama cat was stuck or worse, injured. So i called emergency services. No one was dying so they took a while to come and after waiting like an hour, that staff sent a pic of mama cat to her boss who sent it to my mom who is a friend.
At this point, I was fuming. The heat was crazy & it rained heavily for ten minutes & this woman just let me wait outside while knowing that mama cat can be easily retrieved at the kindergarten's balcony. I told the emergency services that they didn't need to come but this teacher will not respond to me calling her from outside.
Finally, i found a window of the room she was in and had to beg her to let me in. She claimed the principal forbade me from coming in the kindergarten. I was only allowed on the lawn.
I was stunned. Like how am i going to retrieve a cat inside the building from the outside. They let me in the compound to what?
Anyway, after i pleaded a few times almost crying, the staff let me in. I got in and out in just 5 minutes. But because i was not let in, i was there for 1+ hour just waiting out there like an idiot.
The next day, i talked about it with my mom. My mom said the principal was in a meeting and she told her staff to let me in to get the cat but the staff just idk ignored the direction.
So i texted the principal to thank her. There was no apology which is fine i guess but then she added i shouldn't worry too much because the staff said mama cat was big enough to jump down the roof
I had many bad thoughts about her because she ignored my mom after sending the pic of mama cat on the balcony. When my mom said she was in a pretty intense meeting, i thought oh well that's reasonable. But with that addition, i'm just back to oh this woman was purposely stalling me from getting into the kindergarten because ???? And her staff just went along with it.
When i begged to her staff from under the window, that staff said she had already chased away the cat to the roof. I was incensed. What kind of dumb dumb thinks that that would save the cat? Also at this point, mama cat had been on the roof for a whole day. If she was able to come down, she would have.
It boggles my mind that these two had thought that the cat would just eventually save itself when it's been meowing for help. And that reply was implying that i'm the unreasonable one when their logic was terribly flawed. I sent a text back to say mmm well the cat had been there since morning sooo... and all i got back was a thumbs up.
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See, Anderson, if I had thought for just a moment that by some miracle you didn't think it was theft when you robbed my work - but I know you perfectly knew what you were doing now - and that you were genuinely trying to do something good, I would have dropped it, let it go. But in addition to numerous posts like the reblog I just made before that message and the whole shitflix/ daily stale/ fake relationship chronology - and that's a delight of incoherence, your theft was already serving your Netflix plan, because people, I wrote those principles but more the concept (and other concepts btw on that blog), in 2013, I left experience project in early may 2014. And robbing me again later, you clearly have zero morals, zero empathy, me and thousands of others are just merchandise to you, goods to be used not humans. You haven't ceased proving it's *all* for *your* profit. Like the new scam book smh, the clothes, the drinks, your communication is a constant lie.
But you are a *rapist* before robbing my work you consciously studied my character and my personality and how wrong you ended up being So the plan had been hatched for quite a while to sell her "new life" it was calculated, like everything she does, she plans months or years in advance nothing is out of the blue everything is written (amazed at how she thinks she's more spontaneous than Scully, except for dropping your underwear on your ankles what are you more spontaneous about really?), it all has to pay back for *her* because you on the other hand are left4dead (no one left behind? Ha! WE lmao). It's all about the money, and it's all about the recognition she gets, the awards. Everything you see about her out there is fake.
Especially her...
... fake relationship.
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fish-in-the-aquarium · 5 months
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The worst pickup line in history from the man who couldn't pay for (possibly art) school.
atlas Timothy design by @phenikas 💛
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gl1tched-g0th · 2 months
"I lack empathy and sympathy" and "Personally not experiencing empathy and sympathy does not mean I have a free pass to be a bitch to victims of traumatic situations" and "Understanding the concepts of them doesn't automatically mean "deep down" I actually do experience those things" are things that can all co-exist btw.
I'm so tired of people thinking pwASPD or NPD or low empathy autistics are bad people. Like yeah, generally I don't give a shit about people's feelings and am considered "mean", but I'm self aware enough to not be a bitch to someone who experienced a traumatic event because it's just common sense.
Like no, Susan, me telling that person I see why what they experienced would upset them isn't "empathy", I just understand it from a psychological point, not an emotional one. I promise you no amount of Fairy Godmother's magic can ""fix"" me to feel things "normally".
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zuko-always-lies · 6 months
Characters who I think would have more empathy for Azula than Zuko or Iroh do
Ty Lee
Jeong Jeong
Most other people in the Fire Nation
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utilitycaster · 5 months
You know what's interesting to me? For all people keep claiming at every juncture that perhaps Bells Hells will come around on the gods and see the harm they do (which, as discussed extensively, is, half the time, simply not intervening) not only have they never done so, but also they never quite cross the line into saying the party should join the Ruby Vanguard or aid them - and indeed, they defend against it - so what does this achieve? It feels like they're asking for a story in which the party stands idly by, which isn't much of a story nor, if I may connect this briefly to the real world, a political stance anyone should be proud of.
That's honestly the frustration with the gods and the "what if the Vanguard has a point" conversations in-game. What do we do then? Do we allow the organization that will murder anyone for pretty much any reason that loosely ties into their goals run rampant? The group that (perhaps unwittingly, but then again, Otohan's blades had that poison) disrupted magic world-wide, and caused people who had the misfortune to live at nexus points to be teleported (most, as commoners, without means of return). While also fomenting worldwide unrest?
Those were the arguments before the trip to Ruidus; with the reveal of the Vanguard's goals to invade Exandria, the situation becomes even more dire. Do you let the Imperium take over the planet?
And do the arguments against the gods even hold up? If Ludinus is so angry at them for the Calamity, what does it say that he destroyed Western Wildemount's first post-Calamity society for entirely selfish means? (What does it say about the validity of vengeance as a motivator?) What does it say that Laudna told Imogen she could always just live in a cottage quietly without issue before the solstice even happened? (Would this still be true if the Imperium controls the world?) What does it say that when faced with a furious, grieving party and the daughter she keeps telling herself was her reason for all of this, Liliana can't provide an answer to the question of what the gods have done other than that their followers will retaliate...for, you know, the Vanguard's endless list of murders. (That is how the Vanguard and Imperium tend to think, huh? "How dare your face get in the way of my boot; how dare you hit me back when I strike you.") She can't even provide a positive answer - why is Predathos better - other than "I feel it", even though Imogen and Fearne know firsthand that Predathos can provide artificial feelings of elation. Given all the harm Ludinus has done in pursuit, why isn't the conclusion "the gods should have crashed Aeor in such a way that the tech was unrecoverable?"
Even as early as the first real discussion on what the party should do, the fandom always stopped short of saying "no, Imogen's right, they should join up with the people who killed half the party," it was always "no, she didn't really mean it, she just was trying to connect with her mother." Well, she's connected with her mother, and at this point the party doesn't even care about the gods particularly (their only divinely-connected party member having died to prevent the Vanguard from killing all of them). So they will stop the Vanguard; as Ashton says, the means are unforgiveable. As Laudna says, it's not safe to bet on Predathos's apathy. As Imogen says, she's done running; the voice that she used to think of as a lifeline belongs to someone she doesn't trust. So I guess my question is: if they're stopping the people who are trying to kill the gods (and defense of the gods isn't remotely their personal motivation)...do you think the next phase of the campaign is Bells Hells personally killing the gods? Reconstructing the Aeor tech and hoping none of their allies notice? How does this end? Does your ideology ever get enacted? Or is this entirely moot and pointless and the story ends with Bells Hells saying "well, I'm really glad we stopped the people who [insert list of Vanguard atrocities from above]; none of us follow the gods or plan to, but honestly, the status quo we return to is preferable to whatever nightmare Ludinus had concocted in his violent quest for power and revenge"?
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alluralater · 4 months
not interested in talking shit so instead, this is your long, thorough, and healthy reminder that you owe nothing to someone on the internet simply because they’re infatuated with you. sexting with someone one time doesn’t mean you owe them anything later on. not romantically and not sexually. the moment someone begins regarding you as an object to be used at their whim, like property that someone else stole from them— drop that fucking block and be done with it. no one is entitled to you.
if someone is telling you that they’re not a jealous person and their actions are completely opposite to their claims, drop that fucking block. i talk a lot on here already about healthy communication, consent both romantically and sexually, how to establish healthy boundaries, and how to identify when someone is not interested in respecting your boundaries. it blows my mind that people on here can follow me, like my posts about these things, and then turn around and treat others as if for their own consumption. this behavior from people like that is often a pattern and can be seen the same looking back. it’s not on you to do anything for someone that lacks respect for your autonomy both romantically and sexually, especially when you have no attachments to that person and they don't even know you. a pattern of unreasonable behavior and lashing out is more than enough reason to block someone and be done with them. if someone cannot extend basic decency to you when you have done nothing wrong to them, they do not deserve you (your time, attention, interest, affection) otherwise. and if it happens in reaction to your happiness completely separate of them??— fucking BLOCK.
how someone chooses to lash out at others when there has been no provocation of any kind is extremely telling of how they conduct themselves when they are dealing with feelings of insecurity, resentment, and perceived rejection. you can absolutely do your best to empathize and understand it, but know that you are not responsible for anything other than that. it is not your job to make yourself smaller because someone is used to never dealing with the consequences of their actions when they want to feel momentarily bigger. bullying is super strange and weird but when it happens, you can see it pretty clearly for what it is and who that person is. someone can be very well-read and still very inexperienced when it comes to healthy communication and the handling of interpersonal relationships. lack of healthy communication and a disregard for the autonomy of others is loud with these types of people but they're good about keeping it mostly under wraps until it becomes an inconvenience for them to be kind and when they want attention in any way possible, even negatively. accountability is also going to be unlikely so yeah, if you notice a pattern— block them.
and speaking more specifically, if you are the kind of person that becomes infatuated with people even though you don't know them very well whatsoever, if you're the type to get jealous over perceived "theft" of another person because their attention even momentarily sways in another direction (as if you were owed it in the first place), if you're the type to lash out at others because both your impulse control and your temper are held on a hair trigger— maybe consider the thoughts/well-being of others first and just don't sexually interact online. the lack of interest to healthily communicate is and will be damaging to yourself and others. if your first thought is to lash out before even attempting communication of your feelings, you need to look inward and do some reflection. your actions affect others. a momentary release of pent up anger for you is pain for someone else. invalidating someone's identity because you want to feel better about yourself is super disappointing behavior, especially when that person was nothing but sweet to you prior to your many instances of perceived rejection. that is about you and no one else. don't project your feelings of insecurity onto others. be kind to yourself and do better. hurting people does cost you something. if it seems to cost you nothing, take some time and wonder on why that is. if you feel entitled to others both sexually and romantically, you're doing something wrong and it needs to be addressed by you and someone you feel safe to talk to about that before you go around hurting more people who've treated you with nothing but kindness.
i know this was long but you all know how it works here. i’m not going to shave down information for anyone’s convenience or lack of care to read it all. some things need to be said in full and to completion. topics like this deserve to take up space on my blog. this is both a safe space and an educational one <3
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phosphenemoth · 29 days
Never heard of her.
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Being Ukrainian, born in Russia, with family friends in both countries is an insane experience. A literal distillation of convos from the last few months:
Ukrainians: We haven’t had a full night of sleep since February. No running water for months now, and now the electricity goes out. They’re bombing us non-stop. They aim for the houses at night, and the city center and offices and schools during the day, to kill as many civilians as possible. I sent my daughter to relative safety in Kyiv, but I don’t want to leave my mother, who had a stroke due to war-induced stress and is paralyzed. The hospitals wouldn’t take her because they were full of war casualties. She lies in bed and we hope that a missile doesn’t strike our building, because she can’t go to the bomb shelter. I’ll try to call you next time we get electricity.
Russians: Ugh its so expensive to travel to Turkey right now, we decided to take a two week holiday in Sochi instead. It’s not as nice but we have to persevere. Oh, what’s that? The news? I try not too pay too much attention to it when I’m using my VPN to access instagram and twitter, it just makes me soo sad. You know I’m not political. Hopefully this little war-sy is over soon, because I have to redecorate my house and Ikea is still closed.
Westerners whose entire political philosophy is “vibes” and who think cyrillic is a type of salad: yeah, yeah. bombing, missiles, blah BLAH yawn. Frankly the real war crime is being mean to Russians on the internet.
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oopsallfictives · 2 years
The pop psychology idea of psychopaths and sociopaths persists for the same reason people buy into the idea of “narcissistic abuse”, and the same reason psychotic or plural killers are such a common trope. People who don’t fit into those groups find comfort in the idea that people only harm others because they’re mentally ill or neurodivergent, because it means that all they have to do is learn how to recognize those neurodivergences and they’ll be safe. If they can recognize a psychopath or psychotic person, they’ll never be murdered, if they can recognize a narcissist they’ll never be abused again. It’s an attempt to make a terrifying world feel safer
Which doesn’t make it okay to buy into or spread these ideas. Mentally ill people aren’t actually the reason the world is terrifying, and learning how to spot us isn’t going to keep you safe. If anything, it’s going to put us in danger because now everyone thinks that having low/no empathy or a personality disorder or psychosis or being plural makes you unsafe to be around. People are afraid of us, they think hurting us counts as self-defense. And I’m sorry, but your feelings of safety do not outweigh our actual safety
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thetimelordbatgirl · 16 days
Kinda ironic Lily Orchard was out here trying to act all mature and her age when shaming people for wanting her to watch Fullmetal Alchemist, acting like only children watch the show and shows like it... ...Yet children know better then to see someone has died and proceed to post a joke about it, unlike Lily, a grown ass woman who as she put it herself is in her 30s, posting a joke about James Earl Jones death just because people are mourning him.
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Schrodinger's Human: The Star Child
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Halfa's aren't natural by any stretch of the imagination and they certainly were never supposed to come into existence. Yes, you could come come back as a zombie or a revenant, maybe even return as good as new or the complete opposite, but never truly return so... cleanly split.
Despite being the balance of both the living and the dead, Danny Phantom was never truly supposed to come to pass and was a happy accident, a one in an extremely rare umpteenth chance, rather than Danny Fenton dying in the unfortunate lab accident like in all the other timelines and multiverse.
Despite the truly miraculous odds of his survival, the young Halfling realized something was wrong somehow, when he awoke in the hospital. At first he thought it was because of the lab accident causing the scarring on his body and face that made people look away, but that wasn't it. It has been months and yet nobody looks his way.
Not once since the accident has his parents, sister, or his friends (or anyone, really) have looked him in the eyes. He just suspected that they must've felt guilty for getting him hurt...but then even his rouges seem to have always averted their gaze when they fight, so what gives!? Was the damage that severe? He likes to think he healed up pretty nicely with just a few prominent scars.
As Phantom, they weren't even visible! Then one day, he snapped after a particularly rough fight and demanded an answer, pinning the ghost and demanding, screaming, that they look him in his watery eyes.
"We can't! We physically can't look at you without adverting our gaze. Even the humans you call friends and family are unable to so much as look at you. We don't know why!"
It made Danny stop and think. Did...did he get a meta gene awoken from the lab accident? For his sanity, he deduces that it was some form of attention repellant power, that had to be it...right? After confronting his friends and family, they told them the same thing. At least the explanation was there. It made the pain bearable when he was around them.
Then the fight with Pariah Dark happened and everything went down hill from there (he just didn't know it yet).
It made Danny glad that the Ghost King couldn't see him properly (he stuck to the side with the eye patch) and continued his assault on the blind spots with gusto. It took a while but he eventually felled Dark and took the title of King of the Infinite Realms, much to his shock.
With the Ring of Rage and Crown in his possession, he returned to Amity Park exhausted, muttering to himself a desire before he let sleep take over.
"̸̙͐M̷̫̕a̶̯͗ỳ̸̲b̶̙͆e̵̳͋ ̸̹͆n̴̗̏ó̴͙w̸̖͂ ̵̢̀a̶̳͛ş̷̈́ ̴̡̒Ķ̵̊î̷̝n̸̻͌ĝ̷͕,̴̤̈́ ̵͓͗I̴͇͌ ̵̙͑c̸̣̀á̴̮n̷͕͝ ̴̫͐ơ̸̱r̷̮̆d̵̜͗e̷̲̊r̶̞͐ ̸̘̉g̵̖̈́h̵̝͊o̶̦̓s̷͎͂ț̷̂s̶̢̐ ̶̰̚t̵̠̐ỏ̵̺ ̷̘͋g̸̩̕o̷͉͝ ̵̣͋b̶̮͋ā̵̩c̸̨͆ǩ̵͍ ̴͙͘t̴͈͛ǫ̶͊ ̷͇̓ṱ̸̚h̴̞̀e̸̱͋ ̸͖͋R̸̲̀ë̸̪́ả̷̺l̸̙͝m̷̡͘s̶̢͒.̴̮̓.̵̤́.̸͖̈́ȁ̵̡t̸̖͂ ̵̺͐l̵̙͐e̴̢͘a̴͙͆s̶̼̔t̶̢̔ ̷̭̑ú̸͇n̸̗͗ť̷͖ǐ̷͜l̸͇̄ ̸̛̬I̶̺̾ ̶͔͂c̷̫̿a̸̟͊n̶̺̓ ̴̻͝f̶̦̒i̴̥͗ň̶̡i̸̡̊s̷̗̄h̶͖͐ ̵̝̒a̵̧̓ĺ̷̮l̷͍͐ ̶̤͠m̵̲̆y̷͎̐ ̸͙͌s̷̘͛c̵̯͋ḣ̵̖o̴͔͂o̶̫͝l̶͕͛ī̴̼n̴̝͋g̵͝ͅ ̷̨̿f̵̤͆ì̸͈r̸̥̆s̸̠̎ť̶̞,̶̧̑ ̸͈̅i̵̠͌n̴̻̉c̵̩̈́l̷̳͌ǘ̷̲d̵̟͂ĩ̸̳n̴͓͌g̴̪̈́ ̸̲̈c̸̗̿o̶̪͆l̴̤͋l̵̹͋ë̶͍́ä̸̼́g̷̼̑ủ̶̝e̷̩̿.̶͕̂.̸͈̾.̵͖͂I̴̞̽ ̵̣͘w̴̙͝i̵̯̚s̸̼̈h̸̦̉ ̸̟̓t̶̡͒h̵̨͊á̷̖t̵̛͕ ̷̨̿ĩ̴̡t̵̳̐.̷̫̄.̷͙̔.̶͎̃w̶̲͊a̶̳͝s̶̨̋ ̷̫̓t̴̜́h̵̢͌a̵̗͌ṯ̷̾.̵̠̕.̶̤́.̷͓̍ḛ̷̈́a̵̙͘s̷̭̔y̴͈͂.̵͉͂"̴̼̍
(Maybe now as King, I can order ghosts to go back to the Realms...at least until I can finish all my schooling first, including colleague...Yeah right...I wish that it...was that...easy.)
And like a true wish upon a star, it overidded all logic in the universe to the Boy King's whimsy. The ghosts left over night and all natural portals sealed themselves shut with no means to open themselves back up anytime soon.
And across the planet it vanished as well, stray pools of fermented ectoplasm, medicines that used it and even machinery powered by the stuff went missing, with the exception of the Fenton Ghost Zone Portal, that sealed it self with no means for anything to enter or exit.
The young Boy King's actions were far from subtle.
Many are now without their precious magic, Gods have llst their powers, the Speed Force had been stripped away, and Lanterns across all the emotional spectrum found themselves on their homeworlds with rings that failed to respond, their lights snuffed out. Two birds are now sound asleep, unable to open their eyes.
But before Nabu had been pulled out of his Helmet, he told his wearer one cruical message.
"The Source has been sealed away by a being powerful enough to possess all Sapient life in Multiverse, The Anti Life Equation has been unleashed."
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#Anti Life Equation!Danny#Danny: Can't I catch a break!? 😔#Infinite Realms: Sure thing Short King#The Infinite Realms is the Source#Everyone who uses Divine/Otherworldly power: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?#Nobody can look at the Anti Life Equation so that means nobody can look at Danny and now he has depression#Obtaining the Ring and Crown has elevated his powers to bend the sentience of both the Mortal/Spiritual planes#The Leauge memebers are freaking out because they think it's Darkseid#While Darkseid thinks the Earthlings may have discovered it and is preparing to invade#Jason and Damian are in comas because the Ectoplasm in their bodies was ripped out by the wish#Ras al Ghul and many of his ninja has been bathing in sewage for so long that it sent them to the Realms and is executed for cheating death#When the Leauge eventually finds out about Phantom they're gonna demand he fix everything#Bruce wants his boys back and will probably threaten if nobody gags him first#Danny will be beyond pissed because he has struggled to keep Amity Park safe for years and got zero help from the “Heroes”#Only for them to barge in and start chastising him#He's gonna fix the issues first and then beat them into paste for their lack of empathy and ban them from Amity Park#It's like they forgot that he didn't know he some unstoppable force and is actually a teenager who needed so much help#Darkseid shows up in the middle of the fight and Danny erases him and every evil being on Apocalypse with a snap of his fingers
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kitsunefyuu · 7 months
-me seeing someone say dad for one isn’t realistic because afo wasn’t a good dad to Shigaraki-
That’s assuming that dad for one means he’s a great dad. It has no relations on him being good or bad parent nor can Tomura be used as a way to ‘disprove’ anything when he’s a purposeful victim/replacement.
Sometimes I wonder if they assume all dad for one believers think AFO is sunshine and roses to his family. Or that he can’t be both callous and cruel to Tomura yet marginally better when with family/kin. Dad for one is simply the belief that AFO is Izuku’s biological dad it can’t tell you how that relationship actually is. Also if going to use relationships with family you can only use Yoichi as a more accurate measure.
Everyone theorized Dabi being but were very wrong about his relationship with his siblings. Since they thought he liked them for some reason only to be shown he could care less as considered them part of the problem.
But most people believing in dad for one kind of believe that AFO even if is ‘nice’ to his family still has a dubious connection. As likely would lie or omit information from them about his villain life. Also the man would be ‘Hisashi’ who is always over seas so isn’t even around much which can be seen as neglectful. Never even a damn phone call.
Sometimes I wonder if people only see dad for one and assume, There no way it canon AFO is terrible to Tomura!
And seemed to forget that Tomura was chosen specifically as a vessel. His purpose was never a ‘son’ but a replacement body. While family as he shown with Yoichi don’t have a role in the villain empire. He doesn’t need them to do anything but be beside him. And that’s the minimum, but is also willing to do excessive force as seen when threw his little brother in a vault.
I dunno it just there always someone that anti-dad for one bringing up Tomura or how cruel he is when it has literally no bearing on dad for one theory heck he could just be a sperm donor and it works. Also Tomura would be justified in being pissed the fuck off that AFO had a semi-normal life while making him suffer. Because it truly fucked up how he will truamitize and hurt Tomura then go home to his family like nothing.
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