#trunks goten bulma chichi and gohan are used to their insanity
Dragon Ball fandom that read super, why the fuck Goku and Vegeta trains for two/ almost three years non stop without visiting family once? I was shocked reading superhero, that was so unnecessary
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plasticclipboard · 9 months
Older! Pan, Bulla, and Marron redesigns. The GT designs are genuinely the most insane, criminal, cookie cut designs I've ever seen (Bulla especially they need to be locked up for that expeditiously) Excluding SSJ4, The Tuffles, Giru, Super Android 17, and both Nova Shenron and Omega Shenron, that whole show was a hot fuckin mess with no other redeeming aspects
Anyways, details on the designs are below
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Pan: her design was actually the best of the 3 in GT imo, I decided to keep the general idea of her design but give her a punk/hardcore look to it, based off my own day to day wardrobe (the shirt says Midori, which was an insanely popular Jazz/Punk band that broke up in 2010), she dyes the underside of her hair and has a 3rd piercing in her ear. In my head, she's part of the scene. I also gave her the saiyan tail (she wasn't born with it, but got it when she hit puberty and kept it). She trains with Piccolo, Videl, and Goten, and sometimes at Tien's Dojo if he allows it. Yeah, she's in her rebellious phase against her Dad (I think Gohan should kinda act like how ChiChi did with him about training and being a respectable person cuz that'd be interesting; while Videl is not against her training, she does have a problem with her 'delinquent' behavior)
Bulla: Complete revamp (actually made her look her age). The intent was to make her features a blend of Bulma and Vegeta instead of having her a Bulma clone (They say is DBS that she looks like Vegeta when she's angry? But how??). Anyways, her hair and eyes I kept. She has Vegeta's eyebrows and widows peak which she hides using her hair or headbands/hats. Gave her a casual girly look. I intentionally did not make her design flashy (The Briefs are billionaires and the smartest family in the DB world, they are not drawing attention to themselves much to Vegeta's continued confusion). She still is a spoiled Daddy's Girl, who takes after her mother's intelligence. Vegeta makes her train as to not get rusty, but isn't super anal about it. She was born with a tail but it was removed, and when she had a growth spurt she decided to remove it
Marron: Another total revamp, I like this the most out of the 3 I made; I was struggling a bit with her, then I watched a LeanBeefPatty vid and everything clicked. I kept her features similar to her younger design, but her eyes would be blue like her mother (seriously, they didnt even make her look more like Android 18, they were so fuckin lazy with her). She was a student athlete (Volleyball then Wushu), but loves sparring and training, often asking her parents, Master Roshi, and even her Uncle to teach her (she trains with the saiyans at one point, but the innate differences are obvious, which pisses her off and fuels her spite). After graduating high school, she trains under Tien and Chiaotzu in their dojo. Her attitude is similar to Krillin if a bit more blunt, and is not afraid to get someone to cough up money (her mom taught her well). She gets along with all the Z fighters, her and Trunks were never the closest, reconnecting when they're adults. Goten and her use to be pretty close when they were younger (obligatory hang out with Parents) but drifted when Goten went to high school. Pan and Bulla do see her as an older cousin. She's just all around a pretty cool person (wouldn't it be cool if she had a technique she developed on her own, like Ki blocking or something)
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mannatea · 7 months
Starting a new “thread” of these because the other is getting way too fucking long. You can read it here if you’re just finding this one. Starting at Ep242 “Learn to Fuse!/Gohan Revived—Kaoshin’s Secret Weapon!?”
I just have to admit that the sub voice for Boo is literally the most terrifying shit imaginable, like…the dub made him giggly and cutesy…which is also creepy but not nearly to the degree the sub Boo is. He’s honestly just horrifying lmfao.
Imagine being unfortunate enough to look even remotely like Trunks or Goten right now lmao.
“Everything can be brought back with the dragonballs.” Except Gohan and Vegeta I guess, because you guys just ignore them. What am I missing here. I mean, I get why they'd accept Vegeta's death but GOHAN? Am I insane.
I love how the first thing Gohan does upon waking us is accept that he’s dead and look for a halo LOL. I love him so much 😭
Sorry, Goten is the funniest character. When Trunks tells him it’s bad manners to talk at the table and not eat politely he just starts sippin his soup and ignoring everything to "be polite". What a fucking masterpiece.
Goku telling the boys to stop crying because there’s not time for it lmfao. Goku I am going to flick you back into the Other World with my middle finger, jfc man. Sorry they wouldn’t give a shit if you died, but they do care about Vegeta and Gohan lmao.
But also why is this continuing to be such a big deal when THE DRAGON BALLS SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT GOHAN BACK ANYWAY. They should be looking for him right now. And Shin too actually… wtf.
Goku doesn’t even give them a hug or any comfort or anything. I mean I know Goku’s like…a dummy but mannnnnnn they’re little kids. “You two, stop your endless sobbing!” My brother in christ I will kill you again myself. This is probably like 50% of the reason Gohan ended up so traumatized lol.
Honestly more people should feel badly for ChiChi, since they imagine she lost her son and husband now.
Poor Videl honestly. Imagine having to deal with all these weird people. They’re just like. Heard it from a friend whoooo heard it from a friendddd whoooo heard it from another that Gohan is deaaaadddddd. 🎵 No wonder she’s like WTfing all over the place. Nobody’s explained this ki shit to her to an extent where she would understand they literally can’t sense his lifeforce anymore so it has to sound absolutely bonkers that they’re just all believing it without even one shred of proof.
Krillin just giving her the most “oh, honey ☹” look that I’ve ever seen in my life HAHAH.
YOU GUYS LITERALLY WISHED EVERYONE BACK WHO DIED TODAY IS THIS A PLOT HOLE THAT EVERYONE IS SO STUPID OR WHAT. Like Vegeta not coming back makes sense: he’s definitely falling into the “bad guys” list of people not to bring back. BUT GOHAN? NO WAY LOL. I feel insane.
“I absolutely won’t believe such a thing!” Honestly Videl, you’re correct here…even though it’s weird for you to be that confident after you just saw what Boo is capable of and haven’t ever seen Gohan truly fight anyone lol. BUT ASLO AGAIN WHY ARE YOU NOT ASKING ABOUT THE DRAGONBALLS YOU JUST SAW THEM WISH EVERYONE BACK TO LIFE LMAO. WHY AREN'T YOU QUESTIONING THAT SPECIFICALLY.
I mean this is obviously a plot hole/something nobody thought through.
If the wish had been made much earlier (i.e., Bulma and Co. left to make the wish before Gohan had “died”) it would make sense that people were sad about him being dead—because he really would be dead. It doesn’t explain why nobody’s just like “eh, we’ll bring him back in four months” but at least in every other regard this would make a lot more sense.
They could have played around with the idea of Gohan being unable to come back thinking the manner in which he died might have been particularly horrific…or even that Gohan chose not to return, but all we have is this silly plot hole.
(I’m rolling my eyes because it makes all these characters just seem so incredibly stupid and NONE of them are that dumb.)
Something something everyone is like actively grieving and I’m not surprised more people don’t try to think of, say, Videl’s feelings, but man oh man with that plot hole staring me in the face it’s hard to take seriously.
ALSO ALSO they don’t HAVE four months to wait to revive Gohan anyway, so I’m sorta surprised nobody’s says that…or even just, “honey in five days we’re all going to join Gohan anyway soooo.”
I googled this shit because it was driving me insane, only to find a Reddit thread that pretty much told me that DBZ fans don’t possess even one grain of media literacy whatsoever. Fellas it’s called a plot hole; sometimes authors make mistakes just admit it and move on. LOL
Mr. Satan still not concerned about his daughter at all.
Krillin is actually the best, I love him so much.
SSJ3? Hideous. But that’s the price you pay for power.
Goku should just instant transmission himself and Buu to the sun. It'd save me a lot of time.
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elisajdb · 4 years
GoChi Week 2020: Day Seven: Post ToP
Snippets in Time:
 Day Seven: Post ToP
  Not too long ago, Goku returned to Earth after a wild ending to the Tournament of Power. His and all the twelve universes were saved and revived thanks to 17’s wish. It was a close one. For a brief moment, Goku feared his team wouldn’t win and their universe will be wiped away but luck was on their side again.
 After picking up Goten, Goku headed for home where an angry ChiChi waited for him. Bulma told ChiChi about the Tournament of Power. Bulma was usually the main culprit to keep secrets from ChiChi. Like everyone else, Bulma was furious with him on how the tournament came to be and lay all the blame at Goku’s feet. Bulma knew she wasn’t strong to physically beat up Goku, but she knew the perfect way to get revenge on her oldest friend was telling his wife what he did.
 ChiChi was furious! Goku laughed it off but his hand in the tournament’s creation, his tattered clothes and Goten’s dirty clothes, sent ChiChi in a fiery tirade.
 Goku knew he was in deep trouble. ChiChi was left in the dark about the Tournament of Power. He truly didn’t want to do that but after the incident with Hit where he set up his own assassination, he couldn’t risk ChiChi knowing about the tournament. When ChiChi learned about his part of Hit killing him, it almost killed his marriage. It was the first time in his life, he feared ChiChi would ask for a divorce. His heart stopped the day she moved out and took Goten with her.
 “I can’t, Goku. I can’t look at you. I don’t want to even think of you. After dying twice one me, how can you be so selfish to set up an assassination attempt on yourself?! Are you so selfish and fighting hungry you didn’t care about me at all on what your death would’ve done to me?!!”
 Goten saw the incident as a vacation at Grandpa’s home until Mom cools off but Gyumao, Gohan and Goku knew the gravity of the situation and how fragile Goku’s marriage was at that point. It went against what he wanted but Goku followed Gohan’s advice and didn’t contact ChiChi. Gohan visited his mother every day to read her feelings on when his Dad can begin groveling.
 It was two weeks before ChiChi would even talk to Goku. It was another week before ChiChi moved back home on the promise Goku will follow her demands. Goku had to put real effort on the farm again; he had to spend more time with her and Goten. No more will he teleport to visit his friends and spend more time with them than his family. It was time for Goku to be a dedicated family man and father again like he was when he was a new Dad to Gohan.
 Goku dedicated himself to honoring ChiChi’s request. It was the least he can do to make up to her and show her he was truly sorry for his actions. 
 It took a while but Goku got into a happy routine of being a farmer. Over the months he dedicated himself into growing large and plentiful crops and selling them at the market. He was a man of his word spending more time with ChiChi and Goten.
 The ice between him and ChiChi began to melt. Two months after the incident with Hit, ChiChi engaged in intimacy with him again. As more time passed, they became flirtier and more playful with each other.  For several months, things were perfect. Goku was a family man working on the farm, spending time with ChiChi and Goten and his eldest son and granddaughter. It was great but ever so often, that little itch crept up in Goku. In the beginning, Goku ignored it. He was focused to making up with ChiChi but over time it got bigger and bigger until it had to be scratched again.
 Goku wanted to fight. He could never give up fighting. ChiChi knew that and she knew he will have an urge to fight again. Goku knew ChiChi wouldn’t mind as long as it didn’t interfere with his work as a farmer or family time with her and Goten. All Goku wanted was a simple tournament to get the urge of fighting out of his system for a while.
 What he got was a simple tournament escalating into a life or death situation where his universe will be wiped out if he loses. It was a worst-case scenario but Goku played it off it wasn’t a big deal. All they had to do is win and their universe will be saved. It was a tall order and after the Saiyans, Freeza, Cell and Majin Boo, it was something no one wanted to go through again. Everyone wanted to spend their remaining years on Earth in peace. Instead all Goku’s friends and even Gohan were angry with him and his chill attitude over the tournament. Experience taught Goku he can’t show his real feelings in a crisis. So, he played the overconfident, oblivious naïve fool to deceive everyone.
 With him back in ChiChi’s good graces after the Hit incident, telling ChiChi about the tournament would’ve been suicide. If Gohan got angry with him, he couldn’t imagine how angry ChiChi will have gotten. All that goodwill he built up would be gone in a flash. He feared it would’ve been a tipping point to ending his marriage so Goku kept it a secret.
 It was easier than he thought. He gathered his team without ChiChi’s knowledge, made a deal with 17 where Trunks and Goten will protect the animal wildlife he cares for. ChiChi didn’t detect anything when Goku left with Goten. She assumed he was spending the night with Trunks.
 With ChiChi unaware, Goku looked forward to the Tournament of Power. He was eager for the fights; insane and entertaining matches and the raised stakes that got his fighting juices pumping. It was incredible seeing his friends put so much heart and dedication to the fighting. The thought of their universe being wiped out was a strong motivator but Goku was happy to see it, especially in Gohan. He was proud to see how Gohan skills have sharpened since Freeza’s attack on Earth.
 It was a great tournament but coming back home seeing Vegeta’s reunion with Bulma and their new baby, recalling how Krillin and 18 fought side by side together, hear Gohan talk of going home to Videl and Pan, made Goku miss ChiChi and Goten. Reality hit hard on how close he came to losing his family.
 The tournament’s end also left Goku thinking it’s time to take a real break.
 These months he spent working on the farm, spending time with ChiChi and Goten, Goku did it out of necessity; to make up to ChiChi. He didn’t take a break from fighting because he wanted to. Now he was ready to do it. He wanted to resign from fighting for a while and be a farmer to support his family. He wanted to spend more time with ChiChi and Goten. He missed out with Gohan but Goku wanted to watch Goten grow up to be a man. He will settle that itch to fight by sparring with Vegeta or Gohan occasionally but for now, Goku was done with the big tournaments.
 If only he can convince his wife this.
 Right now, Goku sat on the edge of his bed while ChiChi tended to his wounds. Her anger had finally cooled but her silence was worrisome to Goku.  
 An angry ChiChi, Goku can handle. A silent ChiChi brought out Goku’s worst fears. Goku didn’t know if ChiChi had forgiven him or if she was seriously contemplating walking away for good. At least with ChiChi angry, he knew how she felt.
 “I didn’t mean for the tournament to get out of hand, ChiChi. I just wanted a fight.” Goku winced at the stinging antiseptic on an open wound on his back. He really should’ve stopped by Korin’s Tower and get senzu beans. “I would’ve told you but after Hit…. I didn’t want to make you mad again.”
 More silence from ChiChi. “I know. I know. Putting the universe at risk of being wiped out would’ve made you mad.” She heard ChiChi open a bandaged and placed it on his back. “I did everything in my power to find the best warriors for the tournament that would guarantee us victory. I had to ask Freeza for help. Do you know how much I hated that? He killed Krillin, almost killed Gohan and I had to ask for his help to save us. Then Whis rewards Freeza by returning him to life.”
 Goku thought Freeza’s revival would garner a reaction from ChiChi. Instead she continues to quietly tend to his wounds. “But I learned my lesson, ChiChi. This tournament really made me see how selfish I’ve been recently. I can’t say no to a good fight but even I know when it’s time to walk away for a while.” He was getting used to ChiChi’s silent treatment. She probably won’t believe what he’ll say next but he was completely honest. “No more tournaments. I’ll spar with Vegeta and Gohan when they have time but I wanna spend more time with you and Goten. I wanna spend more time with Gohan and Pan. I’m ready to settle down.”
 “Until your next big adventure,” ChiChi finally spoke. She sat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m no fool, Goku. You’re burnt out….for now. You need a break from fighting. It happened after you defeated Piccolo all those years ago. It would’ve happened if you didn’t stay dead after the Cell Game.” She linked her hand in his. “I know you’re gonna do something that gets you in another crazy fight with Earth at stake. You’re gonna make me mad. You might even leave me for periods at a time but I know you’ll always make the right choice for us and if you leave, I know you’ll come back.”
 “Always,” Goku promised giving ChiChi’s hand a light squeeze. “I’ll always come back.”
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catbowserauthor · 5 years
Dragonball 30 Day Challenge: Day 21 Favorite Movie
So I actually really like most of these movies. I’ve never been bothered by the “it wouldn’t fit into canon” argument. I view them as fun AU adventures so I just judge them based on their individual traits. I won’t be including the specials in here as I think that’s a different topic.
So, let’s do a quick countdown to my favorite, from the worst to the best!
16: Resurrection F: Sorry, I have never been a huge fan of Freeza. He was fine as a villain in the Namek saga and his unexpected return until he was killed by Trunks was interesting. Beyond that, I don’t find him an engaging bad guy. He’s a Bond villain. He’s not fun for me to watch and him growing that much stronger in four months is stretching my sense of disbelief even for Dragonball. Vegeta getting robbed of that kill was crap and introducing Whis’ ability to rewind time killed any tension for future battles for me.
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And I don’t wanna talk about what they did to Gohan.
15: Lord Slug: There’s nothing “wrong” per say with this movie but it’s just...well, it’s Piccolo Daimao all over again. So, it’s kind of boring. I do like seeing the colder climate as Toriyama didn’t draw that very often (claims he hates the cold so it’s usually summer or spring in his manga) so we didn’t get to see it as much. I also love the brief interaction Goku has with Gohan during the battle and Gohan and Icarus are way too adorable.
14: Bio Broly: Okay so I don’t hate this movie. It’s not good but I don’t think it’s utterly horrible like some people do. But the reasons I like it might be different than others. I like this one because you get to see Goten and Trunks’ friendship. You see them pal around, you see them argue but then when they’re close to getting killed you also see Trunks refuse to leave an unconscious Goten to die alone. I freaking LOVE that.
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13: Return of Cooler: I think my issue with this movie is the same issue I have with Super in general. It’s focused on Goku and Vegeta almost the whole way through. We get small cuts to the others but otherwise it’s just them. I like both these characters but I like to see a mix of the cast so that’s why it falls lower.
12: Dragonball Super Broly: Okay so I really like the adaption of Dragonball Minus. It turned out way better than I hoped and the animation in this movie is absolutely amazing. I’d recommend it just based on that alone. I really enjoyed the new characters. But again, not a fan of Freeza and the fact it was really only Goku and Vegeta—again—really hurts it for me. Still a fun movie though.
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11: Wrath of the Dragon: This one has a really fun plot and it’s neat to see Trunks really bonding with someone. I think the brief interactions at the BBQ are some of the best. The downtime in this movie has some of my favorite moments. The final battle is fun but I think it would have been better if someone other than Goku got the finishing blow.
10: Super Android 15: This one, again, I really love for the downtime! Seeing Goku’s family shopping, going out for lunch—I love that kind of stuff! The Androids themselves are interesting enough and while I know a lot of people don’t like it, I really like they gave 15 a redneck accent in the dub. Gave him some character. I also love Gohan and Krillin trying to help even though they are completely outmatched. Gohan throwing himself in front of a blast to protect his father who is creating a spirit bomb is one of my favorite small scenes.
9: Broly Second Coming: The interactions between Videl, Goten and Trunks are pure gold. I’d love to see them just...shooting the breeze with each other. The battle against Broly is fun but I love the ending where Goku pops in from the Other World (presumably) to lend his aid. That entire family Kamehameha is just brilliant.
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8: Battle of Gods: So this is going to sound weird because Beerus and Whis are some of my favorites in DBS. I did not like them here. No idea why, just didn’t. The Super Saiyan God ritual is kinda weird but I love all the character interactions before this! This is what I really love about Dragonball, all these interesting personalities working off one another. I like how Goku and Beerus’ fight goes and the animation is really well done. Pretty solid. And Vegeta defending Bulma—awesome.
7: Bojack Unbound: This is how I pictured Gohan growing up into after Cell—still studies but plays outside and still trains and ChiChi being okay with it. This is the personality I love Gohan with—confident but not overly confident, shy but with pride in himself and a great blend of his human and Saiyan sides.
Freaking. Love. It.
The rest of the movie is meh. Save one element—Goku saying “screw it” to the rules and intervening to save his son
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and Gohan utterly owning everyone with SSJ2.
But I have to rank it high with having my absolute favorite characterization of Gohan.
6: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan: Yes, I’m ranking the old one higher than the new one. I don’t care. I watch this one more.
I like the aliens, I like all the other characters being involved. I love the fact that Gohan is a kid in this one. I love Vegeta’s being utterly and completely terrified. I love Piccolo coming in for the save, I love Goku forgetting about the battle and Broly and rushing to try and save his kid. And when Broly threatens his son...
“Kakarot, how much do you love your son?”
“Gohan, leave.”
“But Father—“
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I think having more characters and introducing peril to all of them makes it more engaging.
5: Dead Zone: Quick trivia fact, this is the movie that got me into Dragonball. I caught the end of it on Cartoon Network and was intrigued from them on. I really like that this has a younger Goku. Goku from the Saiyan Saga to the Android Saga is probably my favorite characterization of him. That really shows here. He doesn’t care what beef Kami and Garlic Junior have. He’s there for his kid. “Return my Gohan!” There’s so great choreography in this one too and more martial arts than just ki blasts which I always love seeing.
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4: World’s Strongest: Little Gohan is fun. I love seeing him interact with Goku’s friends and an enemy that still thinks Roshi is the strongest makes for some great throwback scenes. I like seeing Goku’s friends get involved in the action. Goku intervening to protect his son against a brainwashed Piccolo and Gohan having to watch the two men he admires most in the world fight makes for great drama.
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3: Fusion Reborn: This movie is just fun. It’s wacky, it’s crazy, the fights are insane, the dialogue is hilarious, it’s bright and colorful and Goku and Vegeta while being the main heroes don’t completely dictate the plot. There’s enough fun stuff going on with other characters that I can enjoy any aspect of this movie.
2: Tree of Might: The scents between Goku and Gohan are why I love this movie. Them playing in the tub, Goku letting him keep Icarus in a cave in the yard...the ENTIRE scene of Goku trying to break through to Gohan once he’s become a giant ape just breaks my heart. “Gohan! It’s Daddy!”
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Then having time cut off his own son’s tail to save him and ooo, Goku’s “I’m so done” glare to Turles. I adore that when Goku is at his lowest, it’s his son’s voice that gets him to stand back up.
1: Cooler’s Revenge: I like these slice of life moments and this movie has lots of them. I love Goku and his friends and son just wanting to go on a camping trip. I love that Cooler comes not to avenge his brother but because Freeza being beaten by a Saiyan looks bad on their entire family. That is brilliant.
This scene:
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Daddy Goku for the win here. I love how they show his relationship with Gohan in this movie. They’ve always been my favorites so I’m biased by nature. I love how the battle against Cooler goes. I love how they have to struggle not to use their ki when they’re tending to Goku. The characters and scenarios in this movie really make it for me.
One thing I noticed as I did this list is that most of my top movies have Gohan as a kid. I don’t think that’s random. I much prefer his characterization at that age and I like it when the others can still contribute to the plot. But as I said, except for my top most disliked one, I really like all of these in some manner. They’re always a fun time!
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luigis-love · 5 years
 The phone rang. Chichi looked over at her one year old Goten peacefully sleeping in a blanket and pillows nest in the living room, so she hurriedly dried her hands from the soapy water and rushed to answer. Last night, her baby had been a little sick, and she wanted nothing to disturb him when he was finally sleeping.
 -          Hello…
-          Oh my God, Bulma?
-          HE SAID IT OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!
-          Who said what? Are you ok???
-          VEGUETA SAID IT!!!
 For a moment, Chichi was confused and took away the phone from her ear to look at it like it was a two headed toad, but suddenly, it just clicked, and she could not avoid gasp, squeak and bark into happy noises all at the same time while trying to keep quiet and not to disturb Goten. She put it back in her ear.
 -          Oh Kami! Bulma, congratulations! I am just SO, SO happy for you! I can’t believe it!
-          Oh well I… umm… well you see, Goten was sick last night.
 Chichi laughed awkwardly while a drop of sweat went down her forehead, wondering when, among all the screaming, she could have mentioned that piece of information.
 -          He is better, don´t worry. He had a little bit of colic, but he is better now.
-          Well, I am sorry if I sound like a bitch, but seriously, I. NEED. YOU. Like… NOW! If you can´t come, would you mind if I go to your place?
-          That would be lovely Bulma! I am dying to hear everything about it!
-          I´ll be there in an hour!
 Goku was an asshole. Not the first time he thought about it, and most probably not the last. He was sure.
 The green alien growled, listening to the muffled sounds of Gohan crying… AGAIN.
 It´s been two weeks since those blasted Cell Games, and the young boy could not spend a single day without blaming himself for the tragedy that had happened in his family.
 Standing on the roof, Piccolo scanned the surroundings of the mountain. It was such a quiet place, meant to peace and happiness, not to…
 -          Oh God no…
 The namek promptly turned around at the breathy voice somewhere along the house.
 It was Chichi. Under normal circumstances, he would have destroyed a wall to go see what was wrong with her, but he knew better than that. That woman was insane, and he wanted to keep his ears without bleeding.
 So he floated to the sound of the woman, who now was crying, making the namek uncomfortable, since now there were two people crying in the same house. He located the source of the sound and he looked throw the small window up in the wall of the bathroom.
 Chichi was sitting on the closed toilet, her face hidden on her right hand, while in the left she was holding a small and weird white plastic thing.
 -          What am I going to do, what am I going to do? Oh Goku, why…?
 Piccolo was completely lost. All he knew was that whatever was happening right now, Goku was an asshole.
 As soon as the door opened, Bulma jumped over Chichi and hugged her until she was starting to turn blue.
 -          Oh Chichi! I am so, so, so so, so happy! I mean, I KNEW he was my soul mate, I have known it for years now! But to actually hear it!
-          Yeah well…
-          I mean, WHO ELSE could be such a disrespectful bastard like Vegeta! On that phrase?? I mean IT HAD TO BE HIM!!
-          Aja…
-          When we started to talk back during the whole Namekusein thing, I swear I almost dropped dead! I could not believe it was him! Something had to be wrong!
-          Bulma…?
-          But then time went by, and I started to feel, you know all that…
-          Bulma…?
-          And then somehow I knew, I just KNEW everything was going to be ok!
-          BULMA!
-          What??
-          Do you want a cup of coffee in the kitchen and we can sit? Maybe… breathe and talk instead of just talking and going insane by yourself? Piccolo and Gohan shall be back in maybe an hour or something. And…
 Bulma smiled brightly and just hugged Chichi again, this time in a normal way. The black haired woman smiled and hugged her back.
 Even with everything that happened to her, she was happy for her friend.
 Chichi was starting to get round.
 The namek blinked a few times, but then he decided that that weird light coming from her was not a mind trick of a strange effect of whatever thing his brain was trying to pull on him.
 Chichi was glowing.  And she was gorgeous.
 The namek shook his head. Where the hell where those thoughts coming from? He scratched his chest.
 -          Piccolo?
-          What?
-          I need you to drive me to my doctor´s appointment.
-          And why would I do that?
 Piccolo groaned, and that sound seemed to make her screech even more. Goodbye to the stupid glow, now she was a bitch, a loud bitch and nothing more. Oh how he wanted to just toss her out the window and never have to deal with her ever again.
 Why was he even here? Is not like he cared about this damn woman…
 But he did care about Gohan, and he loved his mother.
 Piccolo groaned. He had to take care of her because she was important to Gohan, nothing more. Nothing!
 His chest itched, and he ignored it this time.
 Bulma took a sip of her coffee and smiled. No matter what she did or who did it, no one made food or drink like Chichi. She looked at the other woman, and seeing little Goten sleeping made her calm a little bit.
 -          Yesterday, Vegeta and I were arguing.
-          No surprised there.
-          Yeah well… he had been gone for quite a while, after… well…
 Bulma seemed uncomfortable, and the widow knew why.
 -          Because of Goku, I guess…
-          Yeah… since he… well… since that day, he kind of… changed, he was gone most of the time, me and Trunks almost never saw him, and when he was around, he was always training in that stupid gravity chamber.
 Chichi said nothing, trying not to make the parallels between the saiyan prince and her late husband.
 -          Maybe… a week ago, I was sleeping, and I heard noises coming from Trunks intercom.  So I woke up scared, but I recognized Vegeta´s voice… I… I don´t know what he was saying, I think he was talking in his native language or something, whatever, but at the end he just, he just left Trunks and came to the bedroom, he went inside the bed and he held me from behind. I know he knew I was awake, but I didn´t want to say anything…
 The dark haired woman placed a hand on her hearth unconsciously at the romantic story, awwing at the prince´s actions.
 -          I thought things were going to change… BUT I WAS SO FUCKING WRONG!!!
-          Bulma! Shhhh!!!
-          Oh yeah, sorry, sorry. But the next day, SEIOUSLY! He kept being a stupid manner less monkey with a severe lack of education UUURGGG!!!!
-          Right…
-          And then yesterday…
 Bulma´s expression softened.
 -          Yesterday, we were arguing again, I was so pissed, so hearth broken, and… and so sick of all of this… and then well… then I opened my mouth…
 Being around a pregnant woman was just WAY too much for Piccolo. It has been seven months now, Chichi looked like a freaking balloon and she was always, always complaining about something or the other, her sore feet, her lost figure, her late husband, being hungry for this or that… he was just TIRED…
 But then, well…
 Piccolo smiled, remembering the sound of the child´s heartbeat, a sound that seemed to be made for his ears only.  Chichi felt him kick, but he heard him, and it was truly a beautiful sound, he was just in love with that sound… not that he was going to ever admit it, of course.
 And then there was that time when she invited him to touch her round beach ball stomach. That moment had been…
 The namek smiled as an idiot.  He did not know who had him more like an idiot… the mother or the unborn child. And then there was of course the older brother. Gohan smiled, laughed, made plans of how to take care of his baby brother, and everything he was going to teach to his baby brother, and all the books he was going to read for his baby brother. He was madly in love with the little one, and he was not even born yet.
 -          Is there a reason why you are smiling like an idiot? Or is it just your normal state?
 Piccolo rolled his eyes, because yeah, he loved them and all of that. Again, he was NOT going to admit it. But being near them was a little bit of overwhelming for his limited set of emotions. So he was just training with all mighty prince of the saiyans himself.
 From his position sitting on the floor, Piccolo turned around and saw Vegeta adjusting a bandage that he always used in his ankle. Seriously, he had never seen him without it, which was weird.
 In that moment, he came up for a surprise. He had been God of the planet, he knew they existed, but he did not expect Vegeta to have one.  There in his leg, in clear words going up his ankle it said “I know that you love fighting more than me”.
 Bulma opened her blouse and showed her friend a part of her right breast that up until now had been covered in layers of makeup.
 In clear golden words it read “God dammit woman, you are an idiot if you think I love THAT more than you”.
 -          And what is “that” if I can ask.
-          Fighting.
 Chichi´s eyebrowns shot up and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish.
 -          That´s quite a declaration there…
-          I know.
 Bulma covered herself again and smiled, covering her breast with her hand.
 -          Well… umm… wow… just, wow… coming from him…
-          I know.
 Both ended up in silence, and Bulma saw her friend, who seemed a little bit sad.
 -          Chichi?
-          Um?
 Neither of them heard the namek and his student landing outside. Gohan was very tired, and he just allowed himself to fall on the grass, arms and legs spread out. Piccolo just shook his head with a small smile. Goten had been sick the last night and he had promised Chichi that her older son would arrive well fed and not bothering her after such a long night. Which he complied in the form of a freaking gigantic fish that the young saiyan had whipped off of existence in minutes. Seriously, it had taken the blasted thing longer to be cooked than to be eaten. His ears twitched at the voice that had not been there when they left earlier in the morning.
 -          I… I know that is private and all, but… what about you? I mean, I am sorry for being noisy but I am really, really curious… what does your mark say? Where is it?
 Piccolo´s ears twitched. Vegeta had said that was not information to be shared. He told him to cover his stupid words. He looked down at the barely changed gi he wore since that day in the desert, just a little bit wider than the normal ones he wore… big enough to cover that forsaken phrase.
 -          Oh… oh that well… you see…
 Chichi sounded uncomfortable. Piccolo wondered if he should be listening, he was seriously debating himself.
 -          I… I don´t have them.
 Bulma and Piccolo froze.
 -          What?
-          Yeah, well… I… I don´t have them.
 Chichi did not want to talk about how she used to have them. She did not want to talk about how they disappeared. She wanted to keep private the reason that there were almost no mirrors in her house.
 Bulma understood and hugged Chichi, who unaware of herself, started to silently cry.
 Outside, Piccolo flew away.
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
You know one of the things I really like about Goku as a main character? It’s that despite how crazy his life and the circumstances of it are, and that he has it built into his nature to love fighting people and getting stronger, he’d probably live a pretty normal, quiet life if fate allowed him to.
Think about it, if Bulma hadn’t ran into him looking for his Dragon Ball, and nobody else came to take it and Raditz never came back looking for him, Goku probably would have spent most of his life living isolated from society in the middle of the woods.
He didn’t set out to stop the Red Ribbon Army because they were villains wanting to take over the world. He kept running into them because they were both looking for Dragon Balls, and while he was happy to put an end to their operations in the process because he’s a good person and doesn’t like seeing innocent’s harmed, he only went to the source to take them down because Mercenary Tao murdered Bora, and he needed their Dragon Balls to try and revive him.
He started neglecting his training at some point during the five years after defeating Piccolo at the World Martial Arts Tournament despite knowing that Piccolo was still out there and would inevitably want to come after him again as a stepping stone to world domination. Instead he chose to focus on being with his family and raising Gohan, living a happy life in the woods again. Which bit him in the butt when Raditz showed up.
And then he went to train with King Kai because he knew two more saiyans were going to show up. If all of his friends and Piccolo had survived the fight with Vegeta and Nappa (And assuming Vegeta was either killed or never came back for some reason), Goku probably would have gone back to living the way he had been before Raditz.
And the only business he wanted on Namek was to use it’s Dragon Balls to revive his friends. As interested in fighting Frieza as he was, he backed down from that quickly when King Kai ordered him not to because it was suicidal, though he gladly pummeled the Ginyu Force for trying to kill Gohan and Krillin, and fought Frieza anyway because that’s how things went.
And while he took some time away from home to get a grip on his super saiyan transformation and learn instant transmittion from the Yardrats (Because it was a useful technique that would be insanely helpful), it seems likely that he didn’t have plans for any other big adventures anytime soon when he got home, before learning about the upcoming threat of the Androids from Future Trunks.
He elected to stay dead after Cell because he felt that he was a magnet for trouble, only conceding to come back to life for good when Old Kai gave it back to him in exchange with his own, because he needed to go stop Buu, and he lived through that whole ordeal.
And in Super he finally got a job like Chichi always wanted him to and spent a good deal of time living at home enjoying the peace times. But, he‘d learned from past experiences not to get too comfortable, so when Mr Satan offered him a fortune to provide for the family, he went to King Kai’s planet to go back to serious training, but still kept in touch and visited his family regularly if him being around for Gohan and Videl’s wedding is any indication.
And while we do see Goku away from home training with Whis a lot between arcs, following the Champa Saga he’s shown to still be spending much of his time still living at home, farming and being with his family, and only going to train with Whis after he’d finished his daily routines.
Heck, by the start of the Universe Survival Saga it’s suggested he stopped training for a considerable amount of time to just have some down time and focus on work. He only went back to training after a random encounter with some bandits left a scratch on his wrist, and Goku realized he was getting rusty. He only went to Zen‘o to ask about the multiversal tournament because Beerus tried to insist he just forget about it, but Goku remembered how excited he was over the idea of the tournament and thought that since Zen’o was his friend, he didn’t have anything to worry about inquiring about it.
Basically, the only reason Goku ends up being the hero of the story, is because he either keeps randomly running into trouble, or trouble finds him. He’d probably just do his own thing and live a peaceful life with his family and friends if he could, and while he eventually catches on that trouble is always going to find him and he needs to prepare for it, he still never actively goes looking for villains to beat and people to save.
Even the Tournament of Power was just something he thought would be fun for every fighter involved and a chance for people to test their skills, like at the world Tournaments he used to take part in. He never predicted whole universes would be on the line.
Now he IS a hero and an unquestionably good person, regardless of what this fandom likes to believe. It’s just that he’s one out of circumstances, he has a strong sense of justice and is happy to help others and stop bad guys, but it’s not his job nor does he feel it should be, part of why he wanted to pass the torch to Gohan, then Goten and Trunks, and finally Uub. he just feels obligated to help out and keep his home safe, because he’s a good person.
Goku’s not a “normal” person, whatever that means, but he is fairly grounded and someone you could relate to, on some level. He’s nuanced and layered, but his desires and motivations are incredibly simple and remain so throughout his life.
And I like how the manga ends with Goku deciding to help train somebody else to look after the earth, because he’s not going to be around forever and somebody has to fill the hero role he’s unintentionally found himself in. I’d love to see a follow up series with Uub and Pan as the new main characters, alongside the next generation of Z fighters, where Goku just lays back in more of a mentor role, helping out where he can but otherwise content with his life alongside his loved ones.
OR, you know, we could basically have him seemingly die, then come back to life briefly to stop a villain, then die again and be resurrected seemingly by Shenron, who he then disappears into the sky with for stupid reasons, with the narration implying he’s going to come back and always defend the earth whenever it’s in danger, because he’s evidently the only one capable of saving the day at all, basically turning him into Space Monkey Jesus. THAT works too, I guess?! 
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breezytealy · 7 years
Do you have a headcanon for the Super Seven ages in your comics? You're an amazing artist. Love your arts.
Hey nonnie! Oh my gosh thank you for the compliments I’m glad you’re enjoying them ^^Super7/nextGen headcanon was like the BestWorst question you could ask because I have a timeline and notes hahaHAHAHAHAHAaaaaa. Here, have 3,800 words, most is under the cut. Everything I draw/write is in this “Super7″ AU :) (I wish I could write well ;A;)
The Earth still isn’t officially part of the federation of planets under the Galactic King’s control. They’ve had a few public alien contacts (that some are convinced are still hoaxes, Buu is just a weird-ass looking guy maybe) but no official Galactic welcome and the Z-team are selfishly keen to leave it that way to prevent what would amount to exposure. The kids would like to balance real jobs and training too thank you very much, they have enough pressure on their shoulders without the entire planet looking to them.
But come 796 it’s all getting a little dicey; there’s civil unrest at the Galactic level with the King under threat and the powers wanting to steal the throne taking a more expansionist approach, fighting amongst themselves in the the power vacuum left by Frieza. This is all putting the Earth in danger as an untapped resource full of biodiversity. The Gods go quiet, leaving it up to the Earthlings to sort themselves out, they see the problem with intervening to save just one planet. The “Super7” take on the challenge to defend alone (the older gen have their own loose team too but are taking a back seat on purpose). As skirmishes had been becoming more frequent and difficult over the years and they start to see the patterns in who’s arriving, Pan and Bra get brought in a little earlier than planned (17 and 16 respectively rather than 18) to prepare for what might end up as a battle for survival. This all coincides with someone after Bulma’s tech (the blue #15 electrofluid used in the time machine she’d recently repurposed as a general high-yield fuel) that they suspect may be an off-worlder, and someone asking extremely pointed questions of acquaintances that makes the group think their relatively anonymous existence as fighters may be coming to an abrupt end at the worst possible time.  
In 796 their ages are roughly: Bra 16, Pan 17, Uub 22, Marron 25, Goten 29, Trunks 30, Mai ~30/31(+).
I’ve put a crap tonne of character outlines/headcanons under the cut explaining where this all comes from, but to summarise at 796 -
- Trunks is at CC as vice president to his mother’s president/COO and his grandfather is still CEO. He is looked at as team leader too- Mai is also at CC, although moonlights making ki-based weaponry and defences without the CC logo so she can participate in battle- Goten runs a dessert café in Satan City (food and hospitality! it’s a bit random but makes sense I promise) and uses Nyoibo - both G and T keep up fusion training so Gotenks is around a lot.- Uub is full time Papayaman, taking the traditional superhero role and sense of purpose that brings, he take over from Great Saiyaman and takes credit for saving the world as Mr Satan’s protege- Marron’s way of helping is to uncover corruption as a journalist to stop the incidents Uub deals with happening in the first place, and she’s frantically working to find out who’s trying to uncover their identities- Pan is a little of a crimefighter, though keeps the extent of her abilities on the down-low, a more normal face to Papayaman’s superhero and keeps up the Satan brand, whilst she pushed against it for a while she’s settled into it.- Bra is an social media darling, and is becoming the face of CC to the youth market in particular. She’s extremely calculated in this and does not give any hint at any point she can punch you to the moon. Both her and Pan have just started to learn the fusion dance from Trunks and Goten.
General character outlines and other h/cs under the cut because it’s longgg - 
I’ve shoved a ten hour time difference between West and Satan city (it’s probably closer to 12 but ten gives more overlap in daylight) which is really fun to think about!
Due to Shenanigans in Super, God ki gets banned under pain of erasure by Beerus. Realistically this means they can only use it for universal level threats when Beerus okays it. Only Goku and Vegeta have the ability and they aren’t allowed train with it either. Whis tells the others that hybrids can’t use the technique anyway so not to bother. They suspect it’s a lie as the potential of hybrids is higher so it’s a way to prevent them from overpowering Beerus in the future, but they daren’t risk trying the ritual.
Because there’s seven in the main group they each hide a Dragonball for security, making what they hope is the start of a tradition. Four others in the group know where it’s held, no one knows all seven locations. The idea being - the balls aren’t in the same place to be stolen, they can find them without the dragon radar with two/three of the group left, and they’re nearby so the group will know if anyone’s searching for them. Further any mind-reading techniques would need at least two sets of memories to find them all (Trunks’ idea, he’s extremely careful).
Actually having the power to revert disaster but not use it (saving the wishes for the big events) weighs heavy though so they’re more domestic in helping out in Act of God events like earthquakes than their parents were. Uub takes the lead in these sorties as Papayaman as he’s the traditional hero. Gohan will sometimes tag along as Great Saiyaman, and Goten also has a GS uniform and can pass as GS, though he absolutely hates it. For everyone else (and a pining Goten) Bulma and Mai design pure black “camo” gear, impossible to get a fix on body shape and untraceable on radar, which frees them to use the full extent of their powers should they need to. Their traditional gis/armours are usually underneath, and they’ll revert to them when they need the freedom of movement in a real fight :’).  
Goten’s attitude is like his dad’s - very zen and open, although he’s massively empathetic and knows how to behave himself. He’s responsible in a fiercely protective way. He’s easy-going to the point people think he’s not smart as he won’t question ideas, but that’s because he’s able to quickly follow people’s logic and doesn’t need to question suggestions, he just gets people. He won’t do something if he can’t see the sense in it though and will dig his heels to the point even Trunks can’t change his mind. He loves people, and his openness and “big-picture” mindset mean relationships are all a big blur to him. He sees his close friendships just as deeply as any romantic relationship would be. He’s always on hookup apps to meet interesting people, but he’d just as happily “hook-up” ::cough:: as going out for dinner. Fun is fun is fun to him :). Goten loved the idea of swords but really struggled focussing his ki to an edge. Goku fetches Nyoibo for him instead, which he finds far easier and he gets proficient in staff forms, using Nyoibo’s extension abilities in battle. Like the real monkey king, Goten shrinks Nyoibo down and keeps it in his ear so he has it ready to go at all times. To everyone else though it looks like an industrial piercing and Chichi flipped out when she first saw it “first the hair, now piercings???”. (and I freaking forgot to add it in when colouring that strip, I kicked myself when I saw it missing!!!)
Goten goes to college, more on his Mum’s insistence that he get furtherly educated with that prize money they put aside for him to use than anything else. Trunks took a gap year so they could “coincidentally” room together too (taking a CC internship in his gap year where he learnt to be Responsible) so he feels pressure to go. Goten picks most of the same courses as Trunks so they can use Gotenks to study quicker freeing up their time, but he does feel a little directionless and languishes. But then, but THEN! As they have to look after themselves (“NO we’ll be INDEPENDENT SAIYANS TYVM”) he gets sick of not having sweet treats (canon his fave food is pocky and strawberry daifuku) so he spends time learning to make pastries/sweet treats/baking to get his fix. Obviously the recipes aren’t great to his amazing smell/taste (that he inherited from his Dad) so he improves them. After seeing how people match wines with savoury dishes he starts flying to remote places to buy rare coffee/teas to test with his recipes. All the while Trunks is just watching like “you’re absolutely mad”, but he keeps it up and starts pairing things and testing them out on friends. He even gets good enough to make flavour profiles for people based on their likes/dislikes to pick /exactly/ the right flavourings, he’s a savant.
People are so pleased and excited it warms his heart that he can make people so directly happy, and making things with his hands feels so natural and grounded. Eventually Trunks just pulls him aside and says “I still think you’re insane but you should do this". So Goten works up a business plan for a desserts cafe in his final year - without getting Trunks’ help - and pitches it to his parents. Chichi’s obviously a little “this is left field”, expecting him to go with the flow as usual and end up at CC, but they agree seeing how excited he is, the last part of the prize money/education pot gets put towards a run-down place in Satan City after graduation instead of a masters degree. There’s not enough money to buy /and/ do up the place, but Mr Satan agrees to put up the rest of the money as long as Goten helps cater (bodyguard at and babysit Buu at in truth) events, so it’s not a handout. At first he hates the idea of more help but reluctantly agrees when Gohan chides him. He calls it Paozu Place, (PP vs CC) and when he starts making a profit (which happens towards the end of the first year as Goten flies around himself to get products saving money, plus the flavour-profile gimmick gets him an early cult following) he sends a portion of the money back home. Chichi is so proud :’) PP and Goten’s flat above is their base in Satan City.
Trunks - is also responsible but like a Prince (“stick to the plan guys”, weight of the world etc), he meticulously plans sorties to the point Goten will actively ruin things if he thinks Trunks is over-thinking things. Public think he’s hot and suave and he has a fanbase but it’s because he freezes in front of the press and, with his severe facial structure, his deer-in-headlights look gets interpreted as “handsome brooding”. In truth he’s a giant, easily flustered dork, happier when in control and enjoys things being “just so”. All throughout college he wore a beanie hat to hide his hair and therefore his identity, but people quickly learnt to look for the kid wearing the wooly hat in summer, nothing saves him from recognition poor guy. Although, due to Trunks’ extremely guarded nature and contrasted with Goten’s social charisma, people quickly bored of him and focussed on “his friend”, which Trunks prefers. He’s not shy per-se, but is used to over-thinking everyone’s intentions and prefers to people-watch. Unlike Goten he has a serious romantic streak, (the one thing his sizeable fanbase /have/ got right) but sucks at expressing it, attaching like a limpet to close friends. He also has a dark sense of humour and is really inventive for stupid shit but he’s usually biting it back. When he’s comfortable a different side comes out and when in free flow puns are quick and his banter is razor sharp. The only time he’s ever actually “cool” or “smooth” is when he’s relaxed and trying not to be, which gets ruined when people point it out - “WOW that pose is so cool” “wait what :|?” “aaaand ya ruined it”.
Combine that in Gotenks you’ve got a guy who’s fiercely loyal with a plan to save everyone, leading from the front, but also has a sick sense of humour with no inhibition to reign it in. “Gotenks no - GOTENKS YES” kinda deal. He’s a massive flirt because he knows it’s inappropriate (also best wingman, texting people on the boys’ behalf) and King prank. He’s more focussed than when he was a kid but the dumbass techniques remain, mostly to embarrass Trunks. They communicate through journals as memories can be a little fuzzy, it all started with a little piece of paper Gotenks carries in the fight against Buu :’)
Gotenks has his own complicated angst regarding Personhood and being a fusion. The Worst Thing you can do is call him “Trunks'n'Goten” or use “they” pronouns. The guys (obvs) understand and respect what autonomy he has, even fusing so he gets some downtime so it’s not all fight-train-fight for him. At first they kept him back, but he was so desperately lonely during the college years, hating living vicariously through Trunks and Goten’s memories, that they let him start talking to Mai, Uub and Marron on texts. When that seemed to go okay they let him hang out with them every now and again. T/G/GT only let Pan and Bra in on Gotenks’ partial social life when they ask to learn fusion without any prompting, (not wanting to influence what is a huge change in life circumstance) and Gotenks is massively excited he gets to properly meet and teach his two favourite people he’d been fussing over from a distance.
Marron is not a fighter (ack sorry Swol!Marron I love you) though is trained in ki use as a form of self defense (of course!) and particularly practises flying; she was adamant to keep up with Goten and Trunks when trailing them on adventures. Good thing too as she was the sneaky little shit eavesdropping on everyone, puzzling out every mystery so the boys didn’t have to. She considers herself the common sense of the outfit, to the point she’ll reach for the alcohol when the Saiyans are being particularly off the wall (“oh my god you’re all so ridiculous and unrelatable let me get drunk and tell you more”). Despite not fighting she does want to help people just like her chief of police dad, eventually settling on investigative journalism as way to help. Her over-ambitious final-year college project led her to make enemies in a mob boss which ended up in kidnapping. She used the time to wrangle more info out of them before being “rescued” by an extremely disgruntled, recently debuted Papayaman (“well they can’t find out that /I/ have superpowers”) that led to the mob leaders’ eventual arrests, and it got her her first job. She keeps an eye out for anyone researching how deep the connections between everyone in the group go and subtly tries to scupper it, so far successfully. In the rare serious fights she work on recon and civ defence with Mai, or if she’s present as a reporter actively supports the “oh it’s totally Mr Satan’s protégée saving us” narrative.
Mai is a complicated one and I could really get into the neurodevelopment of her. Whilst some things remain as-is (skill sets like engineering and weaponry that she uses, some habits and vocabulary) her regrowth means her ability to understand her adult memories isn’t there, they slowly cloud and fall away, becoming this fussy mess of facts-of-things-that-happened rather than a complicated nuance of emotion they would be if she’d aged normally. She dreams less and less of being an adult. She’s also at the mercy of hormones and brain structure at that age, still making the same mistakes she made the first time around. As a result she’s a little maturer than you’d expect for someone her age but not massively, and gets along with Trunks, Goten and Marron fine. She works on a number of ki-based techs like integrating ki-sense onto glass for an improved ki-scouter that can cope with the numbers the gang pump out (yay for logarithms) and display the complicated flow of individual ki signatures through different colours. With enough ki behind them the shield from her barrier seeds can protect cities for a few huge hits, and she can pick off lackeys with the ki gun she developed. None of these have the CC logo however as CC “doesn’t develop weapons.”
RE: shipping - When she’s a teen she rebuffs a clingy Trunks at every turn, (poor dude) hoping to stay just friends. He’s lovely but he’s just a kid! Kiddo can’t understand why she’s being so cold though, surely they’d be great together, they were in the future! Before he goes to college she eventually tells him the truth but of course, Trunks insists he doesn’t care if she’s “old”, she’s not anymore, not really, and besides he’s the real problem. But he’s only nineteen, and she knows that’s not as mature as it feels. She has just enough wherewithal to say no, and whilst he mopes for a little they reframe their friendship around this new information. Of course, they eventually crack when he starts working full time at CC when he’s 24, they have a massive heart-to-heart about her experiences with memory and his own through fusion (because think about how ef’d up that is), they give it a tentative go, and Goten and Gotenks weep with joy they don’t have to put up with his pining anymore. Truten was a Thing at college but didn’t stick, although they are so freaking close you’d probably think they were still in a relationship of sorts anyway.
Uub is great! He is 100% the traditional hero type, taking his training so seriously when he joins the crew it winds up Trunks and Goten enough they pick up the slack again. It takes him a few years to catch up with Pan but soon becomes the complete tank for battles. He looks up to Trunks and Goten and even tried to learn weapons to be part of the cool gang but it just wasn’t his style in the end. He does his training mostly at home, though gets dragged around to Mount Paozu by Goku (Goku-totally-ITs-back-home-you-can’t-convince-me-otherwise) and Satan City, eventually working as Papayaman full-time as “Hercule’s student” to take over from Gohan’s Great Saiyaman. He supports his village, going back home as much as possible to see his little siblings, and his family is mega proud if fussing over his safety in big fights. Papayaman takes the credit for saving the Earth nowadays, and all the news articles cover the walls at home (equally with his other siblings achievements). Uub can 100% ham up the media appearances to be the dashing hero due to Mr Satan’s training, but it’s definitely something he’s only capable of with the mask on and otherwise he’s an eager, polite, caring, but ultimately shy guy.
Pan is fascinating, she’s at an intersection of being known as a publicly talented martial artist, and is well-known in Satan City for being a crimefighter (though not as into it as her Mum was as Papayaman is around now) but is privately a beast. People don’t know she has the same super-strength and flight abilities as Papayaman and she’s very keen to keep it that way. She uses the stage name “Pan Satan” for tournaments and to help maintain her Grandfather’s image. Whilst when young she got frustrated at the lack of recognition the Son side of her family got, the negative reactions a sizeable minority of the public have to the few public alien encounters the Earth’s had and to Papayaman’s “possibly real” superpowers scares her as she gets older. She has on occasion tagged along in disguise after Papayaman and used her powers freely in the background in things like hostage situations to provide barriers and prevent explosions “just to help :3”. The one time she was spotted Papayaman was asked about his friend and he despairingly referred to her as his “little shadow” and the name stuck for the gang when in camo. She has a massive number of teachers - Goku, Gohan, Picco"yo", Roshi, Chichi and Videl, Trunks and Goten (and of course Mr Satan), even advice from Vegeta. With all that her understanding of ki control, particular focuses and intents is terrifying, (maintaining barriers with very little concentration etc) and she’s eager to teach what she’s learnt to the group.
Bra took ballet as a kid, is graceful, a real effortless beauty, great with people, the model socialite … is a freaking scrapper in a fight. She spent so long working out how to guard her “perfect” nails as a kid during daily training (a frivolous challenge Vegeta set her) she can form solid and fast ki fists with an almost impossible momentum behind them given her size. She’s very physical in her attack forms, and takes a “point me in the right direction and I’ll smash them” approach. Like her Dad she can take a hit, acting as off-tank for the group (Trunks had to be convinced to let her participate, so close to danger is her attack style). She’s also calculating as hell, crafting a perfect social media profile to push the capsule corp brand amongst teens and young adults and is a media darling, every photo and hashtag considered and poured over to further her image. She is very, /very/ invested in keeping that intact. Trunks on the other hand just can’t work social media, so doesn’t do media other than official interviews if he has to as COO. Bra keeps pushing him to engage, so he has two posts - “This is my official account, all others are a fraud” and “Hey.” “Hey.” has the third highest number of engagements on the site, which both perplexes and amuses Trunks and really irritates Bra. She has a horrid temper in private and in honour of that, Trunks calls her Giggles. She and Pan are two peas in a pod though, getting into their own brand of trouble at all times and Pan is probably the only person she’ll listen to to get her out of a mood.
I could literally go on forever but I’m going to stop now aaaaaaaaa
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